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Brett Larkin Yoga

The Ultimate Guide to Creating Yoga Business Plans (With Template)

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If you’re reading this, you’ve probably been teaching for a bit and started to think…this is tougher than I thought! I mean, how am I supposed to actually support myself doing this?? I feel like something’s missing…

Well, that something is most likely…

The business-side!


Did you just make a face as though you just sucked on a lemon? 

Or maybe your belly did a backflip? 

You’re not alone! 

Business totally wasn’t my thing in the beginning either!

Between wanting to bury my head in the sand and not think about it, to not seeing the value in it…let’s just say it’s been a loooong journey to get to where I am today! 

And that’s why I’d LOVE for you to benefit from my struggles and make your journey to becoming a successful yoga business owner shorter than mine was!

I’m excited to tackle this important topic head-on because it daunts most if not ALL yoga teachers at some point in their journey. 

We’ll explore what to think about before starting a yoga business, what a yoga business plan is, why you need one, how to make one, types of yoga businesses, and some common FAQs.

The more you are cringing, the more I encourage you to dive right in! So EXHALE and let’s go!

using spreadsheets for filing taxes as an independent contractor

What To Think About Before Starting A Yoga Business ?

First, let’s get on the same page in terms of what we mean by “yoga business”. Some examples of yoga businesses are:

  • Yoga studio owner
  • Co-op yoga space owner/partner
  • Online yoga teacher
  • Private yoga teacher
  • Yoga retreat leader
  • Workshop leader
  • Yoga and wellness coach
  • Contract yoga teacher ( corporate yoga , yoga at schools, events, health clubs, pop-ups, festivals, etc.)
  • Specialty yoga teacher (kids, disabled populations, elderly, veterans, disenfranchised populations)
  • Yoga teacher training leader
  • Continuing yoga education provider
  • Yoga podcasting
  • Yoga writing
  • New teacher mentoring
  • Yoga school owner
  • Selling yoga products

And really, whatever ideas you can dream up! 

If more than one of these sparks your interest, that’s great! I often recommend building a yoga business with multiple revenue streams.

Now, onto what you’ll want to consider before building your yoga business. Some questions to ask yourself are:

  • What is your risk tolerance?  Do you have a day job that can support you as you transition into being a new business owner? If so, read why I suggest holding onto that gem! Are you the sole breadwinner with a newborn baby and a partner out of work? Or maybe you’re single with few financial responsibilities and a large amount in savings so you can handle more risk?
  • Are you ready to say goodbye to some free time?  If you already have no wiggle room in your schedule for things like self-care, you might want to question the timing or scale of your vision.
  • Are you ready to change your relationship with yoga?   Turning a passion or side-hustle into your bread-and-butter will change your relationship with it. Are you ready to leave the dewy-eyed honeymoon phase with yoga and enter into a committed marriage with it through sickness (hopefully less of this haha) and health?
  • Are you down to level up your yoga practice?  Having a yoga business means your personal practice needs to be on point! Having a dedicated personal practice while staying up-to-date on the latest developments and trends in the yoga world will support you in your entrepreneurial journey as well as keep you on your A-game so you can better serve your clients.
  • Are you ready to face your fears and work on your money mindset?  Being a successful business owner takes a bit more than the law of attraction and magical thinking. It requires getting down into the muck of your limiting beliefs in addition to learning the nitty-gritty of running a company.

What Is A Yoga Business Plan?

Before we dive into what a yoga business plan is specifically, let’s start with “Business 101” and talk about what a business plan is at all!

A business plan is defined as a document that describes a company’s core objectives, business activities, and how it plans to achieve its goals. 

The exact layout will depend on its intended use and audience (whether it’s just for you or to seek funding from potential investors for example), but basically, it’s a road map! 

In order to get to where we want to go, we have to know where we’re going and have at least a rough idea of how to get there, right?

That’s why behind most successful companies is a business plan—it’s KEY in turning dreams into reality.

yoga teacher

While a yoga business plan is generally the same as any other business plan, there is one noteworthy difference…the typical yogi mindset! Often the main thing in the way of a successful yoga business is the yogi behind it! 

Yoga teachers are known to have this idea that yoga and business aren’t compatible and that yoga business is bad and un-yogic because it’s “selling a spiritual practice” blah, blah, and aaaall the baggage this mindset brings with it. So keep in mind two things:

  • Be aware of what comes up for you as you write your business plan. What inner fears, objections, and past traumas get stirred up? These reactions could present future obstacles to your success so note them and use your own yogic tools to work through them or enlist help (see #2).
  • Your business plan might need to include spending some resources on this mindset work in the form of hiring a business mentor or coach . I personally coach each student in my Yoga Business + Entrepreneurship Teacher Training on their business plan. Talking it through with your peers and a professional is invaluable! 

Why Do You Need A Yoga Business Plan?

At least part of you is currently thinking, that sounds nice and all, Brett, but I know that I PERSONALLY don’t need this for what I want to do.

Not so fast my friend! Because I recommend that EVERY yoga teacher who wants to earn a living in the yoga industry begin with some basic business planning. Here’s why:

It shifts your mindset 

As a yogi, you know it’s pretty literally all in your head because your mindset links your internal beliefs to your external actions. So if you want to believe and act as if you run a company, then a business plan will spark the perspective shift that will have a ripple effect on everything else!

It helps you know if you ACTUALLY want what you think you want  

Writing a business plan asks you to get really real with what you want. Crunch the numbers, do the market research, go through paperwork, etc. You might get part of the way through this due diligence and realize…this isn’t what I want! 

Maybe the time commitment, up-front investment, potential revenue, etc. aren’t actually what you thought. Well…great! What better time to discover that than BEFORE pouring tons of time, energy, and money into it. This teaches you more about what you really want so you can pivot to a more aligned direction that you can feel better about committing to.

It helps you focus and make decisions 

Having a clear roadmap makes decisions about time and money management, choosing aligned partnerships, marketing, and more, way easier. #worthit

yoga mat business plan

It helps you attract money and partners

Having a business plan ready to go will help you greatly in your quest for funding or partners if that’s something your yoga company needs.

It gives you confidence

Having a clear vision in your mind (and on paper) and an idea of how to get there will help give you the clarity and courage you need to get you over those bumps along the entrepreneur road. 

It increases your likelihood of success

While doing your market research , SWOT analysis, and marketing plan might make you groan upfront, your future badass business self will absolutely thank you for it! These will help you avoid potential pitfalls and up your chances of creating a thriving business.

Expect your yoga business planning to:

  • Scare you . You’re going to avoid it, but once you get started, it’ll be easier than you thought.
  • Anchor you into reality . Ideas are great. Realities are better. A business plan will help you take the real-world steps towards building your own dream business while providing you a practical reference to guide you along the way.
  • Motivate, inspire, and embolden you . Often, all it takes to ignite us into action is getting clear on the vision and the path. 

How To Create A Yoga Business Plan: Step-By-Step (With My Template Worksheet)

yoga mat business plan

I’m stoked to show you that creating your own yoga business plan is much simpler and less scary than it seems! Let’s walk through it.

1. Executive Summary

Think of your company summary as the Cliffs Notes of your business. Make it shiny and polished so that others could take a quick peek and know what your business is all about. It’s helpful to start here because it gets your wheels turning on the rest of the plan elements. Once you complete the rest of the sections, you can revise the summary as needed. 

Some things to include are:

  • Your business name
  • Your mission (A few sentences on why your business exists, who it serves, and how it does that)
  • Your vision (The ultimate dream of where you see your business going)
  • Your “Unique Selling Proposition” or USP (What makes your business different from your competition?)
  • Goals and plans (A brief sketch)
  • Your team and organization (Could be business partners or a support team like social media marketers, coaches, accountants, even babysitters, and your home team!

2. Market & Customer Analysis

It’s great to tackle this section early on as it helps inform the other business plan categories. The market analysis piece includes an industry description (trends, growth rate, etc.), analysis of competitors, how you will stand out, and research on what your target market wants and needs. 

If this part is boggling you, a fun way to get to know your customers is to just have conversations with your people! What do they need and want in their lives? The customer analysis further includes the demographic of your target market, size of the audience, and their purchase potential. 

3. Products & Services

For many yoga instructors, this is the fun part because it’s all about what we share and how we serve people! Write a full description of what exactly you offer and the prices.

4. Funding & Financial Summary

For yoga people, this is usually one of the cringiest elements of the plan, and so I tell you this out of love: no one gets too far in business without at least a basic financial plan. 

The full version of this section includes startup costs, ongoing and long-term investments, and financial projections. 

But here’s the good news: You can make a quick and dirty business plan just by getting real about your cash flow! How? In my 300-hour yoga teacher training , I’ve got you covered. In the course, I walk you through cash flow and profit as well as how to avoid the mistake that causes many businesses to fail in the first year (hint: it has to do with working capital). 

5. SWOT Analysis

SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Doing a SWOT analysis before building your business helps you foresee and avoid potential problems and brainstorm strategies for success. See the business plan template for the full deets!

6. Sales & Marketing Plan

While you don’t have to become a social media influencer to have a successful business, you do need a marketing and sales strategy to promote your business and attract potential customers! 

To most yogis, sales and marketing are the same, but they do have some differences. Your marketing strategy gets you in front of your customer and piques their interest while your sales strategy relates to the actual selling of your products or services. 

This section includes your marketing ideas, sales strategies, associated costs, and rollout timelines. 

Yoga Business Plan Template

Woot woot! As a little reward for getting through all of this business talk so far, I’ve made you a template so that you can get started right away!

It is PACKED with helpful exercises that will guide you into clarity so that you can create a business plan that WORKS.

Because launching a business is hard…

…but it doesn’t have to be. Especially when someone who has already done it SUCCESSFULLY gives you the exact steps to doing it.

This worksheet will help you address all the details of your yoga business, both big and small.

In fact, it is SO helpful that it’s actually a part of my 300-hour yoga teacher training curriculum .

And I’m sharing it with you here, for FREE.

Because I honestly believe that everyone deserves a chance at success 🙂

Save Hours with my Proven Formula. FREE Yoga Business Plan Download & Checklist 👇

yoga mat business plan

Save Hours with my Proven Formula. FREE Yoga Business Plan Download

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Different Types Of Yoga Businesses

Now that you’re (hopefully) feeling more excited about making your own yoga business plan, I’m going to hook you up even more and share some extra considerations to keep in mind while making a plan for your specific type of yoga biz.

yoga mat business plan

Online Yoga Business  

For online yoga businesses, consider and include in your plan:

  • A market analysis specific to online offerings . What will make you stand out online right now? Can you offer something different?
  • Offering platform . How will you make your offerings? Will you invest in a course software platform or keep things simple to start? 
  • Drop-in or membership basis . Are your offerings drop-in or on a monthly or annual membership basis? 

yoga adjustments

Yoga Studio Business 

Some things to think about and include in your yoga studio business plan:

  • Location analysis . Is there a market in the area you’re looking at? Is there a lot of competition in the area? Does the location have good visibility or will it require more marketing? 
  • Space size & lease cost . How many people do you want to accommodate? Can you realistically afford the rent based on the capacity, what you want to offer, and how much you want to charge?
  • Retail inventory . Will you also sell yoga products in your studio? If so, which values will determine what you sell ?
  • Yoga instructor recruiting & retention . How will you find and keep quality teachers?
  • Community building & client retention . How will you cultivate a thriving community and keep your loyal students coming back for more?

yoga mat business plan

Yoga Teacher Business 

This general category can include many offerings ( many examples of how to make money as a yoga teacher are listed here ). Some things to keep in mind include:

  • Address each offering in your plan . If you have multiple offerings, include all of them in your plan as well as separate sections on market research, SWOT analysis, etc. as needed.
  • Rank your offerings . Will you focus on all of your offerings equally or emphasize some over others? You might assign a percentage value to each of your offerings and focus on those in the sweet spot where your passion and revenue potential overlap and those that are natural marketing funnels for others. Prioritizing will help you focus your energy, money, marketing, etc. so you don’t spread yourself too thin. 

Co-Op Yoga Business 

Some things to take into account as you write your plan for a co-op yoga business structure include:

  • Offering scope . How broad or narrow are the offerings? Will it be all one style like Hatha or power yoga ? Or is the aim to create a space with diverse offerings? Will you open it to other related healing modalities like massage or energy work?
  • Business ownership . How will ownership and responsibility of the facility be shared? Whose name(s) will be on the lease?
  • Financial division.  What is each party financially responsible for? How is revenue shared?
  • Marketing responsibility . Will marketing be done jointly or individually? 
  • Partnership scouting and terms . How many co-op partners do you need to be sustainable? Do you already have enough? If not, how will you find these people? How long are partners committed to the space for?

business launchpad

FAQs About Creating Yoga Business Plans

If you were one of the “cringers” as you started this article and you’ve made it this far with questions, it’s a sign your mind is opening to the idea of running your own yoga business and making a plan for it. Congratulations! This is the most crucial step (see, it’s so easy that it’s already happening!)

How Much Does It Cost To Start A Yoga Business?

Short answer: From a couple hundred to several thousand dollars.

Long answer: It depends on your business! Obviously, opening a brick-and-mortar yoga center has a significantly larger start-up cost than a pop-up studio. Or if you want to offer online yoga classes and have a large email list your start-up costs might be limited to some management software and an online platform. 

This is where your business plan will help you! As you explore your mission and vision and get real about the potential costs, you can pivot if the financial investment isn’t aligned right now and see if there’s a way to make your business happen in a more cost-effective way. 

How Much Money Can I Make As A Yoga Instructor?

This is a big topic, my friends! So big that I suggest checking out the entire post that I’ve written about how much yoga teachers make .

As with most things, it depends on you! If you’re mainly into teaching yoga classes and want to teach a few times a week, making $31 per class brings in $6,500 annually. This could range up to around $40K per year if you teach 20 classes a week at $40 per yoga class. But if you’re willing to expand your offerings and your business knowledge, you could earn $100K and up! 

The main barrier to a high income is usually YOU, your mindset, and your willingness to put in the work!

Is Yoga A Profitable Business?

It can be! There are MORE opportunities for yoga teachers now than ever before and lots of room for you to be creative in your yoga service! Just like with anything, you can do the bare minimum and get paid accordingly or if you’re passionate about teaching yoga AND living your best life, that’s totally possible too. 

In my advanced yoga training , I walk you through two key aspects to making what you want from your yoga business (hint: the math and your thoughts). We basically map out how to earn $100k per year as a yoga instructor by figuring out how much you need to earn per student. You could sell one high-priced item or lots of lower-priced items! It’s actually simple math. 

yoga mat business plan

Then we go into exactly how to do that and what you could create in order to earn that amount per student/customer. It’s the way that I grew my own profitable business as a yoga instructor so I know that you can do it too!

Why Do Yoga Studios Fail?

According to this 2018 IHRSA article , 81% of fitness studios close within the first year 😱 . 

Maybe a yoga studio doesn’t seem like a fitness business, but for these stats yoga studios are lumped in with the health and fitness industry. If your heart is still longing to join the ranks of yoga studio owners and to provide yoga classes at your own facility, don’t throw out your dream just yet! Just do your due diligence on the yoga studio biz to inform your decision first.

Some common mistakes made by first-time yoga studio owners include:

  • Choosing friends instead of business partners
  • Not prioritizing quality yoga instructors and quality instruction
  • Not having a business strategy or vision
  • Not focusing on community building and client retention
  • Poor money management
  • Not doing market research
  • Poor leadership and organizational skills
  • Not actively attracting new students
  • Not choosing the right location

How Much Space Do You Need For A Yoga Studio?

Of course, this depends on your vision, goals, and budget. Do you dream of a small basic studio with a tight-knit community or a big booming hub? (Hint: this should be in your business plan!) 

To give you an idea, if you’re crafty, a 250-square foot space could be enough for you, up to 10 students packed in, and some props. 

How Much Space Do You Need Per Person For Yoga?

The common estimate is about 21 square feet per yoga practitioner. This is the equivalent of an average 2′ x 6′ yoga mat plus about 6 inches on all sides. That’s less than a hand width between you and your neighbor which is pretttty cozy so tweak this number as needed.

Can I Be A Yoga Teacher If I’m Not Flexible?

Short answer: Heck yes and please do!

Long answer: In fact, I dare to say if you aren’t flexible but are passionate about sharing your love for yoga…the world NEEDS you! We need more yoga instructors to shatter the common misconception that yoga is only stretching for already bendy people and mostly women. So if you don’t exactly fit that description, please get out there and show potential future yogis that pretzel-ability is not a requisite for yoga.

Can You Teach Yoga With A 200 Hour Certification?

Short answer: Absolutely!

Long answer: It’s common to not feel ready to teach the first year after finishing your 200-hour yoga teacher training (read more about that and what to expect with a 200-hour certification ). 

However, you absolutely can start teaching and earning money with a 200-hour certification as you continue to learn and dial in your personal style. It’s easy to feel like there’s always more to learn because…well…there is! News flash: that feeling doesn’t go away no matter how much you study because yoga is a rich and deep life-long study and practice. But a 200-hour training is the starting point, so don’t wait…get started! 

Next Steps:

  • Explore my Yoga Teacher Resource knowledge hub for more tips about how to grow your yoga business.
  • Download my sequences for a jumpstart on your upcoming yoga classes!
  • For more detailed tips, processes, and worksheets to supercharge your yoga business, download my yoga business launchpad course !

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How to Write a Business Plan for a Sustainable Yoga Mat Company

By henry sheykin, get full bundle.


Welcome to our blog post on how to write a business plan for eco-friendly yoga mat production! As the fitness and environment industries continue to grow exponentially , there is a growing demand for sustainable fitness products. Yoga practitioners, in particular, are seeking high-quality mats that are both non-toxic and biodegradable. This presents an incredible opportunity for entrepreneurs to establish an eco-friendly yoga mat production company that caters to this niche market. In this article, we will guide you through the nine essential steps to create a successful business plan for your eco-friendly yoga mat production venture.

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Conduct Market Research

Before starting a business, it is crucial to conduct thorough market research to gain insights into the industry, target market, and customer preferences. This step plays a vital role in shaping the business strategy and ensuring its success in the long run.

  • Identify the size and scope of the eco-friendly yoga mat market: Analyze the current market trends, growth projections, and consumer demand for sustainable fitness products.
  • Understand customer preferences and needs: Conduct surveys, interviews, and focus groups to gather information about what customers look for in a yoga mat, such as durability, comfort, aesthetics, and eco-friendliness.
  • Segment the target market: Define specific customer segments and determine their demographic, psychographic, and behavioral characteristics. This will help tailor marketing efforts and product offerings to meet their unique needs.
  • Analyze pricing strategies: Research the pricing strategies of competitors and identify the optimal price point that offers value for customers while ensuring profitability for the business.
  • Evaluate distribution channels: Assess the existing distribution channels within the fitness and eco-friendly product industry. Explore potential partnerships or avenues to reach the target market effectively.

Tips for conducting effective market research:

  • Use a combination of primary and secondary research methods to gather comprehensive data.
  • Stay updated with industry publications, reports, and online resources to gain insights into market trends.
  • Utilize online survey tools and social media platforms to collect valuable feedback directly from potential customers.
  • Network with industry experts, yoga instructors, and fitness enthusiasts to gain insights and build connections.
  • Regularly monitor and analyze competitor activities to stay ahead of the market.

Eco-Friendly Yoga Mat Production Financial Model Get Template

Identify Target Market And Customer Segments

In order to successfully establish a business in the eco-friendly yoga mat production industry, it is essential to identify and understand your target market and customer segments. This step will help you tailor your products and marketing strategies to meet the specific needs and preferences of your potential customers.

1. Research and gather data: Begin by conducting thorough market research to identify key demographic and psychographic characteristics of your target market. This can involve analyzing industry reports, conducting surveys, and studying consumer behavior patterns. The data you gather will provide valuable insights into the preferences, interests, and purchasing behavior of your potential customers.

2. Define customer segments: Based on your research findings, segment your target market into distinct customer groups. These segments may be defined by factors such as age, gender, location, lifestyle, or level of yoga experience. For example, you may identify segments such as 'beginner yoga practitioners,' 'environmentally-conscious consumers,' or 'fitness enthusiasts seeking sustainable products.'

Tips for Identifying Target Market and Customer Segments:

  • Consider conducting focus groups or interviews with potential customers to gain deeper insights into their needs and preferences.
  • Look for underserved niches within the eco-friendly yoga mat market, as targeting specific customer segments can help differentiate your business from competitors.
  • Monitor social media platforms and online forums frequented by your target market to understand their interests and engage with them directly.
  • Consider partnerships or collaborations with yoga studios, fitness centers, or sustainable lifestyle influencers to reach your target market more effectively.

3. Develop customer profiles: Once you have defined your customer segments, create detailed customer profiles for each segment. Include information such as demographics, interests, purchasing behavior, and pain points. This will help you tailor your marketing messages and product features to resonate with each segment's unique needs and preferences.

4. Continuously review and adjust: Remember that the market and consumer preferences are constantly evolving. Stay updated with industry trends and regularly review and adjust your target market and customer segments accordingly. This flexibility and adaptability will ensure your business remains in tune with the changing demands of your customers.

By thoroughly identifying and understanding your target market and customer segments, you will be better equipped to develop products and marketing strategies that effectively cater to their needs. This targeted approach will increase the likelihood of successful market penetration and customer acquisition, setting your eco-friendly yoga mat production business on the path to sustainability and growth.

Analyze Competition

Before launching a business in the eco-friendly yoga mat production industry, it is crucial to thoroughly analyze the competition. Understanding the existing market players and their strategies can help your business identify opportunities, differentiate itself, and create a strong position in the market.

Start by identifying direct competitors, which are other companies producing and selling eco-friendly yoga mats. Research their product offerings, price points, target markets, and marketing strategies. Pay attention to their strengths and weaknesses, as these can provide insights into areas where your business can excel.

In addition to direct competitors, consider indirect competitors as well. These are companies within the fitness and wellness industry that offer alternative products or services, but still compete for the same target market. For example, a company selling eco-friendly exercise equipment or sustainable fitness apparel could be considered an indirect competitor.

Tips for analyzing competition:

  • Visit competitor websites and social media platforms to understand their branding, product features, and customer engagement.
  • Read customer reviews and testimonials to gain insights into their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Visit trade shows or industry events where competitors may exhibit their products.
  • Monitor competitor pricing strategies and promotional activities.
  • Identify any gaps or unmet needs in the market that your business can fill.

Based on your analysis, identify what sets your business apart from the competition. Define your unique selling points and value proposition by highlighting the specific features or benefits of your eco-friendly yoga mats that differentiate them from others in the market. This will be crucial in attracting customers and building brand loyalty.

Remember that competition analysis is an ongoing process. Continuously monitor and adapt to competitors' strategies, market trends, and customer preferences to stay ahead in the industry.

Determine Unique Selling Points And Value Proposition

Understanding your unique selling points (USPs) and value proposition is essential for positioning your eco-friendly yoga mat production company in the market. These are the factors that differentiate your business from competitors and attract customers to choose your products over others. Here are some steps to determine your USPs and value proposition:

  • Identify the key features and benefits of your eco-friendly yoga mats. Consider their non-toxic and biodegradable nature, superior grip, and comfort.
  • Understand the needs and preferences of your target market. What are they looking for in a yoga mat? How can your mats meet their expectations better than competitors?
  • Research your competitors to identify gaps in the market. What unique features or benefits can you offer that are not currently available?
  • Highlight your commitment to sustainability and reducing waste. Emphasize the use of recycled materials in your mats and how this contributes to a healthier environment.
  • Showcase any certifications or endorsements that validate the quality and eco-friendliness of your yoga mats. This adds credibility and builds trust among potential customers.

Tips for determining your USPs and value proposition:

  • Conduct surveys or interviews with potential customers to gather feedback on what they value the most in a yoga mat.
  • Stay updated with industry trends and innovations to stay ahead of the competition.
  • Consider partnering with local yoga studios or instructors who align with your values and can help promote your unique offerings.
  • Communicate your USPs and value proposition clearly in your marketing materials, website, and social media channels.

