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Master's theses

Master's theses in law, psychology and political science.

Aarhus University Library, School of Business and Social Sciences, Bartholins Allé records and stores all theses written in the subjects: Law, Psychology and Political Science.

How to search for theses in the library database

You can search for theses in the library database and see where they are located or download them. You can search by author, title, subject and department. Specific search guide can be found at subject guides for Law , Psychology and Political Science .

What theses are for loan or downloadable?

Not all theses are publicly available, as there may be confidential information etc., which can lead the author to choose not to lend the thesis.

In special situations, AU employees may be permitted to access theses that are not publicly available.

At Bartholins Allé all publicly available theses are placed on floor 0 (basement). The theses are no longer received in printed form, but in electronic form for download.

The following theses are available:

  • Law: 1993-2010 in printed format, 2011 -> available electronically.
  • Political Science: 1963-2007 in printed format, 2008 -> available electronically.
  • Psychology: 2007-2010 is in printed format, 2011 -> available electronically.

You can only access the electronic theses if you are on Campus.


Theses from aarhus bss.

You can access published theses from BSS again.

As a student or employee at Aarhus University you can search for and get access to student theses (master's, Bachelor's, graduate diploma) from economics, business law, management and the former business communication at BSS.

You can find the published theses in our library system , just like when you search for other material such as books, articles, etc.

In order to search for and get access to the theses in the library system you must:

  • Log in to the library system as either an employee or a student at AU
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Master's Degree Programme

: English  ( )  | : Aarhus  |   : August / September (no winter intake)


Business Intelligence (BI) bridges the gap between modern data science and business applications by transforming data into insights that enable strategic business decision-making. The MSc in Economics and Business Administration – Business Intelligence takes a data-driven approach to solving business problems by focusing on:

  • extracting and analysing information from data to predict behaviour and recognise natural patterns
  • visualising and presenting results to support managerial decision-making. 

The BI programme aims to prepare the students to use a variety of state-of-the-art data analytics tools and apply data science to solve the complex and interdisciplinary challenges that businesses face. During the BI programme, the students will work with data-driven business projects such as:

  • Generative AI for Customer Service: Build a chatbot using open-source language models that can handle common customer inquiries in the retail industry, potentially reducing response times.
  • Fraud Detection in E-Commerce: Implement machine learning algorithms to detect unusual purchasing patterns, potentially preventing fraudulent transactions in online stores.
  • Data-Driven Business Development for Healthcare: Develop predictive models to forecast patient inflow in hospitals, enabling efficient staff and resource allocation.
  • Visual Analytics for Sales Managers: Build interactive dashboards that analyse sales data, helping managers forecast trends, identify underperforming regions, and optimise resource allocation.
  • Commodities Trading Database Design: Engineer a robust and scalable database system to centralise global commodities market data, facilitating traders to swiftly query, analyse, and forecast price movements, thereby supporting informed trading decisions in real-time.
  • AI Adoption in Hospitality: Guide hotels in deploying AI solutions for automating room bookings, feedback collection, and optimising housekeeping schedules.
  • Recommender Systems for Media: Develop algorithms that suggest movies or series to subscribers of a streaming platform based on their viewing history.
  • Customer Analytics in Retail: Implement clustering techniques to segment customers of a fashion brand, predicting inventory needs for different locations based on regional preferences.
  • Quality Control in Manufacturing: Utilise deep learning to inspect images of products on an assembly line, identifying defects or inconsistencies to ensure quality and reduce recalls.
  • Environmental Analytics: Develop BI tools that monitor and forecast energy consumption, providing insights for sustainable practices.

A broad quantitative profile

Combining a solid business understanding with strong analytical skills is essential for turning data into business value. The BI programme is designed to equip participants with the analytical expertise needed for managerial and data specialist roles in both private and public sectors, as well as consulting firms. Participants will gain experience in planning and implementing business intelligence solutions, utilising the latest methods in machine learning, data mining, and deep learning. They will acquire the ability to generate insights from large and complex datasets, commonly known as Big Data. Additionally, attendees will become proficient in using data analysis programming languages such as R, SQL, and Python for tasks ranging from data structuring and extraction to modelling, communication, and deployment.

