Explore the Best Medical and Health Research Topics Ideas


Table of contents

  • 1 How to Choose Medical Research Paper Topics
  • 2 New Medical Research Paper Topics
  • 3 Medical Research Topics for College Students
  • 4 Controversial Medical Topics for Research Paper
  • 5 Health Research Topics
  • 6 Medicine Research Topics
  • 7 Healthcare Research Topics
  • 8 Public Health Research Topics
  • 9 Mental Health Research Paper Topics
  • 10 Anatomy Research Topics
  • 11 Biomedical Research Topics
  • 12 Bioethics Research Topics
  • 13 Cancer Research Topics
  • 14 Clinical Research Topics
  • 15 Critical Care Research Topics
  • 16 Pediatric Research Topics
  • 17 Dental Research Topics Ideas
  • 18 Dermatology Research Topics
  • 19 Primary Care Research Topics
  • 20 Pharmaceutical Research Topics
  • 21 Medical Anthropology Research Topics
  • 22 Paramedic Research Paper Topics
  • 23 Surgery Research Topics
  • 24 Radiology Research Paper Topics
  • 25 Anatomy and Physiology Research Paper Topics
  • 26 Healthcare Management Research Paper Topics
  • 27 Medical Ethics Research Paper Topics
  • 28 Environmental Health and Pollution Research Paper Topics
  • 29 Conclusion

Writing an original and compelling research paper is a daunting task in such a complex and broad field as medicine. Each student decides where his interests lie, from investigating public care concerns to cancer treatment studies. We aim to help students find new angles to study and focus on relevant topics. With our resources, you can write an engaging and rigorous paper.

How to Choose Medical Research Paper Topics

Choosing good research paper topics is often more challenging than the writing process itself. You need to select a captivating subject matter that will grab the reader’s attention, showcase your knowledge of a specific field, help you progress in your studies, and perhaps even inspire future research.

To accomplish that, you need to start with brainstorming, followed by thorough research. Here are some great tips to follow:

  • Pick an interesting topic – The key is to pick something that you find interesting, and yet make sure it’s not too general or too narrow. It should allow you to delve deep into the subject matter and show that you’re a professional who is ready to take on a challenge when it comes to your chosen field of medicine.
  • Narrow down your focus – Once you have a list of potential topics, sift through recent medical research papers to get up-to-date with the latest trends, developments, and issues in medicine and healthcare. Check out textbooks, news articles, and other relevant sources for more information related to your potential topics. If a particular condition or disease interests you (perhaps something that drew you to a career in medicine), there’s your cue for narrowing down your topic.
  • Pinpoint the “why,” “how,” and “what” – Whether you are looking into nutrition research paper topics , controversial medical topics, nursing research topics, or anything in-between, ask yourself why each of them is important. How could they contribute to the available medical studies, if any? What new information could they bring to improve the future of medicine? Asking these questions will help you pick the right medical research paper topic that suits you and helps you move forward and reach your aspirations.

To help you on that quest, we’ve compiled a list of topics that you could use or that might inspire you to come up with something unique. Let’s dive in.

New Medical Research Paper Topics

Are you interested in the newest and most interesting developments in medicine? We put hours of effort into identifying the current trends in health research so we could provide you with these examples of topics. Whether you hire a research paper writing service for students or write a paper by yourself, you need an appealing topic to focus on.

  • Epidemics versus pandemics
  • Child health care
  • Medical humanitarian missions in the developing world
  • Effectiveness of mobile health clinics in rural Africa
  • Homeopathic medicines – the placebo effect
  • Comparative study of the efficacy of homeopathic treatments and conventional medicine in managing chronic pain
  • Virus infections – causes and treatment
  • Trends in COVID-19 vaccine uptake
  • Advancements in the treatment of influenza
  • Is medical research on animals ethical
  • Vaccination – dangers versus benefits
  • Artificial tissues and organs
  • Rare genetic diseases
  • Brain injuries
  • Long-Term Effects of COVID-19
  • Social behavior shifts due to COVID-19

Medical Research Topics for College Students

You don’t know where to start with your medical research paper? There are so many things you could write about that the greatest challenge is to narrow them down. This is why we decided to help.

  • Antibiotics treatments
  • Efficacy of mRNA vaccines against viral diseases
  • Viability and function of 3D printed tissues
  • Chronic diseases
  • Palliative treatment
  • Battling Alzheimer’s disease
  • How modern lifestyle affects public health
  • Professional diseases
  • Sleep disorders
  • Changes in physical and mental health due to aging
  • Eating disorders
  • Terminal diseases

Controversial Medical Topics for Research Paper

In healthcare, new discoveries can change people’s lives in the blink of an eye. This is also the reason why there are so many controversial topics in medicine, which involve anything from religion to ethics or social responsibility. Read on to discover our top controversial research topics.

  • Ethical debates on artificial tissue engineering
  • Public opinions on vaccination safety
  • Implementing food standards
  • Telehealth’s Role in Chronic Illness Management
  • Gluten allergy
  • Assisted suicide for terminal patients
  • Testing vaccines on animals – ethical concerns
  • Moral responsibilities regarding cloning
  • Marijuana legalization for medical purposes
  • Abortion – medical approaches
  • Vegan diets – benefits and dangers
  • Increased life expectancy: a burden on the healthcare system?
  • Circumcision effects

Health Research Topics

Students conducting health research struggle with finding good ideas related to their medical interests. If you want to write interesting college papers, you can select a good topic for our list.

  • Impact of location, ethnicity, or age on vaccination rates
  • Uses of biomaterials in vaccination technology
  • Deafness: communication disorders
  • Household air pollution
  • Diabetes – a public danger
  • Coronaviruses
  • Oral health assessment
  • Tobacco and alcohol control
  • Diseases caused by lack of physical exercise
  • How urban pollution affects respiratory diseases
  • Healthy diets


Medicine Research Topics

Regardless of the requirements in your research assignment, you can write about something that is both engaging and useful in your future career. Choose a topic from below.

  • Causes for the increasing cancer cases
  • Insulin resistance
  • How terrorism affects mental health
  • AIDS/HIV – latest developments
  • Treating pregnant women versus non-pregnant women
  • Latest innovations in medical instruments
  • Genetic engineering
  • Successful treatment of mental diseases
  • Is autism a disease
  • Natural coma versus artificial coma
  • Treatments for sleep disorders and their effectiveness
  • Role of melatonin supplements in sleep quality

Healthcare Research Topics

Healthcare research includes political and social aspects, besides medical. For college students who want to explore how medicine is affected by society’s values or principles, we provide examples of topics for papers. Select yours from the list below.

  • Government investment in healthcare services in the EU versus the USA
  • Inequalities in healthcare assistance and services
  • Electronic health records systems – pros and cons
  • Can asylums treat mental issues
  • Health care for prison inmates
  • Equipment for improving the treatment of AIDS
  • Correlation between economic development and health care services across countries
  • Impact of smoking on organs
  • Heart attacks – causes and effects
  • Breast cancer – recent developments
  • Materials used in artificial tissue and their impacts

Public Health Research Topics

For current examples of public health topics, browse our list. We provide only original, researchable examples for which you can easily find supporting data and evidence.

  • Public versus private hospitals
  • Health Disparities in Diabetes Management Across Different Socioeconomic Groups
  • Health care professionals – management principles
  • Surgery failures – who is responsible
  • What legal responsibilities has the hospital administration
  • Patient service quality in public versus private hospitals
  • What benefits do national health care systems have
  • Estimated costs of cancer treatments
  • Public health in developing countries
  • Banning tobacco ads – importance for public health
  • Government solutions to the anti-vaccine’s movement
  • How the COVID-19 pandemic has changed public health regulations

Mental Health Research Paper Topics

Mental health is one of the most complex areas of medicine, where things are never as clear as with other medical issues. This increases the research potential of the field with plenty of topics left for debate.

  • Mental Health Impact of Social Media on American Teenagers
  • Causes of anxiety disorders
  • Bulimia versus anorexia
  • Childhood trauma
  • Mental health public policies
  • Impact of Lifestyle Factors on the Progression of Dementia in the Elderly Population
  • Postpartum Depression
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • Stress and its effects on sleep quality
  • Insomnia and its relation to mental health disorders

Anatomy Research Topics

Anatomy covers everything about the human body and how it works. If you find that intriguing and want to pay for medical research paper, start by selecting a topic.

  • Causes and treatments of virus infections
  • Chemotherapy: how it affects the body
  • Thyroid glands – functions in the body
  • Human endocrine system
  • Preventative Measures and Treatments for Common Liver Diseases
  • Heart diseases
  • How does the human muscular system develop
  • Lymphatic system – importance
  • Investigating genetic diseases
  • Digestive system
  • Role of the Spleen in the Human Immune System and Related Disorders


Biomedical Research Topics

Biology and medicine often work together. For the newest changes in the biomedical field, check our topics.

  • Comparative Efficacy of Alternative Medicine Practices in Chronic Pain Management
  • Alzheimer’s disease – paths for treatment
  • Vaccines and drug development in the treatment of Ebola
  • Antibiotic resistance
  • Biological effects caused by aging
  • Air pollution effects on health
  • Infectious disease past versus present
  • Regenerative medicine
  • Biomedical diagnostics
  • Biomedical technology
  • Advanced biomaterials for vaccine delivery

Bioethics Research Topics

A controversial area of medicine, bioethics is where you get the chance to add personal input to a research topic and come up with new insights. You could consider these subjects.

  • Organ donation
  • Alternative or complementary medicine
  • Assisted suicide or the right to die
  • Artificial insemination or surrogacy
  • Chemical and biological warfare
  • Contraception
  • Environmental bioethics
  • In Vitro Fertilization
  • Ethical considerations in medical research on animals

Cancer Research Topics

Are you writing a paper related to cancer causes, diagnosis, treatment or effects? Look below for a hot topic that it’s easy to research and important for medical advance.

  • The ability of immune system cells to fight cancer
  • Computational oncology
  • Metastasis affected by drug resistance
  • Stem cells – applications for cancer treatment
  • Tumor microenvironment
  • Obesity and age in cancer occurrence
  • Early cancer detection – benefits
  • Artificial intelligence predicting cancer
  • Hematologic malignancies
  • Pathogen-related cancers
  • Impact of COVID-19 on cancer treatment studies

Clinical Research Topics

Learn more about clinical medicine by conducting more in-depth research. We prepared for you a list of relevant issues to touch upon.

  • Ethical concerns regarding research on human subjects
  • Subject recruitment
  • Budget preparation
  • Human subject protection
  • Clinical trials – financial support
  • Clinical practices for health professionals
  • Using vulnerable populations in clinical research
  • Quality assurance in clinical research
  • Academic clinical trials versus clinical trials units
  • Data collection and management
  • Evolution of clinical symptoms in COVID-19 patients

Critical Care Research Topics

Critical care is a key area in medical studies. Explore these topics in your research paper to gain more valuable knowledge in this field. You can also get in contact with nursing research paper writers .

  • Obesity and asthma – clinical manifestations
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Rhythm analysis for cardiac arrest
  • Traumatic brain injury – fluid resuscitation
  • Hydrocortisone for multiple trauma patients
  • Care and nutrition for critically ill adults
  • Diagnosis of hypersensitivity pneumonitis
  • Coma and sedation scales
  • Artificial airways suctioning
  • Arterial puncture and arterial line
  • Long-term cardiac and respiratory effects of COVID-19

Pediatric Research Topics

Any topic that refers to health care for children, pregnant women, mothers, and adolescents goes under pediatric care.

  • Early Intervention Methods for Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Preventive healthcare strategies for children
  • Impact of early childhood nutrition on long-term health
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Congenital heart disease in newborns
  • Adolescent medicine
  • Neonatal medicine
  • Rare diseases in children and teenagers
  • Obesity and weight fluctuations
  • Behavioral sleep problems in children
  • Children with anemia
  • Child healthcare enhancements and innovations


Dental Research Topics Ideas

Choose a topic on oral health or dental care from this list of the most interesting topics in the field.

  • How smoking affects oral health
  • Children’s risk for dental caries
  • Causes of Dental Anxiety and Effective Interventions for Reducing Fear in Patients
  • Types of dental materials – new advances
  • Bad breath bacteria
  • How diabetes affects oral health
  • Oral cancer
  • Dental pain – types, causes
  • Dental implants
  • Oral health-related quality of life
  • Advancements in treatments for virus infections

Dermatology Research Topics

Find the best research topic for your dermatology paper among our examples.

  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Contact dermatitis
  • Epidemiology behind uncommon skin disorders
  • Cutaneous aging
  • Risk factors of melanoma skin cancer
  • Acne versus rosacea
  • Genetic testing for skin conditions
  • Effects of cosmetic agents on skin health
  • Improving skin barrier with pharmaceutical agents
  • Skin manifestations of autoimmune disorders
  • Study of virus effects on skin health

Primary Care Research Topics

Write a primary care paper that can demonstrate your research skills and interest in powerful scientific findings.

  • Primary care for vulnerable/uninsured populations
  • Interpersonal continuity in care treatment
  • How primary care contributes to health systems
  • Primary care delivery models
  • Developments in family medicine
  • Occupational/environmental health
  • Pharmacotherapy approaches
  • Formal allergy testing
  • Oral contraception side effects
  • Dietary or behavioral interventions for obesity management

Pharmaceutical Research Topics

Pharma students who need paper topics can use one from our list. We include all things related to pharmacy life.

  • Drugs that can treat cancer
  • Drug excretion
  • Elimination rate constant
  • Inflammatory stress drug treatment
  • Aspirin poising
  • Ibuprofen – dangers versus benefits
  • Toxicodynamics
  • Opioid use disorder
  • Pharmacotherapy for schizophrenia
  • Ketamine in depression treatment

Medical Anthropology Research Topics

Medical anthropology unites different areas of human knowledge. Find powerful ideas for a paper below.

  • Cultural contexts regarding reproductive health
  • Women sexuality
  • Anthropological aspects of health care
  • Contributions of social sciences to public health
  • Euthanasia and medical ethics across cultures
  • Health-related behavior in adults across cultures
  • Transcultural nursing
  • Forensic psychiatry
  • Symptoms of Celiac Disease – a disease with no symptoms
  • Nursing ethics

Paramedic Research Paper Topics

Topics for paramedic research must be based on evidence, data, statistics, or practical experience. Just like ours.

  • Trends and statistics in EMS
  • Disaster medicine
  • Mass casualties
  • Pandemics and epidemics
  • Infection control
  • Basic versus advanced life support
  • Scene safety in EMS
  • Shock management
  • Motor vehicle accidents
  • Challenges in medical humanitarian missions during pandemics

Surgery Research Topics

Discover all the intricacies of surgeries that save lives by writing about our topics.

  • Medical malpractice and legal issues
  • Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
  • Early Detection and Management Strategies for Sepsis in Hospital Settings
  • Pain management
  • Perioperative nursing
  • Wound management
  • Colorectal cancer surgery
  • Breast cancer surgery
  • Minimally invasive surgeries
  • Vascular disease
  • Changes in surgical practices during pandemics

Radiology Research Paper Topics

Find a radiology topic related to your academic interests to write a successful paper.

  • Using MRI to diagnose hepatic focal lesions
  • Multidetector computer tomography
  • Ultrasound elastography in breast cancer
  • Assessing traumatic spinal cord injuries with MRI diffusion tensor imaging
  • Sonographic imaging to detect male infertility
  • Role of tomography in diagnosing cancer
  • Brain tumor surgery with magnetic resonance imaging
  • Bacterial meningitis imaging
  • Advanced imaging techniques for virus infection detection

Anatomy and Physiology Research Paper Topics

Any ideas for a medical research paper? We have included the most important topics for an anatomy and physiology paper.

  • What role has the endocrine system
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Environmental factors that affect development of human muscular system
  • What role has the lymphatic system
  • An investigation of genetic diseases
  • Explaining the aging process
  • The digestive tract
  • Effects of stress on cells and muscles
  • Evolution of the human nervous system
  • What role has the cardiovascular system
  • Impact of viruses on respiratory health in urban settings

Healthcare Management Research Paper Topics

There are numerous topics you could write about when it comes to healthcare management. There’s a wide range of options to pick, from infrastructure, staff, and financial management to HR and patient management. Here are some of the top healthcare management research paper options.

Medical Ethics Research Paper Topics

Medical ethics is a field that opens the door to numerous compelling topics for research papers. Here are some of the most appealing ones you could tackle.

  • Clinical research on humans
  • Vaccines and immunization
  • Religious beliefs in healthcare
  • Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide
  • Ethical issues across cultures
  • Amniocentesis or prenatal birth defect testing
  • Medical malpractice and going back to work
  • Racial and ethnic preferences and perceptions in organ donations
  • Racial and ethnic disparities in healthcare
  • Ethical concerns of AI in healthcare
  • Debates on animal ethics in medical research
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  • Intuitive interface

Environmental Health and Pollution Research Paper Topics

  • Environmental Pollutants and Respiratory Health in Urban Areas of the USA
  • How environmental changes affect human health
  • Long-Term Impact of PM2.5 Exposure on Lung, Heart, and Brain Function
  • Health Risks of Air Pollution Across Different Life Stages
  • Hospital Admissions and Air Quality in the USA
  • Risk Reduction Strategies for Indoor Air Pollution from Gas Stoves
  • Impact of Air Pollution on Cognitive Development and Socioeconomic Achievements
  • Long-Term Health Effects of Early Childhood Exposure to Air Pollution
  • Impact of Traffic Noise on Cardiovascular Health

If you need further assistance with your medical research paper, PapersOwl is here for you. Our expert writers can provide you with top-notch research and help you write an impressive paper. Contact us anytime, pick your writer, tell them more about your topic, and get a unique, plagiarism-free research paper with impeccable grammar and formatting.

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  • A Research Guide
  • Research Paper Topics
  • 40 Health & Healthcare Research Paper Topics

40 Health & Healthcare Research Paper Topics

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Read also: Learn how to organize a research paper .

40 Best Medical Research Topic

  • The history of health. What was considered healthy in the ancient times and what is healthy now?
  • The beauty standards and their impact on overall health throughout the history of humanity
  • Going vegan: when, why and how it can improve your health?
  • Bodypositive: the ignorance of the body problem or the new standard of health?
  • Is the excessive weight the new bane of human civilisation?
  • Bodybuilding: when it is healthy?
  • Professional sports: the impact on health. Professional traumas
  • What shall we really consider while choosing healthy food?
  • What is healthy lifestyles in different ages? How should it change?
  • Psychological health. The importance of its maintaining in modern society
  • The health of newborns and infants. How shall their healthcare differ from the adult one?
  • Is health fashionable now? How the trend for health can benefit society?
  • Ancient health practices that are still useful in modern life
  • Depression and anxiety: shall they be treated as a real threat to health?
  • Healthcare in different countries: what is considered a minimal one?
  • Pregnancy and healthcare: do pregnant women need extra attention?
  • Are all the pills we usually take really needed?
  • Vaccination: why people start to be afraid of it again?
  • Experimental treatment: when and why people agree to undergo it?
  • The most dangerous illnesses of 21 century
  • Living with chronic diseases: how can the health of such people be improved?
  • Plastic surgery: is it safe for health?
  • The basics of the healthcare: how to make people aware of them?
  • Palliative care: the decent rest of life
  • Bioethic: what is this and why it emerged?
  • Chemotherapy: when the cure is doing harm
  • Alternative medicine: does it work?
  • Organ harvesting and transplantation. Can it be soon replaced with organ growth?
  • Chronic pain management: the quality of life
  • Puberty and health issues connected with it
  • Menopause and the health issues during the process of climax
  • Reproductive health: why people become so concerned about it in the last decade?
  • The world’s greatest epidemics. The rise of epidemiology. The prevention of spreading diseases
  • Euthanasia and assisted suicide: the moral aspects. Is it still healthcare?
  • Healthcare in prisons and asylums: does the government maintains the same quality of it?
  • The differences between public and private healthcare
  • Can ban of tobacco and alcohol improve the overall health condition?
  • Sexual education as the way of preventing of spreading of STDs
  • Homeopathy and Homeopathic medicine: why is it suspended in some countries?
  • History of surgery and its role in gathering the knowledge about human health

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77 interesting medical research topics for 2024

Last updated

25 November 2023

Reviewed by

Brittany Ferri, PhD, OTR/L

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Medical research is the gateway to improved patient care and expanding our available treatment options. However, finding a relevant and compelling research topic can be challenging.

Use this article as a jumping-off point to select an interesting medical research topic for your next paper or clinical study.

  • How to choose a medical research topic

When choosing a research topic , it’s essential to consider a couple of things. What topics interest you? What unanswered questions do you want to address? 

During the decision-making and brainstorming process, here are a few helpful tips to help you pick the right medical research topic:

Focus on a particular field of study

The best medical research is specific to a particular area. Generalized studies are often too broad to produce meaningful results, so we advise picking a specific niche early in the process. 

Maybe a certain topic interests you, or your industry knowledge reveals areas of need.

