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  • A Research Guide
  • Research Paper Topics

30 Tips For Finding Great Research Paper Topics for Middle School

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Useful information: What is research paper writing and how to format it?
  • Is going vegan good for your health?
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  • The causes, effects and consequences of earthquakes
  • The geological periods of Earth development
  • The history of cryptography
  • The nature of sports. Why competition is so important for humanity?
  • How a person’s behaviour changes in the crowd?
  • What is propaganda and how it works?
  • Is sexual education important? Why?
  • How much can we play computer games to not get addicted?
  • The prison system: shall it be reformed?
  • The types and forms of poetry: how does poetry evolve?
  • Internet safety: what to do if you are threatened or blackmailed?
  • The endangered cultures: is it important to preserve them in the age of globalization?
  • Gender roles in media and books for children
  • The effective strategies of waste recycling
  • Shall some media be banned from TV or is censorship always bad?
  • Human morality. Is it a national trait or a social construct?
  • Multicultural community: do the cultures mix?
  • Healthy self-esteem: what can influence it?
  • Forming of social hierarchy: does it differ from one group to another?
  • Family issues and their impact on the development of the children’s personality
  • What Jupiter contains of?
  • What is more perspective planet for colonizing: Mars or Venus and why?
  • Are cryptocurrencies real currencies?

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topics to research for middle school

206 Middle School Research Topics: Original Ideas List

206 Middle School Research Topics

As middle schoolers prepare to go to high school, they are introduced slowly to essay and research writing. They are sometimes given homework that involves picking suitable topics and writing on them. However, it should be noted that i t is not easy to write a research paper for a high grade. Middle schoolers in their preteen age are taught how to be creative, air out their opinions and conduct little research. It helps make them critical thinkers and prepares them for more writing tasks as they advance in their education. This article will help middle schoolers understand what is expected of them when asked to write an essay or research on a topic. It will also expose them to different areas where they can write and many research topics for middle school they can pick from.

What Should Be In A Middle School Research Paper?

Middle school research papers are often not required to be extended. They are in a unique position where they move from writing simple pieces to more detailed essays and research papers. This is the foundation where they learn to write excellent papers as they transcend to high school and eventually college. Writing an essay in middle school is not very different from writing in other stages. Some steps to get you started are

  • Understanding the Assignment :Before you begin, you should understand your teacher’s expectations when turning in your finished work.There will be rules and procedures to follow. Know the format the essay is supposed to be written in, and keep the due dates in mind. If you do not understand any aspect of the assignment, please ask for clarification, as this will help you deliver a clear and concise essay at the end.
  • Do Your Pre-Writing :Start with brainstorming on middle school research topics to determine what you would like your essay to be about. There are many options to pick from and several general subjects to break down into topics you want.

Pick up to three topics when you first brainstorm. From there, you can select the best one to write on. When you find a topic, start writing all you know about it. Create a rough paper where you jot down information from your research that will be useful in your essay. Feel free to write freely, as this will be your first draft, and you have the chance to edit it as you go.

  • Edit Your Work : Editing is essential. It helps give your paper structure. From your rough work, take out parts that are not necessary and add details you think you missed. This is where you should be detailed and try to make your work as neat and correct as possible. You are almost at the end of writing the paper.When you are sure your paper is good, it is time to proofread. Check for spelling and punctuation errors. One expert way to do this is to read the report from the bottom up, and this can help you spot any spelling errors.
  • Citations and References : Your teacher would have given you a format to write references for your work. Ensure that you are following the prescribed format.References will highlight the sources of the information gathered to make your essay.

What Can Middle Schoolers Write About?

There are many general subjects that middle schoolers can write about in their assignments. Streaming from what they have been taught in the classroom or their experiences outside class. Some issues that can create good middle school research paper topics include:

Science : This broad aspect covers earth science, geology, physical science, life science, and genetics. Science research paper topics for middle school will encourage the students to be interested in growth and learning how things work. Social Studies : This will involve learning about their history, other people’s cultures, human interaction, family, etc. This will create fun research topics for 6th graders, learning about life and how relationships work. Literature : This is the best time to learn about books and works of art. The literature will provide many topics to research for middle school students.

