Study Paragraphs

My Perfect Morning Essay

A perfect morning is a cherished treasure, a precious time that is all my own. It’s the dawn of a new day, a clean slate for me to paint my aspirations on. It sets the tone for the rest of my day, and its quality can influence my mood, my productivity, and my overall wellbeing. In this essay, I will share the elements of my perfect morning, the routine that makes me feel more motivated, focused, and prepared for whatever the day may bring.

Table of Contents

Essay On My Perfect Morning | An Insightful Exploration of an Ideal Start to the Day

Waking up early.

The first element of my perfect morning is rising early. As the famous Nigerian proverb says, “The early bird catches the worm.” Waking up before the sun rises gives me a head start on the day, allowing me to take advantage of the quiet hours before the world is awake. It’s during these tranquil moments that I can reflect in solitude, without any interruptions or distractions, setting my intentions for the day.

Essay On My Perfect Morning

Morning Mindfulness

The second element of my perfect morning involves practicing mindfulness. I dedicate a few moments to meditation or yoga, focusing on my breath, steadying my thoughts, and grounding myself in the present moment. This practice prepares my mind for the day, reducing stress and anxiety, and allowing me to approach the day with a calm and focused mind.

Nourishing Breakfast

The third element of my perfect morning is having a nourishing breakfast. This is a time not just to fuel my body with healthy foods, like a bowl of Acha (a traditional Nigerian grain) or a plate of scrambled eggs, but also a moment to nourish my soul. As I sip on my homemade Zobo (a Nigerian hibiscus tea) or a cup of coffee, I relish in the quietness of the morning and mentally prepare for the day’s tasks.

Morning Creativity

The fourth element involves engaging in a creative activity. Whether it’s journaling my thoughts, sketching a quick doodle, or playing a piece on my keyboard, this creative time sparks my imagination and gets my mental gears turning. It’s a form of expression that helps me start my day on an inspired and motivated note.

The final element of my perfect morning is exercise. Whether it’s a brisk walk around my neighborhood or a quick home workout, I find that physical activity in the morning helps to shake off any lingering sleepiness and gets my blood flowing, leaving me feeling energized and ready to tackle the day.

In conclusion, my perfect morning comprises of rising early, practicing mindfulness, having a nourishing breakfast, engaging in a creative activity, and exercising. It is my recipe for starting the day on a positive note, feeling more productive, energized, and focused. By incorporating these elements into my daily routine, I ensure that each morning is not just another start to another day but a stepping stone towards personal growth and fulfillment.

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The Write Practice

20 Morning Writing Prompts to Jumpstart Your Day

by Joe Bunting and Sue Weems | 130 comments

Julia Cameron's classic book The Artist's Way challenges writers to tackle morning pages each day as a way to clear the mind and set the day's intention. Today we have a few morning writing prompts to kickstart your morning journal time or writing any time of day. 

a perfect morning essay

Ask people how they feel about mornings, and you're likely to get one of two responses. On one hand, you have the morning routine enthusiasts who get up early to begin their daily routines, say their positive affirmations, pump some iron or get a workout in, and anything else that contributes to their personal goals. 

For others, mornings come too early and just getting out of bed to make the coffee feels like a massive feat. 

No matter your personal experience with mornings though, my guess is that mornings themselves can be a source of inspiration. There are a number of ways to approach writing prompts for the morning. See if one of these prompts unleashes some creative potential for you!

Morning Journaling Prompts

If you're trying to start a daily habit of writing, you can use morning journal prompts as a part of your morning routine to help you tackle negative emotions, monitor stress levels, cultivate a sense of mindfulness, or just quiet the mental chatter.

1. Describe a small, daily ritual you can incorporate into your morning routine to promote a sense of calm and mindfulness.

2. Write about a recent experience where you successfully turned a negative thought into a positive one. How did you do it, and how did it make you feel?

3. Imagine starting your day with a clean slate, free from stress and worry. Write a brief journal entry about how you would design your ideal morning routine to achieve this state.

4. Write a short letter to your future self, reminding them of the importance of self-compassion and the practice of letting go of negative emotions.

5. Describe how quiet or calm feels in your body.

Life Goals Prompts

Mornings often feel like a fresh start, a way to begin anew your own personal growth. Use one of these prompts to explore your larger goals or explore a dream.

6. Describe a specific life goal you've set for yourself. What steps have you taken so far to work towards achieving it, and what motivates you to pursue this goal?

7. What is one way you've made a positive impact in your world, and how can you continue to cultivate positive change around you?

8. Imagine yourself ten years from now, living your dream life. Write a detailed journal entry about what your life looks like, the accomplishments you've achieved, and the personal growth you've experienced along the way.

9. Write a to-do list that outlines specific tasks to contribute to reaching your life dream. Nothing's too big or small to include. 

10. Write about one person who has played a pivotal role in shaping your aspirations and values.

Gratitude Journal Prompts

Research shows that gratitude has a huge impact on our overall wellness and sense of wellbeing. Incorporate a few gratitude prompts in your morning journal practice on a daily basis and see how you feel. 

11. Think about the natural world around you. Write about one aspect of nature that fills you with wonder or awe. 

12. List three people you're intensely grateful for and explain why.

13. Write about a simple pleasure you often take for granted—that first cup of coffee, the chatter of birds out back, a devoted dog curled up beside you.

14. Write a letter of gratitude to a previous year you experienced, whether in childhood or recent years. 

15. Write about a difficult time that ultimately you're grateful to have experienced. 

Creative Writing Prompts for Morning

16. Write about a morning gone wrong in a character's life (or your own). 

17. What inspires you about the morning?

18. Write about a memorable morning.

19. Choose a season and imagine a perfect morning in that season. Describe it. 

20. Describe in detail a sensory experience of a morning, either at home or during a travel experience. 

A journaling practice, especially first thing in the day can start your day right. Morning is the perfect time to take some quiet time for your writing, and I hope one of these prompts inspires you and gets your creative juices flowing. 

When is your favorite time to write? Share with us in the comments . 

Choose one of the prompts above or just take fifteen minutes to write about the morning.

Write for fifteen minutes . When you're finished, post your practice in the Pro Practice Workshop here , and leave feedback for a few other writers. 

Here's Joe's practice from 2012

The cell phone vibrates me awake. I reach for it, hold the bright screen to my squinting face, and set it for thirty minutes later. I hate mornings.

I-don't-know-how-many minutes later, I open my eyes to see the grey out my window. The field is murky with it, brown grass sticking up out of a swamp of fog. The trees are not trees but only pine. The oak and poplars have withered down to stalks, leaving the shaggy pine looking like remnants of a holocaust. The only ones clothed in a sea of naked and shaved. But in this fog, the trees never end, they float upwards, for all we know, limitless as bean stalks. My eyes shut.

The cell phone again. I turn it off. Talia makes a sound. I should get up. I should want to get up. My eyes close.

She slides up next to me. Her chin tucks into my shoulder. She gets up.

I actually like cloudy days. They are warmth, hot coffee. They are staring into grey, feeling soothed by it, letting it cover you like a blanket of introspection. Your whole world is what is right in front of you because everything else is consumed by fog. A veil over the world.

My eyes open again and I know they must stay open. I have slept far too long. I don't want to get up. Oh, I don't want to. I get up.

I look at the time, an hour of my day lost. A flock of crows fly black over the trees.

Talia smiles, says, “How did you sleep?”

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Joe Bunting

Joe Bunting is an author and the leader of The Write Practice community. He is also the author of the new book Crowdsourcing Paris , a real life adventure story set in France. It was a #1 New Release on Amazon. Follow him on Instagram (@jhbunting).

Want best-seller coaching? Book Joe here.

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Sue Weems is a writer, teacher, and traveler with an advanced degree in (mostly fictional) revenge. When she’s not rationalizing her love for parentheses (and dramatic asides), she follows a sailor around the globe with their four children, two dogs, and an impossibly tall stack of books to read. You can read more of her writing tips on her website .

a perfect morning essay



Frigid night. Frigid morning.

I burrow into the comforter and hide my head. Indiana’s cold nose pokes through my shields to remind me it’s breakfast time. Beagles’ stomachs are more accurate than any alarm clock. I ignore him as long as he’ll allow, until he convinces Barkley the English Springer to join in the game of roust Mom from bed. Patient Chi waits at the door. The eldest of our three dogs knows she’ll get fed, eventually. I surrender.

The pack follows me from the bed to the bathroom to the utility room where the food bin is stashed out of their reach. We learned that lesson the hard way. Chi sits in the entry, drooling politely, as I fill the bowls. Three scoops for her as the largest, two for Barkley who wriggles and whimpers in anticipation, and a bit less for Indy, the smallest. He bounces up and down, from the dryer to the trash can – also locked away from their eager noses – and tries so hard to obey my futile “Sit” command. But he fights a losing battle. His eagerness keeps him in constant motion.

Full bowls stacked in hand, I park the trio at one end of the great room, repeating “Stay” in another futile effort to keep them at bay while I place the food by the water bowls. Chi still drools, Barkley waggles, and Indy flops into his odd half-sit half-lay position, never quite motionless. “You can eat,” is all it takes to release the hounds.

They race to the bowls, sliding in like a base runner stealing home, and in less time than it takes me to fill the tea kettle and place it on the stove, they’ve finished eating and are sniffing to be let out. We try the sit-stay combo again at the back door with varying degrees of success before they explode into the backyard to see what new odors await their morning inspection.

I have enough time for my morning yoga stretches before they’re barking and scratching to be let back in, especially in this morning’s nine degree temperature. Even hunting dogs prefer the warmth of my bedroom office on a day like this.

Only now they have the bed, and I’m at my desk, writing.

I swear Indiana is grinning.

Katie Axelson

I love the line about Indiana’s cold nose poking through your shield. Beautiful!


What a pack. I used to have dogs and they do like to get one up. Now I have cats, they like me to stay asleep.

Kat Morrissette

I absolutely love Chi sitting there, drooling politely. It’s perfect.

Bo Lane

My eyes snapped open, burning with fear. I grasp for air and, for an instant, I had forgotten entirely where I was. That ended quickly. The sound of ammunition weeping all around me was the thing that thrust me back into my instant.

Had I slept in the midst of such chaos, I thought.

Just hours earlier, I had made my bed in a shallow pit at the base of a large tree just outside of camp. I chose this spot because several large branches had fallen over and provided an amount of cover that I deemed sufficient. I packed my rifle close to my right side, placed my pack in a deeper spot near my feet, and pulled my helmet just slightly over my eyes. I mumbled a soft goodnight to my mother back in the states and closed my eyes.

Now, I find myself in, yet again, a position I had never hoped when I signed up for this war. I’m alone, cold, afraid, and knowing that at any moment my life could end.

I pull the branches slowly from my body and prepare for the worst. But, before I emerge, I take a moment and appreciate the luster of the morning. I look around and find myself smiling at the beautiful storm.

“Good morning, mom,” I whisper.


Oh, wow. Is this something that happened to you?

No, this isn’t something that happened to me. I just thought about the morning, not mine in particular, and this is what came about. I woke up in a warm bed, with my children safely sleeping in their rooms down the hall. There is too much comfort in my morning and not enough pain. That’s why I chose this concept instead.

“the luster of the morning” I like that idea that it rhymes with muster giving it kind of a military twang.

Thanks, I agree. The soft glow of the morning.

Bethany Suckrow

So strange – I JUST wrote about my morning routine on my blog on Wednesday, for entirely different reasons! Hope you’ll take a gander, Joe & Write Practice friends. 🙂

Jen Schwab

Love the progression of this piece. What an incredibly hard change you have to make – and you’re doing great.

“I pour a mug for myself, mom’s mug.” – Beautiful.


Hi Bethany, I peeked at your post and it was delightful in a hopeful, somber sort of way. I am so sorry about your mom. I hope your blog brings you comfort — writing soothes loss in the strangest way. I will plan to stop by and read more in the upcoming days. Thanks for letting us know about it here! With care, kati

A semitruck bounces down the highway not a hundred feet from my head. I can hear scuffling in the kitchen. If I opened my eyes, I’d see my roommate getting ready for her day, cat gnawing at her feet. But I don’t open my eyes. My day has yet to start.

I return to dreamland, grateful for this time. The old lightswitch flips, the door squeaks, and keys turn the deadbolt. She’s off for the day, meaning I am Hank’s new victim.

Morning means a kitten ready for a playmate. Morning means the smell of coffee and buttered toast. Morning means new mercies.

Morning means I must tear myself from these warm sheets and turn myself into something that slightly resembles a person. Maybe.

I’m not a fan of mornings. The routine never seems to be completed before the clock sreams, “Time to go!”

Getting out of bed is one of the worst times to live in an ancient house with poor circulation and drafty windows. I throw a polar fleece blanket over my shoulders like a cape as I search for the slippers that Hank borrowed during the night. He chases my toes as they search in vain for their jackets. The living room end table is fifteen steps from my bed yet still my feet feel like blocks of ice sliding across the sloped wooden floor. Kitty slobber doesn’t help.

Luckily this morning’s activities involve a good book and cuddle time on the couch next to the heater. It’s times like this that make mornings bearable.

I don’t dare look at the clock. I dove too deeply into Romans and now I must pay the consequences. Every other morning activity is only allowed half of its required time.

From his perch on the back of the toilet, Hank watches my fingers as I move around the bathroom. He tries to help. “Amuse” may be a more accurate term. He loves mornings for it is in the morning when his playmates, his subjects, awaken and do what they do best: be chew toys.

In a hasty panic I throw everything I think I need into a bag and head out the creaky front door, into the morning mist, and to the car that needs de-icing before it too may bounce down the highway like semitruck that served as my alarm clock all of those minutes ago.

Interesting how much our furry companions are a part of life –

Focus. It’s 6:50. What needs to happen right now?

Dishes need to be done, and a lunch made for Andy.

My mornings are about tasks. The tasks used to own me. But now I’m the boss, and I own them.

I run this place. But it used to run me. It used to feel like a prison cell made of dirty diapers and forlorn expectations. My to-do list was the fire-breathing dragon that never slept.

But one morning, as he turned to scratch an itchy scale, I shanked him down to size. I said, “This is the express lane, Smoky, and it’s 10 items or less!”

Now I own this place. I manage my time. I set limits and priorities. I own myself.

Love it! As a mamma, I can relate!

Thanks, Steph! It was a kind of triumphal piece. 🙂

Joe Bunting

Alright, boss, we submit! This is great. “I’m the boss. I own them. I run this place, Smoky.” Super fun! You went from a prisoner to the prison boss, the guy with tats up and down his built arms, gettin his people to ship in drugs and conning the guards. You’re kind of scary, actually. 🙂

HaHa! well…minus the drug running! I’ve transitioned my mindset over the past few months about being a full-time mom at home. I had to take ownership for the choices I made in becoming a mom, and begin to look at it as a vocation. As I started to view myself more as a professional, it was easier to manage my time/tasks/resources like I used to in a traditional job. Huge difference in quality of life!

Nice. I like that.

Beck Gambill

Wow, that was clean and powerful! As a mom I was right there with you, I felt the ire rise in my own chest!

Go get your dragon, Beck! 😉


Yes, Jen! Dishes can wait. (Diapers, not really, alas).

“Cleaning and scrubbing can wait til tomorrow…”

I have that monologue in my head everyday…the floors aren’t THAT bad. They’ll wait until tomorrow! 🙂

Nics Cahill

I love this Jen – freedom from the to do list – own your own day, own your own life. Very empowering. Have a great day.

Thanks, Nics! It’s what I try to do, some days more successfully than others. Glad to know that I successfully communicated the freedom – thanks for the feedback!


Sharp and snappy…good job!

Thanks! I had a little bit of “rawr” going on when I wrote it.


Loved this. Tasks aren’t going anywhere but attitude makes the difference. Going off to slay the laundry pile…

It makes all the difference. I’ve found that the attitude of ownership has made a huge change in how my day goes. It’s the difference between the laundry pile “happening” to me, and me taking out the laundry pile. You can call your dragon “Smelly.” 🙂

Shelley Lundquist

Wow! I love the energy as you take control. Powerful!

I’m sad to say that my energy waned by the end of the day, but today is always a new day! Thanks for the great feedback!


Love this. It’s a short passage with a long message. Good metaphor.

Thanks, Nancy! That’s exactly what I was going for – so thanks for the feedback!


I’m a stay at home mom by choice as well. I love how you describe your to-do list. I feel like I have one of those breathing down my neck as well. Our work is never done. I should be cleaning my floors rather than sitting here reading but the floors will have to wait. It’s actually quiet in my house right now. Kind of eerie 🙂

Joe- “My eyes open again and I know they must stay open.” So true. I love how your morning starts with a question about how you slept when really you want to still be sleeping. Katie

Thanks, Katie!

Kevin Mackesy

I’ve never been a morning person. I’ve often wished I was. The grass is greener on the other side of the fence, I suppose.

I grumble awake. My first thought most days, indeed this day, is, “I wish I could sleep longer.” The comfort and safety of my bed scream loudest in the mornings. Like Joe, the sharpness of my cell phone-turned-alarm clock pierces my pupils and I cannot read the screen clearly. There’s no need. My hand finds the snooze button instinctively, as if it needed no help from my brain. I’m not sure what good my brain is that early anyway. As I drag myself out of bed, because that’s what it takes these days, I head half-heartedly towards the day’s work.

There must be more.

It is lunch time and I still can’t see clearly. Why hasn’t the morning fog lifted? Why haven’t my eyes cleared themselves and been able to focus on the world yet? Why is my mind still groggy, as if I were only 5 minutes into my 9-minute-snooze; as if I have never fully wakened?

Someone I know once insinuated that a day doing something you hate can feel like years; and years of doing what you love can feel like a day. I have spent years doing that which I do not love. I am a night person who’s been relentlessly beaten by the morning day after merciless day.

But I have good news. My eyes are beginning to see clearly. Things are coming into focus. My mind is coming awake and the early morning fog is starting to lift. The beatings will end soon. It’s time to start my day.

(nods to Joe as the “someone I know”)

“5 minutes into my 9 minute snooze” – I like that!

Thanks Stephan!

Love it, Kevin. And I like this effort at narrative. I think you do it quite nicely. You’re in the moment, giving us good description and action, with a little spice of internal monologue. It’s great.

At the end you almost lose it though. I would have changed this, “But I have good news. My eyes are beginning to see clearly.” To something like this, “Later, though, my eyes begin to see clearly.” But overall this is a very strong practice, bud.

I also love the insinuation about my insinuating 🙂

Thanks Joe. What I tried to do there was describe a typical morning and then I shifted gears with your quote describing the fact that I feel as though I am living my life right now in the groggy, foggy, not quite awake feeling of the morning and at the end was hoping to make the point that the future is coming into focus and I’m about to truly wake up and stop the groundhog’s day of a morning my life seems to be and really start my day (which in your quote would equate to the rest of my life).

But I tried to do it without actually saying that is what I was doing, haha. I’m not sure if I was successful with that or not. Thanks for your critique. Meaningful as always.

Yeah, that makes sense. Also, it’s difficult to cover all of that in one paragraph, and usually when we’re trying to save space we summarize. It’s understandable. I think what you’re trying to do is fascinating and you definitely came close. Thanks bud!

Joe, in my brief time of knowing your blog, I’ve noticed you have an uncanny ability of writing timely posts, both for myself and others! When I checked your blog this morning, I had just finished working on a(nother!) rewrite of a “morning” scene in my WIP. Your post (in which I very much liked your “beanstalk” analogy!) made me think more about how to incorporate time into my text. I had a few minutes just now to spruce it up a little more in that regard. Here it is:

From his spot on the rear bench of his boat, Rex heard the church bells from town start up again. One , two, three chimes. He was anchored at the dock in front of the northern border town of Jack Pine, Minnesota, and had been for quite some time now. Eight, nine, ten. The morning train was officially an hour late. He rummaged beneath his seat, finally finding his metal thermal bottle lodged in the tip of the stern. He popped off the cover that did double-duty as a mug, pulled out the cork, and took a whiff. Strong stuff. If nothing else, he thought, let it be said of Phyllis that she knows how to brew a real pot of coffee: boiled black and thickened with an egg. Jet fuel, he called it, even though he had never flown in a plane. He poured the remainder of the sludge into the mug and, over its rim, stared down the town in front of him. Where could he go to kill time until the train finally came in? He had a bucket of silver shiners he could go sell to the bait shop on the shore. In fact, he used to be one of their top suppliers when he had lived in Jack Pine with Myrt. But the owner was also a man of God who wouldn’t do business with the divorced, unless they were the ones paying him. Not that Rex was properly divorced. Worse, in the eyes of the town folk -and quite possibly in those of the Almighty – he had wrenched a child from his mother’s arms and skipped town, leaving the helpless woman to fend for herself. Granted, he hadn’t strung their dirty laundry up to air along Main Street, but he had most certainly left a pile of it in his wake. At best, he could expect a proper Biblical stoning the minute he stepped into town. Christ, I’m was as crazy as old Mags, he thought. With a shaking hand, he rummaged in the storage compartment alongside his bench until he located the jar of mother’s milk he kept onboard for emergencies such as this. He sloshed it into his coffee, bringing it to level, and slammed it down. He closed his eyes, stretched back, and let the morning sun above wash over him and the waves below rock him until the drink found its way to his nerves. When he opened his eyes again, he saw Jack Pine, Minnesota, as just another port of entry, a necessary business stop, and until that morning train showed up for him to meet, he was going to the café to find himself a little lunch.

Perfect! I love serendipity (the concept, not the movie).

Ew: “thickened with an egg.” Do people really do that?

This character seems interesting so far, and you’ve got a great voice developed here. Lots of backstory, though. Like this, “Not that Rex was properly divorced.” I would try to put this “on screen” if you can. That’s an important bit of story that you don’t want to give away cheaply. And rather than having him thinking through why it’s going to be a pain going to this town, I would just show him having a pain going through the town. Does that make sense?

I really like this character though. Is he your protagonist?

Sadly, I can personally attest to this particular coffee recipe! (blech!!)

Thanks so much for your comments, Joe. This is the intro to my 4th chapter, which has been giving me FITS. As I commented before, backstory is starting to creep in and I’m not sure how to cope with it! You hit the nail on the head – I need to put it onscreen, which should work very well in this case. I’m just not sure how to transition from the previous chapter (change of place and a new day). Maybe I need to set the stage for that change at the end of the previous chapter better?

Sorry – I’m thinking “aloud” here. Thanks for your advice and time. I’m glad you like Rex. Yes, he’s the protagonist. Pesky SOB, won’t let me alone. Hence this crazy mess of a novel I’ve undertaken!

Tom Wideman

My life, in relationship to the morning, has shown signs of schizophrenic tendencies. My parents said I was a morning person at an early age. Up at the crack of dawn, I was eager to start my day with a bowl of corn flakes and a side of Romper Room on the TV.

But adolescence changed all that. During my high school and college years, there were summers I never even saw morning, unless we are talking about the front end of it. In my teen years I would greet the morning like a drunk anticipating a hangover. Daylight would have to work overtime peeling back my thickened eyelids. Finally, after most of the world had taken their lunch break, I was making my way to the bathroom for a shower.

Today, after parenthood and career have had their way with my aging earth suit, I have become rather chummy with a variety of aches and pains, and I must say, they are definitely night owls. They do their best work while I attempt a good night’s sleep.

This is pitiful to admit, but I think I burn more calories in my sleep than I do during the day. I am constantly tossing and turning and getting up multiple times to go to the bathroom. I recently came up with an idea for a new workout video, “Snooze till You Lose: Workout in Your Sleep.” I could make millions!

Now, my mornings are more like an act of surrender. I pull off my white pillowcase and wave it in the air. “I give up!” I shout to my nocturnal dynamic duo. Aches and Pains have won again. I rise like an aging wrestler getting up after the final bout of his career. My wife of 31 years sleeps soundly on her side of the bed. The alarm clock glows a dark green 5:00.

I shuffle stiffly toward the bathroom. Leaving the light off, I blindly take aim. Hello dear friend. Thanks for being there for me in the middle of the night. Thanks for putting up with my, well, you know. I flush in the dark.

I change into my workout clothes but plan to avoid the treadmill. I head downstairs to the kitchen for bran flakes and liquid energy. The dog is as perturbed as I am when I flip on the light. I settle into my easy chair and grab my Bible. Now my day begins. Now I am ready for the Light.

Great forth paragraph Tom, especially surrendering to the aches and pains. Now that I’m retired sometimes I just don’t get up.

“…my aging earth suit.” I dig that line. It’s something that each one of us can relate to in our own way. Well done.

Angelo Dalpiaz

I like the line, “I rise like an aging wrestler getting up after the final bout of his career.” It’s very descriptive and I can almost hear the bones cracking as he rises from his bed.

The “earth suit” is great.

I love your colorful description and humor. I think I chuckled most at “I pull off my white pillowcase and wave it in the air.” I could just see myself doing that! And the end, “ready for the Light.” I wouldn’t have a good reason to get up without him!

Andrew Lynch

I really liked this line as well, I thought it was a good metaphor.

I love how you associate the light with being reading for the light of day – beautiful analogy. Thank you for your post I enjoyed reading it.

Love the term earth suit….and certainly can relate to nightly rousing, aches, and pains….caught my night life well.

Your hilarity strikes again! If you’d like to turn this into a more finished piece, say for your new newspaper job (which I’m still so excited about, for you), this should be your first paragraph, “This is pitiful to admit, but I think I burn more calories in my sleep than I do during the day.” That’s where you hooked me. I love the self-mocking tone, and mixed with the naive excitement. Everything after is great, too. Well done, my good sir.

Absolutely fabulous! I can’t even pick a favourite line! I really enjoyed this, and laughed at your visit with your old friend… really great piece!

I had the same thoughts as I was writing but I was afraid to admit them. Thanks for speaking for me.

Jeff Goins

A wonderfully honest telling of the hardship of the mundane. My mornings (and nights) are similar to yours, Tom. Thanks for not sugar-coating anything. I love how even after the worst of nights, the morning can still seem bright. Loved your redemptive outlook in this, while still acknowledging the struggle. (Btw, I kind chuckled at the bathroom scene. Guess I’m just a guy.)


I love to read things that make me laugh. I laughed a lot reading this. Hard to settle on one part as I liked the entire piece. The description, “aging earth suit” made me smile. Enjoyed this!

Joe that is exquisite. I can see it and I can feel the pocket of safety, warmth, life that is yours within the fog. It’s beautiful.

Thank you, Marianne 🙂

That’s supposed to say Steph (dang auto-correct!)

I liked the other as well – I think it would make a good character name! 🙂

Dillon Queen

The stars seem to fall or more like vanish to the coming day’s song. I hear the lock turn. Click. My front door opens and I walk out ready for the day. So I thought. My eye raise up to see a dreary but somehow calming morning.

The sky is a shade of black I had never seen before. A black that does not consume, but rather shine like a dawning day. I stare for a moment which in reality is nearly a full minute before shaking the spell it laid on me.

I walk briskly down the stone stairs. The ground feel cool even to the touch of my hard soled boots. The chill in the air covers me with the yearning to return to my warm bed that I had left not half an hour ago.

It’s humbling knowing I’m one of the few things that dare stir this long before the shining of day. Though most see the light as a sign of morning. The shining night that prepares it’s slumber is my vision of a true morning.

Happy Beginnings, New Day.


This is very beautiful. I should try to give writerly or readerish reasons why, but I won’t. Just lets say, it resonates in the way Silent Night does.

I know that shade of black. It’s almost impossible to describe and you’ve done the best description here that I think I’ve ever read. I tried it in mine but I kept to the sense of vision and couldn’t get it right. Bravo!!!

Ugh, my heart sinks to the tone of the annoying beep. I know it immediately, I’m going to pay. No longer a bounding youth, with bundles of energy and stamina, my body tells on me.

All nighters, or at least very late nighters, should be relegated to the twenty something years. Yet, there are nights when I struggle to relinquish the delicious silence, my solitude undisturbed by little ones lying quietly under the spell of sleep.

The growing sliver of light, slicing into the grayness of the room, announces my toddler. Silent as an Indian stalking game, she creeps up to the big bed. “Mommy?” a tiny voice questions. I giggle at being discovered, a simple game played without rules and ending predictably every morning.

Little hands reach out and I pull her up beside me. Tucked in close, her sweet breath caresses my face. We doze a moment together, tangled in the fuzzy cords of sleep. Sharply the alarm insists that the day be faced. In a toss of ringlets and kicking of covers, Maggie hops from the bed, answering the command. And so it begins.

I know this scene very well! Very well versed!

The morning light through my window is still gray. The baby is crying. He wants his wet diaper changed. I take it off and he curls back into a ball and falls asleep, naked. I hate to disturb him further, but I put a dry diaper on him, because I don’t want to have to change my sheets today. I lay down next to him. He nurses and I fall back to sleep.

An hour later I hear the recycle truck making its rounds. The wind had been fierce all night, and I have yet to take the trash out. I get up without waking the baby and pull an abaya over my pjs, and hurry the trash to the curb.

Since everyone is still asleep, so I take my kindle to bed to read the day’s news. I check today’s prompt, and wonder if I really want to write about morning. And when I do, it is 3:46 pm.

This was OK, but I didn’t really get the lat paragraph. The sentence, “Since everyone is still asleep, so I take my kindle to bed to read the day’s news”, was a bit awkward – you have to drop either “since” or “so” and then it would flow better.

The last line – I’m not sure I understood what it was you were trying to point out. Is it that you spent so long wondering about whether to write about the morning that by the time you did it was late afternoon? Or is the point that everyone else was still asleep at that time?

JB Lacaden

I think it means that she was trying to decide whether or not she’ll be doing the writing practice (which was to write about “mornings”). Though, by the time she was able to decide it was no longer morning.

The “so” was a mistake.

Fair enough, I take back what I said then 🙂

I loved your last line. I can relate. Maybe you had a long night with the baby. Morning came too soon and you weren’t really ready to think about it until 3:46 pm. Maybe between all the baby and kid stuff you didn’t get a chance to write about your morningn until then. And I’ve certainly had days when “morning” seems to last that long – you’ve just gotten back to that piece of bread you put in the toaster four hours ago, you’re finally grabbing a shower, making beds, etc. Not because you’re lazy, but because mothering children is a lot of constant work!

3:46 pm. I get it.

You say a lot about your day without saying a word here. I’m retired now but I remember those non-stop flight from dawn till dusk. I hope you take notes as much as you can. I wrote a horrible, really horrible, book when my daughter was about five and when I read it now I remember so much about her. It is the descriptions of the children in the book that I know I took from her, that bring her little girl self back to me. It’s better than looking at photos.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve never been a morning person. I never understood people who could bound out of bed, put on a pot of coffee and be instantly ready to face the day. For me, the lure of a cozy bed far outweighs that of a hot shower. I’m the guy who sets his alarm for 6.30, planning to get up, go for a run, and still have time to shower and make a fruit smoothie before arriving at work early to impress the boss.

But like all the best laid plans, this one never comes to fruition. Inevitably the snooze button is just a groggy swipe of the hand away, giving me relief from facing the reality of the day in 5 minute bursts.

When I was younger, I occasionally managed to push through these mental barriers. In high school I went through period of a couple of months where my morning routine was exactly as I described: up early, run, fruit smoothie. Even though it was mid-winter, pitch black and freezing cold, there’s something exhilarating about running that early in the morning. It gives you a feeling of superiority, pounding the pavement past houses full of lazy sleepers who can’t even be bothered to get up and experience what you do. “Lazy bastards”, I would think. “I can’t believe I used to be like that.” My iPod would provide the soundtrack to my life. Morning Glory by Oasis was my powersong.

Need a little time to wake up, wake up/ Well, what’s the story morning glory/ So well, but we need a little time to wake up wake up

But the best part about running at an ungodly hour on a cold dark December morning wasn’t feeling superior to those not doing the same – it’s the unspoken bond you have with other morning runners. The upwards nod, or raise of the eyebrows, as you run past each other, or even a quick “Morning” in between breaths, there’s an understanding that you’re all part of the same group: athletes committed to a cause, no matter how early you have to go to bed the night before.

Now, lying in bed with the alarm buzzing at 7am, I think of those people, that crazy club of morning runners, and I wish I were still part of them. I still could be, if I jump out of bed now, put my trainers on, and go, without a second thought.

I press snooze, and turn over. Maybe in another 5 minutes.

I open my eyes. I try to recall the dream I had but it keeps on slipping from my mind. I remember running. I remember my hands were bound in chains. I remember…nothing more aside from that.

Damn! I could have used that dream as story material.

I turn to the side and the clock on my bedside table has 4AM displayed on its digital face. Too early. I woke up too early. I close my eyes to try to go back to sleep. After a minute or two I give up. I sit up on my bed and stretch.

I pour myself a cup of coffee. I take the cup close to my face and I breathe in deep. I allow it to wash over me. I put down the cup without taking a sip—I don’t drink coffee. Is that weird? Every single morning I make myself a cup of coffee just to breathe in its wondrous scent. Everyone has their own quirks I guess. I tap on the touchpad of my laptop and the screen comes to life. A blank word document stares at me. I sigh.

Okay, time to go to work.

I’m about to place my fingers on the keys but then I hesitate. What to write? I try to recall my dream once again but I still find it elusive. I type in a couple of sentences. I read them once, then twice, and then I delete them. I turn my face to the ceiling and I spin on my swivel chair. It’s been a week already and I still haven’t gotten over my writer’s block. A minute passes by and I start to see patterns on the stains on my ceiling. I see a gnarled face of an old man. I see a skull. I see a spider sitting on top of the skull.

A skull-eating spider? No… An old man who loves to collects skulls. He has a pet spider. The spider’s not your typical spider though. It loves to eat the flesh off of dead people. Whenever the old man gets his arthritic hands on a newly found skull, he lets his pet spider eat the flesh off of it first—to clean it up, to make it look nice and neat. He then sets it on his wooden cabinet, along with the other skulls he had collected. He takes out a key in his pocket and he unlocks a drawer. Inside, another skull sits. It’s smaller than the others. It’s older as well. It has already turned yellow with age. He looks at it long. He looks at it with a smile. He doesn’t see a skull. He sees his son. The old man with the gnarled face starts crying, his pet spider sitting on his shoulder. I open my eyes and I start typing, the scent of coffee lingering in the air.

My body is tired, it fights for breath. I wake, reaching for the orange inhaler, that will ease the burning in my chest. Two maybe three puffs, and I sink back into the pillows. Breath comes easier now, not as jarred. What time is it? I reach for my phone, and bleary eyed try to focus on the small screen. 10.30am, I haven’t overslept that much, but I am still tired. Yet not sleepy.

Shafts of sunlight peer through my curtains. Bright light, that makes me want to get up and run. But not yet, I am still ill.

My morning pattern is disrupted. My brain feels heavy, my mind anything but mindful.

And, I am not happy.

I know illness cannot be overcome without rest. In the jumble that has become my morning, nothing is quite what it seems or what I feel it should be. Yet, I have to come to a place of acceptance, that without rest, I will not get better.

I long to return to the time of up, and out on the road. My breath hard and sharp again, but this time, because I am pushing, I am striding out. Several miles later, I return. I am free. I am ready for interaction. I can face my day.

In my head I am running.

In the dawn’s early light, when the only other souls up are farmer’s or doctors returning bleary eyed from nightshifts. My feet beat a rhytmn, my mind feels free, I am connected. I am within nature. A big sky stretches to the hills, clouds rest on her.

Several weeks now, without a run. Several weeks of weak breath, and tiredness. Of continual meds and higher doese. Several weeks of weakness. Several weeks please end today.

I slump back against the pillows, and dream for my morning’s, my running, my freedom – to return to me.

What are you up to this morning?

I’ve hooked up with the write practice this morning, pondering on their prompt morning, I’d love to know what morning means to you?

That’s it for now …

Salt and Sparkle = Life Remarkable

Unisse Chua

The room feels brighter than it usually is. I open my eyes wider and see the messed up blanket that my sister used. Oh, they already left for school. I grab my phone and check on the time. 07:10, it reads. I turn on my tummy and type a quick greeting as I do every morning, when I get up earlier than usual.

“Morning,” I typed and added a simple smile at the end.

I put it back on the bedside table and bury my face into my pillow. I can still sleep for an hour.

Eyes closed but mind wavering, I hear that familiar melody alerting a message. I turn, take my phone and read the new message. I smile.

Every morning seems like a routine already. A text message and a smile.

I lie back down on the bed, staring at the white ceiling as I think of the tasks I have to work on today. But I close my eyes again and feel sleepiness crawling back into me. There’s nothing much to do anyway.

Every morning, I battle laziness and sleepiness, since I no longer have classes, nor do I have a job.

I think about the things I could accomplish for a whole day, if only I wasn’t so lazy. More than one blog post would be ready for publishing. My crazy story – or maybe a short novel – idea could be planned out. I could finally memorize one song and play it on my recently repaired guitar.

So many things, so much time. And I could finish them too, if only I wasn’t so lazy. Eyes still closed, I feel everything growing dark. Everything around me quiet and still.

I’ll sleep for an hour and then I’ll get up and start working. But for now, I want to sleep.

Nice, Unisse. I want to know more about this, though: “I turn, take my phone and read the new message. I smile.”

It’s a message from someone special.

Every morning is the same. And no matter how many days pass by, it still makes me smile. 🙂

Miruna Corneanu

I love mornings….not one in particular, but all especially those early ones when I wake up in my cozy apartment, I look at the window and see no car,no people, nothing…like I am the only one on the Planet. Then I imagine myself so many things waiting for the sun to show up. I prepare my coffee and relax till 7 when I go downstairs to by the newspaper. I have a nice conversation with the old man at the newsstand and I’m coming back in my apartment. I check my email, read the newspaper, drink half of my coffee and take a shower. Then it comes the difficult part: I have to get dress!:) After changing my outfit 3 or 4 times, I put a little make up if I still have time, brush my hair and call for a cab. I watch myself in the mirror for the last time, I take a deep breath and then I run on the stairs because I realize how late I am:)

Well chosen details – I was immediately in your “world.” Cool.


As I open my eyes to another mist filled brisk morning, my first thought is that I have another day to enjoy life. I’m not quite ready to give up the reverence of the misty glaze that greets me, the warm mist rising through the rays of the sun. The sense of peace so completely overwhelms me. The quiet loudly fills my soul and I just want to revel a few more minutes in those first moments of the day, before the reality of life sets in and my day blossoms.

This was quite beautiful, Patty. I especially liked this, “The quiet loudly fills my soul and I just want to revel….”

The urge to roll over wins. Turning slowly I realize anxious little eyes jumping up and down next to the bed, begging entrance under the warm covers. I lift the duvet signaling admission and happy eyes enthusiastically crawl over me and snuggle in between toasty bodies.

