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how to write good team player on resume

Dive Into Expert Guides to Enhance your Resume

Margaret Buj

Teamwork skills are crucial in the workplace , and employers expect effective collaboration, even in remote and hybrid settings. When you skim the job ads, it’s no surprise that the keyword ‘team player’ appears so frequently, and it should also appear in your resume.

To nail that interview, it’s important to list genuine teamwork abilities on your resume beyond just using buzzwords . Demonstrating teamwork abilities is as critical as any other qualification and should be articulated and tailored to the job requirements. 

Keep reading to learn  how to write a team player resume.  

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How to Convey Teamwork on a Resume

To start off with, if you’ve ever received any form of recognition for your teamwork skills, this is worth mentioning on your resume. Maybe you received an award for your teamwork efforts, served as a team lead, coordinated a project, or been given a special role that involves  liaising between team members .

Another effective way to  show collaboration skills on your resume  is to include them in the skills section . The smartest thing to do is to  tailor this section to each job application to clearly show how  your skill set matches the job  requirements.

The second step is to identify the keywords in the job description and write a  teamwork skills checklist . Remember that employers now use  Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)  to scan resumes, so if your resume doesn’t contain the right keywords, the employer won’t even see it.

At the same time, you need to do more than just use the keywords. Just saying you’re a  team player on your resume  isn’t convincing.

It’s much more effective to  include specific examples  of the actions you took as a team and what the  successful outcome  was. Listing KPIs and other metrics alongside your teamwork examples will demonstrate the impact you had.

You will also need to  include teamwork examples  in other sections of your resume, such as your  work experience  section.

How to List Teamwork Skills on Your Resume

So, let’s get down to the ‘how’. Here is our expert advice on how to include your teamwork examples throughout your resume:

  • Identify relevant teamwork skills : Analyze the job description to determine the most important teamwork skills for the position. Tailor your resume to emphasize these skills, such as collaboration, communication , or problem-solving with others.
  • Use action verbs : Start each bullet point with action verbs that demonstrate teamwork, such as “collaborated,” “partnered,” “coordinated,” or “supported.” This helps to create a more dynamic and engaging resume.
  • Quantify accomplishments : Whenever possible, include quantifiable results to showcase the positive impact of your teamwork. Use percentages, numbers, or specific outcomes to highlight your achievements.
  • Highlight specific projects : Provide examples of successful projects or initiatives where you worked as part of a team. Describe your role, the team’s goals, and the results achieved.
  • Display teamwork in various contexts : Demonstrate your versatility by including examples of teamwork from different settings, such as work, school, or volunteer experiences.

Examine a wrong and right example of how to mention collaboration skills on your resume.

Worked on a new product line with coworkers.

This example does not go into enough detail and lacks a powerful verb to emphasize the collaboration. Take a look at this better example below:

Collaborated with a cross-functional team to develop and launch a new product line, resulting in a 20% increase in revenue.

Teamwork Skills Examples

There are plenty of cases where you can use as team player resume statements. If you add concrete data and evidence, you’ll easily be able to demonstrate on your resume that you are able to work in a team and independently .

Take a look at some examples of how to add team player skills to your resume:

  • Facilitated collaboration among 3 departments, achieving project completion 10% ahead of schedule.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to develop and launch a new product line, leading to a 20% increase in company revenue and strengthened interdepartmental relationships.
  • As the lead coordinator on a project team, I spearheaded a company-wide software upgrade that streamlined workflows and enhanced overall efficiency by 15%.
  • Partnered with colleagues to create a mentorship program for new hires, resulting in a 30% decrease in employee turnover and improved workplace morale.
  • Participated in a collaborative effort to redesign the company website, leading to a 25% increase in user engagement and improved brand recognition.
  • Worked with 6 other fundraisers to raise over $800.
  • Worked in a group of 5 people while delegating our tasks effectively and surpassed our yearly targets 3 years running.

Don’t go over the top with these numbers. Remember that not all jobs can be analyzed in such a way and that one or two points with statistics are enough.

Top 10 Teamwork Skills for Resumes

What teamwork skills are essential to the workplace?  Here are some of the most important collaboration skills that empower value.

1. Reliability and punctuality

Completing tasks on time and being punctual are basic abilities.  Reliable team members  gain the trust of their colleagues and bosses and become valued workers. A team working well and efficiently relies on these core time management skills , and it’s important to highlight them on your resume.

2. Verbal and written communication skills

Whether it be by phone, email, or face-to-face, being able to communicate your ideas to other people clearly is an important part of most jobs. People with poor communication skills are  difficult to work with  and can be a nightmare to manage. This is one of the key areas employers assess during job interviews .

3. Listening skills

Good listening skills are an essential part of being an effective team member. It’s key to follow instructions, cooperate as a unit , and get along with colleagues and clients. Without strong listening skills , it’s difficult to show empathy and understanding. This is another key skill employers test during job interviews.

4. Positivity

Both positivity and negativity are  contagious forces of energy . Everyone wants to work with colleagues, clients, and bosses who have a  positive mindset . If you demonstrate any negativity on your resume or during the job interview, you probably won’t get hired. Negative people are  more likely to complain , cause problems, and lack motivation.

5. Conflict management

Work can be  tense, stressful, and problematic . This can cause friction between team members, which must be resolved before the team can continue functioning. The ability to  mediate between other people  is a valuable skill that employers look for in many roles including managers, team leaders, and HR managers .

6. Organizing and planning

A team player who looks out for the rest of the team by planning or aiding the group to stick to the plan enables the group to remain organized. Being able to keep on top of your own work while looking out for others  shows competence  and also helps to prove to your superiors that you are capable of managing a team.

7. Problem-solving

Whether visible or invisible,  problems are typical in any workplace or team,  and sometimes they are up to you to solve. Regardless of whether you are given a problem by others in your team to resolve or you detect your own problem and resolve it, both of these  problem-solving qualities are of worth in the workplace.

If you can demonstrate solid critical thinking skills , and be the person who stays calm during problem periods, you can  be a   great asset to your team and become a reliable teammate.

8. Decision-making

Some find it tough, others easy; making decisions is not for everyone. A team player who doesn’t enjoy putting their foot down should  seek to contribute to decisions  by being present in group meetings, talking it through, and providing for and against arguments. Part of decision-making, after all,  is not the decision itself but how and with whom you make it.

9. Persuasive skills

Have you ever agreed with all of your team on a certain topic and found it difficult to get the last team member on board? Sometimes all it takes is a simple conversation that can help that person see and understand your point of view.

Part of being persuasive is not just about changing people’s minds; it’s about empathizing with others , connecting, and understanding one another. This is a quality of teamwork like no other, and those who possess this quality can often be the team glue.

10. Feedback skills

Constructive criticism and evaluations  all have their place when it comes to teamwork, and it’s important to  make sure the traffic flows in both directions.  Feedback should always be welcome amongst both team players and superiors. 

Giving feedback doesn’t have to be a negative process  and helps everyone to work on themselves.

How To Improve Teamwork Skills

It’s not enough to simply have teamwork skills on your resume; constantly improving them is also necessary . 

The good news is that they are something that can be developed over time . Michael Jordan wouldn’t have won as much if Scottie Pippen didn’t also step up his game and vice versa.

Here are 5 ways to improve your teamwork skills , so you can become a top-notch team player and stand out to potential employers.

  • Practice active listening : Good teamwork requires effective communication, and active listening is an essential part of that. When you listen actively, you are fully engaged with the speaker, focusing on their words, tone, and body language. By doing so, you can gain a better understanding of your teammates’ perspectives and needs.
  • Be open to feedback : When you receive feedback from your teammates, be open to it, even if it’s critical. Use feedback as an opportunity to learn and grow, and use it to improve your work and relationships with your team.
  • Be reliable : Dependability is an essential quality in any team member. If you commit to completing a task, make sure you follow through on that commitment. Being reliable means your teammates can trust you to do your part, and it helps build strong relationships and a positive team dynamic.
  • Be flexible : Teamwork often requires flexibility and adaptability. Be willing to adjust your plans or approach if necessary to accommodate the team or project’s needs. Flexibility can help keep the team moving forward, even when unexpected challenges arise.
  • Build relationships : Take the time to get to know your teammates on a personal level, and show an interest in their lives and interests. Building relationships can help create a more positive and supportive team environment, which can lead to better collaboration and productivity.

By following these five tips, you can improve your teamwork skills and become a more effective and valuable team member . 

Incorporating these skills into your resume shows potential employers that you have what it takes to work well with others and contribute to a positive team environment.

Key Takeaways

Mastering the art of teamwork is essential for career advancement and making a meaningful impact in any professional setting.

Remember the following points when writing your resume:

  • Effective examples : Use clear metrics and specific project results to illustrate your teamwork skills.
  • Resume customization : Align your teamwork abilities with job descriptions using strategic keywords to ensure ATS compatibility.
  • Skill enhancement : Continuously work to improve key teamwork skills, such as active listening and adaptability, to bolster your team contribution.

Still need help? Leverage our AI-powered resume builder to effectively present your teamwork skills and advance your career. Try it for free now !

To effectively describe teamwork on a resume, focus on specific experiences where your collaborative efforts led to measurable outcomes . Start bullet points with action verbs like “collaborated,” “coordinated,” or “facilitated” to convey active participation.  Include quantifiable achievements, such as percentages or time frames, to illustrate the impact of your teamwork. Tailor these descriptions to match the teamwork skills listed in the job description , ensuring your resume aligns with what the employer is seeking.

Emphasize collaborative projects or roles where you actively contributed to team success. Use action verbs like “collaborated,” “coordinated,” or “facilitated” to start descriptions, highlighting how your involvement led to tangible results . Quantify these achievements when possible (e.g., “increased efficiency by 15%”).

For describing your teamwork skills specifically, focus on attributes that show your ability to interact effectively with others. Mention skills such as communication, conflict resolution, adaptability, and reliability . Provide examples that demonstrate these abilities in action, such as resolving team conflicts or adapting to new team strategies.

Yes, you can list teamwork as a skill on your resume. It’s important to not only state “teamwork” but also to back it up with specific examples that demonstrate your collaborative abilities. 

Highlight instances where you effectively worked within a team to achieve goals, resolve conflicts, or lead projects. Use action verbs and quantifiable results to strengthen your case. 

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Best Ways to Show You’re a Team Player On a Resume & Examples

Teamwork skills resume: top 7 skills & how to feature them.

Teamwork is one of the most sought after skills in the job market. Since many careers and projects require group work, the hiring manager expects to hire a person who can effectively collaborate with others and contribute to the team's success . Therefore, you need to emphasize a teamwork ability on a resume to show the employer you are the person they’re looking for.

However, simply putting ‘ team player ’ in the list of skills is not enough. It can actually damage your interview chances. According to the statistics, phrase “team player” can hurt your interview chances by 51%. So, you need to use a smarter approach and speak through cases and examples.

In today's article, you will find:

  • top 7 teamwork skills that will enhance your resume for any profession
  • smart strategies to feature specific teamwork skills
  • examples of how to list soft skills on your resume.

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What does a "team player" term entail?

The statement team player is so overused that it has become a buzzword. In fact, this is an umbrella term for a variety of skills that help a professional effectively interact with colleagues and use their strengths to contribute to the common goal.

Good teamwork skills usually mean that you can contribute to group projects, work in a cross-functional team, and have conflict resolution and effective collaboration skills. Soft skills play a vital role in how we interact with others, negotiate, and solve problems, so with other things being equal, the employer is likely to hire a candidate with strong teamwork skills.

Now, let's look at specific resume teamwork skills to add to your resume.

Top team member skills for any profession

Verbal and written communication.

The ability to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing, is the foundation of successful teamwork. Employers value people who can communicate clearly and effectively in person, on the phone, or by email. Strong  communication skills  help you hold better meetings, resolve problems faster, and avoid misunderstandings in the workplace. On the flip side, slow, ineffective communication can slow down the progress of the entire team.

Active listening

Active listening is one of the basic teamwork skills. It means that, during the conversation, you focus on what the other person is saying and ask questions to understand them better. This skill is essential when you communicate with a client, coworker, or an external vendor. Listening actively and understanding the other person helps avoid misunderstandings and build trust between team members.

Giving and receiving feedback

To work effectively in a team, you need to learn how to give feedback to colleagues without offending them. Providing efficient feedback means commenting on the person’s action or behavior, not their personality. On the flip side, you need to calmly accept critical comments from other team members and management, and use them for self-improvement.

Conflict resolution

Conflicts occur in any workplace. Disagreements about important issues, stress, and tension can cause friction. Professionals who can manage their emotions and handle conflict situations, or, better yet, mediate between other people, are a catch for any employer. For some positions, such as team leaders, supervisors, and HR, conflict management is a must-have skill.

Emotional intelligence is even more important than intellectual abilities. By using it, you can effectively collaborate with people from diverse backgrounds, and understand the emotions and struggles of your coworkers. Plus, if you can work with your emotions and the emotions of others, you'll find it much easier to prevent conflicts or negotiate. It will help you come to an agreement faster and build trust.

It is one of the key teamwork skills in today's workplace. As employers encourage diversity, you are likely to work with people of different ages, gender, nationality, and sexual orientation. You need to find common ground with all these people and avoid prejudices in communication. This is essential for a healthy atmosphere in a team.

Positive thinking

Being too negative not only reflects poorly on your motivation and performance, but also influences the spirit of the team. People are more willing to work around someone who has positive vibes and approaches the challenges with a can-do attitude rather than complain.

As you update your resume, be sure to demonstrate teamwork skills listed above or relevant ones. However, simply putting "teamwork skills" on your resume isn't going to win an interview. Keep reading to learn how to list your skills best.

Key strategies to showcase your teamwork skills

There are many ways to list relevant teamwork skills on your resume. You can:

  • give examples of where and how you used important teamwork skills at work
  • add the skill names under the dedicated Skills section
  • list a team player award or achievements you got while working in a team
  • mention key skills in the Summary section where the recruiter can instantly see them.

Let's consider each strategy in detail.

Add it to your Career Summary section

Summary is the first thing that the recruiter is going to see, so it’s perfectly reasonable to emphasize teamwork here. Again, you shouldn’t put ‘team player’, but rather expand on this qualification, adding some detail. It’s best to organize a Summary of qualifications using sentences or a bulleted list with complete persuasive statements.

