20 Years from Now i See myself

This essay will outline a personal vision for the future, projecting where the author sees themselves in 20 years. It will discuss career aspirations, personal goals, and anticipated changes in lifestyle, technology, and society, providing a roadmap of expectations and hopes for the future. At PapersOwl, you’ll also come across free essay samples that pertain to Myself.

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From the main sight, it is an extremely basic inquiry “Where do you see yourself in twenty years?” However, numerous individuals battle with responding to it. Until further notice, I have an unmistakable picture to me where I see myself in twenty years. In the same way as other others brimming with aspirations, I have a great deal of unreasonable objectives that will presumably never occur. In any case, to push ahead the manner in which I need, I have likewise made the practical plans that I will follow to turn into an individual I need to be.

Regardless, a long time from now, I will have effectively a particular profession way and stable income that will permit me to deal with myself and my family. All things considered, I don’t ponder cash. I would prefer not to collect abundance however, most importantly, I will focus on becoming sound and engaging my solid propensities. I have no questions that abundance isn’t anything in examination with wellbeing. Most likely, I will even attempt to be a vegetarian for quite a while to eat just plant-based food that will clear my living being. Additionally, I will become familiar with zero-squandering and moderation that will help me in thinking often about the world around.

Discussing my person and individual objectives, I will quit contrasting myself with others and will focus my consideration on remaining solid on who I am. Consistently, I will buckle down on improving my physical and emotional wellness. I need to move forward as a pioneer to feel more sure about my capacity to oversee various undertakings and spur the representatives. I need to turn into a model for other people and become an individual I will be pleased with.

All things considered, I will give a valiant effort to play out the undertakings and my obligations impeccably. Without a doubt, in some cases life occasions are not happening the manner in which we need. Notwithstanding, I won’t ever be baffled and frustrated, gaining from my own errors. I intend to work close to 35 hours every week to possess energy for my family and kids. Additionally, I will need to give some an ideal opportunity to my side interests to forestall feeling worried. In future, I need to ensure that all that I do is coming from a position of motivation and a position of light. Discussing my family, I plan on making the existence of my youngsters as excellent as it will be conceivable. I need to be a genuine model for them to persuade my kids to turn out to be really legit with themselves.

Ultimately, all my leisure time I will commit to self-schooling, working on my abilities and information on different subjects. I will make a trip a ton to investigate the world around and learn new societies and dialects. Henceforth, in a long time from now, I will be a conspicuous laborer, an optimal parent, and only a decent individual. I picture the fate of my family strolling together hand n’ hand and only getting a charge out of life however much as could reasonably be expected. Despite the fact that our future resembles a long, flighty passage, as long as I will have qualities to push ahead, I will make all that could be within reach to ensure that every one of my arrangements will materialize.


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20 Years From Now I See Myself. (2021, Jul 14). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/20-years-from-now-i-see-myself/

"20 Years From Now I See Myself." PapersOwl.com , 14 Jul 2021, https://papersowl.com/examples/20-years-from-now-i-see-myself/

PapersOwl.com. (2021). 20 Years From Now I See Myself . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/20-years-from-now-i-see-myself/ [Accessed: 9 Aug. 2024]

"20 Years From Now I See Myself." PapersOwl.com, Jul 14, 2021. Accessed August 9, 2024. https://papersowl.com/examples/20-years-from-now-i-see-myself/

"20 Years From Now I See Myself," PapersOwl.com , 14-Jul-2021. [Online]. Available: https://papersowl.com/examples/20-years-from-now-i-see-myself/. [Accessed: 9-Aug-2024]

PapersOwl.com. (2021). 20 Years From Now I See Myself . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/20-years-from-now-i-see-myself/ [Accessed: 9-Aug-2024]

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20 Years from Now Essay Sample

Currently, I am 20 years old and keep thinking about what I will be twenty years from now. I have conviction that I will have the following qualities when I am 40 years. First, after twenty years elapse from now, my international studies will be over. This implies that I will be working and pursuing other significant activities that interest me. I will be the CEO of some company and will be earning millions. The fact that I will be single will not prevent me from being the happiest person ever.

It is most likely that the current technology will be obsolete when I am forty. I will probably have several grandchildren and old children. These children will be surprised that I do not understand the technology at that time. My extended family will always enjoy my company. I will wish to learn the latest technological developments at that time. My eyesight will probably be poor and will have huge spectacles on. The spectacles could make me appear older than I will be about that time I will be forty.