Look into commonly researched topics

Once you’ve chosen your research field, do some preliminary research. What have other academics done in their papers and projects? 

From this list, you can focus on specific topics that interest you without accidentally creating a copycat project. This groundwork will also help you uncover any literature gaps—those may be beneficial areas for research.

Get curious and ask questions

Now you can get curious. Ask questions that start with why, how, or what. These questions are the starting point of your project design and will act as your guiding light throughout the process. 

For example: 

What impact does pollution have on children’s lung function in inner-city neighborhoods? 

Why is pollution-based asthma on the rise? 

How can we address pollution-induced asthma in young children? 

  • 77 medical research topics worth exploring in 2023

Need some research inspiration for your upcoming paper or clinical study? We’ve compiled a list of 77 topical and in-demand medical research ideas. Let’s take a look. 

  • Exciting new medical research topics

If you want to study cutting-edge topics, here are some exciting options:

COVID-19 and long COVID symptoms

Since 2020, COVID-19 has been a hot-button topic in medicine, along with the long-term symptoms in those with a history of COVID-19. 

Examples of COVID-19-related research topics worth exploring include:

The long-term impact of COVID-19 on cardiac and respiratory health

COVID-19 vaccination rates

The evolution of COVID-19 symptoms over time

New variants and strains of the COVID-19 virus

Changes in social behavior and public health regulations amid COVID-19


Finding ways to cure or reduce the disease burden of chronic infectious diseases is a crucial research area. Vaccination is a powerful option and a great topic to research. 

Examples of vaccination-related research topics include:

mRNA vaccines for viral infections

Biomaterial vaccination capabilities

Vaccination rates based on location, ethnicity, or age

Public opinion about vaccination safety 

Artificial tissues fabrication

With the need for donor organs increasing, finding ways to fabricate artificial bioactive tissues (and possibly organs) is a popular research area. 

Examples of artificial tissue-related research topics you can study include:

The viability of artificially printed tissues

Tissue substrate and building block material studies

The ethics and efficacy of artificial tissue creation

  • Medical research topics for medical students

For many medical students, research is a big driver for entering healthcare. If you’re a medical student looking for a research topic, here are some great ideas to work from:

Sleep disorders

Poor sleep quality is a growing problem, and it can significantly impact a person’s overall health. 

Examples of sleep disorder-related research topics include:

How stress affects sleep quality

The prevalence and impact of insomnia on patients with mental health conditions

Possible triggers for sleep disorder development

The impact of poor sleep quality on psychological and physical health

How melatonin supplements impact sleep quality

Alzheimer’s and dementia 

Cognitive conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are on the rise worldwide. They currently have no cure. As a result, research about these topics is in high demand. 

Examples of dementia-related research topics you could explore include:

The prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease in a chosen population

Early onset symptoms of dementia

Possible triggers or causes of cognitive decline with age

Treatment options for dementia-like conditions

The mental and physical burden of caregiving for patients with dementia

  • Lifestyle habits and public health

Modern lifestyles have profoundly impacted the average person’s daily habits, and plenty of interesting topics explore its effects. 

Examples of lifestyle and public health-related research topics include:

The nutritional intake of college students

The impact of chronic work stress on overall health

The rise of upper back and neck pain from laptop use

Prevalence and cause of repetitive strain injuries (RSI)

  • Controversial medical research paper topics

Medical research is a hotbed of controversial topics, content, and areas of study. 

If you want to explore a more niche (and attention-grabbing) concept, here are some controversial medical research topics worth looking into:

The benefits and risks of medical cannabis

Depending on where you live, the legalization and use of cannabis for medical conditions is controversial for the general public and healthcare providers.

Examples of medical cannabis-related research topics that might grab your attention include:

The legalization process of medical cannabis

The impact of cannabis use on developmental milestones in youth users

Cannabis and mental health diagnoses

CBD’s impact on chronic pain

Prevalence of cannabis use in young people

The impact of maternal cannabis use on fetal development 

Understanding how THC impacts cognitive function

Human genetics

The Human Genome Project identified, mapped, and sequenced all human DNA genes. Its completion in 2003 opened up a world of exciting and controversial studies in human genetics.

Examples of human genetics-related research topics worth delving into include:

Medical genetics and the incidence of genetic-based health disorders

Behavioral genetics differences between identical twins

Genetic risk factors for neurodegenerative disorders

Machine learning technologies for genetic research

Sexual health studies

Human sexuality and sexual health are important (yet often stigmatized) medical topics that need new research and analysis.

As a diverse field ranging from sexual orientation studies to sexual pathophysiology, examples of sexual health-related research topics include:

The incidence of sexually transmitted infections within a chosen population

Mental health conditions within the LGBTQIA+ community

The impact of untreated sexually transmitted infections

Access to safe sex resources (condoms, dental dams, etc.) in rural areas

  • Health and wellness research topics

Human wellness and health are trendy topics in modern medicine as more people are interested in finding natural ways to live healthier lifestyles. 

If this field of study interests you, here are some big topics in the wellness space:

Gluten sensitivity

Gluten allergies and intolerances have risen over the past few decades. If you’re interested in exploring this topic, your options range in severity from mild gastrointestinal symptoms to full-blown anaphylaxis. 

Some examples of gluten sensitivity-related research topics include:

The pathophysiology and incidence of Celiac disease

Early onset symptoms of gluten intolerance

The prevalence of gluten allergies within a set population

Gluten allergies and the incidence of other gastrointestinal health conditions

Pollution and lung health

Living in large urban cities means regular exposure to high levels of pollutants. 

As more people become interested in protecting their lung health, examples of impactful lung health and pollution-related research topics include:

The extent of pollution in densely packed urban areas

The prevalence of pollution-based asthma in a set population

Lung capacity and function in young people

The benefits and risks of steroid therapy for asthma

Pollution risks based on geographical location

Plant-based diets

Plant-based diets like vegan and paleo diets are emerging trends in healthcare due to their limited supporting research. 

If you’re interested in learning more about the potential benefits or risks of holistic, diet-based medicine, examples of plant-based diet research topics to explore include:

Vegan and plant-based diets as part of disease management

Potential risks and benefits of specific plant-based diets

Plant-based diets and their impact on body mass index

The effect of diet and lifestyle on chronic disease management

Health supplements

Supplements are a multi-billion dollar industry. Many health-conscious people take supplements, including vitamins, minerals, herbal medicine, and more. 

Examples of health supplement-related research topics worth investigating include:

Omega-3 fish oil safety and efficacy for cardiac patients

The benefits and risks of regular vitamin D supplementation

Health supplementation regulation and product quality

The impact of social influencer marketing on consumer supplement practices

Analyzing added ingredients in protein powders

  • Healthcare research topics

Working within the healthcare industry means you have insider knowledge and opportunity. Maybe you’d like to research the overall system, administration, and inherent biases that disrupt access to quality care. 

While these topics are essential to explore, it is important to note that these studies usually require approval and oversight from an Institutional Review Board (IRB). This ensures the study is ethical and does not harm any subjects. 

For this reason, the IRB sets protocols that require additional planning, so consider this when mapping out your study’s timeline. 

Here are some examples of trending healthcare research areas worth pursuing:

The pros and cons of electronic health records

The rise of electronic healthcare charting and records has forever changed how medical professionals and patients interact with their health data. 

Examples of electronic health record-related research topics include:

The number of medication errors reported during a software switch

Nurse sentiment analysis of electronic charting practices

Ethical and legal studies into encrypting and storing personal health data

Inequities within healthcare access

Many barriers inhibit people from accessing the quality medical care they need. These issues result in health disparities and injustices. 

Examples of research topics about health inequities include:

The impact of social determinants of health in a set population

Early and late-stage cancer stage diagnosis in urban vs. rural populations

Affordability of life-saving medications

Health insurance limitations and their impact on overall health

Diagnostic and treatment rates across ethnicities

People who belong to an ethnic minority are more likely to experience barriers and restrictions when trying to receive quality medical care. This is due to systemic healthcare racism and bias. 

As a result, diagnostic and treatment rates in minority populations are a hot-button field of research. Examples of ethnicity-based research topics include:

Cancer biopsy rates in BIPOC women

The prevalence of diabetes in Indigenous communities

Access inequalities in women’s health preventative screenings

The prevalence of undiagnosed hypertension in Black populations

  • Pharmaceutical research topics

Large pharmaceutical companies are incredibly interested in investing in research to learn more about potential cures and treatments for diseases. 

If you’re interested in building a career in pharmaceutical research, here are a few examples of in-demand research topics:

Cancer treatment options

Clinical research is in high demand as pharmaceutical companies explore novel cancer treatment options outside of chemotherapy and radiation. 

Examples of cancer treatment-related research topics include:

Stem cell therapy for cancer

Oncogenic gene dysregulation and its impact on disease

Cancer-causing viral agents and their risks

Treatment efficacy based on early vs. late-stage cancer diagnosis

Cancer vaccines and targeted therapies

Immunotherapy for cancer

Pain medication alternatives

Historically, opioid medications were the primary treatment for short- and long-term pain. But, with the opioid epidemic getting worse, the need for alternative pain medications has never been more urgent. 

Examples of pain medication-related research topics include:

Opioid withdrawal symptoms and risks

Early signs of pain medication misuse

Anti-inflammatory medications for pain control

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226 Hot Public Health Thesis Topics For Top Grades

public health thesis topics

Are you stuck trying to get the best current public health research topics for thesis and writing it? If yes, know you are not alone. A lot of students find the tasks challenging, but we are here to help. Keep reading our informative guide that demonstrates how to prepare an engaging public health paper.

We will also highlight hot 226 health policy topics for paper and other public health ideas for dissertation that you can use for top grades. Why settle for less when we can help you select the best college or university papers?

What Is Public Health?

Before looking at the top public health statistics undergraduate thesis topics or other public health research ideas, let’s start with the definition. So, what is public health?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), public health is “the art and science of preventing diseases, helping to prolong life and promote health using organized efforts. Good examples of public health efforts include preventing outbreaks, educating the public on health choices, promoting fitness, preparing for emergencies, and avoiding the spread of infectious diseases. Public health

How To Write A Great Public Health Dissertation

If you are a graduate or masters student, one of the most comprehensive documents that you need to prepare is the dissertation. It is an expansive paper and comes at the end of your course. Remember that you need to ensure it is prepared well because a team of professors will ultimately evaluate it. So, here are the main steps that you need to follow to prepare a high quality dissertation:

Identify the topic of study Comprehensively research the topic and identify the main points to support it Develop the thesis statement for the dissertation (this thesis will ultimately be tested after gathering your data) Develop an outline for the dissertation. This guide should tell you what to write at what specific instance. Here is a sample outline: Topic of the study Introduction. Start with the thesis statement, followed by the objectives of the study. Then, the rest of the introduction should be used to set the background for the study. Literature review: Review relevant resources about the topic. Methodology: Explain the methodology that was used during the study. Is Results and analysis: Provide the results gathered during the study. Discussion and conclusion: Here, you should discuss the study results and demonstrate whether they approve or disapprove the thesis statement. If you found any gaps in the previous studies, highlight them too and call for further studies. Bibliography: This is a list of all the resources you used to prepare the paper. Write the first draft following the outline we have just listed above. Write the final copy by refining the first draft, proofreading, and editing it.

Awesome Public Health Thesis Topics

Here are the leading thesis topics in public health for top grades. You can use them as they are or tweak a little to suit your preference.

Public Health Thesis Topics In Mental Issues

  • What is the role of public health in addressing mental issues in society?
  • Seasonal affective disorder: A review of the disorder’s prevalence rates.
  • Society should always listen to the needs of mentally ill persons.
  • Eating disorders in adults: A review of the treatment strategies used for adults in the UK.
  • What is the relation between climate change and emerging public health issues?
  • Comparing depression prevalence rates in the UK to those of the US.
  • What are the main causes of anxiety disorders in society?
  • A review of the connection between HIV/AIDS and mental health issues in society.
  • Running a public health facility: What is the most important equipment?
  • Emerging public health issues in developing countries.
  • Analyzing the psychological problems of breast cancer.
  • What strategies should people use to prevent their mental health from social media dangers?
  • A review of the public health benefits associated with active lifestyles.
  • Stress: Why is it a major risk factor for mental health in many communities?
  • What are the most common mental health issues in society today?
  • Comparing the rates of depression and stress in China and the UK.
  • Addressing anxiety-related disorders: Is cognitive-behavior therapy the best treatment method?
  • A review of the economic burden of living with a person suffering from anxiety disorders.
  • How does depression impact the quality of life?
  • Comparing training of public health officers in the US to India.

Unique Research Topics In Public Health

  • Surrogacy: A review of associated ethical issues.
  • Prevalence of medical errors in hospitals: A review of the policies used to prevent the problem in the United States.
  • Blood transfusion: What are the side effects?
  • A review of doctors’ roles in promoting healthy lifestyles.
  • Maintaining healthy body weight: Comparing the effectiveness of the recommended methods.
  • A review of organ donation trends in Europe and Asia.
  • Analyzing the ethical factors around cloning: When should it be allowed?
  • The ethics of human experimentation.
  • Comparing the rates of heart attacks in women to men in the United States.
  • What are the main causes of heart attacks? Can it be prevented?
  • Progress in diabetes studies and treatment: Is it possible to get a cure in the future?
  • Biological weapons and their impacts on society: A review of the Leukemia rates in Japan.
  • Pre-diabetes in children: What are the main symptoms, and how can it be addressed?

Public Health Paper Topics On COVID-19

  • How will COVID-19 change life?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of self-isolation?
  • Life lessons that you learned during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • What challenges has your community faced during COVID-19 pandemic?
  • School life during COVID-19 pandemic.
  • A review of mass media operations during pandemic.
  • What projects did you undertake during the pandemic?
  • A review of projects that your community undertook during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • A closer look at the backlash against Asians in Europe at the start COVID-19 pandemic period.
  • Preparing for the next pandemic: What lessons did the world learn from the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • The best strategies for staying healthy during a pandemic.
  • Is there anything that we could have done to prevent the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Comparing the effectiveness of Europe and American healthcare preparedness for tackling disasters.
  • A review of mental health status in a community of your choice during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • A review of COVID-19 emergence theories: Which one do you think is more credible?
  • Comparing the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic to Ebola.
  • Vaccines development for viral infections: What made the development of the COVID-19 vaccine possible so fast, whereas that of HIV/AIDS has taken so long?
  • A review of the vaccine development process.
  • Time for review: How effectively do you think your government responded to the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Rethinking public health on a global scale: Demonstrating why effective healthcare is only possible when looked at globally.

Interesting Public Health Research Topic Ideas

  • What is the importance of learning public health in school?
  • Identify and review a common public health issue in your community.
  • The history of human health: Comparing what was considered healthy in ancient times to what is referred to as healthy today.
  • Going vegan: How can it impact your health?
  • Excessive weight: Is it the new threat to human civilization?
  • Is bodybuilding healthy?
  • Body positive: Is it a new health standard or ignorance of body issues?
  • Things to consider when selecting healthy food to eat.
  • Why psychological health should be part of every community in society.
  • The health of newborns: What is the difference between their healthcare and that of adults?
  • Emerging trends in the healthcare industry: How can the latest trends benefit society?
  • Comparing depression and anxiety in two countries of your choice.
  • Physical wellness must include healthy behavioral patterns and nutrition.
  • A sense of belonging is paramount to personal and community health.
  • What is the relationship between spirituality and public health?
  • A review of stigmatization of mental health issues in a community of your choice.
  • Is it possible to prevent depression?
  • At what point should children start learning sex-related education?
  • Comparing the two main public health issues in two cities: London and New York.
  • What is the relationship between poverty and public health?

Hot Researchable Topics In Public Health

  • The resurgence of measles in society: The best guidance for clinicians.
  • Tackling the growing national drug problem.
  • Bioterrorism preparedness for global disasters.
  • A review of recent vitamin D recommendations for older adults.
  • Strategies for maintaining maternal mortality at low levels across the globe.
  • Efforts by Asian governments to reduce infections from using unsafe water.
  • Over-the-counter drug abuse in Europe: Compare two countries of your choice.
  • Health care providers’ roles in preventing bullying in society.
  • Knowledge management in the UK healthcare organizations.
  • The health benefits of good healthcare waste management.
  • Characteristics of dental wastes in hospitals.
  • Comparing the most prevalent public health issues in developed and developing nations.
  • Latest trends in financing public health.
  • The relevance of clinical epidemiology in public health.
  • Evidence based public health.
  • Epidemiological burden of HIV/AIDS in developing countries.
  • Addressing cervical cancer in developing countries: Is it possible to eliminate it completely?
  • Ethics in public health clinical research.
  • Comparing the strategies used in teaching and motivating public health professionals in developing and developed countries.

Research Topics In Public Health For Masters

  • Advertising and impacts on food choices in the community.
  • The use of stem cell technologies for cancer treatment: What are the latest trends?
  • Bio-printing: Is it the future of organ transplants?
  • Nutrition education: How does it promote healthy diets?
  • Exercising: What role does it play in promoting strength and balance in the elderly?
  • Weight loss surgery: What are the key advantages and disadvantages?
  • Heart disease is a major public health issue in society.
  • Alternative strategies for treating depression in society: Are they effective?
  • Healthcare leadership and its importance in public health.
  • Legal aspects of public health care in the society.
  • Mental disabilities in patients: A review of the emerging trends in the UK.
  • How does the United States promote the development of public health?
  • Inequalities in medicine: What impact does it have in public health?
  • The most controversial issues in public health in the UK.
  • What are the most preferred storage systems for medical supplies in the UK public health facilities?
  • Reimagining the public health systems on the globe: Where do you see the UK health system in the next 20 years?

Top Thesis Topics In Dental Public Health

  • Common oral health issues in Ireland.
  • A review of common problems of endodontically treated teeth.
  • The role of good leadership skills in dental education.
  • Child management techniques between male and female practitioners.
  • What role does ergonomics play in dentistry?
  • Dental material and bio-engineering: What are the latest trends?
  • A review of the relationship between diabetes and oral health in the society.
  • The role of electronic health care record systems used in public health.
  • Comparing dental health issues in the developing and developed countries.
  • A review of public awareness of dental health issues in a community of choice.
  • How can you ensure that all the food you buy is safe and healthy?
  • What strategies are used by your local health community to promote dental awareness?
  • Dental health management in California: What do you think should be done differently?
  • Are you satisfied with the strategies used to address dental issues?

Hot Thesis Topics Public Health

  • Mandatory overtime work for medical staff: How does it impact their commitment to their job?
  • Nursing shortage and its impact in public health.
  • Strategies for improving public health in the EU.
  • Mental health issues among asylum seekers in the United States.
  • Common mental issues among veterans returning from war: A case study of the United States.
  • What functions does management play in healthcare settings when handling key public health issues?
  • How poor relationships between nurses and doctors can impact public health services delivery.
  • Third-party players in public health and their roles.
  • Financial reporting standards in public health facilities.
  • What is the correlation between revenue collection in society and the quality of patient services?
  • Reviewing the coordination of public health officials during disasters.
  • The importance of staff training on quality of health services.
  • Comparing the differences between alternative medicine and conventional medicine in addressing public health issues in society.
  • Obesity: What are the main causes in child-going age?
  • A review of health consequences of caffeine.
  • Medical marijuana: What are the main pros and cons?
  • A review of the US Farm Bill Amendments that legalized use of cannabis in the US.
  • Doing sports: Is it always healthy?
  • Low-fat or low-carb diet: Which one is better in addressing overweight and diabetes issues?
  • Preventing communicable diseases: Evaluating the prevention strategies used in Asia.
  • What is the estimated cost of treating heart problems?

Controversial Public Health Dissertation Topics

  • Smoking and impacts of current efforts to address cancer in the society.
  • A review of the main causes of heart attacks in society today.
  • Tobacco ads: Evaluating their impacts and the relationship to the current cancer trends in the society.
  • Sleep disorders: Explain why they should be considered a public health issue.
  • Staffing shortage and the impacts in fighting COVID-19 pandemic in Asia.
  • Analyzing risk management of treating different diseases in the community.
  • COVID-19 pandemic in numbers: Comparing the infection rates in the developed and developing countries.
  • Reviewing strategies used in the US public health system to achieve equity: How effective are they?
  • Analyzing the main challenges in the UK medical care system.
  • Rising cases of suicides in the society: What are the main causes?
  • A comprehensive review of strategies used to prevent suicides in the 21st century in the US.
  • Use of vaccines to prevent diseases: Do adults still need the vaccines?
  • Heat-related deaths: What strategies should be adopted?
  • Chronic-diseases prevention: Comparing the strategies used in developing and developed countries.
  • Are we becoming too dependent on antibiotics in fighting diseases?
  • Opioid crisis: Are the doctors to blame for it?
  • Use of blockchain in growing accuracy of clinical trials in medicine.
  • What dangers are posed by nuclear wastes in society?
  • Assessing US industrial facilities compliance rates to cut down emissions.
  • Using clean energy as a strategy of improving public health: What are the expectations?
  • What is the healthiest country?
  • Evaluating the correlation between gaming and deviant behavior among children in society.
  • COVID-19 could have been prevented if WHO was more vigilant?