There are many more aspects that middle school students can research and write papers on. Discover more than 200 interesting research topics for middle school students below. However don’t worry if the assignment seems too difficult for you. You are only at the beginning of the path and our cheap research writing service will be happy to get you through with your paper.

Good Research Topics For Middle School

Students who have no experience writing papers and are looking for good research topics to work on are in luck. The topics below are suitable for all middle schoolers and can create detailed essays.

  • Should students be compelled to wear a specific uniform?
  • Textbooks or tablets: which is better to read from?
  • Obesity in American youth: Causes and solutions.
  • Should boys and girls be allowed to play on the same athletics team?
  • Should young people be allowed to play violent video games?
  • Impact of continuously playing violent video games.
  • When can we say someone is spending too much time in front of the screen?
  • Listening to music during class: Does it disturb concentration?
  • How to recognize harmful content on the internet?
  • Should all businesses be compelled to recycle?
  • What is the appropriate punishment for students who engage in cyberbullying?
  • Should school hours be adjusted to later in the morning?
  • Should our scientists be allowed to test drugs on animals?
  • Why do people’s behavior change in different settings?
  •  Is sex education important?
  • Different types of poetry and how they came about.
  • What to do if you are being bullied on the internet.
  • How to have healthy self-esteem.
  • Why does the human body need sleep?
  • Insect repellents, are they helpful?
  • Why did dinosaurs go extinct?
  • What is skateboarding?
  • The effects of tobacco on the body.
  • Artificial tanning: Risks and benefits.
  • What is spam email? Where does it come from, and how can we stop it?
  • What is a desert mirage? How does it affect people?
  • What are penguins? Where do they stay, and what do they eat?
  • When and how was America created?
  • Who are some well know and inspirational women?
  • Who are some famous inventors?
  • What famous inventions helped in shaping human existence?
  • Steps you can take to protect yourself from scammers online.
  • What is a cryptocurrency, and why is it so popular?
  • What did the invention of the mobile phone do to change the world?
  • How to handle stress from school.
  • How can issues in the family affect a child?
  • Is your school working hard enough to prevent bullying?
  • Should we use mobile phones and tablets in class?
  • Does technology make you smarter?
  • What is an unhealthy life, and what are the effects?
  • Is there any benefit of doing homework?
  • What is video game addiction, and how to stop it?
  • What is a museum, and what can be found in it?
  • What can we do to reduce climate change?
  • Is soda suitable for children?
  • Does everyone have to go to college?
  • Comparing homework and class assignments.
  • What is physical education?
  • How the internet has changed our life
  • What is peer pressure?
  • What effect has global warming had on the environment?
  • What is racism?
  • What is a healthy diet?
  • Should students be able to pick what they learn?
  • Do movies depict what happens in real life?
  • Is arts a vital part of the school curriculum?
  • What are the challenges students face?
  • How do we conserve energy in our homes?
  • What is pop culture?
  • Should parents monitor their children’s social media?

Fun Research Topics for Middle School

Writing an essay shouldn’t always be stressful or tedious. These topics will make writing papers fun. The topics below can hold the researcher’s attention for a long time as they work on completing their project.

  • How should celebrities who break the law be punished?
  • What is bulletproof clothing made of?
  • All there is to know about hip-hop.
  • What do we know about ninjas?
  • Do lie detector tests work?
  • What are the ingredients contained in a hotdog?
  • Sharks, how do they hunt, and what do they eat?
  • How do search engines work?
  • Some fascinating extinct animals, and what happened to them?
  • How to manage time effectively.
  • How does insufficient sleep affect the brain?
  • How to let go of bad habits?
  •  How do parents help us grow?
  • How to become a better writer.
  • Are dogs and cats enemies?
  • Why do parents punish children for bad behavior?
  • What is the best punishment for naughty kids?
  • Is magic real?
  • How to save money effectively?
  • What is self-development?
  • How to motivate yourself to be a better student?
  • When should you begin to earn money?
  • What’s the secret of having a successful life?
  • How not to become a game addict.

Middle School Research Project Ideas

Research shouldn’t always end as essay writing. Sometimes, you need hands-on projects to keep the middle schooler busy. The list below can serve as an ideal hub for research ideas for middle school students and work as interesting essay topics.