By determining your unique selling points and value proposition, you can position your eco-friendly yoga mat production company as a leader in the market, attract customers who prioritize sustainability, and stand out from the competition.

Define Business Objectives And Goals

Defining clear business objectives and goals is essential for the success of any eco-friendly yoga mat production company. These objectives serve as a roadmap and guide the direction of the business, while goals provide measurable targets to strive for. By setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) objectives and goals, you can ensure focus and progress in all aspects of your business.

In this step, you should clearly articulate what you want to achieve with your eco-friendly yoga mat production company. Start by identifying your overarching business objectives and then break them down into smaller, more specific goals. These goals should be aligned with your mission of sustainability and providing high-quality yoga mats.

  • Ensure your objectives and goals are aligned with your company's values and mission.
  • Consider the market demand for eco-friendly yoga mats and set sales and revenue targets accordingly.
  • Set goals related to sustainability, such as reducing waste or implementing carbon-neutral practices.
  • Establish goals for customer satisfaction and retention, such as achieving a high Net Promoter Score or improving customer reviews.
  • Include personal development goals for yourself and your team, such as acquiring new skills or attending industry conferences.

By clearly defining your business objectives and goals, you provide a sense of direction and purpose to your eco-friendly yoga mat production company. These objectives and goals will guide your decision-making process, help you stay focused, and ultimately lead you towards building a successful and sustainable business.

Consider Legal And Regulatory Requirements

When starting a business, it is crucial to carefully consider the legal and regulatory requirements that apply to your industry and location. Compliance with these requirements is essential for operating a legitimate and transparent business. Here are some important aspects to consider:

  • Business registration and licenses: Research the legal structure options for your business, such as sole proprietorship, partnership, or limited liability company (LLC). Register your business with the appropriate authorities and obtain any necessary licenses or permits.
  • Environmental regulations: As an eco-friendly business, it is important to understand and comply with environmental regulations governing your operations. Ensure that your production processes, waste management, and materials used align with local, state, and federal environmental laws and standards.
  • Product labeling and certifications: If you plan to market your yoga mats as eco-friendly or sustainable, familiarize yourself with relevant labeling requirements. You may also consider obtaining certifications or endorsements from recognized organizations, such as the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) or the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), to enhance consumer trust in your product.
  • Labor and employment laws: Familiarize yourself with labor laws, including minimum wage requirements, working hours, and employee benefits. Ensure compliance with regulations related to hiring practices, workplace safety, and fair employment practices.
  • Intellectual property: Protect your business's intellectual property by filing for trademarks, patents, or copyrights as applicable. This can help safeguard your unique product designs, brand name, and any proprietary manufacturing processes you develop.
  • Tax obligations: Consult with a tax advisor or accountant to understand your tax obligations, including income tax, sales tax, and payroll tax requirements. Properly tracking and reporting your financials will help you avoid costly penalties or legal issues.
  • Consult an attorney or legal professional who specializes in the fitness and environmental industry to ensure you are aware of all legal and regulatory requirements specific to your business.
  • Stay updated on any changes or updates to relevant laws and regulations to ensure ongoing compliance.
  • Keep detailed records of legal documents, permits, licenses, and certifications to demonstrate compliance if required.

Create A Detailed Financial Plan

Creating a detailed financial plan is crucial for the success and sustainability of your eco-friendly yoga mat production company. It allows you to understand the financial health of your business, make informed decisions, and attract potential investors or lenders. Here are some important steps to follow:

  • Estimate start-up costs: Begin by estimating the initial expenses required to set up your production facility, purchase equipment, and cover legal and administrative fees. This will help you determine the amount of capital needed to launch your business.
  • Project sales and revenue: Analyze the market research conducted earlier to forecast your sales and revenue potential. Consider factors such as the demand for eco-friendly yoga mats, pricing strategies, distribution channels, and marketing efforts. This will guide your financial projections.
  • Calculate expenses: List all the operational costs, including raw materials, production labor, packaging, shipping, marketing, and overhead expenses. Assessing these expenses will help you determine how much revenue you need to generate to cover your costs and achieve profitability.
  • Develop a pricing strategy: Determine a pricing structure that aligns with your business objectives while remaining competitive in the market. Consider the value proposition of your eco-friendly yoga mats, production costs, competitors' pricing, and target market affordability.
  • Construct a cash flow statement: Create a detailed projection of your expected cash inflows and outflows on a monthly or quarterly basis. This will help you analyze your company's liquidity and identify potential cash flow challenges in advance.
  • Consider funding options: Explore different funding options to finance your business, such as personal savings, loans, grants, or partnerships. Research eco-friendly or sustainable initiatives that may provide financial support specifically for businesses promoting environmental consciousness.
  • Regularly review and update your financial plan as your business progresses to identify areas for improvement or adjustment.
  • Consult with a financial advisor or accountant to ensure accuracy and comprehensiveness in your financial projections and calculations.
  • Keep track of industry trends, market conditions, and potential economic factors that may affect your financial plan.

A detailed financial plan provides a roadmap for your business's financial success. It helps you make informed decisions, identify areas of improvement, and secure necessary funding. By thoroughly analyzing your revenue, expenses, and cash flow, you can ensure the long-term sustainability and growth of your eco-friendly yoga mat production company.

Develop A Production And Supply Chain Strategy

Developing a robust production and supply chain strategy is crucial for the success of your eco-friendly yoga mat production business. It ensures that you can efficiently manage the manufacturing process and the flow of materials, while also meeting customer demand. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:

  • 1. Sourcing Recycled Materials: Identify reliable suppliers who can provide you with high-quality recycled materials for your yoga mats. Ensure that the materials meet your eco-friendly and non-toxic standards.
  • 2. Manufacturing Process: Develop a well-defined manufacturing process that optimizes efficiency and minimizes waste. Consider implementing lean manufacturing principles to eliminate any unnecessary steps and maximize resource utilization.
  • 3. Quality Control: Implement robust quality control measures throughout the production process to ensure that each yoga mat meets your high standards. Regularly inspect and test the materials and finished products to maintain consistency.
  • 4. Inventory Management: Adopt an inventory management system to track raw materials, work-in-progress, and finished goods. This will help you optimize your stock levels, minimize wastage, and ensure timely production.
  • 5. Distribution Channels: Determine the most efficient and eco-friendly distribution channels for your yoga mats. Consider partnerships with local yoga studios, online marketplaces, or even establishing your own e-commerce platform.
  • 6. Sustainability Certification: Seek certifications or accreditations that validate your commitment to sustainability and eco-friendliness. This can improve your brand reputation and attract environmentally conscious consumers.
  • Collaborate with suppliers who share your sustainability values and can provide a consistent supply of recycled materials.
  • Regularly review and analyze your production and supply chain processes to identify areas for improvement and implement necessary changes.
  • Consider setting up a feedback loop with customers to gather insights on product quality, delivery speed, and overall satisfaction.

By carefully developing your production and supply chain strategy, you can ensure the consistent production of high-quality, eco-friendly yoga mats while maintaining efficiency and sustainability. This will help establish your business as a reliable provider of environmentally conscious fitness products.

Outline Marketing And Sales Strategies

Marketing and sales strategies play a crucial role in promoting and selling eco-friendly yoga mats. By effectively reaching and engaging with the target market, a business can build brand awareness, attract customers, and drive sales. Here are some important steps to consider when outlining marketing and sales strategies for an eco-friendly yoga mat production company:

  • Identify target audience: Understand the target market for eco-friendly yoga mats, including yoga practitioners, fitness enthusiasts, and individuals interested in sustainable products. Conduct market research to gain insights into their preferences, needs, and buying behaviors.
  • Define unique selling points: Emphasize the eco-friendly features, such as the use of recycled materials, non-toxic composition, and biodegradability. Highlight the superior grip and comfort of the yoga mats, showcasing how they enhance the yoga practice.
  • Create a compelling brand: Develop a strong and memorable brand identity that aligns with the values of sustainability and wellness. Use eco-friendly packaging and labels that reflect the company's commitment to the environment.
  • Utilize digital marketing: Leverage digital channels such as social media, email marketing, and search engine optimization to reach a wider audience. Share informative and engaging content related to yoga, sustainability, and the benefits of using eco-friendly yoga mats.
  • Establish partnerships: Collaborate with yoga studios, fitness centers, and eco-conscious retailers to promote and distribute the yoga mats. Offer partnerships and sponsorships to influential yoga practitioners or instructors, leveraging their expertise and following.
  • Offer incentives and promotions: Attract customers by offering introductory discounts, loyalty programs, and referral rewards. Encourage customers to share their positive experiences with the eco-friendly yoga mats, generating word-of-mouth publicity.
  • Attend trade shows and events: Participate in trade shows, yoga festivals, and wellness events to showcase the eco-friendly yoga mats. Provide opportunities for customers to try the mats and receive personalized recommendations.
  • Collaborate with yoga influencers and bloggers to create sponsored content and reviews.
  • Provide sustainable packaging options for customers who value eco-friendly practices.
  • Offer educational workshops or online resources about the benefits of practicing yoga with eco-friendly mats.

In conclusion, starting a business in eco-friendly yoga mat production requires careful planning and consideration. By following the nine steps outlined in this checklist, entrepreneurs can establish a solid foundation for their venture. Conducting thorough market research, identifying target customers, analyzing competition, and defining unique selling points will help in positioning the business effectively in the market. Additionally, considering legal requirements, creating a detailed financial plan, and developing a sustainable production strategy will ensure smooth operations. Finally, outlining marketing and sales strategies will aid in attracting and retaining customers. With a strong commitment to sustainability, this business has the potential to meet the growing demand for eco-friendly fitness products while making a positive impact on the environment.

Expert-built startup financial model templates

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Table of contents, the ultimate yoga mat business plan.

  • 24 May, 2024

yoga mat business plan

Starting a Yoga Mat Business

When considering starting a yoga mat business, it is crucial to understand the yoga mat industry and the market trends and growth factors that can impact your business’s success.

Introduction to Yoga Mat Industry

The global yoga mat market has been experiencing steady growth in recent years. In 2020, the market was valued at USD 8984 million and is projected to reach USD 10430 million by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 3.0% during this period ( MarketsandMarkets ). This growth can be attributed to the rising popularity of yoga and an increase in the prevalence of lifestyle diseases across the globe.

Yoga mats act as insulation between the human body and the ground, providing thermo-insulation and preventing loss of heat, charge, or energy. With the rise in popularity of yoga, more people around the world are incorporating yoga into their fitness activities, driving the demand for high-quality yoga mats.

Market Trends and Growth Factors

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a positive impact on the global yoga mats market. As people have become more creative and started incorporating yoga into their exercise routines at home, the demand for yoga mats has increased. Even after the pandemic subsides, the market is projected to witness steady growth due to the increased awareness regarding a healthy lifestyle ( MarketsandMarkets ).

Along with the increasing popularity of yoga, various other factors contribute to the growth of the yoga mat market. These include the rise in disposable income, the growing number of yoga studios and fitness centers, and the increasing focus on physical and mental well-being.

However, it is important to note that the yoga mat industry also faces challenges. The volatility in raw material prices, such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC), thermoplastic elastomer (TPE), polyurethane (PU), and natural rubber, can impact the production cost. Fluctuations in crude oil prices directly affect the yoga mat industry, as these materials are derived from crude oil.

To succeed in the yoga mat business, it is vital to stay updated with market trends, consumer preferences, and industry regulations. Manufacturers are also shifting their focus towards eco-friendly and biodegradable materials to align with government regulations and consumer demand for sustainable products. This presents an opportunity for yoga mat businesses to offer biodegradable and eco-friendly solutions.

By understanding the yoga mat industry and staying informed about market trends and growth factors, you can develop a solid foundation for your yoga mat business. This knowledge will help you make informed decisions regarding manufacturing processes, materials, marketing strategies, and pricing strategies to position your business for success in the competitive market.

Manufacturing Process of Yoga Mats

To produce high-quality yoga mats, it’s important to understand the manufacturing process involved. Depending on the desired features and functionality, yoga mats can be manufactured as single-layer mats or multi-layer mats.

Single-Layer Yoga Mats

The manufacturing process of single-layer yoga mats involves several steps to ensure durability and comfort. Here is an overview of the typical manufacturing process:

Slicing : The process begins by cutting a sheet of raw material into the desired dimensions for the yoga mat.

Embossing/Texturing : The surface of the mat is embossed or textured to provide better grip and prevent slipping during yoga practice.

Sizing : The mat is trimmed to its final size, ensuring uniformity and precision.

Graphic Printing : If desired, graphic designs, patterns, or logos are printed on the mat using high-quality, eco-friendly inks.

Logo Marking : The brand or logo of the manufacturer is marked on the mat, adding a personalized touch.

Quality Inspection : Each mat undergoes a thorough quality inspection to ensure it meets the desired standards for thickness, density, and overall quality.

Packing : Finally, the mats are carefully packed to protect them during transportation and storage, ready to be distributed to retailers or customers.

Multi-Layer Yoga Mats

Multi-layer yoga mats offer advanced features and technology to enhance the yoga experience. The manufacturing process for these mats typically involves a three-layer structure and incorporates innovative techniques. Here’s a glimpse into the manufacturing process of multi-layer yoga mats:

Layer 1 – Base Layer : The base layer provides stability and cushioning. It is designed to distribute weight evenly and provide a comfortable foundation for yoga practice.

Layer 2 – Alignment Lines : This layer features alignment lines, which help practitioners maintain proper posture and alignment during yoga poses. These lines are often laser-engraved or printed onto the mat.

Layer 3 – Surface Layer : The surface layer is where the artwork, unique patterns, or designs are applied. This layer may include additional features like anti-slip technology to ensure a firm grip during challenging poses.

Manufacturers like Speck Group are dedicated to innovation, quality, simplicity, and sustainability in the production of yoga mats. They focus on developing high-tech processes to create mats that address technical defects found in traditional mats, such as lack of additional functions for complex yoga poses and movements.

Understanding the manufacturing process of yoga mats is essential for anyone looking to start a yoga mat business. It allows for informed decisions regarding materials, production techniques, and customization options. By partnering with reliable yoga mat wholesale suppliers and establishing an online store , entrepreneurs can create a successful business that caters to the needs of fitness enthusiasts.

Innovation and Technology in Yoga Mats

As the yoga industry continues to grow, innovation and technology play a significant role in the development of advanced features and sustainable practices in yoga mats. These advancements aim to enhance the yoga experience and meet the evolving needs of practitioners.

Advanced Features in Yoga Mats

Yoga mats with advanced features have gained popularity among fitness enthusiasts. These mats go beyond the basic functionality of providing a non-slip surface. They incorporate additional elements that contribute to the overall yoga practice.

One notable innovation is the introduction of multi-layer yoga mats. These mats have a three-layer structure and feature advanced high technology processes to address technical defects found in traditional yoga mats. They offer unique functions such as anti-slip design, alignment lines, and artwork that aid in proper alignment and positioning during yoga exercises. The alignment lines on these mats assist practitioners in maintaining correct posture and form, enhancing their practice and preventing injuries ( Yoga Fitness Group ).

Furthermore, these multi-layer yoga mats with advanced features often incorporate unique patterns and artwork, adding aesthetic appeal to the mat. The combination of functionality and design makes these mats practical and visually appealing for yoga enthusiasts.

Sustainable Practices in Manufacturing

With the increasing awareness of environmental impact, sustainable practices have become a crucial aspect of yoga mat manufacturing. The early production of yoga mats using materials such as PVC and other chemicals raised concerns about their toxicity to humans and the environment. This led to the development of eco-friendly alternatives.

Manufacturers, like Speck Group, have embraced sustainability as a core principle in their yoga mat production. They focus on innovation, quality, simplicity, and sustainability in their manufacturing processes. By utilizing eco-friendly materials and adopting sustainable practices, these manufacturers are able to create yoga mats that align with the values of environmentally conscious consumers ( Yoga Fitness Group ).

Sustainable yoga mats are typically made from natural and renewable materials such as natural rubber, jute, or cork. These materials are biodegradable, reducing the environmental impact compared to traditional mats made from synthetic materials. Additionally, manufacturers are implementing eco-friendly production techniques to minimize waste and energy consumption during the manufacturing process.

By incorporating sustainable practices, yoga mat manufacturers contribute to a more environmentally friendly industry, appealing to consumers who prioritize sustainability in their purchasing decisions.

In summary, innovation and technology have brought forth advanced features in yoga mats, providing practitioners with enhanced functionality and aesthetics. Additionally, sustainable practices in manufacturing address environmental concerns, offering eco-friendly alternatives to traditional yoga mats. By staying at the forefront of innovation and embracing sustainability, yoga mat businesses can cater to the evolving needs of fitness enthusiasts and contribute to a greener future.

Marketing Strategies for Yoga Mats

To successfully promote your yoga mat business, it’s essential to employ effective marketing strategies that resonate with your target audience. In this section, we will explore two key marketing approaches: leveraging seasonal promotion opportunities and utilizing social media and user-generated content.

Seasonal Promotion Opportunities

Timing plays a crucial role in marketing yoga mats. Identifying and capitalizing on seasonal promotion opportunities can significantly impact your business’s success. The following periods are particularly favorable for promoting yoga mats:

January & February: These months are popular due to New Year’s resolutions and fitness goals. Many individuals seek to start or enhance their yoga practice during this time. According to Google Trends data, the search term “yoga mats” peaks in popularity during January and February.

Early Summer (June): As the weather warms up, people become more active and interested in outdoor activities, including yoga. June is an optimal time to market yoga mats, as the outdoor and lifestyle category experiences increased activity during this period ( Society6 Blog ).

Late November & December: The gifting season presents an excellent opportunity to promote yoga mats as thoughtful presents. Many individuals look for unique and practical gifts, making it an ideal time to showcase your yoga mats.

By aligning your marketing efforts with these seasonal patterns, you can maximize your reach and target customers when they are most interested in purchasing yoga mats.

Social Media and User-Generated Content

Social media platforms provide powerful tools for promoting your yoga mat business and engaging with your target audience. To effectively leverage social media, consider the following strategies:

Authentic and Engaging Content: Share bright, naturally lit images and videos that showcase your yoga mats in action. Create an honest and compelling brand story that resonates with the yoga community. Educational content, such as time-lapse videos of yoga flows, can also attract interest and provide value to your audience.

User-Generated Content (UGC): Encourage your customers to share their experiences with your yoga mats by incorporating user-generated content into your social media strategy. Re-share content that features your products and provides social proof. UGC helps build credibility, fosters a sense of community, and can drive sales ( Society6 Blog ).

Influencer Collaborations: Partnering with influencers in the yoga and fitness space can expand your reach and increase brand visibility. Identify influencers with engaged audiences who align with your brand values and target demographic. Collaborating with influencers can generate buzz, create authentic content, and drive traffic to your online store.

Remember to utilize appropriate hashtags, engage with your audience through comments and direct messages, and consistently post valuable content to maintain an active and vibrant social media presence.

By leveraging seasonal promotion opportunities and harnessing the power of social media, you can effectively market your yoga mats, attract the attention of fitness enthusiasts, and drive sales. Stay creative, consistent, and attentive to the evolving needs of your target audience to maximize the impact of your marketing efforts.

Pricing Strategies for Yoga Mats

When establishing a pricing strategy for your yoga mat business, it’s essential to consider various factors such as production costs, competitor pricing, and the perceived value of your product. Two common pricing strategies used in the industry are cost-based pricing and value-based pricing.

Cost-Based Pricing

Cost-based pricing is a straightforward strategy that involves calculating the cost of producing each yoga mat and adding a markup percentage to determine the selling price. This approach is popular among new online sellers as it is simple to implement and only requires consideration of the product’s cost and desired profit margin.

To determine the cost of each yoga mat, you should take into account the expenses associated with the manufacturing process, including raw materials, labor, overhead costs, and any additional expenses such as packaging and shipping. By adding a markup percentage on top of the cost, you can ensure that your selling price covers both the production costs and generates a reasonable profit margin.

While cost-based pricing provides a foundation for setting prices, it’s important to consider market demand and competition as well. Conducting thorough research on competitor pricing and market trends can help you position your yoga mats competitively while still maintaining profitability.

Value-Based Pricing

Value-based pricing is a strategy that focuses on the perceived value of your yoga mats to customers. This approach takes into consideration the benefits, quality, and unique features that set your products apart from competitors. Value-based pricing combines elements of cost-based and competition-based pricing and is best suited for established eCommerce brands with a strong brand reputation.

To determine the value-based price for your yoga mats, you should consider the break-even price, competitor prices, and the value that customers attribute to your product. Conducting market research, surveys, and customer feedback can provide insights into how customers perceive the value of your yoga mats compared to other offerings in the market.

By leveraging the perceived value of your yoga mats, you can set a price that reflects the quality and benefits they provide. This approach allows you to capture the premium customers are willing to pay for a superior product while still considering the cost of production and maintaining a competitive edge.

Choosing the right pricing strategy for your yoga mat business requires a careful analysis of production costs, market dynamics, and customer preferences. By evaluating both cost-based and value-based pricing strategies, you can determine the best approach that aligns with your business goals and ensures the profitability and success of your yoga mat venture.

Future Outlook of the Yoga Mat Market

As the popularity of yoga continues to surge, the yoga mat market is poised for significant growth in the coming years. Market projections and trends indicate positive prospects for businesses in the yoga mat industry, but there are also challenges and opportunities to consider.

Market Projections and Trends

According to a report by MarketsandMarkets, the global yoga mat market was valued at USD 8984 million in 2020 and is projected to reach USD 10430 million by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 3.0% from 2020 to 2025. This growth is primarily attributed to the rising popularity of yoga and an increase in the prevalence of lifestyle diseases worldwide ( MarketsandMarkets ).

The COVID-19 pandemic has also had a positive impact on the global yoga mat market. With people seeking creative ways to stay fit and maintain their well-being during lockdowns and restrictions, yoga has gained even more popularity. Even after the pandemic subsides, the market is expected to witness steady growth due to the increased awareness of the importance of a healthy lifestyle ( MarketsandMarkets ).

The rise in popularity of yoga itself is a significant driver for the growth of the yoga mat market. As more individuals around the world incorporate yoga into their fitness activities, the demand for yoga mats continues to rise. Yoga mats play a crucial role in providing insulation between the human body and the ground, offering thermo-insulation and preventing the loss of heat, charge, or energy ( MarketsandMarkets ).

Challenges and Opportunities

While the future of the yoga mat market appears promising, there are challenges that businesses in this industry need to address. One of the major challenges is the volatility in raw material prices. Materials such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC), thermoplastic elastomer (TPE), polyurethane (PU), and natural rubber are commonly used in yoga mat manufacturing. Fluctuations in crude oil prices directly impact the yoga mat industry as these materials are derived from crude oil. Manufacturers need to carefully manage their supply chains and adapt to changing raw material prices to ensure profitability ( MarketsandMarkets ).

However, there are also opportunities for innovation and growth within the yoga mat market. Many government bodies around the world are encouraging the use of eco-friendly and biodegradable materials in the manufacturing of yoga mats. This shift towards more sustainable options presents an opportunity for yoga mat manufacturers to offer biodegradable and eco-friendly solutions, aligning with government regulations and addressing the growing demand for environmentally conscious products ( MarketsandMarkets ).

By staying informed about market projections and trends, addressing challenges, and capitalizing on opportunities, businesses in the yoga mat industry can position themselves for success in the ever-growing market. Keeping an eye on consumer preferences, technological advancements, and sustainability practices will be key to thriving in the future of the yoga mat market.

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yoga mat business plan


Yoga Studio Business Plan Template & PDF Example

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  • July 23, 2024
  • Business Plan

the business plan template for a yoga studio

Creating a comprehensive business plan is crucial for launching and running a successful yoga studio. This plan serves as your roadmap, detailing your vision, operational strategies, and financial forecasts. It helps establish your gym’s identity, navigate the competitive market, and secure essential resources for growth.

This article not only breaks down the critical components of a yoga studio business plan, but also provides an example of a business plan to help you craft your own.

