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How to develop a recruitment plan

A recruitment plan is a strategic blueprint for hiring, outlining timelines, processes, and other elements to enhance efficiency. It guides recruiters and HR professionals throughout the hiring process, ensuring a streamlined approach to sourcing, interviewing, and onboarding candidates.

Nikoletta Bika

Nikoletta holds an MSc in HR management and has written extensively about all things HR and recruiting.

recruitment plan assignment

A successful recruitment plan is more than just numbers. Vacancies and recruiting budgets form the basis of recruitment plans, but employing good hiring practices can elevate them.

How to create a recruitment plan:

Revise your job descriptions.

Job duties can change over time. Talk to team leaders and ask them how their roles, and their team members’ roles, have changed. If your sales team now performs account management, update their job descriptions.

If you don’t have formal job descriptions yet, consider conducting a job analysis – a process to determine a job’s duties and requirements. Arrange interviews with staff to discuss their roles and responsibilities. You can also use job description templates , a convenient alternative to conducting a job analysis.

Conduct a skills gap analysis

Conducting a skills gap analysis is a systematic way to analyze your staff’s current skill level and identify skills you want in the future.

To conduct a skills gap analysis:

  • Identify skills you’ll need in the future.
  • Assess skills your company has already.
  • Compare current with desired skills and plan to fill the gaps.

Identify future recruiting needs by talking to senior management and team leaders to understand existing skill levels. Find out how they plan to hit next year’s goals. Complement their insights with recent performance reviews or employee surveys. Rate each skill you’re looking for on a scale (most commonly a three- or five-point one.)

Prioritize any skills gaps you discover. You can also address gaps by creating training plans for your employees. When skills gaps are too big, consider hiring new people to fill them.

Align your hiring team

With Workable’s hiring plan, you’ll move out of the spreadsheets and into one centralized workspace, where info is always current and next steps are always clear.

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Visualize your hiring activity

A skills gap analysis will provide a general idea of how many new hires you’ll need to cover gaps, but there are other ways to predict hiring needs. You can use quantitative methods to forecast future hires in your recruitment plan . For example, companies may set daily sales targets to hit their revenue goals. They can use productivity metrics to find out if their current number of employees can achieve those goals. If not, they can calculate how many more people they need to hire.

Insight from hiring managers can also give you a good estimate of the number of people you need to hire. Schedule meetings with hiring managers to discuss your hiring plan and their staffing needs. Use the information to create a hiring plan spreadsheet with the number of expected new hires per quarter or month. Here’s an example:

Recruitment Plan: Hiring Plan Visualization

Revamp your hiring process:

Review your past recruitment plans and hiring habits and ask yourself:

  • Did hiring teams communicate well?
  • Did hiring processes meet hiring managers’ requirements?
  • How did new hires perform in their probationary periods?
  • What was the new-hire turnover rate (new hires who left in their first three months)?
  • Were there any legal issues with hiring processes or candidate experiences ? (e.g. consider  illegal interview questions  and their legal alternatives)
  • Are any changes needed to your recruitment or hiring policy?

Answers to these questions will inform the way you hire and how much you’ll spend on doing it efficiently. For example, if you find that your hiring teams had problems communicating through email, you could opt for a more user-friendly hiring tool . If managers find that new hires lack some of the skills they expect, explore investing in pre-employment testing .

An improved hiring process begins with effective sourcing. Download our complete sourcing guide for free.

Create a hiring budget

If you have already planned your hiring activity, calculate your cost-per-hire  and recruiting yield ratio . Add all internal (for example,  referral program incentives and recruiter salaries) and external recruiting costs (for example, agency, job posting and background check fees) and divide the sum by the number of new hires. As part of your personnel budgeting process , forecast the amount you’ll pay to your future employees in personnel costs (salaries, benefits and fully burdened costs .)

