Consent to Assignment: Everything You Need to Know

Consent to assignment refers to allowing a party of a contract (the assignor) to assign a contract and move the obligations to another party (the assignee). 3 min read updated on July 26, 2024

Consent to assignment refers to allowing a party of a contract to assign a contract and move the obligations to another party. The party of the existing contract, known as the assignor, will pass on the contract to another party, known as the assignee. The goal is for the assignee to take over the rights and obligations of the contract. For a contract to be assigned, the other party must be aware of what is happening.

Contract Assignments

The assignment of a contract differs depending on the type of contract and the language in the original agreement. Some contracts contain a clause that doesn't allow assignment at all, while other contracts have clauses that require the other party to consent before assignment can be finalized.

Consider the following scenario. A business owner contracts with a computer company to have a processor delivered every time a new model is released. The computer company assigns the business owner's contract to another provider. As long as the business owner is aware of the changes and still receives the processors as scheduled, his contract is now with the new computer company.

However, assigning a contract doesn't always exempt the assignor from their duties and responsibilities. Some contracts include a clause that states that even if the agreement is assigned to another party, the original parties guarantee that the terms of the contract will be fulfilled.

Unenforceable Assignments

There are a number of situations where a contract assignment won't be enforced , including:

  • The contract has an anti-assignment clause that can stop or invalidate any assignments.
  • The assignment changes the nature of the contract. An assignment that changes what is expected or impacts the performance of the contract isn't allowed. This also applies if the assignment lowers the value one party will receive or adds risk to the deal that the other party didn't originally agree to.
  • The assignment is against the law. In some cases, laws or public policies don't allow assignment. Many states forbid employees to assign future wages. The federal government doesn't allow the assignment of particular claims against the government. Some assignments violate public policy. For example, a personal injury claim cannot be assigned because it could lead to litigation against a party who was not responsible for the injury.

Delegation vs. Assignment

It is common for a party to sign a contract and have someone else actually fulfill his duties and do the work required by the contract. However, some contracts can't be delegated, such as when a party agrees to service done by a particular person or company. If a company contracted with Oprah Winfrey to be a keynote speaker, Oprah wouldn't be permitted to delegate her performance duties to anyone else.

If both parties agree that the work can't be delegated, they should include specific language in the original contract. This can be as simple as a clause that states, “Neither party shall delegate or assign its rights.” Both parties should agree to this clause.

How to Assign a Contract

Assigning a contract is a three-step process. First, check to see if the contract has an anti-assignment clause or if there are limitations around assignments. Sometimes clauses are straightforward with language like, “This agreement may not be assigned,” and while other times, the language is less obvious and hidden in another clause. If there is language in the contract that states it can't be assigned, the other party must consent to an assignment before you can proceed.

Second, the parties must execute an assignment . Create an agreement that transfers the rights and obligations of one party to the assignee.

Third, notify the other party of the contract. Once the contract rights have been assigned to the new party, you should notify the other party of the original contract. Providing written notice removes you from being responsible for any part of the contract unless there is language in the contract that says differently or the assignment is illegal.

Anti-Assignment Clause

As you are negotiating and writing a contract, consider whether you want the contract to be able to be assigned. If you don't want assignment to be a legally viable option, that needs to be clearly stated in the contract.

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Home Business Assignment Agreement

Assignment Agreement Template

Use our assignment agreement to transfer contractual obligations.

Assignment Agreement Template

Updated February 1, 2024 Written by Josh Sainsbury | Reviewed by Brooke Davis

An assignment agreement is a legal document that transfers rights, responsibilities, and benefits from one party (the “assignor”) to another (the “assignee”). You can use it to reassign debt, real estate, intellectual property, leases, insurance policies, and government contracts.

What Is an Assignment Agreement?

What to include in an assignment agreement, how to assign a contract, how to write an assignment agreement, assignment agreement sample.

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Partnership Interest

An assignment agreement effectively transfers the rights and obligations of a person or entity under an initial contract to another. The original party is the assignor, and the assignee takes on the contract’s duties and benefits.

It’s often a requirement to let the other party in the original deal know the contract is being transferred. It’s essential to create this form thoughtfully, as a poorly written assignment agreement may leave the assignor obligated to certain aspects of the deal.

The most common use of an assignment agreement occurs when the assignor no longer can or wants to continue with a contract. Instead of leaving the initial party or breaking the agreement, the assignor can transfer the contract to another individual or entity.

For example, imagine a small residential trash collection service plans to close its operations. Before it closes, the business brokers a deal to send its accounts to a curbside pickup company providing similar services. After notifying account holders, the latter company continues the service while receiving payment.

Create a thorough assignment agreement by including the following information:

  • Effective Date:  The document must indicate when the transfer of rights and obligations occurs.
  • Parties:  Include the full name and address of the assignor, assignee, and obligor (if required).
  • Assignment:  Provide details that identify the original contract being assigned.
  • Third-Party Approval: If the initial contract requires the approval of the obligor, note the date the approval was received.
  • Signatures:  Both parties must sign and date the printed assignment contract template once completed. If a notary is required, wait until you are in the presence of the official and present identification before signing. Failure to do so may result in having to redo the assignment contract.

Review the Contract Terms

Carefully review the terms of the existing contract. Some contracts may have specific provisions regarding assignment. Check for any restrictions or requirements related to assigning the contract.

Check for Anti-Assignment Clauses

Some contracts include anti-assignment clauses that prohibit or restrict the ability to assign the contract without the consent of the other party. If there’s such a clause, you may need the consent of the original parties to proceed.

Determine Assignability

Ensure that the contract is assignable. Some contracts, especially those involving personal services or unique skills, may not be assignable without the other party’s agreement.

Get Consent from the Other Party (if Required)

If the contract includes an anti-assignment clause or requires consent for assignment, seek written consent from the other party. This can often be done through a formal amendment to the contract.

Prepare an Assignment Agreement

Draft an assignment agreement that clearly outlines the transfer of rights and obligations from the assignor (the party assigning the contract) to the assignee (the party receiving the assignment). Include details such as the names of the parties, the effective date of the assignment, and the specific rights and obligations being transferred.

Include Original Contract Information

Attach a copy of the original contract or reference its key terms in the assignment agreement. This helps in clearly identifying the contract being assigned.

Execution of the Assignment Agreement

Both the assignor and assignee should sign the assignment agreement. Signatures should be notarized if required by the contract or local laws.