Here are the examples:

  • Experienced working in a software development team on debugging the CRM software
  • Worked closely with physician and nursing staff to ensure timely and quality patient care
  • Coordinated between 4 departments in a construction firm to deliver the project ahead of schedule

Speak through specific responsibilities and accomplishments

Employers pay attention to achievements and specific results of your work. These details show you’re a result-oriented employee and are likely to perform just as well if hired. So, when describing your workplace projects and tasks, be specific. Give numbers, percentages and context to showcase your ability to deliver results as a member of the team.

Some examples of team player achievements are as follows:

  • Worked in a development team of 8 to deliver the project 2 months ahead of the schedule
  • Member of a #1 sales team in the company nationwide
  • Increased customer loyalty by 36% working as a part of customer success team

Use it as a keyword to pass ATS

Today, resumes should be tailored closely for a specific job. For that, you need to study the job posting and reflect the requested skills and qualifications on your resume. You can list these skills in a separate section, or incorporate them when describing job responsibilities.

Teamwork skills can be described with the following expressions:

  • Thrives working as a member of the team
  • Resolves problems and issues with clients
  • Surpasses sales goals working as a part of the team.

Beat the ATS: Teamwork keywords for your resume

Employers use ATS software (or resume robots) to scan resumes. Nearly 70% of large companies now use ATS, so optimizing your resume with relevant keywords is a must to get seen. This is especially important for roles where teamwork is the must-have skill.

Read the job description carefully to find out what specific skills to add. Highlight teamwork skills and relevant ones. Then, use these keywords in the Skills section and when listing your experience.

Here are some examples of keywords that show you are an effective team member:

How to list team leader skills on your resume?

Leadership is one of the most important teamwork skills. It shows that you can manage and coordinate others, and lead a successful team to complete the organizational goals. To list leadership skills on your resume, focus on the specific details. Write how many people you managed, what team's goals they achieved under your direction, or how you used conflict management skills to overcome team differences.

If you were not a formal leader, it is important to emphasize your leadership abilities anyway. Focus on your autonomy and the ability to make decisions with no direction, or mention how you supported other team players. Such examples will showcase your leadership potential and make you a valuable candidate.

How to improve teamwork skills?

To succeed in your career, it is not enough to add teamwork skills to your resume. It is necessary to improve them and acquire new ones. The good news is, with enough practice, you can develop excellent teamwork abilities and enhance your career prospects.

Here are some ways in which you can develop top teamwork skills:

  • Online courses and training  - to quickly boost your soft skills, consider attending additional training. Most of the courses are available online. By attending webinars, workshops, and teamwork/communication courses, you will learn how to work collaboratively, communicate better and lead others.
  • Be receptive to feedback  - if you want to develop professionally, start with understanding your areas for growth. Reach out to your supervisor, mentor, or team members and ask them to provide honest feedback about your performance. By incorporating this feedback, you will be able to make a positive change.
  • Work on your dependability  - the first step towards effective teamwork is staying true to your commitments. If you promised to complete that marketing report by Thursday, keep this promise even if you will have to work extra hours. It will help create an atmosphere of trust in your team.
  • Build relationships - try to learn more about the people you work with. Participate in team lunches, team-building activities, and corporate events. This will help you know your coworkers on a personal level and nurture a positive, supportive environment at work.
  • Master remote collaboration tools - as more and more people work from home, proficiency with remote cooperation tools becomes a must-have. Consider mastering such skills as video conferencing tools, messengers, Google Suite, and more.

By incorporating these approaches to building your teamwork skills, you can further develop your ability to collaborate effectively and contribute to team success.

5 professional tips to polish your Professional Experience section

Above, we have explained how to describe the teamwork skills precisely. However, you also need to format the experience in general in a professional way. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Use bulleted lists, not paragraphs. It’s a rule of thumb to list responsibilities and achievements in the format of a bulleted list, with each bullet taking no more than 2 lines so that the text is easy to read;
  • Keep each job description to 6-7 bullets. No need to describe each responsibility you’ve ever had, focus on those related to the job ad, and on the results you delivered. This will save space while keeping the resume informative;
  • Use strong action verbs. Words like Reorganized, Established or Spearheaded look better on a resume than Managed and Responsible for. Use powerful language that highlights your contribution and impact;
  • Make sure the tense is correct. Ongoing job duties go in present tense, accomplishments and past jobs require the past tense. Misuse of tenses can make the wrong impression with the reader;
  • Check grammar and punctuation. 59% of hiring managers reject resumes full of typos, poor grammar and punctuation. Check the document line by line to ensure that everything is correct and the word choice makes a professional impression.

Let the expert emphasize your team player skills

Adding teamwork skills resume can be a challenge, especially if you are not sure how to describe them best. If you are looking for a certified professional resume writer to help with your resume, you're in the right place.

At ResumePerk, we have writers with 2+ years of experience who create persuasive resumes from student to executive level. The writer will work one-on-one with you on showcasing soft skills and achievements. We also create cover letters, LinkedIn profiles and follow-up notes tailored for your target job postings. Chat with us for a free consultation and get 20% off your first order!

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

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How do you describe teamwork on a resume?

Showcasing teamwork on a resume can without a doubt, elevate your resume and increase your chances of getting hired.

With a few exceptions, almost all kinds of job profiles and industries require teamwork.

If you are someone who thrives in a collaborative environment, your resume needs to showcase the same and justify it effectively.

However, simply listing teamwork under the skills section in your resume is not enough.

You must showcase your teamwork skills by describing experiences where you’ve used your collaborative skills to complete a task and achieve great results.

Read on to learn more about teamwork on resume and related FAQs like the following:

  • What are teamwork skills and why are they important?
  • What is a team player resume and when do you need one?
  • How to put teamwork on a resume?
  • What are some examples of teamwork resume bullets?
  • What are some examples of teamwork skills?
  • What are the 7 essential skills for teamwork?

Teamwork Skills and Its Importance

Team working skill is a type of soft skill that can be applied to any kind of work.

The ability to work well with others and collaborate effectively to achieve a common goal can be termed teamwork skills.

A candidate who has good teamwork skills puts the goal of the team over their personal interests and facilitates a collaborative workspace.

  • Recruiters consider candidates with good teamwork skills an asset because they help foster innovation, better solutions, and higher productivity.

Here are some other reasons why employers value teamwork skills:

  • Supports a healthy work environment
  • Increases work efficiency
  • Offers learning opportunities
  • Increases accountability
  • Facilitates the overall growth of the company
Also read: What are the most essential soft skills required to advance in your career?

What Is a Team Player Resume and When Do You Need One?

A team player resume is an approach to building a resume that highlights your teamwork skills.

This type of resume is generally built by candidates who want to apply for roles that require teamwork, leadership, and collaboration.

The best way to know whether or not you must focus on showcasing your teamwork skills on your resume is by analyzing the job description provided in the listing you're applying to.

If the job description prioritizes teamwork, you can highlight the same in your resume and increase your chances of getting shortlisted.

Also read: What are the top interpersonal skills you must have in 2022?

How to Talk About Teamwork on a Resume

To increase your chances of getting shortlisted for your desired roles, you need to effectively showcase your team working skills on your resume.

Given below are some tips to help you describe good teamwork on a resume:

Highlight Teamwork in Your Summary

As stated earlier, blatantly listing teamwork in your resume will not do you any good.

You need to rather subtly sprinkle instances that illustrate your teamwork skills on resume.

The first resume section where you can describe your team working skills is the summary section.

Doing so will help you grab the recruiters' attention immediately and provide an effective introduction.

Take a look at the following examples of teamwork skills that can be added to resume summaries:

  • Adept at collaborating with cross-department teams to foster partnerships and devise product ideas.
  • Proficient in organizing company events and activities by coordinating with staff members and vendors
Also read: How to write an impressive resume summary?

Provide Examples

Another great way to exemplify your teamwork skills on resume is through your professional experience.

  • When listing the work that you did in your past roles, provide examples where you used your teamwork skills to achieve a goal.

You don’t necessarily have to use the word ‘teamwork’ in your sentences. You can rather begin your sentences with power verbs that are synonymous with teamwork.

Given below are some examples of teamwork resume bullets that you can use in the professional experience section:

  • Provided technical oversight while working with a team of 6+ developers to conduct architecture and code reviews
  • Coordinated with 5+ sales representatives to meet the weekly sales quota for the product department
  • Communicated effectively with 10+ accountants to discuss resource allocation and delegate tasks among team members
  • Communicated with stakeholders and translated their needs to technical requirements for providing effective solutions
  • Communicated with project managers and brainstormed recommendations to increase efficiency by 43%
  • Collaborated with a data engineering team of 5 to create 10+ useful plugins for improving user experience by 22%

Include Teamwork in Your Skills

And lastly, the simplest way to describe your ability to work well with others in your team player resume is by listing teamwork under the skills section.

Refer to the below-given table to see some teamwork skills examples:

Active listening Collaboration
Communication Community building
Conflict management Creative thinking
Critical thinking Decision making
Interpersonal skills Language skills
Leadership Management
Mediation Motivation
Negotiating Problem-solving
Team management Liaising
Team-oriented Team player
Also read: How to list soft skills on a resume in 2022?

teamwork resume words

7 Essential Skills for Teamwork

Teamwork skill is not a standalone skill that can be acquired or honed independently.

Meaning that if you want to build teamwork skills to showcase the same on your resume, you must work on other skills that will support your collaborative ability.

Listed below are 7 essential skills that will support your team working skills:


Having good communication skills is extremely important if you want to be a team player.

The ability to convey information and express ideas clearly among team members is crucial for achieving set goals.

Conflict Resolution

When you are working in a team, minor misunderstandings and conflicts are bound to happen.

Thus, the ability to mediate conflicts and reduce workplace tension is important in building your teamwork skills.


In a team, every member is allotted a set of tasks that support the bigger goal or the project.

And when one of the team members fails to do their part, it hampers the entire team.

Therefore, reliability and accountability are essential teamwork skills.

Organizational Skills

Organizational skills are vital for teamwork because, without a proper structure and order, it would be impossible for teams to reach a common goal within the stipulated time frame.

If you have good organizational skills, you can support your team by creating a work structure, planning, delegating tasks, and streamlining workflow.

Active Listening Skills

Possessing active listening skills is an essential part of being a good team player.

If you are not able to grasp important information or understand the allotted tasks with clarity, you can bring down the entire team.

Because to achieve a common goal as a team, every team member needs to understand the pit instructions clearly and cooperate as a unit.

Thus, the importance of active listening skills to build team working skills.

Also read: What skills to put on your resume in 2022?

Key Points from the Blog

  • Showcase your teamwork skills by describing experiences where you’ve used your collaborative skills to complete a task and achieve great results.
  • Highlight your team working skills in your resume summary to grab the recruiters' attention.
  • Good communication, active listening skills, and reliability are essential to becoming a great team player.

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Best Teamwork Skills for Resume

In today’s highly competitive job market, it’s more important than ever to stand out from the crowd when applying for a job. One effective way to do so is by highlighting your teamwork skills on your resume.

Working as a team player is highly valued by employers, as this skill demonstrates your ability to collaborate, communicate, and work effectively with others to achieve common goals.

In this article, we will discuss some of the best teamwork skills to include on your resume, and provide tips on how to showcase them effectively to potential employers. Whether you’re a new graduate looking for your first working opportunity or an experienced professional seeking a new opportunity, mastering these teamwork skills can help set you apart and land your dream job.

Best Teamwork Skills for Resume

Table of Contents

What Are Teamwork Skills?

Teamwork skills refer to the abilities and qualities that enable individuals to work effectively and collaboratively with others towards a common goal.

These skills are highly valued in the workplace, as they allow individuals to be productive and successful as part of a team. Some of the key teamwork skills include effective communication, active listening, cooperation, adaptability, problem-solving, and leadership.

Effective communication involves being able to clearly and concisely convey information to others, while active listening involves being attentive and responsive to the ideas and opinions of others. Cooperation involves working together towards a shared goal, while adaptability requires the ability to adjust and be flexible in response to changing circumstances.

Problem-solving skills are critical for identifying and resolving issues that may arise during a project, and leadership skills involve the ability to motivate and guide others towards success. By mastering these teamwork skills, individuals can work effectively with others and achieve success as part of a team.

Top 10 Teamwork Skills for Resumes + Examples


Effective teamwork requires the ability to express your thoughts clearly and understand others’ perspectives, irrespective of the mode of communication, be it in person, through writing, instant messaging, or phone calls. It’s crucial to have open and honest communication that is built on trust to foster a culture of mutual respect within teams. Besides, nonverbal cues are equally important in conveying messages effectively. Creating a safe and inclusive environment where everyone is encouraged to share their opinions and ideas is a hallmark of a great team.

Learn more: Top Communication Skills for Resume

Here’s an example of how to describe communication on a resume:

“Proficient in fostering open and honest communication within teams, promoting a culture of mutual trust and respect.”

Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution is an essential teamwork skill that involves the ability to effectively manage and resolve conflicts that may arise between team members. According to Gitnux , the average American employee spends about two hours per every week resolving workplace conflicts.

Effective conflict resolution involves identifying the root cause of the conflict and finding a mutually beneficial solution that satisfies the needs of all team members. By mastering conflict resolution skills, individuals can help create a positive work environment that fosters collaboration, trust, and productivity within the team.

Here’s an example of how to describe conflict resolution on a resume:

“Comfortable with using effective communication and negotiation skills to de-escalate conflicts and find mutually beneficial solutions.”


Reliability is a critical teamwork skill in the workplace. This skill involves consistently fulfilling commitments and meeting deadlines, which is essential for building trust and establishing a reputation for dependability within a team. Being reliable means taking responsibility for your work, following through on your promises, and being accountable for your contributions to the team.

By demonstrating reliability, individuals can gain the respect and trust of their teammates, which is essential for building strong and successful teams. Additionally, reliable team members help ensure that projects are completed on time and to a high standard , which is crucial for achieving the team’s goals and objectives.

Here’s an example of how to describe reliability on a resume:

“Skilled in consistently meeting deadlines, following through on commitments, and taking ownership of work.”


Adaptability is an important teamwork skill that involves the ability to be flexible and adjust to changing circumstances or new information. In today’s fast-paced business environment, adaptability is essential for teams to remain competitive and responsive to changing market conditions. Adaptable team members are quick to learn and apply new skills, are open to feedback and suggestions, and can work effectively with team members with diverse backgrounds and working styles.