Whether you’re an experienced entrepreneur or new to the fitness industry, this guide, complete with a business plan example, lays the groundwork for turning your yoga studio concept into reality. Let’s dive in!

This business plan outlines a structured approach for launching and managing a yoga studio named Yoga Bliss Studio. It provides detailed strategies for operation, an analysis of the market, and financial forecasts to ensure the studio’s success. The plan is crafted to assist owners from the initial concept phase to daily operations, highlighting the studio’s unique offerings in wellness and yoga practices.

Sections of the Yoga Studio Business Plan:

  • Executive Summary : Introduces the studio’s mission, services, and strategic location. Emphasizes growth within the $9.9 billion yoga studio industry.
  • Studio & Location : Details the studio’s serene environment, size, and accessibility.
  • Memberships & Classes : Describes flexible membership options and diverse class offerings.
  • Key Stats : Shares the industry’s market size and growth potential.
  • Key Trends : Identifies trends like wellness focus and diversified yoga offerings.
  • Key Competitors : Analyzes the competition and the studio’s market position.
  • SWOT : Examines strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and threats.
  • Marketing Plan : Outlines approaches to attract and retain clients.
  • Timeline : Lists important milestones for launching and growing the studio.
  • Management : Introduces the management team’s qualifications and roles in ensuring operational excellence and strategic growth.
  • Provides revenue goals, profit margins, and key financial assumptions.
  • Details projections for profit and loss, fundraising efforts, cash flow, and balance sheet.

yoga mat business plan

Yoga Studio Business Plan

yoga mat business plan

Fully editable 30+ slides Powerpoint presentation business plan template.

Download an expert-built 30+ slides Powerpoint business plan template

Executive Summary

The Executive Summary introduces your yoga studio’s business plan, offering a brief look at your studio and what it offers. It should cover your positioning, the type of classes and memberships you offer, its location, size and a summary of operations.

This section should also highlight how your yoga studio fits into the broader immediate market (in the area), how many direct competitors you have and who they are, as well as your unique selling points.

Finally, you should also include here details on the management and co-founding team (who they are and what they do), as well as a summary of your financial projections (5-year revenue and profits are enough).

Yoga Studio Business Plan Executive Summary Example

Business Plan Yoga Studio Exec Summary

Business Overview

The executive summary introduces key facets of your yoga studio, including its name, location, and primary offerings.

These foundational elements pave the way for highlighting the studio’s  Unique Selling Proposition  ( USP ), setting it apart within the yoga community. Whether it’s the diversity of yoga styles, the nurturing ambiance, or the flexible membership options, the USP should vividly illustrate the studio’s distinct value.

Example: “Yoga Bliss Studio,” nestled in [location], serves as a serene haven for a diverse community seeking wellness. Offering an extensive range of yoga styles—Vinyasa, Hatha, Yin, and Meditation—led by certified instructors, our studio provides over 50 classes weekly. Spanning [X,000] sq. ft., our space fosters tranquility, equipped with premium yoga mats, props, meditation areas, changing rooms, showers, and a cozy lounge for post-practice relaxation.

Market Overview

Understanding the yoga studio market’s scope, growth trajectory, and  competitive  landscape forms the cornerstone of a comprehensive  market analysis . Highlighting industry trends, such as the increasing demand for diverse yoga practices and the evolving preferences of wellness enthusiasts, provides a comprehensive view of the dynamic yoga landscape.

Equally vital is evaluating the competitive sphere. Identifying  key competitors  and delineating your yoga studio’s unique positioning in this vibrant market environment is paramount.

Example: The US yoga studio industry, valued at $9.9 billion, demonstrates a robust CAGR of +9.6% from 2021 to 2027, representing a flourishing sector witnessing consistent growth. With approximately 48,500 studios nationwide, the industry embraces diverse practices, catering to a broad spectrum of practitioners. “Yoga Bliss Studio” strategically distinguishes itself within this dynamic market by offering a wide range of yoga styles, a serene ambiance, and flexible membership options, catering to the diverse needs of our clientele.

Management Team

Showcasing the expertise and roles within the management team bolsters confidence in the studio’s potential for success.

Profiles outlining the experiences and qualifications of key team members, including certified yoga instructors with extensive training and management professionals well-versed in business administration and community health, validate the studio’s credibility and capability.

Example: “Yoga Bliss Studio” boasts a team of certified yoga instructors deeply trained in various styles and wellness. Additionally, the studio benefits from a management professional with a degree in Business Administration and a profound understanding of community health, contributing to business growth, partnerships, and a holistic studio experience.

Financial Plan

Summarizing the studio’s financial objectives and projections, including targeted yearly revenue and profit margins, outlines the financial trajectory.

Example: “Yoga Bliss Studio” aims to achieve $2.0 million in yearly revenue by 2027, targeting a 22% profit margin ( EBITDA ). Our strategic approach focuses on maintaining high-quality yoga instruction, fostering community engagement, and offering diverse membership plans, propelling sustainable growth and a thriving studio ecosystem.

The Business Overview 3 of your yoga studio business plan provides a detailed look at the studio’s operations. It covers three main areas: the facility and its features, the studio’s location and accessibility , and the range of memberships and classes offered.

Facility, Amenities & Equipment

First, this part describes your yoga studio’s physical space. It talks about the size of the studio, the type of yoga equipment available, and different areas for yoga practices. It also mentions any special amenities that make your studio stand out, like meditation spaces or wellness services. These details show how your studio is set up to meet the needs of your clients.

Location & Accessibility

Next, the section highlights where your studio is located and why this location is convenient for your target clientele. It might point out easy access through public transport, parking availability, or how the studio fits into a community or busy area. The idea is to show that your studio is easy to get to and situated in a spot that’s attractive to potential members.

Memberships & Classes

Lastly, it outlines the types of memberships and yoga classes you offer. This includes information on different levels of yoga, from beginner to advanced, special workshops, and any unique classes that set your studio apart from others. It also covers membership pricing, package deals, and any loyalty programs. This demonstrates how your studio caters to a wide range of yoga enthusiasts, accommodating various interests and schedules.

Business Plan_Gym_Business overview 2

Industry Size & Growth

In the Market Overview of your yoga studio business plan, start by detailing the current size of the yoga industry and its potential for growth. This sets the stage for understanding the market’s overall capacity.

Key Market Trends

Then, delve into recent market trends , such as the surge in wellness culture and yoga’s appeal for stress reduction and physical fitness. For example, emphasize the trend towards mindfulness practices and the increasing number of people turning to yoga as a holistic approach to health.

Competitive Landscape

A  competitive analysis  is not just a tool for gauging the position of your yoga studio in the market and its key competitors; it’s also a fundamental component of your business plan. This analysis helps in identifying your yoga studio’s unique selling points, essential for differentiating your business in a  competitive  market.

In addition, competitive analysis is integral in laying a solid foundation for your business plan. By examining various operational aspects of your competitors, you gain valuable information that ensures your business plan is robust, informed, and tailored to succeed in the current market environment.

Identifying Your Yoga Studio’s Competitors

Begin by outlining the landscape of yoga studios and wellness centers in your vicinity. Direct competitors may include other yoga studios offering similar classes, meditation centers, or fitness clubs incorporating yoga as part of their offerings. Indirect competitors could range from holistic wellness centers providing alternative practices to apps and online platforms offering virtual yoga sessions.

Leverage digital tools like Google Maps to visualize the distribution of competing yoga studios in your area. Platforms such as Yelp or ClassPass could provide valuable insights through customer reviews, highlighting competitors’  strengths and weaknesses . For instance, if a competitor studio, “Zen Haven Yoga,” receives praise for its serene ambiance and specialized meditation sessions, this serves as a significant competitive advantage.

Business plan yoga studio key competitors

Yoga Studio Competitors’ Strategies

Scrutinizing the strategies of your competitors involves multifaceted aspects:

  • Classes and Offerings:  Evaluate the variety of yoga styles and classes offered. If “Mindful Movements Yoga Studio” specializes in therapeutic yoga, it indicates a market niche catering to wellness seekers.
  • Instructor Expertise:  Consider the qualifications and expertise of instructors. A studio like “Yogic Wisdom Institute” renowned for experienced teachers in traditional yoga might appeal differently compared to one like “Vibrant Vinyasa” known for its energetic, modern approach led by young instructors.
  • Pricing and Packages:  Compare your  pricing structure  with competitors. Are your membership fees competitive with those of “Budget Yoga Hub,” or do you align more with the premium offerings at “Elevate Wellness Studio”?
  • Marketing Tactics:  Assess how competitors market their studios. Do they rely heavily on social media engagement, workshops, or collaborations with wellness influencers? Alternatively, some studios may focus more on personal connections and referrals.
  • Facility and Amenities : Analyze the studio space and additional amenities. For instance, “Serenity Springs Yoga” might excel in providing a serene environment with spa-like facilities, enhancing the overall customer experience.
  • Technology Integration:  Observe if competitors utilize technology or online platforms for booking classes or offering virtual sessions, like “YogaFlow Online,” catering to clients seeking flexibility in their practice.

What’s Your Yoga Studio’s Value Proposition?

Reflect on your studio’s unique selling points and distinctive  value proposition . Perhaps your studio stands out for its specialized prenatal yoga classes or offers a fusion of yoga and mindfulness coaching tailored for stress relief and mental well-being.

Identify unmet customer needs and industry trends. For example, the surge in demand for accessible, inclusive yoga practices might present an opportunity if competitors are yet to embrace diversity in their class offerings.

Consider your studio’s location and community dynamics. A downtown yoga studio may focus on catering to professionals with lunchtime express sessions, while a studio in a suburban area might emphasize family-oriented classes or outdoor sessions to resonate with the local community.

Business Plan yoga studio strategy

First, include here a SWOT analysis to identify the yoga studio’s Strengths (such as cutting-edge equipment or a prime location), Weaknesses (like high operational costs or stiff competition), Opportunities (for example, a growing interest in fitness among the local population), and Threats (such as economic downturns affecting customer spending).

Business Plan yoga studio SWOT

Marketing Plan

Then, adding a marketing plan is another crucial component, detailing how the yoga studio will attract and retain members through targeted advertising, promotions, social media engagement, and community events.

Marketing Channels

Utilize diverse channels to amplify brand visibility and engage with your audience.

Digital Marketing Strategies

Leveraging digital platforms is crucial for engaging modern audiences and building brand awareness.

  • Leverage Social Media:  Tailoring content to various platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, or TikTok ensures a broader reach. Regularly share yoga tips, mindfulness practices, success stories, and studio updates to engage with followers.
  • Email Campaigns:  Beyond just scheduling classes, newsletters provide valuable content, exclusive offers, and wellness tips. This consistent communication keeps clients engaged and informed.
  • Website Enhancement:  Developing an informative website offering class schedules, instructor backgrounds, client testimonials, and a blog centered on yoga and holistic wellness enriches the user experience, attracting potential clients and retaining current ones.

Local Promotion and Community Engagement

Connecting locally strengthens your studio’s roots and attracts nearby yoga enthusiasts.

  • Offline Advertising:  Distribute flyers in local wellness centers, cafes, and community spaces. Advertise in health magazines or local newspapers.
  • Community Events:  Host free yoga sessions in parks or sponsor wellness fairs to foster engagement and attract potential yoga enthusiasts.
  • Strategic Partnerships:  Collaborate with local wellness stores, gyms, or holistic centers for mutual promotion and joint wellness events.

Strategic Promotional Initiatives

Offering promotions and loyalty programs can incentivize clients to commit to your studio.

  • Membership Flexibility : Launch various membership plans catering to diverse client needs and preferences.
  • Loyalty Programs:  Implement rewarding loyalty programs, such as free workshops or merchandise, based on class attendance or referrals.
  • Referral Incentives: E ncourage existing members to refer new clients by offering discounts or exclusive classes as rewards, fostering a robust community.

Business Plan yoga studio marketing plan

Sales Channels 

Maximize revenue and client satisfaction through effective sales strategies .

In-Studio Sales Techniques

  • Additional Services:  Enhanced Service Offerings: Beyond regular classes, offering specialized workshops, private sessions, or premium classes tailored to clients’ needs diversifies revenue streams and enriches clients’ experiences.
  • Retail Products:  Retail yoga mats, props, apparel, and wellness products in your studio to complement clients’ practice and provide convenience, contributing to additional income.

Streamlined Online Booking and Membership Sales

Simplified booking processes and online memberships increase accessibility and sales.

  • Seamless Booking Experience:  Implement a user-friendly online booking system via your website or mobile app, facilitating hassle-free class scheduling and membership sign-ups.
  • E-commerce Platform:  Extend your reach by selling yoga-related merchandise, digital classes, and wellness products online, catering to a broader audience.
  • Virtual Offerings:  Provide virtual classes and consultations to accommodate individuals seeking personalized guidance or unable to attend in person due to various constraints.

Membership and Loyalty Programs

Developing membership and loyalty programs nurtures a sense of belonging and commitment among clients.

  • Membership Versatility:  Offer multiple membership tiers with additional perks, catering to varying client needs.
  • Rewarding Client Loyalty:  Implement a digital loyalty program where clients earn points for each class attended, redeemable for discounts, free sessions, or exclusive offerings, ultimately fostering client retention.

Strategy Timeline

Finally, a well-defined timeline sets clear milestones for the gym’s launch, marketing campaigns, membership growth, and expansion goals, ensuring that the business progresses with purpose and direction.

Business Plan Gym Timeline

The Management section focuses on the gym’s management and their direct roles in daily operations and strategic direction. This part is crucial for understanding who is responsible for making key decisions and driving the gym towards its financial and operational goals.

For your yoga studio business plan, list the core team members, their specific responsibilities, and how their expertise supports the gym’s mission.

Business Plan Gym Management 1

The Financial Plan section is a comprehensive analysis of the yoga studio’s financial strategy, including projections for revenue, expenses, and profitability. It lays out the gym’s approach to securing funding, managing cash flow, and achieving breakeven.

This section typically includes detailed forecasts for the first 5 years of operation, highlighting expected revenue, operating costs and capital expenditures.

For your gym business plan, provide a snapshot of your financial statement (profit and loss, balance sheet, cash flow statement), as well as your key assumptions (e.g. pricing strategies for memberships and services, etc.).

Business Plan yoga studio financial plan

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Yoga Business Boss

Sustainable Mats, Infinite Possibilities: Starting Your Yoga Mat Business

As the world moves toward a more holistic approach to health and mindful practices, the yoga industry is at the forefront of this movement, and it is experiencing a boom in demand for accessories that are both innovative and environmentally friendly. For those who are interested in starting their own business, the production of yoga mats stands out as a potentially valuable business opportunity.

The best way to start a yoga mat business is to identify a niche (eco-friendly, design-driven), source sustainable materials, design unique mats, create a brand identity, set up an online store, and market through social media/influencers.

Table of Contents

Identifying an Effective Niche: The Foundation of Growth

Finding a niche market is the most important thing for running a thriving yoga mat business. Within this context, eco-friendliness and design-centered approaches stand out as two powerful areas to study and use. If you want to guide your business toward growth, you need to have a deep understanding of the specific wants and needs of your target audience.

A lot of research shows that there is a growing need for eco-friendly products in the yoga business. As this trend grows, more attention is paid to using biodegradable and safe materials in the production process.

At the same time, there is a strong attraction to designs that look good and resonate deeply with a discerning yogi. Realizing and combining these two aspects becomes a smart move that boosts the brand’s appeal and attracts eco-friendly yoga practitioners looking for a yoga mat that combines style and sustainability in a way that works well for them.

When eco-friendly materials are used in beautifully designed yoga mats, a mutually beneficial relationship forms that conscious buyers can relate to. The combination of useful features with attractive designs not only meets the practical needs of the mat but also meets the artistic needs of the user. This coming together is what makes a brand stand out and go above and beyond what a market group wants, which wants both sophistication and care for the environment.

The key to a thriving yoga mat business is being able to figure out what a small group of people want and give it to them. By combining eco-friendliness with design-focused methods, the brand can carve out a unique niche that appeals to conscious buyers looking for a balance between style and sustainability in their yoga practice.

Sourcing Sustainable Materials: Upholding Ethical Production

yoga mat business plan

Choosing and using the right materials is the key to building a yoga mat business that cares about the world. Getting materials that are eco-friendly, biodegradable, and non-toxic is at the heart of the brand’s philosophy. This dedication goes beyond a theory; it becomes a guiding principle that affects every part of making the mat.

The most important part of this plan is working with ethical suppliers who care about the earth too. This partnership makes sure that the supply chain works smoothly and that the brand’s pledge to environmental responsibility is upheld at every step, from getting the raw materials to making the products. By forming partnerships with these kinds of sellers, the company not only makes sure that the mats are of high quality, but it also helps to protect the environment.

The products chosen are signs of how dedicated the brand is. Natural rubber, which is known for being strong and long-lasting, is a key part because it is both useful and safe for the environment.

Organic cotton, which is known for being soft and having little of an effect on the environment, has joined the group, giving customers an option that fits with the brand’s values. With its long life and ability to be grown again and again, jute is another material that not only serves its purpose but also does good things for the earth.

This careful process of choosing materials shows that the brand wants to give yoga practitioners more than just a mat. They want to give them a tool that supports their practice and also represents the values they hold dear. Each mat is a symbol of the brand’s commitment to sustainability, giving users a product that fits not only with their yoga practice but also with their moral and environmental views.

Planning to start a donation-based yoga studio business? Visit this article here to learn how you can start your own.

Designing Unique Mats: Fusing Innovation with Aesthetics

Visionary design and useful features must come together to make a unique yoga mat that stands as a symbol of creativity and usefulness. Taking the ordinary and turning it into the extraordinary requires a smooth blend of new ideas, good looks, and ease of use. As you get better at yoga, the mat stops being a nice-to-have extra item and starts being an important part of your practice.

At the heart of this development is the use of visually appealing elements and textures that are meant to stimulate the senses and motivate the practitioner. The mat turns into a blank canvas where imagination and practicality meet, creating a visual feast that goes beyond the everyday. This mat’s good looks not only make it easier to use but also make it a statement piece that fits with the yoga path.

In addition to looking good, the mat is designed with ergonomic features that are meant to make the exercise better. Thoughtful details, like alignment marks, act as guides and help people get better at their poses. Superior grip technology gives you support and confidence even when you’re in difficult positions, which helps you feel safe and focused. Also, giving different sizes caters to people with different body types and tastes, ensuring inclusivity and customization in a market that is already full.

The brand stands out in a busy market because of its careful attention to detail and dedication to making the yoga experience better. The mat stops being just an extra and turns into a friend who helps, encourages, and inspires the practitioner. It becomes a sign of new ideas and well-thought-out design, showing that the brand is committed to not only meeting but also exceeding the changing needs of yoga fans.

Crafting a Distinct Brand Identity: Communicating Values and Vision

yoga mat business plan

A brand’s strength lies in its ability to connect with customers in a useful way. A strong and clear brand identity is the building block for this. The key to making an emotional connection with the audience is to incorporate eco-friendly ideas, great style, and an interesting story into the brand story. This goes beyond just doing business; it builds a permanent relationship based on shared goals and values.

Everything about the brand, from the image to the packaging to the overall voice of the brand, is used to show what it stands for. Each part is carefully made to reflect the core values and vision and connect with the audience’s sense of style. The brand’s commitment to being eco-friendly is clear in the way it looks, making you feel responsible and caring for the earth.

Also, every interaction is tied together by an interesting story that tells the brand’s story, its purpose, and its effect. People don’t just talk about this story; they live it and show it in every product, service, and conversation. In a very competitive market, being honest and authentic in how you do business builds trust among customers and encourages them to stick with your brand.

The business builds trust with its audience by being honest and open about how it works. More than ever, people want to buy brands that share their beliefs and ideals. This sincerity hits close to home and creates a bond of trust and connection that goes beyond a business relationship. It turns into a relationship that benefits both parties, as customers see the brand as a partner on their way to a better, more caring world.

When you look at brand identity in this way, the brand doesn’t just sell a product; it sells a promise, a belief, and a way of life. It becomes a light for people with similar values and goals who aren’t just looking to buy something but also to build a relationship based on shared goals and values.

Visit this article here to learn how you can start a non-profit yoga studio business effectively.

Setting Up an Online Store: Seamlessly Bridging Access and Convenience

With the way things are done online these days, having a profile online isn’t just an option; it’s critical to your growth. It’s not enough to just sell things in an immersive and visually stunning online store; you need to give people an experience that sticks with them. The experience starts with an easy-to-use interface and captivating images that draw people in and encourage them to explore and interact.

High-quality pictures are very important because they create a virtual gallery that shows off all the details and patterns of the yoga mats. Each picture shows a different part of the object, helping people who might buy it imagine how it looks and feels. It’s not enough to just show off a product; you need to make an experience that makes people feel things and want things.

A user-friendly design is also very important. It should be easy for customers to find their way around the online store, making it easy for them to browse and buy things. Clear sections, easy-to-use search tools, and streamlined checkout processes all make the user experience better, which makes people want to stay and look around more.

To build trust, it’s important to include safe payment gateways. Customers need to trust that their activities are safe. Also, full product descriptions with information like the materials used, the item’s size, and how to take care of it give customers all the information they need to make smart choices.

Rules that focus on the customer, like easy returns and quick customer service, boost credibility. These rules show that you care about your customers, which builds trust and gets people to come back.

An online store is more than just a place to buy things; it’s also a digital representation of the brand’s ideals and beliefs. It’s a way for customers to connect with the brand, making an experience that goes beyond a transaction and builds a long-lasting connection based on trust, quality, and putting the customer first.

Leveraging Social Media and Influencer Marketing: Amplifying Reach and Impact

yoga mat business plan

The rise of social media has changed the way marketing is done by giving brands a large and changing way to interact directly with their audiences. A smart social media plan is made by using the huge potential of sites like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. It’s not enough to just be there; you need to make your appearance meaningful and connect with the people around you.

Making and sharing interesting content is a key part of this approach. Pictures and videos that are interesting to look at have become the currency of interaction. Posts with interesting titles, carefully chosen photos that show off the yoga mats’ beauty and usefulness, and educational videos that show how to use or take care of the mats all grab people’s attention and draw them into the brand’s story.

Working with people whose values are similar to those of the brand brings out the power of working together. These partnerships help the brand reach more people naturally by using the influencer’s loyal fan group. These partnerships do more than just add numbers; they add authenticity to brand support. The more influencers who honestly promote products they believe in, the more their audience connects with those goods and becomes interested in the brand.

Having meaningful conversations with your audience through comments, direct messages, and interactive content also helps build a feeling of community. This engagement isn’t just about sending out messages; it’s also about getting to know the audience, what they want and need, and replying in a way that shows the brand cares about its followers.

This approach to social media isn’t just about being seen; it’s about making a digital environment where the brand is a part of the audience’s daily life and conversations. People don’t just read material there; they share, talk about, and celebrate it, which builds a strong community around the brand. This makes the business more than just a product; it turns into a story, a way of life, and an experience that people want to share.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can i get yoga mats made from eco-friendly materials.

To find sustainable materials, you need to work with sellers who are committed to doing things in an eco-friendly way. Buy jute, natural rubber, or approved organic cotton from companies whose supply chains are clear.

Eco-friendly textile manufacturers, sustainable rubber plantations, or groups that focus on using ethical materials in yoga items are all good places to start. Make sure they fit with your standards and ideals for sustainability.

How can I make sure my design stands out in a market that’s already full?

Coming up with new ideas and knowing your audience are both important parts of making designs that stand out. Do a lot of study on the market to find design gaps or trends in yoga mats. Think about adding things that will appeal to yogis, like eye-catching graphics, ergonomic features, or alignment marks. Working with artists or designers who share the same values as your brand can also give your products new ideas and make them stand out.

How should marketers use social media and followers to get the most out of them?

To use social media effectively, you need a plan. Start by making interesting material that shows off how unique your mats are and speaks to your audience. Find influencers in the yoga or wellness niche who share your brand’s beliefs and have a large, engaged following. Work with them. To build trust, allow user-generated material and testimonials. To have a great social media strategy in this area, you need to be consistent, real, and interact with your audience.

