Princeton Quantum Initiative


Quantum Science and Engineering PhD Program

PQI launched a new PhD program in Quantum Science and Engineering, with the first cohort starting in fall 2024.

Find full information about the program structure and requirements  from Princeton Graduate School. The application for the program can be found through the Graduate School portal .

The PhD program in Quantum Science and Engineering provides graduate training in a new discipline at the intersection of quantum physics and information theory. Just as the 20th century witnessed a technological and scientific revolution ushered in by our newfound understanding of quantum mechanics, the 21st century now offers the promise of a new class of technologies and lines of scientific inquiry that take full advantage of the more fragile and intricate consequences of quantum mechanics: coherent superposition, projective measurement, and entanglement. This field has broad implications ranging from many-body physics and the creation of new forms of matter to our understanding of the emergence of the classical world and our basic understanding of space and time.  It enables fundamentally new technological applications, including new types of computers that can solve currently intractable problems, communication channels whose security is guaranteed by the laws of physics, and sensors that offer unprecedented sensitivity and spatial resolution.

The Princeton Quantum Science and Engineering community is unique in its interdisciplinary breadth combined with foundational research in quantum information and quantum matter. Research at Princeton comprises every layer of the quantum technology stack, bringing together many body physics, materials, devices, new quantum hardware platforms, quantum information theory, metrology, algorithms, complexity theory, and computer architecture. This vibrant environment allows for rapid progress at the frontiers of quantum science and technology, with cross pollination among quantum platforms and approaches. The research community strongly values interdisciplinarity, collaboration, depth, and fostering a close-knit community that enables fundamental and impactful advances.

Our curriculum places students in an excellent position to build new quantum systems, discover new technological innovations, become leaders in the emergent quantum industry, and make deep, lasting contributions to quantum information science. The QSE graduate program aims to provide a strong foundation of fundamentals through a three-course core, as well as opportunities to explore the frontiers of current research through electives. First year students are also required to take a seminar course that is associated with the Princeton Quantum Colloquium, in which they closely read the associated literature and discuss the papers. Our curriculum has a unique emphasis on learning how to read and understand current literature over a large range of topics. The curriculum is complemented by many opportunities at PQI for scientific interaction and professional development. A major goal of the program is to help form a tight-knit graduate student cohort that spans disciplines and research topics, united by a common language. 

Most students enter the program with an undergraduate degree in physics, electrical engineering, computer science, chemistry, materials science, or a related discipline. When you apply, you should indicate what broad research areas you are interested in: Quantum Systems Experiment, Quantum Systems Theory, Quantum Materials Science, or Quantum Computer Science.

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Adrian Lopez,

Adrian Lopez works with lasers in the lab of Professor Kang-Kuen Ni. Lopez is an inaugural member of Harvard’s new Ph.D. program in quantum science and engineering.

Photos by Kris Snibbe/Harvard Staff Photographer

Adrian Lopez keeps pretty busy.

He’s taking two highly advanced courses in quantum science and engineering, each of which assigns complex problem sets that take about five hours apiece to complete. In his free time Lopez can usually be found in the lab of Harvard Professor Kang-Kuen Ni , whose chemistry and physics lab designs new experiments to study fundamental chemical reactions and physical dynamics by slowing them down in super-cold environments.

He sits in on three hours of meetings per week at the lab and also works on his own quantum project when time allows. That project is to build a laser that can cool and trap molecules and control their quantum state interactions.  The work involves hours of tinkering with wiring and electronics as well as putting the physical parts together and aligning them all.

All in all, Lopez’s first semester at Harvard has a bit of a hustle, but the first-year graduate student from Santa Barbara, California — who dreams of one day being a professor at a research university — says it’s worth it. He feels fortunate to be getting the kind of unique background he’s getting as an inaugural member of Harvard’s new Ph.D. program in quantum science and engineering .

“The weeks fill up, but I’ve been learning a lot and really enjoying it,” he said. “I can definitely get [where I want to be].”

Launched in spring 2021 , the new quantum program is one of the world’s earliest Ph.D. programs in the subject and is designed to prepare future leaders and innovators in the critical and fast-emerging field.

Nazli Ugur Koyluoglu

This semester, 11 students, including Lopez, have been settling in as the first-ever cohort. Since September, they have started making Harvard their home and grappling with their studies in quantum information, systems, materials, and engineering.

The hope is that the extensive research experience they receive — combined with coursework and the mentorship embedded in the program ­­— will help give them a broad and well-rounded education to go on to careers in quantum, whether as an educator in academia, or developing next-level systems and applications as a researcher at a university, a national laboratory, or in industry.

“When you have a new intellectual area it’s a good idea to train students in it and to come up with a curriculum that’s really tailored to that area — in this case: an understanding of the engineering and the science behind new quantum technologies,” said  John Doyle , Henry B. Silsbee Professor of Physics and co-director of the Harvard Quantum Initiative, of which the new program is a part. “You develop these new ideas into a real firm bedrock on which students can go on to do whatever they want to do.”

Quantum mechanics and technology cut across disciplines. Advances in the field promise to usher in real-world breakthroughs in health care, quantum computing infrastructure, cyber security, drug development, climate-change prediction, machine learning, communication technologies, and financial services. The backgrounds of students who have been accepted into the program reflect that diversity — they range from physics and computer science to chemistry, electrical engineering, and math.

The well-rounded curriculum on offer was one of the driving factors for many of the students enrolling. In fact Quynh Nguyen, an international student from Vietnam who studied physics and computer science as an undergrad at MIT, said that the interdisciplinary nature of the field is what makes him so passionate about it.

“There are just so many questions to explore,” Nguyen said.

As a part of the program, he hopes to learn more about quantum information and algorithms and explore the capabilities of quantum systems such as the programmable quantum simulator being worked on in the lab of physics professor Mikhail Lukin, work that will eventually lead to a new world of ultra-fast computing.

A major focus of the new program is research experience. Along with rigorous course loads, students begin lab rotations in the first year and continue that through the rest of the program. They are also strongly encouraged to pursue cross-disciplinary research and industry internships. The idea is to give students an understanding of how research is done in different labs.

Some of the students’ research falls on the side of theory, like Nguyen’s work. Other research is more experimental, like Lopez’s work with lasers. Youqi Gang, who’s exploring experimental platforms for quantum simulation and quantum computation, is doing her first rotation in Markus Greiner’s lab studying ultracold quantum gases. Gang is gradually learning to operate the many optics, electronics, and control systems the lab uses to cool and manipulate atoms.

“The equipment is very complicated,” Gang said. “We have many different laser beams and everything needs to be very well aligned … and we have to do some day-to-day alignments and calibrations. People have put in a lot of thought about how to optimize the equipment. It’s a very cool process to be able to kind of get familiar with such a complicated machine and learn how to use it.”

Students in the program will receive their degree from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. The faculty for the Ph.D. program are drawn from the departments of Physics and of Chemistry and Chemical Biology in the Division of Science and the Harvard John A. Paulson School for Engineering and Applied Sciences. Students say the different class options offer them the chance to explore quantum science across the disciplines.

Nazli Ugur Koyluoglu, an international student from Istanbul, for example, is taking two very different classes this semester: Physics 271, which covers topics in quantum information, and Physics 295a, which looks at quantum theory applied to solid-state physics.

When not in class or research labs, students often can be found in the designated office space set up for them on the fifth floor of the Laboratory for Integrated Science and Engineering building. The large area is divided into two shared offices with working stations in each section and a big meeting room.

The meeting space is where students gather for weekly lunches and host weekly journal clubs where they present on different topics in quantum science, whether it’s something in a scientific journal that got their attention, something they themselves are studying, or a theory or experiment someone wants to learn more about.

The efforts have helped them quickly develop into a tight-knit community.

“It’s helped us start creating a culture for the program,” Koyluoglu said. “It’s constantly being up to date about each other’s work, which is really enlightening and helps us find out the different paths and the different questions that people are thinking about.”

HQI administrators for the Ph.D. program anticipate enrolling up to 60 students in the program in the future.

“The first cohort of students in the program are exceptional in their talents, vision, and enthusiasm in embracing a ‘quantum future,’” said Evelyn L. Hu , the Tarr-Coyne Professor of Electrical Engineering and Applied Science at SEAS and co-director of the Harvard Quantum Initiative. “My hopes are that the program and its students continue to build on this strong platform: diverse and multifaceted in its outlook and opportunities, while maintaining a strong sense of community even as the program expands.”

