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how to write a good hook for an application essay

How to Get the Perfect Hook for Your College Essay

What’s covered:, developing your hook.

  • 5 College Essay Hook Examples

5 Tips and Examples for Crafting a Great Hook

Your essay is one of the best tools available for standing out in a crowded field of college applicants (many with academic portfolios similar to yours) when applying to your dream school. A college essay is your opportunity to show admissions committees the person behind the grades, test scores, and resume. To ensure your college essay receives the full attention of admissions committees, you need to lure them in with a great hook—that is, a compelling opening that makes your audience hungry for more.

You need a strong start to capture the attention of the admission committees. When it comes to college essays, first impressions are everything. In fact, there’s no guarantee that anyone is going to read more than your first sentence if you bore them to tears within a few words, which is why it’s essential to craft an effective and engaging hook.

There’s no one-size-fits-all strategy for composing an attention-grabbing hook. A well-crafted hook can be anything from an image to an anecdote to an interesting fact while factors like writing style, essay structure, and prompt can all influence what makes for a good hook. That said, memorable hooks share a number of attributes, most notably they draw readers in,  connect with the topic you’re writing about, and leave a lasting impression, often in a creative or unexpected way.

For example, let’s construct a hypothetical essay. Let’s say that after some careful consideration, Jane Doe has decided to write her personal essay about her experience running canine obedience classes. She isn’t quite sure how to start her essay, so she’s practicing with some proven essay hooks. If you’re ready to develop your own hook, check out four of our favorite college essay hook strategies and how they work for Jane below!

College Essay Hook Examples

There are a number of proven strategies that Jane can use to craft a compelling hook. A few tried-and-true hooks include:

1. Open with an Anecdote

People love stories, so it makes sense that telling one is a great way to attract readers. Detailing a relevant anecdote provides context for your essay and can give the reader an idea of what you are up against if you’re overcoming an obstacle or rising to a challenge.

On the day that I told my mother I wanted to start my own canine obedience school, she smiled and muttered something under her breath about the irony of my youthful disobedience and my newfound passion for enforcing rules. What she didn’t know then was that it was not in spite of, but rather because of, my tendency to push the boundaries that I was confident in my ability to succeed.

2. Set the Scene

One fantastic way to get your essay moving and to draw your readers in is to plunge them into the middle of an important scene. Provide readers with descriptive details and dialogue to make them feel like they’re watching a movie from your life and have just tuned in at a critical moment.

I jumped back as the dog lunged for my leg, teeth bared and snarling. “It’s okay, Smokey, it’s okay,” I soothed as I tried to maneuver closer to the post where I had tied his leash. In the back of my head, I heard my brother’s taunts swirling around.

“A dog trainer?” he had scoffed. “What kind of person would hire you as a dog trainer?!”

I pushed the thoughts away and grasped the leash, pulling it tightly to my side as Smokey, surprised by my sudden confidence, fell into stride beside me.

3. Ask a Question

Asking a question at the beginning of your essay can activate your reader’s critical thinking and get them hungry for the answer that you won’t offer until later. Try to come up with a question that’s broad enough that they won’t know the answer right away, but specific enough that it isn’t a generic hook that could work on just any college essay.

How do you respond when you’re faced with a very real physical threat to your safety, yet you literally can’t afford to back down? This is the question I faced on my very first day as a dog trainer.

4. Use a Metaphor or Simile

A metaphor or simile can pull readers in by helping them make connections between seemingly unrelated topics or by encouraging them to think about topics from a different point of view.

Running canine obedience classes is a lot like navigating high school. It’s a dog-eat-dog world with a lot to learn, many personalities to manage, peril around every corner, and everyone anxious to graduate.

Selecting the right hook is a great first step for writing a winning college essay, but the execution is also important.

1. Narrow Down Your Scope

Sometimes the best way to tackle big projects like writing an attention-grabbing hook or captivating college essay is to think small. Narrow down on a specific incident or even a moment that leads into your topic.

It’s my first time teaching a canine obedience class. I’m surrounded by strangers and the dogs are barking so loud I can’t hear myself think, but I have a gnawing feeling that I’m losing control. I put my fingers to my lips and let out the loudest whistle I’m capable of. Suddenly there was silence.

2. Use Adjectives

Adjectives are used to add a description and make your writing clearer and more specific. In other words, they’re the details that make your writing stand out and suck readers in. Jane didn’t simply reward the dog for sitting, she…

It was a battle of wills between me and the eight-month-old Australian Shepherd—defiance was in his sparkling blue eyes, but so was desire for the bit of hot dog hiding in my hand. Reluctantly he sat, earning his treat while I claimed my alpha status.

3. Use Emotion

Use emotion to connect and entice your reader. Emotions make readers feel, pulling them into your essay, and are memorable. You can use them for everything from sharing a fact about yourself to putting the reader in your shoes.

When I was young, I would have been extremely lonely if not for my dog Trevor. I struggled to make friends and Trevor provided companionship, helped me overcome my shyness (he was a great icebreaker), and is responsible for shaping who I am today. When Trevor passed away in high school, I set out to train canine obedience and help dogs become the best versions of themselves—just like what Trevor did for me.

4. Short and Sweet

Admissions committees have a lot of essays to read, so the quicker you get to the point and capture their attention, the better.

Mere moments into my dream job, someone had already peed on the floor and another had bitten a person. Welcome to the life of a dog trainer.

5. Just Start Writing

Sometimes the hook of your college essay isn’t clear. Rather than getting hung up, start developing your essay and see if it adds clarity as to how to best implement a hook. Some students even find that it’s easiest to write a hook last, after writing the body of the personal statement.

Where to Get Feedback on Your Essay Hook

Wondering if you created an effective hook? It’s difficult to evaluate your own writing, especially a line or two you read and reworked numerous times. CollegeVine can help. Through our free Peer Essay Review tool , you can get a free review of your hook, and overall essay, from another student. Then you can pay it forward and improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays.

If you want a college admissions expert to review your essay, advisors on CollegeVine have helped students refine their writing and submit successful applications to top schools. Find the right advisor for you to improve your chances of getting into your dream school!

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73 Essay Hook Examples

73 Essay Hook Examples

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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essay hook examples and definition, explained below

An essay hook is the first one or two sentences of your essay that are used to grab the reader’s attention and draw them into your discussion.

It is called a hook because it “grabs” the reader and doesn’t let them go! It should have something in there that makes the reader feel curious and intrigued, compelling them to continue reading.

Techniques for Good Essay Hooks

Here are a few techniques that you can use to write a good essay hook:

  • Use a Quotation : Sometimes, a relevant quotation from a well-known author or expert can help establish the context or theme of your essay. Next time you’re conducting research for an essay, keep an eye out for a really compelling quote that you could use as your hook for that essay.
  • Start with a Statement that is Surprising or Unusual: A surprising or unusually statement will draw a reader in, making them want to know more about that topic. It’s good if the statement contradicts common knowledge or reveals an insight about your topic that isn’t immediately obvious. These can be particularly good for argumentative essays where you’re putting forward a controversial or compelling argument as your thesis statement .
  • Tell a Brief Anecdote : A short, interesting story related to your topic can personaize the story, making it more than just a dry essay, and turning it into a compelling narrative that’s worth reading.
  • Use Statistics or Facts: Interesting, surprising, or shocking facts or statistics work similarly to surprising statements: they make us want to know more about a topic. Statistics and facts in your introductions are particularly useful for analytical, expository , and argumentative essays.
  • Start with a Question: Questions that make the reader think deeply about an issue, or pose a question that the reader themselves has considered, can be really effecitve. But remember, questions tend to be better for informal and personal essays, and are generally not allowed in formal argumentative essays. If you’re not sure if you’re allowed to use questions in your essays, check with your teacher first.

Below, I’ll present some examples of hooks that you could use as inspiration when writing your own essay hook.

Essay Hook Examples

These examples might help stimulate your thinking. However, keep in mind that your essay hook needs to be unique to your essay, so use these as inspiration but write your own essay hook that’s perfect for your own essay.

1. For an Essay About Yourself

An essay about yourself can be personal, use “I” statements, and include memories or thoughts that are deeply personal to you.

  • Question: “Have you ever met someone who could turn even the most mundane events into a thrilling adventure? Let me introduce myself.”
  • Anecdote: “The smell of freshly baked cookies always takes me back to the day when I accidentally started a baking business at the age of nine.”
  • Intriguing Statement: “I’ve always believed that you haven’t truly lived until you’ve read a book upside down, danced in the rain, or taught a parrot to say ‘I love pizza.'”
  • Quotation: “As Mark Twain once said, ‘The secret of getting ahead is getting started.’ That’s a philosophy I’ve embraced in every aspect of my life.”
  • Humorous Statement: “I’m a self-proclaimed ‘professional chocolate tester’ – a title that’s not only delicious but also requires extreme dedication.”
  • Start with your Mission Statement : “My life motto is simple but powerful: be the person who decided to go for it.
  • Fact or Statistic: “According to a study, people who speak more than one language tend to be better at multitasking . As a polyglot, I certainly live up to that statistic.”
  • Comparison or Metaphor: “If my life were a book, it would be a blend of an adventurous novel, a suspense thriller, and a pinch of romantic comedy.”
  • Personal Revelation: “Ever since I was a child, I’ve had an uncanny ability to communicate with animals. It’s an unusual skill, but one that has shaped my life in many ways.”
  • Narrative: “The day everything changed for me was an ordinary Tuesday. Little did I know, a single conversation would lead me to discover my true passion.”

2. For a Reflective Essay

A reflective essay often explores personal experiences, feelings, and thoughts. So, your hooks for reflective essays can usually be more personal, intriguing, and engaging than other types of essays. Here are some examples for inspiration:

  • Question: “Have you ever felt as though a single moment could change your entire life? This essay is going to explore that moment for me.”
  • Anecdote: “I was standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon, looking at the vast emptiness, and for the first time, I truly understood the word ‘perspective’.”
  • Bold Statement: “There is a part of me that is still trapped in that room, on that rainy afternoon, holding the letter that would change everything.”
  • Personal Revelation: “The first time I truly felt a sense of belonging wasn’t in a crowded room full of friends, but in the quiet solitude of a forest.”
  • Intriguing Statement: “In my life, silence has been a teacher more profound than any words could ever be.”
  • Quotation: “Einstein once said, ‘The only source of knowledge is experience.’ Now, looking back, I realize how profound that statement truly is.”
  • Comparison or Metaphor: “If my life is a tapestry, then that summer was the vibrant thread that changed the entire pattern.”
  • Narrative: “As the train pulled out of the station, I realized I wasn’t just leaving my hometown, I was leaving my old self behind.”
  • Philosophical Statement: “In the theater of life, we are both the actor and the audience, playing our part and watching ourselves simultaneously.”
  • Emotive Statement: “There is a sort of sweet sorrow in remembering, a joy tinged with a hint of sadness, like the last notes of a beautiful song.”

For an Argumentative Essay

Essay hooks for argumentative essays are often the hardest. This type of essay tends to require the most formal type of academic writing, meaning your hook shouldn’t use first person, and should be more based on fact and objectivity, often at the expense of creativity. Here are some examples.

  • Quotation: “Thomas Jefferson once said, ‘Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government.’ If Jefferson were alive today, he would likely feel that this meed for a well-informed citizenry is falling well short of where he would aspire.”
  • Provocative Statement: “Despite what romantic films may portray, love at first sight is merely a myth perpetuated by society. This essay will prosecute the argument that love at first sight is a myth.”
  • Statistical Fact: “According to the World Health Organization, depression is the leading psychological disability worldwide. Yet, mental health is still stigmatized and often overlooked. This essay will argue that depression should be seen as a health issue, and stigmatization of depression causes serious harm to society.”
  • Comparison: “Much like an unchecked infection, climate change, if left ignored, can spread far beyond what it is today, causing long-term economic and social problems that may even threaten the longevity of humanity itself.”
  • Contradiction : “While we live in an era of unprecedented technological advancements, millions around the world are still denied basic internet access.”
  • Bold Declaration: “Animal testing is not only ethically unacceptable, but it also undermines the progress of medical research.”
  • Challenging Belief: “Despite popular belief, the automation of jobs is not a threat but an opportunity for society to evolve.”
  • Quotation: “George Orwell wrote in ‘1984’, ‘Big Brother is Watching You.’ In our modern society, with the advancement of technology, this is becoming more of a reality than fiction.”
  • Intriguing Statement: “Despite countless diet fads and fitness trends, obesity rates continue to rise. This argumentative essay will argue that this is because medical practitioners’ approaches to health and weight loss are fundamentally flawed.”
  • Statistical Fact: “Research reveals that over 90% of the world’s plastic waste is not recycled. This alarming figure calls for a drastic change in social attitudes towards consumption and waste management.”
  • Challenging Assumption: “Society often assumes that progress and growth are intrinsically good, but this is not always the case in the realm of economic development.”
  • Contradiction: “Western society upholds the value of freedom, yet every day, members of society cede personal liberties in the name of convenience and security.”
  • Analogy: “Like an overplayed song, when a news story is repeated too often, it loses its impact. In the era of digital media, society is becoming desensitized to critical issues.”
  • Relevant Anecdote: “In a village in India, the arrival of a single computer transformed the lives of the residents. This small anecdote underscores the importance of digital inclusion in today’s world.”
  • Call to Rethink: “In a world where success is often equated with financial wealth, it is time for society to reconsidered what truly constitutes a successful life.”

For a Compare and Contrast Essay

A compare and contrast essay examines two issues, looking at both the similarities and differences between them. A good hook for a compare and contrast essay will immediately signal to the reader the subjects that are being compared and why they’re being compared. Here are sine ideas for hooks for a compare and contrast essay:

  • Quotation: “As Charles Dickens wrote in his novel ‘A Tale of Two Cities’, ‘It was the best of times, it was the worst of times’. This could equally apply to the contrasting dynamics of urban and rural living.”
  • Provocative Statement: “Despite popular belief, cats and dogs have more in common than society tends to think.”
  • Comparison: “Comparing being an only child to growing up with siblings is like contrasting a solo performance with an orchestral symphony.”
  • Contradiction: “While many view classic literature and contemporary fiction as worlds apart, they are more akin to two sides of the same coin.”
  • Bold Declaration: “Android and iPhone may compete in the same market, but their philosophies could not be more different.”
  • Statistical Fact: “Statistics show that children who grow up reading books tend to perform better academically than those who do not. But, the jury is out on how reading traditional books compares to reading e-books on screens.”
  • Quotation: “As Robert Louis Stevenson once wrote, ‘Sooner or later, we all sit down to a banquet of consequences.’ This statement can be used to frame a comparison between short-term and long-term thinking.”
  • Provocative Statement: “Democracy and dictatorship are often seen as polar opposites, but are they are not as different as they seem.”
  • Comparison: “Climate change and plastic pollution are two major environmental issues, yet they demand different approaches and solutions.”
  • Contradiction: “While traditional classrooms and online learning are seen as separate modes of education, they can often blend into a cohesive learning experience.”
  • Bold Declaration: “Though both based on merit, the structures of capitalism and socialism lead to vastly different societal outcomes.”
  • Imagery: “The painting styles of Van Gogh and Monet can be contrasted as a stormy sea versus a tranquil pond.”
  • Historical Reference: “The philosophies of the Cold War-era – capitalism and communism – provide a lens to contrast economic systems.”
  • Literary Comparison: “The dystopian societies portrayed in George Orwell’s ‘1984’ and Aldous Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’ serve as contrasting visions of the future.”
  • Philosophical Question : “Individualism and collectivism shape societies in distinct ways, but neither one can truly exist without the other.”

See Here for my Guide on Writing a Compare and Contrast Essay

For a Psychology Essay

Writing an engaging hook for a psychology essay involves sparking the reader’s interest in the human mind, behavior, or the specific psychology topic you’re discussing. Here are some stimulating hooks for a psychology essay:

  • Rhetorical Question: “How much control do we truly have over our own actions?”
  • Quotation: “Sigmund Freud once said, ‘Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways.’ This essay will explore whether this is universally true.”
  • Provocative Statement: “Contrary to popular belief, ‘venting out’ anger might actually be fueling the fire of fury.”
  • Comparison: “Just as an iceberg reveals only a fraction of its bulk above water, conscious minds may only be a small piece of who humans truly are.”
  • Contradiction: “While it may seem counterintuitive, studies show that individuals who are more intelligent are also more likely to suffer from mental health issues.”
  • Bold Declaration: “Despite advances in technology, understanding the human brain remains one of the final frontiers in science.”
  • Statistical Fact: “According to a study by the American Psychological Association, nearly one in five adults in the U.S. lives with a mental illness. Yet, mental health continues to be a topic shrouded in stigma.”

For a Sociology Essay

Writing an engaging hook for a sociology essay involves sparking the reader’s interest in social behaviors, cultural phenomena, or the specific sociology topic you’re discussing. Here are ideas for hooks for a sociology essay:

  • Quotation: “As Karl Marx once noted, ‘Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex.’ Sadly, society has not made much progress in gender equality.”
  • Provocative Statement: “Social media, initially created to connect people, is ironically leading society into an era of unprecedented isolation.”
  • Comparison: “Comparing society to a theater, where each individual plays a role, it is possible to start to see patterns and scripts embedded in daily interactions.”
  • Contradiction: “While people often believe that technology is bringing society closer together, evidence suggests that it’s actually driving a wedge between people, creating ‘digital divides’.”
  • Bold Declaration: “Human societies are constructed on deeply ingrained systems of inequality, often invisible to those benefiting from them.”
  • Statistical Fact: “A recent study found that women still earn only 81 cents for every dollar earned by men. This stark wage gap raises questions about equality in the workforce.”

For a College Application Essay

A college essay is a personal statement where you can showcase who you are beyond your grades and resume. It’s your chance to tell your unique story. Here are ten potential hooks for a college essay:

  • Anecdote: “At the age of seven, with a wooden spoon as my baton, I confidently conducted an orchestra of pots and pans in my grandmother’s kitchen.”
  • Provocative Statement: “I believe that life is like a game of chess. The king might be the most important piece, but it’s the pawns that can change the entire course of the game.”
  • Personal Revelation: “It wasn’t until I was lost in a foreign city, armed with nothing but a map in a language I didn’t understand, that I truly discovered my love for adventure.”
  • Intriguing Question: “Have you ever wondered how it feels to be part of two completely different cultures, yet wholly belong to neither?”
  • Bold Declaration: “Breaking a bone can be a painful experience. Breaking stereotypes, however, is an entirely different kind of challenge.”
  • Unusual Fact: “I can recite the periodic table backwards while juggling three tennis balls. It’s a strange talent, but it’s a perfect metaphor for how I tackle challenges.”
  • Quotation: “As Albert Einstein once said, ‘Imagination is more important than knowledge.’ This quote has defined my approach to learning.”
  • Narrative: “It was a cold winter’s day when I first discovered the magic of turning a blank page into a world full of characters, stories, and ideas.”
  • Metaphor: “Like a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly, my high school years have been a period of profound metamorphosis.”
  • Humorous Statement: “Being the youngest of five siblings, I quickly learned that the best way to be heard was to become the family’s unofficial lawyer.”

Conclusion: The Qualities of a Good Essay Hook

As I wrap up this article, I want to share a few last tips on qualities that a good essay hook should have. Keep these tips in mind when writing your essay hook and using the above essay hook examples:

First, relevance . A good hook should be directly relevant to the topic or theme of your essay. The hook should provide a preview of what’s to come without giving too much away.

Second, Intrigue. A great hook should make the reader want to continue reading. It should create a question in the reader’s mind or present a fascinating idea that they want to know more about.