Notice to the Other Party

Provide notice of the assignment to the non-assigning party. This can be done formally through a letter or as specified in the contract.

File the Assignment

File the assignment agreement with the appropriate parties or entities as required. This may include filing with the original contracting party or relevant government authorities.

Communicate with Third Parties

Inform any relevant third parties, such as suppliers, customers, or service providers, about the assignment to ensure a smooth transition.

Keep Copies for Records

Keep copies of the assignment agreement, original contract, and any related communications for your records.

Here’s a list of steps on how to write an assignment agreement:

Step 1 – List the Assignor’s and Assignee’s Details

List all of the pertinent information regarding the parties involved in the transfer. This information includes their full names, addresses, phone numbers, and other relevant contact information.

This step clarifies who’s transferring the initial contract and who will take on its responsibilities.

Step 2 – Provide Original Contract Information

Describing and identifying the contract that is effectively being reassigned is essential. This step avoids any confusion after the transfer has been completed.

Step 3 – State the Consideration

Provide accurate information regarding the amount the assignee pays to assume the contract. This figure should include taxes and any relevant peripheral expenses. If the assignee will pay the consideration over a period, indicate the method and installments.

Step 4 – Provide Any Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions of any agreement are crucial to a smooth transaction. You must cover issues such as dispute resolution, governing law, obligor approval, and any relevant clauses.

Step 5 – Obtain Signatures

Both parties must sign the agreement to ensure it is legally binding and that they have read and understood the contract. If a notary is required, wait to sign off in their presence.

Assignment Agreement Template

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Assignment Agreement Template

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  • Consideration Clause
  • Definitions Clause
  • Dispute Resolution Clause
  • Entire Agreement Clause
  • Escalation Clause
  • Exclusivity Clause
  • Exculpatory Clause
  • Force Majeure Clause
  • Governing Law Clause
  • Indemnification Clause
  • Indemnity Clause
  • Insurance Clause
  • Integration Clause
  • Merger Clause
  • Non-Competition Clause
  • Non-Disparagement Clause
  • Non-Exclusivity Clause
  • Non-Solicitation Clause
  • Privacy Clause
  • Release Clause
  • Severability Clause
  • Subordination Clause
  • Subrogation Clause
  • Survival Clause
  • Termination Clause
  • Time of Essence Clause

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Assignment clause defined.

Assignment clauses are legally binding provisions in contracts that give a party the chance to engage in a transfer of ownership or assign their contractual obligations and rights to a different contracting party.

In other words, an assignment clause can reassign contracts to another party. They can commonly be seen in contracts related to business purchases.

Here’s an article about assignment clauses.

Assignment Clause Explained

Assignment contracts are helpful when you need to maintain an ongoing obligation regardless of ownership. Some agreements have limitations or prohibitions on assignments, while other parties can freely enter into them.

Here’s another article about assignment clauses.

Purpose of Assignment Clause

The purpose of assignment clauses is to establish the terms around transferring contractual obligations. The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) permits the enforceability of assignment clauses.

Assignment Clause Examples

Examples of assignment clauses include:

  • Example 1 . A business closing or a change of control occurs
  • Example 2 . New services providers taking over existing customer contracts
  • Example 3 . Unique real estate obligations transferring to a new property owner as a condition of sale
  • Example 4 . Many mergers and acquisitions transactions, such as insurance companies taking over customer policies during a merger

Here’s an article about the different types of assignment clauses.

Assignment Clause Samples

Sample 1 – sales contract.

Assignment; Survival .  Neither party shall assign all or any portion of the Contract without the other party’s prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld; provided, however, that either party may, without such consent, assign this Agreement, in whole or in part, in connection with the transfer or sale of all or substantially all of the assets or business of such Party relating to the product(s) to which this Agreement relates. The Contract shall bind and inure to the benefit of the successors and permitted assigns of the respective parties. Any assignment or transfer not in accordance with this Contract shall be void. In order that the parties may fully exercise their rights and perform their obligations arising under the Contract, any provisions of the Contract that are required to ensure such exercise or performance (including any obligation accrued as of the termination date) shall survive the termination of the Contract.

Reference :

Security Exchange Commission - Edgar Database,  EX-10.29 3 dex1029.htm SALES CONTRACT , Viewed May 10, 2021, < >.

Sample 2 – Purchase and Sale Agreement

Assignment . Purchaser shall not assign this Agreement or any interest therein to any Person, without the prior written consent of Seller, which consent may be withheld in Seller’s sole discretion. Notwithstanding the foregoing, upon prior written notice to Seller, Purchaser may designate any Affiliate as its nominee to receive title to the Property, or assign all of its right, title and interest in this Agreement to any Affiliate of Purchaser by providing written notice to Seller no later than five (5) Business Days prior to the Closing; provided, however, that (a) such Affiliate remains an Affiliate of Purchaser, (b) Purchaser shall not be released from any of its liabilities and obligations under this Agreement by reason of such designation or assignment, (c) such designation or assignment shall not be effective until Purchaser has provided Seller with a fully executed copy of such designation or assignment and assumption instrument, which shall (i) provide that Purchaser and such designee or assignee shall be jointly and severally liable for all liabilities and obligations of Purchaser under this Agreement, (ii) provide that Purchaser and its designee or assignee agree to pay any additional transfer tax as a result of such designation or assignment, (iii) include a representation and warranty in favor of Seller that all representations and warranties made by Purchaser in this Agreement are true and correct with respect to such designee or assignee as of the date of such designation or assignment, and will be true and correct as of the Closing, and (iv) otherwise be in form and substance satisfactory to Seller and (d) such Assignee is approved by Manager as an assignee of the Management Agreement under Article X of the Management Agreement. For purposes of this Section 16.4, “Affiliate” shall include any direct or indirect member or shareholder of the Person in question, in addition to any Person that would be deemed an Affiliate pursuant to the definition of “Affiliate” under Section 1.1 hereof and not by way of limitation of such definition.

Security Exchange Commission - Edgar Database,  EX-10.8 3 dex108.htm PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT , Viewed May 10, 2021, < >.

Sample 3 – Share Purchase Agreement

Assignment . Neither this Agreement nor any right or obligation hereunder may be assigned by any Party without the prior written consent of the other Parties, and any attempted assignment without the required consents shall be void.

Security Exchange Commission - Edgar Database,  EX-4.12 3 dex412.htm SHARE PURCHASE AGREEMENT , Viewed May 10, 2021, < >.

