PhD programmes

When you apply for a phd programme in sweden, you’re actually applying for a job. yeah, you read that right. 👀.

music phd sweden

“Do a master’s here – I’d say it’s a very good step to doing a PhD in Sweden. I did my master’s at Malmö University and now I’m doing a PhD at Lund University” – Sanjay, Malmö University. Photo: Oskar Omne

So that means – no tuition fees, no scholarships. But you’ll receive a monthly salary instead. Nice, eh? And that’s why available PhD positions are listed on a university’s job board.

How to apply for a PhD position? You’ll apply directly to the university.

Just so you know, there’s no centralised application process. And things like requirements and application dates? This kind of stuff is decided by each department. But we do know that you’ll need to have a master’s degree – in the same field of study – and a great level of English to apply for a PhD here. You might even need to be fluent in Swedish. But that’ll depend on the subject.

+ - Find a PhD at a Swedish university

  • PhD at Blekinge Institute of Technology ↗️
  • PhD at Chalmers University of Technology ↗️
  • PhD at Dalarna University ↗️
  • PhD at Halmstad University ↗️
  • PhD at JĂśnkĂśping University ↗️
  • PhD at KTH Royal Institute of Technology ↗️
  • PhD at Karlstad University ↗️
  • PhD at Karolinska Institutet ↗️
  • PhD at Konstfack ↗️
  • PhD at LinkĂśping University ↗️
  • PhD at Linnaeus University ↗️
  • PhD at LuleĂĽ University of Technology ↗️
  • PhD at Lund University ↗️
  • PhD at MalmĂś University ↗️
  • PhD at Marie CederschiĂśld University ↗️
  • PhD at Mälardalen University ↗️
  • PhD at SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) ↗️
  • PhD at Stockholm School of Economics ↗️
  • PhD at Stockholm University ↗️
  • PhD at Stockholm University of the Arts ↗️
  • PhD at the Swedish Defence University ↗️
  • PhD at SĂśdertĂśrn University ↗️
  • PhD at UmeĂĽ University ↗️
  • PhD at University College Stockholm ↗️
  • PhD at University West ↗️
  • PhD at University of BorĂĽs ↗️
  • PhD at University of Gothenburg ↗️
  • PhD at University of Gävle ↗️
  • PhD at University of SkĂśvde ↗️
  • PhD at Uppsala University ↗️
  • PhD at Örebro University ↗️

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  • University Positions ↗️
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  • EURAXESS academic positions in Europe ↗️

+ - Useful info about research

  • CORDIS ↗️ – EU Research and Information Service
  • EURAXESS information ↗️ – Portal for information and practical assistance for researchers moving to Sweden
  • Formas ↗️ – The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning
  • Swedish Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare ↗️
  • Swedish Research Council ↗️
  • Vinnova — Sweden’s Innovation Agency ↗️ – An organisation that integrates research and development in technology, transport and working life
  • Handbook for International Researchers ↗️ – Stockholm University’s handbook for international researchers

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MalmĂś Academy of Music

Fax number: +46 40 32 54 60

Visiting address: Ystadvägen 25, MalmÜ

Postal address: Box 8203, 200 41 MalmĂś


Ola ellestrĂśm.

ola [dot] ellestrom [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se

Hans Hellsten

Head of department

hans [dot] hellsten [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se

+46 40 32 54 88

Nathalie Jensen

Finance officer

nathalie [dot] jensen [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se

+46 40 32 54 05

Almaz Yebio

Assistant head of department, Deputy head of department

almaz [dot] yebio [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se

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Research in Music Education

The research in Music Education at MalmĂś Academy of Music covers all forms of musical learning, as well as the frameworks, prerequisites, traditions, and conditions that govern situations where music constitutes the content of the various learning processes.

Two students in fron of a whiteboard. Photo.

Research in Music Education has an interdisciplinary character that focuses on socially relevant areas. This includes research on inclusion and influence in schools, knowledge regimes in schools and teacher education regarding artistic expression and the digitalisation of education with a focus on subject conception. The research is practice-oriented and often ethnographically inspired where field notes, observations, interviews and focus group discussions are common methods for obtaining interesting results.

At MalmĂś Academy of Music, the research within the frame of Music Education is tasked with conducting research in a broad sense while contributing to the development of the educational science, subject, and general didactic research of the Music Teacher Training programme. In terms of content, it is important to emphasise the global, societal, institutional, social, historical, and discursive conditions within which education, training, teaching, learning and the professional development of teachers are created. The link between the Music Teacher Training programme, schools and research means that Music Education research should also contribute to the knowledge development of the music teaching profession.

Our research areas and projects

The digital student - challenges and opportunities for teachers and student teachers in the digitalising upper secondary school.

Teaching using digital tools is an area which is emphasised in the steering documents for Swedish primary and secondary schools. Teachers on the Aesthetics programme have identified that there are great opportunities and challenges in teaching and working with students who have the computer as an instrument, i.e. EDI (electronic digital instrument). 

This project is an extension of the project "The digital student - challenges and opportunities with the computer as an instrument in music education". The previous project has raised several exciting questions regarding peer learning, co-assessment, grading, and quality criteria. Each school has expressed a desire and a need to involve more teachers to create consensus and participation in the digitalisation of upper secondary school with a focus on EDI. The extended project has a dual purpose:

  • to generate knowledge about what teaching about and in EDI means for teachers and students in the Aesthetics programme as well as teachers and students in the Music Teacher Training programme with a particular focus on peer learning, co-assessment, grading, and quality criteria, and
  • to develop and gather experience in an expanded form of a model for practice-based research where teachers' issues are raised via the principals' support structure for scientificity in schools to a full-scale research project where university researchers collaborate with teachers in upper secondary schools as well as teachers and students in the Music Teacher Training programme to develop scientific knowledge.