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Graduate School


New Quantum Science and Engineering Ph.D. program provides training in emerging discipline

Six people in a technology-filled lab

Princeton scientists measure quantum correlations between molecules for the first time. Members of the Princeton research team. Front row (from left to right) Dr. Zoe Yan; Lysander Christakis; Jason Rosenberg. Back row (from left to right) Ravin Raj; Prof. Waseem Bakr; Prof. David Huse. Photo: Department of Physics, Richard Soden.

Princeton University has launched a  new Ph.D. program  in Quantum Science and Engineering (QSE), providing graduate training in an emerging discipline at the intersection of quantum physics and information theory. This new field of quantum information science has broad implications and may enable fundamentally new technology, including new types of computers that can solve currently intractable problems, communication channels guaranteed secure by the laws of physics, and sensors that offer unprecedented sensitivity and spatial resolution.

Applications from prospective students are due December 15 for an incoming first class in Fall 2024. 

The new doctoral program is part of Princeton’s  expanded commitment  to quantum science and engineering research and education. The University’s growing programs, along with the ongoing recruitment of top faculty, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers, reflect the University’s recognition of the transformative potential of quantum science and technology to benefit society in the decades ahead.

According to Andrew Houck, professor of electrical and computer engineering and co-director of the  Princeton Quantum Initiative , Princeton is “ramping up efforts across campus to remain the leading place in the world for this kind of science and engineering for many decades.”  Ali Yazdani, the Class of 1909 Professor of Physics and co-director alongside Houck, adds that Princeton’s work in this area stands apart from quantum research at other institutions due to the University’s inclusive approach across disciplines and across the spectrum from foundational science to innovative devices. 

 “A major goal of the program is to form a graduate student community spanning disciplines and research topics, and united by a common scientific language,” according to Nathalie de Leon, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering and the director of graduate studies for QSE. “Our curriculum will place students in an excellent position to build new quantum systems, discover new technological innovations, become leaders in the emergent quantum industry, and make deep, lasting contributions to quantum information science.”

De Leon says the new QSE doctoral program is structured to take advantage of the unique interdisciplinary breadth of Princeton’s quantum community. “Research at Princeton encompasses every layer of the quantum technology stack, bringing together many-body physics, materials, devices, new quantum hardware platforms, quantum information theory, metrology, algorithms, complexity theory, and computer architecture,” explains de Leon. “This vibrant environment allows for rapid progress at the frontiers of quantum science and technology, with cross-pollination among quantum platforms and approaches.”

The initiative also benefits from a growing number of collaborations with scientists at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, a U.S. Department of Energy national laboratory managed by Princeton; the collaborative work includes designing highly specialized materials such as diamonds and superconducting magnets needed for quantum experiments and technologies.

De Leon adds, “The quantum faculty at Princeton value interdisciplinarity, collaboration, depth, and fostering a close-knit community that enables fundamental and significant advances.”

The QSE program will provide students with a strong foundation of fundamentals, as well as opportunities to explore the frontiers of current research, instruction on reading and understanding literature over an extensive range of topics, and many opportunities for scientific interaction and professional development. 

Princeton University’s stipend for graduate students is among the highest in the nation. The University fully funds all Ph.D. students, offering generous tailored support across all years of regular program enrollment. The  graduate student experience  at Princeton encompasses campus housing, a health plan and benefits, family care assistance, and a wide range of student life programs and traditions that welcome all to participate in the diverse and inclusive  Graduate School  community.

Prospective students are encouraged to review the degree  program requirements  and indicate on the application their interest in the broad research areas of quantum systems experiment, quantum systems theory, quantum material science, or quantum computer science.

Quantum Science and Engineering

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PhD in Quantum Science and Engineering

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For general inquiries about the PhD program, questions on financial aid, or to schedule a visit to PME, please contact  [email protected]

David Taylor Dean of Students [email protected] Phone: 773.834.2057

Quantum resources and initiatives

  • Chicago Quantum Exchange
  • James Franck Institute

The PhD in Quantum Science and Engineering program provides students with the opportunity to study with some of  the most prominent researchers  working in both fundamental and applied aspects of quantum science. The program encompasses a variety of engineering topics that will help shape the quantum future. This includes quantum computing, quantum communications, and quantum sensing, as well as research in quantum materials. Students have the option of working with one or more thesis advisors to build a cross-cutting research project that touches multiple disciplines.

Our graduate students work within a growing nexus of quantum research in Chicago, which includes the  Chicago Quantum Exchange , two Department of Energy funded national quantum information science research centers  Q-NEXT  and  SQMS , the  NSF QuBBE Quantum Leap Challenge Institute , one of the  longest ground-based quantum communication channels  in the country, and much more.

Students perform their research in state-of-the-art facilities at both the  University of Chicago  and  Argonne National Laboratory  campuses, and have opportunities to gain industry expertise through interactions with UChicago’s  Booth School of Business  and the  Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation , as well as our  industry and corporate partners . More opportunities are available through our robust programs in  career development and entrepreneurship ,  science communication ,  mentoring training and opportunities , and  educational outreach .

Program overview

Learn more about our curriculum structure, inclusive and student-centered approach to education and research, programs to support career development, and more.

Enroll today

Learn more about the application process.

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Noah Glachman

Bernien Lab

“Quantum computing has the potential to solve some of the world's biggest problems. I'm proud to be a part of a team here making that happen.”

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Anchita Addhya

“PME brings these diverse fields together and has this very collaborative environment that I really appreciate.”

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José A. Méndez

Awschalom Lab (co-advised by Hannes Bernien)

“Study something that you find interesting and I guarantee we can use you here.”

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Admissions Information for Prospective Graduate Students

Thank you for considering the PhD program in Physics at MIT. Information regarding our graduate program and our application process can be found below and through the following webpages and other links on this page. If your questions are not answered after reviewing this information, please contact us at [email protected] .

Here are some links to pages relevant to prospective students:

  • Material Required for a Complete Application , and information about When/How to Apply can be found below on this page.
  • We have an FAQ which should help to answer many questions, and we provide Application Assistance from staff and students if you don’t find what you need in the FAQ.
  • Additional Guidance about the application itself, along with examples, can be found on a separate page. The graduate application is available at .
  • General information about the graduate program and research areas in the physics department may also be of use.
  • MSRP (MIT Summer Research Program) is designed to give underrepresented and underserved students access to an MIT research experience, pairing each student with a faculty member who will oversee the student conducting a research project at MIT.

Statement regarding admissions process during COVID Pandemic (Updated Summer 2023)

MIT has adopted the following principle: MIT’s admissions committees and offices for graduate and professional schools will take the significant disruptions of the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020 into account when reviewing students’ transcripts and other admissions materials as part of their regular practice of performing individualized, holistic reviews of each applicant.

In particular, as we review applications now and in the future, we will respect decisions regarding the adoption of Pass/No Record (or Credit/No Credit or Pass/Fail) and other grading options during the unprecedented period of COVID-19 disruptions, whether those decisions were made by institutions or by individual students. We also expect that the individual experiences of applicants will richly inform applications and, as such, they will be considered with the entirety of a student’s record.

Ultimately, even in these challenging times, our goal remains to form graduate student cohorts that are collectively excellent and composed of outstanding individuals who will challenge and support one another.

Questions or concerns about this statement should be directed to the Physics Department ( [email protected] ).

Applying to the MIT Department of Physics

We know that the application process can be time-consuming, stressful, and costly. We are committed to reducing these barriers and to helping all applicants receive a full and fair assessment by our faculty reviewers. Help is available from the Physics Graduate Admissions Office at [email protected] and additional assistance from current students is offered during the admissions season. Further details are described at the end of this page in our Assistance for Prospective Applicants section.

The list below describes the important elements of a complete application. Please reach out to us at [email protected] if you have a concern or logistical difficulty that could prevent you from providing your strongest application.

Required for a Complete Application

1. online application and application fee.

  • MIT Graduate Admissions Online Graduate Application
  • Application Fee: $90 NOTE: Applicants who feel that this fee may prevent them from applying should send a short email to [email protected] to describe their general reasons for requesting a waiver. We will follow up with information about how to apply for a formal ‘application fee waiver’. Additional documents may be required, so additional time will be necessary to process requests. Either the fee or a formal fee waiver is required with a submitted application.

2. University Transcript(s)

Unofficial transcripts are sufficient for our initial review, with final transcripts required as a condition of matriculation for successful applicants. Applicants should include a scan of their transcript(s) and, if a degree is in progress, should include a list of the class subjects being taken in the current semester. The portal will allow applicants to log back into the application after the deadline to add their Fall term grades when they are available.