To learn more on how to start your own yoga business check out my startup documents here.

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yoga mat business plan

Meet Shawn Chun: Entrepreneur and Yoga Fan

I’m a happy individual who happens to be an entrepreneur. I have owned several types of businesses in my life from a coffee shop to an import and export business to an online review business plus a few more and now I create online yoga business resources for those interested in starting new ventures. It’s demanding work but I love it. I do it for those passionate about their business and their goals. That’s why when I meet a yoga business owner in public at a studio or anywhere else I see myself. I know how hard the struggle is to retain clients, find good employees and keep the business growing all while trying to stay competitive.

That’s why I created Yoga Business Boss: I want to help future yoga business owners like you build a thriving business that brings you endless joy and supports your ideal lifestyle.


Setting up a Yoga Business

All you need to know about starting and running your business.

In this article

What is a Yoga Business?

Although yoga has been around for thousands of years, its popularity in mainstream culture has soared in the last decade.

Yoga is an ancient practice that focuses on both the mind and body. It involves physical movement, meditation and breathing techniques and is designed to promote mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing. As well as the physical health benefits, such as increased strength, balance and flexibility, yoga has been found to have significant mental health benefits too.

There are six different branches of yoga:

1. Hatha Yoga – This is the most common branch of yoga. It focuses on breathing, controlled movements and stretching. Hatha yoga is usually practised at a slower pace.

2. Raja Yoga – Raja yoga is often referred to as the yoga of the mind. It involves meditation and the disciplinary steps of the eight limbs of yoga.

3. Karma Yoga – Karma yoga is also known as the path of action. Actions are performed without attachments and ego. It aspires to create a future free from negativity and selfishness.

4. Bhakti Yoga – This type of yoga is a spiritual practice. It doesn’t involve traditional yoga poses and instead revolves around love, devotion, emotion and tolerance.

5. Jnana Yoga – Jnana yoga aims to improve concentration and self-realisation and enhance creativity. It teaches your body how to react to stress and anxiety and involves a deep inquiry into who you are.

6. Tantra Yoga – Tantra yoga combines many different yoga and meditative practices. It involves breathing, yoga and meditation. It focuses on studying the inner universe through the human body.

As well as the six traditional branches of yoga, there are other types of yoga that have been created or have become popular in recent years.

  • Bikram Yoga – Also known as hot yoga, it is done in a sauna-like room (approximately 40°C and 40% humidity), which results in a more intense workout.
  • Restorative Yoga – This focuses on relaxing the body and the mind.
  • Prenatal Yoga – This is a safe form of exercise during pregnancy. It helps to prepare you for labour by focusing on pelvic floor work and breathing.
  • Aerial Yoga – Instead of using a mat, poses are performed in a hammock or sling that hangs from the ceiling. It takes the pressure off certain parts of the body, improves flexibility and is good for digestive issues.
  • Vinyasa Yoga – This is the most athletic style of yoga and has many types of poses in different sequences.
  • Iyengar Yoga – Iyengar yoga focuses on alignment. Movements are very precise and involve controlled breathing.

Modern yoga usually focuses on asana, which is a succession of poses connected together. By teaching yoga, you can help your students improve their strength, stamina, flexibility, coordination and balance. You may incorporate aspects from different branches of yoga or choose to focus on one type of yoga.

If you are considering starting up a yoga business, you have several different options available to you:

  • Open a yoga studio.
  • Operate your yoga business from an existing gym or another facility.
  • Start a home yoga studio business.
  • Teach yoga outdoors, in public spaces such as a park or beach.
  • Run a yoga retreat or yoga holiday.
  • Teach yoga online.
  • Teach yoga at events, such as festivals and conferences.

You may work with your students on a 1:1 or on a group basis. To be an effective yoga instructor, you will need to focus on the physical, mental and spiritual needs of your students.

Starting up a yoga business can be very rewarding in many ways. To set up a successful yoga business, you will first need a deep understanding of yoga, have many years of yoga experience and have a good understanding of alignment, breathing and poses. A desire to help people improve and grow is also key.

Types of Customers

Yoga is a practice enjoyed by many different types of people. Anyone can enjoy yoga, regardless of their shape, size, fitness level and flexibility. Yoga is enjoyed by people of all ages.

Although yoga is a universal practice, you may be more likely to attract particular types of customers, depending on several factors:

The type of yoga business you run:

This will be a significant factor in the type of customers you attract. For example, if you run a yoga retreat, you are likely to attract more experienced Yogi (people who are proficient in yoga) and those who are happy to commit to a longer more intense experience and pay higher prices. Comparatively, if you operate your business from a gym, your customers are more likely to be people from the local area who are trying to improve their fitness or wellbeing.

Where your business is located:

Your location will impact your typical business, as many people will visit a yoga business that is conveniently located to where they live or work. If you are located close to a residential location, your clients are likely to be people who live nearby. If you are located in a town or city centre, you may attract clients who work in the area or visit the centre for other reasons, such as shopping and socialisation. If you operate your business online, you will have the opportunity to reach a larger demographic. Yoga retreats are commonly located abroad, in counties such as India, Thailand, Indonesia, Costa Rica and Spain.

The type of yoga you teach:

As already mentioned, there are many different branches of yoga. You may choose to teach a specific branch of yoga or focus on one of the more modern variations. The type of yoga you teach will impact your typical customer base.

The experience level you teach:

You can offer beginner, intermediate and advanced yoga classes. Students will attend a class based on their ability. If you choose to specialise in one particular level, this will affect your customer base.

Your pricing:

You will determine your pricing policy based on multiple factors (we will look at this more later). It is important to keep in mind that your customers may have a specific budget in mind when choosing their yoga instructor.

Your clients can typically be categorised in three ways:

1. Budget: Budget clients look for yoga businesses that offer classes for the lowest possible price. 2. Mid-range: This type of client looks for a combination of value and luxury. Although they don’t want to pay premium prices, they don’t look for the cheapest option and instead look for an experienced instructor at a reasonable price. 3. Luxury: This type of client usually wants the best yoga instructor and classes using the best equipment and in the best location. They are happy to pay higher prices for the best service.

Yoga pose

Equipment You Will Need

Compared to many other businesses in the health, fitness and wellbeing industries, a yoga business has relatively few equipment requirements.

The amount and type of equipment you require will depend on the type of yoga business you run and whether you supply equipment for your students to use or expect them to bring their own. Take this into consideration and consider what will be best for your business before purchasing equipment.

Below is a list of equipment typically required by yoga businesses:

You will need a yoga mat for yourself and may also buy mats for your students or as spares to keep in your studio. A yoga mat offers cushioning and provides a layer of protection between you and the floor. A yoga mat also provides a better grip on the floor, reducing the likelihood that you will slip or fall and obtain an injury. Yoga mats typically cost between £10 and £20 per mat.

Yoga blocks

Yoga blocks are usually made of foam, bamboo or cork. They are a type of prop most commonly used by beginners. The blocks help your students to achieve certain positions or extend further if they are not yet very flexible. If you are planning to teach beginner yoga classes, you will need to purchase blocks for your students. You can expect to pay between £6 and £20 per block.

Yoga straps

This piece of equipment will help your students improve their flexibility. They can also help to reduce the chance of muscle strains and decrease muscle tension. Yoga straps usually cost between £5 and £10.

Yoga wheels

Yoga wheels have grown in popularity in recent years. They are large, circular-shaped props that are hollow. A yoga wheel helps with stretching, improving flexibility and relieving tension and are particularly popular with people who experience pain in their back, shoulders, hips or abdomen. Yoga wheels cost between £20 and £50.

Foam rollers

Although similar to yoga wheels, foam rollers are smaller and thicker. You have to apply more pressure to a roller to move it, making this a good piece of equipment for strengthening muscles. Foam rollers are popular in warm-up and cool-down routines. You can expect to pay between £10 and £20.

Meditation pillow

Meditation pillows are great for lessons that focus more on the meditational aspects of yoga. They help you to maintain the best position to remain comfortable and ensure your spine and hips are supported. Meditation pillows come in different shapes and sizes and cost between £20 and £50.

Aerial hammocks, slings or swings

If you teach aerial yoga, you will need hanging equipment to enable your students to perform the poses. You will need to ensure the hammocks are made from strong, supportive material and that they are safely attached to your ceiling. Expect to spend between £50 and £150 per hammock.

Yoga clothing

Because yoga involves a lot of stretching and moving, you will need workout clothing that is comfortable, appropriate and professional. Yoga pants are usually made of thicker, more stretchy material. They are more moisture-wicking than other types of workout leggings meaning you feel less sweaty – essential for people who work out for multiple hours a day. You will also need an appropriate top that is tight to your skin and isn’t going to move if you are bending over or doing the downward dog. You will likely need several sets of yoga clothing and can expect to spend between £100 and £200.

A microphone

If you are teaching in a large studio or online, a microphone will ensure that all your students can hear you without you needing to shout. A microphone that attaches to your clothes or sticks to your face is recommended so that your hands and arms are free to do your poses.

A camera and tripod

If you film your classes or run your business online, you will need a high-quality camera to record your lessons. Choose a camera that offers longer video recordings, as some only offer a 30-minute maximum. You will also need a camera that records sound.

Client forms

These forms should be completed by new clients during your client consultation. They should include your students’ personal details, emergency contact information, known health conditions and injuries and their yoga goals. You can create client forms yourself and print them out at minimal cost.

A first aid kit

In case of an accident or injury, a first aid kit is an essential piece of equipment. You may have to treat cuts, strains, sprains or swelling, or even treat a more severe injury before professional medical treatment is sought. A fully stocked first aid kit can be purchased for approximately £15.

A website is useful for advertising your business. It should contain your contact information, your experience and areas of expertise, your training and qualifications, where you operate, the type of yoga you teach and your customer reviews. Design your website to include your business logo and to reflect your branding.

Business cards

Business cards are an important marketing tool and can be given to new or existing customers. They should include your business name, contact information and the types of services you offer.

Yoga class in studio

Typical Pricing

When starting up a yoga business and creating a business plan, you will need to calculate your approximate set-up costs and running costs. Planning your business’s finances can help you determine how to finance your initial investment, plan your pricing strategy and predict your profits.

Some of the typical costs you can expect when setting up and running a yoga business are:

A yoga studio

Your yoga studio or other premises will likely be your biggest expenditure. You will need to rent your premises on a monthly or annual basis. Rental prices can vary significantly, depending on the location, the size of the premises and the on-site facilities. City centre locations and newly built premises usually have the highest rental costs. Rental costs are often calculated per square metre. They can range significantly, from £500 to £15,000 per square metre annually.

Refurbishment and installation costs

You will likely need to refurbish or convert your premises to incorporate the equipment you need for your yoga business. You will also want to decorate your premises to fit the aesthetic of your brand, ensure it is suitable for workouts and make it attractive to customers. Renovation costs can vary, from £500 to £20,000 depending on the level and scale of work required; for example, if you need to install hammocks, your installation costs will be higher.

The type of equipment you require, and the associated costs, will vary depending on the type of yoga business you set up. To reduce your start-up costs, you could buy only essential equipment initially and then purchase more equipment as your business grows. You can expect to spend between £200 and £2,000 on equipment.

Maintaining, repairing and replacing equipment

Repairs, maintenance and replacements are ongoing costs you will need to factor into your budget. Cleaning and maintaining equipment and ensuring it is used correctly can extend its life, but repairs and replacements are still inevitable, as using unsafe equipment could be dangerous.

Branding can help you to establish your yoga business’s identity and help your business to stand out from any local competition. Branding could include creating your business’s visual identity, a logo, your business name and your business website. You can hire a professional to help you with branding or do some of the work yourself. Branding can cost between £500 and £5,000, depending on the amount of branding you require.

Marketing and advertising

This can help you to attract clients and grow your business. You may require more advertising and marketing when your business first launches. It is recommended that you spend no more than 1%-3% of your annual revenue on advertising costs; for example, if you make £30,000 per year, you should spend between £300 and £900 on advertising. Some of the ways you can advertise are via your website, in local gyms and fitness centres, through leaflets, posters and business cards and via social media. As your business grows and you build your client base, you may be able to reduce your advertising costs.

Running costs

These are the everyday costs associated with running your yoga business. It could include your overhead costs such as electricity, gas, water and council tax. Most of your running costs will be paid monthly, although some may be paid quarterly or annually. Keeping your running costs as low as possible allows you to maximise your profits.

Business insurance

There are several types of coverage options you could choose for your yoga business. The cost of your insurance can vary depending on your insurance provider and the level of coverage you choose.

Your insurance options include:

  • Public Liability Cover.
  • Business Contents Cover.
  • Professional Indemnity Cover.
  • Buildings Cover.
  • Business Interruption Cover.
  • Employers’ Liability Cover.
  • Equipment Cover.
  • Personal Accident Insurance.

Once you have calculated the typical costs associated with setting up and running your yoga business, you can then determine your pricing.

The majority of yoga instructors charge per session. However, if you run workshops and retreats, your pricing strategy may differ.

Prices per yoga session can vary drastically, from £10 to £50 per hour.

Your pricing can depend on several factors:

  • Your teaching experience.
  • Your location.
  • Your reputation.
  • The type of yoga you teach.
  • The type of yoga business you run (e.g. online vs yoga retreats).
  • Your equipment.
  • The venue you operate from.

Safely Running a Yoga Business

Safe practices in your yoga business are essential to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of you and your students. Exercise can be a high-risk industry where accidents and injuries can occur, whether from unsafe equipment, improper techniques, carelessness or unsafe practices.

Some safety practices you can employ in your yoga business are:

Obtain qualifications

Obtaining qualifications will not only make it easier for you to teach yoga, but it will also make your business more attractive to potential students and ensure you are aware of safety procedures.

Some qualifications you could obtain are:

  • Level 3 Diploma in Teaching Yoga.
  • Level 4 Diploma in Teaching Yoga.
  • Level 3 Certificate in Teaching Yoga to Children Aged 5 to 16.

Join a professional organisation

Joining a professional organisation can help your professional development, help you connect with other yoga teachers and help to regulate the industry.

Some professional bodies you can join are:

  • The British Wheel of Yoga (BWY).
  • Yoga Alliance Professionals.
  • Iyengar Yoga UK.

Obtain training

Health and safety training can teach you the importance of safe practices in your yoga business. You could undergo training in First Aid, Health and Safety for Businesses, Fire Safety Awareness, Assessing Risk, Slips, Trips and Falls and PUWER Awareness. Consult our website for more information on health and safety training.

Properly maintain and set up equipment

If you supply any equipment for your students to use, you will need to ensure it is properly maintained, correctly set up and safe to use. You must protect your clients from accidents or injuries caused by equipment. You should also perform regular equipment inspections to ensure your equipment’s safety and help to extend the lifespan of your equipment.

Ask your students to complete disclaimer forms

Any individual who engages in activities with an element of risk should complete a disclaimer form. If a student becomes injured during a session, a disclaimer form is a legal statement that limits your liability. Ensure you go through the disclaimer form carefully with every student and that they sign and date the form.

Yoga session with instructor

Complete a fitness assessment form and a Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q)

These forms allow you to establish your students’ general health, including any health conditions, injuries and illnesses. They also allow you to record their health and fitness levels and exercise capabilities. Not only can these forms protect your students from harm, but they can also protect you and your business in the event of an injury.

Obtain emergency contact information and medical information

In the event of a serious injury or a medical emergency, this will allow you to contact your student’s next of kin or inform medical professionals about any known allergies or health conditions.

Carry out risk assessments

Although risk assessments are only a legal requirement for businesses with more than five employees, they can help to ensure the safety of you and your students. Risk assessments can help you to identify any potential hazards and risks in your business and how these can be reduced or eliminated.

As part of your risk assessment, you should:

  • Identify hazards.
  • Determine who could be at risk.
  • Evaluate any potential risks.
  • Implement relevant safety measures.
  • Record the results of the risk assessment.
  • Review the risk assessment regularly.

Implement cleaning policies and procedures

Strict cleaning procedures must be in place at all times, especially if you teach multiple students in the same space. You should clean, disinfect and sanitise all equipment and surfaces between every customer and then perform an intensive clean at regular intervals, such as every day.

Legal Requirements

The yoga industry is not highly regulated. However, there are still some legal requirements you must ensure you follow.

Apply for a premises licence

You will need to apply for a premises licence with your local authority if you run your yoga business from your home or other premises. Contact your local authority for more information.

Comply with the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) 1998

These regulations apply to you and any equipment you use, such as hanging hammocks and yoga blocks. You must ensure that any exercise equipment is fit for purpose, is maintained and inspected regularly, that health and safety risks are minimised to an acceptable level, that you have the correct knowledge and training to use the equipment, and that protective measures are put into place. You must also ensure the equipment is used under appropriate conditions.

Comply with the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 2013

RIDDOR states that you must report all injuries, diseases and dangerous events that occur when your business is operating. Reports must be made to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) using an appropriate recording document. This includes injuries that occur during your classes.

Comply with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR ) and the Data Protection Act (DPA)

You must comply with both pieces of legislation when storing or sharing personal information, such as your students’ contact details. You must also apply for a Notification to Process Personal Data Licence. If you process or store personal information such as customer accounts and records, you will need to apply for a licence with the Information Commissioner’s Office and renew your registration every year.

Obtain a permit if operating outdoors

If you teach any of your yoga classes in outdoor spaces, such as public parks, beaches and green spaces, you may need to obtain a permit from your local authority. The requirements can vary depending on where you live so contact your local authority for more information.

Obtain a criminal record check

If you teach yoga to any children or vulnerable adults, you will need to apply for a criminal record check to prove your suitability.

The type of check you require depends on the country you live in:

  • England: Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).
  • Wales: Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).
  • Scotland: Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme.
  • Northern Ireland: AccessNI.

Apply for a music licence

If you play music during any of your yoga classes, you will need to apply for a Licence to Play Background Music from the PPL PRS and pay an annual fee.

Implement or follow health and safety policies and fire procedures

All businesses should have health and safety policies that help to manage health and safety in your business. You are also responsible for fire safety on your premises including conducting fire risk assessments and implementing fire safety measures and emergency procedures. When operating in other locations or venues, be aware of any emergency procedures you may need to follow.

Register your business

You must register your business with HMRC before you begin operating. You can register as a sole trader or as a limited company. You will need to register your business name and any other relevant information.

Register for self-assessment tax

This allows you to calculate and pay your own taxes each year. You will need to track your finances every month and submit any expenses as part of your tax assessment.

Yoga session helping with mental health

Positives of Owning a Yoga Business

Owning a yoga business can be rewarding in many ways, including:

It helps your personal growth

Yoga encourages mindfulness and teaches you how to react to stressors and anxiety. It can also help to teach you coping mechanisms and self-reflection. All of this can help your personal growth.

Improve your yoga practice

Practising yoga every day will inevitably help you to improve your proficiency. You can stay up to date with new techniques, poses and trends and gain a deeper understanding of the foundations, origins and principles of yoga.

Connect with other people in your community

You will have plenty of opportunities to connect with other people in the yoga community, including other instructors and students. You can spend time with like-minded people, learn new skills and gain knowledge from them and create both personal and professional connections.

Physical benefits

Yoga has an abundance of physical health benefits, including:

  • Increase in flexibility and balance.
  • Increase in strength and muscle tone.
  • Improved circulatory health.
  • Improved respiration.
  • Encourages metabolic health.
  • Reduced inflammation.
  • Improved mobility and reduced pain.
  • Improved cardiovascular health.
  • Increase in energy levels.
  • Improved sleep.

As a yoga instructor, you will likely be practising yoga for several hours a day, multiple days a week. You should experience significant physical health benefits and see an improvement in your overall health.

Mental health benefits

Multiple studies have shown the positive impact that yoga has on your mental and emotional health and wellbeing.

This can include:

  • Increase in dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine.
  • Reduces stress and anxiety.
  • Helps to relieve the symptoms of depression.
  • Boosts concentration and memory.

See your students grow and improve

Supporting your students in their yoga journey can be very rewarding. Yoga can help your students physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually and you will be a key part of this journey. You will be able to see your students grow and improve and this can be extremely rewarding. Yoga can also help your students improve their overall health meaning your students will have fewer health concerns and you will have made a real difference in the lives of your clients.

Constant opportunities to learn

Your own understanding and knowledge of yoga and yoga practices can constantly grow. You can learn from your students and from other yoga instructors and continually self-improve.

Opportunities for travel

Yoga has its origins in India and is popular all over the world. You could choose to set up your yoga business abroad and teach classes in beautiful places around the world. You could even travel and practise and teach yoga around the world. Yoga gives you the opportunity to travel, earn money and do what you love.

Do what you love

Yoga instructors usually love practising yoga and genuinely enjoy what they do. Being able to expand your education and knowledge, help people achieve their goals and be able to practise every day is a huge advantage to many yoga instructors.

Choose the type of yoga business you want to run

You can choose the type of yoga you want to teach and the type of yoga business you want to run, including how and where to teach yoga. This allows you to set up your dream yoga business.

Face-to-face interaction

If you enjoy being around other people and connecting with new people, running a yoga business can be extremely rewarding. Most of your day, every day, will be spent with other people and you can meet lots of people in your local community.

Low start-up costs

Starting up a yoga business can be relatively low-cost. Depending on the type of business you set up, you can have very few initial outgoings, meaning you won’t need to acquire an investment and can begin turning a profit faster.

Yoga instructor working unconventional hours

Negatives of Owning a Yoga Business

However, there are some negative aspects of owning a yoga business that you should be aware of.

Teaching can be difficult

Even if you have extensive yoga experience and understand the foundations of yoga, this doesn’t mean you will find teaching easy. Teaching requires completely different skills including good communication, empathy, patience and confidence. Running a yoga business isn’t as simple as doing yoga every day.

Unconventional working hours

As a yoga instructor, you will likely need to run your lessons at times when your customers aren’t working. This could mean teaching sessions in the evenings, at weekends and during the holidays. Even if you run retreats, these are likely to fall during peak times. This could mean you miss out on time spent with family and friends.

Irregular income

Running a yoga business may mean you don’t always have a regular income. You may have fewer students than usual or have issues with your venue that affects your teaching. Having an unreliable income can be problematic if you have bills and expenses to pay.

It can be physically exhausting

Although practising yoga every day can have physical benefits, it can also be physically exhausting. You will be engaging and stretching the same muscles over and over again and this can result in pains, strains, exhaustion or even injury.

It can be competitive

There are an increasing number of yoga businesses and yoga instructors in the UK. This can make it a very competitive industry and make it more difficult for you to make your business succeed.

It can take time to build your business

Many yoga instructors have to start small. It often takes a while to build your reputation and increase your client base. This could mean your profits are initially low.

Lack of job security

As you will not be in a contract with any of your clients, they can choose to stop working with you at any time. Many people hire a yoga instructor initially but then may begin practising alone once they have mastered the basics. This means you have no guarantees for future work and could find yourself losing clients and losing income.

Lack of benefits

Not only will you not have a guaranteed income, but you also won’t receive benefits such as holiday pay and sick pay and pension contributions. You will also be responsible for paying all of your taxes yourself.

It can be stressful

As the business owner, you will have the sole responsibility of trying to make your business succeed. You will have a lot of important responsibilities, such as ensuring health and safety, advertising and marketing, creating your class content, teaching your students and ensuring they are satisfied. This can be emotionally demanding, time-consuming and stressful.

Risk of your business failing

Starting up a yoga business can be risky. Many new businesses fail which could result in you losing money or getting into debt. Your business could fail for several reasons, such as high local competition, an ineffective business plan or if the UK encounters another recession or period of financial difficulty.

High liability

A yoga business has many potential risks that could result in liability issues for you and your business. This could include accidents or injuries and the higher risks associated with certain customers. Handling the risk of accidents and injuries can be stressful and any incidents that occur can damage your reputation and business.

Planning Your Yoga Business

If you are considering starting up a yoga business, an effective and well-designed business plan is essential.