The project is relevant both from a professional and a research perspective as there are relatively few studies and little knowledge about EDI as part of teaching. The design of the study was initially based on Educational Design Research, which meant that the teaching and its outcomes were examined and analysed through a number of iterative cycles. Classroom interventions were combined with regular meetings where researchers and teachers from the schools and the Music Teacher Training programme met to analyse teaching, to have methodological discussions and to process relevant research literature. 

In this project, the study design will be based on focus group interviews, observations, and vlogs. The project has already generated an emerging scientific understanding of what EDI means in the current context and has contributed to the development of concrete teaching models based on research and proven experience with relevance to the school system, Music Teacher Training programme and the research community. The project has also attracted considerable national and international interest.

  • Project duration: 2023-08-01 - 2024-12-31
  • Contact person: Anna Houmann

Improvisation and Intention: Towards a Theory of Improvisational Cognition

The study of improvisational acts and the types of cognition at work in such acts can make valuable contributions to our general understanding of the human mind and human action.

An improvisational stance can be said to be central to all human action, not least to oral conversation. This project is based on the idea that the complexity of musical improvisation can make this specific activity a suitable lens through which questions of great general importance to cognitive science can be explored and interpreted.

Contact person: Sven Bjerstedt

Pupil participation in Sweden's Art and Music Schools: a practice-based research project

Adriana Di Lorenzo Tillborg is a postdoctoral researcher and lecturer at MalmĂś Academy of Music, Lund University. 

Her ongoing postdoctoral research project is a practice-based research project in collaboration with Osby Music School in Sweden. The research aims to contribute to knowledge about pupil participation from the perspectives of teachers, leaders, and pupils in Sweden’s Art and Music Schools. A further aim is to contribute to the development of methods for practice-based research. 

During the last years Osby Music School has implemented KulturCrew to improve pupil participation in the music school. KulturCrew is a Nordic model for event organising by young people in collaboration with adults. The goal is to increase young people’s participation and influence in decision-making in cultural life by learning and practicing hosting, marketing, stage technology, planning, team building, and participation. KulturCrew also wants to contribute to the fulfilment of the basic principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child with a focus on culture and youth participation.

KulturCrew was researched in 2022 and 2023 through collaboration between Adriana Di Lorenzo Tillborg and the two course leaders at Osby Music School; Åsa Klinthagen Andersson and Afsanéh Larsson. During the period, Åsa was also the director of the school. Inspired by action research, together they developed a methodology with methods that stimulated participation, co-operation, critical thinking and reflection in democratic processes. They tested various methods, such as Photo Voice , a method inspired by Freire's critical theory and feminist theories, which represents a shift in power because the students' voices can be heard through photos. Another method they tested was weekly meetings with course leaders, which contributed to cycles of action and reflection.

  • Project duration: 2021-08-01—2023-12-31
  • Contact person: Adriana Di Lorenzo Tillborg

Artistic expression in secondary school music education - perception, teaching, and assessment

Markus Tullberg's ongoing postdoctoral project falls within the current area of practice-based research and examines artistic expression in music education in upper secondary school aesthetic programmes. The purpose of the project is to investigate, from the perspective of music teachers, the role of artistic expression in the teaching of upper secondary school aesthetic programmes with a focus on music. The background to the project can be found in the Swedish National Agency for Education's documents. In the knowledge requirements for the courses Instrument or song 1-3, Ensemble with choral singing and Ensemble 1-2, the concept of artistic expression is found among central content and knowledge requirements.

The project's empirical data consists of a series of qualitative interviews with music teachers working in upper secondary schools. The material is analysed with inspiration from grounded theory with the intention of capturing the complexity of the phenomenon of artistic expression in the current context, as well as identifying needs among music teachers and, by extension, also in music teacher education. The fact that upper secondary school teaching should rest on a scientific basis and proven experience calls for further questions about how such experience can be tested and made available and what type of scientific basis is relevant for continued work in the area covered by the project.

  • Contact person: Markus Tullberg

Practice-based school research (ULF)

The government's ULF - Utbildning, Lärande, Forskning (Education, Learning, Research in English) programme is a national pilot project between 2017-2021, which was extended until 2024 and will then become a permanent activity.

The pilot programme will develop and test sustainable collaboration models between academia and schools in terms of research, school activities and teacher training. The aim is to develop an infrastructure with long-term sustainable collaboration models between academia and school authorities as well as to strengthen the scientific basis and the scientific approach in schools. When theory and practice are woven more closely together, the teacher training programme is also strengthened - partly through a more relevant knowledge base and partly through increased opportunities for students to be part of the school's research and development environments.

Read more about ULF  

The project Power Relations in Higher Music Education ( PrihME ) was a three-year AEC project that started in autumn 2020 with funding from the EU programme Erasmus+. Ten European institutions for higher music education partook and worked together using the Citizen's Assembly method around the following main issues:

  • Abuse of power in higher music education
  • Relevance of power issues in pedagogy and teaching
  • The role of power relations in and impact on higher music education

Promoting communication between all operators in higher music education

  • Project duration: 2021-08-01—2023-06-30
  • Contact persons: Eva Saether and Sara WilĂŠn

TEAM -Teacher Education Academy for Music. Future-Making, Mobility and Networking in Europe

With a grant of €1.5 million the European Union is funding the project TEAM -Teacher Education Academy for Music. Future-Making, Mobility and Networking in Europe in the programme Erasmus+ Teacher Academies . 