Public Health Research Questions

  • Is the high cost of medical healthcare in the United States justified?
  • What is the correlation between poverty and poor health in society?
  • Should health care for homeless people be free?
  • Unconventional medicine: Should it be part of the UK healthcare system?
  • Should doctors be responsible for medical errors?
  • Should medical officers or health facilities be allowed to promote selective medical products?
  • Should all healthcare facilities in the UK be required to have translators for non-English speaking clients?
  • Mental health issues associated with domestic violence: A case study of France.
  • Is it a good idea to legalize euthanasia?
  • What are the benefits of using surgical masks in public?
  • What are the most important lessons from the different waves of the COVID-19 pandemic reported on the globe?
  • Who is more responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Ebola or COVID-19 pandemic: Which is worse?
  • What are the main causes of epidemics on the globe?
  • Public health planning: What are the most important things to think about?
  • Should governments pay the cost of rehabilitating drug addicts in society?
  • Teaching children healthy lifestyles: What are the best strategies?
  • What problems do people with autism face in society?
  • What are the leading causes of child mortality in your community?
  • Gun violence in the United States: Should it be considered a public health issue?
  • What illnesses are considered foodborne?

Easy Topics In Public Health

  • All workplaces should support breastfeeding.
  • What are the best strategies to reduce pollution in society?
  • Public health benefits of recycling waste in society.
  • Reviewing the causes of poor water quality in the developing world.
  • Comparing water quality standards policies in the UK and US.
  • Health impacts of the rapid depletion of o-zone depletion.
  • Better planning of infrastructural development is important for healthier societies: Discuss.
  • The US is better prepared to handle pandemics that might arise after the COVID-19 pandemic. Discuss.
  • A review of common diseases spread by vectors.
  • A review of key policies installed to protect employee health.
  • Legal age for consuming energy drinks should be set by the government to address the problem of diabetes.
  • Smoking: Should it be banned in public?
  • What are the best strategies for raising awareness in public?
  • Can reducing the workload of employees in manufacturing facilities improve their health?
  • Sunbathing should be restricted to prevent the risk of cancer: Discuss.
  • Should abortion be banned in society?
  • School-related stress: How can it be prevented?
  • Should birth control be made available and free for all teenagers?
  • What should be categorized as a bad health habit?
  • Compare and contrast two common treatment methods for treating behavioral disorders.
  • Internet addiction: What are the main dangers of internet addiction?

Other Public Health Topics For Research

  • How to stay healthy and safe during a pandemic.
  • Using a bicycle instead of driving is healthier.
  • Common mental disorders in India.
  • What is the biggest health issue among young people?
  • The impact of exercising in teenagers.
  • Why do teenagers experiment with drugs?
  • What impact does dispositional violence have on mental disorders?
  • Is telemedicine helpful in promoting better healthcare?
  • Unproven alternative medicine: What are the associated risks?
  • What alternatives do we have for antibiotics?
  • What is the difference between private and public healthcare?
  • A review of the main health issues associated with puberty.
  • What is the most dangerous disease of the 21st century?
  • Why are some people still afraid of vaccines?
  • Experimental treatment: Why do people agree to undergo it?
  • How can we improve the health of people living with chronic illnesses?
  • The best strategies to make people aware of the basics of healthcare.
  • A review of the growing awareness about reproductive health in the society.

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Mental Health Research Topics

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How to Start a Research Title? Examples from 105,975 Titles

I analyzed a random sample of 105,975 full-text research papers, uploaded to PubMed Central between the years 2016 and 2021, in order to explore common ways to start a research title.

I used the BioC API to download the data (see the References section below).

Common ways to start a title

The most common 3-word phrases to start a title.

Three-word phraseNumber of occurrences
(in 105,975 titles)
Percent of occurrences
The role of…4120.39%
The effect of…4060.38%
The impact of…2480.23%
A case of…2200.21%
The effects of…1840.17%
Development of a…1440.14%
Evaluation of the…1330.13%
The influence of…1180.11%
Efficacy and safety…1170.11%
The relationship between…1110.10%

The most common 2-word phrases to start a title

Two-word phrasesNumber of occurrences
(in 105,975 titles)
Percent of occurrences
Effects of…8480.80%
Effect of…8230.78%
Evaluation of…6050.57%
Comparison of…5350.50%
Impact of…4870.46%
Identification of…4340.41%
The role…4170.39%
The effect…4110.39%
A novel…3490.33%
Development of…3480.33%

The most common words to start a title

WordNumber of occurrences
(in 105,975 titles)
Percent of occurrences

Can a title start with “How”?

In our sample, 289 titles out of 105,975 (0.27%) started with the word “How”.

Here are some examples:

How Useful are Systematic Reviews for Informing Palliative Care Practice? Survey of 25 Cochrane Systematic Reviews Link to the article on PubMed
How the Leopard Hides Its Spots: ASIP Mutations and Melanism in Wild Cats Link to the article on PubMed
How Do Red Blood Cells Know When to Die? Link to the article on PubMed

Can a title start with “Why”?

In our sample, 68 titles out of 105,975 (0.06%) started with the word “Why”.

Why Don’t All Infants Have Bifidobacteria in Their Stool? Link to the article on PubMed
Why Women Bleed and How They Are Saved: A Cross-Sectional Study of Caesarean Section Near-Miss Morbidity Link to the article on PubMed
Why Most Published Research Findings Are False Link to the article on PLOS MEDICINE
  • Comeau DC, Wei CH, Islamaj Doğan R, and Lu Z. PMC text mining subset in BioC: about 3 million full text articles and growing,  Bioinformatics , btz070, 2019.

Further reading

  • How to Write & Publish a Research Paper: Step-by-Step Guide
  • Can a Research Title Be a Question? Real-World Examples
  • How Long Should a Research Title Be? Data from 104,161 Examples
  • How Long Should a Research Paper Be? Data from 61,519 Examples
  • Communicable Disease Research Topics Topics: 58
  • Asthma Topics Topics: 155
  • Breast Cancer Paper Topics Topics: 145
  • Dorothea Orem’s Theory Research Topics Topics: 85
  • Patient Safety Topics Topics: 148
  • Hypertension Essay Topics Topics: 155
  • Chlamydia Research Topics Topics: 52
  • Arthritis Paper Topics
  • Heart Failure Essay Topics Topics: 83
  • Nursing Theory Research Topics Topics: 207
  • Tuberculosis Paper Topics Topics: 133
  • STDs Essay Topics Topics: 134
  • Emergency Department Research Topics Topics: 69
  • Pneumonia Research Topics Topics: 80
  • Diabetes Research Topics Topics: 278

596 Health Essay Topics

🏆 best essay topics on health, ✍️ health essay topics for college, 👍 good health research topics & essay examples, 🌶️ hot health ideas to write about, 🎓 most interesting health research titles, 💡 simple health essay ideas, 📌 easy health essay topics.

