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How to Conduct Fashion Market Research Like a Pro

fashion market research

Fashion market research provides business owners and entrepreneurs with valuable insights so they can make confident, informed decisions to guide the development or evolution of their fashion business. 

Valued at an impressive 1.5 trillion U.S. dollars in 2020 , the global fashion/apparel industry is a behemoth industry covering a wide variety of garments and accessories.

While this sector has traditionally experienced consistent growth, the past year has been turbulent and challenging. Whether you are considering a new fashion venture or are looking for innovative ways to recover from an unprecedented year, market research is an effective way to guide your efforts.

This article covers how to conduct a combination of primary and secondary research o to power your fashion market research campaign. 

Fashion Market Research Overview 

Fashion market research is the process of gathering and analyzing information to  gain insights into the fashion industry, which includes its top players, your competitors and mainly, your target market. Whether you own an existing apparel business or are considering an entry into the world of fashion, market research can ensure effective use of your marketing expenditure and increase the likelihood of business success.

fashion market research

Fashion market research is used to achieve the following:

  • Understand how customers relate to your brand or a competitor’s brand.
  • Identify areas for growth, new markets, and customer segments.
  • Understand how existing customers would like to see your brand evolve.
  • Gain insight into consumer spending when it comes to fashion needs and wants.
  • Collect information about consumer opinions and interactions with various fashion segments (e.g. fast fashion vs. luxury brands).
  • Understand how fashion marketing campaigns influence consumers’ opinions and behavior.

Undertaking a market research campaign project can provide you with the confidence you need to succeed in a highly competitive industry. The end-goal of fashion market research is to gain sufficient information to make informed decisions about your business so that it can thrive. 

The Makeup of Fashion Market Research

Fashion market research is made up of two sources of information, referred to as primary and secondary research. By using both primary and secondary sources of information, you can determine several key factors about your target market and its various segments. These include:

  • Annual spend on fashion in your niche
  • A comparison of shopping experience frequencies, in-store vs. online
  • Wardrobe share of certain brands and/or apparel categories
  • Where and how your target market discovers your brand
  • Shopping triggers
  • Spending forecasts
  • Marketing channels
  • Product diversity 
  • How in-demand your products or brand are

To reap the most insights, you should plan to incorporate both primary and secondary sources to drive your fashion market research towards success.

Primary Research for the Fashion Industry

Primary market research refers to the unique data that is gathered from first-hand sources. While it is more labor-intensive to gather primary information, you are rewarded with data that is particularly relevant to your particular business and customer base. It also puts you in control in terms of the data you collect and then leverage. 

The most valuable sources of primary information for fashion market research are:

  • Online survey tools about existing or prospective customers, i.e., those in your target market that have not yet bought from you.
  • Phone, in-person, and mall intercept interviews
  •  In contrast to one-on-one interviews, a focus group allows for moderated discussion among participants. This provides the opportunity for the group to share ideas and discuss a topic or trend, which is particularly useful when conducting fashion market 
  • This gives marketers an opportunity to observe and understand how customers behave in a natural setting. When it comes to fashion market research, field research provides valuable information about how customers browse and shop, both in-store (through natural observation) and online (via session replay tools). 
  •  Often used to test out new design concepts, user testing gauges customer interest and reception. It is also used to test out in-store shopping experiences and changes to fashion websites. 
  • Consumer research panels

Secondary Research for the Fashion Industry 

Secondary research is performed by sourcing data from existing, published sources, i.e., data that you don’t need to amass yourself, as it has already been conducted. You should then parse through and organize the secondary data to prepare it for analysis.  A strong analysis involves comparing the secondary resources against each other, along with their primary source counterparts.

Good sources of secondary information for the fashion industry include:

  • Market and industry research reports and white papers
  • Fashion industry websites 
  • SEO, keyword, and trends research
  • Governments statistics
  • Your competitors’ websites and other digital properties such as apps, mobile sites, ads, etc.

Secondary Research Sources for Fashion Market Research

To give your fashion market research a jumpstart, we have gathered some of the most relevant sources of secondary information for the fashion industry. 

fashion market research

  • Marketresearch.com Market Research Reports & Industry Analysis : A veritable font of information about the fashion and apparel industry, this site lets you search and filter to find general industry reports and more specific reports that pertain to your niche or sub-sector. 
  • McKinsey’s State of Fashion Annual Report : A trusted global consulting group, McKinsey publishes a free annual report on the fashion industry that contains insights on the global economy, consumer spending and behavior and the fashion industry as a whole. The recently published report on fashion in 2021 pays special attention to the impact that COVID-19 has had and will continue to have on the industry in the coming year.
  • Statista.com Global Apparel Market – Statistics and Facts : Statista offers a wealth of information and statistics on the fashion market. You can access a variety of charts and reports for free, or purchase more comprehensive reports, such as Apparel Market Worldwide dossier . 
  • NPD Fashion Trend Tracker : The global consulting group NPD has created a subscription-based trend tracker that provides the latest information on changing fashion trends. Use this to track change and identify areas of growth in your vertical. 
  • NPD website : In addition to paid sources of information, the NPD Group is also an excellent source of free information about the fashion and apparel industry, published as articles and blog posts on their website. 
  • The Business of Fashion : This online magazine collates insights gathered by journalists in over 125 countries. Subscription-based memberships are available for those who want to gain insights from a leading source of fashion industry news and information. 
  • KPMG Sustainable Fashion report : Published by KPMG, this free report focuses on consumer perception of sustainable fashion. The group interviewed over 1,000 individuals in the world’s largest cities to understand how consumers relate to sustainable fashion and responsible buying behavior. 
  • CommonObjective.co : For anyone with an eye on sustainability as it pertains to fashion, Common Objective is a valuable source of both free and paid information about trends, sourcing, marketing, consumer behavior, and more.

Confront New Challenges with Market Research 

Fashion businesses have more challenges to consider than ever before. If your business is struggling to recover from the global pandemic, market research can help you identify new areas of growth. With a tightened budget, market research is vital to ensure your marketing and advertising spend is used wisely.

Or perhaps you are looking to evolve your business in response to the concerns of “woke” consumers , who demand a higher level of environment and social responsibility from fashion brands. Market research can help you meet these demands and shape your targeted messaging. 

Even without new challenges, every fashion business fights the constant battle to remain relevant and stylish in an ever-changing landscape. Consumers on the hunt for something unique and new will continue to push fashion brands to evolve their style to satisfy their customers’ demands. 

Fortunately, this demand comes with more direct access to your customers via social media. You can benefit from an engaged audience by regularly deploying online surveys to gather insights about their needs and desires, no matter how often they change.

Regardless of your motivations, fashion market research can provide you with valuable insights to help you make confident decisions in the months and years to come. 

Frequently asked questions

What is fashion market research.

Fashion market research involves collecting and analyzing data in order to gain a better understanding of how an apparel business is positioned in the competitive landscape.

Who can benefit from fashion market research?

Fashion market research is beneficial for a wide variety of businesses that operate within the fashion industry. This includes established brands, fashion startups, brick-and-mortar stores, apparel chains, and artisan fashion producers.

What are some of the reasons for conducting fashion market research?

Fashion market research can help a business identify new target markets, understand how existing customers feel about their brand, gain insights into fashion spending, and explore how marketing campaigns can affect buying behavior.

How is fashion market research conducted?

After identifying the goals of the fashion market research project, the team will conduct primary and secondary research to gather information from the appropriate sources. Then, this information will be compiled into a report that contains findings and recommendations.

What types of primary research are most appropriate for fashion market research?

The most useful types of primary research for the fashion industry include surveys, interviews, focus groups, field research, mall intercepts, and user testing.

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Fashion Market Research: Specifics, Challenges, and Tips

  • by Alice Ananian
  • May 2, 2024

Fashion Market Research

In the fashion industry, being on top of trends and consumer preferences is the key between launching a hit product and facing an inventory full of unsold merch. Market research is the compass that guides fashion entrepreneurs, retail analysts, and marketing professionals in the right direction, helping them to stay ahead of the game.

Understanding the specifics of fashion market research, overcoming industry-specific challenges, and utilizing the right tools and resources are essential for any player in the fashion industry who wants to thrive. This comprehensive guide equips you with the knowledge and techniques necessary to excel in fashion market research.

Market Research for the Fashion Industry

Market research within the fashion industry is not merely about spotting trends; it’s about understanding the complex web of factors that influence buying decisions. From cultural shifts to economic indicators, a multitude of elements influence what we wear and why. Brands that translate this data into innovative products and marketing strategies are the ones that capture market share.

The fashion industry, notorious for its rapid shifts and turnovers, demands a heightened emphasis on timeliness and accuracy in market research. What was “in” last season might be long-forgotten by the time the next collection hits the shelves. Therefore, the methodology and tools must be as dynamic and trend-responsive as the industry itself.

Fashion market research typically encompasses four key components:

Consumer Behavior and Trends

Studying consumer behavior involves collecting data on shopping habits, brand loyalty, and demographics. To predict upcoming trends, fashion researchers need to be one step ahead, analyzing emerging micro-trends that reflect a changing social landscape.

Competitive Analysis

Understanding your competitors is crucial in the saturated fashion market. This includes identifying key players, benchmarking performance, and keeping an eye on their moves in terms of products, pricing, and promotions.

Product Research and Development

Researching products involves exploring concepts, materials, and designs that resonate with consumers. Feedback loops from surveys, focus groups, and prototype testing can be invaluable in refining products prior to launch.

Marketing and Branding

Effective marketing and branding research involves evaluating the impact of advertisements, the effectiveness of branding statements, and the resonance of the brand’s image with the intended audience.

How to do Fashion Market Research [Step-by-Step Guide]

Fashion is a dynamic industry fueled by trends and consumer preferences. Conducting thorough market research is crucial for any fashion business, from established brands to aspiring designers. Here’s a step-by-step guide to navigate the process:

Step 1: Define Your Objectives

What do you want to learn? Are you trying to validate a new product idea, understand your target audience better, or analyze competitor strategies?