TEAM is a pan-European collaborative research and development network working closely with the European Association for Music in School (EAS) . It aims to reshape initial and continuous music teacher education (MTE) and school music education (ME) in Europe according to the current needs of music teacher professionalisation, digitisation, intercultural learning, future viability, sustainability and social coherence. TEAM plans to achieve this by developing evident-based future-making music education OERs (sustainability, democratisation, digitalisation) for initial and continuous MTE, by strengthening mobility for initial music teacher education with a special focus on high-quality school internships abroad with intercultural mentoring. 

Mappings of ME and MTE will offer evidence and ease further collaboration in the future. The TEAM Learning Outcomes will sum up the knowledge from all TEAM findings and develop this into a useful curricular policy paper to advocate for high quality in ME/MTE in European countries. TEAM takes a broad approach at various points in order to tackle the current problems of the subject of music in Europe and to create a dynamic of change. It will therefore foster a music education network in Europe in the long term. A close relationship with European music associations from the very beginning guaranties that TEAM can continue to have an effect even after the project has ended. 15 partner institutions (training schools, initial and continuous MTE institutions) from 12 European countries with a high level of expertise in the necessary areas will work together flanked by a large number of Associated Partners from the 12 consortium countries as well as from 12 further European countries and music-related European NGOs. The project is coordinated by the University of Potsdam. 

  • Project duration: 2025-06-01—2026-05-31

Doctoral projects

Challenges and tensions in classical instrumental group teaching in the swedish school of music and performing arts.

This thesis project aims to investigate challenges and tensions in group teaching of classical orchestral instruments. There is a lack of research in the field that examines the relationship between musical skill development and inclusion when teachers teach several students simultaneously. The first article in the synthesis thesis explores how Swedish instrumental teachers from the classical orchestral instrument tradition discuss group teaching, a type of teaching that is becoming increasingly common and is proposed to be the new norm for instrumental teaching in the publicly funded 'kulturskola' (cultural school). For this reason, it is important that voices from the organisations involved are heard through a practice-oriented research approach.

Collaboration between academia and practice, in this case the Swedish ‘kulturskola’, means that the research output will hopefully be more relevant to the teachers. Future studies within the project are intended to be conducted using the stimulated recall method, i.e. researchers and teachers jointly watch and discuss video recordings of a completed lesson. The teacher's reflections, thoughts, and decisions in different situations (which the teacher himself or herself finds important to discuss) will be followed up with discussions about planning the next lesson, which also involves joint reflection on the subsequently completed lesson.

Contact person: Ida Knutsson

Assessment and grading - complex aspects of the music teaching profession

Johanna Antonsson is a PhD student in Music Education with a particular focus on assessment and grading in primary school music education.  

Her research interests include quality aspects in music education, music teachers' ideal practice and music curricula. Johanna was educated at MalmĂś Academy of Music and graduated as a music teacher in 2011. During the following years she worked as a music teacher in primary school where her interest in assessment, grading and curricula was awakened.  

Johanna's research project examines how music teachers navigate and negotiate between their own ideals for assessment and grading in their subject in relation to policy documents and other external demands on the profession.

Johanna teaches on the Music Teacher Training programme in the course Assessment and grading, supervises students who write their first independent work and is a visiting teacher during music teacher students' clinical training in primary and secondary schools.

  • Contact person: Johanna Antonsson

Time to act: Developing music education in a social sustainability context

Swedish schools are characterised by a culturally diverse student body. Migration forms both a challenge and an opportunity for the music teachers who are encountering these students in their classrooms. Meeting each individual student in their uniqueness and creating opportunities for them to participate in society lies at the core of the schools’ mission. My PhD thesis investigates possible connections between the students’ learning in the music lessons and their societal engagement. In doing so, the research aims to bridge gaps between theory and practice in the field of music education. The PhD is part of Lund university’s Agenda 2030 Graduate School and seeks to contribute to the development of social sustainability in Sweden.

  • Contact person: Lina Van Dooren

Choral singing in music education

This project will lead to a dissertation specialising in polyphonic singing. The overall purpose of the thesis is to investigate and describe the function and development of polyphonic singing over time in music education in primary school grades 5-9 in Sweden.

The project includes three sub-studies that will result in three articles with different themes. The first sub-study is based on interviews with music teachers, the second sub-study is a historical study of views on polyphonic singing and the third focuses on the development of the singing voice in young people. The dissertation is expected to take place in winter 2028-2029.

  • Contact person: Lena Ekman Frisk

Anna Houmann Professor Head of subject | Music Education anna [dot] houmann [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se (anna[dot]houmann[at]mhm[dot]lu[dot]se)

Lund University's Research Portal

Read more about artistic research in music.

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PhD studies at Stockholm University

Stockholm University stands as an attractive destination for those considering PhD studies. With a strong commitment to research excellence and a growing network of international collaborations, the university offers a favourable environment for advanced research and academic growth.

PhD students in a lab.

Stockholm University has a long tradition of research excellence spanning various fields of study, both in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Many faculty members are at the forefront of their respective disciplines, producing influential research that addresses pressing global challenges and contributing to the shaping of industries, policies and societies.

Doctoral students are employees

Moreover, Stockholm University recognizes international collaborations as an essential part of scientific research, thus actively fosters partnerships with esteemed institutions and scholars from around the world. This global perspective enriches the academic experience for PhD candidates, providing valuable insights and opportunities for cross-cultural engagement.

