Jag's Journey

Sharing my life experiences including the Associate Chartered Accountant (ACA) qualification

ICAEW Case Study Made Easy – How to Pass ACA Case Study

What was my first impression of the ICAEW Case Study? Weird. This exam is completely different to the 14 ACA exams prior which actually have new content to learn. The ICAEW Case Study was completely unknown to me until I came to study for this exam. It was not really an exam that was spoken about at all beforehand. For this reason, I have written this blog to give others an insight into the ICAEW Case Study exam with tips to pass . If you would like to know how much preparation is needed for the ICAEW Case Study, click here .

I will also share a few of my ‘ help sheets ‘ for free to those of you who have kindly joined my journey. These sheets can be tailored to your ICAEW case study, printed out and taken into your exam as it is open book. It isn’t too late – join now! You will receive these within three/four days of joining at 6pm (UK).

Check out my  YouTube video  if you would prefer watching to reading!

Table of Contents

Introduction to the icaew case study, icaew case study materials, icaew case study exam format, executive summary, requirement 1, requirement 2, requirement 3, different ways to fail the icaew case study exam, icaew case study marking key and timings, make it easy.

To reiterate, there is no new content that you need to learn to pass the ICAEW Case Study. Passing this exam is more skills based than anything. According to ICAEW , students need to demonstrate they “ can provide advice on complex business issues in the form of a written report “. In order to do so, you will have to analyse both financial and non-financial data as well as portray ethical awareness to form conclusions and recommendations.

In terms of difficulty , the calculations involved are quite basic such as percentage change and there is minimal technical knowledge required. You will even already know roughly 40% of the exam that is going to come up. The remaining 60% is somewhat predictable too based on the case study information you are given.

If you are reading about the ICAEW Case Study for the first time, you are probably thinking “ this is great! “. I know I was. However, hold your horses as you might start to smile slightly less as you continue to read on.

The way the ICAEW Case Study works is that prior to the exam (roughly a month before I think it was) you should get sent the Advanced information (AI) . This is 40-50 pages of information – it is everything we need to know about the client before the current financial year. Do not worry about researching the industry outside of the AI as there is plenty of information including prior year financial statements and a few news articles within this. My case study was during COVID-19 and there were not many extra marks available regarding this.

Using this AI, you can really get to know the fictional client. You should understand the history of the company, the products the client sells, the pricing, competitors, opportunities, etc. Furthermore, you can perform a SWOT analysis, PESTEL analysis and all sorts.

The surprise aspect of the ICAEW Case Study comes in the exam where you will get 10-15 pages of new information. However, this information is unlikely to be a total surprise as the AI will point towards this. For example, my ICAEW Case Study was about a magazine company. The AI mentioned the possibilities of exploring different consumer markets, different prices for magazines, a different type of magazine, etc. In the exam, out of all of these options price changes was one of the questions which came up so I was somewhat prepared.

The way I see it is that the AI is historical and the exam information is like meeting with your client for a new financial year and they update you on how it went. You will get the latest financial statements, hear of actual potential strategies and opportunities as well as get provided some newer news articles.

Every ICAEW Case Study will have the same exam format as follows:

1Executive Summary (ES)15
2Requirement 1 (R1) – Financial Statement Analysis27.5
3Requirement 2 (R2) – Evaluation of Proposal27.5
4Requirement 3 (R3) – Evaluation of Strategic Opportunity27.5
Overall Assessment Criteria – Language, Structure and Style2.5

For more information regarding each of these key exam areas, see the tabs below. As this is a report, your ES and requirements will need to be numbered throughout. My ‘help sheet’ will assist with this.

This first thing to do before even reading the exam question is to start the executive summary. You will need to address the external report to the client from your accountancy firm as per the Case Study. Following this, you should also write a disclaimer regarding liability. Doing this will get you a tick in the overall assessment criteria and my ‘help sheet’ has this all set out.

The purpose of the ES is to provide a balanced summary of all the three requirements. If someone did not have the time to read your full report, they should be able to pull out all the key information from this executive summary. The ES is standard for any ICAEW Case Study exam and is part of the 40% where you know what will come up.

You cannot simply copy and paste the conclusions from your requirements otherwise you will not get any marks . This could also result in you failing, see below. The ES needs to be slightly more detailed than the conclusion.

The ES is on a separate tab in the ICAEW software to the requirements so there would be a fair bit of flicking back and forth between the tabs to do this properly. The way I went about doing this was copying each of my requirement answers into sticky notes/comments on the exam exhibits. I would then paste these into the ES, remove less important information and reword parts to ensure I gained marks.

Timing is key in this exam so I would recommend to avoid leaving the ES until the end. Write it up after each requirement when the points are fresh in your mind.

Requirement 1 is part of that 40% where you know what question will come up. There is a small part of this requirement that is unknown but using the case study you can form an educated guess for what might come up.

The first thing you will need to do for every requirement is to create an appendix . These will be fairly basic calculations using information from the exhibits. Requirement 1 is all around financial statement analysis , in particular financial performance.

You already have the financial statements for the year prior to the exam statements in the AI. This will be used for the YOY comparison which is essentially what this R1 appendix is. You will need to have a movement column (£) and a % change column.

The software can be a pain when it comes to this requirement. This is because once you have produced the appendix, you will need to discuss the movements in the year and explain why this has happened using information in the exhibits. Again, this is fairly predictable and you can for example prepare reasons for increase/decrease in revenue beforehand. However, given the software you would need to keep scrolling up and down to see the numbers.

This is why my ‘ help sheets ‘ are useful as one addresses this issue. See a preview below. I took this in with me printed out as part of my open book file. As I was populating the appendix in the software I was writing all the numbers out too. This prevents having to scroll constantly and if you practice, it will save you more time than it wastes.

The less obvious aspect of this requirement will relate to a proposed financial adjustment. For example, a stock write off, bad debt issue, to do with cash flow or more. Do not worry too much as the AI will hint towards the potential issues.

As stated in requirement 1, you will need to produce an appendix made of fairly straightforward calculations. This should be the calculations behind evaluating a potential strategy or opportunity. For me, this was the potential revenue for different magazine pricing strategies. This was somewhat predictable so I had practiced calculations beforehand.

The rest of requirement 2 tends to have the same structure :

  • Is the strategy or opportunity is worthwhile given your numbers?
  • The assumptions would then need to be assessed. There will be benchmarks given in the AI and in the exam which you can compare these assumptions to.
  • Commercial and ethical considerations based on the exam information would be made. For example, does this strategy align with the client’s values as per the AI.
  • Conclusions and recommendations would need to be made.