By being adaptable, team members can pivot and adjust their strategies as needed, allowing the team to achieve its goals and overcome obstacles. Adaptability is particularly important when working on complex projects or when new challenges arise , as it allows teams to find creative solutions and work collaboratively to achieve success.

Here’s an example of how to describe adaptability on a resume:

“Proficient in pivoting quickly when new information or obstacles arise, and identifying creative solutions to overcome challenges.”


Trustworthiness is an essential teamwork skill that involves building and maintaining trust with team members. Trust is the foundation of effective teamwork, and team members who are viewed as trustworthy are often more respected, valued, and included within the team. Trustworthy team members are reliable, honest, and consistent in their actions and decision-making, which fosters an environment of mutual respect and accountability.

Building trust requires being transparent and open in communication, admitting mistakes and taking responsibility for them, and following through on commitments. By being viewed as trustworthy, team members can help create a positive work environment where ideas can be shared freely , conflicts can be resolved quickly, and team members can work together collaboratively towards shared goals.

Here’s an example of how to demonstrate trustworthiness on a resume:

“Demonstrated reliability and dependability by meeting deadlines, following through on commitments, and taking ownership of work.”


Accountability is a crucial teamwork skill that involves taking responsibility for one’s actions and contributions to the team’s success. Accountable team members own up to their mistakes and take steps to rectify them, rather than placing blame or making excuses. Being accountable also means being transparent and honest in communication, providing regular updates and progress reports, and following through on commitments to ensure that deadlines are met and projects are completed successfully.

By being accountable, team members demonstrate their commitment to the team’s success, earn the trust and respect of their colleagues, and contribute to a positive and productive work environment. Additionally, accountable team members can help identify and address issues or obstacles that may be impeding the team’s progress, working collaboratively to find solutions and overcome challenges.

Here’s how to demonstrate accountability on a resume:

“Maintained transparency and regular communication with project stakeholders to provide progress updates, resolve issues, and manage expectations.”


Decision-making is an essential teamwork skill that involves the ability to make effective decisions collaboratively with team members. Effective decision-making requires a combination of analytical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills. Team members must be able to assess a situation, gather relevant information, weigh options, and arrive at a decision that is aligned with the team’s goals and objectives. In a collaborative decision-making process, team members must be willing to listen to and consider the perspectives of others, share ideas and insights, and work together to find the best solution.

By mastering decision-making skills, team members can contribute to a positive and productive work environment, where ideas are shared and innovative solutions are developed. Additionally, effective decision-making can help teams achieve their goals and objectives in a timely and efficient manner.

Here’s an example of how to describe decision-making on a resume:

“Comfortable with taking calculated risks and adapting to changing circumstances to achieve project objectives.”

Organization and Planning

Organizational and planning skills are essential teamwork skills in the workplace. These skills involve the ability to effectively manage time, resources, and priorities to ensure that team goals are met in a timely and efficient manner. Organizational skills involve developing and maintaining systems and processes to manage workflow, resources, and data effectively.

Planning skills involve setting goals and objectives, defining tasks and timelines, and anticipating and mitigating risks and obstacles. Effective organizational and planning skills require collaboration and communication with team members to ensure that everyone is aligned and working towards the same goals. By mastering these skills, team members can contribute to a positive and productive work environment, where projects are completed on time and to a high standard.

Here’s an example of how to describe organization and planning on a resume:

“Skilled in managing multiple projects and priorities simultaneously, and effectively delegating tasks to team members to ensure that deadlines are met.”

Willingness to Learn

Willingness to learn is an important teamwork skill to include on a resume because it demonstrates an eagerness to grow, adapt, and improve in order to contribute to the team’s success. When you’re willing to learn from your team members, you’re able to take advantage of their expertise and experience, and you can apply what you’ve learned to your own work.

Additionally, when you’re open to feedback and willing to learn from your mistakes, you can improve your performance and help the team achieve its objectives more effectively. Employers value employees who are willing to learn because it shows that they are committed to their professional development and to contributing to the team’s success over the long term.

Here’s an example of how to describe a willingness to learn on a resume:

“Willing to take on additional responsibilities and tasks to broaden my experience and further develop my skills.”

Tolerance is an important teamwork skill that involves being accepting and respectful of the opinions, beliefs, and working styles of others. In a diverse and inclusive workplace, team members must be able to work effectively with individuals from different backgrounds and with different perspectives. Tolerance involves being open-minded, non-judgmental, and willing to listen to and consider the ideas and opinions of others. By demonstrating tolerance, team members can create a positive and inclusive work environment where everyone feels valued and included.

Additionally, tolerant team members can help bridge differences and find common ground, fostering collaboration and cooperation within the team. By mastering this skill, team members can help promote a positive and productive work environment, where everyone can contribute to the team’s success.

Here’s an example of how to describe tolerance on a resume:

“Demonstrated ability to build and maintain positive working relationships with team members, clients, and stakeholders from a range of cultures and backgrounds.”

Here Are 20 More Teamwork Skills You Can Add to Your Resume:

  • Respectfulness
  • Negotiation
  • Team assessment
  • Goal-setting
  • Coaching and mentoring
  • Flexibility
  • Positive attitude
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Time management
  • Active listening
  • Perseverance
  • Self-awareness
  • Strategic thinking
  • Cultural competency
  • Resourcefulness
  • Team decision-making

What Are Team Building Skills?

Team building skills are the abilities and strategies used to foster collaboration, communication, and mutual respect among team members, and to help build a cohesive and productive team. These skills involve identifying and leveraging the unique strengths and skills of each team member, promoting open and honest communication, and developing strategies to address and resolve conflicts or challenges that arise within the team.

Effective team building skills also involve establishing clear goals and objectives, defining roles and responsibilities, and encouraging a culture of mutual trust and accountability. Team building skills are essential for creating a positive and productive work environment, where team members can work effectively together to achieve shared goals and objectives.

How to Describe Teamwork Skills on a Resume

Here are some best practices for including teamwork skills on your resume:

Mention Teamwork Abilities in Your Resume Summary/Objective

When including your teamwork skills in your resume summary or objective, it’s best to follow these guidelines:

Be specific: Instead of just saying you have good teamwork skills, provide specific examples of times when you worked effectively as part of a team. This could include projects you worked on, roles you played, and outcomes you achieved.

Use action-oriented language: Use active verbs to describe your teamwork abilities, such as “collaborated,” “contributed,” and “facilitated.” This shows that you were an active participant in the team, and not just a passive observer.

Highlight results: Whenever possible, mention specific results you achieved through teamwork. For example, if you worked on a project with a team and it resulted in a successful outcome, mention this in your summary or objective.

Tailor to the job description: Look at the job description and see if teamwork is mentioned as a desired skill. If so, tailor your summary or objective to highlight your teamwork abilities and how they relate to the position.

Keep it concise: Remember that your summary or objective should be brief and to the point. Focus on the most important teamwork abilities you possess and how they make you a strong candidate for the job.

Elaborate on Your Specific Role Within the Team

Elaborating on your specific role within the team is a great way to showcase your teamwork skills on your resume. Here are some tips on how to do this effectively:

Describe your role in detail: When highlighting your role within a team, it’s important to provide specific details. This could include your title, the tasks you were responsible for, and the skills you utilized to complete those tasks. For example, if you were part of a team that created a new marketing campaign, describe your role in developing the campaign, such as conducting market research, designing promotional materials, or managing social media outreach.

Highlight your contributions: Focus on your individual contributions to the team’s success. This could include any unique skills or strengths that you brought to the team, or any challenges you overcame. Be sure to include any specific achievements or outcomes that you helped achieve.

Emphasize your communication skills : Communication is a key aspect of teamwork. Highlight how you communicated with team members, such as through regular meetings, email updates, or other methods. Also, describe how you listened to and incorporated feedback from other team members.

Provide Specific Examples

When describing teamwork skills on a resume, it’s important to provide specific examples to demonstrate your abilities. Instead of simply stating that you are a “good team player,” try to include examples of times when you collaborated effectively with others to achieve a common goal. For instance, you might mention a project that you worked on as part of a team , and describe the specific tasks you were responsible for and how you worked with others to complete the project successfully . You could also highlight any specific skills or techniques you used to communicate and collaborate effectively with your teammates. By providing concrete examples of your teamwork skills, you can help potential employers better understand your abilities and how you might contribute to their team.

Add a Skill Section to Your Resume

Including a skill section in your resume to describe teamwork skills is a good idea because it allows you to highlight your ability to work effectively with others, which is a highly valued trait in many industries. By clearly outlining your teamwork skills, you can make it easier for potential employers to see how you might fit into their organization and contribute to their team.

Additionally, a skill section can help showcase your strengths and qualifications in a clear and concise manner, making it easier for hiring managers to quickly identify your relevant experience and skills. Overall, including a dedicated section for your teamwork skills can help your resume stand out to potential employers and increase your chances of landing an interview.

Use Team Player Phrases

Using team player phrases on your resume can help emphasize your collaborative and cooperative work style, which is highly sought after by many employers. For instance, you might include phrases such as “Collaborated with a cross-functional team to achieve project goals,” “Contributed to group brainstorming sessions to develop innovative ideas,” or “Supported team members to ensure project timelines and deliverables were met.” These types of phrases demonstrate your ability to work effectively with others, communicate and share ideas, and take an active role in achieving common goals. By highlighting your teamwork skills in this way, you can help potential employers see that you are a valuable team player who can contribute to their organization in a positive way.

Examples of Team Player Phrases for Resume

  • “Worked collaboratively with a diverse team to develop and implement new company-wide initiatives.”
  • “Supported team members to achieve project deliverables and ensure timely completion of tasks.”
  • “Facilitated productive discussions and provided constructive feedback to enhance team performance.”
  • “Fostered a positive team environment by encouraging open communication and active participation.”
  • “Participated in cross-functional teams to identify and resolve operational issues, resulting in increased efficiency and cost savings.”
  • “Coordinated with team members to develop and execute successful marketing campaigns that increased sales revenue by 20%.”
  • “Worked closely with colleagues to create and deliver engaging training programs that improved overall employee performance and satisfaction.”
  • “Acted as a reliable resource and mentor for team members, providing guidance and support as needed.”
  • “Collaborated with management and team members to implement and maintain quality control measures, resulting in improved product quality and customer satisfaction.”
  • “Contributed to a positive team dynamic by promoting inclusivity, respect, and teamwork to achieve common goals.”

Resume Example That Showcases Teamwork Skills

Samantha Lee 123 Main Street | Anytown, USA | (555) 555-5555 | [email protected] Objective: To secure a position where I can leverage my teamwork skills to contribute to the success of the organization. Education: Bachelor of Science in Marketing, ABC University Skills: Collaboration Communication Active listening Leadership Adaptability Conflict resolution Problem-solving Planning and organizing Delegation Marketing Manager, XYZ Company, 2021- Present Led a cross-functional team of designers, developers, and copywriters to develop and launch a successful marketing campaign that generated $1 million in revenue Collaborated with the sales team to identify and target new markets, resulting in a 20% increase in leads Facilitated productive discussions and provided constructive feedback to enhance team performance Supported team members to achieve project deliverables and ensure timely completion of tasks Coordinated with team members to create and deliver engaging presentations to stakeholders Acted as a mentor for team members, providing guidance and support as needed. Marketing Coordinator, DEF Corporation, 2018-2022 Collaborated with the marketing team to develop and implement digital and print marketing campaigns Coordinated with the design team to develop visually appealing marketing collateral Supported the team in creating and delivering presentations to internal and external stakeholders Assisted with event planning and execution, resulting in successful events and increased brand awareness Acted as a reliable resource for team members, providing assistance and support as needed

Check all resume examples here .

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8 best teamwork skills for your resume (with examples)

10 min read · Updated on April 22, 2024

Jen David

Prove you're the right fit for the team

When hiring managers are looking for the next new member of their team, they're not just looking for someone who can carry out the day-to-day tasks associated with the role. No, they're also looking for someone who will fit well into their team and contribute as a valued part of that unit. 

With that in mind, it will help your job search efforts if you can show on your resume that you know how to be a good team player. In this post, we'll identify the top 8 teamwork skills to put on your resume and look at how and where to include them. We've got some examples, too, so you can understand the best way to show off this important skill. 

The essential skills for teamwork on your resume

Adding teamwork to your resume isn't as simple as throwing in the line “works well independently and in a team.” In fact, we'd strongly recommend you avoid that line! It's generic, overused, and doesn't show how you add value. Instead, try adding some of these skills to show how you can excel in a team environment:

1. Conflict resolution

Unfortunately, conflict is a fact of life - even more so in a work environment, where you're thrown together for hours on end with people you may not choose to associate with otherwise. It's equally true that conflict doesn't make for a very happy or productive team. If you're the type that can step in to diffuse conflict or prevent it from escalating, that's well worth showcasing on your resume. 

2. Giving and receiving feedback

As companies seek continuous improvement in every aspect of their operation, change is necessary. That could mean change on a company, team, or personal level. But once the need for change is identified, it needs to be communicated. Whether you're the person giving or receiving feedback to enable this change, it's important that it's done graciously, fairly, and non-confrontationally. If that's a skill you have in your arsenal, why not weaponize it on your resume?

3. Communication

Communication  is one of the most vital teamworking skills of all! It encompasses a host of other skills, the main ones being speaking, writing and listening. If you can engage with others, convey information articulately, and understand the concerns of colleagues, you can put some very in-demand teamwork skills on your resume. 

4. Delegation

No one can do everything and knowing when to ask for help is a superpower. If you can recognize that someone else in the team may be better placed than you to complete a certain task, it's time to activate your delegation skills. When you can do this, you're well on your way to mastering a key leadership attribute and working your way further up the career ladder. That's not to say it's OK to offload all your work onto others though - that's likely to lead to bad feeling and rapidly crash team morale .

While you may not always agree with your colleagues, showing respect is non-negotiable for team cohesion. The ability to value others' perspectives and treat other people as you'd like to be treated yourself is hugely important in a team environment. If you can successfully work with the quirks of different personalities without provoking conflict, it could be worth letting your future employers know by showcasing it on your resume. 

6. Collaboration

Collaboration is at the heart of teamwork. Being able to work harmoniously with others is a vital teamwork skill for your resume, so make sure you show how you've achieved strong outcomes by working collaboratively either with your team, with other teams across the business, or even with suppliers and partners. 

7. Positivity

There's nothing quite like a moaner for sucking the lifeblood out of a team. You know the type – always on hand with some salacious gossip, a complaint, or a generally negative attitude. They sow discontent, which leads to low morale and is often accompanied by a decrease in productivity. Prove you're not that person by showing off your positive, can-do attitude on your resume.

