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Italian: PhD

Graduate Program in Romance Languages and Literatures

The PhD in Italian is a highly selective program that teaches and trains students working in the field of Italian Studies. The program offers a flexible curriculum tailored to each student's interests and background that leads to a new dissertation-oriented program of study designed to achieve both a high degree of specialization and a broad understanding of Italian literature and culture. The program offers the opportunity to participate in research exchanges with major universities, including Cambridge, Verona, and Roma III, and to spend time doing research based at the University of Notre Dame Rome Global Gateway.

Updated 9/2022

  • GRE General Test optional
  • TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo for non-native speakers of English
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Official transcripts from each post-secondary institution; one must show conferral of a bachelor's degree. (Due upon enrollment)
  • Statement of intent
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Writing sample(s) - refer to program site for details

Ted Cachey Director of Graduate Studies Phone: (574) 631-6887 Email: [email protected]


Admissions to 2024-2025 PhD Programmes

Call for applications for admission to phd programmes  of national interest (din) - academic year 2024/2025 - 40th cycle .

Call for PhD programmes of National Interest (DIN) in HERITAGE SCIENCE – EARTH OBSERVATION – ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE – PEACE STUDIES has been published.

Applications must be submitted by 10 July 2024 at 23:59 pm (local time) without any exception.

Call for applications DIN PhD programmes 40th cycle - 2024_2025 (pdf)  Applications Submition Tutorial - 40th cycle_2024_2025 (pdf)


Sapienza University of Rome announces the following exam-based open call for admission to the 40th Cycle of PhD Programmes. The legal duration of all PhD programmes is three years.  Applications must be submitted by 20 June 2024 at 23:59 pm (local time) without any exception.

Call for applications 40th cycle - 2024_2025  (pdf) Applications Submition Tutorial - 40th cycle_2024_2025 (pdf)


Sapienza University of Rome published a call for pre-selection for postgraduate PhD positions with scholarships fund by China Scholarship Council . List of PhD Programmes for which it is possible to apply are indicated in the Appendix CSC XL cycle. The deadline for submission of the application is February 28th, 2024 at 12.00 a.m. (CET).


Call for pre-selection CSC XL  -  Appendix CSC XL   -   Agreement Sapienza-CSC


Le attività presentate in questa pagina sono finanziate totalmente, o in parte, dai fondi del Piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza.

L'elenco e le finalità delle attività intraprese dalla Sapienza sono descritte nella pagina dedicata Sapienza per il Pnrr .


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Doctoral programmes (PhD)

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  • Milano School of Management
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38 multidisciplinary programmes, including international programmes, on various areas and lines of research.

  • General information about PhD
  • PhD competition archive
  • Applying for admission to a PhD programme
  • Satisfaction Questionnaire
  • XLth cycle - 2024/25
  • 39th cycle - 2023/24

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Founded in 1404, the University of Turin is one of the largest and most prestigious Italian universities.

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The University of Turin offers a wide choice of study options, including many first and second cycle degree courses.


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  • Knowledge transfer
  • Third Mission
  • Quality Assessment Research

The University of Turin boasts a remarkable research tradition and is deeply involved in promoting scientific research and innovation.


  • UniTo and the international dimension
  • Students' mobility
  • Teachers and Researchers' Mobility
  • International academic programs
  • International cooperation
  • Marco Polo projects
  • Italo-French University
  • UNITA – Universitas Montium

A look at the development of international relations at the University of Turin, including double degree programs and many international cooperation agreements.


Take advantage of the numerous resources and services created to help students during their time at the University.

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Reggia di Venaria

Enjoy Turin's baroque historical centre and its cultural offering including royal palaces, residences, museums and so on, and benefit from the facilities of a modern city.  Cultural tourism, sports and higher education are just some of the city assets.

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The Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy, “Dottorato di ricerca”) is the  highest university degree  in Italy, aiming to provide the necessary knowledge, skills and research abilities to engage in  top-quality research activities  in universities, public institutions, or private bodies.

A yearly call for applications is launched to be selected for a Ph.D. Program at the University of Turin. Applicants must hold a postgraduate degree (or a foreign equivalent).

3 or 4 years  are normally needed for the completion of a doctoral program. Award of the Ph.D. is conditional upon a successful oral defense of own’s dissertation in front of an Examination Committee.

PhD programs at the University of Turin are designed and offered within the Doctoral School.  The Doctoral School coordinates the Ph.D. programs and runs joint activities.

All information for prospective PhD Candidate, as requirements to access a PhD program and the yearly call for applications, and for current PhD candidates about their PhD path, financial aid, ect, is available at the  Doctoral School website .

UniTo and the Doctoral School aim at excellence in research and training by promoting the  internationalisation  of their students, PhD programs and research activity through mobility plans, scientific cooperation networks, participation to competitive bidding. To learn more about the international dimension of UniTO and its PhD Programs, please read the related page about the  Internationalisation of PhD courses .

The PhD also represents a preferred solution for scientific collaboration between the University of Turin, non-academic institutions and private companies for exchanging knowledge and expertise in innovation. To learn more about opportunities of  collaborations between the private sector, non-academic institutions and PhD Programs  read the page dedicated to  PhD with companies and institutions .

Discover the full list of PhD programmes

International PhD programmes for supporting the mobility of PhD students

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Dottorato di Ricerca

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Attività didattiche trasversali

PhD Programme - academic year 2024/2025

The PhD is the highest level of education provided by the Italian academic system and provides the skills necessary to carry out high quality research activities at universities and public or private entities. The degree programme lasts three years. To access it you need to be in possession of a Master's degree, or an equivalent academic qualification obtained abroad, and be recognized as eligible for the admission. The University encourages both the participation of international students and relationships in a productive socio-economic system.

National Phd

  • Artificial Intelligence - Leading institution: University of Pisa
  • Sustainable Development and Climate change (PhD SDC)  - Leading institution: Scuola IUSS di Pavia
  • Autonomous Systems (DAuSy) - Leading institution: Politecnico di Bari
  • Blockchain e Distributed Ledger technology - Leading institution: University of Camerino
  • Cybersicurity - Leading institution: Scuola IMT Alti Studi di Lucca
  • Heritage Science - Leading institution: University of Roma La Sapienza ( Phd's call - 39° cycle )
  • Learning sciences and digital technologies - Leading institution: University of Foggia
  • Micro and Nano Electronics - Leading institution: University of Pavia
  • Robotics and Intelligent Machines DRIM - Leading institution: University of Genova
  • Space Science and Technology (SST) - Leading institution: University of Trento
  • Religious Studies - Leading institution: University of Modena e Reggio Emilia
  • Theoretical and Applied Neuroscience - Leading institution: University of Camerino
  • Catalysis  -  Leading institution: University of perugia
  • Life Course Research - Leading institution: University of Firenze
  • RNA therapeutics and gene therapy - Leading institution: University of Napoli Federico II
  • Polar Sciences - Leading institution: University of Ca’ Foscari of Venezia
  • Exercise and sports science - Leading institution: University of Verona
  • Innovation in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of epidemic-pandemic-risk infections - Leading institution: University of Siena ( Phd's call - 39° cycle )
  • Precision Medicine - Leading institution: University of Palermo

Physical, Chemical, Biological Sciences and Maths

Law, economics and social science, engineering, computing and data analysis, health sciences and veterinary medicine, humanities and arts.

  • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - PhD Programme joint with University of Florence, University of Siena, Institute of Clinical Physiology of National Research Council (CNR), University of Pisa. Leading institution: University of Siena
  • Physics - PhD Programme with the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN). Leading institution: University of Pisa
  • Geosciences and Environment
  • Mathematics
  • Agriculture, Food and Environment
  • Chemistry and Materials Science
  • Life Sciences - PhD Programme joint with University of Florence, National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), University of Siena and University of Pisa. Leading institution: University of Siena

Top of the page

  • Business Administration and Management - PhD Programme joint with University of Florence, University of Siena, University of Pisa. Leading institution: University of Pisa
  • Economics - PhD Programme joint with University of Florence, University of Siena, University of Pisa. Leading institution: University of Siena
  • Legal Sciences
  • Political Sciences
  • Analysis and Control of Structures and Infrastructural Works - Industrial Phd Programme with Scuola Superiore S. Anna di Pisa, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. e Autostrada dei Fiori S.p.A.
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering - PhD Programme joint with University of Florence, University of Pisa. Leading institution: University of Florence
  • Computer Science - PhD Programme joint with University of Florence, University of Siena, University of Pisa. - Leading institution: University of Pisa
  • Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction Engineering
  • Information Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Smart computing - PhD Programme joint with University of Florence, University of Siena, University of Pisa - - Leading institution: University of Florence
  • Smart Industry - PhD Programme joint with University of Florence and University of Siena - - Leading institution: University of Pisa
  • Clinical Physiopathology
  • Genetics, Oncology and Clinical Medicine - PhD Programme joint with University of Florence, University of Siena, Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, University of Pisa. Leading institution: University of Siena
  • Molecular Medicine - PhD Programme joint with University of Florence e University of Siena Leading institution: University of Siena
  • Neglected and Poverty-related Parasitic Diseases in a One Health perspective (NePParD) - PhD Programme joint with University of Camerino, University of Brescia and University of Pisa Leading institution: University of Camerino ( Phd's call - 39° cycle )
  • Neurosciences - Programme joint with University of Florence, University of Siena and University of Pisa - Leading institution: University of Florence
  • Science of Drug and Bioactive Substances
  • Clinical and Translational Sciences
  • Life Sciences - Programme joint with University of Siena, National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), University of Pisa - Leading institution: University of Siena
  • Veterinary Sciences
  • Linguistic Studies and Foreign Literatures
  • Philology and Criticism - Programme joint with University of Siena, University for Foreigners of Siena, Opera del Vocabolario Italiano (OVI) of the Italian National Research Council and University of Pisa, University of Pisa - - Leading institution: University of Siena
  • Philosophy - PhD Programme joint with the University of Florence, University of Pisa - Leading institution: University of Pisa
  • Classical Studies and Archaeology - Programme joint with University of Firenze and University of Siena, Leading institution: University of Pisa
  • History of the Arts and Entertainment - Programme joint with University of Firenze, University of Siena, University of Pisa. Leading institution: University of Florence
  • Italian studies

Leggi tutte le news

dottorato AI

  • Info about Italian visa and residency permit

Directorate of " Research and valorisation of knowledge " Graduate sector - PhD programmes

Palazzina ex albergo marzotto (dma) - Via Filippo Buonarroti, 1/c, 56127 Pisa fax: +39 050 2210620 Information: Virtual desk

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Postgraduate study

Italian PhD

Awards: PhD

Study modes: Full-time, Part-time

Funding opportunities

Programme website: Italian

Discovery Day

Join us online on 21st August to learn more about postgraduate study at Edinburgh.

