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Essay on Save Mother Earth

List of essays on save mother earth, essay on save mother earth – short essay (essay 1 – 200 words), essay on save mother earth – for kids and children (essay 2 – 250 words), essay on save mother earth – 10 lines on save mother earth written in english (essay 3 – 300 words), essay on save mother earth – for school students (class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 standard) (essay 4 – 400 words), essay on save mother earth (essay 5 – 500 words), essay on save mother earth – for college and university students (essay 6 – 750 words), essay on save mother earth – long essay on “save mother earth” (essay 7 – 1000 words).

Save Mother Earth is the popular slogan that creates awareness about saving the Earth from destruction. We all know that Earth is the only planet that has life on it.

As of now, it is clear that this planet has been a gift for us humans and other living things that have all the facilities we need, naturally. From air to water to food, everything is provided to us by Earth and thus we call it Mother Earth. Had it not been the beautiful environment and the availability of resources on the earth we could not have existed.

But, what have we done to our mother earth? We have exploited earth for our own interests and today the planet we call our mother, faces the threat of extinction of life on its soil just because of our ill practices. The pollution levels are an all-time high, the resources are fast depleting. We must have adequate measures in place to save our mother earth.

Audience: The below given essays are exclusively written for school students (Class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 Standard).


The predicament of the present situation calls us to save Mother Earth. From the earliest hunting age to the current technological age, man has had a definite impact on the environment. He had been exploiting natural resources to achieve economic growth. Without plans to replenish them, it has caused serious damage to Earth.

How to Save Mother Earth:

Personal Level:

The responsibility to save Mother Earth starts from personal level. In our daily activities, though we could afford, we should restrain ourselves from using energy excessively. Simple decisions to reduce the use of water, electricity, transportation etc., could mean a lot in this direction. By being a model to others in our activities, we can bring about the required social change.

Corporate Level:

Governments across countries and stakeholders are creating the awareness to save Mother Earth. Afforestation, rain water harvesting, recycling waste, cutting industrial pollution etc., are some efforts of the various Governments. Observing International Earth Day and Earth Hour every year generates sensitivity to the issue. The Paris Agreement of 2015 is the latest corporate step to keep the damages to the earth in check.

Conclusion :

A Mother is the source of life. Causing a mother to suffer cuts the life supply due to the child. So, to save Mother Earth is to save us children, in turn. With our combined efforts, it is possible to restore her former resources and glory. In the process, we would also contribute to the welfare of the future generations.

The present state of the earth has become extremely challenging to the healthy and continual existence of this earth and life, as we know it is due to the air pollution, toxic environment, global warming, water pollution, deforestation and a host of other environmental problems. There are many ways we can use to save the earth.

Saving our planet largely depends on the good habit and dedication of all of us doing our part and contributing our best to saving the earth. The development and use of technologies that is environmental friendly so that we would not harm the mother earth. We should try to embrace the reduction in usage of things that are harmful to the environment, employ the re-usage and also the recycle of goods and things so that a lesser amount of wastes can be generated.

A lot of people employ the use of a mix of house cleansers to keep the house disinfected and clean. Neglecting the fact that a lot of the chemicals used in most of these house cleansers are extremely dangerous to soil, water and air.

We should find out and discover the constituents of all the products we use in our daily activities and try as much as possible to use only products that are eco-friendly. Commercial industries are leading contributors to global warming and various forms of pollution like air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution and others. Government made laws, regulations and rules should be put in place to help battle pollution and also global warming.

Save Mother Earth is the popular slogan that creates awareness about saving the Earth from destruction. We all know that Earth is the only planet that has life on it. As of now, it is clear that this planet has been a gift for us humans and other living things that have all the facilities we need, naturally. From air to water to food, everything is provided to us by Earth and thus we call it Mother Earth.

We are exploiting our so-called Mother Earth for many years by using its resources vulgarly and without giving back anything for its further growth. For example, to live we are exploiting many lands by cutting down trees to build home, industry and more. But we don’t bother about the destroyed trees or plants and we don’t bother about planting them again. We pollute the atmosphere through vehicles and industries, then we live our future being diseased. It high time that we realize the need to save mother Earth.

To deal with the above problems and to save Mother Earth, we need to adopt various measures of conservation. Ways to save Mother Earth includes planting more and more trees, using renewable sources of energy, reducing the wastage of water, saving electricity, reducing the use of plastic, conservation of non-renewable resources, conserving the different flora and faunas, taking steps to reduce pollution, etc.

Creating awareness among the public through different programs, dramas, etc., can also be helpful to save Mother Earth.

To save our Mother earth, it is important to move on to a more sustainable way of living. Sustainable means we should keep the resources and use them wisely keeping in mind that our future generations should also be getting a part of it. This type of thought will help us to use nature, care for it more and ultimately save Mother Earth.

Our beautiful planet Earth is 4.543 billion years old. Arguably, it is the only planet which has thriving life. Scientists around the world claim that the Earth has moulded itself, such that different living species can thrive on it and hence aptly it is called as the Mother Earth.

Grave Issues:

Every year 22 nd April is celebrated as the ‘Earth Day’ to create awareness on environmental issues. But it is indeed a matter of serious concern that our planet is facing large scale issues for its survival. The cradle of life on Earth is Oxygen and it is provided by the lush green trees. The biggest menace in recent times is the rapid deforestation that has resulted in colossal climate change. Horrendous calamities like Tsunami, typhoons, volcano eruption, drought, sudden downpour of heavy rainfall and many more are witnessing around the year.

The resilient shield of our planet that protects us from harmful UV rays coming from the Sun is the Ozone Layer in the Stratosphere of our atmosphere. Greenhouse gasses released from the Earth are damaging the Ozone layer by creating Black Holes. So many beautiful species of Animals and Birds like the Indian Cheetah and the Pink headed Duck are extinct due to heavy hunting and human intrusion in wildlife. The National Animal of India, the Bengal Tiger is on the brink of extinction.

Measures to be taken:

Stringent measures must be adopted to save our planet from the havoc created by climate change. In India mostly all of the Forests are under government jurisdiction of the Central and State Forest Departments. The Indian Government has enforced various projects for forest conservation and projects like the SAVE TIGER PROJECT for Conservation of wild animals. The Green India Mission, (nodal agency MoEFCC), is launched under the National Action Plan for Climate Change NAPCC to mitigate the effects of climate change.