Always state “any changes in the assumptions will affect the results of the model” for any ICAEW case study – it is an easy, guaranteed mark!

The shortest appendix will be needed for this requirement. It should be a few simple calculations to assess a potential strategy or opportunity. In all honesty, sometimes the lines can get slightly blurred between what could come up in requirement 2 or requirement 3.

As with 2, requirement 3 has roughly the same structure from ICAEW Case Study to Case Study:

  • Financial impact using these calculations
  • Strategic and operational issues
  • Business trust and ethical issues
  • Conclusions and recommendations

The recommendations can be quite straightforward such as carrying out market research. If there is another company involved, carry out due diligence on them.

Within all requirements , wider business context points are required to be sprinkled in throughout. These can be gathered from the AI and prepared beforehand but then ensure to add them in where relevant.

This is probably the most horrible aspect of the ICAEW Case Study. Either this or the fact that it is 4 hours long. What surprised me is that you can still fail this exam even if you achieve the actual pass mark. Yes, you read that correctly. Even if you reach the 50% pass mark, you can be failed for any of the other reasons outlined below .

  • As mentioned, achieving less than the 50% pass mark.
  • For not having complete coverage of the requirements – for example, if you scored 100% on R1 and R2 but then 0% on R3 or have a missing ES this would be seen as an incomplete report and you will fail. This is why time management in this exam is crucial which I touch on later and the ‘help sheet’ should help with.
  • Achieving less than 50% in each individual requirement and being deemed insufficiently competent often. Not only do you need 50% overall but you need to pretty much be passing each requirement. You really need to show you can produce a strong report here.
  • Missing out parts of requirements across the ICAEW Case Study. If you score above 50% in all requirements but have missed out 4-5 skills assessment boxes, you will fail. There cannot be gaps in the report. A fail could also be for writing poor conclusions and recommendations throughout.

Essentially, the examiner wants to see that you can write a complete report properly. If you do not do as ICAEW say in this exam you will be punished and you will fail.

I could honestly spend a very long time talking through the marking key. However, I do not want to get too bogged down with this in this blog. You will go through this in a LOT of detail once studying for this exam. I will therefore cover this at a high level. If you want further details about the ACA ICAEW Case Study marking key, click here where I have delved into this much more.

The main thing to know is that there are skilled assessment boxes (total of 40): ES (6); each of the three requirement (11); and one final box for the overall assessment criteria. The mark per each box is 0-6 so the maximum mark is 240 for this exam (40 x 6). Each box will have six points/’diamonds’ that need to be made. For example, one point/’diamond’ is stating revenue increased by x amount/(y %) based on the case study numbers. This will make more sense once you start studying for ICAEW Case Study.

0Not attempted (NA)0 marks
1Insufficiently demonstrated (ID)1 marks
2Insufficiently competent (IC)2 marks
3Sufficiently competent (SC)4 marks
4+Clearly competent (CC)6 marks

From the table above you can see you do not benefit for hitting six points/’diamonds’ rather than four. You waste time but then it is difficult to know whether a point you make is in the skills assessment box or not. Through these boxes you demonstrate that you can: assimilate and use information; structure problems and solutions; apply judgement and form conclusions and recommendations.

You may be slightly confused as the marking key is unlike any others. There are no predetermined correct answers . In fact, only after assessing the first 100 say papers are the skills assessment boxes points/’diamonds’ put together. You need to write what everyone else writes so state the obvious and work together when preparing beforehand!

To briefly touch on timings, the ICAEW Case Study is four hours as mentioned. Believe it or not but it is very time pressured . There are many different ways to plan your time. I will share how I did it on one of my ‘help sheets’.

This blog title is definitely not click bait. These ‘help sheets’ will definitely give you a good idea of how to approach the ICAEW Case Study.

In addition to this, people do say you cannot revise for this exam given there is no content. However, I do definitely think you can prepare and you will need to go through the AI beforehand. Like I said though, do not go overboard with this as the AI should have all the information you need. Find out exactly how much preparation is needed to pass here . You should also familiarise yourself with the ICAEW software beforehand.

Practice for this exam to master the technique and timing. You may be wondering how and you probably will not like the answer. I would recommend practicing mock exams , as in previous ICAEW Case Study exams. This is tough as sitting one four hour exam is bad enough. Additionally, you would have to read AI’s that are not relevant to your exam and it is a lot of work. It is worthwhile though to do a few!

Another way to practice is through ACA Simplified / Paradigm Shift . Once the AI is released, this company will use the AI to predict around 5 different exams for your case study. It is fairly expensive but if you do want to practice on your own case study it is worthwhile. You can take the mark schemes in with you too as it is open book so this can potentially help in the exam if a similar question comes up. I mentioned above that requirement 2 and 3 have simple calculations but these can actually sometimes be tricky depending on the case study. ACA Simplified can help with this.

And there you have it! This was a very lengthy blog so if you found this useful it would be great if you could leave a comment 🙂

I thought I would also throw in a video of my final ICAEW exam day (Case Study) in November 2020 – I am sure many of you can relate to these feelings!


It’s all just come screaming back to me, great summary! Excited to see what your helpsheet is like!

Thank you for reading Abs and I hope you like them!

  • Pingback: How Difficult are the ICAEW ACA Exams? With ACA Exam Difficulty Ranking and Proven ICAEW Pass Rates - Jag's Journey
  • Pingback: 15 ACA Exams Breakdown – Part 3 ACA Advanced Level Exams - Jag's Journey
  • Pingback: 5 best ways to Minimise Exam Stress - Jag's Journey
  • Pingback: All Important ACA: What? Why? How to Qualify? - Jag's Journey
  • Pingback: 15 ACA Exams Breakdown – Part 2 ACA Professional Level Exams and Quick Passing Tips - Jag's Journey
  • Pingback: 15 ACA Exams Breakdown – Part 1 ACA Certificate Level Exams - Jag's Journey

A very informative blog for someone starting to prepare for Case Study! Now I know more about what I’m in for, lol. Thank you for the tips and helpsheets!

You are welcome Anne – I am glad to help!

  • Pingback: Master the ACA Project Report and EPA - Level 7 Apprenticeship Route - Jag's Journey

Thank you for providing the information relating to Case!

I was wondering what made you use ACA Simplified/Paradigm Shift compared to ACA Masters to help with your analysis of the AI?

Hi Guv, you are welcome – others I knew who had sat Case previously used ACA Simplified/Paradigm Shift and highly recommended them. At the time of my studies I actually wasn’t that aware of ACA Masters. They also have great reviews though!