Find out more and register

Research profile

Doctorate-level study is an opportunity to make an original, positive contribution to research in Italian.

Italian has been studied at the University of Edinburgh since the eighteenth century. The first lectureship in the subject was established in 1919 and, today, it is a broad area of study involving a sizeable community of teaching and research staff, language tutors, and PhD students.

We founded the Edinburgh Journal of Gadda Studies in 2000 and co-ordinate the international Edinburgh Gadda Prize. To mark our centenary in 2019, we hosted the Biennial Conference of the Society for Italian Studies.

Research excellence

In the latest Research Excellence Framework (REF 2021), our research in Italian was submitted in Modern Languages and Linguistics (Panel D - Arts and Humanities; Unit of Assessment 26).

The results reaffirm Edinburgh’s position as one of the UK’s leading research universities - third in the UK.

As published in Times Higher Education's REF power ratings, this result is based on the quality and breadth of our research in the unit of assessment.

Join our interdisciplinary community and undertake your PhD under the guidance of our experienced and well-published supervisors.

Our expertise covers most areas of Italian cultural studies from the Middle Ages to the present, including:

  • literary history and theory
  • comparative studies
  • translation
  • film studies
  • intermediality

Explore our range of research centres, networks and projects in Italian Studies

Across the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures (LLC) and the wider University, we are able to support PhD theses crossing boundaries between languages and/or disciplines.

  • Be inspired by the range of PhD research in the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures

Over the course of your PhD, you will be expected to complete an original body of work under the expert guidance of your supervisors leading to a dissertation of usually between 80,000 and 100,000 words.

You will be awarded your doctorate if your thesis is judged to be of an appropriate standard, and your research makes a definite contribution to knowledge.

  • Read our pre-application guidance on writing a PhD research proposal

Go beyond the books

Beyond the Books is a podcast from the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures (LLC) that gives you a behind-the-scenes look at research and the people who make it happen.

Listen to a mix of PhD, early career and established researchers talk about their journey to and through academia and about their current and recent research. Guests include Dr. Emanuela Patti (Series 2 - Episode 8) talking about her research at the intersection of literary, media, and cultural studies.

  • Browse Beyond the Books episodes and hear our research community talk about their work

Programme structure

Find out more about compulsory and optional courses.

We link to the latest information available. Please note that this may be for a previous academic year and should be considered indicative.

AwardTitleDurationStudy mode
PhDItalian3 YearsFull-time
PhDItalian6 YearsPart-time

Training and support

Between the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures (LLC), the Careers Service and the Institute for Academic Development (IAD), you will find a range of programmes and resources to help you develop your postgraduate skills.

You will also have access to the University’s fantastic libraries, collections and worldwide strategic partnerships.

As part of our research community, you will be immersed in a world of knowledge exchange, with lots of opportunities to share ideas, learning and creative work.

Activities include:

  • a regular seminar series in European Languages and Cultures (with masterclasses co-created by staff, students and visiting speakers)
  • film screenings
  • writers’ talks
  • networking and editorial opportunities associated with our Edinburgh Gadda Projects

Our graduates tell us that they value LLC’s friendliness, the connections they make here and the in-depth guidance they receive from our staff, who are published experts in their field.

The Main University Library holds academic books, journals and databases, including online resources such as the Edinburgh Journal of Gadda Studies.

The Library is also the home of the University's Centre for Research Collections which brings together:

  • more than 400,000 rare books
  • six kilometres of archives and manuscripts
  • thousands of works of art, historical musical instruments and other objects

Many of our Special Collections are digitised and available online from our excellent Resource Centre, Computing Labs, and dedicated PhD study space in the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures (LLC).

  • Look inside the PhD study space in LLC

In the city

As a PhD candidate at Edinburgh, which is twinned with Florence, you will be based in a world-leading festival city with fantastic cinemas, theatres, galleries, museums, and collections.

Many of the city’s resources are located close to the University's Central Area, making them very easy to access when you are on campus. For example, the Italian Cultural Institute and National Library of Scotland are both less than one km from our School. We have great links with both, and the latter has a significant collection of Italian manuscripts and books.

Most of the city centre is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, with the Old Town retaining many of its medieval buildings and streets.

There are excellent medieval, Renaissance and modern collections in the National Galleries of Scotland, including many notable works by Italian artists.

Pre-application guidance and supervision

Before you formally apply for this PhD, you should look at the pre-application information and guidance on the programme website.

This will help you decide if this programme is right for you, and help us gain a clearer picture of what you hope to achieve.

The guidance will also give you practical advice for writing your research proposal – one of the most important parts of your application.

  • Pre-application guidance

It is also advisable to have a look at the research interests and expertise of our staff. Colleagues who can supervise PhD research in Italian include:

  • Professor Davide Messina
  • Dr. Emanuela Patti
  • Professor Federica Pedriali

Explore our range of research centres, networks and projects in Italian

Entry requirements

These entry requirements are for the 2024/25 academic year and requirements for future academic years may differ. Entry requirements for the 2025/26 academic year will be published on 1 Oct 2024.

A UK 2:1 honours degree and a masters degree, or their international equivalents, in a related subject. We may also consider your application if you have equivalent qualifications or experience; please check with the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures (LLC) before you apply.

International qualifications

Check whether your international qualifications meet our general entry requirements:

  • Entry requirements by country
  • English language requirements

Regardless of your nationality or country of residence, you must demonstrate a level of English language competency at a level that will enable you to succeed in your studies.

English language tests

We accept the following English language qualifications at the grades specified:

  • IELTS Academic: total 7.0 with at least 6.5 in each component. We do not accept IELTS One Skill Retake to meet our English language requirements.
  • TOEFL-iBT (including Home Edition): total 100 with at least 23 in each component. We do not accept TOEFL MyBest Score to meet our English language requirements.
  • C1 Advanced ( CAE ) / C2 Proficiency ( CPE ): total 185 with at least 176 in each component.
  • Trinity ISE : ISE III with passes in all four components.
  • PTE Academic: total 70 with at least 62 in each component.

Your English language qualification must be no more than three and a half years old from the start date of the programme you are applying to study, unless you are using IELTS , TOEFL, Trinity ISE or PTE , in which case it must be no more than two years old.

Degrees taught and assessed in English

We also accept an undergraduate or postgraduate degree that has been taught and assessed in English in a majority English speaking country, as defined by UK Visas and Immigration:

  • UKVI list of majority English speaking countries

We also accept a degree that has been taught and assessed in English from a university on our list of approved universities in non-majority English speaking countries (non-MESC).

  • Approved universities in non-MESC

If you are not a national of a majority English speaking country, then your degree must be no more than five years old* at the beginning of your programme of study. (*Revised 05 March 2024 to extend degree validity to five years.)

Find out more about our language requirements:

Fees and costs

Scholarships and funding, featured funding.

If you are a current student or graduate of the University of Edinburgh, you are eligible to apply for a John Orr Research Award. This award of £2,300 per annum is for PhD research in any Romance literature, language or dialect.

There are a number of other scholarship schemes available to eligible candidates on this PhD programme, including awards from the Arts and Humanities Research Council.

Please be advised that many scholarships have more than one application stage, and early deadlines.

  • Find out more about the John Orr Research Award and other scholarships in literatures, languages and cultures

Other funding opportunities

Search for scholarships and funding opportunities:

  • Search for funding

Further information

  • Phone: +44 (0)131 650 4086
  • Contact: [email protected]
  • School of Literatures, Languages & Cultures
  • 50 George Square
  • Central Campus
  • Programme: Italian
  • School: Literatures, Languages & Cultures
  • College: Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences

Select your programme and preferred start date to begin your application.

PhD Italian - 3 Years (Full-time)

Phd italian - 6 years (part-time), application deadlines.

Programme start date Application deadline
6 January 2025 31 October 2024

We strongly recommend you submit your completed application as early as possible, particularly if you are also applying for funding or will require a visa. We may consider late applications if we have places available.

  • How to apply

You must submit two references with your application.