  • Investigating what life is like inside a beehive.
  • Steps in creating a movie.
  • How do our brains store memories and retrieve them when we need them?
  • What is a landform?
  • What are some important holidays around the world, and who celebrates them?
  • What are some significant symbols used in world holidays?
  • Creating an ecosystem: what’s the process involved?
  • Research on some exotic underwater creatures.
  • What is a meteor?
  • How to build a crossword puzzle.
  • What is advertising: create a short advertisement campaign.
  • Write the story of your life.
  • Create a calendar highlighting critical events in your life.
  • Create your family tree.

Science Research Topics for Middle School

Science is an exciting part of our lives. Because of science, the quality of our lives has increased, and there are many more inventions to come. These topics can engage the curious mind of the youngster and introduce them to science-related subjects to work on.

  • Earthquakes: Its causes and effects.
  • Computer viruses. What are they, and how do they spread?
  • Evolution of human beings.
  • Are human beings still evolving?
  • What is alchemy?
  • What is a black hole? How is it formed?
  • What is a submarine? Who uses them, and how do they work?
  • What is the cause of tornadoes?
  • What is a sinkhole, and how do they form?
  • Research on one of the planets in the solar system.
  • Understanding glaciers and icebergs.
  • What are volcanoes, and how do they form?
  • The different types of volcanoes and what causes them.
  • Who are the most famous scientists, and what are they famous for?
  • What are the components of airplanes that make them fly?
  • What are fossils, and what do they teach us?
  • How do genetics and DNA affect how we look?
  • Why does the moon change color and shape sometimes?
  • What is a Lunar eclipse?
  • What is pollution?
  • The different types of pollution and what can be done to curb them?
  • Can fruits play a part in medicine?
  • What is flooding?
  • What is an ecosystem?
  • What measures do butterflies take to defend themselves?
  • Different types of butterflies.
  • What is a skeleton, and why is it an essential part of the body?
  • How many bones are in a skeleton? Which are the most important?
  • Who is a marine biologist?
  • What is the connection between a marine biologist and the weather?
  • What are the risks marine biologists face when they dive?
  • Different types of fossils?
  • Are whales still hunted?
  • What is scientific research, and who conducts it?
  • What is the job of the nervous system?
  • Understanding the concept of hibernation?
  • What are the necessities plants need to grow?
  • Who are the people who study dinosaurs?
  • Mammals and reptiles: Similarities and differences.
  • Why don’t human beings float?
  • What is a prism, and what does it do?
  • What gives humans the ability to lift heavy things?
  • What factors can cause earthquakes?
  • How is wind measured?
  • What differentiates a planet from a star?
  • What is a galaxy? What galaxy is the earth?
  • Who is an astronaut, and what is their job?
  • What is a waterfall?
  • Do plants drink water?
  • Why do oil and water not mix?
  • What is microbiology?
  • How can we preserve our natural resources?
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of exploring space.
  • What are bacteria, and how useful is it to humans?
  • The similarities between temperature and heat.

Other Topics to Research for Middle School

We cannot run out of topics for middle schoolers, as several aspects are available to look at. Here are some other topics that can jump-start your essay writing process.

  • Is it advisable for students to be with their cell phones all day?
  • Should the minimum age for getting a driving license be raised?
  • The differences between homeschooling and standard schooling: which is better?
  • Does social media have a positive or negative impact on teenagers?
  • Going vegan, is it good for your health?
  • Who is a Monk, and what is his lifestyle/routine?
  • How did humans domesticate cats and dogs, and why?
  • How is America helping endangered animals?
  • How is climate change affecting us?
  • What are the effects of video games on teenagers and children?
  • Do Athletes make good models?
  • Who is to blame for the number of homeless people in America?
  • Should we have shorter school weeks?
  • Should parents monitor websites visited by their children?
  • What is cybercrime?
  • What can we don’t protect our environment?
  • Instant messaging, do they affect literacy?
  • What are the most effective ways of achieving academic excellence?
  • What is a good movie that influenced us in 2023?
  • Are tests a good way of judging a student’s intelligence?
  • How does music help us feel better?
  • How to choose the best research project ideas for middle school students.
  • Why is it important to learn multiple languages?
  • Do learning techniques affect behavior?
  • Bullying and its effects on mental health.
  • All you need to know about distant learning
  • Should prayer be part of school activities?
  • Do we need math formulas in real scenarios?
  • When should students start undergoing leadership training?
  • How to write a good essay.
  • How does night vision work?
  • What is the solar system?
  • What is Nasa, and what do they do?
  • What is a natural disaster, and what can cause one to happen?
  • What is the process of becoming a president of the United States?
  • How many presidents has the United States had?
  • What are some of the responsibilities and privileges of the president?
  • Learning about Vice Presidents and First Ladies of the United States.
  • Is social media dangerous for children?
  • Does the location where you grow up affect who you become?
  • What is a participation trophy? Is it necessary?
  • Should there be a screen time limit for children?
  • What are the responsibilities of a government to its citizens?
  • What is a curfew, and why do kids have them?
  • Is grounding an effective punishment?
  • Should physical education be necessary for everyone?
  • What are some advantages of knowing how to read?
  • How can cell phones be used productively while in class?
  • What are the qualities of a good leader?
  • What are hobbies, and what do they do for us?
  • Should less homework be given to students?
  • What is summer school? Does it help students?
  • What age is appropriate for children to be left alone at home?