  • Pingback: How to Master the ICAEW ACA Case Study Marking Key - Jag's Journey
  • Pingback: ICAEW ACA Case Study - How Much Preparation Is Enough? - Jag's Journey
  • Pingback: New ICAEW Exam Software Testing Experience - Exciting ACA Case Study Opportunity - Jag's Journey
  • Pingback: How to Make ACA Studying and Working Full-Time Easy - Jag's Journey
  • Pingback: The Best Order to Sit The ACA Exams - Jag's Journey

Loved this post. Very informative.

I was wondering what you think is the best way to use the ACA simplified mocks? Obviously sitting the other 2 advanced level exams, there isn’t a lot of time to practice all the mocks to time so I was wondering if you have any tips?

Also, is it possible for me to have your help sheets?

Thank you!!!

You are welcome and in terms of the mocks, I scanned through them and at the time was able to print them out and take in with me. I think this may have changed since I sat them so not sure if this is possible now. I would advise really running through the calculations and understanding them for requirement 2 and 3 – write these out in a way that is easy to understand and could be applicable to your real exam. Definitely is unmanageable trying to do them all but it is worth going through them and seeing if you would be on the right track if similar questions came up in the exam. I have mistakenly just emailed you the audit notes – in terms of the help sheets you will need to join my journey at http://www.jagsjourney.blog/contact and they will be with you in a few days. All the best!

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ACA Advanced

ACA Advanced will build on the knowledge you gained in the Certificate and Professional Levels. Coupled with the experience you gain in work, you’ll attain a deeper understanding of accountancy and finance within businesses, and become eligible for chartered accountancy status upon qualifying.

The Advanced Case Study resit course balances exam practice, case study skills development, and analysis of the Advanced Information in order to provide you with a path to success in your resit exam.

Course Price

Course price does not include the cost of the exam. These need to be booked and paid for separately.

For help and advice, visit our FAQs .

To contact us, visit our contact us page .

Delivery Information

How much it costs to deliver your study materials and how long it takes depends on where in the world you live.

Delivery fees are as follows:

UK and NI - £7.20 (£6 + VAT) for the first package, £7.20 for subsequent packages Isle of Man residents - £30 (£25 + VAT) per transaction EU - £35 (£29.17 + VAT) for the first package, £30 for subsequent packages Rest of the World - £50 (£41.67 + VAT) for the first package, £50 for subsequent packages

Please note that due to varying interpretations of the post-Brexit EU/UK trading agreement, some EU countries are imposing import duty on the value of the goods received from the UK. It is payable by the end consumer via the delivery company and your delivery may be withheld until paid. This may vary from country to country and be up to a value of 20% of the value of the study material.

A package relates to all the materials for a specific subject, for example ACA Management Information (MI). If purchasing a course for more than one subject, the additional package charges will apply.

Delivery fees are capped at 3 x the cost, per single order. So, if you buy 5 courses for UK delivery in a single order, it will be £7.20 x 3, rather than £7.20 x 5.

Our standard delivery times for Live Online, OnDemand, Online and Distance Learning are:

UK – 3 to 5 working days, subject to publication dates. EU – 5 to 7 working days, subject to publication dates. Rest of the World – 7 to 10 working days subject to availability and publication dates.

Our standard delivery deadline for UK classroom courses is one week prior to the first course date.

Delivery charges apply to all Classroom and Live Online courses which include printed materials.

Full level, excluding exams (all subjects): help_outline

£5,374.80 - £5,972.40 (inc. VAT)

local_shipping Delivery information

help Help / Contact info

  • 1. Structure and syllabus

2. Study methods

3. exams, sittings and resits, 4. study materials and delivery costs, 5. mykaplan: online learning environment, 6. tutor support.

  • 7. Testing and mocks

8. Pricing structure

Recommended system requirements for mykaplan, desktop computers.

MyKaplan can be accessed on the following desktop platforms with the latest browser versions:

Platform Apple Safari Google Chrome Microsoft Edge Mozilla Firefox
Apple Mac OS Yes Yes Yes Yes
Microsoft Windows No Yes Yes Yes

Tablets and Mobile Devices

MyKaplan can be accessed on the following tablets and mobile devices with the latest browser versions:

Platform Apple Safari Google Chrome Microsoft Edge Mozilla Firefox
Apple iOS for iPhone and iPad Yes No No No
Android OS for Android phones and tablets No Yes No No

Ensure that JavaScript and cookies are enabled in your browser.

In addition to accessing via a mobile browser there is a mobile application  available for download.

Limitations of use

Some learning content may perform sub optimally on mobile devices and the Pulse app.

If you attempt to access MyKaplan with an unsupported or out of date browser you may see a retro/legacy browser warning message and be prevented from accessing the application in some instances.

1. Structure

This level consists of three exams: Corporate Reporting, Strategic Business Management, and a Case Study, which tests overall knowledge. This level will take six to twelve months to complete.

Entry requirements

You are advised to have passed the ACA Professional exams before progressing onto Advanced level.

Corporate Reporting (CR)

You’ll learn how to employ your technical knowledge, analytical techniques and professional aptitude to resolve compliance and business ideas in corporate reports and auditing. You’ll learn how to analyse financial statements across a range of industries over time, explain the control and planning used in auditing, create and evaluate corporate reporting policies, and identify and explain ethical issues.

  • Number of lessons:
  • Classroom: 7 days (Tuition) and 4 days (Exam Preparation)
  • Live Online: 14 sessions (Tuition) and 8 sessions (Exam Preparation)
  • OnDemand: study at your own pace

Subject assessment: computer-based exam

£2,334.00 - £2,593.20

Strategic business management (sbm).

You’ll demonstrate your quantitative and qualitative skills to make business recommendations in complex scenarios. You’ll apply professional judgement to examine quantitative and qualitative data from many sources, to evaluate different solutions. When you complete this unit, you’ll be able to evaluate the implications of strategic choices and recommend strategies to achieve stakeholder objectives; advise appropriate finance requirements and evaluate financial risks; use ethics to determine safeguards against threat; explain and implement assurance; and interpret and apply corporate reporting.

  • Classroom: 4 days including 1 Personalised (Tuition) and 3 days (Exam Preparation)
  • Live Online: 8 sessions including 2 Personalised (Tuition) and 6 sessions (Exam Preparation)

£1,581.60 - £1,758.00

Case study (cs).