Third, uniqueness. An effective hook should be original and unique. It should stand out from the many other essays that the reader might be going through.

Fourth, clarity. Even though a hook should be captivating and original, it should also be clear and easy to understand. Avoid complex sentences and jargon that might confuse the reader.

Fifth, genre conventions. Too often, my students try to be so creative in their essay hooks that they forget genre conventions . The more formal an essay, the harder it is to write the hook. My general approach is to focus on statistics and facts, and avoid rhetorical questions , with more formal essay hooks.

Keep in mind that you should run your essay hook by your teacher by showing them your first draft before you submit your essay for grading. This will help you to make sure it follows genre conventions and is well-written.


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How to Write Great Essay Hooks (Tips + Examples)

How to Write Great Essay Hooks (Tips + Examples)

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how to write a good hook for an application essay

Yona Schnitzer

Blank screen. Cursor blinks. Clock ticks. Brain freezes.

You stressfully wonder, “How will I ever finish this essay?”

I’ve been there. 

Every time you write an essay, you want to catch your readers’ undivided attention from the very first word. The opening hook has to be *perfect* — no compromises. 

But, instead of reeling under pressure to come up with this elusively perfect essay hook at the eleventh hour, I’ve found a better way to write great essay hooks. 

In this guide, I’ll tell you what it takes to write the most compelling and attention-grabbing hooks. I’ll also break down six awesome types of essay hooks you can experiment with and share examples to inspire your next opening statement.

What is an Essay Hook?

An essay hook is the opening statement of an essay, written to capture readers' attention and nudge them to learn more about the topic. Also known as a lede or lead, this hook introduces readers to the topic/theme of the essay and piques their curiosity to continue reading. 

The hook creates the entire narrative for your essay. It tells readers what to expect from the rest of the essay and creates context around your main argument or thesis statement. 

6 Types of Essay Hooks You Can Experiment With

I’ve created this handy list of six different types of essay hooks. You can choose the one that best fits your essay’s context and create a stellar opening statement within minutes. 

1. Compelling fact or statistic

Lead with evidence and use a powerful fact or statistic as your essay hook. It’s one of the best ways to capture readers’ attention from the start and keep them intrigued throughout your essay. 

For example, if you’re writing about the importance of time management for freelancers, you have two options to create your opening sentence:

Generic : “Managing time as a freelancer is no easy feat.”

Impactful : “Nearly 70% of freelancers struggle to effectively divide and manage their time between multiple clients.” 

This data point, linked to the original research, sets a strong tone for your essay and draws people in to read more. It communicates  

Find a shocking statistic with AI

Finding relevant statistics for any topic is one of the hardest parts of the job. 

But you don't have to spend hours looking for these data points anymore. Wordtune can do this heavy lifting for you in three easy steps.

  • Open the Wordtune editor and add your essay title. 
  • Type in any content you've written, click on 'Add spice,' and select the 'Expand on' option.
  • Write 'statistics,' and Wordtune will add relevant data points to your content.

how to write a good hook for an application essay

2. Bold claim hook

When working on an argumentative essay , I always write with the mindset that nobody has the time to read my thoughts from start to finish. So, I have to get to the point quickly and make a solid argument worth people’s time. 

That's when opening with a bold claim works best. Condense all your views on the topic into a few thought-provoking lines that would make readers go, hmmm…

But remember, you can't open with a claim that people already know and accept as fact. It has to be something original and unique to make your readers tick, nudging them to dive deeper into your essay. 

For example, if you’re writing about water crisis, you have two options to open your essay: 

‍ "In some regions, there is not enough clean water for people to use."
‍ "Imagine a world where every drop of water is a battle, a precious commodity fought over by scores of people and animals alike. This can become a reality as early as 2050."

This bold claim presents a convincing argument about the global water crisis. It also emphasizes the urgency of this argument with a research-backed statistic.

Create a bold claim suggestion using AI

Can’t think of a strong opening sentence for your essay? Wordtune can translate your thoughts into a bold claim and create a compelling essay hook. 

Open your Wordtune editor and write a few lines related to your topic. These sentences should have a consensus among your audience. Then, choose the 'Counterargument' option from the list of suggestions. 

And you’ll have a bold claim for your essay with no effort at all!

how to write a good hook for an application essay

3. Story/Anecdote hook

In all my years of writing, I’ve noticed how stories have a unique effect on people. A good story can resonate with a bigger audience, pique their curiosity, and deliver a more personal message. 

That's why you can cite a personal anecdote or talk about a publicly known story as a good hook for your essay. This hook allows you to play with words and work in more storytelling . 

One of my favorite writing tips applies here: enter the scene as late as possible and leave as early as possible. You have to keep it crisp instead of rambling on and on. 

Consider these two examples:

how to write a good hook for an application essay

Either of these hooks could work fine if we were just writing a personal essay about a move to a new place. But if we’re specifically writing about the sky, the second example is better. It sticks to the point — the sky and the color of the sky — and doesn’t stray into irrelevant details. 

Create a compelling story with AI

I get it—not all of us are natural storytellers. But you can use AI to your advantage to create a concise and exciting story for your essay.  

Wordtune can help you write a short story from scratch or trim down your writing into a quick anecdote. Click on the expand or shorten button to edit your story any way you like. 

how to write a good hook for an application essay

4. Question Hook

Humans have a tendency to immediately look for answers every time they come across fascinating questions. Using questions as essay hooks can reel people into your essay and feed their curiosity.

But questions are also fairly overused in essays. You don't want to use a generic question that makes people say, " Not another question ." 

Instead, think of questions that approach your topic from a fresh angle. This means honing in on what was especially interesting or surprising from your research—and maybe even brainstorming different questions to find the most fascinating one.

For example, if you’re writing about the psychology behind why we buy, you have two options to open your essay:

‍ “Do you know what factors compel us to buy certain things?”

Plugged in :

“Before buying anything, have you ever taken a moment to pause and think about possible reasons driving you to this purchase?”

The latter is more descriptive and creates a realistic scenario for readers to truly think about the topic of the essay.

5. Description hook

A descriptive hook works best when writing an explanatory or opinion-led essay. Descriptive hooks, as the name suggests, illustrate a topic in detail to create context for the essay. It's a good way to build awareness for and educate readers on lesser-known themes.

But a descriptive hook can easily become too plain or unexciting to read. To make it work, you have to write an engaging description using imagery, analogies, and other figures of speech. 

Remember to make your hook reader-friendly by avoiding passive voice, mainstream cliches, and lengthy sentences.

Consider this example:

how to write a good hook for an application essay

Describing a sunset is too cliche, so cross that one off the list. Describing the sky as it is on a normal day wouldn't be shocking or unexpected, so scratch that one, too.

This example creates something unique by using analogies to describe the color of the sky and painting a beautiful picture. 

Write a gripping description with AI

Writing an exciting hook for a boring topic is more challenging than it looks. But Wordtune makes it a breeze with just two steps:

  • Open the Wordtune editor and write your essay topic.
  • Click on Explain or Emphasize and let it work its magic.

You can also change the tone of voice to make the text more in tune with your theme. 

how to write a good hook for an application essay

6. Metaphor hook

One of my favorite essay hooks is to open with a persuasive metaphor to contextualize the topic. Metaphors can help you approach the topic from a completely different lens and wow your readers with interesting insight. 

Metaphors are also super versatile to make your writing more impactful. You can write a one-line metaphor or create a scenario comparing one thing to another and linking it to your topic. 

For example, if you’re writing about the experience of working at a startup, you can open your essay with these two options:

Short & sweet: "Joining a startup is like strapping into a rollercoaster: be ready to witness thrilling highs and sinking drops."

Long & descriptive : “Picture a small sailboat navigating the unpredictable winds and tides in a vast ocean. That’s a startup operating in a massive market. And with the right vision, this journey is filled with risks and rewards.” 

Create a convincing metaphor with AI

Writing good metaphors takes up a lot of creative brain power. You can always use Wordtune to find some extra inspiration if you're out of creative ideas. 

Type your opening line in the Wordtune editor and click on the 'Give an analogy' option. You can ask for as many suggestions as you want till you find the best one! 

how to write a good hook for an application essay

What to Know About Your Essay (and Topic) Before You Write the Hook

Whether you’re writing a research paper on economics, an argumentative essay for your college composition class, or a personal essay sharing your thoughts on a topic, you need to nail down a few things before you settle on the first line for your essay.

‍ Let me break them down for you. 

1. Gain in-depth knowledge of your topic

how to write a good hook for an application essay

Before you start writing your essay, you need to know your topic — not just in name, but in-depth. You don't have to become a subject matter expert overnight. But you do need to research the topic inside out 

Your research will help you:

  • Narrow your focus
  • Build an argument
  • Shape the narrative

Your research insights determine your essay’s structure and guide your choice of hook. 

After organizing your research in a neat outline, think to yourself: ‍Did you uncover a shocking fact? A compelling anecdote? An interesting quote? Any of those things could be your hook.

⚡ ‍ Take action:  After finishing your research, review your notes and think through your essay. Mark or make a list of anything compelling enough to be a good lead.

2. Type of essay

how to write a good hook for an application essay

In academic settings, there are generally three kinds of essays:

  • Argumentative: Making the case for a certain stance or route of action.
  • Expository: Explaining the who, what, when, where, why, and how of some phenomenon.
  • Narrative: Telling a true story as a way to explore different ideas.

‍ The type of essay you’re writing is key to choosing the best hook for your piece. 

A serious argumentative essay can start with a shocking statistic or a bold claim. And an expository essay can open with a descriptive hook while a metaphor hook would work best for a narrative essay.

⚡ ‍ Take action: Go through your list of potential hooks and cross out anything that doesn't fit the type of essay you're writing, whether it's persuasive , argumentative, or any other type.

3. Audience and tone

A best practice I often share with writers is to think of one reader and keep yourself in their shoes . This exercise can tell you so much about your audience — what kind of tone they like, what matters the most to them, what topics interest them, and so on. 

You can use these insights to create a compelling essay hook. Here’s how:

  • For an argumentative essay, you’re trying to convince someone who doesn’t agree with you that what you’re claiming is right or, at least, reasonable. You don’t want to turn them off with snarky or offensive language — but you do want to be authoritative. Your hook should match that tone and support your effort.
  • A narrative essay is likely to welcome more lyrical language, so starting with a colorful description or an anecdote might make more sense than, say, a bold claim or surprising fact. Whatever tone you choose for your narrative essay — comical or gentle or bold — should be used for your hook.
  • ‍ Expository essays can use all sorts of tones and be written to a variety of audiences, so think carefully about the tone that best fits your subject matter. An essay explaining how the human body shuts down when overdosed will likely require a different tone than one on the lives of circus masters in the late 1800s. 

⚡ ‍ Take action: Look at your list. Can you write these potential hooks in a tone that suits your subject and audience?

4. Length of essay

Are you writing a 10-page paper or a three-page reflection? Or is this your senior thesis, pushing over 100 pages?

‍ If you’re writing a shorter paper, you’ll want to keep your hook quick and snappy.  

Readers are expecting a quick read, and they don’t want to spend five minutes only going through the introduction. 

In contrast, you can approach a longer essay — like a senior thesis or a term paper — with a longer hook. Just make sure your hook relates to and supports the core point of your essay. You don’t want to waste space describing a scene that ultimately has nothing to do with the rest of your piece.

⚡ ‍ Take action: If you write out the items on your list, how long will they be? A sentence or paragraph? Perfect. Two to five paragraphs? Unless your essay is on the longer side, you may want to save that information for later in the piece.

‍ Now that you know the basic facts about what you’re writing, let’s look at some approaches you could use to catch those readers — and reel them in.

3 Approaches to Avoid When Writing Hooks 

I’ve read hundreds of essays — enough to recognize lazy writing from the first few words. It’s equally easy for readers to discard your essays as ‘poorly written’ just by reading the first line. 

So, I made a list of three types of essay hooks you want to avoid at all costs because these hooks can only disappoint your readers. 

1. Quotations

Quotes are probably the most overused type of hook in any form of writing. What's even worse is rinsing and repeating the same old quotes from Abraham Lincoln or Nelson Mandela in your essays. 

No matter how powerful a quote sounds, you shouldn’t slap it at the opening of your essay. It doesn’t give readers the excitement of reading something original and looks lazy.

For example, if you’re writing an essay on productivity, here’s what a good and bad lede looks like:

“Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work” – Stephen King
Did you know that consuming 100 gms of sugar can slash your productivity levels by over 50% in a day?  

2. Definitions

The New Oxford American Dictionary defines a hook as "a thing designed to catch people's attention." 

If I opened my article with this dictionary definition of a hook, you’d have either dozed off or left this page long back to find something more interesting. 

Here's the thing: definitions put people to sleep. Readers don't want to see a formal, jargon-heavy definition of a topic as the very first line of an essay. Your opening statement should have some personality in it to show readers they're in for an exciting read. 

For example, if you’re writing about happy hormones, here’s what a good and bad lede looks like:

Happy hormones are known to boost the happiness levels in your body by creating positive feelings.
Ever wondered why cat videos make you instantly happy, and ice creams give you an extra dose of energy? It's all about how happy hormones control our brain chemistry.

3. “Imagine this”

Opening your essay with "Imagine this" used to be an interesting way to put your readers in a scenario and set the context for your essay. But now, it's far too cliched and just another lazy attempt to write an essay hook. 

You can create a relatable scenario for users without asking them to imagine or picture it. Use the descriptive hook format with an interesting choice of words to convey the same ideas more creatively.

For example, if you’re writing an essay on preparing for higher studies abroad, here’s what a good and bad lede looks like:

Imagine this: You’ve been applying to multiple universities, writing SOPs, and preparing for exams without guidance. Everything can go south any minute. 
College application season is officially here. But with each passing day, you’re under more and more stress to apply to your chosen colleges and tick all the items off your list.

‍Our Go-To Trick for Writing Catchy Hooks

This opening statement can make or break your entire essay. While I’ve broken down my best tips to create the best essay hooks, here’s a surefire way to write compelling openings :

Go through your notes and either outline your essay or write the whole thing. This way, you’ll know the central thread (or throughline) that runs throughout your piece. 

Once your essay or outline is complete, go back through and identify a particularly compelling fact, claim, or example that relates to that central thread.

‍Write up that fact, claim, or example as the hook for your essay using any of the methods we’ve covered. Then revise or write your essay so the hook leads smoothly into the rest of the piece and you don’t repeat that information elsewhere.

Does your hook spark curiosity in you? 

Did that fact surprise you in the research stage? 

Chances are, your readers will have the same reaction.

And that’s exactly what you want.

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Tips for Writing an Effective Application Essay

Find the right college for you.

Writing an essay for college admission gives you a chance to use your authentic voice and show your personality. It's an excellent opportunity to personalize your application beyond your academic credentials, and a well-written essay can have a positive influence come decision time.

Want to know how to draft an essay for your college application ? Here are some tips to keep in mind when writing.

Tips for Essay Writing

A typical college application essay, also known as a personal statement, is 400-600 words. Although that may seem short, writing about yourself can be challenging. It's not something you want to rush or put off at the last moment. Think of it as a critical piece of the application process. Follow these tips to write an impactful essay that can work in your favor.

1. Start Early.

Few people write well under pressure. Try to complete your first draft a few weeks before you have to turn it in. Many advisers recommend starting as early as the summer before your senior year in high school. That way, you have ample time to think about the prompt and craft the best personal statement possible.

You don't have to work on your essay every day, but you'll want to give yourself time to revise and edit. You may discover that you want to change your topic or think of a better way to frame it. Either way, the sooner you start, the better.

2. Understand the Prompt and Instructions.

Before you begin the writing process, take time to understand what the college wants from you. The worst thing you can do is skim through the instructions and submit a piece that doesn't even fit the bare minimum requirements or address the essay topic. Look at the prompt, consider the required word count, and note any unique details each school wants.

3. Create a Strong Opener.

Students seeking help for their application essays often have trouble getting things started. It's a challenging writing process. Finding the right words to start can be the hardest part.

Spending more time working on your opener is always a good idea. The opening sentence sets the stage for the rest of your piece. The introductory paragraph is what piques the interest of the reader, and it can immediately set your essay apart from the others.

4. Stay on Topic.

One of the most important things to remember is to keep to the essay topic. If you're applying to 10 or more colleges, it's easy to veer off course with so many application essays.

A common mistake many students make is trying to fit previously written essays into the mold of another college's requirements. This seems like a time-saving way to avoid writing new pieces entirely, but it often backfires. The result is usually a final piece that's generic, unfocused, or confusing. Always write a new essay for every application, no matter how long it takes.

5. Think About Your Response.

Don't try to guess what the admissions officials want to read. Your essay will be easier to write─and more exciting to read─if you’re genuinely enthusiastic about your subject. Here’s an example: If all your friends are writing application essays about covid-19, it may be a good idea to avoid that topic, unless during the pandemic you had a vivid, life-changing experience you're burning to share. Whatever topic you choose, avoid canned responses. Be creative.

6. Focus on You.

Essay prompts typically give you plenty of latitude, but panel members expect you to focus on a subject that is personal (although not overly intimate) and particular to you. Admissions counselors say the best essays help them learn something about the candidate that they would never know from reading the rest of the application.

7. Stay True to Your Voice.

Use your usual vocabulary. Avoid fancy language you wouldn't use in real life. Imagine yourself reading this essay aloud to a classroom full of people who have never met you. Keep a confident tone. Be wary of words and phrases that undercut that tone.

8. Be Specific and Factual.

Capitalize on real-life experiences. Your essay may give you the time and space to explain why a particular achievement meant so much to you. But resist the urge to exaggerate and embellish. Admissions counselors read thousands of essays each year. They can easily spot a fake.

9. Edit and Proofread.

When you finish the final draft, run it through the spell checker on your computer. Then don’t read your essay for a few days. You'll be more apt to spot typos and awkward grammar when you reread it. After that, ask a teacher, parent, or college student (preferably an English or communications major) to give it a quick read. While you're at it, double-check your word count.

Writing essays for college admission can be daunting, but it doesn't have to be. A well-crafted essay could be the deciding factor─in your favor. Keep these tips in mind, and you'll have no problem creating memorable pieces for every application.

What is the format of a college application essay?

Generally, essays for college admission follow a simple format that includes an opening paragraph, a lengthier body section, and a closing paragraph. You don't need to include a title, which will only take up extra space. Keep in mind that the exact format can vary from one college application to the next. Read the instructions and prompt for more guidance.

Most online applications will include a text box for your essay. If you're attaching it as a document, however, be sure to use a standard, 12-point font and use 1.5-spaced or double-spaced lines, unless the application specifies different font and spacing.

How do you start an essay?

The goal here is to use an attention grabber. Think of it as a way to reel the reader in and interest an admissions officer in what you have to say. There's no trick on how to start a college application essay. The best way you can approach this task is to flex your creative muscles and think outside the box.

You can start with openers such as relevant quotes, exciting anecdotes, or questions. Either way, the first sentence should be unique and intrigue the reader.

What should an essay include?

Every application essay you write should include details about yourself and past experiences. It's another opportunity to make yourself look like a fantastic applicant. Leverage your experiences. Tell a riveting story that fulfills the prompt.

What shouldn’t be included in an essay?

When writing a college application essay, it's usually best to avoid overly personal details and controversial topics. Although these topics might make for an intriguing essay, they can be tricky to express well. If you’re unsure if a topic is appropriate for your essay, check with your school counselor. An essay for college admission shouldn't include a list of achievements or academic accolades either. Your essay isn’t meant to be a rehashing of information the admissions panel can find elsewhere in your application.