Note: We will respect decisions regarding the adoption of Pass/No Record (or Credit/No Credit or Pass/Fail) and other grading options during the unprecedented period of COVID-19 disruptions, whether those decisions were made by institutions or by individual students.

3. Standardized Test Results

  • GRE Tests : The Physics GRE (PGRE) is recommended but not required for graduate applications. All applications will be given full consideration with or without GRE scores.
  • TOEFL or IELTS Test or a waiver is required for non-native English speakers. MIT’s TOEFL school code is 3514; the code for the Department of Physics is 76. IELTS does not require a code. Eligibility for TOEFL/IELTS waivers is in our FAQ section .
  • Self-reported scores are sufficient for our initial application screening, with official scores required for admitted students as a condition of their offer. Applicants should attach a scanned copy of their test score report.

4. Letters of Recommendation

Letters should include any individual work applicants have done and/or areas where they have special strengths. It is possible to submit up to 6 total letters, but 3 are sufficient for a complete application and committee members may evaluate applications based on the first three letters that they read.

5. Statement of Objectives

Research is central to graduate study in physics. The Statement of Objectives/Purpose should include descriptions of research projects, aptitude and achievements as completely as possible. This important part of the application provides an opportunity to describe any interests, skills, and background relative to the research areas selected on the application form. Applicants should share anything that prepares them for graduate studies and describe their proudest achievements.

Additional Application Materials

  • Research, Teaching, and Community Engagement – Any special background or achievement that prepares the applicant for Physics graduate studies at MIT. This may include research at their undergraduate school as part of their Bachelor or Master degree, or summer research at another program or school.  We also value our student’s contributions to their community on a variety of scales (from institutional to societal) and we encourage applicants to tell us about their teaching and community engagement activities.  The “experience” questions are intended to provide a CV-like listing of achievements, some of which may be elaborated on in the “Statement of Objectives” and/or the optional “Personal Statement”.
  • Publications, Talks, and Merit Based Recognition – Recognition of success in research, academics, and outreach can take many forms, including publications, talks, honors, prizes, awards, fellowships, etc.  This may include current nominations for scholarships or papers submitted for publication.
  • Optional Personal Statement – Members of our community come from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences. We welcome any personal information that will help us to evaluate applications holistically and will provide context for the applicant’s academic achievements. This statement may include extenuating circumstances, significant challenges that were overcome, a non-traditional educational background, description of any advocacy or values work, or other information that may be relevant.
  • Detailed instructions for each application section, and many examples , can be found on the “ Additional Guidance ” page.  The detailed instructions are lengthy, and are intended to be read only “as needed” while you work on your application (i.e., you don’t need to go read the whole thing before you start).

When/How to Apply

When : Applications can be submitted between September 15 and December 15 by 11:59pm EST for the following year.

How : The application is online at

Application Assistance

Faculty, students, and staff have collaborated to provide extensive guidance to prospective applicants to our graduate degree program. Resources include several department webpages to inform prospective applicants about our PhD degree requirements and to help applicants as they assemble and submit their materials. In addition to staff responses to emails, current graduate students will answer specific individual questions, give one admissions-related webinar, and provide a mentorship program for selected prospective applicants.

During the application season, prospective students may request additional information from current students about the admissions process, graduate student life, or department culture, either as a response to a specific individual email question or for more in-depth assistance. Applicants will benefit most from contacting us early in the process, when current students and staff will be available to respond to questions and mentor selected applicants. After mid-November, department staff will continue to field questions through the admission process.

Here are some resources for prospective applicants:

  • Our website provides answers to many frequently-asked admissions questions .
  • Admissions staff are available for questions at [email protected] .
  • Current students collaborate with staff to answer specific questions emailed to [email protected] .
  • PhysGAAP Webinars are designed to provide student perspectives on the application and admissions processes in an interactive format. This year’s webinar will take place on Wednesday, Nov 1st, 2023 from 10am to 12pm EDT. Sign up here:
  • PhysGAAP Mentoring provides in-depth guidance through the application process.

Student-led Q&A Service

A team of our current graduate students is available to share their experience and perspectives in response to individual questions which may fall under any of the following categories:

  • Coursework/research (e.g., How do I choose between two research areas and how do I find a potential research advisor?)
  • Culture (e.g., What is it like to be a student of a particular identity at MIT?)
  • Student life (e.g., What clubs or extracurriculars do graduate students at MIT take part in?)

To request a response from the current students, please send an email to [email protected] and indicate clearly in the subject line or first sentence that you would like your email forwarded to the PhysGAAP student team. Depending on the scope of your question, department staff will send your email to current students.

We encourage you to reach out as early as you can to maximize the benefit that this help can provide to you. While the admissions office staff will continue to field your questions throughout the admissions season, current students may not be available to respond to questions sent after November 15.

This student email resource is designed for individual basic questions. More in-depth guidance, especially about the application itself, will be available through the PhysGAAP Webinars and/or PhysGAAP Mentorship Program described below.

Student-led Webinar

A panel of our graduate students hosted a 2-hour long Zoom webinar in late October of 2022 to present information about the application and admissions processes, and to respond to questions on these topics. The webinar addressed general questions about preparing, completing, and submitting the application; what the Admissions Committee is looking for; and the general timeline for the admissions process.

Below is video from our latest webinar that took place on Wednesday, Nov 1st, 2023. Check back here in Fall 2024 for information on our next webinar.

Note: We have  compiled a document  containing supplementary material for previous PhysGAAP webinars.

Webinar Recordings

Past PhysGAAP Webinars

Please note that the two webinars below are from prior years and may contain outdated information about some topics, such as GRE requirements.

  • October 2022
  • December 2021
  • September 2021

Mentorship for Prospective Applicants

In addition to the materials available through this website, answers to emails sent to the department, or from our graduate student webinars, we also offer one-on-one mentoring for students who desire more in-depth individual assistance. Prospective applicants may apply to the PhysGAAP Mentoring program,, which pairs prospective graduate school applicants with current graduate students who can assist them through the application process, provide feedback on their application materials and insight into graduate school and the MIT Physics Department.

We welcome interest in the PhysGAAP Mentorship program and mentorship applications are open to any prospective applicant. However, our capacity is limited, so we will give preferential consideration to PhysGAAP Mentorship applicants who would most benefit from the program and can demonstrate that they are a good fit.

PhysGAAP Mentoring may a good fit for you if you

  • feel like you lack other resources to help you navigate the graduate school application process,
  • find the other forms of assistance (online webinars, email at [email protected] ) insufficient to address your needs, and
  • think you could benefit from one-on-one application mentorship.

PhysGAAP Mentoring may not be a good fit for you if you

  • only have one or two questions that could be answered elsewhere (online webinars, email at [email protected] , or online FAQs), or
  • feel like you already have sufficient resources to complete your application (e.g., the PhysGAAP webinars, access to other mentoring services or workshops)

poster advertising PhysGAAP Mentoring

Please note that:

  • PhysGAAP Mentoring is only open to students who are planning to apply to graduate schools in Fall 2024 .
  • Participation in PhysGAAP is not considered during admissions review. It helps applicants put forward their strongest materials, but does not guarantee admission into our graduate program.
  • Any information you submit in the PhysGAAP Mentoring application will only be seen by the PhysGAAP team and your matched mentor.

Admissions/Application FAQs

Our Frequently Asked Questions provide further information about degree requirements, funding, educational background, application deadlines, English language proficiency, program duration, start dates and deferrals, and fee waiver requests.

The MOST Frequently Asked Question…

What is included in a strong graduate application for physics at mit.

Applications are assessed holistically and many variables are considered in the application review process. The following four main factors are required for a complete application.

  • the applicant’s statement of objectives or purpose,
  • transcripts of past grades,
  • score reports of any required standardized tests,
  • three letters of reference.

In addition, any past research experience, publications, awards, and honors are extremely helpful, particularly if they are in the area(s) of the applicant’s interest(s). Applicants may also include a personal statement in their application to provide context as the materials are assessed.

Applications are routed to admission committee members and other faculty readers using the “areas of interest” and any faculty names selected from the menu as well as based on the research interests included in the statement of objectives. Please select the areas of interest that best reflect your goals.

Instructions are available in the application itself , with further guidance on our Additional Guidance page. The Physics Admissions Office will respond to questions sent to [email protected] .

General Questions Regarding the PhD Program in Physics

Must i have a degree in physics in order to apply to this graduate program.