8. Relationship building

Some people seem to naturally strike up a rapport with others, while some people find it a bit trickier. If you're the type that can make a friend of anyone, you have a great teamwork skill for your resume. Building positive relationships not only improves team harmony, it's also valuable for engaging wider teams such as suppliers, customers and colleagues from other functions. It's easy to see why it's a great teamwork skill on your resume!

Where to show professional teamwork skills on your resume

Now you know which specific teamwork skills are in demand, but how can you show them off on your resume? There are several places where you could consider adding them. 

In the Profile section 

The Profile is the elevator pitch at the top of your resume. In this short paragraph, the aim is to convince the reader that you have the skills and experience required for the vacant role and that it's worth reading your resume in greater depth. Depending on the role, it may be worth highlighting a couple of teamwork skills here. Make sure the skills you select are the ones most relevant to the vacancy and, if possible, frame them as a success that has directly benefited the business. 

In the Key Skills section 

The Key Skills section seems like the ideal place to add teamwork skills, doesn't it? Not so fast! Ideally, this section will be weighted in favor of hard skills - they're the job-specific skills you've acquired throughout your career. While it's OK to include some soft skills here too, remember that a long list isn't particularly engaging to read and limit yourself to keywords that you find in the job advert. 

In the Professional Experience section 

Now we get to the meat of the matter. In the Professional Experience section, you can really show off and emphasize all those amazing teamwork skills on your resume to position yourself as a fantastic addition to any team. You have a bit more space here to give detail and context, so that you're doing more than just saying “I'm a great team player” - you're actually proving it. 

In the Education or Professional Development section 

These sections aren't traditionally used to show off specific skills but, if you're light on work experience, you can expand this section to demonstrate skills you've gained while studying. Perhaps you were part of a team project at university or completed a course in conflict resolution that you could highlight here. 

In the Hobbies and Interests section 

While the Hobbies and Interests section is by no means obligatory, you can use it to show off skills you've developed outside of work. This is particularly handy if you're struggling to add teamwork skills elsewhere on your resume. Sports teamwork skills are great on a resume for students, for example.

How to add teamwork skills on your resume

As with any skill on your resume, the best way to add it is by showing, rather than telling. That means providing concrete examples of when you've used a particular skill - ideally with a positive outcome that benefited the business or the team. Below you'll find some teamwork skills examples, so that you can fully understand how to incorporate them and use them as inspiration for your own document.

Example of teamwork in the Profile section 

A positive and customer-focused Customer Service Assistant, with an extensive knowledge of the railway network. Confident handling delays, cancellations, and security and takes a calm, professional approach to resolving incidents and complaints. Communicates respectfully with colleagues and customers alike to quickly build a rapport. Possesses an in-depth understanding of health and safety requirements and prioritizes customer welfare. 

Example of teamwork in the Key Skills section 

Product Management   |   Stakeholder Communications   |   Conflict Management   |   Analysis   |   Project Management   |   Strategic Thinking   |   Agile Methodology

Examples of teamwork in the Professional Experience section 

Mediated between a Junior Developer and the Team Manager to resolve conflict over processes, listening to both sides and proposing a solution accepted by both parties 

Conducted performance reviews, provided constructive feedback on areas for improvement and offered support and development opportunities to address them

Liaised with teams across the business, communicating persuasively to win their buy-in to new projects and delivering confident presentations to large audiences

Turned around a delayed project by reviewing plans and delegating tasks fairly across the team, achieving delivery 2 days ahead of the original deadline

Led by example to build a cohesive and productive team that respected and valued each other despite having very different personalities

Negotiated a $10,000 cost reduction with a supplier, having collaborated with them to identify and address inefficiencies in the current supply process

Motivated colleagues to complete a complex project on time by adopting a positive, can-do attitude to overcoming challenges

Increased team output by 15% by instilling a sense of common purpose through team-building exercises and optional team social events

Example of teamwork skills in the Education section 

Course: Conflict Management and Resolution, 2024

BSc degree: French and English Literature, University of Alabama, 2023

Gained skills in collaboration and delegation as leader of a group project

Example of teamwork skills in the Hobbies and Interests section 

Soccer player:  Contributed significantly to the team that won the Alabama Youth Cup

PTA member:   Collaborated with other parents to raise $10,000 for the school 

Other words for team working

Of course, you don't want to repeat “teamwork” and “team working” multiple times throughout your resume. Switch up the vocabulary to ensure you're presenting a compelling and engaging read. Try these ideas: 





Working together

How to improve your teamwork skills 

Not everyone was born a natural collaborator and not everyone has had the opportunity to contribute to a team before they first hit the job market. If you're looking to develop or improve your teamwork skills, there are plenty of ways to do so.

Understand your role

By fully understanding your role in the team and the role of the team in the wider business, you'll be equipped to fulfill your responsibilities and support others in fulfilling theirs. Hold yourself accountable for completing all your tasks, as they will likely impact other members of the team. 

Stay open minded

Actively seek feedback and act on it. Listen to what others are saying and try to look at issues from their perspective. Accept differences rather than taking a negative attitude. 

Get organized

An organized team member is a reliable team member, so plan, schedule, use apps, and set yourself deadlines to ensure you're not letting anyone down. 

Push yourself

Ask if there are opportunities to contribute to teams beyond your day-to-day role - if a project is looming, you may get the chance to work as part of a different team, with different objectives and different perspectives. Take the opportunity to learn from others and push yourself beyond your comfort zone. 

Teamwork skills on a resume are essential!

Whichever role or industry you're aiming for, it's almost guaranteed that you'll be part of a team – small or large, on-site or remote, traditional or matrix. Therefore, it makes sense that you dedicate a corner of your resume to proving your skills in this area. With our advice, you're now well-placed to make sure your resume demonstrates your excellence in this area. 

If you'd like an expert eye on your resume before you send it out to recruiters and hiring managers, why not submit it for a free, no obligation resume review ?

Recommended reading:

The 10 Secrets of Effective Team Management

11 Best Administrative Skills for Your Resume (With Examples)

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how to write good team player on resume

How to Highlight Team Player Abilities on a Resume

  • POSTED ON February 6, 2024
  • by Hazel Santos

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A candidate with strong teamwork qualities has a high chance of standing out throughout the job application process. Teamwork skills are universally valuable for every workplace. This is especially true for jobs that require team collaboration in business operations. That’s why you should not underestimate the importance of highlighting  being a team player  in your resume.

What is a team player resume?

A team player resume is a strategic approach you implement in  resume writing  to highlight your teamwork abilities. It aims to demonstrate how effective and efficient you perform in a team setting. Most jobs require their members to thrive in a team; thus, you need to show how good of a team player you are in your resume.

Your resume is the first touch of contact with potential employers. When you miss including the qualities they are looking for, your application is no better than nothing. To avoid this, you must always tailor a team player resume that reflects your collaborative skills. This is especially essential when your niche requires the collective effort of members to produce excellent quality work.

Should you always create a team player resume?

Not necessarily. You will only need to create a team player resume when the job description specifically looks for the said soft skill. However, some jobs don’t explicitly state that they  need a team player . That said, you need to do your own research and evaluate if the job actually requires it. Upon finding out that the job occurs in a team environment, it’s best to start modifying your resume.

How Would You Describe Yourself as a Team Player?

You have probably heard the commonly-asked question, “How would you describe yourself as a team player?” in almost every job interview. This is because being a team player is crucial in almost every job position at any level. If you have strong team player skills, then you need to need to highlight this strength on your resume.

How do you know which type of team player you are? There are four main types of team players :

The Contributor

These team players are characterized as detailed-oriented and thorough. They make sure that every aspect of a project is covered and information is shared.

The Collaborator

These team players are goal-driven and will do whatever it will take to accomplish and meet the objective. 

The Communicator

These team players are mostly seen as positive and people-persons. They are also process-oriented and make great listeners. 

The Challenger

These team players are honest, outspoken, and seen by others as ethical and principled who like to challenge the status quo.

How to modify your team player resume

When writing a team player resume, you basically tweak some areas to appear more efficient in a team setting. It aims to prove to employers your teamwork skills by mentioning them in more than one instance. Here’s how you can modify your resume:

1. Insert in your summary statement or objective.

One way that you can mention your team-playing ability is by mentioning it somewhere in your resume summary or personal statement . The summary or objective statement always appears at the beginning of your resume. And there’s no better initial place to mention your teamwork skills than here. That is because you want to capture their attention right away and inform them how good of a team player you are. 

This is the ideal place to introduce your proven team player capabilities, and you can do well with these examples:

  • “Experienced IT manager with a passion for working in teams seeking to join (company X).”
  • “Accomplished sales representative looking to put my stellar customer service and teamwork skills to good use as a team lead for (company X).”

2. Mention your past responsibilities.

When stating your experience in being a team player, it’s necessary to add your specific role at that time. This shows accountability whether you were the leader or the member. Your potential employers are interested in knowing which part of the responsibility you took. This helps them assess your effectiveness as a team player.

Here are some examples citing how you can write your own statements:

  • “As a graphic designer, I worked closely with the creatives and marketing team to ensure content production accuracy.”
  • “Worked with the   sales department as the senior sales consultant .”

3. Cite examples demonstrating your competency.

Examples are proven to emphasize your ability to work in a team. Employers would very much appreciate it when you have concrete examples displaying your team player skills. These pertain to the accomplishments you’ve earned as the fruit of teamwork. Remember, describing you as a team player should not be enough—you have to prove it with examples.

Take a look at some of these examples:

  • “Worked as the team lead in (company X), one of the most recognized fintech companies in the country.”
  • “Developed an internal accounting software for (Company X) as a member of a six-person team.”

4. Include teamwork in your skills list.

Soft skills are just as critical as technical skills when writing your resume. And one of the essential soft skills to always include is teamwork. That is because being a good team member reflects your drive to function in a team with a common goal. As a general rule, always include teamwork and other related skills in your list.

Here are some best skills for being a team player at work:

  • Active listening
  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Community building
  • Confidence building
  • Conflict management
  • Creative thinking
  • Critical thinking
  • Decision making
  • Feedback skills
  • Flexibility
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Language skills
  • Multi-tasking
  • Negotiating
  • Organizational and planning skills
  • Persuasive skills
  • Problem-solving
  • Project management
  • Punctuality
  • Relationship building
  • Reliability
  • Respectfulness
  • Task management 
  • Team management
  • Team-oriented
  • Team player
  • Time management

5. Amplify with team player phrases.

There are many instances you could insert team player phrases in your resume. And for every opportunity, you can squeeze in team player phrases that subtly highlight your genuine passion for working in teams. These phrases, as opposed to the previously-mentioned related skills, contain more depiction.

To get a clearer idea, here are some sample team player phrases to sprinkle in your resume:

  • Thrives in a team environment
  • Dedicated team leader/member
  • Stellar communication skills
  • A team player who can work independently
  • With a genuine interest in working with others closely
  • Embraces teamwork
  • Has experience in leading and managing teams
  • Goal-oriented visionary
  • Collaborated with a team of (number) in developing a (product)

These are the points you need to remember when tailoring your team player resume. It only requires you a few tweaks here and there to highlight the soft skill. This effort will result in more chances of standing out among a pile of other applicants vying for the position.

To learn more about polishing a resume that captures recruiters’ attention, you could use some help from these online courses that’ll teach you to nurture the skills in effective team collaboration and craft a compelling resume:

  • Resume Writing (CV) and LinkedIn Profile Optimization
  • Developing Emotional Intelligence in Teams

Ready to craft an effective team player resume? Click here to get started.

Hazel Santos

Hazel Santos

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how to write good team player on resume

7 Teamwork Skills for Your Resume & Career (W/ Tips & Examples)

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Teamwork is essential for practically any job out there - even the ones where you mostly get to work alone.

That’s because teamwork skills allow you to get along with your coworkers, come up with more creative ideas and solutions to problems, and foster an overall positive work environment. 

So, it’s no wonder that the vast majority of employers prefer job-seekers with teamwork skills.

But, which are the most important teamwork skills and how can you prove to the hiring manager that you have them?

In this article, we’re going to teach you just that!

Read on to learn: 

  • Why Are Teamwork Skills Important?
  • 7 Teamwork Skills and Examples
  • How to Add Your Teamwork Skills to Your Resume

10 Ways to Improve Your Teamwork Skills

And more! Let’s dive in. 

What Is Teamwork?

Teamwork is the ability to work effectively with other people to achieve a common goal. 

Teamwork skills , on the other hand, are a set of soft skills that allow you to successfully collaborate with others to achieve a professional, academic, or personal goal. 

For example:

  • In a professional setting , teamwork skills allow you to better collaborate with your teammates, and in turn, get better work done.
  • In an academic setting , strong teamwork skills help you ace group projects or excel at extracurricular activities .
  • And finally, in your personal life , teamwork skills allow you to better get along with your peers and family and help you meet your personal goals.

And the icing on the cake? Teamwork skills are one of the most in-demand skills in today’s job market.

According to a study by Queens University, nearly 3 out of 4 employers rate teamwork and collaboration as very important , while 39% of surveyed employees worldwide say that people in their organizations don’t collaborate enough. 

But what is it exactly that makes teamwork skills so sought after for employers and employees alike? 

Why Are Teamwork Skills Important? 

Whether you need to cooperate with two or more colleagues to solve an issue, brainstorm new strategies, or put a plan into action, teamwork skills are going to help you get it done.

Some of the most important benefits of having strong teamwork skills are:

  • Better work environment. Team players communicate more efficiently and are less likely to get into big disagreements, which means that teamwork skills reduce the likelihood of conflicts in the workplace.
  • Efficient problem-solving . You’re a lot more likely to come up with an effective solution to a problem if you collaborate with other people (than if you go at it solo). Sometimes, other people might have some key insights from their experience that you don’t.
  • Better customer relations. According to a study by ResearchGate, the better the teamwork, the higher the quality of services employees can offer. Meaning, better teamwork skills in an organization equals more satisfied clients.
  • Higher employability. Teamwork skills are among the most in-demand transferable skills out there. Whatever job you might be applying for, strong teamwork skills are definitely going to come in handy.
  • Smaller chance for burnout . When you collaborate with your colleagues, you’re likely to get more work done with less conflict. This, in turn, leads to less anxiety and stress at work, making you significantly less likely to suffer from burnout.
  • Increased productivity. Goes without saying, a team of people can get more things done than an individual. By effectively collaborating with your team, you’re a lot more motivated to work, as well as more likely to come up with solutions to problems at work.