A business plan can help you to focus on the specific steps that will help your business succeed and grow. It can also help you to plan your short-term and long-term business goals and create your financial forecasts.

When creating your business plan, ensure it contains information such as:

  • Your company information.
  • Your company description.
  • The services you will provide.
  • Your branding, marketing and advertising plan.
  • The structure of your business.
  • The operational plan for your business.
  • The financial plan for your business.

Some of the factors you need to consider when creating your yoga business plan include:

What type of yoga will you teach?

This will be one of the first considerations you will need to make when planning your yoga business. Consider your own yoga experience and your skills and knowledge, as these will be the most important factors. You should also consider which types of yoga are the most popular and which will bring you the most customers.

What type of yoga business will you run?

There are many different types of yoga businesses, such as online teaching, yoga retreats, yoga studios and workshops. Determine the type of business you want to run, and which is likely to be the most profitable. Consider the logistics of running each type of business and determine whether you have the necessary skills. For example, to run an online business, you will need to be social media and marketing savvy.

Where will you operate your business from?

Will you operate from a yoga studio or from an already established gym or fitness centre? Will you run your business from home or even abroad? There are many different ways you can run your business and determining what works best for you is key. You may even choose to initially run your business from one venue and then change as your business grows.

How will you attract potential clients?

Your marketing and advertising strategies will vary depending on the type of yoga business you set up. You could receive some clients through word-of-mouth recommendations, but you will also need an effective advertising plan. You could promote through social media and online, partner with other professionals in your industry, advertise in local fitness centres and give out leaflets and business cards.

What qualifications and training courses will you choose?

You will have several options available to you. Determine which qualifications will most benefit you and your business and which will be most attractive to your clients. You should also consider what health and safety training you will need.

What competition do you have?

Being aware of your competition is an important step to ensuring the success of your yoga business. Look at what other yoga instructors do well and areas you feel they could improve. You should consider yoga businesses in your area and look at the type of yoga they teach, how and where they run their business and their typical customer base. Consider how you can make your business stand out from your local competition.

What are your equipment requirements?

Consult the list above to determine your equipment requirements. The equipment you require will depend on the yoga you teach, the type of business you run and your location. Once you have determined your equipment requirements, you can then calculate the initial costs of purchasing the equipment and the costs of repairs and replacements.

What are your initial set-up costs and running costs?

You need to determine your approximate start-up costs and running costs to enable you to calculate your initial investment and what your monthly or annual running costs will be. Creating a budget is a key part of your business plan. It can also help you to determine whether you can finance the business yourself or whether you require outside investment. Consult the list above to help you calculate the approximate costs associated with setting up and running your business.

What will your price points be?

Once you have calculated your approximate costs, you can then determine your price points. You will need to decide whether to charge by the hour or operate a different pricing strategy. Your pricing will depend on multiple factors, such as your location, experience and the type of yoga business you run.

What are your sales forecasts?

You will need to determine how many students you can feasibly teach per day and week and what your weekly, monthly and annual sales forecasts will be. As your business grows, your sales forecast may change. Your sales forecast and pricing strategy can be used to calculate your profit forecast.

What are your business objectives?

Determining your business objectives is an essential component when creating your business plan. Your business objectives highlight the targets and goals of your yoga business and help you to create a one-year, three-year, and five-year business plan.

Your business objectives should be SMART:

  • S = Specific.
  • M = Measurable.
  • A = Achievable.
  • R = Realistic.
  • T = Time-bound.

Have you complied with all legal requirements?

Consult the list above and ensure you have complied with all legal requirements before opening your yoga business. Failure to comply with the legal requirements could negatively affect your business and your profits.

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Yoga Business Plan Essentials [With Studio Template & Samples]

Published by caroline @ wellness creative co on 12 february 2020 12 february 2020.

Preparing a yoga business plan might seem like a daunting process but it doesn’t have to be difficult. Whether you want to open your own studio or become a freelance teacher, a basic plan will maximise your chance of success. By covering the essentials outlined below, you can create an impressive business plan quickly and easily. 

In this article – we walk you through the 7 core sections of a professional yoga business plan, including examples, PDF templates, and a downloadable cheat sheet.

7 Elements of a Yoga Business Plan

Founding your very own yoga business can be an exciting yet overwhelming task. The best way to set yourself up for success is by having a solid plan from the start. This allows you to approach the venture in a strategic and step-by-step manner.

A professional yoga studio business plan will also help you to secure funding (if you need it). It’ll reassure lenders that your concept will be successful, making them more likely to lend you money. Having a well-prepared business plan is essential for accessing government grants for yoga studios or fitness equipment loans.

A good yoga business plan will include the following sections…

  • Executive summary
  • Market analysis
  • Overview of the company
  • Product and service summary
  • Sales strategy
  • Financial info
  • Implementation plan

Fitness Business Plan PDF Template

You can download our handy business planning cheat sheet as part of our Fitness Business Start-Up Kit … Now let’s explore what each of these should cover…

1. Executive Summary

Investors don’t want to wait until the end of a document to understand your business so get straight to the point. Why should they invest in your idea?

Include your purpose, key financial info, and unique selling points. While this section comes at the beginning of your plan, it’s usually easier to write at the end (once everything else is done).

2. Market Analysis

Are you tapping into a growth industry or is the market in decline? In this section, you’ll need to demonstrate the potential of your business and clearly identify the opportunity. 

Will there be a strong demand for your yoga classes, services, or products? Reference yoga industry statistics , broader wellness trends , and competitor info to build up a clear picture.

Wellness Industry Statistics

3. Company Overview

This is where you summarise how the company will operate. Include your business objectives, studio location, form of ownership, legal status, structure of the team, and plan for operations. If you’re starting a freelance yoga business, then this section will be shorter than a studio’s.

4. Products & Services

What are you going to sell? Many people find this the most fun part since it’s where you turn all your yoga business ideas into reality.  

Make a list of the products or services that you’re planning to offer, including the names, descriptions, and pricing. For example, this might be studio memberships, one-to-one sessions, teacher workshops, or merchandise.

Fitness Business Ideas Tile

You might also like… 35 Creative Yoga Business Names for New Start-Ups .

5. Sales Strategy

How are you going to attract customers to your business? This should cover all of the sales and marketing aspects of your yoga business.

Outline your branding ideas and include a marketing plan that explains how you’ll secure paying clients. This should include all of the yoga marketing activities you’ll do to launch successfully and keep the money coming in once you’re open.

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Fitness Marketing & Lead Generation Roadmap

Your All-in-One Toolkit to Attract, Engage & Convert More Clients

6. Financial Info

This section is the crux of a good yoga business plan – will you really make money? Plot out all of your figures on spreadsheets so that potential investors can see how you arrived at them. It’s also helpful to visualise some of the key info on charts and graphs.

Include a breakdown of all your yoga studio startup costs, plus cash flow, profit & loss, and breakeven figures. Project your figures 1 year, 3 years, and 5 years ahead so it’s clear what the long-term potential is. 

7. Implementation

This is where you explain how you’ll turn the plan into a reality. It should include a list of all the actions you’re going to take, along with deadlines ( Gannt charts are ideal here).

Why Business Planning Matters

If you’re still not convinced that you need a yoga business plan, then here’s the reality – it’s actually essential to your success. Without it, you won’t be able to secure funding or business loans so it’s worth taking the time to prepare one.

It’s not just about having the piece of paper to show people – it’s about the process of creating it. Planning forces you to conduct research and weigh up whether your idea is really viable. This can save you a lot of time, money, and heartache in the long term, as well as setting you up for success in the future.

“Business plans double your chance of success.”

There’s compelling research showing that founders who create a business plan are almost twice as likely to grow their business or secure capital successfully. It’s fundamental to ensuring that your yoga business becomes profitable as quickly as possible.

Yoga Business Plan PDF Downloads

If you’d like a yoga business plan template to follow, then here are a few PDFs that can help. Some are more general fitness studio examples since many yoga studios also offer other types of classes. They will give you plenty of useful ideas for developing your very own plan.

  • Ibis World produced this thorough 60-page sample, which is a great source of financial projections.
  • The Yoga Lunch Box  offers a comprehensive yet easy-to-read yoga business template.
  • Launceston City Council created this all-singing and dancing health club business plan.
  • Fitness Texter has a nice little guide that includes helpful questions to ask yourself.
  • Dragon Fitness Training provides an interesting plan for one-to-one instructing or training services.
  • Catalyst Fitness created this business plan with detailed risk assessment.

Creating a yoga business plan is totally worth the extra time and effort. It’ll be the blueprint for your business for the next 3-5 years, as well as helping to secure bank loans or investor funding. Putting some thought into exactly how you’ll promote your services and manage cash flow, will ensure you’re prepared for life as a yoga business owner.

Business Planning Download

business plan template PDF

We’ve found that the best way to approach business planning is to work on it in small chunks . Trying to get the whole document done in one go is the quickest route to overwhelm. Instead, we recommend working on just one section each day. This will enable you to complete the whole thing within a week, without stressing out.

To simplify the process, we created a  cheat sheet for preparing your yoga business plan. It walks you through 7 simple sections that’ll result in a killer document, without the stress. You can download it as part of our Fitness Business Start-Up Kit …

Yoga Studio Business Plan

Caroline @ Wellness Creative Co

Qualified personal trainer (BSc Sports Science) & nutritionist (MSc Human Nutrition) with 15+ years of fitness & wellness marketing experience working with global brands.

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How to Start a Yoga Business — Dropship Yoga Mats

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How to Start a Yoga Mat Drop Shipping Business

Home » Business ideas » Fitness and Wellness » Yoga Studio

Do you want to start a yoga mat sales business? If YES, here is a guide on how to start a yoga mat drop shipping business with no money or experience. Yoga mats are specially fabricated mats used to prevent hands and feet slipping during asana practice.

Yoga mats are available in many colors and patterns. “Alignment mats” are printed with guides to proper alignment, helping the yogi to place his or her feet the right distance apart and accurately in line with each other. Some companies print custom images on mats, especially the more expensive ones.

Basically, with the yoga mat drop shipping and sales, you don’t have to purchase a product except you have already made the sale and have been paid by the customer. Even if you don’t have a major up-front inventory investment, it’s possible to start a successful yoga mat drop shipping and sales business with very minimal startup capital.

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20 Steps to Starting a Yoga Mat Drop Shipping and Sales Business

1. understand the industry.

The ecommerce industry that yoga mat drop shipping and sales business is a part of is indeed a very large industry that can boast of creating business opportunities for loads of entrepreneurs all across the globe and generating multiple billion dollars annually. The industry generates well over $1 trillion annually on a global scale. For example, in 2012, ecommerce sales topped $1 trillion for the first time in history and the figure is still growing.

A recent report published by IBISWorld estimates that industry revenue has grown at an average annual rate of 6.6 percent to $93.8 billion over the five years to 2010. Despite revenue contracting in 2009 in response to the recession, the industry has performed solidly over the past five years, outperforming some other retail industries.

As the economy recovers and consumer sentiment and employment rise, revenue will increase. In 2010 alone, revenue is expected to rebound by 7.8 percent.

Demand for online sales is expected to grow at a faster rate compared with the rest of the economy, in part because recently frugal consumers will be more likely to look for deals online rather than spend their money in department stores or other retail outlets. Because online retailers do not have many of the property-related expenses that brick and mortar retailers have, they are able to sell products at lower prices, which will attract price-conscious shoppers.

The development of secure online payment methods such as PayPal has been instrumental to the industry’s success. Such payment methods are designed to make it easy for consumers to make credit card transactions or electronic fund transfers online, without revealing too much financial information.

Drop shipping Business model just like Amazon FBA, is a retail fulfillment method where a store does not necessarily keep the products it sells in a warehouse or a store of some sort. Instead, when a drop – shipping company sells a product, it purchases the item from a third party and has it shipped directly to the customer. Hence, the merchant never get to sees or handle the product in question.

One obvious difference between the drop – shipping ecommerce business model and the standard retail business model is that the drop shipping company doesn’t stock or own inventory. Instead, the company purchases products / stocks as needed from a third party – usually a wholesaler or manufacturer of the products so as to fulfill orders placed by customers.

It is important to mention that there are loads of advantages in starting a yoga mat drop shipping business hence the increase in the number of players in this line of business. Some of the advantages of starting this business are low overhead, flexibility in choosing a location for the business and a wide selection of products from different manufacturing brands or wholesale distributors.

So also, if you start a yoga mat drop shipping and sales company, then you will not have to crack you brain on how to source for money to lease or manage a warehouse, how to package and ship orders from customers, keeping track on inventory for accounting reasons, handling returns and inbound shipments and frequently ordering products and managing stock level.

The yoga mat drop shipping and sales business will continue to blossom because people will not relent in purchasing products from online stores. Despite the fact that the industry seems over – saturated, there is still room big enough to accommodate aspiring entrepreneurs who intend opening their own company.

Some of the factors that encourage entrepreneurs to start their own yoga mat drop shipping and sales company could be that the business is thriving and easy to setup and manage with minimal startup capital.

2. Conduct Market Research and Feasibility Studies

  • Demographics and Psychographics

The demographic and psychographic composition of those who purchase yoga mats from online stores via third party providers cut across all genders above 18 years with the financial means, hence the demographic composition of a yoga mat drop shipping and sales company is all encompassing.

In essence, your target market can’t be restricted to just a group of people or business, but all those who have access to the internet, and has purchasing power.  

3. Decide Which Niche to Concentrate On

Yoga mat drop shipping and sales business is a niche idea in the ecommerce and drop shipping industry.

The Level of Competition in the Industry

The competition that exists in the yoga mat drop shipping and sales business goes beyond competitions amongst yoga mat drop shipping companies and other online stores in your city or country that retail yoga mats. This is so because the world-wide web is a great platform for any entrepreneur to launch a business and still make headway no matter the part of the world they live in.

So, it will be right to say the competition in the yoga mat drop shipping and sales business is tough. The truth is that, no matter the level of competition in an industry, if you have done your due diligence and you brand and promote your products or business properly, you will always make headway in the industry.

4. Know Your Major Competitors in the Industry

In every industry, there are always brands who perform better or are better regarded by customers and general public than others. Some of these brands are those that have been in the industry for a long time, while others are best known for their excellent services and products.

These are some of the leading yoga mat drop shipping brands in the united states of America and in the globe;

  • Sunrise Wholesale Merchandise Dropshipper
  • Safety Technology
  • Rainbow Card Company
  • Choice Promotional ProductsSunrise Glamour LLC
  • Kole Imports Drop Shipping

Economic Analysis

Yoga mat drop shipping and sales business is quickly becoming competitive, as a matter of fact, you will come across several stores on the internet retailing same products (yoga mats) and offering same services like you do. So, if you are mapping out your economic analysis, you should also carry out thorough market survey.

If you are considering starting a yoga mat drop shipping and sales business, then your concern should not be limited to the cost of building and maintaining your website, but also on branding and on how to build a robust third – party retailers and clientele base. The truth is that if you are able to build a robust retailer and clientele base and far reaching distribution network, you are sure going to maximize profits in your business.

5. Decide Whether to Buy a Franchise or Start from Scratch

If you are looking towards starting a yoga mat drop shipping and sales company, you would have to start from the very scratch because you can hardly get a franchise of a drop shipping company to buy. Besides starting a yoga mat drop shipping and sales company from the scratch is less stressful when compared to other small – scale businesses which usually requires detailed groundwork before launching the business.

With yoga mat drop shipping and sales company, you should just try as much as possible to build a user friendly e-commerce store, build business relationship with retailers of yoga mats and then leverage on every marketing tool within your disposal especially the internet to market your company.

Please note that most of the successful yoga mat drop shipping and sales companies around started from the scratch and they were able to build a solid business brand. It takes dedication, hard work and determination to achieve business success.

6. Know the Possible Threats and Challenges You Will Face

If you decide to start your own yoga mat drop shipping and sales company today, one of the major challenges you are likely going to face is the presence of well – established drop shipping companies and online stores on the cyber space that also retail same products (yoga mats) and offer same services as you do.

The only way to avoid this challenge is to create your own market. Some other challenges and threats that you are likely going to face are economic downturn and unfavorable government policies .

7. Choose the Most Suitable Legal Entity (LLC, C Corp, S Corp)

Generally, you have the options of either choosing a general partnership, Limited Liability Company which is commonly called an LLC, or a sole proprietorship. Ordinarily, sole proprietorship should have been the ideal business structure for a small – scale yoga mat drop shipping and sales company especially if you are just starting out with moderate capital and covering just a city.

But if your intention is to grow the business and sell your products (yoga mats) to customers all across the United States of America and other countries of the world, then choosing sole proprietor is not an option for you. Limited Liability Company, LLC or even general partnership will cut it for you.

These are some of the factors you should consider before choosing a legal entity for your yoga mat drop shipping and sales company; limitation of personal liability, ease of transferability, admission of new owners and investors’ expectation and of course taxes.

If you take your time to study the various legal entities to use for your yoga mat drop shipping and sales company with the ability to sell your products (yoga mats) to customers all across the United States of America, you will agree that limited liability company; an LLC is most suitable.

You can start this type of business as limited liability company (LLC) and in future convert it to a ‘C’ corporation or an ‘S’ corporation especially when you have the plans of going public.

Upgrading to a ‘C’ corporation or ‘S’ corporation will give you the opportunity to grow your yoga mat drop shipping and sales company so as to compete with major players in the industry; you will be able to generate capital from venture capital firms, you will enjoy separate tax structure, and you can easily transfer ownership of the company.

8. Choose a Catchy Business Name

When it comes to choosing a name for your business, you should be creative because whatever name you choose for your business will go a long way to create a perception of what the business represents. If you are considering starting your own yoga mat drop shipping and sales company, here are some catchy names that you can choose from;

  • Golden Bird® Drop – Shipping Company
  • Eagles Wing™ Drop Shipping Company, LLC
  • Prince Felix® Drop Shipping Company, Inc.
  • Blue Bird® Yoga Mat Drop Shipping and Sales Company
  • Ariel® Yoga Mat Drop Shipping and Sales Company, Inc.
  • Pop® Yoga Mat Drop Shipping and Sales Company, Inc.
  • Park ‘n’ Sale® Yoga Mat Drop Shipping and Sales, Inc.
  • Cite® Yoga Mat Drop Shipping and Sales Company, LLC
  • Blue Rays® Yoga Mat Drop Shipping and Sales Company, Inc.
  • Tammy Morgan™ e – Commerce Group

9. Discuss with an Agent to Know the Best Insurance Policies for You

In the United States and in most countries of the world, you can’t operate a business without having some of the basic insurance policy covers that are required by the industry you want to operate from. So, it is important to create a budget for insurance and perhaps consult an insurance broker to guide you in choosing the best and most appropriate insurance policies for your yoga mat drop shipping and sales company.

Here are some of the basic insurance cover that you should consider purchasing if you want to start your own yoga mat drop shipping and sales company in the United States of America;

  • General insurance
  • Health insurance
  • Liability insurance
  • Credit insurance
  • Motor Vehicle Insurance (For Delivery Vans)
  • Deposit insurance
  • Workers Compensation
  • Overhead expense disability insurance
  • Business owner’s policy group insurance
  • Payment protection insurance

10. Protect your Intellectual Property With Trademark, Copyrights, Patents

If you are considering starting your own yoga mat drop shipping and sales company, usually you may not have any need to file for intellectual property protection/trademark because the nature of the business makes it possible for you to successfully run it without having any cause to challenge anybody in court for illegally making use of your company’s intellectual properties.

But if you just want to protect your company’s logo and other documents or software that are unique to you or even jingles and media production concepts, then you can go ahead to file for intellectual property protection. If you want to register your trademark, you are expected to begin the process by filing an application with the USPTO.

11. Get the Necessary Professional Certification

When it comes to operating a yoga mat drop shipping and sales company, you do not need to have any formal training or special certification. All you need is informal training that will expose you to the in and out of drop shipping and e-commerce business processes.

On the other hand, you come across any form of certification that can aid you to conduct your yoga mat drop shipping and sales business pretty well, then try and pursue such certification.

12. Get the Necessary Legal Documents You Need to Operate

These are some of the basic legal documents that you are expected to have in place if you want to legally run your own yoga mat drop shipping and sales company in the United States of America;

  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Business License
  • Tax Payer’s ID / Tax Identification Number
  • Business Plan
  • Non-disclosure Agreement
  • Employee Handbook
  • Employment Agreement (offer letters)
  • Operating Agreement for LLCs
  • Insurance Policy
  • Online Terms of Use (since you operate online)
  • Online Privacy Policy Document (basically for online payment portal)
  • Company Bylaws
  • Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
  • Contract Document
  • Franchise or Trademark License (optional)

13. Raise the Needed Startup Capital

Starting a yoga mat drop shipping and sales company can be cost effective especially if you choose to start on a small scale, but if you choose to start the business on a large scale, then you need to source for fund to finance the business.

No doubt when it comes to financing a business, one of the first things and perhaps the major factors that you should consider is to write a good business plan. If you have a good and workable business plan document in place, you may not have to labor yourself before convincing your bank, investors and your friends to invest in your business.

Here are some of the options you can explore when sourcing for startup capital for your yoga mat drop shipping and sales company;

  • Raising money from personal savings and sale of personal stocks and properties
  • Raising money from investors and business partners
  • Sell shares to interested investors
  • Applying for Loan from your Bank
  • Pitching your business idea and applying for business grants and seed funding from donor organizations and angel investors
  • Source for soft loans from your family members and your friends.

14. Choose a Suitable Location for your Business

When it comes to a yoga mat drop shipping business, you can afford to start it from any part of the world without any problems since you will have nothing to do with the goods or their shipping.

15. Hire Employees for your Technical and Manpower Needs

There are no special technology or equipment needed to run this type of business except for an e-commerce store/website, customized logistics, inventory-management software and other relevant software applications. So also, you will need computers/laptops, internet facility, telephone, fax machine and office furniture (chairs, tables, and shelves) amongst others and all these can be gotten as fairly used.

When it comes to hiring employees for a standard yoga mat drop shipping and sales company, you should make plans to hire a competent Chief Executive Officer (you can occupy this role), Admin and Human Resources Manager, etc. On the average, you will need a minimum of 5 to 10 key staff member to run a medium – scale but standard drop shipping company.

The Services Delivery Process of the Business

When it comes to retailing products from an e-commerce store, there are no hard and fast rules about it. You have to make promotions to ensure that people know about the goods you are selling. Do all you can to attract their interest. Usually, drop shipping companies will go all the way to make available a wide range of goods and products from top manufacturing brands in the United States and other countries of the world to their customers.

When a yoga mat drop shipping and sales company sells a product (yoga mat), it purchases the item from a third party and has it shipped directly to the customer. Hence, the merchant never gets to see or handle the product in question.  

16. Write a Marketing Plan Packed with ideas & Strategies

Generally, running a business requires that you should be proactive when it comes to marketing your goods or services. If you choose to launch a yoga mat drop shipping and sales company, then you must employ strategies that will help you attract customers or else you will likely struggle with the business because there are well – known brands determining the market direction for e-commerce industry.

People and organizations will purchase yoga mats from you if they know that they are going to get cheaper and delivered to them as at when due. Your marketing strategy should center on reliability, swiftness, safety, pricing, secured payment platform, and above all excellent customer service.

You should ensure that whenever your customers order yoga mats, they should get it delivered within the stipulated time frame. The truth is that if you are able to put the above stated in place, you won’t struggle to retain our old customers and at the same time win over new customers.

Here are some of the platforms you can utilize to market your drop shipping business;

  • Create different packages for different category of clients in order to work with their budgets and still meet their demands
  • Leverage on the internet to promote your business (when you blog regularly on key issues as it relates to your business, people who consider you an expert in the field

17. Work Out a Reasonable Pricing for your Services & Products

One strategy that will help you retail the products listed on your e – commerce store at the right price is to ensure that you cut operational cost to the barest minimum, channel your efforts towards marketing and promoting your brand name. Aside from the fact that this strategy will help you save cost, it will also help you get the right pricing for your products.