Graduates who complete the Business Intelligence programme acquire analytical and quantitative skills that are highly demanded by both the public and private sector. BI graduates take up positions in international or Danish companies, public institutions, and consulting firms as BI consultants, data scientists, data engineers, advanced data analysts, machine learning developers, or product owners. After a few years on the labour market, many BI graduates advance to senior data specialist roles (senior data scientist, senior automation engineer, etc.) or managerial roles (BI lead, head of AI, etc.).

Admission Requirements

Legal right of admission.

Applicants with a Bachelor's degree in Economics and Business Administration (HA) from Aarhus University have the right to be admitted to the Master's degree programme in Economics and Business Administration (cand.merc.) at Aarhus University on the condition that application is made for admission to the Master’s degree programme no later than three years after completion of the Bachelor’s degree programme. The legal right of admission requires receipt of the application by Aarhus University within the appropriate period of time.

  • Read more about legal right of admission.

Bachelor's degrees with direct admission

The following Bachelor’s degrees fulfill the admissions requirements for the Master’s degree programme in Economics and Business Administration at Aarhus University but are not automatically secured a spot at the programme:

  • Applicants with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with supplementary subject (erhvervsøkonomi med tilvalg) at study plan 2017 and onwards from Aarhus University.
  • Applicants with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Commercial Law ( Erhvervsøkonomi-erhvervsret (HA jur.)) from Aarhus University.
  • Applicants with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Business Administration (HA - general business economics ) from one of the Danish universities. *
  • Applicants a Bachelor´s degree in Economics and Business Administration (HA) from Aarhus University who no longer have legal right of admission. *

* With a diploma older than 2000, your Bachelor’s degree will be assessed according to the specific admission requirements described under the section: “Students that hold a degree from another university”. 

Students that hold a Bachelor's degree from another university

Other Bachelor´s degrees can provide admission to the Master’s degree programme. When you apply the university will access if your Bachelor´s degree corresponds in level, extent and content to a BSc in Economics and Business Administration/HA from Aarhus Universitet. The assessment will prioritize the sufficient content of the following subjects and ECTS-points:   




7,5 ECTS


7,5 ECTS


7,5 ECTS

Organisation- and Leadership Theory

7,5 ECTS



Operations Management


Additional ECTS points within the abovementioned areas


In addition, applicants need to have passed a Bachelor’s project of minimum 10 ECTS

*Please note, applicants must have at least 15 ECTS within methods including at least 10 ECTS within quantitative methods or statistics. However only 5 ECTS can be covered by Mathematics.

Admission to the MSc in Economics and Business Administration for applicants with a professional bachelor’s degree (professionsbachelor)

In order to meet the admission requirements for the MSc programmes in Economics and Business Administration, applicants with a specific professional bachelor’s degree must have completed specific elective courses as part of their qualifying exam. In  this table  the requirements for elective courses are laid out.

Language requirements

As English is the language of instruction in all subjects, all applicants are required to provide evidence of their English language proficiency. Please see the page on language requirements .

Download appendix for your application

If you apply for admission with an international Bachelor's degree, you must fill in this appendix and upload it in the application portal. The appendix serves to help the Admission Board assess your Bachelor's degree in regard to the admission requirements. 

Download appendix

Restricted admission from 2022

As from the intake 2022, the Master’s degree programmes in Economics and Business Administration (cand.merc.) only admits a limited number of students each year. Therefore, meeting the admission requirements does not in itself guarantee admission to the programme. 

Please note, for programmes with restricted admission special rules regarding supplementary Bachelor’s courses apply. Therefore, we no longer offer pre-assessments for the programme in Economics and Business Administration (cand.merc.).

Read more about supplementary Bachelor’s courses .