How can you make your essay personal and interesting?

The best way to make your essay interesting is to write about something genuinely important to you. That could be an experience that changed your life or a valuable lesson that had an enormous impact on you. Whatever the case, speak from the heart, and be honest.

Is it OK to discuss mental health in an essay?

Mental health struggles can create challenges you must overcome during your education and could be an opportunity for you to show how you’ve handled challenges and overcome obstacles. If you’re considering writing your essay for college admission on this topic, consider talking to your school counselor or with an English teacher on how to frame the essay.

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How to Write a Good Hook for a College Essay

Gina twardosz.

  • Last Updated on July 23, 2024

Table of Contents

How to Write a Good Hook for a College Essay

Think about your favorite book or movie: How does it start? Is there action or mystery? Does the first line surprise you? Does the main character open the scene with a funny line of dialogue or a dramatic prophecy? 

This is what’s called a “hook,” or an intriguing opening that leaves the audience wanting more, and it’s a useful tool for any writer, including college applicants. In this article, we’ll explore how to write a good hook for a college essay.

What is an Essay hook?

The purpose of an essay hook is to capture the reader’s attention. During an average college application season, admissions counselors read hundreds of essays. Your essay should stand out and hook the reader, encouraging them to keep reading. 

The main thing you need to know about an essay hook is that it always comes at the beginning of the essay—it will almost always be the first sentence of your Common App personal statement . If the reader isn’t interested in your essay from the beginning, they may start skimming or worse, stop reading. 

But never fear! In this guide, we’ll look at all the best ways to write a good hook for a college essay. Whether surprising, interrogative, intense, declarative, or evocative, your hook should be sharp enough to reel in the biggest fish of all: your top-choice school. 

What’s a Good Hook? 

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” This famous first line from Charles Dickens’s A Tale of Two Cities may elicit wonder and amazement…or dread if this was required reading in AP English. However, this opening line is so famous because it does several things well in setting up the novel’s premise.

Foremost, it establishes the central theme of the novel, duality, and alludes to the class war raging in its pages. It’s a strong, declarative statement that exudes authority. It also creates tension with its mysterious contradiction: How can it be both the best of times and the worst of times? You’ll have to read more to find out. 

While you may not be the next Charles Dickens, you can use this line as inspiration for writing your own good hook for a college essay. 

how to write a good hook for an application essay

It’s important to know that a good hook depends on your essay topic. If you haven’t selected your essay topic yet, check out this article on choosing a winning personal statement topic.

Let’s look at five ways to write a good hook for a college essay in greater detail. 

1. Surprise the reader! 

“Yuck!” I yelled as the pigeon pooped on my head. 

While silly, this sensational situation is not improbable. Perhaps you’ve had a similarly surprising encounter that left you stunned and questioning your place in this world. That’s a little too dramatic for this humorous situation, but shock and awe can be the quickest ways to garner attention. 

A surprising essay hook can take many forms, and this deviation from the typical opening line of an essay—a dull, explanatory sentence—is what makes this hook so surprising. Quotes, dialogue, jokes, and shocking facts or statistics can surprise and delight the reader. For example, another surprising hook for this essay might be: The likelihood of a pigeon pooping on you is less than 1%—so if it happens, consider yourself lucky! 

Fortunately, with our help, you won’t need luck to write a good hook for a college essay. 

2. Ask a question. 

While it may seem obvious, asking a question is another quick way to interest a reader. Interrogative statements require an answer, and while the reader may not have one, they’ll likely become interested in finding one through your essay. 

It’s important to remember that if you ask a question, the answer should be somewhere in your essay. You may not have to answer the question directly, especially if you’re asking a philosophical question, like “Why do bad things happen to good people?” but if your hook is interrogative, you should spend at least part of your essay articulating an answer. 

3. Create tension.

Indiana Jones jumps, dives, swings, and crawls away from every deadly booby trap that lies in his way. Indy is always in incredibly tense situations. Now, you’re not a heroic archeologist, so your life is probably a lot safer, but that doesn’t mean that everyday stressors can’t be high stakes. 

Maybe your essay is about your love of rock climbing, but on your first day, you found yourself stuck at the top of the wall unable to come down. By opening with this scene, you’re creating tension—of course, the reader knows that you eventually made it back down, but they don’t know how or when, and they’ll keep reading to find out. 

This is also a great way to write a cliffhanger into your essay. 

how to write a good hook for an application essay

4. Declare your truth. 

We all have deeply held beliefs. Maybe you’re an avid vegan—you’ll preach the importance of a plant-based diet to anyone who will listen. Or, maybe you believe a steady carnivorous diet is essential to supporting our nation’s farmers and ranchers. If you’re passionate about a social issue, declaring your belief at the beginning of your essay shows your confidence and authority about the subject. Through being assertive, others will be invested in what you have to say. 

It’s important to remember that a good hook and a thesis statement are two different sentences. Ideally, your essay should have both, but while the thesis statement is the road map of your essay, the essay hook is only responsible for grabbing the reader’s attention. Your essay’s hook and thesis statement should still be aligned, however. 

5. Paint a picture. 

We’re writing, not painting, but beautiful descriptions will always capture attention. Appealing to one’s senses—sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell—can elicit an intense response from the reader.

A good, descriptive essay hook can appeal to any or all of the senses as long as you’re using sensory language. If you’re writing about your grandmother’s recipes, you’ll want to make sure the reader knows that your grandma’s special dumplings are always steamy and fragrant, spicy and full of umami—use just enough descriptions to make the reader’s mouth water! 

Descriptive hooks can ground the reader in something real and interest them in your unique perspective. If you’re capable of writing about something as small as dumplings so evocatively, then the reader will be interested to read the rest of your essay. 

Bonus: When in doubt, start at the end. 

If you hit a snag at the end of your line and are struggling to write a clever and enticing opening line that hooks the reader, it may be easier to start with the body paragraphs or conclusion first. It can be easier to know how you want to begin your essay once you have part of it already written, so if you find yourself struggling to write a good hook, try writing the rest of the essay first and seeing if that sparks anything. 


A good hook for a college essay should immediately capture attention and propel the reader into your essay. A good hook can be the difference between an engaged reader and a disinterested one. With these tips, and a little preparation, inspiration, and creativity, you can write a good hook that’ll catch the reader’s attention and secure your dream school.

It’s never too early to start working on your Common App personal statement. For more tips on writing a stand-out essay and more information about working one-on-one with an expert Essay Coach, contact HelloCollege for a free consultation .

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How to Write a College Essay | A Complete Guide & Examples

The college essay can make or break your application. It’s your chance to provide personal context, communicate your values and qualities, and set yourself apart from other students.

A standout essay has a few key ingredients:

  • A unique, personal topic
  • A compelling, well-structured narrative
  • A clear, creative writing style
  • Evidence of self-reflection and insight

To achieve this, it’s crucial to give yourself enough time for brainstorming, writing, revision, and feedback.

In this comprehensive guide, we walk you through every step in the process of writing a college admissions essay.

Table of contents

Why do you need a standout essay, start organizing early, choose a unique topic, outline your essay, start with a memorable introduction, write like an artist, craft a strong conclusion, revise and receive feedback, frequently asked questions.

While most of your application lists your academic achievements, your college admissions essay is your opportunity to share who you are and why you’d be a good addition to the university.

Your college admissions essay accounts for about 25% of your application’s total weight一and may account for even more with some colleges making the SAT and ACT tests optional. The college admissions essay may be the deciding factor in your application, especially for competitive schools where most applicants have exceptional grades, test scores, and extracurriculars.

What do colleges look for in an essay?

Admissions officers want to understand your background, personality, and values to get a fuller picture of you beyond your test scores and grades. Here’s what colleges look for in an essay :

  • Demonstrated values and qualities
  • Vulnerability and authenticity
  • Self-reflection and insight
  • Creative, clear, and concise writing skills

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It’s a good idea to start organizing your college application timeline in the summer of your junior year to make your application process easier. This will give you ample time for essay brainstorming, writing, revision, and feedback.

While timelines will vary for each student, aim to spend at least 1–3 weeks brainstorming and writing your first draft and at least 2–4 weeks revising across multiple drafts. Remember to leave enough time for breaks in between each writing and editing stage.

Create an essay tracker sheet

If you’re applying to multiple schools, you will have to juggle writing several essays for each one. We recommend using an essay tracker spreadsheet to help you visualize and organize the following:

  • Deadlines and number of essays needed
  • Prompt overlap, allowing you to write one essay for similar prompts

You can build your own essay tracker using our free Google Sheets template.

College essay tracker template

Ideally, you should start brainstorming college essay topics the summer before your senior year. Keep in mind that it’s easier to write a standout essay with a unique topic.

If you want to write about a common essay topic, such as a sports injury or volunteer work overseas, think carefully about how you can make it unique and personal. You’ll need to demonstrate deep insight and write your story in an original way to differentiate it from similar essays.

What makes a good topic?

  • Meaningful and personal to you
  • Uncommon or has an unusual angle
  • Reveals something different from the rest of your application

Brainstorming questions

You should do a comprehensive brainstorm before choosing your topic. Here are a few questions to get started:

  • What are your top five values? What lived experiences demonstrate these values?
  • What adjectives would your friends and family use to describe you?
  • What challenges or failures have you faced and overcome? What lessons did you learn from them?
  • What makes you different from your classmates?
  • What are some objects that represent your identity, your community, your relationships, your passions, or your goals?
  • Whom do you admire most? Why?
  • What three people have significantly impacted your life? How did they influence you?

How to identify your topic

Here are two strategies for identifying a topic that demonstrates your values:

  • Start with your qualities : First, identify positive qualities about yourself; then, brainstorm stories that demonstrate these qualities.
  • Start with a story : Brainstorm a list of memorable life moments; then, identify a value shown in each story.

After choosing your topic, organize your ideas in an essay outline , which will help keep you focused while writing. Unlike a five-paragraph academic essay, there’s no set structure for a college admissions essay. You can take a more creative approach, using storytelling techniques to shape your essay.

Two common approaches are to structure your essay as a series of vignettes or as a single narrative.

Vignettes structure

The vignette, or montage, structure weaves together several stories united by a common theme. Each story should demonstrate one of your values or qualities and conclude with an insight or future outlook.

This structure gives the admissions officer glimpses into your personality, background, and identity, and shows how your qualities appear in different areas of your life.

Topic: Museum with a “five senses” exhibit of my experiences

  • Introduction: Tour guide introduces my museum and my “Making Sense of My Heritage” exhibit
  • Story: Racial discrimination with my eyes
  • Lesson: Using my writing to document truth
  • Story: Broadway musical interests
  • Lesson: Finding my voice
  • Story: Smells from family dinner table
  • Lesson: Appreciating home and family
  • Story: Washing dishes
  • Lesson: Finding moments of peace in busy schedule
  • Story: Biking with Ava
  • Lesson: Finding pleasure in job well done
  • Conclusion: Tour guide concludes tour, invites guest to come back for “fall College Collection,” featuring my search for identity and learning.

Single story structure

The single story, or narrative, structure uses a chronological narrative to show a student’s character development over time. Some narrative essays detail moments in a relatively brief event, while others narrate a longer journey spanning months or years.

Single story essays are effective if you have overcome a significant challenge or want to demonstrate personal development.

Topic: Sports injury helps me learn to be a better student and person

  • Situation: Football injury
  • Challenge: Friends distant, teachers don’t know how to help, football is gone for me
  • Turning point: Starting to like learning in Ms. Brady’s history class; meeting Christina and her friends
  • My reactions: Reading poetry; finding shared interest in poetry with Christina; spending more time studying and with people different from me
  • Insight: They taught me compassion and opened my eyes to a different lifestyle; even though I still can’t play football, I’m starting a new game

Brainstorm creative insights or story arcs

Regardless of your essay’s structure, try to craft a surprising story arc or original insights, especially if you’re writing about a common topic.

Never exaggerate or fabricate facts about yourself to seem interesting. However, try finding connections in your life that deviate from cliché storylines and lessons.

Common insight Unique insight
Making an all-state team → outstanding achievement Making an all-state team → counting the cost of saying “no” to other interests
Making a friend out of an enemy → finding common ground, forgiveness Making a friend out of an enemy → confront toxic thinking and behavior in yourself
Choir tour → a chance to see a new part of the world Choir tour → a chance to serve in leading younger students
Volunteering → learning to help my community and care about others Volunteering → learning to be critical of insincere resume-building
Turning a friend in for using drugs →  choosing the moral high ground Turning a friend in for using drugs →  realizing the hypocrisy of hiding your secrets

Admissions officers read thousands of essays each year, and they typically spend only a few minutes reading each one. To get your message across, your introduction , or hook, needs to grab the reader’s attention and compel them to read more..

Avoid starting your introduction with a famous quote, cliché, or reference to the essay itself (“While I sat down to write this essay…”).

While you can sometimes use dialogue or a meaningful quotation from a close family member or friend, make sure it encapsulates your essay’s overall theme.

Find an original, creative way of starting your essay using the following two methods.

Option 1: Start with an intriguing hook

Begin your essay with an unexpected statement to pique the reader’s curiosity and compel them to carefully read your essay. A mysterious introduction disarms the reader’s expectations and introduces questions that can only be answered by reading more.

Option 2: Start with vivid imagery

Illustrate a clear, detailed image to immediately transport your reader into your memory. You can start in the middle of an important scene or describe an object that conveys your essay’s theme.

A college application essay allows you to be creative in your style and tone. As you draft your essay, try to use interesting language to enliven your story and stand out .

Show, don’t tell

“Tell” in writing means to simply state a fact: “I am a basketball player.” “ Show ” in writing means to use details, examples, and vivid imagery to help the reader easily visualize your memory: “My heart races as I set up to shoot一two seconds, one second一and score a three-pointer!”

First, reflect on every detail of a specific image or scene to recall the most memorable aspects.

  • What are the most prominent images?
  • Are there any particular sounds, smells, or tastes associated with this memory?
  • What emotion or physical feeling did you have at that time?

Be vulnerable to create an emotional response

You don’t have to share a huge secret or traumatic story, but you should dig deep to express your honest feelings, thoughts, and experiences to evoke an emotional response. Showing vulnerability demonstrates humility and maturity. However, don’t exaggerate to gain sympathy.

Use appropriate style and tone

Make sure your essay has the right style and tone by following these guidelines:

  • Use a conversational yet respectful tone: less formal than academic writing, but more formal than texting your friends.
  • Prioritize using “I” statements to highlight your perspective.
  • Write within your vocabulary range to maintain an authentic voice.
  • Write concisely, and use the active voice to keep a fast pace.
  • Follow grammar rules (unless you have valid stylistic reasons for breaking them).

You should end your college essay with a deep insight or creative ending to leave the reader with a strong final impression. Your college admissions essay should avoid the following:

  • Summarizing what you already wrote
  • Stating your hope of being accepted to the school
  • Mentioning character traits that should have been illustrated in the essay, such as “I’m a hard worker”

Here are two strategies to craft a strong conclusion.

Option 1: Full circle, sandwich structure

The full circle, or sandwich, structure concludes the essay with an image, idea, or story mentioned in the introduction. This strategy gives the reader a strong sense of closure.

In the example below, the essay concludes by returning to the “museum” metaphor that the writer opened with.

Option 2: Revealing your insight

You can use the conclusion to show the insight you gained as a result of the experiences you’ve described. Revealing your main message at the end creates suspense and keeps the takeaway at the forefront of your reader’s mind.

Revise your essay before submitting it to check its content, style, and grammar. Get feedback from no more than two or three people.

It’s normal to go through several rounds of revision, but take breaks between each editing stage.

Also check out our college essay examples to see what does and doesn’t work in an essay and the kinds of changes you can make to improve yours.

Respect the word count

Most schools specify a word count for each essay , and you should stay within 10% of the upper limit.

Remain under the specified word count limit to show you can write concisely and follow directions. However, don’t write too little, which may imply that you are unwilling or unable to write a thoughtful and developed essay.

Check your content, style, and grammar

  • First, check big-picture issues of message, flow, and clarity.
  • Then, check for style and tone issues.
  • Finally, focus on eliminating grammar and punctuation errors.

Get feedback

Get feedback from 2–3 people who know you well, have good writing skills, and are familiar with college essays.

  • Teachers and guidance counselors can help you check your content, language, and tone.
  • Friends and family can check for authenticity.
  • An essay coach or editor has specialized knowledge of college admissions essays and can give objective expert feedback.

The checklist below helps you make sure your essay ticks all the boxes.

College admissions essay checklist

I’ve organized my essay prompts and created an essay writing schedule.

I’ve done a comprehensive brainstorm for essay topics.

I’ve selected a topic that’s meaningful to me and reveals something different from the rest of my application.

I’ve created an outline to guide my structure.

I’ve crafted an introduction containing vivid imagery or an intriguing hook that grabs the reader’s attention.

I’ve written my essay in a way that shows instead of telling.

I’ve shown positive traits and values in my essay.

I’ve demonstrated self-reflection and insight in my essay.

I’ve used appropriate style and tone .

I’ve concluded with an insight or a creative ending.

I’ve revised my essay , checking my overall message, flow, clarity, and grammar.

I’ve respected the word count , remaining within 10% of the upper word limit.


It looks like your essay ticks all the boxes. A second pair of eyes can help you take it to the next level – Scribbr's essay coaches can help.

Colleges want to be able to differentiate students who seem similar on paper. In the college application essay , they’re looking for a way to understand each applicant’s unique personality and experiences.

Your college essay accounts for about 25% of your application’s weight. It may be the deciding factor in whether you’re accepted, especially for competitive schools where most applicants have exceptional grades, test scores, and extracurricular track records.

A standout college essay has several key ingredients:

  • A unique, personally meaningful topic
  • A memorable introduction with vivid imagery or an intriguing hook
  • Specific stories and language that show instead of telling
  • Vulnerability that’s authentic but not aimed at soliciting sympathy
  • Clear writing in an appropriate style and tone
  • A conclusion that offers deep insight or a creative ending

While timelines will differ depending on the student, plan on spending at least 1–3 weeks brainstorming and writing the first draft of your college admissions essay , and at least 2–4 weeks revising across multiple drafts. Don’t forget to save enough time for breaks between each writing and editing stage.

You should already begin thinking about your essay the summer before your senior year so that you have plenty of time to try out different topics and get feedback on what works.

Most college application portals specify a word count range for your essay, and you should stay within 10% of the upper limit to write a developed and thoughtful essay.

You should aim to stay under the specified word count limit to show you can follow directions and write concisely. However, don’t write too little, as it may seem like you are unwilling or unable to write a detailed and insightful narrative about yourself.

If no word count is specified, we advise keeping your essay between 400 and 600 words.

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how to write a good hook for an application essay

Essay Hooks: How to Grab Your Reader With Your Writing

April 18, 2019

how to write a good hook for an application essay

Imagine an admissions officer reading your application: they start with the mundane, beginning with your home address and biographical information, then moving down your application to your test scores and activities list next. What exactly have you been doing for the past four years? Are you a student leader, community game-changer, future tech mogul? And then - your personal statement .

It’s not much of an exaggeration to say that this essay is the soul of your application. With 650 allotted words, you have the power to craft a captivating narrative about who you are, what you value, and most importantly - where you see yourself going. The very first sentence of your essay - commonly referred to as the ‘hook’ - is a direct invitation to the reader to walk into your world for the next few minutes. Essay hooks can also simultaneously be the hardest piece of your essay to write.

For most high school writers, composing essay hooks can take some practice. It’s hard to know what will feel appropriate for your essay, and what captures someone’s attention is so innately personal. What you find humorous or intellectual might come across to your reader as boring or overdrawn. In this blog, I’ll introduce common “hook” styles that have been successful for past students, caution against the pitfalls that many applicants fall into, and share my top strategies for practicing writing your own essay hooks .