The Swatch Bharat Abhiyan embarked on October 2, 2014 at Rajghat, New Delhi has been the biggest cleanliness drive ever undertaken in India. To save the environment Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi gave the edifying mantra ‘Pehle Shauchalaya, Phir Devalaya’ (first toilets, then temples) to encourage hygienic practices. Various NGOs (Non-Government Organizations) in India are actively working to educate common people on environment preservation.


Mahatma Gandhi once said, “What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and one another”. All Indians must pledge to contribute in every way possible by adopting environmentally friendly lifestyle to conserve the environment and save Mother Earth.

Which planet do you consider as the most beautiful planet in our solar system? For most of us, the answer to this question would be our own planet Earth. Such is the beauty of the Earth that is has allowed so much life to originate and sustain on its soil. For India, especially Earth is regarded not just as a planet alone, but it is treated as our mother. But do we really care about our mother as we should really do? Are we not responsible for the deteriorating resources and condition of our mother Earth?

Why should we save our mother earth?

Our planet is vital for our survival. Had it not been for the abundant resources available on Earth along with the adequate atmosphere containing gases, especially oxygen and carbon-dioxide, we would not have been able to flourish on this planet. Therefore, should we not be instrumental in saving our mother Earth when it is fighting for its existence and that due to our own misdeeds?

What led to the damage on the earth?

In the older times, individuals were not associated with damaging works, so there was no dread of contamination and other ecological issues. After the steady growth in the population, individuals began creating urban communities and ventures for the advanced way of life and simple life for everybody. For industrialization, man got the hang of abusing the common assets past the limit.

Individuals got engaged with deforestation which brought about the elimination of different wild creatures, contamination, and a dangerous global warming. Because of the unnatural weather change, the defensive ozone layer got a gap, ascend in ocean level, liquefying of ice tops of Antarctica and Greenland, and so on negative changes happened.

Measures to Save the Earth:

There are different simple ways which can be useful in saving our mother earth. We should spare woods through afforestation and reforestation. Plants are the most essential need of life whether people, creatures or other living things. They give us sustenance, oxygen, protection, fuel, medications, security, and furniture. They are exceptionally important to keep up the regular harmony between condition, atmosphere, climate, and environment. We should also deal with the natural life by halting deforestation and advancing reforestation.

A great number of animal groups and feathered creatures have been wiped out as a result of the annihilation of their environment. They are extremely important to adjust the evolved way of life in nature and save our mother Earth. The favourable conditions available on our mother Earth for our survival have been reduced continuously because of deforestation, industrialization, urbanization, and contamination.

It is affecting the lives through a worldwide temperature alteration and atmosphere changes in light of the release of carbon dioxide and other ozone-harming substances in the atmosphere. There is an urgent requirement to change urban communities into Eco-urban communities to keep up the environmental equalization in the air. The respective governments of the bigger and wealthier nations need to cooperate as well to bring worldwide changes. Then only we can have a better Earth and a better tomorrow for our next generations.

The earth is home for all of us and it is our responsibility to ensure that it is sustained and minded. Earth has been termed “mother nature” or “mother earth” basically because of its productive, nurturing and life-giving nature, which is complimentary to the roles of a mother. The earth is kind to humans but humans are ungrateful and they return unkindness to it by destroying it.

Destruction of nature was first observed in early 19 th century and it has been progressive and extensive such that campaigns like “save mother earth” have been initiated. The destruction in nature began with the industrialization and modernization, whose processes caused a change in the physical and biological nature of the earth and the ecosystem. Through modernization, natural habitats have been destroyed in attempts to come up with modern structures. Pollution is generally due to human activity. Since humans cause the destruction of Mother Earth, they should be equally responsible for saving Mother Earth.

The Importance of Saving Mother Earth:

In as much as the destruction of earth affects the animate and the inanimate objects on the surface of the earth and it is important that nature is restored. The earth is all we have, without it, life would not be imaginable. The beauty of nature is what we live for as humans. Imagine the sunrise you smile at in the morning gone or the oceans waves that give you peace all gone? It would be very ugly out there and nothing to admire as nature is gone. In the campaign to save mother earth, the ultimate goal is to sustain the remaining nature and restore those that are destructed.

Human life is dependent on breathing fresh and clean air. The air pollution that is currently trending shows how much contamination is in the air we breathe. Planting of trees is a way of restoring clean air because more oxygen will be released to the atmosphere by trees as they take in carbon dioxide. It is important to save the earth because of the provisions that help sustain animal and human life especially food and water. Water pollution is a worrying situation because water is an essential life sustaining provision of mother earth.

Ways of Saving Mother Earth:

Efforts made to save mother earth are focused on restoration of nature and mitigation of destruction of nature. In preventing further destruction through pollution of the environment, policies like recycling of all things that can be recycled have been implemented globally. Things like plastic bags and bottles are not biodegradable and therefore disposal is discouraged that is why emphasis on recycling has been made. Conservation of environmental resources through conservative measures. The conservative measures include sparingly using energy and water.

The other way of saving mother earth is through education so that people are aware of the importance of nature, which will motivate them to contribute in the process. It is important to participate in the cleaning actions whereby we do not throw away trash and pick up any trash we find laying around inappropriately. Planting trees is a very effective way of saving the earth because through trees, oxygen is replenished, rain formation is enabled and soil is protected from erosion. Wildlife protection is also a way of preserving nature because wildlife forms a part of the beautiful nature and their existence is important.

The environment occupies majority of the earth and its destruction has been massive over the years. Environmental pollution affects the ecosystem and causes adverse effects to animate and inanimate objects on earth. Environment can be saved by controlling and preventing pollution. The cleaning act can also be implemented so as to get rid of pollutants that are already in the environment.

Undoing the damage of pollution of the environment is a tasking responsibility that is mandatory for the general wellbeing of the earth inhabitants. Through the process of restoring nature, challenges are faced especially in those natural aspects that are somehow impossible to restore e.g., the ozone layer. The ozone layer is destroyed yet restoration does not seem to be made a reality.

In conclusion, the journey to save mother earth is still at its early stages but through the strategies that have been put in place, it is possible to restore Mother Earth and protect it. In the quest to save the earth, further destruction should be prevented so that the efforts made have an impact. The earth basically has everything that sustains our existence and that is why it is important to save it from extinction.