  • The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health
  • Free Healthcare: Advantages and Disadvantages
  • An Introduction to Christian Values and Decision-Making in Health Care
  • Tuberculosis, Health Determinants and Nurse’s Role
  • Negative Effects of Social Media on Health
  • Application of Statistics in Healthcare
  • Filipino Culture Values and Practices in Relation to Health Care
  • Global Health Issues: Essay Example The study shows that the new skills brought about by science and medicine have failed to attend to the needs of the global population.
  • Motivational Theories in Healthcare This paper discusses why health service managers should understand what motivates health workers by looking at their needs with the help of various motivational theories.
  • Pantene Shampoo: Negative Impact on Health Pantene shampoo falls under the category of beauty products. The ingredients in Pantene shampoo can have numerous negative effects on the health of consumers.
  • Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Artificial intelligence (AI) and similar technologies are becoming more common in business and society, and now even integrating into healthcare.
  • Biomedical and Biopsychosocial Models of Health and Illness According to the biopsychosocial model, psychological factors that contribute to a person’s disease include behavior, beliefs, pain, illness perceptions, stress, and coping.
  • Environmental Health Theory and Climate Change In the environmental health theory, there is a view on how environmental health, human ecology, and health affect the public.
  • Stress Effect on Physical and Mental Health The paper analyzes the primary effects of stress on human health. The study outlines the concept of stress as well as estimates its ultimate causes.
  • Health and Safety Regulations in the Engineering Environment In this essay, the health and safety regulations in mechanical and electrical engineering environments are discussed by looking at their unique features.
  • The Impact of Technology on Mental Health The paper uncovers the consequences of technology use on mental health. It examines the relationship between technology use and mental illnesses.
  • Effective Communication in Health Care Effective communication in healthcare is critical for numerous medical processes such as correct diagnosis, correct care and treatment, legal and ethical issues.
  • Healthcare Information Systems: Components, Benefits Health care information systems have numerous benefits for companies and care providers. They allow for cost savings and help improve care quality by reducing medical errors
  • Health-Illness Continuum and Its Role This paper aims to discuss the relation of this model to health care practices and define the ways to move towards wellness.
  • Transtheoretical Model vs. Health Belief Model The paper argues that the transtheoretical model, in contrast to the health belief model, outlines a systematic process that would explain people’s path towards wellbeing.
  • Children’s Functional Health Pattern Assessment This paper includes children’s functional health pattern assessment, similarities and differences between the analyzed age groups and nurses’ responsibilities in handling a child.
  • Analysis of Health Promotion Theories A model of health promotion is a framework that helps healthcare practitioners to explain, plan and evaluate health enhancing activities.
  • The Role of Nurses in Environmental Health This paper explores the factors that affect health and the roles of nurses in improving or eliminating environmental barriers to health.
  • Types of Health Information Management Systems Health information management systems are divided into three types: clinical systems, financial systems, and operational systems.
  • Insomnia and Its Negative Health Effects Individuals who suffer from insomnia face a great number of unwanted health effects because sleep can heal the human body naturally.
  • The U.S Healthcare System and the Roemer Model Roemer’s model of a healthcare system demonstrates how a socialist healthcare system operates. This paper explores the entire U.S healthcare system in relation to Roemer’s model.
  • The Effects of the Lack of Teamwork in Healthcare This paper discusses the importance of interprofessional collaboration in healthcare and how a lack of teamwork negatively impacts patient outcomes.
  • Effects of Water Pollution on Human Health This study will evaluate the main causes of water pollution, the effects on human health, and how to mitigate them.
  • Health Information Systems: Types and Use Phases The research explores health information systems, their types, four phases of their use, elements of the needs assessment, selection process and training needs for end users.
  • Why Is Public Health Important Health promotion, disease prevention, and life extension are public health goals. Public health aims to maintain and promote people’s health in their communities.
  • Non-Vegetarian Diet and Its Health Effects Health is more than just physical wellness. The choice to be vegetarian is necessitated by the need to leave this world better for the next generations.
  • Health Care: Fundamentals and Importance Care is a crucial part of healthcare services provided as a method promoting patients’ physical and mental wellbeing and as an essential factor in a competitive aspect.
  • Family Characteristics Contributing to Dysfunctional Health Patterns It is important for families to foster healthy habits. Otherwise, children risk developing dysfunctional health patterns, decreasing physical and mental well-being.
  • Bullying at School and Impact on Mental Health Bullying victims experience an intolerable amount of distress, and thus, they are anxious and insecure and have high depression rates, negative self-image, and low self-esteem.
  • Health-Illness Continuum Relevance on the Patient Care This paper aims to discuss the relevance of the health-illness continuum to patient care and present a perspective on the author’s current state of health.
  • Paired and Independent T-Test in Healthcare Scenario The difference between matched (paired) and independent samples is that paired samples t-test can be used when testing the same person twice.
  • Addressing Mental Health in Schools Mental health promotion interventions should be conducted in schools because these institutions serve as a perfect basis for this purpose.
  • How to Improve Mental Health in the Community Mental health is defined as human psychological, emotional, and social prosperity. It influences how people think, feel, and act as they contend with life.
  • Annotated Bibliography: Social Media and Mental Health This article describes several sources about the connection and some other issues about social media and people’s mental health.
  • Ethical Issues in Healthcare Essay: Ethical Dilemma This paper describes an ethical dilemma in healthcare, its specific characteristics, violated ethical principles, and existent barriers to ethical practice.
  • Preventive Health Care Issues Preventive healthcare does not primarily refer to medicine; it may refer to measures taken to prevent occurrences of given diseases.
  • The Importance of Healthcare Management Healthcare organizations need healthcare management because healthcare nowadays requires high levels of coordination among multiple stakeholders.
  • The Importance of Health and Safety Training at the Workplace One of the benefits of health and safety training is the prevention of injury and illness at the workplace. Training programs help employees to gain awareness regarding the health.
  • Influence of Cultural Beliefs on Health Behaviors and Use of Health Services This paper presents cultural beliefs and health care. Culture can be comprehended as the identity of a person.
  • Healthcare Services: Right or Privilege? It is believed that all people should have free access to healthcare. But today it is a privilege that only particular people can access even though it should be a human right.
  • Poverty Effects on Mental Health This paper examines the link between poverty and mental health, the literature findings on the topic, and proposes a potential solution.
  • Healthcare Problems of Modern Society The public health system, as an organizational construct of a social institution, affects the formation and effective use of human capital.
  • Physical Health Indicator: Pulse Rate Experiment An examination of a person’s pulse can provide insight into their health, especially when measuring the before and after the pulse of an individual engaged in exercise.
  • Sexual Health Nurses: Functions and Responsibilities Sexual health nurses focus on family planning, but their functions do not end there. Their responsibilities also include advising patients about sexually transmitted infections.
  • The Health Benefits of the Green Tea Green tea is known to have a beneficial effect by way of normalizing blood pressure, total cholesterol levels, body weight, and fat.
  • The Healthcare Manager’s Role in Information Technology Management This article focuses on the role that a healthcare manager plays in ensuring the efficient execution of medical operations through the use of new technologies.
  • The US and New Zealand: Healthcare Profiles Comparison This essay compares the healthcare profiles of the United States and New Zealand and discusses how the latter may have paved the way for the former’s much-needed improvement.
  • The Purpose of Health Promotion This paper discusses the purpose of health promotion and how the nursing role and responsibilities are evolving health promotion.
  • Expectancy Theory in the Healthcare Sector This paper explores the fundamentals of Expectancy Theory and applies it to the healthcare sector. Expectancy theory has found use in healthcare education contexts.
  • Effects of Air Pollution on Health The main effects of air pollution on health, the main air pollutants, and the policies necessary to reduce the levels of air pollution.
  • Globalization and Health A planned urban society has access to safe and clean drinking water with appropriate sanitation and waste removal mechanisms.
  • Differences in Healthcare in Developing and Developed Nations Depending on the amount of money set aside, healthcare treatments and practice methods fluctuate from country to country.
  • The Connection of Spirituality and Mental Health Nowadays, spirituality plays a huge role for many people around the world, and the connection between the inner feelings of every person with the outside world is a crucial part.
  • Importance of Theory in Health Promotion Effectual health promotion initiatives assist persons to uphold and advancing health, lessening disease risks, and controlling persistent illness.
  • Importance of Partnership While Working in a Health and Social Care Partnership working indicates a shift from an organisational competition culture of public organisation to a service user need-guided approach to service delivery.
  • Quality Improvement in Healthcare Improving quality in health care is one of the essential tasks. The quality of hospital services depends on external factors, such as industrial manufacturing processes.
  • The Value of PowerPoint Presentations for Healthcare Management In the fast-evolving spheres like healthcare, technologies play a crucial role in the achievement of health-promotional, educational, strategic, and developmental goals.
  • Health: The Benefits of Running The purpose of this article is to consider such an exercise as running, as well as the positive impact it has on health.
  • Mental Health Theories: Behaviorism Versus Cognitivism Theories that focus on the aspect of mental health are intended to help clients understand their issues and deal with them. Mental health specialists can use one and more theories.
  • Electronic Health Record System’s Life Cycle The essay focuses on the electronic health record system and its lifecycle: needs assessment and analysis, system selection and design, implementation, evaluation and maintenance.
  • Effect of Social Media on Adolescent Mental Health This study aims to assess the current relationship between social media use and its impact on adolescent mental health.
  • Leadership in Health Care: Situational Leadership Theory The paper discusses the leadership issues in health care. It demonstrates that the particularities of emergency care units necessitate a flexible approach to leadership.
  • Healthcare in the United Kingdom The purpose of this paper is to examine the healthcare in the United Kingdom, providing recent data and covering the main issues in this area.
  • Environmental Health and Health Effects of Environment Environmental change has both beneficial and severe effects on human well-being. Some effects of environmental change are easy to detect, while others are hard to identify.
  • Advantages of Computer Technology in Healthcare The emergence of computer technology within healthcare is the catalyst of changes that began to display the improvement of medical procedures and care quality.
  • Promoting Health and Wellbeing of Older People and Raising Community Awareness The care of older people has become an important issue due to increased life expectancy and improved healthcare and health education.
  • Hospital Revenue Sources and Models in Healthcare Industry Like any other business, healthcare organizations have to perform effective revenue management in order to maintain stable financial status and avoid critical losses.
  • Goals and Objectives of the Community Health Needs It is important to learn how to inform the community about the ideas and ways of public health improvement. This week will be dedicated to the planning of health interventions.
  • The Negative Influence of Social Media on Teenagers’ Mental Health This essay is purposed to explain the aspects in which excessive use of social media affects teenagers’ mental health.
  • Effects of Poor Communication in Healthcare Reviewing various categories of interactions within the healthcare system will enable an in-depth understanding of the effects of poor communication.
  • The SWOT Analysis in Health Care The assessment will define the importance and usability of the SWOT analysis in strategic planning in health care.
  • Health Teaching Plan Elements for Adolescents Given the significance of adolescence to overall well-being, healthcare professionals should seize the opportunity to promote health and offer preventive services.
  • Public Health. Precaution Adoption Process Model The paper argues the Precaution Adoption Process model strives to explain what happens before people take action and explains how people translate these decisions into action.
  • Environment and Health Relationship This paper aims to explain the relationship between health and the environment through a succinct analysis and identification of five objectives of epidemiology.
  • Health Problems in Children Analysis Specific societal challenges, including poverty, poor access to health care provisions, low education, and social disparity, increase the risks of STDs in specific social groups.
  • Nursing Informatics: Electronic Health Records Nursing informatics entail the use of health care technology such as the EHR. Electronic health records provide integrated data that nurses can use to support safe and patient-centered care.
  • Applying Ethical Principles in Healthcare Modern medical field requires new, high-quality ways of treating patients, considering the objective moral code.practice and help them in ethical decision-making process.
  • Primary Health Care: Issues and Challenges Primary health care as a concept gained popularity following the 1978 International Conference on Primary Health Care jointly held by WHO and UNICEF at Alma-Ata.
  • Social Media and Informatics Role in Healthcare This paper examines three examples of using social media and electronic systems to demonstrate the impact of the Internet and modern informatics on healthcare.
  • Critique of Population Health Intervention Population-based health interventions are an essential part of the national health system, as they target not only individuals or small social groups but communities as a whole.
  • Fashion Affecting People’s Health Lots of people put much focus on slim figures and fashion clothing, forgetting that there is some link between the fashions displayed and the health of the people.
  • Importance of Education for Healthcare Professionals Education are important in promoting quality healthcare services by providing healthcare practitioners with knowledge and skills in handling different healthcare conditions.
  • Role of Mandatory Health Insurance The health care system is one of the U.S. government priorities but has been in a crisis, and even for an elementary procedure, a patient can be billed thousand dollars.
  • Community Health Nursing: Concept and Scope Community Health Nursing is a specific field of nursing characterized by the combination of public health, nursing skills, and some elements of social assistance.
  • Person, Health, Environment in Nursing Philosophy Nursing is the process of creating the environment in which recovery will occur at a fast pace, and in which people will be able to engage in learning about health management.
  • Physical Activity’s Lack Effects on Health Problems A sedentary lifestyle is a common phenomenon in today’s world and is characterized by minimal and irregular physical activity.
  • Trust and Transparency in Management and Leadership of Health Care Organizations The concept of transparency has gained prominence over the last decade, especially within the healthcare industry because creates trust in the whole healthcare system.
  • Application of Statistical Methods in Healthcare Statistical evaluation of clinical research results determines doctors’ decisions in favor of the method of treatment being studied.
  • Health and Social Care Services: Barriers to Working Partnerships This paper gives a comprehensive discussion on the major barriers that affect the sustainability of working partnerships between two healthcare services and social providers.
  • Health-Illness Continuum Review The health-illness continuum can be used to elaborate on how an individual, regardless of the absence of physical illness, may suffer anxiety, depression, and other conditions.
  • Measuring Health Behaviors. Key Methods Evaluating the different health behaviors is the number one approach to collecting, analyzing, and interpreting the information regarding population health patterns.
  • Regression Analysis for Healthcare Organization The paper studies the regression analysis that enables managers to evaluate the patterns within the health care organization and make predictions for decision-making.
  • Examples of Environment in Nursing Metaparadigm The metaparadigms that form personal nursing philosophy include such wide conceptions as patient, nurse, health, and environment.
  • Common Mental Health Problems Mental health forms a significant aspect of human health because it determines the general health of a person.
  • Analysis of Limited Access to Healthcare The analysis will primarily focus on geographic and related factors in regards to the issue of healthcare access.
  • Nola Pender’s Health Promotion Model Nola Pender is one of the greatest nursing theorists of the 20th century. Pender’s Health Promotion Model (HPM) theory supports the best health practices towards a quality life.
  • Ethical and Legal Issues in Healthcare Services The article is an analysis of a number of situations that a patient may face and contains a detailed analysis of each of them from a legal and ethical point of view.
  • Building Trust Within the Healthcare Setting This plan is based on the trust equation proposed by Reagan, which states that credibility, reliability, intimacy divided by self-orientation are equal to trust.
  • New Millennium: Psychology and Health Problems Scholars point out that human being’s psychology is a mechanism that can make a madman’s well-being better or worse depending on how a human programming his/her consciousness.
  • Outbreak at Watersedge: A Public Health Discovery Game The game “Outbreak at Watersedge” simulates the process of searching for credible evidence to detect the source of the infection.
  • Healthcare Quality, Safety, and High-Reliability Healthcare quality is outcome-oriented. Healthcare safety encompasses the well-being of the patient. High reliability reduces errors and risks.
  • Computer Technology’s Impact on Personal Health The computer has a detrimental effect on health in many aspects. The influence of the Internet on modern society cannot be assessed unambiguously.
  • The Right to Healthcare as a Basic Human Right This paper argues for the implementation of a universal healthcare system in the United States and emphasizes that healthcare is a basic human right.
  • Social Determinants of Health in Wolverhampton Town This paper examines an overview of Wolverhampton town located in the West Midlands area of England. It examines the demographic profile.
  • The Novant Health Organization’s Structure & Management This paper analyzes Novant Health’s organizational structure, service line, the interaction between leadership and service quality, and management strategy.
  • Teacup Dogs: Appearance, History, Health Complications, Art Teacup dogs were created to serve as a decorative breed. Their primary purpose is to perform in various shows or be human companions.
  • Health Education and Health Promotion Health education and promotion are highly crucial. They can connect the audience and sustain the link between professionals and the public.
  • Healthcare Organizations’ Mission, Vision and Values This project identifies four health organizations coupled with reviewing their vision, mission, and values and proposes changes to the organizations’ missions, visions, and values.
  • Evolution of Healthcare Information Systems Healthcare and hospital information systems have greatly changed in the past twenty years and this has been as a result of the improvement of information technology.
  • Importance of Health Equity It is efficient if everyone who needs assistance receives adequate care, which is possible because of Health Equity.
  • CDC’s Top Ten Public Health Achievements of Workplace Safety The mining industry is associated with a risk to life, as a historical retrospective demonstrates the mortal danger to workers.
  • Sentinel Town Community Health Assessment This paper is an assessment of health-related environmental factors that affect the population’s health in Sentinel Town.
  • Program Planning: Health and Wellness for Senior Citizens An increase in the standard of living is possible with a combination of the right lifestyle, work and rest balance, healthy food, engaging activities, and others.
  • Malawi Health and Education System Analysis The analysis of the education and health sectors in Malawi provides an opportunity to assess key gaps in government plans and identify potential development paths in these areas.
  • Change Management in Healthcare Changes in the healthcare field are always associated with difficulties since they affect the ways care is delivered, as well as medical professionals’ and clients’ experiences.
  • Patient Assessment, Health Patterns and Family Characteristics Family characteristics may significantly promote either potential or actual dysfunctional health patterns. One of the characteristics refers to family relationships.
  • Calgary Family Assessment Model in Healthcare Calgary Family Assessment Model is a tool utilized by health care specialists to evaluate the overall wellbeing of a family.
  • Healthcare Regulatory Agencies in the US The purpose of this paper is to identify 5 major healthcare regulatory agencies in the US, describe the agency, level of regulatory authority, and role within the US healthcare system.
  • Influenza and Community Health Nurse’s Role Influenza is a viral infection that is caused by the influenza virus. It affects the respiratory system and causes complications such as bacterial pneumonia and dehydration.
  • Eliminating Health Disparities in Rural Areas Advanced practice nurses (APNs) occupy a prominent position in addressing health disparities in underserved rural areas.
  • Mental Health Crisis and Stigma Mental health is no less important than physical health. In some cases, it plays a significant role and can only worsen the condition of individuals.
  • Supply and Demand of Healthcare and Automobiles This paper’s purpose is to examine the differences and peculiarities of the health care market, as well as analyze current trends in this field.
  • Creating App in Healthcare: Business Plan In order to create the most effective app in healthcare, it is necessary to monitor trends in this area and implement them.
  • Effects of Poor Workplace Culture on Healthcare Organizations The current paper provides a unique outlook on the fundamental value held by workplace culture in healthcare organizations.
  • The History of Mental Health Legislation in England and Wales Mental health services in England and Wales are determined by many social, cultural, political, and medical events between the 18th and 20th centuries.
  • Community Health Assessment This paper aims to conduct a community health assessment to identify the community’s resources, strengths, challenges, and health issues.
  • Organization Theory Improving Healthcare Operations Organizational theories explain the relationships between the business and its environment and how it affects its operation mode.
  • Health and Safety Assessment Health and safety laws are designed to ensure that working environments are safe for all workers. The law requires that both employers and employees take caution.
  • Occupational Health Nursing Theory and Model This article explores an occupational health nursing model and how it can be applied to nursing practice, nursing research, nursing leadership, and nursing management.
  • Capstone Project Change Proposal in Healthcare Sector Nursing understaffing is caused primarily by the emotional exhaustion of medical workers due to the stressful workload in the sector.
  • South Africa Health Care System This paper determines the role the health care systems of South Africa play in delivering the population access to appropriate health care services.
  • Patient with Sore Throat: Nursing Health Assessment This document presents a health assessment of a 24-year-old patient that addresses a hospital with her chief complaint – a sore throat.
  • Benefits of the Beach: Effects on the Mental and Physical Aspects of Health in People This paper aims at discussing the benefits of the beach: advantages of seawater, sunshine, walking on the sand, its positive impact on health and bodyweight.
  • The Flo Health App and Technological Utopia The given research analysis will primarily focus on the app named Flo, which is primarily used to monitor women’s menstrual cycles with a wide range of additional functionalities.
  • The Challenges Faced by Healthcare Workers The challenges faced by healthcare workers include transitioning from volume-based healthcare to value-based healthcare, increasing costs and expenses, and provider shortages.
  • Quality and Risk Management in Healthcare Management of risk in health care institutions seeks to reduce any potential negative occurrences to all stakeholders such as patients and staff.
  • The Family Health Assessment This essay seeks to provide a family health assessment of an Amish family using the Friedman Family Assessment Model, analyze family data and develop a plan of care for the family.
  • History of Public Health The targeted course will explore the major issues associated with public health towards professional nursing practice.
  • Family Health Assessment: Weaknesses and Strengths The paper will examine the benefits of interviews to assess the structure, weaknesses, and strengths of family health.
  • Universal Health Care: Arguments For and Against This paper takes the position for universal health care, outlining the supportive arguments, as well as the arguments used by its opposition.
  • Sexual and Reproductive Health Education The participation of women in sexual and reproductive health education can increase their level of adaptation in society and improve health and behavioral outcomes.
  • Health Promotion Proposal Obesity Prevention The purpose of this proposal is to inform and educate parents, children and adolescents of the importance of having a well balance diet and exercise in their daily lives to avoid obesity.
  • Digital Health Information Technologies The essay will explore the two common digital health technologies, Electronic Health Records and Health Information Exchange, to identify how they help healthcare institutions.
  • Food Donation and Food Safety: Environmental Health Food safety is often taken for granted, with most people relying on basic practices and following essential hygiene standards without giving a second thought.
  • High Taxes’ Benefits for Education and Healthcare High taxes have more benefits than drawbacks for the citizens as the payments are allocated to develop essential systems, such as healthcare and education.
  • Private Hospitals’ Health Facility Capacity Private hospitals are notable from the public facilities that can offer services under the government bills at the service centers.
  • Clinical Career Ladders in Healthcare The main objective of the essay is to identify the relationship between successful Clinical Ladder Programs and nurses’ job satisfaction and the factors that contribute to it.
  • Social Work in Mental Health Settings Social workers are regarded as highly trained individuals working closely to foster the standard of life and the well-being of other people through crisis intervention.
  • Categorical Variables in a Healthcare Research Such categories as age, gender, height, weight can be applied in healthcare research. This paper describes categorical variables and analyzes categorical variables’ application.
  • Impact of Social Media on Mental Health Sites such as Facebook, email, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, Reddit, and YouTube have led to a revolution in communication, specifically within the school.
  • The Importance of Good Health The maintenance of good health in the body is a crucial practice among all people, as when healthy, they will be able to perform their normal daily duties effectively.
  • Science of Human Flourishing and Health The state of human flourishing determines the happiness, longevity, and prosperity of both the individual and the entire nation.
  • Statistics Application in Healthcare and Nursing Statistical analyses are efficient mechanisms for obtaining accurate data based on calculations and affecting not only the quality of care.
  • Levels of Health Prevention The types of care that are maintained in healthcare institutions largely determine the nature of a particular treatment plan, the features of recovery, and patient outcomes.
  • Motivational Axiom, Health Behavior and Promotion The purpose of this paper is to discuss motivational axioms and health behavior theories that apply to the health promotion project.
  • Healthcare Quality Planning Meeting Minutes The essay analyzes quality planning meeting minutes, the key discussion points, arrangement features, and formulated objectives to evaluate their overall effectiveness.
  • Aspects of an Ideal Healthcare System The paper focuses on how various components can be implemented in the ideal healthcare system to enhance the quality of care services within the country.
  • Mayo Clinic: Health Care Risk Management Mayo Clinic, a renowned healthcare organization, has a comprehensive approach to healthcare risk management that includes several components.
  • Issues and Possible Solutions in the Healthcare Sector It is hard to disagree that healthcare is one of the most fundamental and intricate sectors playing a crucial role in people’s lives.
  • Environmental Health’s Role in Public Health This paper focuses on the aspects and goals of environmental health, its importance in public health, and the key interests that it presents.
  • Nursing Informatics Policy and Its Influence on Healthcare Delivery The development of nursing information structures is an essential factor in improving the delivery of health services. It includes the development of regulations.
  • Interprofessional Collaboration Examples in Nursing Case Study This work aimed to demonstrate the importance of collaboration among various healthcare experts to achieve better treatment outcomes for the patient.
  • Social Media and Mental Health Relationship
  • Aspects of Maternal Child Health
  • Biomedical View of Health
  • Partnering to Heal: Healthcare-Associated Infections Prevention
  • Environmental Issues and Human Health
  • The Role of Religious Beliefs and Spirituality in Health Care
  • Role of Family in Healthcare and How Culture Affects Health Beliefs
  • Microplastics and Environmental Health
  • Impact of Technology on the Healthcare System
  • Prominent Health Concerns in Developed Countries
  • Healthcare Disparities and Potential Solutions
  • Employee Mental Health and Workplace Wellbeing
  • Leadership Theories in the Healthcare Industry
  • Healthcare Quality Improvement Team Meeting Plan
  • Technology in Health Care: Current Trends
  • Isolation and Mental Health in the Interstellar Film
  • Police Officers’ Wellness and Mental Health
  • Impact of Outdoor Activities on Mental Health
  • Mental Health from Religious & Spiritual Perspectives
  • The Importance of Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Healthcare
  • Positive and Negative Impacts of Social Media on Mental Health
  • Noise Pollution and Its Effect on Health
  • Patient Education: Improving Health Status
  • Mission and Vision Statements in a Health Organization
  • The Connection Between Education and Better Health
  • Electronic Health Records: A Review of the Literature
  • The Role of Cultural Relativism in Healthcare
  • The Definition of Public Health Leadership
  • Family Health Assessment Using Gordon’s Patterns
  • Typhoid Fever: Health Promotion Pamphlet
  • Lillian Wald and Community Health Nursing
  • Pros and Cons of the Gatekeeper Healthcare System
  • Concepts of Women’s Health Education
  • What Is E-Health: Discussion
  • Health and Safety Training for Early Childhood Educators
  • Adolescent Health Care: Factors and Impact
  • Helvie Energy Theory of Nursing and Health
  • Evaluation in Nursing Education and Healthcare Organization
  • Health and Lifestyle in Russian Culture
  • Virtual Reality in Healthcare and Education
  • The Family Health Assessment in the Nursing Practice
  • Addressing Mental Health in Higher Education
  • The Occupational Safety and Health Act
  • Public Health Career Opportunities
  • Public Health Promotion in Everyday Life
  • Social Media Impact on Mental Health
  • Overcrowding in Prisons and Its Impact on Health
  • Relation Between Public Health and Aging
  • Mental Health and COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Impact of Grassroots Policy Initiatives on Nurse Leaders in Improving Health
  • Fresh Water Toxins: Serious Threat to Health
  • Mental Health Issues in College Students
  • Obesity in the World: the Prevalence, Its Effects to Human Health, and Causes
  • Canada’s Public Health System
  • Sanitation, Inspection and Public Health Administration
  • Nursing and Health Care Informatics Ethics and the Law
  • Risk Management in Health Care
  • Healthcare Management and Leadership
  • Cultural Barriers in Healthcare Management
  • Mental Health Advocacy for Children
  • Health Psychology and Stress: Correlations
  • Quality Documentation and Reporting in Primary Health Care
  • Health Information Systems Project
  • Interpersonal Communication Skills in Healthcare
  • Occupational Health Nurses’ Role and Settings
  • Healthcare Employee Recruitment and Selection
  • Little Havana Health Programs: Caring for Populations
  • Food Additives: Dangers and Health Impact
  • Single-Parent Family Health Assessment
  • Fulmer SPICES Tool in Patient Health Assessment
  • Chickenpox Epidemiology and Community Health Nurse
  • Nuclear Family Health Assessment in Nursing
  • Visual Perception: Challenges in Healthcare Settings
  • Quality Improvement Team in Healthcare Institution
  • Nurses’ Role in Environmental Health
  • Hillsboro County Home Health Agency’s Issue
  • Social Problems and Policy: Youth Unemployment and Mental Health
  • Hospital Ownership Types and Impacts on Healthcare Finance
  • Hansen vs. Baxter Healthcare Corporation
  • The Consent Role and Aspects in Healthcare
  • Benefits of Health Information Technology
  • Occupational Health and Safety Communication
  • Ethical Issues in Health and Wellness Coaching
  • Sexual Health Through Natural and Social Sciences Lens
  • Competing Needs and Quadruple Aim in Healthcare
  • The Importance of Community Health Education
  • Nursing Theory: The Health Belief Model
  • Organizational Mission, Vision, and Values in Healthcare
  • A Community Health Action Plan
  • Public Dental Health Policies: Allocative and Regulatory
  • Leadership and Change in Healthcare Management
  • Continuous Probability Distributions in Biostatistics and Public Health
  • Public Health in the UK
  • Cash Flow Statement as a Reflection of Financial Health
  • Online Learning and Students’ Mental Health
  • Health Promotion Concepts and Factors
  • Stages of Life and Influence of Age in Healthcare
  • COVID-19: The Impact on Mental Health
  • Health Information Technology Service Management
  • Day Care Centers: Health Risks
  • Maternal Health Nursing Theories and Practice
  • Vila Health Independence Medical Center: Stakeholder Communication
  • The Role of a Nurse in Mental Health
  • Egyptian and Filipino Heritage and Health Beliefs
  • Steps in the Process of Risk Management in Healthcare
  • The Roles of a Community Health Nurse
  • Community Health Nursing Definition
  • Determinants of Health: Factors Influencing Health Status
  • Demand and Supply of Healthcare Workforce in Oman
  • Electronic Health Records Implementation Examples
  • Principles of Primary Health Care
  • Global Health Nursing Position Statement
  • Healthcare Technological Advancements: Pros & Cons
  • Global Nursing Issues: Challenges, Strategies and Advocating for Health Care
  • Community Health Nursing: Family Health Assessment
  • The Innovation Diffusion in Healthcare
  • Healthcare Strategies and Management
  • Strengthening Community Health Through Technology: Key Barriers
  • Using Smartphones in Healthcare: Ethical Issues
  • Constructing Team Values in Healthcare
  • Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Views on Healthcare
  • NYU Langone Health Center’s Strategic (SWOT) Analysis
  • Role of Nutrition in Human Health
  • Importance of Healthcare Advocacy Plan
  • Social Epidemiology and Theory in Framing Public Health Work
  • The World Trade Organization’s Impact on Public Health
  • Patient Identity Management Policy in Healthcare
  • Environmental and Public Health Risks Caused by Plastic Pollution
  • Performance Appraisal Process in a Healthcare Organization
  • Public Health Promotion: World Health Organization
  • The Action Research in Healthcare
  • Traditional Public-Health Prevention Model
  • Community Health Assessment Evaluation & SWOT Analysis
  • Healthcare Institutions: Budgeting, Planning, and Implications
  • Anglo-Americans’ Health Beliefs and Practices
  • Healthcare Professions: EMT and Occupational Therapist
  • Healthcare Manager’s Conceptual, Technical, and Interpersonal Skills
  • Leadership in Healthcare Management & Administration
  • Community Health and Its Impact on Maternal Child Health
  • Behavioral and Cognitive Mental Health Theories
  • Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Public Health
  • Theory Use in Public Health Campaign
  • Dental Public Health Project
  • Cholera Outbreak in Sierra Leone: Evaluating Public Health Interventions
  • Health and Safety Effects of Computer Use
  • System Failures in Healthcare Facilities
  • The Role of Epidemiology in Public Health
  • Cost, Access, and Quality in Healthcare
  • Information Technology Applications in Healthcare
  • Legal Aspect of Health Care Administrator
  • Health Care Delivery Models and Nursing Practice
  • Accountability in the Healthcare Industry
  • Major Health Concerns in Sentinel City
  • Quality Management in Healthcare
  • Healthcare in Canada: Problems and Solutions
  • Healthcare Management: Past, Present, and Future
  • Administrative and Financial System in Healthcare
  • Southern Regional Health System: Case Study
  • Improving Mental Health by Preventing Mental Illness
  • Cultural Beliefs in Health Education
  • Pareto Efficiency. Health Care System
  • Healthcare: New Treatment Methods
  • Demand for Healthcare Services and the Related Factors
  • Absenteeism and Lateness in the Healthcare Field
  • Nurse Manager’s Interview on Health Policies
  • Refugee Mental Health Issue
  • Professional Nurses’ Involvement in Health Policy
  • Comparison of Healthcare Systems: The United States and Switzerland
  • Family in Health Crisis
  • Risk Management in Healthcare Construction Projects
  • Fad Diets and Their Impact on Human Health
  • Access to Healthcare Services
  • Community Needs and Health Screening Initiative
  • Advocacy Strategy for Mental Health: Community Awareness
  • Health Promotion and Ethical Considerations
  • Healthcare Technological Trends and HRM Strategies
  • Healthcare Resources Use: Project Implementation
  • Health Education Effects on Patients With Hypertension
  • Leadership Style and Motivation in Health Care
  • National Institutes of Health: Talent Development Plan
  • Improving Healthcare through Advocacy
  • Customer Focus in Healthcare Project Management
  • Social Psychology and Health Issues
  • Environmental Changes: Negative and Positive Impact on Human Health
  • Health Effects of Environmental Change
  • Environmental Pollution Effects on Health
  • Coding and Reimbursement: Health Information Management
  • Adolescents’ Mental Health Under Impact of Technologies
  • Time Management in the Healthcare Sector
  • Non-Verbal Communication in Mental Health Nursing
  • Strategic Planning Processes in Healthcare
  • Health and Health Promotion
  • Health Aspects of Young Adulthood
  • The Importance of Mental Health Care
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Healthcare
  • Patient-Centered Healthcare Coordination Plan
  • Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Care
  • Health-Related Sustainable Development Goals
  • Strategic Planning in Healthcare
  • Electronic Health Records: Bhoyrul’s Approach
  • Oncology: Caregiving Burden, Stress, and Health Effects
  • Discussion: Smoking and Health Risks
  • Healthcare Professional Burnout and Its Effects
  • Importance of Mental Health Policy
  • Protected Health Information: The Best Practices
  • Mental Health Issues in Uganda
  • Medication Error Impact on Healthcare Quality
  • Enhancing Patient Safety Through Interprofessional Teams
  • Aspects of Healthcare Costs
  • Cuban Cultural Communication in Relation to Healthcare
  • Overcoming Personal Biases, Prejudice, and Stereotyping in Healthcare
  • Roles of a Financial Manager in Healthcare
  • Health Campaign Audience and Implementation
  • Sociological Analysis of Health and Illness
  • Mental Health Challenges and Their Stigmatization
  • The Crucial Factors Affecting Health Fitness
  • Theory, Risk, and Quality Management in Healthcare Facilities
  • Managed Care in Behavioral Health
  • Alberta Health Services: Organizational Structure
  • Health Promotion for Obesity in Adults
  • Is Bottled Water Safe for Public Health?
  • Healthcare in the Russian Federation
  • Contrast of Health Care Systems: Italy v. the United States
  • Quantitative and Qualitative Research Designs in Healthcare
  • The Occupational Safety and Health Administration: Engineering Ethics
  • A Mental Health Nursing Social Interventions for Patients With Schizophrenia
  • Leadership in Healthcare Overview
  • Healthcare Accreditation and Licensing
  • Cost Allocation in Healthcare Analysis
  • Behavioral Cues in Healthcare Behaviors
  • Health and Spirituality Overview and Analysis
  • Healthcare – Delivery of Care
  • “The Ministry of Health and Healing” by Ellen White
  • Training and Education in Health Care Organization
  • A Discredited Vaccine Study’s Continuing Impact on Public Health
  • Implementation of Healthcare Organizational Design
  • Family Health and Nursing Process
  • Community Health: Disaster Recovery Plan
  • Health Promotion in School Health Center
  • The Concept of a Health Maintenance Organization and Its Types
  • US and Singapore Healthcare Systems Comparison
  • Health or Self-Indulgence? The Motivations and Characteristics of Spa-Goers
  • Universal Healthcare System: Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Veterans Affairs Healthcare System: Marketing Research and Segmentation
  • Quality Healthcare and Its Aims
  • Health Maintenance, Protection, and Restoration
  • Information Systems in Healthcare
  • The Role of Microbes and Microbiology in Health
  • The Negative Impact of Long Working Shifts on Nurses’ Efficient Practice and Health
  • Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Literacy
  • Magnet Recognition Program in Healthcare
  • Affordable Health Care Act in Sociological Aspect
  • Occupational Safety and Health Threat Scenarios
  • Barriers to Collecting a Health History
  • Muslim Faith and Healthcare Relationship
  • Environmental Factors and Barriers to Health
  • The Patient Health Questionnaire
  • Healthcare Workforce and Human Resource Management
  • LGBT Healthcare Disparity: Theoretical Framework
  • Ways to Improve the US Healthcare System
  • Code of Conduct in Healthcare Organizations
  • Magnet Status and Shared Governance in Healthcare
  • Organizational Behavior Management in Health Care
  • Flagami Community’s Crime and Health Situation
  • Hazardous Materials, Environment and Health
  • Nursing Quality Models in Healthcare Institutions
  • How Do Various Factors Influence Health in Your Community?
  • Healthcare: the Impact of Advance Care Planning
  • Pets Effects on Their Owners’ Health
  • Communicating in Health and Social Care Organisation
  • Institutional Violence in Healthcare: Factors and Ways of Intervention
  • Health Education Plan
  • The Implication of Information Technology on Marketing Strategy of Healthcare Industry
  • Cause and Effect: Living with Pets Improves Their Owners’ Health
  • Protecting Patient Privacy and Health Records
  • Affection: Update on Mental Health Aspects
  • Health Electronic Records: The Impact of Electronic Health Record Systems
  • Techniques and Tools for Strategic Management in Healthcare
  • Cultural and Social Influences on Alaskan Native Oral Health
  • Hospital Readmission as Healthcare Challenge
  • Dental Healthcare Persons’ Infection Control
  • Healthcare as a Basic Human Right
  • Business Needs in the Healthcare Sector
  • Ethics and Social Justice in Mental Health System
  • The Impact of Advanced Practice Nursing in Healthcare
  • Refugee Health-Related Challenges
  • Big Pharma: Prioritizing Profits Over Personal Health
  • Climate Change as a Healthcare Priority
  • Disparity Accessing Health Care Services in LGBTQ+
  • Social Determinants of Health: Case Study
  • Marijuana and Its Use in Healthcare
  • Firearm Violence as a Public Health Issue
  • Mental Health in Children and Adolescents
  • Healthcare Administrator: Profession Overview
  • MAP-IT Framework for Disaster Recovery Plan for the Vila Health Community
  • Healthcare Collection Policies and Procedures
  • Equality, Diversity, and Rights in Health and Social Care
  • Agile-Scrum in Healthcare Project Management
  • Qualitative Research in Healthcare
  • Effects of Climate Variability on Water Resources, Food Security, and Human Health
  • The Health Information Technology
  • Scheduling Management in Healthcare
  • How Social Media Contribute to Mental Health
  • Healthcare Informatics: Introduction to Theory
  • Cybersecurity and Protection in Healthcare
  • Mental Health Problems in the UK and the US
  • Telehealth and Its Impact on the Healthcare System
  • Why Being Kind to Others Is Good for Your Health: Analysis of Article
  • Pros and Cons of Health-Related Information on the Internet
  • Advocacy in Mental Health Counseling
  • Followership and Leadership in Healthcare
  • Global Women’s Health and Rights
  • Poor Housing Conditions and Health of Maori Children
  • Shared Decision Making in Health Care
  • The US and the UK Health Systems
  • Disaster Recovery Plan for the Vila Health Community
  • Healthcare Reimbursement Models
  • The Implementation of a Safety Improvement Initiative in Healthcare Institutions
  • Safety Culture in the Healthcare Workplace
  • Incivility Within a Healthcare Setting
  • Nurse’s Role in Health Promotion
  • The Evolution and Purpose of Contemporary Environmental Health
  • Disaster Planning for Public Health: Darby Township Case
  • Occupational Health Safety Management in the USA
  • Vila Health Nurse Staffing: The St. Anthony Medical Center
  • The Blue Angel for Asthma Kids and Teledentistry: Health Informatics
  • Community Education on Vaping and Dental Health
  • Ethics in the Healthcare Industry: Armando Dimas’ Case
  • The Ontological Basis for Participant Action Research in Healthcare
  • Public Health and Health Policy: Newham’s Cases of Homelessness
  • Food, Health and Environment Relations
  • Impact of Diversity on Health and Social Care Provision
  • Health Outcomes of African Americans With Hypertension
  • Elder Abuse and Neglect as a Health Problem
  • Legal Aspects of Health Care Management
  • Nursing: Community Health Project by Nola Pender
  • Healthcare Case Study of Standards for the Center
  • Health and Medicine: Facility Planning
  • Health-Care Cost of Smoking: Economic Impacts
  • Promotion of Public Health: Improvement Strategies
  • Health Information Systems: Using and Importance
  • Personal Health Initiative Report: Achieving a Normal Body Mass Index
  • The German Healthcare System: Key Aspects
  • Faith-Based Healthcare Organizations
  • US and French Health Care Systems Comparison
  • Aspects of Global Health Issues
  • The US Medicare vs. the French Healthcare System
  • The Role of Nurses in the Health Care Environment
  • Why Health Insurance Should Cover Art and Music Therapy?
  • Elements of Strategic Planning in Health Organizations
  • The Health Promotion Model by Nola Pender
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Public Health
  • Parent’s Education and Child’s Dental Health
  • The US and Singapore Health Systems Comparison
  • Poverty and Mental Health Correlation
  • The Health Care Insurance Supervisor: Job Description
  • Health Care Strategical Marketing Proposal
  • Patient Rights When Interacting With Healthcare Providers
  • Analysis of Health Care Reform
  • Health Promotion Among HIV, AIDS Patients
  • Leadership Coaching Program in Healthcare
  • Social-Ecological Model for Health Issues Analysis
  • Risk Communication and Healthcare Management
  • Baxter Water Treatment Plants and Public Health
  • Health Information Technology
  • Total Quality Management Healthcare Organizations
  • Communication Modalities in Health Care Systems
  • Maintenance of Health and Nursing Intervention
  • Managed Care: Containing Costs and Improving Access to Quality Health Care
  • Health Maintenance Plan for Diverse Developmental Stages
  • Knowledge Management in Healthcare
  • Ethical Professional Codes of Healthcare
  • Health Promotion: Disease Control and Prevention
  • Public Health in 21st Century
  • Healthcare Root-Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement Plan
  • Assessment of Policymaking: Healthcare
  • The Interdisciplinary Health Care Delivery Model
  • Disaster Recovery Plan At Vila Health
  • Pathogenic and Salutogenic Concepts of Health
  • The Launch of Healthcare Projects
  • Applying Research Skills in the Healthcare Area
  • Health for All: Community Teaching Plan
  • Littering on Campus: The Issue of Maintaining Cleanliness and Averting Health Hazards
  • Society: Mental Health and Welfare
  • Healthcare System in Republic of Panama
  • Cancer Prevalence and Health Care
  • Strategic Management Aspects in Health Care
  • Value-Based Purchasing Approach in Healthcare
  • Health Insurance for Employees
  • Psychiatric Interview for Mental Health Treatment
  • What Causes Medication Administration Errors in a Mental Health Hospital?
  • Gender Roles and Psychological Health
  • The Core Functions of Public Health
  • Climate Change and Impact on Human Health
  • Using the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model in Designing a Community-Based Health Program
  • Patient Safety in the Healthcare Workplace Culture
  • Social Determinants of Health: Policy Brief
  • Giltinane’s “Leadership Styles and Theories” in Healthcare
  • Healthcare Robotics Impact
  • First Steps on Becoming a Grassroots Lobbyist or Advocate for Health Care Policy
  • Issues in Health Psychology
  • Appalachian and Arab American Heritage and Health Beliefs
  • Effect of Social Factors on Human Health
  • Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Pros & Cons
  • Life Stages and Age Factor in Healthcare Delivery
  • Human Experience Across the Health-Illness Continuum
  • Change Management in Healthcare: Using the Principles of Transformational Leadership
  • Advocacy in Nursing: The Process of Healthcare Policymaking
  • Margaret Newman’s Theory of Health as Expanding Consciousness
  • Healthcare Delivery Models and Nursing Trends
  • Nursing Advocacy for Access to Healthcare
  • Collective Bargaining and Shared Governance in the Healthcare Sector
  • The CS/CS/HB 1337 Bill by Health and Human Services Committee
  • The Role of Community Health Nurse in Canada
  • Monitoring Family Health and Developing a Care Plan
  • Health Assessment of a Nuclear Family
  • Helpful Tips for Students: Writing, Health and Relaxation
  • Healthcare Clinic: Cost and Benefit Analysis
  • Miami Gardens’ Vulnerable Population Health
  • Childhood Obesity Study and Health Belief Model
  • Nurse Manager as Coach in Healthcare Facility
  • Healthcare Organization: Finance and Accounting
  • Intermountain Healthcare Mental Health Integration Model
  • Florida HB 423 and Health Coverage in the State of Florida
  • Status and Authority in Healthcare
  • Public Health Nursing’ Definition
  • Healthcare Disparities in the LGBT Community
  • Patients’ Expectations from Healthcare Industry
  • American and Icelandic Healthcare Systems

