awaiting assignment to batch ieee


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] 请问大家IEEE Trans 提交final files 之后一般要多久才会交版面封及proof啊已有1人参与

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你这个还没送去出版呢,不着急,送去出版会有邮件通知你,这样在你的  IEEE Author Gatway 账号了里就能看到论文进程了

  • 应助: 1 (幼儿园)
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都中了 你急个球 上次中了一个TIP

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: Originally posted by at 2019-07-21 21:45:14
你这个还没送去出版呢,不着急,送去出版会有邮件通知你,这样在你的  IEEE Author Gatway 账号了里就能看到论文进程了
你好,请问在提交 final files 的时候发现有几个图片引用标号错误,顺手就给改过来了,并在MOD文件里进行了说明,这样会不会对出版进程造成影响?
: Originally posted by at 2019-07-22 10:56:15
你好,请问在提交 final files 的时候发现有几个图片引用标号错误,顺手就给改过来了,并在MOD文件里进行了说明,这样会不会对出版进程造成影响?...

: Originally posted by at 2019-07-22 12:00:42

  • 虫号: 4018202
  • 注册: 2015-08-12

我有类似经历,某次中某trans后在batch状态下停留了两周多接近三周(跟PE不到一周比,慢多了),给编辑部发邮件询问awaiting assignment to batch时长,回复是:该状态表明EIC正在核对终审稿与提交的最终文件。

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IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems投稿记录

awaiting assignment to batch ieee

论文题目: A sequential pattern-mining-based approach to adaptively detect anomalous paths in floating-vehicle trajectories

期刊: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems

IEEE T on ITS  2000年创刊发文,2000~2013年季刊;2014~2015双月刊;2015至今月刊;发文量较少,IF6+,交通类顶刊。


  • submisssion: 30-Mar-2021。EIC(EDITOR IN CHIEF, 主编)Eskandarian Azim,ADM(Administrator,主管,助理)Snyder, Miriam。
  • Awaiting AE Assignment: 30-Mar-2021,等待分派副编辑,编辑部把稿件指派给副编辑,耗时1个月+。
  • Awaiting Reviewer Assignment:  9-May-2021,等待分派审稿人,据说专家一周会回复是否愿意审稿。
  • Awaiting Reviewer Scores: 14-May-2021,等待专家审稿意见,据说要求三周内回复意见,但是专家可以致信编辑要求延长时间,所以还是取决于专家审稿速度,网传有四个月之久。耗时3周。
  • Awaiting AE Recommendation: 8-Jun-2021,等待副编辑的意见。副编辑根据专家审稿意见给出稿件的处理意见交于主编,主编很大可能根据副编辑意见形成decision letter,一般要求三周内决定。
  • Awaiting Reviewer Scores: 10-Jun-2021,奇怪,突然又变成了专家审稿状态。可能有专家申请延期了,耗时1周。
  • Awaiting AE Recommendation: 28-Jun-2021,等待副编辑的意见。耗时2周。
  • Awaiting EIC Decision: 12-Jul-2021,等待主编意见。
  • Awaiting Reviewer Scores :05-Oct-2021,提交了新手稿。
  • Awaiting Reviewer Assignment :05-Oct-2021,等待分派审稿人。难不成新找了专家,预计耗时1周。
  • Awaiting Reviewer Scores: ~17-Nov-2021等待专家审稿意见,因为是上一轮的专家重新评审,估计三周可以完成。
  • Awaiting Reviewer Scores — Awaiting Reviewer Assignment: 29-Dec-2021,提交了新手稿。
  • Awaiting EIC Decision: 22-Feb-2022(实际时间稍早于此),等待主编意见。
  • Under review: 11-March 2022,重新提交了手稿。
  • Awaiting Reviewer Assignment: 12-Mar 2022
  • Awaiting AE Recommendation: 21-Mar 2022,等待副编意见。
  • Awaiting EIC Decision: 23-Mar-2022,等待主编意见。
  • Awaiting Assignment to Batch: 4-Apr-2022,提交最终版手稿后状态,记得同时转让论文版权,否则会延迟出版。

总结: 从投稿到接收用了整整一年时间,期间经历三次修回,受限于一位专家不停的提出很多细小问题,期间补充了模拟实验,精简了方法流程,总体来说只要有耐心,认真修改即可。

状态说明: Awaiting AE Assignment:AE(Associated Editor)指副主编、副编辑,投稿时候可以选择处理稿件的AE,但是不知道为何还是给我指派了一个多月的AE……另外据说