Our earth is our mother. It infuses life within and nourishes us to grow. And in return, asks for nothing but love and care. For the past few decades, harmful human activities have damaged our planet Earth in many ways. The useful natural resources are diminishing at a rapid rate and the living conditions are becoming worse.

More than 3/4th of the earth is covered with water and the rest is land made of various geographical features, such as mountains, valleys, plateaus, etc. There are two types of resources used by human beings.

The renewable resources include the sunlight, wind, soil etc., which are available abundantly. Whereas the non-renewable resources include oil, gas, fossil fuel, coal, forests, metals, and minerals, etc., the supply of which is quite limited.

Human Activities Resulting in Damage to Mother Earth:

1. Man-Made Disasters:

To satisfy our reckless needs and self-interests, we have exhausted most of the non-renewable resources of the earth. As a result, not only we have depleted all these precious energy sources but also degraded the quality of life for other living beings as well. For instance, compensating the fuel needs for the growing population and a countless number of vehicles, many oil wells have been exhausted.

2. Earthquakes and Air Pollution:

The maddening demand for fossil fuels such as coal and ores has led to consistent digging and mining of the land. This is one of the major reasons behind the frequent catastrophic earthquakes. On top of that, the fumes and gases produced by the combustion of these fuels have increased the pollution level in the air and caused global warming at a serious level.

3. Deforestation:

Likewise, the expanding wants of land for inhabitation purposes, for setting up factories, and buildings have resulted in enormous deforestation. More and more trees are being cut to clear the land and build homes. Its negative effects are plenty. Deforestation is leading to loosening of the soil which means higher chances of flood.

4. Extinction of Flora and Fauna Species:

Wild animals have no places to live. As a result, their chances of being hunted or killed also rise. This is the reason, many animal species are becoming extinct. Smaller species like honey bees, butterflies, and birds play an essential role in the survival of human beings. In the absence of vegetation, the number of sparrows and honey bees is falling rapidly.

5. Scarcity of Water:

Diminishing forest areas are responsible for inferior air and disturbed water cycle. Lack of rain creates drought and farmers face a big challenge when it comes to irrigating the crops. This again gives birth to more serious issues such as scarcity of food and clean drinking water.

6. The Use of Toxic Materials:

The widespread dependency on plastic products is nothing less than a curse. Its repercussions are clearly visible now. Plastic is non-degradable and now it has reached everywhere. From the biggest species of whales to cows to the small birds, all have fallen victim to its aftermath.

Measures Taken To Save Our Earth:

To deal with these grave concerns, both developed and developing countries have started taking some major steps. Cancellation of license in case an organization fails to follow the basic guidelines of eco-friendliness is one of them.

1. Afforestation:

A lot of trees are being planted to make up for the lost vegetation. Emphasis is being given on using the natural resources carefully. People are gradually understanding the importance of using natural and renewable resources instead of non-renewable ones.

2. Use of Renewable Resources:

Solar panels, eco-friendly vehicles, recycling the garbage, and minimizing the plastic products are some of them. So many advertisements and popular slogans are being made to create awareness among the common public. If we truly love our mother earth, we must work together without any delay.

3. Water Conservation:

Water is the basis of our lives. And yet so many people in the world have no or negligible access to safe, clean drinking water. In some parts of the world, both men and women have to walk several miles to arrange water for sanitation purposes also.

As far as possible, we should never waste water. We must also teach the younger ones to close the tap when it is not in use or to use the kitchen water in the garden. During the summer season, keep some clean water in a bowl or haudi for the little birds, cows, dogs, and other such creatures.

4. Saving Electricity:

Saving electricity would also help our earth and make it less vulnerable as there is a lesser load on the earth’s natural resources. For this reason, the world celebrates what is known as the Earth Hour on the last Saturday of every March.

People in the world switch off their unnecessary lights together for an hour and display their support in saving the earth. Similarly, Earth Day is also celebrated every year on 22nd April to organize several events showing the urgency of protecting the planet.

5. Awareness in Common Public:

Today, students of all the age groups are being taught about the concept of 3Rs. This 3Rs stand for reduce, reuse, and recycle. In other words, we should reduce consumption and not allow any wastage of things such as food, water, electricity, and fuel, etc.

We should reuse materials such as bottles, old pots, cloth bags, newspapers, wood, old books, etc. And lastly, recycle all the biodegradable and eco-friendly things like an old piece of cloth, peels of vegetables and fruits, old papers, wooden stuff.

Little steps taken by one person can leave a great impact on the health of our planet. Whenever possible, walk to the nearby market. Take the stairs instead of lifts. Get your friends or colleagues to pool a car for going to the office. Be kind to the other creatures also. Plant one tree if not more.

We all should also participate in the volunteer works and make efforts to keep our neighbourhood and planet clean and green. Instead of throwing it away, recycle the kitchen garbage. Remember to arrange for a regular servicing of your vehicles.

Discourage the use of polythenes and other plastic materials. Take a cloth bag when going for grocery shopping. Conserve water and inspire others to do so as well. Save your mother earth!

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Humanity’s Attachment to Mother Earth


Caring for the Earth and for our environment seems to have been a notion dear to humankind since the dawn of time. Even to this day, many of those societies that are deemed “primitive” for having retained elements of a lifestyle that most human societies abandoned millennia ago exhibit, to some degree, a sense of protection of the Planet.

Nowadays, global climate change and environment and wildlife protection have never been more talked about, with the prospect of humankind irremediably damaging our Home. At the same time, this destruction of our environment is taking its toll on us: some natural resources such as oil, soil and fisheries are being used up, and subsequently conflicts and entrenched hunger are being exacerbated by this scarcity.

Our profligate use of the Planet is backfiring on us psychologically, as if we had a latent need to empathize with Earth’s condition, as if it were a person. Others even dare speak of a “Nature Deficit Disorder” in children.

As a clinical psychologist, I attempt to build theories about human emotions based on contact with individuals. I have been wondering about the implications of seeing the Planet as having a direct, spiritual and psychological relationship with every single one of us. Using the framework of psychoanalysis, symbolisms, and a touch of ecological philosophy, as well as research on ecology, I shall try to offer a perspective on the use of culture in our fight to protect our Earth.

Mother Earth

Symbols and depictions of Earth as a nurturer have been long present in human societies. For example, the Yggdrasil tree from Germanic mythology connects different parts of the world, and is revered by the gods themselves as a source of holiness and a symbol of life and power. In that same mythology, it is from two trees that mankind has been created, from the raw fabric of nature. The Christian Bible holds the creation of our species in the clay, an element born from the soil itself.