If You Need Paper Writing Help

There are many ways to brainstorm ideas for your middle school homework. The research project ideas for middle school and the topics listed above will make it easier to begin. After picking a suitable topic, the next step is writing the entire paper. This will involve a lot of research and fact-finding to get accurate information for your paper. It doesn’t end at research, as you still have to write a great essay to score high marks. This could be a daunting task for many students. Don’t be afraid to get research paper help from our professional writers. After attending class, you may not have adequate time to write your essay yourself, if this is your situation, it’s okay to search for help on the internet. A quick google search for “write my paper” will result in several websites promising to write the best essay for you. However, you need to make your research before hiring an online writer for your assignment. If you need someone to write your assignment, we can be of help. We provide fast, reliable, custom paper writing services that can be completed online. Our services are available to every student, including university, middle school, high school, and college students. Our team of writers consists of professionals and teachers who are always available to ensure that you meet your deadlines. Contact us with a message “ do my research paper for me ” and enjoy the perfect result!

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100 Unique Middle School Research Topics and Ideas

Table of Contents

Identifying an ideal topic and writing a well-structured research paper is a challenging task that requires a lot of skills and time. In specific, the majority of middle school students experience more difficulties with research topic selection. Therefore, in this blog, for the convenience of middle school students, we have shared certain tactics on how to select an ideal topic and compose a brilliant middle school research paper. Additionally, we have presented a list of outstanding middle school research topics on various themes.

If you are a middle school student struggling to identify an appropriate topic for your research paper, explore this blog and get amazing topic ideas.

Know How to Choose a Middle School Research Topic

When it comes to preparing a middle school research paper, topic selection is the first step you must concentrate on. Usually, your teachers will provide you with interesting research titles or questions. But sometimes, you will be given a chance to pick a topic on your own. In such instances, follow these steps to spot the right topic for your middle school research paper.

  • First, start by investigating the topics that excite you, or the areas in which you are interested.
  • Next, formulate a research question by examining the main points of your paper and other topics that your audience would find exciting.
  • Third, evaluate potential study titles and eliminate those that are not applicable.
  • Fourth, focus on a topic that both you and your audience will find relevant.
  • Finally, make sure you follow all of your teacher’s instructions regarding the paper.

Steps for Writing a Middle School Research Paper

Writing middle school research papers is no different from writing assignments in other stages of the academic career. Here are some steps to get started with the task:

Understanding the Assignment Requirement: Before you start writing, consider what the teacher expects to see in the final copy of your research paper. You will come across multiple rules and procedures. Know the format you are supposed to write and bear in mind the due dates.

Complete Your Pre-Writing: Select up to 3 topics when you first ideate your subjects for writing your paper. From there, choose the best one to write on. Then, jot down the valid and useful information from your research.

Compose the Paper:   Elaborate on the jotted-down details and craft the paper. Let your ideas flow in the first draft. The paper should contain necessary sections such as the introduction, body, and conclusion.

Edit and Proofread Your Work: Editing and proofreading are essential. Begin the revision process with editing. From your first draft, remove the unnecessary sections and insert details you think you missed.  Look for spelling and punctuation errors. Also ensure that your work is neat, accurate, logically structured, and has a smooth flow.