Awaiting AE Assignment :等待AE的指派。编辑部在选择/联系AE,一般1-3天左右; 其会在审稿人(reviewers)意见的基础上对文章作个综合评价后,给主编一个recommendation。一般主编都会按照AE的意见写最终的decision letter。 ——来自于Tianers专栏: IEEE旗下SCI论文审稿流程及状态解读 - 知乎 (

同门2022年1月初投了IEEE T on ITS,两个月就一审结束,本文稿处理速度和流程仅作参考。

awaiting assignment to batch ieee


awaiting assignment to batch ieee

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Contributor Form Updates

Production center guide (subscription journals), production center steps.

After a manuscript is accepted in Sage Track, it will move into the Production Workflow. Manuscripts in the “In Production” queues have not yet gone to production and require additional processing by a journal admin or editor. These tasks ensure that Production receives all files necessary to prepare the manuscript for publication.

The post-acceptance steps on Sage Track can be thought of as occurring in three stages:

  • Collecting copyright information (“Contributor Forms Due”, “Contributor Forms In”)
  • Confirming that all files are present and production-ready (“Production Checklist”)
  • Sending the manuscript to production (“Assign Manuscripts to Batch”, “Assigned to Batch – Awaiting Export)

Contributor Forms Due

When a manuscript is accepted, the author will be prompted to complete a contributor form. While awaiting the completion of this form, the manuscript will be listed in the “Contributor Forms Due” queue.

awaiting assignment to batch ieee

Contributor Forms In

The manuscript will move into Contributor Forms In once the author has submitted the form.

Once you have located the manuscript in Contributor Forms In, you may view the form as an HTML or PDF file.

awaiting assignment to batch ieee

The contributor form can be viewed as a PDF or HTML file. There are two questions to review before proceeding:

  • The copyright to the Work is owned by the Contributors: This is the most commonly selected option. No other information is required.
  • U. S. Government work: If this option is selected, please ensure that the author has named the government employer/agency.
  • Other Government work (not U.S.): If this option is selected, please ensure that the author has named the government employer.
  • Work made for hire for employer/Work done in the course of employment (non-government):  If this option is selected, the form cannot be signed electronically.  The author will be required to fill out a physical copy of the form, which can then be scanned and sent via email. The copy can be uploaded to the manuscript in the submission’s Manuscript Files tab. The physical copy of the form can be found in Instructions & Forms, located at the top of every page in the site.  
  • Third-Party Materials: If the author indicates that the manuscript contains third-party material and/or personal images requiring permission, they will be expected to forward all permission agreements to the editorial office within five days after signing the agreement. If the author has selected “no” to this question, no further information is needed.

If the form is incomplete, it may be rescinded back to the author. If the form is complete, click “Forms Complete—Move to Next Task.”

Production Checklist

After a manuscript’s contributor form has been completed, the manuscript will move into the Production Checklist step.

On most sites this step can be completed in either the Production or Admin Centres. However, on  some sites the Production Checklist can only be completed from the Production Center—it will not appear in a fillable format when accessed from the Admin Center.

Admin Center View:

awaiting assignment to batch ieee

Production Center View:

awaiting assignment to batch ieee

The purpose of the Production Checklist is to ensure that the manuscript is ready to go out to production before being assigned to batch. Any changes that need to be made to the contents of the manuscript and manuscript files should be completed at this time.

The Production Checklist is customizable, but the default points are as follows:

  • Files Approved: Ensure that all files are in an editable format, such as .doc or .docx, and that there are no duplicates marked for batch in Manuscript Files. Likewise, any files that need to be updated, replaced, or added should be done at this point, also in Manuscript Files.
  • Copyright Form Received: The contributor form has been received and approved. This check is particularly useful if the author completed a physical copy of the form and submitted it via email (as requested by Sage in the cases of work made for hire.)
  • Author Information Complete: The author information entered in Sage Track matches the author information in the title page. The most important aspect is making sure that there are no discrepancies between the authors listed on the manuscript and the number of authors in Sage Track—the names and number of names are the same.
  • Production notes: Any miscellaneous information that should go to production, such as issue number, can be entered here.

Once these checks have been confirmed, click “Checklist Complete.”