18. Develop Iron-clad Competitive Strategies to Help You Win

The availability of a wide range of yoga mats on your e – commerce store, your business process and of course your pricing model are part of what you need to stay competitive in the industry. If you are into yoga mat drop shipping and sales business, then it is advisable that you create a user’ friendly store that clearly shows the various types of yoga mats you retail and their prices.

Another possible competitive strategy for winning your competitors in this particular industry is to build a robust clientele base and third – party retailer base.

19. Brainstorm Possible Ways to Retain Clients & Customers

When it comes to business, no matter the industry that you choose to pitch your tent in, one of the easiest ways to increase customers’ retention and perhaps to attract new customers is to produce results and satisfy your customers always. If your customers are satisfied with your products and services delivery/shipping, they can hardly source for alternative service providers or products.

Statistics has it that one of the major reasons why clients source for alternative service providers or product is when there is a drop in quality. Another reason is poor customer service. If you can continue to retail a wide range of yoga mats from different manufacturing companies, and your shipping and customer service delivery is top notch, then you won’t struggle to maintain loyal customers.

Part of what you need to do to achieve this is to track progress, results or outputs with the aim of improving on them quickly as the case demands. When it comes to managing your customers, and building a loyal clientele base, you should purchase a customized CRM software.

With a customized CRM system, you can easily stay in touch with your clients (you can carry out quick surveys, you can introduce new products and prices to them without any hitch, you can felicitate with them on their birthdays and other anniversaries, you can keep track of their progress, you can send bulk sms and customized e – mails and above all, you can easily receive compliant and feedback from them).

20. Develop Strategies to Boost Brand Awareness and Create a Corporate Identity

If you are in business and you are not deliberate about boosting you brand awareness and communicating your corporate identity, then you should be ready to take on whatever the society portrays your business to be. One of the secrets of larger corporations is that they are willing to spend fortunes to boost their brand awareness and to continue to communicate their corporate identity the way they want people to perceive them to be.

If your intentions of starting a yoga mat drop shipping and sales company is to grow the business beyond the city where you are going to be operating from to become a national and international brand, then you must be ready to spend money on promotion and advertisement of your brand.

Here are the platforms you can leverage on to boost your brand awareness and create corporate identity for your yoga mat drop shipping and sales company;

  • Sponsor relevant community – based events/programs
  • Leverage on the internet and social media platforms like; Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google + et al to promote your products
  • List your drop shipping company in local directories/yellow pages
  • Advertise your drop shipping company in your official website and employ strategies that will help you pull traffic to the site.

Yoga Mats Marketing Plan Template

  • Great for beginners
  • Ready-to-use, fully customizable Subcategory
  • Get started in seconds

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In the competitive world of fitness and wellness, marketing your yoga mats is essential to stand out from the crowd. That's where ClickUp's Yoga Mats Marketing Plan Template comes in handy!

With this template, you can create a comprehensive marketing strategy that highlights the unique benefits of your mats, showcases their quality and durability, and engages your target audience effectively. Here's how ClickUp can help you:

  • Develop a compelling brand story and message that resonates with yoga enthusiasts
  • Identify and target your ideal customers through precise audience segmentation
  • Implement a variety of marketing channels, such as social media, influencer partnerships, and email campaigns, to drive sales and increase brand awareness

Don't settle for generic marketing plans. Use ClickUp's Yoga Mats Marketing Plan Template to take your yoga mat business to new heights!

Benefits of Yoga Mats Marketing Plan Template

When it comes to marketing yoga mats, having a solid plan in place is crucial. With the Yoga Mats Marketing Plan Template, you can:

  • Clearly define your target audience and understand their needs and preferences.
  • Develop a compelling brand message that highlights the benefits of yoga practice and the unique features of your mats.
  • Create a comprehensive marketing strategy that includes social media campaigns, influencer partnerships, and targeted advertisements.
  • Track and analyze the success of your marketing efforts to make data-driven decisions and optimize your campaigns for maximum results.

Main Elements of Yoga Mats Marketing Plan Template

A successful marketing plan is crucial for promoting your yoga mats effectively. ClickUp’s Yoga Mats Marketing Plan template includes:

  • Custom Statuses: Track the progress of your marketing tasks with statuses like Cancelled, Complete, In Progress, Needs Input, Planned, and To Do.
  • Custom Fields: Use 6 custom fields such as Quarter, Task Type, Impact, Progress, Percent Completion, and Effort to keep detailed information about each task and measure its impact on your marketing plan.
  • Custom Views: Access 5 different views to get a comprehensive overview of your marketing plan, including the Key Results view to track important metrics, the Timeline view to visualize your tasks over time, the Getting Started Guide view to help you kickstart your marketing efforts, the Objectives view to set and monitor your marketing objectives, and the Progress Board view to track the progress of each task in your plan.

How to Use Marketing Plan for Yoga Mats

If you're looking to promote your yoga mats business, using a well-crafted marketing plan is key. Follow these six steps to effectively utilize the Yoga Mats Marketing Plan Template in ClickUp:

1. Define your target audience

Begin by clearly identifying your target audience. Are you targeting yoga enthusiasts, beginners, or a specific demographic? Understanding who your ideal customers are will help you tailor your marketing efforts to reach them effectively.

Use the custom fields feature in ClickUp to create categories for different target audience segments and assign specific marketing strategies to each.

2. Research your competition

Conduct thorough research on your competitors to identify their strengths and weaknesses. This will help you differentiate your yoga mats from others in the market and develop unique selling points.

Utilize the Goals feature in ClickUp to set goals for competitive analysis and track your progress in comparison to your competitors.

3. Craft your brand message

Develop a compelling brand message that resonates with your target audience. Highlight the unique features and benefits of your yoga mats, emphasizing how they can enhance the yoga experience.

Create a Doc in ClickUp to brainstorm and refine your brand message, ensuring consistency across all marketing channels.

4. Choose marketing channels

Select the most effective marketing channels to reach your target audience. Consider using a combination of social media platforms, influencer partnerships, email marketing, and content creation to maximize your reach.

Use the Board view in ClickUp to create a visual representation of your marketing channels, with each channel assigned to a specific team member responsible for its execution.

5. Set goals and track progress

Establish measurable goals for your marketing efforts, such as increasing website traffic, generating leads, or boosting sales. Regularly track your progress using analytics tools and adjust your strategies accordingly.

Utilize the Dashboards feature in ClickUp to create visual reports that display key performance indicators and track progress towards your marketing goals.

6. Evaluate and optimize

Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing strategies and make necessary adjustments. Analyze data, gather customer feedback, and stay updated on industry trends to optimize your marketing plan and drive better results.

Set up recurring tasks in ClickUp to review and evaluate your marketing plan regularly, ensuring that it remains relevant and aligned with your business objectives.

By following these steps and utilizing the Yoga Mats Marketing Plan Template in ClickUp, you'll be well-equipped to promote your yoga mats business effectively and reach your target audience with confidence.

add new template customization

Get Started with ClickUp’s Yoga Mats Marketing Plan Template

Fitness and wellness companies or individuals who sell yoga mats can use the Yoga Mats Marketing Plan Template to create a comprehensive marketing strategy that highlights the benefits of yoga practice and promotes their high-quality mats.

First, hit “Add Template” to sign up for ClickUp and add the template to your Workspace. Make sure you designate which Space or location in your Workspace you’d like this template applied.

Next, invite relevant members or guests to your Workspace to start collaborating.

Now you can take advantage of the full potential of this template to create an effective marketing plan:

  • Use the Key Results View to set measurable goals and track the success of your marketing efforts
  • The Timeline View will help you create a visual timeline for your marketing activities and ensure everything is on schedule
  • The Getting Started Guide View provides a step-by-step guide to help you kickstart your marketing plan
  • The Objectives View allows you to define clear objectives and align your marketing strategies with your overall business goals
  • The Progress Board View helps you monitor the progress of each marketing task and ensure everything is in order
  • Organize tasks into six different statuses: Cancelled, Complete, In Progress, Needs Input, Planned, To Do, to keep track of progress
  • Update statuses as you work through your marketing plan to keep team members informed of progress
  • Monitor and analyze tasks to ensure maximum productivity and effectiveness in your marketing efforts.

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  • Theatre Production Marketing Plan Template
  • Rehabilitation Center Marketing Plan Template
  • Tuition Centre Marketing Plan Template
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Yoga Mat Business Plan Template & Guidebook

If you're interested in starting a yoga mat business, you need a comprehensive and up-to-date business plan. The #1 Yoga Mat Business Plan Template & Guidebook provides key information and resources to help you get your business up and running, from developing a detailed market analysis and target customer profile to creating a sales and marketing strategy. With this all-in-one guide, you will have the structure you need to create an effective plan for success.

yoga mat business plan

Get worry-free services and support to launch your business starting at $0 plus state fees.

  • How to Start a Profitable Yoga Mat Business [11 Steps]

How to Write a Yoga Mat Business Plan in 7 Steps:

1. describe the purpose of your yoga mat business..

The first step to writing your business plan is to describe the purpose of your yoga mat business. This includes describing why you are starting this type of business, and what problems it will solve for customers. This is a quick way to get your mind thinking about the customers’ problems. It also helps you identify what makes your business different from others in its industry.

It also helps to include a vision statement so that readers can understand what type of company you want to build.

Here is an example of a purpose mission statement for a yoga mat business:

Our mission is to create the highest quality and sustainably manufactured yoga mats in order to make yoga and health accessible to everyone. We strive to empower yoga practitioners of all ages, styles and levels with a mat that will help them reach their goals with confidence and comfort.

Image of Zenbusiness business formation

2. Products & Services Offered by Your Yoga Mat Business.

The next step is to outline your products and services for your yoga mat business. 

When you think about the products and services that you offer, it's helpful to ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is my business?
  • What are the products and/or services that I offer?
  • Why am I offering these particular products and/or services?
  • How do I differentiate myself from competitors with similar offerings?
  • How will I market my products and services?

You may want to do a comparison of your business plan against those of other competitors in the area, or even with online reviews. This way, you can find out what people like about them and what they don’t like, so that you can either improve upon their offerings or avoid doing so altogether.

Image of Zenbusiness business formation

3. Build a Creative Marketing Stratgey.

If you don't have a marketing plan for your yoga mat business, it's time to write one. Your marketing plan should be part of your business plan and be a roadmap to your goals. 

A good marketing plan for your yoga mat business includes the following elements:

Target market

  • Who is your target market?
  • What do these customers have in common?
  • How many of them are there?
  • How can you best reach them with your message or product?

Customer base 

  • Who are your current customers? 
  • Where did they come from (i.e., referrals)?
  • How can their experience with your yoga mat business help make them repeat customers, consumers, visitors, subscribers, or advocates for other people in their network or industry who might also benefit from using this service, product, or brand?

Product or service description

  • How does it work, what features does it have, and what are its benefits?
  • Can anyone use this product or service regardless of age or gender?
  • Can anyone visually see themselves using this product or service?
  • How will they feel when they do so? If so, how long will the feeling last after purchasing (or trying) the product/service for the first time?

Competitive analysis

  • Which companies are competing with yours today (and why)? 
  • Which ones may enter into competition with yours tomorrow if they find out about it now through word-of-mouth advertising; social media networks; friends' recommendations; etc.)
  • What specific advantages does each competitor offer over yours currently?

Marketing channels

  • Which marketing channel do you intend to leverage to attract new customers?
  • What is your estimated marketing budget needed?
  • What is the projected cost to acquire a new customer?
  • How many of your customers do you instead will return?

Form an LLC in your state!

yoga mat business plan

4. Write Your Operational Plan.

Next, you'll need to build your operational plan. This section describes the type of business you'll be running, and includes the steps involved in your operations. 

In it, you should list:

  • The equipment and facilities needed
  • Who will be involved in the business (employees, contractors)
  • Financial requirements for each step
  • Milestones & KPIs
  • Location of your business
  • Zoning & permits required for the business

What equipment, supplies, or permits are needed to run a yoga mat business?

  • Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, straps, and bolsters
  • Business license
  • Advertising materials
  • Point-of-sale materials such as a cash register and credit card machine

5. Management & Organization of Your Yoga Mat Business.

The second part of your yoga mat business plan is to develop a management and organization section.

This section will cover all of the following:

  • How many employees you need in order to run your yoga mat business. This should include the roles they will play (for example, one person may be responsible for managing administrative duties while another might be in charge of customer service).
  • The structure of your management team. The higher-ups like yourself should be able to delegate tasks through lower-level managers who are directly responsible for their given department (inventory and sales, etc.).
  • How you’re going to make sure that everyone on board is doing their job well. You’ll want check-ins with employees regularly so they have time to ask questions or voice concerns if needed; this also gives you time to offer support where necessary while staying informed on how things are going within individual departments too!

6. Yoga Mat Business Startup Expenses & Captial Needed.

This section should be broken down by month and year. If you are still in the planning stage of your business, it may be helpful to estimate how much money will be needed each month until you reach profitability.

Typically, expenses for your business can be broken into a few basic categories:

Startup Costs

Startup costs are typically the first expenses you will incur when beginning an enterprise. These include legal fees, accounting expenses, and other costs associated with getting your business off the ground. The amount of money needed to start a yoga mat business varies based on many different variables, but below are a few different types of startup costs for a yoga mat business.

Running & Operating Costs

Running costs refer to ongoing expenses related directly with operating your business over time like electricity bills or salaries paid out each month. These types of expenses will vary greatly depending on multiple variables such as location, team size, utility costs, etc.

Marketing & Sales Expenses

You should include any costs associated with marketing and sales, such as advertising and promotions, website design or maintenance. Also, consider any additional expenses that may be incurred if you decide to launch a new product or service line. For example, if your yoga mat business has an existing website that needs an upgrade in order to sell more products or services, then this should be listed here.

7. Financial Plan & Projections

A financial plan is an important part of any business plan, as it outlines how the business will generate revenue and profit, and how it will use that profit to grow and sustain itself. To devise a financial plan for your yoga mat business, you will need to consider a number of factors, including your start-up costs, operating costs, projected revenue, and expenses. 

Here are some steps you can follow to devise a financial plan for your yoga mat business plan:

  • Determine your start-up costs: This will include the cost of purchasing or leasing the space where you will operate your business, as well as the cost of buying or leasing any equipment or supplies that you need to start the business.
  • Estimate your operating costs: Operating costs will include utilities, such as electricity, gas, and water, as well as labor costs for employees, if any, and the cost of purchasing any materials or supplies that you will need to run your business.
  • Project your revenue: To project your revenue, you will need to consider the number of customers you expect to have and the average amount they will spend on each visit. You can use this information to estimate how much money you will make from selling your products or services.
  • Estimate your expenses: In addition to your operating costs, you will need to consider other expenses, such as insurance, marketing, and maintenance. You will also need to set aside money for taxes and other fees.
  • Create a budget: Once you have estimated your start-up costs, operating costs, revenue, and expenses, you can use this information to create a budget for your business. This will help you to see how much money you will need to start the business, and how much profit you can expect to make.
  • Develop a plan for using your profit: Finally, you will need to decide how you will use your profit to grow and sustain your business. This might include investing in new equipment, expanding the business, or saving for a rainy day.

yoga mat business plan

Frequently Asked Questions About Yoga Mat Business Plans:

Why do you need a business plan for a yoga mat business.

A business plan is essential for a yoga mat business because it outlines the market opportunity, business strategies, and financial strategies to help the business achieve success. It enables the company to create a roadmap for their future activities, set goals and objectives, and helps them secure funding from lenders or investors. Additionally, it can help identify potential problems early on and provide solutions.

Who should you ask for help with your yoga mat business plan?

You should ask for help from a business consultant or mentor who has experience in the area of starting a small business, including creating a business plan. You may also be able to find resources and advice from other yoga business owners and entrepreneurs. Additionally, organizations such as SCORE provide free mentoring and workshops to help small business owners develop their plans.

Can you write a yoga mat business plan yourself?

Writing a business plan for a yoga mat business can be a complex process, but it is possible to do it on your own. To get started, research the competitive landscape for yoga mats and identify potential customers and the prices that similarly-situated businesses are offering. Then develop a marketing plan to attract and retain those customers, including strategies such as advertising, word-of-mouth promotions, contests and promotions, and social media campaigns. Finally develop financial projections and fundraising plans to ensure that your business has the resources necessary to be successful.

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We're newfoundr.com, dedicated to helping aspiring entrepreneurs succeed. As a small business owner with over five years of experience, I have garnered valuable knowledge and insights across a diverse range of industries. My passion for entrepreneurship drives me to share my expertise with aspiring entrepreneurs, empowering them to turn their business dreams into reality.

Through meticulous research and firsthand experience, I uncover the essential steps, software, tools, and costs associated with launching and maintaining a successful business. By demystifying the complexities of entrepreneurship, I provide the guidance and support needed for others to embark on their journey with confidence.

From assessing market viability and formulating business plans to selecting the right technology and navigating the financial landscape, I am dedicated to helping fellow entrepreneurs overcome challenges and unlock their full potential. As a steadfast advocate for small business success, my mission is to pave the way for a new generation of innovative and driven entrepreneurs who are ready to make their mark on the world.

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Free photography and business insights

Sell yoga products online

yoga stretch

Why sell yoga products?

Americans spend $16.8 billion on yoga classes and accessories each year. That’s $6.1 billion more than in 2012!* As the market continues to grow, each year there is a brand new batch of yoga enthusiasts who are hungry for products that can help them pursue their passion. This has provided an exciting opportunity for online entrepreneurs. Even if you’ve never practised yoga, you can easily ship products such apparel, blocks, straps, mats, and other accessories to a global market. To get a business up and running quickly, the key is to use a dropshipper . If you want to sell apparel, you can design your own unique clothing using print-on-demand services such as Printful . Once you’ve designed or selected products, it’s time to build an online store and attract a loyal following.

How to find yoga products

The first step is to find yoga products to sell. AliExpress has a wide assortment of yoga accessories that are ready to ship immediately and dropshipping apps make it easy to import products into your Shopify store. You can curate a product line, import the items from the app, and start selling all in the same day.

Ideally, you should focus on selling yoga products with a high order volume and a high number of reviews to help ensure your products will be a hit. You should also consider selecting products that offer ePacket shipping , to ensure affordable and quick delivery to customers.

How to create a community

Yogis are passionate and community-oriented, so it’s essential that yoga brands tap into the power of that community. Many brands have increased their social media following through content curation, which is a scalable and low cost way to find high quality content. Content curation is when you find someone else’s content (a blog post, a meme, an inspirational quote etc.), and share it on your own social account, with credit to the original author.

If you have the time, you can also create your own content. Writing weekly blog posts and sharing them with your followers can help entertain and inform readers while also driving traffic back to your website. By sharing these posts in active yoga forums or Facebook groups, you can maximize their reach and attract a new audience. You can also create unique graphics that inspire (quotes), entertain (memes) or educate (infographics) for your social accounts. The combination of unique content and content curation can be a powerful strategy to grow your following.

yoga mat unrolled

Business model

Dropshipping using a service like AliExpress is a low-risk option because you don't need to order an item until a customer has ordered from you. Once you do get an order, your AliExpress supplier will fulfill it on your behalf so that you never need to touch the inventory. Many dropshipping apps will automate a lot of this process for you, automatically inputting your customer's address and even processing the payment.

How to find customers

As you build up a loyal audience, you should occasionally promote products in your social feeds and blog posts. Be sure to add links for the product pages to maximize the chances of your readers turning into buyers. Many online yoga stores have grown their sales via Facebook ads and retargeting their audience with Facebook’s pixel . This will allow you to remarket to people who have read your blog or browsed your store, but didn’t make a purchase. You may also want to consider collaborating with Instagram influencers , as this marketing channel has proved to be successful for a number of other new yoga brands.

Dropshipping tips

If you decide to dropship through AliExpress, here are a few tips to set yourself up for success.

Start your own yoga business

Download our free image set and start your own yoga business today! Whether you want to sell mats, blocks, lessons or apparel, these photos are free for you to use.

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Yoga Mat Manufacturing Project Report Download PDF (1)

Yoga Mat Project Report

₹ 500


You can download the yoga mat manufacturing project report immediately by paying a nominal fee. 

When yoga was first brought to the West, making Yoga mats arose. Many people used cotton towels or cotton mats on hardwood floors at first. Angela Farmer, who was teaching yoga in Germany, utilised carpet underlay cut to teach yoga in 1982. Angela’s father, Richard Farmer, contacted the German padding maker and became the first reseller of “sticky mats” when she returned to England. Hugger Mugger Yoga Products produced and distributed the first purpose-built Yoga mat in the 1990s. These began by importing Richard Farmer’s mats, but after seeing that they began to disintegrate with usage, they produced their own more durable version.

The thickness, surface texture, composition, stickiness or grip, weight, and price of Yoga mats varies. The Yoga mat’s standard measurements are 6 feet (180 cm) long and 2 feet (81 cm) broad. Depending on the use, the thickness might range from 2 mm to 6 mm. Typically, mats purchased for travel purposes have a narrower width, about 2 mm. They come in a variety of colours, and the “Alignment mats” are those that have a guide to proper alignment printed on them to assist practitioners in placing their feet the appropriate distance apart and in line with each other.

Traditionally practised yoga on the bare ground. However, it is common knowledge that yoga mats make yoga more convenient and practical. Yoga mats are unquestionably necessary these days. So, if you’re wondering how to start your own yoga mat business, this article will walk you through some facts and figures about the industry, as well as the steps required to start this project.

Market Potential & Business Plan

Table of Contents

  • 1 Market Potential & Business Plan
  • 2 Why buy a project report of yoga mat?
  • 3 Yoga Mat Manufacturing Process
  • 4 (i) The Production of a Single-Layer Yoga Mat
  • 5 (ii) The Manufacturing Processes Of Multi-layer Yoga Mats
  • 6 Multi-layer yoga mats with alignment lines are made in the following ways:
  • 7 Product Uses
  • 8 Elements included in the Yoga Mat’s project report
  • 9 Few Easy Steps to Start a Yoga Business

You need to understand the potential opportunities in the market for yoga mat before preparing the business plan report for the project.

At a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.9%, the worldwide yoga mat market is predicted to increase from $9.97 billion in 2020 to $10.76 billion in 2021. At a CAGR of 5.8%, the market will reach $13.49 billion in 2025. This increase can be linked to yoga’s growing appeal as a method of exercise that does not require any heavy equipment. There has also been a rise in the prevalence of lifestyle illnesses worldwide.

According to global data, yoga has been ranked among the top ten most popular fitness exercises globally. Yoga has become popular among people all around the globe; hence the United Nations has recognised June 21 as International Yoga Day.

In the projected period, the rising popularity of yoga is likely to fuel the expansion of the yoga mat market worldwide. It is driving up demand for specific equipment and accessories like yoga mats. According to the US Yoga Population Statistics, around 55 million Americans will practise yoga in 2020, with 72 % practising women. Furthermore, the United States spends $16 billion on yoga equipment, courses, clothes, and accessories. As a result, the growing popularity of yoga is driving up demand for yoga mats.

The introduction of environmentally-friendly products is a significant trend in the yoga mat industry. To attract more clients and stay competitive, major corporations are working on producing eco-friendly mats. For example, organic Apoteke, a UK-based company, launched an eco-travel yoga mat in August 2020. The biodegradable, odour-resistant, and antibacterial yoga mat is perfect for on-the-go. It includes a moist grip surface that helps you keep your balance while doing yoga.

Why buy a project report of yoga mat?

A project report of yoga mat manufacturing plant is necessary for the following reasons.

  • Helps the investor to make an investment decision in the yoga mat manufacturing business.
  • Makes the entrepreneur aware of the various aspects of the yoga mat business.
  • Helps in understanding the yoga mat manufacturing process.
  • Serves as a sample report to prepare project reports for other purposes.

Yoga Mat Manufacturing Process

There are two sorts of production processes in terms of the number of layers on a yoga mat: classic single-layer yoga mats and developing multi-layer yoga mats.

Also Read: Rubber Band Manufacturing Business Plan & Project Report.