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"596 Health Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 5 June 2022, studycorgi.com/ideas/health-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2022) '596 Health Essay Topics'. 5 June.

1. StudyCorgi . "596 Health Essay Topics." June 5, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/health-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "596 Health Essay Topics." June 5, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/health-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2022. "596 Health Essay Topics." June 5, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/health-essay-topics/.

These essay examples and topics on Health were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on June 23, 2024 .

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80+ Great Research Titles Examples in Various Academic Fields

Research titles examples

Coming up with a research title for an academic paper is one of the most challenging parts of the writing process. Even though there is an unlimited quantity of research titles to write about, knowing which one is best for you can be hard. We have done the research for you and compiled eighty examples of research titles to write on. Additionally, we have divided the research titles examples into sections to make them easier to choose.

Research Study Examples of Current Events

Examples of research topics on ethics, title of research study examples on health, research paper title examples on social concerns, examples of research title on art and culture, example of research interest in religion, samples of research study topics on technology, research examples of environmental studies, good research title examples on history, specific topic examples regarding education, research title examples for students on family, food, and nutrition, research problems examples computer science, samples of research title about business marketing and communications, sample of research study topics in women’s studies, research problem example on politics, what are some examples of research paper topics on law, final words about research titles.

When it comes to choosing a good sample research title, research is one of the best tips you can get. By reading widely, including your school notes and scholarly articles, you will have a problem/line of interest examples in research. Then, you can derive any question from areas that appear to have a knowledge gap and proceed with researching the answer. As promised, below are eighty research title examples categorized into different areas, including social media research topics .

  • Discuss the peculiar policies of a named country – for example, discuss the impacts of the one-child policy of China.
  • Research on the influence of a named political leader, say a president, on the country they governed and other countries around. For instance, you can talk about how Trump’s presidency has changed international relations.
  • Conduct an analysis of a particular aspect of two named countries – for example, the history of the relationship between the U.S. and North Korea.
  • Compare the immigration laws in two or more named countries – for example, discuss how the immigration laws in the U.S. compares with other countries.
  • Discuss how the Black Lives Matter movement has affected the view and discussions about racism in the United States.
  • Enumerate the different ways the government of the United States can reduce deaths arising from the unregulated use of guns.
  • Analyze the place of ethics in medicine or of medical practitioners. For instance, you can discuss the prevalence of physician-assisted suicides in a named country. You may also talk about the ethicality of such a practice and whether it should be legal.
  • Explain how recent research breakthroughs have affected that particular field – for instance, how stem cell research has impacted the medical field.
  • Explain if and why people should be able to donate organs in exchange for money.
  • Discuss ethical behaviors in the workplace and (or) the educational sector. For example, talk about whether or not affirmative action is still important or necessary in education or the workplace.
  • Weigh the benefits and risks of vaccinating children and decide which one outweighs the other. Here, you might want to consider the different types of vaccinations and the nature and frequency of associated complications.
  • Investigate at least one of the health issues that currently pose a threat to humanity and which are under investigation. These issues can include Alzheimer’s, cancer, depression, autism, and HIV/AIDS. Research how these issues affect individuals and society and recommend solutions to alleviate cost and suffering.
  • Study some individuals suffering from and under treatment for depression. Then, investigate the common predictors of the disease and how this information can help prevent the issue.

Tip : To make this example of a research title more comprehensive, you can focus on a certain age range – say, teenagers.

  • Discuss whether or not free healthcare and medication should be available to people and the likely implications.
  • Identify and elucidate different methods or programs that have been most effective in preventing or reducing teen pregnancy.
  • Analyze different reasons and circumstances for genetic manipulation and the different perspectives of people on this matter. Then, discuss whether or not parents should be allowed to engineer designer babies.
  • Identify the types of immigration benefits, including financial, medical, and education, your country provides for refugees and immigrants. Then, discuss how these benefits have helped them in settling down and whether more or less should be provided.
  • Discuss the acceptance rate of the gay community in your country or a specific community. For example, consider whether or not gay marriage is permitted if they can adopt children, and if they are welcome in religious gatherings.
  • Explore and discuss if terrorism truly creates a fear culture that can become a society’s unintended terrorist.
  • Consider and discuss the different techniques one can use to identify pedophiles on social media.

Tip : Social issues research topics are interesting, but ensure you write formally and professionally.

  • Investigate the importance or lack of importance of art in primary or secondary education. You can also recommend whether or not it should be included in the curriculum and why.

Tip : You can write on this possible research title based on your experiences, whether positive or negative.

  • Discuss the role of illustration in children’s books and how it facilitates easy understanding in children. You may focus on one particular book or select a few examples and compare and contrast.
  • Should the use of art in books for adults be considered, and what are the likely benefits?
  • Compare and contrast the differences in art from two named cultural Renaissance – for instance, the Northern Renaissance and the Italian Renaissance.
  • Investigate how sexism is portrayed in different types of media, including video games, music, and film. You can also talk about whether or not the amount of sexism portrayed has reduced or increased over the years.
  • Explore different perspectives and views on dreams; are they meaningful or simply a game of the sleeping mind? You can also discuss the functions and causes of dreams, like sleeping with anxiety, eating before bed, and prophecies.
  • Investigate the main reasons why religious cults are powerful and appealing to the masses, referring to individual cases.
  • Investigate the impact of religion on the crime rate in a particular region.

Tip : Narrow down this research title by choosing to focus on a particular age group, say children or teenagers, or family. Alternatively, you can focus on a particular crime in the research to make the paper more extensive.

  • Explore reasons why Martin Luther decided to split with the Catholic church.
  • Discuss the circumstances in Siddhartha’s life that led to him becoming the Buddha.

Tip : It is important to remove sentiments from your research and base your points instead on clear evidence from a sound study. This ensures your title of research does not lead to unsubstantiated value judgments, which reduces the quality of the paper.

  • Discuss how the steel sword, gunpowder, biological warfare, longbow, or atomic bomb has changed the nature of warfare.

Tip : For this example of the research problem, choose only one of these technological developments or compare two or more to have a rich research paper.

  • Explore the changes computers, tablets, and smartphones have brought to human behaviors and culture, using published information and personal experience.

Tip : Approach each research study example in a research paper context or buy research paper online , giving a formal but objective view of the subject.

  • Are railroads and trains primary forces in the industrialization, exploitation, and settlement of your homeland or continent?
  • Discuss how the use of fossil fuels has changed or shaped the world.

Tip : Narrow down this title of the research study to focus on a local or particular area or one effect of fossil fuels, like oil spill pollution.

  • Discuss what progress countries have made with artificial intelligence. You can focus on one named country or compare the progress of one country with another.
  • Investigate the factual status of global warming – that is, is it a reality or a hoax? If it is a reality, explore the primary causes and how humanity can make a difference.
  • Conduct in-depth research on endangered wildlife species in your community and discuss why they have become endangered. You can also enumerate what steps the community can take to prevent these species from going extinct and increase their chances of survival.
  • Investigate the environmental soundness of the power sources in your country or community. Then, recommend alternative energy sources that might be best suited for the area and why.
  • Consider an area close to wildlife reserves and national parks, and see whether oil and mineral exploration has occurred there. Discuss whether this action should be allowed or not, with fact-backed reasons.
  • Investigate how the use and abolishment of DDT have affected the population of birds in your country.

Tip : Each example research title requires that you consult authoritative scientific reports to improve the quality of your paper. Furthermore, specificity and preciseness are required in each example of research title and problem, which only an authority source can provide.

  • Discuss the importance of a major historical event and why it was so important in the day. These events can include the assassination of John F. Kennedy or some revolutionary document like the Magna Carta.
  • Consider voyagers such as the Vikings, Chinese, as well as native populations and investigate whether Columbus discovered America first.
  • Choose a named historical group, family, or individual through their biographies, examining them for reader responses.
  • Research people of different cultural orientations and their responses to the acts of others who live around them.
  • Investigate natural disasters in a named country and how the government has responded to them. For example, explore how the response of the New Orleans government to natural disasters has changed since Hurricane Katrina.

Tip : Focus this research title sample on one particular country or natural disaster or compare the responses of two countries with each other.

  • Explore the educational policy, “no child left behind,” investigating its benefits and drawbacks.
  • Investigate the concept of plagiarism in the twenty-first century, its consequences, and its prevalence in modern universities. Take a step further to investigate how and why many students don’t understand the gravity of their errors.
  • Do in-depth research on bullying in schools, explaining the seriousness of the problem in your area in particular. Also, recommend actions schools, teachers, and parents can take to improve the situation if anything.
  • Explore the place of religion in public schools; if it has a place, explain why, and if it does not, explain why not.
  • Does a student’s financial background have any effect on his or her academic performance? In this sample research title, you can compare students from different financial backgrounds, from wealthy to average, and their scores on standardized tests.
  • Is spanking one’s child considered child abuse; if so, why? In this research problem example for students, consider whether or not parents should be able to spank their children.
  • Investigate the relationship between family health and nutrition, focusing on particular nutrition. This example of the title of the research study, for instance, can focus on the relationship between breastfeeding and baby health.
  • Elucidate on, if any, the benefits of having a home-cooked meal and sitting down as a family to eat together.
  • Explore the effect of fast-food restaurants on family health and nutrition, and whether or not they should be regulated.
  • Research local food producers and farms in your community, pinpointing how much of your diet is acquired from them.

Tip : These are great research titles from which you can coin research topics for STEM students .

  • Compare and contrast the two major operating systems: Mac and Windows, and discuss which one is better.

Tip : This title of the research study example can lead to strong uninformed opinions on the matter. However, it is important to investigate and discuss facts about the two operating systems, basing your conclusions on these.

  • Explain the effect of spell checkers, autocorrect functions, and grammar checkers on the writing skills of computer users. Have these tools improved users’ writing skills or weakened them?

Tip : For this example of title research, it is better to consider more than one of these tools to write a comprehensive paper.