When I will be 40, I will spent most of my time in telling people about the life I lives as a teenage and a young adult. Most of my narrations will include the experience I would have had in my international study. If I return to my home country, people are likely to consider me as a unique person. The unique perception that I get from people could make me develop undesirable characters. I will insist that one of my children keeps at least one pet and names the same pet after me. I will take frequent flights from Kuwait to the US to meet old friends because the flight takes a sheer 17 hours. After these international studies, I have several opportunities of getting into decent employment. At forty, I could be on my third and probably last job. I would have adequate experience that would make me an expert in most activities at my work places. Young people will admire my competence at work and would wish to have me as their friends. I will be choosy in picking youthful people to be my friends. I will also avoid very old company to maintain my middle-age image.

At 40, I will have several memories that will make me extremely wise in all the decisions I will be making. I will change my entire wardrobe to suit the expectation of my society at that time. If that society will expect me to adorn certain fashion fads, I will adhere to that. This does not suggest that I will abandon my current clutch bags. I will always carry them regardless of the respective fashion statements at that time. I will also ensure that I have the bags in multiple colors for them to be noticeable to my friends.

The change in time will not allow me to be as aggressive as I am currently. I will develop an extremely introverted culture that could make people call me nasty names. The introverted character is significant in learning what the respective thoughts of my children. I will be an amazing parent who will not let children make similar mistakes to mine.

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My Life, 20 Years from Now Essay Examples

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Women , Workplace , Business , Children , Employee , Family , Profession , Life

Published: 01/23/2020


My Life, 20 Years from Now I am currently 19 years old; I have yet to experience life the way older people around me describe it. All the hardships and the pain of having to stand on your own – people older than me experience all those things to a greater degree. I know at some point in my life, I would have to stand on my own to reach my dreams. Yes, I am proud to say that I have mapped out what my direction in life would be for the next 20 years, and that is the story I want to tell you below. In terms of my career, I wish to become a successful businessperson when I reach 39 years of age. I always thought that having my own business is fascinating – I get to introduce innovations to my own products and strategies, interact with people as I engage in transactions and have my whole life in check as I savor the flexible nature of working for my own business. With that, I have lived by the thinking of the Chinese philosopher Xun Zi, who said, “Who doesn’t apply himself to business won’t achieve much success” (Philosophy Quotes). By that time, I want to handle my business through a company that constantly grows in terms of employees and revenues. For my business, I refuse to limit it to a small-scale one because I want to contribute a lasting impact by making it larger. Thus, to fulfill that, I want to employ and work with talented, dedicated and steadfast people who could help me fulfill my vision. Perhaps by the time I reach 39 years old, my business may not be that expansive yet. However, I would like my business that time to reach the extent where I have already gained my employees’ trust and loyalty. I will ensure that all of my employees will be happy in working for my company so that I could reap abundant gains in return – for myself and for them for their hard work. Apart from having my own business by the age of 39, I wish to build a wonderful family with a brilliant wife and marvelous children. I want my wife to do the things that make her happy – may it be fulfilling her professional goals or engaging in her hobbies, as we go hand-in-hand in being responsible parents to our children. I will surely give her the best loving treatment so that we could raise our children in the best manner we could as we proceed harmoniously in our professional undertakings. I believe that I could build my family in the best way by loving my wife, as Rev. Fr. Theodore Hesburgh said, “The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother” (Your Daily Inspiration). Right now, I have not had the slightest idea yet as to how many children I would like to bring up someday, but since it is my dream to become a proud parent in 20 years, I want to give them the best kind of care and attention they deserve. I will make our house truly conducive for my children’s health and learning needs and send them to the best schools and universities in order for them to become bright professionals someday. I will make sure that my business will prosper alongside the professional growth of my wife so that I could become a good provider for my children. I know that I need to travel a rough road ahead in order to fulfill those goals, but I believe that by being determined to fulfill those while I am young, I will be able to succeed. Right now, I am duty-bound to finish my studies well so that I could have a great kick-start to my career. I need to concentrate more on accomplishing the more important things first so that I could make sure that I would not fall off my chosen path. With the right amount of dedication, I could build my life the way I want it to be in 20 years.

Works Cited

"Business Philosophy Quotes." Philosophy Quotes. Philosophy in Quotes, n.d. Web. 15 Feb. 2013. "10 Best Quotes for Building Strong Families." Your Daily Inspiration. Your Daily Inspiration, n.d. Web. 15 Feb. 2013.


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My Vision for the Future: a Fulfilling Life in 20 Years

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