7 Teamwork Skills and Examples 

Teamwork isn’t just ONE skill. Rather, it’s a mix of several qualities that can make you a great team player. 

Below, we’ll go over the most important teamwork skills that you can use to create a memorable resume and land your next job! 

#1. Communication

Communication is, by far, the most important teamwork skill.

To be able to cooperate with others, you should be able to speak your mind clearly and listen actively . Typically, good communicators can also present information well and read non-verbal cues such as people’s facial expressions and body language. 

In a nutshell, communication skills are what ensure that you understand your team members and that they understand you. 

For example, if you need a coworker to cover for you at work while you’re away but you lack communication skills, they may fail to understand what, exactly, your tasks are, and how to carry them out effectively.

Communication is a multi-faceted skill that consists of: 

  • Oral and written communication
  • Active listening
  • Non-verbal communication
  • Public speaking
  • Presentation skills

#2. Conflict Resolution 

Conflict resolution refers to the process and set of skills required to effectively resolve a conflict between two or more individuals. 

Wherever people work together - be it in an office, remotely, or on the field - conflict of some scale is bound to happen. 

Whether it’s something small like how to approach a task or something like personal hostility from a coworker, it’s essential to solve the issue.

And that’s where conflict resolution skills come in handy!

Some skills that are associated with conflict resolution are: 

  • Assertiveness

#3. Compromise

Compromise, or the ability to make concessions, is another essential teamwork skill. 

Making a compromise means being able to put your ego aside, reduce your demands, take other people’s thoughts into account, and change your own opinions in order to reach a settlement or find common ground.

Take, for example, a team of four people who want to start a startup. Each individual may have different opinions about how to get funding, how to manage employees, how to get clients, etc. 

If none of them is able to compromise on these matters, they may never be able to move forward with the startup. 

A way to compromise in this situation, on the other hand, would be to assign a separate responsibility to each person based on their experience (e.g. one person be responsible for funding, one for management, etc.).  

There are many ways to reach compromise depending on the situation; what’s important is for everyone involved to actually want to do it. 

#4. Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence means being aware of, controlling, perceiving, and expressing emotions, as well as handling interpersonal relations, in a fair and empathetic manner. 

When it comes to teamwork, emotional intelligence involves putting yourself in others’ shoes and understanding each person’s perspective. 

Some examples of showing emotional intelligence in the workplace include:

  • Understanding why a teammate failed to complete a certain task and helping them solve the issue.
  • Understanding that an introverted coworker might feel more comfortable communicating over text, so not pushing them too hard to do calls.
  • Understanding why someone else might have an issue with something you said, even though you might find nothing wrong with it.

#5. Tolerance

If you’re part of a team, you’ll likely be required to work with people who are different from you. 

And, chances are, you won’t always agree with them and their opinions. 

In such cases, it’s important to be tolerant toward your team members. 

In a nutshell, tolerance is the ability to tolerate the existence of opinions and behavior that one disagrees with. 

Remember, tolerance isn’t about blindly accepting everyone’s opinions or behaviors, but about not judging them simply because you disagree with them. 

If, for example, you can give arguments as to why a coworker’s behavior is harmful (e.g. they’re being ageist toward senior employees), then that’s definitely something you want to discuss with a supervisor. 

If, on the other hand, a teammate wants to approach a task in their own way (which is different from how you’d handle it), then you should simply let it go.

#6. Reliability

Team members that can’t rely on each other simply don’t make a good team. 

Would you be able to cooperate with someone who you can’t trust to meet deadlines, deliver quality work, or hold themselves accountable for their mistakes? 

Probably not. 

Being reliable means that other people can trust you, count on you, and vouch for you. Not just that, but it also means that people will also go out of their way to be just as reliable toward you. 

Basically, reliability is the foundation of trust and, as such, an integral part of teamwork. 

#7. Team Building

If you’re a manager or a team leader, you need to know how to build a team too. 

For a team to be as effective and successful as possible, every team member needs to have a role. This is to ensure that each person is dealing with a different task, that they’re utilizing their strengths effectively, and that there are no miscommunications and misunderstandings among team members. 

Dr. Raymond Belbin, a British researcher and management consultant, has identified nine different team roles in his research, such as “the coordinator,” “the resource investigator,” “the plant,” “the specialist,” etc. 

While it’s not necessary for every team to have these exact same roles, it’s important to know how to build a team with well-defined goals and objectives, roles for each member, purpose, action plan, and so on. 

Like any other soft skill, teamwork skills CAN be learned!

Here are our top 10 tips on how to improve your teamwork skills:

  • Know your goals. In addition to the team’s common goal, each team member has smaller targets. Being clear on what those goals and targets are is important to establish trust and make sure nothing falls through the cracks.
  • Clarify your roles. In every team, each member has a role. Understanding your role can help you avoid miscommunications about who was supposed to do what.
  • Stay positive. How we think often defines how we act. If you keep a positive mindset when you’re collaborating with others, that’ll surely reflect on the team’s performance and productivity.
  • Hone your organizational skills . The better your organizational skills, the more reliable you’ll be within the team and the more your team members will be able to trust you.
  • Establish rules. Clearly define and understand the team’s do-s and don’t-s. That’ll ensure everyone’s on the same page and no one oversteps any boundaries.
  • Socialize. By hanging out with other team members outside of work, you’ll be able to get to know them better and see them as more than just people you have to work with.
  • Ask for feedback. No better way to improve than by asking your team members for feedback on your strengths and weaknesses .
  • Communicate openly. Miscommunications can lead to conflict. Make sure to always speak your mind and voice your concerns, and at the same time, be open to other team members doing exactly the same.
  • Praise others. Celebrate your team members, give positive feedback where it’s due, and share enthusiasm for small and big achievements alike.
  • Don’t fight over credit. The point of teamwork is to achieve a common goal, not personal gratification. As such, focus on the bigger picture instead of fighting over who accomplishes what.

How to Add Your Teamwork Skills To Your Resume

Want to show off your amazing teamwork skills?

Then you should add them to your resume!

There is, however, a right and wrong way to do this. Below, we’re going to walk you through the entire process of effectively highlighting your teamwork skills in your resume, step by step.

Before that, though, make sure to pick one of our free resume templates and fill it in as you go! 

resume templates

#1. Mention Them In Your Resume Summary 

The first place to mention your teamwork skills is in your resume summary . 

resume summary teamwork skills

The resume summary is a short, two or three-sentence-long paragraph that typically describes: 

  • Your years of experience and professional title 
  • Your top skills and qualifications 
  • Your most noteworthy accomplishments

Done right, the resume summary is supposed to grab the hiring manager’s attention right away, spike their interest, and get them to read the rest of your resume in more detail. 

Here’s an example of an attention-grabbing resume summary that highlights the candidate’s teamwork skills:

  • Dedicated IT project manager with 6+ years of experience in management, research, and resource planning. Excellent communication and teamwork skills. Managed 5+ IT projects over the past 3 years, ensuring that the products met client specifications and were delivered on time.

#2. List Them Under Your Soft Skills 

Secondly, you should list your teamwork skills under your skills section. 

Usually, the skills section is divided into soft skills (e.g. communication, teamwork, organizational skills, etc.) and hard skills ( computer skills , foreign languages, etc.), and can look something like this: 

teamwork skills in a resume

Simply create a Soft Skills section and list out your teamwork skills.

That said, there IS one thing to keep in mind here.

Don’t try to impress recruiters by filling up this section with as many teamwork skills as you can think of. Instead, you want to add the skills that you actually possess and that are required for the job . 

Here’s just how you can do that: 

  • Check the job description for the exact skills required for the position. If you’re applying for a marketing role, for example, the job ad might ask for “strong communication skills” rather than just “teamwork skills.” 
  • Identify your skills. You probably don’t possess each and every skill listed in the job ad. Instead of listing out all the teamwork skills we’ve outlined here, identify 2-3 of the ones that you can prove with experience.
  • Add them under your soft skills. Finally, take the skills you’ve identified and list them under soft skills . 

#3. Prove Them In Your Work Experience Section 

Last but not least, you should mention your teamwork skills in your work experience section .

This is arguably the most important part of every resume because it’s where you can prove that you actually possess the skills that you’ve mentioned so far. 

Here’s how you can effectively list your teamwork skills in your work experience section:

  • Tailor your work experience to the position. You don’t want the hiring manager to think you’re using the same generic resume to apply to hundreds of jobs. As such, make sure to keep your work entries relevant. For example, if you’re applying for a job as a social media manager, you should mention your professional experience as a reporter but not the time you waited tables in college. 
  • Focus on your achievements . Everyone writes their responsibilities on their resume. If you want to make an impression, you want to show how you made an impact with your achievements. So, think up and write some achievements for every skill you’ve identified. 
  • Make them quantifiable. Backing up your achievements with numbers will leave no trace of doubt in the hiring manager’s mind about your skills. After all, “collaborated with all department heads to innovate HR procedures that reduced employee turnover by 17%” sounds significantly better than “collaborated with coworkers to update HR procedures,” right? 

And here’s a practical example of teamwork skills listed in the work experience section:  

  • Collaborated with the marketing team to schedule and execute a new product launch. 
  • Worked with a team of five people to implement a project management solution in the company, boosting company-wide productivity by 13%.

When applying for the job, you’ll need to submit a cover letter alongside your resume. If teamwork skills are essential for the position you’re applying for, make sure to mention them there too. 

Interview Questions and Sample Answers on Teamwork Skills

If teamwork skills are important for the role you're applying for, chances are that the hiring manager will ask you to talk in more detail about your teamwork skills during the job interview. 

In this section, we’ll teach you just how you can answer teamwork-related interview questions!

The first thing you should know is that the interviewer will probably inquire about your teamwork skills through a behavioral question . 

When interviewers ask behavioral interview questions, they want to know exactly how you behaved in a specific situation, instead of what you think or what you know about something. 

So, instead of asking you “what’s your greatest strength,” they may ask “tell me about a time  you used your greatest strength to accomplish something at work?”

Luckily, there’s a tried-and-tested strategy for answering behavioral interview questions: the STAR method. 

STAR stands for: 

  • Situation - Describe the situation. 
  • Task - Talk about the task or the issue at hand. 
  • Action - Describe the actions you took. 
  • Result - Describe the results of your actions. 

So, let’s say that the interviewer asks you the following:

Q: Tell me about a time when you had to work with someone completely different from you. How did you adapt to collaborate better?

Here’s how you’d answer following the STAR method :

Situation: Sure, I always enjoy working with new and different people, they always bring something new to the table! At Company X, there was a particularly young developer who was assigned to work with me on a new software development project, and I was to run him through what our typical coding process was like.

Task: It was also my job to get to know him and find common ground so that we could effectively work together. The fact that he was younger wasn’t an issue for me, but because he was completely self-taught, he didn’t know a lot about the methodologies we used.

Action: Teaching him everything from scratch would take too much time. So, instead, I briefly explained the development process we were using for that specific project and taught him how to write tests for our code base. 

Results: In the end, he surprised me with how much of a fast learner he was. He just needed a bit of encouragement and guidance. Through this approach, he learned our whole routine in less than a week, while most of our new hires needed at least up to two weeks. Meanwhile, I also learned a lot about multitasking and time management from him.

Key Takeaways

And that’s about all you need to know on how to improve your teamwork skills!

Before you go, here’s a quick recap of the most important points we covered in this article:

  • Teamwork skills are a set of soft skills that allow you to successfully collaborate with others to achieve a professional, academic, or personal goal. 
  • Benefits that come with teamwork include a better work environment, more efficient problem-solving, improved customer relations, higher employability, and less likelihood of burnout.
  • Some skills associated with teamwork are communication, conflict resolution, emotional intelligence, compromise, tolerance, and reliability.
  • Mention your teamwork skills in your resume summary, list them under your soft skills, and prove that you have them in your work experience section. 
  • Some ways to improve your teamwork skills include knowing your goals and being clear about each person’s role within the team, keeping a positive mindset, establishing rules and guidelines, hanging out outside of the office, and fostering open communication. 

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Strong Team management skills: Example Usage on Resume, Skill Set and Top Keywords in 2024

Here are the top ways to show your team management skills on your resume. Find out relevant team management keywords and phrases and build your resume today.

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In This Guide:

What are team management skills, why are team management skills important on your resume.

What traits, skills, and abilities help you demonstrate strong team management skills on your resume?"?

How to demonstrate strong management skills on your resume

Team management skills: key takeaways for your resume.

Resume image 1

Team management is a complex coordination of teamwork, communication, goal setting, and performance evaluation. This process is controlled by a team manager who coordinates a group of individuals to complete a certain task. The team manager also addresses any problems or resolves conflicts at the workplace.

A good team manager communicates clearly and is an approachable person. He or she is available for questions and discussions with employees and has high emotional intelligence that helps in solving problems. A leader understands the hearts and minds of co-workers.

The successful team manager is a highly organized person. He or she also knows how to delegate tasks and how to choose the right person for a particular task. Analytical thinking is a must for the position because it is the main tool in evaluating and solving problems.

A manager must have the courage to take decisions, even unpopular ones, for the greater good. A skilled leader knows how to create a positive and transparent working space and be there for the team, but also knows when to draw a line.

Of course, there are different sets of skills needed according to the management style of the organization such as autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, etc., and the method of choice for the team management such as command and control, create and engage or econ 101. Make sure to research thoroughly the organization that you choose to apply for and emphasize the skills that will make sense for them.

If you wonder what econ 101 is, then the perfect example is Henry Ford, who solved an HR problem by doubling wages.

If you are applying for a managerial position, no matter how good job proficiency you possess in your industry, you will not be invited for an interview by the HR officer if you do not show proof of team management skills.

The reason for this is that no matter how well you understand the company's product and production processes, if you are unable to lead a team in a way that will make the best of all team members' skills, then the results will be average.

No employer needs just another employee to try to coordinate co-workers. They need people who can take charge and be the leaders that will help a group of employees to become a coherent unit that completes tasks. The hiring company will only consider applicants that demonstrate team management skills.

What traits, skills, and abilities help you demonstrate strong team management skills on your resume?"?