Before you formally apply for this PhD, you should look at the pre-application information and guidance on the programme website.*

Find out more about the general application process for postgraduate programmes:

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The Italian Section in Cambridge has seven full-time faculty members available to supervise doctoral research. Their research interests span a broad range of topics in the languages, literatures, visual cultures and history of the Italian peninsula, from the medieval period to the present day.

Details of individual specialisms can be found on the section’s webpages. We have a lively group of doctoral students in the section at any one time working across periods and topics, supported by careful one-on-one supervision and mentoring, in the context of a rich research culture of seminars, symposia, conferences, lectures, and postgraduate training. Visiting scholars and students from other institutions regularly contribute to the section’s research culture. Students are also free to undertake comparative work across languages and national boundaries, supported by the wide range of expertise within the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Cambridge as a whole.

In British universities the PhD (Doctorate of Philosophy) is traditionally awarded solely on the basis of a thesis, a substantial piece of writing in English which reports original research into a closely defined area of enquiry. The completion of the PhD thesis generally expected to take three to four years, and most funding is based on this assumption. It's also possible to take a part-time route through research degrees, and the expected timeframe would be five to seven years.

During your research, you will have the opportunity to work closely with a Supervisor who is a specialist in your research area. In addition to your supervisor, you will normally also be able to draw on the help and support of one further academic advisor and to consult other academics working in related fields.  You might reasonably expect to see your supervisor fortnightly or at least three times per term.

In addition to providing specialist supervision, the Faculty runs a programme of professional training for the benefit of all research students. The programme includes seminars and workshops on library resources, giving conference papers, publishing, applications and interviews, teaching skills, specialist linguistics training, and film-making. The School of Arts and Humanities runs a central programme covering a range of topics from PhD skills training, to language training and writing and editing skills. If you wish, you are likely to be given the opportunity of gaining experience in small group teaching from colleges. There may also be opportunities to gain some experience in language teaching in the Faculty.

For Cambridge students applying to continue from the MPhil by Advanced Study to PhD, the minimum academic requirement is an overall distinction in the MPhil.

For Cambridge students applying to continue from the MPhil by Thesis to PhD, the usual academic requirement is a pass in the MPhil.

All applications are judged on their own merits and students must demonstrate their suitability to undertake doctoral level research.

The Postgraduate Virtual Open Day usually takes place at the end of October. It’s a great opportunity to ask questions to admissions staff and academics, explore the Colleges virtually, and to find out more about courses, the application process and funding opportunities. Visit the  Postgraduate Open Day  page for more details.

See further the  Postgraduate Admissions Events  pages for other events relating to Postgraduate study, including study fairs, visits and international events.


This course is advertised in the following departments:

  • Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics
  • Department of Italian

Key Information

3-4 years full-time, 4-7 years part-time, study mode : research, doctor of philosophy, department of italian this course is advertised in multiple departments. please see the overview tab for more details., course - related enquiries, application - related enquiries, course on department website, dates and deadlines:, lent 2024 (closed).

Some courses can close early. See the Deadlines page for guidance on when to apply.

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These deadlines apply to applications for courses starting in Michaelmas 2024, Lent 2025 and Easter 2025.

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The Ph.D. program builds upon a broad knowledge of Italian literature and culture from the 13th century to the present (such as that acquired at the MA level), providing advanced training in the interdisciplinary field of Italian Studies, and culminating in the dissertation. Fulfilling technical requirements of residence, coursework, and examinations is not sufficient for the degree. The Ph.D. is conferred in recognition of the candidate’s overall mastery and original research and contribution.

Degree Requirements

1. residence.

The Graduate division defines academic residence as payment of registration fees and enrollment in at least 4 units in 100 or 200 series courses for a minimum of two semesters. However, the time needed for completion of the Ph.D. degree in Italian Studies is normally 4 years.

2. Registration

New and continuing students must be registered by the end of the third week of classes. The minimum enrollment requirement for all graduate students who are not yet advanced to doctoral candidacy is 12 units per semester. Of these, at least 8 are typically in graduate seminars (4-credit, 200 series courses). All fellowship recipients and students holding a GSI or GSR appointment supplemented by department funding (e.g. fee balance) must also register for a minimum of 12 units.

3. Coursework

Ph.D students in Italian Studies take 2-3 years of coursework beyond the M.A., the exact number of units depending upon the nature of their M.A. (or equivalent) experience. Students permitted to proceed after the Berkeley M.A. in Italian Studies are required to complete 28 units of coursework in the 100 and 200 series. Students entering from another institution or from another Berkeley M.A. program may be required to complete an additional 1 or 2 semesters (12-24 units) of coursework in order to broaden their training, or to fulfill outstanding requirements (for example, language).

Required courses must be taken for a letter grade and distributed as follows:

a) Primary field (minimum 8 units) : The primary field may be a two hundred year period of Italian literature and culture, or a major historical phenomenon studied over the length of the Italian tradition, i.e., a genre, like lyric or drama; a problem, like the relationship of the artist to political patronage; or an interdisciplinary phenomenon, like the interplay between poetry and music. This requirement must be met in 4 unit seminars with research papers.

b) Secondary field (minimum 8 units) : The secondary field may be a traditional discipline or an interdisciplinary field, e.g., Anthropology, Art History, Film Studies, History, Medieval Studies, Music. This requirement must be met in 4 unit seminars with research papers.

c) Prospectus Tutorial (IS 282, 4 units) : In the semester before the Qualifying Exam, students prepare a preliminary dissertation prospectus, usually under the supervision of the future dissertation chair. The provisional prospectus is a concise description (15-20 pages) of the proposed dissertation project, including: primary materials to be investigated, the approach to be taken, the project’s relation to existing scholarly work, and a comprehensive bibliography.

d) Pedagogy : Students holding language GSI appointments for the first time are required to enroll in Italian Studies 355 (Seminar in Language Pedagogy) for 4 units. Students teaching Reading & Composition courses for the first time are required to enroll in a separate, campus-mandated pedagogy seminar (College Writing 300 or Comparative Literature 360S) for 2 units. Subsequent GSI appointments require enrollment in a practicum (IS 302 or 303) for 2-4 units.

e) Individual Studies for Doctoral Students (IS 602, 1-8 units) : Students preparing for the QE can enroll in up to 8 units of Italian Studies 602.

f) Electives : Students are encouraged to explore elective courses inside and outside the department, particularly those addressing theory and method.

g) Study Abroad : Non-native speakers of Italian are eligible for department support for a semester of study at an Italian University. This is an opportunity to practice academic Italian usage and to gain familiarity with Italian approaches to scholarship, as well as to forge scholarly networks for the future.

4. Language Requirement

Before taking the QE, students are required by the Graduate Division to demonstrate advanced reading ability in two languages other than English and Italian which are indispensable for doctoral research. Typically these languages are Latin, French, German, or Spanish, but in some cases students demonstrate proficiency in others (e.g., Arabic, Albanian, Romanian, Portuguese, etc.). Most students will have completed one of the language requirements in the course of their MA. Students may pass both languages by examination, or one by examination and the other by coursework (as detailed in the MA description of requirements).

5. Provisional Prospectus

A provisional Prospectus produced in IS 282 (see above) will be submitted for approval to a committee composed of department Faculty, plus an external member agreed upon by the student and the Graduate Adviser. (The Graduate Division requires that all Ph.D. examination and dissertation committees include at least one non-departmental faculty member from the Berkeley campus.) The approval process takes place prior to the QE (usually at the beginning of the semester in which the QE is taken). Students revise and develop the prospectus beyond the QE, eventually presenting the completed dissertation prospectus at the department colloquium. In the process, they continue to consult with the eventual dissertation director and committee.

6. The Ph.D. Qualifying Examination

The Qualifying Examination is required for advancement to candidacy for the Ph.D. and the dissertation writing stage, and it usually takes place during the 4th semester after entrance to the Ph.D. program. Students are tested in three areas: the primary field and two special topics, and the examination consists of written and oral components. In order to meet the requirements of Normative Time, the QE must be taken by the end of the 8th semester of full-time enrollment at Berkeley. The student must be registered during the semester in which the QE takes place.

Examination committee : At least one year before the proposed QE date, the Graduate Adviser composes a QE committee in consultation with the student. The committee consists of at least four members of the Berkeley Academic Senate, one of whom must be in another Department. The QE chair cannot go on to chair the student’s dissertation.

Examination lists : Six months before the proposed QE date the student submits detailed proposed bibliographies for approval: a.) the primary field of specialization, and b.) two special topics. The special topics are defined in consultation with the QE committee and approved by the Graduate Adviser. At least one of them should be closely related to the student’s secondary field. The other is most often related to readings done in the Prospectus Tutorial (IS 282). Examination lists should be comprehensive with respect to primary and secondary sources. After approval, the student may request changes, but committee members cannot require alterations once the QE semester has begun. Reading lists and questions from past examinations are on file in the department library.

The written examination : The written examination consists of three sections of 8 hours each, taken within one week. Exam #1 will be on a special topic with an interdisciplinary component and a significant relation to the student’s secondary field. Exam #2 will be on a special topic deriving from the student’s primary field, in most cases with a significant relationship to the focus of the student’s dissertation. Exam #3 will be a general examination over the student’s primary field list. In each case the student will answer one question from a choice of two. The student will be informed within one week as to whether she or he has passed, and may proceed to the oral component; the committee will also provide comments in writing. If any part of the written exam is not a pass, it must be retaken before the oral can be taken.