Sample 4 – Asset Purchase Agreement

Assignment . This Agreement and any of the rights, interests, or obligations incurred hereunder, in part or as a whole, at any time after the Closing, are freely assignable by Buyer. This Agreement and any of the rights, interests, or obligations incurred hereunder, in part or as a whole, are assignable by Seller only upon the prior written consent of Buyer, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. This Agreement will be binding upon, inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns.

Security Exchange Commission - Edgar Database,  EX-2.1 2 dex21.htm ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT , Viewed May 10, 2021, < >.

Sample 5 – Asset Purchase Agreement

Assignment; Binding Effect; Severability

This Agreement may not be assigned by any party hereto without the other party’s written consent; provided, that Buyer may transfer or assign in whole or in part to one or more Buyer Designee its right to purchase all or a portion of the Purchased Assets, but no such transfer or assignment will relieve Buyer of its obligations hereunder. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the successors, legal representatives and permitted assigns of each party hereto. The provisions of this Agreement are severable, and in the event that any one or more provisions are deemed illegal or unenforceable the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect unless the deletion of such provision shall cause this Agreement to become materially adverse to either party, in which event the parties shall use reasonable commercial efforts to arrive at an accommodation that best preserves for the parties the benefits and obligations of the offending provision.

Security Exchange Commission - Edgar Database,  EX-2.4 2 dex24.htm ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT , Viewed May 10, 2021, < >.

Common Contracts with Assignment Clauses

Common contracts with assignment clauses include:

  • Real estate contracts
  • Sales contract
  • Asset purchase agreement
  • Purchase and sale agreement
  • Bill of sale
  • Assignment and transaction financing agreement

Assignment Clause FAQs

Assignment clauses are powerful when used correctly. Check out the assignment clause FAQs below to learn more:

What is an assignment clause in real estate?

Assignment clauses in real estate transfer legal obligations from one owner to another party. They also allow house flippers to engage in a contract negotiation with a seller and then assign the real estate to the buyer while collecting a fee for their services. Real estate lawyers assist in the drafting of assignment clauses in real estate transactions.

What does no assignment clause mean?

No assignment clauses prohibit the transfer or assignment of contract obligations from one part to another.

What’s the purpose of the transfer and assignment clause in the purchase agreement?

The purpose of the transfer and assignment clause in the purchase agreement is to protect all involved parties’ rights and ensure that assignments are not to be unreasonably withheld. Contract lawyers can help you avoid legal mistakes when drafting your business contracts’ transfer and assignment clauses.

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Contract Assignment Agreement

Used 5,046 times

Download the Contract Assignment Agreement to transfer your duties, obligations, and rights. An agreement between two parties outlines the conditions of a contract assignment.

e-Sign with PandaDoc

Prepared by:

​ [Assignor.FirstName] [Assignor.LastName] ​

​ [Assignor.Phone] [Assignor.Email] ​

​ [Assignor.StreetAddress] [Assignor.City] ​ [Assignor.State] [Assignor.PostalCode] ​

Contract Assignment Agreement Template

Image 1

Prepared for:

​ [Assignee.FirstName] [Assignee.LastName] ​

​ [Assignee.Company] ​

​ [Assignee.Phone] ​

​ [Assignee.Email] ​

​ [Assignee.StreetAddress] [Assignee.City] [Assignee.State] [Assignee.PostalCode] ​

This Contract Assignment Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") made and entered on [Document.CreatedDate] , by and between:

Name: [Assignor.FirstName] [Assignor.LastName] [Assignor.Company] (hereinafter referred to as "Assignor"), and

Name: [Assignee.FirstName] [Assignee.LastName] [Assignee.Company] (hereinafter referred to as "Assignee"), and

Assignor and Assignee are hereinafter referred to as “Parties” collectively in this Agreement.

A. Assignor assigns and transfers the Assignee all of its rights, title, and interest in and to the contract, named (insert name of the original contract) (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract"), dated (insert date of the original contract), and expires on (insert the date when the original contract expires).

In consideration for the assignment, the Assignee will pay the Assignor the sum of (insert amount).

B. Assignor desires to assign the Contract to Assignee and Assignee desires to accept the assignment of the Contract.

C. The terms of this Assignment Agreement shall supersede the terms of the original Contract to the extent that there is any conflict between the terms of the original Contract and the terms of this Assignment Agreement.

This Agreement is subject to the following conditions:

Both Parties have all necessary rights and authority to enter into this Agreement and to assign the Contract to Assignee;

This Agreement does not and will not be construed to violate any agreement to which either the Assignor or the Assignee is a party or by which they are bound; and

Parties have had the opportunity to seek independent legal counsel prior to signing this Agreement and have either done so or have voluntarily waived their right to do so.


The Assignee agrees to indemnify and hold the Assignor harmless from and against any and all costs, losses, damages, claims, liabilities, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs) arising out of or in connection with any claims or suits based on allegations that arise.


This Agreement may be executed in counterparts (and by different Parties hereto on different counterparts), each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute the same instrument.


Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, the rights and obligations of the Parties under this Agreement are not assignable or transferable, neither whole nor in part.


Subsequently, this Agreement may not be terminated except by mutual agreement of the Assignor and the Assignee. In the event of termination, any sums paid by Assignee to Assignor under this Agreement shall be reimbursed to Assignee within (insert number of days) of the termination of this Agreement.


Assignee shall maintain all information regarding the Contract in the strictest confidence and shall not reveal such information to any person or entity without the express written consent of Assignor.

Governing Laws

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of [Assignor.State] ​.

Agreed and Accepted

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed and delivered this Agreement as of the date written below.

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Contract Assignment Agreement

Select the name of the state whose law will govern the interpretation of this contract and will be the location of any future disputes related to this contract. This is usually the state where at least one of the Parties resides or does business related to the contract. If this Agreement involves the transfer of land, this would be the state where the land is located.


State of Alabama

This Assigment Agreement (the "Agreement) is entered into by and between ________ (the "Assignor"), having their principal address located at ________ , and ________ (the "Assignee"), having their principal address located at ________ , both of whom agree to be bound by this Agreement, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, witnesseth:

WHEREAS , Assignor entered into a Contract, included as an attachment to this Agreement, with ________ (the "Obligor"), referred to hereinafter as "Contract with ________ ";

WHEREAS , the Contract with ________ has an original expiration date of ________ as may be extended as permitted therein;

WHEREAS , Assignor wishes to assign all of their rights and obligations under the Contract with ________ to Assignee; and

WHEREAS , the necessary verbal consent was obtained from the Obligor on ________ ;

NOW THEREFORE , Assignor and Assignee agree to the following:

I. Assignor and Assignee hereby agree that the Assignor shall assign all their rights, titles, and interests, and delegate all of their obligations, responsibilities, and duties, in ad to the Contract with ________ , to Assignee.