  • Stockholm University is one of the 100 highest-ranked universities in the world and one of the top 50 universities in Europe
  • We offer a wide range of research subjects within science and human science
  • There are no tuition fees for doctoral education in Sweden
  • Doctoral students are employees at SU and  receive salary and other standard benefits of employment.

Available PhD positions

music phd sweden

As the academia constitutes the cradle of knowledge, I am proud of being part of this community which actively contributes in the generation of innovative ideas which target to solve everyday problems. I also enjoy the close connection to the industry in Sweden.

- Varvara Apostolopoulou Kalkavoura

Read the full interview with Varvara

Doctoral studies in Sweden

Our doctoral studies take four years and result in a degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), the highest academic degree in Sweden. During this period you will both take advanced courses in your field of interest and work in a original research project.  However, after two years, you might have the possibility to take an intermediate degree of licentiate.

Admission requirements

To be admitted to PhD studies, you need to meet the general entry requirements, the specific entry requirements, and have the ability to successfully complete your studies.

General entry requirements include a completed master’s degree from a Swedish university or at least 240 higher education credits including at least 60 at the master’s level, or the corresponding international equivalents.

Institutions may have specific eligibility requirements. Verify the requirements for your area of interest with the relevant institution.

How to apply

One thing that differentiates PhD programmes at Stockholm University and Sweden from those elsewhere is that most of our PhD students are treated like full employees of the university. PhD positions are posted alongside other jobs on our website and applications are made for specific positions. PhD positions can be announced once or twice per year, depending on funding availability.

Before sending your application, you can check the department’s website for further information about the faculty and the possibilities connected with the PhD position. You can also find specific information about the application process in the announce for the position, along with the contact person if you have further questions.

There is usually an opportunity to apply for doctoral studies both in the autumn and spring. On the institutions' websites about doctoral studies, you can find the specific dates applicable to that institution. You can also see the current doctoral positions advertised. 

Find available PhD vacancies at Stockholm University

Funding and financing doctoral studies

In most cases, doctoral students are treated as employees at Stockholm University, which means they receive a salary and other standard benefits of employment.  There is even the possibility for you to extend your period of studies by working with teaching or administrative tasks within your department, up to 20% of a full-time position, which can result in a full extra year of employment as PhD student.

However, it is possible to pursue doctoral studies at Stockholm University also in case you have an external scholarship or special agreement with a company or other external employers. In these special cases, you will be subject to your employer-specific conditions only, and be considered solely a student at Stockholm University.

Residence permits (if applicable)

If you are an international student from a country outside the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA), or Switzerland and you plan to pursue a PhD in Sweden, you will need a residence permit to study in the country. The residence permit is required for stays longer than three months.

You will find more information on the Swedish Migration Agency's website:

Residence permit for doctoral studies

Faculty information

Faculty of science.

Research at the Faculty of Science covers broad knowledge areas, ranging from the elementary particles of atomic nuclei to the outermost limits of the universe, for example. Several of the faculty's institutions have been behind discoveries and scientific breakthroughs that receive recognition worldwide.

The Stockholm University BioResearch School organizes PhD courses for students at any of the Biology departments at SU no matter their subject area.

Stockholm University BioResearch School

Faculty of Humanities

Research in the humanities maintains high quality, with a wide range of subjects, allowing university researchers to engage in collaborative efforts across scientific domains. Philosophy, history, art and literary studies, journalism, linguistics, and Swedish as a second language for the deaf are examples of subjects in which research is conducted.

Those admitted to doctoral education have the opportunity to participate in the Faculty of Humanities Research School.

Faculty of Humanities Research School

Faculty of Law

The Faculty of Law achieves nationally leading and internationally outstanding research. The researcher's freedom characterizes the scientific work. Legal discussions are expected to be lively, open, and ongoing.

Faculty of Social Sciences

The Faculty of Social Sciences conducts qualified and high-quality research within its various established disciplines and interdisciplinary research fields. Strong connections to current challenges for society and politics generate central research questions.

The Faculty of Social Sciences offers doctoral education courses for those admitted to an institution belonging to the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Doctoral Education Courses

Research subjects at Stockholm University

Research infrastructures at Stockholm University

The departments provide education at the PhD level

The individual departments often publish specific information doctoral studies programmes at their respective website.  All institutions offering education at the PhD level are categorized into the following fields: humanities, languages, social sciences, and law, as well as natural sciences.

Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies

  • General Archaeology
  • Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
  • Archaeological Science
  • Osteoarchaeology

Doctoral studies at the Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies

Department of Culture and Aesthetics

  • History of Ideas
  • Art History
  • Literary Studies
  • Theatre and Performance studies

Doctoral studies at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics

Department of Media Studies

  • Journalism Studies
  • Media and Communication Studies
  • Fashion Studies
  • Cinema Studies

Doctoral studies at the Department Media Studies

Department of History

Doctoral studies at the Department of History

Department of Philosophy

  • Practical Philosophy
  • Theoretical Philosophy

Doctoral studies at the Department of Philosophy

Department of Ethnology, History of Religions and Gender Studies

  • History of Religions
  • Gender Studies

Doctoral studies at the Department of Ethnology, History of Religions and Gender Studies

Department of Teaching and Learning

  • Mathematics Education
  • Science Education
  • Language Education
  • Teaching and learning with Specialisation in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Science Education

Doctoral studies at the Department of Teaching and Learning

Department of English

  • English Linguistics
  • English-language Literature

Doctoral studies at the Department of English

Department of Linguistics

  • Linguistics

Doctoral studies at the Department of Linguistics

Department of Romance and Classical Languages

  • Romance Languages

Doctoral studies at the Department of Romance and Classical Languages

Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies, Finnish, Dutch and German

  • Baltic Languages
  • Slavic Languages

Doctoral studies at the Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies, Finnish, Dutch and German

Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism

  • Scandinavian Languages
  • Bilingualism
  • Translation Studies

Doctoral studies at the Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism

Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

  • Asian languages and cultures
  • Middle Eastern languages and cultures

Doctoral studies at the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

Social sciences and law

Department of child and youth studies.