My eyes glance at the clock – 4:something. Not time to get up yet. Scrunching my pillow, I nestle down for a couple more hours of sleep. Ahhh…


I’m awakened rather harshly by sheets of rain pelting against my window with curious force. Groping in the darkness, I reach for my cell and squint to see the time. It’s 6:30 a.m.

When a loud crash of thunder shakes the entire house with a thundering boom, all morning drowsiness suddenly disappears. The sheets feel cool and delicious, but an overwhelming urge to peek out the window at the storm overrides my desire to enjoy the comfort of the bed.

I pad across the floor in bare feet. The trees are bending low, their limbs waving violently as the wind whips about. Lightning bolts every few minutes, illuminating the world momentarily.

It’s extraordinary. We don’t get thunderstorms in January. And such an unusual occurrence on a winter Saturday morning calls for comfort. The type of comfort that can only come from warm, melt-in-your mouth goodness. Sugar and butter.

The hum-drum of falling rain becomes a comfortable, familiar rhythm as ingredients are measured and mixed. Dough is kneaded, rounded, and shaped into little rolls. Soon, the smell of cinnamon wafts through the air.

I open the window to take a deep breath of the fresh rain scent. Early morning hours are pure magic.

This is what I experienced this morning. I enjoyed reading your creative descriptions.

Thank you, Lea!

Joelle Wilson

Very much enjoyed this today.

Eyes not yet open, I snuggle back and our bodies meld together as one. Sean’s arm is wrapped around me, protecting me from the world. One of my ear plugs has fallen out and the other has wiggled it’s way to the half mark and threatens to leap at any moment.

The morning used to be my favourite time of day. I loved getting up while it was still dark out and nobody else is stirring. I would sip my morning tea, enjoying the uninterrupted silence, and challenge the crossword puzzle. Alas, those days are now as rare as a hen’s tooth.

My last mini marshmallow has now fallen from my ear and my peace is interrupted. An irksome cacophony has commenced outside my window, likely a murder of crows, which I would ironically very much like to do away with at this moment. I try to jam my earplugs back in place, to no avail. My eyes have popped open and there’s no going back. Time to get up.

I put aside my murderous thoughts, and tenderly place a kiss on his wrinkled brow. And as I turn for my robe, he jumps up and is do and wn the stairs before me. I am envious of his astonishing agility as I hobble my w ay down with aching arches from overdoing it the gym yesterday. I should have listened to the doctor and bought those arch supports after all.

He sets the coffee to brewing, he has put the kettle on for my tea, and as I near, he turns towards me, with an impish smile. He sweeps me up in his arms, leading me around the kitchen, and our laughter takes the place of the lyrics to the marvellous melody that only we can hear.

And this beautiful day begins.. .

Wow. I feel slightly jealous!

That is beautiful, both the description “mini marshmallow”, “his astonishing agility as I hobble down with aching feet”, and the morning itself. I love “dancing to a melody that only we can hear”.

I love your writing, Joe. Your words are so perfectly descriptive and I can see the sights out your window. It’s all good but that second paragrpah is especially spectacular. Very well done.

Thanks so much, Shelley.

It’s four thirty. The ritual begins with the knowledge that I should get up and start writing. But I’m just so toasty warm. Maybe I’ll lie here and plan the next chapter from my pillow. Soon my head is overflowing with details. I stick one arm outside of the covers, braving the chill, and reach for my writer’s notebook. I fumble for the light switch and then my glasses. My husband grumbles and turns away from the light. As my tired eyelids slowly rise, I scribble down some notes, but I can’t read them. Oh heck. I need to be at my computer. I throw on some sweats and stop by the bedroom window. The street light at the top of my driveway illuminates a steady stream of rain. But no other lights are on up and down the street. I am the first one up. Winning! By the time I get to my office, Old Man McCarthy across the street has turned on his kitchen light. Whew. That was close. He almost beat me. For another morning we’ll make our coffee in sync. While my kitchen fills with the aroma of freshly brewed café Verona, I check e-mail and Facebook. I respond to all my night owl friends who wrote after I had gone to bed. After pouring my first cup of coffee, I google search for my novel. Then I do a fifteen-minute Write Practice. It’s a warm up, I tell myself. Lots of time has passed, and I need a break. So I get the newspaper and pour my second cup of coffee. And then I panic. Every day the same. It’s eight o’clock already. My husband is not on assignment right now. If he smells that coffee and wakes up, my writing is shot. He will arrive in my office with an ironclad plan for the day. I scribble madly on my notepad and then on my keyboard, nervously listening for the creak of hardwood under slippered feet. Will I ever finish this second draft?

I like the idea of making coffee “in sync” with the neighbor. The details here are simple but well chosen. I feel like I’m looking in and then at the end I feel the rush like it’s me trying to get finished before something makes me leave my writing. I’m watching and then I’m there. It’s like a good movie.

I wake up. But I was never really asleep. Not last night. Not most nights.

My days are busy, full of worry and wonder. And the occasional exciting event.

But today, I am aware. Of the emptiness and routine. I eat my oatmeal, swishing it around in my mouth before I swallow. I can barely taste the gritty mush. For a moment, I think of the Matrix, but the thought passes and I hear the kettle shriek.

I go to the kitchen and pour myself a cup of coffee. French press — the way I prefer it. I haven’t smiled yet today.

I sit in front of my laptop, with a blanket and dog covering my legs. And I begin to write.

The only sound in the house is the central heating (or air, I’m not sure) kicking on and off every few minutes. That, and the rapid clicking of keys. The world is still asleep.

I lean over the arm of the couch and type. An hour later, I feel the strain in my back. Time flies in the morning.

I say goodbye to Ashley. I didn’t even notice her getting up. Or showering and brushing her teeth. Or even getting breakfast. She kisses me as she walks out the door, and my gaze returns to the screen.

1500 words. It was a good morning.

Finally, I smile.

And morning begins.

A paling night sky glows through my high basement window. I turn into my pillow, I sleep again, and dream of a road into a house, into a room, into air.

I wake to a pink light diffusing into waning night. A winter-bare rosebush is revealed by the pink light. I turn back to the pillow, draw the covers around my shoulder, and dream about an elevator that leads to a ceiling, and beyond that a maze of vines.

I feel the warm sun from the window. I see a wren in the rosebush, hopping, cocking its head to look at me. I the song of another wren, and I throw off some covers, turn the pillow, and push my face into it’s cool side. My little cat curls close and we dream about a zoo, with tiny animals that keep getting loose.

The sun gets hotter. It’s no use, I wake up. The cat jumps to the hot window sill to sleep some more. I try to think back and untie the dreams, but they have curled up with the cat to sleep on the other side of consciousness.

Some really great lines… “I wake to a pink light diffusing into waning night.” beautiful… and that last line… so perfect!


The night is still awaiting the sun. They have always been aware of each other but could not ever meet. Soon the water will wake up and awaken all roots. Trees will break the slumber of birds to sing and wake up all the world. Soon from the other side of the crack in the mountains, light would flutter and rise above the earth. The earth will glow like a bride’s face. Thus, begins the awaking of another day.

Krishna Kumar

You’re a poet, Krisha.

Is it any Good or am I wasting your time and mine ?. I request your candid response.

It’s beautiful.

My body is warm and cozy under the weight of the blankets and, although I am awake before dawn, I do not wish to get out of bed. The thought of the chilly air colliding with my warm skin causes me to burrow deeper in to the bed and even closer to the warm body of my husband. I feel safe and at peace wrapped in my lovers arms.

“Good morning. I love you,” he whispers in my ear, then snuggles even closer.

What a wonderful thing to hear first thing in the morning. I respond in kind.

The wind howls across the lake. Tree limbs sweep back and forth over the roof. A low rumble of thunder in the distance soon becomes a lion’s roar, rattling the windows and shaking the house. The dark blue sky lights up as a bolt of lightning strikes nearby.

I lay there and think how our outdoor plans for today have just been cancelled and I smile.

I really like the “lion’s roar” bit!

The first thing that wakes me is my phone buzzing to alert me to an e-mail. I glance at it bleary-eyed. The address bar tells me some barbaric blog site called “The Write Practice” was active at 8:18 in the morning. The subject bar seems to mock me. “Morning,” it says, as if I were stupid and didn’t know that already. “No shit,” comes my muttered oath. I throw the phone back onto the night table, groan lightly and pull the covers over my head to keep out the unwanted morning cool. What seems like seconds later, the phone vibrates again. I give it a cursory glance, seeing my friend’s name this time, and know that I have to answer. With oodles of sweet, sweet sympathy and plenty of smiley faces to camouflage my case of morning bitch, I respond to her cry for help. 9:24, I read on the bright, bright screen that is then placed face-down under my pillow. I lie there for a moment, thinking that I really should get up. I have to vacuum the house. I have to clean my closet. I have to drink coffee and eat breakfast. I have to start building a responsible morning routine. Something must be wrong with me. I have no problem getting up at 5:00 in the morning to get to school, I think. Why can’t I get up at 9:30 when I don’t have somewhere to be? Something’s wrong. I snort at my own interior monologue and close my eyes again. My 10:00 alarm rings. Just a couple seconds of waking up time, I think, then I am really getting up. I hear my mother yelling at my little brother that he can’t just sit around all day – chores are to be done in the morning. I think to myself, yeah, I should get up and do mine, too. I fall back asleep. The vacuum cleaner turns on at 11:30. I drag myself out of bed and up the stairs to where my mother sits on the couch watching television. “Who’s vacuuming what?” I ask irritably. She looks at me. Her blue eyes glow with contempt at my disheveled appearance. “Your father is doing sanding work in our bathroom. He’s vacuuming the dust that fell.” “Oh,” I say stupidly. “Chores need to be done,” she reminds me. “Your brother did the bathroom already.” I splutter. “What?! I did the bathroom last night!” I explode in French. English isn’t expressive enough. “Did he not notice that everything was spotless and all the towels were changed and that it smelled like cleaner?” “Oh well, now it’s just doubly clean,” she states matter-of-factly. That’s not how it works! I am furious. I should have gotten up earlier, this wouldn’t have happened. Screw this. I’m going back to bed.

“The subject bar seems to mock me. ” Loved that and your response to it!

Whoops, sorry for double posting!


The Morning After Cats (Not The Musical)

My eyes are drawbridges, slowly rising, opening up to let the world through. I barely slept, my own wheezing keeping me awake half the night. Cats. Always the culprit. Sure they are cute in their own way. Furry, fuzzy, playful. Somehow they always find me. But waking up in the morning in a house where a cat lives has been the equivalent to the worst hangover of my life the several times I’ve done it. I’m always woozy, mostly from trying to inhale real air and failing due to that one piece of cat hair stuck precariously in the back of my throat. My airway constricts. I feel sick and panicky, wondering how I’m going to get out alive.

Okay, I lied. Waking up the morning after I’ve been in a house with a cat all night is worse than a hangover.

I swell. I itch. My eyes become narrower and narrower until I can barely see. Laying down is a death wish. If I don’t want to wonder how I’m going to make it through the night while reclining, I have to sleep sitting up. Imagine that. Being that close to the carpet of hair never works for me, although I’ve tried. I’m not the most allergic person to cats I’ve ever known, but I’m pretty bad. My dad could be worse. He’s just the most allergic person to most things I’ve ever known. He’s allergic to the sun. Breaks out in hives if he’s out in the sun for more than a half hour. So as a result he wears a lot of sunscreen. But back to the cats.

I remember the first time I was around cats overnight. I was in New Jersey, staying at my long distance boyfriend’s house. I was 17 and it was probably the first time I’d stayed away from home in a different state than the one I lived in with people who weren’t my relatives. It was really exciting until it was bedtime. Aside from the thick layer of dust infesting my teenage boyfriend’s bedroom (my sleeping quarters while he slept on the couch), there was my worst enemy: the central heating duct. Circulating air all night. Not clean air. Hot, cat air. The kind that makes me itch when it blows on my skin. The kind that is gross and musty and dusty and cat-y. Ugh, I didn’t sleep at all that night and from then on, whenever there’s been a cat in my midst, I cringe.

Sidenote: people who aren’t allergic to cats never know how hard it is to be allergic to something that they think is a part of their family. Imagine being allergic to someone’s baby. Sure you like the baby and would love to hold it and love it and give it attention but because you know you’re going to sneeze and convulse and not be able to breathe for the next day or two, you sort of want to avoid it. Like the plague. Then people get offended that you don’t want to play with their pet. To some they think it akin to ignoring their baby because to them, it IS their baby. Well, I’m sorry. I like your cat/baby, but I can’t help it! When I come over to your house, I feel bad because for some reason, your cat likes me. A LOT. It wants to rub against my pant leg (oh great, now I have to wash that.). It wants me to pet it and it will purr until I do. (Have to wash my hands now! Twice. And scrub). And sometimes it can sense my fear (not of it but of it’s hair invading my nostrils like a disease) and it runs away from me. Those times, I’m lucky. They say I could take allergy medicine. But can you imagine being told you need to take a pill every time you come over to someone’s house? A pill that makes your dopey and tired and silly stupid? That’s what allergy medicine does to me. So I’ll take it if I’m desperate, but otherwise, I’m just going to fake it and pretend that I’m not dying if I come over to your house when you have cats. Please don’t be offended. Your furry friend isn’t a friend to me. And for that, I apologize.

Joana Brazil

My cell phone rings. It’s the alarm clock. My arm goes sideways and turn it off. The rest of my body follows and immediately I’m back to sleep.

I always dream deeper after the first alarm sounds. This morning is different. I don’t stay in bed, I wake up, walk to the bathroom, pee, wash my face, dry it. I walk to the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee on the stove. I turn around and walk back to the bathroom to take a shower that is warm but not too hot (that can elevate your blood pressure, did you know?).

I get dressed, do my hair, make up and choose what shoes to wear. I take my time organizing my bag and getting my lunch ready. After everything is done I go wake up Felipe so we can have breakfast together.

I go in to my room and sit on the edge of the bed, I stretch my arm to touch him and that’s when the alarm clock sounds and I really have to wake up, so I can start everything again.

*Sorry for any mistakes! I’m brazilian! 😉

The second paragraph here has the rhythm of a morning routine. I think if you leave off the last sentence of the second paragraph. it would be even plodding, with the over-learned cadence of a morning routine. The last sentence in that paragraph stands out as something all together different. It is interesting info but not necessary in this very spare and very well written little story about that awful dream we all have about getting ready. Boy I hate to do all that stuff twice. I don’t see any errors. Your English is better than a lot of native speakers for sure.

Great job, Joanna. You’re English is EXCELLENT.

I like this interjection here: “(that can elevate your blood pressure, did you know?).” I didn’t know that!

Besides that, I agree with everything Marianne said. Great stuff, Joana 🙂


An abrupt awareness of my position in the bed and my aloneness in the dark room signaled a switch in consciousness from asleep to awake. I closed one eye before glancing toward the digital clock to prevent overstimulation. 5:43. I shouldn’t bother using an alarm.

The list of verbs had begun to accumulate the moment my eyes opened. Stand up, walk, drink, heat, eat, drink, dress, drink. I had plenty of time to wake up but only 45 minutes to digest before I’d be forced to throw my entire body into violent action on the tennis courts.

I followed the kitchen tiles around the counter to the stove and jolted backwards the moment I lifted my eyes. An unmistakable cockroach perched threateningly on the kitchen cabinet. The urge to scream pushed its way up my throat, and I shivered it back down. We stood-off, the cockroach and I, each paralyzed in an unexpected break in morning routine.

Shawn Harrison

At 7:10 my alarm clock rings out, I aggressively slam the snooze button for a few more precious minutes of sleep. I roll over and return to my slumber, until my persistent and noisy wake up call tries again. This time I listen, and open my eyes to a chilly and rather cluttered room. After laying there and pondering the day ahead I arise from my bed and begin preparations for school which begins at 8:30. I have 15 minutes until I need to leave. It takes me a few more minutes to wake up. “If I hurry I can grab some breakfast before I leave,” I say to myself as I put my jeans on. I then gather my books and place them in my backpack. I now have 5 minutes before I need to leave. “No time for breakfast.” I brush my teeth and say so long to my mom who is sitting on the couch chatting with a friend. I walk out the door and toward my car. I look down my street to see the sun greeting me just as he did the morning before. I start my engine and another day begins.

D.J. Kiloski

A thick gulp of water, darkness Swipe my I.D. badge, followed by job title “Beep”… “beep”. Beliefs crystallize to a steaming teacup The warmth never sweetens my interpreted poise Words in a vague structure An exposed connection with hazel eyes, mine Two more clear faces before a mistaken stranger’s hello

-Not really D.J., it’s Sarah

Elif Aşkın

If I didnt see this writing exercise, I would probably have never written anything praticularly about the morning. Because actually, im not really a morning person, I usually dont wake up before noon. Its probably because I go to bed much too late. Dont know why my sleeping routine has seriously changed since im here, in Porto. Maybe im more relaxed? Could be.

My morning starts with snoozing the alarm of my mobile phone, like 5 times. So that gives me almost half an hour more of sleep, yay! I push of the blanket so I feel the cold air touching my skin through my pjama, which helps me to get out of bed. I open the curtains, slowly walk towards the bathroom and wash my face, which helps me to really wake up, because most of the time I feel like a zombie. But the funny thing is that actually Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day, I always enjoy it. A piece of toast, some olives, cheese, and ofcourse a boiled or preferebly scrambled egg. Thats how I start my day, if I have time. If I dont have time, its just yogurt or cereal, but thats also fine by me. As long as I eat something before I leave the house, otherwise I can not function. If I have a shower, a long hot shower, thats even better. It takes me about half an hour to get ready to leave the house. Put on my clothes, do my make up and prepare my bag. It wasnt so bad, the morning. Maybe tomorrow, I will snooze my alarm just 2 times.


At the sound of the alarm, I sneak downstairs in darkness to hit ‘Brew’ on the coffee machine, sneak back upstairs to steal a few more minutes of dark peace, waiting for black gold to gather in the carafe. Those moments nestled between sleep and waking, branded with residues of dreams cooked up in mental battle between emotion and reason, peppered with random thoughts not subsided float up to consciousness. I lay in the warm covers grateful for time’s in-betweens, a drifting meditational fuzz lazily selecting early focus. It’s well understood even by my floating mind that this is a warm-up, and as so nothing it stops and sniffs out really ‘counts.’ Once fresh coffee presents its warm comfort, the day can’t be denied entrance and I welcome my morning ritual and all its events, still folded tight like tissue paper origami.

Downstairs a private world of responsibility and discovery beckons me. After that first joyful cup of java, I march to. Given too much time to craft justifications to delay a workout, I might let the body’s temple decay or expand beyond its blueprint, so I’ve shifted to meeting the varying workout routines with excitement and interest. Amazing how quickly the temple’s alter is anointed when entered with reverence and joy. A timed shower, gathering of commuter’s armaments – lunch, backpack, reading and communication tools – and buttoning up the house for departure seals the morning as I step out into wooded surroundings. The best days are clear, allowing sapphire blue to seep through trees not yet adorned with leaves. Spring is here and I couldn’t feel more fresh and alive.

Emily Tuggle

There are few things more sacred than the stillness, the newness of each morning. As the phone jostles me awake, silently, I groan at the thought of leaving the comfort of my warm bed, I struggle to push the memory of another kind of comfort that awaits me to the forefront of my mind. I stumble towards my closet, wiping the sleep from my eyes and in an almost robotic fashion, pull on a pair of shorts and a shirt- whichever is conveniently residing at the top of the pile.

While my feet still ache from the previous day’s work, the sight of my trusty running buddies begin to call my senses awake. I lace them up and head for the door. Along the way, I don the appropriate apparel, a reflective vest, a lamp to light the way and a spritz of motivation to keep me moving forward.

The double beep of the door ushers me into the still cold darkness and the burst of fresh air ignites my senses. I coerce myself to put one foot in front of the other, forcing myself into a rigid forward motion. I look around at the still darkened windows of my neighbors as I pass and I feel more together than alone.

While the rest of the world still delights in their slumber, I am accompanied by my thoughts, my dreams, and the increasing chirps of nature slowly yawning and stretching to greet the new day. I’m more alive than ever and surer of my place in the world. Right here, where I belong, I awake to find my place- one foot in front of the other in the stillness and newness of each morning.

Alia Far

I wish I could bottle up dawn. If I could, I would place them in a vessel of fragile crystal, and hide them from sight. I would tiptoe to my precious cargo, and take it out of sight. I would cradle it, taking care to delight in it.

Dawn is a release-yes, for us!- from the shackles of the night. It is the slow spread of vibrant colors of blushing reds, joyful orange, somber blues, and the golden lights of bottled laughter against an almost black canvas of the now lost yesterday. It is the frozen tabelau of a world still sleeping, and a break from an almost neverending motion of life. In my dawn, I feel peace.

After the slight struggle of the night’s shackles, I am tired and weary. My bed beckons me, but the day must begin. And after I wrestle my cotton clouds of comforts, and trudge to the room of cleaning, I see my world in a new light. The air is crisp, and fresh. My grateful lungs inhale it to replace the stale air of the night before. My brain is rested, and my body rejoices in a world of delightful silence. Even the birds seem to share my joy, chirping in absolute delight.

If I could bottle my dawn, I could trade the day’s chaos and noise for the wonderful world of stillness and peace. Dawn is a treasure, a gift sent from my Creator. Dawn is peaceful, and dawn is a delight.


I love the mornings. It is my time alone. To do what I want whether it’s watching TV., making cookies, or writing. The start of a new day. A fresh start. A new beginning. Yesterday is gone.


Hello, an extract from a story where the ‘morning’ theme applies in the most standard of ways (the fact that the story is set in the morning) haha. Hope you enjoy and any feedback is much appreciated. Thank you! P.S. Don’t be afraid to be harsh. All was still. The road hadn’t been used for hours, undisturbed sand settled inside the cracks and crevasses of the tarmac. The sun rose from the East, casting long morning shadows over the ground. The only sounds came from the distinctive flapping of bird’s wings as they rose for their morning flight. All was normal.

The events of the morning so far were no different than any other. It was seldom that cars ran past and on very rare occasions the thundering of cargo carriers could be heard overhead. With the exception of the long tarmac carriageway, the only man made object was the tatty, faded route 66 sign, the flaking white paint had largely been ripped off by the wind and replaced with the orange tint of sand granules, the two black number sixes still served their purpose however as they could still be identified through the windscreen of a passing motor. The 66th route lead in a straight line from the North to the South, when standing next to the dilapidated sign the black tarmac surface was no longer visible after two miles in both directions. Bronze canyons cast in light and dark shadows swallowed each point of the road and made it impossible to see any further. Apart from the birds, life was a scarcity along the orange plains that fell and rose in the East and West. Thick Cacti, rooted to the ground were dotted every now and again in random places for as far as the eye could see, their underground tentacles digging for the remnants of the wet seasons rain water. Survival of the fittest.

The faint hum of engines grew louder and louder until two cars were spat onto the road from the North Canyon. The sun’s rays bouncing back off the windows and silver linings of the vehicles. It did not take them long to cover the three-kilometre distance to the sign. But there they went no further, the two vehicles, now distinguishable as a lime green Jeep and bright red Buick, came to a halt yards away from the pole that supported the triangular sign.


I hear the front door of our apartment creak open and the accompanying clatter from the 5 small chimes banging against each other and the door. It is a startling awakening. It’s 5 a.m. my son has just arrived home from working overnight. I know that it is him for reasons beyond the fact that he is the only person that would be entering at that time of day.

It is the sounds that give him away. The first sound that you hear is the electronic key pad of the door lock. Each number keyed sounds a different pitch. So, in theory, to gain access the sounds would be the same if you or I know the combination. However, there is another variable to consider. Tempo.

Each member of the family marches, to a different drum beat. Or, when they key the combination into the front door lock some do it very fast, others slow. This drastically affects the sounds of the person entering the house and is also a clue to who might be entering. I tend to hit the repeated numbers faster in double time. Like dah tatta dah! Then there is the opening of the door.

The door makes a unique sound and is made up of at least three parts. The sound of the hinges of the door, the chimes and yes the tempo or speed in which the action is taken. My son usually opens the door quickly, and the creaking sound of the door is one quick, short screech. At that speed, those dangling chimes go to town and clash like crazy. It is loud.

My wife usually opens the door at a tempo that fully maximizes the potential of those chimes. They sound like the tiny bells in a hand bell choir. She really likes those bells, and I would give just about anything to throw them away.

Back to my morning. It is 5 a.m. and I am ready to rock and roll!


  • The Luster of the Morning | Provurbs - [...] another short practice story I wrote for The Write Practice. This exercise was a simple one: spend 15 minutes…
  • Morning « Write Away, Sir - [...] prompt from The Write Practice: Write about the morning. Here’s my [...]
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  • A köd. – csacsiga - […] Reggel. Tervezett hossz: 5000 ch Téyleges hoszz: 4809 ch Olvasási idő: 7 […]

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a perfect morning essay

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a perfect morning essay

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The Best Morning Routine (Backed by Science)

November 2, 2016 By Taylor

Early in his life, Benjamin Franklin, one of the primary framers of the American Constitution, outlined his best morning routine:

“…I rise early almost every morning, and sit in my chamber without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.” 1

In Franklin’s Autobiography , he elaborated he would “rise, wash, and address Powerful Goodness; contrive day’s business and take the resolution of the day; prosecute the present study; and breakfast.”

Franklin was not alone in having planned out his ideal morning routine. I’ve spent years studying the habits of creatives, entrepreneurs, and artists and have discovered it is a near universal truth that they each have a particular morning routine.

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, the Russian composer, started by having tea, smoking, and reading from his Bible and philosophy collection.

Victor Hugo, author of Les Miserables , was awakened by the daily gunshot from the fort near his home, had a cup of freshly brewed coffee while reading a letter from his mistress, Juliette Drouet, and then drank two raw eggs.

Philosopher Immanuel Kant started his day with weak tea, a pipe and meditation before an hour of writing.

Beethoven started his day with a cup of coffee. He believed that sixty beans per cup was the ideal dose and he counted them out one by one himself

best morning routine

Why take the time to craft your best Morning Routine?

The research by Steve Key, a professor of molecular and computational biology at the University of Southern California, shows that “[w]hen it comes to doing cognitive work, most adults perform best in the late morning.” 2 So what do you do during the early morning to get ready for when you’re at your peak level?

Standardizing the first 30-120 minutes with a routine lets you arrive at that peak in the best possible mindset.

Another reason that morning routines seem to be so common among creatives is that they create a rock in what feels like a raging river. Whether you have a project going badly, are moving cities, or are changing jobs, a morning routine gives you something to hold onto—a sense of normalcy to root yourself.

A morning routine also helps limit your wasted days. Do you ever have those days where you never get off the ground? You just sit around until 11am or noon “tidying up”, then you answer some emails, and before you know it, half the day is gone. Now you can’t get anything done because you’re too busy being angry at yourself for wasting the first half of your day.

Most importantly, a morning routine generates momentum.

Momentum is a fundamental part of human psychology.

Who do you think is happier and more optimistic? Someone who makes $5,000 a month or someone who makes $6,000/month?

The answer is non-obvious: It depends on where they are coming from. If the person who is making $5,000 just got a raise from $4,000, and the person who was making $6,000 just got a pay cut from $7,000, the lower paid person would be more optimistic about his future earnings. 3

This is called the endowment effect and it was discovered by research Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky in their work on prospect theory.

According to the endowment effect, if you’ve already started the day by moving your life forward, you have established positive momentum, and are more likely to keep doing positive things.

This then is the purpose of the morning routine: You should get one “small win” to create momentum in each life domain that’s important to you.

A small win is anything which creates momentum.

Establishing a Morning Routine

The first step is to make a list of all the areas you want to move forward and list one “small win” you could do in each.

Here are some options for areas and actions you could start with in each.

It’s important to remember that there isn’t an ideal morning routine for everyone, but there is an ideal one for you.

To quote Bruce Lee: “Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own.”

Looking to build your own morning routine and stick to it? Download the free guide to building your own morning routine below.

Stay on track with the bonus habit forming checklist, so you can stay on track and take your morning routine from an experiment into a long-term habit.

a perfect morning essay

A 2011 meta-analysis looked at the relation between physical activity and fat mass in children and found almost no correlation, meaning that your body composition is overwhelmingly determined by your diet.

A little self-experimentation generally makes this abundantly obvious. In the documentary Supersize Me , Morgan Spurlock ate McDonalds three meals a day for thirty days. In that month, he developed high blood pressure, cholesterol and early signs of fatty liver disease. He also gained 25 pounds, became depressed, moody, lethargic and completely lost his sex drive.

Potential Small Wins

  • Drink a glass of water and make coffee –

In moderate quantities (1-2 cups a day) coffee increases performance including memory, mood, vigilance, energy levels, reaction times, and general cognitive function. 4 5 6 It can increase fat burning by 10-29%. 7 It may also lower the likelihood of Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and Diabetes. 8

Chronic dehydration may affect your organs and lead to kidney stones, cholesterol problems, constipation, and liver, joint, and muscle damage. It’s remarkably common and also remarkably easy to prevent by drinking water.

  • Eat a Healthy Breakfast :

Increasingly, I’m convinced that health, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. I’ve met people that swear by juicing, others by protein shakes and others by a low-carb breakfast . The point is that you think it’s a small win so whatever you define as healthy works.


Reading has been shown to reduce the chance of dementia and Alzheimer’s, as well as reducing stress and anxiety.

I find that if I don’t read first thing in the morning, I won’t read all day. Once I’ve started working, it’s very hard for me to walk away from the “press of the day” and read for an hour. By the end of the day, I’m usually too exhausted to read anything other than light fiction.

If you read 30 minutes every morning, that will add up to about 24 books in a year on average, which would put you in the top 1% of Americans.

Read a book for 10 minutes

Read an article – If I am travelling or don’t have a book with me for some reason, I keep a list of articles I want to read in an app on my phone called Pocket .

Write down 10 ideas – James Altucher, an author and entrepreneur, has a daily ritual of writing down ten ideas. Not necessarily focused on a particular topic or project, just whatever 10 ideas pop into his mind. It could be topics for a science fiction book, or ten new recipe ideas, the point is to flex your ideas muscle.

Listen to a Book or Podcast – If you have a morning commute, you could listen to a book or podcast.


According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control, 9 the benefits of exercise include managing your weight, reducing your risk of cardiovascular disease Reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome, reducing your risk of some cancers, strengthening your bones and muscles, improving your mental health and mood, and increase your chances of living longer.

More recent research indicates that the amount of exercise you need to achieve this is astonishingly small. Even a few minutes of training at high intensity your maximum capacity produces molecular changes within muscles comparable to those of several hours of running or bike riding. 10

4 Minute Stretching Routine for Desk Sitters: I like to do a full squat (60 seconds), shoulder dislocates (10 reps, ~1 minute), and the couch stretch (60 seconds each leg) each day. I find these three stretches target the primary problem areas for people who sit all day. Squats open up your hips, shoulder dislocates open up your thoracic spine, and the couch stretch opens up your hip flexors. All three tend to contract over time from prolonged sitting, which is why you see old people at the supermarket who look like a curled over C.

7 Minute Morning Yoga for Flexibility  –

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I will sometimes do a few minutes of yoga. I find this gets to my hamstrings much better than the prior exercises, and also touches further on most of the stretches above. Usually, I will rotate between the two routines every few months until I get bored of one and switch to the other.

The 7 Minute Workout – A 2013 New York Times article outline a 7 minute workout routine. It is based on the research from 2013 study published in the American College of Sports Medicine.

Morning Routine

Image source: Ben Wiseman


A 2014 study called Neural mechanisms of mindfulness and meditation showed that the practice of mindfulness changes brain function in areas including the medial cortex, default mode network, insula, amygdala, lateral frontal regions, and basal ganglia.

That is, it rewires your brain in the same way lifting weights or exercising rebuilds your muscles.

A regular meditation practice for the last five years has increased my ability to focus, 11 my creativity, 12 and most importantly, my ability to deal with stress. 13

If you’re just getting started, I strongly recommend using guided meditation. There are two easy-to-use apps that I recommend to get started on building this habit.

Headspace – Headspace is the most popular paid meditation app. I think it’s the best option, because it takes a lot of the complexity out of meditation and gives you a simple step-by-step entry point. They have a 10-day free trial, then you can upgrade for $12.95 a month.

Insight Timer – Insight Timer is a free alternative to Headspace. It has a larger variety of guided meditations (at the cost of being more confusing), and includes a simple unguided functionality.

Each morning, it helps to sit down and review some of your more foundational thinking and goals. By doing this, you are able to start your day focused on your core beliefs and plans, so that everything you do will align to serve them.

There was a study done by psychologists Sheldon and Kasser in 1995 that showed that “[p]eople who are mentally healthy and happy have a higher degree of vertical coherence among their goals, that is, higher-level long, term goals and lower-level immediate goals all fit together well so that pursuing one’s short-term goals advances the pursuit of long-term goals.”

Another study done in the 1990s by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the author of Flow , studied different professionals to see which ones were happy and productive, and which were unhappy and unproductive. The most important factor was vertical coherence.

The happiest, most productive profession was geneticists, because all the participants involved respected the best science. Even though pharmaceutical companies were injecting a lot of money into the field, geneticists believed doing the very best science on a day-to-day basis led to more benefits for the general public, the pharmaceutical companies, their universities, and themselves—they were in vertical coherence all the way up and down the chain.

The least happy, and least productive, profession was journalism. Most of them had entered the field with high ideals about truth, making a difference, and the free press, but the decline of family run newspaper and rise of corporate media empires made journalism a profit center where all that mattered was sales. This meant good journalism was bad for business, and news reporting was replaced by scare stories, exaggeration, and scandal. Their values did not align with their day-to-day work.

Vertical coherence is the largest predictor of motivation that I’ve found. If I can see a clear line between the tasks I am working on today and a bigger future that aligns with my values, I find it much easier to get to work.

Create and Review a 25-Year Vision – My favorite thing to review is a 25 year vision document that I re-write every 90 days. While most people’s reaction to the idea of a 25 year plan is “I don’t even know what I’m having for lunch” (don’t get the tuna), it’s the most valuable timeline I’ve found. It lets you, actually forces you, think expansively. No matter how big your goal, 25 years should be plenty of time to accomplish it.

Script out and Review Your Ideal Day – Another document I’ve put together is a script of what my ideal day looks like. It can often be hard to set goals in the abstract, but doing it on the day level makes it much easier. How do you want to spend your mornings, your afternoons, and your evenings?

Determine and Review Your Operating Principles – A final document you could put together is your personal operating principles.

Note: I find all three exercises helpful, but you really only need one so start with. Choose whichever seems most interesting to you.

Journal and Plan

The health benefits of journaling are becoming evident . Journalling has been shown to:

  • Reduce stress – writing about what you are feeling and what problems you are encountering will reduce how much they negatively affect you.
  • Clarify your thoughts and priorities – If you ever seem all jumbled up, unsure of how you feel or your priorities, writing them down can help quickly clarify them
  • Physical well-being – regular journaling goes beyond mental benefits to physical benefits. University of Texas psychologist James Pennebaker has research indicating that journaling actually strengthens your immune system.

There are lots of variants on daily planning and journaling, but this is a five minute version. All you need is a blank piece of paper and a pencil.

The morning journal consists of responding to these three prompts

  • I am grateful for…
  • What would make today great is…

Gratitude – I am grateful for…

The scientific research behind gratitude is exploding. Here are just some of the findings:

  • According to a 2012 study published in Personality and Individual Differences, 15 practicing gratitude increase the quality of your sleep.
  • A 2014 study published in the Journal of Applied Sports Psychology 16 found that gratitude increases self-esteem. Instead of becoming resentful or envious of others, people who practice gratitude are better able to appreciate others’ accomplishments.

So the first thing you’re going to do each morning is list three things you are grateful for. Mine are frequently family and close friends who I would otherwise take for granted. Even seemingly banal stuff is amazing, if you think about it. Can you imagine living before air conditioning existed?

Prioritize – The one thing I could do today to make everything else this week easier or unnecessary is…

The next thing you’re going to do is list the number one most important priority you have today. If you start the day with ten priorities, you’re likely to get none of them done. I find, if you start with one thing you absolutely must do, you’ll always get it done.

While I still keep a to-do list with ALL my to-dos for the day, I will always separately write down the most essential one. By putting it in writing, you get a certain sense of concreteness. Plus, I can now make sure the rest of my day is organized around accomplishing that key priority.

Affirmations – I believe…

Another effective technique that has come up in the psychological literature is affirmations. They are often referred to as “self-affirmations”, but “values-affirmations” is more accurate. Write a few sentences or a short essay about what’s important to you and why you value it on this particular day (examples are things like family, creative expression, or spirituality).

Affirmations have been shown to:

  • Reduce the cortisol response (a stress hormone) and self-reported stress. 17
  • Participants who have done an affirmation exercise have less of an increase in heart rate after being insulted. 18
  • An affirmation exercise reduced relationship insecurity for four weeks after the initial exercise. 19

When people think of affirmations, they usually write as aspirational or motivational statement like “I am a great entrepreneur.”

But the actual research that has asked participants to do something quite different. 20

They write short essays (a few sentences is plenty) explaining what’s important to them, what their values are, and why. You want to write something like “I am working on becoming a great entrepreneur because I believe it allows me to reach people with an important message in a scalable way.”

Morning Routine

How to Have a Good Morning Routine

Customize your best morning routine.

The most important ingredient to having a morning routine that works is to customize it for yourself. To reiterate Bruce Lee: “Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own.”

I’ve developed mine over years of trial and error. I found that I really liked to read first where other people prefer to meditate first. I don’t like eating breakfast or taking a shower in the morning, but know many people who can’t start working without doing both.

I like to workout in the afternoons, but have clients and friends who swear by doing a full workout in the morning.

There’s not a universally right answer so once you have a basic routine, start tweaking it to what works for you.

Life happens after all. You might spend an hour on their business and writing and working out and meditating, then you have kids. Suddenly making sure your child is nourished and ready for their day becomes a priority.

Make it adaptable.

While striving for optimal is great, it’s often true that the great can be the enemy of the good. It’s not easy to carve out an hour at the beginning of every day.

If I have an early appointment or if I’m travelling, I’ll condense it down to ten minutes: five minutes of meditating and then five of journaling.

Schedule Your Best Morning Routine

One of the biggest reasons people quit their morning routine is that it takes too much time and makes them late. I found that actually setting a timer for the different activities helped me get through them quicker.

Set up your routine in the 30/30 (iOS) or Loop Habit Tracker (Android)

Then all you have to do is follow directions.