What Types of Hooks Are There?

Open with the unexpected.

“On the day my first novel was rejected, I was baking pies.” (Hamilton)

“Not all sons of doctors raise baby ducks and chickens in their kitchen. But I do. My dad taught me.” (NYT)

Starting your essay with a contradiction or surprising juxtaposition immediately catches any reader’s intrigue. These essay hooks work well because they’re unusual, but not hyper dramatized: both of the hooks above read as genuine. There’s also an implicit sense of humor here: who catches themselves baking pies when they receive upsetting news? These hooks position the speaker as quirky, likable, and ready to offer some insight about what their unique life experiences have taught them. Simply put, this is a great way to grab your reader’s attention.

However, these types of hooks can also be more difficult to write. Unless you have a clear (or funny) story to tell from the beginning, they can be harder to write naturally. Try reflecting on the story you plan to tell: what about your identity, circumstances, or surroundings provides an insightful and unexpected angle into what you want to say? Jot down a few ideas and try several approaches before settling on your final opening line.

Details, Details, Details

“The way the light shined on her skin as she sewed the quilt emphasized the details of every wrinkle, burn and cut. While she completed the overcast stitch, the thimble on her index finger protected her from the needle pokes. She wore rings on every finger of her right hand, but on her left she only wore her wedding ring.” (NYT)

“My grandmother hovers over the stove flame, fanning it as she melodically hums Kikuyu spirituals. She kneads the dough and places it on the stove, her veins throbbing with every movement: a living masterpiece painted by a life of poverty and motherhood. The air becomes thick with smoke and I am soon forced out of the walls of the mud-brick house while she laughs.” (NYT)

Both of these opening paragraphs have successful essay hooks because they jump straight into the thick of it - there’s no time for slow building action here. They rely on the speaker’s senses, drawing from details that are visual, tactile, or auditory to draw the reader into the essay.

While both of these hooks center a female relative, the reader is ultimately learning about you: how do you perceive the world around you, what do you direct your attention towards, and what details matter to you ? This style of hook is perfect for a speaker who is insightful, self-aware, and nuanced. It’s also a great approach to showcase young writers’ creative capacities.

If you’re unsure about how to start writing this hook, try writing your essay as you see fit from start to finish. Then, look for ways to rearrange your structure - a lot of times it’s easier to find detailed imagery in the middle of an essay before moving it to the beginning. Another hint: opening with dialogue can always be a great way to jump right into the meat of your essay.

Bring a Fresh Perspective

“For as long as I can remember, one of my favorite pastimes has been manipulating those tricky permutations of 26 letters to fill in that signature, bright green gridded board of Wheel of Fortune.” (Johns Hopkins)

“I have old hands.” (Stanford)

One of my favorite personal strategies for tackling essay hooks is to bring light to something that happens every day. What’s such a normal experience of your daily occurrence that it’s led you to new insight, perspective, or thought? Do you spend every day watching Wheel of Fortune, or investigating your hands? Have you experimented with perfecting the best sandwich ever, harnessed inspiration from mowing the lawn, or made an art form out of writing moving birthday cards to your friends? Drawing focus towards moments that most people take for granted shapes your persona as a speaker - it shows you as creative, mature, and a forward-thinker.

This style of hook grabs your reader’s attention by signaling that you’re about to add a new twist on something that’s already established and it maintains a high level of authenticity, too. A lot of students writing their essays will try to talk about something big that makes them seem impressive - but actually, zoning in for the “small” moments that have been meaningful to you showcases more of your positive qualities as an applicant, and better demonstrates who you are.

If All Else Fails - Try Going Simple

“I always assumed my father wished I had been born a boy.” (NYT)

What’s the bare-bones, unshakable truth of your essay? This hook is effective because it’s moving - it speaks to the essay’s truth, and foreshadows content (the speaker’s relationship with her father, gender expectations and/or dynamics, navigating assumptions). In this case, simple is better: in one sentence, the speaker is able to distill the emotional core of her essay. The speaker’s voice reads as reflective, mature, and confident - she’s not afraid to be vulnerable, and has a clear voice.

This approach is perfect for students who aren’t sure what strategy might work for them, because it’s easy to tell when you’ve been successful. Try writing a single sentence that captures the emotional weight of your essay - then read it back to yourself (and others!). Do you have chills? Great - keep writing.

Common Pitfalls

You can’t win an oscar.

“Blood-soaked. 3am.”

Okay, there are two things that need to be addressed here. First - this is not a screenplay! You don’t need a shot-by-shot action take. Secondly - this is not the type of detail (or imagery) that’s going to work in your favor. While I’m a proponent for the “detailed” approach to hooking your audience, this isn’t quite what admissions officers are looking for. The essay in this case is actually about playing video games, so the dramatic (and violent) start is unnecessary. It also feels a little cheap - as if the speaker is trying too hard to grab the reader’s attention without putting thought into the impact of their words.

You Don’t Have to Prove Yourself

Please don’t open your essay with a really convoluted, philosophical, or critical outlook on the state of humankind, technology, or any other large-scale topics. Sure, you want to seem intellectually curious and come across as a deep thinker, but it shouldn’t feel contrived. Worst of all, these essays aren’t about you . The college essay isn’t the time to try and prove your intellectual prowess - it’s a space for introspection and mature reflection. By forcing your (intense) opinions on a reader, you come across as arrogant. What can colleges teach someone who is proclaiming to already know everything?

Use Your Own Words

While I’m sure there have been many works - poems, songs, memoirs, or plays - that have had a vast impact on your personal development, your reader wants to know more about you , not a writer that’s already established. Using quotes as essay hooks is a huge risk. For me, it elicits an immediate sigh and (depending on the quote), eye roll.

You’re Not En(titled) to Do This

If you only have 650 words to make your mark: don’t use a title! It’s a waste of space that disrupts your essay’s formatting and seems uninformed. Titling your essay isn’t a part of the personal statement’s typical conventions, so it’s completely unnecessary. Thumbs down.

How To Write Your Own Essay Hooks

So, how do you create your own?

Here are my best suggestions:

  • Try several points of entry. Different styles are going to work with different students - it’s going to depend on your writing style, personality, sense of humor, experience with creative or reflective writing, and what your essay is about. Not everything will land the way you want it to - but that’s okay! Try writing essay hooks that model each of the styles above. Which feels most sincere for your piece and most true to you?
  • Get feedback - the right kind. While too many different critics can agitate the writing process, feedback is important. Try a peer share or mini writing seminar with some of your friends - you all have to write essays, after all. Why not do it together? Try sharing a few different hooks and see what works best for your crowd. Make sure you keep your sanity by not sharing too much of your essay - just the pieces that you truly want feedback on. Most importantly, make sure you know when to incorporate the feedback, and when to use your best judgment and keep something you believe is an essential part of your essay.
  • Write, write, write. It’s not fair to assume that because essay hooks come first, that you must write it first. That’s almost never the case! I personally always draft introductions before the rest of any piece, then circle back at the end to rewrite the beginning. You may have to keep writing before you land your point of entry - that’s how it should be!

After learning more about what types of essay hooks there are, and how to craft your own, I hope you’re ready to take on the hardest piece of the writing process with ease. You may surprise yourself with where your story begins.

  • JHU: https://apply.jhu.edu/application-process/essays-that-worked/
  • Stanford: https://stanfordmag.org/contents/let-me-introduce-myself
  • Hamilton:  https://www.hamilton.edu/admission/apply/college-essays-that-worked/2014-essays-that-worked
  • NYT: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/11/your-money/college-essay-topic-money-social-class.html

Tags : college application tips , college application essay , Personal Essay , Personal Statement , college essay tips , essay hooks

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7 Good Hooks for Essays – with College Essay Examples

July 17, 2024

Good Hooks for Essays with College Essay Examples — we begin with an example…

I felt a bead of sweat drip down my cheek as I stared at the blank document, ready to begin my first college essay. I wanted to type something, but my fingers sat still as though I’d forgotten how to use a keyboard. How do start?

Perhaps you can relate to this image. As it turns out, imagery itself could solve the problem for this writer.

As you write your college essays you should aim to engage your readers from the very first sentence. Why is this important? While college admissions officers may have already peered at your grades and activity lists, your essay is their first opportunity to get a sense of your unique personality. While you should avoid overloading your essay with complex metaphors and statistics (this could make you seem disorganized, insincere, or snobbish), a slightly unconventional or surprising start to the essay can work wonders.

We advise applicants to strengthen their college essays by beginning with hooks , or statements that pull in the attention of readers. Great hooks often come in the form of images, questions, strong declarations, and more. Continue reading for 7 types of great hooks for college essays, as well as college essay hook examples for each.

Good Hooks for Essays with College Essay Examples

1) tell a story.

This one is a personal favorite. A story hook involves beginning with a short anecdote related to your essay topic. Connecting your topic to a story is a great way to make your essay more exciting and memorable overall. With this hook type, it’s important that your story connects to your essay topic. It’s also important that it doesn’t become too long or unwieldy (a strong story can often be told in 1-3 sentences). Regardless, a story hook will likely be a bit longer than the other hooks you might use.

Example 1: I would spend my Sundays strolling through the aisles of the fabric store, touching various laces and chiffons. I was fascinated by the colors and textures, inspired to create something, though I had no clue how to do so without some kind of unattainable expertise. One Sunday in early autumn, I met the woman who would teach me how to sew, leading me on the path to becoming a costume designer for our school plays.

(Through this story, the applicant appeals to the reader’s senses and successfully prepares for a discussion about their sewing and costume design experience).

Example 2: As we picked up trash along the trail, reaching for sharp bottle caps and sticky candy wrappers glimmering in the sunlight, I thought about how each one of these remnants could end up in the world’s oceans. My summer of volunteering at the state park confirmed my interest in pursuing environmental science.

(This story hook perfectly sets up a college essay about one’s community service experience and passion for environmental science).

Good Hooks for Essays with College Essay Examples (Continued)

2) describe something interesting.

Similar to the story hook, the description hook draws in readers by recounting a vivid scene, which may or may not feed into a longer story. Used frequently in many types of writing, the point of the description is to develop intrigue, making readers curious to know more.

Example 1: Rain poured down as I sat in the car, hearing only loud thumps against the windshield. The sky was darkening and my phone had almost completely lost signal. With nowhere to go and no one to call, I came to a realization.

(Playing off of the “ it was a dark and stormy night ” trope, this application writer develops intrigue by describing a lonely, rainy, and possibly frightening atmosphere).

Example 2: My grandmother’s homemade blintzes were always warm and cloud-like, with soft and sweet cheese oozing from their edges. Nobody in the family could make blintzes like she could. With each bite, I imagined her grandmother making them for her, and more generally, her life in Poland before she immigrated to the United States.

(Describing a familiar recipe or family tradition is a great way to lead into a discussion of one’s culture and identity).

3) Ask a thought-provoking question

You might also begin by asking a question related to your essay topic. Asking an interesting question, especially one that the reader may not have thought of, commonly leads to a desire to continue reading for the answer. This can be a rhetorical question (one that lends itself to an obvious answer, often used to make a point) or a genuine question (one you are sincerely asking yourself or someone else).

Example 1: Who wouldn’t want to be a Broadway star?

(This rhetorical question could begin an essay about an applicant who yearns to be onstage and pursue theater in college, or who once desired to act on stage but now wants to apply their theater background to a psychology major. Though of course not everyone wants to be a Broadway star, the rhetorical framing reveals the author’s perspective).

Example 2: When is it okay to eat animals?

(This genuine question could begin an essay about an applicant who grapples with the food industry, perhaps one who works or grew up on a farm or in the food service industry).

4) Make a declaration

If you’re writing about a topic that you feel strongly about, you may start with a declarative statement. Perhaps this statement is widely agreed upon, or maybe it’s more of a “hot take” (a controversial opinion that your reader could disagree with). Either way, you should support this statement as the essay unfolds. This hook is strongest when short and concise.

Example 1: In most situations, it’s far better to listen than to speak.

(This declaration sets the stage for discussing the skill of listening, perhaps a situation in which listening skills came in handy for the college applicant).

Example 2:   Reality TV offers crucial life lessons.

(This is an example of a more surprising “hot take,” since readers may not expect to hear that important life lessons can be learned from seemingly-frivolous reality TV. If supported thoughtfully, this hook can demonstrate the applicant’s confidence and humor).

5) Quote someone

Similar to declarations, quotes are often used because they are powerful, succinct, and eye-catching. Additionally, their familiarity or trustworthiness can add credibility to a college essay. Strong quotes can come from a variety of sources, from famous scientists, to politicians, to favorite high school teachers, to a book or film characters. Quotes can be moving, inspirational, thought-provoking, or funny, so long as they connect clearly to your essay topic.

Example 1: Author, poet, and Civil Rights Movement activist Maya Angelou once said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

(This famous quote by an important literary figure is perfect for setting up a discussion on the importance of doing good deeds or treating others with kindness).

Example 2: “The road to success is always under construction,” stated actress and comedian Lily Tomlin .

(If you’d like to give your essay a humorous edge, why not quote a comedian? This quote hook might introduce an essay that describes some bumps in the road along the way to success).

6) Give a surprising fact or statistic

Especially if your essay discusses scientific issues, social phenomena, or current events, it can be interesting to begin with a fact that the reader may not already know. Whether or not your fact contains statistics, it’s important to make sure the information comes from a credible source (which you should cite). You might visit The Pew Research Center , or a reputable newspaper or magazine such as The New York Times , The Guardian , or National Geographic . As with other types of hooks, make sure your fact connects to the rest of your essay and your life (your college essay should primarily be about your own identity and interests, as much as you might find it interesting to discuss a current event or political issue).

Example 1: Though women outnumber men in the U.S. college-educated workforce, they only make up about a third of workers in the country’s 10 highest-paying jobs ( Pew Research Center ).

(An applicant using this hook might continue on to discuss how they have dedicated themselves to feminist issues and plan to continue doing so in college).

Example 2: More than 40% of plastic is only used once, before being tossed ( National Geographic ).

(An applicant might be introducing an essay about starting an initiative at school to reduce plastic waste).

7) Name a common misconception

The common misconception hook challenges readers to rethink an assumption, or something commonly taken for granted. This can be an intriguing start to a college essay, while also demonstrating the writer’s capacity to reflect and think critically.

Example 1: Many believe that meditation is about emptying the mind, getting rid of all thoughts in order to find an ultimate state of calm. However, I’ve come to understand that it’s actually about focusing on the present.

(This would be a great way to begin an essay about how and why someone began meditating, and what the practice has taught them over the years).

Example 2: While people commonly associate “being intelligent” with having a wealth of facts memorized, being able to quickly complete math problems or memorize SAT words, a theory demonstrates that humans actually have 8 types of intelligence, including spatial intelligence and bodily-kinesthetic intelligence ( CNBC ).

(This applicant might go on to discuss spatial and bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, and what they have learned from practicing volleyball and modern dance).

Further reading

If you are in fact sitting in front of the computer, having difficulty with the start of your college essays, hopefully these 7 types of essay hooks have offered some inspiration. While they are great ways to begin your Common App essay, tools such as quotes, facts, and stories can be useful in your body paragraphs and conclusions. They can also apply to your supplemental essays, including those on diversity and community .

For more advice to ease your college essay writing process, check out the following articles:

  • Should I Complete Optional College Essays?
  • College Application Essay Topics to Avoid—2024-25
  • 25 Inspiring College Essay Ideas
  • How to Brainstorm a College Essay
  • Common App Essay Prompts—2024-25
  • 10 Instructive Common App Essay Examples—2024
  • “Why This College?” Essay Examples
  • College Essay

Sarah Mininsohn

With a BA from Wesleyan University and an MFA from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Sarah is a writer, educator, and artist. She served as a graduate instructor at the University of Illinois, a tutor at St Peter’s School in Philadelphia, and an academic writing tutor and thesis mentor at Wesleyan’s Writing Workshop.

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College admissions

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Writing tips and techniques for your college essay

how to write a good hook for an application essay

Pose a question the reader wants answered

Don't focus exclusively on the past, experiment with the unexpected, don't summarize, want to join the conversation.

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Good Answer

How to Write a Hook: Start Off Your Essay Strong with This Guide

how to write a good hook for an application essay

What is a Hook for an Essay: Importance and Purpose

Which section of your essay can make your readers dip their toes into your writing? Is it the body paragraphs where all the analysis is laid out? Or maybe the introduction, where you present your thesis statement and voice your perspective on the subject? Well, if you think it is the latter, then we must agree with your decision. However, let's get more specific; if we take the introductory paragraph to pieces, which piece gets the most recognition? You must have guessed from the article's title that we're talking about a hook. But first, let's define what is a hook for an essay before we walk you through the reasons why it deserves our pat on the back.

The hook is the initial sentence in a written work. Whether you're asking how to write a hook for a song, blog post, or term paper, know that the purpose of any effective hook is to seize the reader's attention. It can be one sentence long, often for shorter pieces, or composed of several lines - usually for larger pieces. Making the reader want to keep reading is what an essay hook accomplishes for your paper, just as an intriguing introduction does for any piece.

Our main emphasis in this guide is on creating a good hook for an essay. Nonetheless, these fundamental guidelines apply to nearly every format for communicating with your audience. Whether writing a personal statement, a speech, or a presentation, making a solid first impression is crucial to spur your readers into action.

How to Write a Hook for Different Kinds of Writing

Although it is a tough skill to master, understanding how to write a hook is crucial for academic writing success. By reviewing the most prevalent kinds of essay hooks, you can discover how to effectively captivate readers from the start and generate a hook that is ideal for your article. To do so, let's head over to the following sections prepared by our dissertation writers .

essay hooks

How to Write a Hook for a College Essay?

By mastering how to write a hook for a college essay, you have the opportunity to stand out from the hundreds of applicants with identical academic portfolios to yours in your college essay. It should shed light on who you are, represent your true nature, and show your individuality. But first, you need an attention-grabbing start if you want the admissions committee to read more of yours than theirs. For this, you'll require a strong hook.

Set the Scene

When wondering how to write a good hook for an essay, consider setting the scene. Open in the middle of a key moment, plunge in with vivid details and conversation to keep your essay flowing and attract the reader. Make the reader feel like they are seeing a moment from your life and have just tuned in.

Open with an Example

Starting with a specific example is also a great idea if you're explaining how you acquired a particular skill or unique accomplishment. Then, similar to how you established the scenario above, you may return to this point later and discuss its significance throughout the remaining sections.

Open with an Anecdote

Using an anecdotal hook doesn't necessarily mean that your essay should also be humorous. The joke should be short and well-aimed to achieve the best results. To assist the reader in visualizing the situation and understanding what you are up against when tackling a task or overcoming a challenge, you might also use a funny irony. And if this sounds too overwhelming to compose, buy an essay on our platform and let our expert writers convey your unmatched story!

How to Write a Hook for an Argumentative Essay?

If you write a strong hook, your instructor will be compelled to read your argument in the following paragraphs. So, put your creative thinking cap on while crafting the hook, and write in a way that entices readers to continue reading the essay.

Use Statistics

Statistics serve as a useful hook because they encourage research. When used in argumentative writing, statistics can introduce readers to previously undiscovered details and data. That can greatly increase their desire to read your article from start to finish. You can also consider this advice when unsure how to write a good hook for a research paper. Especially if you're conducting a quantitative study, a statistic hook can be a solid start.