Our successful applicants generally hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics, or have taken many Physics classes if they have majored in another discipline. The most common other majors are astronomy, engineering, mathematics, and chemistry. Bachelor of Science degrees may be 3-year or 4-year degrees, depending on the education structure of the country in which they are earned.

What are the requirements to complete a PhD?

The requirements for a PhD in Physics at MIT are the doctoral examination, a few required subject classes, and a research-based thesis. The doctoral examination consists of a written and an oral examination. The written component may be satisfied either by passing the 4 subject exams or by passing designated classes related to each topic with a qualifying grade; the oral exam will be given in a student’s chosen research area. The Physics Department also requires that each student take two classes in the field of specialization and two physics-related courses in fields outside the specialty. Research for the thesis is conducted throughout the student’s time in the program, culminating in a thesis defense and submission of the final thesis.

Can I take courses at other schools nearby?

Yes. Cross-registration is available at Harvard University and Wellesley College.

How many years does it take to complete the PhD requirements?

From 3 to 7 years, averaging 5.6 years.

How will I pay for my studies?

Our students are fully supported financially throughout the duration of their program, provided that they make satisfactory progress. Funding is provided from Fellowships (internal and external) and/or Assistantships (research and teaching) and covers tuition, health insurance, and a living stipend. Read more about funding .

Note: For more detailed information regarding the cost of attendance, including specific costs for tuition and fees, books and supplies, housing and food as well as transportation, please visit the Student Financial Services (SFS) website .

How many applications are submitted each year? How many students are accepted?

Although the number varies each year, the Department of Physics usually welcomes approximately 45 incoming graduate students each year. Last year we received more than 1,700 applications and extended fewer than 90 offers of admission.

What are the minimum grades and exam scores for admitted applicants?

There are no minimum standards for overall grade point averages/GPAs. Grades from physics and other related classes will be carefully assessed. Under a special COVID-19 policy, MIT will accept transcripts with a variety of grading conventions, including any special grading given during the COVID-19 pandemic. PGREs (Physics subject GRE) is not required for graduate applications but is recommended.

Our program is conducted in English and all applicants must demonstrate their English language proficiency. Non-native English speakers should review our policy carefully before waiving the TOEFL/IELTS requirements. We do not set a minimum requirement on TOEFL/IELTS scores; however, students who are admitted to our program typically score above the following values:

  • IELTS – 7
  • TOEFL (computer based) – 200
  • TOEFL (iBT) – 100
  • TOEFL (standard) – 600

The Application Process

When is the deadline for applying to the phd program in physics.

Applications for enrollment in the fall are due each year by 11:59pm EST on December 15 of the preceding year. There is no admission cycle for spring-term enrollment.

The COVID-19 pandemic has made it difficult for me to take tests in person. Can I still apply?

PGRE (Physics subject GRE) is not required for graduate applications but is recommended. Non-native English speakers who are not eligible for a test waiver should include their results from either an in-person or online version of the TOEFL or IELTS test.

Does the Department of Physics provide waivers for the English language exam (TOEFL/IELTS)?

An English language exam (IELTS, TOEFL, TOEFL iBT, or the C2 Cambridge English Proficiency exam) is required of all applicants who are from a country in which English is not the primary language. Exceptions to this policy will be considered for candidates who, at the start of their graduate studies in 2025, will have been in the US or in a country whose official language is English for three years or longer and who will have received a degree from a college or university in a country where the language of education instruction is English. An interview via telephone, Zoom, or Skype may be arranged at the discretion of the Admissions Committee. More information on a possible English Language Waiver Decision (PDF).

Does the Department of Physics provide application fee waivers?

Although we do not want the MIT application fee to be a barrier to admission, we cannot provide application fee waivers to all who request one.  Under-resourced applicants, and applicants who have participated in the MIT Summer Research Program (MSRP), Converge, or another MIT program or an official MIT recruiting visit are eligible for a fee waiver from the MIT Office of Graduate Education (OGE). Please check MIT Graduate Diversity Programs for further details.  Departmentally, we have allotted a small number of waivers for applicants who have completed an application (including transcript uploads, and requests for letters of recommendation), but do not qualify for a waiver from the OGE. Fee waiver requests will be considered on a first-come-first-served basis, and not after December 1. Furthermore, applications lacking the paid fee or a fee waiver by 11:59pm EST on December 15 will not be reviewed or considered for admission. Please complete the  MIT Physics Departmental Fee Waiver Application Form  when you are ready to apply for a departmental waiver. Waivers are not awarded until the application is complete.

Can I arrange a visit to the Physics Department or a specific research area?

We are not currently hosting or meeting with outside visitors in person, nor are we facilitating visits to our classrooms. Current graduate students and prospective applicants should direct any questions by email to [email protected] .

Applicants are invited to send specific questions to the Physics Admissions Office and some questions may be forwarded to current students for further information. Admitted students will be invited to attend an in-person open house.

Can I receive an update on the status of my application?

Candidates can check on the status of their application at at any time. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all items are sent.

When will I be notified of a final decision?

Applicants will be notified via email of decisions by the end of February. If you have not heard from us by March 1, please send email to [email protected] .

We do not provide results by phone.

Can admitted students start in a term other than the next Fall semester?

Applications submitted between September 15 and December 15 by 11:59pm EST are assessed for the following Fall semester. We do not provide a separate admission review cycle for the Spring semester. Individual research supervisors may invite incoming students to start their research during the summer term a few months earlier than their studies would normally begin. All other incoming students start their studies in late August for the Fall term.

Once admitted, applicants may request a one-year deferral to attend a specific academic program or for another approved reason, with single semester deferrals for the following Spring term granted only rarely.


UCL Quantum Science and Technology Institute

PhD Opportunities


As a research institute, UCLQ offers PhD students the opportunity to learn about and contribute to cutting edge developments in the field of Quantum Technolgies. Alongside our postgraduate programmes, UCLQ academics may also offer standalone PhD opportunities for specialised projects.

UCL  is the home of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Delivering Quantum Technologies  which launched in 2014, with funding for five cohorts. The CDT has now securing funding from EPSRC and our partners to renew the centre for five further cohorts from Autumn 2019. 

In addition to the CDT, individual academics often have funding for  possible PhD projects. We maintain a full list of all UCLQ staff. It may also be possible to apply to work with a UCLQ academic through their departmental postgraduate portal. Please see the following links below for more information:

  • PhDs in Physics and Astronomy
  • PhDs in Computer Science
  • PhDs in Electronic and Elecetrical Engineering

Opportunities at the London Centre for Nanotechnology

Academics in the LCN, many of whom are affiliated with UCLQ, may also advertise a PhD project on the institutional website. Please visit their website for more details on these opportunites, and how to apply.

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Harvard launches phd in quantum science and engineering.

Harvard Launches PhD in Quantum Science and Engineering

Harvard University announced today one of the world’s first PhD programs in Quantum Science and Engineering,  a new intellectual discipline at the nexus of physics, chemistry, computer science and electrical engineering with the promise to profoundly transform the way we acquire, process and communicate information and interact with the world around us.

With the launch of the PhD program, Harvard is making the next needed commitment to provide the foundational education for the next generation of innovators and leaders who will push the boundaries of knowledge and transform quantum science and engineering into useful systems, devices and applications. 

"The new PhD program is designed to equip students with the appropriate experimental and theoretical education that reflects the nuanced intellectual approaches brought by both the sciences and engineering," said faculty co-director Evelyn Hu, Tarr-Coyne Professor of Applied Physics and of Electrical at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS). "The core curriculum dramatically reduces the time to basic quantum proficiency for a community of students who will be the future innovators, researchers and educators in quantum science and engineering."

"Quantum science and engineering is not just a hybrid of subjects from different disciplines, but an important new area of study in its own right,” said faculty co-director John Doyle, Henry B. Silsbee Professor of Physics.“A Ph.D. program is necessary and foundational to the development of this new discipline."

The new program lies at the interface of physics, chemistry, and engineering, providing students with exciting opportunities to explore the fundamentals, realizations, and applications of QSE. Students of diverse backgrounds will benefit from an integrated curriculum designed to dramatically reduce the time to basic quantum proficiency and to equip students with experimental and theoretical education that reflects the nuanced intellectual approaches brought by both the sciences and engineering. Students will have the opportunity to work with state-of-the-art experimental and computational facilities. Integrating a new approach to interdisciplinary scholarship, graduates of the program will be prepared for careers in academia, industry, and national laboratories.