The Case Study assesses your knowledge of complex business issues, using everything you’ve learned across all three levels. You’ll use your ability to analyse financial and non-financial data, and use professional and ethical reasoning to provide insight and solutions. Ahead of the exam, you’ll be given background details (known as ‘Advance Information’) on the organisation and its business environment. The exam is four hours long. All areas of the syllabus may be tested over time.

  • Classroom: 5 days (Tuition) and 5 days (Exam Preparation)
  • Live Online: 10 sessions (Tuition) and 10 sessions (Exam Preparation)

£1,459.20 - £1,621.20

Do you prefer face-to-face learning? Online learning in your own time? Have family or work commitments? We have study methods that suit different learning styles, to fit around your life. You’ll benefit from award-winning tutors, practical learning methods, and ongoing support, even after your exams.

Study methods available for this qualification

You can be confident in your exams whatever study method you choose, as we offer hundreds of practice questions and mock exams. We provide expert support during evenings and weekends, and we have flexible study methods and course start dates.

Study method comparison table keyboard_arrow_down

What Classroom Live Online - full day Live Online - evening OnDemand
Live, tutor-led classes at set times
Re-watch your lessons
Learning materials available - including study text, and exam/revision packs
Access to motivating, award winning, online learning resources
Marked mock exams and lots of additional practice questions
Access to Academic Support 7 days a week
Progression Advisors (previously Learning Coach) offering advice, guidance and support to help keep your learning on track
Interact with other students studying the same course
Classes capped at 40 students

Study at your own pace

Award winning tutor-led online course with flexibility to start anytime, anywhere. Not available for Case.

  • Unique online resources designed to keep you motivated
  • Tutors guide you efficiently through the whole syllabus

Every module and topic has been through a detailed learning design process, which means we‘ve considered how to best explain each area and cement your understanding of the subject. This includes a variety of concise learning formats such as bite-sized tutor-led lectures, and activities to help link topics together. Every module is scripted and links on screen animations with graphics found within your integrated workbook. This provides a high quality online learning experience, which is so much more than a live recorded tutor session or even a tutor narrating highlighted text book visuals.

In addition to Academic Support, our team of Progression Advisors offer advice, guidance and support, on how to best learn and progress through your course. They use data to identify if you need extra support and will help you get back on track if you need it.

OnDemand is a complete course, which includes tuition and exam preparation.

A traditional scheduled programme with face to face tutor-led classes.

  • Classes with your peers at set times of day
  • Centrally located in most major cities: View all classroom locations
  • Split into two phases: Tuition and Exam Preparation
  • Tuition phase may include some Personalised days, allowing you to study from home with the guidance of MyKaplan online modules.

Prepare through an understanding of the core technical knowledge. Practise this knowledge using exam based scenarios and real life work situations.

Exam Preparation

Perform thorough Exam Preparation via question practice where exam technique is developed.

The same as classroom, but live interactive online classes at a set time.

  • Interactive live lectures delivered online by our expert tutors
  • Re-watch and replay lessons through recordings
  • Weekday, weekend, or evening classes available

Timetables - Classroom and Live Online

date_range View timetables

Timings and working towards a sitting

The ACA qualification is made up of 15 exams, advancing your knowledge across accountancy, finance, and business. When you complete the qualification, you will be an ICAEW chartered accountant.

You can take the exams in any order, apart from the Case Study, which needs to be attempted last, in the final year of an ACA training agreement. However, we recommend starting from the Certificate Level units first, then finishing with the Advanced Level exams.

At the Advanced Level, exams are computer based, and there are two exam sittings a year - July and November. Generally students sit three subjects together, or split between (Corporate Reporting (CR)/Strategic Business Management (SBM) July, Case Study (CS) November).

Students must be in the final years of a training contract to sit the final CS exam. It must be taken after or alongside CR/SBM exams.

CR/SBM are 3.5 hours long, and CS is 4 hours. The pass mark is 50%.

How long does it take to pass?

The ACA qualification is made up of three levels, each of which will take six to 12 months to finish. To complete the qualification, you’ll also need to have a minimum of 450 practical work experience days. Students usually complete the qualification in three years.

ICAEW exam software

ICAEW’s exam software has been developed to ensure the ACA reflects modern accountancy practices. This includes:

  • Spreadsheet software that reflects commonly used applications. The spreadsheet contains standard functionality that allows you to make your calculations and adjust them if needed, just as you would in the workplace
  • A word processor that auto-adjusts to the size of the response that you are writing, and allows you to copy in the data from the spreadsheet as part of the report (only the word processing section will get marked)
  • Digital copies of relevant permitted texts such as the tax tables within the exam so that you can easily search for the content that you need.

The Corporate Reporting (CR) exam also includes Data Analytics software .

If you have failed an exam, don’t worry. There are exam resits and resit courses available. Contact Student Services to book exams and courses.

All Advanced (CR and SBM) resit courses include:

Prior to Exam Preparation course you will get:

  • A resit diagnostic video, including examiner top tips, common issues, and study guidance
  • Additional articles, tricky topic tutorials and additional questions
  • A resit mock
  • A resit guidance document
  • Syllabus update document for any students resitting under a new syllabus
  • Study planner
  • Access to soft copies of the Kaplan Integrated Workbook
  • Access to Kaplan’s Academic Support team to answer technical queries

You then attend a classroom-based Exam Preparation course and get:

  • Access to Kaplan tutor
  • Final marked mock

Advanced Case Study resit courses also include:

Prior to Exam Preparation course:

  • Pre-resit mock exam (marked)
  • Tricky topic tutorials (provided via MyKaplan)

You then attend a 5 day Exam Preparation course and get:

  • 2 days tutor-led preparation of a revision mock (Students attempt revision mock at the end of day 2, which is sent off for marking)
  • 3 days tutor-led preparation on the real case study advance information (including around 20 exercises based on the real exam and a full 4 hour practice exam with illustrative script and marking key)
  • Additional practice exam on the real case study exam (includes illustrative script and marking key)
Subject Fees
Corporate Reporting (CR) £651.60
Strategic Business Management (SBM) £651.60
Case Study (CS) £956.40

If you need to take a resit, please get in touch with Student Services.

Study materials

Classroom, Live Online and OnDemand students will receive printed and online study materials.

Materials included in the price of every course:

Kaplan workbook

Icaew materials.

Purchased in addition to course price but needed for every subject.

All ACA and ICAEW CFAB learning materials are published in a digital format.

Students will access their materials through the ICAEW Bookshelf, and will be able to view, annotate and highlight passages.

ICAEW workbook

Examining body (ICAEW) workbook of all technical content that could be examined.

ICAEW question bank

Examining body past exam questions that are set in class.