  • Discuss the role(s) artificial intelligence is playing now or will likely play in the future as regards human evolution.
  • Identify and investigate the next groundbreaking development in computer science (like the metaverse), explaining why you believe it will be important.
  • Discuss a particular trendsetting technological tool, like blockchain technology, and how it has benefited different sectors.

Tip : For this research title example, you may want to focus on the effect of one tool on one particular sector. This way, you can investigate this example of research and thesis statement about social media more thoroughly and give as many details as possible.

  • Consider your personal experiences as well as close friends’ and families experiences. Then, determine how marketing has invaded your lives and whether these impersonal communications are more positive than negative or vice versa.
  • Investigate the regulations (or lack thereof) that apply to marketing items to children in your region. Do you think these regulations are unfounded, right, or inadequate?
  • Investigate the merits and demerits of outsourcing customer services; you can compare the views of businesses with those of their customers.
  • How has the communication we do through blog sites, messaging, social media, email, and other online platforms improved interpersonal communications if it has?
  • Can understanding culture change the way you do business? Discuss how.

Tip : Ensure you share your reasoning on this title of the research study example and provide evidence-backed information to support your points.

  • Learn everything you can about eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia, as well as their causes, and symptoms. Then, investigate and discuss the impact of its significance and recommend actions that might improve the situation.
  • Research a major development in women’s history, like the admission of women to higher institutions and the legalization of abortion. Discuss the short-term and (or) long-term implications of the named event or development.
  • Discuss gender inequality in the workplace – for instance, the fact that women tend to earn less than men for doing the same job. Provide specific real-life examples as you explain the reasons for this and recommend solutions to the problem.
  • How have beauty contests helped women: have they empowered them in society or objectified them?

Tip : You may shift the focus of this topic research example to female strippers or women who act in pornographic movies.

  • Investigate exceptional businesswomen in the 21st century; you can focus on one or compare two or more.

Tip : When writing on the title of a research example related to women, avoid using persuasion tactics; instead, be tactful and professional in presenting your points.

  • Discuss the unique nature and implications of Donald Trump’s presidency on the United States and the world.
  • Investigate the conditions and forces related to the advent and rise of Nazi Germany. Shift the focus of this title research example on major wars like WWI or the American Civil War.
  • Is the enormous amount of money spent during election campaigns a legitimate expense?
  • Investigate a named major political scandal that recently occurred in your region or country. Discuss how it started, how its news spread, and its impacts on individuals in that area.
  • Discuss the impacts British rule had on India.
  • Investigate the rate of incarceration in your region and compare it with that of other countries or other regions.
  • Is incarcerating criminals an effective solution in promoting the rehabilitation of criminals and controlling crime rates?
  • Consider various perspectives on the issue of gun control and coin several argumentative essay topics on the matter.
  • Why do drivers continue to text while driving despite legal implications and dire consequences?
  • Discuss the legality of people taking their own lives due to suffering from a debilitating terminal disease.

Each example of the research title provided in this article will make for a rich, information-dense research paper. However, you have a part to play in researching thoroughly on the example of the research study. To simplify the entire process for you, hiring our writing services is key as you wouldn’t have to worry about choosing topics. Our team of skilled writers knows the right subject that suits your research and how to readily get materials on them.

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200+ Research Title Ideas To Explore In 2024

research title ideas

Choosing a compelling research title is a critical step in the research process, as it serves as the gateway to capturing the attention of readers and potential collaborators. A well-crafted research title not only encapsulates the essence of your study but also entices readers to delve deeper into your work. 

In this blog post, we will explore the significance of research title ideas, the characteristics of an effective title, strategies for generating compelling titles, examples of successful titles, common pitfalls to avoid, the importance of iterative refinement, and ethical considerations in title creation.

Characteristics of a Good Research Title

Table of Contents

Clarity and Precision

A good research title should communicate the core idea of your study clearly and precisely. Avoid vague or overly complex language that might confuse readers.

Relevance to the Research Topic

Ensure that your title accurately reflects the content and focus of your research. It should provide a clear indication of what readers can expect from your study.

Conciseness and Avoidance of Ambiguity

Keep your title concise and to the point. Avoid unnecessary words or phrases that may add ambiguity. Aim for clarity and directness to make your title more impactful.

Use of Keywords

Incorporating relevant keywords in your title can enhance its visibility and accessibility. Consider the terms that researchers in your field are likely to search for and integrate them into your title.

Reflecting the Research Methodology or Approach

If your research employs a specific methodology or approach, consider incorporating that information into your title. This helps set expectations for readers and indicates the uniqueness of your study.

What are the Strategies for Generating Research Title Ideas?

  • Brainstorming
  • Individual Brainstorming: Set aside time to generate title ideas on your own. Consider different angles, perspectives, and aspects of your research.
  • Group Brainstorming: Collaborate with peers or mentors to gather diverse perspectives and insights. Group brainstorming can lead to innovative and multidimensional title ideas.
  • Keyword Analysis
  • Identifying Key Terms and Concepts: Break down your research into key terms and concepts. These will form the foundation of your title.
  • Exploring Synonyms and Related Terms: Expand your search by exploring synonyms and related terms. This can help you discover alternative ways to express your research focus.
  • Literature Review
  • Examining Existing Titles in the Field: Review titles of relevant studies in your field to identify common patterns and effective strategies.
  • Analyzing Successful Titles for Inspiration: Analyze successful research titles to understand what makes them stand out. Look for elements that resonate with your own research.
  • Consultation with Peers and Mentors
  • Seek feedback from peers and mentors during the title creation process. External perspectives can offer valuable insights and help refine your ideas.
  • Use of Online Tools and Title Generators
  • Explore online tools and title generators designed to aid in the generation of creative and relevant research titles. While these tools can be helpful, exercise discretion and ensure the generated titles align with the essence of your research.

200+ Research Title Ideas: Category-Wise

Technology and computer science.

  • “Cybersecurity Measures in the Age of Quantum Computing”
  • “Machine Learning Applications for Predictive Maintenance”
  • “The Impact of Augmented Reality on Learning Outcomes”
  • “Blockchain Technology: Enhancing Supply Chain Transparency”
  • “Human-Computer Interaction in Virtual Reality Environments”

Environmental Science and Sustainability

  • “Evaluating the Efficacy of Green Infrastructure in Urban Areas”
  • “Climate Change Resilience Strategies for Coastal Communities”
  • “Biodiversity Conservation in Tropical Rainforests”
  • “Renewable Energy Adoption in Developing Economies”
  • “Assessing the Environmental Impact of Plastic Alternatives”

Health and Medicine

  • “Precision Medicine Approaches in Cancer Treatment”
  • “Mental Health Interventions for Youth in Urban Settings”
  • “Telemedicine: Bridging Gaps in Rural Healthcare Access”
  • “The Role of Gut Microbiota in Metabolic Disorders”
  • “Ethical Considerations in Genetic Editing Technologies”

Social Sciences and Psychology

  • “Social Media Influence on Body Image Perception”
  • “Impact of Cultural Diversity on Team Performance”
  • “Psychological Resilience in the Face of Global Crises”
  • “Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement in Adolescents”
  • “Exploring the Dynamics of Online Communities and Identity”

Business and Economics

  • “Sustainable Business Practices and Consumer Behavior”
  • “The Role of Big Data in Financial Decision-Making”
  • “Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Markets”
  • “Corporate Social Responsibility and Brand Loyalty”
  • “Economic Implications of Remote Work Adoption”

Education and Pedagogy

  • “Inclusive Education Models for Diverse Learning Needs”
  • “Gamification in STEM Education: A Comparative Analysis”
  • “Online Learning Effectiveness in Higher Education”
  • “Teacher Training for Integrating Technology in Classrooms”
  • “Assessment Strategies for Measuring Critical Thinking Skills”

Psychology and Behavior

  • “The Influence of Social Media on Adolescent Well-being”
  • “Cognitive Biases in Decision-Making: A Cross-Cultural Study”
  • “The Role of Empathy in Conflict Resolution”
  • “Positive Psychology Interventions for Workplace Satisfaction”
  • “Exploring the Relationship Between Sleep Patterns and Mental Health”

Biology and Genetics

  • “Genetic Markers for Predisposition to Neurodegenerative Diseases”
  • “CRISPR-Cas9 Technology: Ethical Implications and Future Prospects”
  • “Evolutionary Adaptations in Response to Environmental Changes”
  • “Understanding the Microbiome’s Impact on Immune System Function”
  • “Epigenetic Modifications and Their Role in Disease Development”

Urban Planning and Architecture

  • “Smart Cities: Balancing Technological Innovation and Privacy”
  • “Revitalizing Urban Spaces: Community Engagement in Design”
  • “Sustainable Architecture: Integrating Nature into Urban Designs”
  • “Transit-Oriented Development and Its Impact on City Dynamics”
  • “Assessing the Cultural Significance of Urban Landscapes”

Linguistics and Communication

  • “The Influence of Language on Cross-Cultural Communication”
  • “Language Development in Multilingual Environments”
  • “The Impact of Nonverbal Communication on Interpersonal Relationships”
  • “Digital Communication and the Evolution of Language”
  • “Language Processing in Bilingual Individuals: A Neuroscientific Approach”

Political Science and International Relations

  • “The Role of Social Media in Political Mobilization”
  • “Global Governance in the Era of Transnational Challenges”
  • “Human Rights and the Ethics of Intervention in International Affairs”
  • “Political Polarization: Causes and Consequences”
  • “Climate Change Diplomacy: Assessing International Agreements”

Physics and Astronomy

  • “Dark Matter: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe”
  • “Quantum Entanglement and Its Potential Applications”
  • “The Search for Exoplanets in Habitable Zones”
  • “Astrophysical Phenomena: Exploring Black Holes and Neutron Stars”
  • “Advancements in Quantum Computing Algorithms”

Education Technology (EdTech)

  • “Adaptive Learning Platforms: Personalizing Education for Every Student”
  •  “The Impact of Virtual Reality Simulations on STEM Education”
  • “E-Learning Accessibility for Students with Disabilities”
  • “Gamified Learning: Enhancing Student Engagement and Retention”
  • “Digital Literacy Education: Navigating the Information Age”

Sociology and Anthropology

  • “Cultural Shifts in Modern Society: An Anthropological Exploration”
  • “Social Movements in the Digital Age: Activism and Connectivity”
  • “Gender Roles and Equality: A Cross-Cultural Perspective”
  •  “Urbanization and Its Effects on Traditional Societal Structures”
  • “Cultural Appropriation: Understanding Boundaries and Respect”

Materials Science and Engineering

  • “Nanostructured Materials: Innovations in Manufacturing and Applications”
  •  “Biodegradable Polymers: Towards Sustainable Packaging Solutions”
  • “Materials for Energy Storage: Advancements and Challenges”
  • “Smart Materials in Healthcare: From Diagnosis to Treatment”
  • “Robust Coatings for Extreme Environments: Applications in Aerospace”

History and Archaeology

  • “Digital Reconstruction of Historical Sites: Preserving the Past”
  • “Trade Routes in Ancient Civilizations: A Comparative Study”
  • “Archaeogenetics: Unraveling Human Migrations Through DNA Analysis”
  • “Historical Linguistics: Tracing Language Evolution Over Millennia”
  • “The Archaeology of Conflict: Studying War through Artifacts”

Marketing and Consumer Behavior

  • “Influencer Marketing: Impact on Consumer Trust and Purchasing Decisions”
  • “The Role of Brand Storytelling in Consumer Engagement”
  • “E-commerce Personalization Strategies: Balancing Customization and Privacy”
  • “Cross-Cultural Marketing: Adapting Campaigns for Global Audiences”
  • “Consumer Perceptions of Sustainable Products: A Market Analysis”

Neuroscience and Cognitive Science

  • “Neuroplasticity and Cognitive Rehabilitation: Implications for Therapy”
  • “The Neuroscience of Decision-Making: Insights from Brain Imaging”
  • “Cognitive Aging: Understanding Memory Decline and Cognitive Resilience”
  • “The Role of Neurotransmitters in Emotional Regulation”
  • “Neuroethical Considerations in Brain-Computer Interface Technologies”

Public Health and Epidemiology

  • “Epidemiological Trends in Infectious Diseases: Lessons from Global Outbreaks”
  • “Public Health Interventions for Reducing Non-Communicable Diseases”
  • “Health Disparities Among Marginalized Communities: Addressing the Gaps”
  • “The Impact of Climate Change on Vector-Borne Diseases”
  • “Community-Based Approaches to Promoting Health Equity”

Robotics and Automation

  • “Human-Robot Collaboration in Manufacturing: Enhancing Productivity and Safety”
  • “Autonomous Vehicles: Navigating the Path to Mainstream Adoption”
  • “Soft Robotics: Engineering Flexibility for Real-World Applications”
  • “Ethical Considerations in the Development of AI-powered Robotics”
  • “Bio-Inspired Robotics: Learning from Nature to Enhance Machine Intelligence”

Literature and Literary Criticism

  • “Postcolonial Narratives: Deconstructing Power Structures in Literature”
  • “Digital Storytelling Platforms: Changing the Landscape of Narrative Arts”
  • “Literature and Cultural Identity: Exploring Representations in Global Contexts”
  • “Eco-Critical Perspectives in Contemporary Literature”
  • “Feminist Literary Criticism: Reinterpreting Classic Texts Through a New Lens”

Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

  • “Green Chemistry: Sustainable Approaches to Chemical Synthesis”
  • “Nanomaterials for Drug Delivery: Innovations in Biomedical Applications”
  • “Chemical Process Optimization: Towards Energy-Efficient Production”
  • “The Chemistry of Taste: Molecular Insights into Food Flavors”
  •  “Catalytic Converters: Advancements in Pollution Control Technologies”

Cultural Studies and Media

  • “Media Representations of Social Movements: Framing and Impact”
  • “Pop Culture and Identity: Exploring Trends in a Globalized World”
  • “The Influence of Social Media on Political Discourse”
  • “Reality Television and Perceptions of Reality: A Cultural Analysis”
  • “Media Literacy Education: Navigating the Digital Information Age”

Astronomy and Astrophysics

  • “Gravitational Waves: Probing the Cosmos for New Discoveries”
  • “The Life Cycle of Stars: From Birth to Supernova”
  •  “Astrobiology: Searching for Extraterrestrial Life in the Universe”
  • “Dark Energy and the Accelerating Expansion of the Universe”
  • “Cosmic Microwave Background: Insights into the Early Universe”

Social Work and Community Development

  • “Community-Based Mental Health Interventions: A Social Work Perspective”
  • “Youth Empowerment Programs: Fostering Resilience in Vulnerable Communities”
  • “Social Justice Advocacy in Contemporary Social Work Practice”
  • “Intersectionality in Social Work: Addressing the Complex Needs of Individuals”
  • “The Role of Technology in Enhancing Social Services Delivery”

Artificial Intelligence and Ethics

  • “Ethical Considerations in AI Decision-Making: Balancing Autonomy and Accountability”
  • “Bias and Fairness in Machine Learning Algorithms: A Critical Examination”
  •  “Explainable AI: Bridging the Gap Between Complexity and Transparency”
  • “The Social Implications of AI-Generated Content: Challenges and Opportunities”
  • “AI and Personal Privacy: Navigating the Ethical Dimensions of Data Usage”

Linguistics and Computational Linguistics

  • “Natural Language Processing: Advancements in Understanding Human Communication”
  • “Multilingualism in the Digital Age: Challenges and Opportunities”
  •  “Cognitive Linguistics: Exploring the Relationship Between Language and Thought”
  • “Speech Recognition Technologies: Applications in Everyday Life”
  • “Syntax and Semantics: Unraveling the Structure of Language”

Geology and Earth Sciences

  • “Geological Hazards Assessment in Urban Planning: A Case Study”
  • “Paleoclimatology: Reconstructing Past Climate Patterns for Future Predictions”
  • “Geomorphological Processes in Coastal Landscapes: Implications for Conservation”
  • “Volcanic Activity Monitoring: Early Warning Systems and Mitigation Strategies”
  • “The Impact of Human Activities on Soil Erosion: An Ecological Perspective”

Political Economy and Global Governance

  • “Global Trade Agreements: Assessing Economic Impacts and Equity”
  • “Political Economy of Energy Transition: Policies and Socioeconomic Effects”
  • “The Role of International Organizations in Global Governance”
  • “Financial Inclusion and Economic Development: A Comparative Analysis”
  •  “The Political Economy of Pandemics: Governance and Crisis Response”

Food Science and Nutrition

  • “Nutrigenomics: Personalized Nutrition for Optimal Health”
  • “Functional Foods: Exploring Health Benefits Beyond Basic Nutrition”
  • “Sustainable Food Production: Innovations in Agriculture and Aquaculture”
  •  “Dietary Patterns and Mental Health: A Comprehensive Review”
  • “Food Allergies and Sensitivities: Mechanisms and Management Strategies”

Sociology and Technology

  • “Digital Inequalities: Examining Access and Usage Patterns Across Demographics”
  • “The Impact of Social Media on Social Capital and Community Building”
  • “Technological Surveillance and Privacy Concerns: A Sociological Analysis”
  • “Virtual Communities: An Exploration of Identity Formation in Online Spaces”
  • “The Social Dynamics of Online Activism: Mobilization and Participation”

Materials Science and Nanotechnology

  • “Nanomaterials for Biomedical Imaging: Enhancing Diagnostic Precision”
  • “Self-Healing Materials: Advances in Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure”
  • “Smart Textiles: Integrating Nanotechnology for Enhanced Functionality”
  • “Multifunctional Nanoparticles in Drug Delivery: Targeted Therapies and Beyond”
  • “Nanocomposites for Energy Storage: Engineering Efficient Capacitors”

Communication and Media Studies

  • “Media Convergence: The Evolution of Content Delivery in the Digital Age”
  • “The Impact of Social Media Influencers on Consumer Behavior”
  • “Crisis Communication in a Hyperconnected World: Lessons from Global Events”
  • “Media Framing of Environmental Issues: A Comparative Analysis”
  • “Digital Detox: Understanding Media Consumption Patterns and Well-being”

Developmental Psychology

  • “Early Childhood Attachment and Its Long-Term Impact on Adult Relationships”
  • “Cognitive Development in Adolescence: Challenges and Opportunities”
  • “Parenting Styles and Academic Achievement: A Cross-Cultural Perspective”
  • “Identity Formation in Emerging Adulthood: The Role of Social Influences”
  • “Interventions for Promoting Resilience in At-Risk Youth Populations”

Aerospace Engineering

  • “Advancements in Aerodynamics: Redefining Flight Efficiency”
  • “Space Debris Management: Mitigating Risks in Earth’s Orbit”
  • “Aerodynamic Design Optimization for Supersonic Flight”
  • “Hypersonic Propulsion Technologies: Pushing the Boundaries of Speed”
  • “Materials for Space Exploration: Engineering Solutions for Harsh Environments”

Political Psychology

  • “Political Polarization and Public Opinion: Exploring Cognitive Biases”
  • “Leadership Styles and Public Perception: A Psychological Analysis”
  • “Nationalism and Identity: Psychological Factors Shaping Political Beliefs”
  • “The Influence of Emotional Appeals in Political Communication”
  • “Crisis Leadership: The Psychological Dynamics of Decision-Making in Times of Uncertainty”

Marine Biology and Conservation

  • “Coral Reef Restoration: Strategies for Biodiversity Conservation”
  • “Ocean Plastic Pollution: Assessing Impacts on Marine Ecosystems”
  • “Marine Mammal Communication: Insights from Bioacoustics”
  • “Sustainable Fisheries Management: Balancing Ecological and Economic Concerns”
  • “The Role of Mangrove Ecosystems in Coastal Resilience”

Artificial Intelligence and Creativity

  • “Generative AI in Creative Industries: Challenges and Innovations”
  • “AI-Enhanced Creativity Tools: Empowering Artists and Designers”
  • “Machine Learning for Music Composition: Bridging Art and Technology”
  • “Creative AI in Film and Entertainment: Transforming Storytelling”
  • “Ethical Considerations in AI-Generated Art and Content”

Cultural Anthropology

  • “Cultural Relativism in Anthropological Research: Opportunities and Challenges”
  • “Rituals and Symbolism: Unraveling Cultural Practices Across Societies”
  • “Migration and Cultural Identity: An Ethnographic Exploration”
  • “Material Culture Studies: Understanding Societies through Objects”
  • “Indigenous Knowledge Systems: Preserving and Promoting Cultural Heritage”

Quantum Computing and Information Science

  • “Quantum Information Processing: Algorithms and Applications”
  • “Quantum Cryptography: Securing Communication in the Quantum Era”
  •  “Quantum Machine Learning: Enhancing AI through Quantum Computing”
  • “Quantum Computing in Finance: Opportunities and Challenges”
  • “Quantum Internet: Building the Next Generation of Information Networks”

Public Policy and Urban Planning

  • “Smart Cities and Inclusive Urban Development: A Policy Perspective”
  • “Public-Private Partnerships in Infrastructure Development: Lessons Learned”
  • “The Impact of Transportation Policies on Urban Mobility Patterns”
  • “Housing Affordability: Policy Approaches to Addressing Urban Challenges”
  • “Data-Driven Decision-Making in Urban Governance: Opportunities and Risks”

Gerontology and Aging Studies

  • “Healthy Aging Interventions: Promoting Quality of Life in Older Adults”
  • “Social Isolation and Mental Health in Aging Populations: Interventions and Support”
  • “Technology Adoption Among Older Adults: Bridging the Digital Divide”
  • “End-of-Life Decision-Making: Ethical Considerations and Legal Frameworks”
  • “Cognitive Resilience in Aging: Strategies for Maintaining Mental Sharpness”

Examples of Effective Research Titles

Illustrative Examples from Various Disciplines

Here are examples of effective research titles from different disciplines:

  • “Unlocking the Mysteries of Neural Plasticity: A Multidisciplinary Approach”
  • “Sustainable Urban Development: Integrating Environmental and Social Perspectives”
  • “Quantum Computing: Navigating the Path to Practical Applications”

Analysis of What Makes Each Title Effective

  • Clear indication of the research focus.
  • Inclusion of key terms relevant to the field.
  • Incorporation of a multidisciplinary or integrated approach where applicable.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid in Research Title Creation

A. Vagueness and Ambiguity

Vague or ambiguous titles can deter readers from engaging with your research. Ensure your title is straightforward and leaves no room for misinterpretation.

