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Find details about every creative writing competition—including poetry contests, short story competitions, essay contests, awards for novels, grants for translators, and more—that we’ve published in the Grants & Awards section of Poets & Writers Magazine during the past year. We carefully review the practices and policies of each contest before including it in the Writing Contests database, the most trusted resource for legitimate writing contests available anywhere.

Find a home for your poems, stories, essays, and reviews by researching the publications vetted by our editorial staff. In the Literary Magazines database you’ll find editorial policies, submission guidelines, contact information—everything you need to know before submitting your work to the publications that share your vision for your work.

Whether you’re pursuing the publication of your first book or your fifth, use the Small Presses database to research potential publishers, including submission guidelines, tips from the editors, contact information, and more.

Research more than one hundred agents who represent poets, fiction writers, and creative nonfiction writers, plus details about the kinds of books they’re interested in representing, their clients, and the best way to contact them.

Every week a new publishing professional shares advice, anecdotes, insights, and new ways of thinking about writing and the business of books.

Find publishers ready to read your work now with our Open Reading Periods page, a continually updated resource listing all the literary magazines and small presses currently open for submissions.

Since our founding in 1970, Poets & Writers has served as an information clearinghouse of all matters related to writing. While the range of inquiries has been broad, common themes have emerged over time. Our Top Topics for Writers addresses the most popular and pressing issues, including literary agents, copyright, MFA programs, and self-publishing.

Our series of subject-based handbooks (PDF format; $4.99 each) provide information and advice from authors, literary agents, editors, and publishers. Now available: The Poets & Writers Guide to Publicity and Promotion, The Poets & Writers Guide to the Book Deal, The Poets & Writers Guide to Literary Agents, The Poets & Writers Guide to MFA Programs, and The Poets & Writers Guide to Writing Contests.

Find a home for your work by consulting our searchable databases of writing contests, literary magazines, small presses, literary agents, and more.

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Poets & Writers lists readings, workshops, and other literary events held in cities across the country. Whether you are an author on book tour or the curator of a reading series, the Literary Events Calendar can help you find your audience.

Get the Word Out is a new publicity incubator for debut fiction writers and poets.

Research newspapers, magazines, websites, and other publications that consistently publish book reviews using the Review Outlets database, which includes information about publishing schedules, submission guidelines, fees, and more.

Well over ten thousand poets and writers maintain listings in this essential resource for writers interested in connecting with their peers, as well as editors, agents, and reading series coordinators looking for authors. Apply today to join the growing community of writers who stay in touch and informed using the Poets & Writers Directory.

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Find a writers group to join or create your own with Poets & Writers Groups. Everything you need to connect, communicate, and collaborate with other poets and writers—all in one place.

Find information about more than two hundred full- and low-residency programs in creative writing in our MFA Programs database, which includes details about deadlines, funding, class size, core faculty, and more. Also included is information about more than fifty MA and PhD programs.

Whether you are looking to meet up with fellow writers, agents, and editors, or trying to find the perfect environment to fuel your writing practice, the Conferences & Residencies is the essential resource for information about well over three hundred writing conferences, writers residencies, and literary festivals around the world.

Discover historical sites, independent bookstores, literary archives, writing centers, and writers spaces in cities across the country using the Literary Places database—the best starting point for any literary journey, whether it’s for research or inspiration.

Search for jobs in education, publishing, the arts, and more within our free, frequently updated job listings for writers and poets.

Establish new connections and enjoy the company of your peers using our searchable databases of MFA programs and writers retreats, apply to be included in our directory of writers, and more.

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Each year the Readings & Workshops program provides support to hundreds of writers participating in literary readings and conducting writing workshops. Learn more about this program, our special events, projects, and supporters, and how to contact us.

The Maureen Egen Writers Exchange Award introduces emerging writers to the New York City literary community, providing them with a network for professional advancement.

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MFA Programs Contact Form

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MFA Programs Database

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Our MFA database includes essential information about low- and full-residency graduate creative writing programs in the United States and other English-speaking countries to help you decide where to apply.

Adelphi University

Poetry: Jan-Henry Gray, Maya Marshall Prose: Katherine Hill, René Steinke, Igor Webb

Albertus Magnus College

Poetry: Paul Robichaud Fiction: Sarah Harris Wallman Nonfiction: Eric Schoeck

Alma College

Poetry: Leslie Contreras Schwartz, Jim Daniels, Benjamin Garcia Fiction: Karen E. Bender, Shonda Buchanan, Dhonielle Clayton, S. Kirk Walsh Creative Nonfiction: Anna Clark, Matthew Gavin Frank, Donald Quist, Robert Vivian

American University

Poetry: Kyle Dargan, David Keplinger Fiction: Dolen Perkins-Valdez, Stephanie Grant, Patricia Park Nonfiction: Rachel Louise Snyder

Antioch University

Poetry: Victoria Chang Prose: Lisa Locascio

Arcadia University

Poetry: Genevieve Betts, Michelle Reale Fiction: Stephanie Feldman, Joshua Isard, Tracey Levine, Eric Smith Literature: Matthew Heitzman, Christopher Varlack, Elizabeth Vogel, Jo Ann Weiner

Poetry: Genevieve Betts, Michelle Reale Fiction: Stephanie Feldman, Joshua Isard, Tracey Levine, Eric Smith

Arizona State University

Poetry: Sally Ball, Natalie Diaz, Alberto Álvaro Ríos, Safiya Sinclair Fiction: Matt Bell, Jenny Irish, Tara Ison, Mitchell Jackson, T. M. McNally Creative Nonfiction: Sarah Viren

Ashland University

Poetry: Dexter Booth, Marcelo Hernandez Castillo, Adam Gellings, Tess Taylor, Vanessa Angélica Villareal Fiction: Kirstin Chen, Edan Lepucki, Sarah Monette, Nayomi Munaweera, Vi Khi Nao, Naomi J. Williams, Kyle Winkler Nonfiction: Cass Donish, Kate Hopper, Lauren Markham, Thomas Mira y Lopez, Lisa Nikolidakis, Terese Mailhot

Augsburg University

Poetry: Michael Kleber-Diggs Fiction: Stephan Eirik Clark, Lindsay Starck Nonfiction: Anika Fajardo  Playwriting: Carson Kreitzer, TyLie Shider, Sarah Myers Screenwriting: Stephan Eirik Clark, Andy Froemke

Ball State University

Poetry: Katy Didden, Mark Neely Fiction: Cathy Day, Sean Lovelace Nonfiction: Jill Christman, Silas Hansen Screenwriting: Rani Deighe Crowe, Matt Mullins

Bard College

Jess Arndt, Shiv Kotecha, Mirene Arsanios, Hannah Black, Trisha Low, Christoper Perez, Julian Talamantez Brolaski, Simone White

Bath Spa University

Poetry: Lucy English, Tim Liardet, John Strachan, Samantha Walton, Gerard Woodward Fiction: Gavin James Bower, Celia Brayfield, Alexia Casale, Anne-Marie Crowhurst, Lucy English, Nathan Filer, Aminatta Forna, Samantha Harvey, Philip Hensher, Steve Hollyman, Emma Hooper, Claire Kendal, Natasha Pulley, Kate Pullinger, C.J. Skuse, Gerard Woodward Nonfiction: Celia Brayfield, Lily Dunn, Richard Kerridge Scriptwriting: Robin Mukherjee

Poetry: Lucy English, Tim Liardet, Gerard Woodward Fiction: Gavin James Bower, Celia Brayfield, Anne-Marie Crowhurst, Nathan Filer, Aminatta Forna, Samantha Harvey, Philip Hensher, Claire Kendal, Natasha Pulley, Kate Pullinger, Gerard Woodward Nonfiction: Lily Dunn, Richard Kerridge

Bay Path University

Mel Allen, Leanna James Blackwell, Jennifer Baker, Melanie Brooks, María Luisa Arroyo Cruzado, Shahnaz Habib, Susan Ito, Karol Jackowski, Yi Shun Lai, Anna Mantzaris, Meredith O’Brien, Mick Powell, Suzanne Strempek Shea, Tommy Shea, Kate Whouley

Bennington Writing Seminars at Bennington College

Poetry: Jennifer Chang, Michael Dumanis, Randall Mann, Craig Morgan Teicher, Mark Wunderlich Fiction: Peter Cameron, Jai Chakrabarti, Stacey D’Erasmo, Monica Ferrell, Rebecca Makkai, Stuart Nadler, Téa Obreht, Moriel Rothman-Zecher, Katy Simpson Smith, Taymour Soomro Nonfiction: Garrard Conley, Sabrina Orah Mark, Spencer Reece, Lance Richardson, Shawna Kay Rodenberg, Hugh Ryan, Greg Wrenn

Binghamton University

Poetry: Tina Chang, Joseph Weil Fiction: Amir Ahmdi Arian, Thomas Glave, Leslie L. Heywood, Claire Luchette, Liz Rosenberg, Jaimee Wriston-Colbert, Alexi Zentner Nonfiction: Amir Ahmdi Arian, Leslie L. Heywood

Bluegrass Writers Studio at Eastern Kentucky University

Poetry: Julie Hensley, Young Smith Fiction: Julie Hensley, Robert Dean Johnson Nonfiction: Robert Dean Johnson, Evan J. Massey Playwriting: Young Smith

Boise State University

Poetry: Martin Corless-Smith, Sara Nicholson, Taryn Schwilling Fiction: Mitch Wieland (Director), Anna Caritj Creative Nonfiction: Chris Violet Eaton, Clyde Moneyhun

Boston University

Poetry: Andrea Cohen, Karl Kirchwey, Robert Pinsky Fiction: Leslie Epstein, Jennifer Haigh, Ha Jin

Boston University—MFA in Literary Translation

Odile Cazenave, Yuri Corrigan, Margaret Litvin, Christopher Maurer, Roberta Micaleff, Robert Pinsky (advising), Stephen Scully, Sassan Tabatabai, J. Keith Vincent, William Waters, Dennis Wuerthner, Cathy Yeh, Anna Zielinska-Elliott

Bowling Green State University

Poetry: Abigail Cloud, Amorak Huey, Sharona Muir, F. Dan Rzicznek, Larissa Szporluk, Jessica Zinz-Cheresnick Fiction: Joe Celizic, Lawrence Coates, Reema Rajbanshi, Michael Schulz

Brigham Young University

Poetry: Kimberly Johnson, Lance Larsen, Michael Lavers, John Talbot Fiction: Chris Crowe, Ann Dee Ellis, Spencer Hyde, Stephen Tuttle Nonfiction: Joey Franklin, Patrick Madden

Brooklyn College

Poetry: Julie Agoos, Ben Lerner Fiction: Joshua Henkin, Madeleine Thien Playwriting: Dennis A. Allen II, Elana Greenfield

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Creative Writing MA/MFA

Are you a writer with a story to tell? Do you dream of publishing or producing it? Join the more than 1000 writers from around the globe who have chosen Wilkes to pursue their passion and advance their craft in a variety of genres.

Why Study Creative Writing at Wilkes?

At Wilkes, we focus on the craft, community, and career of writing. Industry feedback is an incredible benefit to aspiring writers. That is why each creative thesis is read and evaluated by a working agent, editor, publisher, or producer. These outside readers provide detailed notes about your work and review them with you during a one-on-one residency meeting.

This focus on the profession of writing, along with the dedication of our faculty (who "stay with you" even after you graduate), has propelled our creative writing MA/MFA students to an exceptional level of success after graduation, resulting in hundreds of published or produced works.

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Low-Residency Program

Come together twice a year to attend workshops, connect with your cohort, check in with your mentor and expand your craft.

Complete your coursework online between residencies with the support and guidance of accomplished writers.

Enjoy readings from nationally-acclaimed writers, program alumni, faculty and mentors.