The Yggdrasil tree, from Germanic mythology, connects different parts of the world and is revered by the gods themselves as a source of holiness and a symbol of life and power.

Also, it is not uncommon to see the Earth being prayed to, and being invoked, as being the “Mother of Life”, and the mother of all living things in its dominion. Various peoples long to return to her, to her embrace, and bury their bodies in her, tying their souls with her mercy. Indeed, with such a focus on giving life and providing for us, no wonder that across many cultures, fertility deities are goddesses sharing a deep affinity with the Earth. They are portrayed as mothers, answering the prayers of their offspring.

Philosopher Mircea Eliade proposed a reflection about the “Mother Earth”. He compared Earth to the mother, on a symbolic level. Just like the mother, it is the first object of attachment that we encounter in the objective world. Earth holds us like a mother, it nurtures us like a mother does, providing food, chemicals, wood, and answering our every need in a seemingly omnipotent way, akin to the vision an infant has of its all-powerful mother until it has grown enough to fend for itself.

Moreover, clinical experience has demonstrated instances when patients separated from their homeland (immigrant workers, refugees, nomads) exhibit symptoms of depression and anxiety, echoing the situation of a child deprived of its mother’s care. The similarity comes from the feeling of abandonment from the loss of a familiar, known, secure, gratifying object.

Psychoanalyst Melanie Klein theorized, from her observation of babies, that an infant at some stage fears that it has “damaged” its mother by clinging to her and feeding off her, and this causes the child to enter a phase of depression subsequent to so much guilt. This guilt actually allows us to mature enough and form a psyche that can both withstand frustration and develop an ability to feel remorse.

Are we moved enough by the plight of the planet to question ourselves, deal with depression and make amends at the same time?

This would mean that guilt and the ensuing need to “repair” are experienced at the very early moments of our life. While these theories are quite controversial, the central message is that humankind is capable of developing a stable psyche because of our very deep capacity to feel bad about our actions, and to delve into a more ”gentle” identity and accept to make amends by learning, by “being good”, and then by repairing the damage we have caused. As children, we thrive on a “good enough mother” , rather than an all-powerful mother, and the guilt from damaging the mother, by claiming too much from her — in another form of all-powerfulness — is one step towards socialization and the integration of norms and values.

In practice, it is often very apparent in adults how many of their everyday actions have a source in their early interactions with their mothers. In regards to Earth, this is something that is quite apparent too: we do feel deeply moved by the consequences of our use of Earth and our all-powerfulness towards her.

One main question remains though: are we moved enough by the plight of the planet to question ourselves, deal with depression and make amends at the same time? If we are not, we should think of ways to allow ourselves to be moved by those feelings so familiar and yet so terrifying because they force us to confront the possibility that we are in fact powerless and our ultimate fear of becoming victims of something we cannot control at all — the revenge of she who created and fed, and on whom we depend for everything.

Culture as a mediator

Since the times of the ancient Egyptians, and even before, culture and its practice were a means to give hope to humankind by reassuring us about death, the separation from life and its benevolent sources, through rituals and rites. Various civilizations have harvest rites in order to honor the Earth: they have not only ecological and economic benefits, but also psychological ones. By recreating with symbols and reenactments our fantasies of immortality and reunion with the First Object, the Territory of Ultimate Gratifications, we create a psychic phenomenon that comforts us.

Moreover, cultural norms — delivered through the rites of passage and rituals — allow human beings to put a distance between them and topics too painful to deal with at an individual level, such as death and separation. By providing rules through which to respond to these situations, culture both protects and heals; it has the ability to connect with our deepest emotions.

From the Amazonian Yanomani, to the arctic Inuits, to the Namibian San, and even for people in urban areas, deep down we all harbour feelings of belonging to “a land”, and belonging to “the land”. Indeed, attachment to a place, to a scenery, to a soil that has nurtured us for generations, is one of the contributors to our sense of safety and our psychological stability. This need for a locus to lean on is vital to human existence.

Eco-activist and Noble Prize recipient Wangari Maathai was among the most audible voices arguing for a reconsideration of nature as an object deserving dignity and respect, and retribution. Personifying Earth, Maathai seems to be calling for a broader perspective on ecological issues, going beyond the traditional economic worries, and underlining the fight for our humanity and what exactly makes us human, through the fight for our Planet.

From the Amazonian Yanomani, to the arctic Inuits, to the Namibian San, and even for people in urban areas, deep down we all harbour feelings of belonging to “a land”, and belonging to “the land”.

The Chipko movement , led by Indian women, is an interesting example of very concrete activism, drawing on a humanization of nature and ideas of female empowerment. The Chipko movement emerged during the 70s as a form of non-violent ecological activism. Its members gathered to literally hug trees in order to prevent them being cut for industrial use. One of the movement’s supporters is renowned Indian philosopher and eco-feminist Dr. Vandana Shiva . Dr. Shiva linked the concerns of women to those of nature, stating that both were victims of a male-dominated, patriarchal society. In that vision, nature is brought back to its feminine aspect, and through identification with “her”, an emotional movement comes to life, to defend quite worldly causes.

To this day, some cultures of the world have retained a socially enforced protection of nature. That is to say that in their core cultural practices, they showcase ecological “militantism”.  The traditional bamanan society of Mali — among others — have a Totemic cult for every family. Based on one’s last name, people would be required to care for and protect a particular animal species. That allowed for a “quota” of killing in every animal population and actually regulated the biodiversity at the same time. Tales tell of instances when someone would transgress the totem and become “mad” as a curse. This might have been an expression of guilt over the breaking of sacred covenants. This example illustrates a will to interlink the fate of humans with nature, to such an extent that a person would socially or mentally alienate themselves when severing ties with nature.

Lights, camera, inaction

So, how could we use those timeless values with our current cultural productions to cater to our Mother Earth? One obvious medium, as a recent article on the rise of environmental documentaries has suggested, is through film.

French journalist Eric Neuhoff stated in a controversial review of French eco-activist Nicolas Hulot’s documentary Le Syndrome du Titanic that, after watching the movie, he simply wanted to pollute more. The main argument of Neuhoff’s review was that the movie was so disheartening in its depiction of the current global ecological situation that it actually sent out the message that it was too late and that the planet was doomed to die. In that documentary, Hulot chose to show vivid images of major ecological crises and their impact on food (for instance, droughts in Africa), and animals (carcasses in the wild), all the while only scarcely commenting, letting viewers emotionally engage with the matters at hand. Many critics praising the initiative also complained about the overall execution of the movie.