II. Assignee hereby accepts the assignment of all of Assignors obligations, responsibilities, and duties under the Contract and all of Assignors rights, titles, and interests in and to the Contract with ________ .

III. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Assignor agrees to defend and indemnify the Obligor from any and all claims,actions, judgments, liabilities, proceedings, and costs, including reasonable attorney's fees and other costs of defense and damages, resulting from Assignors performance prior to the assignment of the contract and resulting from Assignees performance after the assignment of the Contract with ________ , provided, however, that after the assignment of the Contract with ________ , the State shall first look to Assignee to satisfy all claims, actions, judgments, liabilities, proceedings, and costs, including reasonable attorneys fees and ot her costs of defense and damages resulting from Assignee's performance.

IV. Assignee agrees to indemnify the Obligor from any and all claims, actions, judgments, liabilities, proceedings, and costs, including reasonable attorney's fees, and other costs of defense and damages, resulting from Assignee's performance after the assignment of the Contract with ________ .

V. No modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless in writing and agreed upon by all relevant Parties.

VI. 52 252 28222 522 252888822 22 2588 825222222 88 5285 22 8285885, 8882258, 25 5222225825882 225 522 525822, 2522 252 2552828 52522 2552 8585 252888822 85588 82 522225 22 82 825582 525 252 522582525 22 252 825222222 85588 82 22225825 58 82 252 825582 252888822 8252 22825 82885525 82 252 825222222.

VII. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Alabama and both Parties expressly consent to jurisdiction in such courts.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties execute the Agreement as follows:

______________________________________________ ________

______________________________________________ Date


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Assignment provisions in contracts

Author’s note, Nov. 22, 2014: For a much-improved update of this page, see the Common Draft general provisions article .

(For more real-world stories like the ones below, see my PDF e-book, Signing a Business Contract? A Quick Checklist for Greater Peace of Mind , a compendium of tips and true stories to help you steer clear of various possible minefields. Learn more …. )

Table of Contents

Legal background: Contracts generally are freely assignable

When a party to a contract “ assigns ” the contract to someone else, it means that party, known as the assignor , has transferred its rights under the contract to someone else, known as the assignee , and also has delegated its obligations to the assignee.

Under U.S. law, most contract rights are freely assignable , and most contract duties are freely delegable, absent some special character of the duty, unless the agreement says otherwise. In some situations, however, the parties will not want their opposite numbers to be able to assign the agreement freely; contracts often include language to this effect.

Intellectual-property licenses are an exception to the general rule of assignability. Under U.S. law, an IP licensee may not assign its license rights, nor delegate its license obligations, without the licensor’s consent, even when the license agreement is silent. See, for example, In re XMH Corp. , 647 F.3d 690 (7th Cir. 2011) (Posner, J; trademark licenses); Cincom Sys., Inc. v. Novelis Corp. , 581 F.3d 431 (6th Cir. 2009) (copyright licenses); Rhone-Poulenc Agro, S.A. v. DeKalb Genetics Corp. , 284 F.3d 1323 (Fed. Cir. 2002) (patent licenses). For additional information, see this article by John Paul, Brian Kacedon, and Douglas W. Meier of the Finnegan Henderson firm.

Assignment consent requirements

Model language

[Party name] may not assign this Agreement to any other person without the express prior written consent of the other party or its successor in interest, as applicable, except as expressly provided otherwise in this Agreement. A putative assignment made without such required consent will have no effect.

Optional: Nor may [Party name] assign any right or interest arising out of this Agreement, in whole or in part, without such consent.

Alternative: For the avoidance of doubt, consent is not required for an assignment (absolute, collateral, or other) or pledge of, nor for any grant of a security interest in, a right to payment under this Agreement.

Optional: An assignment of this Agreement by operation of law, as a result of a merger, consolidation, amalgamation, or other transaction or series of transactions, requires consent to the same extent as would an assignment to the same assignee outside of such a transaction or series of transactions.

• An assignment-consent requirement like this can give the non-assigning party a chokehold on a future merger or corporate reorganization by the assigning party — see the case illustrations below.

• A party being asked to agree to an assignment-consent requirement should consider trying to negotiate one of the carve-out provisions below, for example, when the assignment is connection with a sale of substantially all the assets of the assignor’s business {Link} .

Case illustrations

The dubai port deal (ny times story and story ).

In 2006, a Dubai company that operated several U.S. ports agreed to sell those operations. (The agreement came about because of publicity and political pressure about the alleged national-security implications of having Middle-Eastern companies in charge of U.S. port operations.)

A complication arose in the case of the Port of Newark: The Dubai company’s lease agreement gave the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey the right to consent to any assignment of the agreement — and that agency initially demanded $84 million for its consent.

After harsh criticism from political leaders, the Port Authority backed down a bit: it gave consent in return for “only” a $10 million consent fee, plus $40 million investment commitment by the buyer.

Cincom Sys., Inc. v. Novelis Corp., No. 07-4142 (6th Cir. Sept. 25, 2009) (affirming summary judgment)

A customer of a software vendor did an internal reorganization. As a result, the vendor’s software ended up being used by a sister company of the original customer. The vendor demanded that the sister company buy a new license. The sister company refused.

The vendor sued, successfully, for copyright infringement, and received the price of a new license, more than $450,000 as its damages. The case is discussed in more detail in this blog posting.

The vendor’s behavior strikes me as extremely shortsighted, for a couple of reasons: First, I wouldn’t bet much on the likelihood the customer would ever buy anything again from that vendor. Second, I would bet that the word got around about what the vendor did, and that this didn’t do the vendor’s reputation any good.

Meso Scale Diagnostics, LLC v. Roche Diagnostics GmbH, No. 5589-VCP (Del. Ch. Apr. 8, 2011) (denying motion to dismiss).

The Delaware Chancery Court refused to rule out the possibility that a reverse triangular merger could act as an assignment of a contract, which under the contract terms would have required consent. See also the discussion of this opinion by Katherine Jones of the Sheppard Mullin law firm.