Research is a primary focus of the program, with students beginning research rotations in their first year. Extensive mentoring and advising is embedded in the program: graduate students in QSE are part of an academic community that cuts across departments and schools and, as such, are strongly encouraged to pursue cross-disciplinary research. In addition to their research, QSE PhD students will receive training in communication and professional opportunities, such as industry internships.

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Requirements for a Doctorate in Physics

An advanced degree in physics at Caltech is contingent upon an extensive research achievement. Students in the program are expected to join a research group, carry out independent research, and write publications for peer-reviewed journals as well as a thesis. The thesis work proposed to a Caltech candidacy committee then presented and evaluated by a Caltech thesis committee in a public defense. Initially, students are required to consolidate their knowledge by taking advanced courses in at least three subfields of physics. Students must also pass a written candidacy exam in both classical physics and quantum mechanics in order to progress into the research phase of the degree.

Graduates of our program are expected to have extensive experience with modern research methods, a broad knowledge of contemporary physics, and the ability to perform as independent researchers at the highest intellectual and technical levels.

The PhD requirements are below and are also available in the Caltech Catalog, Section 4: Information for Graduate Students .

Submit for approval by Graduate Option RepBy end of first term
Complete 2 terms of Phys 242 CourseFall & Winter Term of first year
Complete Basic Physics Requirement by passing the 
By end of second year
Complete the  By end of second year
Complete the

Complete the
By end of third year

By end of third year
Hold Annual meetings6 months to 1 year after the oral candidacy
exam and every year thereafter
Final By the end of fifth or sixth year

Plan of Study

The plan of study is the set of courses that a student will take to complete the Advance Physics Requirement and any courses needed as preparation to pass the Written Candidacy Exams (see below). Any additional courses the student plans to take as part of their graduate curriculum may be included in the plan of study but are not required. Students should consult with their Academic Advisor on their Plan of Study and discuss any exception or special considerations with the Option Representative. 

Log in to REGIS and navigate to the Ph. D. Candidacy Tab of your Graduate Degree Progress page. Add you courses into the Plan of Study section. When complete, click the "Submit Plan of Study to Option Rep" button. This will generate a notice to the Option Rep to approve your plan of study. Once you complete the courses in the Plan of Study, the Advanced Physics Requirement is completed.

Written Candidacy Exams

Physics students must demonstrate proficiency in all areas of basic physics, including classical mechanics (including continuum mechanics), electricity and magnetism, quantum mechanics, statistical physics, optics, basic mathematical methods of physics, and the physical origin of everyday phenomena. A solid understanding of these fundamental areas of physics is considered essential, so proficiency will be tested by written candidacy examinations.

No specific course work is required for the basic physics requirement, but some students may benefit from taking several of the basic graduate courses, such as Ph 106 and Ph 125. In addition, the class Ph 201 will provide additional problem solving training that matches the basic physics requirement.

Exam I: Classical Mechanics and Electromagnetism       Topics include: TBA

Exam 2: Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics      Topics include: TBA

Both exams are offered twice each year (July and October) Email  [email protected]  to sign up

Nothing additional. Sign up for the exam by emailing Mika Walton. The Student Programs Office will update your REGIS record once you pass the exams.

Advanced Physics Requirement

Students must establish a broad understanding of modern physics through study in six graduate courses. The courses must be spread over at least three of the following four areas of advanced physics. Many courses in physics and related areas may be allowed to count toward the Advanced Physics requirements.  Below are some popular examples.  Contact the Physics Option Representative to find out if any particular course not listed here can be used for this requirement. 

Physics of elementary particles and fields (Nuclear Physics, High Energy Physics, String Theory)

                 Ph 139 Intro to Particle Physics                 Ph 205abc Relativistic Quantum Field Theory                 Ph 217 Intro to the Standard Model                 Ph 230 Elementary Particle Theory (offered every two years)                 Ph 250 Intro to String Theory (offered every two years)

Quantum Information and Matter (Atomic/Molecular/Optical Physics, Condensed-Matter Physics, Quantum Information)   

                Ph 127ab Statistical Physics                 Ph 135a Intro to Condensed Matter Physics                 Ph 136a Applications of Classical Physics (Stat Mech, Optics) (offered every two years)                 Ph 137abc Atoms and Photons                 Ph 219abc Quantum Computation                 Ph 223ab Advanced Condensed Matter Physics

Physics of the Universe (Gravitational Physics, Astrophysics, Cosmology)             

                Ph 136b Applications of Classical Physics (Elasticity, Fluid Dynamics) (offered every two years)                 Ph 136c Applications of Classical Physics (Plasma, GR) (offered every two years)                 Ph 236ab Relativity                 Ph 237 Gravitational Waves (offered every two years)                 Ay 121 Radiative Processes

Interdisciplinary Physics (e.g. Biophysics, Applied Physics, Chemical Physics, Mathematical Physics, Experimental Physics)

                Ph 77 Advanced Physics Lab                   Ph 101 Order of magnitude (offered every two years)                 Ph 118 Physics of measurement                 Ph 129 Mathematical Methods of Physics                 Ph 136a Applications of Classical Physics (Stat Mech, Optics) (offered every two years)                 Ph 136b Applications of Classical Physics (Elasticity, Fluid Dynamics) (offered every two years)                 Ph 229 Advanced Mathematical Methods of Physics

Nothing additional. Once you complete the courses in your approved Plan of Study, the Advanced Physics Requirement is complete.

Oral Candidacy Exam

The Oral Candidacy Exam is primarily a test of the candidate's suitability for research in his or her chosen field. Students should consult with the executive officer to assemble their oral candidacy committee. The chair of the committee should be someone other than the research adviser.

The candidacy committee will examine the student's knowledge of his or her chosen field and will consider the appropriateness and scope of the proposed thesis research during the oral candidacy exam. This exam represents the formal commitment of both student and adviser to a research program.

See also the Physics Candidacy FAQs

After the exam, your committee members will enter their result and any comments they may have. Non-Caltech committee members are instructed to send their results and comments to the physics graduate office who will enter the information on their behalf. Once all "pass" results have been entered, the Option Rep will be prompted to recommend you for admission to candidacy. The recommendation goes to the Dean of Graduate Studies who has the final approval to formally admit you to candidacy.

Teaching Requirement

Thesis advisory committee (tac).

After the oral candidacy exam, students will hold annual meetings with their Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC). The TAC will review the research progress and provide feedback and guidance towards completion of the degree. Students should consult with the executive officer to assemble their oral candidacy committee and TAC by the end of their third year. The TAC is normally constituted from the candidacy examiners, but students may propose variations or changes at any time to the option representative. The TAC chair should be someone other than the research Adviser. The TAC chair will typically also serve as the thesis defense chair, but changes may be made in consultation with the Executive Officer and the Option Rep.

What to do in REGIS?

Login to Regis, navigate to the Ph. D. Examination Tab of your Graduate Degree Progress page, and scroll down to the Examination Committee section. Enter the names of your Thesis Advisory Committee members. Click the "Submit Examination Committee for Approval" button and this will automatically generate notifications for the Option Rep and the Dean of Graduate Studies to approve your committee. Enter the date, time and location of your TAC meeting and click "Submit Details." Your committee members will automatically be sent email reminders with the meeting details.

PhD Defense

The final thesis examination will cover the thesis topic and its relation to the general body of knowledge of physics. The candidate should send the thesis document to the defense committee and graduate office at least two weeks prior to the defense date. The defense must take place at least three weeks before the degree is to be conferred. Please refer to the  Graduate Office  and  Library  webpages for thesis guidelines, procedures, and deadlines.

  • Date, time, and location of your exam and click the "Submit Examination Details" button. You committee members will automatically be sent email reminders with the exam details. 
  • Commencement Information and click the "Submit Commencement Information" button (at least 2 weeks prior to defense)
  • Marching Information and click the "Submit your Marching Information" button (at least 2 weeks prior to commencement)

Applied Physics

Ph.D. program

The Applied Physics Department offers a Ph.D. degree program; see  Admissions Overview  for how to apply.  

1.  Courses . Current listings of Applied Physics (and Physics) courses are available via  Explore Courses . Courses are available in Physics and Mathematics to overcome deficiencies, if any, in undergraduate preparation. It is expected the specific course requirements are completed by the  end of the 3rd year  at Stanford.