That contrasts with the film Home by Yann Arthus Bertrand , available free online, and its gorgeous images of our home, the Earth. Home garnered massive acclaim from both critics and viewers, as a message of “Love to Earth”, and optimistic affirmation of the need to protect it.

One major risk that all documentaries face is that they join the chorus of constant activism which may become tiresome for audiences after a while. One question we may raise is whether such frontal endeavours are not hindering the appeal to masses in this matter of environmental activism. Home’s message, however great the execution may have been and however legitimate the overall intention was, was deemed quite simplistic at times by critics, in that it mirrored the many, constant political speeches about the need to protect our home.

In integrating culture into the fight for the Earth through movies and other forms of cultural expression such as video games or music, we might have an opportunity to tap into deeper levels of attachment to our planet by speaking directly to our emotions. At present, activism is speaking mainly to rational thoughts about environmental decline and our associated guilt and fear.

Sure, betting on fear might be considered a useful tactic, but it bets on our anxiety towards the unknown. We could bet instead on the gratifying feelings of security and nurturing that lead us to love the Earth, and find our way in vows of love, protection of the Great Mother who we have damaged so much.

Ultimately, however, by appealing to emotions in addition to hard facts, through the magic of our cultural institutions, we can assist communities to find the strength necessary, to be empowered, ecologically savvy individuals, part of a global movement to save our collective mother, Earth. This should include communication through art forms such as cartoons, or video games, that have been categorized as “lowly” for some time. My own experiences as a clinical psychologist involved in “video game therapy” have opened my eyes on the many wonderful uses some superficially simple game may have when used properly.

So, should we be hugging trees to feel better on a psychological level? Maybe in a near future, we will each be put in charge of our own totem that we will have to protect and honour in our everyday life. At the very least, we know that educating individuals from an early age to be aware of nature, by drawing upon our emotional connection to nature and our cultural platforms, has proven useful in human societies before.

Oumar Konare

Oumar Konare is from Mali and is a former intern in the United Nations University Institute for Sustainability and Peace (UNU-ISP). After earning the title of clinical psychologist in France, he is now researching “The function of religion in the Muslim population of Mali” for his Ph.D. thesis. Konare’s interests include religious studies, culture and cultural practices as therapy, psychology in social and political contexts, and ethnic and group identity questions in the modern world.

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Essay on Save Mother Earth

Students are often asked to write an essay on Save Mother Earth in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Save Mother Earth


Mother Earth is our home, giving us life and everything we need. However, we are causing harm to it through pollution and deforestation.

Why Save Mother Earth?

How can we help.

Small actions can make a big difference. We can plant trees, recycle, and reduce our energy use. Everyone’s effort counts in saving our planet.

Let’s respect and care for Mother Earth. It’s our responsibility to ensure its preservation for future generations.

250 Words Essay on Save Mother Earth

Introduction: earth, our mother.

Earth, the only planet in the universe known to harbor life, is often referred to as ‘Mother Earth’ due to its ability to sustain life. Yet, human activities have instigated a chain of environmental crises threatening our very existence.

The Plight of Mother Earth

The industrial revolution, while propelling human civilization forward, has also led to unprecedented environmental degradation. Deforestation for urbanization and agriculture leads to loss of biodiversity, while excessive consumption of fossil fuels results in global warming and climate change.

Consequences of Neglect

The consequences of neglecting our Mother Earth are severe. Rising global temperatures are causing polar ice caps to melt, leading to rising sea levels and extreme weather events. The loss of biodiversity is disrupting ecosystems and threatening food security. If we continue on this path, our planet may soon become inhospitable.

Our Role in Saving Mother Earth

As the architects of this environmental crisis, it is our responsibility to rectify our actions. We must adopt sustainable practices in every aspect of our lives, from consumption to waste management. Governments and corporations must prioritize green technologies and renewable energy sources over fossil fuels.

Conclusion: A Call to Action

500 words essay on save mother earth.

The Earth, our home, is a unique planet in the vast universe, capable of supporting life. Over the centuries, the human race has been exploiting this bountiful planet for its resources, leading to severe environmental degradation. The need of the hour is to “Save Mother Earth” to ensure the survival and wellbeing of future generations.

Understanding the Damage

Our planet is facing unprecedented challenges due to human activities. Deforestation, pollution, overpopulation, and climate change are some of the key issues that are causing irreparable harm to our environment. Rapid industrialization and urbanization have led to the excessive use of natural resources, leaving a significant carbon footprint. The loss of biodiversity, melting glaciers, rising sea levels, and increasing global temperatures are alarming signs of the damage we have inflicted on our planet.

Steps towards Preservation

Despite the grim situation, it is not too late to reverse some of the damage. To save Mother Earth, we must adopt sustainable practices. The first step is to reduce, reuse, and recycle. By cutting down on what we throw away, we can reduce the amount of waste that ends up in our landfills and oceans.

Next, we should switch to renewable sources of energy like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. These sources are not only abundant but also less harmful to the environment compared to fossil fuels.

Role of Technology

In the digital age, technology can play a vital role in saving our planet. Advanced technologies like AI and IoT can help monitor environmental conditions and predict potential hazards. They can also help optimize resource usage, reduce waste, and promote sustainable practices.

Collective Responsibility

In conclusion, saving Mother Earth requires a global effort. It’s time to shift from a culture of consumption to a culture of conservation. We must remember that we do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children. Therefore, it is our responsibility to return it to them in a condition that is as good, if not better, than we found it. By adopting sustainable practices, leveraging technology, and taking collective action, we can ensure the survival and prosperity of future generations on this beautiful planet.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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A Smithsonian magazine special report


A new way for stewardship of mother earth: indigeneity.

Smithsonian geographer Doug Herman proposes a return to sustainable solutions, based on the path laid by Indigenous peoples for millennia

Doug Herman

Doug Herman


“The sail plan we’re on is not sustainable.” These are the words Nainoa Thompson , navigator of the Hawaiian voyaging canoe Hōkūleʻa , used to explain why that canoe was embarking on its current voyage around the world: the “sail plan” of modernity is destroying our ability to live on this Earth, and the time to act is now. As a microcosm of the Earth, the voyaging canoe is a perfect model and metaphor for how to live on this planet. There is even a Hawaiian proverb, “The canoe is an island, the island is a canoe.” The same principles apply in both cases, and for the Earth as a whole: we are limited to one vessel, with nowhere else to go. What we have is all we have. How do we make it sustainable?