These materials are specific to the subject you're studying and are purchased in addition to the course price.

This book is required to assist you in your studies for the Corporate Reporting subject.


Audit standards book, £40.00, delivery costs.

  • UK - £7.20 (£6 + VAT) for the first package, £7.20 for subsequent packages
  • Isle of Man residents - £30 (£25 + VAT) per transaction
  • EU - £35 (£29.17 + VAT) for the first package, £30 for subsequent packages
  • Rest of the World - £50 (£41.67 + VAT) for the first package, £50 for subsequent packages

A package relates to all the materials for a specific subject, for example ACA Corporate Reporting (CR). If purchasing a course for more than one subject, the additional package charges will apply.

  • UK – 3 to 5 working days, subject to publication dates.
  • EU – 5 to 7 working days, subject to publication dates.
  • Rest of the World – 7 to 10 working days subject to availability and publication dates.

Our standard delivery time for UK classroom courses is one week prior to the first course date.

Delivery charges apply to all Classroom, Live Online and OnDemand courses which include printed materials.

MyKaplan is an online learning portal with additional resources, including mock exams, to help you prepare for your exams. Your MyKaplan account forms the core of your study experience with Kaplan, and includes the following:

Online features

  • View your online materials in one place and access your content in a few clicks
  • Contact a tutor directly using live chat. You can also email or request a callback
  • Complete practice tests and get instant feedback
  • Take part in forum discussions with students and tutors and find answers to common questions
  • See instantly when your assessments have been marked

Access duration

Your chosen study method determines how long you can access your content for.

Classroom Eight months after exam sitting.

Live Online Eight months after exam sitting.

OnDemand Eight months after exam sitting.

computer Minimum system requirements for MyKaplan

We'll support you every step of the way throughout your ACA learning experience with us. You can contact a tutor and get the help you need quickly and easily.

Provided by our Academic Support team (our dedicated team of expert tutors):

  • Live chat (instant response via online messenger system)
  • Email (we'll get back to you within 4 hrs)
  • Discussion forum (we’ll get back to you within 4 hrs)
  • Request a callback so you can speak to a tutor (we’ll arrange a call with you within 24 hours). Please note, request a callback is only available to UK based students.

Academic Support opening times

Monday - Thursday: 8am - 8pm Friday: 8am - 5:30pm Saturday: 9am - 5pm Sunday: 9am - 1pm

7. Testing and Mocks

We have a wealth of materials to help you revise for and pass your exams. All study options come with the following:

Online learning modules

Knowledge checks

Consolidation Test

Progress Tests

Tricky topic tutorials

Subject prices can differ depending on your study method and location.

Subjects are all priced individually, so you can purchase them altogether (for a discount), or separately as you need them. This also helps you split the cost to make it more affordable.

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ACA Certificate

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£3,007.20 - £3,632.40 (inc. VAT)

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£6,896.40 - £8,049.60  (inc. VAT)


From £14,954.40  (inc. VAT)

ACA Advanced Case Study resit course

£660 (Excl. VAT)

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Advanced Level

The study packs for Corporate Reporting and Strategic Business Management include a:

  • self-test questions and worked examples;
  • study guide;
  • module syllabus; and
  • skills and technical knowledge grids
  • Question bank

The Corporate Reporting supplement is aimed at students who have studied Financial Accounting and Reporting UK GAAP and are moving on to study Corporate Reporting, which is based on IFRS.

The study pack for Case Study includes:

  • Digital workbook containing
  • Two Case Study walkthroughs (containing marking keys)

The advance information and exams for each walkthrough are accessed on the ICAEW exam resources page. Make sure to visit the Exam Resources pages where you can access questions within the practice exam software, articles, errata sheets, study tips, examiner guidance, and study webinars that help to put your learning into context.


Advanced Level Case Study

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Advanced Level Corporate Reporting

Advanced level strategic business management.

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ACA Advanced

ACA Advanced will build on the knowledge you gained in the Certificate and Professional Levels. Coupled with the experience you gain in work, you’ll attain a deeper understanding of accountancy and finance within businesses, and become eligible for chartered accountancy status upon qualifying.

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From US $ 1080/12 months

*No commitment – cancel at anytime

This level consists of three exams: Corporate Reporting, Strategic Business Management, and a Case Study, which tests overall knowledge. This level will take six to twelve months to complete.

Entry requirements

You will need to have passed the ACA Professional exams before progressing onto Advanced level.

Please be aware, you can only buy up to four subjects in a six month period.

Subjects (3)

Strategic business management (sbm).

You’ll demonstrate your quantitative and qualitative skills to make business recommendations in complex scenarios. You’ll apply professional judgement to examine quantitative and qualitative data from many sources, to evaluate different solutions.

Live Online

From US $ 126.67

From US $ 165/month

Corporate Reporting (CR)

You’ll learn how to employ your technical knowledge, analytical techniques and professional aptitude to resolve compliance and business ideas in corporate reports and auditing.

From US $ 261.11

Case Study (CS)

The Case Study assesses your knowledge of complex business issues, using everything you’ve learned across all three levels.

From US $ 211.50

Course overview

Timetables and study methods

Study methods available for this level

The benefits of a traditional classroom but with the flexibility of an online environment. Live interactive classes at a scheduled time delivered by expert lecturers following the same exam focused material and structure as traditional classroom courses.

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Exams and sittings

Timings and working towards a sitting

At this level there are three exams: Corporate Reporting and Strategic Business Management are 3.5 hours long, and the Case Study exam is 4 hours.

How long does it take to pass?

Most students complete this level within 12 months, however this can vary depending on the study method you choose. To complete the entire qualification you will also need to have a minimum of 450 practical work experience days, so don’t forget to fit them in around your study.

Study materials and delivery costs

You will receive printed or online study materials.

Kaplan workbook

A Kaplan-produced workbook covering key areas of the syllabus, integrates with online content and provides question practice. You can choose to have a printed or online version..

ICAEW workbooks, question banks and permitted texts (Live Online only)

For those purchasing a Live Online course, you'll also receive ICAEW’s workbook and question bank, which are needed for every subject. The ICAEW’s workbook contains all technical content that could be examined. These are available in an eBook format only.

Not included for OnDemand subscriptions:

ICAEW workbooks, question banks and permitted texts

In addition to the OnDemand subscription price, you will need to purchase ICAEW’s workbook and question bank, which are needed for every subject. The ICAEW’s workbook contains all technical content that could be examined. These are available in an eBook format only. You may also need other materials, known as permitted texts.

Find out more about permitted texts .