View Our Schedule and Apply

What Will You Learn?

  • Learn how to live like a writer, building a writing plan, schedule and practice that encourages discipline and supports and sustains your creative process.
  • Learn to tell your story in a way that engages the audience—exploring genres, experimenting with writing conventions, and mastering the presentation of your work so it can be shared with the world.
  • Focus on developing your craft with concentrations in fiction, creative nonfiction, playwriting, screenwriting, writing for television, poetry, spoken word, or publishing.
  • Revise with intention—for that's where the “real writing” begins. Process notes and feedback, translating them into actionable edits that make your project shine through revision.
  • Learn to get published/produced. Learn ways to share your finalized manuscript with editors, publishers and producers, and how to pitch your project when given the opportunity. We do this by offering you that training and practice while you’re in the program!

Program Highlights

Accomplished alumni.

Our creative writing MA/MFA program boasts of not just several but hundreds of published or produced alumni. That’s because our faculty don’t say good-bye when you leave our program; rather, as they put it, “We stay with you.”

Review by Agents and Editors

Every student’s thesis is read by a professional agent, editor, director or producer, providing valuable feedback, advice for the manuscript's eventual publication/production, and insight into the publishing world.

Scholarships and Graduate Assistantships

Most low-residency MFA programs can’t offer scholarships, but our program has six of them, and six graduate assistantships (with Etruscran Press, Kaylie Jones Books and Blue Moon/HaveScripts) to help make our already low tuition more affordable.

Alumnus wins the Man Booker Prize

Wilkes alumnus Marlon James MA ’06 won the 2015 Man Booker Prize for A Brief History of Seven Killings . He is the first Jamaican author to win the prize, considered one of the most prestigious prizes in literature.

Read the Story

Marlon James

Careers & Outcomes

In addition to publishing and producing hundreds of literary works, our creative writing MA/MFA graduates go on to work as professors, editors, teachers, literary agents, directors of reading series, script writers for video games, high school teachers, book reviewers, freelance writers/editors, public relations or marketing directors, and in a variety of writing or writing-related jobs.

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Marlon James MA '06, Fiction

marlonjameswriter.com  external website

creative writing ma near me

Brian Fanelli MFA '10, Poetry

brianfanelli.com  external website

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Adrienne Pender MFA '11, Playwriting

imdb.com  external website

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Morowa Yejide MFA '12, Fiction

morowayejide.com  external website

creative writing ma near me

Nisha Sharma MFA '14, Fiction

nisha-sharma.com  external website

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Leah Vernon MFA '15, Nonfiction

leahvernon.com  external website

I arrived for the January residency and the community experience was as advertised. I was able to engage with faculty on day one in a way I would not have dreamed of. My writing cohort sealed the deal. Andre Lewis Carter MFA ’18 Author of Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea, published by Kaylie Jones Books, 2022.

Vibrant Writing Community

Our writing community is incredible. Successful writers in their own right, our faculty members , outside readers and advisory board members come together to support and mentor students in the program.

Notable names include:

  • Ibrahim Ahmad, Executive Editor at Viking Press
  • Beverly Donofrio, Riding in Cars with Boys
  • Susan Cartsonis, Resonate Entertainment
  • Kaylie Jones, Kaylie Jones Books
  • Ken Liu, winner of the Nebula, Hugo, Locus, World Fantasy, and FantLab Awards
  • Tim Seibles, Poet Laureate of Virginia
  • Johnny Temple, Publisher at Akashic Press
  • Chris Tomasino, The Tomasino Agency
  • William J. Kennedy, Pulitzer Prize Winner
  • Ross Klavan, Tigerland
  • Marlon James MA ’06, A Brief History of Seven Killings
  • J. Michael Lennon, Norman Mailer: A Double Life

In addition to our talented faculty, board members and outside readers, Wilkes has created partnerships with several nationally known organizations .

Nationally Renowned

Our program regularly ranks as one of the top Creative Writing programs in the nation.

  • Best Colleges ' Best Online Master’s in Creative Writing Programs (2023, #3)
  • College Rank 's Best Online Master’s in Creative Writing Programs (2023, #10)
  • College Choice ' Best Online MFA in Creative Writing Programs (2023, #4)


Ma in writing.

You bring the passion for storytelling, we’ll help you develop your craft, tap into your creativity, and increase your network. Our goal is that you will leave our program ready to write, publish, and edit at the highest levels possible.

MA in Writing Program Overview

The Johns Hopkins MA in Writing program reflects our university’s international reputation for academic rigor and creative innovation. Rooted in craft and led by working writers, our high-quality program is both challenging and supportive: We’re here to offer clear, straightforward, thoughtful feedback while creating a culture that encourages risk-taking.

At JHU, you will not only boost your writing, revision, and editing skills, but also learn how to read like a writer, to give and receive feedback, to find publishing opportunities, and to live the writing life.

Explore Many Genres and Styles

We offer areas of concentration in nonfiction or fiction writing, each offering its own core courses and required electives that will explore craft elements like form, voice, structure, and style.

  • Nonfiction: pursue long-form literary journalism, personal essays, and memoir
  • Fiction: focus on short stories, novellas, and novels in a variety of genres

In addition to classes in your selected concentration, you’ll get to dabble in other genres like poetry, drama, playwriting, and screenwriting. Flesh out your schedule with classes from across genres, eras, themes, craft elements, and even from our science writing graduate programs.

Live the Writing Life: Summer Residency

The optional residency courses bring together our community for a week of sessions, workshops, readings, outings, receptions, and, of course, personal writing time. After all, you’re likely to be inspired by your surroundings!

Residency locations vary from year to year. We’ve been to Bar Harbor, Maine; Dublin, Ireland; and Shenandoah National Park in Virginia. Sometimes our writing residencies are integrated with the JHU science writing master’s program, giving you a chance to connect with even more writers and faculty members.

Complete a Manuscript, Build Your Portfolio

You will leave JHU with a solid, publishable portfolio. You’ll bring together the best of you for your thesis project. This could be part of a novel or memoir, or a collection of essays or short stories. You will work under the guidance of a faculty mentor to revise your project, while also taking a capstone workshop where you’ll discuss the writing life and practice and conduct public readings.

Learn on Your Terms

The MA in Writing program is one of the most flexible at JHU. You can complete your degree online in a dynamic and interactive learning environment, with the option to incorporate residency experiences into your studies.

What It’s Like to Study Writing at AAP

Upcoming Events

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MA in Writing Information Session

Ma in science writing information session, student insights.

MA in Writing students share their perspectives about the program:

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Torrence Boone  '22

“I had written a novel and struggled, but since coming to the program I feel empowered, with a new set of tools and approaches to writing and work. ”

creative writing ma near me

Elissa Collins '23

“I knew I wanted to go back to grad school, and with Johns Hopkins I knew you could work full time and complete the program. So I was very excited about that. ”

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Anne Haddad '24

“With its thought-provoking methods and structure, this program has empowered me to feel confident to return to writing the stories I’ve always wanted to write.“

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Catherine Smart  '24

“Every professor is accessible and candid and wants to see you develop. I have never had that in a program before, which is why I would stay here above any other program. ”

Why to Pursue an MA in Writing at Hopkins

Surround yourself with other creative writers: Your classmates and faculty members all have a story to tell.

creative writing ma near me

Study With Prolific Writers

Our faculty has been published in Education Week, The New York Review of Books, Time, and many literary journals and major newspapers. Research interests include pop music, Icelandic literature, digital media, creative writing, and multilingual writers.

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Grow Your Writing Community and Network

Meet emerging and established writers from all professional backgrounds. Join a successful network of alumni with work in esteemed literary journals, major magazines and newspapers, and on the shelf at your local bookstore.

creative writing ma near me

Write on Location: Travel Opportunities

Our exciting summer residency option rotates locations. You could write near our campus in D.C. or Baltimore, on the rocky shores of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor, Maine, near Acadia National Park, or in the mountains near Shenandoah National Park, or even Dublin, Ireland.

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Customize Your Studies Based on Writing Goals

Choose from a variety of workshops and electives, such as Children's Book Writing, Screenwriting, Sentence Power: From Craft to Art, The Essence of Place, Writing the Other, Travel Writing, Completing the Novel, Memoir and Personal Essay – plus a variety of fiction and nonfiction workshops.

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Connect With Us

We love to share updates about our students and faculty, as well as links to new publications.

Writing News

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Take the Next Step

Study creative writing online or on campus at Johns Hopkins University, among a community of writers dedicated to their craft.

Contact Us for More Information

Advanced academic programs admissions, audience menu.

2024 Best Creative Writing Schools in Massachusetts

Choosing a great creative writing school, pick your creative writing degree level.

Read more about College Factual's methodology .

Best Schools for Creative Writing in Massachusetts

10 top massachusetts schools in creative writing.

There were roughly 17 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at Harvard in the most recent year we have data available.

There were approximately 12 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at Wellesley in the most recent data year.

There were roughly 18 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at Boston U in the most recent data year.

There were roughly 208 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at Emerson in the most recent year we have data available.

There were about 20 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at Brandeis in the most recent year we have data available.

There were roughly 9 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at Wheaton College Massachusetts in the most recent year we have data available.

There were roughly 20 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at UMass Amherst in the most recent data year.

There were approximately 29 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at Lesley in the most recent year we have data available.

There were approximately 5 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at Salem State in the most recent year we have data available.

There were approximately 6 creative writing students who graduated with this degree at Fitchburg State in the most recent year we have data available.

Best Creative Writing Colleges in the New England Region

StateCollegesDegrees Awarded

Other Rankings

Bachelor's degrees in creative writing, master's degrees in creative writing, creative writing related rankings by major, majors similar to creative writing.

Related MajorAnnual Graduates

Notes and References

Popular reports, compare your school options.

Creative writing students around a table smiling

Creative Writing MA

Postgraduate taught degree

This course is for 2024/25 entry.

Dr Jonathan Gibbs explains what it is like to study Creative Writing at City.

Key information

Realise your passion for words and self-expression through a flexible creative writing programme that will develop your skills in your chosen form: fiction, genre fiction or non-fiction. This Creative Writing masters degree combines a passion for the power of the imagination with intensive study of craft and critical approaches to writing.

  • September 2024

City, University of London

Northampton Square

  • Online sessions
  • Open evening
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Uniquely comprehensive programme combining the practice and business of writing

in the UK for Communications and Media (Complete University Guide 2025)

  • Course overview

Teaching and assessment

Fees and funding, how to apply, creative writing ma course overview, benefits of this course.

During this Creative Writing Master's degree, you will learn how to read and think as a writer and explore the choices faced and decisions taken by writers. Regular workshops and bespoke reading lists will serve to inform and enrich your own work.

You will also gain an understanding of the business of writing in all its forms, from print and electronic publication to public performance and the use of social media, as well as the role of editors, agents and publishers.

While you will choose a form of creative writing as your focus (fiction, genre fiction or non-fiction) you will develop technical awareness across a range of genres, and acquire transferable skills.

You can select to apply for one of the available exit points for this course.

Master of Arts (MA)

Who is this course for.

If you are seeking a way of developing creative writing skills in your preferred genre, this creative writing masters programme is ideal.

Whether your interests lie in fiction, non-fiction or particular genre fiction, we can empower your creative journey.

Our programme is underpinned by the conviction that imagination is a vital mode of perception and enquiry, and language and literature can transform individual lives and cultures. We hope you share that same conviction.

  • Full-time: 1 year
  • Part-time: 2 years

Total credits: 180

  • Core modules: 5
  • Core elective modules: 2
  • Elective Modules: 2

The Creative Writing Master's is made up of:

  • Core modules (60 credits)
  • Core elective modules (30 credits)
  • Optional modules (30 credits)
  • Dissertation (60 credits)

Core modules

Reading as a Writer (15 credits)

In this module you will read and discuss fiction and non-fiction from a writer’s perspective. You will gain an understanding of the techniques, forms and styles used by a range of writers and be able to apply them to your own writing.