Prioritizing a Good Morning Routine (A Personal Example)

I am going to use my routine as an example. I’ve spent almost five years crafting it based on research I’ve done and, more significantly, what I find personally suits me.

[Diet/Food] Consume Something Healthy (5 minutes)

[intellectual] read a book (30-60 minutes).

  • [Fitness] Stretching/Yoga (2-5 minutes)

[Spiritual/Mental] Meditate (10-20 minutes)

  • [Review] Review 25 Year Vision and Weekly Priorities (5 minutes)
  • [Planning] Journal and Plan Day (5 minutes)

Total Time to Complete: Approx. 60-90 Minutes

For the past five years I have practiced Intermittent Fasting, which means I have a fasting period of about 16 hours where I don’t eat for about 16 hours, generally from 8pm at night to noon the next day. I like it primarily because it makes the day simpler (only have to prepare two meals per day instead of three) but it has other potential benefits:

  • Life extension – A 1945 study found that intermittent fasting in mice extended life expectancy.
  • Cancer prevention – Early research has found that fasting, in combination with chemotherapy, resulted in better cure rates and fewer deaths. Dr. Thomas Seyfried has proposed a metabolic mechanism for cancer that would explain this.
  • It’s easier than dieting – If you’re trying to reduce calorie intake, studies indicate compliance to a fasting regime where subjects eat fewer meals is easier to maintain than one where subjects eat less food over the same number of meals..

If you’re interested in reading more about intermittent fasting, habits researcher James Clear has put together an excellent guide to getting started here . It’s worth noting that it typically works better for men than women for hormonal reasons you can read more about here .

Practically speaking, that means I don’t eat any real food  (just liquids, coffee and water) before noon.

I do have a small supplement routine. I’ve played with supplements on and off, and come to the conclusion that less is more. The dose response curve suggests that not only is more is often not better, and it but actually be harmful.

My supplement regime is based mostly on making up for major deficiencies I’ve found in my blood tests. For me those are:

  • 5,000 IUs of D3 – Vitamin D is produced by your skin when you are in sunlight. If you are of the modern species homo officeus who sits in an office all day, you are probably deficient. Optimal levels are between 25-70 ng/ml depending on who you listen to. 21 22 When I get my blood test done every six months, I also ask for a Vitamin D test and have found that 5,000 IUs per day keeps me at around 50 ng/ml. Get your levels tested before you start, if you take too much, it can be toxic.
  • Creatine – Creatine is basically the only workout/muscle-building supplement with a strong enough scientific backing to say it works. It’s been studied since the 70’s and almost always increases power output for exercising. It may even increase cognition if you’re deficient. There is no known downside. 23
  • 1 Glass of Water – As stated previously, dehydration is remarkably common and astoundingly easy to cure.
  • Coffee – Also as stated previously, I think the research suggests coffee is beneficial or at least neutral in low to moderate quantities. It also make me feel awesome.

Note: I am not a physician. I do not even play one on the internet. This is not medical advice. Use your brain and do research, etc. If you’re interested in supplements, Examine is a good place to get started and Smart Drug Smarts is a good place to level up.

You can choose something completely different, the point is something to get your day started on a healthy dietary note.

I have a friend that makes 2 eggs, sauteed mushrooms and tomatoes, and half an avocado. I know someone else that has an apple.

The point is that in their mind it is a small win towards eating healthy.

After I prepare my coffee, I sit down to read for a few minutes.

Mostly, I read first thing in the morning because I really like reading . It lets me ease into the day, and reinforces (in my mind) that I am the type of person who is constantly learning and growing.

I also find how much I read correlates very closely with how many ideas I have, and how good my ideas are. The more books I read, the more, better ideas I have. Sometimes I’ll spend a week banging my head against a problem with no progress, only to spend two hours reading a book which has the answer.

[Fitness] Exercise (5 minutes) – Stretching/Yoga

After I finish reading, I’ll do a very short stretching or yoga routine.

I talked to a high level performance coach a few years ago, and he said that given the choice between having someone lift weights, do cardio, or do mobility work everyday, he would hands down pick mobility work.

That’s always stuck with me, so even if I do nothing else, I at least make sure I do a light stretching routine. This can be as simple as just sitting in a full squat for a minute while I floss.

Ray Dalio, the manager of Bridgewater, which is arguably the most successful hedge fund in history, attributes “whatever success [he] may have had” to his meditation practice.

I was initially dubious as it struck me as both religious and woo woo, neither of which I am inclined to be. It clicked for me when someone explained meditation like doing weight-lifting curls for your brain.

I sit somewhere comfortable, usually the edge of my bed, put in headphones and use Insight Timer , a free meditation app, to time me. I typically meditate for 10-20 minutes.

[Review] Your Long Term Vision (5 minutes)

After I meditate, I pull out my phone and look over a document I keep in my Evernote with a 25 year vision.

a perfect morning essay

[Planning] The 5-Minute Journal

I use the short journalling practice explained above where I respond to three prompts:.

This helps me start my day by being grateful, plan the most important activities, and remind myself of my core values.

After that I will open my laptop and loosely plan out my day in my calendar. I find that having to assign the tasks I’m planning on working on to actual times forces me to be realistic about how long they will take.

If I have a list of ten tasks, I’ll think I can get them all done today but once I start dragging them onto my calendar I realize that it’s easily two days of work.


How to Get Started Today with a Minimum Viable Morning Routine

One of the biggest reasons people fail with establishing a consistent morning routine is that they feel like it is a waste of time, an unnecessary indulgence. I used to not make my bed because I figured “what a waste of time, I’m just going to get back into it tonight;” but eventually I realized it had real implications. I would walk into my room and feel off kilter because the bed was in disarray.

That impacted my psychology in everything else I did for the rest of the day.

If you feel that way, what’s the best way to get started? Have a Minimum Viable Morning Routine.

BJ Fogg, the world’s leading habit researcher, has found that the largest predictor of whether someone establishes a habit will be if they start small.

If you want to start flossing your teeth, start by flossing one tooth at a time instead of your whole mouth, and you are likely to build the habit.

If you want to start exercising, just put on your tennis shoes, walk around the block and come back. Over time you can do more, but starting small means it’s more likely you will actually do, it.

I find the same with morning routines. If you have tried to establish a morning routine, before and it hasn’t stuck or you already feel busy in the morning and the idea of carving out an hour to go through a full ritual is laughable, start by just doing one thing.

It could be meditating for just 1 minute. Or just writing down your top three priorities for the day.

The purpose is to get momentum and even one thing for one minutes accomplishes that successfully.

The secret of getting ahead, is usually getting started. Once you get started, soon enough you’ll find that you’ve developed a morning routine that rivals the rituals of the creatives and entrepreneurs you admire most.

best morning routine builder

Last Updated on January 11, 2024 by Taylor Pearson

  • Footnote: (2013-04-23). Daily Rituals: How Artists Work (Kindle Locations 403-404). Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
  • Shellenbarger, Sue. “ Your Body’s Best Time for Everything .” WSJ., 25 Sept. 2012. Web. 28 Oct. 2016.  
  •  Kahneman, Daniel. Thinking, Fast and Slow . N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.
  • Huxton, C. H X. “The Impact of Caffeine on Mood, Cognitive Function, Performance and Hydration: A Review of Benefits and Risks.” Nutrition Bulletin 33.1 (2008): 15-25. Http:// Web. <>.
  • Brice, C. F., and A. P. Smith. “Effects of Caffeine on Mood and Performance: A Study of Realistic Consumption.” Psychopharmacology 164.188 (2002): n. pag. Web.
  • Lieberman, H. R., R. J. Wurtman, G. G. Emde, and Et Al. “The Effects of Low Doses of Caffeine on Human Performance and Mood.” Psychopharmacology 92.308 (1986): n. pag. Web.
  • Acheson, K. J., G. Gremaud, and Et Al. “Metabolic Effects of Caffeine in Humans: Lipid Oxidation or Futile Cycling?” Kevin J Acheson, Gérard Gremaud 79.1 (2004): n. pag. Web.
  • Gunnars, Kris, BSc. “13 Health Benefits of Coffee, Based on Science.” Authority Nutrition. N.p., n.d. Web. <>.
  • “Physical Activity and Health.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 04 June 2015. Web. 28 Oct. 2016. <>.
  • Klika, Brett. “HIGH-INTENSITY CIRCUIT TRAINING USING BODY WEIGHT: Maximum R… : ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal.” LWW. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2016. <>.See also Body by Science by Doug McGruff.
  • Cloud, John. “Losing Focus? Studies Say Meditation May Help.” Time. Time Inc., 06 Aug. 2010. Web. 28 Oct. 2016. <,8599,2008914,00.html>.
  • McGuiness, Mark. “What Daily Meditation Can Do for Your Creativity.” 99u. N.p., n.d. Web. <>.
  •  Corliss, Julie. “Mindfulness Meditation May Ease Anxiety, Mental Stress – Harvard Health Blog.” Harvard Health Blog. Harvard Medical School, 15 Jan. 2016. Web. 28 Oct. 2016. <>.
  • Personality and Individual Differences Volume 54, Issue 1, Pages 1-146 (January 2013)] people who practice gratitude experience fewer aches and pains and exercise more often.
  • Robert Emmons , a gratitude researcher, confirms that practicing gratitude reduces depression and increases happiness.
  • According to a 2011 study in Applied Psychology, 14 Effects of Constructive Worry, Imagery Distraction, and Gratitude Interventions on Sleep Quality: A Pilot Trial, Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, Volume 3, Issue 2 July 2011 Pages 193–206
  • Chen, Lung Hung and Wu, Chia-Huei (2014) Gratitude enhances change in athletes’ self-esteem: the moderating role of trust in coach. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 26 (3). pp. 349-362. ISSN 1041-3200
  •  Creswell, J. David, et al. “Affirmation of personal values buffers neuroendocrine and psychological stress responses.” Psychological Science 16.11 (2005): 846-851.
  • Tang, David, and Brandon J. Schmeichel. “Self-affirmation facilitates cardiovascular recovery following interpersonal evaluation.” Biological psychology 104 (2015): 108-115.
  • Stinson, Danu Anthony, et al. “Rewriting the Self-Fulfilling Prophecy of Social Rejection Self-Affirmation Improves Relational Security and Social Behavior up to 2 Months Later.” Psychological science 22.9 (2011): 1145-1149.
  • Source:
  • Mercola. “Get Your Vitamin D Levels to a Healthy Range.” N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2016. <>.
  • Kresser, Chris. “RHR: Surprising New Vitamin D Research, The Myth of Multi-tasking, and How The Internet Is Rewiring Our Brains.” Chris Kresser. N.p., 13 Oct. 2015. Web. 28 Oct. 2016. <>.
  • Source:

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November 2, 2016 at 10:35 am

Well Taylor, you did it again. Exceed my expectations! This is definitely the most well rounded, in-depth and beginner-friendly article on morning routines on the interwebs right now. Absolutely great content! Enough flattery for now. Keep it up man!

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November 2, 2016 at 1:25 pm

Awesome to here it was helpful. Let me know how you come with it.

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November 2, 2016 at 10:47 am

Thanks for putting this together, Tayor. It’s great!

When I read your point about breakfast it reminded me of another article I recently read by Tim Ferriss in which he shares the 1st chapter of his new book, Tools of Titans.

From interviewing high performers across many fields he observed that many of the men (but not the women) skip breakfast entirely.

I’ve found this consistent with my own intermittent fasting experiences. It seems that not eating keeps the mind sharp.

But then again I know people who, if they skip breakfast, are totally useless. So it’s not a universal by any means.

November 2, 2016 at 1:26 pm

I read that and was surprised as well. I definitely find it preferable but I imagined that I was the exception rather than the rule. To our breafast-less future 🙂

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November 3, 2016 at 2:10 pm

do you also exercise while fasted Vic ??

November 4, 2016 at 2:48 am

Sometimes but I’m not dogmatic about it. It’s mostly just convenient to skip breakfast because I’m not hungry and it happens to have health/cognitive benefits.

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November 2, 2016 at 2:40 pm

I think this is the best article on Morning Routines I’ve ever read. Your point that there is no one right morning routine for everyone, but there is a right morning routine for each person is spot on. As a person whose best brain time doesn’t even start until 11 am (and can go on strong until 8 pm or so), I’ve found much of the other advice about morning routines to not fit me. Thank you for this.

November 3, 2016 at 9:23 am

Thank you Fancy!

I feel very strongly that the one-size-fits-all-wake-up-at-5am model is rubbish so glad to offer some other ways to approach it!

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November 3, 2016 at 8:22 pm

For those who are interested in improving their mobility, I highly recommend this 15-minute stretch routine from physique 57 – Physique 57 15 Minute Stretch Workout . It’s really effective at opening the shoulders and hip. Now I do it everyday in my own morning routine.

Thank you Taylor for laying out the specifics on how to put up a morning routine. I find a morning routine sets up the context and mindset for a day so I can do better during the rest of the day. A focused and productive morning leads to a focused and productive life, indeed.

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November 5, 2016 at 2:22 pm

Yo, great post. That little “My 50 people” note draw my attention. I

don’t remember you mentioning it in another post. Can you expand on it/on its concept? Thanks.

November 7, 2016 at 12:00 pm

It’s an experiment I’m running based on a new yorker article around Dunbar’s Number:

There are different “tiers” of connections that follow a multiple of roughly 3 besides the well known 150 friends. Something like:

5 best friends 15 great friends 50 good friends 150 friends

I found I was doing well at keeping up with 150 using social media and conferences and I called the 5-15 on the phone reasonably often but the middle ground of 50 were people I really like and I was doing a poor job of keeping up with them. So I listed out who they were and try to call one a week every week so I at least talk to them once a year.

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December 22, 2016 at 4:58 am

Thanks so much for this. As I’ve revamped my schedule for this upcoming year, I get my mornings back. And I’m looking forward to putting many old and new practices back to good use.

December 22, 2016 at 12:28 pm

Awesome to hear Lani! 🙂

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December 28, 2016 at 4:51 pm

Very well structured morning routine procedure. I agree with your thoughts on taking small steps at a time. Making a habit is much more critical than going full blown to follow all.

I myself started following meditiation (headspace subscription), exercise, breakfast and journaling for last one month. It really simplifies my entire day and keeps me focused. One thing I also found useful is hearing podcasts while commuting from home to office and vice versa.

Thanks for sharing the article.

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February 3, 2017 at 7:01 am

Very helpful article indeed. And as echoed by others, this is the best one i have ever come across on the morning rituals. Thanks for the tips and ideas! Will definitely be incorporating them into my morning routine!

February 3, 2017 at 12:17 pm

Thanks! Awesome to hear you are using them 🙂

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April 15, 2017 at 11:09 pm

The best article on morning rituals I found in google. Really.

You just summarized all the morning rituals I knew, tried and still use. Many thanks, I was writing about the topic and I’m gonna quote this site & link. <3 <3

April 16, 2017 at 10:10 am

Thanks Mara 🙂

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June 6, 2017 at 7:17 am

So useful, realistic and motivating! Amazing article indeed! I join everyone saying this is the best article I’ve read about morning routines!

June 6, 2017 at 12:24 pm

thank you Angela 🙂

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December 18, 2017 at 12:14 am

This is so thorough. Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you for taking the time to share this.

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How to Write the Perfect Essay: A Step-By-Step Guide for Students


  • June 2, 2022

a perfect morning essay

  • What is an essay? 

What makes a good essay?

Typical essay structure, 7 steps to writing a good essay, a step-by-step guide to writing a good essay.

Whether you are gearing up for your GCSE coursework submissions or looking to brush up on your A-level writing skills, we have the perfect essay-writing guide for you. 💯

Staring at a blank page before writing an essay can feel a little daunting . Where do you start? What should your introduction say? And how should you structure your arguments? They are all fair questions and we have the answers! Take the stress out of essay writing with this step-by-step guide – you’ll be typing away in no time. 👩‍💻


What is an essay?

Generally speaking, an essay designates a literary work in which the author defends a point of view or a personal conviction, using logical arguments and literary devices in order to inform and convince the reader.

So – although essays can be broadly split into four categories: argumentative, expository, narrative, and descriptive – an essay can simply be described as a focused piece of writing designed to inform or persuade. 🤔

The purpose of an essay is to present a coherent argument in response to a stimulus or question and to persuade the reader that your position is credible, believable and reasonable. 👌

So, a ‘good’ essay relies on a confident writing style – it’s clear, well-substantiated, focussed, explanatory and descriptive . The structure follows a logical progression and above all, the body of the essay clearly correlates to the tile – answering the question where one has been posed. 

But, how do you go about making sure that you tick all these boxes and keep within a specified word count? Read on for the answer as well as an example essay structure to follow and a handy step-by-step guide to writing the perfect essay – hooray. 🙌

Sometimes, it is helpful to think about your essay like it is a well-balanced argument or a speech – it needs to have a logical structure, with all your points coming together to answer the question in a coherent manner. ⚖️

Of course, essays can vary significantly in length but besides that, they all follow a fairly strict pattern or structure made up of three sections. Lean into this predictability because it will keep you on track and help you make your point clearly. Let’s take a look at the typical essay structure:  

#1 Introduction

Start your introduction with the central claim of your essay. Let the reader know exactly what you intend to say with this essay. Communicate what you’re going to argue, and in what order. The final part of your introduction should also say what conclusions you’re going to draw – it sounds counter-intuitive but it’s not – more on that below. 1️⃣

Make your point, evidence it and explain it. This part of the essay – generally made up of three or more paragraphs depending on the length of your essay – is where you present your argument. The first sentence of each paragraph – much like an introduction to an essay – should summarise what your paragraph intends to explain in more detail. 2️⃣

#3 Conclusion

This is where you affirm your argument – remind the reader what you just proved in your essay and how you did it. This section will sound quite similar to your introduction but – having written the essay – you’ll be summarising rather than setting out your stall. 3️⃣

No essay is the same but your approach to writing them can be. As well as some best practice tips, we have gathered our favourite advice from expert essay-writers and compiled the following 7-step guide to writing a good essay every time. 👍

#1 Make sure you understand the question

#2 complete background reading.

#3 Make a detailed plan 

#4 Write your opening sentences 

#5 flesh out your essay in a rough draft, #6 evidence your opinion, #7 final proofread and edit.

Now that you have familiarised yourself with the 7 steps standing between you and the perfect essay, let’s take a closer look at each of those stages so that you can get on with crafting your written arguments with confidence . 

This is the most crucial stage in essay writing – r ead the essay prompt carefully and understand the question. Highlight the keywords – like ‘compare,’ ‘contrast’ ‘discuss,’ ‘explain’ or ‘evaluate’ – and let it sink in before your mind starts racing . There is nothing worse than writing 500 words before realising you have entirely missed the brief . 🧐

Unless you are writing under exam conditions , you will most likely have been working towards this essay for some time, by doing thorough background reading. Re-read relevant chapters and sections, highlight pertinent material and maybe even stray outside the designated reading list, this shows genuine interest and extended knowledge. 📚

#3 Make a detailed plan

Following the handy structure we shared with you above, now is the time to create the ‘skeleton structure’ or essay plan. Working from your essay title, plot out what you want your paragraphs to cover and how that information is going to flow. You don’t need to start writing any full sentences yet but it might be useful to think about the various quotes you plan to use to substantiate each section. 📝

Having mapped out the overall trajectory of your essay, you can start to drill down into the detail. First, write the opening sentence for each of the paragraphs in the body section of your essay. Remember – each paragraph is like a mini-essay – the opening sentence should summarise what the paragraph will then go on to explain in more detail. 🖊️

Next, it's time to write the bulk of your words and flesh out your arguments. Follow the ‘point, evidence, explain’ method. The opening sentences – already written – should introduce your ‘points’, so now you need to ‘evidence’ them with corroborating research and ‘explain’ how the evidence you’ve presented proves the point you’re trying to make. ✍️

With a rough draft in front of you, you can take a moment to read what you have written so far. Are there any sections that require further substantiation? Have you managed to include the most relevant material you originally highlighted in your background reading? Now is the time to make sure you have evidenced all your opinions and claims with the strongest quotes, citations and material. 📗

This is your final chance to re-read your essay and go over it with a fine-toothed comb before pressing ‘submit’. We highly recommend leaving a day or two between finishing your essay and the final proofread if possible – you’ll be amazed at the difference this makes, allowing you to return with a fresh pair of eyes and a more discerning judgment. 🤓

If you are looking for advice and support with your own essay-writing adventures, why not t ry a free trial lesson with GoStudent? Our tutors are experts at boosting academic success and having fun along the way. Get in touch and see how it can work for you today. 🎒


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How to Write the Perfect Essay

06 Feb, 2024 | Blog Articles , English Language Articles , Get the Edge , Humanities Articles , Writing Articles

Student sitting at a desk writing in a notebook

You can keep adding to this plan, crossing bits out and linking the different bubbles when you spot connections between them. Even though you won’t have time to make a detailed plan under exam conditions, it can be helpful to draft a brief one, including a few key words, so that you don’t panic and go off topic when writing your essay.

If you don’t like the mind map format, there are plenty of others to choose from: you could make a table, a flowchart, or simply a list of bullet points.

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Thanks for signing up, step 2: have a clear structure.

Think about this while you’re planning: your essay is like an argument or a speech. It needs to have a logical structure, with all your points coming together to answer the question.

Start with the basics! It’s best to choose a few major points which will become your main paragraphs. Three main paragraphs is a good number for an exam essay, since you’ll be under time pressure. 

If you agree with the question overall, it can be helpful to organise your points in the following pattern:

  • YES (agreement with the question)
  • AND (another YES point)
  • BUT (disagreement or complication)

If you disagree with the question overall, try:

  • AND (another BUT point)

For example, you could structure the Of Mice and Men sample question, “To what extent is Curley’s wife portrayed as a victim in Of Mice and Men ?”, as follows:

  • YES (descriptions of her appearance)
  • AND (other people’s attitudes towards her)
  • BUT (her position as the only woman on the ranch gives her power as she uses her femininity to her advantage)

If you wanted to write a longer essay, you could include additional paragraphs under the YES/AND categories, perhaps discussing the ways in which Curley’s wife reveals her vulnerability and insecurities, and shares her dreams with the other characters. Alternatively, you could also lengthen your essay by including another BUT paragraph about her cruel and manipulative streak.

Of course, this is not necessarily the only right way to answer this essay question – as long as you back up your points with evidence from the text, you can take any standpoint that makes sense.

Smiling student typing on laptop

Step 3: Back up your points with well-analysed quotations

You wouldn’t write a scientific report without including evidence to support your findings, so why should it be any different with an essay? Even though you aren’t strictly required to substantiate every single point you make with a quotation, there’s no harm in trying.

A close reading of your quotations can enrich your appreciation of the question and will be sure to impress examiners. When selecting the best quotations to use in your essay, keep an eye out for specific literary techniques. For example, you could highlight Curley’s wife’s use of a rhetorical question when she says, a”n’ what am I doin’? Standin’ here talking to a bunch of bindle stiffs.” This might look like:

The rhetorical question “an’ what am I doin’?” signifies that Curley’s wife is very insecure; she seems to be questioning her own life choices. Moreover, she does not expect anyone to respond to her question, highlighting her loneliness and isolation on the ranch.

Other literary techniques to look out for include:

  • Tricolon – a group of three words or phrases placed close together for emphasis
  • Tautology – using different words that mean the same thing: e.g. “frightening” and “terrifying”
  • Parallelism – ABAB structure, often signifying movement from one concept to another
  • Chiasmus – ABBA structure, drawing attention to a phrase
  • Polysyndeton – many conjunctions in a sentence
  • Asyndeton – lack of conjunctions, which can speed up the pace of a sentence
  • Polyptoton – using the same word in different forms for emphasis: e.g. “done” and “doing”
  • Alliteration – repetition of the same sound, including assonance (similar vowel sounds), plosive alliteration (“b”, “d” and “p” sounds) and sibilance (“s” sounds)
  • Anaphora – repetition of words, often used to emphasise a particular point

Don’t worry if you can’t locate all of these literary devices in the work you’re analysing. You can also discuss more obvious techniques, like metaphor, simile and onomatopoeia. It’s not a problem if you can’t remember all the long names; it’s far more important to be able to confidently explain the effects of each technique and highlight its relevance to the question.

Person reading a book outside

Step 4: Be creative and original throughout

Anyone can write an essay using the tips above, but the thing that really makes it “perfect” is your own unique take on the topic. If you’ve noticed something intriguing or unusual in your reading, point it out – if you find it interesting, chances are the examiner will too!

Creative writing and essay writing are more closely linked than you might imagine. Keep the idea that you’re writing a speech or argument in mind, and you’re guaranteed to grab your reader’s attention.

It’s important to set out your line of argument in your introduction, introducing your main points and the general direction your essay will take, but don’t forget to keep something back for the conclusion, too. Yes, you need to summarise your main points, but if you’re just repeating the things you said in your introduction, the body of the essay is rendered pointless.

Think of your conclusion as the climax of your speech, the bit everything else has been leading up to, rather than the boring plenary at the end of the interesting stuff.

To return to Of Mice and Men once more, here’s an example of the ideal difference between an introduction and a conclusion:


In John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men , Curley’s wife is portrayed as an ambiguous character. She could be viewed either as a cruel, seductive temptress or a lonely woman who is a victim of her society’s attitudes. Though she does seem to wield a form of sexual power, it is clear that Curley’s wife is largely a victim. This interpretation is supported by Steinbeck’s description of her appearance, other people’s attitudes, her dreams, and her evident loneliness and insecurity.
Overall, it is clear that Curley’s wife is a victim and is portrayed as such throughout the novel in the descriptions of her appearance, her dreams, other people’s judgemental attitudes, and her loneliness and insecurities. However, a character who was a victim and nothing else would be one-dimensional and Curley’s wife is not. Although she suffers in many ways, she is shown to assert herself through the manipulation of her femininity – a small rebellion against the victimisation she experiences.

Both refer back consistently to the question and summarise the essay’s main points. However, the conclusion adds something new which has been established in the main body of the essay and complicates the simple summary which is found in the introduction.


Hannah is an undergraduate English student at Somerville College, University of Oxford, and has a particular interest in postcolonial literature and the Gothic. She thinks literature is a crucial way of developing empathy and learning about the wider world. When she isn’t writing about 17th-century court masques, she enjoys acting, travelling and creative writing. 

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Best morning routine: 21 steps for a more productive day

The best morning routine promotes both wellness and productivity for your whole day. From drinking water to avoiding the snooze button, check out 21 steps that can take your morning routine from bland to successful.

You wake up early to the smell of coffee. With extra time on your hands, you decide to fit in a quick morning workout at home before making breakfast and starting your workday. 

The perfect morning routine will promote wellness and set you up to be successful for the rest of the day. From avoiding social media to drinking water and listening to a podcast, there are various steps you can take to create a morning routine that works for you. 

1. Get a good night’s sleep

With 35.2% of all adults in the U.S . reporting seven or fewer hours of sleep per night, getting a good night’s rest is crucial for productivity. For many of us, getting a full eight hours of sleep each night requires a bit of planning. 

There are a few tips when it comes to getting quality rest. These include:

Wind down at the end of the day: Avoid strenuous activities like exercising and heavy lifting toward the end of the day. Instead, take a warm bath to decompress or read a book to induce sleepiness.

Turn off the TV at a set time: Set a time to turn off the TV and other electronics. Instead, get comfortable on the couch or in bed with a warm cup of decaf tea.

Set your alarm clock appropriately: Set your alarm for eight hours or more after bedtime to ensure you’re well rested.

Each of these techniques can help you get a full eight hours of sleep every night and wake up refreshed the next day.

2. Avoid the snooze button

Hitting the snooze button can be detrimental to your morning routine. While you may intend to only get five more minutes of sleep, hitting snooze can quickly become a half hour.

Avoid the snooze button

Avoid snoozing your alarm by creating a routine of waking up the first time your alarm goes off. Ways to encourage this habit include:

Counting to five: When getting out of bed seems impossible, an easy trick is to count to five. After five, force yourself to get out of bed and begin your day.

Keeping slippers near your bed: Slippers can make getting out of bed slightly easier on cold mornings. Keep them bedside so you always have them close.

Presetting your coffee machine: If you’re a coffee drinker, just the aroma can be enough to motivate you to get up. Preset your machine so the coffee is waiting for you when you wake up. 

Snoozing your alarm clock is a habit many of us have, but creating a healthier routine is the best way to break it. The more time you have in the morning, the more time you have to create a productive routine. 

3. Give yourself enough time to get to work

Whether you work from home or commute to the office, giving yourself enough time to mentally and physically show up for work is essential—especially if you don’t consider yourself a morning person.

To do this, be intentional about when you wake up. In addition to making sure you get eight hours of sleep, set your alarm so you have enough time to complete your morning routine and develop productive new habits.

Whatever time you choose to wake up at, remember to set aside enough time for personal activities so you don’t overwork yourself. 

4. Drink a full glass of water

Hydration is key to your health and well being. Drinking water is a crucial component of a great morning routine because when you feel good, you’re more focused and, as a result, more productive. 

Create a routine of staying hydrated in the morning by drinking a full glass of water when you first wake up. It’s a good idea to do this before your morning cup of coffee or tea to avoid forgetting. This also combats any dehydration that occurs from caffeinated drinks.

5. Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea

While staying hydrated is a key part of a healthy routine, you also want to enjoy your routine. This will make waking up easier and increase the likelihood of your routine sticking.

Appreciating an aromatic cup of coffee or tea can make starting your day more enjoyable. Combine your morning beverage with an opportunity to spend time with your housemates, family, or pets. 

Likewise, you can take this time to breathe deeply and give yourself a few minutes of mindfulness before you begin the rest of your morning routine.

6. Prepare a healthy breakfast

To fuel your inspiration and start your day off right, prepare a healthy breakfast with ingredients that make you feel good. 

Prepare a healthy breakfast

Eating healthy can be easier than you think. A simple bowl of oatmeal or a quick smoothie can support your health without requiring a lot of prep time. 

Given that tasks like preparing food during the middle of the day can disrupt productivity, it’s a good idea to meal prep if you have the time. Take a few extra minutes in the morning to gather ingredients for lunch so they’re ready to go when midday rolls around.

7. Take advantage of self care

Self care is a routine you create to support your happiness and well being. This includes anything from a grooming routine, like a shower and a skincare regimen, to reading a book to relax. 

What you define as self care will be unique to you, though you can generally look for things that make your body and mind feel good. Here are some ideas to create a self-care routine of your own:

Take a hot shower or bath to relax.

Apply a face mask to take care of your skin.

Read a book you enjoy to get your brain ready to work.

Take advantage of self care to support a healthy work-life balance and reduce the risk of burnout.

8. Fit in a quick workout

Data suggests that active people are more relaxed and in better spirits than inactive people. Preventing depression is just one of the many benefits of working out—other bonuses include promoting better sleep and increased energy . 

Fit in a quick workout

Avoid mental fatigue by working out in the morning. Activities you can try to get your heart rate up include:

Jogging around your neighborhood before work.

Riding a stationary bike while watching the morning news.

Doing yoga to strengthen your core and reduce stress.

Whether you work out every day or a couple of times a week, adding exercise to your routine can help set you up for success. 

9. Say positive affirmations

Affirmations help combat limiting beliefs about yourself and support a confident mindset. When said in the morning, positive affirmations can motivate you to do your best and believe in yourself throughout the day. 

Examples of common affirmations that you can try include:

I am excited for the day.

I am grateful for my job. 

I will have a successful week.

Say these positive affirmations to yourself out loud or write them in a journal each morning to cultivate a more positive outlook. 

10. Meditate by taking deep breaths

Meditation can support relaxation and can go hand in hand with positive affirmations. For those who would prefer a relaxing routine, take time to sit with your thoughts and breathe deeply. 

Create an efficient routine by pairing your affirmations with a deep breathing exercise such as roll breathing . Say your affirmations in your head while you’re in a state of calmness or out loud while breathing for stress management.

11. Prioritize important tasks

Transition your mind from personal time to professional by dedicating time each morning to reviewing and prioritizing your tasks for the day. You can do this with a to-do list or personal planner. 

Prioritize important tasks

Write down your most important deliverables and goals for the day or record them in a digital project management tool . By ranking each task by importance and listing them in sequential order, you can set up a more manageable schedule.

Thinking about these tasks can help calmly transition your mind from a relaxing routine to a productive workday.

10 additional ideas for a productive morning

Along with the 11 ideas we’ve covered for creating a morning routine that promotes productivity, there are a few additional approaches you can take to boost efficiency. These include activities such as listening to motivational music and talking to loved ones. 

Here are 10 additional ideas to incorporate into your daily morning routine. 

12. Listen to motivational music: Music can promote happiness and relaxation. Listen to your favorite artist to put a smile on your face in the morning and get your body and mind working after a long night’s sleep. Try listening to a specific band that brings you joy or a playlist that promotes relaxation for a calm mindset. 

13. Call a loved one: Whether you live alone or not, speak to loved ones in the morning to help put you in a good mood first thing. Talk to those you care about to encourage a positive mindset, such as a friend or family member. 

14. Subscribe to a podcast: Inspiration comes in many forms, one of them being those you look up to. Whether it’s someone in your field of work or someone you aspire to be like in your personal life, podcasts can be a great way to find inspiration in the morning. Find a podcast that encourages you to push yourself in some way. Listen to it each morning to remind yourself of the direction you’re headed.

15. Perform an act of kindness: There’s no better feeling than the one you get from helping someone in need. It could be as small as picking up an item someone dropped or as big as volunteering in your community. A little bit of kindness can go a long way and inspire others to do the same. Get involved by joining a local volunteer group or finding opportunities in your everyday life.

16. Spend time on a hobby: Prioritize your personal life to cultivate a healthy work-life balance. To do this, spend a little bit of time each morning on a hobby to make you feel fulfilled both personally and professionally.

17. Think creatively: There are seemingly endless possibilities for a blank canvas and your mind is no exception. When you first wake up, you’re not yet bothered by the pressures of the day. This is a perfect time to take advantage of a fresh mind and do some creative thinking. This could be for work, a personal hobby, or your side hustle. 

18. Read an industry blog post: Stay up to date on industry trends to set yourself apart professionally and inspire your work. Take a few minutes each morning to catch up on news from a credible source to build your industry insight.

19. Do a crossword puzzle: For those that need a few extra moments in the morning to feel awake and aware, try a crossword puzzle. This will slowly get your mind up to speed for a productive day. 

20. Take a moment to stretch: You may be shocked to learn how a simple stretch can promote efficiency and get your body ready for the day. Opt for a few arm and leg stretches right when you wake up or do a morning yoga session. This will warm your muscles, preparing them for an exercise session or a day of work.

21. Perform a retrospective: Each day comes with new obstacles and lessons—whether you’re aware of them as they happen or not. Take a few moments each morning to look back on yesterday’s achievements. Consider what went well and what could have been better. Use these findings to continue improving daily. 

These additional ideas can take your morning routine from good to great. From stretching to following industry trends, the right steps will increase your productivity and work-life balance. 

A productive morning starts with a healthy routine

Morning habits can be the difference between a good morning and a great morning. Your productivity begins when you wake up, which makes learning healthy habits essential to a successful workday.

From eating a healthy breakfast to working out or reading, the activities you prioritize have the potential to transform your mindset. Choose a routine that promotes happiness, sets you up to complete important tasks, encourages flow state , and supports your work-life balance. 

To take your productivity one step further, try software that allows you to track, manage, and organize your workload. 

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Become a Writer Today

Writing In the Morning: How to Create Perfect Routine

Discover the benefits of writing in the morning and how to create the perfect daily routine.

Would you like to wake up early? For years, I was a night owl. I wrote in the evening or late at night. I enjoyed the idea of writing into the wee small hours with only Frank Sinatra, the moon, and the blank page for company.

But, a job and the demands of family life make it difficult to write at the end of the day or late at night. For me, it wasn’t practical to write past midnight and then get up the next day, go to work at my full-time job, and function with a family.

I struggled with rising early and wondered if I’d ever become a morning person. Then, I read about the daily routines of many creatives I admire. I found many of them like waking up early, including the composer Ludwig Van Beethoven, the Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard and authors like Haruki Murakami , Ernest Hemingway and Kurt Vonnegut.

Haruki Murakami

Famous Early Morning Writers

1. write down your ideal morning writing routine, 2. prepare your writing the night before, 3. pick a target time for waking up early, 4 . create your sleep schedule, 5. follow a wind-down ritual, 6. use caffeine… sparingly, 7. get into a state of creative flow, 8. track your progress, the final word on early morning writing habit, how can i force myself to wake up early, is it good to wake up early, is writing in the morning good, what should i write every morning.

Ernest Hemingway

Well-known early morning writers include Ernest Hemingway, Dan Brown and Kurt Vonnegut. A few years ago, I attended an event where Dan Brown spoke about his daily routine. He said he gets up at four am every morning to write his thrillers and fiction because that time of the day is free of distractions. Vonnegut and Hemingway both rose around five to five thirty am most days to work on their novels. Hemingway said about his early morning writing:

“When I am working on a book or a story, I write every morning as soon after first light as possible. There is no one to disturb you and it is cool or cold and you come to your work and warm as you write.”

Julia Cameron famously advocates for rising early to engage in long-form stream of consciousness writing in her book The Miracle of Morning Pages . She writes:

“Each morning, as we face the page, we meet ourselves. The pages give us a place to vent and a place to dream. They are intended for no eyes but our own.”

The American philosopher and psychologist William James was another advocate of a consistent routine. He said:

“The great thing, then, in all education, is to make automatic and habitual, as early as possible, as many useful actions as we can, and to guard against the growing into ways that are likely to be disadvantageous to us, as we should guard against the plague.”

Thinking through an ideal morning on paper will help you visualize your day and increase your chances of avoiding procrastination first thing

Here’s mine: meditate for twenty minutes, brew coffee, engage in a writing session for at least one hour, and record ten ideas. After that, I make breakfast and get the kids up for school.

Although your ideal morning routine may not look like this, it’s useful to consider what you want to accomplish after waking. Do you want to engage in brainstorming, write some early morning pages, edit an article, outline a book chapter or simply engage in writing practice?

The good news is it’s easier to make time for writing at the start of the day as you’re less likely to become distracted by email, social media, the news, work and other distractions. If you need help, consider free writing about your early morning routine.

Before bed, consider what you want to write the next morning. Read through the previous day’s work. Leave your notes, drafts and other writing tools. Open up your writing app and queue the day’s music. I sometimes also like leaving a Post-It note on my keyboard containing a prompt about creative work or what to write first.

When you get up, starting a writing session is much easier if everything is in front of you. Writing down what you will write the next day primes your subconsciousness to work on the idea even when you’re asleep. If you need some inspiration for your morning routine, check out the blog My Morning Routine .