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Testing and mocks

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Online learning modules

MyKaplan interactive modules that guide you through each syllabus area.

Knowledge checks

10 multiple choice questions set on MyKaplan after an online learning module day during the Knowledge phase.

Consolidation Test

20 multiple choice questions set on MyKaplan after a number of online learning module days during the Knowledge phase.

Progress Tests

Progress tests are exam-style tests to check your progress and get you ready for sitting your mock exams. A recorded debrief of the tests will be provided after you’ve sat them so you can tailor any follow-up work and concentrate on areas that need more attention.

Tricky topic tutorials

10-15 minute tutor debrief on challenging areas of the syllabus.

Mock exams mimic the real exams. They are taken during the Exam Preparation phase of the course and can be found on MyKaplan. They are marked by the Kaplan marking team, who will provide tailored feedback so you can focus on areas you found difficult or could improve.

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You will be able to access your content for eight months after the exam sitting with one three month free extension on request.

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ACA Certificate

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Learn from the best - our senior aca tutor won multiple prizes for exam performance, become the best - we have coached several students to also win icaew prizes, video courses, live classes, open book notes, learning materials, exam technique coaching, recognised as an icaew partner in learning, working with icaew in the professional development of students, for certificate level , click here . for professional level , click here . for advanced level , click here . our courses and materials are prepared and delivered by our senior aca tutor, kieran doe. kieran won icaew prizes for financial accounting & reporting, audit, tax, financial management, business strategy and case study.  .

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Kieran Doe with ICAEW President at ACA Prize-giving Ceremony 


It was great to see one of our Case Study students follow in her tutor's footsteps by winning the ICAEW prize for the highest score in the world (90%). This is particularly impressive given that she had previously failed with other tuition providers.

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Business school teaching case study: can biodiversity bonds save natural habitats?

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Andrew Karolyi and John Tobin-de la Puente

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In June, the Colombian subsidiary of Spanish banking group BBVA announced that it was issuing what it described as the financial sector’s “first biodiversity bond”, in order to finance habitat conservation and restoration projects in the South American country. 

The $50mn initiative — backed by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the private sector-focused arm of the World Bank, as structurer and investor — marks a turnaround for a nation recovering from half a century of violence and guerrilla activity. It also places Colombia among a select group of pioneers, including the Seychelles and Belize, that are using the financial markets to support the conservation of nature.

While the green bonds market has seen explosive growth in the past decade, the capital it has raised has overwhelmingly been invested in climate mitigation, alternative energy, and green transportation projects. Minimal amounts go to biodiversity conservation and habitat restoration projects. 

In financing nature, explicitly and directly, this Colombian bond breaks new ground, with metrics linked to objectives to benefit the environment. Invest ors will be repaid through a mix of funding sources including a carbon tax, the government budget and donors .

Test yourself

This is the sixth in a series of monthly business school-style teaching case studies devoted to responsible-business dilemmas faced by organisations. Read the piece and FT articles suggested at the end (and linked to within the piece) before considering the questions raised. 

About the authors: Andrew Karolyi is professor and dean, John Tobin-de la Puente is professor of practice and co-director of the Initiative on Responsible Finance, both at the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business.

The series forms part of a wide-ranging collection of FT ‘instant teaching case studies ’ that explore business challenges.

The question for those concerned about the destruction of the world’s natural habitats is whether this pioneering structured bond will be effective, and whether it could help to inspire a broader range of similar instruments aimed at countering loss of biodiversity around the world. 

Meanwhile, the question for investors is whether the vehicle is sufficiently attractive and robust to attract a new and growing class of funders that may share an interest in environmental issues but also seek competitive returns.

Located at the northern end of the Andes, Colombia straddles the Equator, the Pacific Ocean, the Caribbean, and the Amazon basin. It has the second-highest number of species on the planet after Brazil, and the highest species diversity when measured per square kilometre, according to the World Wildlife Fund . Colombia is home to more than 1,900 species of birds — on a par with Brazil and Peru.

Colombia will be on the frontline of biodiversity losses

But global warming threatens to cause dramatic harm to this biodiversity . Colombia will be on the frontline of these losses because it will be disproportionately affected by climate change compared to countries with fewer species that are more widespread.

Now, though, it could also be in the vanguard of new financial models to reverse the trend.

In 2016, a historic peace agreement between the government and leftist guerrilla group the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Farc) marked the end of five decades of armed conflict. Despite continuing violence, the peace process has greatly improved the lives of citizens. However, it has also increased pressure on natural ecosystems. The political violence had meant large areas were shielded from illegal deforestation and degradation of the habitat.

Five years after the peace deal, Colombia became the first Latin American country to issue a green bond in its domestic market : a 10-year $200mn offering aiming to finance a variety of projects intended to benefit the environment — including water management, sustainable transport, biodiversity protection, and renewable energy. High investor demand meant the final amount had been increased by half again.

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Finance minister José Manuel Restrepo described the structured bond as an “important step” in finding new ways to finance investment in environmental projects: it would help develop a domestic green bond market and attract a wider range of investors. His ministry identified another $500mn in eligible projects that could be financed through green bonds, including a $50mn Colombian “blue bond” — financing focused on marine habitats and ocean-based projects that generate environmental co-benefits. This was successfully placed in 2023 with the help of BBVA and the IFC as structurer.

Now, the announcement of BBVA Colombia’s biodiversity bond marks another step forward. It focuses on reforestation, regeneration of natural forests on degraded land, mangrove conservation, and wildlife habitat protection.

In the case of green bonds, only a minuscule share of the money raised is spent on nature conservation, in part because few such projects generate cash flows from which to repay investors. Another reason is that it is harder to measure how effectively deployed resources dedicated to conservation — such as for monitoring species population growth — are, or to track activities that help to reach certain conservation target goals over time, such as for restoring degraded ecosystems.  

Using private, financial return-seeking capital to finance the sustainable management and conservation of natural resources is viewed by many experts as the most realistic solution to the twin crises of biodiversity loss and climate change — given the magnitude of investment needed. 

Yet there is growing political pushback against environmental and social initiatives, most notably in the US. 

Regulators and consumer groups have also launched legal actions to challenge green objectives. Large corporations, including Unilever, Bank of America and Shell, have in the past year dropped or missed goals to cut carbon emissions. And there has been disillusion with the ability of sustainability-linked bonds to meet their objectives. 

By association, that raises fresh questions about continued progress on biodiversity.

In biodiversity finance, doing deals is inherently more difficult

In tackling the climate crisis, the trajectory seems clear: the set of solutions needed is more or less agreed, and a good part of it makes economic sense. But, in biodiversity finance, doing deals is inherently more difficult.