The oral examination : takes place within two weeks of the written examination. It lasts up to three hours and covers the written examinations and the lists on which they were based. While the Prospectus is not subject to examination, the QE may conclude with a discussion of the student’s evolving plans for the dissertation. A failed exam may be repeated one time only, with approval of the exam committee and the Dean of the Graduate Division. A student who is not recommended for a retake or fails the exam a second time, is dismissed from the program.

7. Advancement to Doctoral Candidacy

Upon passing the Qualifying Examination, the student advances to doctoral candidacy by submitting the Higher Degree Committees Form (available on the student’s CalCentral dashboard). The form requires the names of the student’s dissertation committee members. A dissertation committee must include a minimum of two members of the department and one from another department (and all must be members of Berkeley’s Academic Senate). The Department may approve an all-internal dissertation committee only in special circumstances. (Reminder: the chair of a student’s oral exam cannot also chair the dissertation committee . )

Students who have advanced to candidacy must complete the Graduate Division’s Doctoral Candidacy Review each year (this is found on your dashboard in CalCentral). After you complete your sections, contact the chair of your dissertation committee to fill out their section.

8. The Dissertation Prospectus

Shortly after the QE, students meet with their committee members to review their plans for the dissertation. Before writing the dissertation, they update and revise the prospectus as called for, and submit it for approval by the department.

9. The Prospectus Colloquium

The approved prospectus is presented formally in the departmental colloquium in the semester folowing the QE. The presentation usually lasts 30 – 45 minutes and is followed by questions and comments from the group.

10. The Dissertation

The dissertation must make an original and substantial contribution to knowledge. This is usually done by the discovery of new information; the combination or synthesis of previously unconnected facts; the production of new interpretations of cultural material; the application of theory to literary, linguistic, artistic, cultural or historical phenomena; the extension of methodology characteristic of a particular discipline into the subject area of some other discipline or disciplines; or some combination of the above. It must consist of a work of connected expository prose and observe standard scholarly conventions of annotation and bibliography. While the student will seek advice from the dissertation committee (and other sources) while writing the dissertation, the final result must be his or her own unaided work. Good advice on all these matters is available in publications such as Kate L. Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations , 9th ed. (2018), and current editions of the Chicago Manual of Style and the MLA Style Manual .

No minimum (or maximum!) length is stipulated for the dissertation; but the Department of Italian Studies considers it unlikely that, in normal circumstances, a contribution to knowledge of the substance necessary for the conferral of the Ph.D. can be made in under 150 pages.

Students submit chapter drafts as they progress, and a completed draft of the dissertation must be submitted (at the latest) two months before Graduate Division’s filing deadline, allowing for final comments and revisions. The student must be registered or on Filing Fee status in order to file for the degree.

Everything you need to know about The University of California standards and regulations for preparing, organizing, and filing your Dissertation is found on the Graduate Division web page under Policies and Procedures: .

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Further information and calls for international candidates is available in the  International Programmes  section.

Online procedure for admission to the PhD course at Politecnico di Milano (40th cycle - 2024/2025 - starting September 2024)

In this page you will find the link to access the online procedure to: 

•fill the selection call application form

•check the results 

•select additional research scholarship topics 

Before accessing the online procedure please read carefully:  

1) the  call public announcement Public examination for admission to the PhD course at Politecnico di Milano (40th cycle)

2) the " Quickstart " manual for the online admission procedure 

3) the  FAQs  (frequently asked questions)

To access the online admission procedure  click here Opening on: 30th April 2024 (10am, italian time) Deadline: 30th May 2024 (2pm, italian time)

-the pages in " Prospective PhD Candidates ", in particular " Before Applying " and " How to apply "

-the page " Places and Scholarships " -the page " Areas, subjects and thematics of research published in the call " -the page " Open subject scholarships " -the page " Thematic scholarships "

-the page " Call deadlines "  

Documents that must be uploaded in the online application (in Italian or English language): 

  • Research project format  (RTF)
  • CV Template  (RTF)


For the registration of personal data, candidates are recommended to refer to the manual " Quickstart " from pag. 1 to pag. 9 

Candidates who have problems  during the registration of the personal data  can write to:  [email protected]  

For other information about the call and the admission procedures candidates are recommended to make contact only via the link " Ask for assistance " inside the online procedure.

40th cycle call: topic scholarships

The applicant, after the confirmation of an application (provided the desire to compete for a scholarship has indicated in the application), may opt for a thematic scholarship by accessing the  on-line procedure  before  2pm on 30/05/2024 .  All the information about the thematic scholarships are available in the webpage:  Thematic scholarships

Open subject Scholarships

The open subject scholarships allow for research to be carried out on all subjects linked to the PhD.

It is not possible to participate by selecting a specific open subject scholarship . The option to compete for a specific scholarship can only be made for thematic  scholarships. The research topic of each open subject scholarship will be agreed with the Board of Professors.

When applying, you must specify if you intend to compete or not for a scholarship: if you choose to compete, you’ll automatically compete for open subject scholarships.

All the information about the  open subject  scholarships are available in the webpage: " Open Subject Scholarship "

  • Applying for a PhD in Italy

Written by Taru Medha

The process of applying for a PhD in Italy can be long and complicated with a lot of steps to get through. This guide takes you through the process of applying for a PhD programme in Italy.

Do I have the right qualifications to do a PhD in Italy?

Italy follows the Bologna three-cycle framework and requires a relevant Masters degree to undertake a PhD. If you completed your Masters outside of Italy, make sure your qualifications meet the requirements to be recognised as a valid degree in Italy. It’s a good idea to contact your university of choice before you apply and ask them for a prior assessment of your eligibility.

Along with these academic/professional qualifications international students might also need to provide proof of proficiency in the language your course will be taught in:

  • If the course is taught in English : There are a number of Italian universities that provide courses in English. If your previous course was not taught in English, you can provide scores of an English language test (like IELTS or TOEFL ) to prove your proficiency. You should check the university website to know which language test is accepted and recognised.
  • If the course is taught in Italian : You will have to demonstrate a good command of the language if you opt for a course taught in Italian. Your university is likely to ask for a proficiency certificate for which you will have to take an Italian language test. There are two kinds of Italian language tests (CILS and CELI) that are administered by Universities for foreigners (Università per Stranieri)

Application process for PhD programmes in Italy

In order to be accepted on a PhD programme, you will need to pass a competitive application process, which is also available for students who have obtained their qualifications outside of Italy. Institutions will advertise doctoral opportunities (in both English and Italian) in various places, including here, on FindAPhD .

Each institution establishes the parameters of the course they offer, including the eligibility criteria, regulations, assessment, research goals and fees. This information will be included along with the advertised project or competition call.

Applications for PhD programmes are usually made online. You will need to submit the following documents as part of your application:

  • Academic documentation – this includes certificates (which you need to have acquired recognition for), academic transcript and / or CV
  • Academic references – reference letters are usually required from one or two academics that have worked with you
  • Letter of motivation / personal statement – a personal statement will need to outline your motivation for applying, your goals and why you believe you are suitable for the programme
  • Research proposal - you may be required to submit a research proposal even if you are applying for a particular project
  • Language certificate

Some universities might also ask you to submit a portfolio and a list of previous publications.

To study as an international student in Italy (non-EU/EEA) you will need to submit all these documents through the Italian embassy/consulate in your country

Once you are done, there isn’t really much left to do other than figuring out how to fund your Italian PhD and applying for a visa if you need one. You are then ready to immerse yourself in everything that Italy has to offer.

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Italian Studies

Graduate program.

The Doctoral program in Italian Studies prepares students for research and teaching positions in academic environments, and in the world of advanced thought more generally.

The program emphasizes an interdisciplinary “cultural studies” perspective, while maintaining vital links to literary-critical, philosophical, art-historical and historical disciplines. Along with intensive training in teaching language and culture at all levels, we offer our students preparation in the most recent relevant theories and methodologies, including special training in the digital humanities.

Number of Required Courses

At least 12 courses in Italian Studies are required of doctoral students. All courses must be taken at the 1000-, or 2000-level. Students in their first year typically take 8 courses (including the Colloquium which carries a credit for the year). Students in their second year take 6 courses when teaching, including the Colloquium. One of these 6 courses can be a Reading & Research (independent study) course, in preparation for the Preliminary Examination. Up to 8 credit courses (depending on the subject and including a course fulfilling one of the two language requirements) can be transferred from a  Laurea Specialistica  or M.A. in Italian Studies.  

Specific Required Courses

  • ITAL 1610 - Dante (can be replaced with ITAL 1620 with the instructor's permission)
  • ITAL 2100 - Introduction to Italian Studies
  • ITAL 2820 - Italian Studies Colloquium
  • ITAL 2900 - Teaching Methodology

Distribution Requirements

  • All students must take at least 3 courses in Medieval/Early Modern Italian Studies and 3 courses in Modern/Contemporary Italian Studies .
  • Italian literature;
  • Italian history and anthropology;
  • History of Italian art and architecture;
  • Italian film and media studies. 

NB: one course can fulfill both the chronological and the field requirement (for example: a course in Renaissance art can fulfill both the Medieval/Early Modern and history of Italian art and architecture field requirement).

  • With the approval of the DGS, distribution requirements can occasionally be fulfilled by pertinent courses taken outside the department. 

Applying to the Program

Follow the link below for more information about applying to the doctoral program in Italian Studies.

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Versione italiana

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he University of Padua coordinates 40 separate PhD Programmes; every year it welcomes between 500 and 600 new candidates, with approximately 1600 PhD candidates enrolled in a three/four-year degree programme. In order to apply for a PhD Course applicants must be in possession of a 2nd cycle degree (laurea magistrale or laurea magistrale a ciclo unico. They are also required to pass an entrance examination. An International PhD guide is now available: an handy tool to navigate your way around the University and live your experience to the fullest.