Citations and References: Finally, cite and reference your work. Follow the format given by your teacher to write references for your research paper. References will emphasize the sources of the data collected to develop your research paper.

Types of Research Topics

Middle School Research Topics

There are significant components that aid in the process of picking middle school research topics. Once you can determine the type of research paper, it will become easier for you to compose your solution. There is an array of categories but three of them are the most crucial ones. Read the below points to find out about them.

  • Descriptive– These topics are based on vigilant and complete observation of an occurrence, occasion, theme, trait, etc. to distinguish it in feature and to potentially uncover essential, appealing, non-depicted aspects or patterns.
  • Causal – These ideas investigate whether altering some variables leads to changes in other variables suggesting a causal relationship.
  • Comparative– These topics inspect resemblance and dissimilarity between two or more entities

Features of a Good Research Paper Topic

Searching for an appropriate middle school research topic becomes easy when you know the characteristics of an excellent topic. The following are the features of an excellent middle school research topic:

  • Precise and real:  Research goals and predictable results must be obvious and focused
  • Original:  scrutinizing aspects, units, and associations that have never been researched before
  • Highly important: Effective for community, civilization, and a professional field
  • Highly relevant: The topic should be relevant for probable readers, reviewers
  • Trending: Rising disciplines and subjects ignite more interest in their originality and yet the uncharted possibility

List of Middle School Research Topics

Have you been assigned to develop a middle school research paper? Are you looking for some excellent ideas to develop your paper? Then, take a look at the range of topics mentioned below.

Middle School Research Questions on Science & Technology

In your middle school research paper, you may focus on any ideas that are associated with physics, chemistry, biology, or technology. Find here, some excellent science and technology research topics for middle school students.

  • How has light become an instrument to treat cancer and other diseases?
  • What is the present substantiation that Mars has had water and maybe life?
  • Can nanomedicine potentially expand the human lifespan?
  • What is the prospect of computing and artificial intelligence?
  • What function does cryogenics play in the future?
  • Can alternative energy efficiently restore fossil fuels?
  • Is it advantageous for wild animals to have connections with people?
  • What evidence do we have that CMB is the consequence of the Big Bang?
  • How will self-driving cars alter the technique in which people live?
  • Can using currency systems like Bitcoin help safeguard identity theft?

Middle School Research Ideas On Mathematics

For your middle school research paper on math, you can concentrate on topics from areas such as algebra, arithmetic, geometry, etc. From here, get a collection of the finest research questions on mathematics.

  • The power of algorithms.
  • Is it possible to develop a successful monopoly policy?
  • Why is ‘x’ the unknown?
  • How has math altered the world?
  • What is the answer to the McDonald’s math issue?
  • How do math geniuses solve extremely difficult math concepts so quickly?
  • Should high school math competitions be banned?
  • Describe the relationship between math and music
  • Are math formulas ever implicated in real life?
  • What are some of the most puzzling math issues ever?

Informative Middle School Research Topics

Working on an informative middle school research paper will help you to widen your subject knowledge. So, for your convenience, here, we have listed some informative middle school research titles to get started.

  • Discuss the history of cryptography.
  • Suggest some effective strategies for waste recycling.
  • Analyze how a person’s behavior changes in the crowd.
  • Discuss the possible consequences of drug legalization.
  • Explain the meaning of music in modern life.
  • Investigate what influences healthy self-esteem.
  • Explain how propaganda works.
  • Analyze the impact of family issues on the development of the children’s personality.
  • Discuss the geological periods of Earth’s development.
  • Write about internet safety.

Middle School Research Paper Topics on Politics

For your middle school research paper, you may focus on ideas related to laws, policies, and government. The following are some exclusive research ideas on politics for middle school students.

  • Is it necessary to reduce the drinking age?
  • Should adults have the privilege to carry a hidden handgun?
  • More gun control laws should be performed
  • How can the global community prevent Iran from creating nuclear weapons?
  • How can racial assassination be stopped?
  • The current outlook for peace between Israel and the Palestinians
  • How would the world be without wars?
  • How to avoid personnel reduction?
  • Should the death sentence be allowed?
  • Is socialism achievable?

Psychology Topics for Middle School Students

Take a look at anything related to mental health or mental illness in your middle school research paper. Listed below are some outstanding middle school research questions to be considered in psychology.