Think in terms of hiring teams

Your hiring process shouldn’t just be efficient for each individual hire. It should build an effective team culture that lasts. Here’s how you can attract – and retain – better teams:

  • Set diversity targets . Diverse teams perform better than their homogenous counterparts. Incorporate diversity goals into your hiring process and explore partnerships with organizations like Society of Women Engineers  and Ascend , a Pan-Asian organization for business professionals in North America.
  • Train interviewers . Even experienced interviewers can be biased. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) training can help interviewers follow legal guidelines. Vendors like Interview EDGE and The Lou Adler Group can help interviewers develop their skills. HR can also organize in-house training sessions.
  • Use processes that reduce biases . Biases are often unconscious. Eliminating them isn’t easy, but by tweaking your processes, you can reduce them. Consider using  blind hiring  and  structured interview  techniques to reduce hiring biases.

Creating a hiring plan is an opportunity to power up your recruiting and rethink the way you hire. If you aim to hire more objectively and reduce biases, you will build more productive teams and foster a more inclusive company culture.

Learn how you can boost your hiring plan with Workable !

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Developing an Employee Recruitment Plan

A recruitment plan outlines your strategy for finding, screening, and hiring new employees. Rather than trying a variety of methods to see what works, you can arrange a recruitment plan before you begin the recruitment process.

Recruitment Plan Template Free Download

Download our free Recruitment Plan template in Microsoft Word format.

How to Develop a Recruitment Strategy:

Recruiting a new employee can be time-consuming and expensive, particularly if you don't have a clear direction. If you have a predetermined plan in place, you can be consistent in your recruitment efforts and direct your resources to a series of strategies that will help you find the kind of people you want to hire.

Figure out what position needs to be filled.

Identify a gap in your workforce..

You can't hire new employees unless you know exactly what role you need to slot them into. If you've identified a gap in your company's workforce that has been created by someone else's departure, or by the growth and evolution of your organization, that gap needs to be filled by someone who is qualified to meet the demands of that particular role.

Discuss the requirements of the role.

Anytime you begin the recruitment process, you should start by identifying very clearly what you are looking for. Work with your HR team, as well as departmental team leaders, to outline the requirements and responsibilities of each role. You should also outline the daily responsibilities and goals of each role.

Working with the HR team and departmental leaders ensure that everyone is on the same page and have a thorough understanding of each role.

Develop your recruitment strategy.

Decide how the job(s) will be filled..

Knowing what positions are vacant is only the start. How are you going to meet the need of your company? You will need to ask some important questions when you are drawing up a plan, like:

Will you hire multiple people? Will you look for a part-time or full-time employee? Will there be a trial period? Will you hire over the course of the next week or the next month?

Estimate your hiring needs.

These questions and more can help you to estimate how many people you will need in each department and approximately when you will need to hire them. Then, you can build a recruitment calendar for the year ahead.

Plan out a budget for your recruitment needs.

To keep your recruiting costs down, plan a budget for the year ahead based on the estimates you've done so far. Some of the usual costs include advertising, recruitment tools, career fairs, branding expenses, background checks, and travel expenses.

Decide how you will search for candidates.

Decide on the type of candidates that should be targeted..

What type of characteristics make up your target group? It might be education, work experience, years of service, geographic location, or some other attribute.

Think about where to search for applicants.

Picking out several characteristics can help you to narrow down your search pool and have a better idea of where to look. For instance, most general laborers won't be active on LinkedIn , but seasoned professionals are likely to frequent LinkedIn and keep an up-to-date profile.

Consider how you will screen your applicants.

Connect with your target group..

There are a number of ways to make the first point of contact with your target group. These include:

  • Job boards .
  • Social media sites.
  • Job fairs .
  • Career days.
  • Staffing agencies .

Start a conversation with candidates and keep in touch.

The list above includes some of the most common ways for employers to start a conversation with prospective employees. You can also keep in touch with your prospective employees by using applicant tracking systems. These tools will help you to streamline your application process and stay organized.

Evaluate your target group.

Come up with a method for evaluating your candidates..

The success of your recruitment plan comes down to how you evaluate the candidates. A job interview is a must for virtually any position, but job interviews can be conducted in a variety of ways.