The navigator uses both the stars in front and the stars behind to set his course. If we are to understand where we are going, we must also look at where we have come from, in order to understand the sail plan we are on. How did we get to where we are now? And how do we change course?

In the past, all our ancestors used knowledge and wisdom derived over generations, to understand how to live in specific environments using various technological, social and cultural means. They understood their dependency on the Earth and its inhabitants, and they looked to ensure abundance for the future.

The Protestant Reformation, the Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution changed the way the Western world understood itself and its relationship to the Earth. At the outset of the Scientific Revolution, it was important to separate science and intellectual thought from the ideological constraints of the Church. But from there, a new tradition of reason and rationality took hold. One might presume that being “rational” is a good thing. Unfortunately, the specific kind of rationality—which I call rationality with small “r”—is the root of our problem.

A New Way for Stewardship of Mother Earth: Indigeneity

The new intellectual model held that reason needed to be free from all “corrupting” influences—not just political and economic forces, but also emotions, imagination and human values. Within that framework, all forms of philosophy and spiritual inquiry, as well as the arts and literature, were deemed “unscientific.” Only that which could be validated empirically or proven mathematically fell into the realm of science and reason.

That served an important purpose at the time, but should have been a stepping stone rather than an end point in the acceptable methods of pursuing knowledge. The elevation of this form of “rationality” had enormous impacts on the split between science, culture and nature that can be directly linked to our current environmental crises.

As environmental philosopher Val Plumwood put it, reason was taken as characterizing the authentically human, creating the “supposedly sharp separation, cleavage, or discontinuity between all humans and the nonhuman world, and the similar cleavage within the human self.” The authentic human self became defined not as part of the natural, or physical or biological realm (or at best, as a special and distinct part) but sharply divided from those realms. Nature is not only alien and oppositional to humanity, but usually hostile and inferior.

The result is what environmental scholar Carolyn Merchant called “The Death of Nature,” and sociologists such as Max Weber and Theodor Adorno called the “disenchantment of the world.” It is a reductionism that poses a “mindless meaningless materialist universe open to endless unrestricted manipulation and appropriation: nature is the suppressed slave collaborator—a mere resource, or transparent enabler of projects, ” wrote Plumwood in 2009. As the Industrial Revolution picked up steam in the late 18th-century, it was essential that nature be understood not as animate, but raw materials for mass production.

A New Way for Stewardship of Mother Earth: Indigeneity

This “rationality” also brought in the model of Homo economicus : economic man. Rather than focus on the community, the economic man seeks to do whatever he can to maximize his own personal benefit. This is called “economic rationalism,” and is the foundation of most modern economic theory. It’s best exemplified by Garrett Hardin’s Tragedy of the Commons , which we are indeed facing now.

Of course, Europeans never had the sole claim to systematic knowledge. Cultures everywhere have sustained themselves by developing systematic knowledge of planting, hunting, weather and climate, environmental conditions, medicine and health care, navigation and engineering—the list is extensive. So why are these not “science”? The short answer is, because the discourse of rationality tells us they are not—because they do not come from the European tradition of reason. It is still the legacy of colonialism that traditional lifeways, worldviews and understandings are seen as backwards and irrational, if not heathen. This thinking still colors our worldview and our acceptance of what is knowledge and what is not.

But there is also, coming from the Enlightenment, the parallel trajectory of the rationalization of human rights: questioning why one man should have power over another, rejecting the Divine right of kings in favor of democracy, leading to the rejection of slavery and colonialism, and producing the ever-broadening discourse of civil rights. The progression of human rights has been a crucial and outstanding part of the evolution of humanity. Just as rationality was needed to break free from the intellectual tyranny of the church, human rights are needed to end other forms of tyranny.

But it also brought its own problems that are directly relevant to the climate crisis today. Human rights strengthened the modern focus on the individual. Each of us has inalienable rights. We have no inalienable responsibilities. The linking of “rights” with “profitability” echoes profoundly in our society today: it is perceived by some, perhaps by many Americans, that we have a right to make as much money as possible, and that no laws or regulations should stand in the way.

A New Way for Stewardship of Mother Earth: Indigeneity

Modern culture as we know it really emerged in the United States shortly after the turn of the 20th-century. As industrialization moved into full swing, and people increasingly moved from rural to urban areas, the cultural transformation we now call “modernization” began to take place. Writers such as Virginia Woolf and others noted in the early 1900s that human character had changed. “The rise of mass production and high consumption began to transform the life of the middle class itself,” wrote the preeminent Harvard sociologist Daniel Bell , with the Protestant ethic being replaced by what he called a “materialistic hedonism.”

This new culture was distinct in that it was not connected to traditional family or community values, or to religion in any conventional sense, or even to democracy. As historian William Leach puts it , “The cardinal features of this culture were acquisition and consumption as the means of achieving happiness; the cult of the new; the democratization of desire; and money value as the predominant measure of all value in society.”

Nonetheless, this new culture continued the stance of its Western antecedents by equating itself with Civilization, implying that anything else is uncivilized. With the end of World War II, this culture was spread around the globe in the form of “development,” a scheme overtly aimed at raising standards of living in poorer countries, and succeeding in some significant ways. But—either incidentally or covertly, as you care to believe—linking the rest of the world into a market economy that keeps accelerating the rapacious exploitation of the natural world.

This has been an incredibly fast, incredibly radical, and incredibly destructive transformation. What is clear is that the worldview that is commonly accepted as “rational” today is actually the result of specific historical, cultural and economic forces, not a natural product of intellectual inquiry.

In fact, this worldview is not “rational” at all. Environmental activist Val Plumwood argues that the human-centeredness of this so-called rational thinking “is not in the interests of either humans or non-humans, that it is even dangerous and irrational.” It disenables us from understanding “our embeddedness in and dependency on nature,” distorting “our perceptions and enframings in ways that make us insensitive to limits, dependencies and interconnections of a non-human kind.” We have become unable to “see ourselves as part of ecosystems and understand how nature supports our lives…. This failure” she states, “lies behind many environmental catastrophes….”