Use a Common Misconception

Another answer to your 'how to write a hook for an argumentative essay' question is to use a common misconception. What could be a better way to construct an interesting hook, which should grab readers' attention, than to incorporate a widely held misconception? A widespread false belief is one that many people hold to be true. When you create a hook with a misinterpretation, you startle your readers and immediately capture their interest.

How to Write a Hook for a Persuasive Essay?

The finest hooks for a persuasive essay capture the reader's interest while leading them to almost unconsciously support your position even before they are aware of it. You can accomplish this by employing the following hook ideas for an essay:

Ask a Rhetorical Question

By posing a query at the outset of your essay, you may engage the reader's critical thinking and whet their appetite for the solution you won't provide until later. Try to formulate a question wide enough for them to not immediately know the answer and detailed enough to avoid becoming a generic hook.

Use an Emotional Appeal

This is a fantastic approach to arouse sympathy and draw the reader into your cause. By appealing to the reader's emotions, you may establish a bond that encourages them to read more and get invested in the subject you cover.

Using these strategies, you won't have to wonder how to write a hook for a persuasive essay anymore!

How to Write a Hook for a Literary Analysis Essay?

Finding strong essay openers might be particularly challenging when writing a literary analysis. Coming up with something very remarkable on your own while writing about someone else's work is no easy feat. But we have some expert solutions below:

Use Literary Quotes

Using a literary quote sounds like the best option when unsure how to write a hook for a literary analysis essay. Nonetheless, its use is not restricted to that and is mostly determined by the style and meaning of the quotes. Still, when employing literary quotes, it's crucial to show two things at once: first, how well you understand the textual information. And second, you know how to capture the reader's interest right away.

Employ Quotes from Famous People

This is another style of hook that is frequently employed in literary analysis. But if you wonder how to write a good essay hook without sounding boring, choose a historical person with notable accomplishments and keep your readers intrigued and inspired to read more.

How to Write a Hook for an Informative Essay?

In an informative essay, your ultimate goal is to not only educate your audience but also engage and keep them interested from the very beginning. For this, consider the following:

Start with a Fact or Definition

You might begin your essay with an interesting fact or by giving a definition related to your subject. The same standard applies here for most types mentioned above: it must be intriguing, surprising, and/or alarming.

Ask Questions that Relate to Your Topic

Another solution to 'How to write a hook for an informative essay?' is to introduce your essay with a relevant question. This hook lets you pique a reader's interest in your essay and urge them to keep reading as they ponder the answer.

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Expert-Approved Tips for Writing an Essay Hook

Are you still struggling with the ideal opening sentence for your essay? Check out some advice from our essay helper on how to write a hook sentence and make your opening stand out.

good essay hook

  • Keep your essay type in mind . Remember to keep your hook relevant. An effective hook for an argumentative or descriptive essay format will differ greatly. Therefore, the relevancy of the hook might be even more important than the content it conveys.
  • Decide on the purpose of your hook . When unsure how to write a hook for an essay, try asking the following questions: What result are you hoping to get from it? Would you like your readers to be curious? Or, even better, surprised? Perhaps even somewhat caught off guard? Determine the effect you wish to accomplish before selecting a hook.
  • Choose a hook at the end of the writing process. Even though it should be the first sentence of your paper, it doesn't mean you should write your hook first. Writing an essay is a long and creative process. So, if you can't think of an effective hook at the beginning, just keep writing according to your plan, and it will eventually come into your head. If you were lucky enough to concoct your hook immediately, double-check your writing to see if it still fits into the whole text and its style once you've finished writing.
  • Make it short . The shorter, the better – this rule works for essay hooks. Keeping your hook to a minimum size will ensure that readers will read it at the same moment they start looking at your essay. Even before thinking if they want or don't want to read it, their attention will be captured, and their curiosity will get the best of them. So, they will continue reading the entire text to discover as much as possible.

Now you know how to write a good hook and understand that a solid hook is the difference between someone delving further into your work or abandoning it immediately. With our hook examples for an essay, you can do more than just write a great paper. We do not doubt that you can even write a winning term paper example right away!

Try to become an even better writer with the help of our paper writing service . Give them the freedom to write superior hooks and full essays for you so you may learn from them!

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What Is A Good Hook For An Essay?

How to write a hook for an essay, what is a good hook for an argumentative essay.

Adam Jason

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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How to Write a Hook For a College Essay + [Examples]

EssayEdge > Blog > How to Write a Hook For a College Essay + [Examples]

EssayEdge is a service for admission editing, proofreading, and essay coaching that is legal worldwide. Each paper is edited manually by professional editors from the Ivy League. That’s why 90% of our customers say that expert proofreading helped them get into their dream university.

Let us provide you with engaging and powerful college essay hooks that will have the readers compelled to the end!

Imagine you are browsing through an aisle of similar products at a grocery store and each product is more monotonous than the other and suddenly there is one product with packaging so unique that you can’t help but pick it up. That is what a good college essay hook does and let us give you examples of college essay hooks that are enrapturing. It is a skill creating hooks for a college essay and it is a life hack to highlight your USP to the readers and have them engaged until the end and have them compelled upon your selection!

A good hook for your college essay will ensure that the tired and overworked admissions committee feels enthusiastic about your application and actually reads all the work that you have put in instead of just skimming through it! You have the opportunity to stand out from the hundreds of applicants who will probably submit academic portfolios that are identical to yours. In your college essay , the light should be shed on who you are as a person, represent your true nature, and show your own individuality. You need an attention-grabbing opening if you want the admissions committee to read more of yours than they do theirs. You’ll definitely require a strong hook.

Table of Contents:

How Do You Write a Good College Essay Hook?

So you have sat down, with your laptop open and a warm cup of coffee, and are about to write that winning college essay. Just remember to keep your vision narrow. Be specific about what you want to write and don’t stray away from one topic. It is beneficial to be specific. A strong college essay hook is niched down and extremely streamlined. It is always good, to begin with, an anecdote that personalizes the essay and shows your personality to the readers, it will definitely make you stand out.

Set the scene and describe how the elements smelt, felt, and more. It will create a sensory experience while reading and there is truly nothing better! Try to create an emotional impact and establish a bond between the reader and the writer. Appealing to emotions is always a great way to go about it! Lastly, GO BIG and describe the elements in detail using adjectives!

The Following are Good Hook Outlines For an Essay

  • Keep it Narrow
  • Begin with an Anecdote or a powerful quote
  • Details about all the five senses
  • Establish Emotional Connection
  • Go big on the Adjectives.

What Should a College Essay Hook Look Like?

  • A specific topic
  • Your Personal details
  • A good engaging story
  • Your strong suits
  • Show yourself from the best perspective
  • Highlight unique aspects about you and your culture, ethnicity, region, traditions, and more.
  • Be realistic

-The admissions committee is interested in finding out more about you—your accomplishments, challenges, objectives, passions, personality, values, and character. The college wants to know the person’s influence on you if you are requested to write about an influential person. Make sure you stand out in your essay , no matter what subject you decide to focus on.

-Your essay will flow more naturally if you speak honestly from the heart. Selecting a personal experience will help you come up with detailed, vivid specifics for your essay. Your essay will flow more naturally if you speak honestly from the heart. Selecting a personal experience will help you come up with detailed, vivid specifics for your essay.

– The purpose of your essay is to reveal something about you that the admissions committee cannot discover by reading the rest of your application.

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– Do your study if you’re asked to explain why you wish to enroll in a particular program or college. Colleges will check to determine if you actually looked at a webpage or just skimmed the first paragraph. Make sure you can truly participate in the group or program you say you want to join before you mention it. For instance, reserve writing about your desire to participate in a program that is only open to graduate students for your graduate school application .

What are Some Good Hooks for a College Essay?

Creating hooks for your college essay can take some time and that is okay. Don’t rush it. Give it time, write, re-write, revise and make multiple versions so you can pick the best one that you feel will work! Here are some examples of college essay hooks or rather types of hooks for a college essay that you can keep in mind for writing your hook.

1. Question Hook

When you pose a query that is pertinent to your essay or paper, you have created an intriguing inquiry hook. And reading your writing is the only way someone can discover the answer to that query.

2. Declaration Hook

A powerful statement hook is a phrase that makes a bold assertion about your subject. It ties in with the thesis statement and highlights how significant your essay or paper is.

It doesn’t matter whether your reader agrees or disagrees with your opinion, making a forceful assertion is a great method. They’ll be interested in how you backup your claim.

3. Story Hook

This is a hook in which you introduce a brief tale or episode that is relevant to your subject. Readers adore stories, especially ones that are memorable and well-written. Making sure the story has a direct connection to your essay topic is the key to a successful story hook. You can tell your own or another person’s tale.

You can research and read other people’s college essays, you can even reach alumni and ask them for theirs. This will give you a greater idea as to how you want to write your hook and how you want to convey your message through the college essay better!

Best of Luck with your killer college essay! You are well-equipped to write a bold college application essay hook!

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How to Write a Catchy Hook for an Essay: Types, Examples, and Tips

  • by Lesley V.
  • January 9, 2023 June 7, 2023

What is a hook in an essay?

But there’s a catch:

A hook in an essay is NOT an introduction! It opens your introductory paragraph rather than substitutes it. Writing hooks serve to grab attention and encourage the audience to keep reading. Here you’ll find the top five hook ideas, with practical tips and examples for different essay types.

Let’s dive right in.

What Are Good Hooks for Essays? 

Writing hooks are many, and they work to capture interest and generate curiosity. A reader stays focused on your academic paper, immersing in the context and examining it till the end.

Good hooks for essays give people a reason to invest their time into your content. In the world of a short attention span, when we don’t read but scan texts (1), such grabbers matter.

I’ve been writing educational content for many years, you know. So, I had enough practice to define the features of a good hook. That’s how to craft it so that readers welcome it gratefully:


Good Hooks Are Intriguing

Although most essays refer to formal academic writing, remember a hook’s primary purpose:

It grabs attention and captures interest to motivate the audience to keep reading. With that in mind, make hooks a bit intriguing. It will engage and evoke readers’ interest.

Mistakes to avoid: Say no to irrelevant hooks; don’t cheat a reader to get a wow effect. Your hook should refer to the essay’s topic and fit its thesis. (More on that below.)

Good Hooks Guide a Reader

It’s essential because your reader should understand what they’ll get from an essay. Scanning the hook, they already assume your topic and background information. A good hook guides a reader to your thesis statement.

Mistakes to avoid:  Don’t use common knowledge or boring facts in hooks. Think of something controversial yet relevant to your topic. Otherwise, the hook will “say” to the audience that your paper isn’t worth reading. Remember that it sets the tone for the rest of your essay.

Good Hooks Are Short and Up-to-Point

Even in formal papers, writing hooks make readers crave more and continue investigating. You have only five seconds (2) to grab their attention! So it’s essential to make hooks short and up-to-point:

Thus, you’ll catch the audience at once and encourage them to stay with you.

Mistakes to avoid:  Don’t use long sentences with many filler words. Be concise, use an active voice, and remember the purpose of your essay. What effect do you intend to have on the reader? Vague words, redundant adverbs, and no clear point in a hook can ruin the impression of your whole essay.

Good Hooks Fit Your Thesis

You know every essay has a thesis statement in the introduction. When writing a hook, make it super relevant to your thesis. It should sound natural and fit the context of your paper.

It’s critical for the logical flow of your essay introduction. Such hooks communicate the paper’s idea, helping readers get involved in the topic.

 Mistakes to avoid:  Don’t hurry up to craft a hook for an essay. Start with a thesis instead. Once ready, it will help you decide on the hook type that looks and sounds best in the context.

5 Types of Essay Hooks (With Examples)

So, what are the hook types in formal works like academic writing?

Below I’ll share five hook ideas with examples. It will help you see how they work for reader engagement. All based on my writing experience and the editorial feedback I got on my drafts.


1. Statement

A statement writing hook is a sentence making a clear claim about the topic and research you’ll cover. It should reflect the essay for people to see what they’ll get if they continue investigating.

Why are statements so engaging?

They make readers want to see what arguments you use to support your research. It’s about curiosity again. The audience continues reading to confirm their view of your statement is true.

This hook makes a strong statement about the transformative power of education. It highlights the belief that education can bring significant change, and explains how.

In college papers, a thesis can also be an attention-grabber. Start your text with the core statement you’ll support throughout the essay.

A thesis statement can be a hook if you have an alternative (unexpected) take on the subject. Readers may want to see where and how you came up with such a new idea.

2. Statistics

A statistic hook works for more formal and informative academic papers. Consider numbers, percentages, and decimals related to your research to grab readers’ interest.

First, it’s about psychology again. People tend to perceive the information with numbers as more authoritative and trustworthy.

And second, surprising statistics boost intrigue. Readers will want to find out what’s behind those numbers. (Consider something rare or unexpected for a hook to reach this effect.)

Be sure to include the source: Where did you get those numbers? Do not “invent” facts for a wow effect; be honest with your audience when choosing hooks for essays.

In this hook for an essay, the statistic about food waste grabs the reader’s attention. First, it presents a surprising fact. Second, it sets the stage for delving into the causes and consequences. Finally, it signals that you’ll propose solutions to this critical problem.

3. Question

The most popular essay hook type, a question grabs attention at once. It signals to readers that if they continue reading — they’ll find the answer.

People are curious by nature, and questions leave them wanting more. It’s psychology: Curiosity won’t let them put your writing aside.

Not all questions work like writing hooks. You need to ask a thought-provoking one or involve further exploration of the issue. Use open-ended questions in essays. Avoid those too general or expecting short “yes” or “no” answers.


4. Quotation

Some content experts say this hook is “for lazy authors,” meaning those who don’t know how to engage readers.

Literary quotes or quotes from famous people are super engaging. (Example: Motivational quotes’ crazy popularity on social media.)

Yes, this hook has a controversial reputation. It’s because newbie writers overuse it, placing random sayings in their content.

A quotation can be an effective way to start an essay by drawing on the insight of a notable individual.

This powerful quotation reveals the essence of resilience and perseverance in challenges. Using it as an essay hook, you can introduce a topic on overcoming obstacles or personal growth.

If you decide to use a quotation hook for your essay, here go some tips from me:

  • Find a rare quote related to your topic. Don’t use overused sayings we’ve all been reading hundreds of times already.
  • Ensure the quote is from a credible source and check the authorship before publishing it. Otherwise, you risk attributing your chosen quote to the wrong person. (A primary example is “ Write drunk, edit sober,” attributed to Ernest Hemingway though he didn’t tell it.)

how to write a good hook for an application essay

  • Use quotations that can add to the credibility of your argument. Choose those with powerful and memorable thoughts. Ensure you explain the quote after including it to prevent misunderstanding and confusion.

It’s the perfect hook for narrative writing : storytelling, blog posts, social media, etc.

Start your paper with a short episode that relates to the essay topic. It can be a real-life or fictional story with a hero to gain the reader’s attention and reflection.

Using a short personal story as an essay hook is a compelling way to make your essay more relatable. Opening lines like this captivate attention and create a sense of intrigue.

It introduces an experience or moment that connects to the topic you will be discussing. This approach can create a personal connection between the reader and your essay.

How to Create Attention-Grabbing Hooks for Different Types of Essays

With so many academic papers to write in college, it’s critical to understand what hooks work for each. Depending on the essay type and topic, opening sentences may vary.

Below are the best writing hooks practices for different essay types.

How to Write a Hook for Argumentative Essays

Start with a strong statement or question related to the topic of your essay. It will help the reader understand the point you’ll support. Besides, a question evokes curiosity:

The audience will expect the answer and continue reading your essay to find it.

Argumentative writing in schools is about learning critical thinking and communication skills. You try to convince the audience with arguments. Ensure your essay hook matches that confident and convincing tone.

This hook is a controversial statement that grabs the reader’s attention. It sets the stage for an essay where you use evidence and persuasive arguments to support the point.

How to Write a Hook for Research Papers

Start with a question or surprising statistics. Research papers in college serve to develop your searching and fact-checking skills. A question or statistics in essay hooks will show you can form arguments based on facts.

This hook engages the reader with an intriguing question about the research topic. It highlights the field’s impact, sparking curiosity and setting the stage for exploration.

How to Write a Hook for Compare and Contrast Essays

Use a question or a short story as writing hooks here. The task is to set up a contrast of concepts to show their nature through comparison.

This hook captures by presenting a relatable situation and teasing the exploration. It creates anticipation for the analysis, encouraging one to continue reading for answers.

How to Write a Hook for Informative Essays

Start with a story or a quotation. Informative essays aren’t as formal as other papers in schools, making these hook ideas fit. Consider the topic of your essay to choose a proper tone. Quotations work for more formal subjects, and stories serve best for less formal ones.


This opening paragraph begins with a quotation. It helps grab attention to the topic and guide readers through the information in the essay.

How to Write a Hook for an Analytical Essay

For analytical essays, consider hook types like strong statements or rhetorical questions. This paper type resembles a critical analysis . So your hook will guide the audience through the context your analysis will tackle.

This hook begins with a thought-provoking rhetorical question, engaging the reader. It introduces the essay focus: analyze the persuasive language and explore its techniques.

How to Write a Hook for a Rhetorical Essay

Use a rhetorical question or a quotation from the work you’ll explore. Rhetorical essays are about analyzing someone’s non-fiction piece (4). So these writing hooks will work best here.

This hook is a thought-provoking question. It sets the stage for a rhetorical analysis of Martin Luther King Jr.’s iconic speech. Readers understand you’ll explore the writing techniques employed by King to inspire change.

Tips to Create an Effective Essay Hook That Improves Your Writing


Below are actionable tips for a writing hooks practice. Remember them when working on your essays. They’ll make your texts sound professional.

Use AI Content Generators

While tools like ChatGPT are controversial in academia (5), you can still use them for good. Consider AI assistants to help you with writing hooks ideas. They’ll offer examples that you can polish for your paper’s purpose.

Or, at least, you’ll see how to write a hook for an essay. Ask AI to share hook types for different papers — and you’ll know how to craft each and improve your writing skills.

Write in Simple Language

Say no to sophisticated terms and fancy words in your essays. Write the way you speak and use words everybody knows. Simple sentences can be informative and persuasive, too.

Please don’t try to sound smart. Bunches of lengthy, hard-to-pronounce words make your work sound artificial. Plus, they hurt the essay’s readability.

Avoid Passive Voice

I have no idea why it’s so, but students love using passive voice in essays. Do they believe it makes them sound formal and authoritative? It’s not so.

If you want to improve your writing, don’t use passive voice in texts. It makes writing sound weak and uncertain as if you aren’t sure about what you are saying. Passive voice also signals poor writing skills.

Add Power Words

Power words are active verbs and descriptive adjectives in your essays. They help communicate intrigue, surprise the audience, and evoke emotions.

Also, don’t hesitate to use sensory language in essay hooks and throughout your text. They enhance your vocabulary and make your writing sound professional.

NB! Know your limit. Remember that you write an academic paper, not a blog post or a novel. So, consider the type and purpose of your essay, and add those lexical items only when appropriate.

Forget Redundant Adverbs

Tons of so-called -ly adverbs in essays or web texts make me cry. Not only do they weaken your writing, but they also signal a lack of vocabulary. Examples of such words are very, really, truly, extremely, absolutely, etc.

Filler words and redundant adverbs in essay hooks don’t work. They will make readers skeptical about your writing skills and knowledge at once. Remember:

You can always find a stronger verb or adjective to communicate your message.

Consider “intelligent” instead of “very smart,” or try “excellent” instead of “very good.” The same rule works for verbs: “Sprint” or “race” sounds better than “run quickly.” And “grin” is more descriptive and powerful than “smile happily.”

Ready to Grab Readers With a Catchy Essay Hook?