It is more complex to structure transactions that generate proceeds to protect wildlife, restore ecosystems and fund other activities that may not generate cash flows, all while ensuring investors are repaid. Early successes — such as Belize’s blue bond are encouraging — but the potential for real scale is still unclear.

Questions for discussion

How companies are starting to back away from green targets (ft.com)

Green bond issuance surges as investors hunt for yield (ft.com)

Sustainability-linked bonds falter amid credibility concerns (ft.com)

Consider these questions:

1. How critical is the role of the IFC as structurer of the BBVA Colombia biodiversity bond deal in validating its legitimacy and providing investors with assurance? How important is it that IFC is also a co-investor in the biodiversity bond issuance?  

2. What are the pros and cons of the fact that the $50mn BBVA Colombia biodiversity bond deal has been launched following Colombia’s successful placement three years earlier of its sovereign green bond, and following its newly announced “green taxonomy”?  

3. What does the Colombian experience say about the likelihood of rapid change in how countries manage their biodiversity and climate impacts? Does Colombia demonstrate that such change is possible, or is its experience unique and unlikely to represent a model of rapid action for other countries?

4. Can biodiversity bonds meaningfully help to address biodiversity loss? And is this transaction the start of a trend? If not, why would BBVA Colombia have executed this transaction? Is it a gesture of goodwill and a recognition of its own corporate responsibility, or a means to greenwash some of its other less appealing investments?

5. Considering the economic and social context following the peace agreement between Colombia and the Farc forces, how might the shift from conflict to peace affect the country’s ability to balance economic development with environmental conservation?   

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Getting started.

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Credit for prior learning (CPL)

Credit for prior learning or CPL is our term for exemptions. High quality learning and assessment in other relevant qualifications is appropriately recognised by the award of CPL.

Apply for exams

What you need to know in order to apply for the ACA exams.

The ACA qualification has 15 modules over three levels. They are designed to complement the practical experience you will be gaining in the workplace. They will also enable you to gain in-depth knowledge across a broad range of topics in accountancy, finance and business. Here are some useful resources while you study.

  • Exam results

You will receive your results for all Certificate Level exams, the day after you take the exam and usually five weeks after a Professional and Advanced Level exam session has taken place. Access your latest and archived exam results here.

Training agreement

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Sustainability and climate change

Sustainability describes a world that does not live by eating into its capital, whether natural, economic or social. Members in practice, in business and private individuals all have a role to play if sustainability goals are to be met. The work being undertaken by ICAEW in this area is to change behaviour to drive sustainable outcomes.

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Author: ICAEW Insights

Published: 06 Aug 2024


The UK has signed up to the Organisation for Economic Development (OECD) model’s reporting rules for digital platforms. These rules started in the UK from 1 January 2024. 

In broad terms, a digital platform is an app or website that connects sellers to customers to supply goods or services. Examples of services include:  

  • taxi and private hire; 
  • food delivery; 
  • finding freelance work; and 
  • the letting of short-term accommodation. 

Under these rules, a digital platform operator must collect and check information from sellers and send an annual report to HMRC. The first report will cover the year to 31 December 2024. It must be submitted to HMRC by 31 January 2025.  

HMRC has published guidance on the reporting rules for digital platforms . This includes guidance on:  

  • the meaning of ‘digital platform’; 
  • who needs to make a return; 
  • the information the operator should collect and report to HMRC; 
  • the deadline for submitting a return; and 
  • the penalties which may apply if the rules are broken.  

HMRC is continuing to develop the online service that will be used to submit the return.  

HMRC has also published guidance for sellers on digital platforms . This explains why a digital platform operator may ask them for information, and what information may be requested. It also includes guidance on the seller’s own tax position, for example, whether their activities are likely to amount to a trade.  

Further information 

  • The Platform Operators (Due Diligence and Reporting Requirements) Regulations 2023, SI 2023/817
  • OECD’s Model Rules for Reporting by Platform Operators with respect to Sellers in the Sharing and Gig Economy   

Latest on business tax

  • 06 Aug 2024
  • 05 Aug 2024
  • Helpsheets and support
  • 02 Aug 2024

The Tax Faculty

ICAEW's Tax Faculty is recognised internationally as a leading authority and source of expertise on taxation. The faculty is the voice of tax for ICAEW, responsible for all submissions to the tax authorities. Join the Faculty for expert guidance and support enabling you to provide the best advice on tax to your clients or business.

  • Learn more about the Tax Faculty
  • Join the faculty
  • Tax Track podcasts
  • MTD update: HMRC guidance, email and event
  • Tax news in brief 7 August 2024
  • Contractors reminded to verify subcontractors
  • Further details emerge on claiming PAYE repayments
  • Time to act on basis period reform
  • HMRC on hold
  • Pros and cons of payrolling benefits
  • Associated companies: a family affair
  • New tax year, new developments in R&D

Further resources

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Stay up to date with the latest developments in tax by signing up to the Tax Faculty's weekly e-newsletter

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  1. ICAEW Case Study Made Easy

    icaew case study price

  2. icaew case study marking

    icaew case study price

  3. How to Pass ICAEW Case Study

    icaew case study price

  4. icaew case study syllabus

    icaew case study price

  5. ICAEW ACA Simplified Case Study

    icaew case study price


    icaew case study price


  1. Notion Template

  2. How to Pass ICAEW Case Study

  3. CR July 2024 AI Analysis: Mineral Filtration Products MFP

  4. Case Study

  5. Accounting ICAEW CFAB

  6. Research & Development, Patents and Profit Margins (AQA Paper 2 2019 Q3.1)


  1. ACA fees

    The exam fees are: Certificate Level exam fee: £85. Professional Level exam fee: £119. Advanced Level (Corporate Reporting and Strategic Business Management) exam fee: £204. Case Study exam fee: £275. From 1 January 2025, the exam fees will be changing to: Certificate Level exam fee: £90. Professional Level exam fee: £125.

  2. ICAEW Case Study Made Easy

    The surprise aspect of the ICAEW Case Study comes in the exam where you will get 10-15 pages of new information. However, this information is unlikely to be a total surprise as the AI will point towards this. For example, my ICAEW Case Study was about a magazine company.

  3. ICAEW Prize-Winning Tutor

    Having scored 92% in the Case Study exam, and winning the ICAEW prize for the highest score in the world, Kieran now teaches students the analytical skills and exam technique required to emulate this success. Under his guidance, one of our students also went on to win the ICAEW prize for the highest score in the world (score of 90%), whilst ...