It has fostered an ideology of environmental exploitation that was hitherto unheard of and even anathema to most peoples on Earth. All of our ancestors would have found it horrific if they could see us now. As it ignores that on which our very survival is based, it is actually not rational at all. Dan Wildcat, author of the book Red Alert! Saving the Planet with Indigenous Knowledge , calls it the path of “self termination.”

A New Way for Stewardship of Mother Earth: Indigeneity

I want to propose Rationality with a Capital R. This form of rationality reclaims the knowledge, insights and wisdom which were thrown out in the Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution. Because we know we can’t wear those blinders any more.

Rationality does not accept infinitely expanding consumption based on a belief that when things run out, we’ll figure something out. That’s a castle made of sand, or as Wildcat, calls it this “laying a destructive foundation.” Rationality does not involve polluting our own nest so we can keep costs down in the short term. And Rationality does not involve discounting human values and experience as “unscientific” and therefore outside the realm of data worth careful consideration. This is ideology, not Rationality.

Real rationality takes a careful look at the science of how we are living and what’s going on with our planet. It looks holistically at both at our world and at our selves and our experience of the world. It asks questions about how our values reflect our interconnection with and dependency on other beings. It seeks not just detached rationality, but transcendent meaning. And it informs our cultural practices accordingly.

All of this is to say: Culture is the cause of climate change—including the culture of Science. If we want to do something about climate change, we need to tackle it from the angle of Culture—using Science. And here is where the Hōkūleʻa voyage comes into play.

In the traditional cultures of the world, wisdom developed from careful observation and experience in places over many generations. Today, scientists are coming to recognize that Indigenous Peoples’ long-term “study” of their landscapes and ecosystems have produced valuable knowledge, as their observational time frame is not five or ten years, but generations.

Most importantly, traditional cultures produce the wisdom to ensure survival. They embrace that we are part of the Earth, and depend on it, and depend on each other and all the nations of beings that inhabit this earth. And they think towards the future, and plan accordingly.

A New Way for Stewardship of Mother Earth: Indigeneity

Instead of more modernity, or post-moderity, we need what we might call “indigeneity.” All of our ancestors were indigenous once, somewhere. Indigeneity is a way of being in the world: being indigenous to a place means having a depth of knowledge, understanding and connection to that place. Indigeneity also includes a sense of stewardship and responsibility for managing that place and working respectfully with its non-human inhabitants. Prior to that shift away from agrarian society that took place with the Industrial Revolution, most people on this planet retained some degree of Indigeneity under this definition.

This is not a romantic notion. Romanticism was indeed a 19th-century backlash against the culture of reason, but times have changed. Instead, we need what Dan Wildcat calls “Indigenous Realism.” We have science, and it’s good, it’s strong, it’s powerful. We have technology, which can be used wisely or not. And we have traditional cultural values to tell us what wisdom is. It’s time to put these all together.

It is not “romantic” to say that we are interconnected with and part of the Earth—to use the Lakota phrase “all my relatives” in referring to the soil, the rocks, the water, the air, the plants and the animals. This is science. We are one with our environment. The boundary between our bodies and our environments is not just permeable, but a blur of movement as components from Earth, Air, Water and Fire cycle through us. We partake of, and contribute to, the hydrological cycle, atmospheric circulation, the nutrient cycle and the mineral cycle. We embody, and return to, the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms. We are what we eat, drink and breath, and we share those elements with the rest of the Earth. Even our DNA tells us that we are related to all other species on the planet. The Lakota phrase “all our relatives” becomes a scientific reality when we consider this. And when we think of the world as “relatives” rather than “resources,” we will treat it differently.

A New Way for Stewardship of Mother Earth: Indigeneity

Now, what does the voyaging canoe teach us about living “Rationally” in the world? Remembering that “the canoe is an island, the island is a canoe,” we can take that a step further to thinking about how to live on this Earth. I have summarized this in five values .

  • ‘ Ike (Knowledge, Sight): This is the intellectual component: the science, the experience and also the insight and wisdom as well. It’s one thing to know intellectually how to navigate, for example, and another thing to be an experienced or master navigator.
  • Po‘okela (the Pursuit of Excellence): This refers to the individual striving that makes for success, but also the technological aspect: it took guilds of craftsmen to build a voyaging canoe, and for the vessel to survive the journey, the workmanship needed to be excellent.
  • Kuleana refers your area of responsibility, but also to rights.  These two go together.  If we all look after our responsibilities, everything gets done.
  • Pono means to act in a way that is balanced, not just socially, but cosmically. It is to do the right thing in any given situation, even if that is to your personal disadvantage.
  • Mālama means “to take care of.”  Take that which is your responsibility and make it thrive and flourish.  Heal it when it needs healing.  Especially, we need to look after the vessel that carries us. Hence the name of the Hōkūleʻa’s World Wide Voyage: “Mālama Honua—take care of the Earth."

Of course, all of this works best with aloha —compassionate, loving kindness. And this may be where the culture of individualism has its weakest link. But as with all of these values, it can be reclaimed if we accept that we are all in the same boat.

Today, with global interconnectivity and global environmental issues, of which climate change is the most important by far, the Earth is the canoe, the Earth is the island. It’s not just a metaphor. And we need to practice those five values that enabled survival on the canoe and on small islands. It’s time we replaced the value of self-interest with the values of living and working together. It’s time to promote a culture that unites science with wisdom. Otherwise, we are lost.

Knowledge should be about putting our best values into practice, NOT about giving everyone the freedom—and incentive—to pursue their own self-interest at the expense of others. If the Anthropocene tells us anything, it is that the Age of the Individual is over. We are all in the same boat, and that boat’s getting smaller, and leakier, and more full of trash. And that’s just not rational.

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Doug Herman

Doug Herman | | READ MORE

Doug Herman, formerly a senior geographer at the National Museum of the American Indian , specializes in the cultural knowledge of Hawaii and Pacific Islands. He is now the executive director of the Waioli Corporation in Kaua'i

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Secretary-General's message 2024

Humanity is acting like Mother Earth’s delinquent child.

We depend on nature for the food we eat, the air we breathe, and the water we drink. Yet, we have brought chaos to the natural world: poisoning our planet with pollution, wiping out species and ecosystems with abandon, and destabilising our climate with greenhouse gas emissions.

These actions harm nature, and they harm humanity. We are imperilling food production, polluting our ocean and air, creating a more dangerous, less stable environment, and holding back sustainable development.