Working as a Writer (15 credits)

You will acquire an understanding of the roles of agents, editors and publishers and how to interact with them. You will study the business aspects of being a writer and the ethical and legal concerns involved in publishing your work, as well as the wider opportunities for developing your presence in the writing community.

Creative Writing Workshop 1 (15 credits)

In this module you will study and develop key skills in creative prose writing, including creation and control of voice, point of view, setting, characterisation, dialogue, description.

Creative Writing Workshop 2 (15 credits)

In this module you will study and develop key skills in creative prose writing, including plot, structure and pacing, and thematic and character development. You will explore genre considerations (whether fiction, genre fiction or non-fiction) and the function of aspects such as theme, content, narrative momentum and pacing.

Core Elective modules

Special Study: Short Fiction (15 credits)

In this module you will study and analyse the form and creation of short fiction, and its role and position in the contemporary literary landscape

Special Study: The Contemporary Essay (15 credits)

In this module you will study and analyse the form and creation of the creative non-fiction essay, including lyric, personal and critical essays, and their role and position in the contemporary literary landscape.

Special Study: The Novel (15 credits)

In this module you will study and analyse the form and creation of the novel, and its role and position in the contemporary literary landscape

Special Study: The Genre Novel (15 credits)

In this module you will study and analyse the form and creation of the genre novel, and its role and position in the contemporary literary landscape.

Special Study: The Non-Fiction Book (15 credits)

In this module you will study and analyse the form and creation of the full-length creative non-fiction book, which may include memoir, biography and monograph, and its role and position in the contemporary literary landscape.

Elective modules

Constituting Identity (15 credits)

Through this module you will explore the intertwining of self and story in different narrative forms. You will gain a sophisticated critical awareness of current debates such as the role of social and cultural models of identity and of memory and perspective.

Imagined Communities (15 credits)

This module examines how communal identities are constructed through shared narratives. You will study the stories that national, cultural, ethnic or social groups tell about themselves in an effort to project a coherent identity both to themselves and to others.

Literary Cartographies (15 credits)

Some of the most significant recent developments in literary studies have been stimulated by considerations of space, place, mapping, geography and landscape. This module explores the notion of literary cartography, the construction of different kinds of textual 'worlds' in literature.

Theorising Women’s Writing (15 credits)

You will become familiar with the frameworks, theories and methods scholars have developed to discuss women’s writing. You will explore the ways in which gender and sexuality intersect with other axes of difference: race, disability, ethnicity, nationality and class

Text and Image (15 credits)

You will have the opportunity to analyse cultural products that combine textual and visual modes. These may include, but not limited to, the illustrated press, graphic narratives, children’s books, screenplays and/ or film adaptation.

Digital Publishing (15 credits)

In this module you will analyse the impact of digitisation on the publishing industry. You will look at likely future developments with reference to industry case studies.

Publishing History and Culture (15 credits)

How to Make a Book: Creating Content in Print (15 credits)

You will look at case studies from different sectors and global markets. You will learn how to apply creativity and innovation processes in your own response to current publishing conditions.

The Power of Publishing: Strategy, Diversity and Sustainability (15 credits)

You will gain an understanding of how cultural and publishing companies respond creatively and commercially to the opportunities and challenges in curating content, both digital and in print. You will look at case studies of innovative strategies especially in the area of digitalisation.

Freelancing and Entrepreneurship in the Creative and Cultural Industries (15 credits)


Creative Writing Dissertation (60 credits)

During this module you will develop an extended piece of Creative Writing in Fiction, Non-fiction or Genre Fiction. It may take the form of short stories, or a portion of a novel or book, to a total of 15,000 words.

Programme specification

The programme specification contains more information on how the course is organised, the requirements for progression for each part and credits required for awards.

Download course specification:

  • PSCRWR - MA Creative Writing

You will learn through a mix of lectures, seminars, writing workshops, tutorials, group work, individual supervisions, study visits and independent learning.

Our visiting speakers will include guest authors, editors, agents and publishers who regularly support your learning and module projects.

Writing masterclasses enable you to debate current issues within your field, while our embedded learning tool Moodle allows you to interact with other students and staff outside the classroom or workshop.

We encourage you to privately reflect on your professional practice during all of your applied work.

In this MA Creative Writing, you will be assessed across the core and elective modules, and in the dissertation and reflective essay.

Individual modules in this MA Creative Writing can be assessed through portfolios of creative writing, analytical essays, assessed projects and research portfolios.

Fees for academic year 2024/25

Explore up-to-date information about funding options, available financial support and typical living costs.

Black British Scholarship

Applicants from a black British background and hold an unconditional offer to study for an MA in the School of Communication and Creativity for academic year 2024/5 are invited to apply.

Apply today

Additional expenses

Some of our degrees may involve additional expenses which are not covered by your tuition fees. Find out more about additional expenses .

Our Creative Writing MA prepares you for a career as a writer.

We also intend to develop transferable skills in oral and written communication relevant to careers including teaching, editing, arts management, publishing and journalism.

You might consider other creative industries such as advertising and video game production, where storytelling skills are highly valued.

During the programme you will be able to meet agents, editors and others within traditional and digital publishing.

Whether your ambition is to professionally pursue writing, work in publishing or another creative field, or undertake further academic study and research, you will have the appropriate skills.

Entry requirements

Below is a list of countries with information on each about which qualifications we accept. If your country is not listed please email [email protected] .

Applicants should normally:

  • Hold a good Second-Class Honours BA degree or an equivalent qualification.
  • Have studied a relevant subject such as English, Comparative Literature, Theatre and Drama, Film and Media Studies, Creative Writing, Humanities.

We welcome applications from candidates who may not meet the standard entrance criteria but who hold alternative credentials and can demonstrate their potential to produce written work at the requisite level, or who can offer prior learning which may satisfy City's requirements for RPL/RPEL. The prime criteria are demonstrable writing ability and commitment to learning.

INTO City, University of London

Don't meet the entry requirements? INTO City, University of London offers a range of academic and English language programmes to help prepare you for study at City, University of London. You’ll learn from experienced teachers in a dedicated international study centre.

These programmes are designed for international students who do not meet the required academic and English language requirements for direct entry. To prepare for this degree course, learn more about the Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and the Arts .

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Zimbabwean equivalent required.

The equivalents provided are intended as a guide only and individual applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Zimbabwean Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with a 2:1 (65%) equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and a 2:2 (60%) equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

If you don't meet the entry requirements please check to see if there is a suitable preparatory programme available for your course at INTO City, University of London or Kaplan International College London .

Visa requirements

International Students coming to study in the UK may need to apply for a visa or entry clearance to come to the UK to study. The way that you apply may vary depending on the length of your course. There are different rules for:

  • Students on courses of more than six months
  • Students on courses of less than six months

For more information see our main Visa page .

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Zambian equivalent required.

Zambian Masters degrees are typically accepted with GPA 3.5 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 3.0 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Vietnamese equivalent required.

Vietnamese Bachelor degrees (Bang Tot Nghiep Dai Hoc or Bang Cu Nhan) from selected institutions are typically accepted with 7 out of 10 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 6.5 out of 10 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Uzbekistani equivalent required.

Uzbekistani Bachelor / Bakalavr degrees are typically accepted with 71% equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 55% equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Ukrainian equivalent required.

Ukrainian Bachelor / Specialist Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with a GPA 4.3 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 4.0 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Ugandan equivalent required.

Ugandan Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with GPA 4.0/5.0 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 3.0/5.0 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the US equivalent required.

US Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with GPA 3.2 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 2.5 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Emirati equivalent required.

Emirati Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with GPA 3.2 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 2.5 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Turkish equivalent required.

Turkish Bachelor / Lisans Diplomasi degrees are typically accepted with GPA 3.2 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 2.7 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Tunisian equivalent required.

Tunisian Bachelor / Diplome degrees are typically accepted with 14 out of 20 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 12 out of 20 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Trinidad and Tobago

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Trinidadian and Tobagonian equivalent required.

University of the West Indies Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with a 2.1 (grade B+) equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and a 2:2 (grade B) equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Thai equivalent required.

Depending on the awarding institution Thai 4 year Bachelors degrees are typically accepted with GPA 3.0 to 3.2 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 2.6 to 2.8 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Tanzanian equivalent required.

Tanzanian Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with a 2:1 or 60% equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and a 2:2 or 50% equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Taiwanese equivalent required.

Taiwanese Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with 75% or grade B equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 70% or grade C equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Syrian equivalent required.

Depending on the awarding institution Syrian Bachelor degrees or Licence are typically accepted with 70-80% or 'very good' equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 60-70% or 'good' equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.


Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Swiss equivalent required.

Swiss Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with 4.75 out of 6.0, 8 out of 10 or 2 out of 5 (5 to 1 scale) equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 4.0 out of 6.0, 6 out of 10 or 3 out of 5 (5 to 1 scale equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

International Students from within the European Economic Area (EEA) may need to apply for a Student visa or entry clearance to come to the UK to study if they do not have EU Settlement Status.

  • Students on courses of less than six months.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Swedish equivalent required.

Swedish Bachelor degrees or Kandidatexamen are typically accepted with B- 180 ECTS minimum overall or at least 50% of credits graded at VG overall equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and C- (180 ECTS minimum overall) or at least 20% of credits graded at VG overall equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Sri Lankan equivalent required.

Sri Lankan 4 year Bachelor Special Degrees or Professional Degrees are typically accepted with a 2:1, grade B+ or GPA 3.3 out of 4.0 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and a 2:2, grade B or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Spanish equivalent required.

Spanish Título de Licenciado, Título de Ingeniero and Título de Arquitecto are typically accepted with 7 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 6 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

South Korea

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the South Korean equivalent required.

South Korean Bachelor degrees (Haksa) are typically accepted with GPA 3.5 out of 4.5 or grade B equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 3.0 out of 4.6 or grade C equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

South Africa

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the South African equivalent required.

South African Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with a 2:1 or 70% equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and a 2:2 or 60% equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Slovenian equivalent required.

Slovenian Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with 8 out of 10 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 7 out of 10 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Slovakian equivalent required.

Slovakian Bakalar degrees are typically accepted with GPA 1.5 - 2.0 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 2.0 - 2.5 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Singaporean equivalent required.

Singaporean Bachelor and Bachelor Honours degrees are typically accepted GPA 3.0 out of 4.0 or 3.8 out of 5.0 or II (upper) - Second Class (Upper) Honours equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 2.5 out of 4.0 or 3.3 out of 5.0 or II (lower) - Second Class (lower) Honours equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Serbian equivalent required.

Advanced Diploma of Higher Education and Diplomirani are typically accepted with 8 out of 10 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 7 out of 10 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Saudi Arabia

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Saudi Arabian equivalent required.

Saudi Arabian Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with GPA 3.2 out of 4.0 or GPA 4.0 out of 5.0 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 2.4 out of 4.0 or GPA 3.0 out of 5.0 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Rwandan equivalent required.

Rwandan Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with a 2:1 or 16 out of 20 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and a 2:2 or 14 out of 20 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Russian equivalent required.

Russian Bachelor or Specialist Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with GPA 4.3 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 4.0 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Romanian equivalent required.

Romanian Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with 8 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 7 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Qatari equivalent required.

Qatari Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with GPA 3.0 out of 4.0 or GPA 3.6 out of 5.0 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 2.4 out of 4.0 or GPA 3.0 out of 5.0 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Portuguese equivalent required.

Portuguese Licenciado are typically accepted with 14 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 12 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Polish equivalent required.

Polish Bachelor / Licencjat or Magister degrees are typically accepted with GPA 4.5 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 3.5 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.


Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Filipino equivalent required.

Filipino Masters degree from any recognised institution and Bachelor degrees from selected institutions (i.e. Asian Institute of Management, Ateneo de Manila University, De La Salle University Manila, University of Santo Tomas, University of the Philippines Diliman) are typically accepted with GPA 3.0 out of 4.0, GPA 1.75 out of 5 or 86% equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 2.5 out of 4.0, GPA 2.5 out of 5 or 80% equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Peruvian equivalent required.

Peruvian Grado Académico de Bachiller or Título de Licenciado or Título (Profesional) degrees are typically accepted with 14 out of 20 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 12 out of 20 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Palestinian equivalent required.

Palestinian Bachelor or Bakalorius degrees are typically accepted with GPA 3.2 out of 4.0 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 2.6 out of 4.0 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Pakistani equivalent required.

Pakistani 4 year Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with GPA 3.2 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 2.6 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Omani equivalent required.

Omani Bachelor or Licence degrees are typically accepted with GPA 3.0 typically equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 2.4 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Norwegian equivalent required.

Norwegian Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with a B grade typically equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and a C grade equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Nigerian equivalent required.

Nigerian Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with a 2:1 or GPA 3.5 out of 5.0 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and a 2:2 or GPA 2.7 out of 5.0 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

New Zealand

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the New Zealand equivalent required.

New Zealand 4-year Bachelor degrees with Honours are typically accepted with Second Class (Division 1) Honours equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree, and Second Class (Division 2) Honours equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

New Zealand 3-year Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with B+ overall equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and C+ overall equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.


Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Dutch equivalent required.

Dutch Bachelor degrees or Doctoraal are typically accepted with 7 out of 10 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 6 out of 10 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honour Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Nepali equivalent required.

Nepali 4-year Bachelor degrees (post 2017) are typically accepted with GPA 3.3 out of 4.0 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 3.0 out of 4.0 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Burmese equivalent required.

Burmese Masters degrees are typically accepted with 70% equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 60% equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Moroccan equivalent required.

Moroccan Bachelors, Licence or Diplome degrees are typically accepted with 14 out of 20 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 12 out of 20 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Mexican equivalent required.

Mexican Titulo de Licenciado are typically accepted with 8 out of 10 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 7 out of 10 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Mauritian equivalent required.

Mauritian Bachelor degrees are accepted with a 2:1 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and a 2:2 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Maltese equivalent required.

Maltese Bachelor Honours degrees are accepted with a 2:1 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and a 2:2 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

International Students from within the European Economic Area (EEA) may need to apply for a visa or entry clearance to come to the UK to study. The way that you apply may vary depending on the length of your course. There are different rules for:

  • EEA nationals joining the programme in 2021 and EEA nationals joining from January 2022

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Malaysian equivalent required.

Malaysian Bachelor degrees from Berdaya Saing (Competitive) institutions are typically accepted with GPA 3.0 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree, and GPA 2.6 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Malaysian Bachelor degrees from Berdaya Maju (Viable) institutions are typically accepted with GPA 3.2 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree, and GPA 2.8 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Macanese equivalent required.

Macanese Bachelor degrees or Grau de Licenciatura are typically accepted with GPA 3.2 or B+ equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 2.7 or B- equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

For more information  see our main Visa page .

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Luxembourgian equivalent required.

Luxembourgian Bachelors degrees are typically accepted with 14 out of 20 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 12 out of 20 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Lithuanian equivalent required.

Lithuanian Bakalauras or Magistras are typically accepted with 8 out of 10 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 7 out of 10 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Lebanese equivalent required.

The equivalents provided are intended as a guide only and individual applications are assessed on a case by case basis.

Lebanese License or Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with GPA 3.2 or 13 out of 20 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 2.5 or 12 out of 20 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Latvian equivalent required.

Latvian Bakaluara Diploms are typically accepted with 7 out of 10 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 6 out of 10 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Laotian equivalent required.

Laotian Masters degrees are typically accepted with GPA 3.0 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 2.6 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Kuwaiti equivalent required.

Kuwaiti Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with GPA 3.2 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 2.6 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Kenyan equivalent required.

Kenyan Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with 2:1 (60%) equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 2:2 (50%) equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Kazakhstani equivalent required.

Kazakhstani Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with GPA 4.3/ 5.0 or GPA 3.3 / 4.0 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 4.0 / 5.0 or 3.0 /4.0 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Jordanian equivalent required.

Jordanian Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with GPA 3.0 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 2.5 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Japanese equivalent required.

Japanese Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with GPA 3.0, grade B or 80% equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 2.5, grade C or 70% equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Jamaican equivalent required.

University of the West Indies Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with a 2.1 (65%) equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and a 2:2 (55%) equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Italian equivalent required.

Italian Diploma di Laurea degrees are typically accepted with 104 (out of 110) equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 94 (out of 110) equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Israeli equivalent required.

Israeli Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with 80% equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 65% equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Irish equivalent required.

Irish Bachelor Honours degrees are accepted with a 2:1 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and a 2:2 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Iraqi equivalent required.

Iraqi Bachelor degrees from selected institutions are typically accepted with 75% equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 60% equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Iranian equivalent required.

Iranian Bachelor degrees (Licence Kharshenasi) are typically accepted with 15 out of 20 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 13 out of 20 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Indonesian equivalent required.

Depending on their accreditation Indonesian S1 / Sarjana and Dip IV (Sarjana Terapa) are typically accepted with GPA 3.0 to 3.2 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 2.7 to 2.9 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Indian equivalent required.

Depending on the awarding institution Indian 3 year Bachelor (Honours) or Bachelor (Special) degrees are typically accepted with 60 to 70% (7/10 to 8/10) equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 50 to 60% (6/10 to 7/10) equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Icelandic equivalent required.

Icelandic Baccalaurreatus degrees are typically accepted with 7.25 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 6.5 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Hungarian equivalent required.

Hungarian Bachelors degrees or University Diplomas are typically accepted with GPA 4 out of 5 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 3 out of 5 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Hong Kong equivalent required.

Hong Kong Bachelor Honours degrees are typically accepted with GPA 3.0 (or second class honours upper division) equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 2.5 (or second class honours lower) equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Greek equivalent required.

Greek Bachelor degrees or Ptychion are typically accepted with 7.0 out of 10 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 6 out of 10 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Ghanaian equivalent required.

Ghanaian Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with 2:1 (GPA 3.2/4.0) equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 2:2 (GPA 2.5/4.0) equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the German equivalent required.

German Magister Artium / Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with 2.5 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 3.5 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the French equivalent required.

French License are typically accepted with 12 out of 20 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 11 out of 20 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Finnish equivalent required.

Finnish Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with GPA 3.5 out of 5 or 2.0 out of 3.0 typically equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 2.5 out of 5 or 1.4 out of 3.0 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Ethiopian equivalent required.

Ethiopian Masters degrees are typically accepted with GPA 3.5 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 3.0 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Estonian equivalent required.

Estonian Bakalaurusekraad degrees are typically accepted with GPA 3.5 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 2.0 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Egyptian equivalent required.

Egyptian Bachelors degrees are typically accepted with 75% equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 65% equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Ecuadorian equivalent required.

Ecuadorian 4 year Título de Licenciado or Título de [subject area] are typically accepted with 80%, 8.0/10 or 18/20 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 70%, 7.0/10 or 14/20 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Danish equivalent required.

Danish Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with grade 6 - 7 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 4 - 5 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Czech Republic

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Czech equivalent required.

Czech Bachelor degrees or Bakalar are typically accepted with 2+ equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 2 or 2- equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Cypriot equivalent required.

Cypriot Bachelor degree or Ptychio are typically accepted with GPA 3.0 out of 4.0 (7.0 out of 10) equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 2.5 / 4.0 (6 out of 10) equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Croatian equivalent required.

Croatian Bachelor degree or Baccalaureus or Baccalaurea are typically accepted with GPA 4.0 / 5.0 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 3.0 / 5.0 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Colombian equivalent required.

Colombian 4 year Licenciado en [subject area] or Título de [subject area] or Profesional en [subject area] or Maestro en [subject area] degrees are typically accepted with GPA 4.0 / 5.0 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 3.5 / 5.0 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Chinese equivalent required.

Depending on the awarding institution Chinese 4 year Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with 75 to 80% (GPA 3.0 to 3.3 out of 4.0) equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 70 to 75% (GPA 2.8 to 3.0 out of 4.0) equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Chilean equivalent required.

Chilean 4 year Grado de Licenciado en [subject area] degrees are typically accepted with GPA 5.5 / 7.0 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 5.0 / 7.0 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Canadian equivalent required.

Canadian Bachelor degrees / Baccalauréat degrees are typically accepted with GPA 3.2 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 2.5 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Cameroonian equivalent required.

Cameroonian Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with 18/20 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 16/20 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Cambodian equivalent required.

Cambodian Masters degrees are typically accepted with GPA 3.0 out of 4.0 or 70% equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 2.5 out of 4.0 or 60% equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Bulgarian equivalent required.

Bulgarian Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with GPA 4.75 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 4.0 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Bruneian equivalent required.

Bruneian Bachelor (Honours) degrees are typically accepted with an Upper Second Class Honours classification equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and a Lower Secind Class Honours classification equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Brazilian equivalent required.

Brazilian 4 year Título de Bacharel or Título de [subject area] or Título de Licenciado are typically accepted with 7.5/10 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 6.5/10 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Botswanan equivalent required.

Botswanan Masters degrees are typically accepted with 80% (A grade) equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 70% (B grade) equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Bolivian equivalent required.

Bolivian 4 year Licenciado or Título de [subject area] are typically accepted with 75% equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 64% equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Belgian equivalent required.

Belgian Bachelor degrees (Bachelier) are typically accepted with 70% (14/20) equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 60% (12/20) equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Barbadian equivalent required.

The University of the West Indies Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with a 2.1 (65%) equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and a 2:2 (55%) equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Bangladeshi equivalent required.

Bangladeshi Bachelor degrees (from selected universities) and Masters degrees are typically accepted with GPA 3.25 out of 4.0 or 65% equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 3.0 out of 4.0 or 60% equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Bahraini equivalent required.

Bahraini Bachelors degrees are typically accepted with GPA 3.0 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 2.3 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Azerbaijani equivalent required.

Azerbaijani Bachelors / Bakalavr Diplomu degrees are typically accepted with GPA 4.5 out of 5.0 (80%) equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 4.0 out of 5.0 (70%) equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Austrian equivalent required.

Austrian Bachelor degrees are accepted with GPA 2.5 typically equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 3.5 typically equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Australian equivalent required.

Australian Bachelor Honours degrees are typically accepted with 70% (Second Class Division A) equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 60% (Second Class Division B) equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Australian Bachelor degrees are typically accepted with 70% (Distinction) equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 60% (Credit) equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Argentine equivalent required.

Argentine 4 year Titulo / Grado de Licenciado or Titulo de [subject area] are typically accepted with 7.5 out of 10 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 6.0 out of 10 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Algerian equivalent required.

Algerian Bachelors, Licence and Diplome degrees are typically accepted with 15 out of 20 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 13 out of 20 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Albanian equivalent required.

Second Level Integrated Diploma (5 years) and First Level University Diploma are typically accepted with 8 out of 10 equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and 7 out of 10 equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.


Please refer to the UK entry requirements for the course, check for any prerequisites such as compulsory or preferred subject areas, and use the following as an indication of the Afghan equivalent required.

Afghan Master's degrees from any recognised institution and Bachelor of Science (Engineering) from Kabul University are typically accepted with GPA 3.0 out of 4.0 or 80% overall equivalent to a UK 2:1 (second-class upper) Honours Bachelor degree and GPA 2.4 out of 4.0 or 70% overall equivalent to a UK 2:2 (second-class lower) Honours Bachelor degree.

