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Theses: Monash theses

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Monash University theses

The Library maintains the Monash University Thesis Collection , a collection of Doctoral and Masters by Research theses. All theses can be found in the Library Search.

Quick tips for searching for theses in Search:

  • use Advanced Search and limit to "Material type" = theses
  • s earch by Author and/or Title
  • or search by  Keywords
  • include the words thesis and Monash in your search
  • limit your search to Library collections

Looking for an Honours thesis?

Honours theses are not generally held in the library . To access Honours theses enquire at the relevant University faculty.

Browse by faculty

Most theses are available in the Bridges research repository for easier access and long-term preservation. 

Theses in the Research Repository can also be browsed by their faculty group:


Theses are published in the Research Repository under a range of different access categories.

Access categories

Open access: Full text of an open access thesis can be directly viewed and downloaded online.

Restricted access: Full text of a restricted thesis is not available for general viewing. The Library may still supply the full text of the thesis, in whole or in part, to persons for research through institutional document delivery , as permitted under Section 51 (2) of the Australia Copyright Act 1968. 

Embargo: Theses may be under a 1 to 3 year embargo. The thesis cannot be accessed by anyone during the embargo period.

Are you a Monash University research student wanting to know what access category you should add to your thesis? See Writing/Submission for more information.

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FIT4000 - Honours thesis extension

Monash Graduate Association

What is an eThesis?

An electronic copy of your thesis.

What is the Monash University research repository?

The  Monash University research repository  is an electronic repository for holding research, including theses. However there are two distinct parts to the repository:

  • The restricted access section – this is for research stored by Monash University primarily for archival purposes. Research stored in this part of the repository is made available to authorised persons for non-commercial personal research purposes, in the same way that anyone would access a hardcopy thesis stored in the library.
  • The open access section – this is for research stored on the world wide web. Research stored in this part of the repository is accessible by anyone with access to the internet. For example, it can be pulled up through a Google search. Research in this section is considered to be ‘published’.

What has been made compulsory for research students at Monash?

You must submit an electronic copy of your thesis to the library once your examination is complete. Your eThesis will be held in the restricted access section of the Monash University research repository. However, there are some parts of your thesis that will be held in the open access section of the repository and they are: bibliographic details, title and abstract.

Candidates enrolled under a cotutelle arrangement, Staff PhD, MD (unsupervised) and MPhil degrees are exempt from submitting an eThesis.

Candidates who enrolled before 2005 are also exempt from submitting an electronic copy of their thesis.

What is third-party material?

Third party works means any material you are using in your thesis that was created by someone else. This could be text quotations of substantial length, photographs, artworks, computer programs, technical illustrations etc.

Do I have to secure copyright permission for third-party material used in my thesis even if I’m not publishing in the open access part of the Monash University research repository?

If you have instructed that your thesis is to be placed only in the restricted access section of the Monash University research repository, then you can still rely on the fair dealing provisions in the Copyright Act to protect you from breach of copyright when reproducing third-party works in your thesis. The fair dealing provisions allow a researcher to reproduce or adapt a copyright work without permission, for the purpose of their private research or study. The library release form you are required to complete is confusing in this respect (and we are lobbying to have this changed).

Can graduate students choose to publish their entire thesis in the open access section of Monash University research repository?

Graduate students automatically own copyright in their research and thesis, unless they have assigned all or part of that copyright to the university or any other body.  If you retain copyright in your thesis you can elect to publish the full text of your thesis online in the open access section of the Monash University research repository. This means that:

  • Your thesis will be publicly available.
  • You retain copyright but grant the university a non-exclusive licence to publish on Monash University research repository.
  • You change your thesis from being considered an ‘academic document’ to a ‘publication’ in relation to the copyright act. Once the thesis is classified as a publication, you can no longer rely on the fair dealing provisions in the Copyright Act to protect you from breach of copyright when reproducing third-party works* in your thesis. Therefore you will need to seek permission to reproduce third-party material that would have normally fallen under the fair dealing provisions when submitting a hardcopy thesis.

Can I withdraw or submit my thesis from/to the open access part of the Monash University research repository at any time after I have signed the form to the contrary?

If you have initially chosen not to publish your thesis in the open access section of Monash University research repository but would now like to do so, email  [email protected]  and a voluntary submission package will be sent to you.

If you have initially chosen to publish your thesis in the open access section of Monash University research repository and would now like to withdraw the thesis from publication, email  [email protected]  requesting restricted access for your thesis.  The thesis text will be withdrawn from the open access section of Monash University research repository and only the bibliographic details, title and abstract will remain.

What is an embargo?