Together, we must restore harmony with nature, embrace sustainable production and consumption, and protect ourselves from harm – creating jobs, reducing poverty and driving sustainable development as we do so. 

That means slamming the brakes on biodiversity loss, putting a stop to pollution, and slashing greenhouse gas emissions globally. It means supporting Indigenous Peoples, local communities, and others being hit hardest by the pollution, climate and biodiversity crises. It means delivering climate justice to countries on the frontline of climate chaos, and swiftly mobilising the finance and support countries need to act on climate, protect nature and promote sustainable development.

Countries must produce new national climate plans that align with limiting the rise in global temperature to 1.5 degrees Celsius. These can double as national transition plans and national investment plans, underpinning sustainable development for generations to come. And the G20 must lead a fast, fair and funded global phaseout of fossil fuels, and put a stop to nature-wrecking subsidies, such as those that underwrite runaway production of planet-choking plastics.

Repairing relations with Mother Earth is the mother of all of humanity’s challenges. We must act – and act now – to create a better future for us all.

Repairing relations with Mother Earth is the mother of all of humanity’s challenges. We must act – and act now – to create a better future for us all.” António Guterres

Op-Ed by the Secretary-General

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Essay on Save Earth: Samples in 100, 150 and 200 Words

importance of mother earth essay

  • Updated on  
  • Nov 11, 2023

Essay On Save Earth

There is a popular saying that goes, ’You don’t bite the hand that feeds you. Well, then why harm the planet that is providing for you?’ We all should know that our planet Earth is the only planet where life can exist. Our planet provides us with basic necessities such as water, air, food to eat, and much more. So if you want to save our planet Earth for yourself and for the coming future generations then do give this blog a read. Today we will be talking about how you can save your planet Earth by taking all the required measures. We have also listed some sample essay on Save Earth which will help you to talk about the same in public. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 Why is Saving Earth so Important?
  • 2 Essay on Save Earth in 100 Words
  • 3 Essay on Save Earth in 150 Words
  • 4 Essay on Save Earth in 200 Words

Why is Saving Earth so Important?

Our planet Earth is the only planet that provides us with raw materials, oxygen, food which we need for fuel, and other essential materials.  

There are a number of reasons why saving the Earth is so important:

  • Our Earth is the only planet that supports life. Despite signs of organic molecules and water on other planets and moons, life is only known to exist on Earth. There would be nowhere else for us to go if not Earth.
  • Our Earth provides us with basic necessities such as medicine, food, clean water, and air to breathe. 
  • The combustion of fossil fuels releases harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which traps heat and warms the earth. Rising sea levels, melting glaciers, and more extreme weather events are just a few of the negative effects of climate change that are already being felt.

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Essay on Save Earth in 100 Words

The only planet in the cosmos that is known to sustain life is Earth. Since it is our home, we must take care of it.

There are numerous reasons why protecting the planet is crucial. To begin with, it is our only place of residence. There won’t be somewhere else for us to go if we destroy Earth. Second, Earth gives us food, water, air, and shelter—everything we require to survive. Third, a wide variety of biodiversity exists on Earth, which is vital to human health.

Unfortunately, the health of Earth is being threatened by human activity. Among the difficulties we confront are deforestation, pollution, and climate change.

To save the Earth, we can all do our part. Here are some actions you may take:

  • Cut back on the use of fossil fuels. Make more of an effort to walk or bike, drive less, and take public transit wherever you can.
  • Make the switch to alternative energy sources like wind and solar energy.
  • At home, use less energy and water.
  • Reduce trash via composting and recycling.
  • Encourage companies and groups that are engaged in environmental protection.

Both our own life and the survival of future generations depend on saving the planet. We can contribute to ensuring that our planet is healthy and habitable for many years to come by acting now.

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Essay on Save Earth in 150 Words

Since the Earth is our home, it is up to us to preserve it. However, the health of the planet is in danger due to human activity. Among the difficulties we confront are deforestation, pollution, and climate change.

The most important environmental issue of our day is climate change. Greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere, which causes the earth to warm. Among the detrimental repercussions of climate change that are already being felt are rising sea levels, melting glaciers, and an increase in extreme weather occurrences.

Pollution poses a serious threat to Earth as well. Among the materials we use to damage the air, water, and land are chemicals, plastics, and trash. Not only can pollution harm humans and wildlife, but it can also ruin ecosystems.

Deforestation is another issue. In this, the trees are removed and instead, buildings are constructed.  Forests filter water in addition to providing habitat for species and regulating the climate. Deforestation is one of the primary causes of both climate change and biodiversity loss.

We must take action to safeguard Earth from these threats. We can potentially reduce our carbon footprint by switching to renewable energy sources and consuming less energy. We can also reduce pollution by using less plastic, recycling, and composting. We can also safeguard forests by planting trees and promoting sustainable forestry practices.

Preserving the planet is essential for our own existence as well as that of future generations. To keep our world safe, each of us has a responsibility.

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Essay on Save Earth in 200 Words

The only planet in the solar system where humanity can survive is Earth. Since our planet gives us access to fundamental essentials like clean water, fresh air, and food to eat, it is our duty as humans to make sure that it is habitable for future generations.

We can see that, among all the urgent problems, one of the most significant ones that affect humanity is climate change. Among the detrimental repercussions of climate change that are already being felt are rising sea levels, melting glaciers, and an increase in extreme weather occurrences.

Pollution is another major problem. The majority of the materials that are key to pollution of the air, water, and land are harmful chemicals, plastics that are carelessly thrown away, and other materials. This is not only harmful to humans and wildlife but also to the environment. 

Deforestation is the third main issue; it is the removal of trees for construction or other purposes, like agriculture. One of the main contributors to both climate change and biodiversity loss is deforestation. Consequently, we need to act to defend Earth from these dangers. 

We hope this essay on Save Earth helped you with some knowledge of some of the pressing issues we face on a daily basis and what we can do to save our planet. 

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Clearing forest areas for agricultural, human settlement or any other commercial activities is known as deforestation.

For more information on such interesting topics, visit our essay-writing page and follow Leverage Edu ! 

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Malvika Chawla

Malvika is a content writer cum news freak who comes with a strong background in Journalism and has worked with renowned news websites such as News 9 and The Financial Express to name a few. When not writing, she can be found bringing life to the canvasses by painting on them.

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