  • People skills / HR skills : this is the ability to find, recognize, motivate, retain talent, and be able to distribute tasks to the right people. How and whom to delegate work is a masterful skill sought after by all employers. Micromanagement is not desirable in most organizations. Be sure that your subordinates have all the necessary resources to do their job.
  • Be clear and precise: as a good team leader, you have to be an efficient and consistent communicator. You need to be able to convey a simple message to the employees. Always avoid confusion by explaining processes in detail. The able manager is also giving sufficient and timely feedback to his subordinates so that they can easily align their work to the company's goals.
  • Emotional intelligence: the best way to motivate employees and to solve conflict is to truly understand their hearts and souls. To achieve this you need to be aware of the personal situation and feelings of each employee and to understand them. You need to be empathetic and have the ability to manage your emotions as well as those of your co-workers. An empathetic manager always increases job satisfaction at the workplace. It is also very important that you are an approachable person and your employees know that they can talk to you.
  • Be organized: If you are not organized then the whole team will follow. You have to understand that you have responsibility for the performance of every person on the team. How will you be able to organize people if you are not able to organize yourself? You need to be a skilled planner and organizer to work with schedules, budgets, timelines, etc. A good organization always increases productivity.
  • Be a problem solver: No matter how well prepared you and your team are, problems will come. This is where analytical thinking skills and proactive behavior help.
  • Taking charge: A manager is a leader, not just an administrator and each leader must make decisions, establish priority, allocate resources, etc. You need to be empowered and responsible. Again critical thinking skills are a must in the decision-making process.
  • Command respect: the best managers serve their teams rather than manage them. They lead through example. They can communicate properly and unite the team around a common goal. They are also aware of their ego and do not think that they know it all. They listen, they are transparent and they try to encourage the personal growth of individual employees. But a good team leader also knows when to draw the line. You need to establish yourself as an authority figure and be ready to take disciplinary measures if needed. Your subordinates must very well understand the concept of your position and know where the boundaries are.
  • Use keywords such as “organized”, “developed”, “supported”, “created”, “analyzed”, “improved”, “optimized”, “solved”
  • Make sure to describe what teams you managed, what number of people, and important tasks you completed with them
  • Add if you were responsible for hiring, training, and employee retention. If you decreased employee turnover do not forget to specify by what percentage.
  • List any techniques of team management that you applied and how they helped you improve the team's capacity and results.
  • Mention any major crises that you addressed
  • List specific courses, certificates, and trainings that you have
  • List processes that you improved and systems and workflows that you established
  • List tools that you can use that help you be better organized

The management styles and methods are many and differ from company to company and even from department to department. To be able to create a perfect resume you will need to research the company you apply for and to determine what management processes they use. You need to emphasize these in your resume. The research will also help you to find out if the company is the right fit for your managerial style and personality and if you will be able to show your full potential there.

Below you will find relevant examples that will help you start:

Example 1: Show your team management skills in your experience bullet points

  • • Introduced an expense tracking strategy to stay within yearly budget goals which reduced business costs by $1.2M.
  • • Developed strong cross-functional relationships with big clients and stakeholders across different levels of the business.
  • • Lead monthly meetings with 8 project teams to identify challenges and resolve software development issues.
  • • Conducted post product launch evaluation to identify successful software features and find ways to improve on them

Software project manager resume example taken from from: 4 Job-Winning Project Manager Resume Examples in 2021

Example 2: Demonstrate team management skills in your resume summary

Healthcare sector project manager resume example taken from : 4 Job-Winning Project Manager Resume Examples in 2021

Example 3: Use your achievements to make the point

Software development project manager resume example taken from: 4 Job-Winning Project Manager Resume Examples in 2021

Top related skills to strong team management skills:

  • Public Speaking
  • Team management skills are vital on your resume because if the position you apply for contains “management” in its job title these are the core skills required to perform the job.
  • Do not just mention that you have team management skills. Show the HR officer through your achievements that you have mastered these skills.
  • Be clear. Try to use action and power verbs.
  • Make sure you know the management style of the company and emphasize skills they will value.

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  • Resume Skills

3 Tips to Craft the Perfect LinkedIn Summary (With Examples)

How to identify and embed your company culture to grow your business, changing job title on resume, 10 career paths to take after graduation, how to answer the “why do you want to be a manager” interview question, resume headings to stand out in 2024.

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15 Other Ways To Say “Team Player” in Your Resume

“Team player” is constantly used in resumes. If you want to use more advanced and original vocabulary, check out the list below. The examples listed will show you exactly how to include them in your resume to help you get your dream job.

White text over purple background reads "Other Ways To Say Team Player."

Team Player: Quick Summary

A team player is someone who works well with other people. It’s an important trait to have, and one that many employers look for.

One of many phrases that can be used in place of team player is team-oriented .

  • Proven track record of being a team-oriented professional, willing to work closely with others to achieve goals.

Team Player: Table of Contents

What’s Wrong With Using “Team Player” In a Resume?

“Team Player” Meaning

Other ways to say “team player” (with examples), words to describe a “team player” (with examples), what’s wrong with using “team player” in a resume.

Your dream job is just within reach; all you have to do is write an impressive resume. But how can you set yourself apart from the other applicants who are vying for the same position? One way is to use advanced and original vocabulary.

Hiring managers spend hours and hours reading resumes and often come across the same descriptions and adjectives that describe potential employees. One phrase that is frequently used is team player. Although it’s a great quality, surely there are other ways for individuals to describe themselves, right?

Right! Below, we’ll go over what team player means and provide a list of phrases and adjectives you can use instead to help make your resume stand out.

A team player refers to someone who works well in close collaboration with a group of people. They usually prioritize the success of the group over their own. Although most people would like to think of themselves as team players, many aren’t and actually perform better when working alone.

The company is looking for a team player who is committed to providing quality customer service.
We were having issues collaborating because one of the members was not a team player.
She is known to be a team player , always helping others and ensuring their success.

GRaphic shows coworkes sitting around a table and text that reads "A team player is someone who works well with other people and can communicate and collaborate effectively."

To be clear, there’s nothing wrong with using the phrase team player in your resume. However, it’s used so often that it can be considered cliché or unoriginal. If you want to use more authentic and descriptive vocabulary, consider the following phrases and adjectives.

The following phrases can replace the term team player . The examples show how you can incorporate them into the work experience section of your resume, but feel free to use them as you see fit.

Instead of "Team Player," You Can Say: Team-oriented, supportive team member, thrive in a team environment, embrace teamwork, work effectively in a team environment."

Team-oriented individual who strives to collaborate with others to reach the best possible outcome of a job or task.
Known to be a supportive team member , always willing to be of assistance to others.
Worked closely with various departments to achieve project objectives and thrived in a team environment , fostering open communication and cooperation.
Strong ability to embrace teamwork through effective communication, exchanges of ideas, and collective problem-solving.
Proven track record of working effectively in team environments by leveraging the ability to cooperate with colleagues to achieve goals and deliver quality results.
Demonstrated a strong, team-focused mindset by actively contributing and collaborating with interdepartmental teams to build strong working relationships and drive shared success.

You can use the words below in the work experience section, or simply list them under the skills portion of your resume.

Words that describe a team player: Collaborator, adaptable, reliable, dependable, interdependent, encouraging, accountable, communicative, and cooperative.

Strong cooperative skills with the ability to work effectively with teams.
Keen collaborator , proficient at working closely with diverse teams.
Well-recognized ability to work interdependently with several team members.
Highly adaptable professional, able to work well with others in diverse and evolving work environments.
Recognized for being dependable , reliably completing assignments, and maintaining an open line of communication.
Skilled at being encouraging and motivating to team members, fostering a positive and uplifting environment that promotes individual and collective growth.
Accountable professional, dedicated to fulfilling commitments, meeting deadlines, and collaborating with teams to achieve shared goals.
Demonstrated ability to be communicative , excellent at expressing ideas, actively listening, and facilitating effective interaction to enhance collaboration.
Known track record of being a reliable contributor, consistently completing tasks in a timely manner, providing support, and maintaining strong work standards.

Don’t Let Grammar, Spelling, or Punctuation Errors Slip Into Your Resume

Don’t just say you’re a team player ; use the phrases and words listed above to show it. Doing this is guaranteed to make you stand out in a sea of dull resumes.

However, even if you use these alternatives, there’s one thing you can do that is sure to land your resume in the garbage: neglect to edit for spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors. Everyone thinks they wouldn’t make this mistake, but it happens all the time. Typos, misplaced commas, and common grammar mistakes can sneak into the resumes of even the most proficient writers.

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How to Say Team Player on Resume – Without Saying It

how to write good team player on resume

Knowing how to say “team player” on your resume is essential for job seekers who want to showcase their ability to work effectively with team members towards a common goal. However, using clichéd phrases to describe this important skill can be unhelpful and even harmful to your job application. Instead, job seekers should use specific examples and power verbs to demonstrate their soft skills and effective team member traits in the work experience section of their resume. This is a great way to catch the attention of potential employers, as well as to pass applicant tracking systems and prepare for job interviews.

Additionally, it’s important to tailor your description of your team player skills to each specific job you apply for. Look carefully at the job description and requirements, and incorporate relevant teamwork-related language into your resume and cover letter. This can show future employers that you have strong organizational skills, good people skills, and are an effective team player.

Furthermore, leadership skills are often valued in team-oriented positions, so be sure to include any relevant group projects or leadership experiences in your work history. Remember, the best way to demonstrate your abilities is to provide specific examples of how you have been a great team player in the past. By doing this, you can stand out to potential employers and be well-prepared for any job interview questions related to teamwork and collaboration. Don’t forget to watch for job postings that highlight the importance of good team players, as these could be a great way to find your next career opportunity.

How do you add that you’re a team player to your resume without cliches?

You can demonstrate your team player abilities by showcasing specific examples of your contributions to team projects and highlighting key traits and skills associated with being a good team player while avoiding overused and vague phrases.

This post will provide practical tips and advice on communicating your teamwork and collaboration skills using concrete language and positive statement s. With our guidance, you can make your resume stand out as an example of a great team player in any team environment or leadership role.

Follow these tips when adding that you’re a team player to your resume:

  • Use alternative phrases and synonyms for a team player
  • Use positive language to describe your role in team projects
  • Highlight your contributions by emphasizing your impact on team projects
  • Showcase personality traits and skills associated with being a good team player
  • Steer clear of overused and vague “team player” phrases

Below, we will guide you through the process of effectively conveying your team player skills on your resume without using clichéd phrases. Whether you’re a seasoned job seeker or creating your first resume, this post will provide valuable insights to help you stand out from the competition.

adding team player and collaborator to resume

Show, Don’t Tell: 15 Specific Examples of Teamwork Experiences for Resume

When it comes to highlighting your ability to work well with others on your resume, it’s important to show, not tell. Instead of simply listing “team player” as a skill, providing concrete examples of your teamwork experiences is much more effective. This demonstrates your ability to work well with others, provides context for your skills, and showcases your impact on previous team projects.

Including specific examples of your teamwork experiences and quantifying your impact on past projects can greatly enhance the impact of your resume. This demonstrates not only your ability to work well with others but also your ability to drive results. – Dr. Katherine Hansen, Career Expert, and Resume Writer

Below are fifteen great examples of teamwork experiences that you can include on your resume. Each example will demonstrate your ability to work well with others and clearly show your role in a team environment.

Collaborated with a cross-functional team to develop a mobile application for a local restaurant chain, finishing the project on schedule.
Led a team of 10 in creating a line of eco-friendly products for a retail company, resulting in a 20% increase in sales.
Worked closely with a team of designers to develop a user-friendly e-commerce website for a fashion brand, resulting in a 25% increase in website traffic.
Contributed to a team effort to streamline the sales process for a software company, implementing new technology that increased sales efficiency by 15%.
Participated in a team-building retreat that improved communication and collaboration within a marketing department, leading to the successful launch of several high-impact campaigns.
Coordinated with a team of engineers to launch a new product line for a tech company, exceeding sales targets by 25%.
Contributed to a cross-functional team in developing a marketing strategy that increased brand awareness by 30%.
Worked with a team of financial analysts to improve budgeting processes, resulting in a 10% increase in cost savings.
Assisted in the training and development a team of customer service representatives, resulting in a 20% increase in customer satisfaction ratings.
Collaborated with a team of product managers to launch a new product line, receiving positive reviews from industry experts.
Contributed to a team effort to streamline supply chain processes, resulting in a 25% reduction in lead times.
Led a team of designers in developing a new product line for a home goods company, resulting in a 15% increase in revenue.
Worked closely with a team of developers to launch a new software platform, improving overall efficiency by 20%.
Participated in a team-building exercise that improved cross-departmental collaboration, leading to the successful launch of a new product line.
Contributed to a cross-functional team in developing a new marketing campaign, resulting in a 20% increase in website traffic.

collaborating as a team

Beyond the Buzzwords: How to Say You Are a Team Player on Your Resume

1. use alternative phrases and synonyms for team player.

Using synonyms for “team player” can help diversify the language on a resume and make it more interesting to read. However, it’s important to use these synonyms effectively and avoid overusing them.

Here are some synonyms for “team player” that can be used on a resume:

  • Collaborator
  • Team-oriented
  • Cooperative
  • Group-focused
  • Collaborative
  • Joint-effort driven
  • Interdependent
  • Collective-minded
  • Unity-driven

When using these synonyms, it’s important to ensure that they accurately describe your abilities and experiences. Additionally, using each synonym only once or twice on a resume is best to avoid overusing them and diluting their impact.

When highlighting their teamwork experiences and traits, it’s also a good idea to accompany these synonyms with specific examples and quantifiable impact. This will help to make the candidate’s team player abilities more tangible and compelling to potential employers.

Even the list of synonyms above can be overused.  Try some of these rephrased options when saying your a team player on your resume:

Overused Word Rephrased
Collaborated Co-led the execution of
Contributed Spearheaded the implementation of
Participated Proactively took part in
Worked well with Built strong relationships with members of
Team player Demonstrated strong collaboration skills as a member of
Works well in a team environment Excels in fostering positive relationships and open communication within
Strong team player Known for being a collaborative and results-driven member of
Team-oriented Dedicated to ensuring the success of the team by regularly providing support and fostering open communication
Works well with others Developed productive working relationships with cross-functional teams through effective communication and collaboration
Effective team player Consistently delivered team goals through dynamic collaboration and open communication with team members
Results-driven team player Proven track record of driving team success through strong collaboration and proactive
Driven team player Known for consistently delivering outstanding results as a collaborative member of cross-functional teams
Proven team player Demonstrated ability to drive team success through strong collaboration and commitment to open communication
Excellent team player Achieved success in team environments through consistent demonstration of strong collaboration, communication, and problem-solving skills
Strong collaborator Adept at building effective working relationships and consistently delivering on team goals through collaboration

2. Use Positive Language to Describe Your Role in Team Projects

Using positive, active language is key in describing your role in team projects on your resume. Instead of using passive language, highlight your specific contributions and achievements to showcase your initiative and drive.