If you set your alarm clock for four AM tomorrow morning, you may get up, but you’ll be exhausted and unlikely to repeat this heroic feat of endurance the following day .

It’s not much fun getting up at dawn and then fumbling through the day with only four or five hours of sleep. Instead, set your alarm clock for half an hour earlier than your normal time. The following day, set your alarm for 45 minutes earlier than your normal rising time. And so on.

Like pennies gradually filling a jar, these small incremental gains will help you reach your desired rising time and become an early riser. 

Pick an ideal time to wake up based on work and family commitments. For example, if you work a nine to five job, rising at five am or six could work. However, if you work shifts, you may need to adapt to this rising time.

My ideal rising time is half five. If I rise any earlier, I’m too exhausted to function during the day. If I wake any later than six AM, I’m running behind, or I don’t have enough time to write before the working day begins. My target rising time enables me to make time for distractions and interruptions.

You set an alarm clock for getting up, so why not one for going to bed? You can easily create the ideal sleep schedule with various apps including the inbuilt clock app on the Apple iPhone and Android phones. They’ll determine what time you should go to bed at to achieve the optimal amount of sleep, based on your target rising time.

I set an alarm clock for 21.30. Once this alarm clock goes off, I stop checking emails, using my computer, drinking caffeine, and doing anything else that will keep me up late. The clock app on Apple iPhone includes a setting that will give an ideal bedtime based on waking up early.

I also recommend using a sleep tracker, like a Garmin Watch, Whoop, or Fitbit, so that you can track your sleep cycle for a few weeks.

It’s hard for night-owls to get into the habit of falling asleep at an earlier time of day than usual. That’s where a good wind-down or nighttime routine can help.

When you receive a notification about going to bed, it’s time to reduce exposure to screens, avoid heavy meals and engage in relaxing activities like meditation or reading.

The blue light glare of a computer screen stimulates the brain and makes it harder to fall asleep. If you must work late in front of a screen, consider investing in a pair of blue light glasses. According to a 2017 study by The University of Houston, they can increase melatonin production by 58%.

I also like leaving an alarm in a different bedroom from where I sleep. When an alarm goes off first thing, I have to get out of bed and go into the other room to turn it off. The act of moving makes it harder to press the snooze button or roll over and go back to sleep. The simple act of moving will mitigate feeling groggy too.

I sometimes set a second quieter alarm clock in the bedroom to avoid waking others up. After a few days, your body will begin to adjust to this new routine and it should become easier to fall asleep and wake up in the morning.

A cup of coffee in the morning can jumpstart your day better than any energy drink . It’s tempting to start consuming more coffee when you first start waking early. However, avoid drinking multiple cups of coffee throughout the day, as you’ll find it harder to sleep.

If you drink coffee in the afternoon, trace amounts of caffeine will stay in your system until well into the late night and impact sleep quality. Switch to low-caffeine or caffeine-free drinks after mid-day. If you need to restore energy levels, take a 20-minute nap at lunch, at least until your body adapts.

Investing in a set of noise-cancelling headphones is a fantastic way of enjoying a writing session, particularly one at dawn. You can use it to listen to ambient or lyric-free music, which will help you get into a state of creative flow faster. In that state, all sense of time and effort fades away and it becomes easier to write a difficult first draft . You’re far more likely to do your best writing in this mental state.

For help finding this type of lyric-free music, check out the Flow State Substaack newsletter. Headphones (or earplugs if you’re on a budget) will also block out distractions like other people getting up and going about their day.

It’s easier to create a good habit if you know what works and doesn’t and how close you are to realizing this habit. Don’t beat yourself up if you miss a day on your new early morning schedule.

For the first few weeks, I recorded when I got up, how long I slept, and when I went to bed. I found out that checking email and social media late at night is bad because I find it hard to sleep afterwards.

I recommend using Jerry Seinfeld’s Don’t Break the Chain system. It’s a good habit formation strategy that anyone can easily apply. Each day you wake up early, mark an X through today’s date. Your job is to build a chain of Xs and avoid breaking this chain. For more, check out our writing productivity guide .

Many writers wake up early because their mornings are usually distraction-free and quiet. These hours are also ideal for working on creative projects like a book, a blog or writing morning pages.

You don’t need to be an early bird to start waking up at dawn. It takes practice and some self-discipline. Maintaining consistent circadian rhythms helps. A circadian rhythm refers to your sleeping and waking cycle. Consistent early morning risers go to bed and rise at the same time every day, including at the weekends.

My morning routine varies. I don’t get up early every day , 365 days a year. I sleep late at least one day at the weekend, and there are times when it’s not possible or practical to get up at six AM because of the demands of the previous day.

I accept these days for what they are (a time to rest or sleep) instead of seeing them as setbacks on my journey towards creating an ideal morning writing routine. It takes a little time to shift a sleep cycle from working and rising late to rising early.

I told a friend once when you find writing time in the morning, “you give the best of yourself to yourself.” He laughed. I know this sounds ridiculous, but it’s harder to work on what matters if you’re feeling physically and mentally exhausted from work or day-to-day life.

But what if you are more creative  at night? If you’re happy with your late-night writing process, stick with what works. Tharp sums this up in her book, The Creative Habit .

“In the end, there is no ideal condition for creativity. What works for one person is useless for another. The only criterion is this: Make it easy on yourself.”

Writing in the Morning FAQs

During the day avoid caffeine. Stop working in front of a screen after your evening meal. If possible, go to bed at a reasonable hour and read for a little bit, ideally a paperback. Lay out your clothes and set an alarm in a different room from where you sleep. The first morning will feel challenging, but rising early will become more natural after a few days.

If you want more time to work, meditate, exercise, write or work on personal projects that cultivate your well-being, waking up early is a good habit to create. You’ll have more free time to work on what matters rather than other people’s priorities. Waking up early also means you’re more likely to feel energised and fresh.

Writing in the morning is good because that time of the day is usually quieter and free of distractions. Prolific early morning writers often say they can get their best work done before lunch as they have more physical and mental energy. It’s also an ideal writing time if you’re balancing the creative process with a full-time job.

Deciding what to write every morning depends on whether you’re a blogger, podcaster, author, or freelance writer. Usually, it’s a good idea to work on your most important creative project and hit a target word count or milestone for the day. That way, you’ll accomplish the hardest task of the day first thing. You could also try writing early morning pages, whereby you engage in long-form stream of consciousness writing by hand.


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177 College Essay Examples for 11 Schools + Expert Analysis

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College Admissions , College Essays


The personal statement might just be the hardest part of your college application. Mostly this is because it has the least guidance and is the most open-ended. One way to understand what colleges are looking for when they ask you to write an essay is to check out the essays of students who already got in—college essays that actually worked. After all, they must be among the most successful of this weird literary genre.

In this article, I'll go through general guidelines for what makes great college essays great. I've also compiled an enormous list of 100+ actual sample college essays from 11 different schools. Finally, I'll break down two of these published college essay examples and explain why and how they work. With links to 177 full essays and essay excerpts , this article is a great resource for learning how to craft your own personal college admissions essay!

What Excellent College Essays Have in Common

Even though in many ways these sample college essays are very different from one other, they do share some traits you should try to emulate as you write your own essay.

Visible Signs of Planning

Building out from a narrow, concrete focus. You'll see a similar structure in many of the essays. The author starts with a very detailed story of an event or description of a person or place. After this sense-heavy imagery, the essay expands out to make a broader point about the author, and connects this very memorable experience to the author's present situation, state of mind, newfound understanding, or maturity level.

Knowing how to tell a story. Some of the experiences in these essays are one-of-a-kind. But most deal with the stuff of everyday life. What sets them apart is the way the author approaches the topic: analyzing it for drama and humor, for its moving qualities, for what it says about the author's world, and for how it connects to the author's emotional life.

Stellar Execution

A killer first sentence. You've heard it before, and you'll hear it again: you have to suck the reader in, and the best place to do that is the first sentence. Great first sentences are punchy. They are like cliffhangers, setting up an exciting scene or an unusual situation with an unclear conclusion, in order to make the reader want to know more. Don't take my word for it—check out these 22 first sentences from Stanford applicants and tell me you don't want to read the rest of those essays to find out what happens!

A lively, individual voice. Writing is for readers. In this case, your reader is an admissions officer who has read thousands of essays before yours and will read thousands after. Your goal? Don't bore your reader. Use interesting descriptions, stay away from clichés, include your own offbeat observations—anything that makes this essay sounds like you and not like anyone else.


Technical correctness. No spelling mistakes, no grammar weirdness, no syntax issues, no punctuation snafus—each of these sample college essays has been formatted and proofread perfectly. If this kind of exactness is not your strong suit, you're in luck! All colleges advise applicants to have their essays looked over several times by parents, teachers, mentors, and anyone else who can spot a comma splice. Your essay must be your own work, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with getting help polishing it.

And if you need more guidance, connect with PrepScholar's expert admissions consultants . These expert writers know exactly what college admissions committees look for in an admissions essay and chan help you craft an essay that boosts your chances of getting into your dream school.

Check out PrepScholar's Essay Editing and Coaching progra m for more details!

Want to write the perfect college application essay?   We can help.   Your dedicated PrepScholar Admissions counselor will help you craft your perfect college essay, from the ground up. We learn your background and interests, brainstorm essay topics, and walk you through the essay drafting process, step-by-step. At the end, you'll have a unique essay to proudly submit to colleges.   Don't leave your college application to chance. Find out more about PrepScholar Admissions now:

Links to Full College Essay Examples

Some colleges publish a selection of their favorite accepted college essays that worked, and I've put together a selection of over 100 of these.

Common App Essay Samples

Please note that some of these college essay examples may be responding to prompts that are no longer in use. The current Common App prompts are as follows:

1. Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story. 2. The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience? 3. Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome? 4. Reflect on something that someone has done for you that has made you happy or thankful in a surprising way. How has this gratitude affected or motivated you? 5. Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others. 6. Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?

7. Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you've already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design.

Now, let's get to the good stuff: the list of 177 college essay examples responding to current and past Common App essay prompts. 

Connecticut college.

  • 12 Common Application essays from the classes of 2022-2025

Hamilton College

  • 7 Common Application essays from the class of 2026
  • 7 Common Application essays from the class of 2022
  • 7 Common Application essays from the class of 2018
  • 8 Common Application essays from the class of 2012
  • 8 Common Application essays from the class of 2007

Johns Hopkins

These essays are answers to past prompts from either the Common Application or the Coalition Application (which Johns Hopkins used to accept).

  • 1 Common Application or Coalition Application essay from the class of 2026
  • 6 Common Application or Coalition Application essays from the class of 2025
  • 6 Common Application or Universal Application essays from the class of 2024
  • 6 Common Application or Universal Application essays from the class of 2023
  • 7 Common Application of Universal Application essays from the class of 2022
  • 5 Common Application or Universal Application essays from the class of 2021
  • 7 Common Application or Universal Application essays from the class of 2020

Essay Examples Published by Other Websites

  • 2 Common Application essays ( 1st essay , 2nd essay ) from applicants admitted to Columbia

Other Sample College Essays

Here is a collection of essays that are college-specific.

Babson College

  • 4 essays (and 1 video response) on "Why Babson" from the class of 2020

Emory University

  • 5 essay examples ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ) from the class of 2020 along with analysis from Emory admissions staff on why the essays were exceptional
  • 5 more recent essay examples ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ) along with analysis from Emory admissions staff on what made these essays stand out

University of Georgia

  • 1 “strong essay” sample from 2019
  • 1 “strong essay” sample from 2018
  • 10 Harvard essays from 2023
  • 10 Harvard essays from 2022
  • 10 Harvard essays from 2021
  • 10 Harvard essays from 2020
  • 10 Harvard essays from 2019
  • 10 Harvard essays from 2018
  • 6 essays from admitted MIT students

Smith College

  • 6 "best gift" essays from the class of 2018


Books of College Essays

If you're looking for even more sample college essays, consider purchasing a college essay book. The best of these include dozens of essays that worked and feedback from real admissions officers.

College Essays That Made a Difference —This detailed guide from Princeton Review includes not only successful essays, but also interviews with admissions officers and full student profiles.

50 Successful Harvard Application Essays by the Staff of the Harvard Crimson—A must for anyone aspiring to Harvard .

50 Successful Ivy League Application Essays and 50 Successful Stanford Application Essays by Gen and Kelly Tanabe—For essays from other top schools, check out this venerated series, which is regularly updated with new essays.

Heavenly Essays by Janine W. Robinson—This collection from the popular blogger behind Essay Hell includes a wider range of schools, as well as helpful tips on honing your own essay.


Analyzing Great Common App Essays That Worked

I've picked two essays from the examples collected above to examine in more depth so that you can see exactly what makes a successful college essay work. Full credit for these essays goes to the original authors and the schools that published them.

Example 1: "Breaking Into Cars," by Stephen, Johns Hopkins Class of '19 (Common App Essay, 636 words long)

I had never broken into a car before.

We were in Laredo, having just finished our first day at a Habitat for Humanity work site. The Hotchkiss volunteers had already left, off to enjoy some Texas BBQ, leaving me behind with the college kids to clean up. Not until we were stranded did we realize we were locked out of the van.

Someone picked a coat hanger out of the dumpster, handed it to me, and took a few steps back.

"Can you do that thing with a coat hanger to unlock it?"

"Why me?" I thought.

More out of amusement than optimism, I gave it a try. I slid the hanger into the window's seal like I'd seen on crime shows, and spent a few minutes jiggling the apparatus around the inside of the frame. Suddenly, two things simultaneously clicked. One was the lock on the door. (I actually succeeded in springing it.) The other was the realization that I'd been in this type of situation before. In fact, I'd been born into this type of situation.

My upbringing has numbed me to unpredictability and chaos. With a family of seven, my home was loud, messy, and spottily supervised. My siblings arguing, the dog barking, the phone ringing—all meant my house was functioning normally. My Dad, a retired Navy pilot, was away half the time. When he was home, he had a parenting style something like a drill sergeant. At the age of nine, I learned how to clear burning oil from the surface of water. My Dad considered this a critical life skill—you know, in case my aircraft carrier should ever get torpedoed. "The water's on fire! Clear a hole!" he shouted, tossing me in the lake without warning. While I'm still unconvinced about that particular lesson's practicality, my Dad's overarching message is unequivocally true: much of life is unexpected, and you have to deal with the twists and turns.

Living in my family, days rarely unfolded as planned. A bit overlooked, a little pushed around, I learned to roll with reality, negotiate a quick deal, and give the improbable a try. I don't sweat the small stuff, and I definitely don't expect perfect fairness. So what if our dining room table only has six chairs for seven people? Someone learns the importance of punctuality every night.

But more than punctuality and a special affinity for musical chairs, my family life has taught me to thrive in situations over which I have no power. Growing up, I never controlled my older siblings, but I learned how to thwart their attempts to control me. I forged alliances, and realigned them as necessary. Sometimes, I was the poor, defenseless little brother; sometimes I was the omniscient elder. Different things to different people, as the situation demanded. I learned to adapt.

Back then, these techniques were merely reactions undertaken to ensure my survival. But one day this fall, Dr. Hicks, our Head of School, asked me a question that he hoped all seniors would reflect on throughout the year: "How can I participate in a thing I do not govern, in the company of people I did not choose?"

The question caught me off guard, much like the question posed to me in Laredo. Then, I realized I knew the answer. I knew why the coat hanger had been handed to me.

Growing up as the middle child in my family, I was a vital participant in a thing I did not govern, in the company of people I did not choose. It's family. It's society. And often, it's chaos. You participate by letting go of the small stuff, not expecting order and perfection, and facing the unexpected with confidence, optimism, and preparedness. My family experience taught me to face a serendipitous world with confidence.

What Makes This Essay Tick?

It's very helpful to take writing apart in order to see just how it accomplishes its objectives. Stephen's essay is very effective. Let's find out why!

An Opening Line That Draws You In

In just eight words, we get: scene-setting (he is standing next to a car about to break in), the idea of crossing a boundary (he is maybe about to do an illegal thing for the first time), and a cliffhanger (we are thinking: is he going to get caught? Is he headed for a life of crime? Is he about to be scared straight?).

Great, Detailed Opening Story

More out of amusement than optimism, I gave it a try. I slid the hanger into the window's seal like I'd seen on crime shows, and spent a few minutes jiggling the apparatus around the inside of the frame.

It's the details that really make this small experience come alive. Notice how whenever he can, Stephen uses a more specific, descriptive word in place of a more generic one. The volunteers aren't going to get food or dinner; they're going for "Texas BBQ." The coat hanger comes from "a dumpster." Stephen doesn't just move the coat hanger—he "jiggles" it.

Details also help us visualize the emotions of the people in the scene. The person who hands Stephen the coat hanger isn't just uncomfortable or nervous; he "takes a few steps back"—a description of movement that conveys feelings. Finally, the detail of actual speech makes the scene pop. Instead of writing that the other guy asked him to unlock the van, Stephen has the guy actually say his own words in a way that sounds like a teenager talking.


Turning a Specific Incident Into a Deeper Insight

Suddenly, two things simultaneously clicked. One was the lock on the door. (I actually succeeded in springing it.) The other was the realization that I'd been in this type of situation before. In fact, I'd been born into this type of situation.

Stephen makes the locked car experience a meaningful illustration of how he has learned to be resourceful and ready for anything, and he also makes this turn from the specific to the broad through an elegant play on the two meanings of the word "click."

Using Concrete Examples When Making Abstract Claims

My upbringing has numbed me to unpredictability and chaos. With a family of seven, my home was loud, messy, and spottily supervised. My siblings arguing, the dog barking, the phone ringing—all meant my house was functioning normally.

"Unpredictability and chaos" are very abstract, not easily visualized concepts. They could also mean any number of things—violence, abandonment, poverty, mental instability. By instantly following up with highly finite and unambiguous illustrations like "family of seven" and "siblings arguing, the dog barking, the phone ringing," Stephen grounds the abstraction in something that is easy to picture: a large, noisy family.

Using Small Bits of Humor and Casual Word Choice

My Dad, a retired Navy pilot, was away half the time. When he was home, he had a parenting style something like a drill sergeant. At the age of nine, I learned how to clear burning oil from the surface of water. My Dad considered this a critical life skill—you know, in case my aircraft carrier should ever get torpedoed.

Obviously, knowing how to clean burning oil is not high on the list of things every 9-year-old needs to know. To emphasize this, Stephen uses sarcasm by bringing up a situation that is clearly over-the-top: "in case my aircraft carrier should ever get torpedoed."

The humor also feels relaxed. Part of this is because he introduces it with the colloquial phrase "you know," so it sounds like he is talking to us in person. This approach also diffuses the potential discomfort of the reader with his father's strictness—since he is making jokes about it, clearly he is OK. Notice, though, that this doesn't occur very much in the essay. This helps keep the tone meaningful and serious rather than flippant.


An Ending That Stretches the Insight Into the Future

But one day this fall, Dr. Hicks, our Head of School, asked me a question that he hoped all seniors would reflect on throughout the year: "How can I participate in a thing I do not govern, in the company of people I did not choose?"

The ending of the essay reveals that Stephen's life has been one long preparation for the future. He has emerged from chaos and his dad's approach to parenting as a person who can thrive in a world that he can't control.

This connection of past experience to current maturity and self-knowledge is a key element in all successful personal essays. Colleges are very much looking for mature, self-aware applicants. These are the qualities of successful college students, who will be able to navigate the independence college classes require and the responsibility and quasi-adulthood of college life.

What Could This Essay Do Even Better?

Even the best essays aren't perfect, and even the world's greatest writers will tell you that writing is never "finished"—just "due." So what would we tweak in this essay if we could?

Replace some of the clichéd language. Stephen uses handy phrases like "twists and turns" and "don't sweat the small stuff" as a kind of shorthand for explaining his relationship to chaos and unpredictability. But using too many of these ready-made expressions runs the risk of clouding out your own voice and replacing it with something expected and boring.

Use another example from recent life. Stephen's first example (breaking into the van in Laredo) is a great illustration of being resourceful in an unexpected situation. But his essay also emphasizes that he "learned to adapt" by being "different things to different people." It would be great to see how this plays out outside his family, either in the situation in Laredo or another context.

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Example 2: By Renner Kwittken, Tufts Class of '23 (Common App Essay, 645 words long)

My first dream job was to be a pickle truck driver. I saw it in my favorite book, Richard Scarry's "Cars and Trucks and Things That Go," and for some reason, I was absolutely obsessed with the idea of driving a giant pickle. Much to the discontent of my younger sister, I insisted that my parents read us that book as many nights as possible so we could find goldbug, a small little golden bug, on every page. I would imagine the wonderful life I would have: being a pig driving a giant pickle truck across the country, chasing and finding goldbug. I then moved on to wanting to be a Lego Master. Then an architect. Then a surgeon.

Then I discovered a real goldbug: gold nanoparticles that can reprogram macrophages to assist in killing tumors, produce clear images of them without sacrificing the subject, and heat them to obliteration.

Suddenly the destination of my pickle was clear.

I quickly became enveloped by the world of nanomedicine; I scoured articles about liposomes, polymeric micelles, dendrimers, targeting ligands, and self-assembling nanoparticles, all conquering cancer in some exotic way. Completely absorbed, I set out to find a mentor to dive even deeper into these topics. After several rejections, I was immensely grateful to receive an invitation to work alongside Dr. Sangeeta Ray at Johns Hopkins.

In the lab, Dr. Ray encouraged a great amount of autonomy to design and implement my own procedures. I chose to attack a problem that affects the entire field of nanomedicine: nanoparticles consistently fail to translate from animal studies into clinical trials. Jumping off recent literature, I set out to see if a pre-dose of a common chemotherapeutic could enhance nanoparticle delivery in aggressive prostate cancer, creating three novel constructs based on three different linear polymers, each using fluorescent dye (although no gold, sorry goldbug!). Though using radioactive isotopes like Gallium and Yttrium would have been incredible, as a 17-year-old, I unfortunately wasn't allowed in the same room as these radioactive materials (even though I took a Geiger counter to a pair of shoes and found them to be slightly dangerous).

I hadn't expected my hypothesis to work, as the research project would have ideally been led across two full years. Yet while there are still many optimizations and revisions to be done, I was thrilled to find -- with completely new nanoparticles that may one day mean future trials will use particles with the initials "RK-1" -- thatcyclophosphamide did indeed increase nanoparticle delivery to the tumor in a statistically significant way.

A secondary, unexpected research project was living alone in Baltimore, a new city to me, surrounded by people much older than I. Even with moving frequently between hotels, AirBnB's, and students' apartments, I strangely reveled in the freedom I had to enjoy my surroundings and form new friendships with graduate school students from the lab. We explored The Inner Harbor at night, attended a concert together one weekend, and even got to watch the Orioles lose (to nobody's surprise). Ironically, it's through these new friendships I discovered something unexpected: what I truly love is sharing research. Whether in a presentation or in a casual conversation, making others interested in science is perhaps more exciting to me than the research itself. This solidified a new pursuit to angle my love for writing towards illuminating science in ways people can understand, adding value to a society that can certainly benefit from more scientific literacy.

It seems fitting that my goals are still transforming: in Scarry's book, there is not just one goldbug, there is one on every page. With each new experience, I'm learning that it isn't the goldbug itself, but rather the act of searching for the goldbugs that will encourage, shape, and refine my ever-evolving passions. Regardless of the goldbug I seek -- I know my pickle truck has just begun its journey.

Renner takes a somewhat different approach than Stephen, but their essay is just as detailed and engaging. Let's go through some of the strengths of this essay.

One Clear Governing Metaphor

This essay is ultimately about two things: Renner’s dreams and future career goals, and Renner’s philosophy on goal-setting and achieving one’s dreams.

But instead of listing off all the amazing things they’ve done to pursue their dream of working in nanomedicine, Renner tells a powerful, unique story instead. To set up the narrative, Renner opens the essay by connecting their experiences with goal-setting and dream-chasing all the way back to a memorable childhood experience:

This lighthearted–but relevant!--story about the moment when Renner first developed a passion for a specific career (“finding the goldbug”) provides an anchor point for the rest of the essay. As Renner pivots to describing their current dreams and goals–working in nanomedicine–the metaphor of “finding the goldbug” is reflected in Renner’s experiments, rejections, and new discoveries.

Though Renner tells multiple stories about their quest to “find the goldbug,” or, in other words, pursue their passion, each story is connected by a unifying theme; namely, that as we search and grow over time, our goals will transform…and that’s okay! By the end of the essay, Renner uses the metaphor of “finding the goldbug” to reiterate the relevance of the opening story:

While the earlier parts of the essay convey Renner’s core message by showing, the final, concluding paragraph sums up Renner’s insights by telling. By briefly and clearly stating the relevance of the goldbug metaphor to their own philosophy on goals and dreams, Renner demonstrates their creativity, insight, and eagerness to grow and evolve as the journey continues into college.


An Engaging, Individual Voice

This essay uses many techniques that make Renner sound genuine and make the reader feel like we already know them.

Technique #1: humor. Notice Renner's gentle and relaxed humor that lightly mocks their younger self's grand ambitions (this is different from the more sarcastic kind of humor used by Stephen in the first essay—you could never mistake one writer for the other).

My first dream job was to be a pickle truck driver.

I would imagine the wonderful life I would have: being a pig driving a giant pickle truck across the country, chasing and finding goldbug. I then moved on to wanting to be a Lego Master. Then an architect. Then a surgeon.

Renner gives a great example of how to use humor to your advantage in college essays. You don’t want to come off as too self-deprecating or sarcastic, but telling a lightheartedly humorous story about your younger self that also showcases how you’ve grown and changed over time can set the right tone for your entire essay.

Technique #2: intentional, eye-catching structure. The second technique is the way Renner uses a unique structure to bolster the tone and themes of their essay . The structure of your essay can have a major impact on how your ideas come across…so it’s important to give it just as much thought as the content of your essay!

For instance, Renner does a great job of using one-line paragraphs to create dramatic emphasis and to make clear transitions from one phase of the story to the next:

Suddenly the destination of my pickle car was clear.

Not only does the one-liner above signal that Renner is moving into a new phase of the narrative (their nanoparticle research experiences), it also tells the reader that this is a big moment in Renner’s story. It’s clear that Renner made a major discovery that changed the course of their goal pursuit and dream-chasing. Through structure, Renner conveys excitement and entices the reader to keep pushing forward to the next part of the story.

Technique #3: playing with syntax. The third technique is to use sentences of varying length, syntax, and structure. Most of the essay's written in standard English and uses grammatically correct sentences. However, at key moments, Renner emphasizes that the reader needs to sit up and pay attention by switching to short, colloquial, differently punctuated, and sometimes fragmented sentences.

Even with moving frequently between hotels, AirBnB's, and students' apartments, I strangely reveled in the freedom I had to enjoy my surroundings and form new friendships with graduate school students from the lab. We explored The Inner Harbor at night, attended a concert together one weekend, and even got to watch the Orioles lose (to nobody's surprise). Ironically, it's through these new friendships I discovered something unexpected: what I truly love is sharing research.

In the examples above, Renner switches adeptly between long, flowing sentences and quippy, telegraphic ones. At the same time, Renner uses these different sentence lengths intentionally. As they describe their experiences in new places, they use longer sentences to immerse the reader in the sights, smells, and sounds of those experiences. And when it’s time to get a big, key idea across, Renner switches to a short, punchy sentence to stop the reader in their tracks.

The varying syntax and sentence lengths pull the reader into the narrative and set up crucial “aha” moments when it’s most important…which is a surefire way to make any college essay stand out.


Renner's essay is very strong, but there are still a few little things that could be improved.

Connecting the research experiences to the theme of “finding the goldbug.”  The essay begins and ends with Renner’s connection to the idea of “finding the goldbug.” And while this metaphor is deftly tied into the essay’s intro and conclusion, it isn’t entirely clear what Renner’s big findings were during the research experiences that are described in the middle of the essay. It would be great to add a sentence or two stating what Renner’s big takeaways (or “goldbugs”) were from these experiences, which add more cohesion to the essay as a whole.

Give more details about discovering the world of nanomedicine. It makes sense that Renner wants to get into the details of their big research experiences as quickly as possible. After all, these are the details that show Renner’s dedication to nanomedicine! But a smoother transition from the opening pickle car/goldbug story to Renner’s “real goldbug” of nanoparticles would help the reader understand why nanoparticles became Renner’s goldbug. Finding out why Renner is so motivated to study nanomedicine–and perhaps what put them on to this field of study–would help readers fully understand why Renner chose this path in the first place.

4 Essential Tips for Writing Your Own Essay

How can you use this discussion to better your own college essay? Here are some suggestions for ways to use this resource effectively.

#1: Get Help From the Experts

Getting your college applications together takes a lot of work and can be pretty intimidatin g. Essays are even more important than ever now that admissions processes are changing and schools are going test-optional and removing diversity standards thanks to new Supreme Court rulings .  If you want certified expert help that really makes a difference, get started with  PrepScholar’s Essay Editing and Coaching program. Our program can help you put together an incredible essay from idea to completion so that your application stands out from the crowd. We've helped students get into the best colleges in the United States, including Harvard, Stanford, and Yale.  If you're ready to take the next step and boost your odds of getting into your dream school, connect with our experts today .

#2: Read Other Essays to Get Ideas for Your Own

As you go through the essays we've compiled for you above, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Can you explain to yourself (or someone else!) why the opening sentence works well?
  • Look for the essay's detailed personal anecdote. What senses is the author describing? Can you easily picture the scene in your mind's eye?
  • Find the place where this anecdote bridges into a larger insight about the author. How does the essay connect the two? How does the anecdote work as an example of the author's characteristic, trait, or skill?
  • Check out the essay's tone. If it's funny, can you find the places where the humor comes from? If it's sad and moving, can you find the imagery and description of feelings that make you moved? If it's serious, can you see how word choice adds to this tone?

Make a note whenever you find an essay or part of an essay that you think was particularly well-written, and think about what you like about it . Is it funny? Does it help you really get to know the writer? Does it show what makes the writer unique? Once you have your list, keep it next to you while writing your essay to remind yourself to try and use those same techniques in your own essay.


#3: Find Your "A-Ha!" Moment

All of these essays rely on connecting with the reader through a heartfelt, highly descriptive scene from the author's life. It can either be very dramatic (did you survive a plane crash?) or it can be completely mundane (did you finally beat your dad at Scrabble?). Either way, it should be personal and revealing about you, your personality, and the way you are now that you are entering the adult world.

Check out essays by authors like John Jeremiah Sullivan , Leslie Jamison , Hanif Abdurraqib , and Esmé Weijun Wang to get more examples of how to craft a compelling personal narrative.

#4: Start Early, Revise Often

Let me level with you: the best writing isn't writing at all. It's rewriting. And in order to have time to rewrite, you have to start way before the application deadline. My advice is to write your first draft at least two months before your applications are due.

Let it sit for a few days untouched. Then come back to it with fresh eyes and think critically about what you've written. What's extra? What's missing? What is in the wrong place? What doesn't make sense? Don't be afraid to take it apart and rearrange sections. Do this several times over, and your essay will be much better for it!

For more editing tips, check out a style guide like Dreyer's English or Eats, Shoots & Leaves .


What's Next?

Still not sure which colleges you want to apply to? Our experts will show you how to make a college list that will help you choose a college that's right for you.

Interested in learning more about college essays? Check out our detailed breakdown of exactly how personal statements work in an application , some suggestions on what to avoid when writing your essay , and our guide to writing about your extracurricular activities .

Working on the rest of your application? Read what admissions officers wish applicants knew before applying .

Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?   We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download them for free now:

The recommendations in this post are based solely on our knowledge and experience. If you purchase an item through one of our links PrepScholar may receive a commission.

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Anna scored in the 99th percentile on her SATs in high school, and went on to major in English at Princeton and to get her doctorate in English Literature at Columbia. She is passionate about improving student access to higher education.

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Morning Walk Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on morning walk.

The modern-day world is full of psychological disorders, poor health, mental tension , and many more problems. Likewise, the life of some people is like a mad rush from one work to another without any break.

Besides, there are very few people in the world that care about their health more than their work or daily tasks. But, there are ways by which we can restore our healthfully and morning walk is one of them. Additionally, it is so effective that it can reduce the amount of health disorder from the world.

Morning Walk Essay

The Best Time for a Walk

Most people believe that rising up early as 4 am and going on a walk at that time is more healthy . But, the best time of marooning walk is as soon as one gets up. Also, it is very important that you do not drink or eat anything before going for a morning walk.

Moreover, the place of the walk should be an open ground with a lot of fresh air and greenery. But, the best place for a walk in a garden, green belts, and parks, etc. are the most brilliant places. Bides, the pace of the walk should neither be too fast nor too slow. Conversation during walk should be avoided as it distracts the person from the walk.

It is helpful in vitalizing the health of the vital organs of the body. Additionally, it improves the functionality of the different system of the body. It is so because during sleep most of the organs of the body are at rest and a morning walk helps to revitalize them. In addition, it removes tiredness and the feeling of fullness from the body. The fresh air of the open area refreshers our body and mind.

That’s why many doctors advise their patients to start morning walk because of their incredible result.

Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas

Importance of Morning walk

From childhood, we have heard that “early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” This is not just a saying because morning walks make a man healthy and wise.

Moreover, it improves the physical shape and state of the body which protects us from many diseases. Besides, all this morning walks create a sense of equality among the people.

Above all, morning walk gives you energy, motivates you to avoid laziness, creates a positive mindset, it is good for your organs especially heart, and it gives you time to plan your schedule. According to research, the best time for a morning walk is in the latter part of the afternoon between 3 pm to 7 pm.

To sum it up, we can say that, Morning walk is very important for the body. Also, it helps to keep the body and mind healthy. Besides, everyone whether kids or elders should try to make a morning walk a part of their daily routine. As it is seen that the life span of people who walk daily is more in comparison to those who do not do morning walk.

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Essay on Morning Scene

Students are often asked to write an essay on Morning Scene in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Morning Scene

The beauty of morning.

Mornings are a magical time of day. As the sun peeks over the horizon, it paints the sky with hues of red, orange, and yellow. The cool, crisp air is filled with the sweet songs of birds waking up to a new day.

The Bustle of Life

Morning scenes are a blend of tranquility and energy, a perfect start to the day.

250 Words Essay on Morning Scene

The symphony of dawn.

The morning scene is a symphony of serene beauty, an orchestra of nature’s elements harmonizing to welcome a new day. The grandeur of this daily spectacle is a profound reminder of the cyclical nature of life, and it serves as an inspiration for poets, artists, and thinkers alike.

The Awakening of the World

The melody of morning.

Accompanying this visual spectacle is the melodious symphony of birds, their songs echoing the joy of a new beginning. The rustling leaves, the gurgling brooks, and the gentle breeze all join this chorus, creating a soothing soundtrack that drowns out the residual silence of the night.

The Aroma of Freshness

The morning scene is not just a feast for the eyes and ears, but also the nose. The air is laden with the fresh aroma of dew-kissed grass and blooming flowers, a scent that invigorates the senses and refreshes the soul.

The Morning Scene: A Metaphor for Life

The morning scene is a metaphor for life itself. Just as the dawn breaks the darkness, hope can dispel despair. Each sunrise is a reminder that every day is a new opportunity, a chance to start afresh, to learn, to grow, and to create. It prompts us to embrace the cyclical nature of existence, to appreciate the beauty in transitions, and to find harmony amidst change.

500 Words Essay on Morning Scene

The aesthetic awakening: a morning scene.

The morning scene is a spectacle of nature’s exquisite artistry, a serene symphony of colors and sounds that rejuvenates the soul. It holds an enchanting allure that has inspired poets, writers, and artists throughout the ages. The morning scene is not just a visual delight; it is a sensory experience that encapsulates a profound philosophical perspective on life and existence.

The Dawn of a New Day

The morning scene unfolds with the first light of dawn. The darkness of the night gradually gives way to the soft, subtle hues of the early morning sky. The eastern horizon starts to glow with a gentle blush, heralding the arrival of a new day. The sun, in its majestic glory, begins its ascent, casting long, ethereal shadows that dance in perfect harmony with the rhythm of the daybreak.

The Symphony of Nature

Reflection of life’s rhythms.

The morning scene is a mirror reflecting the rhythms of life. It signifies the cycle of birth, growth, decay, and rebirth. The dawn symbolizes birth and new beginnings, the rising sun represents growth and progress, and the fading darkness signifies the end of the old and the start of the new. This cyclical pattern resonates with the human life cycle, offering a philosophical perspective on existence and the impermanence of life.

The Morning Scene as a Source of Inspiration

The morning scene is a source of inspiration and motivation. It is a reminder that every day is a new beginning, an opportunity to start afresh. The tranquillity of the morning provides the perfect setting for introspection, for setting goals, and for planning the day. It encourages us to rise above our past failures and disappointments and to seize the opportunities that a new day presents.

The Morning Scene: A Metaphor for Hope

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  • Paragraph Writing
  • Morning Walk Paragraph

Morning Walk Paragraph - Check the Samples for 100, 200, 300 Words

We all know the importance of a morning walk in our lives. Doctors usually suggest all their patients to take a morning walk every day. The early morning sun keeps a person healthy. The chirping of birds and the slow breeze give us immense pleasure and keep our minds fresh. A morning walk is the most effective exercise to keep ourselves fit and healthy.

Table of Contents

How to write a morning walk paragraph, morning walk paragraph in 100 words, morning walk paragraph in 200 words, morning walk paragraph in 300 words, frequently asked questions on morning walk paragraph.

During our school days, we all must have written various types of essays, paragraphs, etc. We were taught to write essays on various topics. The importance of a morning walk is only read in books and magazines or heard from doctors or advisors, but the effects of a morning walk can be felt only after you make it a habit. It helps in maintaining a healthy and proper schedule and keeps our mood fresh.

Here are some ideas of what you can include in your paragraph on a morning walk. You can say if you go alone or with your friends/siblings/parents/pet. You can mention when and where you go for a walk, how much time you spend there, what you see and how you feel about yourself and everything you see around you. Write it in the first-person point of view if you want to sound genuine, and make your readers see and feel what you are experiencing when you go on a morning walk. In case you are writing a general paragraph on a morning walk, use the third-person point of view. You can write about the benefits of a morning walk and also give your readers an idea of what it would feel like if they took a morning walk.

To live a healthy and prosperous life, we need to bring in some changes in our lifestyle, and among all these changes, including a morning walk in your routine is truly rewarding. It is the best solution for people of all age groups with no side effects. If you have any sort of disease, a doctor would mostly recommend you go for a morning walk. If you are diabetic, then you need to walk daily, and if you have an upset stomach, you need to walk every morning. Stay mentally and physically active by walking for a few minutes. It is a chance to experience the beauty of nature closely.