  • The International PhD guide


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PhD in Italy

University of Padua Italy

University of Padua

Phd ( animal and food science ).

  • Animal and food science
  • Arterial Hypertension And Vascular Biology
  • Biomedical Sciences
  • Biosciences
  • Clinical and Experimental Sciences
  • Crop Science
  • Economics and Management
  • Fusion science and engineering
  • Geosciences
  • Human rights
  • Information Engineering
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  • Mathematical Sciences
  • Mechatronics and Product Innovation Engineering
  • Molecular Medicine
  • Neurosciences
  • Oncology and immunology
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Psychological Sciences
  • Social Sciences
  • Veterinary Science and Food Safety

University of Bologna Italy

University of Bologna

Phd ( chemical engineering ).

  • Chemical Engineering
  • Aerospace Science and Technology
  • Astrophysics
  • Health and Technologies
  • Industrial Chemistry
  • Mathematics
  • Veterinary Sciences
  • Data Science and Computation
  • Architecture and Design Cultures
  • Automotive Engineering
  • Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences
  • Biomedical, Electrical and System Engineering
  • Cardio Nephro Thoracic Sciences
  • Cellular and Molecular Biology
  • Computer Science
  • Cultural Heritage
  • European Law
  • History and Archaeology
  • Legal Studies
  • Mechanics and Advanced Engineering Sciences
  • Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
  • Nanoscience
  • Oncology, Hematology and Pathology
  • Political and Social Sciences
  • Statistical Sciences
  • Surgical Sciences and Innovative Technologies

University of Milan Italy

University of Milan

Phd ( computer science ).

  • Earth Sciences
  • Political Studies
  • Molecular and Cellular Biology
  • Veterinary and Animal Science
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Food Systems
  • Translational Medicine
  • Public Health Sciences
  • Economic Sociology
  • Pharmacological Biomolecular Sciences
  • Agriculture, Environment and Bioenergy
  • Experimental Medicine
  • International and Public Law
  • International and European Union Law
  • Historical Studies
  • Sociology and Methodology of Social Research
  • Exercise and Sport Sciences

Sapienza University of Rome Italy

Sapienza University of Rome

Phd ( microbiology, legal medicine and public health sciences ).

  • Microbiology, Legal Medicine And Public Health Sciences
  • Archaeology
  • Architecture
  • Architecture And Construction
  • Biochemistry
  • Environmental And Evolutionary Biology
  • Cybersecurity
  • Data Science
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Business Administration
  • Energy And Environment
  • Pharmacology And Toxicology
  • Philology And History
  • Accelerator Physics
  • Genetics And Molecular Biology
  • Aeronautics And Space Engineering
  • Environmental And Hydraulic Engineering
  • Structural And Geotechnical Engineering
  • Classical And Modern Italian Studies
  • Economics And Finance
  • Behavioral Neuroscience
  • Landscape And Environment
  • Chemical Sciences
  • History And Cultures Of Europe
  • Information And Communication Technology

University of Turin Italy

University of Turin

Phd ( agricultural, forest and food sciences ).

  • Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences
  • Bioengineering
  • Biological Sciences and Applied Biotechnologies
  • Biomedical Sciences and Oncology
  • Business and Management
  • Chemical and Material Sciences
  • Quantitative Biomedicine
  • Ecogastronomy, Science and Culture of Food
  • Experimental Medicine and Therapy
  • Global History of Empires
  • Law and Institutions
  • Medical Physiopathology
  • Modeling and Data Science
  • Pharmaceutical and Biomolecular Sciences
  • Translational Oncology

Polytechnic University of Milan Italy

Polytechnic University of Milan

Phd ( aerospace engineering ).

  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Architectural, Urban and Interior Design
  • Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering
  • Data Analytics and Decision Sciences
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering
  • Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
  • Information Technology
  • Management Engineering
  • Materials Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering

Vita-Salute San Raffaele University Italy

Vita-Salute San Raffaele University

Phd ( molecular medicine ).

University of Pisa Italy

University of Pisa

Phd ( industrial chemistry ).

  • Clinical and Translational Sciences
  • Business Administration and Management
  • Legal Sciences
  • Italian Studies

Free University of Bozen-Bolzano Italy

Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Phd ( food engineering and biotechnology ).

  • Food Engineering and Biotechnology
  • Mountain Environment and Agriculture
  • Advanced-Systems Engineering
  • Sustainable Energy and Technologies
  • Education and Social Sciences

Polytechnic University of Turin Italy

Polytechnic University of Turin

Phd ( materials, sustainable processes and systems for the energy transition ).

  • Materials, Sustainable Processes and Systems for the Energy Transition
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Bioengineering and Medical-Surgical Sciences

Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies Italy

Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies

Phd ( management ).

  • Agrobiodiversity
  • Emerging Digital Technologies
  • BioRobotics

Bocconi University Italy

Bocconi University

Phd ( business administration and management ).

  • Statistics and Computer Science
  • Public Policy and Administration

European University Institute (EUI) Italy

European University Institute (EUI)

Phd ( international and european union law ).

Italian Institute of Human Sciences Italy

Italian Institute of Human Sciences

Phd ( history ), why study phd (doctor of philosophy) in italy.

1. Rich Academic Tradition: Italy has a long-standing and rich tradition of academia. Universities such as the University of Bologna, established in 1088, are among the oldest in the world.

2. Research Opportunities: Italian universities and research institutions are at the forefront in various fields such as arts, humanities, sciences, and social sciences. Collaborations with industries also offer practical research opportunities.

3. Diverse Range of Programs: Italy offers a diverse range of PhD programs that cater to various academic interests and disciplines.

4. Quality of Education: Italian universities are known for maintaining high academic standards, ensuring that PhD candidates receive a quality education.

5. Cultural Experience: Italy is renowned for its rich cultural heritage, art, architecture, and history. Living and studying in Italy provides a unique cultural immersion that can be inspiring for research work.

6. Language Advantage: While many PhD programs are offered in English, living in Italy offers the opportunity to learn or master the Italian language, which can be an asset in various professional fields.

7. Strategic Location: Italy's central location in the Mediterranean and Europe makes it a hub for international conferences, seminars, and workshops.

8. Affordability: Compared to many Western European countries, the cost of living in Italy can be more affordable, and tuition fees for PhD programs are often lower.

9. Networking: Being home to several international institutions, industries, and research centers, Italy provides ample networking opportunities for emerging researchers.

10. Supportive Environment: The Italian academic community is known for its supportive and collaborative environment, which can be beneficial for international students.

PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) specialization in Italy

University of Bologna


3 years

$1,000 - $3,000


Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences

3 years

$1,000 - $3,000

Sapienza University of Rome


3 years

$1,000 - $3,000


Cognitive Science

3 years

$1,000 - $3,000

Politecnico di Milano

Architectural Composition

3 years

$1,500 - $3,500


Aerospace Engineering

3 years

$1,500 - $3,500

University of Florence

Agriculture, Food and Environment

3 years

$1,000 - $3,000



3 years

$1,000 - $3,000

University of Padua

Animal and Food Science

3 years

$1,000 - $2,500


Cardiovascular Sciences

3 years

$1,000 - $2,500

Admission Intake for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Italy

1. Application Period:

Spring Intake: Some universities offer a spring intake with applications usually opening around September or October of the previous year and closing around November or December.

Fall Intake: The main intake for PhD programs in Italy is in the fall, with applications typically opening around April or May and closing around June or July.

2. Evaluation and Interviews:

After the application deadline, universities will evaluate the submitted documents and may invite candidates for interviews or additional assessments. This process can take several weeks.

3. Admission Results:

Admission results are usually announced between July and September for the fall intake and between January and February for the spring intake.

4. Enrollment and Start of Classes:

Once admitted, students will need to complete the enrollment process, which may include submitting additional documents, paying tuition fees, and registering for classes.

PhD programs typically start in October for the fall intake and between January and March for the spring intake.

Top 10 Universities in Italy for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy)


Politecnico di Milano

Engineering, Architecture, Design, Information Technology


University of Bologna

Arts, Humanities, Sciences, Health Sciences


University of Padua

Sciences, Humanities, Medicine, Psychology


Sapienza University of Rome

Physics, Engineering, Archaeology, Philosophy


University of Pisa

Physics, Engineering, Humanities, Biology


University of Milan

Medicine, Humanities, Law, Biology


University of Trento

Cognitive Science, Physics, International Studies


University of Florence

Architecture, History, Biology, Psychology


University of Rome Tor Vergata

Economics, Biology, Engineering, Medicine


University of Naples Federico II

Engineering, Medicine, Economics, Philosophy

Tuition Fees for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Italy

1. Public Universities:

Italian and EU Students: Fees can range from €150 to €3,000 per year, depending on the institution and specific program.

Non-EU International Students: Fees are generally in the same range as for Italian and EU students, but some universities may charge higher fees for non-EU students.

2. Private Universities:

All Students: Fees at private universities tend to be higher, ranging from €3,000 to €20,000 per year or even more.

Cost of Studying PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Italy

€150 to €3,000 (Public Universities) €3,000 to €20,000 (Private Universities)

€4,000 to €12,000 (Depends on the city and type of accommodation)

€2,000 to €3,500

€300 to €1,000 (Considering public transport and occasional trips)

€200 to €600

€1,000 to €2,500

€200 to €500 (Could be higher for non-EU students)

€500 to €1,500 (Phone bills, clothing, personal care, etc.)