  • Is autism an illness or a progressive peculiarity?
  • How to predict and form behavioral patterns?
  • How to control child violence?
  • How to handle a mental breakdown?
  • The effect of classical music on the functioning of the brain
  • How does insomnia impact our health?
  • How badly do dreams impact our mood?
  • Is stress truly damaging?
  • How does depression affect the immune system?
  • Are some people intellectually gifted?

Interdisciplinary Middle School Research Topics

Are you searching for an interdisciplinary middle school research title? Take a look at the list published below. In the list, we have included amazing interdisciplinary research ideas for middle school students.

  • Explain how climate change affects biodiversity.
  • Analyze the impact of technology on society and culture.
  • Explain the role of music in mental health.
  • Examine the history and science of flight.
  • Explain how food and nutrition affect brain development and scholastic performance.
  • Analyze how social media affects the self-esteem of a person.
  • Explain the impact of sports on physical and mental health.
  • Discuss the history of ancient civilizations.
  • Analyze the psychology and biology of addiction.
  • Examine the relationship between art and science in developing visual illusions.

Middle School Research Topics on Business

Do you need awesome ideas on business for your middle school research paper? If yes, then make use of the following business research titles. It will help you in composing a detailed research paper worthy of top grades.

  • How do filthy business tactics work?
  • Can you start a business without money?
  • Infamous business leaders.
  • Private enterprise and family business.
  • Moral decision-making in everyday work situations.
  • What are the most successful strategies for endorsing a small business?
  • Is it worth it to spread out the business into a new region or country?
  • How to develop a victorious startup.
  • The function of global business and sustainable development.
  • The effect of climate change on international business strategies.

Simple Middle School Research Questions

You will not find your research process exhausting if you work on easy middle-school research paper topics. So, instead of working on complex research ideas, give preference to any simple research questions listed below.

  • Is becoming vegan the healthiest option for you?
  • Is natural greenhouse more effective or artificial?
  • The reason, impacts, and results of earthquakes
  • How many computer games do you play without getting addicted?
  • Princess Diana and her empire.
  • Why is competition so essential for humans?
  • How did poetry evolve?
  • How did ancient sailors find their way around the globe?
  • Importance of Gender Roles in Children’s Books and Cartoons
  • Who is the most powerful individual to have lived on the planet?

Unique Middle School Research Topics

Are you interested in composing a top-score-fetching middle school research paper? If yes, then work on original research titles that make your work stand unique in the crowd. The following are some authentic middle school research ideas on different themes.

  • The methods deal with addressing drug addiction cases in high school.
  • Physical vs. digital communications.
  • Body Image and the Korean Pop Culture.
  • The significance of school volunteering and social work.
  • The alterations to the academic procedure because of Covid-19.
  • The Legacy of the Trail of Tears.
  • The responsibility of motivation in becoming a better student.
  • The function of books in print and the libraries.
  • How to improve school safety?
  • Discuss the importance of parents to get involved in their children’s schoolwork.

Argumentative Middle School Research Topics

Find here, a collection of argumentative middle school research questions. All these ideas will help you in conducting in-depth research and developing interesting arguments with valid supporting pieces of evidence.

  • Why is education not free for everyone?
  • Bloggers and influencers are not professionals. Share your views on the statement.
  • Serving in the military is an act of maturity. What are your views on the statement?
  • Unlimited internet access to college professors is harming the quality of education offered at colleges and universities.
  • The death penalty is not an ethical way to reduce crime.
  • The fashion industry has a negative influence on youngsters.
  • Fairplay is only beneficial if it comes with a financial reward.
  • Indoor consumption of tobacco should be illegal.
  • Religious differences often lead to wars
  • The greater part of mobile applications symbolize the invasion of privacy

The Bottom Line

All the topics suggested above will help you in composing a compelling middle school research paper. If you are interested in picking a topic on your own, give preference to the title that is unique, interesting, and researchable. After choosing a topic, conduct extensive research on it and then compose a well-structured middle school research paper that is flawless and plagiarism-free. However, to get the desired results, you should make sure to prove your thesis statement in your paper with valid supporting evidence.