  • Child and Youth Studies
  • Preschool Didactics

Doctoral studies at the Department of Child and Youth Studies

Department of Computer and Systems Sciences

  • Computer and Systems Sciences
  • Information Society

Doctoral studies at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences

Department of Criminology

  • Criminology

Doctoral studies at the Department of Criminology

Department of Economic History and International Relations

  • Economic History
  • International Relations

Doctoral studies at the Department of Economic History and International Relations

Department of Economics

Doctoral studies is provided in collaboration with:

Institute for International Economic Studies (IIES)

Swedish institute for social research (sofi).

Programs at the doctoral level at the Department of Economics

Department of Education 

Doctoral studies at the Department of Education

Department of Human Geography

  • Geography with a Cultural Geography focus

Doctoral studies at the Department of Human Geography

Department of Political Science

  • Political Science

Doctoral studies at the Department of Political Science

Department of Psychology

Doctoral studies at the Department of Psychology

Department of Public Health Sciences

  • Public Health Sciences

Doctoral studies at the Department of Public Health Science

Department of Social Anthropology

  • Social Anthropology

Doctoral studies at the Department of Social Anthropology

Department of Sociology

  • Sociological Demography

Studies at the doctoral level at the Department of Sociology

Department of Social Work

  • Social Work

Doctoral studies at the Department of Social Work

Department of Special Education

  • Special Education

Doctoral studies at the Department of Special Education

Department of Statistics

Doctoral studies at the Department of Statistics

  • Didactics of Mathematics
  • Didactics of Natural Sciences
  • Language Didactics
  • Subject Didactics with a focus on the didactics of aesthetic, humanistic, or social science subjects

Doctoral studies at the Department of Teaching and Learnin

  • International Economics
  • Research and higher education in economics

Doctoral studies in Economics

Stockholm Business School

  • Business Administration
  • Financial Economics

Doctoral studies at Stockholm Business School

  • Doctoral candidates at SOFI are enrolled in either the Department of Sociology or the Department of Economics.

Doctoral studies at the Swedish Institute for Social Research

Department of Law

  • Jurisprudence

Doctoral studies at the Department of Law  

Natural Sciences

Department of ecology, environment and plant sciences.

  • Ecology and Evolution
  • Ecotoxicology
  • Marine Biology
  • Plant Physiology
  • Plant Systematics

Doctoral studies at the Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences  

Department of Molecular Biosciences, Wenner-Gren Institute

  • Molecular Biosciences

Doctoral studies at the Department of Molecular Biosciences, Wenner-Gren Institute

Department of Zoology

  • Functional Zoomorphology
  • Population Genetics
  • Zoological Ecology
  • Zoological Systematics and Evolution

Doctoral studies at the Department of Zoology

Stockholm Resilience Centre

  • Sustainability Science

Doctoral studies at Stockholm Resilience Centre

Earth and Environmental Sciences

Department of geological sciences.

  • Geochemistry
  • Marine Geology

Doctoral studies at the Department of Geological Sciences  

Department of Environmental Science

  • Environmental Science

Doctoral studies at the Department of Environmental Science

Department of Physical Geography

  • Physical Geography

Doctoral studies at the Department of Physical Geography

Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics Biophysics

  • Biochemistry
  • Biochemistry towards bioinformatics

Doctoral studies at the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics  

Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry

  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Physical Chemistry
  • Materials Chemistry
  • Neurochemistry with Molecular biology
  • Inorganic Chemistry

Doctoral studies at the Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry  

Department of Organic Chemistry

  • Organic Chemistry

Doctoral studies at the Department of Organic Chemistry


Department of physics.

  • Chemical Physics
  • Medical Radiation Physics
  • Theoretical Physics

Doctoral studies at the Department of Physics  

Department of Astronomy

Doctoral studies at the Department of Astronomy  

Department of Mathematics

  • Computational Mathematics
  • Mathematics
  • Mathematical Statistics

Doctoral studies at the Department of Mathematics

Department of Meteorology

  • Atmospheric Science and Oceanography

Doctoral studies at the Department of Meteorology

For a general study plan in any natural science subject, please contact  [email protected].

The graduation ceremony

Every year, over 200 PhD students defend their thesis at Stockholm Universit, and get a chance to celebrate their achievement at the Stockholm City Hall.

Opportunities abroad for PhD students

There are several ways to participate in international mobility experiences during your PhD studies.

Find possible exchange opportunities for PhD students here

Available PhD Student Positions

On the employee web portal PhD students will find more detailed information about the dissertation defence process .

Last updated: May 30, 2024

Source: Offices of Human Science and Science, Communications Office and Student Services


Music Doctoral Candidate Guide: Doctorates in Music (by Program)

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  • Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR)
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  • Stony Brook University, PhD

Artistic/Practice-Based Research in Music

Multiple disciplines.

  • UPV Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain - PhD in Communication and Cultural Industries

Music Technology

  • McGill University - Ph.D. more... less... Location: Quebec, Canada Their Music Research Department includes: Music Technology (Ph.D.) Sound Recording (Ph.D.) Music Composition (D.Mus.) Music Composition (Ph.D.) Music Education (Ph.D.) Musicology (Ph.D.) Music Theory (Ph.D.)