Hook ideas are many, and content writers find pros and cons in using each for reader engagement. Depending on the academic paper you write, some hooks can be more effective than others. Consider the message you want to convey with your essay — and craft your opening sentence.

Now that you know the most efficient types of hooks for an essay, it’s time to practice them! You’ll see which grabs the most interest. Statements, statistics, questions, stories, or quotations — all work when used right.

Do you use writing hooks in essays? Share your favorite hook type in the comments!


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  • https://writingcenter.tamu.edu/Grads/Writing-Speaking-Guides/Alphabetical-List-of-Guides/Academic-Writing/Analysis/Rhetorical-Analysis
  • https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/chatgpt-threat-education

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Write an Attention-Grabbing Opening Sentence for an Essay

  • M.Ed., Education Administration, University of Georgia
  • B.A., History, Armstrong State University

You can think of the first sentence of your essay as you would a fishing hook. It grabs your reader and allows you reel the person into your essay and your train of thought. The hook for your essay can be an interesting sentence that captures a person's attention, it can be thought-provoking, or even, entertaining.

The hook for your essay often appears in the first sentence . The opening paragraph includes a thesis sentence . Some popular hook choices can include using an interesting quote, a little-known fact, famous last words, or a statistic .

A quote hook is best used when you are composing an essay based on an author, story, or book. It helps establish your authority on the topic and by using someone else's quote, you can strengthen your thesis if the quote supports it.

The following is an example of a quote hook: "A man's errors are his portals of discovery." In the next sentence or two, give a reason for this quote or current example. As for the last sentence (the thesis) : Students grow more confident and self-sufficient when parents allow them to make mistakes and experience failure.

General statement

By setting the tone in the opening sentence with a uniquely written general statement of your thesis, the beauty is that you get right to the point. Most readers appreciate that approach.

For example, you can start with the following statement: Many studies show that the biological sleep pattern for teens shifts a few hours, which means teens naturally stay up later and feel alert later in the morning. The next sentence, set up the body of your essay, perhaps by introducing the concept that school days should be adjusted so that they are more in sync with the teenager's natural sleep or wake cycle. As for the last sentence (the thesis) :  If every school day started at ten o'clock, many students would find it easier to stay focused.

By listing a proven fact or entertaining an interesting statistic that might even sound implausible to the reader, you can excite a reader to want to know more. 

Like this hook: According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics , teens and young adults experience the highest rates of violent crime. Your next sentence can set up the argument that it's dangerous for teenagers to be on the streets at late hours. A fitting thesis statement might read: Parents are justified in implementing a strict curfew, regardless of a student's academic performance.

The Right Hook for Your Essay

The good news about finding a hook? You can find a quote, fact, or another type of hook after you determine your thesis. You can accomplish this with a simple online search about your topic after you've developed your essay .

You can nearly have the essay finished before you revisit the opening paragraph. Many writers polish up the first paragraph after the essay is completed.

Outlining the Steps for Writing Your Essay

Here's an example of the steps you can follow that help you outline your essay.

  • First paragraph: Establish the thesis
  • Body paragraphs: Supporting evidence
  • Last paragraph: Conclusion with a restatement of the thesis
  • Revisit the first paragraph: Find the best hook

Obviously, the first step is to determine your thesis. You need to research your topic and know what you plan to write about. Develop a starting statement. Leave this as your first paragraph for now.

The next paragraphs become the supporting evidence for your thesis. This is where you include the statistics, opinions of experts, and anecdotal information.

Compose a closing paragraph that is basically a reiteration of your thesis statement with new assertions or conclusive findings you find during with your research.

Lastly, go back to your introductory hook paragraph. Can you use a quote, shocking fact, or paint a picture of the thesis statement using an anecdote? This is how you sink your hooks into a reader.

The best part is if you are not loving what you come up with at first, then you can play around with the introduction. Find several facts or quotes that might work for you. Try out a few different starting sentences and determine which of your choices makes the most interesting beginning to your essay.

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How to Write a Hook for an Essay

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How to Write a Hook for an Essay: Expert Manual

It is impossible to change the first impression no matter what we deal with. The statement ‘You will never have a second chance to make the first impression!’ is true when you invent good hooks for an essay. The first sentence in the essay after a title has a unique and crucial task to draw attention to the covered topic and make the reader keep reading the text in a single breath. Here, you will find the answer to the essay hook and how to master the art of breathtaking writing.

What Is a Hook for an Essay?

Wondering how to write a hook for an essay, it is worth finding out what it is. A hook is like the opening act of a captivating performance that grabs the audience’s attention from the beginning. In the context of an essay, a hook serves as a compelling introduction designed to intrigue, engage, and entice readers to continue reading. It sets the tone for the rest of the essay, creating an anticipation that something interesting, thought-provoking, or even surprising lies ahead.

Like a fisherman uses an irresistible bait to catch fish, an essayist employs a hook to lure readers into their work. A successful hook captures attention and establishes the writer’s credibility and expertise, giving readers a reason to trust and invest time in exploring the essay further.

Finding ideal hooks for an essay requires creativity, a deep understanding of the subject, and a clear understanding of the target audience. It should be carefully tailored to match the tone and purpose of the essay, leaving an indelible impression in the readers’ minds. Ultimately, a strong hook sets the stage for a remarkable essay, ensuring that readers are captivated from the very first sentence until the very last.

Types of Hooks for an Essay to Work with

A well-crafted hook can take various forms depending on the topic and style of writing. It could be a thought-provoking question, a fascinating anecdote, a powerful quote, a vivid description, etc. The purpose is to create an instant connection with the audience, making them feel emotionally invested or intellectually curious about the subject. The most commonly used and winning are the following types of hooks for an essay:

  • Question Hook. A question hook poses a thought-provoking query to spark curiosity in the minds of your readers. You engage them actively and encourage them to think critically by asking a compelling question. This hook style sets the stage for an essay that seeks to answer the question comprehensively.
  • Statistic Hook. Utilizing a statistical hook involves starting your essay with a striking fact or figure, instantly capturing readers’ attention by presenting them with concise, verifiable information. This type of hook is particularly effective when discussing current events, controversial topics, or areas with relevant data.
  • Anecdotal Hook. Another bright hook for an essay example is a funny phrase that grabs readers’ attention by narrating a compelling and relevant story. You can achieve an emotional bond with the target audience by opening with a short, captivating anecdote. This hook invites them to explore the rest of your essay to understand how the story relates to the topic.
  • Do not underestimate starting the essay with an explanation or description of issues you will investigate in your writing, especially if it is specific or unknown to your audience. In such a way, you will help the reader feel on top of things.
  • Personal story. Depending on the situation, your personal experience may become a winning example of a good hook for an essay. It may assist in hastening your readers to you and make them feel more friendly and knowledgeable.

Hooks breathe life into an essay, igniting the readers’ curiosity and ensuring they remain invested in your work until the very last word. Each hook type serves a unique purpose ― from facilitating emotional connections to arousing thoughtful contemplation. Experimenting with these varieties empowers you to craft compelling introductions, setting the stage for a memorable and captivating essay.

Good Hooks for an Essay: Effective Hints

A hook is a crucial element in any essay as it acts as the first impression, grabbing the reader’s attention and enticing them to continue reading. A well-crafted hook sets the tone for your essay and establishes your credibility as a writer. We will explore various techniques to help you clarify how to write a hook for an essay.

  • Understand your audience. Before crafting a hook, it is essential to consider your target audience. Is your essay formal or informal? Are you writing for academics or a general audience? Understanding your reader’s interests will help you tailor your hook to their nations and expectations.
  • Consider the essay type. When inventing a hook for an essay, you should clearly define the type of essay since starting an official investigation with an anecdotal hook is inappropriate. Instead, using your life story or joke is possible when working on a personal opinion essay.
  • Experiment with Different Hooks. Remember, there is no all-purpose approach to writing hooks. Experiment with the abovementioned techniques and find what works best for your essay. Don’t be afraid to revise and refine your hook until it achieves the desired impact.

Write a hook for an essay engaging a large audience since it is an essential skill for any writer. By understanding your audience, employing creative techniques, and experimenting with different approaches, you can capture your readers’ attention right from the start. A persuasive hook sets the stage for a captivating essay, making it more likely to leave a lasting impression on your audience.

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Winning tips to consider when writing an essay hook.

Even knowing how to write a hook for an essay, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with proven tips that assist with hook invention and time minimization. Do not underestimate the role of hook for essay success since it may leave a long-lasting impression, especially when you pass entrance exams or other decisive papers and must submit your writing. So, if you are looking for intriguing ideas for an essay hook, turn to the following tips.

  • Investigate the area you deal with; maybe some unexpected facts will interest your reader.
  • Brainstorm the ideas; you may remember exciting facts, look for impressive statistics, or cite topic-related individuals.
  • Consider the hook’s purpose, whether you will provide background information, engage in dull topic reading, or touch the inner strings of the soul.
  • Delay with the hook until the end of writing if you are unsure or lack hook ideas for an essay.
  • Pay attention to the hook length, avoid discouraging the audience, and do not exceed the limits of the introduction scope.

Do not neglect to devote time to hook inventing since it is a starting point or a ‘gate’ to your creation. And it depends on you whether the reader wishes to enter or pass by.

Excellent Examples of Hooks for an Essay

Depending on the required essay type and selected hook, you may start your writing using the following examples of hooks for an essay.

  • Have you ever wondered that …?
  • Do you still hesitate/believe/rely….?
  • One scientist once said, ‘…
  • The quote… confirms …
  • According to the latest statistics
  • The fact … proves…
  • It is never too late to …
  • The event that turned my life upside down …

Of course, you may adhere to your strategy on how to write a good hook for an essay, but remember it must be well-aimed and laconic.

Where to Take Hook Ideas for an Essay?

When it comes to finding hook ideas for an essay, there are several avenues you can explore to capture your reader’s attention right from the beginning. Here are a few sources where you can draw inspiration for writing a hook for an essay:

  • Reflect on your life or significant moments related to your essay topic. Whether it’s an intriguing anecdote, a thought-provoking question, or a powerful statement, sharing a personal story can effectively engage your readers.
  • Look back at significant historical events related to your essay’s subject matter.
  • Keep up with the latest news and trends. Find connections between your essay topic and ongoing events, controversial issues, or current debates.
  • Explore famous literature, books, poems, or speeches touching your essay’s theme.
  • Research statistical data or unconventional facts related to your essay topic.
  • Pose thought-provoking questions related to your essay’s subject matter.

Tailor your hook to your essay’s specific topic and angle to make it stand out and leave a lasting impression on your readers.

Comprehending how to write a hook for an essay will significantly contribute to the excitement and elevate the level of interest in your creation. In addition, the right hook may leave an unforgettable first impression and be a memorable and thought-provoking creation touching the most delicate strings of the soul.

What is the purpose of the essay hook?

The essay hook aims to draw the reader’s attention and make them interested in reading the rest of the essay. It serves as the opening statement or a compelling opening line that immediately captivates the audience. A well-crafted essay hook can be a thought-provoking question, a surprising statistic, an intriguing anecdote, or a vivid description that entices the reader and sets the tone for the entire essay.

What are the types of essay hooks?

Several types of essay hooks effectively grab the readers’ attention and interest them in further reading. Some common types of essay hooks include:

  • Anecdotal hooks
  • Question hooks
  • Statistical hooks
  • Quotation hooks
  • Descriptive hooks
  • Personal stories, etc.

Remember, the choice of essay hook depends on the topic, type, tone, and purpose of the essay. Experimenting with different hooks can help you find the most effective way to engage your readers from the beginning.

What is a hook for an essay?

By incorporating hooks into essays, writers can establish relevance, context, and emotional resonance. Moreover, hooks act as a bridge between the writer and the reader, fostering a sense of rapport and engagement. They create an initial bond, forging a connection that makes the reader more receptive to the essay’s message.

How to create a good hook?

Remember, crafting a good hook takes practice. Experiment with different approaches and learn from the feedback you receive. With time and refinement, you’ll develop a skill for creating attention-grabbing hooks.

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170+ Compelling Essay Hook Examples that Grab Readers’ Attention

Feb 14, 2024 | 0 comments

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Feb 14, 2024 | Blog | 0 comments

Regarding academic writing, the first sentence can make or break your essay or research paper. It’s crucial to write a hook that will grab your reader’s attention and make them want to continue to read your essay. A good hook is essential for writing a college essay, a personal statement, or an argumentative research paper. There are several types of hooks for essays, including question hooks, description hooks, and rhetorical questions, which can help you start your essay or research paper. Compelling styles of hooks can vary depending on the essay topic and the writing you’re working on, but the goal is always to make readers want to continue reading. In this article, we’ll provide compelling essay hook examples that grab readers’ attention and tips for creating a compelling hook for an essay or any piece of writing. Whether new to academic writing or looking to improve your skills, these examples and tips will help you write an attention-grabbing first sentence for your next essay or research paper.

If you find it challenging to comprehend essay hooks and their efficient use in your writing, there’s no need to fret because you’re not alone. You can ask someone to “ take my class for me ” to learn how to excel in this crucial aspect of essay writing instead of worrying.

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What is an essay hook?

An essay hook is the first line or a couple of sentences that grab your reader’s attention. It’s a way to start your essay with an attention-grabbing hook that makes the reader want to keep reading the rest of your essay. A  great hook can be an anecdotal hook, a fact or statistic, a strong statement hook, or a narrative hook . Examples for essays might include “once upon a time” for a narrative hook or a surprising fact for a statistic hook. The hook sets the stage and draws the reader in, making it essential to write a great hook for your essay.

Different Types of Essay Hooks

Grabbing your reader’s attention from the get-go is essential when writing essays. That’s where essay hooks come into play. An essay hook is like a fishing lure – designed to reel in your readers and keep them hooked throughout your piece. There are various types of hooks you can use to achieve this, each with its unique appeal. Let’s dive into different types of essay hooks that will help you captivate your audience:

  • Statistic or Fact
  • Contradiction
  • Description
  • Startling Statement
  • Analogous Scenario
  • Historical Context

Get ready to captivate your audience from the first line with these ten diverse essay hooks, ranging from anecdotes and thought-provoking questions to surprising statistics and historical contexts.

  • Anecdote: Anecdotes are short, personal stories that can instantly grab the reader’s attention. Picture this: You’re starting an essay about the importance of perseverance, and you kick it off with a tale of how you overcame a challenging obstacle in your life. Sharing a relatable experience draws your readers in and makes them eager to hear more.
  • Question: Questions have a knack for sparking curiosity in your audience. Imagine beginning your essay on climate change with a thought-provoking question like, “Did you know that the polar ice caps are melting at an alarming rate?” This grabs attention and encourages readers to ponder the issue you’re addressing.
  • Statistic or Fact: Numbers don’t lie and can make for compelling hooks. For instance, if you’re writing about the impact of social media on mental health, you might start with a startling statistic like, “Did you know that teenagers who spend more than three hours a day on social media are 35% more likely to experience symptoms of depression?” This data-driven approach immediately emphasizes the significance of your topic.
  • Quotation: Drawing from the wisdom of others can lend credibility and resonance to your essay. Imagine opening an essay on leadership with a quote from a renowned figure like Mahatma Gandhi: “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” By incorporating a powerful quote, you set the tone for your piece and establish a connection with your reader.
  • Contradiction: Challenging common beliefs or assumptions can intrigue your audience. For instance, if you’re writing about the benefits of failure, you could start by stating, “Failure is often seen as a setback, but what if I told you it’s the key to success?” This contradictory statement prompts readers to reconsider their perspective and encourages them to delve deeper into your essay.
  • Description: Painting a vivid picture with words can instantly immerse your reader in your topic. Suppose you’re writing about a bustling cityscape; you might begin with a descriptive passage that transports your reader to the heart of the metropolis: “The city pulsated with life, its streets teeming with a kaleidoscope of colors and sounds, a symphony of chaos and beauty.”
  • Startling Statement: Shocking your audience can make them pay attention. For example, if you’re discussing the impact of deforestation, you could start by stating, “Every second, an area of rainforest the size of a football field is cleared.” This startling revelation grabs your reader’s attention and compels them to learn more about the issue.
  • Definition: Starting your essay with a clear and concise definition of a key term or concept can provide a solid foundation for your discussion. For instance, if you’re writing about cultural diversity, you might begin by defining diversity as “the inclusion of individuals from different backgrounds, cultures, and ethnicities within a community or organization.” This sets the stage for exploring the importance and implications of cultural diversity in society.
  • Analogous Scenario: Drawing parallels between your essay topic and a relatable scenario can help readers grasp its significance. Let’s say you’re writing about the importance of time management; you could start by comparing it to a juggling act: “Life often feels like a circus, with many tasks and responsibilities vying for our attention. Just as a skilled juggler must carefully balance each ball to maintain control, effective time management is essential for navigating the complexities of daily life.”
  • Historical Context: Providing historical context can lend depth and perspective to your essay. Suppose you’re discussing the evolution of technology. In that case, you might begin by recounting a key moment in history, such as the invention of the printing press: “In 1440, Johannes Gutenberg revolutionized communication with the invention of the printing press, paving the way for the spread of knowledge and ideas on an unprecedented scale. Today, as we stand on the brink of the digital age, we witness another seismic shift in how information is accessed and disseminated.”

Hook vs. lead-in transition to the thesis

Understanding the distinction between a hook and a lead-in transition to the thesis is crucial for crafting an effective essay introduction. A hook is the initial attention-grabber, drawing readers into your topic with an engaging opening. It can take various forms, such as an anecdote, question, statistic, or quotation, and its primary goal is to pique curiosity and encourage further reading. On the other hand, a lead-in transition smoothly connects the hook to the thesis statement, providing context and guiding the reader toward the essay’s main argument.

Hook as the Attention-Getter: Imagine you’re writing an essay about the impact of social media on interpersonal relationships. You might begin with an anecdote about a couple whose relationship was strained by excessive screen time, instantly capturing the reader’s interest with a relatable scenario. The anecdote serves as the hook, grabbing attention and prompting readers to delve deeper into the topic.

Lead-In Transition to the Thesis: After hooking your audience with the anecdote, it’s essential to smoothly transition into the thesis statement. This transition acts as a bridge between the hook and the main argument of the essay. You could follow up the anecdote with a sentence like: 

“This anecdote highlights the pervasive influence of social media on modern relationships, a phenomenon that warrants closer examination.”

Clarifying the Thesis Statement: Following the lead-in transition, your thesis statement should briefly outline your essay’s main argument or purpose. In the context of the social media and relationships example, your thesis might assert that:

While social media offers unprecedented connectivity, it also poses significant challenges to genuine interpersonal connections. This statement provides a clear roadmap for the essay’s direction.

Essay hook examples

Argumentative essay hook examples.

  • Anecdote: As a child, I vividly recall the exhilaration of exploring the great outdoors, but now, amidst alarming reports of deforestation, I can’t help but wonder what future generations will inherit.
  • Question: What if I told you that the foods we consume daily could silently contribute to the decline of our planet’s biodiversity?
  • Statistic or Fact: Every minute, approximately 1 million plastic bottles are purchased globally, exacerbating our environmental crisis.
  • Contradiction: While some argue that technological advancements have improved our quality of life, mounting evidence suggests a darker reality beneath the surface.
  • Description: Picture a world where concrete jungles replace pristine landscapes, and the roar of machinery drowns out the symphony of nature.
  • Startling Statement: Contrary to popular belief, studies have shown that most of the world’s plastic waste isn’t recycled but pollutes our oceans and ecosystems.
  • Definition: Climate change isn’t merely a buzzword; it’s an existential threat that demands urgent action to mitigate its catastrophic consequences.
  • Analogous Scenario: Just as a small spark can ignite a raging wildfire, a single irresponsible decision has the potential to unleash irreversible environmental devastation.
  • Historical Context: Throughout history, humanity has faced myriad challenges, but none, perhaps as pressing as the urgent need to address climate change before it’s too late.
  • Rhetorical Question: Have you ever considered how our choices today will shape the world we leave behind for future generations?