Selection criteria

If there are more qualified applicants than available seats, the Admissions Committee assesses each applicant based on the average mark (i.e. GPA) of the Bachelor’s degree at the time of application. Marks/grades obtained after the application deadline will not be included in the GPA. The Admissions Committee assesses each applicant’s marks based on the information provided by diplomas and transcripts.

Programme Structure



Below is an outline of the courses:

The study programme consists of two semesters in the first year which cover the compulsory courses in the programme specialisation and two semesters in the last year which are reserved for the student's own specialisation.

In the first semester you follow the prerequisite courses that form the methodological and academic basis for the further study programme.

In the second semester you follow the specialisation courses of the programme.

In the  third semester  you can choose elective courses within your areas of interest. The courses can either be taken at Aarhus BSS during the semester, at the Summer University or at one of our more than 300 partner universities abroad. You can also participate in project-based internship programmes either in Denmark or abroad.

The  fourth semester  is devoted to the final thesis. You may choose the topic of the thesis freely and so get a chance to concentrate on and specialise in a specific field of interest. The thesis may be written in collaboration with another student or it may be the result of your individual effort. 

Please note that you must select the specific Master's degree programme, Business Intelligence, in the tabs just above the study diagram!

Contact Jesper Wulff ( [email protected] ) if you have questions about the track or the individual courses.

Student Life

Learning in an international context.

At Aarhus BSS, we conduct research at the highest academic level.

All researchers employed are engaged in research projects covering a wide range of different subjects and focusing on knowledge and skills considered essential for professional business activities in the global marketplace. All faculty have both research and teaching responsibilities, which means that our teaching is continually based on the latest research results.

Aarhus BSS is very internationally oriented. The broad scope of our research activities and educational programmes enable us to attract researchers, teachers, and students from all over the world, and this creates an international environment for research and learning in which academic views are exchanged, experiences are gathered and friendships are formed.

Aarhus University is a leading university in Denmark in building student exchange opportunities. The university encourages all students to spend time studying abroad. Every year, more than 700 students from Aarhus BSS go abroad to participate in exchange programmes around the world at our more than 300 partner universities. About the same number of students from all over the world come to participate in the exchange programme in Aarhus, and this contributes to a truly international learning atmosphere.

Follow the student life at Aarhus University

-experienced, photographed and filmed by the students themselves.

With thousands of pictures #AUInternational, #AarhusUni gives insight into the everyday life as a student at AU; the parties, procrastination, exams and all the other ways you’ll spend your time at university.

The photos belong to the users, shared with #AUInternational and #AarhusUni.

Meet our graduates

thesis au bss

"The MSc in Business Intelligence allowed me to gain a broad understanding of data-driven decision-making processes, advanced analytics, and BI tools. The programme not only built my analytical skills foundation but also taught me how to turn complex data into useful insights. Since graduating, I've confidently applied what I learned, helping organisations leverage data optimally for strategic advantage."

Peer Woyczechowski, Advanced Data Analytics Lead, Vestas. 2022 Graduate  LinkedIn

thesis au bss

"The programme gave me both the theoretical knowledge and the practical programming experience to apply data science in the real world. The programme offers a good balance between theory and application, but with an ongoing focus on creating business value. Having the mindset of business value creation has been key for me when developing data-driven solutions that can have a significant impact on businesses." Emilie Sophie Rosenkilde Christensen , Portfolio Manager, Novo Nordisk. 2020 Graduate  LinkedIn

thesis au bss

“ The data science field is a rapidly growing one. Studying Business Intelligence equipped me with essential analytical tools and techniques to make data-driven decisions, which has been invaluable in my career. What you're learning here is not just theoretical; it's directly applicable in both industry and academia. This programme forms the bedrock of your capacity to navigate and work with data, a skill set in high demand across diverse sectors. This is the future – so what are you waiting for?”

Morten Kloster Pedersen , Quantitative Analyst, Nitor Energy. 2019 Graduate  LinkedIn

thesis au bss

“Through my Master's degree in Business Intelligence, I gained a comprehensive understanding of advanced statistical and computational methods used to interpret complex data. I developed proficiency in programming languages such as R and Python, and acquired a strong foundation in machine learning algorithms, data mining, and data visualisation. This rigorous programme also enhanced my ability to think critically, solve complex problems, and communicate data-driven insights effectively. By working on hands-on projects and case studies, I learned how to leverage data to drive strategic decision-making and innovation.”