Clearly defined goals will guide your research methods and ensure you gather relevant information.

Example:   A handbag designer wants to launch a line of eco-friendly totes. Their research objective might be to understand consumer preferences for sustainable materials in handbags and their willingness to pay a premium.

Step 2: Find the Right Sources and Tools

There are two main types of research sources: primary and secondary.

Primary Research: Data you collect directly from your target audience. This can involve:

Surveys: Online questionnaires to gather a large pool of data on demographics, preferences, and buying habits. (e.g., Google Forms , SurveyMonkey )

Focus Groups: In-depth discussions with a smaller group to gain qualitative insights into attitudes and motivations.

Interviews: One-on-one conversations for detailed feedback from potential customers.

Pre-launching: This is a goldmine for market research in the fashion industry. By creating a landing page with your concept and gauging customer response, you gain real-time insights into demand, iterate on your design based on feedback, and avoid investing heavily in an idea that might flop. This direct interaction with potential customers makes pre-launching a powerful primary research tool.

Secondary Research: Existing data collected by others. Look for:

Industry Reports: Market research firms publish reports on fashion trends, consumer spending, and market size. 

Here’s where to look:

  • Euromonitor International : Provides comprehensive reports on various fashion segments like apparel, footwear, and accessories, with a global perspective. 
  • LWD (Leather Working Group) : Focuses on the leather industry, offering reports on sustainability practices, sourcing trends, and market analysis. 
  • Nielsen : Offers reports on consumer spending habits and demographics, including insights relevant to the fashion industry. 

Fashion Publications: Trade publications and online fashion magazines often feature trend forecasts and consumer analysis. 

  • The Business of Fashion (BoF) : Publishes insightful reports on various fashion industry topics, including market analysis, trend forecasts, and business strategies. 
  • Vogue Business : Offers in-depth reports on luxury fashion trends, consumer preferences, and the business landscape within the high-end segment. 
  • WWD (Women’s Wear Daily) : Provides regular reports on fashion trends, retail analysis, and industry news, often with a focus on the US market. 

Step 3: Analyze Your Insights

Once you have collected data, it’s time to make sense of it. Analyze survey responses and identify trends in demographics, preferences, and buying habits.

Look for common themes emerging from focus groups and interviews. Summarize key takeaways from industry reports and publications.

Step 4: Develop Buyer Personas

Use your research findings to create detailed profiles of your ideal customers. These buyer personas should include:

  • Demographics (age, gender, income)
  • Lifestyle and interests
  • Fashion preferences and needs
  • Shopping habits and preferred channels

Example: Based on your research, you discover a significant demand for eco-friendly totes among millennial women who prioritize sustainability and ethical manufacturing. This informs your buyer persona.

Pro tip: Make sure to leverage the power of online communities like those on Reddit . Use platforms like this to examine your target audiences threads and not what topics they discuss. 

Step 5:  Understand Your Competitors

Start by identifying your main competitors in the market and conduct a thorough analysis of their products, pricing strategies, marketing channels, and brand image. Understand the strengths and weaknesses of their offerings and how they position themselves in the industry.

Next, scrutinize the market to identify any gaps or unmet needs that your competitors are overlooking. This is your opportunity to carve out a niche for your brand. Think about what unique value proposition your brand can offer to fill these gaps and differentiate itself from the competition. Consider how your products or services can solve problems or meet needs that are currently being neglected.

By focusing on these areas, you can develop a strategic approach that leverages your brand’s unique strengths, setting you apart in a crowded marketplace and positioning you for success

Pro tip: To circumvent all the hassle of a detailed competitor analysis use tools such as the AI Market Research Assistant by Prelaunch.com. This tool allows you to analyze thousands of reviews and feedback to discover top customer praises and complaints simply by entering your competitor’s links.

Step 6:  Summarize Your Findings and Take Action

Create a clear and concise report summarizing your research findings.

Use this information to make informed decisions about product development, marketing strategies, and pricing.

Step 7:  Keep Checking In

Fashion trends and consumer preferences are constantly evolving.  Monitor industry publications, conduct surveys periodically, and stay updated on competitor strategies.

Here’s a list of major fashion industry publications:

  • Harper’s Bazaar
  • WWD (Women’s Wear Daily)
  • The Business of Fashion (BoF)
  • Another Man (menswear)
  • GQ (Gentlemen’s Quarterly) (menswear)
  • Numéro (considered more avant-garde than mainstream publications)

By following these steps and continuously refining your research, you can gain valuable insights that will give your fashion business a competitive edge.

Tools and Resources for Fashion Market Research

Fashion market research equips you with valuable customer insights to design successful clothing lines, marketing campaigns, and pricing strategies. Here’s a breakdown of tools and resources categorized by primary and secondary research methods:

Primary Research

SurveyMonkey and Google Forms : Create online surveys to gather a large pool of data on demographics, preferences, and buying habits from your target audience. These tools offer user-friendly interfaces for designing questionnaires, distributing them electronically, and analyzing the collected data.

UserTesting : Conduct remote usability testing to see how potential customers interact with your clothing line prototypes or website. This online platform allows you to recruit participants, moderate testing sessions, and gain valuable insights into user experience.

Focus Group Discussion Platforms: Platforms like Lookback and User Interviews enable you to conduct online focus groups where you can moderate discussions with a smaller group to gain qualitative insights into attitudes and motivations.

Pro tip: Instead of scattering around to compile a combination of different primary research sources, get all your data in one place with Prelaunch.com . The idea validation platform lets you quickly create a landing page and share it with your friends and wider community to start generating first-hand feedback on your latest apparel concept.

Secondary Research

Industry Reports: Market research firms like Euromonitor International , LWD (Leather Working Group) , and Nielsen publish comprehensive reports on fashion trends, consumer spending, and market size. These reports provide valuable data-driven insights into the industry landscape. Fashion Publications: Stay updated on current trends and consumer analysis through trade publications like Women’s Wear Daily (WWD) and online fashion magazines like The Business of Fashion (BoF) and Vogue Business .

Social Media Listening Tools: Brandwatch and Sprout Social are social media listening tools that allow you to track brand mentions, analyze online conversations, and understand consumer sentiment about fashion trends and brands.

E-commerce Trend Reports: Platforms like Etsy and Trendalytics offer trend reports based on their sales data, giving you insights into what’s popular with online shoppers.

Additional Resources:

Fashion Trend Forecasting Services: WGSN and NellyRodi are fashion trend forecasting services that offer insights into upcoming trends, color palettes, and materials. Subscription fees apply, but these services can be invaluable for staying ahead of the curve.

By leveraging this comprehensive toolkit, you can conduct thorough market research that empowers you to make informed decisions and achieve success in the ever-evolving fashion industry.

Case Study [Start-up brand]: Reformation – Sustainable Style Takes Root

Brand: Reformation

Challenge: Reformation, a sustainable fashion brand launched in 2009, aimed to disrupt the industry with eco-friendly clothing but needed to validate their concept and target market.

fashion market research

Market Research Strategy: Reformation utilized a combination of online and offline methods:

  • Social Media Engagement: Reformation actively engaged with their target audience on social media platforms like Instagram, conducting polls and surveys to understand their preferences for sustainable clothing.
  • Trend Analysis: The company closely monitored fashion trend reports and social media conversations to identify styles and silhouettes in high demand.
  • Customer Reviews: Reformation analyzed customer reviews of their existing products to understand what resonated with their audience and identify areas for improvement.

Key Insights:   The research revealed a strong consumer interest in sustainable fashion, particularly among millennials and Gen Z.  They identified a demand for trendy yet timeless pieces made with eco-friendly materials.

Action Taken:

  • Focused on using recycled and sustainable materials like organic cotton and Tencel.
  • Developed a core collection of versatile pieces that aligned with current trends but offered longevity.
  • Utilized social media to showcase their commitment to sustainability and connect with environmentally conscious consumers.

fashion market research

Results:   Reformation’s market research ensured their products catered directly to their target audience’s desires.  Their focus on sustainability and trendy styles propelled their growth, establishing them as a leader in the sustainable fashion movement.

These case studies illustrate how established and start-up brands can leverage market research to gain valuable customer insights, adapt their offerings, and achieve success in the dynamic fashion industry.

Overcoming Challenges in Fashion Industry

The fast-paced and ever-evolving nature of the fashion industry presents unique challenges for market researchers. Here are some common roadblocks and how to navigate them:

Fickle Consumer Tastes: Trends shift quickly, making it difficult to predict what will be popular next season.

Social Media Influence:   Viral trends and influencer marketing can significantly impact buying decisions, adding a layer of complexity.

Data Saturation & Inaccuracy:   Consumers may not accurately report their preferences or be swayed by marketing messages in surveys.

Reaching Target Audiences:   Identifying and engaging with specific demographics across diverse online and offline channels can be tricky.

Fast Response Times:   Fashion cycles are short, requiring research to be agile and deliver insights quickly.

Embrace Trend Forecasting: Utilize trend forecasting services and analyze historical data to identify emerging trends with long-term potential.

Monitor Social Media Conversations: Track social media buzz, analyze influencer endorsements, and engage with online communities to understand real-time trends.

Employ Qualitative Research Methods: Conduct focus groups or in-depth interviews to gain deeper insights into consumer motivations and purchase decisions.

This is easier said than done. So a more realistic alternative is to set up a landing page on using the Prelaunch concept validaiton tool to start gaining real insights into purchase intent, as well as what could be improved. 

(e.g. You might offer a garment in certain colors and not others. Based on feedback that is conveniently complied into a single Dashboard you’ll be able to learn what iteration is most popular with your target audience, who they are both demographically/psychographically and and even the optimal price point to set.)

Utilize Diverse Research Methods: Combine quantitative surveys with qualitative methods like focus groups to get a more holistic picture of consumer preferences.

Partner with Social Listening Platforms: Track brand mentions, sentiment analysis, and competitor activity to gain real-time market intelligence.