Required Basic Graduate Courses.   30 units (quarter hours) including:

  • Basic graduate courses in advanced mechanics, statistical physics, electrodynamics, quantum mechanics, and an advanced laboratory course. In cases where students feel they have already covered the materials in one of the required basic graduate courses, a petition for waiver of the course may be submitted and is subject to approval by a faculty committee.
  • 18 units of advanced coursework in science and/or engineering to fit the particular interests of the individual student. Such courses typically are in Applied Physics, Physics, or Electrical Engineering, but courses may also be taken in other departments, e.g., Biology, Materials Science and Engineering, Mathematics, Chemistry. The purpose of this requirement is to provide training in a specialized field of research and to encourage students to cover material beyond their own special research interests.​

​ Required Additional Courses .  Additional courses needed to meet the minimum residency requirement of 135 units of completed course work. Directed study and research units as well as 1-unit seminar courses can be included. Courses are sometimes given on special topics, and there are several seminars that meet weekly to discuss current research activities at Stanford and elsewhere. All graduate students are encouraged to participate in the special topics courses and seminars. A limited number of courses are offered during the Summer Quarter. Most students stay in residence during the summer and engage in independent study or research programs.

The list of the PhD degree core coursework is listed in the bulletin here: .

3.  Dissertation Research.   Research is frequently supervised by an Applied Physics faculty member, but an approved program of research may be supervised by a faculty member from another department.

4.  Research Progress Report.   Students give an oral research progress report to their dissertation reading committee during the winter quarter of the 4th year.

5.  Dissertation.

6.  University Oral Examination .  The examination includes a public seminar in defense of the dissertation and questioning by a faculty committee on the research and related fields.

Most students continue their studies and research during the summer quarter, principally in independent study projects or dissertation research. The length of time required for the completion of the dissertation depends upon the student and upon the dissertation advisor. In addition, the University residency requirement of 135 graded units must be met.

Rotation Program

We offer an optional rotation program for 1st-year Ph.D. students where students may spend one quarter (10 weeks) each in up to three research groups in the first year. This helps students gain research experience and exposure to various labs, fields, and/or projects before determining a permanent group to complete their dissertation work. 

Sponsoring faculty members may be in the Applied Physics department, SLAC, or any other science or engineering department, as long as they are members of the Academic Council (including all tenure-line faculty). Rotations are optional and students may join a group without the rotation system by making an arrangement directly with the faculty advisor. 

During the first year, research assistantships (RAs) are fully funded by the department for the fall quarter; in the winter and spring quarters, RAs are funded 50/50 by the department and the research group hosting the student. RAs after the third quarter are, in general, not subsidized by the rotation program or the department and should be arranged directly by the student with their research advisor.

How to arrange a rotation

Rotation positions in faculty members’ groups are secured by the student by directly contacting and coordinating with faculty some time between the student’s acceptance into the Ph.D. program and the start of the rotation quarter. It is recommended that the student’s fall quarter rotation be finalized no later than Orientation Week before the academic year begins. A rotation with a different faculty member can be arranged for the subsequent quarters at any time. Most students join a permanent lab by the spring quarter of their first year after one or two rotations.  When coordinating a rotation, the student and the sponsoring faculty should discuss expectations for the rotation (e.g. project timeline or deliverables) and the availability of continued funding and permanent positions in the group. It is very important that the student and the faculty advisor have a clear understanding about expectations going forward.

What do current students say about rotations?

Advice from current ap students, setting up a rotation:.

  • If you have a specific professor or group in mind, you should contact them as early as possible, as they may have a limited number of rotation spots.
  • You can prepare a 1-page CV or resume to send to professors to summarize your research experiences and interest.
  • Try to tour the lab/working areas, talk to senior graduate students, or attend group meeting to get a feel for how the group operates.
  • If you don't receive a response from a professor, you can send a polite reminder, stop by their office, or contact their administrative assistant. If you receive a negative response, you shouldn't take it personally as rotation availability can depend year-to-year on funding and personnel availability.
  • Don't feel limited to subfields that you have prior experience in. Rotations are for learning and for discovering what type of work and work environment suit you best, and you will have several years to develop into a fully-formed researcher!

You and your rotation advisor should coordinate early on about things like: 

  • What project will you be working on and who will you be working with?
  • What resources (e.g. equipment access and training, coursework) will you need to enable this work?
  • How closely will you work with other members of the group? 
  • How frequently will you and your rotation advisor meet?
  • What other obligations (e.g. coursework, TAing) are you balancing alongside research?
  • How will your progress be evaluated?
  • Is there funding available to support you and this project beyond the rotation quarter?
  • Will the rotation advisor take on new students into the group in the quarter following the rotation?

About a month before the end of the quarter, you should have a conversation with your advisor about things like:

  • Will you remain in the current group or will you rotate elsewhere?
  • If you choose to rotate elsewhere, does the option remain open to return to the present group later?
  • If you choose to rotate elsewhere, will another rotation student be taken on for the same project?
  • You don't have to rotate just for the sake of rotating! If you've found a group that suits you well in many aspects, it makes sense to continue your research momentum with that group.

Application process

View Admissions Overview View the Required Online Ph.D. Program Application  

Contact the Applied Physics Department Office at  [email protected]  if additional information on any of the above is needed.

Quantum Science & Engineering

Join the quantum revolution at Harvard.

We are witnessing the birth of Quantum Science & Engineering, an event no less significant than the advent of the physics and engineering of electronics at the beginning of the last century. This new discipline demands new approaches to educating the rising generations of researchers who will require deep knowledge of science and engineering principles.

The quantum world of very small things has only recently been amenable to full control and this, in turn, has led to an explosion in potential applications, from new approaches to computation and communication, to more rapid drug discovery, and new sensors with unprecedented precision and resolution. We are at the frontier of the development of fully engineered quantum systems, starting from physical phenomena exhibited by quantum materials, integrating devices and systems subject to quantum architectures, and transforming the way in which we acquire, communicate, and process information.

Harvard University plays a leading role in the development of Quantum Science & Engineering. We invite you to learn more about our PhD program .

In Quantum Science & Engineering

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Harvard Launches PhD in Quantum Science and Engineering

Program will prepare leaders of the ‘quantum revolution’

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CAMBRIDGE, MA (Monday, April 26, 2021) – Harvard University today announced one of the world’s first PhD programs in Quantum Science and Engineering , a new intellectual discipline at the nexus of physics, chemistry, computer science, and electrical engineering with the promise to profoundly transform the way we acquire, process and communicate information and interact with the world around us.

“This cross-disciplinary PhD program will prepare our students to become the leaders and innovators in the emerging field of quantum science and engineering,” said Emma Dench, dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and McLean Professor of Ancient and Modern History and of the Classics. “Harvard’s interdisciplinary strength and intellectual resources make it the perfect place for them to develop their ideas, grow as scholars, and make discoveries that will change the world.”

The University is already home to a robust quantum science and engineering research community, organized under the Harvard Quantum Initiative . With the launch of the PhD program, Harvard is making the next needed commitment to provide foundational education for the next generation of innovators and leaders who will push the boundaries of knowledge and transform quantum science and engineering into useful systems, devices, and applications. 

“The new PhD program is designed to equip students with the appropriate experimental and theoretical education that reflects the nuanced intellectual approaches brought by both the sciences and engineering,” said faculty co-director Evelyn Hu , Tarr-Coyne Professor of Applied Physics and of Electrical Engineering at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS). “The core curriculum dramatically reduces the time to basic quantum proficiency for a community of students who will be the future innovators, researchers, and educators in quantum science and engineering.”

“Quantum science and engineering is not just a hybrid of subjects from different disciplines, but an important new area of study in its own right,” said faculty co-director John Doyle , Henry B. Silsbee Professor of Physics. “A PhD program is necessary and foundational to the development of this new discipline.”

“America’s continued success leading the quantum revolution depends on accelerating the next generation of talent,” said Dr. Charles Tahan, assistant director for quantum information science at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and director of the National Quantum Coordination Office. “It’s nice to see that a key component of Harvard’s education strategy is optimizing how core quantum-relevant concepts are taught.”

The University is also finalizing plans for the comprehensive renovation of a campus building into a new state-of-the-art quantum hub—a shared resource for the quantum community with instructional and research labs, spaces for seminars and workshops, and places for students, faculty, and visiting researchers and collaborators to meet and convene. Harvard’s quantum headquarters will integrate the educational, research, and translational aspects of the diverse field of quantum science and engineering in an architecturally cohesive way. This critical element of Harvard’s quantum strategy was made possible by generous gifts from Stacey L. and David E. Goel ‘93 and several other alumni.

“Existing technologies are reaching the limit of their capacity and cannot drive the innovation we need for the future, specifically in areas like semiconductors and the life sciences,” said Goel, co-founder and managing general partner of Waltham, Massachusetts-based Matrix Capital Management Company, LP, and one of Harvard’s most ardent supporters. “Quantum is an enabler, providing a multiplier effect on a logarithmic scale. It is a catalyst that drives scientific revolutions and epoch-making paradigm shifts.”