Assign to Batch

When the production checklist is complete, the manuscript will move into the Assign Manuscripts to Batch queue.

awaiting assignment to batch ieee

There are typically two options:

  • Sage Production: Exports the manuscript files and data within 24 hours.
  • Sage Production- Real Time: Exports the manuscript files and data within 15 minutes on average.

You may also see a third option:

  • Clear Production Queue: Does not export the manuscript to production. In case a manuscript has been successfully exported but has not left the Admin Dashboard, you will use this batch to remove it from the Assign to Batch queue. The manuscript files will send to you; feel free to delete them once they reach your email inbox.

After choosing the appropriate option and clicking “Assign”, the manuscript will move from Assign Manuscripts to Batch to Assigned to Batch—Awaiting Export in the Admin/Production Center. The Assigned to Batch—Awaiting Export queue is a temporary placeholder for manuscripts that have already been assigned to batch.

awaiting assignment to batch ieee

When the manuscript is awaiting export, the status will appear as follows:

awaiting assignment to batch ieee

When the manuscript exports successfully, it will disappear from the Assigned To Batch queue. It will no longer appear in the Admin or Production Centers, but it will still be searchable if you ever need to refer back to it.

awaiting assignment to batch ieee

When the manuscript exports successfully, it will arrive in SMART with all files and metadata automatically input into the system. Production will also receive an email will the following information:

  • Manuscript ID
  • Manuscript Type
  • Manuscript Title
  • Manuscript Abstract
  • Corresponding Author
  • Corresponding Author Address
  • All author(s)
  • All author(s) Emails
  • Submitted Date
  • Revise Date
  • Acceptance Date
  • Production Notes
  • FundRef Funding Sources
  • Is this article based on research that was funded entirely or partially by an outside source?
  • If yes, please provide details of the funding source(s) to the format specified.
  • Funding and/or grant number:
  • Please confirm you have additionally provided this funding acknowledgment statement within your manuscript.

If an author requests that the Corresponding Author name on a Contributor Form housed within Sage Track be corrected, please follow these steps:

1. Ensure that the Contact and Submitting Author reflect the appropriate Corresponding author's information.

2. Contact ScholarOne ( [email protected] ), requesting that the form be corrected. You can use the following template for your request:

SUBJECT: Update Contributor Form - JOURNALNAME (/URL)

Could you update the Contributor Form for submission SUBMISSIONID to JOURNALNAME (/URL)? The correct Contact Author is as follows:


Let me know if anything else is needed for this. Thank you!

3. Once you receive confirmation that the form has been updated, access the submission's Contributor Form Tracking tab and confirm that the Corresponding Author listed is correct . You should also view the form to make sure it's properly listed within the form to be signed.

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4. Contact the Corresponding Author, instructing them to access and sign the new form via their Author Center.

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Question on "Awaiting Production Checklist" Status for Manuscript

After my paper was accepted, the status in the ScholarOne manuscript center changed from accepted to "accept" with the additional "awaiting production checklist".

Now it has been about 3-4 weeks with this status after the acceptance. I would like to ask from you: does this status sounds like a normal status after acceptance? Personally, I would think and expect the status now be, for example, "checklist complete"? I have received so far only the official acceptance mail. I also would like to know how long the delay may be after acceptance to the first on-line view (the journal does not indicate the different dates of acceptance, on-line etc.)?

  • peer-review
  • publications
  • journal-workflow

jakebeal's user avatar

You need to find out the journal's policies on "Online First" vs. paper issue publication. The reason is because the date that a paper is accepted may be very different than the date when it is formally published, if the journal is still tightly tied to paper issues and has a long publication queue.

If the journal does online publication in advance of its paper issues, then you should be expecting production to begin shortly and a citable preprint of your paper to become available very quickly (though the final official publication date might be many months in the future).

If, on the other hand, the journal schedules its publication based on print only, and does not publish early online, then it might stay in this status for a long time, as the publication staff may not have any reason to work on the article until it is approaching the final publication date.

  • Yes, the paper has early online publication in advance of paper issues. So, the paper should be in the queu for publication. I was afraid of the status that gives an impression that it is "awaiting" something. If it is not moving in a few weeks, I will ask from the assistant. Thank you very much jakebeal. –  Anna Commented May 16, 2015 at 6:32

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BMJ Author Hub

After submitting

In this section:

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The review process

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1. Awaiting Editorial Production Assistant Processing

The Editorial Production Assistant will carry out quality checks on your article at which point you may need to provide further information before your article is sent for Peer Review.