Assignment with transfer of business assets

Consent is not required for an assignment of this Agreement in connection with a sale or other disposition of substantially all the assets of the assigning party’s business.

Optional: Alternatively, the sale or other disposition may be of substantially all the assets of the assigning party’s business to which this Agreement specifically relates.

Optional: The assignee must not be a competitor of the non-assigning party.

• A prospective assigning party might argue that it needed to keep control of its own strategic destiny, for example by preserving its freedom to sell off a product line or division (or even the whole company) in an asset sale.

• A non-assigning party might argue that it could not permit the assignment of the agreement to one of its competitors, and that the only way to ensure this was to retain a veto over any assignment.

• Another approach might be to give the non-assigning party, instead of a veto over asset-disposition assignments, the right to terminate the contract for convenience . (Of course, the implications of termination would have to be carefully thought through.)

Assignment to affiliate

[Either party] may assign this Agreement without consent to its affiliate.

Optional: The assigning party must unconditionally guarantee the assignee’s performance.

Optional: The affiliate must not be a competitor of the non-assigning party.

Optional: The affiliate must be a majority-ownership affiliate of the assigning party.

• A prospective assigning party might argue for the right to assign to an affiliate to preserve its freedom to move assets around within its “corporate family” without having to seek approval.

• The other party might reasonably object that there is no way to know in advance whether an affiliate-assignee would be in a position to fulfill the assigning party’s obligations under the contract, nor whether it would have reachable assets in case of a breach.

Editorial comment: Before approving a blanket affiliate-assignment authorization, a party should consider whether it knew enough about the other party’s existing- or future affiliates to be comfortable with where the agreement might end up.

Consent may not be unreasonably withheld or delayed

Consent to an assignment of this Agreement requiring it may not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

Optional: For the avoidance of doubt, any damages suffered by a party seeking a required consent to assignment of this Agreement, resulting from an unreasonable withholding or delay of such consent, are to be treated as direct damages.

Optional: For the avoidance of doubt, any damages suffered by a party seeking a required consent to assignment of this Agreement, resulting from an unreasonable withholding or delay of such consent, are not subject to any exclusion of remedies or other limitation of liability in this Agreement.

• Even if this provision were absent, applicable law might impose a reasonableness requirement; see the discussion of the Shoney case in the commentary to the Consent at discretion provision.

• A reasonableness requirement might not be of much practical value, whether contractual or implied by law. Such a requirement could not guarantee that the non-assigning party would give its consent when the assigning party wants it. And by the time a court could resolve the matter, the assigning party’s deal could have been blown.

• Still, an unreasonable-withholding provision should make the non-assigning party think twice about dragging its feet too much, becuase of the prospect of being held liable for damages for a busted transaction. Cf. Pennzoil vs. Texaco and its $10.5 billion damage award for tortious interference with an M&A deal.

• Including an unreasonable-delay provision might conflict with the Materiality of assignment breach provision, for reasons discussed there in the summary of the Hess Energy case.

Consent at discretion

A party having the right to grant or withhold consent to an assignment of this Agreement may do so in its sole and unfettered discretion.

• If a party might want the absolute right to withhold consent to an assignment in its sole discretion, it would be a good idea to try to include that in the contract language. Otherwise, there’s a risk that court might impose a commercial-reasonableness test under applicable law (see the next bullet). On the other hand, asking for such language but not getting it could be fatal to the party’s case that it was implicitly entitled to withhold consent in its discretion.

• If a commercial- or residential lease agreement requires the landlord’s consent before the tentant can assign the lease, state law might impose a reasonableness requirement. I haven’t researched this, but ran across an unpublished California opinion and an old law review article, each collecting cases. See Nevada Atlantic Corp. v. Wrec Lido Venture, LLC, No. G039825 (Cal. App. Dec. 8, 2008) (unpublished; reversing judgment that sole-discretion withholding of consent was unreasonable); Paul J. Weddle, Pacific First Bank v. New Morgan Park Corporation: Reasonable Withholding of Consent to Commercial Lease Assignments , 31 Willamette L. Rev. 713 (1995) (first page available for free at HeinOnline ).

Shoney’s LLC v. MAC East, LLC, No. 1071465 (Ala. Jul. 31, 2009)

In 2009, the Alabama Supreme Court rejected a claim that Shoney’s restaurant chain breached a contract when it demanded a $70,000 to $90,000 payment as the price of its consent to a proposed sublease. The supreme court noted that the contract specifically gave Shoney’s the right, in its sole discretion , to consent to any proposed assignment or sublease.

Significantly, prior case law from Alabama was to the effect that a refusal to consent would indeed be judged by a commercial-reasonableness standard. But, the supreme court said, “[w]here the parties to a contract use language that is inconsistent with a commercial-reasonableness standard, the terms of such contract will not be altered by an implied covenant of good faith. Therefore, an unqualified express standard such as ‘sole discretion’ is also to be construed as written.” Shoney’s LLC v. MAC East, LLC , No. 1071465 (Ala. Jul. 31, 2009) (on certification by Eleventh Circuit), cited by MAC East, LLC v. Shoney’s [LLC] , No. 07-11534 (11th Cir. Aug. 11, 2009), reversing No. 2:05-cv-1038-MEF (WO) (M.D. Ala. Jan. 8, 2007) (granting partial summary judgment that Shoney’s had breached the contract).

Termination by non-assigning party

A non-assigning party may terminate this Agreement, in its business discretion , by giving notice to that effect no later than 60 days after receiving notice, from either the assigning party or the assignee, that an assignment of the Agreement has become effective.

Consider an agreement in which a vendor is to provide ongoing services to a customer. A powerful customer might demand the right to consent to the vendor’s assignment of the agreement, even in strategic transactions. The vendor, on the other hand, might refuse to give any customer that kind of control of its strategic options.

A workable compromise might be to allow the customer to terminate the agreement during a stated window of time after the assignment if it is not happy with the new vendor.

Assignment – other provisions

Optional: Delegation: For the avoidance of doubt, an assignment of this Agreement operates as a transfer of the assigning party’s rights and a delegation of its duties under this Agreement.

Optional: Promise to perform: For the avoidance of doubt, an assignee’s acceptance of an assignment of this Agreement constitutes the assignee’s promise to perform the assigning party’s duties under the Agreement. That promise is enforceable by either the assigning party or by the non-assigning party.

Optional: Written assumption by assignee: IF: The non-assigning party so requests of an assignee of this Agreement; THEN: The assignee will seasonably provide the non-assigning party with a written assumption of the assignor’s obligations, duly executed by or on behalf of the assignee; ELSE: The assignment will be of no effect.