Lene Hansen , Data Scientist, BESTSELLER. 2020 graduate  LinkedIn  

thesis au bss

"The Business Intelligence programme gave me the prerequisites to understand, and build upon, my knowledge of what it means to be a specialist, in what might be seen as a generalist discipline, of applied methodological use of data and analytics to generate business value and outcomes. With the rise of emerging generative-AI, cloud-, and data-technologies that every company seeks to adopt, the demand for people with such skillsets is as high as ever, and this greenfield with endless opportunities, is just what the programme thought me how to explore and utilise, which has been of great importance to my career so far.

Michael Thruesen , Head of Advanced Analytics Foundation CoE, Danske Bank. 2017 Graduate  LinkedIn

Tasks as a Graduate

The chart shows the five most common types of work for graduates 1-2 years after finishing their degree. The data is derived from a survey made by Epinion for the Ministry of Higher Education and Science and Aarhus University in 2020.

Job profile

Below, you can find information about what a number of our alumni work with in their first job after graduation. Administrative Reporting, coordination, presentations, proposals, stock control (lagerstyring). Project Management Analysis Market analysis, data analysis, employee satisfaction analysis, customer satisfaction analysis and statistics. Economy and Accounting Book keeping, SAP, accounting, financial planning and projection. Other Interpreting, marketing and communication, IT (development of performance systems and implementation, business warehouse), teaching, packing, SQL, contact and support to costumers and sale.  

Profile of competencies

The specialisation in Business Intelligence gives the student the skills to fill positions as BI consultants, business analysts, data scientists, data engineers, and product owners as well as positions focusing on market research.

This research-based MSc study programme in Economics and Business Administration builds on the competencies and insights acquired in the BSc study programme in Economics and Business Administration.

The MSc study programme provides the graduate with specialist knowledge within the disciplines of the study programme, which gives the graduate high academic qualifications to develop solutions to issues pertaining to business administration in companies and organisations in the public and private sectors.

The study programme also qualifies the graduate for further studies, including PhD studies.

Through the study programme, the graduate has acquired knowledge that enables the graduate to:

  • understand and consider knowledge pertaining to the various disciplines as well as identify academic issues
  • master the scientific methodologies and tools of the various disciplines as well as master general skills associated with employment within the areas studied
  • assess and choose among the scientific methodologies and tools of the various disciplines as well as develop new analysis and solution models
  • discuss professional and academic issues with both specialists and laymen
  • manage work and development situations that are complex, unpredictable, and require new solution models
  • initiate and carry out, on an independent basis, monodisciplinary and interdisciplinary collaboration and take professional responsibility
  • take responsibility, on an independent basis, for own professional development and specialisation.

We want to help our students find successful careers. Students can always contact our Career Services for advice and assistance with getting onto the Danish labour market. Check out our careers page to see the range of services we offer.

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See Admission Requirements for your options of qualifying BA-study programmes.


Do you have questions about this programme?

  • Contact the student counsellors for Business Intelligence


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New strategy against breast cancer wins 3 Minute Thesis


3MT thesis 2024 winner Lilly Hatwell

Lilly Hatwell from the Faculty of Medicine & Health won the 2024 UNSW 3 Minute Thesis Competition.

Photo: Isabella Moore.

Yolande Hutchinson

PhD candidate Lilly Hatwell’s presentation on breast cancer treatments targeting the androgen receptor has won the 3MT competition and inaugural UNSW Founders Award.

UNSW’s innovative and world-changing doctoral research was on display at the popular 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) final on Tuesday evening.

This year’s 18 contestants distilled their 100,000-word PhD theses into bite-sized three-minute talks, delivered in front of a packed audience at Leighton Hall in the John Niland Scientia Building.