Persuasive Essay Hook Examples

  • Anecdote: Growing up in a household where recycling was a daily ritual, I never imagined the dire consequences of our throwaway culture until I witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of plastic pollution on marine life during a beach cleanup.
  • Question: Have you ever wondered how a simple lifestyle change, like reducing meat consumption, could profoundly impact combating climate change and preserving our planet for future generations?
  • Statistic or Fact: With over 8 million tons of plastic entering our oceans every year, it’s no surprise that marine species are ingesting plastic particles at an alarming rate, threatening entire ecosystems.
  • Contradiction: Despite the convenience of single-use plastics, the stark reality is that these seemingly harmless items are wreaking havoc on our environment, leaching toxins into our soil and waterways.
  • Description: Picture a world where lush forests are replaced by barren landscapes, where once-glistening rivers run dry, and the only sound is the ominous hum of machinery signaling the demise of biodiversity.
  • Startling Statement: Prepare to be shocked: the fashion industry, often associated with glamour and luxury, is one of the leading contributors to global pollution and waste, with textile dyeing alone responsible for 20% of global water pollution.
  • Definition: Defining moment: climate change isn’t just about rising temperatures; it’s a complex web of interconnected environmental, social, and economic challenges that demand urgent attention and action.
  • Analogous Scenario: Just as a single domino can set off a chain reaction, our individual choices and actions, no matter how small, can shape the course of our planet’s future.
  • Historical Context: Throughout history, humanity has faced monumental challenges, but none perhaps as existential as the urgent need to confront climate change before it irreversibly alters the world as we know it.
  • Quotation: In the words of renowned environmentalist Rachel Carson, “The more we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction.”

Narrative Essay Hook Examples

  • Anecdote: Amidst the bustling chaos of New York City, I found solace in feeding pigeons in Central Park. This small but significant ritual reminded me of slowing down and appreciating life’s quiet moments.
  • Question: What if I told you that a chance encounter with a stranger on a train platform could change the course of your life forever?
  • Statistic or Fact: With 85% of Americans experiencing workplace stress daily, it’s no wonder that burnout has become a pervasive issue in modern society.
  • Contradiction: In a world obsessed with productivity and efficiency, there’s a growing realization that true fulfillment often lies in embracing moments of stillness and introspection.
  • Description: As the first rays of dawn painted the sky in pink and gold hues, I embarked on a journey through the mist-shrouded hills of Tuscany, a landscape straight out of a Renaissance painting.
  • Startling Statement: It’s a sobering reality: despite advances in medical technology, loneliness has become a silent epidemic, with studies linking it to increased mortality rates and a host of physical and mental health issues.
  • Definition: 7. Embarking on a quest for self-discovery isn’t just about finding answers; it’s about embracing the uncertainties and challenges ahead, knowing that each step brings us closer to our true selves.
  • Analogous Scenario: 8. Life is like a tapestry, woven from threads of joy and sorrow, triumph and defeat, each experience adding depth and richness to the fabric of our existence.
  • Historical Context: 9. Transported back to the tumultuous era of the Roaring Twenties, I danced the Charleston amidst a sea of flappers and dapper gentlemen, a fleeting glimpse into a bygone era of glitz and glamour.
  • Quotation: 10. In the immortal words of Helen Keller, “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all,” a timeless reminder of the transformative power of embracing life’s challenges and opportunities.

Hook Statement Examples for An Essay About Yourself

  • Anecdote: Racing against the setting sun, I crossed the finish line of my first marathon, a moment of triumph that taught me the power of perseverance and resilience.
  • Question: What if I told you that a single decision, made in a moment of uncertainty, could alter your life?
  • Statistic or Fact: With over 7.9 billion people inhabiting our planet, each with a unique story to tell, it’s easy to feel like a mere speck in the vast tapestry of humanity.
  • Contradiction: In a world of constant connectivity, where social media promises to bring us closer, individuals have a growing sense of isolation and disconnect.
  • Startling Statement: It’s a sobering reality: despite the facade of perfection we often present to the world, each carries a hidden burden, a story untold, and struggles unseen.
  • Definition: Embarking on a journey of self-discovery isn’t just about finding answers; it’s about embracing the uncertainties and challenges that lie ahead, knowing that each step brings us closer to our true selves.
  • Analogous Scenario: Life is like a rollercoaster, full of ups and downs, twists and turns, each moment shaping our identity and molding our character.
  • Historical Context: Reflecting on the lessons of the past, I am reminded of the resilience of the human spirit, the courage to persevere in the face of adversity, and the power of hope to light our darkest hours.
  • Quotation: In the words of Maya Angelou, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel,” a timeless reminder of the importance of empathy and compassion in shaping our interactions with others.

Reflective Essay Hook Examples

  • Anecdote: Sitting alone on a park bench, I pondered life’s complexities, grappling with questions of purpose and meaning.
  • Question: What if I told you that the key to understanding oneself lies not in seeking answers but in embracing the journey of self-discovery?
  • Statistic or Fact: With mental health disorders affecting over 1 in 4 individuals worldwide, it’s clear that the quest for inner peace and emotional well-being is more pressing than ever.
  • Contradiction: Despite the constant pursuit of happiness in a materialistic world, an underlying sense of discontentment pervades our society.
  • Description: As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow across the tranquil waters, I couldn’t help but reflect on the ebbs and flows of life’s journey.
  • Startling Statement: It’s a harsh reality: the pursuit of perfection often leads to a spiral of self-doubt and insecurity, leaving us feeling more lost and disillusioned than ever before.
  • Definition: Embarking on a journey of self-reflection isn’t just about analyzing past experiences; it’s about gaining insight into our thoughts, emotions, and values and using that knowledge to chart a path forward.
  • Analogous Scenario: Life is like a mirror, reflecting our choices and paths, urging us to confront our reflections with honesty and courage.
  • Historical Context: Looking back on the pages of history, I’m reminded of the countless individuals who have embarked on their journeys of self-discovery, leaving behind a legacy of wisdom and insight for future generations to glean.
  • Quotation: In the words of Socrates, “The unexamined life is not worth living,” a timeless reminder of the importance of introspection and self-awareness in shaping our destinies.

Compare And Contrast Essay Hook Examples

  • Anecdote: Growing up with siblings, I quickly learned that while we shared the same genetic makeup, our personalities and interests couldn’t be more different, sparking endless debates and discussions.
  • Question: How can two seemingly identical phenomena, such as the rise of online shopping and the decline of brick-and-mortar stores, have vastly different impacts on consumer behavior and the economy?
  • Statistic or Fact:  Despite being the same species, dogs and wolves exhibit striking differences in behavior and social structure, with domestication leading to significant genetic and behavioral changes over time.
  • Contradiction: In a world of constant technological innovation, there’s a growing divide between those who embrace digital advancements and those who cling to traditional methods, highlighting the tension between progress and preservation.
  • Description: As the sun set over the sprawling cityscape, I marveled at the stark contrast between the gleaming skyscrapers of downtown and the quiet suburbs in their shadow.
  • Startling Statement: It’s a sobering reality: despite living in an era of unprecedented connectivity, there’s a widening gap between the haves and the have-nots, with socioeconomic inequality reaching staggering heights.
  • Definition: Comparing and contrasting two subjects isn’t just about highlighting their differences; it’s about understanding their unique characteristics and how they relate.
  • Analogous Scenario: Just as two sides of the same coin offer contrasting perspectives, comparing and contrasting allows us to explore the multifaceted nature of complex issues and phenomena.
  • Historical Context: Reflecting on the pages of history, it’s clear that the rise and fall of civilizations often hinge on the interplay between contrasting ideologies and cultural values.
  • Quotation: In the words of Confucius, “The superior man understands what is right; the inferior man understands what will sell,” underscoring the importance of discerning between superficial appearances and deeper truths when comparing and contrasting subjects.

Psychology Essay Hook Examples

  • Anecdote: When I walked into my first psychology class, I was fascinated by the intricate workings of the human mind, eager to unravel its mysteries and understand what makes us tick.
  • Question: Have you ever wondered why certain individuals are more resilient in adversity while others crumble under pressure?
  • Statistic or Fact: With mental health disorders affecting over 1 in 5 adults worldwide, it’s clear that understanding the complexities of the human psyche is more critical than ever.
  • Contradiction: Despite our advances in technology and connectivity, rates of loneliness and social isolation continue to rise, highlighting the paradox of our hyperconnected yet emotionally disconnected society.
  • Description: As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the tranquil landscape, I contemplated the enigmatic nature of memory and its role in shaping our identities.
  • Startling Statement: It’s a chilling reality: studies have shown that prolonged exposure to social media can negatively impact mental health, leading to increased feelings of anxiety, depression, and loneliness.
  • Definition: Exploring the intricacies of the human psyche isn’t just about understanding behavior; it’s about delving into the subconscious motivations and underlying mechanisms that drive our thoughts and actions.
  • Analogous Scenario: Just as a puzzle requires careful analysis and strategic thinking to solve, understanding human behavior requires piecing together disparate clues to uncover the underlying patterns and motivations.
  • Historical Context: Looking back on the annals of history, we can trace the evolution of psychological theories and practices from the early roots of Freudian psychoanalysis to the modern-day insights of cognitive neuroscience.
  • Quotation: In the words of Carl Jung, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate,” a profound reminder of the power of self-awareness and introspection in shaping our destinies.

Sociology Essay Hook Examples

  • Anecdote: Growing up in a tight-knit community, I witnessed firsthand the power of social norms in shaping behavior and fostering a sense of belonging.
  • Question: How do cultural expectations and societal norms influence individual identity and behavior?
  • Statistic or Fact: With urbanization on the rise, over 55% of the world’s population now resides in urban areas, leading to profound shifts in social dynamics and community structures.
  • Contradiction: Despite advances in gender equality, women continue to face systemic barriers in the workplace, highlighting the stark disparity between societal ideals and lived realities.
  • Description: As the sun set over the sprawling cityscape, I marveled at the juxtaposition of wealth and poverty, privilege and disadvantage, that defines the urban landscape.
  • Startling Statement: It’s a sobering reality: despite living in an age of unprecedented connectivity, rates of social isolation and loneliness are on the rise, with profound implications for mental health and well-being.
  • Definition: Exploring the intricacies of sociology isn’t just about analyzing society; it’s about unpacking the complex web of relationships, institutions, and ideologies that shape human interaction and behavior.
  • Analogous Scenario: Society is like a tapestry woven from threads of culture, history, and tradition, each strand contributing to the rich and diverse fabric of human civilization.
  • Historical Context: Reflecting on the pages of history, we can trace the evolution of social movements and revolutions that have shaped human history, from the French Revolution to the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Quotation: In the words of sociologist Emile Durkheim, “Man cannot become attached to higher aims and submit to a rule if he sees nothing above him to which he belongs,” underscoring the importance of social cohesion and collective identity in maintaining social order.

College Application Essay Hook Examples

  • Anecdote: Navigating the labyrinth of college applications, I grappled with the age-old question of identity and purpose, unsure of where I belonged in the vast landscape of academia.
  • Question: What if the key to unlocking your potential lies not in conforming to societal expectations but in embracing your unique passions and interests?
  • Statistic or Fact: With acceptance rates at top universities plummeting to record lows, it’s clear that the college admissions process has become increasingly competitive and cutthroat.
  • Contradiction: In a society that celebrates individuality and diversity, there’s a pervasive pressure to fit into a narrow mold of academic achievement and extracurricular success.
  • Description: As the deadline for college applications loomed, I grappled with the daunting task of distilling my identity and aspirations into a neatly packaged personal statement.
  • Startling Statement: It’s a sobering reality: the college admissions process, once hailed as a gateway to opportunity, has become a battleground of privilege and inequality, with students from affluent backgrounds enjoying disproportionate advantages.
  • Definition: Crafting a compelling college application essay isn’t just about showcasing your achievements; it’s about conveying your authenticity and passion in a way that resonates with admissions officers.
  • Analogous Scenario: Applying to college is like pursuing self-discovery, navigating treacherous terrain, and overcoming obstacles to uncover your true potential.
  • Historical Context: Reflecting on the evolution of higher education, we can trace the shifting priorities and values that have shaped the modern college admissions landscape, from the Ivy League’s elitism to the rise of holistic admissions criteria.
  • Quotation: In the words of education reformer Horace Mann, “Education then, beyond all other devices of human origin, is the great equalizer of the conditions of men,” a timeless reminder of the transformative power of higher education in shaping individual lives and societal progress.

Descriptive Essay Hook Examples

  • Anecdote: Lost in the maze of winding cobblestone streets, I stumbled upon a hidden courtyard adorned with vibrant blooms, a secret oasis tucked away amidst the bustling cityscape.
  • Question: Have you ever wondered what it would be like to wander through the halls of an ancient castle, tracing the footsteps of kings and queens from centuries past?
  • Statistic or Fact: With over 7.5 million species inhabiting our planet, each with its unique characteristics and habitats, the natural world is a tapestry of diversity and wonder.
  • Contradiction: In a world dominated by concrete jungles and urban sprawl, there’s an undeniable longing for the simplicity and serenity of nature’s untamed landscapes.
  • Description: As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the tranquil waters, I found myself mesmerized by the ethereal beauty of a sunset over the ocean.
  • Startling Statement: It’s a chilling reality: despite our technological advances and modern conveniences, many of the world’s most breathtaking natural wonders are disappearing at an alarming rate.
  • Definition: Exploring the world of descriptive writing isn’t just about painting a picture with words; it’s about evoking the senses and transporting readers to faraway places with vivid imagery and rich detail.
  • Analogous Scenario: Describing a scene is like capturing a moment in time with a brushstroke, each word adding depth and color to the canvas of the reader’s imagination.
  • Historical Context: Reflecting on the pages of history, we can trace the evolution of descriptive writing from ancient epics and oral traditions to the modern-day masterpieces of literary giants.
  • Quotation: In the words of John Muir, “In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks,” a timeless reminder of the transformative power of immersing oneself in the beauty of the natural world.

Expository Essay Hook Examples

  • Anecdote: Growing up in a small coastal town, I was fascinated by the ebb and flow of the tides, sparking a lifelong curiosity about the forces that shape our natural world.
  • Question: Have you ever considered how technological advancements have transformed how we communicate and interact?
  • Statistic or Fact: With over 4.5 billion internet users worldwide, the digital revolution has revolutionized every aspect of modern life, from commerce and communication to education and entertainment.
  • Contradiction: In an age of information overload, there’s a growing disconnect between the abundance of data at our fingertips and our ability to discern truth from misinformation.
  • Description: As the first rays of dawn illuminated the rugged peaks of the Himalayas, I marveled at the breathtaking beauty of one of the world’s most majestic mountain ranges.
  • Startling Statement: It’s a sobering reality: despite our technological prowess and scientific advancements, humanity faces unprecedented challenges, from climate change and biodiversity loss to global pandemics and geopolitical unrest.
  • Definition: Exploring expository writing isn’t just about presenting facts; it’s about providing clarity and understanding on complex topics, breaking down concepts and ideas into digestible nuggets of information.
  • Analogous Scenario: Writing an expository essay is like embarking on a journey of discovery, uncovering hidden truths, and shedding light on topics that may be unfamiliar or misunderstood.
  • Historical Context: Reflecting on the annals of history, we can trace the evolution of expository writing from ancient philosophical treatises and scientific inquiries to the modern-day essays and articles that shape public discourse.
  • Quotation: In the words of Albert Einstein, “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its reason for existing,” a timeless reminder of the value of inquiry and exploration in the pursuit of knowledge.

Definition Essay Hook Examples

  • Anecdote: As a child, I struggled to comprehend the concept of empathy until a simple act of kindness from a stranger opened my eyes to its profound significance.
  • Question: What does success mean in today’s fast-paced, hypercompetitive society?
  • Statistic or Fact: Did you know that over 80% of marriages that end in divorce cite communication issues as one of the primary reasons for dissolution?
  • Contradiction: Despite the widespread celebration of diversity and inclusion, many workplaces still struggle to create truly equitable and inclusive environments for all employees.
  • Description: Picture a world where justice is not just a legal concept but a lived reality for every individual, where fairness and equality are the cornerstones of society.
  • Startling Statement: It’s a harsh reality: despite significant progress in the fight for gender equality, women still earn only 82 cents for every dollar their male counterparts earn, highlighting the persistent gender pay gap.
  • Definition: Exploring the concept of justice isn’t just about understanding its legal implications; it’s about grappling with the moral and ethical dimensions of fairness and equity in society.
  • Analogous Scenario: Defining justice is akin to navigating a maze, where different perspectives and interpretations lead to varied understandings of what constitutes a just society.
  • Historical Context: Reflecting on the history of justice, we can trace the evolution of legal systems and moral codes that have shaped our understanding of right and wrong throughout the ages.
  • Quotation: In the words of Martin Luther King Jr., “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,” a powerful reminder of the interconnectedness of justice and its enduring relevance in our lives.

Process Essay Hook Examples

  • Anecdote: In my quest to perfect the art of baking sourdough bread, I encountered numerous pitfalls and setbacks, but each failure brought me closer to mastering the elusive technique.
  • Question: Have you ever wondered how a simple recipe transforms raw ingredients into a mouthwatering masterpiece?
  • Statistic or Fact: Did you know that over 80% of people struggle to follow a recipe correctly, often resulting in culinary disasters?
  • Contradiction: Despite the abundance of cooking shows and online tutorials, many aspiring chefs still struggle to replicate restaurant-quality dishes in their kitchens.
  • Description: Picture yourself standing in a bustling kitchen, surrounded by the tantalizing aroma of spices and herbs, as you embark on a culinary journey to create the perfect homemade pasta from scratch.
  • Startling Statement: It’s a shocking reality: the average American spends more money on dining out each year than on groceries, yet many lack the basic cooking skills to prepare nutritious meals at home.
  • Definition: Delving into the world of process essays isn’t just about following step-by-step instructions; it’s about understanding the underlying principles and techniques that make a recipe or procedure successful.
  • Analogous Scenario: Writing a process essay is akin to guiding someone through a maze, providing clear directions and helpful tips to navigate each twist and turn.
  • Historical Context: Looking back on the evolution of cooking techniques and culinary traditions, we can trace the origins of many recipes and procedures to ancient civilizations and cultural exchanges throughout history.
  • Quotation: In the words of Julia Child, “Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all,” a timeless reminder of the passion and dedication required to master the culinary arts.
  • Anecdote: Growing up in a community plagued by environmental pollution, I witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of industrial waste on public health and the environment.
  • Question: Have you ever stopped considering the long-term consequences of our society’s reliance on fossil fuels for energy production?
  • Statistic or Fact: Marine ecosystems face unprecedented pollution and degradation with over 8 million tons of plastic entering our oceans yearly.
  • Contradiction: Despite the overwhelming scientific consensus on climate change, there’s a pervasive skepticism and denial of its existence among certain population segments.
  • Description: Imagine a world where clean air and water are no longer a luxury but a basic human right; renewable energy sources power our cities and communities, and future generations inherit a planet teeming with life and opportunity.
  • Startling Statement: It’s a chilling reality: if we continue on our current trajectory, scientists predict that the global temperature could rise by as much as 4 degrees Celsius by the end of the century, unleashing catastrophic consequences for life on Earth.
  • Definition: Advocating for environmental conservation isn’t just about saving trees or protecting endangered species; it’s about safeguarding the delicate balance of ecosystems that sustains all life on Earth.
  • Analogous Scenario: Fighting for environmental justice is akin to fighting for our collective future, where every action we take today shapes the world we leave behind for future generations.
  • Historical Context: Looking back on the annals of history, we can trace the roots of the environmental movement to grassroots efforts and social movements that emerged in response to past environmental crises.
  • Quotation: In the words of environmentalist Rachel Carson, “The more we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction,” a poignant reminder of the importance of preserving and protecting our natural world.