Teamwork is essential in today’s fast-paced business environment, and showcasing these skills on a resume is important. Employers look for candidates who can work effectively with others and contribute to a positive work environment. – Susan M. Heathfield, HR Expert, and Advisor

Here are some common phrases and ways to rephrase them to make them more impactful:

  • “Assisted in the development of a project” can be rephrased as “Contributed to the successful development of a project.”
  • “Helped with a team project” can be rephrased as “Collaborated with a team to complete a project.”
  • “Was part of a team” can be rephrased as “Played an active role as a team member.”
  • “Supported the team’s efforts” can be rephrased as “Made significant contributions to the team’s efforts.”
  • “Participated in a team project” can be rephrased as “Collaborated with a team to achieve project goals.”

By using positive, active language, you can effectively communicate your ability to work well with others and your commitment to achieving team goals.

3. Highlight Your Contributions by Emphasizing Your Impact on Team Projects

Highlighting your contributions to previous team projects is key to showcasing your ability to work well with others. By emphasizing your impact on these projects, you can demonstrate your value as a team player and stand out to potential employers.

Here are some tips for quantifying your impact on team projects:

  • Use specific numbers and statistics: For example, if you helped to increase sales efficiency by 15%, mention this in your resume.
  • Mention the project’s outcome: Discuss the team’s positive results and how your efforts contributed to these outcomes.
  • Use comparative language: If you were part of a team that outperformed expectations, use comparative language to highlight this. For example, “Contributed to a team that exceeded sales targets by 25%.”
  • Emphasize your role in the project: Discuss the specific responsibilities you had in the project and how you carried them out effectively.

By using these techniques, you can effectively showcase your contributions to team projects and demonstrate your ability to make a positive impact.

4. Showcase Personality Traits and Skills Associated with Being a Good Team Player

Being a good team player involves working well with others and having the right personality traits and skills . This section will discuss some common traits and skills of being a good team player.

  • Communication skills: Effective communication is crucial to working well with others. Being able to communicate your ideas clearly, listen to others, and work towards a common goal are key communication skills that employers highly value.
  • Conflict resolution: Teams often face conflicts and disagreements, and resolving these conflicts constructively and effectively is a valuable skill.
  • Adaptability: Adapting to changes and new situations is important in a team setting, as it allows you to work effectively with others despite unexpected challenges.
  • Positive attitude: A positive attitude can go a long way in creating a positive work environment and fostering teamwork.
  • Problem-solving skills: Teams often work together to solve problems and overcome challenges. Thinking creatively and working collaboratively with others to find solutions are valuable skills.
Focusing on your personality traits and skills that are associated with being a good team player , such as communication skills and conflict resolution, can be a great way to differentiate yourself on your resume. This highlights your ability to be a valuable asset to any team.” – John Lees, Career Strategist and Author.

Here are some tips for highlighting these traits and skills on your resume:

  • Use keywords: Use keywords that are associated with being a good team player, such as “collaboration,” “communication,” “conflict resolution,” and “ adaptability .
  • Give specific examples: Use specific examples to demonstrate how you have demonstrated these traits and skills in past team projects. For example, “Successfully resolved a conflict between team members by facilitating a group discussion and finding a mutually agreeable solution.”
  • Use action verbs: Use active and descriptive verbs to emphasize your actions and impact. For example, “Collaborated with a cross-functional team to find creative solutions to a complex problem.”

By highlighting these traits and skills on your resume, you can demonstrate your ability to work well with others and be a valuable team player.

5. Steer Clear of Overused and Vague “Team Player” Phrases

When writing a resume, avoiding overused phrases that lack substance is important. These phrases, often called “empty” or “vague” phrases, do not provide any real information about your skills or experiences. This section will discuss some common examples of these phrases and provide tips on rephrasing them to make them more impactful.

  • “Team player”: This phrase is often used to describe someone who works well with others but is overused and lacks specificity.
  • “Excellent communication skills”: This phrase is also commonly used but provides no concrete examples or evidence of your communication skills.
  • “Problem-solver”: This vague phrase provides no information about your problem-solving skills or experiences.
  • “Detail-oriented”: This phrase is often used to describe someone who pays attention to details, but it does not provide any evidence or examples of this trait.

Here are some tips for rephrasing these phrases to make them more impactful:

  • Provide specific examples: Instead of saying “team player,” provide specific examples of how you have worked effectively with others. For example, “Collaborated with cross-functional teams on multiple projects, resulting in successful outcomes.”
  • Quantify your impact: Instead of saying “excellent communication skills,” provide specific examples of how you have used your communication skills to achieve results. For example, “Led team meetings, resulting in a 25% increase in productivity.”
  • Be specific about your problem-solving skills: Instead of saying “problem-solver,” provide specific examples of how you have used your problem-solving skills to overcome challenges. For example, “Developed creative solutions to complex problems, resulting in a 15% increase in efficiency.”
  • Provide concrete evidence: Instead of saying “detail-oriented,” provide specific examples of how your attention to detail has positively impacted a project or situation. For example, “Caught and corrected several errors in a high-stakes project, resulting in a successful outcome.”

By avoiding empty phrases and rephrasing them to be more impactful, you can effectively demonstrate your skills and experiences to potential employers.

working as a team for job seekers

The Benefits of Working Together: A Collection of Positive Team Stories

The following examples serve to illustrate the power of teamwork in a business setting. They demonstrate how a group working together towards a common goal can achieve something far greater than one person could do alone.

These stories provide inspiration for those looking to showcase their team player skills on their resume and highlight the importance of teamwork in the workplace. They will provide a deeper understanding of how teamwork can help solve problems, boost morale, and drive results in a business setting.

The Apollo 13 Mission: A Tale of Teamwork and Triumph

One popular example of the power of teamwork in a business setting is the story of the Apollo 13 mission. In 1970, the Apollo 13 spacecraft experienced a critical malfunction, and the lives of the three astronauts on board were at risk. The NASA team on the ground worked tirelessly with the astronauts to find a solution and bring them back to Earth safely.

The team comprised experts in various fields, including engineers, flight directors, and mission planners. They had to work together and make split-second decisions to overcome their challenges. The team used their unique skills and perspectives to find creative solutions and ultimately save the lives of the astronauts.

For example, the team had to find a way to power the lunar module, which would serve as a lifeboat for the astronauts, using only the limited resources on board the spacecraft. They accomplished this by using the Command Module’s power source to temporarily power the Lunar Module, which allowed the astronauts to survive until they were rescued.

This story demonstrates the importance of teamwork in a business setting, as the mission’s success would not have been possible without the cooperation and collaboration of the team. It highlights the power of bringing diverse perspectives together to overcome even the toughest of challenges.

The Power of Teamwork: A Start-Up Success Story

Another demonstration of the importance of teamwork in the corporate world is illustrated through the story of a young tech company’s success in overcoming a significant challenge.

The company was developing a new software program to revolutionize people’s work. The development team comprised a handful of brilliant engineers, but they struggled to get the software to work properly. Despite their best efforts, the program was plagued by bugs and glitches that seemed impossible to fix.

One day, the company’s CEO gathered the entire team in the conference room and proposed a solution. Instead of each team member continuing to work in isolation, the CEO suggested that they start working together to solve the problems. He proposed that each team member take turns presenting their work and challenges, and everyone work together to find solutions.

The team was initially skeptical, but they agreed to try it. Over the next few weeks, they worked together daily, sharing their work and bouncing ideas off each other. Slowly but surely, they began to make progress. The bugs were getting fixed, the glitches were being resolved, and the program started taking shape.

Finally, after months of hard work, the software program was completed and released to the public. It was an instant success, and the company became one of the fastest-growing technology companies in the world. The team credited their success to their ability to work together, listen to each other, and support each other. They realized they couldn’t have accomplished what they did without each other and that teamwork was the key to their success.

working as a team to accomplish goals

FAQs: Demonstrating Teamwork on Your Resume

Highlighting your ability to work well within a team demonstrates your interpersonal skills and adaptability, which are crucial traits in most professional environments.

Mention your collaborative nature and willingness to contribute effectively within diverse teams to achieve common goals.

Detail specific instances where you collaborated with colleagues, sharing how you contributed to team achievements, problem-solving, and project success.

Absolutely. Include skills such as communication, conflict resolution, active listening, and cooperation to showcase your ability to thrive in a team environment.

Yes, incorporate metrics that highlight your role in achieving team goals, like completing projects ahead of schedule due to effective collaboration.

You can draw upon experiences from volunteer work, group projects, or extracurricular activities to showcase your teamwork abilities.

Absolutely. Highlighting instances where you collaborated across departments or disciplines underscores your versatility and ability to adapt in various team settings.

Yes, mentioning skills like empathy, adaptability, and conflict resolution demonstrates your ability to create a harmonious team atmosphere.

Definitely, including relevant training sessions or workshops that you've attended showcases your commitment to improving your teamwork skills.

Use your cover letter to provide specific examples of how you've successfully collaborated with colleagues and contributed positively to team dynamics.

Closing Thoughts: Effective Ways to Showcase Your Team Player Qualities

In summary, highlighting your ability to be a strong team player on your resume is crucial in today’s job market. However, saying “team player” without substance can fall flat. That’s why this article has outlined several ways to showcase your teamwork abilities on your resume effectively.

From providing specific examples of your previous teamwork experiences to using positive and active language to describe your role and contributions to quantifying your impact in past projects, there are many ways to make your resume stand out.

Moreover, incorporating synonyms for “team player” can also add a touch of variety and interest to your resume. It’s important to remember, however, not to overuse these synonyms and use them in an effective manner.

At MatchBuilt Executive Search, we understand how challenging it can be for job seekers to create a winning resume. That’s why, with our years of experience in helping thousands of job seekers and hundreds of hiring employers, we are a trustworthy resource for anyone looking to stand out and showcase their team player abilities.

Video Resources for Adding Team Player Skills on Your Resume

how to write good team player on resume

About Mark Matyanowski

As the founder of MatchBuilt, with over 18 years of recruiting and coaching experience and 8+ years in executive roles at a leading Fortune 100 company, I am deeply committed to guiding professionals in their career paths.

Our team at MatchBuilt offers expert support in enhancing resumes, optimizing LinkedIn profiles, and preparing for interviews. Our blog, drawing on our rich experience and industry insights, is a valuable resource for job seekers.

We take pride in successfully guiding job candidates to top-tier company roles while empowering individuals to achieve their career ambitions, irrespective of their background or educational level.

How Should I Say "I'm a Good Team Player" on a Resume?

Team players are highly desirable in the workplace. A carefully crafted resume showcasing your team player spirit will dazzle prospective employers and set you apart from competitors. Anybody can claim to be a team player, but that doesn't make it true. Design your resume to clearly show that you have contributed to highly motivated teams in the past, and will do so in the future.

how to write good team player on resume

Exceptional Communication Skills

Employees with finely tuned verbal, written, organizational and interpersonal communication skills naturally gravitate toward working with others. Synergy happens when ideas, talents and skills are pooled. Productivity skyrockets through listening, sharing, planning, persuading and compromising. You can demonstrate mastery of these skills by listing accomplishments and activities on your resume that required communication and teamwork.


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Collaborated with representatives from other local nonprofit organizations to develop a $1 million community development grant that was subsequently funded.

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How to list academic clubs on a resume, how to answer interesting facts about yourself, how to increase team spirit in the workplace, what does achievement mean on a job application, how to write an undergraduate cv.

Served as the media representative for a bipartisan, grassroots organization that successfully rallied to save a historic building from being turned into a gas station.

Goal-Oriented Team Leader

Effective teams typically have a leader who is visionary, inspiring and hardworking. Barking orders at employees are apt to backfire and damage morale, whereas encouraging employee input in decision-making engenders loyalty. Employers look for employees who can lead committees, run productive meetings and facilitate group discussion. When drafting your resume, think of paid or volunteer experiences you've had where you played a leadership role. Describe the position you held and your team's biggest accomplishment.

Served as chair of the student-events team and successfully orchestrated a plan to bring a big-name speaker to campus for the first time.

Led a fundraising team that garnered $50,000 more for charity than the previous year.

Dedicated Team Member

Teamwork is frequently mentioned in job postings because few people work independently, even if they spend most of their day in a cubicle. Your first thought may be that you haven't had much experience working on a team. However, teamwork skills are acquired in many settings, such as belonging to a church group, volunteering at a food bank, working as a sales associate or laboring on a construction site. People rely on each other's help to get work done.

Team member at Hamburger World, Hamburg, Minnesota: Provided friendly, fast service when taking money at the drive-thru window. Volunteered to help crew members with cooking, cleaning and food preparation when we were shorthanded.

Collaborative Style

Team players enjoy working with and for others. They are upbeat, enthusiastic, kind and diplomatic. They are not egotistical, critical or self-serving. Gratification comes from seeing the team and the organization flourish. Mention that you like working independently, too, especially if the job you are seeking has important, but infrequent, people contact. Describe yourself in ways that reflect your team-oriented personality and participatory style.

Highly adaptable, flexible professional who embraces teamwork, but also enjoys working independently.

Progressive human resource manager with experience recruiting and leading diverse employee teams.

Accomplishments on Teams

Resumes typically include a listing of your membership in work-related organizations. Think back to your most positive experiences. Teams can be highly productive, or dysfunctional and stuck in inertia. Employers want to know if you have experience working on effective teams that achieved results. They are looking for a positive contributor to join their team.

Member of college speech and debate team that won Big Ten title three years in a row.

Turned around poorly performing soccer team; placed second in regional competition by the end of the season.

Received a monetary customer service award for organizing a team that developed a new return policy that resulted in 32-percent fewer customer complaints to management.

  • University of Montana: Resumes
  • Dickason Personnel Services: Resumes For Results
  • Using bullet points provides a reader-friendly format that allows recruiters or prospective employers to quickly scan your resume for information that will help them decide whether to contact you for an interview.
  • Avoid using words or phrases such as "people person," or "works well with others" because they are no more specific than "good team player."