Rapid Prototyping & A/B Testing:   Create low-fidelity prototypes of designs or marketing campaigns and conduct A/B testing to gather quick feedback and iterate quickly.

Market research is the backbone of success in the fashion industry. By meticulously studying consumer behavior, keeping a finger on the pulse of trends, and analyzing the strategies of competitors, fashion professionals can craft a robust business model. Utilizing the right tools, case studies, and overcoming challenges, your path to informed decision-making is set.

In a realm where yesterday’s fad is tomorrow’s old news, thorough market research ensures you’re always on the cusp of what’s next in fashion. It’s the secret to crafting not just great products, but legacies.

What is fashion market research?

Fashion market research is the systematic gathering, recording, and analysis of data that pertains to the market’s preferences, economic indicators, and various other factors that contribute to the behavior of fashion consumers. This research helps brands and retailers understand what products to create, how to promote them, and at what price point.

Who should be conducting fashion market research?

Anyone involved in the lifecycle of a fashion product should be involved in market research to some degree. This includes designers, manufacturers, retailers, marketers, and any other professionals with a vested interest in the success of a product in the market.

What types of market research are most appropriate for the fashion industry?

A mix of qualitative and quantitative research methods are most appropriate for the fashion industry. This includes surveys, focus groups, trend analysis, and consumer panel studies, among others. These methods help capture both broad market trends and individual consumer preferences.

fashion market research

Alice Ananian

Alice has over 8 years experience as a strong communicator and creative thinker. She enjoys helping companies refine their branding, deepen their values, and reach their intended audiences through language.

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How to conduct effective market research for fashion

Defining fashion market research, 4 reasons why market research in the fashion industry is important, secondary and primary sources for fashion market research, how to conduct fashion market research like a pro, get fashion market insights and data with attest, fashion industry market research faqs.

Are people buying more long-lasting, durable and luxury items in the name of sustainability? How big is the opportunity in second-hand clothes—and how does this affect spending in regular retail stores? Is Gen Z really not buying skinny jeans anymore—and have they scared millennials out of doing that too?

Questions like these keep everyone in the fashion industry up at night, in every part of the supply chain. Designers are frantically scrambling hints on social media to find out whether or not florals for spring are groundbreaking again, marketers are trying to find the next influencer that their target group will love, and commercial leaders are contemplating whether or not the latest fashion trend is a money spinner.

Fashion models walking on a runway in headscarves and long flowing clothes.

The fashion market is less unpredictable than it seems—and we’re not talking about low rise jeans from the 90s coming back to haunt us two decades later. If fashion professionals dive into research and get to know their target market as if they were their best friends, it’s very possible to create a proactive strategy for your fashion brand, as opposed to a reactive one. 

But where do you start looking? What sources should you combine, what questions need to be asked, and how can you effectively use all that data?

In this article, we’ll dive into the art of performing market research in the fashion business. This knowledge will be useful for not only brand managers, marketers and insights professionals, but anyone who wants to get ahead of the game by getting in the head of their customers. The right fashion market research tools can help you to:

  • Identify golden opportunities in the market
  • Spot emerging trends before your competitors
  • Understand what your target market is looking for- sometimes before they’re looking for it
  • Inform your overall fashion marketing plans, even in the face of fast-moving trends.

Fashion market research is all about understanding what your target group wants, and will want in the future. From their spending patterns to the effectiveness of campaigns, fashion market research and market trend analysis covers everything that helps you uncover business opportunities for the next season—and many more after. 

The goals of fashion market research vary. A brand that’s getting ready for their first collection to drop might want to look into how big the potential is for their future market share, to decide whether it’s worth it or not to go live. 

But even big players, from Inditex to Chanel , are constantly keeping an eye on their target market. Reasons for them to perform market research are to gain insights into how different customer segments react to trends in the market and certain marketing strategies. They also try to gain insight into how much consumers spend on certain items, to identify areas for growth and new markets. They might even discover a new customer segment to tap into while they’re at it.

Long-term market research in the fashion business is all about collecting data that will help a brand understand how to beat the competition, simply by connecting with their customers better and creating new products they can’t resist buying. 

In the short term, fashion brands can perform research to measure the effectiveness of campaigns and commercials, or to gauge how successful a new line has been. 

A table covered in different issues of Vogue magazine, with Rihanna in focus on one cover.

Market research is important in any industry where there’s even the tiniest bit of competition—and the fashion industry especially is one that really depends on it. Here are four reasons why market research is vital for brands and businesses who want to thrive.

Reason 1: The market reacts strongly to trends

Philosophy aside: influencers have a huge, well, influence on the fashion market . In all types of market, they are directly impacting buying decisions. And it’s not just fashion bloggers—anyone with a decent following, can alter the way people shop. Just take the show Love Island, where winners get rewarded by having their ‘own’ clothing line on ASOS. And it’s become incredibly easy to shop items that were worn on the show. 

But it’s not just runways and social media trends that impact the fashion industry. Take the pandemic: after years of being on the rise, both online and brick and mortar fashion stores saw a dramatic drop in sales, one they’re still recovering from. The ways people shop have changed, and it’s up to brands to figure this out and react cleverly.

Plus, consumers getting more eco-friendly and more resistant to fast fashion, and a call for more inclusive clothing across genders and sizes, will also inevitably leave its mark on the fashion industry.

Reason 2: Target groups vary a lot

Fashionistas who grew up buying Primark and loving every second of the experience fast fashion affords, might have turned into environmentally conscious shoppers who are only interested in bespoke pieces, or who shop mostly on second-hand apps like Depop or Vinted.  

The moral of the story? Your current customers could shop elsewhere tomorrow. The fashion industry serves dozens, if not hundreds of customer groups in which consumers fall. It’s crucial to get to know them as well as you can, to keep them interested for long enough.

A main street lined with palm trees and fashion brands like Dolce & Gabbana.

Reason 3: The market is highly competitive. 

There are too many brands and stores to count, but together they make up for a value of $3,000 billion (3 trillion dollars!), which is 2 percent of the world’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

It’s not uncommon for busy shopping streets to have multiple stores of the same brand, a stone’s throw away from the next one all within seconds’ walking distance from each other. If that doesn’t tell you everything about how highly competitive the market is, we don’t know what will.

Add the e-commerce part of the industry to that, in which brands can almost pop up and go as they please, and you find yourself in one of the most competitive industries on the globe.

Reason 4: It’ll help you bond with your target group

Last but not least: market research can be a sneaky yet smart way to connect with your target group. 

Especially when done on a large scale, for instance by online surveys that are rewarded with some sort of discount code, brands can reap extra benefits from asking their customers some quick questions. You can ask them about styles and certain products, but also test out if they’ve seen your recent ads and what they thought of it.

With the fashion industry being so big both offline and online, it can be hard to find data that really represents the part of the market that’s relevant to you. A fashion business that focuses on sustainability is less interested in what’s happening in market segments such as luxury brands and designer apparel, but in the big picture, all fashion data is often thrown in together. 

If you want your research to remain relevant, you’ll have to collect reliable data by combining both primary and secondary research. 

Let’s look at some sources you can gather information from that will help you make confident decisions. 

Primary sources

Information that comes straight off the rack comes directly from consumers, or even from store owners, depending on what you need. Here are some ways you can perform primary market research in the fashion industry:

  • Online surveys: the more you know, the better. Online surveys are great for that, but you’ll want to ask the right people. You can use it to test out campaign ideas, make more accurate consumer profiles, track your brand health or analyse the trends in the industry.
  • Focus groups: whether it’s with designers, buyers, suppliers, independent store managers or anyone else in the industry—sometimes the most valuable information comes out of a conversation between peers, rather than from market research reports. Determine what your topic is, and let the focus groups brainstorm—you never know what you’ll learn. 
  • Interviews: this could be interesting to do, for instance when you’re looking into a new customer segment. Sit some of your potential customers down and find out how you can convince them to buy from you. 
  • Test marketing: with a/b testing, brands can easily test out if certain campaigns—or even certain products—will be in demand. Create a mock-up campaign and launch it. Does it get a lot of traffic? Then it could be worth pursuing!

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Secondary sources

If you’re looking for numbers like annual spend, market size, growth numbers and price developments, dive into secondary research. There are countless government statistics out there, and even other fashion brands who will make it easier by publishing their own reports. 

Like any type of market analysis , fashion research should always be tailored—pun intended!—to the goal you’re trying to achieve. We’ll quickly walk you through the steps of conducting market research effectively.

Step one: Define your objective

On one hand, you could just dive into all the secondary research you can find to see if there’s something worth focusing on. But that could be disappointing, not to mention incredibly time-consuming—think needles and haystacks. 

Instead, flip it around. What is the goal your company has? What are you curious about, specifically? Then, work backwards and find the information you need to achieve that goal or answer that question.

Step two: Find the right sources and tools

Like we mentioned earlier, informed decisions are often made on a mix of information. Determine how you’ll gain insights and what sources you will gather information from, before you frantically start looking.

Also, when working with a survey or anything like that for the primary research part, make sure you have it ready and checked by everyone involved before launch, so you don’t get the results back and realise you missed an important question. 

With Attest you can launch your first survey for free .

Step three: Analyse your insights

Start off this step by organising all the data you’ve gathered. You want to draw conclusions from the big picture, not from something that coincidentally was highlighted along the way. 

Step four: Implement!

Market research should be done to not just gain insights, but to take action. If you use it to formulate a marketing plan, make sure it gets implemented. If you use it to get more insights about consumer behaviour, ask sales and marketing how they plan to use this information.

Step five: Keep checking in

Depending on the type and length of the research, make sure to follow up with both the results and the way it was implemented. 

Rack of fashionable clothes designed by a small business owner.

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Senior Customer Research Manager 

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Textile Learner

Market Research in Fashion Industry: Meaning, Types and Importance

Shubham Anil Jain Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Limited Bangalore, India Email: [email protected]

Introduction: The process of gathering and analyzing information to find insights into the fashion industry, which involves its top players, competitors and more importantly the target market is called as market research. Either you own an existing clothing business or are looking for entry into the world of fashion, market research is very necessary and can ensure effective use of the marketing expenditure as well as increase the chance of business success. The feature of fashion market research is that it provides business owners and entrepreneurs with beneficial insights so they can make correct, informed decisions to manage the development or evolution of their fashion business .