Morning walks can easily become a habit after a certain time. It helps in maintaining a healthy schedule. It is a regular habit that will help in banishing your laziness and lethargy. Along with staying healthy, you get a pollution-free environment that refreshes your mind and body. You get enough time to start your day in a good mood. It is one of the easiest and cheapest ways of maintaining a healthy life. That is why almost all doctors will advise you to go for a morning walk as a remedy for all your diseases. While walking, we come across many new people and come in close contact with nature, which in turn, helps in keeping the mind healthy. Morning walks will also enhance your mind to give you a better prospect of the world around you. It is the best solution for people of all age groups and has no side effects. If you have any sort of disease, a doctor would mostly recommend you go for a morning walk. Starting your day with a morning walk will keep your mind and body afresh the whole day.

We must make some lifestyle adjustments in order to live a healthy and prosperous life, and among these changes, taking a morning walk has a significant impact. After a while, going for a morning stroll becomes something you cannot miss at any cost. It aids in the creation of a decent schedule and the maintenance of a healthy routine. It is a consistent habit that will assist you in overcoming your sleepiness and tiredness. You get a pollution-free environment that refreshes your mind and body in addition to staying healthy. You have enough time to start your lovely day in a positive frame of mind. You also get enough time to manage your work throughout your day. It’s one of the simplest, cheapest, and healthiest methods to stay in shape. As a result, practically all doctors will suggest you take a morning walk as a treatment for any ailment. We meet many new individuals and have close contact with nature when walking. Morning walks can also help to sharpen your intellect and give you a better perspective on the world. It is the most effective option for people of all ages and the simplest form of exercise. A doctor would usually advise you to go for a morning stroll if you have any kind of sickness. Walking for a few minutes can help you stay mentally and physically active. Going for a morning walk every day helps in developing a positive attitude in yourself. So make it a routine and stay healthy.

How do we write a paragraph on morning walk?

What is the importance of a morning walk.

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Gary larson's final words on his career are bizarre, touching, & perfect for the far side.


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Gary Larson Told Fans Exactly How The Far Side Would End – A Decade Before It Did

"what else didn't i draw": gary larson on the far side comics left unproduced by his retirement, 10 hilarious far side comics featuring absurd vacation photos.

  • Gary Larson's career retrospective, as part of The Complete Far Side , concluded with an emotional, if characteristically strange, essay that started by reflecting on unproduced cartoons and ended with a bizarre comparison between spiders catching bugs & humans catching fish.
  • Larson's meditation on creative fulfillment led to his connection between how his father felt catching a fish, and how spiders felt catching gnats; in a way, this effectively mapped out the evolution of a Far Side joke for readers, one final time.
  • Larson's musings offered incredible insight into his artistic process, and his unique brand of humor, in the two-volume The Complete Far Side .

Gary Larson, creator of The Far Side , is by any measurable standard, an idiosyncratic artistic mind, with a singular perspective on his art , and the whole world in general, that no one could truly replicate – something thrown into sharp relief by his final essay in The Complete Far Side , which wrapped up his retrospective on his career.

Near the end of The Complete Far Side Volume Two , Larson penned one final essay, which began with him acknowledging that he occasionally regretted retiring, and ended with him admitting that he wanted " to stop writing about cartoons and thinking about cartoons. "

Far Side, June 4, 1983, a spider looks through a hole that has been busted in its web

In between, the essay diverged into an increasingly strange, if memorable, comparison between spiders catching insects, and fishers – specifically, Larson's father – catching fish, sparked by the artist's meditation on creative fulfillment , and articulated as only he could.

Far Side Feature Image, characters waving in foreground, while one makes a funny face in background

As far back as a decade before Far Side Creator Gary Larson retired as a cartoonist, he was already telling fans how and why the comic would end.

Gary Larson's Reflection On His Career Ended With An Insight Into His Creative Mind

A window into the far side's creation.

Far Side, October 18, 1980, a spider consoles another about 'the one that got away'

Though he subsequently takes the comparison to a level of heightened absurdity, in patented Far Side style, at the root of it is a deeply relevant connection between his work as an artist, his father's hobby of fishing, and yes, even spiders catching gnats.

Throughout The Complete Far Side , Gary Larson penned a number of short essays, offering wonderful insights into his creative process , along with anecdotes from throughout his career. The essay that concludes the sprawling two-volume set finds Larson wrestling with contradictory feelings: at once missing his time as a cartoonist, and grateful it is over; melancholy at prolonged exposure to memories of the bygone past, and also anxious to turn his attention back to the present. Ultimately, he retreats into a familiar mode, shifting – so to speak – from thinking in terms of "memoir" to thinking creatively.

In other words, in order to escape his wistful reverie, the author turns his attention to something else that has distracted him – and in the process, offers one further insight into the mind that produced so many Far Side cartoons. As he wrote:

Serendipity has handed me a way to wrap this up. I'm sitting here writing my final essay for this book, and every few minutes I lift my eyes from the computer monitor and stare out the window overlooking the garden. But I'm not looking at the garden. I'm watching the small spiders that have spun webs between the leaded panes and brick frame. There are four of them, and they're catching gnats like they know it's the gnat warden's day off. This is really a show. They're extremely small, these spiders, but the gnats – and they're as thick as, well, gnats – are considerably smaller. There are so many, the spiders aren't even bothering to throw a few holding threads around their prey. They're just grabbing and sucking down gnats, one after the other. I can't help but imagine that somewhere within the primitive, ganglionic mass that serves as a spider's brain, these little guys are experiencing a sensation that equates to what my dad, an avid fisherman, feels when a salmon strikes the line. Hot damn! Another one!

Here, readers are privy to the kind of quick, intuitive connection-making that was foundational to Gary Larson's success as an artist. He finds a connection between spider and human behavior, which in turn offers a strong analogy for his creative endeavors.

At the same time, Larson also exhibits another vital aspect of The Far Side ; his humor was so idiosyncratic because it began as deeply personal, yet the end result was so often universally recognizable, and widely applicable. Though he subsequently takes the comparison to a level of heightened absurdity, in patented Far Side style, at the root of it is a deeply relevant connection between his work as an artist, his father's hobby of fishing, and yes, even spiders catching gnats.

Gary Larson On The Parallels Between Spiders And Fishing (& Artists)

Trust him, it makes sense.

When he sat down at night to work at the same desk where he later composed this essay – next to the same window where he watched the spiders – illustrating Far Side cartoons was Gary Larson's equivalent of catching gnats, or reeling in a keeper.

The last essay in The Complete Far Side Volume Two is especially endearing for the way that it traces the evolution of Gary Larson's thought process – arriving at a point which has the feeling of a familiar Far Side observation . Larson elaborated on the connection between spiders and his father, in the end arriving at an improbably absurd conclusion:

The parallels are interesting, now that I think about it: My dad's invisible fishing line/the spider's invisible web; my dad's net/the spider's holding threads; my dad sitting alone in his boat, patiently waiting for a strike; the spiders sitting alone in their webs, patiently waiting for the same signal. There's only one conclusion: My dad's really just like a big spider, and all these little spiders are really just like my dad. (All we need now is for one of these little gnats to start screaming "Help me!" and this will get really weird.)

Through every step of this intellectual exercise, Gary Larson exhibits The Far Side's trademark humor, a delightfully skewed approach to the world that has resulted in his work's enduring legacy.

The silliness of the "punchline" here aside, Larson's observation here can be praised for the way it ties back to his reflections on retirement. For him, when he sat down at night to work at the same desk where he later composed this essay – next to the same window where he watched the spiders – illustrating Far Side cartoons was Gary Larson's equivalent of catching gnats, or reeling in a keeper. The essay makes it clear that he missed the tug of creative satisfaction, just not enough to keep drawing The Far Side .

The Far Side Complete Collection Book Set

The Far Side Complete Collection

Fans of the far side can't pass up this master collection of Gary Larson's finest work. Originally published in hardcover in 2003, this paperback set comes complete with a newly designed slipcase that will look great on any shelf. The Complete Far Side contains every Far Side cartoon ever published, which amounts to over 4,000, plus more than 1,100 that have never before appeared in a book and even some made after Larson retired. 

The Creation Of The Far Side Was All A Distraction To Gary Larson

How he turned a short-attention span into a career.

Far Side, March 2, 1983, a spider looks an an erratically woven web and says "whoa that can't be right"

How quickly his mind moved on to the connections between spiders, fishing, and art only served to drive home the fact that he still had an incredible reservoir of ideas and creativity within him – except, barring brief flare-ups, he no longer had the will to produce cartoons.

In a way, it can be said that The Far Side was the product of a cultivated power of distraction, with Gary Larson's creative "superpower" being his ability to turn what is a negative for most artists into a positive. He passingly acknowledged as much in The Complete Far Side Volume Two , drawing his last essay to a close by tenderly, if conspiratorially, confiding in his readers. As Larson wrote:

I'm telling you this because I'm guessing – or hoping – you may know me a little by now. My mind seems to wander. I started off wistfully describing a few cartoons I wish I had drawn, wondering about the ones yet to be imagined, and what happens? – I get cut off by some little spiders.

For Larson, being distracted by the natural world was ultimately a virtue – as exhibited here, it tended to stimulate some of his most exciting, engaging ideas.

As he noted here, the essay began with Gary Larson discussing being " haunted" by the question of " what else didn't [he] draw ?" and the thought of unproduced Far Side comics. How quickly his mind moved on to the connections between spiders, fishing, and art only served to drive home the fact that he still had an incredible reservoir of ideas and creativity within him – except, barring brief flare-ups, he no longer had the will to produce cartoons, and really could only stand to engage with them for short bursts of time.

As An Artist, Gary Larson Was "Drawn To The Little Things"

And it took him to big places.

As much as Gary Larson set out to " draw the little things ," the scope and the depth of his work, and his worldview, developed considerably over time. Still, he achieved finding humor and appreciation for the world in places that everyone else overlooked.

By the end of the essay, having recovered from his tangent about the spiders, Larson's burst of creative enthusiasm had faded, leaving him with only the slight ache of the reminder of what it was like to produce The Far Side . Yet all of this led up to a heartfelt, concise summation of his career. According to Larson:

Here's where I must simply admit the truth: I want to stop writing about cartoons and thinking about cartoons. I just want to watch these little spiders. This is how I started as a cartoonist – drawn to the little things – and this is how I'll end. And if you run into my dad, please don't squish him.

This full circle moment reads as particularly emotionally charged, and it seems clear that Larson considers it definitive – and weighty enough that he chose instead to end on one final joke about his father being a spider.

Admittedly, as much as Gary Larson set out to " draw the little things ," the scope and the depth of his work, and his worldview, developed considerably over time. Still, he achieved this by constantly prioritizing the " little things ," and by finding humor and appreciation for the world in places that everyone else overlooked. This was what drew him with equal interest to nature , including insects such as spiders, and inanimate objects , which he imbued with an incredible amount of life.

Gary Larson and animals

Reflecting on his career several years into retirement, Gary Larson admitted that he fleetingly felt haunted by the Far Side comics he never drew.

Gary Larson's Emotional Send-Off To The Far Side Is The Author At His Best

A must-read for fans.

Far Side, March 9, 1983, a butterfly emerges from a cocoon right into a spider web

[Gary] Larson's writings in The Complete Far Side are essential for anyone who seeks a more detailed understanding of a generational American creative talent.

Gary Larson's sense of humor is reflected to a strong degree in modern internet humor, yet at the same time no artist has truly been able to capture, or recreate, precisely what distinguished The Far Side from everything else. Larson's digression in his final essay from The Complete Far Side Volume Two is incredibly valuable to artists studying his work for the way that it maps the intrusion of a Far Side- like idea into the normal flow of his mind. For fans of the comic, it is an emotional send-off for the long-running serial.

In any case, though Larson did sporadically return to The Far Side decades after retiring, The Complete Far Side captures him at a moment in time when that seemed unlikely, giving readers a striking insight into the artist's relation to more than just his art, but to his career , and the public perception of him. While readers can come to be familiar with Gary Larson, to a degree, through familiarizing themselves with The Far Side , Larson's writings in The Complete Far Side are essential for anyone who seeks a more detailed understanding of a generational American creative talent.

Source: The Complete Far Side Volume Two

The Far Side Comic Poster

The Far Side

The Far Side is a humorous comic series developed by Gary Larson. The series has been in production since 1979 and features a wide array of comic collections, calendars, art, and other miscellaneous items.

The Far Side

Beautiful Morning Essay in English

Beautiful Morning Essay in English , I live in the hills and I get to enjoy a beautiful morning every day. On hills, you always get to enjoy both sunrise and sunset without any difficulty. The morning here is no less than a dream come true. When you live in mountains you are like sitting on the top of the world from where you can have the best view of sunrise and sunset. Whenever I get up early I take a walk to get a glimpse of the beautiful rising sun.

The morning colors are so beautiful. It is a mix of yellow, red, orange, pink, purple, and blue. All these colors together make the morning so beautiful and pleasant. When the first ray of sun falls on the tall standing mountain the view is majestic.

It is said that God lives in mountains. This is why mountains are called the queen of hills, places of ditties, and many other names are given to the hill stations. In the mountains, you will get exposure to the most beautiful mornings, especially in villages.

beautiful morning essay in english

Morning Descriptive Essay

People get up early in the mountains. There are birds chirping and flying over the trees. The chipping and their melodic rhythms are so pleasant to the ears. Then there are domestic animals out on the morning walk in herds. People who live in the metro cities can know the pain of not having such mornings. The cities have so much noise.

From the early morning to late nights roads are busy, streets are cluttered and there is nothing special about having a morning that can get them close to nature. I am fortunate to enjoy every minute in the mountains. Everything is so pure and fresh here.

Every morning is extraordinary. I have heard stories of beautiful mornings from my grandparents when they used to get up early in the morning to fetch water from nearby water bodies. The way was too long so they encountered many experiences like meeting animals which are rare to see in villages.

Also Read: Visit to a Garden Essay

Morning Scene Essay for Class 4

Mornings have always been special in my home town. Every morning gives new hope and energy to live this day with power and courage. Morning is when we get up for a new day. It should always be pleasant for humans. No matter sun is rising on a warm day in summer or the sun gets clouded by dense black clouds, every morning is better than the other.

The early morning scene is similar to a colorful painting when the dark sky turns blue. In some patches, we see clouds someday and the other day the sky is totally blue. In the morning everything is fresh and gives us a wonderful environment to start a bright day.

The entire nature is getting up from sound sleep. Slowly the world gets into its senses.  Mountains stand tall and in winters they are mesmerizing covered in snow. When the first sunray drops on a snow-covered mountain it looks majestic.

The whole nature is giving us a blessing to start the next day with charm and happiness. There are trees, waterfalls, and rivers making the scene more attractive and energetic. The rage of nature has its different colors both in the morning and at the time when the sunsets.

Morning Scene Essay for Class 2

In the morning there are fresh and cold winds blowing giving us the feel of a fresh morning. One single stroll in the forest in the early morning can give us a new life. The wind pounding at the face woke us completely. In the winters there is fog all around in the morning. Winds are wet and the fresh feel is unmatchable. 

Birds are singing their best melodies in the morning. There is music in the air and the melodies are so sweet. Everything about the morning is welcoming. The green color of nature is soaked in the morning mist. Leaves have dews on them and walking barefoot on the grass is the best medicine. I love to walk on the grass in the morning.

It relieves all my stress and makes me feel closer to nature.  In the morning everyone gets up and starts doing their job. Bees start buzzing over the flowers to collect the nectar. Birds fly away from their nest to collect food. 

Animals stroll around to gaze at grass in the meadows. Even trees get up in the morning and dance with the wind.  Human strata new day of their life. A beautiful morning is a blessing and if we live in places that are full of nature mornings are never boring or dull.  I can say this because every morning I witness something special, close to nature, and a blessing.

Describe Morning Scene

Every day I get up early before sunrise so that I can see it rise from my own eyes. My native place is a village and this is why I have a habit of waking up early. The morning scene charges some up and gives some strength to start a new day with hope.

I think it’s important for everyone to be close to nature. A good start every morning can help us live a happy and long life. The glitzy sight of nature can turn a bad mood into good. The melodies of birds in the early morning when reaches your eyes your lips start smiling. Nature in the morning is calming and soothing. It can secrete happy hormones and bless us with a healthy life.

All those who wish to enjoy a beautiful morning must get up early. It is the time when we’re in the best state. Even our body flourishes and stays healthy if we get up early in the morning. A view of the rising sun is a great way to strata day.

For a happy, healthy, and beautiful life sight of a beautiful morning is important. Everyone in my family gets up early and we all are healthy and full of strength. I wish everyone gets a chance to witness a beautiful morning in the lap of Mother Nature. We all deserve treats of nature.

This is the beautiful morning essay in English, from this entire article, we cover information regarding describe morning scene. If found anything missing let us know by commenting below. For more info kindly visit us at

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a perfect morning essay

Paris Olympics: tearful diver Quan gives perfect example of why she’s China’s golden girl

  • Quan Hongchan outduels teammate Chen Yuxi to claim women’s 10m platform title. North Korea’s Kim Mi-rae wins bronze.

Paul McNamara

A tearful Quan Hongchan survived a battle royale with Chinese teammate Chen Yuxi to claim a second straight women’s 10 metre platform Olympic title at the Paris Aquatics Centre on Tuesday.

The balletic 17-year-old Quan was awarded a set of perfect 10s from judges following a sublime opening dive.

Any thoughts of a stroll for Quan were quickly pushed aside, as Chen dived beautifully to push her teammate all the way. Quan ultimately held her nerve to surpass the 76 she needed for gold from her final dive.

Chen had to settle for a repeat of the silver medal she claimed in Tokyo three years ago. Kim Mi-rae of North Korea took bronze, but was never in the conversation over who would top the podium.

Quan and Chen were operating in tandem only six days ago, when they teamed up for synchronised 10m platform gold.

a perfect morning essay

There was no quarter given during a gripping fight for the individual prize, but Chen offered her emotional teammate a warm embrace after Quan entered the pool straight as an arrow to score 81.60 points for that decisive last plunge.

She finished with 425.60 points from five dives, with Chen close behind on 420.70. Kim scored 372.10.

A darling of her country since she won Olympic gold at the age of 14, Quan was unfailingly greeted at the top of the board by shrieks from a large Chinese contingent in the 5,000-capacity arena.

She barely made a ripple as she entered the pool following a perfect opening forward 3.5 somersaults dive. Quan’s third dive received a lukewarm reception from the judges, however. She managed ‘only’ 76.80 points, while Chen dazzled the seven individuals dishing out the marks to score 89.10.

“[I give myself] 50 out of 100” Quan said. “Except for the first dive, the rest of the dives, I did not achieve what I wanted. I think I should give the best of myself.”

Quan looks even younger than her 17 years, but that childish countenance betrays a core of steel. With the eyes of a hushed arena fixed on her, Quan delivered two graceful dives under the most tremendous pressure to fend off Chen.

The girl who was bowled over when she unexpectedly met Olympic skiing champion Eileen Gu, following her first gold medal of the Games, immediately rushed back to the surface.

Quan beamed a champion’s smile before briefly being overcome by the enormity of what she had just done.

“It’s more relaxing here than back home, because I have less training,” Quan said. “Back home, I train a lot, and I feel less relaxed. I spent three years that were very difficult. I overcame a lot of things. If I list all of them, we will never finish. I’m very happy to have this gold.”

China are focused on winning all eight diving golds in Paris, but the athletes wear that pressure lightly, none more so than Quan, the girl who had social media gushing when she was spied with a scrum of turtle toys on her backpack during last year’s Asian Games in Hangzhou.

She won there, of course, and in the French capital, the tough, graceful, and formidable Quan made sure China remain on for their diving clean sweep with the team’s fifth gold.

Elsewhere, China’s women suffered a gut-wrenching 3-2 quarter-final loss to Turkey in the volleyball competition.

Head coach Cai Bin’s team had a lacklustre Nations League campaign, but their flawless pool stage in Paris stoked optimism over China coming to the boil at the right time.

They won a tight first set 25-23 against the world No 3 Turks, but lost the next two 25-21, 26-24. China, ranked No 5 in the world, took it to a decider then they claimed the fourth 25-21. But it was Turkey who pinched the gripping 20-minute final set 15-12.

At the Stade de France, Shiqi Xiong came within a hair’s breadth of reaching the women’s long jump final.

Shiqi leapt a season’s best 6.58 metres, which placed her 13th out of 31 competitors. Only the top 12 progressed, and France’s Hilary Captcha snared the last spot with a jump of 6.59m.

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200+ Cute Good Morning Paragraphs For Her To Wake Up To

Share these paragraphs to make her feel special and show her you care.

Dr. Dorothee Ischler is a clinical psychologist and marriage and family therapist with over three decades of experience. She is a seasoned professional in mental health and relationship coaching, who adopts a holistic approach to intertwine mind, body, and soul. Read full bio of Dr. Dorothee Ischler

Shivank is an experienced professional with a passion for writing, editing, and research. With a bachelor’s degree in Mass Communication from IEL, Dehradun, he previously worked as a production editor. Shivank transitioned into a writer/editor, contributing to various publications as a freelancer. Read full bio of Shivank Joshi

Akshay is an associate editor and former journalist with more than four years of experience. A post graduate in Mass Communication and Journalism, he has strong professional and academic background in the field of content writing and editing. Read full bio of Akshay Nair

Image: ShutterStock

Surprise elements can add spice to your relationship. Whether you are in the initial phase or have progressed into a romantic journey, coming up with new ways of tugging at her heart will reap the rewards. For example, keeping a good collection of good morning paragraphs for her can be the perfect way to make your lady love and adore you. Her mornings can become special when she wakes up to a sweet good morning paragraph with a wide grin. This post brings you some cute and endearing paragraphs to help you draw inspiration in penning down your lovely message for your significant other.

Good Morning Paragraphs For Her

1. Wake up, sunshine. May the cold breeze in the air ruffle your hair, the chirping of birds in the garden be music to your ears, and the sun rays peeking through the windows accentuate your lovely eyes and captivating smile. I hope your day is as beautiful as you.

2. You know I am not a morning person. I had set my alarm, so I could wish you good morning and go back to sleep. I hope you had a good sleep and are raring to face everything that comes your way today. Give me a buzz in the afternoon.

3. Good morning, beautiful! Waking up and knowing that you are mine is the best feeling in the world. I cherish every moment we spend together. May this day be as radiant and special as you are. I love you!

4. Wake up, sleepyhead! It’s time to seize the day and conquer the world.

5. Rise and sparkle, my precious gem! May this day see your diamond-like smile shine. Have an exciting and success-filled day!

6. I woke up grateful because I have another day to watch your perfect smile, listen to your cute stories, laugh at your jokes, hold your hands, and give you warm hugs. Good morning, babe. Wake up and get ready to be pampered today.

7. Your smile and laughter in the morning help me start my day in a cheerful mood and keep me charged all day. Life has not been the same after you came into my life – it has turned into something beautiful. Have a glorious day, baby.

8. Good morning love. I still can’t believe that I get to tell you how much I adore you every day. I hope that we can have an amazing day together.

9. Good morning, cutie. A new day calls for new plans. Tell me what you would like to do or where you would want to go today. Let’s make this day yours because you deserve all the love and happiness in this world.

10. Good morning, sweetheart! I hope you had the most restful sleep and that your dreams were filled with happiness. As you start your day, remember that I am thinking of you. Have a wonderful day ahead!

11. My lovely angel, every morning with you is a new beginning, a chance to make more beautiful memories together. Let’s make today unforgettable and full of love, just like every day we share. Good morning!

12. Good morning, my enchanting muse! Your creativity knows no bounds, and I can’t wait to see the amazing things you achieve this day.

13. Good morning to my best friend and my partner in crime. A special day like this calls for celebrations. Let’s do something special today to celebrate our friendship and bond. Happy friendship day, babe.

14. Another beautiful morning, and it makes me thankful that you are mine, and I get to spend another day with the love of my life. Thank you for being the sunshine in my dull life. Let’s do something exciting this evening.

15. Nothing in this world makes me sad anymore because I have you in my life. You have the superpower to bring a smile to my face, and seeing you smile is the best thing ever. Have a lovely day, babe.

16. My happy trooper, life with you feels like an endless surprise. Here’s to creating yet another memory on this unforgettable journey. Good morning!

17. Wake up, my superhero! Your strength and resilience inspire me every day. May today be a day of triumph!

18. Rise and bloom, my beautiful flower! Just like a delicate blossom, your grace and elegance lights up my world. May your day be as lovely as you are.

19. Every new day gives us an opportunity to make our dreams come true. I hope your day goes well and brings you closer to your goals. Enjoy every minute of the day, sweetheart, and know that I am always by your side.

20. May your morning be as sweet as the smell of your coffee, and your day as lovely as the smell of your perfume. I hope you find lots of reasons to bless the people around you with your contagious smile today.

21. Living away from you is not easy. There isn’t a moment when I do not think about you, honey, and I can’t wait to see you and the dog. I miss you. Have a good day, and I hope the days pass away quickly so I can be in your arms again.

22. Your wisdom and intelligence amaze me, my princess. I hope this day is filled with intriguing discoveries for you. Good morning!

23. Good morning, my charming baker! Your culinary skills are unmatched. I can’t wait to taste another one of your delicious creations again. Have a tasty day!

24. My fitness guru, may this day of yours be full of energy and vitality. Your dedication to health and wellness inspires me to be better every day. Hearty morning!

25. To the amazing person reading this, you are the reason behind my smiles, and words are inadequate to express how much you mean to me. I hope you have a beautiful day filled with laughter and joy.

26. Good morning, sweetheart! My mornings have become lively and joyful since you have become a part of them. I’m grateful for the love we share, for it anchors me through life’s ups and downs.

27. You’re the reason for my smiles and laughter. There’s not a single time I do not smile when I think about you. You have changed me from a not-so-cheerful person into a very cheerful person, and I love being around you. I hope you have a great day.

Image: Created with Dall·E

28. Good morning, sweetheart. You are the only person in whose presence I can be vulnerable. I feel comfortable and do not fear being judged when I am around you. Thank you for allowing me to make your heart my home.

29. As you start your day, I want you to know that you are unique. You bring out the best in me, and I promise I’ll support every decision you make. Go, girl, chase your dreams!

30. Your kindness and generosity make the world a better place. I hope your day is filled with opportunities to make a positive impact!

31. Good morning, beautiful! Your sense of style matched with your smile leave me spellbound. I hope today’s outfit matches the brilliance of your personality!

32. Rise and shine, my aspiring artist! I’m excited to see what masterpieces you create this day. Keep painting the world red!

33. My dearest soulful poet, your words touch my heart in ways I can’t describe. May your day be filled with the beauty of language.

34. Do you know what’s on my mind every morning I wake up? That of all the men in the world, you chose me to be your husband and the father of your children. Each day spent with you and the children is a blessing. Have a lovely day, dear.

35. Good morning, sleepy head. As you draw the heavy curtains of your room, give the world a broad smile and brighten everything around you. I wish I were there to make your smile even wider.

Image: Shutterstock

36. Monday blues? Nope! They’re a myth. Every day is a weekend when you are around. I wake up each morning looking forward to being next to you, holding your hands, and listening to your laughter and unending stories.

37. Good morning, love! May your feet float freely through life as if it were a dance floor.

38. Good morning, my sweet jokester! Your sense of humor brightens even the gloomiest days. May today be filled with laughter and joy.

39. Happy morning, my beautiful dreamer! Your goals have the power to touch hearts and change minds. I hope this day sees you turning the pages to better futures.

40. Wake up, my stargazer! Your fascination with the cosmos is truly out of this world. I hope today brings you closer to the stars.

41. I wish I were whispering sweet things to your ears and tickling you right now rather than writing you this paragraph. I love you, babe, and I miss the love moments with you. Have a lovely day with your pals.

42. Good morning, sweetheart! I love you, my sunshine. May your day be as radiant and bright as the sun today, and let the sweet essence of the blooming flowers fill your heart with positive energy. So, rise and shine, princess!

43. I never believed in soulmates until I met you, honey. Every word and action of yours makes me believe that God had created you to be with me. Let’s make this time we have on the Earth a fruitful one. Have a blessed morning and a fantastic day.

44. Good morning, Queen Bee. Big day, huh? Here’s something to cheer you up:

“Que será, será Whatever will be, will be The ’future’s not ours to see Que será, será What will be, will be.”

I know you will do your best. And remember, whatever the outcome, I will always be proud of you.

45. Good morning, my epic gamer! Your gaming skills are legendary, and I can’t wait for our next gaming battle together. We go one level up today!

46. Your lens captures the beauty of the world in breathtaking ways. May today’s snapshots be filled with wonder. Good morning, my real-life hero behind the lens!

47. Hey philosopher, your deep thoughts and contemplations inspire me to ponder life’s mysteries. Keep seeking truth and wisdom.

48. A wintry morning like this makes me want to cuddle with you under a warm blanket, and everything about this morning makes me want to be with you. Have a lovely day, my love. I miss you!

49. I am on the balcony with my cup of coffee. I smell the Earth in the air, and the birds have come out to dry their feathers from last night’s drizzle. I wish you were here with me to experience the beauty around the house, baby. I miss you, and I love you. I hope you have a great day.

50. Rise and explore, my wanderlust soul! Your adventurous spirit leads us to incredible places. Let’s make more unforgettable memories together.

51. I woke up this morning with a smile on my face because I know I get to spend the day with you. My soulmate, I love you more than anything in the world. Good morning!

52. Honey, I love the way you always know how to make me smile. You have the best sense of humor. I’m so lucky to have you in my life. Good morning!

53. Good morning, baby. The house no longer feels like a home when it is not filled with your voice and laughter. It has been just one week without you, but it feels like forever. I can’t wait for you to come home and make it cheerful again. Have a great day.

54. Good morning, sweetheart. You were on my mind before I dozed off last night, and you were the first person I thought of when I woke up this morning. Until I send you a good morning message tomorrow, you will always be on my mind, and my heart will always beat for you.

Good Morning Love Paragraphs For Her

55. You are the only person I can pour my heart out to. I have no clue why I have so much faith and trust in you. You are a blessing. I will love and cherish you till eternity and be there for you in good and bad times. Have a blessed day, darling.

56. When I first fell for you, I never thought it would be possible to love you more than I already did. Each day, you give me a reason to love you more, and you have made me believe that true love exists. Good morning, baby.

57. Good morning, my love! As the world awakens to the beautiful rays of the rising sun, my heart fills with gratitude for having you in my life. Your smile brightens every day of my life and I hope today brings similar joy.

58. Darling, your presence is the most comforting embrace. I wish you a day filled with solace.

59. Good morning, love. I wouldn’t trade you for all the wealth in the world. You make me complete, and I don’t know how I could repay you. I guarantee I will always be the person who stands by you through thick and thin.

60. They say, “ …love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking together in the same direction.” I am glad I found someone to share my dreams. Have a fantastic day, and I’ll look forward to spending every evening and night with you.

61. Love: (Noun) An intense feeling of deep affection; (Verb) Feel deep affection for (someone).

I would choose the verb over the noun because the verb expresses action. I promise to love you through my words and actions and take care of you till my last breath on this Earth and the life beyond. Have a lovely day, dear.

62. Good morning, my heart’s desire! Your love is the melody in the symphony of my soul. Wishing you a day as harmonious as our love.

63. Rise and shine, love! May this morning coffee bring you the freshest hopes and newest dreams. I can’t wait to see you again!

64. As I start my day with a hot cuppa, all I can think of is you and how painful it is to spend a day without you. Come back soon, babe, and let’s do all the things we have been planning. I love you!

65. Days start and end, but my love for you is constant. Nothing in this world can stop me from loving you, and I promise to make each day I spend with you memorable. Good morning, and have a lovely day, darling.

66. The mornings wouldn’t be the same without me invoking your name, and the days would be lonely if I didn’t think about you. You are always on my mind, and thinking about you makes everything easier for me. Good morning, honey.

67. Your voice is like a sweet serenade that soothes my soul. I hope your day is filled with beautiful melodies. Rise and sing, my love!

68. Darling, your words of wisdom have the power to change lives. May you have a good day and keep spreading hope. I love you!

69. Every new dawn reminds me that I have been given another day of my life to spend with you. My days are no longer dull because I look forward to spending each hour with you. Good morning, babe.

70. Baby, you know I’m not great at expressing my feelings in front of you, so I thought I would let you know my feelings through this paragraph. You are my best friend, my confidant, and my soulmate. I love everything about you, even your gentle snores at night. Have a fantastic day.

71. I just want to tell you that you are remarkable. How do you play the roles of wife, mother, and daughter so well, all while managing your work? I am blessed to have a strong woman in my life. Good morning, and have a blessed day, darling.

72. Good morning, my love. On this beautiful morning, I realize that I never expressed my gratitude to you for always making me feel better when I’m down. You are my rock, and I know I can always count on you. I love you, honey!

73. Good morning, beautiful. This rainy day reminds me of the first time I saw you. I still recall how you hopped around in the wet puddles with child-like happiness radiating from your smile. That, my love, was the first time my heart claimed you for mine.

74. Good morning, babe. I just woke up, and I thought I would write you this paragraph to tell you that the night was cold without you in my arms. It will be a long day without you, but I find comfort knowing that you are thinking about me. Have a lovely day.

75. Honey, our journey as a couple may not always be smooth sailing, but you can rest assured that you have my back in all the difficult times. My love for you will always be steadfast, and I promise to love you unconditionally until my last breath. I love you. Have a wonderful day.

76. Gosh, I miss you. I miss you so bad. I miss you like an idiot misses the point. Come back home already. People can mock me for acting like a lovesick teenager, but you are the only person I long for. Good morning, gorgeous.

77. Good morning, my little brewer. I hope to see those black clouds waft away from your mind. Here’s a joke to kick start your morning: ‘What do you call a sad brew? – A depresso.’

78. My dear, I love the way you always take care of everyone else alongside yourself. You are the most selfless and caring person I know. I’m so proud to be with you. Good morning, my love!

79. My heart is no longer in pain because I have you in my life. You have taught me what love is and made me realize that love requires nurturing. You have given me the best feeling in the world, and I wish to make you feel my love every day. Have a beautiful day, my dear.

80. I will stop loving you the day the sun rises from the west. Until then, know that I am yours, and you will always be my priority. Good morning, pretty woman.

81. Good morning, babe. I’m delighted to inform you that I’m head over heels in love with you. I have decided to keep you happy and remain true to you until eternity. What can I do for you? I’m at your service.

82. Good morning, my love! As a new day begins, I want you to know that I am here for you, supporting you in every way I can. Hope you have a fantastic day, and always remember how much you mean to me.

83. Good morning my little bear!  Your compassion for all creatures warms my heart. May your day be filled with moments of connection with our furry friends.

84. I can’t thank God enough for bringing you into my life, and I can’t fathom what I did right to be blessed with a partner as amazing as you. I promise to be the best husband I can be to keep you and the children happy. Good morning, dear.

85. Good morning, honey. I just thought I would share my favorite line from the movie The Vow. It says, “ I vow to fiercely love you in all your forms, now and forever. I promise to never forget that this is a once in a lifetime love .”

86. I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I’ll love you tomorrow and all the days after tomorrow. My love for you is eternal, dear. Good morning, and have a good day.

87. Good morning, darling. I love how your green thumb transforms our surroundings into a paradise. May today be full of beautiful blooms and flourishing plants!

88. Good morning my humpty dumpty. I am glad that each day is seeing us fall deeper in love. But, I dare you to not think of me today, let’s see who does best.

89. Good morning, dumpling. I’m counting down the days until I see you again, and I’m glad we’re drawing closer to that day. Remember, this physical distance between us can only make our love stronger.

90. Good morning, love. The thought of you alone gives me the strength to start my day with vigor. You are my pillar of strength and my light even in the darkest of days. I promise to stand by you, rain or shine.

91. Good morning, babe. These are the things I would love to do with you for the rest of our lives:

Wake up to your kisses each morning Spend each afternoon doing the things we enjoy Spend each evening with you by the fireside Spend each night in your arms.

92. Good morning, baby. As Pooh said, “ If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you .” You may be wondering why I am quoting Pooh, but as Tiana said, “ My dream wouldn’t be complete without you in it .” I want to live and feel you for all the remaining days of our lives.

93. All the words in the dictionary are not enough to define how special you are to me and how much I adore and love you. You taught me what love is and have changed the way I look at the world. I promise to remain true to you. Good morning, dear.

Long Good Morning Paragraphs For Her

94. As I gazed at your sleeping form this morning, I realized am the luckiest person on this planet for having such a beauty as my girl. I love how you are always smiling, even in your sleep. May your smile never grow dull. Happy morning, my love.

95. My dearest, if I were to describe your beauty, I would quote your favorite lines from your favorite book – ‘She was a vision of loveliness, with her long, flowing hair and her delicate features. She was like a fairy princess, come to life.’

96. There may be a million ways to say I love you, but I would rather let you know through my actions and deeds. I am grateful to you for letting me show you every single day how much I care for you and adore you. Know that everything that I do is done keeping you in my mind. Have a fabulous day, sweetheart.

97. Good morning, love. Guess who said these words, “ You are lucky enough to be best friends who love each other and that’s the strongest kind of love because at its core it has kindness, patience, and respect.”

Mrs. Walowitz from our favorite sitcom. I am lucky my wife is my best friend too.

98. When you wake up, darlin’, tell me if you can feel the love in the air as I do. I feel love when the first sun rays fall on the dew-filled flowers, when the smell of coffee and pancakes permeate the air, and when I hear the chugging of the train from afar. I hope your day is as beautiful as this morning.

99. Good morning, sleepy head. Do you know how I start my day? Here’s my daily morning routine:

7 am: Wake up to our favorite song 7–7:30 am: Think about you in bed 7:30–8 am: Drink my morning coffee while thinking about you 8–9 am: Get ready to meet you

100. Darling, you are one with a fierce spirit and a tender heart. I love you for the way you always challenge yourself to be a better person. Your constant efforts for betterment inspire me to be the best version of myself. I’m so lucky to have you in my life. Good morning, my little warrior!

101. My dearest, each day I wake up to see your message flash across my screen, it puts a smile on my face. This day I wanted to be the one to make you smile. Good morning, my love!

102. Good morning, baby. I still remember the first time I saw you, the first time I walked up to you, the first time we went out for dinner, the first time we held hands, the first time we kissed, and the day I asked you for your hands, and you said yes. That “yes” has changed everything. I still fall for you every day.