  4. Advanced Level Case Study

    Advanced Level Case Study. The Case Study module covers the following topics: Ensure you order the correct edition of the materials. The 2023 edition is aligned with the syllabus and exams for 2023 only. The 2024 edition is aligned with the syllabus and exams for 2024 only. You risk losing exam marks if you use a different edition.

  5. How to Pass the ICAEW ACA Case Study Exam

    3. Understand what information is provided in the Advance Information (AI) and what is provided in the exam. 4. Learn the Case Study exam technique which ensures that you hit all the boxes on the mark scheme. 5. Practice mock exams to master your exam technique. Step 1: Understand how Case Study is marked.

  6. Case Study November 2020 Advance Information

    The marks in the Case Study are awarded for professional skills, allocated broadly as follows: Assimilating and using information 22.5%. Structuring problems and solutions 22.5%. Applying judgement 22.5%. Drawing conclusions and making recommendations 15.0%. ive and multidisciplinary skills 17.5% Of the total marks available, 15% are awarded ...

  7. ACA Advanced

    The Advanced Case Study resit course balances exam practice, case study skills development, and analysis of the Advanced Information in order to provide you with a path to success in your resit exam. ... All ACA and ICAEW CFAB learning materials are published in a digital format. ... Subject prices can differ depending on your study method and ...

  8. Case Study module study resources

    The Case Study exam will assess your understanding of providing advice on complex business issues in the form of a written report. The scenario may be based on a variety of different organisational structures or operations, and you will be provided with advance information ahead of the exam. The exam is four hours long and will consist of three ...

  9. Advanced Level Case Study advance information

    The Advanced Level Case Study exam includes advance information released prior to the exam sitting. This allows you time to become familiar with the information and to undertake any other appropriate research and analysis. Select the relevant product below, depending on the exam sitting, and proceed to check out to get the product in your ICAEW ...

  10. ICAEW Data Analytics Certificate

    12 months online access to DataCamp's 400+ courses is included in the price. With courses covering technologies such as Python, R, Power BI, and Tableau for all levels of ability, you can continue to develop your data skills; Certificate upon successful completion of Case Study; ICAEW Data Analytics Certificate - Analyst Pathway (case study ...

  11. ACA Advanced Level

    The ICAEW Advanced level exams present real-life scenarios, with greater complexity and wider implications than the Professional Level exams. The Case Study exam will present a complex business issue which will require problem solving, the identification of ethical implications and your ability to provide effective solutions.

  12. Advanced Level

    The study pack for Case Study includes: Digital workbook containing; Two Case Study walkthroughs (containing marking keys) The advance information and exams for each walkthrough are accessed on the ICAEW exam resources page. Make sure to visit the Exam Resources pages where you can access questions within the practice exam software, articles, ...

  13. ACA Advanced

    At this level there are three exams: Corporate Reporting and Strategic Business Management are 3.5 hours long, and the Case Study exam is 4 hours. How long does it take to pass? ... In addition to the OnDemand subscription price, you will need to purchase ICAEW's workbook and question bank, which are needed for every subject. The ICAEW's ...

  14. ICAEW Prize-Winning ACA Tutor

    Kieran Doe at ACA Masters is an ICAEW prize-winning ACA tutor who provides classroom courses, online courses, private tuition and our own ACA materials. ... It was great to see one of our Case Study students follow in her tutor's footsteps by winning the ICAEW prize for the highest score in the world (90%). This is particularly impressive given ...

  15. Case study FAQ : r/ICAEW

    So you'll have: Section 1 - Financial Performance. Appendix 1 - Analysis of Financial Accounts. Revenue. CoS/GP etc. --. 2. You should aim to spend roughly the same time for each section- R1 might take slightly more but max 10 mins! So say if you do 1.25/1.15/1.15, that'll leave you with approx 25 mins for ES and a quick check.

  16. ACA Qualification

    ICAEW ACA courses powered by BPP Momentum. As an ICAEW Approved Partner in Learning, our unique exam-focused approach delivers industry leading pass rates, averaging above 90% across all Professional and Advanced papers. Progress through your ACA course studies using BPP Momentum, providing unrivalled levels of personalised teaching and support.

  17. Case study : r/ICAEW

    Passed Case first time in Nov23. I'm with bpp. I have only done 1 at college and gonna do another at college next week. I also got 2 as home study but cba to do them. Gonna do some light reading of the real AI, look at the FS figures and wait for ACA M AI analyis and his 3 mocks.

  18. Requirement one, two and three in the Case Study exam

    The ICAEW Chartered Accountant qualification, the ACA, is one of the most advanced learning and professional development programmes available. It is valued around the world in business, practice and the public sector. ... The greatest challenges for most candidates in passing the Case Study are (i) producing a complete report within the time ...

  19. Business school teaching case study: can biodiversity bonds save

    This is the sixth in a series of monthly business school-style teaching case studies devoted to responsible-business dilemmas faced by organisations. Read the piece and FT articles suggested at ...

  20. Advanced Level

    Our telephone support line is open 9-5 Monday - Friday exc. Wednesday 10-5 (UK time) Closed - UK statutory & public holidays. Speak to an advisor on Live Chat. Contact us form. +44 (0)1908 248 250 (option 1) The Advanced Level of the ACA qualification has three exams.

  21. Introduction to the Case Study exam

    This series of Case Study exam resources will cover everything you need to know to prepare for the Case Study exam. This includes: Introduction to the Case Study exam. How to approach the advance information. Using the advance information during the Case Study exam. A guide on Requirements one, two and three. An overview of the Executive Summary.

  22. Insight from the examiners: Case Study exam

    Author: ICAEW Insights. Published: 03 Feb 2022. 2021 saw the first two sittings of the Case Study exam on the new Professional and Advanced Level exam software. The Case Study Senior Examiners tell us how it went and how future students can learn from the experience. For the first two Case Study sessions on the new exam software - House Pride ...

  23. Approaching the advance information for the Case Study exam

    Published: 15 Sep 2021. This guide is designed to help you understand how to approach the advance information for your Case Study exam. It will cover what the advance information is, what should you do with the advance information before your exam and tips for success. This series of Case Study exam resources will cover everything you need to ...

  24. New HMRC guidance on digital platforms

    ICAEW's Tax Faculty is recognised internationally as a leading authority and source of expertise on taxation. The faculty is the voice of tax for ICAEW, responsible for all submissions to the tax authorities. Join the Faculty for expert guidance and support enabling you to provide the best advice on tax to your clients or business.