(i) The Production of a Single-Layer Yoga Mat

  • Compounding material is the process of selecting raw components and blending them into a latex mixture according to a formula.
  • Changing machines: Preheating the machine with the boiler, establishing and adjusting the settings of each district, and inserting related material and mesh cloth on the machine in position.
  • Brushing is the process of securing the mesh fabric to the needle track, flattening it, and then brushing it.
  • High-temperature foaming: The brushed mesh cloth is drawn via the needle plate to the high-temperature foaming moulding chamber.
  • Cooling: The product is sucked out of the chamber after foaming to disperse heat before being cooled and moulded.
  • Cutting corners: Cut the product to the customer’s specifications by adjusting the tool holder distance at the machine’s end.
  • Slicing: Continue cutting the product until it reaches the desired thickness.
  • Embossing / Texturing: Making anti-slip stripes using embossing and texturing.
  • Sizing entails cutting things to the customer’s specifications.
  • Graphic printing: The design is printed into yoga mats using laser marking or UV printing.
  • Logo marking: Customers’ logos can be printed on yoga mats using laser marking or screen printing.
  • Quality control: each yoga mat is thoroughly inspected, with defective mats reworked or scrapped, and any single substandard mat purchased by consumers is unacceptable.
  • Packing: The process of packing and storing approved items.

Also Read: Article on PVC Pipe Manufacturing Project Report & Business Plan

(ii) The Manufacturing Processes Of Multi-layer Yoga Mats

A multi-layer yoga mat is made up of three layers:

On the first layer, the mat’s front is printed with positive markings in the shape of crosses. These laser-printed crosses, either parallel or perpendicular, serve as points of reference for yoga practitioners. As a result, when yoga students practise, they may touch and sense these markings to correct and enhance their motions on their own, preventing avoidable injuries and boosting their immune systems.

The intermediate layer is constructed of unique cotton fibres that can absorb and distribute water fast while also providing microbial protection.

Because the ground layer comprises natural rubber, the mat’s grip ability may substantially improve. The mat’s surface, which is in close touch with the human body, employs a high-tech anti-slip method to limit the risk of slipping and provide a soothing and soft sensation to the skin.

Multi-layer yoga mats with alignment lines are made in the following ways:

  • High-temperature foaming: The brushed mesh cloth is dragged through the needle plate to the high-temperature foaming moulding chamber.
  • Cooling: The product is taken out of the chamber after foaming to release heat, then cooled and shaped.
  • Hot pressing multiple layers: A hot press laminates the multi-layer semi-finished items precisely placed in sequence.
  • Embossing: Making anti-slip stripes using embossing and texturing.
  • Packing entails placing approved things into boxes and storing them.

Product Uses

The following are the uses of the Yoga mat:

  • The primary goal of utilising Yoga mats is to avoid slipping on the floor while performing yoga. The bar’s substance aids in maintaining traction on the floor.
  • During the summer, may utilise them to relax in the garden.
  • These may be used to sleep or sit on during picnics and camping vacations.

Elements included in the Yoga Mat’s project report

You can study the following elements of Yoga Mat manufacturing by paying a small cost and downloading the project report in PDF format.

Sr. No.Particulars
3Market Potential
4Industrial Scenerio
5Product Description
6Product Uses
7Raw Material Requirement
8Manufacturing Process
9Yield Of Product/Production Ratio
10Indian Standards For The Product
11Project Components
12Land /Civil Work
13Plant & Machinery Details With Images
14Misc. Assets
15Power Requirement
16Manpower Requirement
17License & Approvals
18S.W.O.T Analysis
19Cost Of Project
20Means Of Finance
21Projected Balance Sheet
22Projected Profitability Statement
23Cash Flow Statement
24Calculation Of D.S.C.R.
25Computation Of Production
26Computation Of Working Capital Requirement
28Repayment Schedule Of Bank Loan
29Break Even Point Analysis
30Financial Indicators / Ratios
31Implementation Schedule

Few Easy Steps to Start a Yoga Business

1. Details of your business plan and your product or service

Write about your yoga mat company and the items you aim to offer. You may explain, for example, that your company makes eco-friendly non-PVC yoga mats that are hard to come by. The business plan can also highlight the goals and objectives of your yoga mat business which you want to attain with the formation and operation of your company.

2. Market Research

The business plan must also include details about your target market or the group of customers you identified as a potential customer group earlier. This section can include details such as their age, the yoga parks they frequent, their gender, their preferences, and any other information that will help you create an excellent product for them.

3. On which Niche to Concentrate

Find out which age group of customers are preferable for your business and concentrate only on that group rather than on everyone.

4. Major Competitors

There are always brands that perform better or are more well-liked by customers and the general public than others in every business. Some of these companies have a long history in the sector, while others are well-known for their high-quality services and goods. So if you are planning for this business first, do some research like on the internet who are selling the same product or giving same services. This market survey helps you to understand the market condition.

5. Understand Possible Threats and Challenges

Suppose you decide to start your own yoga mat manufacturing company today. In that case, one of the biggest problems you’ll encounter is competing with well-established yoga mat manufacturing firms and online retailers that sell the same products (yoga mats) and provide the same services as you.

You will only be able to solve this problem if you create your own market. The economic downturn and unfavourable government policies are two other challenges and threats you will almost certainly face.

6. Pick a Creative Business Name

When it comes to naming your company, you should be imaginative since the name you pick will influence how others see your company.

7. Trademarks, copyrights, and patents can all be used to protect your intellectual property.

Suppose you’re thinking about starting your own yoga mat manufacturing company. In that case, you may not need to file for intellectual property protection/trademark because the nature of the business allows you to run it successfully without having to go to court to sue someone for using your company’s intellectual properties illegally.

However, if you only wish to protect your company’s logo, other distinctive papers or software, or even media production concepts, you can register for intellectual property protection. If you wish to register your trademark, you should start by applying your state’s trademark authority.

8. Legal Documents required to Run this Business plan

9. Start-up Capital

This section of the business plan has all the necessary financial information about the business, like how you plan to fund it, how much the business start-up process will cost you, about the profit you expect (forecasted financial statements), and what cash flows you wish, among other things. This plan provides an estimate of the company’s profitability.

10. Suitable Location

11. Marketing Plan Packed with ideas & Strategies

(a) Online Platforms

If you want to sell yoga mats online, you may use a website or social media platforms to accomplish so. It would be tough to create a website if you are not a technological expert. A web developer, on the other hand, will cost you money.

You can start by selling your products on Instagram or Facebook as a first step. Many small businesses operate by posting photographs of their products and relevant information on their social media pages. Customers may place orders by sending direct messages to your page or phoning the phone number listed on it.

You’ll reach a wider audience if you use the right digital marketing strategies. On social media, you may also obtain compensated promotions. Digital marketing is a low-cost and straightforward way to sell things, but it will take time and effort to attract a broad audience.

(b) Offline

An offline shop or a brick-and-mortar institution is another option to sell your products. This location is incredibly near to the local stores. This form of marketing medium will be pricey, and there will be other fees to consider. Rent, maintenance expenses, staff pay, interior decoration costs, storage charges, and so on are all costs associated with owning and operating a physical and mortar firm. Even though this method is expensive, it has advantages. People over the age of 45, for example, are less likely to use technology and prefer to buy from a store where they can inspect the items in person rather than ordering them online. Then some are wary about internet buying and would refrain from doing so.

Also Read: Biodegradable Carry Bags Business Plan & Project Report  

Premium quality yoga mats may prove to be your best friend wherever, at any time, if you want to improve your yoga practice. In the severe heat of summer, your body gets drenched from sweat, but a mat keeps you clean by absorbing sweat. It also maintains your complete body’s equilibrium from head to toe. The mat is made to provide absolute comfort and relaxation to the entire body. You can understand the various aspects of Yoga Mat manufacturing by downloading the project report in PDF format by paying a nominal fee. To understand the business of plastics & rubber in more detail, read our article Top 25 Plastic Business Ideas .


What was the worldwide yoga mat market size in 2019.

In 2019, the worldwide Yoga Mat market was worth $14.3 billion.

What will the value of the worldwide Yoga Mat Market be in the future?

By 2026, the worldwide yoga mat market is expected to reach $23.2 billion.

Does the yoga mat market proliferate?

Yes, for the following reasons, this is a profitable business, and one can start on a small scale quickly. In emerging nations, the healthcare and fitness industries are quickly expanding. In these nations, the government is developing and implementing healthcare policies. Furthermore, the easy availability of these mats via online and offline distribution channels is one of the reasons propelling the yoga mats market forward. The newest trend is for companies to provide fitness programmes to promote and motivate their staff. Yoga studios are also fast expanding. The lack of public knowledge about the health advantages of yoga mats and the infections caused by low-quality yoga mats are some of the issues limiting the market’s growth. The Asia Pacific area is likely to have substantial growth. The increase in the number of young people is one of the factors fueling the rise. People in countries like China, India, and Indonesia embrace a healthier lifestyle, which is expected to boost the worldwide yoga mat market growth.

What is the predicted CAGR for the worldwide Yoga Mat Market over the forecast period (2019-2026)?

In the forecast period, the Yoga Mat Market is expected to develop at a CAGR of 7.1 per cent (2019-2026). What are the prominent participants in the worldwide and Indian Yoga Mat Markets? Worldwide market: Eco yoga, Manduka, Jade Fusion, Adidas, Lululemon Athletica, Aurorae Yoga, LLC, prAna, Hugger Mugger, Eupromed, and Yaazhtex are some of the active competitors in the yoga mat market. Indian Market: Matskart.in – Yoga Mats Wholesaler & Supplier in India, Gunjan Associates – EVA Foam Sheet, Yoga Mats, Interlocking Mats, XLPE Foam Sheet Manufacturer – India, FitnessMatsIndia, Clonko, AP MATS (ANKIT POLYMERS) – Cow Mats | Yoga Mats | Interlocking Mats | Manufacturer, RIDDHI SIDDHI GYM YOGA MAT( YOGA GYM MAT MANUFACTURERS IN DELHI ), Pro-Pack Materials India Pvt Ltd – Noida.

Which section of the worldwide Yoga Mat Market is the most popular?

PVC yoga mats are projected to lead the yoga mat industry in the foreseeable future.

Can I download the Project Report of Yoga Mat Manufacturing in PDF format?

You can download the Project Report of Yoga Mat Manufacturing in PDF format by paying a small amount.

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  • Health and fitness

The Best Yoga Mats

Seth Berkman

By Seth Berkman

Seth Berkman is a writer covering fitness. He's showered with swim goggles and lugged thousands of pounds of weights on the subway to test durability.

A yoga mat should be comfortable and supportive, provide sufficient grip to keep you from slipping, and be easy to clean and carry.

Since 2014, we’ve downward-dogged and Savasanaed on 49 yoga mats (plus one mat alternative). We’ve also used them for calisthenic workouts, lugged them around New York City, and drenched them in sweat.

We’ve long recommended the natural rubber JadeYoga Harmony Mat for its durability, comfort, octopus-like grip, and transportability, and after a new round of testing in 2024, it’s now our top pick. Like most all-rubber mats, it’s more expensive than the mats you might encounter in most big-box and discount stores. Years of long-term testing have shown it’s worth the additional spend.

Everything we recommend

yoga mat business plan

JadeYoga Harmony Mat

The best yoga mat.

This natural rubber mat creates premium suction for your fingers and toes to prevent slippage and is especially good for hot yoga. But it has a strong odor that takes a while to dissipate.

Buying Options

yoga mat business plan

Lululemon The Mat 5mm

A versatile double-sided mat.

This thicker mat provides ample padding and has a grippy side and a smoother one. It is heavier than our top pick and can be difficult to carry.

Budget pick

yoga mat business plan

Yoga Accessories 1/4″ Extra Thick Deluxe Yoga Mat

A bargain mat that holds up.

This squishy, all-PVC mat is a bargain—because it lasts. It’s 4 inches longer than the average inexpensive mat, too.

What to consider

Most yoga mats are made of rubber, PVC, or TPE. Some are made of cork or other materials. All vary in thickness and surface texture.

Some activities (like hot yoga) and exercises may work best on specific types of mats.

Yoga mats are very difficult to recycle. Choosing one that should last several years is an environmentally friendly approach.

Regular wipe-downs and occasional deep cleans will extend the life of your yoga mat.

The JadeYoga Harmony Mat is made entirely of natural rubber, and it does a superb job at absorbing sweat and maintaining traction in sweaty situations. It’s relatively thick at 4.75 millimeters (0.187 inch)— 3 to 3.25 millimeters is usually considered sufficient thickness for a first yoga mat—and creates a spongy feel under hand and foot that our testers loved, though not every yogi will prefer. We’ve found this mat’s grip useful when doing non-yoga exercises, too. The Harmony Mat rolls tighter and quicker than most mats, but it has a strong rubber smell and contains latex. If you have a latex allergy , consider our budget pick , the Yoga Accessories 1/4″ Extra Thick Deluxe Yoga Mat , or another rubber-free mat we like—the Gaiam Performance Dry-Grip Yoga Mat , which we review below .

An ever-so-slightly thicker—and substantially heavier—dual-sided mat, Lululemon’s The Mat 5mm is made of natural and synthetic rubbers—plus polyurethane, polyester, and nylon—and provides plenty of support for hands, knees, and feet. One side is smooth, but not slick, and is meant to enhance grip. A drawback of this surface is that bare skin can be hard to peel off when sweaty, which is not unlike pulling off a bandage. The more spongy side is similar to the composition of our pick; it provides solid traction but doesn’t feel as sticky.

In a world where polyvinyl chloride (PVC) foam mats are a dime a dozen, Yoga Accessories has produced a low-cost option of value. Not only is the Yoga Accessories 1/4″ Extra Thick Deluxe Yoga Mat less than a third of the cost of our other picks, but it’s a generous 6.2 millimeters (0.25 inch) thick. Most importantly, several of our testers have used this mat daily for many years, and it provides good support for most exercises.

The research

How our picks compare, why you should trust us, who this is for, how we picked and tested, our pick: jadeyoga harmony mat, also great: lululemon the mat 5mm, budget pick: yoga accessories 1/4" extra thick deluxe yoga mat, what is the most environmentally friendly yoga mat material, other good yoga mats, the competition.

MaterialThickness (millimeters)Unrolled dimensions (inches)Rolled weight (pounds)Price
natural rubber4.7568 by 24 (also available in )4.5$92
natural rubber, synthetic rubber, polyurethane, nylon, polyester571 by 26 (also available in )5.24$98
PVC6.272 by 24 (also available in , , and )3.6$30

I’m a staff writer covering fitness for Wirecutter. I’ve used yoga mats for various workouts for over a decade, and I’m the author of Wirecutter’s guides to running shoes and insoles .

For this guide:

  • We spent at least two hours on each of the yoga mats we tested.
  • We consulted yoga instructors, athletic trainers, engineering professors, sustainability experts, and scientific researchers to learn all we could about how to choose and care for a yoga mat.
  • We recruited yoga instructor Jane Sato —who is also a licensed occupational therapist and teacher of pilates and dance—to practice on and carefully evaluate yoga mats in elevated temperature and normal studio settings.
  • We asked several Wirecutter staffers to provide long-term feedback on our picks, particularly noting how the mats have withstood years of use.
  • Like all Wirecutter journalists, we review and test products with complete editorial independence. We’re never made aware of any business implications of editorial recommendations. Read more about our editorial standards .
  • We chose the experts we consulted for this article for their knowledge and independence. We have disclosed any affiliations that experts have with companies mentioned in this article for transparency and accuracy.

A yoga mat can be used for more than just downward dogs or butterfly poses. It can also be useful for calisthenics or cardio workouts where it helps to have cushioning and a nonslip base. “We’ve got bony prominences all over our body,” said Alicia Montalvo , a certified athletic trainer, injury epidemiologist, and professor at Arizona State University. “You want some sort of barrier there that’s going to serve as a cushion.” A quality mat should also reduce your chance of slipping, enhancing your safety while you practice your preferred yoga or exercise styles.

Two testers, one standing and one one sitting, in a room full of yoga mats.

To narrow the enormous field of yoga mats out there, we spent hours reading customer reviews, scoured internet message boards, and spoke to several yoga instructors. We also aimed to find a wide variety of options in price, size, and material . A dizzying array of options are available, with mats ranging in price from $15 to $150, so it can be tough to know what sets a quality mat apart.

I, along with senior updates writer and trained yoga teacher Sri Rain Stewart, gathered 11 members of Wirecutter’s paid tester panel , which included four regular yoga practitioners. They tried a variety of positions on each mat, evaluating overall experience while carefully weighing the following attributes:

Size: We evaluated the portability and weight of each mat, particularly while carrying it to and from class. We also took note of the thickness and squishiness of a mat, and how easy it was to unroll and stay flat.

Stickiness and texture: Considering conditions both dry and moist (from sweaty hands and feet), we took note of how much our bodies stuck to a surface, and in extreme cases, if it was painful to peel bare skin off the mat. We also observed whether a surface texture felt too slick or thin.

Durability: Several of our mats, like our top pick , have been used regularly by Wirecutter testers for years. We also checked for how quickly a new mat’s odor went away, if the mat attracted an abnormal amount of dirt or dust, and general wear and tear over time.

After eliminating some mat options, Jane Sato, our pro yoga instructor tester, along with Sri and I, practiced on eight finalists to get a feel for each mat. We also tested mats in hot yoga settings to see how they withstood humid temperatures. We then compared our notes and those of our paid testers with Sato.

Although some people use yoga mats for pilates, we did not test pilates-specific mats, which tend to be larger and, often, thicker than most yoga mats. “Typically in pilates you’re on your back or your stomach a little bit more, so people want more cushioning underneath,” said yoga instructor Leslie Hutchings.

How you clean and store your yoga mat can affect how long it will remain in usable shape. All mats come with care instructions specific to the materials they’re made of, but generally you should wipe your mat clean after every few uses with a water-dampened cloth and a homemade diluted vinegar solution or a gentle mat wash, and then allow it to fully dry before storing.

The JadeYoga Harmony Mat, our pick for the best yoga mat, shown in dark blue.

The grippy, natural rubber JadeYoga Harmony Mat has served our testers well over years of multipurpose use. It’s a bit of an investment at over $90, but several long-term testers have already gotten five or more years out of their mats, making for a good value (yoga instructor Meave Purcell said with regular use, a mat should last about three years). Like most all-rubber mats, the Harmony Mat smells strongly of rubber at first, and it can attract more dirt, lint, and hair than mats with smoother textures.

It’s the grippiest mat we’ve tested. If you’re a yoga rookie, it’s important to have a mat that doesn’t move much (and that you won’t slip on), said Purcell, who’s been a yoga instructor in New York since 2017. “Having that grippy surface will stop your body from doing things it’s not supposed to do during different yoga poses,” she added. The Harmony Mat is more likely than most to help keep you stable as you learn the ropes and progress to more advanced poses, thanks to its spongy texture. It’s 4.75 millimeters thick, slightly thinner than Lululemon’s The Mat 5mm , but it still feels plusher than most mats that usually are 3 to 3.25 millimeters. “One of my favorite things about the mat is the firmness and slim profile,” one tester said. “It makes you aware of your foundation and doesn’t inhibit movement.”

The mat is durable and doesn’t shed. One tester and their partner have both had Harmony Mats last for almost a decade apiece. “Over that time, they’ve developed a barely perceptible amount of stretch, but are still just as grippy and durable,” the tester said, adding, “it’s like discovering an old Edison bulb that’s still on in the basement of an old house—the sudden shock of discovering a durable good in the age of disposability.” Jane Sato, our yoga instructor tester, observed how the mat doesn’t show nail scuff marks and purposely tried to scrape off bits of the mat, but couldn’t. Though the mat isn’t marketed as reversible, Sato was able to do workouts on both sides with ease.

Close view of the textured surface of the JadeYoga Harmony Mat.

It’s great for hot yoga and other sweaty conditions. The mat maintains its sticky grip during hot yoga, when people typically sweat more. Sato gave the Harmony Mat a “10 out of 10” in hot yoga settings, noting no slippage while sweating. Some of our testers performed other sweaty workouts on the mat (various calisthenics and HIIT exercises), and didn’t experience the uncomfortable feeling of having to “peel” their skin off the mat.

It practically zips itself up when rolled for transport and storage. The Harmony Mat comes in lengths of 68 and 74 inches . We tested the 68-inch version and found it incredibly easy to roll quickly and tightly, which makes for simple storage. Weighing just under 5 pounds, the mat is compact when you roll it up, so it’s easy for people of most abilities to carry when going to and from class.

Cleaning this mat is relatively easy. JadeYoga says the mat should be cleaned by either wiping it down with just water or a damp cloth or by using a mat wash sold separately. “Other cleaning methods can damage the natural rubber” and void the one-year warranty , a company spokesperson told us, adding that the mat should not be set outside to dry. The mat has a basic design of one solid color.

Flaws but not dealbreakers

It can be overly smelly (at first). Early on, it’s hard to ignore the rubbery smell of the Harmony Mat. A company spokesperson recommended airing the mat out in a well-ventilated area but never outside or in direct sunlight.

The mat’s grippiness could take some getting used to if you prefer a smoother mat. One tester noticed their yoga pants stuck a bit to the mat.

You should not use the Harmony Mat, or other rubber mats, if you have a latex allergy. If you’re looking for a latex-free mat, consider one made from PVC or another non-rubber material. Our budget pick is made entirely of PVC.

The Lululemon The Mat 5mm, our also great pick for the best yoga mat, shown in blue and white swirls.

Lululemon’s The Mat 5mm is a versatile mat that provides ample support in regular and hot yoga settings. It’s slightly thicker than our top pick and has a less pungent smell, but is harder to store and travel with. We found that sweaty body parts often stick to the surface, and it attracted more dirt and showed more signs of wear than our top pick . It’s also the heaviest of our picks (and the larger size option, The Big Mat 5mm , is heavier still).

It’s versatile, with two differently textured surfaces. The Lululemon mat has two sides—one smoother that has more traction, and a grippier side made of natural and synthetic rubbers that we found has a bit less traction but still didn’t cause much slippage. The rubber side is akin to the feel of JadeYoga Harmony Mat, although its material is less sticky and squishy. One tester remarked: “It’s not grabbing me, but I don’t slip on it.”

We found the smooth side was wonderful for gentler practices, while the grippier side was better for more intense workouts. During hot yoga sessions, sweat didn’t bead up on the mat, which enhanced our stability. The rubbery smell wasn’t as bad as that of the Harmony Mat, but it was still noticeable at least for a week after first use.

Close view of the logo and texture of the Lululemon mat.

It’s great for knee support . The Lululemon mat is slightly thicker (5 millimeters) and heavier (over 5 pounds) than the Harmony Mat, and 3 inches longer and 2 inches wider than the standard 68-inch mat; we could feel that extra bit of cushioning, particularly when on our knees.

It’s durable and withstands tough conditions. This mat can serve faithfully for years. One tester said: “I have moved with it across the country, thrown it in the back of my car where it sat for days at a time in 100 degree Austin heat, and trekked it through snow down Brooklyn sidewalks to class. I think mine is nearly a decade old and is still in great shape.”

It stains more easily. Compared with our top pick , this mat attracts more dust and is more susceptible to staining (some colors come with a dark, marbled pattern on one side, which can hide these deficiencies). One tester who’s had the mat for five years has noticed discoloration. Lululemon says to wipe the mat clean with a damp cloth and air-dry.

It can be sticky when wet and doesn’t unroll as nicely as our top pick. Beware: sweaty skin sticks to this mat. The mat did not show much memory when unrolled, and it curled at the ends a lot. A company spokesperson told us the mat should never be rolled up when wet—this can cause the mat’s layers to peel or separate.

The Yoga Accessories 1/4″ Extra Thick Deluxe Yoga Mat, our budget pick for the best yoga mat, shown in medium blue.

Cheap yoga mats are a dime a dozen. But the Yoga Accessories 1/4″ Extra Thick Deluxe Yoga Mat stands apart. It compresses more than denser mats and doesn’t provide optimal traction, but it provides enough grip and cushion (6.2 millimeter thickness) for most exercises. It’s made entirely of PVC and is odorless. At 74 inches long, it’s 6 inches bigger than most standard mats, which is good for taller people. It also comes in extra-long-and-wide (84 by 36 inches), extra-long (84 by 24 inches), and extra-wide (72 by 36 inches) sizes.