€8,350 to €44,600

Eligibility for doing PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Italy

1. Educational Qualifications: Master's Degree: Most PhD programs in Italy require candidates to have completed a master's degree or equivalent in a related field. The degree should be recognized by the Italian higher education system.

2. Language Proficiency:

Italian: If the PhD program is conducted in Italian, non-native speakers may be required to demonstrate proficiency in the Italian language. This can usually be done through recognized language tests such as CILS or CELI.

English: For PhD programs conducted in English, non-native speakers will need to provide proof of English proficiency. Commonly accepted tests include IELTS, TOEFL, and Cambridge English exams.

3. Research Proposal:  Many universities require candidates to submit a research proposal outlining their intended area of study, objectives, methodology, and the significance of the research.

4. Recommendations:  Most PhD applications require letters of recommendation from professors or professionals familiar with the candidate's academic and research abilities.

5. Previous Research Experience:  While not always mandatory, having prior research experience or publications can strengthen an application.

6. Entrance Examination:  Some universities and programs may require candidates to undergo an entrance examination or an interview as part of the selection process.

7. Additional Requirements:  Depending on the field of study and the specific program, there may be additional prerequisites. For example, specific courses or qualifications might be needed for technical or specialized fields.

8. Documentation:  Along with the application, students generally need to submit copies of their previous degrees, transcripts, a curriculum vitae, and other relevant documentation. For international students, these documents often need to be translated and authenticated.

9. Application Fee:  Many universities charge a non-refundable application fee for processing PhD applications.

Documents Required for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Italy

1. Application Form: You will need to complete the university's online or paper application form. The form typically includes personal information and details about the Ph.D. program you are applying to.

2. Academic Transcripts: You should provide transcripts from your previous academic degrees, including your bachelor's and master's degrees. These transcripts should show your course grades and degree conferral dates.

3. Curriculum Vitae (CV): Prepare a comprehensive CV that outlines your academic and professional background, research experience, publications, and any relevant awards or honors.

4. Statement of Purpose (Motivation Letter): Write a statement of purpose that explains your research interests, reasons for pursuing a Ph.D., and how the specific Ph.D. program aligns with your goals.

5. Research Proposal: Many Ph.D. programs in Italy require a research proposal that outlines the topic of your research, research questions, methodology, and expected outcomes. This is a critical document that demonstrates your research readiness.

6. Letters of Recommendation: Typically, you need to submit two to three letters of recommendation from professors, academic advisors, or employers who can assess your academic and research potential.

7. Language Proficiency: If your program is taught in a language other than your native language, you may need to provide proof of language proficiency. Common language tests include TOEFL or IELTS for English proficiency.

8. Standardized Tests: Some Ph.D. programs may require standardized test scores like the GRE or GMAT. Check the program's admission requirements to determine if these are needed.

9. Passport or ID: You will likely need to submit a copy of your passport or identification card.

10. Copy of Master's Degree: A certified copy of your master's degree is generally required.

11. Application Fee: Be prepared to pay an application fee, which can vary depending on the university.

12. Financial Documents: For international applicants, you may need to provide proof of financial means to cover your living expenses during your Ph.D. studies in Italy.

13. Health Insurance: Some universities may require proof of health insurance coverage during your stay in Italy.

14. Visa Documents: International students should be ready to provide necessary visa and residence permit documents if admitted.

Scholarships for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Italy

1. Italian Government Scholarships: The Italian government offers scholarships for international students, including those pursuing Ph.D. programs. These scholarships are managed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The government scholarships may cover tuition fees, a monthly stipend, and health insurance. The specific eligibility criteria and application procedures can vary by country, so it's advisable to check with the Italian embassy or consulate in your home country for details.

2. University Scholarships: Italian universities often provide scholarships and grants to Ph.D. students. These scholarships may be based on academic merit, research proposals, or specific research projects. You can check with the Ph.D. program coordinator or the university's financial aid office for information on available scholarships.

3. Research Fellowships: Many Ph.D. students in Italy receive research fellowships, which may be funded by research projects, institutions, or private organizations. These fellowships can provide financial support and research opportunities.

4. Erasmus+ Scholarships: If you are an international student studying in Italy and your university is part of the Erasmus+ program, you may be eligible for Erasmus+ scholarships and grants for Ph.D. mobility and research opportunities across European countries.

5. DAAD Scholarships: The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers scholarships for German students pursuing a Ph.D. at an Italian university. These scholarships can support various fields of study.

6. Fulbright Program: The Fulbright Program provides scholarships for U.S. citizens to study and conduct research in Italy. While Fulbright primarily supports educational and cultural exchange, it can provide funding for Ph.D. students.

7. Private and Nonprofit Organizations: Various private and nonprofit organizations, such as foundations and research institutes, offer scholarships and grants to Ph.D. students conducting research in specific areas. These opportunities may be subject-specific and require you to meet specific criteria.

8. Regional Scholarships: Some regions in Italy, such as Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna, offer scholarships to Ph.D. students studying at universities within their region. These scholarships are often linked to specific research topics or industries.

9. Joint Ph.D. Programs: Some Ph.D. programs in Italy are part of joint international programs, which may offer additional scholarships and financial support for international students.

10. Bilateral Agreements: Italy has bilateral agreements with various countries, offering scholarships for students from those countries to pursue higher education in Italy. These agreements may cover tuition fees and living expenses.

Jobs and Salary after PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Italy

1. Academia and Research: Many Ph.D. graduates in Italy pursue academic careers. They can become university professors, researchers, or lecturers. In academia, salaries are determined by rank and experience. Junior faculty members may start with lower salaries, while experienced professors earn more. Salaries for academic positions can range from €30,000 to €70,000 or more per year.

2. Research and Postdoctoral Positions: Ph.D. holders can work as postdoctoral researchers in universities, research institutions, or public/private organizations. These positions provide valuable research experience and often come with competitive salaries. Postdoc salaries can vary but generally range from €30,000 to €50,000 or higher per year.

3. Industry and Corporate Sector: Many Ph.D. graduates find opportunities in the corporate sector, including R&D (Research and Development) roles in companies. Salaries in the corporate sector vary widely, depending on the industry, the level of responsibility, and the location. In general, industry positions can offer competitive salaries, with earnings ranging from €35,000 to €70,000 or more annually.

4. Government and Public Policy: Ph.D. holders may work in government agencies or public policy research institutions. These positions can offer stable employment and competitive salaries, which are often influenced by the level of government and job responsibilities.

5. Nonprofit and NGOs: Some Ph.D. graduates choose to work in the nonprofit sector or with non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Salaries in this sector can vary widely and are typically determined by the organization's funding and mission.

6. Consulting and Entrepreneurship: Ph.D. holders with expertise in their field can become consultants or start their own businesses. Income in these areas can fluctuate greatly and is often based on the success of the consulting practice or business venture.

7. Teaching and Education: Beyond academia, Ph.D. holders can find teaching opportunities in secondary education, international schools, or private tutoring. Salaries for educators can vary based on the level of education, location, and experience.

8. Language and Cultural Fields: If your Ph.D. is in fields such as linguistics, art, or cultural studies, you may explore opportunities in translation, writing, cultural preservation, or creative industries. Income in these fields can vary widely.

9. International Opportunities: Ph.D. graduates may also consider international career opportunities, which can offer unique experiences and competitive salaries, depending on the location and job responsibilities.

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Raygun becomes viral sensation during breaking performance at 2024 Paris Olympics: Social media reacts

phd doctor in italian

Breaking , more commonly known as breakdancing, made its debut as an Olympic sport this week at the 2024 Paris Games , with 17 B-girls and 16 B-boys making their way to France with the hopes of securing a gold medal.

On the first day of competition, viewers from across the world were treated to a different kind of introduction — not to the sport itself, but one of its athletes.

Though she was a long way from winning a gold medal, likely no breaker Friday captured the imagination of the international audience more than Rachael Gunn, an Australian breaker who competes under the name “Raygun.”

REQUIRED READING: Follow USA TODAY's coverage of the 2024 Paris Olympics

Raygun went 0-3 in her head-to-head competitions Friday — falling to Logistx of the United States, Syssy of France and eventual silver medalist Nicka of Lithuania by a combined score of 54-0 — and failed to record a point across those three matches, but for what she lacked in smoothly executed moves, she made up for in the hearts she won over with her demeanor.

Raygun’s short-lived Olympic experience made her a celebrity, one who people became even more enamored with once they learned more about her.

The 36-year-old Gunn, who was one of the oldest qualifiers in the breaking competition, has a PhD in cultural studies and is a college professor at Macquarie University in Sydney. Her research focuses primarily on breaking, street dance and hip-hop culture while her work draws on “cultural theory, dance studies, popular music studies, media, and ethnography.”

“In 2023, many of my students didn’t believe me when I told them I was training to qualify for the Olympics, and were shocked when they checked Google and saw that I qualified,” Gunn said to CNBC earlier this month .

Unlike much of her competition in Paris, Gunn took up break dancing later in life. She didn’t enter her first battle until 2012.

On Friday, a person who began the day as a little-known academic ended it as a viral worldwide sensation.