Market Research in Fashion Industry

Market research in fashion industry is necessary due to following reasons:

  • To understand how customers describe to your brand or a competitor’s brand.
  • Helps in identifying different areas for growth, new markets, and customer segments.
  • To know about how existing customers would like to see your brand evolve.
  • To gather information about consumer opinions and interactions with different fashion segments (e.g. fast fashion vs. luxury brands).
  • To analyze how  fashion marketing  campaigns influence consumers’ mindset and their behavior.

Why Market Research in the Fashion Industry is Important?

a) The market retaliate strongly to trends: It is seen that, in all types of market, influencers are directly impacting buying decisions. And it’s just not limited to fashion bloggers, but anyone with a decent following, can change the way people shop. Not only runways and social media trends that impact the fashion industry, in case of the pandemic situation after years of being on the rise, both online and brick and mortar fashion outlets experienced a large drop in sales, even they’re still recovering from. The lifestyle of people has changed as well as their buying habits, and it’s up to brands to highlight this out and react cleverly. Even consumers getting more eco-friendly nowadays and more resistant to fast fashion, and a look for more inclusive clothing across genders and sizes, will also automatically leave its mark on the fashion industry.

b) Variation in target segments: Fashion lovers who have grown up buying high fashion brands and loving every second of the experience fast fashion affords, might have turned into environmentally conscious purchasers who are only interested in made to measure concept, or who shop mostly on second-hand apps like Depop or Vinted. It is very visible that, your current customers could shop elsewhere tomorrow. It’s critical to get to know them as well as you can, to sustain them for long enough and create interest.

c) Competitiveness in market: Currently, there are too many brands and stores are available to count, which leads to high competition in the market. It’s not unusual for a kind of for busy shopping streets to have multiple stores of the same brand, walking distance from each other. One can add the e-commerce part of the industry to that, in which brands can easily come and go as they required, and one find yourself in one of the most competitive industries in the world.

d) It’ll help to connect with the target group: Market research can be a tricky yet smart way to connect with your target group. Especially in case of a large scale, for an example by online surveys that are offered with some sort of discount code, brands can earn extra benefits from asking their customers some different types of quick questions. One can ask them about styles and certain products, but one also has to figure out if they’ve seen your recent ads and what they thought of it.

Types of Market Research:

A. Primary Market Research: It is basically a combination of both Qualitative and Quantitative Research. A process where instructions or businesses get in contact with the end consumers or employ a third party to carry out different studies to collect data is known as primary market research. While carrying primary market research, one can collect two types of information: Exploratory and Specific. Exploratory research is simply an open-ended, where a problem is raised by asking open ended questions in a deep interview format usually with a small group of people, also known as a sample, whereas in specific research, as the name suggests it is more specific and is used to solve the problems that are identified by exploratory research.

In qualitative market research study, it includes semi-structured or unstructured data collected through some of the commonly used qualitative research methods like:

1. Focus groups: Focus group is a small group of people usually 6-10 people who typically react or answer to online surveys sent to them. It is more expensive method and used to collect complex information.

2. One-to-one interview: By the name it is clear that, this method involves personal connect in the form of an interview, where the researcher asks a number of questions to collect information or data from the respondents. Here the questions are mostly open ended and asked in a way to get responses.

3. Ethnographic research: It is a in-depth research which is conducted in the natural settings of the respondents. In this method the interviewer adapt himself/herself to the natural environment of the respondents which can be a city or a town area.

B. Secondary Market Research: That is managed by outside sources such as government agencies, media, chambers of commerce etc. is called as secondary market research. The example is information published in newspapers, magazines, books, company websites, free government and nongovernment agencies and so on. The secondary source makes use of the following:

1. Public sources: Public sources such as library are a good way of gathering free information. Even government libraries are free of cost and a researcher can document available information.

2. Commercial sources: This sources although reliable but expensive in nature. The examples are local newspapers, magazines, journal, and television media to collect the information.

3. Educational institutions: Although it is not a very famous source of collecting information, most universities and educational institutions are a good source of information as many research projects are carried out there than any of the business sector.

Benefits of Systematic Market Research:

1. Make good and correct decision: As it is fact that, the growth of any organization is highly rely on the way decisions are made by the management. Using market research methodology, the management can take business decisions on the basis results that back their knowledge and experience.

2. Obtain right information: Market research generally gives real and correct information that will prepare the organization for any mistakes that may happen in the future.

3. Identify the market size: With the help of this, a researcher can analyze the size of the market that must be considered in case of selling a product or service in order to make profits.

4. Helps in selecting an appropriate sales system: It helps to select a correct sales system according to what the market is demanding for, and according to this, the product/service can be highlighted in the market.

5. In analyzing the customer preferences: It helps to identify how the preferences and tastes of the clients change so that the business can satisfy their preferences, purchasing habits, and income level.

Conclusion: It is simply all about understanding what you target group needs, and will require in the future. From their spending behavior to the effectiveness of many campaigns, fashion market research covers everything that helps you identify of find out many business opportunities for the next season and many more after. The goals of fashion market research ranges. It can be happen that a brand that’s getting ready for their first collection to drop might want to look into how huge scope is for their future market share, to finalize whether it’s worth it or not to go live.


  • Market Research: What it Is, Methods, Types & Examples, https://www.questionpro.com/blog/what-is-market-research/
  • https://www.askattest.com/blog/guides/market-research-for-fashion
  • https://www.designscene.net/2018/06/market-research-fashion.html
  • How to Conduct Fashion Market Research Like a Pro
  • https://resources.pollfish.com/market-research/how-to-conduct-fashion-market-research-like-a-pro/

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Mazharul Islam Kiron

Founder & Editor of Textile Learner. He is a Textile Consultant, Blogger & Entrepreneur. He is working as a textile consultant in several local and international companies. He is also a contributor of Wikipedia.

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SIS International Market Research

Fashion and Apparel Market Research

SIS International Market Research & Strategy

We live in a data-intensive age in which successful companies require instant information to make informed decisions. Fashion Market Research gives you the insight, intelligence, data, and analysis you need to make confident decisions.

We provide:.

  • Millennials & Generation Z research
  • Focus Groups with Customers and Non-Customers
  • Affluent Market Research
  • Competitive Intelligence
  • Supply Chain Research
  • Trend insights
  • Customer Experience & Loyalty research
  • BRIC Emerging Markets Apparel Insights

Apparel Research Solutions

SIS International Research for our experience in comprehensive Market Assessments, Consumer Behavioral and Attitudinal studies, Omnichannel Insights, Competitive Intelligence campaigns, Mall Intercepts, Focus Groups, Grey Goods studies and more.

We are also skilled in the “Fast Fashion” business model and new fashion subscription service models.

Our Market Research methodologies deliver cutting edge strategies to maximize your efficiency and effectiveness in the marketplace, unlocking the data and knowledge to build competitive advantages.

Apparel Market Research objectives

  • Collect insights on consumers’ behavior and attitude towards the apparel and key brands.
  • Gain insights into target consumers overall fashion needs across occasions and lifestyle and how it translates into their “apparel share of wallet”.
  • Gain insights into consumers’ attitude and interaction with apparel in the mass segment versus premium and luxury brands.
  • brands perception & relationship with self
  • potential momentum & equity growth
  • Identify key drivers of brand affiliation
  • Gain insights into consumers’ cross-channel purchase behavior including a focus on digital and emerging channels.

Face-to-Face Apparel Research

  • Print out of “selfies” taken by respondents (use as stimulus)
  • Print out Brand Association Self Completion forms (for distribution)
  • Wifi required to capture the group session 
  • An audio recording of the session.  
  • Flip-charts
  • Post-it or small note cards
  • Writing materials

Selfie Research and Homework Assignments

Participants can record a diary of their outfits using “selfies” over a period of 7 consecutive days.   These selfies will be sent to moderators 3 days before their group session.

Attitude & Behavior Insights

  • Sports/ Gym/ “athleisure”
  • Leather goods e.g. bags, wallets, belts
  • Accessories

Channel Insights

  • Department stores
  • Premium Brand speciality store
  • Multi-labels boutiques
  • Fast fashion stores (retail/ online)
  • “Off price” / Discount stores
  • Online fashion shopping sites
  • Peer-to-peer/ Social media

Information Areas

  • Share of Wardrobe
  • Customer Needs
  • Information Sources
  • Annual Spending
  • Share of Wallet
  • Forecast Spending
  • Mass brand vs premium brand
  • Competitive Set
  • Online Channels
  • Stylishness
  • Product Variety
  • Value for money

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Trends & Key Figures: the online fashion market

A 3€ dress from Shein, Birkenstocks on your feet and a Sézane jacket bought second-hand on Vinted: the buying behavior of e-shoppers is evolving and has changed the online fashion market.

New buying behaviours are emerging, and ecological and economic awareness has shaped consumer habits and growing trends. The fashion industry has definitely changed – Foxintelligence shares its insights with you today.

On today’s menu:

  • The ultra-fast fashion market, which continues to weigh heavily in the fashion sector despite growing ecological awareness (in particular due to Shein’s popularity)
  • Second-hand is no longer an option for retailers looking to gain market share (with a focus on the breakdown of sales by generation and the frequency of second-hand purchases)
  • Focus on the Sézane case: the successful DNVB that took the online fashion and retail industry by storm thanks to a high-performing business model

Zara, Shein & H&M: a close-up on the online fast fashion market

Shein invents ultra fast fashion.

Shein coined the term “ultra-fast fashion.” And with good reason: in 48 hours, the brand offers more new products than H&M does in several months. An aggressive practice that encourages disposable culture.

Shein takes the top spot in fast fashion, with Zara and H&M shifting strategies

In 2022, Shein captured 33.8% of the ultra fast fashion market by value in France. Zara 36.4% and H&M 29.8%.