If you are unable to find your country equivalents in the above list, City will consider other international qualifications on a case by case basis.

For further details, please contact us using the contact details at the bottom of this page.

English language requirements

If you're a national of a recognised majority English-speaking country as defined by the government , or have previously completed a university degree (or equivalent) in one, you will not need to prove your knowledge of English to apply for the course.

Please note that if your country is not defined as majority-English-speaking by the government you will need to demonstrate you meet the English language requirements for the course.

This course requires the equivalent of an IELTS academic test with an overall score of 7.0 with no less than 5.5 in any subtest.

We will also accept an equivalent score in any of the tests listed under the English language requirements section .

You must have completed the qualification no more than two years prior to the start of the course.

Know that this list is exhaustive and as such we are unable to accept any qualifications or evidence outside of this.

Please note that the scores stated at the link above are lower than those you would need to meet for entry to the course.

Contact the admissions team if you have any questions about qualification equivalencies.

English language programmes

Don't meet the English language requirements?  INTO City, University of London offers English language programmes to help prepare you for study at university. These intensive and flexible courses are designed to improve your English ability for entry to degree courses.

Application process

When applications open you can apply online and will be expected to submit the following:

  • A personal statement of around 500 words on your academic and relevant professional experience to date and how it informs your intention to undertake this course. In addition, you may wish to outline your vision for how the degree will feed into your research or professional career. You will need to make sure your statement is specific to our course and institution, and not generic. You may be asked to provide further details if your statement is too generic.
  • A copy of your degree transcript, if applicable. We require an original transcript or a copy certified by your institution. If you have not yet finished your course, please provide a provisional transcript of marks received to date. You will be required to send us your degree transcript as soon as it is available. You will not be able to register as a City student without having supplied your degree transcript
  • A sample of creative writing of 3,000 words in the form you wish to study: fiction, genre fiction or creative non-fiction
  • You may need to attend an interview, in person, or via videocall.

September 2024 entry

  • Apply online for MA Creative Writing with full-time study in London
  • Apply online for MA Creative Writing with part-time study in London

Contact the postgraduate team

Telephone: 020 7040 8877

Email: [email protected]

Our academics

Your studies are supported by a team of committed and enthusiastic teachers and researchers, experts in their chosen field – and all acclaimed published writers. On occasion we also work with external professionals such as editors and agents, as well as other visiting writers, to enhance your learning and appreciation of the wider subject.

Dr Jonathan Gibbs

Dr Jonathan Gibbs

Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing

  • Department of Media, Culture and Creative Industries

Dr Deepa Anappara

Dr Deepa Anappara

Lecturer in Creative Writing

Dr Rebecca Tamás

Dr Rebecca Tamás

Lecturer in Creative Writing (Education & Research)

Jessica Andrews

Jessica Andrews

Dr Joseph Thomas

Dr Joseph Thomas

Senior Lecturer

Diverse group of students in a lecture, sitting in tired seating arranged in booths of three or four

Our students

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Want to find out more about student life? Chat with our student ambassadors and ask any question you have

Our Creative Writing students

Housing and student life.

A room in student accommodation.

Accommodation and housing  

We offer accommodation options and support for all postgraduate students. Our dedicated Accommodation Service can help you to find private accommodation in London if required.

Postgraduate students sat together on orange chairs

Student wellbeing  

Our extensive support network spans from learning support and disability support through to counselling, financial advice and career advice. Please do tell us if you need our help.

Three students smiling in front of Tower Bridge

Living in London  

We are based in the heart of one of the most vibrant and colourful cities in the world. London offers a rich variety of cultural experiences far beyond your studies.

What's happening

Apr  23

Lessons to be learnt from Sally Rooney’s Counter-Intuitive Construction (MA/MFA Creative Writing Taster Session)

Find out what it's like to study creative writing at City, in this sample seminar looking at three novels by Sally Rooney.

Tuesday, 23 rd April 2024 , 17:00 – 18:00

Location: Online

Audience: Public

Monday, 14 th December 2020

Disney and City Launch Lab member Kugali announce landmark collaboration

City Launch Lab community member, Kugali worked with Walt Disney Animation to bring an original television series to Disney+ in 2024

Headshot of Richard Jerram smiling into the camera. He wears a light blue jumper and the background is blurred behind him, it is green and there is an umbrella

Thursday, 25 th July 2024

From economist to crime fiction writer: City student Richard Jerram wins Dagger award

Richard Jerram (MA Creative Writing, 2024) wins prestigious crime fiction Dagger award for his novel "Makoto Murders".

Related courses

Creative writing mfa.

Hone your creative writing with guided completion of a full-length work in your chosen genre and improve your writing career prospects.

Award: Master of Fine Arts

Creative Writing and Publishing MA

Learn how to effectively combine business acumen with creative endeavour by building your knowledge of the publishing industry and significantly enhancing your writing skills.

Award: Master of Arts

Publishing MA

Become professionally equipped to secure competitive positions in the stimulating and ever evolving industry of publishing with our Publishing MA

Useful links

  • School of Communication & Creativity
  • Creative writing and publishing at City, University of London
  • English at City, University of London
  • Fiction writing at City, University of London

Contact details

Postgraduate admissions office.

020 7040 8877

[email protected]

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  • English Language Programs
  • Postdoctoral Affairs
  • Training Grant Support
  • Request Information


  • Academic Programs
  • Explore Programs

Litowitz Creative Writing Graduate Program

Degree requirements.

Learn more about the program by visiting the Department of English

See related Interdisciplinary Clusters and Certificates

Degree Types: MFA+MA

This new, fully-funded MFA+MA in Creative Writing and English program offers intimate classes, the opportunity to pursue both creative and critical writing, and close mentorship by renowned faculty in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. Our three-year curriculum gives students time to deepen both their creative writing and their study of literature. Students will receive support for three academic years, and two summers, to complete both degrees – an MFA in Creative Writing and an MA in English.

Drawing on innovative scholarship, deep immersion in process, and cross-pollination between critical and creative texts, students will complete book-length thesis projects of their own design, either within or across genres, and a substantial essay on literary texts. The program's small size and attentive faculty will develop students' sense of literary context, while encouraging them to pursue the distinctiveness of their projects.

In addition to their studies, students will be guided in the teaching of creative writing and, through summer editorial work at TriQuarterly.org , the editing of a literary journal.

Students will pursue their work on our beautiful Evanston campus, amid artists, filmmakers, scholars and public intellectuals, with easy access to the vibrant literary arts scene of Chicago.

Additional resources:

  • Department website
  • Program handbook(s)

Program Statistics

Visit Master's Program Statistics for statistics such as program admissions, enrollment, student demographics and more.

Program Contact

Contact Nathan Mead Graduate Program Assistant 847-491-3341

The following requirements are in addition to, or further elaborate upon, those requirements outlined in  The Graduate School Policy Guide .

Course Requirements

Course List
Course Title
ENGLISH 403-0Writers' Studies in Literature (three units)
Five 400-level seminars in English
Introduction to Graduate Study
One additional graduate seminar at the 300- or 400-level, in English or another department or program.
Five MFA workshops (ENGLISH 496-0, ENGLISH 497-0, or ENGLISH 498-0)
ENGLISH 491-0Editorial Practicum
ENGLISH 571-0Teaching Creative Writing
ENGLISH 572-0: Manuscript Development Workshop

May be taken outside the English department with permission of Creative Writing DGS.

Other Degree Requirements

  • First Year Review
  • Satisfactory completion of an article-length literary critical essay in the late spring of year two. This 20-25 page capstone essay will typically be an expanded version of an essay written for an English Department graduate seminar, revised in response to comments from, and as appropriate in consultation with, the seminar instructor.
  • Satisfactory completion of an MFA Thesis: the first draft of a book-length work of original fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, or mixed-genre work.

Last Updated: September 12, 2023

English and creative writing degrees

Master's Degree in Creative Writing

Why earn your creative writing degree at saint leo university.

Whether your dream is to share your personal story as a memoir, to write a fantasy novel, or to create a lyrical collection of poetry, our low-residency Master of Arts in Creative Writing program can take your creativity and professionalism to the next level within a supportive community of peers and mentors.

Our low-residency format provides extreme flexibility for working adults, active-duty military members, veterans, and parents, meaning that you can pursue your writing goals online without interrupting your existing commitments to career, community, and family. You’ll spend one week each summer in an intensive residency, located at our beautiful university campus here in Saint Leo, Florida. Because the residency is scheduled to minimize its impact on student lives by beginning and ending on the weekend, it’s possible to enroll in our graduate program and spend just five business days away from home each year. You’ll then return home energized and inspired to work on your own creative project and enroll in semester online courses taught by members of our core faculty, all of whom are published writers of national reputation.

Designed to be completed in just two calendar years, this 36-hour master’s degree requires three summer residencies, four semesters of study, and a book-length thesis of the student’s creative work.

  • The 2024 summer residency will be held from Monday July 8th to Saturday July 13th on University Campus. View Preliminary Summer Residency Schedule  
  • The Saint Leo MA offers an affordable way for apprentice writers to explore and enhance their creative lives and to become part of a vibrant literary community.

The Master of Arts in Creative Writing is an advanced program that offers genre specializations in poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. We especially acknowledge the needs of active-duty military members and veterans.

Take the Next Step

Master's creative writing program details, learn your way: what are the benefits of earning your creative writing degree online.


Saint Leo University’s online learning experience  provides a well-rounded education with the flexibility  to tailor your course of study to meet your individual  needs. We know our students have lives outside  school, and we seek to meet them where they are.  Online students can count on receiving excellent  academics as well as opportunities for hands-on  learning.

Learn About the Online Experience  

Visit Online Admissions

Our MA program’s online courses blend writing and literary studies with an emphasis on individualized instruction according to your genre (poetry, fiction, or nonfiction). Semester study plans not only provide structure and accountability but also are self-paced and flexible enough to accommodate a full-time job and other daily responsibilities.

View in Course Catalog

How the Creative Writing Program Works

The program begins with a one-week annual summer residency, held on the beautiful Saint Leo University Campus, located north of Tampa. The residency is designed as an immersive and contemplative retreat. Each day includes a workshop where a faculty mentor leads small groups of students in discussing their own creative work. The rest of each day allows for bonding time with peers and mentors as well as discussions and activities led by a faculty member, a distinguished visiting writer, or a professional in the writing field, such as an editor or publisher. Past visiting writers have included Benjamin Busch, Amina Gautier, Jesse Goolsby, Beth Ann Fennelly, Allison Joseph, David Kirby, Adam Johnson, and Aimee Nezhukumatahil. We conclude each day with readings by faculty members or visiting writers, which are free events that are open to the public. Students also get the chance to share and celebrate their own writing-in-progress with each other during informal open mics. You’ll return home energized and inspired to tackle your coursework and that dream project.

During the fall and spring semesters, students complete coursework from home, communicating with peers and faculty mentors online. In a writing workshop course, each student creates and refines original work in fiction, poetry, or nonfiction. Each workshop is paired with a foundations course, where students read both contemporary and classic examples of writing in their chosen genre of study. In their third and final summer, students work on compiling, revising, and editing their creative work into a master’s thesis: a novel or short story collection, a memoir or essay collection, or a poetry collection, all of publishable quality.