103. Good morning, honey. We have spent five years together, and you’ve taught me that it takes hard work and dedication to keep our marriage strong. Even in the worst of days, you stood by me and helped me overcome all obstacles. I can’t thank you enough for being so patient and caring. Good morning, and I hope you have a fruitful day.

104. Seeing you happy is all I ask for in this lifetime. I would do anything I could to see that smile on your face and listen to your infectious laughter. I swear I would swim across the oceans just to see you happy (although I do not know how to swim). I hope you keep everyone around you cheerful today and never let anything dampen your mood. Have a fantastic day.

105. I guess it’s only normal to miss you now that you have been away for a week. But what if I tell you that I can’t stop thinking about you? I guess that’s normal too because you will always be on my mind no matter what people or philosophers say or think otherwise. Good morning, sweetie.

106. My dear, I love all the effort you put into making me feel loved. You are the most amazing woman I have ever met and I’m so lucky to have you in my life. Good morning!

107. As I think of you this beautiful morning, I’m reminded of the lines ‘I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach… I love thee to the breath, smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God chooses, I shall but love thee better after death’ by Elizabeth Browning.

108. Good morning, babe. I just want you to know how thankful I am for all that you are! You are amazing, beautiful, caring, dedicated, elegant, funny, graceful… This list could go on… Thank you for loving me and for being my Numero Uno.

109. Here’s to my favorite person on planet Earth. Start your day with the lyrics to our favorite song:

’’Cause all of me Loves all of you Love your curves and all your edges All your perfect imperfections Give your all to me ’I’ll give my all to you ’You’re my end and my beginning Even when I lose ’I’m winning ’’Cause I give you all of me And you give me all of you, oh oh

110. Good morning, dear. Your kindness and graciousness knows no bounds. Thank you for always being there for me when I need you the most, helping me chase my dreams, laughing at my not-so-funny jokes, lending me a shoulder to lean on, pampering me with hugs and kisses, and having my best interests at heart. Your presence in my life fills me with delight. Have a great day.

111. Time flies by when I’m with you, darling, but when we are apart, every second seems like an eternity. My longing for you is unbearable, and I can’t wait to see your lovely smile again. I love you, and I miss you. Until the day you are in my loving arms again, I hope my messages bring a smile to your face. Have a lovely morning and a fantastic day.

112. Dearest, it is said that how you spend your morning can often tell you what kind of day you are going to have. I hope you have an organized and calming morning and a similar day forward.

113. As Harvey Mackay said, ‘Every morning brings new potential, but if you dwell on the misfortunes of the day before, you tend to overlook tremendous opportunities.’ With this new day, I wish for you to let the bygones be bygones and focus on the newer prospects for success.

114. When I look into your eyes, I see a strong and independent woman. When I am with you, I feel complete and thank the stars for making me worthy of your love and adoration. When you smile at me, I feel special. When I am in your arms, I feel at home. I hope your day is as special as you, darling.

115. The love and endearment that we share, sweetheart, is beautiful. Who knew we would complement each other perfectly! We met when we were both unsure about ourselves, but look at where we are now — three glorious years of togetherness, and the bond is going stronger than ever before. I cherish the memories we have made and the moments we have shared with fondness. Thank you for all the effort you put into our relationship. Have a blessed day.

116. Sweetheart, you are the most amazing person I’ve ever met, and I’m so grateful to have you in my life. You always support, enlighten, and inspire me. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you!

117. A hearty morning to the girl of my dreams, the one who is more than what she seems. You are a ray of light in the dark and the spark of hope in my heart. You are the breath of fresh morning air and the song of our joyous love affair. You are a touch of warmth in my arms and a kiss of love on my lips. You are everything I need and more and the one I adore. I love you!

118. Good morning, baby. As you start your day, I would like to tell you that you have made me the person I am. I can’t express enough gratitude for the patience you have shown during my worst days and for always lending a shoulder to lean on. Have a fabulous day, and before I come home for Christmas, expect these good morning messages from me.

Baby, I hope this message brings a smile to your face, and I hope you have a lovely day at work.

119.Good morning, baby. As you start your day, I would like to tell you that you have made me the person I am. I can’t thank you enough for the patience you have shown during my worst days and for always lending a shoulder to lean on. Have a fabulous day, and before I come home for Christmas, expect these good morning messages from me.

120. I love the way you always know how to make me feel better when I’m down. You are my rock and I know I can always count on you. I love you more than anything. Good morning.

121. Darling, I love how you always know how to make me feel like I can do anything. You are my biggest cheerleader and I know I can always count on you. I love you more than anything. Good morning!

122. Hi sweetie, I just woke up, and I thought I would send you a joke to make you laugh the first thing in the morning. I can’t think of any, but I remember the day I responded to your “ I love you” with “ Thank you.” Haha… Have a great day.

123. I am not perfect, and you are not perfect, but together we are perfect. We complement each other really well, and we are the definition of compatibility . Let’s continue to be perfect together. Have a lovely morning, baby.

124. You know I’m not great with words, but I need to tell you this: I’m extremely sorry about last night. You mean the world to me, and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you happy from now on.

By the way.. sleeping on the couch is no fun.

125. Good morning, babe. Thank you for the lovely weekend – it was the best I ever had. I hope we spend more such weekends together. As we start a new week, I hope you find joy in everything you do, and each day brings you new hope. Have a great day, and know that I am just a call away.

126. Good morning, my love. You are the first thing on my mind when I wake up, and the last thing on my mind when I fall asleep. You are my sunshine and my starlight and the reason why I feel so alive. I love you!

127. My love, you are the masterpiece of beauty and grace. Your voice, the symphony of melody and harmony. Your words, the poem of rhyme and rhythm. Our life, a story of adventure and romance. You are a wonder of nature and magic, and the miracle of life. You are everything I want and more, and the one I cherish. I love you!

128. How can I start my day without wishing the love of my life a good morning? You are the reason I wake up with a smile on my face; you are the reason for my happiness during the day; you are the reason I go to bed with a smile on my face. You are the epitome of joy and compassion, and everything around you radiates with positive energy.

129. Hey baby, I just woke up and learned that it’s 10 am. You are at work, and all I am left with is the smell of your shampoo and your perfume. I think I will lay here in bed for another hour and think about you before I start my day. Have an awesome day, and see you in the evening.

130. Good morning, sweetie. Thank you for all the sweet memories we have shared, and I am sure we will make many more every passing day. I am happy that you are a part of my life, and I know that the future will always smile at us. I love you completely.

131. Good morning, my angel. You are the most beautiful woman in the world, inside and out. You have a way of making me feel special and loved like no one else can. Thank you for making me the luckiest man in the world.

132. To the girl who stole my heart, one who is a beautiful work of art. I can not stand it when we are apart, yet on this day I wish for you to have the freshest start. Good morning, my sweetheart!

133. Good morning, sweetheart. You are the best thing that has happened to me, and nothing in this world compares to you. I can’t comprehend enough how lucky I am to be able to call you mine. Each passing day makes me love you more, and I tell you, this love and admiration for you will only continue to grow. Have a good day.

134. Each morning I see your face, each morning I look into your eyes, each morning I hold you in my embrace, and each morning I whisper words of love into your eyes, is a good morning. You are the sunshine in my life, and my life revolves around you. Good morning, babe. I hope you have a lovely day.

Cute Good Morning Paragraphs For Her

135. There may be a thousand definitions and a million quotes on true love, but my love for you transcends all those definitions and quotes. Have a sweet morning, my love.

136. Your smile is the only sunshine I need to brighten my day and the most shining star to lighten my night. I hope your morning is as radiant as your laughter.

137. Hey sleepyhead! Good morning! I couldn’t wait to send you a morning message, reminding you of how amazing you are and that I am thinking of you, right frm them moment i woke up. Have a day as lovely as you are!

138. My love, you make me laugh, you make me cry, and you make me feel alive. You make me feel valued and important. I am so grateful to have you in my life.

139. Good morning, my love. You are my dream come true. I never thought I would find someone like you, but I did. And I am so grateful to the universe for bringing us together.

140. My sweetheart, you are the only one who can fulfill all my wishes, and the only one who can make me happy. I can’t wait to see what life has in store for us. Good morning!

141. Good morning my angel! Maybe I was dreaming or maybe heaven really has sent you here just for me. Being with you makes me feel so secure and so blessed.

142. Your embrace is the blankets I wish to sleep within each night and your voice is the alarm I wish to wake up to every morning. You make me the happiest boy on the earth. Good morning my love!

143. Good morning dear! I love how you are the only one who can challenge me, and the only one who can understand me. Here’s to yet another day of getting to know each other better!

144. My love, I have learned to appreciate every sunrise, for it is a reminder of one more day spent with you in my arms. Good morning!

145. My day starts with you and ends with you. Wake up, darling. Your smile is enough to keep me going through the day.

146. Roses are red, violets are blue, I know I can’t rhyme, but I want to tell you that you are the only person I want to spend the rest of my day with.

147. Roses are red, violets are blue, you are cute, you are fine, and I’m glad to call you mine. Have a lovely morning, enjoy your day, and let’s wine and dine in your favorite restaurant tonight.

148. I woke up smiling. I don’t know why. Did you do something endearing in my dreams? I guess that’s the reason. Good morning, babe.

149. Your love is the compass that guides me through life’s journey. Today, I wish for you a day as beautiful as your soul.

150. Darling, the very thought of you makes my heart race. Your presence in my life is like a beautiful dream that I never want to end. I love you!

151. My dear, you are the missing piece in the puzzle of my life. With you, everything falls into place, and life becomes the picture of beauty and happiness.

152. Good morning my princess, with you, life feels like a beautiful fairytale, and I am glad that with this new day, we turn yet another page towards happily ever after. I love you!

153. Good morning, Miss Perfect. With you the little quirks of like seem like a mere speck of uncherished uniqueness. Thank you for making me whole again!

154. Good morning my love! May this day bring you the coolest inspirations and the brightest colors.

155. Hey sleeping beauty! Your dreams are my favorite early morning stories. May this day bring you more adventures to dream of.

156. My closet poet, your words are like love songs that resonate in my heart. May this day bring you new stories to tell.

157. My love, as Virginia Woolf once quoted, ‘Just in case you ever foolishly forget, I’m never not thinking of you.’

158. Good morning, bae. I love waking up next to you and watching the sun rays fall on your dark hair. I can’t wait to wake up next to you on the weekend.

159. If a genie were to grant me three wishes, I would wish to sleep next to you each night, wake up next to you each morning, and spend the rest of the days with you.

160. The sun has risen. And guess what? It rose early today as though it knew I was awake since 5 am thinking about you. Get ready, as I am taking you to our favorite breakfast spot.

161. Good morning, sunshine. It’s another new day for us to be together. And together, we can take on the world. Wake up, and let’s do all the fun things we possibly can.

162. My dear, I love the way your sleepy eyelids flutter back to look at me like I’m the only person in the world. I’m so lucky to have you in my life.

163. Each day is known to bring insights that illuminate your path. I wish for this day to bring you moments of profound understanding.

164. My cuddly bear, your hugs are my favorite comfort. May this day be filled with warm embraces and affection for you too.

165. My love, seeing you cry is like seeing a thousand sunsets on the same day. But each new day brings you new opportunities to rise. So, I wish for this day to bring you less tears and more cheers.

166. My love, if I was ever asked to define what happiness looks like, I would show them a picture of you! Good morning!

167. My day starts with you and ends with you. And the hours between the start and the end of each day are spent thinking about you. I hope you have an awesome day.

168. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my day with you, baby. Get up and put on your favorite dress as I have a surprise for you today.

169. Good morning, Mrs. Perfect. You are the epitome of beauty, grace, wisdom, and care. I am blessed to be your companion.

170. If you were one of the stars in the sky, I would easily recognize you because you would be the brightest of them all. Good morning, my shining star.

171. Darling, your love is the anchor that keeps me grounded in this chaotic world. Thank you for being my forever support, I love you.

172. My love, your kindness is like a gentle breeze on a hot summer’s day. I do not realize what I have done to deserve a compassionate partner like you, yet, am grateful.

173. My love, I often wondered what made you smile all day long, but, now I think I know it’s me.

174. Your love is like the beacon that guides me through the uncertain and dingy tunnels of life. I am so lucky to have you by my side. Thank you for lighting up my path!

175. In your embrace, I find solace, warmth, and a love that’s more comforting than the coziest blanket on a cold winter night. You are my safe haven, my love.

176. Good morning, babe. I wish the days were shorter and the nights were longer in summer, too. That way, I can be in your loving arms for longer. I hope you have a lovely day.

177. I can’t promise to build you the Eiffel Tower, but I promise you this: I’ll strive to make you happy every day, every hour, every minute, and every second. Good morning, babe.

178. Good morning, gorgeous. Two days and two nights without you by my side, and I’m losing my mind. Please tell me you’ll be here soon.

179. Good morning, sleeping beauty. Wake up because we have a whole day ahead of us to explore the beauty of nature. I have been waiting for this day. Let’s make many sweet memories today.

180. Honey, before you get back into the rat race of this busy workday, let’s get you to take a deep breath, stress your legs, and break the nightly fast with some freshly made toast. Happy morning dearest!

181. My dear, I’m aware things have been tough. So, here’s some of my energy and your favorite hot chocolate. I am sure you will rock this day!

182. Hey beautiful! You are the happiness that fills my days and the peace that fills my nights. You are the most precious gift, and I’m grateful for your presence in my life.

183. Good morning, my darling, you are the coffee to my chocolate muffins. Would you mind joining me for a quick lunch at Tuck-in?

184. My dear, you are my anchor in life’s storms, and I cherish every moment with you. Good morning!

185. Good morning my love! My heart belongs to you, and it beats only for you. Your love is the most precious gift I’ve ever received. I love you!

186. Good morning, sunshine. You are a one in a billion, my girl. I am glad I found you, and now that we are one soul in two bodies, nothing can separate us in this life or the next.

187. Good morning, early bird. I know you are awake by now. So, let me take the honor of bringing a smile to your face before the sun or your morning coffee does it. Have a great day, love.

188. Every morning is a blank page for us to write new stories. I hope your page is filled with stories of love, hope, peace, joy, and fulfillment. Have a good day, baby.

189. Henry Ward Beecher once said, “ The first hour of the morning is the rudder of the day .” Start your day on a happy and positive note, darling, and I hope you have a glorious day.

190. My superwoman, you have taught me what it is to be brave. You are the most amazing woman I’ve ever known, and I’m so proud to be your boyfriend!

191. My love, you have a way of making me feel strong, confident, weak, and vulnerable at the same time. Your beauty leaves me spellbound!

192. My star, your brilliance outshines even the most dazzling constellations. I hope your day is filled with success and joy.

193. Your love is the strength that carries me through life’s challenges and the light that guides me in the darkest of times. I am forever grateful for you, my love.

194. You are the love story I’ve always dreamed of, the fairy tale that has come to life. With you, every day is a new chapter filled with love and happiness.

195. Dearest, you are the reason for my every sunrise and my every moonshine. As Emily Dickinson once said, ‘my morning without you is a dwindled dawn.’

196. Wake up, sweetheart. God has given you another day to let you touch and bring a purpose to someone else’s life. I hope you have a meaningful day today.

197. I hope you slept like the princess that you are. Start your day with hope and love. I wish you fulfillment and joy today. Have a lovely day, princess.

198. Like a flower that opens its petals and spreads its scent in the morning, may God open his palms and pour down his blessings on you. Good morning, sweetheart.

199. Rise and shine, baby. Opportunities are knocking at your door. I hope your dreams of yesterday come true today and our tomorrow becomes as beautiful as you.

200. With you my love, I feel like the only man whose presence your heart seeks and your eyes look for in a crowd. You are the most beautiful woman in the world, inside and out.

201. Honey, you have a voice that soothes my mind and a touch that ignites my body. You have a charm that captivates me and a personality that fascinates me. I love you!

202. Good morning, my sunshine! You are the source of my warmth, comfort, and inspiration. You are my reason for existence.

203. My angel, you watch over me like a protector, leader, and lover. You are my everything, and nothing will ever change that.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are some of the best compliments you can include in a good morning paragraph for her?

Your good morning paragraph for her can include compliments praising her unique qualities and beauty. For instance, you can use ‘Your smile shines brighter than the sun,’ ‘Your hug is warmer than the morning sun,’ or ‘Your face is fresher than the morning dew.’

2. How often should I send my girlfriend a good morning paragraph?

You can send your girlfriend a good morning message once or twice a week. Sending it too often can make her lose interest in reading it. Well-timed good morning messages can help brighten her day and make her yearn for you.

3. Is it better to send a good morning paragraph to her via text or email?

If your girlfriend reads her text messages first, you could send her your good morning paragraph via text message. If she checks her email first thing in the morning, then you can send your message through an email. You can also send her messages in both alternatingly to surprise her.

4. Should I add emojis to my good morning paragraph for her?

Of course! Emojis can make your message more appealing.

5. Should I send my good morning paragraph to her at the same time every day?

It is not necessary to send a good morning paragraph at the same time; however, doing so can help create a routine and your girlfriend will start looking forward to it. She may even miss it when you do not send her a message. Being flexible can help surprise her and make her happy when needed.

Waking up to good morning texts gives a special feeling and can make your day better. You can scroll through this list of good morning paragraphs for her and choose one to send your girlfriend or your wife to give them a beautiful start to the day. These good morning paragraphs may help you express how lucky you are to have her and appreciate her for being with you. Start your day by sending her warm greetings and salutations to make her feel loved and valued. You could also add a few customized sentences to give it a personal touch and make it even more special.

Infographic: What To Include In Your Good Morning Paragraph?

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

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  • Overview: Wake Up Right: 20 Easy, Healthy Breakfast Recipes
  • Almond Joy-Inspired Energy Balls
  • Sausage, Spinach & Mushroom Egg Bites
  • Mango-Turmeric Smoothie
  • Mini Banana Pancake Bites
  • Carrot Cake Breakfast Cookies
  • High-Protein Pumpkin Bread
  • Sheet-Pan Lemon-Blueberry French Toast
  • Smoked Salmon & Cream Cheese Stuffed Bagel Bites
  • Cauliflower Steaks with Poached Eggs & Pesto Hollandaise
  • Crustless Spinach & Goat Cheese Quiche
  • Breakfast Stuffed Peppers
  • Sticky-Bun Baked Oats

Peanut-Ginger Tofu Scramble

Chole puri (chickpea curry with fried bread), blistered cherry tomato & fried egg toast, huevos divorciados (divorced eggs).

  • Pumpkin-Spice Latte Overnight Oats
  • Lemon-Blueberry Granola
  • Meal-Prep Peanut Butter Pancakes
  • Spinach & Feta Mug Scrambled Eggs
  • Breakfast Dal Bowl
  • Healthy Recipes
  • Breakfast & Brunch

Wake Up Right: 20 Easy, Healthy Breakfast Recipes Perfect for Every Kind of Morning

From bite-sized banana pancakes you can grab and go to baked oats that look like sticky buns, these recipes are worth waking up for.

a perfect morning essay

Victoria Seaver is a registered dietitian and Editorial Director for She completed her undergraduate degree in nutrition, dietetics and food science and her masters degree and dietetic internship at the University of Vermont. Victoria has been a part of the team since 2015.

a perfect morning essay

Breakfast is about memories of eating a bowl of cereal in my pajamas while watching Saturday morning cartoons. It’s about waking up to the smell of bacon wafting through the air, knowing it would be accompanied by my dad’s scrambled eggs . Breakfast is when I learned how to make pancakes from my grandfather, who always made a mini pancake first as a test to check the heat level of the pan. (I also got to eat the mini pancake, so it was a win-win.)

Breakfast is often touted as the most important meal of the day, and for us at EatingWell, that sentiment rings true. We know a balanced meal can kick-start your morning, providing you with key nutrients that help you stay energized throughout the day. It’s not only a time to create memories with loved ones, but also a way to enjoy some of our favorite foods. 

Now, I eat breakfast knowing it nourishes both mind and body. Whether it’s fiber from overnight oats , protein from a crustless quiche or antioxidants from a fruit-and-veggie smoothie , these nutrients can help keep you full for longer, support digestion and reduce inflammation in the body, respectively. Eating breakfast also supports your overall metabolic and cardiovascular health. And while it can be easy to skip your morning meal on busy days—in fact, almost 25% of U.S. adults skip breakfast on a daily basis—we want to help you prioritize breakfast so you can enjoy it on any given day.

Photographer: Jen Causey, Food Stylist: Jennifer Wendorf, Prop Stylist: Priscilla Montiel

Get the Recipe: Crustless Spinach & Goat Cheese Quiche

Enter: 20 delicious, healthy breakfast recipes perfect for any occasion. The recipes in our meal-prep category are perfect for those who find that having something ready to grab from the fridge is the key to success. Are you the kind of person who isn’t hungry when you wake up but know you should eat a little something? Our breakfast snacks are just for you! 

Of course, no breakfast spread would be complete without some special recipes to make for brunch. These recipes are not only tasty, but also totally Instagram-worthy. Finally, we tapped the EatingWell team for some of their favorite breakfast recipes, dishes that are tried-and-true that we know you’ll enjoy, too.

We want everyone to start their day with a healthy, tasty bite so you have all the energy you need for the morning ahead. However—and wherever—you eat breakfast, these recipes are worth waking up for. 

For a Small Bite on the Run

Whether you wake up with a smaller appetite or tend to skip breakfast but are trying to be better about eating something in the morning, consider these breakfast snacks instead. These recipes can be enjoyed in a couple of bites, from a slice of High-Protein Pumpkin Bread to Mini Banana Pancake Bites . Enjoy these packable snacks on your drive to work or pop a few in your kids’ lunchboxes.

  • These Mini Banana Pancake Bites Were Made for Busy Mornings
  • These Carrot Cake Breakfast Cookies “Taste Just Like Cake”
  • Sausage, Spinach & Mushroom Egg Bites Are a Protein-Packed Way to Start Your Day
  • This Mango-Turmeric Smoothie Is Packed with 7 Grams of Fiber
  • Each Slice of This Pumpkin Bread Is Packed with 8 Grams of Protein
  • These Energy Balls Taste Exactly Like an Almond Joy

For Weekend Brunch

Invite your friends and family over and impress them with our delicious brunch recipes . Our Crustless Spinach & Goat Cheese Quiche is the epitome of brunch vibes, while our Sheet-Pan Lemon-Blueberry French Toast is the easiest way to serve a hungry crowd.

  • Cauliflower Steaks with Poached Eggs & Pesto Hollandaise Is a Weekend Masterpiece
  • Our Sheet-Pan Lemon-Blueberry French Toast Is the Easiest Way to Serve a Crowd
  • Smoked Salmon & Cream Cheese Stuffed Bagel Bites Are Worth Waking Up For
  • Sticky-Bun Baked Oats Brings Dessert Vibes to Breakfast
  • These Breakfast Stuffed Peppers Are a High-Protein Weekend Winner
  • This Crustless Spinach & Goat Cheese Quiche Is as Simple as It Gets

Favorite Breakfast Recipes from Our Own Kitchens

These recipes come straight from the kitchens of EatingWell’s editors and recipe developers. From our Blistered Cherry Tomato & Fried Egg Toast to Huevos Divorciados (Divorced Eggs) , these are the dishes we turn to when we make breakfast, including recipes taught to us by loved ones and dishes inspired by popular restaurants.

EatingWell’s  assistant general manager Penelope Wall re-created her go-to breakfast order at home after her favorite diner closed. "It's really unique," she says.

Learning to make Chole Puri from her neighbor was the spark that started recipe developer Renu Anshie Dhar’s culinary journey.

"Tomatoes are the best," says Craig Ruff, recipe developer. This is the breakfast he always makes to highlight one of his favorite veggies.

Photographer: Morgan Hunt Glaze, Prop Stylist: Priscilla Montiel, Food Stylist: Julian Hensarling

Maria Laura Haddad-Garcia,  EatingWell’s  senior nutrition and news editor, loves sharing her Mexican heritage with people, particularly her favorite breakfast recipe, Huevos Divorciados.

Make-Ahead for Busy Mornings

Calling all meal preppers: these recipes deserve a spot in your next meal plan. Make them on a Sunday when you have a little more time and have grab-and-go breakfasts at the ready all week long. Pumpkin-Spice Latte Overnight Oats will remind you of your favorite fall beverage, while our quick Spinach & Feta Mug Scrambled Eggs are so easy to make, there’s really no excuse for not trying it.

  • Pumpkin-Spice Latte Overnight Oats Is the Finest Make-Ahead Breakfast
  • Lemon-Blueberry Granola Is the Perfect Summer Breakfast
  • These Meal-Prep Peanut Butter Pancakes Pack 11 Grams of Protein
  • Breakfast Dal: Your Morning Hug in a Bowl
  • Spinach & Feta Mug Scrambled Eggs Are Ready in 5 Minutes

A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Our Recipe Development Process

Every single one of EatingWell’s healthy recipes is created by food experts and reviewed by registered dietitians.

We started work on these recipes way back in January. Our food team began by identifying the breakfast topics we know our readers love, from meal-prep-friendly recipes to dishes perfect for weekend brunch. We then asked our team of professional recipe developers to suggest brand-new ideas they were excited about. 

For instance, Craig Ruff , a developer in our Test Kitchen, suggested his favorite breakfast recipe. “The Blistered Cherry Tomato & Fried Egg Toast is a breakfast that I keep in heavy rotation. I almost always have the ingredients on hand,” he says. We then narrowed down a list of more than 1,000 recipe ideas to the 20 recipes you see here (which included some lively discussions and voting!). 

The development process had its ups and downs. Some recipes, like our Crustless Spinach & Goat Cheese Quiche and Huevos Divorciados (Divorced Eggs) , were easy and straightforward to develop whereas others, like our Peanut Butter Pancakes , were a little trickier. For the pancakes, we initially wanted to include jam in the batter to mimic a PB&J sandwich.

“I tried several different ways to incorporate the jam, from swirling some on the wet batter to sandwiching it between layers of batter, but it was a big fat no,” says Julia Levy , who developed this recipe. “Ultimately, I landed on fresh strawberries folded into the batter to still give it a PB&J feel but without the added sugars!”

The final result is a fluffy pancake studded with berries, so it’s a win in our book! Plus, we were able to reduce added sugars in the recipe, which aligns with EatingWell’s nutrition guidelines .

Once the recipes were developed, our food editors closely reviewed them. Did the Sticky Bun Baked Oats seem dry? (We added more glaze to achieve the classic sticky bun look and provide moisture.) Could the Smoked Salmon & Cream Cheese Stuffed Bagel Bites be baked in the oven for those without an air fryer? (Yes, it worked after we made some adjustments to the dough.)

After we reviewed them, the recipes were tested again by someone other than the person who initially developed them. This step ensures that the recipe will work, and if the tester finds any issues, they’ll work through them until the recipe is perfect. 

Once the recipes were finalized, they headed to our photo studio. The team photographed the finished recipes and also took step-by-step photos to help you visualize the method as you make the recipe at home. 

Finally, the recipes were reviewed by a registered dietitian to ensure each recipe’s nutrition analysis was accurate. They also added the nutrition and dietary tags you see on each page—heart-healthy, nut-free and diabetes-appropriate, to name a few. These tags allow you to quickly see if a recipe fits your needs. 

Recipe development, testing and nutrition analysis is a lengthy process, but it guarantees we’re publishing the best recipes possible. We hope these breakfast recipes help you start your days nutritiously and deliciously!

Editors: Alex Loh and Carolyn Malcoun

Recipes & Photography: Maria Laura Haddad-Garcia; Liz Mervosh; Renu Anshie Dhar; Craig Ruff; Amanda Stanfield; Julia Levy; Liv Dansky; Catherine Jessee; Amanda Holstein; Jen Causey; Jennifer Wendorf; Priscilla Montiel

Visuals & Design: Maria Emmighausen; Cassie Basford; Sabrina Tan; Janet Maples

Special Thanks: Penelope Wall; Victoria Seaver, M.S., RD; Megan Ginsberg; Hilary Meyer; Sophie Johnson; Alysia Bebel; Allison Little; Taylor Boeser; Anne Treadwell; Beth Stewart; Emily Lachtrupp, M.S., RD; Cam Wimberly; and the entire staff of EatingWell. 

Buckner SL, Loprinzi PD, Loenneke JP. Why don't people eat more breakfast? A biological perspective . American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2016;6. doi:10.3945/ajcn.116.132837

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A Winter Morning Paragraph

The Charm of A Winter Morning Paragraph: A Description

A Winter Morning Paragraph: Winter mornings are a special and charming time of the year that hold a unique beauty and serenity. The crisp and chilly air, the mist, fog, and frost, and the snow-covered landscape create a serene and peaceful atmosphere that is truly magical. People start their day with activities such as morning walks, jogging, and yoga, and enjoy warm beverages such as tea, coffee, and hot chocolate.

A Winter Morning Paragraph

In this blog A Winter Morning Paragraph, we include A Winter Morning Paragraph, in 100, 200, 250, and 300 words. Also, cover A Winter Morning Paragraph belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and up to the 12th class and also for kids, children, and students.

You can read more  Essay writing in 10 lines, and about sports, events, occasions, festivals, etc… A Winter Morning Paragraph is also available in different languages. In A Winter Morning Paragraph, the following features are explained in the given manner.

As you step outside on a winter morning, the first thing you will notice is the chilly and crisp air. The coldness of the air is invigorating and refreshing, preparing you for the day ahead. The mist, fog, and frost that can be seen add to the atmosphere and create a sense of stillness and calm.

The surroundings on a winter morning are truly breathtaking. The snow-covered landscape creates a clean and pristine canvas that is both calming and peaceful. The world is quiet, and there is a stillness in the air that is rare to find in other seasons. The beauty of the surroundings is a reminder to take a moment and appreciate the natural wonders around us.

People start their day on a winter morning with activities that take advantage of the invigorating coldness. Morning walks, jogging, and yoga are all great ways to take in the beauty of the surroundings and get moving for the day ahead. These activities are also a great way to connect with nature and appreciate the small moments of joy that winter mornings offer.

One of the most enjoyable aspects of a winter morning is enjoying warm beverages. Tea, coffee, and hot chocolate are essential during this time of year. They provide warmth and comfort, bringing a sense of coziness and relaxation to the day. Sipping on a warm beverage while admiring the snow-covered landscape is a simple pleasure that is easy to appreciate.

A Winter Morning Paragraph

Winter mornings are also a time of reflection and introspection. The stillness in the air and the quiet surroundings allow for a moment of peace and contemplation. It’s a time to take stock of the year that has passed and set intentions for the year ahead. Winter mornings offer the perfect opportunity to connect with oneself and focus on personal growth.

The beauty of a winter morning also offers a unique opportunity for photographers and artists to capture the magic of the season. The contrast of the snow and the dark blue sky creates a canvas that is both stunning and inspiring. The landscape changes daily, and each day presents a new opportunity to capture a different aspect of the season’s beauty.

Winter mornings also provide a sense of community. People gather together to enjoy the winter weather and participate in outdoor activities. Skating, skiing, and sledding are all popular activities during this time of year. Communities come together to build snowmen, have snowball fights, and enjoy the beauty of the season.

Finally, winter mornings offer a time to slow down and appreciate the beauty of the world around us. The hustle and bustle of everyday life can be overwhelming, and the stillness of winter mornings offers a much-needed break. Taking a moment to appreciate the snow-covered landscape, the crisp air, and the warmth of a hot beverage can bring a sense of peace and tranquility to a busy day.

In conclusion, winter mornings are a special time of year that holds a unique beauty and charm. The crisp and chilly air, the mist, fog, and frost, and the snow-covered landscape create a serene and peaceful atmosphere. Appreciating the small moments of joy during this season, such as morning activities and warm beverages, can help us connect with nature and find peace in the beauty of the world around us.

Also Read: Benefits Of Early Morning Exercise

FAQ’s On A Winter Morning Paragraph

Question 1. How do you write a winter morning paragraph?

Answer: A winter morning is a serene and beautiful time of year. The crisp air is refreshing, and the surroundings are peaceful. Mist, fog, and frost can be seen on the landscape, creating a magical atmosphere. It’s a time for reflection, connection, and appreciation of the beauty around us.

Question 2. What is a winter morning like?

Answer: A winter morning is cold and crisp. The air is refreshing and the surroundings are still and peaceful. The landscape is often covered in snow and frost, creating a beautiful and serene atmosphere. It’s a time to enjoy warm beverages and appreciate the small moments of joy during the season.

Question 3. What is a sentence about winter morning?

Answer: A winter morning is a beautiful and magical time of the year, with crisp air, serene surroundings, and the possibility of frost, mist, and snow-covered landscapes.

Question 4. What do children do in a winter morning?

Answer: Children can enjoy outdoor winter activities such as building snowmen, having snowball fights, skating, and sledding. They can also participate in indoor activities like reading, board games, and baking. A winter morning offers a great opportunity for children to connect with nature and enjoy the beauty of the season. It’s a time for fun, laughter, and creating memories.

Question 5. What is a paragraph about winter?

Answer: Winter is a season of cold temperatures, shorter days, and longer nights. It’s a time when nature takes a break, and many animals hibernate or migrate. The landscape is often transformed by snow and frost, creating a beautiful and peaceful atmosphere. Winter offers a unique opportunity to slow down, reflect, and appreciate the simple pleasures of life.

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Harris Is Set to Unveil V.P. Choice by Tuesday Morning

Vice President Kamala Harris is planning to begin a tour of battleground states with her running mate this week.

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Kamala Harris stands before a lectern in front of a plane.

Nick Corasaniti

Here’s the latest on the presidential race.

The campaign to be Vice President Kamala Harris’s running mate is reaching its final hours.

She is expected to make her decision by tomorrow morning at the latest, as she plans to rally with her running mate in Philadelphia later on Tuesday. Three top-tier contenders — Gov. Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania, Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona, Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota — met with her in Washington on Sunday. The Harris campaign has protected the final stages of the selection process with extreme caution, with few leaks or details emerging.

Here’s what else to know:

Trump’s outreach to young men : Former President Donald J. Trump sat for a livestreamed interview with Adin Ross , a 23-year-old internet celebrity. Mr. Ross gifted the former president a Rolex and a Tesla Cybertruck — gifts he may not be able to keep without running afoul of federal campaign finance laws. But the more crucial gift for Mr. Trump may have been access to the millions of young, mostly male and right-leaning potential voters who follow Mr. Ross on social media.

Vance chases Harris: Mr. Trump’s running mate is mirroring Ms. Harris’s campaign schedule this week, with stops in the same battleground states — and even in some of the same cities — where she will be appearing.

A race at warp speed: After what seemed like a long slog, this presidential campaign is playing out in fast forward. Voters will begin casting ballots in Pennsylvania , one of the critical battleground states, as soon as mid-September. Strategists in both parties say speed is likely to benefit Vice President Kamala Harris.

The V.P. decision process: It has become divisive in the final stages , as activists from the moderate and progressive wings of the Democratic primary have turned the vice-presidential pick into a proxy Democratic primary, the first signs of Democratic division since Ms. Harris quickly consolidated support behind her candidacy. Two of the top contenders, Gov. Andy Beshear of Kentucky and Mr. Walz, are scheduled to host fund-raisers for the Harris campaign tonight.

Dan Simmons

Dan Simmons

Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota gave a spirited address backing Vice President Kamala Harris to a group of Democratic donors in Minneapolis Monday night — but he didn’t mention his prospects to be her running mate. “We’ve got to have her back,” Walz said. “We need to do it every single day with a sense of joy.”

Walz has emerged as a top vice presidential pick in part because of his viral description of the Republican ticket as “weird.” On Monday, he defended his use of the word. “It wasn’t a slur to call these guys weird,” he said. “It was an observation.”

Chris Cameron

Chris Cameron

Laura Ingraham, the Fox News anchor who interviewed Donald Trump last week , appeared to criticize the former president’s remarks questioning Vice President Kamala Harris’s identity as a Black woman as a distraction, and was also critical of his attacks against Georgia’s Republican governor, his wife, and the Republican secretary of state over the weekend.

“Shooting inside the tent right now of the Republican Party, that’s a loser strategy,” Ingraham said. “That’s not going to work. They tried that in 2020 and we lost two Senate seats. Then in 2022 we had some more — it doesn’t work. You got to focus.”


Nicholas Nehamas

Nicholas Nehamas

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, responding to a question on CNN, said she did not think that anti-semitism was behind the opposition that some progressive groups have voiced about Gov. Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania potentially becoming Vice President Kamala Harris's running mate. “I think it’s probably more about policy,” she said, although she added that it would be better if his critics “weighed in more privately.”

Pelosi also rejected the idea that she was responsible for persuading several of her allies, including Representative Adam Schiff of California, to publicly call for President Biden to drop his re-election bid. She said that she had not spoken to Biden since he withdrew. Asked by Dana Bash of CNN if everything was "okay with your relationship" she replied: “You’d have to ask him, but I hope so.”

President Biden posted a photo of Vice President Kamala Harris sitting alongside him in the White House Situation Room as they received a briefing on tensions in the Middle East. Last week, Harris joined Biden in greeting the Americans released from Russian captivity — another instance of the president including her in high-profile moments.

Earlier, @VP and I were briefed in the Situation Room on developments in the Middle East. We received updates on threats posed by Iran and its proxies, diplomatic efforts to de-escalate regional tensions, and preparations to support Israel should it be attacked again. We also… — President Biden (@POTUS) August 5, 2024

Ken Bensinger

Ken Bensinger

Adin Ross gave Trump a Tesla Cybertruck, a Rolex and access to a heavily male audience.

What do you give a former president who has everything?

Adin Ross, an internet celebrity known for stirring controversy, answered that question with a gold Rolex watch and a customized Tesla Cybertruck, both of which he presented to Donald J. Trump during an interview that was livestreamed on Monday afternoon.

“I think it’s incredible,” said Mr. Trump as he eyeballed the electric vehicle, which was parked in the porte-cochère of Mar-a-Lago, his private club and residence in Florida.

The car — closely associated with the Trump-supporting chief executive of Tesla, Elon Musk, and subject of an ongoing culture war — has been in short supply since Tesla began selling it in late 2023. This one, which Mr. Ross drove to the interview, was festooned in red, white and blue with Mr. Trump’s campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again,” emblazoned on the hood.

On each side was the now-ubiquitous photo of the Republican presidential nominee, fist raised defiantly, taken seconds after the attempt on his life at a campaign rally last month.

Before a streaming audience that at times topped 500,000 people, Mr. Trump then climbed into the Cybertruck and, along with Mr. Ross, listened to songs from a custom playlist prepared for the occasion. “Who doesn’t like the Beach Boys?” Mr. Trump asked. He was equally admiring of the watch. “Wow, that’s so nice,” he chirped, fondling the green leather box containing the timepiece.