You can apply for a 3 year embargo which means that your thesis cannot be accessed by anyone without your permission, for three years. You must still submit an electronic copy to the library for archiving in the restricted access section of the Monash University research repository repository. However, only your title and abstract will be made available on the open access section of the Monash University research repository. You can choose to remove confidential material from your abstract if necessary.

When any embargo expires, publication of an e-thesis will still depend on whether you have opted for publication or not in your release form.

This means:

  • If you have not opted for publication, the library cannot automatically publish your theses at the expiration of the embargo but it will be accessible through the restricted access section of the Monash University research repository.
  • If you have opted for publication your thesis will automatically be published at the expiration of the embargo and will be accessible through both the restricted and open access sections of the Monash University research repository.

Will I be notified when my embargo is about to expire?

No, the library will not provide any notification.

Can I extend my embargo when it is due to expire?

When the 3 year embargo expires, you have the option to apply to the GRS Steering committee to extend the embargo for a further three years. You can do this by emailing your request to the  Examinations Unit .

Can I change my mind at any point and opt in or out of the embargo when I have signed the Library release form to the contrary?

You can apply to the GRS Steering committee to change your initial decision regarding an embargo, by emailing your request to the  Examinations Unit .

The MGA team

Got a question or request about anything at all?  Get in contact with one of our staff members – we’d love to hear from you. Alternatively, drop by the MGA office at Clayton or Caulfield so we can help!

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Monash University

Discover research from Monash University Theses

Faculty of Education

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Postgraduate - Unit EDF6033 - Masters thesis extension 1

This unit entry is for students who completed this unit in 2015 only. For students planning to study the unit, please refer to the unit indexes in the the current edition of the Handbook . If you have any queries contact the managing faculty for your course or area of study.

12 points, SCA Band 1, 0.250 EFTSL

Refer to the specific census and withdrawal dates for the semester(s) in which this unit is offered.

Offered First semester 2015 (Flexible)
Second semester 2015 (Flexible)

This is a unit of research study focusing on a particular theory, issue, challenge, dilemma, concern or problem in the field of education, undertaken with a supervisor. Although students are expected to demonstrate initiative and independence, the supervisor offers guidance, support and feedback over the course of the research. The unit is designed for students who are intending to undertake further higher degree studies. Graduates who have successfully completed the master's thesis are able to use this 16,000-word study as evidence of independent research experience in an application for entry into the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) course.

Upon successful completion of this unit (and EDF6031 and 6032) students should be able to:

  • produce a thesis that displays competence at understanding and carrying out research in the field of education, but with less emphasis on comprehensive knowledge and originality as required in a PhD
  • devise a research topic to investigate that is feasible within the two-unit time frame
  • identify key research questions that are not too general and ambitious
  • select and review relevant theory and literature
  • design a study and choose appropriate methods to investigate research questions
  • select appropriate modes of analysis
  • consider ethical issues involved in research
  • implement, critically appraise or apply research in a particular field
  • prepare a comprehensive written report that is professionally presented and contains all the required components including a bibliography at the end.

The Master of Education thesis is a 16,000-word dissertation and is the formal assessment task for this unit (together with EDF6031 and EDF6032 ).

Workload requirements

Minimum total expected workload comprises: (c.) Overall requirements: + 24 hours per week

See also Unit timetable information

Chief examiner(s)

Dr Michael Henderson


EDF6031 EDF6032 Students may, under extenuating circumstances, require more time to complete their thesis. A case needs to be made which must have the support of their supervisor.

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Authorised by: Manager, Curriculum and Publications. Maintained by: Curriculumn and Publications . Last updated: 18 September 2017.

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thesis extension monash

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  1. Monash University Thesis Template

    thesis extension monash

  2. Monash University Thesis Template

    thesis extension monash

  3. Monash University Thesis Template

    thesis extension monash

  4. Monash University Thesis Template

    thesis extension monash

  5. Monash University Thesis Template

    thesis extension monash

  6. Monash University Thesis Template

    thesis extension monash


  1. Graduate research forms

    This includes: attendance variation, leave, extension to thesis submission date, change of supervision, credit, study away, withdrawal, writing up away, internship ...

  2. FIT5000

    FIT5000 is an extension unit for all FIT coursework masters minor thesis degrees, where appropriate. Entry only available on approval by the Associate Dean (Education) where exceptional circumstances have been determined.

  3. FZA4000

    Thesis: the substantive thesis (including appendices) should normally be 9,000-18,000 words for 18 credit point theses and 12,000-24,000 words for 24 credit point theses.

  4. Managing your Candidature

    At Monash we set your candidature duration at 3 years and 6 months from the start of your enrolment. The duration of the academic year for graduate research students is 48 weeks with 4 weeks of annual leave (pro-rata for part-time students). There may be restrictions on students enrolling part-time due to course requirements as published in the ...