Topics ranged from modifying food prices to help improve diets, to using AI to improve transport planning, and the 16 traits that make for a charismatic leader.

The winner of the $3000 top prize was Lilly Hatwell from the Garvan Institute of Medical Research and UNSW Medicine & Health. She delivered an engaging presentation on game-changing tactics against breast cancer.

“I am incredibly honoured and thrilled to have received first prize and the UNSW Founders Award. The quality and diversity of research across UNSW is inspiring and it is such an exciting event to be a part of,” Lilly said.

Lilly’s presentation spoke about the ‘hormonal tug of war’ in the fight against the most common form of breast cancer. The hormone estrogen is already known to promote the proliferation of cancer cells, and as such, most current strategies target the estrogen receptor. However, many patients develop resistance to this type of treatment.

Her thesis flips the focus and targets a different hormone receptor – the androgen receptor – using a drug that increases its expression. This approach helps the androgen receptor suppress the tumour and steals genes that the estrogen receptor needs to drive tumour growth. Her research combines this drug with clinically available targeted therapies to hopefully identify effective combinations.

Lilly was also presented with the inaugural UNSW Founders Award that recognises the best story deserving to win an award.

She will now go on to represent UNSW at the Asia-Pacific 3MT Finals at the University of Queensland, as well as the International Universitas 21 competitions.

UNSW Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Attila Brungs, extended his praise to all the PhD researchers who presented.

“My congratulations go out to all 3MT finalists for their ongoing dedication to their fascinating research. Each finalist demonstrated the diverse and forward-thinking research that UNSW is renowned for, and I have been left feeling incredibly inspired,” Prof. Brungs said.

“Lilly Hatwell’s presentation on breast cancer treatments targeting the androgen receptor combined with patient specific treatments was outstanding. She displayed exceptional knowledge in her field of research and communicated it to the audience in a clear and engaging manner.”

3MT finalists 2024

This year’s 3MT judges included Director of Marinya Capital and newspaper proprietor John Fairfax AO; Director of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Suzanne Cotter; Co-founder of The Daily Aus, Zara Seidler; UNSW Vice-Chancellor and President, Attila Brungs; and UNSW Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Research and Enterprise Professor Bronwyn Fox.

Professor Jonathan Morris, UNSW’s Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research Training and Dean of Graduate Research, said the highlight of this year’s 3MT competition was seeing the University’s talented PhD candidates demonstrate their ability to communicate their world class research.  

“Our PhD candidates are engaged in high quality research and these presentations demonstrate the impact that their research has on society. The 3MT competition showcases their work in a really engaging and accessible way,” Prof. Morris said. 

“I want to congratulate all our outstanding finalists for their efforts. This competition is the highlight of the higher degree research calendar and it’s one of the University’s premier events because it showcases the people who carry out the research and the quality of their work.” 

3MT awardees

Milad Mousavi from the Faculty of Engineering took second place with his innovative research presentation, ‘The Invisible Guardian of the Underground Galaxy’. His research addresses the many lives lost in the mining sector and aims to use a digital invisible guardian to predict accidents.

Third place was awarded to Ellen Bowden-Reid from The Kirby Institute and UNSW Medicine & Health for her presentation on RNA vaccines: the secret weapon against pandemic viruses.

The audience voted for their favourite 3MT in the People’s Choice award, which was awarded to Sari Puspita Dewi from the Faculty of Arts, Design & Architecture for her presentation on why Indonesian translation of academic textbooks is confusing and how it can be fixed to improve learning.

UNSW 3MT awardees: Sari Puspita Dewi, Milad Mousavi, Ellen Bowden-Reid and Lilly Hatwell.

Media enquiries

For enquiries about this story and interview requests please contact Yolande Hutchinson :

Tel: 0420 845 023 Email: [email protected]

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Aarhus BSS School of Business and Social Sciences Aarhus University

Survey among thesis supervisors at aarhus bss, purpose/research question.

The objective was to study whether thesis supervisors’ practices and the quality of Master’s theses has changed at Aarhus BSS in consequence of the Study Progress Reform implemented in 2016.