Per Tesla’s website, a base model Cybertruck has a sticker price of $60,990, with high-end trims topping $100,000. A customized wrap — the printed vinyl sticker covering every exterior surface of the vehicle — starts around $4,000. Rolex watches typically start at $5,000.

All of those price tags far exceed the federal limit on individual campaign contributions, which is $3,300 per election cycle, in cash or in-kind — making Mr. Ross’ show of generosity a potential campaign finance violation.

“I would expect that once Trump gets off the livestream and talks to his lawyers, he’ll be advised that he can’t accept these gifts and will have to turn them down or give them to charity,” said Brendan Fischer, a campaign finance expert who is deputy executive director at Documented, a watchdog group.

He added: “What other conclusion can you come to other than that this is an illegal and excessive campaign contribution?”

Karoline Leavitt, a Trump spokeswoman, said in a statement that “our campaign will submit an advisory opinion to the FEC to seek guidance on how to handle the gifts,” referring to the Federal Election Commission.

Regardless, the more crucial gift the former president got by sitting for the interview may well be access to the millions of young, mostly male and right-leaning potential voters who follow Mr. Ross on social media.

Mr. Ross, 23, rose to fame by streaming himself playing video games. He routinely draws 150,000 or more simultaneous viewers on those streams, which can run for five or more hours at a time.

But he has provoked some backlash over the guests he has welcomed on his stream, like Andrew Tate, a former kickboxer who last year was indicted on rape and human trafficking charges in Romania. He has also given airtime to Nick Fuentes, an avowed white supremacist, and he has hosted neo-Nazis wearing swastika emblems.

He was sanctioned by Twitch, a livestreaming platform, multiple times for homophobic statements and hateful content before the site banned him last year. He now hosts his stream on a rival site, Kick.

But he remains enormously popular with a testosterone-heavy demographic that Mr. Trump sees as critical to his re-election chances.

The key is getting those men to the voting booth.

And so, Mr. Trump in June sat for an interview with Logan Paul, a professional wrestler, energy drink entrepreneur and influencer with more than 50 million social media followers, including 27 million on Instagram alone. Last week, Mr. Trump posted two videos with Jake Paul, Mr. Paul’s brother and an influencer-turned-boxer, on his TikTok account, accumulating more than 17 million views.

He has also twice granted interviews to the Nelk Boys, a group of Canadian pranksters famous on YouTube. On Friday, the Nelk Boys released an hourlong podcast interview with JD Vance, Mr. Trump’s running mate, that so far has logged 1.2 million views on YouTube.

Mr. Adin proved to be a decidedly nonconfrontational interlocutor for Mr. Trump. Over nearly 90 minutes, he gave Mr. Trump space to repeatedly demean and insult Ms. Harris and Mr. Biden, and to boast or complain however he saw fit.

Mr. Adin also openly entreated his audience to vote for the Republican, an endorsement so enthusiastic that it appeared to surprise even Mr. Trump.

Mr. Trump said he had been interviewed many times by people “who really do like me,” but “they wouldn’t do what you just did. They wouldn’t say ‘vote for him.’”

“I think it’s great that you can say something like that,” he added.

Michael C. Bender

Michael C. Bender

Vance is touring the same battleground states as Harris this week.

Senator JD Vance thought he would meet Vice President Kamala Harris on the debate stage. Instead, it might be on an airport tarmac.

The Republican vice-presidential nominee will spend much of this week chasing Ms. Harris across the map of battleground states to counterprogram the Democratic presidential candidate’s campaign.

On Tuesday, Mr. Vance will campaign in Philadelphia just hours before Ms. Harris speaks in the same city at Temple University. Ms. Harris is expected to introduce her running mate, who will become Mr. Vance’s rival, at her event.

On Wednesday, both will hold afternoon events in Eau Claire, Wis., before evening stops in Michigan: Ms. Harris will visit Detroit while Mr. Vance heads to Shelby Township, one of the city’s northern suburbs. On Thursday, the two will campaign in North Carolina’s Research Triangle.

“We appreciate JD Vance providing voters in battleground states exactly the split-screen that defines the choice this November: a ticket focused on building an America of opportunity, lower costs, and more freedom — or an America modeled after the Trump-Vance Project 2025 agenda of extremism, less freedom, and an economy that benefits only billionaires and big corporations,” said Charles Lutvak, a spokesman for Ms. Harris.

Since President Biden dropped out of the race last month, Mr. Vance has joked that he was disappointed because he wanted to debate with Ms. Harris. And he has focused much of his campaigning on attacking Ms. Harris, who will replace Mr. Biden at the top of her party’s ticket.

A Trump campaign official said that Mr. Vance was likely to continue criticizing Ms. Harris on energy issues while framing her as a “dangerous” liberal.

Last week he visited the U.S.-Mexico border, where he criticized her handling of immigration issues and mocked her for living in Canada during her teenage years. At an event in Nevada, he called her a “wacky San Francisco liberal.”

Mr. Trump, meantime, has just one stop scheduled this week — a rally in Montana, where he has endorsed Tim Sheehy, a businessman and former Navy SEAL, who is attempting to unseat Senator Jon Tester, a Democrat who was elected in 2006.

Kenneth P. Vogel

Kenneth P. Vogel

Reporting from Washington

The former Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway will be paid $50,000 a month to lobby for Ukrainian interests.

With former President Donald J. Trump and his allies signaling that he will scale back assistance to Ukraine if he retakes the White House, a onetime close adviser has accepted a $50,000-a-month contract to lobby for Ukrainian interests.

Kellyanne Conway, who served as a top aide to Mr. Trump’s 2016 campaign and his presidency, registered on Friday to represent Victor Pinchuk, a Ukrainian oligarch who has positioned himself as a leading supporter of his country’s defense against Russian aggression.

In a filing with the Justice Department under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, Ms. Conway indicated that the Ukrainian government would be the “principal beneficiary” of her lobbying on behalf of Mr. Pinchuk’s charitable foundation.

The filing signaled that Ms. Conway would engage U.S. lawmakers and opinion leaders to explain the importance of Ukraine to the protection of democratic principles, and would try to raise awareness “of Ukrainians’ fight for freedom and the Russian illegal war of aggression.”

Ms. Conway also indicated that she would try to persuade American officials to attend the forthcoming installment of Mr. Pinchuk’s annual security conference, scheduled for next month in Kyiv.

Hours after the filing was uploaded to the Justice Department’s FARA website, Ms. Conway posted a photograph of herself on social media with Mr. Trump in New Jersey, saying that she had “quite the visit today” with him.

A person familiar with the meeting said it lasted hours and touched on a number of subjects related to the 2024 election.

Mr. Trump spoke by phone last month with President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine, which was seen as an effort to tamp down concerns about U.S. support for the country during a possible second Trump administration. But Mr. Trump’s running mate, Senator JD Vance of Ohio, has been one of Congress’s most vocal opponents of U.S. aid for Ukraine.

Ms. Conway had expressed backing for prospective running mates who were more supportive of Ukraine. After Mr. Vance was selected, she told The Bulwark , a politics website, that people were expressing concerns to her.

Ms. Conway did not respond to a message asking if she discussed Ukraine with the former president. Representatives for Mr. Pinchuk also did not respond.

Ms. Conway’s contract has drawn grumbling among other Trump allies, who complain that it represented an effort to capitalize on her connection to the former president, according to a former Trump White House official.

At the beginning of his presidency, Mr. Trump had required all incoming administration employees to pledge that they would refrain from any foreign representations that prompted FARA disclosure after leaving the government. But Mr. Trump rescinded the ethics pledge hours before the end of his term.

Mr. Pinchuk has long spent lavishly to curry influence in Washington and Kyiv.

He has made donations to the Clinton Foundation totaling at least $13 million since 2006. And he donated $150,000 to Mr. Trump’s now-defunct charitable foundation in September 2015 in exchange for a 20-minute remote video appearance that Mr. Trump made to Mr. Pinchuk’s security conference that year.

Mr. Pinchuk, who made his fortune in the steel industry after the fall of the Soviet Union, became a minor character in the special counsel’s investigation into connections between Mr. Trump’s team and Russia. Investigators scrutinized the payment.

Prosecutors also spotlighted Mr. Pinchuk’s role in financing a report commissioned by the Russia-aligned government of former President Viktor F. Yanukovych of Ukraine that was widely criticized for whitewashing the prosecution and imprisonment of an opposition figure. Mr. Pinchuk denied funding the report , though the U.S. consultants who facilitated it testified that he did so.

Theodore Schleifer

Theodore Schleifer

Ron DeSantis, Trump's main rival in the G.O.P. nominating contest, headlined a fund-raiser last Thursday in Monterey, Calif., for the pro-Trump super PAC Right for America, per an invite. The event included a $1,000-a-head reception and a $5,000-a-head dinner at a mansion. DeSantis has stepped up his fund-raising for the Trump ticket, and particularly for this super PAC, which has been heavily funded by the G.O.P. mega-donor Ike Perlmutter and his wife, Laura.

a perfect morning essay

Jesse McKinley Chelsia Rose Marcius and Emma G. Fitzsimmons

Jesse McKinley reported from Albany, N.Y., and Chelsia Rose Marcius and Emma G. Fitzsimmons from New York City.

While Kennedy fights to stay on the ballot in New York, everyone is talking about the bear.

Lucas Altman remembers it well: On an early October night in 2014, he had taken his two Labradors to Central Park when suddenly they became alert, their tails wagging with the thrill of the hunt as they towed him to a patch of shrubbery.

“It was dark, I was getting impatient and I didn’t bother to look,” he said.

A day later, he returned to find out that another resident had made a shocking discovery under the bushes: a dead bear cub , oddly placed under an old bike.

“It was so strange,” Mr. Altman, 52, remembered in an interview Monday. “I always thought it had to take somebody kooky to do that.”

This weekend, a most unexpected culprit stepped forward to admit the bear dumping: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Mr. Kennedy, the political scion whose independent presidential campaign has caused heartburn for both major parties, said he’d found the baby bear dead on a roadside and posed it as a prank. He revealed the decade-old stunt in a video he posted on social media Sunday , in expectation of a critical New Yorker profile published Monday that included the same anecdote.

Mr. Kennedy said he thought the staging would be “amusing,” though he seemed to understand that his sense of humor might not be for everyone.

“It’s going to be a bad story,” he says in the video to Roseanne Barr, a comedian whose sense of humor is also not for everyone.

The story of the roadkill and the confessional video was so bizarrely fascinating that it overshadowed a decidedly more serious challenge for Mr. Kennedy: a court case in Albany brought by a group of voters trying to have him removed from the ballot, arguing Mr. Kennedy used a false address on tens of thousands of nominating petitions.

The case, which began on Monday, is being backed by Clear Choice, a Democrat-aligned political action committee that is trying to keep Mr. Kennedy off the ballot. Mr. Kennedy is likely to testify on Tuesday.

In late May, the Kennedy campaign said it had turned in more than three times the required 45,000 valid signatures to get on New York’s ballot. But on Monday, lawyers for the four voters who brought the case argued that Mr. Kennedy had been deceitful about his address when he circulated petitions for signatures, and that therefore the signatures on those petitions are invalid .

Mr. Kennedy has a home in Los Angeles he shares with his wife, the actress Cheryl Hines and — occasionally — some ravens . Mr. Kennedy’s federal filings for president list a California address , and California is also the home of his running mate, Nicole Shanahan. Under a constitutional oddity, presidential and vice-presidential candidates who come from the same state are ineligible to receive its electoral votes. And California is the nation’s richest electoral prize.

But Mr. Kennedy’s New York petitions listed an address in Katonah, N.Y. Lawyers for the voters trying to bounce him from the ballot say that address is not his home but that of a friend, arguing that Mr. Kennedy “does not, and has never, resided” there.

“That residency address is not the residence of candidate Kennedy,” said Keith M. Corbett, a lawyer representing those seeking to remove Mr. Kennedy from the ballot in New York, which has the fourth most electoral votes in the country .

Mr. Kennedy’s lawyers did not offer an opening statement on Monday, though his lead trial lawyer, William F. Savino, noted in a statement posted on the campaign website that the candidate’s mail is delivered in Katonah, and that his driver’s, fishing and falconry licenses are all from New York.

“New York has been his residence continuously since 1964, and Mr. Kennedy has deep ties to it,” said Mr. Savino, a colorful Buffalo-area lawyer, in a statement. He added: “He has never claimed any other state as a residency. He intends to move back to New York as soon as his wife retires from acting.”

When court was in session, Mr. Kennedy — an environmental lawyer who long fought for cleaning up the Hudson with the group Riverkeeper — took notes and carefully watched testimony before the State Supreme Court judge, Christina L. Ryba. He did not comment about the case to reporters as he left the courtroom, surrounded by Secret Service agents, and answered “No,” when asked if he had any comment on the bear.

In Sunday’s video, however, Mr. Kennedy was more loquacious, amiably spinning a tale of finding the dead cub by an upstate road in 2014 while on a falconry outing. He said he wanted to skin the bear — “It was in very good condition,” he said — and keep its meat. (The New Yorker account also included a photo of the candidate looking as though the animal was chomping his hand.)

He then went to a dinner at Peter Luger Steak House in Brooklyn. With a flight to catch and no time to deal with the carcass, Mr. Kennedy said he left it in Central Park along with an old bike he happened to have in his car, apparently to suggest a cyclist had mowed down the bear.

“We’ll make it look like he got hit by a bike,” he said, adding, “It will be fun, funny for people.”

City and state officials didn’t seem quite as amused: Jeff Wernick, a spokesman for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, said in a statement on Monday that the department had investigated the bear’s death in 2014 and closed the case that year due to a lack of sufficient evidence.

State law, he said, “includes offenses such as illegal possession of a bear without a tag or permit and illegal disposal of a bear, both of which are violation-level offenses typically subject to fines of up to $250 for the first offense.” The statute of limitations is one year, he said.

New York City’s Sanitation Department also reminded residents on Monday morning about how to properly dispose of a dead animal. Their remains should be placed in a sealed heavy duty bag and set out with household trash, along with a taped note saying what was left inside, city officials said. The illustration showed bags labeled Paddington, Fozzie and Gummy.

A Kennedy campaign spokeswoman, Stefanie Spear, directed a request for comment back to the video with Ms. Barr.

Of course, anyone who had “secret bear disposal” on their campaign 2024 bingo card was probably thrilled, though the news was just the latest animal-related revelation during Mr. Kennedy’s long-shot campaign, which has already been dogged by his well-known vaccine skepticism and other conspiracy-tinged beliefs. In May, The New York Times revealed that Mr. Kennedy had a dead worm in his brain , a condition that had caused cognitive problems.

And in The New Yorker, Mr. Kennedy joked that perhaps his photo with the bear — in which his hand is in the bloody mouth of the little cub — might have had something to do with his parasite.

“Maybe that’s where I got my brain worm,” he said.

Despite Mr. Kennedy’s past work with Riverkeeper, environmentalists were not impressed by his treatment of the cub, whose mysterious appearance in Central Park a decade ago is now, at least, solved.

“This bizarre incident underscores how terrible Kennedy’s judgment is,” said Brett Hartl, the national political director at the Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund, and “how little remorse he has for his actions.”

For Mr. Altman, Mr. Kennedy’s confession did have an upside. He said he had spoken to a detective at the time and always wondered about what he called “a very weird situation.”

“In our family, it’s been a mystery for 10 years,” he said. “I figured we’d never find out what happened. And now we know.”

Tim Balk

Usha Vance defended her husband’s ‘childless cat ladies’ claim as a ‘quip.’

Usha Vance, the wife of Senator JD Vance of Ohio, defended a 2021 claim by her husband that the United States was led by unhappy “childless cat ladies,” saying that his statement was a “quip.”

In a Fox News interview published Monday , Ms. Vance said her husband, who is Donald J. Trump’s running mate on the Republican presidential ticket, had been trying to make a “substantive” point through jest.

In July 2021, Mr. Vance told Tucker Carlson on Fox News that it was “just a basic fact” that the country was led by a “bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made, and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too.” Mr. Vance’s comments were met with bipartisan backlash last month when he began campaigning as Mr. Trump’s running mate.

Ms. Vance, in her interview, asserted that his “actual meaning” related to a defense of Americans who are struggling to have children.

“What he was really saying is that it can be really hard to be a parent in this country,” she said, an explanation that seemed to depart in focus from what Mr. Vance had said.

She urged people to carefully examine the context around her husband’s comments.

Mr. Vance, then a Senate candidate, did not explicitly refer to challenges facing Americans struggling to have children during the 2021 interview, which lasted five minutes. He said the people he was referring to were “obsessed with their jobs” and controlled by “D.C. and New York status games.”

Mr. Vance cited Vice President Kamala Harris, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, and Pete Buttigieg, the transportation secretary, as examples of Democrats in leadership who did not have children.

Ms. Harris has a stepson and a stepdaughter. Kerstin Emhoff, the mother of Ms. Harris’s stepchildren, came to her defense last month. Mr. Buttigieg adopted two children in August 2021. ( He has called Mr. Vance’s commentary “offensive to everybody in the country.”) Ms. Ocasio-Cortez does not have children. (She has not publicly commented on the senator’s claims, according to her spokeswoman.)

It was not clear that Mr. Vance was joking during the interview with Mr. Carlson. The senator, who was defending similar comments he had previously made, suggested that Americans who do not have children lack a “direct stake” in the future of the country.

In an interview last month on “The Megyn Kelly Show” on SiriusXM , Mr. Vance criticized several people who had denounced his comments, including the “Friends” actress Jennifer Aniston.

Mr. Vance, 40, and his wife have three children.

Ms. Vance, 38, said her husband “would never, ever, ever want to say something to hurt someone who is trying to have a family.”

“Let’s try to look at the real conversation that he’s trying to have and engage with it,” she said.

It was Ms. Vance’s first one-on-one interview broadcast on TV since her husband was selected as Mr. Trump’s running mate last month.

The Trump campaign did not immediately reply to questions about whether Mr. Vance had been joking during the 2021 interview or whether he had any further comment on it.

In an interview before an audience at the National Association of Black Journalists conference in Chicago on Wednesday, Mr. Trump said of Mr. Vance: “He is very family-oriented. And he thinks family’s a great thing.”

Mr. Trump also downplayed the importance of his running mate.

“Historically, the vice president, in terms of the election, does not have any impact,” Mr. Trump said.

Adin Ross just presented Trump with a red, white and blue Tesla Cybertruck that’s been decorated in his honor. “Make America Great Again” is written on the hood, and the image of the former president raising his fist in defiance after the assassination attempt against him is emblazoned on the side. Trump climbed into the electric vehicle’s passenger seat, and the two men listened to “California Dreamin’” by the Mamas & the Papas.

Trump’s interview with the streamer Adin Ross has now stretched over 70 minutes and shows no sign of flagging. Ross, wearing a MAGA hat, encouraged the more than 500,000 people watching the stream to vote for the former president, prompting Trump to say the endorsement was unusual for an interaction framed as a journalistic interview. “I’ve been doing this for years with people who really do like me and even then they stopped short of what you did. I think it’s ethical and smart,” Trump said.

The video game streamer Adin Ross just gave Trump a gold Rolex watch while interviewing him live at Mar-a-Lago. Ross is known for his extensive watch collection and for surprising fans with gifts of luxury watches.

Trump pivoted off a question about who his favorite U.F.C. athletes were to say that he had a plan to stop the war in Ukraine if he were elected in November. “If I win the election, the first thing I’m going to do is get Putin and Zelensky — I know them very well — and get them to make a deal,” he said, referring to the presidents of Russia and Ukraine. He then repeated a frequent claim that if he had been president instead of Biden, there never would have been a war in Gaza.

Asked in the livestream interview today about the causes of the recent big declines in global stock markets, Trump appeared to blame immigrants, saying, “They’re coming out of mental institutions and they’re pouring into the United States and they’re hurting and damaging our country.” Many economists point to data that shows slowing growth in the American economy as the reason for the market downturn.

Simon J. Levien

Simon J. Levien

Trump is sitting for a live interview right now with Adin Ross, a 23-year-old internet personality and online streamer, during which he will most likely talk about his pitch to young people. According to some polls, Harris has made up ground with younger voters who were reluctant to support Biden before he dropped out. In a post on his social media site about the interview, Trump said that the American dream for young people was “DEAD” under the Biden administration.

Adin Ross, a video-game streamer, has drawn controversy in the past for his ties to Andrew Tate, the former kickboxer and influencer who was indicted in Romania on human trafficking charges, accusations Tate denies, as well as to Kanye West. Ross arrived at Mar-a-Lago today in a Tesla Cybertruck decorated with an American flag and the ubiquitous photograph of a defiant Trump with his fist raised that was taken moments after the assassination attempt against him in Pennsylvania last month.

The Trump campaign is taking advantage of the downturn in global financial markets , pinning the responsibility on his opponent. “Trump prosperity, or the Kamala crash,” Trump wrote, in all caps, on his social media site. During his term, Trump oversaw a steep drop in the stock market in 2020 due to the pandemic, which rebounded that summer. The current market slide is most likely in part a result of the U.S. jobs report released on Friday that fell far short of forecasts.

Gene Sperling, a senior adviser to President Biden who also served in the Clinton and Obama administrations, will leave the Biden administration to work for the Harris campaign, according to White House and campaign officials. Biden said in a statement that the United States is “stronger and more just because of the families that Gene has spent every day fighting for over the past three-and-a-half years.”

The Harris campaign offered more detail on a five-day tour the vice president plans to take with her running mate this week, saying it will stop in seven swing-state cities: Philadelphia; Eau Claire, Wis.; Detroit; Durham, N.C.; Savannah, Ga.; Phoenix; and Las Vegas. Its events will be held at union halls, restaurants, field offices and college campuses, the campaign said.

Unite Here, a large, 20-year-old hospitality workers’ union, endorsed Kamala Harris, warning in a statement that Donald Trump has a plan to “crush labor unions and hurt working families.” The union, which says it has about 250,000 American members, set a goal of knocking on more than three million doors in swing states. Trump has sought to win over hospitality workers with a plan to exempt tips from taxes.

Reid J. Epstein Theodore Schleifer and Nick Corasaniti

Reid J. Epstein reported from Washington, Theodore Schleifer from New York and Nick Corasaniti from Asbury Park, N.J.

Harris has faced party divisions over her choice of running mate.

The competitive, divisive primary that many Democrats long wanted to avoid has arrived anyway — playing out largely behind closed doors in a fight over the bottom of the ticket.

The final stage of the campaign to be Vice President Kamala Harris’s running mate reached something of an ugly phase in recent days as donors, interest groups and political rivals from the party’s moderate and progressive wings lobbied for their preferred candidates and passed around memos debating the contenders’ political weaknesses with key demographics.

They turned most sharply on one of the favorites to join the ticket, Gov. Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania, who has drawn opposition from progressives and even a senator in his home state.

The fissures among Democrats emerged as three leading contenders — Mr. Shapiro, Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona and Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota — met with Ms. Harris at her residence in Washington on Sunday, ahead of a decision her campaign said would be announced by Tuesday.

Kevin Munoz, a spokesman for the Harris campaign, declined to comment on the meetings.

Ms. Harris is set to hit the campaign trail with her running mate this week, kicking off a five-day, seven-state tour with a rally on Tuesday night in Philadelphia, where Mr. Shapiro is expected to be in attendance, whether he is her pick or not.

Progressive groups have trained their criticisms on Mr. Shapiro and Mr. Kelly, who they accuse of being too conservative on key issues. Shawn Fain, the president of the United Automobile Workers union, said during a Sunday interview on CBS that Mr. Kelly had “not really” assuaged the union’s concerns about his commitment to pro-labor legislation and that the organization had “bigger issues” with Mr. Shapiro’s support for school vouchers.

Major Democratic donors have signaled that they would be fine with any of the candidates on Ms. Harris’s list of finalists, but there are divisions among the biggest Democratic givers. On an email group for the Democracy Alliance, left-wing donors have vigorously expressed concerns about Mr. Shapiro.

Another group of progressive activists, communicating through an email group called Gamechanger Salon, have come out against Mr. Shapiro and pushed its members to highlight his stances on Israel’s military campaign in Gaza. The debate grew heated during a discussion about whether using the phrase “Genocide Josh” to describe Mr. Shapiro, who is an observant Jew, was antisemitic. An organizer called for calm and rebranded the email chain as “Why Josh Shapiro should not be the VP.” Some of the emails also called for members to push for Mr. Walz, who has become a favorite of the party’s most liberal contributors, about 60 of whom he addressed on Friday.

One message, written by Billy Wimsatt, an executive director of a liberal donor group known as the Movement Voter Project, said that Mr. Shapiro could cause a drop in turnout among progressive voters who are concerned about the war in Gaza. “He risks significantly depressing enthusiasm for the Harris ticket among key constituencies of young voters, Arab and Muslim voters, and to some degree labor,” he wrote in an email thread, which was shared with The New York Times. “Tim Walz is the perfect Harris VP unicorn for this moment.”

Senator John Fetterman of Pennsylvania, who has long clashed with Mr. Shapiro, has also expressed displeasure at the prospect of the governor’s being elevated to a national ticket, according to two people who have spoken with him. One of his advisers called the Harris campaign to object to Mr. Shapiro, a development that was first reported by Politico .

Manuel Bonder, a spokesman for Mr. Shapiro, declined to comment on the vice-presidential selection process.

The growing attacks on Mr. Shapiro have been rebuked by some moderates in the party and others in the news media. Joe Scarborough, host of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” issued a forceful defense of the Pennsylvania governor on X , saying the recent attacks on him were “a toxic mix of antisemitism, extremist views on Gaza, and jealous colleagues who don’t want to be blocked out of the presidential sweepstakes for the next decade.”

A group of progressive donors in recent days has been making a push for Mr. Walz, the Minnesota governor. Over the past week, Democratic operatives including Doran Schrantz, an adviser to the Faith in Minnesota PAC, and Mr. Wimsatt have circulated a memo called “The Case for Tim Walz for Vice President,” hoping to sway Ms. Harris.

A similar document promoting Pete Buttigieg, the transportation secretary who headlined a Harris fund-raiser in New Hampshire on Saturday, was circulated last week to Democrats, including major donors.

On Sunday, Mr. Kelly posted to social media, then subsequently deleted, a message that curiously said he would now be focused on his home state.

“My background is a bit different than most politicians,” Mr. Kelly wrote. “I spent my life serving in the Navy and at NASA, where the mission always comes first. Now, my mission is serving Arizonans.”

Mr. Kelly’s spokesman, Jacob Peters, said the post was deleted because it was being misunderstood.

Mr. Shapiro has emerged as the choice of the party’s pro-Israel donors, those with ties to the school-choice movement and business-friendly contributors in Silicon Valley. But his centrist positions that appeal to those groups are the same ones that make him the least favorite of the party’s most liberal funders.

An apparent compromise candidate like Gov. Andy Beshear of Kentucky, who has fans among both the party’s more liberal and more centrist contributors, could also emerge as the nominee. Mr. Beshear has spent time over the past two weeks auditioning before multiple groups of major donors who have been eager to kick the tires on him, including one invite-only session on Friday evening, according to two people briefed on his activities.

Mr. Beshear was not known to have participated in Ms. Harris’s final interviews on Sunday, but he was spotted with his labradoodle, Winnie, outside the governor’s residency in Frankfort, Ky.

“Just walking the dog this morning,” Mr. Beshear responded when asked about his plans for the day.

Mr. Walz and Mr. Beshear are set to appear at dueling, simultaneous fund-raisers to benefit Ms. Harris on Monday evening. Mr. Walz’s event, in Minneapolis, was sold out as of Sunday evening; tickets remained available for Mr. Beshear’s event, which will be in Chicago.

By that point, Ms. Harris’s decision is likely to already have been made.

Christina Morales contributed reporting from Jenkintown, Pa., and Corinne Boyer from Frankfort, Ky.

Jimmy Carter is said to have plans to vote for Kamala Harris.

Former President Jimmy Carter, who has been in hospice care for more than 17 months , has said that he has every intention of voting for Vice President Kamala Harris in the fall, according to his family.

Mr. Carter, 99, who served as the nation’s 39th president from 1977 to 1981, would turn 100 on Oct. 1. No American president has lived longer than him.

Mr. Carter’s son Chip asked his father on Wednesday if he was trying to make it to his 100th birthday, according to the former president’s grandson Jason.

“I’m trying to make it to vote for Kamala Harris,” Mr. Carter replied, according to the grandson.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution previously reported on the conversation.

Ms. Harris did not immediately comment.

Mr. Carter appeared gaunt and frail at the funeral ceremony in Atlanta for his wife of 77 years, Rosalynn Carter, in November. He has remained at home in Plains, Ga., in hospice care far longer than many would have imagined; most people receive hospice care for less than a month.

The early-voting period in Georgia begins on Oct. 15, and Georgia counties are expected to start to mail out absentee ballots about a month before Election Day. Mr. Carter intends to vote by mail, his grandson said.

Georgia is one of a handful of battleground states expected to be crucial in the contest between Ms. Harris and Donald J. Trump, who won the state in 2016 but lost it, and the White House, in 2020 to Joseph R. Biden Jr.

A CBS News/YouGov poll released on Sunday showed Mr. Trump leading Ms. Harris by three percentage points in the state. But there has been limited public opinion data illuminating the state of the campaign in Georgia since Mr. Biden withdrew and endorsed Ms. Harris last month.

Emma G. Fitzsimmons

Emma G. Fitzsimmons

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. admits he left a dead bear in Central Park.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the independent presidential candidate, confessed on Sunday that he had left a dead bear cub in Central Park in Manhattan in 2014 because he thought it would be “amusing.”

Mr. Kennedy posted a video detailing the bizarre story on social media ahead of an article in The New Yorker that mentions the incident.

“Looking forward to seeing how you spin this one,” he said, tagging the magazine.

In the video, Mr. Kennedy appears to be seated in a kitchen as he casually tells the actress Roseanne Barr about the ordeal. He says that he was driving through the Hudson Valley when he saw a woman in a van hit and kill a young bear.

“I pulled over and I picked up the bear and put him in the back of my van because I was going to skin the bear,” he says. “It was very good condition and I was going to put the meat in my refrigerator.”

Mr. Kennedy then details how he had to attend a dinner at Peter Luger Steak House in New York City and then head to the airport, which meant he had to get rid of the bear. He decided to leave the bear in Central Park with an old bicycle to make it look like it had been hit by the bike.

Mr. Kennedy says that he was worried when officials investigated the crime scene, “because my prints were all over that bike.”

Ms. Barr listens closely to the story, laughing and looking shocked. Mr. Kennedy tells her that fact checkers from The New Yorker asked him about the story: “It’s going to be a bad story.”

Indeed, the bear cub caused quite a stir when it was found in the park in 2014 , as reported in The New York Times in an article coincidentally written by Tatiana Schlossberg, a reporter for The Times at that time, and the daughter of Mr. Kennedy’s first cousin Caroline Kennedy. A woman was walking her dog in Central Park when she noticed it lying under some bushes, partly concealed by an abandoned bicycle. The cub was 6 months old and 44 pounds.

The state’s Department of Environmental Conservation later found through a necropsy that the cause of death was “blunt force injuries consistent with a motor vehicle collision.”

Ms. Schlossberg said on Sunday evening, “Like law enforcement, I had no idea who was responsible for this when I wrote the story.”

Mr. Kennedy did not appear to confess that he was behind the incident until now. He tried to explain the unusual circumstances to Ms. Barr in the video: “This was a little bit of the redneck in me.”

30+ Sweet Good Morning Paragraphs to Start Their Day With a Smile

Wake them up with words that will make them smile and show just how much they brighten your day.

Kate is an experienced writer who has written hundreds of articles for publication.

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Make your sweetheart's morning with the perfect good morning paragraph to text or leave on a little note by the coffeemaker. You can copy and paste these messages or put your own spin on them for a personal touch. Either way, you'll be starting the day off right for someone you really care about.

Cute Good Morning Paragraphs for Her

Tell her good morning in the most adorable way possible with these cute paragraphs. If you want your girlfriend or partner to wake up knowing that you were thinking about them, these messages will help show it:

  • I'm not sure if you realize this, but you're the girl of my dreams. For real. I had a dream about your last night.
  • Good morning, beautiful. You are the sunshine that makes every day bright for me - no matter what clouds come my way. I love you.
  • Starting the morning with thoughts of you is my favorite way to wake up. Just wanted to be the first person to wish you a good morning.
  • I hope you slept so well, my lovely girl. I'm so grateful to share another day with you. Wishing you the best morning.
  • It's already a good morning when I get to start it by waking up next to my beautiful love. Here's to another incredible day I get to spend loving you.
  • 70+ Adorably Appropriate Responses to a Good Morning Text
  • The 8 Best Books on Flirting to Make Your Crush Blush

Make your good morning message even more personal by using your sweetie's name and adding a couple of specific details about when you'll see them next or the last time you got to hang out. Those little touches take your good morning to the next level.

Sweet Good Morning Paragraphs for Him

Make him smile first thing in the morning with these adorable messages that show him just how much you care. These cute morning phrases are the perfect thing for your boyfriend or partner to wake up to:

  • I woke up thinking about your face and how much I love it. Good morning, sweetie. I hope you have an incredible day.
  • Good morning, handsome. I woke up just feeling super grateful to have you in my life. Every moment is better with you.
  • There's a reason I wake up with a smile every morning, and that reason is you. Feeling so lucky to start another day with you.
  • Good morning to the most amazing man I've ever known. Looking forward to another day with you in my life.
  • Good morning, love. Just wanted to start your day off by telling you how special you are to me. I can't wait to start my day because I know you're in it.

Loving Morning Messages That Might Make Them Cry

Start their morning with some really meaningful and emotionally powerful words that express your connection:

  • Good morning to the most important person in my life. Every day, I look forward to making memories with the one I love. You are everything to me.
  • Every morning, I wake up feeling so very grateful to share this life with you. There's no one I'd rather start the day thinking about.
  • Good morning to the reason I know true love exists. Having you in my life makes every day more beautiful. Have a wonderful day and know I love you.
  • Woke up with the sun on my face and warm thoughts of you in my heart. Good morning to the most wonderful partner anyone could ever wish to have. I adore you.
  • You're my favorite reason to open my eyes every morning. You make every day brighter and more beautiful than the last. Good morning, love.
  • 120+ Sweet Good Morning Love Quotes

Romantic Good Morning Paragraphs for Your Crush

If you're not in a relationship (yet), you can still wish them a good morning with the perfect flirty paragraph that hints at where you'd like things to go:

  • Good morning! I was just thinking about your beautiful eyes and hoping I might get to see them today.
  • The warm sun woke me up this morning, and I hope it's not cheesy to say that it reminded me of your smile. Hoping your morning (and day) is incredible.
  • Spent a lot of time thinking about you last night, and I can't wait to see you today. Hope you have a great morning!
  • Good morning! Just had to tell you I think you have the sweetest smile. I can't stop thinking about you.
  • Knowing I'm going to get to spend the day with you makes this such a good morning. I hope you're waking up as happy as I am.

Heartfelt Morning Paragraphs for Long-Distance Relationships

Long-distance love isn't always easy, and saying good morning with a text or message is a wonderful way to keep the day-to-day connection strong. Try one of these paragraphs:

  • Every morning brings me closer to the day I get to see you again. Thinking of you as I start my day (and pretty much all the time, if I'm being super honest).
  • Good morning, love. I'm missing you more than I can say. I think of you so often throughout the day and every time I do, I'm so thankful you're in my life.
  • My morning always starts with thoughts of you. You're the warm sun that wakes up my heart and gets me ready for the day. I love you and miss you.
  • Good morning from far away. I'm thinking of you starting your day and hoping the morning brings only good moments.
  • Even though I can't be with you right now, I feel like my heart spent the night sleeping next to yours. Good morning to the one I love and miss.
  • 23 Long-Distance Love Poems to Share the Depth of Your Connection

Funny Ways to Say Good Morning to the One You Love

Make them laugh with a funny good morning message that doesn't take this time of day too seriously:

  • I'm still not a morning person, but I'm your person every morning. Good morning, love.
  • All I need is coffee and you. And please don't make me choose between you. Good morning!
  • Neither of us got enough sleep, did we? Good morning! It's possible I might just be counting the hours until bed.
  • Leaving you in the morning is just as hard as leaving my bed. Can't wait to get back to you both. In the meantime, I hope you have a great morning.
  • Good morning, sweetie. You and my coffee have a lot in common - warm, strong, and willing to let me hold you all morning long.
  • 55 Adorably Appropriate Responses to a Good Morning Text

Good Morning Paragraphs for Your Best Friend

Greet your bestie with a good morning paragraph that is guaranteed to make them smile:

  • Good morning! Just thinking about how lucky I am to have a friend like you in this life. No matter what this day brings, know I'm here for you!
  • Hey, partner in crime! Hope you're having a great morning. Good luck with [test/project etc.]. Can't wait to hang out later!
  • Good morning. Having you in my corner is such a huge blessing, and I woke up thinking how lucky I am that we met all those years ago.
  • I know morning isn't your favorite time, but I just wanted to tell you how much it means to me to have you as a friend. Okay, you can go back to being grumpy now.
  • Hey there, rock star! Hope you're ready for another day of crushing it. Thanks for being so awesome.

Beautiful Longer Paragraphs for Them to Wake Up To

Sometimes you need more than just a few words to wake someone up. These longer paragraphs let you take your time when you say good morning:

  • Good morning! As the sun comes up and this wonderful new day starts, I just wanted to tell you I hope it's wonderful. You make every day more fun, and I'm looking forward to spending this one with you. Here's to another day feeling lucky to know you.
  • Good morning to someone who brings so much joy to my life. You're the first thing I think of when I open my eyes and the last thought that passes through my mind at night. I'm grateful for every day I'm fortunate enough to know you. You've made my life better.
  • I can't wait to start this day with you. Any way I can, I want to take care of you and make each day wonderful for you. It's the least I can do for someone who has brought unimaginable happiness to every day of my life since we met.

Help Them Start Their Day Knowing You Care

There are so many different ways to say good morning to the most important people in your life that it's nice to change it up and try different messages each day. Be funny, sweet, touching, or whatever the mood calls for, and you'll let them start their day knowing you care.

My husband and I met while training for triathlons. Our marriage is stronger for it.

  • My husband and I got married after competing in a triathlon together.
  • We both played sports growing up, and the lessons we picked up from training have helped our marriage.
  • We trust each other and don't waste time micromanaging.

Insider Today

In a fitting end to my athletic career, my husband and I got married after competing together on the college triathlon team .