Optional: No release: For the avoidance of doubt, an assignment of this Agreement does not release the assigning party from its responsibility for performance of its duties under the Agreement unless the non-assigning party so agrees in writing.

Optional: Confidentiality: A non-assigning party will preserve in confidence any non-public information about an actual- or proposed assignment of this Agreement that may be disclosed to that party by a party participating in, or seeking consent for, the assignment.

The Delegation provision might not be necessary in a contract for the sale of goods governed by the Uniform Commercial Code, because a similar provision is found in UCC 2-210

The Confidentiality provision would be useful if a party to the agreement anticipated that it might be engaging in any kind of merger or other strategic transaction.

Materiality of assignment breach

IF: A party breaches any requirement of this Agreement that the party obtain another party’s consent to assign this Agreement; THEN: Such breach is to be treated as a material breach of this Agreement.

A chief significance of this kind of provision is that failure to obtain consent to assignment, if it were a material breach, would give the non-assigning party the right to terminate the Agreement.

If an assignment-consent provision requires that consent not be unreasonably withheld , then failure to obtain consent to a reasonable assignment would not be a material breach, according to the court in Hess Energy Inc. v. Lightning Oil Co. , No. 01-1582 (4th Cir. Jan. 18, 2002) (reversing summary judgment). In that case, the agreement was a natural-gas supply contract. The customer was acquired by a larger company, after which the larger company took over some of the contract administration responsibilities such as payment of the vendor’s invoices. The vendor, seeking to sell its gas to someone else at a higher price, sent a notice of termination, on grounds that the customer had “assigned” the agreement to its new parent company, in violation of the contract’s assignment-consent provision. The appeals court held that, even if the customer had indeed assigned the contract (a point on which it expressed considerable doubt) without consent, the resulting breach of the agreement was not material, and therefore the vendor did not have the right to terminate the contract.

See also (list is generated automatically) :

  • Notebook update: Reverse triangular merger might be an assignment of a contract, requiring consent Just updated the Notebook with a citation to a case in which the Delaware Chancery Court refused to rule out the possibility that a reverse...
  • Assignment-consent requirements can cause serious problems in future M&A transactions A lot of contracts provide that Party A must obtain the prior written consent of Party B if it wishes to assign the agreement to a...
  • SCOTX rejects implied obligation not to unreasonably withhold consent to assignment of contract In a recent Texas case, two sophisticated parties in the oil and gas busi­ness — let’s call them Alpha and Bravo — were negotiating a contract....
  • Ken Adams and the marketplace of ideas I (used to) comment occasionally at Ken Adams’s blog. Recent examples: Here, here, here, here, and here. Ken and I disagree on a number of issues; some...

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Consent to assignment

Consent to assignment clause samples

3. FieldPoint’s Consent to Assignment. FieldPoint hereby consents to this assignment by Assignor to Assignee as provided in this Agreement. Such consent is expressly conditioned upon Assignee’s acknowledgment and agreement that neither this consent nor anything contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to modify, alter, amend, or waive any provisions of the Agreement.


2. Consent to Assignment. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, each party hereto hereby consents to the assignment, grant, pledge, conveyance and transfer by the other party hereto, for the benefit of any lender, agent or other secured party under any financing arrangement to which the Partnership is a party, of a lien, security interest or other encumbrance on and continuing security interest in all of such other party’s estate, title and interest in its Interest and the exercise by each such secured party of its rights and remedies in connection therewith, including, without limitation, the right to exercise the voting and consensual rights and other powers with respect to such Interest and the right to foreclose upon, or exercise a power of sale with respect to, such Interest and to cause such secured party or any third party designee or purchaser of such Interest to become an additional or substitute partner in the Partnership.

06/15/2018 (Cheniere Energy Partners, L.P.)

1. Consent to Assignment. The undersigned hereby acknowledges and consents to the assignment of the Power Plant Equipment Lease to Buyer and the assumption of the Power Plant Equipment Lease by Buyer in conjunction with Buyer’s acquisition of the Hotel. The undersigned waives any and all rights of notice relating to such assignment and any right to terminate the Power Plant Equipment Lease as a result of such assignment and any default, event of default or defense to enforceability that may otherwise arise as a result of such assignment.

09/27/2016 (Playa Hotels & Resorts B.V.)

3. Consent to Assignment. Assignor hereby consents to the admittance of Assignee as a substitute member of the Company. Assignor hereby waives all provisions, if any, in the Limited Liability Company Agreement of the Company or provided in the Delaware Limited Liability Company Act or any other applicable law, that would prohibit, delay, require notice of, grant rights in connection with, or require compliance with any other requirements in connection with, such assignment and admission.

06/29/2018 (Berry Petroleum Corp)

3.Consent to Assignment. Citi consents to the assignment and assumption of the Agreement from Polaris India to Virtusa India , and with respect to Polaris India, the assignment and assumption of any Transactional Document executed by Polaris India to Virtusa India, and Citi acknowledges the rights, responsibilities, and authority of Virtusa India as though Virtusa India were the original party under the Agreement and Transactional Documents to which Polaris India was a party. Other than as set forth above, for the other Transactional Documents to which an Affiliate of Polaris India was a party, such Transactional Documents are not assigned but rather shall now reflect the changed name of such Affiliate per the table above.

07/31/2020 (VIRTUSA CORP)

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This is a sample assignment and consent agreement where the Company accepts assignment and delegation of all of Assignor's rights, duties, obligations, and interest under the Agreement and assumes toward Contractor all duties, liabilities, responsibilities, and obligations owing Contractor by Assignor under the Agreement.

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Request for Consent to Assignment of Contract

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What is an Anti-Assignment Clause?

When business owners are negotiating contracts to gear up for the sale of their business, they are rightly concerned with key questions such as the sale price for the business including assets such as how much the sale will cost them and what happens if something goes wrong.  At the end of the contracts, there are usually several pages of type that usually look like boilerplate. Inside those clauses is usually something called an assignment clause, or more accurately, an anti-assignment clause.

It’s one of those clauses that everyone glosses over – after all, it’s just standard legal text, right?

For a business owner hoping to sell their business, an anti-assignment clause can dissuade potential buyers and play a crucial role in the selling price of a business.  If this sounds familiar and you’re in the process of negotiating the merger or acquisition of your business, read on – we’ve put together a practical guide to anti-assignment clauses and what to look out for.