It’s a lightweight, easy-to-carry mat. Despite this mat’s extra length, it’s relatively lightweight at just 3.6 pounds. You won’t get as tight a roll as with our top pick , but it shouldn’t unroll much during transit. (A strap or other mat-carrying device should keep the roll tightly in place.)

Close view of the textured surface of the Yoga Accessories mat.

It’s best used in dry conditions. This mat provides some stickiness and feels best with dry hands and feet; it can be somewhat slick when wet.

It holds up well over time. During daily usage, our testers didn’t note any fraying or shedding from the mat bits. One tester has used the Yoga Accessories mat for two and a half years for yoga, HIIT, and other workouts. It can be easily cleaned with soap and water . (On its website, Yoga Accessories carries Vermont Soap Yoga Mat Cleaner .)

It is unlikely to last as long as our other picks. And this mat might be more difficult to dispose of since it’s made of PVC. Gregory A. Keoleian, co-director of the Center for Sustainable Systems at the University of Michigan, said that flexible PVC not only contains plasticizers but “heat that may be used in recycling can release hydrochloric acid,” and both factors make it difficult to recycle. “PVC is the most harmful plastic for communities where PVC is made and disposed of,” added Erika Schreder, science director for Toxic-Free Future. Although our testers didn’t experience an unsafe amount of slippage, several customer reviews have said the mat feels slick.

Many companies that make yoga mats try to appeal to environmentally conscious, wellness-focused shoppers. For this guide, we considered mats made of various rubbers, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), thermoplastic elastomer (TPE), cork, and other materials. No yoga mat is without environmental impact, and the experts we spoke to said that if you’re concerned about sustainability, the best advice is to choose a mat that will last a long time.

“The durability and useful life of yoga mats are key factors in determining their environmental impact,” Gregory A. Keoleian, co-founder and co-director of the Center for Sustainable Systems at the University of Michigan , wrote in an email. “The more you use a yoga mat before discarding it, the lower the impact per use (e.g. carbon emissions/use). This is one of the simplest ways to lower the environmental footprint in using a mat.”

However, there are some differences across materials. For example, PVC mats may contain plasticizers such as phthalates to lend the material its flexibility. PVC is also difficult to recycle, because the markets for recycling it are quite poor, said John D. Atkinson, an environmental engineering professor at the University at Buffalo.

Natural rubber is sourced from rubber trees, which can be managed responsibly as a renewable resource. But even natural rubber mats may contain additives, said Erika Schreder, science director for the advocacy organization Toxic-Free Future. Lululemon advertises its mat as being made with rubber certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, which means that a third party has certified that the material is sourced from responsibly managed trees. But the company has drawn criticism for the existence of carcinogenic N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) above the state of California’s legal limit in its latex-containing yoga mats . Lululemon has agreed to remedy this issue, and according to a Lululemon spokesperson, the company “began phasing in reformulated latex mats into stores everywhere and online last season.”

When responsibly managed, cork is generally considered to be renewable, biodegradable, and recyclable, and may make use of byproducts from the wine cork industry. But even cork can be difficult to dispose of properly once it’s made into a yoga mat. “There is no widely available infrastructure for recycling cork yoga mats so they are likely disposed of in landfills like rubber and PVC mats,” said Keoleian. “Cork bonded to a rubber or another type of elastomer backing makes it difficult to recycle.”

No matter the material, you may be able to find a second use for a yoga mat after it’s worn out, such as for furniture cushioning or an anti-slip surface.

If you’d prefer a heavier all-rubber mat: The Manduka eKO Mat 5mm is similar to our top pick. It is plush and grippy with a subtly striped surface texture (reminiscent of tree bark) that performed well damp or dry in our tests. The mat weighs 7 pounds—2.5 pounds more than our pick, the JadeYoga Harmony Mat—and its 5-millimeter thickness (the Harmony Mat is about 4.75 millimeters) cushioned comfortably. We didn’t get quite the locked-in-place feel the Harmony Mat provides, due to the Manduka mat’s smoother surface. But it is still plenty grippy and grounding. Like our top pick, this mat gave off a fairly pungent odor in the beginning, which eventually faded away.

If you want a cork mat: Consider 42 Birds’s The Robin Cork Lightweight Yoga Mat , which has a moderately cushioned TPE base. This 4-millimeter-thick mat surprised us, and many of our testers, with how smooth but grippy the cork felt. (42 Birds cites a 5-millimeter thickness.) The nature of cork allows you to break a sweat without sticking to the mat (making this mat a great choice for hot yoga), and its texture is more slip-resistant. Weighing about 2 pounds, this mat is considerably lighter than our picks; it’s also a bit roomier (72 by 26 inches). Note that this mat can only be rolled with the cork side on the outside or else it can crack—it’s also more susceptible to premature damage if you bend it.

If you’d like a dual-sided, latex-free mat: The Gaiam Performance Dry-Grip Yoga Mat is a PVC mat that measures 68 by 24 inches, like our top pick , but is slightly thicker at 5 millimeters. A smooth top layer did well at keeping our hands and feet in place without having them sink into the mat. “It’s plenty thick enough to support my wrists and joints for vinyasa flows or mat pilates, and while you’d still likely need a lightweight towel if you’re doing something like hot yoga, the grippy finish is a game changer for classes where you work up a sweat,” a long-term tester said. This mat has a strong odor that took more than a week to fade away, and it’s prone to sweat streak markings (although they didn’t cause slippage during workouts). It can also pick up a lot of lint and other debris.

If you want a larger natural rubber mat: The Clever Yoga LiquidBalance Non-Slip Yoga Mat is a generously sized (72.8 by 26.8 inches) natural rubber and polyurethane mat. Our hands and feet never slipped on its smooth, sticky, polyurethane surface, and it doesn’t show sweat stains much. (We tried the LiquidBalance mat in black; lighter colors may tell a different story.) It comes with a carrying bag, which is helpful considering it weighs a hefty 6.5 pounds—2 pounds more than our top pick. And it typically costs around $45 more than the Harmony Mat.

If you need a foldable mat for travel: The JadeYoga Voyager Mat has been our favorite travel mat for several years because it folds small and provides above average traction. We’ve yet to find a really excellent travel mat, but if you need something more than a towel that doesn’t take up a lot of space, the Voyager mat serves its purpose. It isn’t slippery and doesn’t shift or slide during use, but just be aware that it doesn’t provide as much cushioning as a standard yoga mat. At 1.5 pounds, it’s barely noticeable in luggage.

This is not a comprehensive list of all the mats we’ve considered. It includes models we’ve tested that are still available.

The first thing we noticed about the Alo Warrior Mat (5 millimeters thick) is how heavy it is, weighing almost 8 pounds. That made it a bit strenuous to roll and unroll and even harder to travel to class with. The mat has good grip, but in our experience, it became slippery when it began to absorb more moisture.

The Aurorae Classic Thick Yoga Mat , made of polymer environmental resin, had divided results. It has cushiony padding, good stickiness, and included a rosin bag, which helped a bit with grip when hands got sweaty—up to a point.

We tried the 6-millimeter-thick version of the rubber B Halfmoon B Mat Strong (the company also offers 10- , 4- , and 2-millimeter versions). It is lightweight and easy to roll, and it did well in preventing indentations and scratches. The mat was very grippy when dry, but became slippery when wet and then took a long time to dry. The mat also stretched slightly when in positions like downward dog.

The Clever Yoga High Density Starter Yoga Mat is made of TPE and is a cushy 6.35 millimeters thick and generous 72 by 25.25 inches. Though spacious and lightweight, it lacks a satisfying heft. We slipped a bit on the surface, particularly when it was damp, and despite the rippled texture on the back of the mat, it didn’t stay in place on the floor quite as well as others we tried.

The Cork Collective’s rubber-base Sardinia mat is beautiful, but our testers found it too heavy (5.2 pounds) and too thin, both in terms of thickness and width (2 millimeters and 23.8 inches, respectively, according to our measurements). The company advertises that the mat is 4 millimeters thick and 26 inches wide.

We tried two 5-millimeter mats from Gaiam: the Gaiam Classic Solid Color Yoga Mat and the Gaiam Athletic dynaMat. One tester noted the Classic mat “looks luxurious and good, but is not forgiving—I don’t feel particularly cushioned.” It also curled at the ends more than other mats when rolled flat, and it attracted a lot of dirt. The Athletic dynaMat warded off dirt better than the Classic mat with its more grainy texture and is wider and longer than most mats, measuring 78 by 26 inches. It’s a decent mat if you’re looking for something bigger, but isn’t great in hot yoga.

Gaiam’s smooth Cork Yoga Exercise Mat has a TPE base, and our testers mostly liked using it. But some found themselves slipping more on this mat than on the 42 Birds Robin Cork Lightweight Yoga Mat , especially when dry. This mat also showed creases within a week.

Gaiam’s Premium 2-Color Yoga Mat and Reversible Yoga Mat are similar: Both are 6 millimeters thick and more squishy and soft than supportive. Each has a textured, softly nubby surface that lets fingers and toes grip easily. The stickiness is there, though at times it feels like literal stickiness—as if a faint coating of something were on the mat (though it’s most likely just the PVC material).

The Greater Goods Yoga Mat comes with a carrying strap. But it was prone to huge sweat stains, and when we tried some exercises with kettlebells on it, the imprint of the kettlebell company logo became smushed into the mat. “It feels oily and synthetic,” one tester observed. Others pointed out a bad smell, with one tester comparing it to the scent of gasoline.

The B Halfmoon Mighty Mat had fans among readers who commented on a previous version of this guide. Our testers were only mildly impressed by it, finding the mat difficult to unroll and the surface just okay for practice.

We tested the Hugger Mugger Para Rubber XL Yoga Mat , measuring 78 by 28 inches. Though our yogis enjoyed practicing on the extremely grippy, luxuriously thick (6.2 millimeters) natural rubber mat, they found it very heavy to haul around (10 pounds) and extremely pungent.

The Kulae tpECOmat Ultra Yoga Mat is made of a TPE material with an extra-plush 8-millimeter thickness. Some testers were big fans of the lightweight yet densely cushioned material, particularly in restorative yoga practice during long-held floor poses. But in hot yoga it was slippery, and the material stretched a bit underfoot. Its thickness makes this mat a bit unwieldy to carry when rolled up.

The Liforme Original Yoga Mat has a dual-layered polyurethane and rubber makeup, helpful alignment markings (so you know where to place hands and feet), and a high price—almost 50% more than our top pick . We really liked the mat for its stickiness in both hatha and hot yoga, its relatively lightweight construction, and the handy bag it comes in. But its thickness of less than 4.8 millimeters might not offer enough cushion for some people.

The pricey Maiya Padma Yoga Mat is generously sized (73 by 25.5 inches) and has a slightly textured surface. At 5 millimeters thick, it feels plush and supportive, but in our testing it was slippery (damp hands slid even more).

Manduka’s GRP Adapt Yoga Mat 5mm has great grippiness, doesn’t stretch, and at 5 millimeters thick, is easy to store. It’s double-sided and stood up well in hot yoga, but had a strong smell—our yoga instructor suggested not using it right out of the package and letting it air out first. One of our testers said the mat became squeaky when they pivoted and sometimes found it difficult to switch positions. Other testers also noted their skin getting stuck to the mat when sweaty.

The Manduka Pro and the thinner Prolite polyurethane mats have legions of fans who praise them for their durability, which the company backs with a lifetime guarantee. The lingering problem in our testers’ minds: The surface requires extensive breaking in before it’s sticky. The company recognizes this issue and suggests giving these mats a scrub with salt and water while breaking them in.

The natural rubber Rumi Sun Yoga Mat takes an interesting approach to grip: The mat has a cotton-fiber-blend fabric mesh set into its surface, which provides some texture. We ultimately found the mat to be almost too rough. Its surface provided a decent amount of grip during both dry and sweaty conditions, but this is not a sticky mat (we experienced some slipping).

Our testers found the SugaMat , made of recycled wetsuits, too coarse for comfort.

The Toplus 1/4 Classic Yoga Mat is another cushiony 6.35-millimeter-thick mat made of TPE. Though comfortable for floor poses, it didn’t roll out quite flat for us and felt like it stretched a bit during certain poses like Warrior 2. It has an almost sueded texture and a fairly grippy surface, and though it’s exceptionally light, it doesn’t feel substantial.

The dual-layer Yoga Design Lab Combo Yoga Mat is a towel-fused rubber mat that’s designed specifically for hot yoga—you can even machine-wash it. However, our testers struggled with its lack of stickiness when dry and wet.

Yoga Hustle’s The Mat , made of natural rubber with a polyurethane top layer similar to that of Lululemon’s The Mat 5mm , is 2 inches longer and 1 inch wider. But it’s slightly thinner (4.5 millimeters) and about $40 more expensive. It didn’t stand out as markedly better.

The Yogamatters Sticky Yoga Mat was an appealing budget option, but we found a few faults right away. One tester stopped using the mat halfway through a class when they began to slip during Warrior 2 pose. (They said they were barefoot and not very sweaty.) Other testers thought it felt thin, with one comparing it to laying “on a floor during a sleepover.”

The Yoloha Original Cork Yoga Mat , made with a foam base containing sugarcane and EVA, cracked when a tester bent the mat. Its grip and cushioning are comparable to that of the 42 Birds cork mat we like, but some testers felt that its texture was too rough.

Travel yoga mats

We’ve tested six yoga mats meant for travel. None of them are particularly great: They are too thin to provide real support. But if you want or need a mat specifically for travel, the JadeYoga Voyager Mat , which we review above , is the one to get.

The Gaiam Foldable Yoga Mat folded down nicely, but a tester complained about the PVC being very slick during hot yoga and they “actually had to stop using [the mat] 20 minutes in.”

Lululemon’s The Lightweight Mat 5mm has the same smooth but grippy texture that our yoga instructors loved on the company’s The Mat 5mm . It is much lighter to carry but also far less cushioned. Unfortunately, it can’t be folded easily—its rolled length of 26 inches is too long to fit inside most backpacks or carry-on suitcases.

The Khataland YoFoMat is bulky (it takes up twice the space of similar mats), cheap feeling (even though it isn’t cheap), and slick to the touch.

The natural rubber Manduka eKO SuperLite Travel Yoga Mat 1.5mm got great reviews from our testers for its portability. Weighing just 2 pounds, it’s nearly as light as the JadeYoga Voyager, but it doesn’t fold down quite as compactly. In hot yoga, we noticed slippage from the get-go.

The top surface of the Toplus 1/16 Suede Natural Rubber Travel Yoga Mat has a nice feel, and the mat comes in a tidy plastic sleeve for storage. But our testers were not impressed with the traction and preferred the JadeYoga Voyager Mat.

We also considered YogaPaws , a set of padded gloves and socks that could easily be the most portable mat-replacement option for traveling yogis. Unfortunately, none of our testers much liked practicing in them. Even the thinner version feels thick under your hands and feet, and the socks have a tendency to shift around as you practice.

Sri Rain Stewart, Ingrid Skjong, and Amy Roberts contributed reporting. This article was edited by Tracy Vence and Kalee Thompson.

John D. Atkinson, Scott and Coleen Stevens Chair in Engineering Sustainability, University at Buffalo , phone interview , May 10, 2024

Leslie Hutchings, yoga instructor , video interview , May 9, 2024

Gregory A. Keoleian, co-founder and co-director of the Center for Sustainable Systems at the University of Michigan , email interview , May 13, 2024

Alicia Montalvo, certified athletic trainer, injury epidemiologist, and assistant teaching professor, Arizona State University , video interview , May 14, 2024

Meave Purcell, senior instructor and instructor lead, Verayoga , email interview , May 7, 2024

Michael Restiano, yoga instructor at CorePower Yoga , video interview , April 18, 2024

Erika Schreder, science director for Toxic-Free Future , phone interview , May 16, 2024

Meet your guide

yoga mat business plan

Seth Berkman

Seth Berkman is a staff writer at Wirecutter, covering fitness. He previously covered sports and health for several years as a freelancer for The New York Times. He is passionate about making fitness reporting accessible to people of all levels, whether they’re serious marathoners or first-time gym-goers. He is the author of A Team of Their Own: How an International Sisterhood Made Olympic History .

Further reading

The JadeYoga Harmony Mat rolled up.

How to Breathe New Life Into Your Old Yoga Mat

by Amy Roberts

Yoga mats are rarely recycled. Repurposing an old mat is one way to keep it out of the waste stream for longer.

Different cleaning products with a microfiber cloth on top of a yoga mat.

How to Clean a Yoga Mat

by Ingrid Skjong

Here’s how to keep your mat fresh, clean, and primed for your practice.

Three stacks of cork and foam yoga blocks alongside a rolled gray yoga mat.

After a Mat, These Cork Blocks Are the Yoga Props Worth Investing In

by Sri Rain Stewart

After testing nine sets of top-rated yoga blocks in all manner of poses, we’ve determined that Manduka Cork Yoga Blocks are the ones to get.

Two cork yoga blocks on top of each other on a blue background.

9 Clever Uses for Yoga Blocks

by Katie Okamoto

Yoga blocks aren’t just for yoga. There are tons of interesting ways to repurpose them.


  1. Yoga Mat Business Card

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  2. Sample Business Plan

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  3. Yoga Studio Business Plan Template

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  4. How to Start a Profitable Yoga Mat Business [11 Steps]

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  5. Yoga Studio Business Plan Template in 2021

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  6. A Guide to Launching Your Yoga Mat Business

    yoga mat business plan


  1. How to Start a Profitable Yoga Mat Business [11 Steps]

    2. Draft a yoga mat business plan. 3. Develop a yoga mat brand. 4. Formalize your business registration. 5. Acquire necessary licenses and permits for yoga mat. 6. Open a business bank account and secure funding as needed. 7. Set pricing for yoga mat services. 8. Acquire yoga mat equipment and supplies. 9. Obtain business insurance for yoga mat ...

  2. The Ultimate Guide to Creating Yoga Business Plans (With Template)

    How To Create A Yoga Business Plan: Step-By-Step (With My Template Worksheet) I'm stoked to show you that creating your own yoga business plan is much simpler and less scary than it seems! Let's walk through it. 1. Executive Summary. Think of your company summary as the Cliffs Notes of your business.

  3. PDF Go Green Yoga Mats Sample Business Plan

    Tyler Jensen Go Green Yoga Mats 4501 Mission Bay Dr., Suite 3C San Diego, CA 92109 1-800-783-6305 BUSINESS PLAN This Business Plan written by:

  4. How To Create a Green Yoga Mat Business Plan: Checklist

    Defining clear business objectives and goals is essential for the success of any eco-friendly yoga mat production company. These objectives serve as a roadmap and guide the direction of the business, while goals provide measurable targets to strive for. By setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) objectives and ...

  5. The Ultimate Yoga Mat Business Plan

    Discover key market trends, growth factors, and manufacturing insights for starting a successful yoga mat business. Learn how to stay ahead in this competitive industry!

  6. Yoga Studio Business Plan Template & PDF Example

    Sections of the Yoga Studio Business Plan: Executive Summary: Introduces the studio's mission, services, and strategic location. Emphasizes growth within the $9.9 billion yoga studio industry. ... Spanning [X,000] sq. ft., our space fosters tranquility, equipped with premium yoga mats, props, meditation areas, changing rooms, showers, and a ...

  7. Sustainable Mats, Infinite Possibilities: Starting Your Yoga Mat Business

    The best way to start a yoga mat business is to identify a niche (eco-friendly, design-driven), source sustainable materials, design unique mats, create a brand identity, set up an online store, and market through social media/influencers. Identifying an Effective Niche: The Foundation of Growth. Sourcing Sustainable Materials: Upholding ...

  8. How To Start a Yoga Business: A 5-Step Guide To Success

    2 - Develop a Yoga Business Plan. The next step is to develop your yoga business plan. This enables you to map out your idea and test its financial and practical viability. ... You'll need a space with the right atmosphere, decor, and equipment like mats, blocks, and straps. For those wanting to learn how to start a yoga business online, it ...

  9. Business Plan Template for Yoga Studio Owners

    Executive Summary, including the vision of your yoga studio, your target market, and how you plan to create a values-based yoga business, both for yoga teachers and students alike. Organization and Management, including what management software you'll use and how you plan to staff your yoga studio (both instructors and front-desk employees ...

  10. How to Start a Yoga Business

    A yoga mat also provides a better grip on the floor, reducing the likelihood that you will slip or fall and obtain an injury. Yoga mats typically cost between £10 and £20 per mat. Yoga blocks . ... When starting up a yoga business and creating a business plan, you will need to calculate your approximate set-up costs and running costs. ...

  11. Yoga Business Plan Essentials [With Studio Template & Samples]

    Include a breakdown of all your yoga studio startup costs, plus cash flow, profit & loss, and breakeven figures. Project your figures 1 year, 3 years, and 5 years ahead so it's clear what the long-term potential is. 7. Implementation. This is where you explain how you'll turn the plan into a reality.

  12. How To Start A Yoga Mat Business

    How To Start A Yoga Mat Business & other yoga data at Westplan We have a wealth of resources not only on How To Start A Yoga Mat Business, but also on many yoga related topics. Our comprehensive collection includes everything from tips on how to get started with yoga, to in-depth guides on advanced techniques and variations.

  13. How to Start a Yoga Mat Drop Shipping Business

    Source for soft loans from your family members and your friends. 14. Choose a Suitable Location for your Business. When it comes to a yoga mat drop shipping business, you can afford to start it from any part of the world without any problems since you will have nothing to do with the goods or their shipping. 15.

  14. Yoga Mats Marketing Plan Template

    ClickUp's Yoga Mats Marketing Plan template includes: Custom Statuses: Track the progress of your marketing tasks with statuses like Cancelled, Complete, In Progress, Needs Input, Planned, and To Do. Custom Fields: Use 6 custom fields such as Quarter, Task Type, Impact, Progress, Percent Completion, and Effort to keep detailed information ...

  15. The #1 Yoga Studio Business Plan Template & Guidebook

    1. Describe the Purpose of Your Yoga Studio Business. The first step to writing your business plan is to describe the purpose of your yoga studio business. This includes describing why you are starting this type of business, and what problems it will solve for customers. This is a quick way to get your mind thinking about the customers ...

  16. The #1 Yoga Mat Business Plan Template & Guidebook

    The #1 Yoga Mat Business Plan Template & Guidebook provides key information and resources to help you get your business up and running, from developing a detailed market analysis and target customer profile to creating a sales and marketing strategy. With this all-in-one guide, you will have the structure you need to create an effective plan ...

  17. How to Start a Yoga Business

    The first step is to find yoga products to sell. AliExpress has a wide assortment of yoga accessories that are ready to ship immediately and dropshipping apps make it easy to import products into your Shopify store. You can curate a product line, import the items from the app, and start selling all in the same day.

  18. PDF Sample Business Plan for Opening a New Yoga Studio

    The company is owned by John Smith. 2.1 Start‐up Summary The start‐up expenses for the The Garden Way Yoga Center are focused primarily on studio setup, equipment, and inventory for the boutique and b. store, as well as initia. advertising and website set up. John will invest $60,000.

  19. Go+Green+Yoga+Mats+ +Business+Plan

    Go+Green+Yoga+Mats+ +Business+Plan - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. business plan

  20. Yoga Mat Project Report Manufacturing Business Plan

    Market Potential & Business Plan. You need to understand the potential opportunities in the market for yoga mat before preparing the business plan report for the project. At a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.9%, the worldwide yoga mat market is predicted to increase from $9.97 billion in 2020 to $10.76 billion in 2021.

  21. The 3 Best Yoga Mats of 2024

    The Lululemon mat is slightly thicker (5 millimeters) and heavier (over 5 pounds) than the Harmony Mat, and 3 inches longer and 2 inches wider than the standard 68-inch mat; we could feel that ...