Musicology / Ethnomusicology

  • Brown University - Ph.D. in Musicology and Ethnomusicology
  • Princeton University - Ph.D. in Musicology


Online doctoral programs in music.

  • Boston University (Musical Arts in Music Education)
  • University of South Africa (DLitt et Phil in Musicology)
  • University of Birmingham (Musicology)
  • UPV Universitat Politècnica de València (PhD in Art: Production and Research)

Music Business

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  • Last Updated: Sep 9, 2024 11:01 AM
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PhD Music programs in Sweden

Sound and vibration.

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Chalmers University of Technology

The Times Higher Education World University Rankings is the only global university performance table to judge research-intensive universities across all of their core missions: teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook.

Music, Organ with Related Keyboard Instruments

University of Gothenburg logo

University of Gothenburg

Church music, organ and keyboard.

Lund University logo

Lund University

Deadline information, best universities with music in sweden.

best universities with music programs

Bachelor Music programs in Sweden

bachelor music programs

Master Music programs in Sweden

master music programs

Most Popular Music programs in Sweden

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PhD Music programs in Sweden

phd music programs

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Musicians on stage during the World Winter Concert from an audience perspective. An electric guitarist on the left in front of amplifiers and bongas, an accordionist in the centre and an oud player on the left.

  • Academy of Music and Drama

Education programmes for musicians at both bachelor's and master's level, with a variety of specialisations, as well as free standing courses and a programme for music teachers are offered at the Academy of Music and Drama at the University of Gothenburg. The subject musicology is offered at the University of Gothenburg's Department of Cultural Sciences.

Bachelor's level

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Master's level

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Doctoral studies

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KTH sitting and talking on campus

Doctoral studies at KTH

Complete a doctoral degree (PhD) in a dynamic, international research environment with world-class facilities and close collaboration with industry and prominent universities worldwide.

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KTH Royal Institute of Technology

KTH is Sweden's largest and most respected technical university—ranked top 100 in the 2022 QS World University Rankings. By choosing KTH, you gain access to a vibrant student life and a prestigious academic environment.

As one of our 2,000 doctoral students, you will take courses and devote yourself to a research project under the supervision of an experienced researcher. Most students are employed and receive a monthly salary. Begin your journey towards a KTH degree today. 

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Explore how doctoral studies work at KTH and if we are a good fit for you. 

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24 PhD jobs in Sweden

Find PhD jobs in Sweden here. To have jobs sent to you the day they're posted, sign up for job alerts.

  • PhD positions in Stockholm (23)
  • PhD positions in LinkĂśping (1)

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  • PhD positions in Belgium (109)
  • PhD positions in Switzerland (61)
  • PhD positions in Germany (47)
  • PhD positions in Finland (33)
  • PhD positions in Austria (29)
  • PhD positions in Luxembourg (26)
  • PhD positions in Norway (17)
  • PhD positions in France (15)
  • PhD positions in Israel (4)

Search results (24)


Doctoral students in learning and optimization for edge computing

Project descriptionThird-cycle subject: Computer scienceThe Division of Network and Systems Engineering is looking for two doctoral students with a very strong background and interest in system mod...


Doctoral (PhD) student position in bone pain research

Do you want to contribute to top quality medical research? To be a doctoral student means to devote oneself to a research project under supervision of experienced researchers and following an indiv...

Doctoral student in digital transformation in the built environment

Project descriptionThird-cycle subject: The Built Environment and Society: Management, Economics and LawThe project investigates organisational and business aspects of digital transformation for a ...

Doctoral students in Networked Systems Security

Project descriptionThird-cycle subject: Information and Communication TechnologiesWe invite applications for doctoral student positions with the Networked Systems Security (NSS) lab at EECS/SCS. We...

Doctoral students in Optimization and Control of Complex Systems

Project descriptionThird-cycle subject: Electrical EngineeringThe Challenge:We are in the midst of an unprecedented transformation of the engineering infrastructures that uphold our technological c...

Doctoral student in process modelling, recycled composites manufacturing

Project descriptionThird-cycle subject: Vehicle Engineering or Engineering MechanicsThe FibReLoop project is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie (MSCA) Doctoral Network that aims to promote the industrial imp...

Doctoral (PhD) student position in translational medicine in rheumatology with a focus on B cell biology and antibody engineering

Doctoral student in developing bio-based solutions for eco-friendly pavement infrastructures.

Project descriptionThird-cycle subject: Highway and railway engineeringAsphalt concrete relies heavily on the extraction and processing of non-renewable resources. These processes deplete finite fo...

Doctoral student in quantum sources

Project descriptionThird-cycle subject: Quantum sources for applications with single and entangled photonsQuantum technology offers unprecedented possibilities for computation, communication and se...

Doctoral student in Electrical Engineering

Project descriptionThird-cycle subject: Electrical EngineeringWELD-AID is a Vinnova-funded project that aims to revolutionize quality assurance in welded structures by integrating Artificial Intell...

Doctoral student in prospective LCA of circular solutions for composites

Project descriptionThird-cycle subject: program: “Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering”, subject “Sustainability studies”FibReLoop is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie (MSCA) Docto...

Doctoral student in Nuclear Power Safety

Project descriptionThird-cycle subject: Physics, specialization in Nuclear EngineeringThe group of Nuclear Power Safety in Nuclear Science and Engineering (NSE) Division conducts research on accide...