2. Awaiting Editor Assignment: 

Your article has passed initial quality checks by the Editorial Production Assistant and is in the process of being assigned to an appropriate Editor who will evaluate your article for scope, quality, and fit for the journal. Papers that do not meet these criteria will be rejected.

3. Awaiting Reviewer Selection

Your article meets the Journal’s scope and has been approved for peer review. The Editorial Team are in the process of finding suitable external expert reviewers that are available to review your article. Your article may also be sent to relevant Associate Editor’s for internal review. For most articles, a minimum of two reviews are required. Articles can be sent to multiple prospective reviewers before the required number are secured.

4. Peer Review in Progress

Your article has secured the minimum number of required reviewers. Peer reviewers are given 2 weeks to submit their review of your article. On the occasion that a reviewer withdraws from the process, the Editorial Team will begin the reviewer selection process again.

 5. Awaiting Editor Decision

Your article has now received the minimum number of reviews required to make a decision. The Editor will take into account the expert reviewers’ opinions to make an informed decision of accept, reject or revise.

6. In Production

Your article has been accepted and you will receive an email to confirm. Your article will move through the final quality checks and in to Production where it will be processed for publication. You will be emailed by the Production Editor with a timeline and be provided with a link to a platform called Publishing at Work where you can continue to track your article’s progress. More information about the Production process can be found here .


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  1. What does "Awaiting Assignment to Batch" mean?

    "Awaiting Assignment to Batch" is part of the accepted workflow. Once accepted, some journals have a set of tasks that a manuscript goes through. One of the steps available (and being used here) is batching and sending of the manuscript to the journals production service.

  2. 请问大家IEEE Trans 提交final files 之后一般要多久才会交版面封及proof啊 - 论文投稿 - 投稿...

    我有类似经历某次中某trans后在batch状态下停留了两周多接近三周跟PE不到一周比慢多了),给编辑部发邮件询问awaiting assignment to batch时长回复是该状态表明EIC正在核对终审稿与提交的最终文件

  3. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems投稿记录

    Awaiting AE Assignment30-Mar-2021等待分派副编辑编辑部把稿件指派给副编辑耗时1个月+。 Awaiting Reviewer Assignment: 9-May-2021,等待分派审稿人,据说专家一周会回复是否愿意审稿。 Awaiting Reviewer Scores: 14-May-2021,等待专家审稿意见,据说要求三周内回复意见,但是专家可以致信编辑要求延长时间,所以还是取决于专家审稿速度,网传有四个月之久。 耗时3周。 Awaiting AE Recommendation: 8-Jun-2021,等待副编辑的意见。

  4. How much time would it take for the status to change from ...

    Meaning of ‘Awaiting Editor Assignment’. This means that your manuscript has cleared the admin check, that is, it was found matching the journal’s scope and also adhering to the journal’s guidelines, apart from a cursory check of the novelty and quality of the study.

  5. What is the meaning of the status “Awaiting Production ...

    My paper had an "Awaiting Production Checklist" status after acceptance but it disappeared. What does this mean? My orginal research got 100% similarity on Turnitin.

  6. Production Center Guide - Clarivate

    The Accepted Workflow is triggered post-acceptance. It provides functionality for post-acceptance checklists and exports. Generally, when a manuscript is accepted, it enters a Production Checklist (or checklists), in which the Production Editor will verify the manuscript is ready for publication.

  7. paper submission - Article waiting for AE assignment for too ...

    I have submitted two articles to a journal. One of them got accepted within 10 days, but the status for the other one has been "Awaiting AE assignment" for 15 days now. The journal says on average they take 30 days to make a decision on a paper.

  8. Production Management in Sage Track | SAGE Publications Inc

    Assign to Batch. When the production checklist is complete, the manuscript will move into the Assign Manuscripts to Batch queue. There are typically two options: Sage Production: Exports the manuscript files and data within 24 hours. Sage Production- Real Time: Exports the manuscript files and data within 15 minutes on average.

  9. journals - Question on "Awaiting Production Checklist" Status ...

    If the journal does online publication in advance of its paper issues, then you should be expecting production to begin shortly and a citable preprint of your paper to become available very quickly (though the final official publication date might be many months in the future).

  10. The review process - BMJ Author Hub

    Awaiting Editor Assignment: Your article has passed initial quality checks by the Editorial Production Assistant and is in the process of being assigned to an appropriate Editor who will evaluate your article for scope, quality, and fit for the journal.