Looking for legal help? feel free to get in touch with our  commercial lawyers  for matters related to contracts.

What is an assignment clause?

The anti-assignment clause states that neither party can transfer or assign the agreement without the consent of the other party. On a basic level, that makes sense – after all, if you sign a contract with a specific party, you don’t expect to be entering into an agreement with a third party you didn’t intend to be.

However, when you sell your business, you will want to transfer ownership of those contracts to the buyer. If your contracts all contain an anti-assignment clause, they effectively restrict you from transferring ownership to the interested party. Now, you’re presented with a new challenge altogether – before you can focus on the sale of your business, you must first renegotiate the terms of your contracts with each party.

Language to look out for in anti-assignment clauses

If you’re thinking about selling your business or even have potential buyers interested, it’s better to know in advance if you’ve got anti-assignment clauses in your contracts. There are generally two types of anti-assignment clause to look out for. The first relates to the complete bar on assignment of rights and responsibilities and is typically worded in this way, or similar:

“Neither Party may assign, delegate, or transfer this agreement or any of its rights or obligations under this agreement.”

The second type prevents the transfer of rights or duties without prior written consent of the other party. This will read along the lines of:

 “Neither this agreement nor any right, interest, or obligation herein may be assigned, transferred, or delegated to a third party without the prior written consent of the other party, and whose consent may be withheld for any reason.”

So, where the first prohibits assignment altogether, the second prohibits assignment unless permission is sought in advance. Some clauses may even explicitly state that a change of control such as a merger or acquisition is an assignment. The last thing you want is to cause a dispute by breaching the contract, but if you’ve already agreed to these terms, you’ll have to open a fresh set of negotiations with the contracting party before you sell the company.

Assignment clauses in M&A: what’s the problem?

Due diligence is the bread and butter of any merger or acquisition. Rather than a leap of faith, due diligence ensures the purchase of a business is a calculated decision with minimal risk to the buyer. Typically carried out by specialist lawyers, the process is designed to lift the hood on the target business to determine the valuation of assets and liabilities and identify any glaring issues that could leave the buyer open to risk.

During the due diligence process, the buyer will look through all of the major contracts the business has open, and specifically keep a close eye out for assignment clauses.

Despite the virtual environment that many businesses have been forced to operate in in 2020, most companies will have commercial leases for the premises from which they typically work. Almost all leases have an anti-assignment clause, and this is a perfect example of an instance that is often overlooked by commercial tenants when selling a business which includes a leasehold property.  This transfer of ownership may well be prohibited under an anti-assignment clause so that prior to the sale of the business, you would be required to ask permission from your landlord. The issue here is that the landlord may well see this as the perfect opportunity to renegotiate and secure a better deal for themselves. What’s worse, if they don’t sign off on the transfer, you’ll have an obstruction on your hands that will stand in the way of the sale.

In any case, an unexpected anti-assignment clause usually winds up being a last-minute hitch in the sale, and it never comes at a good time. Whether it delays the sale or obstructs it altogether, overlooking an anti-assignment clause can cost you considerably in an M&A transaction.

What makes anti-assignment clauses enforceable?

Generally speaking, an anti-assignment clause will be enforced by the courts if it was agreed upon by both parties to the contract. Many contracts exclude or qualify the right to assignment – according to the courts, a clause that states that a party to a contract may not assign the benefit of that contract without the consent of the other party is legally effective and will extend to all rights and benefits arising under the contract.

Courts won’t always enforce assignments to which the counterparty did not give permission, even where there is no anti-assignment clause that specifies this provision.

How to negotiate anti-assignment clauses

The best practice for business owners is to be vigilant when negotiating new contracts and ensure that any anti-assignment clauses still allow for the transfer of ownership when they decide to sell the business.

Remember, even though the buyer is purchasing the assets of the business, this usually means that all of the contracts of the business go with it because the business remains intact. Therefore, the best way forward is to negotiate these clauses upfront from the outset of the relationship, so that when you do decide to sell your business, you automatically have permission to transfer the ownership without having to delay the sale by entering into fresh negotiations.

If your agreement does not permit assignments, it’s worth seeking the advice and support of a specialist lawyer who can help protect your interests through negotiation with your counterparty on this point. You may be able to include a provision that allows for assignment of your rights and obligations upon the prior written consent of the other party. Your lawyer will likely advise you to carve out a specific provision to prohibit the counterparty from unreasonably withholding or delaying consent or making it subject to unreasonable conditions – an issue which, if not provided for within the contract, can cause serious delay and disruption to the sale of your business. Further, it may be beneficial to add an extra element to the contract that makes exceptions to the clause for assignments between affiliates.  If you’re planning to sell your business, this would be the right place to carve out an exception within the clause to the change of control via a merger or acquisition.

It’s important to bear in mind that anti-assignment clauses tend to be viewed narrowly by courts, and that there have been several instances whereby anti-assignment clauses have not been enforced since the clause itself did not explicitly state that the assignment of rights, duties or payment would render the contract void or invalid. So, if you’re in the process of negotiating an agreement and wish to protect your interests through the addition of an anti-assignment clause, it’s critical that you include the consequences of assignment within the clause itself and state that assignments would invalidate or be in breach of the contract.

If you do not wish for the counterparty to be able to transfer the legal obligation to perform their duties as stated in the contract to a third party, this must be explicitly stated in one of three ways:

  • Specify the need for consent

There’s no need to be unreasonable – you can protect your interests while still giving the counterparty the space to re-negotiate should they wish to assign rights by including a clause that asks for consent.

  • Provide an exemption to consent for affiliates, successors or new owners

Ask your lawyer to draft an exception into the clause that permits assignment to affiliates or successors to the counterparty, such as:

“Neither party may assign or delegate this agreement or its rights or obligations under this agreement without the prior written consent of the other party, except that no consent is required (a) for assignment to an entity in which the transferring party will own greater than 50 per cent of the shares or other interests; or (b) in connection with any sale, transfer, or disposition of all or substantially all of its business or assets; provided that no such assignment will relieve an assigning party of its obligations under this agreement. Any assignment or delegation that violates this provision shall be void.”

  • Require reasonable consent

Just as you would not wish for consent to be held back from you unreasonably in the renegotiation of contract terms prior to a sale, your assignment clause should make clear that you will not unreasonably withhold or delay consent should the third party request permission to assign their legal obligations. This may read something like this:

 “Neither party may assign or delegate this agreement or its rights or obligations under this agreement without the prior written consent of the other party, whose consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Any assignment or delegation that violates this provision shall be void.”