Mary Dowd holds a doctorate in educational leadership and a master's degree in counseling and student personnel from Minnesota State University, Mankato. In her 20 years of higher education experience, she has taught classes, served as interim dean of students, and worked in many areas of student affairs, including student discipline, career advising, orientation and violence prevention.

how to write good team player on resume

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How To Say You Lead a Team on Your Resume

Recruiter-backed resume examples, bullet points, phrases, tips, and tricks you can use to make your team leader resume stand out.

2 years ago   •   6 min read

Leading a team is a significant accomplishment that should be on your resume — especially if you’re applying for more senior positions or jobs that require leadership experience.

But how do you specifically state that you led a team on your resume? How do you navigate resume accomplishments when they were a group effort? And what if you’re ready to step up and lead a team for the first time?

We answer all those questions — and others — below. But first, here’s a quick-start guide on how to put leading a team on your resume.

How to highlight that you led a team on your resume

  • Analyze the Job Description : Dive into the job description to identify what type of team leadership qualities the position demands.
  • Align Your Achievements : Highlight accomplishments that resonate with the leadership responsibilities mentioned in the job description.
  • Clarify Your Job Title : Opt for a title that unequivocally indicates your role in leading a team.
  • Spotlight Leadership Accomplishments : When writing your work experience bullet points, prioritize achievements that showcase your leadership qualities with quantifiable results, such as projects you steered to completion ahead of schedule or instances where your leadership led to a significant increase in team productivity.
  • Leverage the Resume Summary : Consider encapsulating your team leadership experiences in the resume summary for greater visibility.

What to do if you don’t have much leadership experience

If you don’t have direct experience leading a team, don’t worry — simply choose accomplishments that demonstrate soft skills like teamwork and leadership. Use our keywords finder to make sure you haven’t left out key skills and get personalized feedback by uploading your resume to an ATS resume scanner .

Do hiring managers prefer the term 'team lead' or 'team leader' on a resume?

The terms are frequently used interchangeably. Nonetheless, it’s best to use whatever term is included in the job posting.

Where to put team leadership on your resume

In your work experience bullet points.

The best place to put important information in your resume is in your work experience section . Use your bullet points to highlight accomplishments related to leading a team. Make sure to include metrics like the size of the team you led, what type of leadership you provided (e.g. supervision, mentoring, project management, performance monitoring, and feedback), and any key successes.

Prioritize accomplishments related to leading a team in your resume bullet points

In your job title

If your job title was “Team Lead,” that makes things pretty easy. But what about times when it’s not immediately clear from your job title that you held a leadership role?

  • Use synonyms like “ lead ,” “head,” “senior,” “executive,” “supervisor,” and “ manager ,” which all speak to leadership experience.
  • Clarify your role if there’s a mismatch between your official job title and what you actually did.
  • Write a short blurb underneath your job title to briefly explain the context of your role within the company.
  • Include your official job title alongside a more accurate or descriptive version of your positions, e.g. “Key Salesperson (Sales Department Team Lead).”
  • Completely change your job title, even if the new title is more accurate. This can easily come up in a background or reference check and cause issues.

Include roles where you held a job title like “team lead” on your resume

In your resume summary

If you’re applying for roles where leading a team is one of the key responsibilities, make sure your leadership experience isn’t overlooked. To really emphasize your background in leading a team, put it in your resume summary at the top of the page.

Use your resume summary to emphasize that you led a team on your resume

Synonyms for “led a team” on a resume

There are only so many ways you can put “led a team …” on a resume — and only so many times a hiring manager wants to read it! To avoid too much repetition, here are some examples of how to say you managed a team on your resume:

Action Verbs

  • Coordinated
  • Facilitated
  • Lead Role : Emphasizes the authority and responsibility you held.
  • Example: "Held a lead role in project coordination and execution."
  • Leadership Duties : Highlights specific tasks or initiatives you spearheaded.
  • Example: "My primary leadership duties involved strategic planning and team mentorship."
  • Team Oversight : This can describe your role in supervising or guiding team activities.
  • Example: "Oversaw the team during the product launch phase."
  • Strategic Leadership : Indicates that you had a role that went beyond just managing people and involved strategic decision-making.
  • Example: "Provided strategic leadership to achieve quarterly targets."
  • Team Coordination : Can be used to describe roles where you brought together various team functions or departments.
  • Example: "Excelled in team coordination across cross-functional units."
  • Lead Initiatives : Highlights specific projects or changes you initiated.
  • Example: "Spearheaded lead initiatives to streamline the communication process."
  • Performance Monitoring : Suggests your role in tracking and improving team performance.
  • Example: "Took charge of performance monitoring and feedback sessions."

Resume bullet point examples for leading a team

To give you a head start in crafting your own bullet points, here are some industry-specific examples of leading a team you can use to fit any resume — including if you’re just starting out or applying for your first team leadership position.

  • Supervised a team of 200 operators in the management and daily operations of an $890M per year department that provided customer service to over 82K accounts.

Not all teams are created equal. If you led an international team or one with a large budget, highlight those elements by using numbers — even a rough estimate is fine.

  • Improved the project team's productivity by 80% within the first 13 weeks of resumption by authoring a document that described a performance methodology.

If you led a team as a project manager or product owner, focus on what you did in your role to affect the team’s performance, like introducing new processes or creating guidance documents.

  • Oversaw 50+ creative consultations with account teams to provide expertise on creative direction, schedules, budgets, production support, and presentation strategies.

Leading a team of internal staff isn’t quite the same as bringing people in from outside. If you led a team of consultants or external stakeholders, use that to emphasize soft skills like negotiation and organization .

  • Led a 15-member sales team that created a new process that tracked over 10K leads, increasing productivity by 76%.

If you led a sales or customer service team, you can include sales metrics or lead generation from the team as a whole — as long as you clearly state what actions of yours led to those results.

  • Led team on a built-from-scratch settlement and analysis platform for VISA DPS which processes $1.5 billion transactions daily.

The same principle applies if you led a team of engineers, software developers, or any field with a team-based output. Accomplishments that belong to your team as a whole can definitely go on your resume, but be prepared to speak to what you did as the team leader to get those results.

  • Supervised the design for a new engineering device that saved the company $300K in development costs and $1M in yearly production expenses.

If you led a team on a specific project, you can still include that as evidence of team leadership. Include as many details about the project as you can in 1-2 lines, including its scope, purpose, and how many people were involved.

  • Collaborated with a team of 22 IT specialists that successfully met 92% of project deadlines in Q1, 2014.

If you haven’t led a team yet but are applying for team leadership positions, include teamwork-based accomplishments that highlight your productivity in a team environment and ability to work well with others.

Team leader resume examples

To help you visualize the perfect team leader resume, let's explore some examples. Whether you're in sales, IT, or engineering, tailoring your resume to your field is crucial.


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how to write good team player on resume

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how to write good team player on resume


  1. Team Player Resume Samples

    how to write good team player on resume

  2. Team Member Resume Samples

    how to write good team player on resume

  3. Team Manager Resume Samples

    how to write good team player on resume

  4. Team player skills to include in a CV, work, qualities, get along with

    how to write good team player on resume

  5. How To Write Team Player In Resume ~ Allsop Author

    how to write good team player on resume

  6. Team Leader CV

    how to write good team player on resume


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  1. How To Feature Team Player Skills on Your Resume (With Example)

    Skills: Java | Python | C++ | Debugging | Collaborative | Hard-working | Responsible | Written and Oral Communication | Passionate. When a job is looking for a good team player, you want to create a resume that showcases your teamwork skills. Here are some tips and an example of an appealing team player resume.

  2. Teamwork Skills on Your Resume: List and Examples

    Teamwork Skills Examples. There are plenty of cases where you can use as team player resume statements. If you add concrete data and evidence, you'll easily be able to demonstrate on your resume that you are able to work in a team and independently.. Take a look at some examples of how to add team player skills to your resume:. Facilitated collaboration among 3 departments, achieving project ...

  3. Best Ways to Show You're a Team Player On a Resume & Examples

    Give numbers, percentages and context to showcase your ability to deliver results as a member of the team. Some examples of team player achievements are as follows: Worked in a development team of 8 to deliver the project 2 months ahead of the schedule. Member of a #1 sales team in the company nationwide.

  4. 8 Essential Teamwork Skills for Your Resume (With Examples)

    8 examples of teamwork skills. Teamwork is one of the best skills to put on a resume, as long as you can demonstrate your ability to work on a team with real-life examples. Below are some essential examples of teamwork skills that you can highlight on your resume to set yourself apart from the competition. 1. Respect.

  5. How To Demonstrate Teamwork Skills on Your Resume

    Soft skills related to teamwork: Focus on soft skills that are related to teamwork, such as communication, adaptability, and problem-solving. Provide examples of how you've demonstrated these skills in various settings. Learning and adaptability: Show your willingness to learn and adapt to team environments.

  6. 13 Essential Team Player Skills You Need For Your Resume

    Good Example. Copy to clipboard. Led a cross-functional team in completing a 6-month marketing project two weeks ahead of schedule while identifying individual strengths and providing targeted coaching to address team weaknesses. #5. Critical Thinking. To be a team player, you need to work well with others.

  7. Powering Up Teamwork Skills for Resume [+ 20 Examples & Tips]

    Led a team of five people to develop and innovate user-centric products. Managed a team of 15 people and increased monthly sales by 30%. 3. Create an independent teamwork skills category under the skills section. Another effective way to show teamwork skills on your resume is to designate an independent category.

  8. How to List Teamwork on Resume in 2022? (with 10+ Examples)

    Good communication, active listening skills, and reliability are essential to becoming a great team player. Visit Hiration's Career Activator Platform with 24X7 chat support to get expert guidance on your career-related queries and write to us at [email protected] .

  9. 10 Most Important Teamwork Skills Examples for a Resume

    What distinguishes great team players from the average ones is the ability to see the big picture, put their egos aside, and work towards the common goal. 5. Problem-solving. The very idea behind organizing a team is to solve a problem. That's why problem-solving skills are fundamental for each and every team member.

  10. 10 Best Teamwork Skills for Resume

    Tolerance. Tolerance is an important teamwork skill that involves being accepting and respectful of the opinions, beliefs, and working styles of others. In a diverse and inclusive workplace, team members must be able to work effectively with individuals from different backgrounds and with different perspectives.

  11. Steps for How To Say You Are a Good Team Player on a Resume

    How to say you are a good team player on a resume. There are several ways you can state that you are an effective team member on a resume, including within different sections of your resume. Use the following steps to highlight your teamwork skills on your resume: 1. Research the company and job description. Be sure to understand the company's ...

  12. 8 best teamwork skills for your resume (with examples)

    Collaboration is at the heart of teamwork. Being able to work harmoniously with others is a vital teamwork skill for your resume, so make sure you show how you've achieved strong outcomes by working collaboratively either with your team, with other teams across the business, or even with suppliers and partners. 7. Positivity.

  13. How to Highlight Team Player Abilities on a Resume

    Here's how you can modify your resume: 1. Insert in your summary statement or objective. One way that you can mention your team-playing ability is by mentioning it somewhere in your resume summary or personal statement. The summary or objective statement always appears at the beginning of your resume.

  14. 7 Teamwork Skills for Your Resume & Career (W/ Tips & Examples)

    Below, we'll go over the most important teamwork skills that you can use to create a memorable resume and land your next job! #1. Communication. Communication is, by far, the most important teamwork skill. To be able to cooperate with others, you should be able to speak your mind clearly and listen actively.

  15. How To Demonstrate You're a Team Player on Your Resume

    Here is how to explain that you're a team player on your resume: 1. List all relevant examples of teamwork. It may be a challenge to remember all relevant examples of your teamwork skills. Do your best to identify examples that involve showing this soft skill.

  16. How to Demonstrate Teamwork Skills on Your Resume?

    Used data to identify how my team can make better decisions and improve its strategy. •. Initiated the practice of having weekly team meetings for bonding in out-of-work time. •. Led a team of 10 interns in their first week in the Group. RIGHT. Emphasize the importance that your team work had on your daily work.

  17. How to Show Strong Team Management Skills on Your Resume

    How to demonstrate strong management skills on your resume. Use keywords such as "organized", "developed", "supported", "created", "analyzed", "improved", "optimized", "solved". Make sure to describe what teams you managed, what number of people, and important tasks you completed with them. Add if you were ...

  18. 15 Other Ways To Say "Team Player" in Your Resume

    1. Team-oriented. Team-oriented individual who strives to collaborate with others to reach the best possible outcome of a job or task. 2. Supportive team member. Known to be a supportive team member, always willing to be of assistance to others. 3. Thrive in a team environment.

  19. Top Teamwork Skills for Your Resume: Examples and Tips

    Here are some important teamwork skills you can add to your resume: 1. Communication. Communication is an essential teamwork skill. This includes both verbal and non-verbal forms of communication, from face-to-face conversation to email correspondence. In all modes of communication, it is important to ensure an appropriate tone and level of ...

  20. How to Say Team Player on Resume

    Here are some tips for highlighting these traits and skills on your resume: Use keywords: Use keywords that are associated with being a good team player, such as "collaboration," "communication," "conflict resolution," and " adaptability. Give specific examples: Use specific examples to demonstrate how you have demonstrated these ...

  21. How Should I Say "I'm a Good Team Player" on a Resume?

    A carefully crafted resume showcasing your team player spirit will dazzle prospective employers and set you apart from competitors. Anybody can claim to be a team player, but that doesn't make it true. Design your resume to clearly show that you have contributed to highly motivated teams in the past, and will do so in the future.

  22. How To Say You Lead a Team on Your Resume

    DO: Use synonyms like " lead," "head," "senior," "executive," "supervisor," and " manager," which all speak to leadership experience. Clarify your role if there's a mismatch between your official job title and what you actually did. Write a short blurb underneath your job title to briefly explain the context of your ...

  23. How to demonstrate you're a team player on your CV

    Follow these five steps to creating an effective CV: 1. Include them in your professional summary or objective statement. It's a good idea to state that you're a team player in your professional summary or your objective statement. The purpose of this is to gain the attention of the person reviewing your CV straight away and to introduce ...

  24. Soccer Resume: Template, Examples, and Job Description

    Now, let's kick off writing your soccer player resume: 1. Choose the Best Format for Your Soccer Resume ... The reverse-chronological layout is a good choice for a soccer player's resume, as it works as your highlight reel with the hottest goals and bravest tackles, ... Customize your resume to fit the needs of the team.