Some companies opt for a series of interviews so that they can narrow down candidates and go a little deeper with shortlisted applicants in their second conversation. Others conduct only one interview but ask the candidates to take a short assessment to test their skills or knowledge in a certain area.

Plan for other evaluation and control methods.

You can also do your due diligence with employee background checks and calls to references.

Lay out the groundrules for making an offer to your chosen candidate.

Your recruitment plan should define who makes the offer to the chosen candidate and performs any further negotiations. You can also lay out how the offer will be made and draft an official agreement letter.

Continue to review and edit your plan as you go.

Your recruitment plan should reflect the growth of your company, so continually review your recruitment process and make changes to your plan. This will ensure your recruitment strategy is always efficient and effective.

Why is a recruitment plan important?

Before you struggle with your recruiting efforts and scratch your head wondering why you aren't able to find the candidates that you're looking for, sit down and come up with a recruiting plan. With the right recruiting strategies and steps in place, you can exponentially increase the quality of your results. You can use our recruitment plan sample above to help you get started.

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How do you write a hiring plan?

  • Define the position.
  • Know your company and department.
  • Determine your timeframe.
  • Develop a budget plan.
  • Assess your hiring options.
  • Collaborate across departments.

How do you determine recruitment needs?

  • Identify the vacancy and evaluate the need.
  • Develop a position description.
  • Develop a recruitment plan.
  • Select a search committee.
  • Post the position.
  • Implement the recruitment plan.

How do you develop a recruitment strategy?

  • Determine accountability for the strategy.
  • Identify the business and overall HR goals of the firm.
  • Identify which business goals and which business units you wish to impact.
  • Identify any possible (future) changes to the internal or external business environment.
  • Select between the traditional “narrow” recruiting strategy and a broader talent management approach.
  • Develop or refine your recruiting mission statement.

Employing the right people for your business is the most important part of your organization, therefore, you must have a good recruitment process to attract the right kind of employees for your business needs. A good recruitment process can minimize the time involved in searching, interviewing, hiring, and training candidates.

How many stages does the recruitment process comprise of?

  • Strategy development.
  • Evaluation and control.

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Talent management, employee referral program, recruitment, strong work ethic, best hiring practices.

recruitment plan assignment

Global HR — 7 min

5 steps to an effective recruitment plan template

Anastasia Pshegodskaya

Recruiting and retaining top talent isn’t easy, especially if you’re hiring for a global workforce.

The good news? You can use a recruitment plan template to streamline the hiring process. This makes it easier to scale your business anywhere in the world.

Read on to learn how to develop a recruitment plan template that works.

What is a recruitment plan template?

How do i create a recruitment plan template, it’s time to implement your recruitment plan template.

Businesses looking to scale can’t afford to waste time and energy developing a new recruitment plan whenever they need to bring on more talent. A recruitment plan template is a business’s structured approach to recruiting, screening, interviewing, and hiring new employees. It includes the detailed steps, strategies, and timelines required to find the best candidates.

A consistent, reusable template makes sure you aren’t recreating the wheel each time you need to recruit and hire new workers. As soon as you’re ready to expand or fill positions, you can start immediately with your template. 

HR personnels can save a lot of time by developing a recruitment plan. A comprehensive plan outlining timelines, budgets, and qualifications for new hires cuts down on the guesswork and streamlines the hiring process.

Recruitment plan templates also help you track efficiency. You can see what you are doing well while identifying any areas that need refinement to consistently find the best candidates.

There are five key steps to creating an effective recruitment plan template. Identify your needs, establish your approach, decide how to locate candidates, start your efforts, and refine your methodology over time.

Let’s dive further into each step.

1. Identify your needs

The first step for developing a recruitment plan template is to take stock of your current needs by answering the following questions:

Who does your business need to hire?

Start by narrowing down which positions you need to fill and what type of person you are looking for. Are you looking for independent contractors to complete short-term projects? Or employees interested in remote positions in another country?

Review your short-term and long-term business needs, especially if you plan to expand. 

How many positions need to be filled?

Once you’ve taken stock of the types of team members you need, narrow down the number of positions you need to fill. Take a look at your current job descriptions, and revise them as needed.