In France, Shein’s market share declined in 2022 vs. 2021 – while those of its competitors increased. The opposite trend can be observed in the UK and Spain:

  • In the UK, Shein accounted for 40% of the market share (+11.3 pts vs. 2021)
  • On the Hispanic side, Shein accounted for over 50% of sales in the ultra-fast fashion market (+7.5 pts vs. 2021)

Zara opts to shift upmarket

Higher prices, partnerships with the great names of haute couture – Zara is moving upmarket and trying to turn its back on its image as a fast-fashion brand.

H&M bets on CSR

H&M is taking a somewhat different turn: emphasizing second-hand, recycling and garment rental – as well as reducing its carbon footprint and promoting its H&M “Take Care” program (garment repair and care services).

What is the weight of ultra-fast fashion in the fashion category?

In Spain, ultra-fast fashion is gaining ground. 21% in 2019, 33% in 2022: the market penetration rate is rising steadily.

But in the UK, France and Germany, the market is not doing so well. Figures are stagnating in the UK, while in France and Germany, the penetration rate fell in 2022.

  • Can we really turn our backs on fast fashion despite declining purchasing power?
  • Is it possible to compete with Shein?

➡️  Read more here

fashion market research

Is second-hand the future of the fashion industry?

At a time when everyone knows about Vinted, can we still consider that second-hand is only for the younger generation? What are buyers’ real motivations for turning to second-hand? And how should retailers position themselves to meet these new needs? Let’s dive in.

Second-hand, a booming market

The penetration rate of the second-hand market has been growing steadily over the past 5 years. In France, it tripled from 14 % in 2017 to 41 % in 2022.

The underlying motivations of e-shoppers who choose second-hand products

There are many reasons, but it’s  the need to save money  that comes out on top. The advantage for shoppers is twofold: to treat themselves at a low price, and to earn money by selling clothes they no longer use. Second-hand is the perfect answer to declining purchasing power.

Shoppers’ second motivation is militant – buying clothes that have already had a first life is a way of protesting against fast fashion, over-consumption and over-production.

Spend less, buy better: it’s a no-brainer for the second-hand market.

For retailers, second-hand is no longer an option

Participating in the circular economy has become a purchasing criterion. Used, second-hand, reconditioned: more and more consumers are considering products that have had a first life – before turning to new.

For retailers, this represents an opportunity for growth. Kiabi for example has opted for product take-back by opening  its second-hand platform . Customers can return clothes they no longer wear, in exchange for vouchers.

It has become essential for retailers and marketplaces to take these new needs into account.

  • Is the second-hand market still just for the younger generations?
  • How often do people buy second-hand and new products?

fashion market research

Sézane, the successful DNVB that took the retail world by storm

Sézane is France’s leading online fashion brand. It has experienced (and continues to experience) exponential growth: in 10 years, it has shaken up the retail market and rewritten the fashion rules.

The typical Sézane customer

Straight to the point: they are Parisians – 42 % of the brand’s online market share is generated in the Paris region.

They also buy from Zara, and are fans of Vinted

Sézane acquired 59 % of new online customers, but lost 51 % of their base between 2021 and 2022. The lost customers spent 19 % of their fashion budget at Vinted, and the brands they buy most from are Zara (6.4 %) and H&M (4.6 %).

Their average spend on the Sézane website was €431 in 2022

Generations Z and Boomers spent the least at Sézane. Gen X and Y are the brand’s core target, with average spending of €499 and €481 respectively.

A strong preference for second-hand goods

Second-hand accounted for 3 % of Sézane purchases in 2018. By 2022, the figure had risen to 9.5 %, reflecting the reality of the market for many merchants. Second-hand has become a business opportunity for brands, which are increasingly integrating it as a strategic pillar for their growth.

From a generational point of view, as we saw above, Boomers and Gen Z spent the least on the brand’s website – yet they are the ones who spend the most on second-hand Sézane clothes!

Sézane owes its success to its well-established business model

Masterful storytelling & an ultra-committed community:

  • The brand was created on the principle of micro-collections, intended for privileged subscribers to the brand’s newsletter.
  • The designer is the brand’s muse, and its storytelling is a masterclass: Sézane is Morgane Sézalory, its designer – a founder who inspires and unites a community of loyal shoppers.
  • The  Sézanettes , the brand’s aficionados, have a Facebook group of 66,000 members – and on Instagram, the hashtag #sézanette brings together 135,000 publications of Sézane looks posted by shoppers.

Thought-out offers & sold-out collections in a matter of hours: Sézane is the definition of FOMO

  • The site features an “Essentials” category – timeless basics that are available all year round -and in parallel, limited-edition capsule collections to boost the brand’s desirability
  • A judiciously accessible price point, halfway between fast fashion and luxury
  • In the physical boutique, customers enjoy a personal journey – from herbal teas to creaky wooden floors, the brand has created a new kind of shopping experience
  • The penetration rate of ultra-fast fashion fell in France and Germany in 2022 – but remained stable in the UK
  • To break away from their image as fast fashion brands, H&M and Zara are making strategic shifts
  • Second-hand is a major business challenge for retailers and marketplaces – the market penetration rate has tripled over the last 5 years in France
  • For Sézane, the generations who spent the least on the brand’s website are those who spent the most on second-hand clothes

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Apparel & Shoes

U.S. apparel market - statistics & facts

U.s. apparel market, leading brands, key insights.

Detailed statistics

Value of the leading global apparel brands 2023

Revenue of the apparel market worldwide by country 2023

Global revenue of the apparel market 2018-2028

Editor’s Picks Current statistics on this topic

Fashion & Accessories

United States: leading apparel retailers 2023, by retail sales

Further recommended statistics

Global overview.

  • Premium Statistic Global revenue of the apparel market 2018-2028
  • Premium Statistic Revenue of the apparel market worldwide by country 2023
  • Basic Statistic Leading exporters of clothing worldwide by value 2022
  • Basic Statistic Leading importers of apparel worldwide by value 2022
  • Premium Statistic Value of the leading global apparel brands 2023
  • Premium Statistic Sales of the leading apparel and accessories companies worldwide 2022/23

Revenue of the apparel market worldwide from 2018 to 2028 (in trillion U.S. dollars)

Revenue of the apparel market worldwide by country in 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Leading exporters of clothing worldwide by value 2022

Leading exporting countries of clothing worldwide by value in 2022 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Leading importers of apparel worldwide by value 2022

Leading importing countries of apparel worldwide by value in 2022 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Value of the leading 10 apparel brands worldwide in 2023 (in million U.S. dollars)

Sales of the leading apparel and accessories companies worldwide 2022/23

Sales of the leading apparel and accessories companies worldwide in 2022/23 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Manufacturing and trade

  • Basic Statistic Number of employees in the U.S. apparel manufacturing industry 1990-2023
  • Premium Statistic Revenue of the U.S. female and infant apparel manufacturing industry 2013-2023
  • Premium Statistic Revenue of men's & boys' apparel manufacturing in the U.S., 2014-2023
  • Basic Statistic Value of the leading 15 markets for U.S. textile and apparel exports 2023
  • Premium Statistic Value of U.S. apparel and accessories imports in 2022 by region

Number of employees in the U.S. apparel manufacturing industry 1990-2023

Number of employees in the U.S. apparel manufacturing industry from 1990 to 2023 (in 1,000s)

Revenue of the U.S. female and infant apparel manufacturing industry 2013-2023

Market size of the women's, girls', and infant's apparel manufacturing industry in the United States from 2013 to 2023 (in million U.S. dollars)

Revenue of men's & boys' apparel manufacturing in the U.S., 2014-2023

Market value of men's & boys' apparel manufacturing in the United States from 2014 to 2023 (in million U.S. dollars)

Value of the leading 15 markets for U.S. textile and apparel exports 2023

Value of the leading 15 markets for U.S. textile and apparel exports in 2023 (in million U.S. dollars)

Value of U.S. apparel and accessories imports in 2022 by region

Value of apparel and accessories imported to the United States in 2022, by geographical region (in million U.S. dollars)

Retail market

  • Premium Statistic Apparel and apparel accessories stores monthly sales U.S. 2017-2023
  • Basic Statistic Clothing and clothing accessories store sales in the United States 1992-2022
  • Premium Statistic Family clothing store sales in the United States from 1992 to 2023
  • Premium Statistic Women's clothing store sales in the United States from 1992 to 2023
  • Premium Statistic Men's clothing store sales in the United States from 1992 to 2022
  • Premium Statistic U.S. apparel and accessory stores ad spend 2021-2022

Apparel and apparel accessories stores monthly sales U.S. 2017-2023

Monthly retail sales of clothing and clothing accessories stores in the United States from January 2017 to February 2023 (in million U.S. dollars)

Clothing and clothing accessories store sales in the United States 1992-2022

Clothing and clothing accessories store sales in the United States from 1992 to 2022 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Family clothing store sales in the United States from 1992 to 2023

Family clothing store sales in the United States from 1992 to 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Women's clothing store sales in the United States from 1992 to 2023

Women's clothing store sales in the United States from 1992 to 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Men's clothing store sales in the United States from 1992 to 2022

Men's clothing store sales in the United States from 1992 to 2022 (in billion U.S. dollars)

U.S. apparel and accessory stores ad spend 2021-2022

Advertising spending in the apparel and accessory stores industry in the United States from 2021 to 2022 (in million U.S. dollars)

Leading apparel companies

  • Basic Statistic TJX Companies: global net sales 2013- 2024
  • Basic Statistic TJX Companies: global revenue share 2024, by region
  • Basic Statistic U.S. revenue of Nike from 1988 to 2024
  • Basic Statistic adidas Group - revenue from H1 2020 to H1 2023, by region
  • Premium Statistic Global net sales of The Gap, Inc. by region from 2011 to 2023
  • Basic Statistic Macy's: net sales worldwide 2005-2023
  • Basic Statistic Global revenue of the VF Corporation from 2021 to 2024, by region
  • Basic Statistic Inditex Group net sales worldwide, by region 2023