B. Overuse of Jargon

While technical terms are essential, excessive jargon can alienate readers who may not be familiar with the specific terminology. Strike a balance between precision and accessibility.

C. Lack of Alignment with Research Objectives

Your title should align seamlessly with the objectives and findings of your research. Avoid creating titles that misrepresent the core contributions of your study.

D. Lengthy and Complicated Titles

Lengthy titles can be overwhelming and may not effectively convey the essence of your research. Aim for brevity while maintaining clarity and informativeness.

E. Lack of Creativity and Engagement

A bland title may not capture the interest of potential readers. Inject creativity where appropriate and strive to create a title that sparks curiosity.

Ethical Considerations in Research Title Creation

  • Avoiding Sensationalism and Misleading Titles

Ensure that your title accurately represents the content of your research. Avoid sensationalism or misleading language that may compromise the integrity of your work.

  • Ensuring Accuracy and Integrity in Representing Research Content

Your title should uphold the principles of accuracy and integrity. Any claims or implications in the title should be supported by the actual findings of your research.

Crafting a captivating research title is a nuanced process that requires careful consideration of various factors. From clarity and relevance to creativity and ethical considerations, each element plays a crucial role in the success of your title. 

By following the outlined strategies and avoiding common pitfalls for research title ideas, researchers can enhance the visibility and impact of their work, contributing to the broader scholarly conversation. Remember, your research title is the first impression readers have of your work, so make it count.

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Mental Health Dissertation Topics & Titles

Published by Carmen Troy at January 9th, 2023 , Revised On June 10, 2024

You probably found your way here looking for mental health topics for your final year research project. Look no further, we have drafted a list of issues, and their research aims to help you when you are brainstorming for dissertation or thesis topics on mental health.

PhD-qualified writers of our team have developed these topics, so you can trust to use these topics for drafting your dissertation.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting a brief research proposal or full dissertation service from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an introduction to the topic, research question , aim and objectives, literature review , and the proposed research methodology to be conducted. Let us know if you need any help in getting started.

Check our dissertation examples to understand how to structure your dissertation .

Also read: Psychology dissertation topics & nursing dissertation topics

List Of Trending Mental Health Research Topics & Ideas

  • The Impact of Social Media on Body Image and Self Esteem in Youngsters. 
  • How Does Loneliness Link to Depression in People Above the Age of 70
  • The Effects of Israeli-Palestinian Conflicts on the Mental Health of Children in Gaza 
  • The Impact of Posting Pictures From War on the Mental Health of Viewers
  • The Effectiveness of Excercise Programs in Managing Symptoms of Depression 
  • Role of Cultural Competency in Providing Effective Mental Healthcare for Diverse Populations
  • The Impact of Social Stigma on Help-Seeking Behaviours for Mental Health Concerns
  • The Effectiveness of Art Therapy Interventions in Managing Symptoms of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (Ptsd)
  • How Group Therapy Interventions Impacts Promoting Social Connection and Reducing Loneliness
  • Animal-Assisted Therapy Interventions in Reducing Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression
  • Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy in Treating Eating Disorders

Latest Mental Health Dissertation Topics

Review the step-by-step guide on how to write your dissertation here .

Topic 1: An assessment of the Influence of Parents' Divorce or Separation on Adolescent Children in terms of long-term psychological impact.

Research Aim: This study aims to investigate the level of traumas experienced by the children of divorced or separated parents. The principal aim of this study is to explore the long-term psychological impacts of parents’ divorce on the life of children regardless of their gender and age in terms of mental wellbeing, academic performance, and self-worth.

Topic 2: An investigation of the impact of Trauma and Health-related quality of life on the Mental health and Self-worth of a child.

Research Aim: This study aims to assess the long-term impacts of the trauma children face in their early years of life on their overall mental health. Also, numerous studies have emphasised improving the quality of life for children who tend to experience multiple traumas and take them along in adulthood. Therefore, this study also proposed the impacts of traumatic childhood experiences on self-worth, mental health, and vitality of implementing firm intervention before the child reaches adulthood.

Topic 3: Assessing the effect of Psychological training on males suffering from Post-Surgery Anxiety in the UK.

Research Aim: Postoperative problems may occur as a result of surgical stress. This study aims to examine different approaches to control post-surgical anxiety and improve patients’ lives in the short and long term, focusing on male patients in the UK. It will also give us an understanding of how psychological training and interventions affect anxiety in male patients and help them overcome this through a systematic review.

Topic 4: Investigating the Relationship between Mental illness and Suicides- A case study of UK's Young Adults.

Research Aim: This study aims to find the relationship between mental illness and suicides and risk factors in the UK. This study will specifically focus on young adults. It will examine different mental disorders and how they have led to suicide and will analyse further studies of people who have died by suicide and find evidence of the presence or absence of mental illness.

Topic 5: Examining the behaviour of Mental Health Nurses taking care of Schizophrenia Patients in the UK.

Research Aim: Negative behaviours and discrimination have been usually reported as a reason for the inconvenience in the treatment of mentally ill or schizophrenia patients, which negatively impacts the patient’s results. Healthcare professionals’ attitudes have been regarded as being more negative than the general public, which lowers the outlook for patients suffering from mental illness. This study will examine the behaviour of mental health nurses regarding schizophrenia patients in the UK and also focus on the characteristics associated with nurses’ attitudes.

COVID-19 Mental Health Research Topics

Topic1: impacts of the coronavirus on the mental health of various age groups.

Research Aim: This study will reveal the impacts of coronavirus on the mental health of various age groups

Topic 2: Mental health and psychological resilience during COVID-19

Research Aim: Social distancing has made people isolated and affected their mental health. This study will highlight various measures to overcome the stress and mental health of people during coronavirus.

Topic 3: The mental health of children and families during COVID-19

Research Aim: This study will address the challenging situations faced by children and families during lockdown due to COVID-19. It will also discuss various ways to overcome the fear of disease and stay positive.

Topic 4: Mental wellbeing of patients during the Coronavirus pandemic

Research Aim: This study will focus on the measures taken by the hospital management, government, and families to ensure patients’ mental well-being, especially COVID-19 patients.

Best Mental Health Topics for Your Dissertation

Topic 1: kids and their relatives with cancer: psychological challenges.

Research Aim: In cancer diagnoses and therapies, children often don’t know what happens. Many have psychosocial problems, including rage, terror, depression, disturbing sleep, inexpiable guilt, and panic. Therefore, this study is designed to identify and treat the child and its family members’ psychological issues.

Topic 2: Hematopoietic device reaction in ophthalmology patient’s radiation therapy

Research Aim: This research is based on the analysis of hematopoietic devices’ reactions to ophthalmology radiation.

Topic 3: Psychological effects of cyberbullying Vs. physical bullying: A counter study

Research Aim: This research will focus on the effects of cyberbullying and physical bullying and their consequences on the victim’s mental health. The most significant part is the counter effects on our society’s environment and human behaviour, particularly youth.

Topic 4: Whether or not predictive processing is a theory of perceptual consciousness?

Research Aim: This research aims to identify whether or not predictive processing is a theory of perceptual consciousness.

Topic 5: Importance of communication in a relationship

Research Aim: This research aims to address the importance of communication in relationships and the communication gap consequences.

Topic 6: Eating and personality disorders

Research Aim: This research aims to focus on eating and personality disorders

Topic 7: Analysis of teaching, assessment, and evaluation of students and learning differences

Research Aim: This research aims to analyse teaching methods, assessment, and evaluation systems of students and their learning differences

Topic 8: Social and psychological effects of virtual networks

Research Aim: This research aims to study the social and psychological effects of virtual networks

Topic 9: The role of media in provoking aggression

Research Aim: This research aims to address the role of media in provoking aggression among people

Mental Health Topics for Your Dissertation For Research

Topic 1: what is the impact of social media platforms on the mental wellbeing of adults.

Research Aim: the current study aims to investigate the impact social media platforms tend to have on adults’ mental well-being with a particular focus on the United Kingdom. While many studies have been carried out to gauge the impact of social media platforms on teenagers’ mental well-being, little to no research has been performed to investigate how the health of adults might be affected by the same and how social media platforms like Facebook impact them.

Topic 2: The contemporary practical management approach to treating personality disorders

Research Aim: This research will discuss the contemporary practical management approach for treating personality disorders in mental health patients. In the previous days, much of the personality disorder treatments were based on medicines and drugs. Therefore, this research will address contemporary and practical ways to manage how personality disorders affect the mental state of the individuals who have the disease.

Topic 3: How is Prozac being used in the modern-day to treat self-diagnosed depression?

Research Aim: In the current day and age, besides people suffering from clinical depression, many teens and adults have started to suffer from self-diagnosed depression. To treat their self-diagnosed depression, individuals take Prozac through all the wrong means, which harms their mental state even more. Therefore, the current study aims to shed light on how Prozac is being used in the modern age and the adverse effects of misinformed use on patients.

Topic 4: Are women more prone to suffer from mental disorders than men: A Comparative analysis

Research Aim: There have been several arguments regarding whether women are more likely to suffer from mental disorders than men. Much of the research carried out provides evidence that women are more prone to suffer from mental disorders. This research study aims to conduct a comparative analysis to determine whether it’s more likely for men or women to suffer from mental disorders and what role biological and societal factors play in determining the trend.

Topic 5: The impact of breakups on the mental health of men?

Research Aim: Several studies have been carried out to discuss how women are affected more by a breakup than men. However, little research material is available in support of the impact the end of a relationship can have on men’s mental health. Therefore, this research study will fill out the gap in research to determine the impact of a breakup on men’s mental health and stability.

Topic 6: A theoretical analysis of the Impact of emotional attachment on mental health?

Research Aim: This research aims to analyse the theories developed around emotional attachment to address how emotional attachment can harm individuals’ mental health across the globe. Several theories discuss the role that emotional attachment tends to play in the mind of a healthy being, and how emotional attachment can often negatively affect mental well-being.

Topic 7: How do social media friendships contribute to poor mental health?

Research Aim: This research idea aims to address how social media friendships and networking can often lead to a lack of self-acceptance, self-loathing, self-pity, self-comparison, and depression due to the different mindsets that are present in today’s world.

Topic 8: What role do parents play in ensuring the mental well-being of their children?

Research Aim: It is assumed that parents tend to stop playing a role in ensuring that the mental health and well-being of their children are being maintained after a certain age. Therefore, this study will aim to put forward the idea that even after the children pass the age of 18, activities and their relationship with their parents will always play a role in the way their mental health is being transformed.

Topic 9: A study on the mental health of soldiers returning from Iraq?

Research Aim: This topic idea puts forward the aim that the mental health of soldiers who return from war-struck areas is always a subject of interest, as each of the soldiers carries a mental burden. Therefore, it is vital to understand the soldiers’ mental health returning from Iraq, focusing on what causes their mental health to deteriorate during the war and suggestions of what to do or who to call if they do become unwell.

Topic 10: How the contemporary media practices in the UK are leading to mental health problems?

Research Aim: The media is known to have control and influence over people’s mindsets who are connected to it. Many of the contemporary media practices developed in the UK can negatively impact the mental well-being of individuals, which makes it necessary to analyse how they are contributing to the mental health problems among the UK population.

Topic 11: What is the impact of television advertising on the mental development of children in the UK?

Research Aim: This topic aims to address how television advertising can negatively impact children’s mental development in the United Kingdom, as it has been observed in many studies that television advertising is detrimental to the mental health of children.

Topic 12: How deteriorating mental health can have an Impact on physical health?

Research Aim: This research aims to address the side-effects of deteriorating mental health on the physical health of individuals in society, as it is believed that the majority of the physical ailments in the modern-day age are due to the deteriorating mental health of individuals. The study can address the treatments for many ailments in our society due to deteriorating mental health and well-being.

Topic 13: The relationship between unemployment and mental health

Research Aim: How unemployment relates to concepts, such as a declining economy or lack of social skills and education, has been frequently explored by many researchers in the past. However, not many have discussed the relationship between unemployment and the mental health of unemployed individuals. Therefore, this topic will help address the problems faced by individuals due to unemployment because of the mental blocks they are likely to develop and experience. In the future, it will lead to fewer people being depressed due to unemployment when further research is carried out.

Topic 14: The mental health problems of prisoners in the United Kingdom

Research Aim: While prisoners across the globe are criticised and studied for the negativity that goes on in their mindsets, one would rarely research the mental health problems they tend to develop when they become prisoners for committing any crime. It is often assumed that it is the life inside the prison walls that impacts the prisoners’ mental health in a way that leads to them committing more crimes. Therefore, this research topic has been developed to study prison’s impact on prisoners’ mental well-being in the United Kingdom to eventually decrease the number of crimes that occur due to the negative environment inside the prisons.

Topic 15: Mental well-being of industry workers in China

Research Aim: While many research studies have been carried out regarding the conditions that the workers in China tend to be exposed to, there is very little supporting evidence regarding the impact such working conditions have on the mindset and mental health of the workers. Therefore, this study aims to address the challenges faced by industry workers in China and the impact that such challenges can have on their mental well-being.

Topic 16: Is the provision of mental health care services in the United Kingdom effective?

Research Aim: Many people have made different assumptions regarding the mental health care services provided across the globe. However, it seems that little to no research has been carried out regarding the efficiency and effectiveness of the provision of mental health care services in the United Kingdom. Therefore, this study aims to put forward research into the mental health care services provided in well-developed countries like the United Kingdom to gauge the awareness and importance of mental health in the region.

Topic 17: What are the mental health problems that minorities in the United Kingdom face?

Research Aim: It is believed that minorities in the United Kingdom are likely to experience physical abuse, and societal abuse and are often exposed to discrimination and unfair acts at the workplace and in their social circle. The study investigates the range of mental problems faced by minorities in the UK, which need to be addressed to have equality, diversity, and harmony.

Topic 18: The impact the Coronavirus has had on the mental health of the Chinese people

Research Aim: The spread of the deadly Coronavirus has led to many deaths in the region of China, and many of those who have been suspected of the virus are being put in isolation and quarantine. Such conditions tend to hurt the mental health of those who have suffered from the disease and those who have watched people suffer from it. Therefore, the current study aims to address how the Coronavirus has impacted the mental health of the Chinese people.

Topic 19: How to create change in mental health organisations in China?

Research Aim: Research suggests little awareness about mental health in many Asian countries. As mental health problems are on the rise across the globe, it is necessary to change mental health organisations. Therefore, the study aims to discuss how to create change in mental health organisations in the Asian region using China’s example.

Topic 20: Addressing the mental health concerns of the Syrian refugees in the UK

Research Aim: This research project would address the concerns in terms of the refugees’ mental health and well-being, using an example of the Syrian refugees who had been allowed entry into the United Kingdom. This idea aims to put forward the negative effects that migration can have on refugees and how further research is required to combat such issues not just in the United Kingdom but worldwide.

How Can ResearchProspect Help?

ResearchProspect writers can send several custom topic ideas to your email address. Once you have chosen a topic that suits your needs and interests, you can order for our dissertation outline service which will include a brief introduction to the topic, research questions , literature review , methodology , expected results , and conclusion . The dissertation outline will enable you to review the quality of our work before placing the order for our full dissertation writing service!

Important Notes:

As a mental health student looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment on existing mental health theories – i.e., to add value and interest in the topic of your research.

Mental health is vast and interrelated to so many other academic disciplines like civil engineering ,  construction ,  project management , engineering management , healthcare , finance and accounting , artificial intelligence , tourism , physiotherapy , sociology , management , project management , and nursing . That is why it is imperative to create a project management dissertation topic that is articular, sound, and actually solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic based on your entire research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your topic wrong; your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic creditability, the research may not make logical sense, and there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in writing your dissertation as you may end up in a cycle of rejection at the initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

While developing a research topic, keeping our advice in mind will allow you to pick one of the best mental health dissertation topics that fulfill your requirement of writing a research paper and add to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalising your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and be practically implemented. Please look at some of our sample mental health dissertation topics to get an idea for your own dissertation.

How to Structure Your Mental Health Dissertation

A well-structured dissertation can help students to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgements
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction : This chapter includes the project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems. An outline of the structure of a dissertation can also be added to this chapter.
  • Literature Review : This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analysing published and unpublished literature available on the chosen research topic to address research questions . The purpose is to highlight and discuss the selected research area’s relative weaknesses and strengths whilst identifying any research gaps. Break down the topic, and key terms that can positively impact your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology : The data collection and analysis methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter which usually includes research design , research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods, and data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis : Findings of the research are analysed in detail under the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include graphs, charts, and tables in this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion and Conclusion : The researcher presents his interpretation of results in this chapter and states whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section of the paper is to draw a linkage between the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regard to the implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References : This should be completed following your University’s requirements
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices : Any additional information, diagrams, and graphs used to complete the dissertation but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

About ResearchProspect Ltd

ResearchProspect is the world’s best academic writing service that provides help with Dissertation Proposal Writing , PhD Proposal Writing , Dissertation Writing , Dissertation Editing, and Improvement .

Our team of writers is highly qualified. They are experts in their respective fields. They have been working in the industry for a long, thus are aware of the issues and the trends of the industry they are working in.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to find mental health dissertation topics.

To find mental health dissertation topics:

  • Research recent mental health issues.
  • Examine gaps in existing literature.
  • Consider diverse populations or perspectives.
  • Explore treatment approaches or therapies.
  • Look into stigma and societal factors.
  • Select a topic that resonates with you for in-depth study.

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  • How It Works

Conceptual illustration of brain fog with a brain surrounded by four SARS-CoV-2 viral particles.

Mounting research shows that COVID-19 leaves its mark on the brain, including significant drops in IQ scores

research title example about health

Chief of Research and Development, VA St. Louis Health Care System. Clinical Epidemiologist, Washington University in St. Louis

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Ziyad Al-Aly receives funding from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

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From the very early days of the pandemic, brain fog emerged as a significant health condition that many experience after COVID-19.

Brain fog is a colloquial term that describes a state of mental sluggishness or lack of clarity and haziness that makes it difficult to concentrate, remember things and think clearly.

Fast-forward four years and there is now abundant evidence that being infected with SARS-CoV-2 – the virus that causes COVID-19 – can affect brain health in many ways .

In addition to brain fog, COVID-19 can lead to an array of problems , including headaches, seizure disorders, strokes, sleep problems, and tingling and paralysis of the nerves, as well as several mental health disorders .

A large and growing body of evidence amassed throughout the pandemic details the many ways that COVID-19 leaves an indelible mark on the brain. But the specific pathways by which the virus does so are still being elucidated, and curative treatments are nonexistent.

Now, two new studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine shed further light on the profound toll of COVID-19 on cognitive health .

I am a physician scientist , and I have been devoted to studying long COVID since early patient reports about this condition – even before the term “long COVID” was coined. I have testified before the U.S. Senate as an expert witness on long COVID and have published extensively on this topic.

How COVID-19 leaves its mark on the brain

Here are some of the most important studies to date documenting how COVID-19 affects brain health:

Large epidemiological analyses showed that people who had COVID-19 were at an increased risk of cognitive deficits , such as memory problems.

Imaging studies done in people before and after their COVID-19 infections show shrinkage of brain volume and altered brain structure after infection .

A study of people with mild to moderate COVID-19 showed significant prolonged inflammation of the brain and changes that are commensurate with seven years of brain aging .

Severe COVID-19 that requires hospitalization or intensive care may result in cognitive deficits and other brain damage that are equivalent to 20 years of aging .

Laboratory experiments in human and mouse brain organoids designed to emulate changes in the human brain showed that SARS-CoV-2 infection triggers the fusion of brain cells . This effectively short-circuits brain electrical activity and compromises function.