  5. Enrolment to Completion

    Thesis Submission Date & Extensions: PhD students will have the thesis submission date and RTP scholarship end date set to 3 years and 6 months from the outset, removing the need to apply for extensions. Current students who have not received an extension and are eligible to receive a scholarship extension will be automatically updated to 3 year and 6 months over the Dec 22-Jan 23 period PhD ...

  6. Thesis preparation and submission

    Before submitting a thesis, please make sure the following has been considered and/or completed. Please note that students are not required to submit physical copies of their thesis. Thesis submission and examination is completed online via the Thesis Examination Portal. A student will only be required to submit a soft thermal-bound copy of ...

  7. Short Extension or Special Consideration Application

    If you miss the deadline for a short extension, you'll need to apply for special consideration instead. For more details about this process, including the required supporting documents or how to apply to defer a scheduled final assessment (a separate application), go to our extensions and special consideration website.

  8. Writing / Submission

    Submitting your thesis for examination Monash University Higher Degree by Research students are required to submit a digital copy of their final thesis for examination through the Monash Graduate Research Office portal - See Thesis submission and examination for more information and to access the Thesis Examination Portal.

  9. PDF honours-and-minor-thesis-extension-application

    I acknowledge that Monash University reserves the right to confirm the information provided and may vary or reverse any decision regarding minor thesis extension on the basis of incorrect or incomplete information.

  10. Thesis including Published Works

    The Thesis Including Published Works is not a different degree, rather, it is a thesis format that includes papers that have been accepted or published during the student's enrolment in the relevant graduate research degree at Monash. A thesis in this format must reflect a sustained and cohesive theme related to a defined research project.

  11. Graduate Research Thesis Examination Procedure

    thesis examination is conducted to determine a graduate research student's ability to produce a body of work that demonstrates systematic and critical understanding of a complex field of learning and specialised research skills for the advancement of learning and/or for professional practice. This procedure outlines the processes for ...

  12. Theses

    The Library provides access to theses submitted at Monash University, and also to theses from other universities in Australia and internationally. All PhD and Masters by Research theses are held by the Library. Search the Library catalogue by author, title or keywords. Learn how you can find and access non-Monash theses.

  13. EDF5154: Honours thesis extension 2

    The Honours thesis is designed for students who are intending to undertake further higher degree studies. Graduates who have successfully completed the Honours Thesis (both Part 1 and Part 2) will be able to use this 16,000 word study as evidence of independent research experience in an application for entry into the doctorate programs.

  14. Home

    The Monash University Library provides access to theses submitted at Monash University and also to theses from other universities in Australia and internationally. Theses available in the Library can be found using Search. Formats include: print, microfiche and online. These include. Monash doctoral, masters and a small number of honours theses.

  15. EDF5154: Honours thesis extension 2

    The honours thesis is designed for students who are intending to undertake further higher degree studies. Graduates who have successfully completed the honours thesis (both part 1 and part 2) are able to use this 16,000-word study as evidence of independent research experience in an application for entry into the doctorate program.

  16. EDF5743: Psychology thesis extension

    EDF5743: Psychology thesis extension - Monash University. Sir John Monash " … equip yourself for life, not solely for your own benefit but for the benefit of the whole community."

  17. How do I apply for an extension?

    Short extension (two calendar days) When you apply for a short extension, you don't need to give a reason on your first application for a particular unit. Apply as soon as possible, but no later than 11.55pm on the day your assessment is due. You can only get one short extension for each task. Go to short extension for details.

  18. Monash theses

    Monash University theses The Library maintains the Monash University Thesis Collection, a collection of Doctoral and Masters by Research theses. All theses can be found in the Library Search.

  19. FIT4000

    FIT4000 is an extension unit for all FIT undergraduate Honours degree students, where appropriate. Entry only available on approval by the Associate Dean (Education) where exceptional circumstances have been determined.

  20. eThesis

    If you have initially chosen to publish your thesis in the open access section of Monash University research repository and would now like to withdraw the thesis from publication, email [email protected] requesting restricted access for your thesis.

  21. Monash University research repository

    Discover research fromMonash University Theses RSS feed Follow ALL Categories groups SEARCH

  22. EDF6033: Masters thesis extension 1

    EDF6033: Masters thesis extension 1. units. EDF6033. Faculty of Education. 18 September 2017 18 March 2024 . Skip to the content. Search Monash. my.monash; Current students; Staff; Library; Giving to Monash; 2015 Handbook. About us and our history; Study at Monash; Research at Monash; Industry and partnerships; Find people and places;