TJX Companies: global net sales 2013- 2024

TJX Companies net sales worldwide from 2013 to 2024 (in million U.S. dollars)

TJX Companies: global revenue share 2024, by region

TJX Companies revenue share worldwide in 2024, by region

U.S. revenue of Nike from 1988 to 2024

Nike's revenue in the United States from the fiscal years of 1988 to 2024 (in million U.S. dollars)

adidas Group - revenue from H1 2020 to H1 2023, by region

Adidas revenue from H1 2020 to H1 2023, by region (in million euros)

Global net sales of The Gap, Inc. by region from 2011 to 2023

Net sales of The Gap, Inc. worldwide from 2011 to 2023, by region (in million U.S. dollars)

Macy's: net sales worldwide 2005-2023

Net sales of Macy's Inc. worldwide from 2005 to 2023 (in million U.S. dollars)

Global revenue of the VF Corporation from 2021 to 2024, by region

Revenue of the VF Corporation worldwide from 2021 to 2024, by region (in million U.S. dollars)

Inditex Group net sales worldwide, by region 2023

Inditex Group's net sales worldwide in the financial year 2023, by region (in billion euros)

Consumer behavior

  • Premium Statistic Most popular clothing and footwear brands in the U.S. Q4 2023
  • Premium Statistic Factors in U.S. apparel shoppers purchase decisions in 2023
  • Premium Statistic Breakdown of U.S. consumers' closets as of 2012-2032, by purchase channel
  • Premium Statistic Average annual U.S. consumer spend on footwear in 2022, by generation
  • Premium Statistic Average annual U.S. consumer spend on women's and girls' clothing in 2022, by age
  • Premium Statistic Average annual U.S. consumer spend on men's and boys' clothing in 2022, by generation

Most popular clothing and footwear brands in the U.S. Q4 2023

Leading clothing and footwear brands in popularity among consumers in the United States as of the 4th quarter 2023

Factors in U.S. apparel shoppers purchase decisions in 2023

What apparel and footwear shoppers in the United States look for when deciding whether to purchase an apparel product in 2023

Breakdown of U.S. consumers' closets as of 2012-2032, by purchase channel

Share of the average consumer's closet in the United States from 2012 to 2032, by purchase channel

Average annual U.S. consumer spend on footwear in 2022, by generation

Average annual consumer expenditure on footwear in the United States in 2022, by generation (in U.S. dollars)

Average annual U.S. consumer spend on women's and girls' clothing in 2022, by age

Average annual consumer expenditure on women's and girls' apparel in the United States in 2022, by age (in U.S. dollars)

Average annual U.S. consumer spend on men's and boys' clothing in 2022, by generation

Average annual consumer expenditure on men's and boys' apparel in the United States in 2022, by generation (in U.S. dollars)

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Apparel Industry Research & Market Reports

Refine your search, global silicone vegan leather market growth 2024-2030.

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Sustainable fashion market report 2024 and competitive analysis for h&m, inditex, gap, kering, nike, adidas and levi strauss.

Dublin, Aug. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Sustainable Fashion Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2030" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering. The future of the global sustainable fashion market looks promising with opportunities in the men, women, children, and unisex markets. The global sustainable fashion market is expected to reach an estimated $24.26 billion by 2030 with a CAGR of 18.6% from 2024 to 2030. The major drivers for this market are rising consumer awareness and demand for eco-friendly products and innovations in technology that enhance visibility in supply chains and promote circularity.

Key Market Insights

Apparel is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period.

Within this market, women will remain the largest segment.

North America will remain the largest region over the forecast period due to increasing awareness about eco-friendly fashion, regulations promoting sustainability, and rising spending power.

Key Features of the Global Sustainable Fashion Market Report

Market Size Estimates: Sustainable fashion market size estimation in terms of value ($B).

Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2018 to 2023) and forecast (2024 to 2030) by various segments and regions.

Segmentation Analysis: Sustainable fashion market size by various segments, such as by product type, fabric type, distribution channel, end use, and region in terms of value ($B).

Regional Analysis: Sustainable fashion market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.

Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different product types, fabric types, distribution channels, end uses, and regions for the sustainable fashion market.

Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the sustainable fashion market.

Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter's Five Forces model.

Sustainable Fashion Companies Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. With these strategies sustainable fashion companies cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base.

Some of the sustainable fashion companies profiled in this report include:

Inditex (Zara)

Levi Strauss & Co

This report answers the following key questions:

What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for the sustainable fashion market by product type (apparel, footwear, accessories, jewelry, bags, and others), fabric type (recycled fabrics, organic fabrics, regenerated fabrics, natural fibers, alternate fibers, and others), distribution channel (online, offline, brand outlets, multi-brand outlets, independent boutiques, and others), end use (men, women, children, unisex, and others), and region?

Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?

Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?

What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?

What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?

What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?

What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?

What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?

Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?

What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?

What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?

Key Topics Covered: 1. Executive Summary 2. Global Sustainable Fashion Market : Market Dynamics 2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications 2.2: Supply Chain 2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges 3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2018 to 2030 3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030) 3.2. Global Sustainable Fashion Market Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030) 3.3: Global Sustainable Fashion Market by Product Type 3.3.1: Apparel 3.3.2: Footwear 3.3.3: Accessories 3.3.4: Jewelry 3.3.5: Bags 3.3.6: Others 3.4: Global Sustainable Fashion Market by Fabric Type 3.4.1: Recycled Fabrics 3.4.2: Organic Fabrics 3.4.3: Regenerated Fabrics 3.4.4: Natural Fibers 3.4.5: Alternate Fibers 3.4.6: Others 3.5: Global Sustainable Fashion Market by Distribution Channel 3.5.1: Online 3.5.2: Offline 3.5.3: Brand Outlets 3.5.4: Multi-Brand Outlets 3.5.5: Independent Boutiques 3.5.6: Others 3.6: Global Sustainable Fashion Market by End Use 3.6.1: Men 3.6.2: Women 3.6.3: Children 3.6.4: Unisex 3.6.5: Others 4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2018 to 2030 4.1: Global Sustainable Fashion Market by Region 4.2: North American Sustainable Fashion Market 4.3: European Sustainable Fashion Market 4.4: APAC Sustainable Fashion Market 4.5: ROW Sustainable Fashion Market 5. Competitor Analysis 5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis 5.2: Operational Integration 5.3: Porter's Five Forces Analysis 6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis 6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis 6.2: Emerging Trends in the Global Sustainable Fashion Market 6.3: Strategic Analysis 6.3.1: New Product Development 6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of the Global Sustainable Fashion Market 6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in the Global Sustainable Fashion Market 6.3.4: Certification and Licensing 7. Company Profiles of Leading Players

For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/8mtkfw

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How the Streetwear Customer Is Evolving

Supreme store in Shanghai.

  • Lei Takanashi

Key insights

  • Streetwear shoppers are prioritising individualism over hype as styles change and wallets tighten amid a turbulent economy.
  • The graphic T-shirts and hoodies that defined streetwear are giving way to a wider array of garments with different connections to niche subcultures and communities.
  • Although hypebeast culture is fading away, the desire for community membership that fueled logo-heavy apparel remains strong.

Before Luke Fracher opened Luke’s, a resale business focused on used luxury and high-fashion menswear, in 2022, he was the co-owner of Round Two, which at its peak in the late-2010s was a mainstay of the resale market for hyped streetwear. The customers Fracher served back then are still buying from Luke’s today, except now, instead of exclusively buying Supreme, they’re more inclined to mix in Balenciaga, Rick Owens, Vetements or Louis Vuitton apparel by Pharrell or Virgil Abloh.

“The average consumer is just more educated now and has a better sense of self,” said Fracher, who just opened Luke’s second outpost in Los Angeles this month. “They used to come in and just buy a random $100 Supreme or BAPE tee. Now, people want certain items to complete their fit and are not grabbing stuff for the sake of grabbing it anymore.”

Luke Fracher, founder of Luke's, a resale business focused on used luxury and high-fashion menswear.

Despite the narrative to the contrary, streetwear isn’t dead and young consumers are not casting aside their sneaker rotation for a wardrobe full of loafers. While the market for brands like Supreme, Off-White and Palace has cooled, it’s still moving. What’s changed is the streetwear shopper is no longer a monolithic, head-to-toe brand loyalist. Instead, retailers and other experts say the young consumers who might have only bought graphic T-shirts and hoodies a few years ago are embracing a diverse wardrobe that mixes streetwear, heritage brands and traditional menswear or luxury.

“There’s a venn diagram between the customers for Wales Bonner-Adidas, Supreme and Bottega [Veneta],” said Jian DeLeon, Nordstrom’s men’s fashion director who was formerly the editorial director of the youth culture magazine Highsnobiety. “They might aspire to buy one special piece from Bottega but are going to wear it with Carhartt pants and a graphic T-shirt from Pleasures or Supreme.”


At the multi-brand Asian streetwear retailer Invincible, for example, brogues from Thom Browne are now sold alongside Hoka sneakers. Co-founder Michael Vincent said the shop still sells streetwear staples like Stüssy and Neighborhood, which Vincent describes as a stable legacy brand, but the same consumers who bought Off-White graphic T-shirts and Nike Dunks a couple years ago have moved on to more expansive tastes.

“Now the consumer is more picky,” he said. “It’s more centred on individual style, and sneakers are no longer that ‘it thing’ to complete your streetwear look.”

What Streetwear Shoppers Are Buying — Or Not

The changes are also affecting where streetwear shoppers are directing their money. Many are being more discerning amidst turbulent global markets and the looming threat of a recession. Customers who’ve bought from Supreme directly in the past spent 9.1 percent less at apparel, accessories and department-store chains in 2023 compared to the prior year, and 7.7 percent less in roughly the first six months of 2024, according to an analysis of credit card data by Earnest Analytics.