Students Can Expect To:

  • Produce a substantial, revised body of original creative work
  • Thoughtfully engage with the workshop process of peer critique
  • Demonstrate an understanding of various forms and structures of fiction, nonfiction, or poetry
  • Critically analyze literature, making connections among texts, authors, and historical periods of the works
  • Closely read and demonstrate an understanding of the historical context, literary influences, and traditions of canonical and contemporary prose and poems
  • Demonstrate knowledge of editing and revision techniques
  • Generate original scholarship on the literary texts explored in this program


Some of our MA students enter the program with no expectation of pursuing further advanced degrees or traditional academic careers. Some will already be immersed in careers that may or may not be linked to the creative arts. Some will wish to wholeheartedly pursue the writing life. No matter your end goal, you will receive plenty of professional development opportunities, industry knowledge from expert faculty mentors, and support from our community. All this together means that you will be ready for a successful writing career or continued studies upon graduation. Plus, our Career Services center on campus is always available to help connect you with a variety of experiential learning opportunities to fit your individual career goals.

Several of our MA students have pursued further graduate coursework in MFA programs in Creative Writing or MA programs in Literature. Others have gone on to teach English courses to undergraduates as adjunct instructors at community colleges or universities, including at Saint Leo.

How to Apply

This page covers everything you need to know in order to put together your best possible application to our program.

For most graduate programs in creative writing, including ours, the most important part of your application is a sample of your creative work. We base admission decisions primarily on a written sample of the prospective student’s creative work submitted in the genre the student intends to study. If you want to study fiction, you should send us a short story or a section of a novel. Poets should send poems; nonfiction writers should send their best narrative nonfiction.

We read applications on a rolling basis until June 15th every year. Once your file is complete, we try to make a decision on your application within one week. Our upcoming academic year begins on July 1st, 2024.

Supporting materials that accompany an application (including transcripts, letters of recommendation, and a personal statement identifying the student’s reasons for pursuing graduate study) are used to help consider the other positive attributes a student might contribute to the university and program communities respectively.

Visit Graduate Creative Writing Admissions

Advice on applying to the Saint Leo M.A. in Creative Writing

For the writing sample:.

All writing samples should be a minimum of 10 pages, and a maximum of 25.

Your writing sample should be in the genre in which you hope to be admitted; once you have been admitted to the program, you’ll have a chance to explore other kinds of writing, but you should start in one genre. If you aren’t sure yet what your primary genre should be, make sure to mention this conflict in your personal statement. 

We like to be able to read your work comfortably: all work should be in a 12 point font, such as Times New Roman, Garamond, or Cochin, etc., and prose manuscripts should be double-spaced. A minimum one-inch margin on all sides is necessary, too. Please don’t shrink the margins to fit more pages. A smaller number of good pages beats a greater number of average ones every time.

Proofread. Check your spelling. This is a graduate program taught by professors of English. In other words, the rules apply, and spelling counts!

We’re looking for potential implicit in the writing, even if that piece is unfinished. Your strategy should be to send work that best represents you as a writer.

For the Personal Statement:

In this 1-2 page double-spaced narrative, give us a sense of why you love to write, your writing or career goals, and why you want to dedicate two years of study to poetry, fiction, or nonfiction. Try to be as specific as possible, and tell us which genre you wish to pursue. If there’s a reason that the low-residency approach especially appeals to you, include that in your statement. Basically, we want to know who you are and what you might contribute to our literary community.

Pay for the January Mini-Residency:

Your education at Saint Leo University is an investment in your future, and the January Mini-Residency is no exception. To secure the top-tier payment option for this prestigious program, simply use the add to cart button provided below, and embark on a transformative journey at Saint Leo University.

(The Mini-Residency is free for current MA in Creative Writing students, MA in Creative Writing alumni, and current Saint Leo undergraduate students.)

Meet Our Faculty


Dr. Anne Barngrover, Ph.D.


Ms. Gianna Russo, M.A.


Brooke King, M.F.A.


Vedran Husić, Ph.D.


Tony D’Souza, M.F.A.

From the creative writing faculty:.

Our Master of Arts in Creative Writing program is supportive, warm, and affordable. Students range from recent college graduates to long-time working professionals: veterans and active-duty military members, teachers, stay-at-home parents, nurses, visual artists, retirees, and so on. Regardless of background, each student shares the desire to improve their writing and become part of a vibrant literary scene.

We pride ourselves on our personalized, detailed, caring feedback on your writing and the close literary relationships that we’ve built here at Saint Leo, and we hope that you will consider becoming a part of our community. Our admissions team stands ready to help you with the application process, and we as faculty would love to talk with you about your story, your writing goals, and how our program can help you achieve those goals. All you need to do is reach out.

The MA in Creative Writing Faculty

Please contact Dr. Anne Barngrover, Program Director, at [email protected] with any questions you may have.

FAQs About the MA in Creative Writing Program

All admitted students begin our program by attending the one-week July residency. We accept applications on a rolling basis through June 15th each year.

What does “low-residency” mean?

Saint Leo’s low-residency degree is a family- and career-friendly option for graduate study. Instead of relocating to attend a full-time graduate program, you attend classes on campus for just one week annually in July. The remainder of your coursework is completed online from home.

Low-residency degrees are particularly attractive to students who have career, community, or family commitments that make quitting a job and relocating across the country impractical or even impossible. Many low-residency programs require two residencies per year; the Saint Leo MA requires just one, making it that much more accessible.

When is the residency?

The 2024 summer residency will be held from Monday July 8th to Saturday July 13th on University Campus.

What does a typical residency day look like?

Each day is divided into several different sessions and goes from around 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Students attend a workshop of their peers where they provide feedback on each other’s in-progress fiction, poetry, or nonfiction. We eat lunch together as a community on campus. Our faculty and visiting writers lead lectures, craft talks, and discussions on topics ranging from writing techniques to publishing strategies, all with a focus on teaching you how to enter the world of professional writing. On some days you’ll attend readings by faculty mentors and distinguished visiting writers, and on others you’ll have the option to share your own work with each other at informal open mic events. We like to begin the week with a dinner out together in Tampa, and we end with a celebratory reading from our graduating students and a graduation ceremony and reception on campus.

What can I expect from a low-residency program?

Students who choose a low-residency program for graduate study do not come from any specific demographic. They range from recent college graduates who wish to continue their academic studies, to working professionals seeking to explore new career options, and to retirees pursuing the long-deferred dream of creative writing.

How long is the program?

Our program is designed to be completed in just two calendar years. It requires 36 graduate credit hours of study. Students attend four semesters of study, plus three summer residencies.

What will I write for my workshops?

We offer tracks of study in fiction, poetry, and nonfiction. Within each of those genres, the possibilities are endless. We do not favor any particular school of writing; we are excited by both literary and genre-specific styles (fantasy, sci-fi, mystery, YA, etc). No matter your genre or style, our main focus is to help you improve your writing through workshop and literature courses and personalized attention from core faculty members.

Why does Saint Leo award a Master of Arts (MA) instead of a Master of Fine Arts (MFA)?

The ability to produce concise and thoughtful written work is a fundamental skill not just for fiction writers, essayists, and poets, but also for successful professionals in almost any field. This is in keeping with the mission of Saint Leo University, which fosters a student-centered environment in which the love of learning is of prime importance.

The reasons someone pursues a graduate degree in the arts are as varied as the students who seek those degrees. Our degree is aimed primarily at students who are approaching writing as a type of personal development, or those who are just beginning their exploration of the writing life. That means our community is one that offers mentorship and supportive critique, and provides models of the professional writing life in all its various forms, helping students build a base of skills in the study of both writing and literature.

The MA program at Saint Leo offers a broad approach to preparation for a possible writing career, requiring not only creative work but also the study of literature. These literature courses, called foundations courses, give an MA student a sense of both the historical and contemporary trends in their chosen genre of study. While the MFA has been considered a terminal degree in the past, many writers—especially those who wish to teach at the university level—elect to continue their studies through the doctoral degree.

I’ve been out of college for a long time. Is the Saint Leo MA right for me?

Saint Leo is a national leader in providing educational options for students of all types. All our programs are designed to assist professionals in meeting challenging career goals, and to prepare them for the rapidly changing world in which they live and work. But there is no “typical” low-residency student; the community is necessarily diverse in age and background, but it is very much a community, bound together by a shared love of writing and support for each other’s creative endeavors.

How can I pay for my Master’s degree?

As you explore your continuing education, costs need not be an obstacle. The Saint Leo MA is an affordable advanced degree, costing as much as fifty percent less than degrees at other institutions.

Financial aid programs are available and there are ways to help you finance your educational investments. It may be helpful to know that there are federal student loan programs for graduate and professional students. Graduate students may be eligible for up to $20,500 in Unsubsidized Direct Loans.

Applying for financial aid is easy! The only application you need is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which can be completed online at www.fafsa.ed.gov .

Alternate ways to finance your education:

  • Employer assistance
  • Military tuition assistance
  • Veteran benefits (352) 588-7534 or (352) 588-8980


Saint Leo University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award associate, bachelor’s, master’s, specialist, and doctoral degrees.

Student Stories

"What if, two years ago, I could have seen my future? What if that opportunity allowed a peek at who I'd become after completing Saint Leo's Creative Writing MA Program? What would I tell myself? Well, self—indubitably, you made the right choice! The tools in your writer’s toolbox were obtained from a team of well-versed faculty, like-minded peers, several residency programs, assignments, and academic reviews. Creative Writing MA graduate, you made the right choice." Violetta Deloatch-Woods ( Fiction, 2023)

Violetta Deloatch-Woods

"Pursuing my MA at Saint Leo was the scariest decision I ever made; it also turned out to be one of the best. I have grown exponentially within this community of honest and talented writers, and I couldn’t have asked for better peers." Derora Williams ( Poetry, 2023)

Derora Williams Headshot

"Saint Leo's Creative Writing MA program genuinely changed my life for the better. I learned so much about myself as a reader, writer, and human being with every assignment, and I was constantly challenged to grow outside of my comfort zone. My professors and peers were always there to celebrate achievements and overcome obstacles, making the program feel like my second family. I wouldn't be the person I am today without Saint Leo." Emmett Ferree ( Poetry, 2023)

Emmett Ferree Headshot

"Saint Leo's Creative Writing MA program helped me immensely as a reader  and  a writer. Learning to read not only  what  is in a story, but paying careful attention to  how  it's written, is just one of the memorable gifts I received from this program's helpful faculty and encouraging environment." Janna Correa, (Fiction, 2022)

Janna Correa Headsot

This program allows growth as a writer and as a person. The experience was absurdly personal. Absurd because of the organic evolution fostered by its leadership and absurd because of the personal touches from the instructors. Why expect that? St. Leo is invested in its students. You get more than you bargained for. Jimmy Sutman, (Poetry, 2022)

quote from Jimmy Sutman, creative writing alumnus

It can be intimidating to go back to school after decades of being in the workforce. But as a non-traditional student, I felt nothing but a warm welcome from Saint Leo faculty and my classmates. I started my first semester at another university and wasn't happy. I transferred to Saint Leo and learned more than I could have ever imagined in this program. Best decision I ever made. Thanks to my studies there, I'm getting ready to release my first book at the end of this year! Lisa Moody, (Nonfiction, 2021)

Creative Writing alumna, Lisa Moody

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UMass Boston

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  • Creative Writing MFA

Further your commitment to writing as the center of your professional life.

Intensive study and practice of fiction and poetry writing with award-winning and nationally renowned faculty at the most diverse university in new england..

UMass Boston's Creative Writing MFA offers you an intense, 3-year program and focused opportunity to further your commitment to writing as the center of your professional life. Through a combination of mentoring by accomplished faculty in a series of creative writing workshops, courses focused on the study of literature offered through the English MA Program, and electives that include the practice of literary editing, the teaching of creative writing, documentary poetics, the art of memoir, and more—you will have the guidance to develop and shape your work to the full extent of your talent.

All accepted students receive funding. Graduate assistantships offer the opportunity to work with students as teaching assistants and fellows, or in editorial positions with one of our sponsors, including 826 Boston, Hanging Loose Press, Write on the Dot, Consequence Magazine, Breakwater Review, and Arrowsmith Press.