“Harvard is making significant institutional investments in its quantum enterprise and in the creation of a new field,” said Science Division Dean Christopher Stubbs, Samuel C. Moncher Professor of Physics and of Astronomy. Stubbs added that several active searches are underway to broaden Harvard’s faculty strength in this domain, and current faculty are building innovative partnerships with industry around quantum research.

“An incredible foundation has been laid in quantum, and we are now at an inflection point to accelerate that activity,” said SEAS Dean Frank Doyle , John A. and Elizabeth S. Armstrong Professor of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

To enable opportunities to move from basic to applied research to translating ideas into products, Doyle described a vision for “integrated partnerships where we invite partners from the private sector to be embedded on the campus to learn from the researchers in our labs, and where our faculty connect to the private sector and national labs to learn about the cutting-edge applications and to help translate basic research into useful tools for society.”

Harvard will admit the first cohort of PhD candidates in fall 2022 and anticipates enrolling 35 to 40 students in the program. Participating faculty are drawn from physics and chemistry in Harvard’s Division of Science and in applied physics, electrical engineering, and computer science at SEAS.

The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences provides more information on Harvard’s PhD in Quantum Science and Engineering , including the program philosophy, curriculum, and requirements.

Harvard has a long history of leadership in quantum science and engineering. Theoretical physicist and 2005 Nobel laureate Roy Glauber is widely considered the founding father of quantum optics, and 1989 Nobel laureate Norman Ramsey pioneered much of the experimental foundation of quantum science.

Today, Harvard experimental research groups are among the leaders worldwide in areas such as quantum simulations, metrology, and quantum communications and computation, and are complemented by strong theoretical groups in computer science, physics, and chemistry.

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The Ethics of Developing Voice Biometrics

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PhD student position: quantum sensing of biomolecules and their chemical stimuli.

For the prestigious PhD school of the Swiss Nanoscience Institute, we solicit applications for a paid 4-year PhD student position in the Biomolecular Nano-Dynamics group at the Dept. of Chemistry a...

PhD and Postdoc positions in cold molecules/cold chemistry at the University of Basel (Switzerland)

PhD and postdoc positions are available in the group of Prof. Stefan Willitsch, University of Basel, Switzerland. The successful candidate will participate in ongoing experiments and new developments to study interactions, collisions and chemical ...

PhD position in molecular-ion quantum technologies at the University of Basel (Switzerland)

A PhD position is available in the group of Prof. Stefan Willitsch at the University of Basel (Switzerland) on the development of quantum technologies for single trapped molecular ions and their application in precision spectroscopy.Project descri...


Phd for Novel Nanophotonic Electron Accelerator

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Doctoral fellow - Department of Information Technology

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Doctoral student in quantum sources

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PhD Position F/M 15 PhDs on Tensor Modelling, Geometry and Optimisation

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PhD On Layered Quantum Materials for Terahertz Technology

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PhD Positions in Condensed Matter Science

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Jobs by field

  • Programming Languages 173
  • Electrical Engineering 160
  • Machine Learning 155
  • Artificial Intelligence 149
  • Molecular Biology 130
  • Electronics 122
  • Cell Biology 121
  • Materials Engineering 120
  • Computational Sciences 111
  • Mechanical Engineering 97

Jobs by type

  • Postdoc 312
  • Assistant / Associate Professor 152
  • Researcher 109
  • Professor 101
  • Tenure Track 61
  • Lecturer / Senior Lecturer 60
  • Engineer 59
  • Management / Leadership 54
  • Research assistant 40

Jobs by country

  • Belgium 222
  • The Netherlands 155
  • Germany 112
  • Morocco 106
  • Switzerland 93
  • Luxembourg 80

Jobs by employer

  • Mohammed VI Polytechnic Unive... 106
  • KU Leuven 85
  • University of Luxembourg 78
  • Eindhoven University of Techn... 58
  • Ghent University 41
  • ETH Zürich 41
  • KTH Royal Institute of Techno... 37
  • Silicon Austria Labs (SAL) 30
  • University of Twente 28

can you get a phd in quantum physics

Physics Network

What careers are in quantum physics?

  • Entry Level Hardware Developer: 2023. IBM.
  • Entry Level Hardware Developer: 2023.
  • Marketing Intern.
  • Business Support Intern.
  • Quantum PhD Researcher.
  • Quantum Research Scientist (Measurement)
  • IBM Quantum Entry Level Hardware Developer 2023.

Table of Contents

How much money does a quantum physicist make?

While ZipRecruiter is seeing annual salaries as high as $285,500 and as low as $27,000, the majority of Quantum Physicist salaries currently range between $77,500 (25th percentile) to $155,500 (75th percentile) with top earners (90th percentile) making $239,500 annually across the United States.

Is quantum physics in demand?

Quantum computer scientists are in high demand right now,” says Monroe. “I would know. IonQ has a lot of trouble hiring people.” And hiring will only get harder, as companies like IonQ, Intel, D-Wave, and Google race to build bigger and better quantum computers .

What jobs can you get with a PhD in quantum physics?

  • Systems Engineer.
  • Senior CAD/Layout Engineer – Quantum.
  • Post Doctorate RA – Materials Scientist.
  • 2023 Associate Transformational Physicist – Linthicum, MD.
  • Quantum Computing Engineer.
  • Quantum Research Scientist, Control Stack.
  • Quantum Information Theorist.

Is quantum technology a good career?

Quantum computing is an excellent career, especially for those who enjoy working in physics, quantum theory, technology, or computers. You work on cutting-edge technology, advancing computing abilities to handle complicated processes and solve complex problems.

How long does it take to study quantum physics?

If you seek to become a quantum physicist, you have to complete four years of undergraduate training. You also can complete an additional two years of schooling to earn a master’s degree followed by five years of doctoral degree training.

Which branch of physics has highest salary?

  • Medical Physicist. Salary range: $191,000-$312,500 per year.
  • Chief Medical Physicist. Salary range: $171,500-$290,000 per year.
  • Experimental Physicist. Salary range: $58,000-$165,500 per year.
  • Computational Physicist.
  • Physical Scientist.
  • Senior Petrophysicist.
  • Health Physics Technician.
  • Physics Technician.

Which field of physics has more money?

Relativistic Physics Examples Practitioners include aerospace engineers and astronomers, among others. Aerospace engineers pull down $113,030 per year or $54.34 per hour to design and test prototypes of aircraft, spacecraft, satellites, and missiles. They must obtain a bachelor’s degree to enter this occupation.

Why is quantum physics so hard?

Quantum mechanics is deemed the hardest part of physics. Systems with quantum behavior don’t follow the rules that we are used to, they are hard to see and hard to “feel”, can have controversial features, exist in several different states at the same time – and even change depending on whether they are observed or not.

Can you get a PHD in quantum physics?

For admission to the doctoral program, an interest in independent research and a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university are the minimum requirements. Students with a comprehensive background in physics or related subjects can opt for a Ph. D. program in quantum physics.

What do quantum physicist do?

Quantum physics governs the way the universe behaves at the scale of atoms, electrons and photons. Quantum physicists put the rules of this quantum world to the test and devise ways to stretch their boundaries.

What is quantum physics good for?

Physicists are exploring the potential of quantum science to transform our view of gravity and its connection to space and time. Quantum science may even reveal how everything in the universe (or in multiple universes) is connected to everything else through higher dimensions that our senses cannot comprehend.

Can I master in quantum physics?

While there are no master’s degrees specifically in quantum physics available in the United States, students are able to enroll in more general master’s degree programs in physics and use their coursework to focus on quantum physics.

Is quantum physics taught in IIT?

In India the given institutes offer courses in quantum physics: Indian Institute of Astrophysics. Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs)

How do you become a quantum physicist?

Quantum physicists often first complete a bachelor’s degree in physics or a related field such as mathematics or another science. Most career opportunities require at least a master’s degree, which may take about two years of additional study.

Do I need a PhD to do quantum computing?

Not just any degree will launch a quantum computing career. A bachelor’s degree in physics or computer science is a good start; however, quantum mechanics, computational physics , and machine learning are needed.

What degree do I need to work in quantum computing?

Getting a job as Quantum Machine Learning Scientist, however, almost always requires a Ph. D. in Quantum Physics or Computer Science.