Doctoral student in Molecular simulation of wetting

Project descriptionThird-cycle subject: Applied PhysicsThe energetics and dynamics of wetting are of high interest from both fundamental scientific and technological points of view. Often the macro...

Doctoral student in advanced membrane characterization for redox flow battery

Project descriptionThird-cycle subject:  Chemical Science and EngineeringThis project aims to gain fundamental insights into the membranes in redox flow batteries (RFBs) through combining electroch...

Doctoral student in Fluid and Climate Theory

Project descriptionThird-cycle subject: Fluid and Climate TheoryThis Ph.D. position is integral to the HumanIC European training network. The initiative aims to cultivate early-stage engineers and ...

Doctoral student in aeromechanics of aircraft engines

Project descriptionThird-cycle subject: Energy TechnologyLong-term operation and unfavorable conditions may lead to degradation of the aerodynamic performance of aero-engines over time, which can i...

Licentiate in Data-driven Models for Cardiovascular Device Testing

Project descriptionThird-cycle subject: Technology and Health We are looking for a self-motivated person to pursue a PhD (Licentiate) in Cardiovascular robotics in the Department of Biomedical Engi...

Doctoral student in Engineering Materials Science

Project descriptionThird-cycle subject: Materials ScienceWe are looking for a PhD student in material characterization and its connection to physical modeling at the Hultgren Lab unit of the Depart...

Lic. in technical sensors for improved physical work environment

Project descriptionThird-cycle subject: Technology and healthChronic injuries to fingers, hands and arms caused by working with vibrating hand tools are still common. Today, employees are asked how...

Doctoral student metallurgy of recycling of steels

Project descriptionThird-cycle subject: Materials Science EngineeringA project funded by Horizon Europe “Metallic Elements Dissipation Avoided by Life cycle design for Steel” (MEDALS) aims to incre...

Doctoral student in nuclear materials science

Project descriptionThird-cycle subject: PhysicsWe are looking for two PhD students to work with advanced nuclear materials. The two PhD projects are aimed at a) modeling the behavior and properties...

Doctoral student in light-controllable fluorescent proteins in microscopy

Project descriptionThird-cycle subject: Biological Physics We are looking for a motivated student interested in biophysics and live-cell imaging to join the Advanced Optical Bio-Imaging Laboratory ...


PhD student in brain-inspired neuromorphic computing systems on chip

Ref LiU-2024-04086We have the power of over 40,000 students and co-workers. Students who provide hope for the future. Co-workers who contribute to LinkĂśping University meeting the challenges of the day. Our fundamental values rest on credibility, ...

Phd students in System Security, Formal Verification and Machine Learning

Project descriptionThird-cycle subject: Computer scienceWe invite highly motivated students with a strong background in system security, formal verification, and/or machine learning to apply for tw...

Jobs by field

  • Programming Languages 185
  • Electrical Engineering 177
  • Machine Learning 176
  • Artificial Intelligence 160
  • Molecular Biology 144
  • Electronics 135
  • Materials Engineering 131
  • Cell Biology 131
  • Computational Sciences 110
  • Mechanical Engineering 104

Jobs by type

  • Postdoc 331
  • Assistant / Associate Professor 178
  • Professor 124
  • Researcher 118
  • Lecturer / Senior Lecturer 84
  • Tenure Track 66
  • Engineer 60
  • Management / Leadership 54
  • Research assistant 43

Jobs by country

  • Belgium 239
  • The Netherlands 167
  • Morocco 111
  • Germany 109
  • Switzerland 105
  • Finland 104
  • Luxembourg 77

Jobs by employer

  • Mohammed VI Polytechnic Unive... 111
  • KU Leuven 90
  • University of Luxembourg 75
  • Eindhoven University of Techn... 65
  • Ghent University 46
  • ETH ZĂźrich 44
  • Silicon Austria Labs (SAL) 41
  • KTH Royal Institute of Techno... 36
  • University of Twente 29

music phd sweden


  1. Live music in Sweden

    music phd sweden

  2. (PDF) The global success of Swedish music

    music phd sweden

  3. PhD courses at the PhD specialisation in Music Therapy

    music phd sweden

  4. PhD specialisation in Music Therapy

    music phd sweden

  5. (PDF) What music teacher will I be? A case study on the teaching

    music phd sweden

  6. PhD, Music Education with a Specialization in Music Therapy

    music phd sweden


  1. phd#sweden#university#science

  2. Master program in Accounting, Valuation & Financial Management

  3. How to Get Selected for PhD in Sweden

  4. K. Frank Austen Memorial Webinar


  1. Doctoral Studies

    Doctoral Studies. The postgraduate programme is partly organised as a faculty-wide research school dealing with theoretical and methodological issues, with a special focus on artistic and educational research. The education is conducted in close collaboration with other departments within the University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of ...

  2. PhD programmes

    When you apply for a PhD programme in Sweden, you're actually applying for a job. Yeah, you read that right. 👀. "Do a master's here - I'd say it's a very good step to doing a PhD in Sweden. I did my master's at Malmö University and now I'm doing a PhD at Lund University" - Sanjay, Malmö University. So that means - no ...

  3. Doctoral education

    Lund University. The doctorate degree is the most advanced degree you can earn, symbolising that you have mastered a specific area of study, or field of profession. The Swedish doctorate degree consists of 240 ECTS credits and requires four years of full-time studies. The programme concludes with a doctoral thesis of at least 120 credits. A 'licentiate' degree is equivalent to half the ...

  4. Musical performance and interpretation

    Professor. [email protected]. The doctoral subject Musical Performance and Interpretation takes on questions that are relevant for the field of music and society at large, and where musical practice is a decisive part for the knowledge formation. The doctoral student's own artistic research project is a central part of the education.