Career Possibilities

Pursue a career as a professional writer, publishing your work in literary journals, magazines. Work as an editor and collaborate with writers to refine their work and shape the final product for publication. These are just a few of the possibilities.

Become a(n):

  • Writer/Author
  • Literary Agent
  • Writing Instructor/Professor

Attend An Info Session     Start Your Application

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How to apply.

Applicants must meet general graduate admission requirements in addition to the following program-specific requirements:

  • A 3.0 GPA overall and in the student’s major
  • Two substantive and detailed letters of recommendation, from former teachers familiar with the applicant’s most recent academic and creative work
  • A 3-5 page personal statement focusing on the role of the candidate’s reading life in his or her development as a writer. (Note: The general Graduate Admissions application refers to this as a statement of interests and intent. They are one and the same.)
  • Applicants must indicate whether they are applying in FICTION or POETRY in their Statement of Purpose. If you want to apply in both genres, include one writing sample in FICTION and one in POETRY and indicate in the Statement of Purpose that the application is for both.
  • A writing sample of 10 manuscript pages of poetry or 20 manuscript pages of fiction

Deadlines & Cost

Deadlines: February 1 (priority) for fall. While rare, if space is available, we’ll happily consider applications until June 15 (final deadline).

Application Fee: The nonrefundable application fee is $75. UMass Boston alumni and current students that plan to complete degree requirements prior to graduate enrollment can submit the application without paying the application fee.

Program Cost Information: Bursar's website

Writing Workshops (24 Credits)

Complete one from below four times.

  • CW 601 - MFA Poetry Workshop 6 Credit(s) or
  • CW 602 - MFA Fiction Workshop 6 Credit(s)

Literature Courses (9 Credits)

Complete three graduate literature courses.

Electives (9 Credits)

Complete three from below.

  • CW 605 - Memoir Workshop 3 Credit(s)
  • CW 606 - Literary Editing and Publishing 3 Credit(s)
  • CW 614 - The Teaching of Creative Writing 3 Credit(s)
  • CW 675 - Creative Writing Internship 3 Credit(s)
  • CW 697 - Special Topics in Creative Writing 1-6 Credit(s)

Students may elect courses offered by other graduate programs with approval from the graduate program director.

  • ENGL 459 Seminar for Tutors may be taken for graduate credit (see Undergraduate Catalog)
  • ENGL 675 - Reading and Writing Poetry 3 Credit(s)
  • ENGL 676 - Reading and Writing Fiction 3 Credit(s)
  • ENGL 681 - Advanced Workshop in Poetry 3 Credit(s)
  • ENGL 682 - Advanced Workshop in Fiction 3 Credit(s)

Thesis Courses (6 Credits)

Complete the course below both semesters of the third year.

  • CW 699 - MFA Thesis 3 Credit(s)

Graduation Criteria

Complete 48 credits from twelve courses including four writing workshops, three literature courses, three electives, and two semesters of thesis workshops.

The MFA degree requires six semesters of full-time study, with 9 credits required in each of the first four semesters, and 6 credits in the final two semesters, during which students will concentrate on completing a thesis in fiction or poetry under the direction of a faculty member. MFA workshops are limited to 12 students, and seminars are limited to 15. Students have the opportunity to interact with writers in our Global Voices Visiting Writer series (recent visitors have been Raquel Salas Rivera and Carole Maso), and work with visiting prose writers - recently these have included Jane Unrue, ZZ Packer, and Fanny Howe.

Capstone: Completion of an MFA thesis of 48 to 64 pages of poetry or 100 to 200 pages of fiction written under the supervision of a thesis advisor, reviewed by a thesis committee, and subject to a public defense.

Statute of limitations: Five years.

Contact & Faculty

Graduate Program Director John Fulton john.fulton [at] umb.edu (617) 287-6700

English & Creative Writing MFA Department englishmfaprogram [at] umb.edu (617) 287-6702

Fiction Faculty

John Fulton , Program Director & Associate Professor Askold Melnyczuk , Professor Eileen Pollack , Visiting Assistant Professor

Poetry Faculty

Jill McDonough , Professor Shangyang Fang , Associate Lecturer

student lying on campus lawn reading a book

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Katherine Yeh's photo

Instructor Spotlight

Katherine Yeh Katherine is the instructor for GrubStreet's Fall Novel Generator program.

Writing Programs in Every Genre, at Every Level

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We've created a simple, goal-based roadmap to help you find the perfect GrubStreet course for your writing needs. Whether you're just starting or getting ready to publish, we have classes for every stage of your writing journey.

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With nearly a thousand classes to choose from every year, GrubStreet programs cater to a wide range of writing genres and are open to anyone with an interest in creative writing.

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Boston Writers of Color

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GrubStreet’s Boston Writers of Color (BWOC) offers literary support funding, free writing sessions, a network of BIPOC writers and artistic leaders, and a variety of free events that focus on community, artistic growth, and publishing.

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Like personal trainers for your writing life, our consultants work one-on-one with writers to help them finish drafts, set writing goals, or revise their work. Whether you want to polish your manuscript before an agent sees it, get one-on-one feedback on a story, or seek advice on furthering your writing career, our consultants cover all genres.

  • Meet Our Consultants

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GrubStreet offers unique fellowships that support writers and writing instructors in developing their craft and finding writing community that can sustain them for years to come.

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An image to illustrate the MA in Creative Writing

  • Credits measure the student workload required for the successful completion of a module or qualification.
  • One credit represents about 10 hours of study over the duration of the course.
  • You are awarded credits after you have successfully completed a module.
  • For example, if you study a 60-credit module and successfully pass it, you will be awarded 60 credits.
  • MA in Creative Writing

This qualification is an opportunity to develop your skills as a writer in fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction and scriptwriting for film, radio and the stage. You'll be able to write in a genre of your choice and experiment with at least one other through practical and inspiring activities. You’ll work towards producing a substantial piece of your own creative writing to a professional standard. You'll also hone your practice through sharing, reading and critiquing the writing of your peers in online forums. You’ll work towards producing a substantial piece of your own creative writing to a professional standard.

6 Weeks Left


Join over 60,000 students who’ve registered for courses starting this autumn.

  • Develop writing skills and awareness of approaches to writing
  • Progress and hone sophisticated writing skills in at least one genre
  • Gain a sound knowledge of, and ability in, a secondary genre
  • Engage in sharing, critiquing and reviewing a variety of writing by your peers.

Study for free We’ve a limited number of scholarships available to UK students for the 2023/24 academic year. If you’re passionate about creative writing, you could be eligible for an Open Futures Scholarship. To apply, visit our Creative Writing Scholarship page. Applications close on 24 July 2023.

How to register

Select the module you will study first, read the full description, and follow the instructions to register.

To gain the 180 credits you require for this qualification, you must study the modules in the order shown below and pass part 1 before progressing to part 2:

Compulsory modules Credits Next start

60 05 Oct 2024

120 05 Oct 2024

Please note that MA Creative Writing part 2 (A803) is worth 120 credits. Module fees for postgraduate modules are based on the number of credits you study. Therefore the fee for this 120-credit postgraduate module will be double that for the 60-credit module MA Creative Writing part 1 (A802).

You should note that the University’s unique study rule applies to this qualification. This means that you must include at least 60 credits from OU modules that have not been counted in any other OU qualification that has previously been awarded to you.

Learning outcomes, teaching and assessment

The learning outcomes of this qualification are described in four areas:

  • Knowledge and understanding
  • Cognitive skills
  • Practical and professional skills

If you’ve successfully completed some relevant postgraduate study elsewhere, you might be able to count it towards this qualification, reducing the number of modules you need to study. You should apply for credit transfer as soon as possible, before you register for your first module. For more details and an application form, visit our Credit Transfer  website.

On completion

On successful completion of the required modules you can be awarded the Master of Arts in Creative Writing, entitling you to use the letters MA (CW) (Open) after your name. You will have the opportunity of being presented at a degree ceremony.

If you leave the programme before you qualify for a degree you can qualify for a  Postgraduate Certificate in Humanities (C20)  after successfully completing 60 credits.


As a student of The Open University, you should be aware of the content of the qualification-specific regulations below and the academic regulations that are available on our Student Policies and Regulations  website. 

We regularly review our curriculum; therefore, the qualification described on this page – including its availability, its structure, and available modules – may change over time. If we make changes to this qualification, we’ll update this page as soon as possible. Once you’ve registered or are studying this qualification, where practicable, we’ll inform you in good time of any upcoming changes. If you’d like to know more about the circumstances in which the University might make changes to the curriculum, see our Academic Regulations or contact us . This description was last updated on 19 March 2024.

You must hold a UK honours degree (or equivalent), preferably with at least a 2:1 classification. Although your degree does not need to be in Creative Writing or a closely related subject, you will need some knowledge of the subject to successfully complete this qualification, as the MA in Creative Writing assumes all candidates have the knowledge and skills usually acquired by pursuing the subject at undergraduate level. Please note that this is not a qualification for those who are just starting to write creatively

If your degree is not in Creative Writing or a closely related subject, we strongly recommend that you read the preparatory work indicated on the MA Creative Writing part 1 . Alternatively, you could undertake our open-access creative writing courses on OpenLearn  and FutureLearn to ensure your skills (writing, reading, editorial, reflective, analytical) are at an appropriate standard.

If you don’t have a Creative Writing degree, please also make sure that you provide evidence of your experience of writing when you apply – whether through short courses, workshops, or publications.

How long it takes

Most students study the MA in Creative Writing part-time, completing 90 credits a year over two years. Typically, this means 20–25 study hours each week.

You must complete the MA in Creative Writing within 10 years.

Career relevance

If you wish to pursue a freelance writing career this Masters degree will equip you with necessary writing and editorial skills, as well as equipping you with a raft of highly valued transferable communication and collaborative skills necessary to the modern writer’s usual portfolio of occupations.

If you are aiming for an academic career in higher education, this qualification will provide a route towards a higher level research or writing practice degree (e.g. PhD), which is essential for such a career. A Masters degree can help to enhance your career prospects as a teacher in secondary and higher education (HE); most HE creative writing teaching now demands an MA in the subject.

If your aim is to enter professions associated with the media, culture, creative or knowledge industries, or if you already have a career in one of these areas and are seeking a further qualification as a means of career development, then a Masters degree, supplemented by relevant skills and experience, can prove invaluable. This degree is pertinent to those careers that directly call upon knowledge of the craft of writing, editing and critiquing (for instance, journalism, publishing, copywriting). It may also be relevant for careers that demand skills in the creative use and analysis of texts of various sorts, critical thinking and organisation, and understanding of culture in a broad sense.

Careers and Employability Services have more information on how OU study can improve your employability.

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Massachusetts Resources for Writers

Here you’ll find a collection of resources for writers in Massachusetts, from conferences to local critique groups to literary magazines. If you’re looking for writing groups near you, writing workshops near you, creative writing classes near you, or simply a place to hang out with writers or submit your work, these are some Massachusetts writing organizations you might want to check out:


For more than a decade, WriteByNight has helped writers in Maryland and beyond achieve their literary goals. And we want you to be next!  Claim your free consultation  to learn about WBN’s customizable  one-on-one writers’ services , including:

Book Coaching :  If you’re writing a book and want some help along the way.

Manuscript Critique : If you’ve written a book and want a beta read, critique, or writing workshop.

Editing/Proofreading : If you’ve written a book and want someone to polish it for you.

Publication Assistance : If you’ve written a book and want help finding an agent or publisher.

Amherst Writers and Artists

The Amherst Writers and Artists’ philosophy is simple: every person is a writer, and every writer deserves a safe environment in which to experiment, learn and develop craft. Offers writing workshops of all kinds.