Autopsy studies of people who had severe COVID-19 but died months later from other causes showed that the virus was still present in brain tissue . This provides evidence that contrary to its name, SARS-CoV-2 is not only a respiratory virus, but it can also enter the brain in some individuals. But whether the persistence of the virus in brain tissue is driving some of the brain problems seen in people who have had COVID-19 is not yet clear.

Studies show that even when the virus is mild and exclusively confined to the lungs, it can still provoke inflammation in the brain and impair brain cells’ ability to regenerate .

COVID-19 can also disrupt the blood brain barrier , the shield that protects the nervous system – which is the control and command center of our bodies – making it “leaky.” Studies using imaging to assess the brains of people hospitalized with COVID-19 showed disrupted or leaky blood brain barriers in those who experienced brain fog.

A large preliminary analysis pooling together data from 11 studies encompassing almost 1 million people with COVID-19 and more than 6 million uninfected individuals showed that COVID-19 increased the risk of development of new-onset dementia in people older than 60 years of age.

Drops in IQ

Most recently, a new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine assessed cognitive abilities such as memory, planning and spatial reasoning in nearly 113,000 people who had previously had COVID-19. The researchers found that those who had been infected had significant deficits in memory and executive task performance.

This decline was evident among those infected in the early phase of the pandemic and those infected when the delta and omicron variants were dominant. These findings show that the risk of cognitive decline did not abate as the pandemic virus evolved from the ancestral strain to omicron.

In the same study, those who had mild and resolved COVID-19 showed cognitive decline equivalent to a three-point loss of IQ. In comparison, those with unresolved persistent symptoms, such as people with persistent shortness of breath or fatigue, had a six-point loss in IQ. Those who had been admitted to the intensive care unit for COVID-19 had a nine-point loss in IQ. Reinfection with the virus contributed an additional two-point loss in IQ, as compared with no reinfection.

Generally the average IQ is about 100. An IQ above 130 indicates a highly gifted individual, while an IQ below 70 generally indicates a level of intellectual disability that may require significant societal support.

To put the finding of the New England Journal of Medicine study into perspective, I estimate that a three-point downward shift in IQ would increase the number of U.S. adults with an IQ less than 70 from 4.7 million to 7.5 million – an increase of 2.8 million adults with a level of cognitive impairment that requires significant societal support.

Another study in the same issue of the New England Journal of Medicine involved more than 100,000 Norwegians between March 2020 and April 2023. It documented worse memory function at several time points up to 36 months following a positive SARS-CoV-2 test.

Parsing the implications

Taken together, these studies show that COVID-19 poses a serious risk to brain health, even in mild cases, and the effects are now being revealed at the population level.

A recent analysis of the U.S. Current Population Survey showed that after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, an additional 1 million working-age Americans reported having “serious difficulty” remembering, concentrating or making decisions than at any time in the preceding 15 years. Most disconcertingly, this was mostly driven by younger adults between the ages of 18 to 44.

Data from the European Union shows a similar trend – in 2022, 15% of people in the EU reported memory and concentration issues .

Looking ahead, it will be critical to identify who is most at risk. A better understanding is also needed of how these trends might affect the educational attainment of children and young adults and the economic productivity of working-age adults. And the extent to which these shifts will influence the epidemiology of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease is also not clear.

The growing body of research now confirms that COVID-19 should be considered a virus with a significant impact on the brain. The implications are far-reaching, from individuals experiencing cognitive struggles to the potential impact on populations and the economy.

Lifting the fog on the true causes behind these cognitive impairments, including brain fog, will require years if not decades of concerted efforts by researchers across the globe. And unfortunately, nearly everyone is a test case in this unprecedented global undertaking.

  • Intelligence
  • Long COVID-19
  • SARS-CoV-2 virus
  • Cognitive health

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PS – You can also check out our free topic ideation webinar for more ideas

How To Find A Research Topic

If you’re struggling to get started, this step-by-step video tutorial will help you find the perfect research topic.

Research Topic FAQs

What (exactly) is a research topic.

A research topic is the subject of a research project or study – for example, a dissertation or thesis. A research topic typically takes the form of a problem to be solved, or a question to be answered.

A good research topic should be specific enough to allow for focused research and analysis. For example, if you are interested in studying the effects of climate change on agriculture, your research topic could focus on how rising temperatures have impacted crop yields in certain regions over time.

To learn more about the basics of developing a research topic, consider our free research topic ideation webinar.

What constitutes a good research topic?

A strong research topic comprises three important qualities : originality, value and feasibility.

  • Originality – a good topic explores an original area or takes a novel angle on an existing area of study.
  • Value – a strong research topic provides value and makes a contribution, either academically or practically.
  • Feasibility – a good research topic needs to be practical and manageable, given the resource constraints you face.

To learn more about what makes for a high-quality research topic, check out this post .

What's the difference between a research topic and research problem?

A research topic and a research problem are two distinct concepts that are often confused. A research topic is a broader label that indicates the focus of the study , while a research problem is an issue or gap in knowledge within the broader field that needs to be addressed.

To illustrate this distinction, consider a student who has chosen “teenage pregnancy in the United Kingdom” as their research topic. This research topic could encompass any number of issues related to teenage pregnancy such as causes, prevention strategies, health outcomes for mothers and babies, etc.

Within this broad category (the research topic) lies potential areas of inquiry that can be explored further – these become the research problems . For example:

  • What factors contribute to higher rates of teenage pregnancy in certain communities?
  • How do different types of parenting styles affect teen pregnancy rates?
  • What interventions have been successful in reducing teenage pregnancies?

Simply put, a key difference between a research topic and a research problem is scope ; the research topic provides an umbrella under which multiple questions can be asked, while the research problem focuses on one specific question or set of questions within that larger context.

How can I find potential research topics for my project?

There are many steps involved in the process of finding and choosing a high-quality research topic for a dissertation or thesis. We cover these steps in detail in this video (also accessible below).

How can I find quality sources for my research topic?

Finding quality sources is an essential step in the topic ideation process. To do this, you should start by researching scholarly journals, books, and other academic publications related to your topic. These sources can provide reliable information on a wide range of topics. Additionally, they may contain data or statistics that can help support your argument or conclusions.

Identifying Relevant Sources

When searching for relevant sources, it’s important to look beyond just published material; try using online databases such as Google Scholar or JSTOR to find articles from reputable journals that have been peer-reviewed by experts in the field.

You can also use search engines like Google or Bing to locate websites with useful information about your topic. However, be sure to evaluate any website before citing it as a source—look for evidence of authorship (such as an “About Us” page) and make sure the content is up-to-date and accurate before relying on it.

Evaluating Sources

Once you’ve identified potential sources for your research project, take some time to evaluate them thoroughly before deciding which ones will best serve your purpose. Consider factors such as author credibility (are they an expert in their field?), publication date (is the source current?), objectivity (does the author present both sides of an issue?) and relevance (how closely does this source relate to my specific topic?).

By researching the current literature on your topic, you can identify potential sources that will help to provide quality information. Once you’ve identified these sources, it’s time to look for a gap in the research and determine what new knowledge could be gained from further study.

How can I find a good research gap?

Finding a strong gap in the literature is an essential step when looking for potential research topics. We explain what research gaps are and how to find them in this post.

How should I evaluate potential research topics/ideas?

When evaluating potential research topics, it is important to consider the factors that make for a strong topic (we discussed these earlier). Specifically:

  • Originality
  • Feasibility

So, when you have a list of potential topics or ideas, assess each of them in terms of these three criteria. A good topic should take a unique angle, provide value (either to academia or practitioners), and be practical enough for you to pull off, given your limited resources.

Finally, you should also assess whether this project could lead to potential career opportunities such as internships or job offers down the line. Make sure that you are researching something that is relevant enough so that it can benefit your professional development in some way. Additionally, consider how each research topic aligns with your career goals and interests; researching something that you are passionate about can help keep motivation high throughout the process.

How can I assess the feasibility of a research topic?

When evaluating the feasibility and practicality of a research topic, it is important to consider several factors.

First, you should assess whether or not the research topic is within your area of competence. Of course, when you start out, you are not expected to be the world’s leading expert, but do should at least have some foundational knowledge.

Time commitment

When considering a research topic, you should think about how much time will be required for completion. Depending on your field of study, some topics may require more time than others due to their complexity or scope.

Additionally, if you plan on collaborating with other researchers or institutions in order to complete your project, additional considerations must be taken into account such as coordinating schedules and ensuring that all parties involved have adequate resources available.

Resources needed

It’s also critically important to consider what type of resources are necessary in order to conduct the research successfully. This includes physical materials such as lab equipment and chemicals but can also include intangible items like access to certain databases or software programs which may be necessary depending on the nature of your work. Additionally, if there are costs associated with obtaining these materials then this must also be factored into your evaluation process.

Potential risks

It’s important to consider the inherent potential risks for each potential research topic. These can include ethical risks (challenges getting ethical approval), data risks (not being able to access the data you’ll need), technical risks relating to the equipment you’ll use and funding risks (not securing the necessary financial back to undertake the research).

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Endovascular Engineering ENGULF Study (ENGULF)

Evaluation of initial safety and clinical feasibility of the Hēlo PE Thrombectomy System for thrombectomy in acute submassive pulmonary embolism (PE).

Clinical Trial Information

TIRB#: 31667


Pulmonary Embolism


Parth Rali, MD


Gayle Jones, Kim Selwood

Visit clinicaltrials.gov for full description.

For more information about this trial or to inquire about eligibility, email [email protected] or call 215-707-1359.

A Safety and Feasibility Single-Arm Study of a Novel Catheter Thrombectomy Device For the Treatment of Pulmonary Embolism (ENGULF)


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Caring for Your Mental Health

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Mental health includes emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It is more than the absence of a mental illness—it’s essential to your overall health and quality of life. Self-care can play a role in maintaining your mental health and help support your treatment and recovery if you have a mental illness.

How can I take care of my mental health?

Self-care means taking the time to do things that help you live well and improve both your physical health and mental health. This can help you manage stress, lower your risk of illness, and increase your energy. Even small acts of self-care in your daily life can have a big impact.

Here are some self-care tips:

  • Get regular exercise.  Just 30 minutes of walking every day can boost your mood and improve your health. Small amounts of exercise add up, so don’t be discouraged if you can’t do 30 minutes at one time.
  • Eat healthy, regular meals and stay hydrated.  A balanced diet and plenty of water can improve your energy and focus throughout the day. Pay attention to your intake of caffeine and alcohol and how they affect your mood and well-being—for some, decreasing caffeine and alcohol consumption can be helpful.
  • Make sleep a priority . Stick to a schedule, and make sure you’re getting enough sleep. Blue light from devices and screens can make it harder to fall asleep, so reduce blue light exposure from your phone or computer before bedtime.
  • Try a relaxing activity.  Explore relaxation or wellness programs or apps, which may incorporate meditation, muscle relaxation, or breathing exercises. Schedule regular times for these and other healthy activities you enjoy, such as listening to music, reading, spending time in nature, and engaging in low-stress hobbies.
  • Set goals and priorities.  Decide what must get done now and what can wait. Learn to say “no” to new tasks if you start to feel like you’re taking on too much. Try to appreciate what you have accomplished at the end of the day.
  • Practice gratitude.  Remind yourself daily of things you are grateful for. Be specific. Write them down or replay them in your mind.
  • Focus on positivity . Identify and challenge your negative and unhelpful thoughts.
  • Stay connected.  Reach out to friends or family members who can provide emotional support and practical help.

Self-care looks different for everyone, and it is important to find what you need and enjoy. It may take trial and error to discover what works best for you.

Learn more about  healthy practices for your mind and body  .

When should I seek professional help?

Seek professional help if you are experiencing severe or distressing symptoms that have lasted 2 weeks or more, such as:

  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Changes in appetite or unplanned weight changes
  • Difficulty getting out of bed in the morning because of mood
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Loss of interest in things you usually find enjoyable
  • Inability to complete usual tasks and activities
  • Feelings of irritability, frustration, or restlessness

How can I find help?

If you have concerns about your mental health, talk to a primary care provider. They can refer you to a qualified mental health professional, such as a psychologist, psychiatrist, or clinical social worker, who can help you figure out the next steps. Find  tips for talking with a health care provider about your mental health.

You can learn more about getting help on the NIMH website. You can also learn about finding support  and locating mental health services  in your area on the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration website.

If you or someone you know is struggling or having thoughts of suicide, call or text the  988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline   at 988 or chat at 988lifeline.org   . This service is confidential, free, and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In life-threatening situations, call  911.

Suicide is preventable—learn about warning signs of suicide and action steps for helping someone in emotional distress.

Featured videos

GREAT: Helpful Practices to Manage Stress and Anxiety:  Learn about helpful practices to manage stress and anxiety. GREAT was developed by Dr. Krystal Lewis, a licensed clinical psychologist at NIMH.

Getting to Know Your Brain: Dealing with Stress:  Test your knowledge about stress and the brain. Also learn how to create and use a “ stress catcher ” to practice strategies to deal with stress.

Guided Visualization: Dealing with Stress:  Learn how the brain handles stress and practice a guided visualization activity.

Mental Health Minute: Stress and Anxiety in Adolescents: Got 60 seconds? Take a mental health minute to learn about stress and anxiety in adolescents.

Featured fact sheets

My Mental Health

  • NIH Wellness Toolkits   : NIH provides toolkits with strategies for improving your  emotional health  and  social health  .
  • MedlinePlus: How to Improve Mental Health   : MedlinePlus provides health information and tips for improving your mental health.
  • CDC: Emotional Well-Being   : CDC provides information on how to cope with stress and promote social connectedness.
  • SAMHSA: How to Cope   : SAMHSA offers tips for taking care of your well-being and connecting with others for support.

Last Reviewed:  February 2024

Unless otherwise specified, the information on our website and in our publications is in the public domain and may be reused or copied without permission. However, you may not reuse or copy images. Please cite the National Institute of Mental Health as the source. Read our copyright policy to learn more about our guidelines for reusing NIMH content.

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Examples: "Trade Relations", "Export Controls"

Examples: hr5, h.r.5, sjres8, sa2, pl116-21, 86Stat1326

Examples: trade sanctions reform, small modular reactor

Examples: hr5, h.r.5, sjres8, s2, 90stat2495

Examples: baseball, "standing rules"

Examples: 5, 20, 37

Examples: hr5021, H.Res.866, sconres15, S.51, 117pl2, 117-2

Examples: "enrolled bill signed", "leak detection dog"

Examples: "diplomatic service", retired

Examples: PN4, pn12, pn1633-2, 118PN345

Examples: Morris, Beck

Examples: general, "deputy under secretary"

Examples: judiciary, "Coast Guard"

Examples: marine mammals, "5 U.S.C. 801", "Presidential Address"

Example: peace corps

Examples: EC6228, r12313, PM45, PT83, ML160

Example: 5 U.S.C. 801

Examples: "trade relations", "Export Control Act"

Examples: EC2, PM32, POM43

Examples: UNESCO, "sea turtles"

Examples: 115-3, 114-13(A)

Example: 106-1

S.4964 - A bill to provide for a comprehensive Federal response to Long COVID, including research, education, and support for affected individuals, to direct the National Institutes of Health to establish a Long COVID research program, and for other purposes. 118th Congress (2023-2024) | $(document).ready(function () { $('#alert-BILL-451915-952').congress_Alert({ type: 'BILL', id: '451915', buttonDivId: 'alert-BILL-451915-952', buttonText: 'Get alerts', buttonTextIfLoggedIn: 'Get alerts', buttonTextIfHasAlert: 'Cancel Alerts', buttonTextIfHasDialog: 'Edit Alerts', dialogDivId: 'alert-dialog-BILL-451915-952', titleText: 'To get email alerts ', alertSourceType: '', alertMessageText: "", titleTextIfLoggedIn: 'Get email alerts ', titleTextAddendum: '', titleTextIfHasAlert: 'Cancel this alert?', showEditDialogue: 'true', editAlertDialogTitle: 'Track Changes - Choose one or more (Optional) Help ', hideEditLink: 'false', dataSet: '', countLimitReached: 'true', cannotAddNewAlertDialogTitle: 'Cannot add new alert', cannotAddNewAlertDialogMessage: '' }); });

Sponsor: (Introduced 08/01/2024)
Committees: Senate - Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
Latest Action: Senate - 08/01/2024 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.  ( )
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Titles: S.4964 — 118th Congress (2023-2024) All Information (Except Text)

Official titles, official titles - senate, official title as introduced.

A bill to provide for a comprehensive Federal response to Long COVID, including research, education, and support for affected individuals, to direct the National Institutes of Health to establish a Long COVID research program, and for other purposes.


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    Examples of Research Topics on Ethics. Enumerate the different ways the government of the United States can reduce deaths arising from the unregulated use of guns. Analyze the place of ethics in medicine or of medical practitioners. For instance, you can discuss the prevalence of physician-assisted suicides in a named country.

  13. 200+ Research Title Ideas To Explore In 2024

    Group Brainstorming: Collaborate with peers or mentors to gather diverse perspectives and insights. Group brainstorming can lead to innovative and multidimensional title ideas. Identifying Key Terms and Concepts: Break down your research into key terms and concepts. These will form the foundation of your title.

  14. Healthcare Dissertation Topics & Ideas

    Also Read: Medicine and Nursing Dissertation Topics. Topic 9: Scope of Health care research. Topic 10: The future of telemedicine. Topic 11: Controlling infectious diseases. Topic 12: Effective health care policies around the world. Topic 13: Technology and health care system. Topic 14: Health care system in 2030.

  15. Mental Health Dissertation Topics & Titles

    Research Aim: This research project would address the concerns in terms of the refugees' mental health and well-being, using an example of the Syrian refugees who had been allowed entry into the United Kingdom. This idea aims to put forward the negative effects that migration can have on refugees and how further research is required to combat ...

  16. What Are Some Trending Research Topics in Health Education and

    If you are interested in research and how it relates to health education and promotion, there are a number of topics to consider. Public wellness is an integral component of today's communities, and while the U.S. has seen progress in recent years, it still struggles in a variety of areas.The rising cost of healthcare places increased significance on preventative measures and healthy habits ...

  17. Mounting research shows that COVID-19 leaves its mark on the brain

    Author. Ziyad Al-Aly Chief of Research and Development, VA St. Louis Health Care System. Clinical Epidemiologist, Washington University in St. Louis

  18. Moving evidence-based mental health interventions into practice

    Digital mental health interventions (DMHIs) offer a modern solution to increase access to mental health services, by supporting existing services or providing new services to those who are not as accessible to traditional mental healthcare. DMHIs, however, often face challenges transitioning from research to practice. Implementation science aims to enhance and establish frameworks to help ...

  19. 1000+ Research Topics & Research Title Examples For Students

    1000+ FREE Research Topics & Title Ideas. Select your area of interest to view a collection of potential research topics and ideas. AI & Machine Learning. Blockchain & Cryptocurrency. Biotech & Genetic Engineering. Business & Management. Communication. Computer Science & IT. Cybersecurity.

  20. Endovascular Engineering ENGULF Study (ENGULF)

    Full Title. A Safety and Feasibility Single-Arm Study of a Novel Catheter Thrombectomy Device For the Treatment of Pulmonary Embolism (ENGULF) ... Temple Health refers to the health, education and research activities carried out by the affiliates of Temple University Health System (TUHS) and by the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple ...

  21. A short version of the Reflective Functioning Questionnaire: Validation

    This study aims to validate the Greek version of the 54-item Reflective Functioning Questionnaire (RFQ), a measure designed to assess an individual's capacity for understanding themselves and others based on internal mental states. This capacity, also known as Reflective Functioning (RF) or mentalizing, is believed to play a significant role in both typical and atypical development.

  22. I'm So Stressed Out! Fact Sheet

    Find out how NIMH engages a range of stakeholder organizations as part of its efforts to ensure the greatest public health impact of the research we support. Connect with NIMH. Learn more about NIMH newsletters, public participation in grant reviews, research funding, clinical trials, the NIMH Gift Fund, and connecting with NIMH on social media ...

  23. Caring for Your Mental Health

    Mental health includes emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It is more than the absence of a mental illness—it's essential to your overall health and quality of life. Self-care can play a role in maintaining your mental health and help support your treatment and recovery if you have a mental illness.

  24. Titles

    Titles for S.4964 - 118th Congress (2023-2024): A bill to provide for a comprehensive Federal response to Long COVID, including research, education, and support for affected individuals, to direct the National Institutes of Health to establish a Long COVID research program, and for other purposes.

  25. Research suggests HRT DOESN'T give you protection against menopause

    It'a an eye-catching claim often trumpeted by celebrity doctors and health campaigners on social media. Taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to relieve symptoms of the menopause also has ...

  26. How to think like an Olympian and develop a winner's brain

    For example, an Olympic swimmer would focus on the techniques needed to finish in world record time, such as the number of strokes and the position of their arms in the water.