The adoption and implementation of the study progress reform have put Master's theses at Danish universities under pressure. In particular, the thesis period was reduced from six months to 4½ months. At Aarhus BSS, both supervisors and management have questioned whether the quality of Master's theses and thesis supervision has changed in consequence of the reform. Therefore, the faculty's programme management wanted to identify the consequences of the reform for supervisors' practice and the conditions for their supervision.

Data and methodology

The survey was conducted as an electronic questionnaire sent out to about 400 thesis supervisors at Aarhus BSS. The response rate was 66%. Data was reported as descriptive statistics.

Results and perspectives

The results show that:

  • The majority of supervisors experience an increased workload and deteriorated conditions for their supervision.
  • More than half of the supervisors are more likely than before to advice their students against doing a risky project.
  • More than one third of the supervisors think that the academic level of Master's theses is lower than before the reform.
  • A fourth of the supervisors assess that Master's theses are based less on empirical data, and about one fifth assess that Master's theses are based less on corporation with external partners
  • About one third of the supervisors provide more process support and see more focused and disciplined students.

Status: finished

Gitte Wichmann-Hansen

Gitte   Wichmann-Hansen

Report  (NB!: Only in Danish)

Study portal - Business Development and Technology (BTECH)

Bachelor's and master's thesis.

On these pages, you can find relevant information, links and dates concerning Bachelor's project and Master's thesis.

Procedures and rules may vary depending on the individual degree programmes. Therefore, you must find your degree programme in the left-hand menu.  

Processing personal data

If you as a student will have access to or collect personal data for use in a written assignment, a Bachelor's project or a Master's thesis e.g., it is your responsibility to handle the information according to rules and regulations in force. Please go to this webpage for more information on the rules concerning personal data .


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  2. Thesis thesis thesis

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  1. IOP


  1. Master's thesis

    Master's thesis. The master's thesis is the most independent part of the master's degree work. It may be an examination of empirical material, or it may represent a systematic enquiry into a theoretical subject based on existing literature. Find more information in the course description 'Master's thesis' in the AU course catalogue.

  2. Theses

    Theses - Aarhus BSS Law Law. The theses can be found ... AU VPN. Management ... Contact the AU Library, Ny Munkegade, if you wish to view a thesis or a dissertation. Mathematics Mathematics. Theses from 1994-2020 can be found in print at AU Library, Ny Munkegade.

  3. Bachelor's project and master's thesis

    Bachelor's project and master's thesis. Find relevant information about writing your bachelor's project and master's thesis. On these pages, you can find information, links, and dates relevant to your bachelor's project and master's thesis. Choose below what you are about to study:

  4. Master Thesis

    At the same time, you must send an email to [email protected] regarding the early submission of the thesis. If you submit 14 days or less before your fixed submission deadline, your assessor will not be informed of your submission until the official submission deadline, after which the four week assessment deadline is set in motion.

  5. Master's theses

    The following theses are available: Law: 1993-2010 in printed format, 2011 -> available electronically. Political Science: 1963-2007 in printed format, 2008 -> available electronically. Psychology: 2007-2010 is in printed format, 2011 -> available electronically. You can only access the electronic theses if you are on Campus.

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  7. Theses from Aarhus BSS

    Aarhus University. Nordre Ringgade 1 8000 Aarhus E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +45 8715 0000. CVR no: 31119103 EORI no: DK-31119103

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    The courses can either be taken at Aarhus BSS during the semester, at the Summer University or at one of our more than 300 partner universities abroad. You can also participate in project-based internship programmes either in Denmark or abroad. The fourth semester is devoted to the final thesis. You may choose the topic of the thesis freely and ...

  10. Aarhus BSS

    Study at a top 100 university. Aarhus BSS (School of Business and Social Sciences at Aarhus University) offers a wide range of degree programmes within the fields of economics, business and engineering at Bachelor's, Master's and PhD level. International environment with 90+ nationalities on campus.