  5. Music education

    Music education Music education as a science studies all forms of music teaching, including the frameworks, conditions, traditions and terms governing the situations in which music constitutes the contents of the various processes of teaching and learning. ... Admissions to PHD programmes ... Sweden. Main Switchboard +46 31-786 00 00. Visiting ...

  6. MalmĂś Academy of Music

    Research at the MalmĂś Academy of Music is carried out by researchers and doctoral students within the disciplines of Music Education and Artistic Research in Music. The discipline of artistic research in music attempts to study the complexity of contemporary artistic production and practice. ... Box 117, 221 00 Lund, Sweden Telephone: +46 (0 ...

  7. List of PHD Programs in Music in Sweden

    No Results Found! Find the list of all PHD Programs in Music in Sweden with our interactive Program search tool. Use the filters to list programs by subject, location, program type or study level.

  8. Research in Music Education

    Johanna Antonsson is a PhD student in Music Education with a particular focus on assessment and grading in primary school music education. Her research interests include quality aspects in music education, music teachers' ideal practice and music curricula. Johanna was educated at MalmĂś Academy of Music and graduated as a music teacher in 2011.

  9. Musicology, Ph.D.

    About. Musicology at the University of Gothenburg provides a distinctly interdisciplinary forum where music history, aesthetics of music, ethnomusicology and culturally focused music research come together and enrich each other. You can apply for and start this programme anytime. The TOEFL iBTÂŽ is given online through the internet at ...

  10. Music Education, Ph.D.

    Music Education as a research field is cross-disciplinary in nature and uses theories and methods from education, psychology, sociology, philosophy, anthropology, musicology as well as artistic research, in order to understand and explain phenomena related to music education. I want to find another Phd Course

  11. PhD studies at Stockholm University

    Doctoral studies in Sweden. Our doctoral studies take four years and result in a degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), the highest academic degree in Sweden. During this period you will both take advanced courses in your field of interest and work in a original research project.

  12. Music Performance in Sweden: 2024 PhD's Guide

    Studying Music Performance in Sweden is a great choice, as there are 2 universities that offer PhD degrees on our portal. Over 32,000 international students choose Sweden for their studies, which suggests you'll enjoy a vibrant and culturally diverse learning experience and make friends from all over the world.

  13. Academy of Music and Drama, University of Gothenburg

    The Academy of Music and Drama trains and educates composers, music, dance, and drama teachers, musical theatre artists, musicians in many genres, opera-singers, performance artists and actors. ... with contributions from PhD student Mark Tatlow. ... Sweden. Main Switchboard +46 31-786 00 00. Visiting address Huvudbyggnad Vasaparken,

  14. Music Doctoral Candidate Guide: Doctorates in Music (by Program)

    Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR) Study in Holland. Study in Denmark. Study in US. ... The PhD program is possible in the following fields of research: * Historical Musicology and Music Theory * Jazz and Popular Music Research * Aesthetics of Music * Ethnomusicology * Theater Studies/Dramaturgy * Music Education/Instrumental and Vocal ...

  15. Sound and Music Computing

    Our research concerns several fields in Sound and Music Computing (SMC), and runs in the following main streams: Sound in interaction, including sonification and sound design. Technologies for musical expression, including design of new interfaces. The science of music performance, including emotional and gestural aspects.

  16. Musicology, Ph.D.

    The research seminar in musicology is a forum where scholars, PhD students and other students meet to discuss current or concluded projects within musicology or other related disciplines. A couple of times each semester, international scholars visit our department to present their work. ... SweLiMuS (Swedish Liturgical Music Sources): An online ...

  17. PhD Music programs in Sweden

    Best Universities with Music in Sweden. University of Southampton Hong Kong Baptist University Dartmouth College University of Greenwich University of York Yasar University Kingston University La Scala Academy University of Cambridge University of Surrey. Show all Universities.

  18. Music

    Music. Education programmes for musicians at both bachelor's and master's level, with a variety of specialisations, as well as free standing courses and a programme for music teachers are offered at the Academy of Music and Drama at the University of Gothenburg. The subject musicology is offered at the University of Gothenburg's Department of ...

  19. Doctoral studies (PhD)

    KTH Royal Institute of Technology. KTH is Sweden's largest and most respected technical university—ranked top 100 in the 2022 QS World University Rankings. By choosing KTH, you gain access to a vibrant student life and a prestigious academic environment. As one of our 2,000 doctoral students, you will take courses and devote yourself to a ...

  20. Scholarships for Music in Sweden

    Find exclusive scholarships for international PhD students pursuing Music studies in Sweden. Search and apply online today.

  21. 24 PhD jobs in Sweden

    PhD student in brain-inspired neuromorphic computing systems on chip Ref LiU-2024-04086We have the power of over 40,000 students and co-workers.

  22. Music Performance, Ph.D.

    Music Performance at LuleĂĽ University of Technology is a subject where artistic issues relevant to musical creativity and learning are examined. ... To learn more about how student insurance work at LuleĂĽ University of Technology and/or in Sweden, ... Below you will find PhD's scholarship opportunities for Music Performance.

  23. Music Performance scholarships in Sweden

    Find exclusive scholarships for international PhD students pursuing Music Performance studies in Sweden. Search and apply online today. ... Music Performance. Drama. Urban Planning. Visual Arts. Ceramics and Sculpture. Painting & Drawing. Art and Craft. Dance. Photography. Music Performance scholarships in Sweden. Programmes Universities ...