Our first unofficial date was a training run around LSU's campus . We attempted conversation as we huffed our way through a grueling four miles at a seven-minute pace. Although we weren't planning to run that fast, friendly competition propelled us forward. We matched each other stride-for-stride, setting the stage for our relationship as lifelong teammates.

Thomas and I both came from sports backgrounds. He played football and ran track while I participated in soccer, track, and swimming. The lessons we gleaned from sports teams in our youth have guided our partnership since the beginning. As our family continues to grow and change, we maintain a team-oriented approach that strengthens our bond in several ways.

We continue to practice and improve

Since we're still pretty new to the parenting game, we don't have much training under our belts. Parenting often feels daunting — like my first few open-water swims as a triathlete. But hard things become easier with practice, something that my husband and I understand after years of athletics. We cheer each other on as we acquire new skills, just like we did when we were teammates.

We invest in ourselves individually so that our team can thrive

As parents and partners, we count on each other to put forth our best efforts. In order to do that, we each need time for self-care.

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Rest and recovery are baked into an athlete's job description. Back when we were competing, my husband and I devoted extra time to our mental and physical well-being . This gave us the confidence and willpower to tackle any task.

While our day-to-day family life is a far cry from a triathlon meet , we acknowledge how important it is for us to refuel. This often means tag-teaming childcare duties (and sacrificing time together) so that we can each get time away from the kids.

We recognize that we have different strengths and weaknesses

Each of us contributes to our family unit in unique (but crucial) ways. Like gymnasts who specialize in different events, Thomas and I prefer certain jobs at home. He conquers the laundry while I handle the dishes. He manages the kids' morning routine, and I take charge in the evenings. It isn't a perfect system, and it's not always equal, but we evaluate and adjust the game plan as we go.

We pick up each other's slack

When one of us has an "off" day, the other can compensate. We face setbacks and seasons of struggle. Sometimes, one person shoulders the weight of the entire team.

During my second pregnancy, my husband completed most of the childcare and household duties. Conversely, when he travels for work, I fill in the gaps. We've learned how to lean on each other during times of adversity until we can find our balance again.

We trust that the other person is capable of doing their part, and we don't waste time or energy micromanaging each other

Teammates believe in each other's ability to succeed. One soccer player can't cover every position; a forward must assume that the defenders will clear the ball upfield. Similarly, although my husband may not do things exactly how I would do them (especially when it comes to parenting our kids), we share the same vision, and I know that he'll get the job done.

Our actions and decisions impact the entire team

When I want to throw in the towel, I remember that my team depends on me, and I don't want to let them down. My husband compares the evenings in our house to a 4th quarter frenzy. Exhausted from our own workdays, we attempt to feed and bathe our two kids under 2 without losing our cool. In those moments, quitting is not an option. The stakes are too high. So we grit our teeth, wipe the sweat from our brows, and push through to the final buzzer (aka, bedtime).

We continue to challenge ourselves and grow

Athletes constantly seek new ways to fine-tune their skills to avoid hitting a plateau. In the same way, my husband and I aim to better ourselves — not because we're trying to beat everyone else, but because we want to see what we can accomplish together.

We win and lose as a team

Sometimes, we fail — we fall, we drop the baton, and we get frustrated and discouraged. Instead of blaming each other or dwelling on our mistakes, we dust ourselves off and move on. Every day is another opportunity to "shoot our shot." Although we'll never earn a medal for our efforts, progressing toward our goal of a healthy relationship and family feels rewarding enough.

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Home » For You » Relationships

139 Good Morning Paragraphs For Her To Wake Up To

Make your lady love’s day with these sweet, cute, and beautiful good morning messages.

Sarah Kenville has a master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and a law degree. She has 8 years of experience and offers premarital counseling and relationship coaching to dating, engaged, newlywed, and same-sex couples. She is passionate about helping clients discover their strengths and growth areas to enrich their relationships. Read full bio of Sarah Kenville

Sneha has a master's degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of Hyderabad, a professional Relationship Coach diploma, and over four years of experience in writing. She writes about relationships and lifestyle.Sneha began her career as an instructional designer, shifted to freelance technical and research writing, and self-published a novella on the theme of adolescent mental health. Read full bio of Sneha Tete

Shatabdi is an associate editor and an alumnus of Lady Brabourne College, Kolkata, where she honed her skills and developed a deep understanding of the world of literature and expression. She has worked with various organizations and websites operating in different industries, ranging from education to lifestyle, showing her adaptability and drive to learn. Read full bio of Shatabdi Bhattacharya

Image: Created with Dall.E

Morning is the perfect time to let your partner know you are thinking about them. Just like those unprepared late-night talks, sending some lovely good morning paragraphs to her is also important to have her impressed. These messages convey your true feelings straight from the heart because morning is the best time for acting flirty and confessing your deepest feelings. There is no beautiful feeling other than waking to lovely and beautiful morning wishes, especially when you have a hectic schedule planned throughout the day.

It may not be easy for everyone to put their exact feelings into words, and this is where we want to help you. Scroll down to check some of the best good morning texts for her to wake up to with a smile!

In This Article

Flirty Good Morning Texts For Her

  • Good morning, beautiful! I wish I woke up every morning wrapped up in your arms.
  • Good morning, beautiful. I just wanted to be the reason you look at your phone and smile.
  • You’re looking beautiful this morning! I haven’t seen you yet, but you always look beautiful every day.
  • Good morning, baby. I hope you have a good morning. I know you’re going to have a good evening.
  • Hey, sexy! I just had a great dream about you. It’s a little hard to describe – maybe we should meet later, so I can show you how it went in person?
  • I woke up so hot this morning for some reason. I must have been dreaming of you all night long!
  • I wish you were here next to me in bed this morning. Maybe it’s good you’re not though – neither of us would get up all day!
  • Good morning, babe. I hope your day is fantastic – but I know it won’t be as amazing as tonight’s going to be…
  • Morning babe, I hope your day is filled with smiles, positivity, sweet surprises, and, of course, me…
  • Hey beautiful, it’s time to wake up! I know it’s hard because you were probably dreaming about me, but I promise I’m even better in real life.
  • I’m excited to see you later. If you know what I have planned for you later, you’ll be just as enthusiastic as I am.
  • Did the sun just come out or did you just smile at me?
  • Sometimes, I wish there was no alarm clock because that is the only device that wakes me up while I am dreaming of you.
  • My heart just skipped a beat, I guess you woke up. Can you see the connection already? Good morning, beautiful.

Long Good Morning Paragraphs for Her

  • Good morning, beautiful! The sun shines bright, but pales in comparison to your smile. Your presence fills every nook and corner of my heart with warmth and joy, turning even the simplest moments into cherished memories. Here’s to a day filled with laughter, love, and countless blessings. Can’t wait to see you shine!
  • You came into my world, and you invited me into yours with the way you cherish and love me. You see just the good in me where others only see the bad; you see the best in me while others could only see the worst. I’m grateful that you didn’t give up on me and left me to my ruins. And I wish you a great and awesome day ahead of you, my baby. Good morning, sweetheart.
  • Everything I see this morning reminds me of you. The sun reminds me of your warmth. The breeze reminds me of your breath against my skin. The flowers remind me of the incredible way you smell. The birds singing reminds me of the beauty of your voice. The love in my heart reminds me that I never really understood the feeling before you entered my life.
  • Everything has been different since I met you. You’re not just my girlfriend, you’re a part of me, and you live inside my heart. I can hear you when I lay my head on my pillow, sending out waves of love that keep me going for the rest of the day. If you’re still in bed, darling, put your head on your pillow, when you read this message of affection.
  • Our love may seem a mystery to some. The bond we share is a puzzle to many. Even to us, it appears impossible, but our hearts continuously affirm the reality of it. We are blessed to have found each other and to share this sacred and magical bond . I will never stop loving you, dear.
  • Good Morning, love of my life. You are the medicine that soothes my pain, the water that nourishes me and gives me life. You are the coffee that wakes me up and the whiskey that helps me sleep. You are the art that gives my life meaning and inspiration and the feast that keeps me going. You are everything to me.
  • Nothing that exists or that will ever exist is capable of separating us. Our hearts have glued, fused, and melted into each other, and nothing in the universe could ever break that bond. I love you to the end of the earth, and I wish you the most beautiful morning and the most incredible day ahead filled with cheerfulness, motivation, and kindness.
  • Waking up was never so exciting until you came into my life. Everything is so magical with you, darling. And I never want any of it to change. Please wake up with a smile on your face and keep smiling with optimism throughout the day. Because your smile lightens up my world!
  • If I could get you the entire world, even that would be less compared to what you deserve. You are the most wonderful human being, baby. And I wish you all the happiness in the world. Good morning. Have a day as beautiful as you!
  • You don’t only look like an angel; you also spread love and blessings as angels do. Your love gives me the strength to face trouble. What a lucky man I am that I’ve got the best girl ever! So, on this beautiful morning, I want you to know that I love you with all my heart.
  • You’ve brought me nothing short of happiness, goodness, and love. Each moment with you is filled with gaiety and bliss. I’m honored to be loved by someone as caring and beautiful as you are. You’re indeed my everyday happiness and joy, and I love you more than love itself. Good morning, my one and only.

Good Morning Paragraphs For Her

  • Thanks for making me feel better and stronger than ever before. Thanks for loving me just the way I am. Thanks for not leaving me alone. Thanks for being there for me. Thanks for being real. Thanks for your support and encouragement. Thanks for standing by me. And thanks for always being a darling. I love you beyond the stars. Good morning, my angel.
  • You are a blessing! I find myself thinking about you every morning in admiration.. You have given me happiness and peace of mind. I love you with every bit of my heart, and I feel like a king having someone as precious as you in my life. Good morning, my Queen.
  • Good morning to you, my one and only. You remain the cutest and sweetest thing in my life, and I am grateful for this awesome love you have given me. I value your presence in my life because you have been my rainbow that shows up after the rain. I will continue to love and cherish you as long as I keep breathing. Your happiness and well-being became my responsibility from the day you looked at me with love in your eyes..
  • You are the only person I can pour my heart out to. I have no clue why I have so much faith and trust in you. You are a blessing. I will love and cherish you till eternity and be there for you in good and bad times. Have a blessed day, darling.
  • There may be a million ways to say I love you, but I would rather let you know through my actions and deeds. I am grateful to you for letting me show you every single day how much I care for you and adore you. Know that everything that I do is done keeping you in my mind. Have a fabulous day, sweetheart.
  • If it were up to me, I would have never woken you up. Because the innocence of your sleeping face makes my heart melt. However, after waking up, my sleeping beauty turns into quite a monster who often screams her lungs out. But you also have a heart full of love, and I love you just the same.
  • Waking up had never been so exciting until you came into my life. Everything is so magical with you, darling. And I never want any of it to change. Please wake up with a smile on your face and keep smiling throughout the day. Because your smile lightens up my world!
  • Our relationship has never been easy. Many people hated us together, many got jealous of us, many wanted us to break up, but I’m glad despite all that, many also believed in us. And most importantly, we never fail to make it strong and even stronger. I love you so much Babe, and no matter what, I’m still holding on to our promise, the promise to love one another during up and down for forever.
  • Your love strengthens me in my weaknesses, and I’m blessed to have you in my life just as much as I’m honored to be loved by someone as caring, loving, and beautiful as you are. You’re more than what I expected, and I want you to know that even if I try, I can’t thank you enough for everything. I love you more than you know. Good morning!
  • As you start this beautiful new day, may your heart always be filled with gratitude, may your day be filled with all the good things of life, and may your life continue to be an expression of God’s benevolence. I love you to the moon and back. Good morning, my princess. Do have a lovely day ahead of you.
  • Every morning, I wake up with a smile on my face because every day, I always wake up to the thought of you, my love. You will forever be in my mind and in my heart. Thanks for not leaving me to my ruins and loving me just the way I am. I love you forever. Good morning!

Cute Good Morning Paragraphs for Her

  • Baby, you know I’m not great at expressing my feelings in person, so I thought I would let you know my feelings through this text. You are my best friend, my confidant, and my soulmate. I love everything about you, even your gentle snores at night. Have a fantastic day.
  • My day is incomplete without hearing your voice. With your voice comes the soul-melting laughter, which is all I need to have a great and happy day. I hope mine makes you feel the same way. Good morning, my cherry.
  • Seeing you happy is all I ask for in this lifetime. I would do anything I could to see that smile on your face and listen to your infectious laughter. I swear I would swim across the oceans to see you happy (although I do not know how to swim). I hope you keep everyone around you cheerful today and never let anything dampen your mood. Have a fantastic day.
  • Every sweet word you say to me comes back to replay in my sleep every day. Every night, I hear you say you love me and that you’ll never leave me alone. Then, I wake up in the morning with something popping up in my heart – it’s your love again.
  • Without a parade, you were made the queen of my heart the day I met you. You won a free ticket to travel around my world and into the deepest part of my heart, where treasures like you abound. There, you have been, and there you will be until eternity.
  • Any day that I don’t hear your sweet voice is incomplete. Any day that I don’t see your gorgeous face is not worth having. Any day that I don’t feel the touch of your soft skin and hear the sweetness of your laughter can barely be called a day at all. I hope and pray that I make you feel the same way.
  • I slept off yesterday thinking about you , my love. This morning, I woke up crazy about you… Like it’s only been yesterday. Every passing night takes me deeper into your love. And every breaking day opens to me a new chapter of what we share. Can’t ever run out of love, baby. Good morning, Love.
  • Loving you is like breathing; it is something I do without realizing and without any effort. And your love keeps me alive, babe. I can’t imagine spending even a day without you, so always stay mine. Good morning. I love you to the moon and back.
  • When you open your eyes in the morning, I want to remind you of how much you mean to me. You are my very own piece of heaven. I forget every worldly trouble when I’m with you, and I want to give you the same happiness that you give me. Rise and shine, my queen!
  • I hope this is the first message you read this morning. Tell me if it isn’t, I’ll be sure to send you an earlier message tomorrow. Because it’s only fair, you were the first thing on my mind when I woke up this morning, so I hope I can be the first thing on yours. As long as you’re thinking of me, it doesn’t matter how far we’re apart; our love transcends distance.
  • Since I met you, everything I see around me reminds me of you. The moon reminds me of your bright smile. The stars remind me of your sparkling beauty. The flowers evoke your sweet body fragrance. It feels like you are always around me. Good morning, my love.
  • You’re the cutest and sweetest thing that ever happened to me, and all I care about is cherishing every moment of the day with you and loving you as you’ve never been loved before. You know I love you, right? Well, I do. Good morning, my princess. Do have a lovely day ahead.
  • Sweetie, with you, I’ve realized all I want in this life is to wake up being by your side, looking into your eyes that shine brighter than a diamond, your skin that’s radiant than the sun, and your touch as soft as silk, I want you and no one else. Be mine forever pretty. Good morning, my love. Have a great day ahead.

Romantic Good Morning Paragraphs for Her

  • Babe, you know what I was thinking about last night while I couldn’t fall asleep? The first time we met. I had no idea my life was about to change forever. You are wonderful. Good morning, babe.
  • Here comes another sweet morning, bringing joy and happiness and one more opportunity to let you know that you always stay in my heart. Good morning, my queen.
  • It is impossible to see the beauty of your eyes without the shining of the beautiful morning sun. So, let’s wait for the light to shine because I wish to see the bright future in your charming eyes. Good morning, my love!
  • I wouldn’t want a day to pass without me telling you how amazing you are, and I wouldn’t want this morning to pass without me wishing you a very sweet good morning. Have the best day yet!
  • The glow that you brought to my life is more radiant than a million sunrises. Thank you for being there for me in all my ups and downs; you mean a lot to me. Every moment I spent with you is unforgettable. Wish you a wonderful day, my love. Good morning and enjoy the day.
  • We all have our morning rituals. Some people can’t live without their morning coffee, and others can’t start their day without meditation. I can’t start my day without texting you first. Good morning, love. Hope you’ll have a wonderful day.
  • Every morning spent with you is a blessing. Just a thought of you makes me feel like I’m the king of the world, and I am so grateful for having you in my life. I hope this day will bring you a lot of love and happiness, baby.
  • Mornings without you feel different. I feel like I need to do something extra to make myself happy because you are the main reason I smile when I wake up. Anyway, I miss you, and I hope you’re having a wonderful morning.
  • Every morning, I wake up thinking about you, and your beautiful smile is the only thing that can fill my day with sense. I hope that today will be your lucky day, and you won’t stop smiling. Love you endlessly, honey!
  • My love for you is something that makes me feel like I’m the luckiest person in the world. I hope that this text will be the start of a great day, and your morning will not be sad and gloomy because you will know that I love you so very much.
  • If you ask me to serenade you every morning, I will. If you ask me to bring thousands of roses to your doorstep, I will. If you ask me to lay the whole world at your feet, I’ll do it for you, my darling. But you don’t have to ask me actually – I’ll do it myself. Good morning, sunshine!
  • Sometimes, a new day greets us with sunshine, and other times with black clouds. For me, only one thing’s for sure in this constantly changing world: you are my love, my life, my paradise. And I will endlessly repeat it to you, my love. I will always be by your side and drive away all sorrows. Good morning babe!

Beautiful Good Morning Paragraphs for Her

  • You are the joy of my life, the light of my heart, and the first thought on my mind, Good morning, my sweetheart!
  • Most people dream of being in heaven, but I’m so lucky to have heaven beside me, and that heaven is you, my love. Good morning!
  • Rise and shine, love! I hope that you are having the best morning ever. You deserve so much, and I promise to do anything for you to have it. I love you, have a nice day.
  • The best feeling in the world is to know that you are mine and I am yours. Every morning that is enough for me to have a good day.
  • Good morning, sweetheart. Wishing you a wonderful day filled with joy, fun, and every ounce of happiness. I love you so much.
  • Good morning to the most gorgeous lady ever. I cannot even imagine starting my day without thinking about you. Have a nice day!
  • Welcome to a new day filled with laughter and lots of chances. I hope you will get what you desire. Have a good day ahead.
  • My days have become brighter and my mornings sweeter since you have come into my life. Thank you for loving me; I love you too. Good Morning!
  • If you feel the morning breeze around you, just know that there’s love in the air, which you and I can both feel at the same time! Please wake up with a smile on your face. Good morning !
  • Rise and shine, babe! Wish I could bring the whole world to your feet and fulfill all your desires! But as I cannot, here’s breakfast in bed for you!
  • I’m the luckiest man on earth to call you my own because you’re just simply amazing. I hope you have a day as amazing as you are.
  • When I look into your eyes, baby, I see more stars that are more than the stars in the sky; I’m glad I found you, baby. Good morning, my angel.
  • For me, it doesn’t matter whether the morning is cloudy, rainy, or windy if I meet you. Good morning!

Heartfelt Good Morning Paragraphs for Her

  • A secret to a good morning is you. You’re shining brighter than the Sun; your voice is music to my ears. I want to spend every minute of my life with you. Have the best morning, baby.
  • I want to give you everything you need and be everything that you want. Hope you have a wonderful day today. Good morning!
  • I love you more than summer sunset and winter snow. I just love you more and more. You mean everything to me. Have a lovely morning!
  • Getting goosebumps from your hugs and kisses is something I want to experience for the rest of my life. Sleeping beauty, the world needs your warmth, so get up and get your day started. Blessed morning ahead.
  • Everyone dreams of having a girl like you in their life. But not everyone is lucky enough to wake up beside you after the dream. Good morning!
  • I feel blessed as I get to start my day seeing the prettiest face in the world. Good morning, my love.
  • The best sound to wake up during the morning time is listening to your heartbeats. Nothing enchants me in the morning time as much as your mesmerizing presence does. Good morning, sweetheart!
  • You cannot outrun true love. It always finds a way to penetrate your heart and make its permanent place. Your love has occupied a permanent place in my heart. Good morning, my sweetie pie!
  • Top of the morning to the most beautiful girl in the universe – You. May your day be as sweet as you are, may your afternoon be as beautiful as you are, and may each day bring you a step closer to your dream. I wish you have a blissful day ahead of you. Good morning, my cupcake.
  • I’m always happy every morning because I wake up to the thought of you. It gladdens my heart that you’re mine forever, and I wish your day is filled with unlimited happiness and joy. The happiness and joy that can only come from heaven. Good Morning, my one and only. I love you tenderly.
  • Good morning, love. I see my spell hasn’t been broken. You are still incredibly, hopelessly, insanely, head-over-heels in love with me. May the magic continue!
  • It is the beginning of a new day; my love for you still blossoms as ever. You are my precious gift from heaven. Good morning, and welcome to a wonderful day.

Heart-Melting Long Messages for Her

  • Thoughts of you fill me with so much laughter, happiness, and love. Every morning, I bless the day you crossed my path and came into my heart and life because, with you, my life is sweeter than honey and beautiful than a rose. I love you more than you know. Good morning, sweetie pie. Do have a great day ahead of you.
  • It gladdens my heart to wake up every morning with the thought that I have someone as beautiful, loving, and caring as you are in my life. A life without you is unimaginable, and I’m blessed to call you my own. I love you to the moon and back, damsel. Good morning and have a wonderful day ahead.
  • Hope the bond of the love we share strengthens you in difficult moments today. And may everything that might seem impossible for you to achieve be possible for you today and always. Wake up, dress up, show up, and excel, my love. Good morning to you, sunshine. Do have an amazing day ahead.
  • Despite my flaws and imperfections, you love all of me, and I love you even more than you can imagine. And today, I want you to know that I will be spending every minute of every day in every week, cherishing and loving you as you’ve never been loved before. Good morning to you, my sunshine.
  • You’re my everyday happiness, and I wish your day is filled with unlimited happiness. You’re my everyday joy, and I wish your heart is filled with unspeakable joy. I wish you an abundance of blessings today, tomorrow, and forever. You know that I love you, right? Good morning to you, my princess.
  • All of the diamonds in the universe wouldn’t sparkle with the light I see in your eyes. All the stars in existence don’t burn without the heat of our romance. I could say I’d run to the edge of the universe to reach you, and I’d still be willing to journey on in search of you.
  • I feel like a prince charming every day, and it’s all thanks to you. You cherish and love me in a very special way. With you, I know tomorrow will definitely be better than yesterday and beautiful than today. I thank goodness you are mine. Good morning, my princess, and do have a great day ahead. I love you dearly.
  • I’m incomplete without you and your love because you’re my everyday happiness and joy. You’re the blood pumping in my heart and running through my veins. You’re the music my heart dances to, and you’re my woman and my everything. I love you beyond words. Good morning to you, damsel. Do have a great day ahead of you.
  • I will never stop cherishing and loving you. You’re not like every other lady. You’re special, you’re a rare gem, and you’re one of a kind. Good morning, my treasure. Do have a great day ahead.
  • Your love is precious to me. It’s what I have always wished for; to have a fantastic partner who cares for me with all of her heart. What’s more, a life partner who is as knowledgeable as you. You have been able to teach me how to live life the right way. Until the end of the days, I will show the world the fairness of the fantastic care and love you give to me daily.
  • Because of you, my life is full of boundless happiness and love, and my world is loaded with beautiful things. I love you forever, and I wish you a wonderful day. Good morning to you, sunshine.
  • I realized that I am capable of loving after I met you. I realized that I can be happy after I met you. I realized that I have a heart after I met you. Wake up to a world full of love, my love!
  • I am happiest when I spend time with you. You have always made me feel so special. When I reflect on my memories of beautiful mornings, all I remember are the ones when I woke up with your good morning message.
  • I couldn’t help but reminisce about my past this morning, and here’s what I thought… You have never been in my shoes but know where the shoe pinches. You never originated any of my problems, but you’ve been the solution to many of them. By chance, I grope in darkness all alone, and by choice, you’re the light that led me out. You’ve brought me joy, and I love you so much. Thanks for everything. Good morning, my love.

Charming Good Morning Paragraphs for Your Girlfriend

  • With you, everything seems brighter and better. You are mine – to have and to hold. I want to look into your bright eyes and feel your skin that is radiant as the sun and soft as silk. I want you and no one else. Good morning and have a great day.
  • Hello, babe. It’s a beautiful morning, but not as beautiful as you. Please open the window so you can see how bright the sun is, but it’s not as bright as your smile. I hope you are feeling this cool morning breeze? Yes, that’s me blowing kisses your way. Have a great day, my love.
  • Meeting you has changed the way I define the day. I used to think it started with the sun rising and ended with the sun setting. Now I’d say my day starts when you say good morning and ends when you say goodnight. I’m still waiting for the day to start, and I’ll wait for months if I have to. Send me a message, so I know that my sun has risen.
  • Amidst the stormy weather, life brings sometimes, you came as my rainbow. You are always the joy my heart holds, and the one I will always love. Good morning, my darling.
  • Have you noticed how alive I am when I’m with you? How wide I smile and how excited I always am with you? I hope you know just how much you mean to me and how much you have lit up my life. I hope to make you just as happy as you make me. Good morning, my sweet angel.
  • When the phone screen lights up, and you scrub your eyes to read this message as clearly as you can, I want you to remember you occupied a large chunk of my thoughts last night before I went to sleep. Every new day makes me fall in love with you all over again, my love. Good morning and have a nice day!
  • Everything around me seems to remind me of what we share. The moon reminds me of your always bright smile. The stars of your sparkling beauty. The flowers of your sweet body fragrance, and every nature of your unique personality. You remain everywhere around me. Good Morning, dear!
  • I am sending you so many good morning kisses your way to make your day just as wonderful as you are. Good morning my love. The smile you bring to my face lasts for the whole day and keeps me merry. Good morning, beautiful.
  • Not a song can perfectly express the workings of your love in my heart. Not even a book can contain all that is on my mind for you. Words will fail me if I’m to tell it all. Only your heart can comprehend it. For my heart is in yours. Good morning my heart.
  • We have come a long way. Nothing in heaven and on earth can make me let you go. The day you made your place in my heart, I locked it up and threw the key away. Stay there forever, my love. Good morning!
  • I can cross the deepest oceans, climb the highest mountains, and walk through the darkest valleys with you by my side. You make me feel nothing is impossible. Thank you for being my rock. Good morning!

Good Morning Love Paragraphs For Her

  • Good morning, love! I hope everything comes easy for you today! I was never really a morning person until I started waking up with you. It truly is a beautiful feeling. Wish I could have stayed in bed a little longer because I simply can’t stop thinking about you. Seeing you fills me with hope and joy every morning. I love you and will keep saying it every day, my heart. Have a cheerful morning!
  • Good morning, my love! Just wanted to tell you that you make my world go round. You give me the strength to face all my challenges by simply being my ever present support system. Where would I be without you? I hope I never have to ever find out. You amaze me every single day with the way you look at life and its storms.. Have a beautiful day, darling!

Infographic: Things To Do To Make Her Feel Special In The Morning

Women deserve special attention from their partners to feel special and loved. Something as simple as sending a cute good morning paragraph can bring a smile to their faces right in the morning. Additionally, changing the morning routine with certain activities can put a girl on cloud nine. Check out the infographic below for a list of morning activities to make your girl’s day.

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

While there is nothing better than waking up next to your partner every day, if you are not staying together with your girlfriend, sending them a love-filled and thoughtful good morning quote can be a good way to show your appreciation. You can go about it in several ways. For instance, you can tell them how much you appreciate their presence in your life or how much you are missing them that morning. We are sure these paragraphs will instantly light up their face and make them ready for a wonderful day ahead.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you say after good morning?

A good morning greeting followed by a heartfelt message shows your loved one how much care and love you have for them. Express your feelings in words to make their day bright.

Should I text my crush good morning?

Yes. Sending good morning texts to your crush is an excellent way to build your bond during the start of a relationship. It is one way to make them think about you for the rest of the day.

How do I write a long good morning message for her?

You can start by penning down your exact emotions when you are with her. Then start writing by expressing your feelings, thoughts, and emotions that you discovered when you began the writing process. You can also mention some sweet moments that you experienced together. This heartfelt long good morning message will definitely make her day.

What are some cute good morning texts for her that I can use?

You can pen down your own or choose one from the list below: Went to sleep thinking of you and woke up thinking of you. You’re the most beautiful human. I need you more than I need my coffee in the morning, but the coffee will have to do for now. Can’t wait to see you later! *Manifesting* that you’re awake now.

What are some sweet good morning texts for her?

Some good examples are: I’ve told this message to go to the sweetest person in the world and now you are reading it, good morning. I hope you’re feeling more well-rested than I am this morning. I couldn’t fall asleep last night because I was thinking about you. Mornings are no good without you lying next to me. I miss the smell of your hair and your shining smile. I want to see it every time I wake up. Anyway, I hope you’re having an amazing morning. I love you.

Key Takeaways

  • Sending a good morning message to the special lady in your life is a great way to cheer her up first thing in the morning and energize her for the day ahead.
  • These paragraphs could be feel-good, emotional, charming, flirty, cutesy, or even funny, depending on the bond you share with her.
  • Personalize these messages to include thoughts on a previous conversation or an encouragement for an important event scheduled for that day.
  • Depending on the type of message you are sending, adjust your the tone of your message.

Image: Stable Diffusion/StyleCraze Design Team

Essay Papers Writing Online

Mastering the art of essay writing – a comprehensive guide.

How write an essay

Essay writing is a fundamental skill that every student needs to master. Whether you’re in high school, college, or beyond, the ability to write a strong, coherent essay is essential for academic success. However, many students find the process of writing an essay daunting and overwhelming.

This comprehensive guide is here to help you navigate the intricate world of essay writing. From understanding the basics of essay structure to mastering the art of crafting a compelling thesis statement, we’ve got you covered. By the end of this guide, you’ll have the tools and knowledge you need to write an outstanding essay that will impress your teachers and classmates alike.

So, grab your pen and paper (or fire up your laptop) and let’s dive into the ultimate guide to writing an essay. Follow our tips and tricks, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a skilled and confident essay writer!

The Art of Essay Writing: A Comprehensive Guide

Essay writing is a skill that requires practice, patience, and attention to detail. Whether you’re a student working on an assignment or a professional writing for publication, mastering the art of essay writing can help you communicate your ideas effectively and persuasively.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the key elements of a successful essay, including how to choose a topic, structure your essay, and craft a compelling thesis statement. We’ll also discuss the importance of research, editing, and proofreading, and provide tips for improving your writing style and grammar.

By following the advice in this guide, you can become a more confident and skilled essay writer, capable of producing high-quality, engaging essays that will impress your readers and achieve your goals.

Understanding the Essay Structure

When it comes to writing an essay, understanding the structure is key to producing a cohesive and well-organized piece of writing. An essay typically consists of three main parts: an introduction, the body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Introduction: The introduction is where you introduce your topic and provide some background information. It should also include your thesis statement, which is the main idea or argument that you will be discussing in the essay.

Body paragraphs: The body of the essay is where you present your supporting evidence and arguments. Each paragraph should focus on a separate point and include evidence to back up your claims. Remember to use transition words to link your ideas together cohesively.

Conclusion: The conclusion is where you wrap up your essay by summarizing your main points and restating your thesis. It is also a good place to make any final thoughts or reflections on the topic.

Understanding the structure of an essay will help you write more effectively and communicate your ideas clearly to your readers.

Choosing the Right Topic for Your Essay

Choosing the Right Topic for Your Essay

One of the most crucial steps in writing a successful essay is selecting the right topic. The topic you choose will determine the direction and focus of your writing, so it’s important to choose wisely. Here are some tips to help you select the perfect topic for your essay:

Choose a topic that you are passionate about or interested in. Writing about something you enjoy will make the process more enjoyable and your enthusiasm will come through in your writing.
Do some preliminary research to see what topics are available and what resources are out there. This will help you narrow down your choices and find a topic that is both interesting and manageable.
Think about who will be reading your essay and choose a topic that will resonate with them. Consider their interests, knowledge level, and any biases they may have when selecting a topic.
Take some time to brainstorm different topic ideas. Write down all the potential topics that come to mind, and then evaluate each one based on relevance, interest, and feasibility.
Try to choose a topic that offers a unique perspective or angle. Avoid overly broad topics that have been extensively covered unless you have a fresh take to offer.

By following these tips and considering your interests, audience, and research, you can choose a topic that will inspire you to write an engaging and compelling essay.

Research and Gathering Information

When writing an essay, conducting thorough research and gathering relevant information is crucial. Here are some tips to help you with your research:

Make sure to use reliable sources such as academic journals, books, and reputable websites. Avoid using sources that are not credible or biased.
As you research, take notes on important information that you can use in your essay. Organize your notes so that you can easily reference them later.
Don’t rely solely on one type of source. Utilize a variety of sources to provide a well-rounded perspective on your topic.
Before using a source in your essay, make sure to evaluate its credibility and relevance to your topic. Consider the author’s credentials, publication date, and biases.
Make sure to keep a record of the sources you use in your research. This will help you properly cite them in your essay and avoid plagiarism.

Crafting a Compelling Thesis Statement

When writing an essay, one of the most crucial elements is the thesis statement. This statement serves as the main point of your essay, summarizing the argument or position you will be taking. Crafting a compelling thesis statement is essential for a strong and cohesive essay. Here are some tips to help you create an effective thesis statement:

  • Be specific: Your thesis statement should clearly state the main idea of your essay. Avoid vague or general statements.
  • Make it arguable: A strong thesis statement is debatable and presents a clear position that can be supported with evidence.
  • Avoid clichés: Stay away from overused phrases or clichés in your thesis statement. Instead, strive for originality and clarity.
  • Keep it concise: Your thesis statement should be concise and to the point. Avoid unnecessary words or phrases.
  • Take a stand: Your thesis statement should express a clear stance on the topic. Don’t be afraid to assert your position.

By following these guidelines, you can craft a compelling thesis statement that sets the tone for your essay and guides your reader through your argument.

Writing the Body of Your Essay

Once you have your introduction in place, it’s time to dive into the body of your essay. The body paragraphs are where you will present your main arguments or points to support your thesis statement.

Here are some tips for writing the body of your essay:

  • Stick to One Main Idea: Each paragraph should focus on one main idea or argument. This will help keep your essay organized and easy to follow.
  • Use Topic Sentences: Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph.
  • Provide Evidence: Support your main points with evidence such as facts, statistics, examples, or quotes from experts.
  • Explain Your Points: Don’t just state your points; also explain how they support your thesis and why they are important.
  • Use Transition Words: Use transition words and phrases to connect your ideas and create a smooth flow between paragraphs.

Remember to refer back to your thesis statement and make sure that each paragraph contributes to your overall argument. The body of your essay is where you can really showcase your critical thinking and analytical skills, so take the time to craft well-developed and coherent paragraphs.

Perfecting Your Essay with Editing and Proofreading

Perfecting Your Essay with Editing and Proofreading

Editing and proofreading are essential steps in the essay writing process to ensure your work is polished and error-free. Here are some tips to help you perfect your essay:

  • Take a Break: After writing your essay, take a break before starting the editing process. This will help you look at your work with fresh eyes.
  • Focus on Structure: Check the overall structure of your essay, including the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Make sure your ideas flow logically and cohesively.
  • Check for Clarity: Ensure that your arguments are clear and easy to follow. Eliminate any jargon or confusing language that might obscure your message.
  • Grammar and Punctuation: Review your essay for grammar and punctuation errors. Pay attention to subject-verb agreement, verb tense consistency, and proper punctuation usage.
  • Use a Spell Checker: Run a spell check on your essay to catch any spelling mistakes. However, don’t rely solely on spell checkers as they may miss certain errors.
  • Read Aloud: Read your essay aloud to yourself or have someone else read it to you. This can help you identify awkward phrasing or unclear sentences.
  • Get Feedback: Consider getting feedback from a peer, teacher, or writing tutor. They can offer valuable insights and suggestions for improving your essay.

By following these editing and proofreading tips, you can ensure that your essay is well-crafted, organized, and free of errors, helping you make a strong impression on your readers.

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    You wake up in the morning on time to go to work. The sheets are soft, warm, and soothing under your body. The sun is up and casting a gentle orange glow through your window and landing on your floor, creating an asymmetric pattern. You get up and get ready, taking a shower and letting the hot water penetrate your skin.

  22. Wake Up Right: 20 Easy, Healthy Breakfast Recipes Perfect for Every

    Wake Up Right: 20 Easy, Healthy Breakfast Recipes Perfect for Every Kind of Morning. From bite-sized banana pancakes you can grab and go to baked oats that look like sticky buns, these recipes are worth waking up for. By. ... And while it can be easy to skip your morning meal on busy days—in fact, almost 25% of U.S. adults skip breakfast on a ...

  23. The Charm of A Winter Morning Paragraph: A Description

    Answer: A winter morning is a serene and beautiful time of year. The crisp air is refreshing, and the surroundings are peaceful. Mist, fog, and frost can be seen on the landscape, creating a magical atmosphere. It's a time for reflection, connection, and appreciation of the beauty around us. Question 2.

  24. Harris Is Set to Unveil V.P. Choice by Tuesday Morning

    Here's what else to know: Trump's outreach to young men: Former President Donald J. Trump sat for a livestreamed interview with Adin Ross, a 23-year-old internet celebrity. Mr. Ross gifted the ...

  25. 30+ Sweet Good Morning Paragraphs to Start Their Day With a Smile

    Good morning, sweetie. I hope you have an incredible day. Good morning, handsome. I woke up just feeling super grateful to have you in my life. Every moment is better with you. There's a reason I wake up with a smile every morning, and that reason is you. Feeling so lucky to start another day with you.

  26. We Were Teammates Before We Got Married; Our Relationship Is Stronger

    He manages the kids' morning routine, and I take charge in the evenings. It isn't a perfect system, and it's not always equal, but we evaluate and adjust the game plan as we go.

  27. The Quiet of a Peaceful Morning

    A Peaceful Morning. In my opinion, sunrise is the most peaceful time of day. The world is waking up and the sky is pretty colors. Everything seems quieter at this time and where I live, there is no rush to be ready and out the door. Sunlight streams in through the kitchen window, giving the entire space enough natural light to illuminate the ...

  28. 139 Good Morning Paragraphs For Her To Wake Up To

    I wish you have a blissful day ahead of you. Good morning, my cupcake. I'm always happy every morning because I wake up to the thought of you. It gladdens my heart that you're mine forever, and I wish your day is filled with unlimited happiness and joy. The happiness and joy that can only come from heaven.

  29. Ultimate Guide to Writing an Essay: Tips and Tricks

    Here are some tips to help you select the perfect topic for your essay: 1. Consider Your Interests. Choose a topic that you are passionate about or interested in. Writing about something you enjoy will make the process more enjoyable and your enthusiasm will come through in your writing. 2.

  30. Opinion

    Second, we have had term limits for presidents for nearly 75 years. We should have the same for Supreme Court justices. The United States is the only major constitutional democracy that gives ...