Whatever the circumstances, we strongly recommend calling upon a contract law specialist, whether you’re undergoing due diligence in the run up to an M&A transaction, are considering selling your business or are negotiating new contracts with customers and suppliers. Our lawyers bring in-depth expertise in the area of anti-assignment clauses and will work closely with you to protect your interests and ensure no clauses in your contracts negatively impact the sale of your company.

For a free consultation, get in touch with our team through the contact form below or using our online chat service.


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City of Flint and EGLE release draft administrative consent agreement

May 03, 2024

Joint Press Release

City of Flint and Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

City continues compliance with 2018 administrative order; no new violations found

FLINT, Mich.—The City of Flint and the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) have worked to develop a new administrative consent order (ACO) that continues and updates the work of the voluntary agreement that has been in place between the City of Flint and EGLE since December 17, 2018. The City of Flint has met many agreed upon water infrastructure milestones and this new agreement is the first step in the process of the EPA withdrawing its emergency order.

No new violations are identified in this order. Flint's water continues to meet all state and federal standards for water quality , as it has since 2016. Weekly water quality monitoring results are available through the State of Michigan’s website .

The updated draft administrative consent order outlines how the City of Flint will continue working to upgrade its water infrastructure to meet the needs identified by EGLE in August 2017. The ACO allows the City of Flint to have a voice in the legal process. The City administration appreciates the opportunity to consult with EGLE to ensure that the City’s water infrastructure meets all regulations, and to plan for future water infrastructure needs.

The administrative consent order is currently under review by the Flint City Council and is set to become public when it is approved by the council and signed by the mayor. Legal negotiations are not normally open to public comment. However, in response to requests for transparency and collaboration from the Water System Advisory and Flint residents, the City of Flint and EGLE are making this agreement public before it is approved by the city council.

“We agree with Flint residents who have expressed the need for transparency around the City of Flint’s water infrastructure,” City Administrator Clyde Edwards said. “The fractured public trust in local government created by the Flint Water Crisis may take generations to mend, but our goal is transparency and trustworthiness in all aspects of public service. We are listening and we are taking action with the goal of restoring trust and collaboration with community members.”

“Flint’s drinking water system has seen tremendous improvements over the past several years, but there is still work to be done to ensure healthy, reliable water for generations of Flint residents,” said Eric Oswald, director of EGLE’s Drinking Water and Environmental Health Division. “This agreement highlights expectations for that work into one document, provides public transparency, and ensures that all parties share the same expectations. We are eager to move forward with the work and look forward to City Council’s approval of the plan.”

The City of Flint is committed to delivering safe, clean water to Flint residents, and while major investments and upgrades have been made in Flint’s water infrastructure, there is still more work to do. The new draft administrative consent agreement reflects some of this remaining infrastructure work.

Water infrastructure improvements completed through previous iterations of this ACO include:

  • Constructed a new chemical feed building, completed in 2021
  • Installed water quality monitoring stations throughout the city, completed in 2021
  • Constructed a new secondary/emergency backup water source pipeline, completed in 2022
  • Upgraded household water meters, completed in 2022
  • Renovated Dort Reservoir and Pump Station, pending final testing this Spring

The updated ACO outlines plans for implementation of the Cross Connection Control Program; pending completion of the Dort Reservoir and Pump Station upgrades; the Cedar Street Reservoir and Pump Station upgrades scheduled to begin this summer, and the Torrey Rd. Pump Station upgrades.

It also includes plans to replace the Northwest Transmission Main, hire additional staff, implement several new Standard Operating Procedures, and complete demonstrations of Technical, Managerial, and Financial Capacity. Some of this work will extend through 2028, as outlined in the draft agreement.

The City of Flint has worked with EGLE to plan and implement these capacity-building measures since 2019, and the administration looks forward to continued collaboration in these efforts.

Lead service line replacement is not part of the administrative consent agreement with EGLE, although it is a key component of rebuilding Flint’s water infrastructure. The City of Flint is committed to getting the lead out at every address.

The City of Flint has completed 29,747 water service line excavations and identifications, including 10,522 service line replacements. The City of Flint has visited over 31,000 addresses to attempt to obtain consent for lead service line replacement. We encourage any Flint residents who have not yet had their service lines checked to call 810-410-1133 to sign up. Residents can also call the Mayor’s Office at 810-766-7346.

Media Contact for City of Flint

Caitie O'Neill Communications Director City of Flint 1101 S. Saginaw Street Flint, Michigan 48502 [email protected] 810-877-5652

Media Contact for EGLE

EGLE Media Office [email protected] 517-284-9278

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Public Notice: Proposed CAFO CWA-05-2024-0015

Email comments to the Regional Hearing Clerk  ([email protected]) . Be sure to include Case Docket No. CWA-05-2024-0015. If you are unable to submit written comments by email, please contact the Regional Hearing Clerk at 312-886-9868.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5, is providing notice of intent to execute a Consent Agreement and Final Order (CAFO) with Caterpillar Inc. (“Respondent”) for alleged violations of the Clean Water Act (CWA). EPA alleges that Respondent discharged storm water associated with industrial activity from point sources at its facility to the Vermilion River, a navigable water, and discharged wastewater associated with categorical industrial waste in violation of the Respondent’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit(s) (“Permit”), in violation of the Section 301 of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. § 1311.

EPA and Respondent have agreed that Respondent will pay a civil penalty of $64,044.30. Full payment of the penalty will resolve Respondent’s liability for federal civil penalties for the violation alleged in the CAFO.

Applicants or Respondents

1300 4-H Park Road Pontiac , IL 61764 United States

Docket Numbers

  • CWA-05-2024-0015

Related Documents

  • Public Notice of Proposed CAFO CWA-05-2024-0015 (pdf) (135.7 KB) CWA-05-2024-0015
  • Proposed CAFO CWA-05-2024-0015 (pdf) (649.9 KB) CWA-05-2024-0015
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    Agreement effective immediately upon filing of this Consent Agreement and Final Order with the Regional Hearing Clerk. This Final Order disposes of this matter pursuant to 40 C.F.R. §§ 22.18 and 22.31. BEING AGREED, IT IS SO ORDERED. Re g ion al Judicial Officer Consent Agreement and Final Order, Docket No.FIFRA-04-2024-3017(b) Page 13of 14

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