Here’s a sampling of the reaction to Raygun and her performance:

2024 PARIS OLYMPICS: Meet the members of Team USA competing at the 2024 Paris Olympics

Social media reacts to Raygun’s breaking performance at 2024 Paris Olympics

I could live all my life and never come up with anything as funny as Raygun, the 36-year-old Australian Olympic breakdancer — mariah (@mariahkreutter) August 9, 2024
Give Raygun the gold right now #breakdancing — n★ (@nichstarr) August 9, 2024
my five year old niece after she says “watch this!” : — alex (@alex_abads) August 9, 2024
I'd like to personally thank Raygun for making millions of people worldwide think "huh, maybe I can make the Olympics too" — Bradford Pearson (@BradfordPearson) August 9, 2024
The Aussie B-Girl Raygun dressed as a school PE teach complete with cap while everyone else is dressed in funky breaking outfits has sent me. It looks like she’s giving her detention for inappropriate dress at school 🤣 #Olympics — Georgie Heath🎙️ (@GeorgieHeath27) August 9, 2024
There has not been an Olympic performance this dominant since Usain Bolt’s 100m sprint at Beijing in 2008. Honestly, the moment Raygun broke out her Kangaroo move this competition was over! Give her the #breakdancing gold 🥇 — Trapper Haskins (@TrapperHaskins) August 9, 2024
my dog on the lawn 30 seconds after i've finished bathing him — David Mack (@davidmackau) August 9, 2024
My wife at 3AM: I think I heard one of the kids Me: No way, they are asleep *looks at baby monitor* — Wes Blankenship (@Wes_nship) August 9, 2024
me tryna get the duvet off when i’m too hot at night #olympics — robyn (@robynjournalist) August 9, 2024
Raygun really hit them with the "Tyrannosaurus." — Mike Beauvais (@MikeBeauvais) August 9, 2024
Raygun (AUS) — Peter Nygaard (@RetepAdam) August 9, 2024

Mike J. Pishvaian

Mike J. Pishvaian , MD , PhD

Medical oncology.

  • Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Faculty

4.9 of 5 stars

14 insurances accepted, professional titles.

  • Director of Gastrointestinal, Developmental Therapeutics and Clinical Research Programs

Primary Academic Title

Associate Professor of Oncology

Dr. Michael Pishvaian is the director of Gastrointestinal, Developmental Therapeutics and Clinical Research Programs for the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center in the Greater Washington Area and an associate professor at the School of Medicine. 

Dr. Pishvaian is a fellowship-trained gastrointestinal oncologist specializing in pancreatic and refractory colorectal cancers. He is committed to precision medicine and provides his patients with the most appropriate and advanced level of care. He conducts all phases of clinical trials for all GI cancers and enrolls qualifying patients. 

Click here to learn more about oncology clinical trials the Greater Washington Area.

Selected Publications

Brar G, Blais EM, Joseph Bender R, Brody JR, Sohal D, Madhavan S, Picozzi VJ, Hendifar AE, Chung VM, Halverson D, Mikhail S, Matrisian LM, Rahib L, Petricoin E, Pishvaian MJ. Multi-omic molecular comparison of primary versus metastatic pancreatic tumours. Br J Cancer. 2019 Jul 11. doi: 10.1038/s41416-019-0507-5. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 31292535

Pishvaian MJ, Bender RJ, Halverson D, Rahib L, Hendifar AE, Mikhail S, Chung V, Picozzi VJ, Sohal D, Blais EM, Mason K, Lyons EE, Matrisian LM, Brody JR, Madhavan S, Petricoin EF. Molecular Profiling of Pancreatic Cancer Patients: Initial Results from the Know Your Tumor Initiative. Clin Cancer Res. 2018 Jun 28. pii: clincanres.0531.2018. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-18-0531. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 29954777

Pishvaian MJ, Blais EM, Bender RJ, Rao S, Boca SM, Chung V, Hendifar AE, Mikhail S, Sohal DPS, Pohlmann PR, Moore KN, He K, Monk BJ, Coleman RL, Herzog TJ, Halverson DD, DeArbeloa P, Petricoin EF 3rd, Madhavan S. A virtual molecular tumor board to improve efficiency and scalability of delivering precision oncology to physicians and their patients. JAMIA Open. 2019 Oct 7;2(4):505-515. doi: 10.1093/jamiaopen/ooz045. eCollection 2019 Dec. PMID: 32025647

Pishvaian MJ, Blais EM, Brody JR, Lyons E, DeArbeloa P, Hendifar A, Mikhail S, Chung V, Sahai V, Sohal DPS, Bellakbira S, Thach D, Rahib L, Madhavan S, Matrisian LM, Petricoin EF 3rd. Overall Survival in Patients With Pancreatic Cancer Receiving Matched Therapies Following Molecular Profiling: A Retrospective Analysis of the Know Your Tumor Registry Trial.  Lancet Oncol. 2020 Mar 2. pii: S1470-2045(20)30074-7. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(20)30074-7. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 32135080

Pishvaian MJ, Blais EM, Brody JR, Rahib L, Lyons E, De Arbeloa P, Hendifar A, Mikhail S, Chung V, Sohal DPS, Leslie S, Mason K, Tibbets L, Madhavan S, Matrisian LM, Petricoin III E. Outcomes in Patients With Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma With Genetic Mutations in DNA Damage Response Pathways: Results From the Know Your Tumor Program. JCO Precis Oncol. 2019. DOI https://doi. org/10.1200/PO.19. 00115

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The Patient Rating score is an average of all responses to physician related questions on the national CG-CAHPS Medical Practice patient experience survey through Press Ganey. Responses are measured on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the best score. Comments are also gathered from our CG-CAHPS Medical Practice Survey through Press Ganey and displayed in their entirety. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.

Very thorough and concerned with my understanding of the problem and the process.

My provider has the best knowledge and support for my medical conditions.

I came to Dr. Pishvaian for a consult about the oncology care I've been getting for 2 years and the route forward that's being considered. He provided exactly what I was looking for.

Excellent experience, as always

All very good and quite professional.

Nurses, doctors, chick-in servers were all very helpful and showed much concern for my schedule.


Dr. P is the very best. I consider him among the nation's top GI oncologists, specializing in pancreatic cancer.

Dr. P. Prescribed blood work and CT scan to be done in 6 months so no one needed to call with results at this time.

I'm thrilled to have Dr. P. As the oncologist overseeing my pancreatic cancer care and this study overview.

Dr Pishvaian has been my pancreatic cancer doctor for a little over two years and I am fully satisfied with his services.

Dr Pishvaian is wonderful. It's very obvious that his concern is with my overall wellbeing. He is also quite skilled as my oncologist. I will always be happy that he has been a part of my care.

Doctor P is honest while being encouraging at the same time.

Dr. Pishvaian is very knowledgeable and helps make a good plan

He is knowledgeable, communicative, and caring.

Great oncologist !

Competent doctor and a nice person.

Dr P is friendly and knowledgeable- he passes useful information easily & well and responds to questions in a useful way.

Answers questions well and completely

Great customer service

Clear spoken; generous with time; professional yet warm and understanding. Appropriately direct. Knowledgeable and perceptive.

Dr. Pishvaian continues to be an amazing practitioner--extremely knowledgable, caring, and he communicates thoughtfully, clearly, respectfully.

Dr. P is very personable & communicates well.

Courteous, friendly

Dr Michael Pishvaian is wonderful! He is a world-class chemo expert who listens attentively, explains things thoroughly, answers questions fully, and is cheerful. I'm very grateful he is my doctor.

Dr. Pishvaian has been exemplary in guiding me through my pancreatic cancer journey this past year. I am fortunate to have him head my "team.

Pleasant ,Excellent knowledge, explained well

Dr Pishvaian and team are the best there is!

Knowledgeable and caring.

I really like Dr Pishvaian.

We have been very amazed at the care and attention we've been provided.

He is knowledgeable, committed to providing the best care, he provides excellent patient education, he listens carefully, and he is kind. His documentation in the MYCHART is clear and complete.

I would like to thank Dr. M. J. Pishvaian and Sibley Memorial Hospital for the excellent cares I received. The test results after I completed my treatments indicated that I may be on the way to full recovery. I would like to thank all the nurses and supporting staffs for their care.

Dr. Pishvaian is a fantastic, knowledgeable oncologist who has saved my life from stage 4 pancreatic cancer.

Dr P listened to me, offered very sound advice and showed compassion. He is a wonderful doctor.

Dr. Pishvaian listens to my concerns and answers all my questions, checking to make sure I understood his answers.

He has been a good provider now for the past 4 years

Excellent, caring,knowledgeable, trendy and good follow up.

Very welcoming and clear in explanation of health issues.

Very pleasing,smiling,well behaved

I think he's terrific

Helpful and very knowledgeable. Provides proactive guidance and plan.

Kind and respectful, especially to my family

He was exemplary in knowledge, compassion, and in helping me understand.

Dr. Pishvaian is the most caring, attentive, supporting and concerned physician I know. He treats me like I am a member of his family. His exceptional physician!

Dr. Pishvaian was on top of my medical issues and was able to set up all the tests, blood work and course of treatments ASAP.

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phd doctor in italian

does visa works in rostov ATMs? Or do I need a mastercard?

Is there a ATM at the aiport?

Many thanks in advance!

Best regards

' class=

In Russia both VISA and Mastercard are standart by default . Other payment systems like Amex or UnionPay can be problematic, but VISA and Mastercard work in almost every ATM in Russia.

//Is there a ATM at the aiport?

thank you very for much the information. I have another question off topic. How much costs the transportation with taxi from the aiport to the centre of rostov about? Do you can recommend a taxi app which works in rostov?

// How much does the cost of transportation with a taxi from the aiport to the center of rostov about?