Anomalous Press

A literary magazine and chapbook publisher, Anomalous “has its sights set on publishing literary text, advancing audio forms and creation, and supporting all sorts of alternative realities of the near future.”

Boston Writers SIG

A special interest group for writers who are also members of Boston Mensa. Meets in person monthly at various locations in Greater Boston.

Cambridge Writers’ Workshop

Formed by graduate students at Harvard University in 2008, the CWW is a creative writing community in Cambridge offering writing workshops, online courses, and writing retreats.

Cape Cod Writers Center

Writing workshops and a nationally-recognized writers conference that takes place annually during the third week in August at the Craigville Conference Center in Centerville on Nantucket Sound.

Fine Arts Work Center

A nonprofit devoted to encouraging the growth and development of emerging visual artists and writers through residency programs, to the propagation of aesthetic values and experience, and to the restoration of the year-round vitality of the historic art colony of Provincetown.

Gloucester Writers Center

This “working writers center in a working town” offers classes, writing workshops, readings, lectures, residencies, and more.

Grub Street

The second largest independent center for creative writing in the United States, its mission is to be an innovative, rigorous and welcoming community for writers who together create their best work, find audience and elevate the literary arts for all. Offers writing workshops of all kinds and other events.

Juniper Summer Writing Institute

An annual week-long event hosted by the MFA program at UMass Amherst. Attendees can choose from a wide variety of writing workshops in poetry, fiction, and nonfiction, as well as craft sessions, manuscript consultations, readings, and more.


Founded in 1971, Ploughshares is an award-winning literary magazine at Emerson College publishing poetry, fiction, essay and memoir.

Scribbler’s Ink

A Boston-area writing workshop for writers of all genres and abilities.

Seven Bridge Writers’ Collaborative

A community-based creative writing group operating under the auspices of the Thayer Memorial Library in Lancaster, Massachusetts.

Straw Dog Writers Guild

A nonprofit volunteer organization dedicated to the craft and transformative power of writing. Its mission is to support the writing community by strengthening, engaging and connecting writers at all levels of development.

Sutton Writing Group

Meets at the Sutton Public Library once a month and welcomes writers of all skill levels working in all genres. Meetings are social, and much of the reading and critiquing work is done via email.

Writers in Progress

Writing workshops and one-on-one mentoring with author Dori Ostermiller to enhance writers’ lives and work.

The Writers’ Room of Boston

A nonprofit organization committed to supporting the creation of new literature by providing a secure, affordable workspace and an engaged community to emerging and established writers in downtown Boston.

Help us add to this list, Massachusettsians! Do you know of writing groups near you, writing workshops near you, creative writing classes near you, or a Massachusetts literary journal we should be aware of? Let us know here

WBN helped me sculpt my story in the best of possible ways, and for that I am eternally grateful. June Day Austin, Texas

Client Credits

WBN has helped writers publish with:

Simon & Schuster Little, Brown & Co. St. Martin’s Press Amazon Slate Threepenny Review Huffington Post

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Young Writers

Lighthouse's Young Writers Workshops are designed to foster creativity, self-expression, and excitement about writing. There are no grades here, just the stories. We offer workshops at Lighthouse including afterschool and weekend workshops, the Young Authors Collective, and summer camps, as well as youth outreach in schools, at juvenile residential treatment centers, and in collaboration with other arts organizations.

For the latest on workshops and events,  sign up for our Young Writers Program e-newsletter . 

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Lighthouse connects kids and teens to words, new friends, and a writing community. We offer workshops in poetry, fiction, nonfiction, playwriting, screenwriting, and many other genres and topics. Our classes are taught by published authors and are designed to foster creativity, self-expression, and excitement about writing.

creative writing ma near me

Summer Writing Camps

Lighthouse's Young Writers Camps are led by published and award-winning writers, and each workshop is designed to foster creativity, self-expression, and excitement about writing in young writers aged 8 to 18. Registration for half-day camp and applications for full-day camp will open on January 1, 2019.

creative writing ma near me

School Outreach

The Young Writers Program offers creative writing workshops in public and private schools as well as juvenile residential treatment centers throughout the Denver metro area. Led by working, published writers with a passion for sharing their craft, our outreach workshops provide access to our innovative creative writing programming for young people who cannot come to Lighthouse.

creative writing ma near me

The Young Authors Collective, or YAC, is a group of talented, word-obsessed high school writers dedicated to experimenting with new creative forms, collaborating with other arts organizations, and writing a ton. We meet once a week at Lighthouse to generate new pieces, give friendly feedback, and work towards publication.

creative writing ma near me

Support Young Writers

Our Future Scribes Depend on Your Support. Nearly all of the workshops and projects that will engage 2,300 students this year are free to attend, and for the sessions that do have tuition, such as summer writing camp, financial aid is available for any student who needs it. We want all young people who want to write to be able to do so and for them to be nurtured by the best instructors and mentors available. This only happens with the support of generous donors like you.

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  1. The Litowitz MFA+MA Program in Creative Writing and English

    The Litowitz MFA+MA Program is the highest-funded graduate creative writing program in the country, providing a full three years of funding and free tuition, as well as health insurance and conference funding. Our faculty includes Natasha Trethewey, Chris Abani, Charif Shanahan, Juan Martinez, Daisy Hernández, and Sarah Schulman.

  2. MFA Programs Database: 255 Programs for Creative Writers

    Our list of 255 MFA programs for creative writers includes essential information about low-residency and full-residency graduate creative writing programs in the United States and other English-speaking countries to help you decide where to apply. It also includes MA programs and PhD programs.

  3. Creative Writing MA/MFA

    Careers & Outcomes. In addition to publishing and producing hundreds of literary works, our creative writing MA/MFA graduates go on to work as professors, editors, teachers, literary agents, directors of reading series, script writers for video games, high school teachers, book reviewers, freelance writers/editors, public relations or marketing ...

  4. MA in Writing

    MA in Writing Program Overview. The Johns Hopkins MA in Writing program reflects our university's international reputation for academic rigor and creative innovation. Rooted in craft and led by working writers, our high-quality program is both challenging and supportive: We're here to offer clear, straightforward, thoughtful feedback while ...

  5. 2024 Best Creative Writing Schools in Massachusetts

    10 Top Massachusetts Schools in Creative Writing. 1. Harvard University. Cambridge, MA. Master's Degree Highest Degree Type. 7th Most Popular In MA. 29.4% Growth in Graduates. Any student pursuing a degree in creative writing needs to take a look at Harvard University.

  6. MFA in Creative Writing

    The Master's of Fine Arts (MFA) in Creative Writing degree program at Drexel University provides students with the tools and skills to forge professional ties and succeed as professional writers. This two-year program leverages Drexel's historical approach to education with an emphasis on experiential and career-focused opportunities. With a mix of online and in-person opportunities, the MFA ...

  7. MA Creative Writing

    During this Creative Writing Master's degree, you will learn how to read and think as a writer and explore the choices faced and decisions taken by writers. Regular workshops and bespoke reading lists will serve to inform and enrich your own work. You will also gain an understanding of the business of writing in all its forms, from print and ...

  8. Creative Writing Graduate Programs in Massachusetts

    Bay Path University. Longmeadow, MA ·. Graduate School. ·. 32 reviews. Alum: My journey at Bay Path University has been transformative, offering me countless opportunities for personal and professional growth. Through my studies, I gained extensive knowledge in interior design and began to build a supportive community of friends and mentors.

  9. Litowitz Creative Writing Graduate Program

    Degree Types: MFA+MA. This new, fully-funded MFA+MA in Creative Writing and English program offers intimate classes, the opportunity to pursue both creative and critical writing, and close mentorship by renowned faculty in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. Our three-year curriculum gives students time to deepen both their creative ...

  10. Master's Degree in Creative Writing

    The Saint Leo MA offers an affordable way for apprentice writers to explore and enhance their creative lives and to become part of a vibrant literary community. The Master of Arts in Creative Writing is an advanced program that offers genre specializations in poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. We especially acknowledge the needs of active-duty ...

  11. Homepage

    Your generosity funds scholarships and free programs, allowing more teen and adult writers to participate in creative writing workshops at our new center in the Seaport, in neighborhoods around Boston, and online. Support GrubStreet. Main Menu. Write; About Us; Offerings; People; Events; ... 50 Liberty Drive, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02210 | Hours ...

  12. Creative Writing MFA

    UMass Boston's Creative Writing MFA offers you an intense, 3-year program and focused opportunity to further your commitment to writing as the center of your professional life. Through a combination of mentoring by accomplished faculty in a series of creative writing workshops, courses focused on the study of literature offered through the ...

  13. Programs

    Fellowships. GrubStreet offers unique fellowships that support writers and writing instructors in developing their craft and finding writing community that can sustain them for years to come. The nation's leading and largest center for creative writing for over 25 years, GrubStreet offers classes and events for writers from all stages and….

  14. Creative Writing Major

    Wheaton's creative writing program offers both introductory and advanced courses in poetry, playwriting, fiction, and nonfiction. Students attend workshops, where they share their work and receive feedback from the professor and one another. Many students go on to share work with the broader community, whether on the physical page, online, or ...

  15. F71

    Please note that MA Creative Writing part 2 (A803) is worth 120 credits. Module fees for postgraduate modules are based on the number of credits you study. Therefore the fee for this 120-credit postgraduate module will be double that for the 60-credit module MA Creative Writing part 1 (A802).. You should note that the University's unique study rule applies to this qualification.

  16. The Writers' Loft

    The Writers' Loft is a non-profit writing community in Hudson, Massachusetts dedicated to helping writers achieve greatness. ... 43 Broad Street, Suite B404B, Hudson, MA 01749. [email protected]. A respectful and supportive community that believes we can be stronger writers together, dedicated to helping writers achieve greatness. Come ...

  17. Resources for writers in Massachusetts

    Here you'll find a collection of resources for writers in Massachusetts, from conferences to local critique groups to literary magazines. If you're looking for writing groups near you, writing workshops near you, creative writing classes near you, or simply a place to hang out with writers or submit your work, these are some Massachusetts ...

  18. Young Writers

    Lighthouse's Young Writers Camps are led by published and award-winning writers, and each workshop is designed to foster creativity, self-expression, and excitement about writing in young writers aged 8 to 18. Registration for half-day camp and applications for full-day camp will open on January 1, 2019. Learn More.

  19. Creative Writing groups

    Creative Writing. Meet other local people interested in Creative Writing: share experiences, inspire and encourage each other! Join a Creative Writing group. 882,049. 1,575. Join Creative Writing groups. Related Topics: topical creative writing. Beginners Creative Writing.

  20. Category:Settlements in Perm Krai

    Media in category "Settlements in Perm Krai". The following 39 files are in this category, out of 39 total. Dubovoe dorf.jpg 1,280 × 959; 199 KB. Kindergarten Zorenka in Zarya.jpg 2,163 × 1,619; 1.88 MB. Real symbol of Zarya.jpg 1,216 × 2,018; 1.24 MB. Selosuda main.jpg 604 × 452; 90 KB.

  21. Google's Olympics ad went viral for all the wrong reasons

    An ad for Google's Gemini AI chatbot, pictured above in a photo of a phone in New York City, has sparked backlash from many online who believe AI shouldn't be used to replace human creativity.

  22. Category:Perm Krai

    Perm Oblast. Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug. Maximum temperature record. 42 degree Celsius. Minimum temperature record. −56 degree Celsius. official website. 59° 14′ 00″ N, 56° 08′ 00″ E.

  23. Пермь

    From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. The map of city districts. Русский: Пермь — город в России. English: Perm is a city in Russia. Deutsch: Perm ist ein Stadt im Russland. Nederlands: Perm is een stad in Rusland. Svenska: Perm är en stad i Ryssland. Українська: Перм — місто в ...