Don't forget to identify any in-house promotion or advancement opportunities for your current employees. You need to keep this information in mind to determine how many recruits you need.

What is your timeline?

Now set your timelines for recruitment, vetting, and hiring. Of course, recruitment timelines vary depending on your business needs. On average, you can expect the entire process to take about 3 to 6 weeks .

Factor in time to onboard employees. New team members need additional time to familiarize themselves with company policies and job responsibilities. Onboarding may also include company or job-specific training for new hires.

Where are you looking to expand?

If your business is looking to expand internationally, there are additional factors to keep in mind. Each country has unique labor, employment, and tax laws that can affect your recruiting and hiring processes.

A Global HR partner like Remote can help you expand your business in a new country. We have legal entities around the world, offering you the expertise and support you need to stay compliant in every country.

Once you know the answers to these questions, you're ready to tackle your recruiting approach.

2. Establish your approach

Start by looking at your previous hiring efforts to see what worked. Keep past successful strategies in your recruitment plan template.

Next, investigate the region you want to expand into, including any expectation that local employees have. Budget salaries, benefits, and other compensation to attract the best possible candidates. 

Plan how to advertise your business to appeal to candidates. Make sure your process is aligned with your company’s values, mission, and goals. Find a talent assessment tool to predict the performance of potential hires. This can increase productivity by 10% and boost employee retention rates.

The average cost per new hire is $4,700 , so keep this in mind to determine your recruitment budget. See how much you want to spend on advertising, job postings, and recruiting events.

It's easy to only consider these hard costs, but you’ll also want to factor in soft costs. For example, managers may need spend valuable time to support HR leaders during recruitment.

3. Determine how to find the best candidates

Businesses have more options than ever to attract top-notch candidates.

Job boards are one way to get the word out that your company is hiring. Most job boards charge a fee for you to advertise, so research your options carefully. Some broadly advertise across industries, while others focus on specific niches.

Job fairs are another option. Some are in-person, while others are held as virtual events. If you go this route, plan who is hosting the event and how those individuals will vet potential candidates.

Social media is a great way to find top candidates. About 57% of people search for a new job through social media, while 73% found their last job using social media. Tap into the social media accounts your company already participates in, whether that’s LinkedIn, Instagram, or something else entirely.

Outsource your recruiting to a reputable staffing agency. Work with a staffing agency to identify your ideal candidate profile. The agency should complete the searching, screening, and interview process for you. If you’re hiring internationally, don’t forget the benefits of partnering with an employer of record (EOR). Remote’s EOR platform helps you hire excellent candidates in your location of interest while keeping your business compliant with local labor, tax, and employment laws. 

Once you’ve decided on the specific methods through which to find candidates, you’re ready to start recruiting.

4. Start your recruitment efforts

As you begin the recruitment process, think about how you want to screen applicants. You'll review job applications and resumes, and maybe also do a skills assessment. Continue with background and reference checks as needed, and complete an initial phone or video conference screening. Once candidates are vetted, you can start the interview process. Decide who will interview and the questions will look like. Some jobs may require a panel or succession of interviews to determine the best person for the job. 

A good recruitment plan template also covers the onboarding process. Employees are 2.6 times more likely to stay with a company that has a smooth onboarding process. Unfortunately, only 12% of employees say their organization did a good job with onboarding.  Don’t be a company that gives a bad onboarding experience for your employees. Check out our tips to create a smooth, satisfying onboarding process for each new hire.

5. Refine your template over time

Once you landed on your ideal recruiting plan, review its efficacy over time. Use a variety of metrics to analyze your recruiting and hiring results, and refine the plan until it’s seamless.

Your metrics could include the time taken to fill new positions. You can also track the acceptance rate of each position listed. 

You can also track how new hires grow into their position over time. Are they successful in their roles? Can you identify candidates with growth and advancement potential? Do you notice a difference in employee turnover rate? Consider your metrics carefully, and use them to drive your future recruitment efforts. Over time, you will have a plan focused on locating and retaining the best possible candidates for your company.