This general drop in spending doesn’t mean consumers aren’t buying streetwear brands anymore. StockX reported that Fear of God and Supreme were still the most-traded apparel brands on the platform during the first six months of 2024. However, the fastest-growing brands during that time included New York-based label Denim Tears, Gucci and Asics.

Drew Haines, StockX’s director of sneakers and collectibles, said even as Millennial and Gen-Z shoppers continue to pay above retail for labels like Fear of God and Supreme, bargain hunters are fuelling a growing trade for luxury brands, and interest is growing in sportswear challenger brands like On as well as heritage brands like Timberland as interest in Nike Air Jordan 1s and Dunks declines.

“Where youth culture goes, culture will go. Youth will always gravitate towards these types of products and the status that they carry with them,” Haines said.

One shift he has noticed is that, even though Nike is still the top sneaker brand on StockX, customers are moving beyond its hyped collaborations.

“They’re looking for something that isn’t just what everyone else has,” said Haines.

Invincible store in South Jakarta, Indonesia.

This collaboration fatigue also led Vincent to diversify Invincible’s store’s assortment in Jakarta, Indonesia, rather than conceiving hyped partnerships. He says that while his customers in Indonesia — the world’s largest Muslim-majority country — are hyper aware of global style trends, they are also showcasing individualism by styling hijabs with streetwear and contemporary clothing and value dressing differently more than wearing the week’s hottest drop.

“Instead of having five pairs of hype sneakers, the trendy ‘it girl’ is now wearing jorts, a pair of ballet flats and a Stüssy T-shirt,” Vincent said.

Same Culture, More Consumer Options

At its core, streetwear is a category that’s still defined by its connection to niche subcultures and communities. That cultural connection still exists today, just in a different form than it used to.

When Ross O’ Hanlon helped develop Dover Street Market New York’s T-shirt space in 2016, he witnessed how graphic T-shirts by brands like Cactus Plant Flea Market resonated with a wide audience intrigued by emerging brands with low-priced products. But today, he finds that the T-shirts, hoodies and hats that served as the original blank canvas for streetwear have been replaced by any product with a story behind it — the modus operandi of brands such as Denim Tears, which is centred on telling Black stories through clothing as much as Wales Bonner.

“Whether it’s the niche cultures around the clothing that they wear or the communities involved, it’s coming from a personal interest outside of the clothing itself,” said O’Hanlon, who now works as a senior buyer at streetwear retailer Concepts.

DeLeon pointed out that shoppers are still looking for small, independent brands putting out limited-edition products, only now that scarcity more often is a product of how the clothes are made. He pointed to brands like Drake’s, Stòffa and 18 East that pride themselves on craftsmanship that can’t be mass-produced.

That’s not to say brands trafficking in streetwear’s typical codes have faded away. StockX’s Haines noted that labels such as Sp5der and Hellstar are rising fast. And the names that defined the category are still around, including Supreme, even as it’s been bought and sold multiple times . Fracher of Luke’s said they continue to sell pieces from Supreme — especially older items — as well as Palace and Off-White.

Logoed apparel will continue to serve as a membership badge for the consumers who recognise it. The broader tastes of streetwear shoppers today just mean more competition and more variety.

“Back then, you only had Supreme and two other brands,” Vincent said. “Now, the streetwear consumer has options.”

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  • Retail : Streetwear
  • Wales Bonner

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117 Awesome Fashion Research Topics: Inspirational Ideas List

fashion research topics

Finding some decent fashion research topics that you can use for your next papers is not easy nowadays. You want something new, something original. Your classmates are probably scouring the Internet as we speak, so why are you still wasting time? Take a look at our long list of 117 exceptional fashion research topics and choose the best one right now.

What makes our topics different, you ask? Our experts are constantly updating the list and adding new ideas. This means you will always be able to find an original idea here on this page. We will soon be adding new topics for 2023, so stay tuned!

What Is The Fashion Research Paper?

Keep in mind that finding some great fashion topics to write about is not enough. You need to be able to create a well-organized, concise research paper. To help you do just that, we will show you the 8 main parts of a research paper:

Title page (or cover page) Start with a hook to catch the attention of your readers, then talk a bit about the background of the problem and present your thesis. Literature review. Here, you will need to demonstrate that you have analyzed the literature related to the topic and that there is a gap in knowledge that needs to be addressed. Research In this section, you will explain in great detail all the methods you have used to gather the data. Be as specific as possible. Data analysis. This is the section where you present and analyze the data. Be objective and avoid discussing the results. This is the section where you can discuss your findings and prove how your research results back your thesis. Don’t forget to acknowledge the limitations of your research. Restate your thesis and summarize your research and findings. Show your readers how your findings answer the research questions. References page. This is where you list all the resources you have used to write your research Make sure you don’t miss any.

Now that you know the overall structure of a research paper, it’s time to give you some excellent topics to write about:

Brand New Fashion Research Paper Topics

We will start our list with the brand new fashion research paper topics. These have been added to the list recently, so you can pick one right now knowing that it’s original:

  • Fashion in Ancient Rome
  • The impact of Jane Austen on the world of fashion
  • Swimwear in the 1980s
  • Using bizarre colors in fashion
  • The rise and fall of the jeans
  • Peer pressure related to fashion trends
  • Social networking and fashion
  • The life and work of Giorgio Armani
  • Talk about hippie fashion
  • Fashion in Islamic religions

Interesting Fashion Topics To Write About

If you are looking for something out of the ordinary, we have a long list of interesting fashion topics to write about. Take a look at the following ideas:

  • The rise of the Chanel brand
  • Does price reflect quality?
  • Fashion in Ancient Egypt
  • The sense of fashion in women
  • The link between art and fashion
  • Discuss ethics in fashion
  • The relationship between style and money
  • The role of clothes in your culture
  • Interesting fashion hacks

Fashion Research Topics 2023

In the fashion research topics 2023, you can find topics that were greatly appreciated in 2023. These may or may not be as appreciated in 2024 though:

  • Fashion in developing countries
  • Research smart casual fashion
  • Compare Asian fashion with American fashion
  • Fashion and aesthetics
  • Marketing a new brand of clothes
  • Fashion in vlogging
  • What are cycles in fashion?
  • The rise of the Versace empire
  • Fashion in Paris

Advanced Fashion Topics To Discuss

We also have a list of more advanced fashion topics to discuss. Just keep in mind that the following topics are not easy to write about. But as an option, you can buy a dissertation on any topic.

  • Negative effects of fashion on the environment
  • Forecasting new trends in 2023
  • Celebrities and fashion
  • Negative effects of fashion on the human psychology
  • Influencer marketing of fashion products
  • Fashion from a religious standpoint
  • The place of leather in fashion in 2023
  • Largest fashion shows in the world
  • The importance of Fashion Weeks in Eastern Europe

Fun Research Topics On Fashion

Who said a research paper can’t be fun? Choose one of these fun research topics on fashion and start writing the perfect paper today:

  • Fashion in 1990s media
  • Funny fashion mishaps
  • Men in fashion advertisements/commercials
  • Fashion in medieval times
  • Crossover fashion in 2023
  • Can you start a fashion business?
  • Fashion in the royal family (the UK)
  • Fashion and school uniforms

Important People In Fashion

One of the easiest ways to write a research paper in the field of fashion is to research an icon. Here are some important people in a fashion that you can talk about:

  • Karl Lagerfeld
  • Stella McCartney
  • Audrey Hepburn
  • David Bowie
  • Princess Diana
  • Charles Frederick Worth
  • Harry Styles
  • Kim Taehyung
  • Coco Chanel
  • Designer Paul Poiret

Fashion Research Paper Topics For High School

If you are a high school student, you need some easier topics to write on. Check out these fashion research paper topics for high school and pick the one you like:

  • Fashion in Ancient Egyptian times
  • Michael Jackson’s fashion
  • Fashion in Western Europe
  • Fashion at the workplace
  • Fashion in schools in the UK
  • Discuss fashion in North Korea
  • Luxury products and the human brain
  • Fashion trends and the science that explains them

Captivating Fashion Design Research Paper Topics

In case you want to discuss fashion design, we have a nice list of captivating fashion design research paper topics right here. All these topics are, of course, 100% free to use:

  • Fashion in the LGBTQ community
  • Fashion in Nazi Germany
  • Fun facts about beachwear
  • The role of Versace in fashion
  • New York as a fashion center
  • Effects of Tik-Tok on fashion
  • The origins of ethnic clothing
  • Mixing 3 styles the right way
  • Fashion and sexism in 2023

Fast Fashion Research Paper Topics

Don’t want to spend a lot of time working on that research paper? No problem! Simply choose one of these fast fashion research paper topics:

  • The role of politics in fashion in the United States
  • Talk about wedding ceremony fashion
  • Talk about trends in baby clothing in the United Kingdom
  • The role celebrities play in fashion marketing
  • Talk about 3 iconic fashion characters
  • An in-depth look at fashion in the punk world

Fashion Topics To Research In 2023

It’s time to think about the topics that should work great in 2023. In fact, our experts have already compiled a list of fashion topics to research in 2023:

  • Talk about the notion of “invisible branding” in fashion
  • Research women’s fashion in the 1980s
  • The role played by art in fashion trends
  • Research 3 major fashion companies
  • Talk about the low rise fashion trend
  • Discuss the women’s oversized bomber jackets trend

Fashion And Marketing Research Topics

As you probably know, fashion and marketing go hand in hand. Take a look at our latest and most interesting fashion and marketing research topics right here:

  • Fashion marketing on social media
  • Fashion marketing in the 1960s
  • Effective marketing strategies for luxury products
  • Style vs. functionality in marketing
  • Marketing and fashion cycles
  • The role of fashion in TV commercials

Fashion Ideas For College Students

College students should research topics that are more complex in nature. Don’t worry though; we have more than enough fashion ideas for college students:

  • Research the hoodies under blazers fashion trend
  • Compare Asian and European fashion
  • Research Jane Austen’s style
  • A closer look at minimalist fashion
  • The beginning of the Haute Couture
  • Fashion and the Internet