How do I become a quantum engineer?

in Science is preferred, however Bachelor’s in Engineering with Computer Science or Electronics is a requirement. Quantum Mechanics/Physics/ Chemistry – Quantum mechanics is a desired skillset. Quantum mechanics is the fundamental theory of physics that provides the description of nature at atomic and subatomic level.

What kind of math is used in quantum physics?

In order to study elementary quantum mechanics you must ideally have an understanding of the following mathematical ideas: Complex numbers. Partial and Ordinary differential equations. Integral calculus I-III.

Where can I study quantum physics?

  • Free. University of Maryland, College Park.
  • Free. The University of Tokyo.
  • Free. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
  • The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
  • University of Colorado Boulder.

What kind of math do you need for quantum mechanics?

The mathematical prerequisites are multi-variable calculus (as in Calculus IV), and Linear Algebra. This course is open to both undergraduate and graduate students. It can be taken independently and in addition to any of the Physics department courses on quantum mechanics.

Which branch of physics is the hardest?

Atomic Physics is considered one of the hardest branches of Physics.

What is the highest paying job in the world?

  • Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
  • General Surgeon.
  • Senior Software Engineer.
  • Investment Banker.
  • Data Scientist.
  • IT Systems Manager.

Do physicists make more money than engineers?

On average, graduates with engineering degrees were one of the few groups whose mean starting offers were higher than physicists. Chemical, electrical, and mechanical engineers’ mean starting salary falls between $59,000 and $65,000 per year, while civil engineers are about even with physicists.

What should I do if I love physics?

  • A career in physics. When deciding a career in physics, you should identify whether your area of interest lies in theory and research-based study or in practical applications.
  • Space and Astronomy.
  • Engineering.
  • Energy Sector.
  • Meteorology and Geophysics.

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  1. Quantum Science and Engineering PhD Program

    The PhD program in Quantum Science and Engineering provides graduate training in a new discipline at the intersection of quantum physics and information theory. Just as the 20th century witnessed a technological and scientific revolution ushered in by our newfound understanding of quantum mechanics, the 21st century now offers the promise of a ...

  2. Quantum Science and Engineering

    You can find degree program-specific admissions requirements below and access additional guidance on applying from the PhD program in quantum science and engineering. Academic Background. Students with bachelor's degrees in physics, mathematics, chemistry, computer science, engineering, or related fields are invited to apply for admission.

  3. Harvard Launches PhD in Quantum Science and Engineering

    Press contact. April 26, 2021. Harvard University today announced one of the world's first PhD programs in Quantum Science and Engineering, a new intellectual discipline at the nexus of physics, chemistry, computer science and electrical engineering with the promise to profoundly transform the way we acquire, process and communicate ...

  4. Best Quantum Physics Programs

    Understanding quantum physics is a must for any physicist. With a quantum physics degree, graduates may work in research, engineering and education, among other fields. These are the top schools ...

  5. Quantum Science and Engineering

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  6. Harvard launches new Ph.D. program in quantum science

    The new degree is the latest step in the University's commitment to moving forward as both a leader in research and an innovator in teaching in the field of quantum science and engineering. Harvard launched the Harvard Quantum Initiative in 2018 to foster and grow this new scientific community. And additional future plans call for the ...

  7. New Harvard Ph.D. program on quantum science

    Launched in spring 2021, the new quantum program is one of the world's earliest Ph.D. programs in the subject and is designed to prepare future leaders and innovators in the critical and fast-emerging field. "It's helped us start creating a culture for the program," said Nazli Ugur Koyluoglu, referring to the designated office and ...

  8. New Quantum Science and Engineering Ph.D. program ...

    Princeton University has launched a new Ph.D. program in Quantum Science and Engineering (QSE), providing graduate training in an emerging discipline at the intersection of quantum physics and information theory. This new field of quantum information science has broad implications and may enable fundamentally new technology, including new types of computers that can solve currently intractable ...

  9. Quantum Science and Engineering

    The PhD in Quantum Science and Engineering program provides students with the opportunity to study with some of the most prominent researchers working in both fundamental and applied aspects of quantum science. The program encompasses a variety of engineering topics that will help shape the quantum future. This includes quantum computing ...

  10. Graduate Admissions

    1. Online Application and Application Fee. MIT Graduate Admissions Online Graduate Application; Application Fee: $90 NOTE: Applicants who feel that this fee may prevent them from applying should send a short email to [email protected] to describe their general reasons for requesting a waiver. We will follow up with information about how to apply for a formal 'application fee waiver'.

  11. Centre for Quantum Information and Foundations

    Applications to start a PhD in October 2022 will be considered from November 2021 onwards. Successful applicants are likely to have a first class undergraduate degree in mathematics, physics or computer science, and should ideally also have an M.Sc. or equivalent qualification. Candidates considering applying directly from an undergraduate ...

  12. PhD Opportunities

    PhD Opportunities. As a research institute, UCLQ offers PhD students the opportunity to learn about and contribute to cutting edge developments in the field of Quantum Technolgies. Alongside our postgraduate programmes, UCLQ academics may also offer standalone PhD opportunities for specialised projects. UCL is the home of the EPSRC Centre for ...

  13. Graduate Studies

    And, most recently, the new program in Quantum Science and Engineering (QSE), which lies at the interface of physics, chemistry, and engineering, will admit its first cohort of PhD students in Fall 2022. We support and encourage interdisciplinary research and simultaneous applications to two departments is permissible.

  14. Harvard Launches PhD in Quantum Science and Engineering

    April 26, 2021. Harvard University announced today one of the world's first PhD programs in Quantum Science and Engineering, a new intellectual discipline at the nexus of physics, chemistry, computer science and electrical engineering with the promise to profoundly transform the way we acquire, process and communicate information and interact ...

  15. What can you do with a phd in quantum physics/mechanics?

    There are very few jobs where you NEED a PhD in quantum physics, other than research, or maybe working for a company that builds and distributes lab equipment. What you see are a million jobs where they ask for someone with a "background in insert sciency field or similar". A PhD in physics fits in 99% of those "or similar".

  16. PhD in Quantum Physics Programs

    Students with a comprehensive background in physics or related subjects can opt for a Ph.D. program in quantum physics. Ideally, they should have experience - or at least an avid interest - in independent research. Some of the courses they will have to take during this program include quantum mechanics, modern optics, and applied electrodynamics.

  17. Requirements for a Doctorate in Physics

    Students must also pass a written candidacy exam in both classical physics and quantum mechanics in order to progress into the research phase of the degree. ... PhD Defense. The final thesis examination will cover the thesis topic and its relation to the general body of knowledge of physics. The candidate should send the thesis document to the ...

  18. Ph.D. program

    The Ph.D. is conferred upon candidates who have demonstrated substantial scholarship and the ability to conduct independent research and analysis in applied physics. Through completion of advanced coursework and rigorous skills training, the doctoral program prepares students to make original contributions to the knowledge of applied physics ...

  19. Quantum Science & Engineering

    Join the quantum revolution at Harvard. We are witnessing the birth of Quantum Science & Engineering, an event no less significant than the advent of the physics and engineering of electronics at the beginning of the last century. This new discipline demands new approaches to educating the rising generations of researchers who will require deep knowledge of science and engineering principles.

  20. Harvard Launches PhD in Quantum Science and Engineering

    CAMBRIDGE, MA (Monday, April 26, 2021) - Harvard University today announced one of the world's first PhD programs in Quantum Science and Engineering, a new intellectual discipline at the nexus of physics, chemistry, computer science, and electrical engineering with the promise to profoundly transform the way we acquire, process and communicate information and interact with the world around us.

  21. How to get into a PhD in Quantum Computing? : r/QuantumComputing

    There aren't really QC PhDs right now, people doing QC research are found in computer science, Physics, chemistry, math, and electrical engineering departments. To be competitive, you absolutely need a Masters in physics and to complete quantum physics, solid state, quantum computing/algorithms courses. Otherwise statistical physics, numerical ...

  22. 11 PhD jobs in Quantum Physics

    PhD student position: quantum sensing of biomolecules and their chemical stimuli. For the prestigious PhD school of the Swiss Nanoscience Institute, we solicit applications for a paid 4-year PhD student position in the Biomolecular Nano-Dynamics group at the Dept. of Chemistry a... Published 1 week ago. Closing in: 2024-09-29.

  23. What careers are in quantum physics?

    Can you get a PHD in quantum physics? For admission to the doctoral program, an interest in independent research and a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university are the minimum requirements. Students with a comprehensive background in physics or related subjects can opt for a Ph. D. program in quantum physics.