300-500 rub. Price of official taxi "Aeroservis" to the center - 400 rub (has the desk in airport building ).

// Do you can recommend a taxi app which works in rostov?

Yandex-taxi works in Rostov for sure, do not know about others. For security reasons and to avoid rip-off I recommend use Yandex-taxi or official desk of "Aeroservis". Also public transport (bus and trolley) is available, airport is located near the city.

As always make sure you bank knows you will be in Russia - especially if it is not a european bank

phd doctor in italian

>Also public transport (bus and trolley) is available, airport is located near the city.

That's gonna change soon, the new Platov Airport is constantly bemoaned for how inconveniently it's placed, if we're speaking of Rostov-on-Don, of cource, not Rostov the Great.

thank you for the informations! You have helped me a lot!

I suppose Yandex-taxi in rostov on don is working 24 hours? I have found something in Azov, I guess with Yandex-taxi it should be not a problem with transportation, 24 hours?

This topic has been closed to new posts due to inactivity.

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Rostov oblast for Spin Tires

Rostov oblast for Spin Tires

Map "Rostov oblast" for Spintires. Description: - 1 garage - 2 refills - 1 logging - 2 point loading - 8 sawmills - 9 points of intelligence Tested in game version from 03.03.16 Download the map of "Rostov region" for Spintires, you can click on the links below on the page.

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Italian police drones scour tourist hot-spot for illegal air con units

The mayor of Portofino – which counts Madonna among its visitors – declares war on the unsightly devices as temperatures soar

A view of the town's harbour from the air, with colourful buildings behind a turquoise sea

One of Italy’s most picturesque coastal towns is mounting patrols and flying drones to detect air conditioning units illegally installed by locals struggling in temperatures of 40C.

The mayor of Portofino says the units are unsightly and are being put up without permission. Residents hide them on terraces and rooftops – and some even paint them to blend in with their surroundings.

The noisy units work to cool homes which are baking in the intense heatwave that has blanketed Italy since the start of August.

The unit is bolted to the side of a building

Local police are patrolling the town’s narrow streets and alleyways, using drones to check for air con units installed without permission, said Matteo Viacava, the mayor.

For those who are successfully prosecuted in the courts, there are stiff fines as high as €50,000 (£43,000).

The campaign against illegal air con boxes has led to “vendettas”, with residents who dob in their neighbours being denounced themselves in turn, according to Corriere della Sera newspaper . 

Highly coloured houses stand behind a blue harbour

“You reported me, so now I’m going to report you,” is the prevailing spirit in the resort town, renowned for its pastel-coloured waterfront houses, compact harbour, winding lanes and superyachts.

Portofino is a favourite with celebrities : Madonna was photographed arriving in the town recently, reportedly to attend a party thrown by Dolce and Gabbana, the couture company.

The authorities in the tiny town have received around 40 complaints about illegally installed units, and more are expected as tempers fray in the roasting heat.

A man bathes his arms in a fountain in an imposing city square

“Portofino is situated in a regional nature park and we have certain obligations to respect,” the mayor said. “That’s why we are carrying out these checks.”

He also has his sights set on a new target: satellite dishes. “It is not sustainable to have so many,” he told Corriere della Sera. Cracking down on these “will also help preserve the integrity of the town”.

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  1. Dottorato di ricerca

    The dottorato di ricerca (research doctorate) is the highest Italian academic degree, the equivalent of a Ph.D.. The term dottore is frequently used in Italy to refer to any person with a university Laurea: thus, a person with a Laurea Magistrale uses the title "dottore magistrale" and a person with a Laurea uses the title of "dottore". Those unfamiliar with the Italian university system or ...

  2. Italian: PhD

    Doctor of Philosophy Residency 2 years minimum. The PhD in Italian is a highly selective program that teaches and trains students working in the field of Italian Studies. The program offers a flexible curriculum tailored to each student's interests and background that leads to a new dissertation-oriented program of study designed to achieve ...

  3. Admissions to 2024-2025 PhD Programmes

    The Italian research doctorate (PhD) is the highest academic degree awarded by universities in most fields of study. The PhD programme is open to applicants who hold a Masters Degree or equivalent degree obtained abroad. PhD programmes train students to carry out scientific research and improve their research methodologies. A Research Doctorate ...

  4. Doctoral programmes (PhD)

    Doctoral programmes (PhD) Info and contacts. 38 multidisciplinary programmes, including international programmes, on various areas and lines of research. . XLth cycle - 2024/25. 39th cycle - 2023/24. Study area. Language.

  5. PhD

    The Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy, "Dottorato di ricerca") is the highest university degree in Italy, aiming to provide the necessary knowledge, skills and research abilities to engage in top-quality research activities in universities, public institutions, or private bodies. A yearly call for applications is launched to be selected for a Ph.D. Program at the University of Turin.

  6. Università di Pisa: Home Dottorato di Ricerca

    The PhD is the highest level of education provided by the Italian academic system and provides the skills necessary to carry out high quality research activities at universities and public or private entities. The degree programme lasts three years. To access it you need to be in possession of a Master's degree, or an equivalent academic ...

  7. PhD Study in Italy

    Structure of a PhD in Italy. Italian higher education institutions award two kinds of PhD degrees:. A PhD or a Dottorato is awarded by universities and is similar to the ones in the UK and other parts of the world.; A Research Academic Diploma or a Diploma accademico di formazione alla ricerca is awarded by Institutes of Higher Artistic Education; An Italian PhD consists primarily of ...

  8. Italian PhD

    Italian has been studied at the University of Edinburgh since the eighteenth century. The first lectureship in the subject was established in 1919 and, today, it is a broad area of study involving a sizeable community of teaching and research staff, language tutors, and PhD students. We founded the Edinburgh Journal of Gadda Studies in 2000 and ...

  9. PhD in Italian

    In British universities the PhD (Doctorate of Philosophy) is traditionally awarded solely on the basis of a thesis, a substantial piece of writing in English which reports original research into a closely defined area of enquiry. The completion of the PhD thesis generally expected to take three to four years, and most funding is based on this ...

  10. Study in Italy: the ultimate guide for a PhD in 2024

    In the Italian grading system, you will receive a mark from 0 to 30, with 18 being the minimum required to pass. Bachelor's programmes (Laurea Triennale) last three years, and Master's programmes (Laurea Magistrale) last two years. ... PhD Degrees in Italy . Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) 484 programmes ; Doctor of Business Administration (D.B ...

  11. The Ph.D. Requirements : Department of Italian Studies, UC Berkeley

    THE DOCTORATE OF PHILOSOPHY IN ITALIAN STUDIES Goals. The Ph.D. program builds upon a broad knowledge of Italian literature and culture from the 13th century to the present (such as that acquired at the MA level), providing advanced training in the interdisciplinary field of Italian Studies, and culminating in the dissertation. ...

  12. 27 PhD programmes in Italian Studies

    University of Glasgow Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom. Find the best PhD programmes in the field of Italian Studies from top universities worldwide. Check all 27 programmes.

  13. Research Doctorate (Ph.D.)

    The Research Doctorate (Ph.D.) constitutes the highest level of education in the university system. Its goal is to prepare researchers who have the skills and aptitude to pursue activities of high quality research in industries, in research centers, in public administrations and in academic institutions. Politecnico di Milano offers Doctoral ...

  14. 40th cycle

    Online procedure for admission to the PhD course at Politecnico di Milano (40th cycle - 2024/2025 - starting September 2024) In this page you will find the link to access the online procedure to: •fill the selection call application form. •check the results. •select additional research scholarship topics. Before accessing the online ...

  15. Applying for a PhD in Italy

    Italy follows the Bologna three-cycle framework and requires a relevant Masters degree to undertake a PhD. If you completed your Masters outside of Italy, make sure your qualifications meet the requirements to be recognised as a valid degree in Italy. It's a good idea to contact your university of choice before you apply and ask them for a prior assessment of your eligibility.

  16. Graduate Program

    Graduate Program. The Doctoral program in Italian Studies prepares students for research and teaching positions in academic environments, and in the world of advanced thought more generally. The program emphasizes an interdisciplinary "cultural studies" perspective, while maintaining vital links to literary-critical, philosophical, art ...

  17. Doctoral Degrees

    Doctoral Degrees - PhD Programmes. Versione italiana. he University of Padua coordinates 40 separate PhD Programmes; every year it welcomes between 500 and 600 new candidates, with approximately 1600 PhD candidates enrolled in a three/four-year degree programme. In order to apply for a PhD Course applicants must be in possession of a 2nd cycle ...

  18. PhD in Italy 2024

    Tuition Fees for PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Italy. 1. Public Universities: Italian and EU Students: Fees can range from €150 to €3,000 per year, depending on the institution and specific program. Non-EU International Students: Fees are generally in the same range as for Italian and EU students, but some universities may charge higher ...

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    Find information about and book an appointment with Dr. Mike J. Pishvaian, MD, PhD in Washington, DC. Specialties: Medical Oncology.

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    Rostov-on-Don [a] is a port city and the administrative centre of Rostov Oblast and the Southern Federal District of Russia.It lies in the southeastern part of the East European Plain on the Don River, 32 kilometers (20 mi) from the Sea of Azov, directly north of the North Caucasus.The southwestern suburbs of the city lie above the Don river delta. ...

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  27. Italian police drones scour picturesque seaside town of Portofino for

    Italian police drones scour tourist hot-spot for illegal air con units The mayor of Portofino - which counts Madonna among its visitors - declares war on the unsightly devices as temperatures soar