Unique Ideas Related To Fashion

This list of topics has been revised recently to make sure all ideas are unique. So, if you’re looking for unique ideas related to fashion, you have definitely arrived at the right place:

  • Analyze the cropped cardigans trend
  • Research the plus-size fashion industry in Indonesia
  • The impact of feminism on fashion
  • Social issues caused by fashion
  • Fashion and cheap labor
  • Effects of religion on fashion

Easy Fashion Essay Topics

If you want to make sure you ace that research paper, you should find an easy topic to talk about. Take a look at these easy fashion essay topics and pick one today:

  • Discuss the notion of “color blocking”
  • Fashion trends during World War II
  • The evolution of men’s suits over the last 100 years
  • Fashion and child labor
  • What is organic clothing?
  • Talk about the rise of wig fashion

Creative Fashion Research Questions

Professors really appreciate creativity, so you should definitely go through this list of creative fashion research questions:

  • A closer look at the puff sleeves trend
  • The Kardashian family’s impact on fashion
  • How did Chanel rise to fame?
  • Sustainability in the fashion industry
  • Fashion and body types
  • Interesting fashion trends in Dubai
  • Talk about fashion in the armed forces

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Artificial Intelligence Topics

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State of Fashion Technology Report 2022

In 2021, fashion companies invested between 1.6 and 1.8 percent of their revenues in technology. By 2030, that figure is expected to rise to between 3.0 and 3.5 percent. Behind the predicted increase is a conviction among many that technology could create a competitive edge—in customer-facing activities, where companies have mostly focused to date, and, more increasingly, in operations. Technologies such as robotics, advanced analytics, and in-store applications may help streamline processes and support sustainability, as well as create an exceptional customer experience (exhibit).

About the authors

This report is a collaborative effort by Imran Amed, Anita Balchandani , Achim Berg , Holger Harreis , Manuel Hurtado, Saga af Petersens, Roger Roberts , and Carlos Sanchez Altable , representing views from the Apparel, Fashion & Luxury Practice.

Consumer digital engagement rose sharply during the COVID-19 pandemic, as a result of more hours spent online, new shopping habits, and rising interest in gaming and virtual worlds. In 2021, people spent on average just below four hours on their mobile phones, which includes about two and a half hours of scrolling though social media. 1 Rebecca Moody, “Screen time statistics: Average screen time in US vs. the rest of the world,” Comparitech, March 21, 2022. Of the fashion customers who made the move to online-shopping channels in 2021, 48 percent said the pandemic was the reason, 27 percent cited convenience, and 11 percent cited product availability and promotions. 2 McKinsey Global Digital Sentiment Insight Survey, 2021. The pandemic also boosted digital brand relationships, with 72 percent of customers reporting they interacted with brands online in 2021. In the year ahead, as restrictions ease in some geographic areas, digital interactions will likely stabilize at about 66 percent on average. 3 McKinsey Global Digital Sentiment Insight Survey, 2021.

Looking ahead, the impact of technology on people’s lives may accelerate. By 2024, AI-generated speech could power more than half of human interactions with computers, McKinsey analysis shows. Soon after, more than 75 percent of enterprise-generated data could be processed by cloud or edge computing. 4 Kasey Panetta, “Gartner top strategic technology trends for 2021,” Gartner, October 19, 2020. This offers a more flexible, scaleable foundation on which brands can potentially build their tech offerings. By 2030, more than 80 percent of the global population is expected to have access to 5G networks, 5 “ Connected world: An evolution in connectivity beyond the 5G revolution ,” February 20, 2020. McKinsey estimate based on Cisco’s projections through 2022 and extended to 2030. For Cisco’s 2022 projection, see “Cisco Visual Networking Index: Global mobile data traffic forecast update, 2017-2022,” Cisco, February 2019. enabling, among other things, faster connectivity and data transfer across Internet of Things devices.

The operational potential of technology is becoming ever more apparent. McKinsey analysis shows that fashion companies that now embed AI into their businesses models could see a 118 percent cumulative increase in cash flow by 2030. Conversely, those that are slower to invest in digital technology will lag behind—and could see a 23 percent relative decline. Over the next three years, potential key areas in which fashion executives could make digital investments are personalization, store technologies, and end-to-end value chain management—areas in which digital can make a real difference to performance.

Fashion’s five key technology themes

As fashion industry executives consider how to maximize their technology resources, McKinsey and the Business of Fashion have identified five key themes that could help the industry address some pressing challenges, as well as unlock potential opportunities: metaverse reality check, hyperpersonalization, connected stores, end-to-end upgrade, and traceability first .

Metaverse reality check. The marketing value of digital fashion and nonfungible tokens (NFTs) may now be clear, but fashion brands will need to separate the concrete opportunities from the hype to generate sustainable revenue streams presented by growing consumer engagement with the metaverse.

Hyperpersonalization. Brands have access to a growing arsenal of personalization tools and technologies to upgrade how they customize and personalize their customer relationships. The opportunity for executives now is to harness big data and artificial intelligence to provide one-to-one experiences that build long-term loyalty.

Connected stores. The inexorable rise of e-commerce has forced fashion players to rethink the role of physical stores. Fashion executives can address consumer pain points by using in-store mobile apps to enhance the in-store experience and microfulfillment technologies to leverage the store for the quick-commerce era.

End-to-end upgrade. Digital tools and analytics have transformed key parts of the fashion value chain, but these optimizations are often siloed within organizations, limiting the potential of cross-functional improvements. Brands should embark on end-to-end value chain integration to create more efficient and more profitable ways of operating.

Traceability first. Traceability systems powered by traceability software and big data will help fashion brands reach far into their supply chains to understand the entire life cycle of their products, a key enabler for sustainability road maps.

Of all the technology-based evolutions affecting the fashion industry, one of particular interest is virtual worlds, also known as the metaverse. Global spending on virtual goods reached more than $100 billion in 2021, more than doubling the total in 2015, 6 The Virtual Economy , L’Atelier, 2022. with around 30 percent of revenues attributed to virtual fashion assets. 7 McKinsey estimate based on expert interviews and inputs. Amid demand for products such as virtual fashion and NFTs, fashion companies focused on metaverse innovation and commercialization could generate more than 5 percent of revenues from virtual activities over the next two to five years. 8 McKinsey estimate based on expert interviews and inputs. The task for decision makers, however, will be to focus on specific opportunities.

For many fashion brands, highly personalized customer experiences are a cornerstone of their digital businesses. Their customers expect nothing less. Advancements in AI, analytics, and cloud computing mean that businesses have the tools to work with all types of data across channels in real time. This could support a move to hyperpersonalization, in which technology could help search-based e-commerce transform into individualized discovery of products and styles. This may enable customers to routinely access curated websites and marketplaces, from landing pages to payments. To make that vision a reality, decision makers may need to optimize their data and analytics capabilities and roll them out at scale. While this may create some important considerations (for example, to ensure that customer data is protected and that data collection follows best practices), the upside could be the ability to acquire and retain loyal customers.

In parallel to personalization, the coming year will likely see many brands investing in in-store functionality and experiences, bridging the gap between online and offline channels—and moving away from stand-alone technologies such as magic mirrors, connected hangers, and interactive holograms. In-store mobile “clienteling” apps could offer a frictionless way for store associates to serve customers, while in-store mobile apps can help boost engagement, reduce customer pain points, and increase time spent browsing. Beyond the shop floor, robotics and stock optimization software can help brands and retailers set up microfulfillment centers, integrating physical stores as digital nodes in their distribution and delivery networks and cutting fulfillment costs by up to 90 percent. 9 Lauren Thomas, “Target CEO says cost of handling online orders drops 90% when shoppers use same-day options,” CNBC, November 20, 2019.

From demand forecasting to transport operations, a critical element in expanding the role of technology could be to apply digital tools to make end-to-end improvements in the value chain. To operate more efficiently, brands could consider breaking down the silos that have defined many digitization programs and integrating multiple back-end systems, workflows, and data functions. More than 60 percent of fashion executives believe creating integrated digital processes throughout their organizations will be among their top five areas for digitization as they look to 2025. 10 McKinsey Apparel CPO Survey 2021. By adopting digitally enabled value chain solutions, brands could see a 50 percent reduction in time to market, an 8 percent rise in full-price sell-through, and a 20 percent decline in manufacturing costs, our analysis shows.

More than 60 percent of fashion executives believe creating integrated digital processes throughout their organizations will be among their top five areas for digitization as they look to 2025.

More than 50 percent of fashion decision makers say traceability will be a top-five enabler of reducing emissions in their supply chains, 11 McKinsey Apparel CPO Survey 2021. but many brands currently have visibility over only direct supplier relationships. We see brands increasing their focus on traceability through their supply chains, helping them address demands from regulators, investors, and customers for greater transparency. As they aim to cut emissions and meet their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) targets, brands could benefit from a common data language to enable comparability, as well as new labeling standards and tracking software. Brands could consider joining forces with peers, start-ups, and industry bodies to establish a common data standard and to share data and knowledge via software platforms, open ledgers, and big data technologies.

One of the few certainties in fashion is that nothing stays the same, and the opportunities offered by technology are continuing to evolve as some markets look to move beyond the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The task for fashion decision makers is to consider how to harness technology to creativity, streamline operations, and create value from innovation that can be sustained in the years ahead.

Anita Balchandani is a senior partner in McKinsey’s London office; Achim Berg is a senior partner in the Frankfurt office; Holger Harreis is a senior partner in the Düsseldorf office; Manuel Hurtado is a consultant in the Madrid office, where Carlos Sanchez Altable is a partner; Roger Roberts is a partner in the Silicon Valley office; and Saga af Petersens is a consultant in the Stockholm office. Imran Amed is the founder, editor-in-chief, and CEO of the Business of Fashion and an alumnus of the London office.

The authors wish to thank Larissa Blau, Pamela Brown, Sandrine Devillard, Jonatan Janmark, Madé Lapuerta, Phoebe Lindsay, Ewa Starzynska, Michael Straub, and Cyrielle Villepelet for their contributions to this report.

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