Cause and Effect Essay Hook Examples

  • Anecdote: Witnessing the devastating impact of deforestation on local ecosystems during a childhood trip to the rainforest ignited my passion for environmental conservation.
  • Question: Have you ever pondered the ripple effects of our society’s addiction to single-use plastics on marine life and ocean ecosystems?
  • Statistic or Fact: With over 1 million species facing extinction due to human activities, the planet is experiencing unprecedented biodiversity loss.
  • Contradiction: Despite the widespread recognition of the dangers of climate change, many governments prioritize economic growth over environmental preservation, perpetuating a cycle of ecological destruction.
  • Description: Picture a world where rising temperatures lead to more frequent and severe natural disasters, displacing millions of people from their homes and exacerbating social and economic inequalities.
  • Startling Statement: It’s a sobering reality: if current trends continue, scientists predict that the world’s coral reefs could be completely extinct within our lifetime, leading to the collapse of entire marine ecosystems.
  • Definition: Exploring the dynamics of cause and effect in environmental science isn’t just about identifying the root causes of environmental degradation; it’s about understanding how interconnected systems and feedback loops amplify the impacts of human activities on the natural world.
  • Analogous Scenario: 8. The relationship between human activity and environmental degradation resembles a chain reaction, where each action sets off a series of consequences reverberating throughout the ecosystem.
  • Historical Context: Looking back on the history of industrialization and technological advancement, we can trace the origins of many environmental challenges to the rapid expansion of human civilization and the exploitation of natural resources.
  • Quotation: In the words of conservationist Jane Goodall, “You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make,” highlighting the power of individual actions in shaping the future of our planet.

Critical Essay Hook Examples

  • Anecdote: Growing up in a household where literature was revered above all else, I learned to approach every text critically, questioning the underlying assumptions and biases embedded within.
  • Question: How can we reconcile the timeless beauty of classic literature with the problematic views and ideologies espoused by many of its revered authors?
  • Statistic or Fact: With over 70% of books written by white authors in the past decade, the publishing industry continues to grapple with issues of diversity and representation.
  • Contradiction: Despite the widespread celebration of freedom of speech and expression, mainstream literary discourse silences or ignores many marginalized voices.
  • Description: Picture a literary canon dominated by the works of dead white men, with little room for voices outside the traditional Western canon to be heard or valued.
  • Startling Statement: It’s a harsh reality: the literary world is rife with cultural appropriation, plagiarism, and censorship, raising questions about the integrity and ethics of the publishing industry.
  • Definition: Delving into critical analysis isn’t just about dissecting texts for hidden meanings or symbols; it’s about interrogating the power dynamics and social hierarchies that shape our understanding of literature.
  • Analogous Scenario: Critiquing a literary work is akin to excavating sedimentary rock layers uncovering fossils that reveal the text’s evolutionary history and cultural context.
  • Historical Context: Reflecting on the history of literary criticism, we can trace the evolution of different schools of thought and methodologies that have shaped how we interpret and analyze texts.
  • Quotation: In the words of literary theorist Edward Said, “Every text is a product of its historical and cultural context, shaped by the ideologies and power dynamics of its time,” underscoring the importance of situating literary works within their broader socio-political context. 

Literary Analysis Essay Hook Examples

  • Anecdote: Immersed in the pages of a well-worn book, I was transported to a world of magic and mystery, where every turn of phrase held the promise of revelation and discovery.
  • Question: What timeless truths about the human condition can be gleaned from the pages of classic literature?
  • Statistic or Fact: Did you know that Shakespeare coined over 1,700 words and phrases still in use today, demonstrating the enduring influence of his literary legacy?
  • Contradiction: Despite the age-old adage that “actions speak louder than words,” literature can move hearts and minds with nothing but ink on a page.
  • Description: Picture a solitary figure hunched over a dimly lit desk, laboring over a manuscript late into the night, each word carefully chosen to evoke a specific emotion or response in the reader.
  • Startling Statement: It’s a sobering reality: despite living in an age of unprecedented access to information, literary literacy rates continue to decline, threatening to render timeless works of art obsolete relics of the past.
  • Definition: Delving into literary analysis isn’t just about decoding symbols or dissecting themes; it’s about uncovering the deeper layers of meaning and significance hidden within the text.
  • Analogous Scenario: Analyzing a work of literature is like unraveling a complex puzzle, where every clue and nuance contributes to the larger tapestry of the narrative.
  • Historical Context: Reflecting on the history of literature, we can trace the evolution of storytelling from ancient oral traditions and epic poems to modern-day novels and short stories that captivate readers worldwide.
  • Quotation: In the words of Virginia Woolf, “Fiction is like a spider’s web, attached ever so slightly perhaps, but still attached to life at all four corners,” a poignant reminder of the intimate connection between literature and the human experience.

Our Go-To Trick for Writing Catchy Hooks

Writing a catchy hook is like reeling in a reader; the first tug pulls them into your essay’s waters. Whether you’re crafting a research paper or a personal narrative, a strong hook sets the tone for the rest of your writing. But what’s the go-to trick for creating these attention-grabbing openings?

  • Know Your Audience: Understanding who you’re writing for is key to crafting a hook that resonates. Consider what will pique their interest and keep them reading. For instance, if you’re writing for a scholarly audience, an anecdote hook might not be as effective as starting with a relevant statistic or a thought-provoking question.
  • Start with a Bang: An effective hook is a sentence that immediately captures attention and sets the stage for your essay. The “once upon a time” moment signals to readers that something interesting or important is about to unfold. This could be a startling statement, a vivid description, or a compelling quotation from a famous person or a credible source.
  • Tailor Your Hook to Your Topic: Just like a one-size-fits-all approach rarely works in fashion, the same goes for hooks in writing. Your hook should be tailored to the subject matter of your essay. For example, if you’re discussing climate change, a statistic about rising global temperatures might be more effective than a personal anecdote about your summer vacation.
  • Ask a Provocative Question: A hook that gets readers thinking is like casting a line into a pool of curiosity. Starting with a question engages your audience and sets the stage for the exploration that will follow in your essay. Make sure the question is relevant to the essay topic and answers the question you’ve set out to explore.
  • Set the Scene with a Story: Humans are wired to respond to stories, so using a narrative hook can be incredibly effective in drawing readers in. Whether a brief anecdote or a vivid description, starting with a story hooks readers by appealing to their emotions and imagination. Ensure the story is relevant to the essay and sets the stage for the following discussion.
  • Draw on Credible Sources: An effective hook engages readers and establishes your writing credibility. Drawing on information from credible sources, whether it’s a reputable study or the words of an expert in the field, adds weight to your argument and signals to readers that your essay is well-researched and trustworthy.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Avoiding common mistakes in writing hooks is crucial for crafting an engaging and effective opening for your essay. Whether you’re writing a research paper or a personal narrative, avoiding these pitfalls will help you hook your readers.

  • Don’t Start with a Thesis Statement: One of the most common mistakes is confusing a hook with a thesis statement. While a thesis statement outlines the main argument of your essay, a hook is meant to grab the reader’s attention and set the stage for what’s to come. Starting with your thesis can be dull and uninspiring for readers.
  • Avoid Using Clichés: Clichés are phrases or expressions overused to the point of losing their originality and impact. Starting your essay with a cliché hook, such as “Once upon a time” or “It was a dark and stormy night,” can make your writing stale and unoriginal. Instead, strive for freshness and creativity in your opening sentence.
  • Steer Clear of Vagueness: A vague or ambiguous hook can leave readers feeling confused or disinterested. Avoid opening sentences that lack clarity or specificity, as they fail to engage readers and set the tone for your essay. Instead, aim for precision and conciseness in your writing to capture readers’ attention.
  • Don’t Overdo It: While grabbing readers’ attention with your hook is important, overdoing it can have the opposite effect. Starting with an overly dramatic or sensationalized opening can come across as insincere or gimmicky. Instead, focus on crafting a hook that is genuine and relevant to the topic of your essay.
  • Avoid Irrelevant Hooks: Your hook should always be relevant to the content and purpose of your essay. Starting with a hook that has little or no connection to the rest of your essay can confuse readers and undermine the coherence of your writing. Ensure your hook sets the stage for the following discussion and aligns with your essay’s overall structure.

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What is an essay hook, and why is it important?

An essay hook is a compelling opening line or paragraph at the beginning of your essay that aims to grab the readers’ attention . It is important because it sets the tone for your essay and entices the reader to continue reading.

What are some strong essay hook examples?

Some strong essay hook examples include using quotes, asking thought-provoking questions, sharing surprising facts, or painting vivid pictures with descriptive language. For example, starting with “Once upon a time” is a classic hook that can draw readers in.

How can writing a personal essay hook enhance my essay?

Writing a personal essay hook allows you to connect with your readers personally. Sharing a personal anecdote or experience can create an emotional connection and make your essay more compelling.

Are there specific hook sentence examples for different essay topics?

Yes, there are hook sentence examples tailored for different essay topics. For instance, a persuasive essay might use a rhetorical question as a hook, while a narrative essay could start with a gripping personal story.

How can I structure my essay to incorporate a compelling hook at the beginning?

To structure your essay with a compelling hook, consider starting with a hook that relates to your essay’s main theme or argument. Integrate the hook seamlessly into the introduction to ensure a smooth flow of ideas.

Can a hook for different types of essays be equally effective?

Yes, a well-crafted hook for different types of essays can be equally effective as long as it resonates with the readers and sets the stage for the following content. However, the type of hook used may vary based on the essay’s purpose and audience.

sarah Bentley

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  • Best 10 Persuasive Essay Examples for Students in 2024
  • How to Write Compelling Hooks For Essays (Essay Hook Examples Included)


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How To Craft An Ivy League Worthy Activities List

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Brown University

Do Ivy League schools really care about your extracurricular activities? The answer is emphatically yes .

Ivy League colleges seek to admit students who are specialists in their fields of interest and will put their passions to positive use in their future communities. While grades, test scores, and a rigorous course load convey your academic interests and skill set to top colleges, your activities list goes a long way in communicating what you truly value and what kind of community member you will be on your future college campus. For this reason, the Common App activities list is one of the most critical components of your college application—a thoughtfully crafted activities list paints a picture of your commitment to your passions, your leadership abilities, and your history of enacting positive change in your environment.

With the school year quickly approaching, students should use the remaining weeks of summer to start crafting their activities lists , taking advantage of their free time before the demands of the school year ramp up. By using this time to strategize and thoughtfully map out your activities list, you can put your best foot forward to Ivy League admissions officers and distinguish yourself in a sea of talented applicants. Here are three key strategies to ensure that your activities list showcases your talents and stands out to top schools:

1. Use your Activities List to Demonstrate Your Hook

Every element of a student’s application, from their essays to their transcript and letters of recommendation, should coalesce around their “hook”—and the activities list is no different. A hook is a unique passion, skill, or area of interest that a student hones over the course of their high school career; it is the special X factor that sets them apart from the pack. While your essays tell admissions officers about your passions in your unique voice, your activities list provides an overview of how you have spent your time over the past four years, each activity acting as a piece of a puzzle that tells your broader story. As such, it is critical that students use their activities list to clearly convey their core passion and show how they have engaged with it in tangible ways.

For example, if your hook is in biomolecular sciences and cancer research, you should be able to demonstrate that interest through activities like working as a professor’s research assistant at a medical school or research institute, taking related classes at a college or university, or writing about cancer research-related topics in your school newspaper. Alternatively, if your hook is in environmental advocacy, your list should include activities such as leading a local environmental club, organizing community clean-up events, or conducting research on sustainable practices. This coherence not only makes your application more compelling, but also works in support of your long-term goals and informs the unique perspective you bring as a candidate.

2. Be Specific About Your Contributions

Admissions officers not only want to see what activities students have been involved in, but also how they actively contributed as group members and leaders. The language you use in your activities list can significantly influence how your involvement is understood. Therefore, when describing each activity, be specific about your role and the impact you made. Instead of simply stating that you were a member of the debate team, highlight your achievements, such as winning regional championships or mentoring five junior members. Use quantifiable data to underscore your impact wherever possible. For instance, “Organized a charity run that raised $5,000 for local shelters" is more impressive and informative than “Organized a charity run.” This level of detail will allow the admissions committee to understand the breadth and depth of your involvement, which can go a long way in distinguishing you from other applicants who participated in similar activities.

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Additionally, active language conveys enthusiasm, initiative, and leadership. Verbs such as “spearheaded,” “executed,” “developed,” “launched,” “advocated,” and “strategized” paint a vivid picture of your initiative and drive. Likewise, avoid passive phrases like “was responsible for” or “helped with,” as they can minimize the significance of your contributions. Using dynamic and active verbs also enhances the readability of your activities list, making it more engaging and memorable for admissions officers.

3. List Your Activities in a Strategic Order

Many students assume that they should list their activities in order of the amount of time they have devoted to each activity, from most to least. However, students should note that the Common App indicates: “Please list your activities in the order of their importance to you.” This means that even if you are a varsity athlete who trains 20+ hours a week, if you plan to apply as a STEM major, you might prioritize listing your research endeavors and internships higher up on your list than your athletic achievements. For instance, you could list your groundbreaking summer research project first, followed by an internship at a tech company, placing your training sessions further down the list. This strategy ensures that your activities list reflects your personal priorities and aligns with your intended major and career goals.

Approaching the activities list with strategy, thoughtful reflection, and a clear sense of one’s central passion will allow students to put their best foot forward to admissions officers at Ivy League and other top schools. Using the remainder of the summer to get ahead on the activities list will give students the time they need to ensure that this component of their application is polished and catches admissions officers’ eyes.

Christopher Rim

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    Let's look at five ways to write a good hook for a college essay in greater detail. 1. Surprise the reader! "Yuck!". I yelled as the pigeon pooped on my head. While silly, this sensational situation is not improbable. Perhaps you've had a similarly surprising encounter that left you stunned and questioning your place in this world.

  9. How to Write a College Essay

    Making an all-state team → outstanding achievement. Making an all-state team → counting the cost of saying "no" to other interests. Making a friend out of an enemy → finding common ground, forgiveness. Making a friend out of an enemy → confront toxic thinking and behavior in yourself.

  10. Essay Hooks: How to Grab Your Reader With Your Writing

    These hooks position the speaker as quirky, likable, and ready to offer some insight about what their unique life experiences have taught them. Simply put, this is a great way to grab your reader's attention. However, these types of hooks can also be more difficult to write. Unless you have a clear (or funny) story to tell from the beginning ...

  11. 7 Good Hooks for Essays

    Example 2: Reality TV offers crucial life lessons. (This is an example of a more surprising "hot take," since readers may not expect to hear that important life lessons can be learned from seemingly-frivolous reality TV. If supported thoughtfully, this hook can demonstrate the applicant's confidence and humor).

  12. Writing tips and techniques for your college essay

    Don't summarize. Avoid explicitly stating the point of your essay. It's far less effective when you spell it out for someone. Delete every single "That's when I realized," "I learned," and "The most important lesson was...". It's unnecessary, unconvincing, and takes the reader out of the moment.

  13. How to Write a Hook for an Essay: Guide, Tips, and Examples

    Set the Scene. When wondering how to write a good hook for an essay, consider setting the scene. Open in the middle of a key moment, plunge in with vivid details and conversation to keep your essay flowing and attract the reader. Make the reader feel like they are seeing a moment from your life and have just tuned in.

  14. How To Start a College Essay: 9 Effective Techniques

    For many, getting started is the hardest part of anything. And that's understandable. First, because it turns whatever you're doing into a reality, which raises the stakes. Second, because where you start can easily dictate the quality of where you end up. College essays have their own special brand of DTDT.

  15. How to write a college application essay: 7 tips

    Step 0: choose a structure. By "structure," we mean what you'll use to organize your essay's content in a way that helps your reader understand clearly and easily. We'll talk through two structural options below: "montage" and "narrative.". Some quick definitions:

  16. How to Write a Hook For a College Essay + [Examples]

    Give it time, write, re-write, revise and make multiple versions so you can pick the best one that you feel will work! Here are some examples of college essay hooks or rather types of hooks for a college essay that you can keep in mind for writing your hook. 1. Question Hook.

  17. How to Write a Good Hook for Your College Essay

    Here are some recent hooks that students I have worked with have used: "One of the most traumatic moments of my childhood was when my father flushed the mice down the toilet;" "I have a vivid fantasy life;" "That afternoon, I made a killing on Nerds;" "I am afraid of coconuts.". Each one makes you want to read more, but, more ...

  18. How to Write a Catchy Hook for an Essay: 5 Types of Essay Hooks (With

    Story. It's the perfect hook for narrative writing: storytelling, blog posts, social media, etc. Start your paper with a short episode that relates to the essay topic. It can be a real-life or fictional story with a hero to gain the reader's attention and reflection.

  19. How to Write the Hook of an Essay

    Here's an example of the steps you can follow that help you outline your essay. First paragraph: Establish the thesis. Body paragraphs: Supporting evidence. Last paragraph: Conclusion with a restatement of the thesis. Revisit the first paragraph: Find the best hook. Obviously, the first step is to determine your thesis.

  20. How to Write a Hook for an Essay ️ Step-By-Step Instructions

    Pay attention to the hook length, avoid discouraging the audience, and do not exceed the limits of the introduction scope. Do not neglect to devote time to hook inventing since it is a starting point or a 'gate' to your creation. And it depends on you whether the reader wishes to enter or pass by.

  21. 170+ Essay Hook Examples To Captivate Readers' Attention

    A great hook can be an anecdotal hook, a fact or statistic, a strong statement hook, or a narrative hook. Examples for essays might include "once upon a time" for a narrative hook or a surprising fact for a statistic hook. The hook sets the stage and draws the reader in, making it essential to write a great hook for your essay.

  22. 27 Outstanding College Essay Examples From Top Universities 2024

    This college essay tip is by Abigail McFee, Admissions Counselor for Tufts University and Tufts '17 graduate. 2. Write like a journalist. "Don't bury the lede!" The first few sentences must capture the reader's attention, provide a gist of the story, and give a sense of where the essay is heading.

  23. How to Start Writing a Law School Application Essay

    The kind of people who become lawyers tend to be good at perceiving risks and finding faults. As helpful as this will one day be for your clients, don't let it stunt your writing process.

  24. 35+ Best College Essay Tips from College Application Experts

    This college essay tip is by Chris Peterson, Assistant Director at MIT Admissions. The tip below is paraphrased from the post "How To Write A College Essay" on the MIT blog. 6. Tell a good story. Most people prefer reading a good story over anything else. So... tell a great story in your essay.

  25. How To Craft An Ivy League Worthy Activities List

    1. Use your Activities List to Demonstrate Your Hook. Every element of a student's application, from their essays to their transcript and letters of recommendation, should coalesce around their ...

  26. PDF Review Questions to Ask Revision suggestions

    committee for considering my application. _ Start an essay with interesting dialogue or vivid details for an effective hook. Use enough details so your reader can easily determine how your story/essay addresses the writing without an ^announcement. This is a personal essay, do not include niceties