Start building your recruitment plan template by defining your company’s needs. Who is your ideal candidate? Which positions do you need to fill? What is your timeline? 

If you plan to expand internationally, you can join forces with a Global HR partner like Remote. You can easily post open positions in Remote Talent to attract top talent across the world. Learn how you can find the best international candidate through competitive benefits as part of your recruitment plan. Contact Remote to start recruiting and hiring internationally today.

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An operational recruitment plan is a strategic framework that defines the systematic approach adopted by a company to attract, select and hire the best talent. It should be structured as a roadmap that includes a series of steps, best practices and tactics aimed at filling staff shortages efficiently and effectively. A well-crafted recruitment plan integrates several functional elements such as workforce planning, workforce setting and strategies for acquiring the best candidates.

But, what are the advantages of using a recruitment plan? Consider that in today’s highly competitive labour market, large industries need to adopt a structured approach to recruitment in order to remain agile and responsive to the changing dynamics of the labour market.

A well-structured recruitment plan helps achieve this important goal by providing clarity and direction to the hiring process. It not only helps to streamline the process, but also promotes consistency, compliance with labour laws and a commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Key components are critical to developing a successful recruiting strategy . Additionally, it must include various tactics, best practices and processes to ensure a positive candidate journey, strengthen the employer brand and accommodate remote work scenarios. Additionally, ensuring onboarding experiences is critical to retaining top talent once hired.

Knowing how to prepare a successful recruitment plan is crucial to acquiring the right human resources to grow your business. That’s why I recommend Digital Coach’s Inbound Recruiting Program to learn the best tactics and make you competitive in the marketplace with a good Working Team.

How Can a Recruitment Plan Improve Hiring?

A well-executed recruitment plan aims to significantly improve recruitment efficiency by providing a structured framework to follow. As a result, it streamlines the process, reducing redundancies and ensuring that the right candidates are sourced and evaluated in a timely manner.

Then consider that consistency is critical in the hiring process. Consequently, a hiring plan mandates standardized procedures and practices so that each candidate is evaluated fairly, promoting an environment of equal employment opportunity.

components of recruitment plan

By following the best practices outlined in the recruitment plan , organizations can thus reduce hiring costs. This is achieved by optimizing the advertising of job openings, reducing the time it takes to fill vacancies, and cutting costs from the use of outside recruitment agencies. A positive candidate journey is critical to attracting top talent.

A well-designed recruitment plan focuses on the candidate experience, from the first interaction to the onboarding process, helping to strengthen the employer brand. Finally, a staffing plan goes beyond immediate hiring needs as it aligns with the organization’s long-term talent acquisition strategy. This perspective is strategic as it ensures that the company has the right workforce to meet future business goals.

What Are the Key Components of a Recruitment Plan?

To build a successful recruitment plan , it is critical to begin by assessing the talent acquisition situation. This includes:

  • identifying current staffing shortages,
  • analyzing future staffing needs,
  • considering diversity and inclusion goals.

This initial phase is critical as it lays the foundation for a strategic approach to attracting and hiring the best candidates. Equally important in recruitment planning is the development of a staffing plan. This consists of defining roles and responsibilities, the number of positions to be filled, and aligning hiring goals with organizational goals.

Contributing to the success of the recruitment plan are realistic timelines. In fact, they are essential to achieving recruitment goals. By setting achievable goals, organizations can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their recruitment plan.

The success of a recruitment plan depends , then, on an optimal search for top talent. This involves activities such as creating compelling job advertisements, sourcing and screening candidates to ensure they meet predetermined criteria. If a brand is strong, it can attract high-quality candidates even in a competitive job market.

Functional to coordinating the recruitment process is the creation of a selection committee to conduct interviews and manage the candidate pipeline. Indeed, effective coordination ensures a recruitment process that is transparent, efficient, and in accordance with best practices and principles of diversity and inclusion.

Certainly, then, monitoring the effectiveness of the recruitment plan, it is essential to report progress using key performance indicators (KPIs). These metrics allow organizations to measure their ROI, assess whether they are achieving their goals, and make data-driven changes if necessary.