  11. PhD dissertation

    The PhD dissertation may be either. 1. a monograph, or. 2. a collection of scientific articles including a summary accounting for the relation between the publications and their individual contribution to the complete PhD project. The monograph as well as the collection of scientific articles must include research contributions which have been ...

  12. Master's thesis oral defence and assessment

    The assessment of the Master's thesis consists of an overall evaluation (i.e., a complete assessment) of the written master's thesis and the oral defence. To learn more about defence and assessment, please go to the course description, the examination order (in Danish) or in the relevant academic regulation. Revised 03.06.2024.

  13. Master's degree programme in Business Intelligence

    The courses can either be taken at Aarhus BSS during the semester, at the Summer University or at one of our more than 300 partner universities abroad. You can also participate in project-based internship programmes either in Denmark or abroad. The fourth semester is devoted to the final thesis. You may choose the topic of the thesis freely and ...

  14. Au Bss Master Thesis

    Au Bss Master Thesis - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses the challenges students face when writing a BSS Master's thesis, including the large workload, need for precision and balancing academic and personal commitments. It introduces HelpWriting.net as a service that provides expert assistance to students throughout the entire ...

  15. Master's degree programmes

    International Economic Consulting. Management Accounting and Control. Marketing Analytics and Strategy (formerly Marketing) Operations and Supply Chain Analytics. Strategic Communication. Strategic Value Chain Management (formerly Business-to-Business Marketing and Purchasing) Strategy, Organisation and Leadership.

  16. Guidelines for written assignments

    The Board of Studies has compiled the following general guidelines for writing assignments in the bachelor and master programmes, including written exam assignments and other large written assignments. As a student, you should always remember to use references, if you are using direct quotes, paraphrasing or direct translation in an assignment.

  17. Master Thesis Bss Au

    Master Thesis Bss Au - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses feeling overwhelmed by the complex process of writing a master's thesis in Business Administration. It describes the many challenging components involved, from formulating a thesis statement to conducting extensive research.

  18. Thesis (24 units)

    Students enrolled in this course will independently research and write a maximum of 15,000-word thesis on a topic developed in consultation with their individual supervisor. The thesis should be an extended argument addressing questions, problems or issues arising from close study and analysis of events and materials from Asia and the Pacific.

  19. Thesis Bss Au

    Thesis Bss Au - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses the challenges of writing a thesis, including managing time while juggling responsibilities, navigating academic writing guidelines, and feeling overwhelmed by the extensive research and analysis required. It notes that students can find the thesis writing process daunting due to ...

  20. Formal requirements

    The scope of the master's thesis is a maximum of 224,000 characters (incl. blanks). The scope includes notes, tables and figures, but does not include front page, table of contents, bibliography, appendices or the abstract. The number of characters incl. blanks must be stated on the front page. A master's thesis that exceeds the prescribed ...

  21. Assessment procedure

    Assessment procedure. Applications will be assessed by an expert selection committee, and applicants will receive the committee's assessment of, and response to, their application approximately 3 months after the application deadline. *The start date depends on various factors, e.g. final enrolment requirements/details, getting a study- and ...

  22. New strategy against breast cancer wins 3 Minute Thesis

    UNSW's innovative and world-changing doctoral research was on display at the popular 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) final on Tuesday evening. This year's 18 contestants distilled their 100,000-word PhD theses into bite-sized three-minute talks, delivered in front of a packed audience at Leighton Hall in the John Niland Scientia Building.

  23. Survey among thesis supervisors at Aarhus BSS

    At Aarhus BSS, both supervisors and management have questioned whether the quality of Master's theses and thesis supervision has changed in consequence of the reform. Therefore, the faculty's programme management wanted to identify the consequences of the reform for supervisors' practice and the conditions for their supervision.

  24. Bachelor's and Master's Thesis

    Bachelor's and Master's Thesis. On these pages, you can find relevant information, links and dates concerning Bachelor's project and Master's thesis. Procedures and rules may vary depending on the individual degree programmes. Therefore, you must find your degree programme in the left-hand menu.