Not to be underestimated is the constant improvement is a constant aspect of the recruitment plan. It involves automating repetitive tasks, improving the onboarding experience, and optimizing employee engagement and retention strategies. These efforts contribute to long-term success and competitive advantage.

plan to acquire better talent

How to Create a Successful Recruitment Plan in 14 Steps

If you are wondering how to create a recruitment plan , I can anticipate that there are many elements to consider. By following these 14 steps below and incorporating them, for example, into a recruitment plan pdf , companies can develop a staffing plan that is not only effective but also responsive to the dynamic nature of today’s new employee acquisition landscape.

  • Identify recruitment goals and objectives : these should be in line with the organization’s workforce engagement and talent management strategies, taking into account future work dynamics.
  • Determining staffing needs and roles : this is functional for effective recruitment planning. Succession planning can play a crucial role in ensuring that the right talent is present in the future.
  • Define target candidate profiles : this is critical to understanding the profiles of the candidates you want to attract. Also, consider incorporating diversity and inclusion (D&I) initiatives to create a more inclusive work environment.
  • Select appropriate recruitment methods : you might consider leveraging artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) for candidate sourcing.
  • Allocate resources and budgets : useful in this regard is incorporating analytics and big data to inform your resource allocation decisions.
  • Set evaluation criteria: key performance indicators (KPIs) must be aligned with your goals, including ESG and employee experience (EX) metrics.
  • Communication and collaboration within the team : these are key factors for success. Ensure that your HR team is aligned with your recruitment plan and strategy. Also, consider a hybrid working model to accommodate remote and in-office work modes.
  • Integration of technology : this is helpful in streamlining the recruitment process. Implementing applicant tracking systems (ATS) and dedicated software allows you to automate various aspects of the process, from selection to onboarding.
  • Continually assess the recruitment landscape : monitoring market trends allows you to adapt your plan to different situations. Ensure, therefore, that your recruitment plan remains agile and responsive to changes.
  • Develop the workforce plan : this is useful for defining specific roles, responsibilities and the number of positions to be filled. Then align this plan with your talent management and succession planning projects.
  • Establish realistic timelines : this is critical for each stage of the recruitment process. To this end, use data analytics to make informed decisions and accelerate hiring where necessary.
  • Initiate recruitment activities : this is feasible with a well-crafted job posting strategy and candidate search methods in line with the overall recruitment strategy.
  • Coordinate the selection process : establishing a selection committee and ensuring a diverse and inclusive approach to candidate assessment ensures that the best resources are identified quickly.
  • Iterate for continuous improvement : embrace a continuous improvement philosophy by iteratively refining your recruitment plan and processes. Also, stay informed about evolving recruitment strategies and methods in 2023 to remain competitive.

Are you ready to find the perfect candidates? Ask how to do it with our recruitment plan


Recruitment Plan Templates and Resources

When deciding to design a recruitment plan , having the right resources can make the process more efficient and effective. Consider that the online offers downloadable templates designed to simplify recruitment planning. These relate to various industries and companies, so it is easy to find one that meets your specific needs.

recruitment plan template

Discover the potential of a recruitment action plan that focuses on immediate actions, or delve into the nuances of recruitment strategy development to shape a long-term vision.

In addition, I recommend exploring strategic recruitment plan templates to align your goals with your company’s broader goals.

By optimizing your efforts with the latest recruitment marketing plan resources, you might also consider more holistic approaches, such as developing a corporate recruitment plan that aligns with your company’s strategic direction.

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In the fast-paced and ever-changing world of talent acquisition, a thoughtful recruiting plan is the cornerstone of success. It offers a roadmap, ensuring you’re on the right path to identifying, attracting and retaining top talent.

As you have read, recruitment planning is not a one-off task, but an ongoing process that must adapt to the changing landscapes of industries and markets.

Only by investing in research, aligning with organizational goals, and leveraging the latest tools and models will your recruiting strategy thrive and your company remain competitive in the talent acquisition landscape.

Request a free consultation on how to create a Customized Plan for your Business

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