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Jacob Smith

Jacob Smith guides students with writing research paper topics and theses at greatassignmenthelp.com. Read about the author from this page


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Exciting Research Topics for Middle Schoolers to Fuel Curiosity

Exciting Research Topics for Middle Schoolers to Fuel Curiosity

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research topics for middle schoolers

Middle school is a time of burgeoning curiosity and the perfect opportunity for students to engage in research that not only educates them academically but also cultivates skills for the future. By encouraging young learners to explore topics they are passionate about, educators and parents play a pivotal role in their intellectual development and the growth of their intrinsic motivation. This blog post outlines a diverse range of research topics suited to the inquiring minds of middle school students, giving them the freedom to deepen their understanding of various subjects while honing critical thinking and independent study skills.

Uncovering the Mysteries of History

Middle schoolers often find history fascinating, particularly when learning about the past from distinct perspectives. Here are some intriguing historical research topics to consider:

  • The Unsung Heroes of the Civil Rights Movement: Apart from the well-known leaders, students can explore the contributions of lesser-known figures who played a significant role in the struggle for equality.
  • The Impact of Ancient Civilizations on Modern Society: Researching the ways in which the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, or other ancient societies have influenced contemporary culture, politics, and technology offers a broad canvas for exploration.
  • Everyday Life in Different Historical Periods: Focusing on the routines, customs, and technologies that shaped people’s daily lives in times gone by can provide valuable insights into societal norms and individual experiences.

Science and the Natural World

The sciences are a playground of wonder, with an infinity of topics waiting to be explored. Here are some research ideas that can nurture a love for discovery and experimentation:

  • Climate Change: Effects and Solutions: Investigating the causes and potential solutions to this global challenge can make students aware of their role in protecting the planet.
  • The Wonders of the Solar System: Encouraging a study of the planets, their moons, and the vast expanse of space they inhabit can ignite dreams of interstellar exploration.
  • Biodiversity and Ecosystem Conservation: Researching the variety of life on Earth and strategies to protect and sustain ecosystems can foster a sense of environmental stewardship.

Literature, Language, and Creative Expression

Language and literature are potent forms of human expression, allowing students to explore complex ideas and emotions. Here are some topics that bridge the gap between art and academia:

  • Interpreting Classic Literature for Modern Relevance: Encouraging the study of timeless works can lead to discussions on their contemporary significance and the evolution of societal values.
  • The Structure and Evolution of Language: Investigating the origins and changes in language over time can be a rich area of study, especially when paired with the examination of cultural shifts.
  • The Intersection of Art and Literature: Exploring how visual arts and writing intersect to convey messages and emotions can be a fertile ground for interdisciplinary research.

Mathematics and Logic Puzzles

The precision and patterns found in mathematics can be both satisfying and thought-provoking. Middle school students often enjoy the thrill of solving problems and unraveling puzzles. Here are some mathematical research topics that can engage students’ analytical minds:

  • Famous Mathematical Conjectures: Researching unsolved problems, such as the Goldbach conjecture or the Riemann hypothesis, can introduce students to the excitement of open questions in mathematics.
  • The Application of Math in Various Industries: Investigating how mathematical principles underpin fields like music, art, sports, and technology can illuminate the subject’s real-world utility.
  • The History of Mathematical Discoveries: Tracing the lineage of mathematical concepts through different cultures and periods can showcase the universality and timelessness of mathematics.

Social Sciences and Human Interaction

Studying human behavior and society can help students develop empathy and a deeper understanding of the world around them. Here are some social science research ideas to explore:

  • The Impact of Social Media on Friendships and Relationships: Research could focus on positive and negative effects, trends, and the future of social interaction.
  • Cultural Traditions and Their Meanings: Investigating the origins and contemporary significance of customs from various cultures can foster respect for diversity and a global perspective.
  • The Psychology of Decision Making: Exploring the factors that influence human choices, from cognitive biases to social pressures, can provide insights into individual and collective behavior.

Technology and Innovation

A focused individual working at a desk with a laptop and a pen, engrossed in their work.

Middle schoolers are often tech-savvy and interested in the latest gadgets and advancements. Here are some technology and innovation research topics to tap into that curiosity:

  • The Impact of Gaming on Society: Research could examine how video games influence education, social issues, or even career choices.
  • Emerging Technologies and Their Ethical Implications: Encouraging students to study technologies like artificial intelligence, gene editing, or wearable tech can lead to discussions on the ethical considerations of their use and development.
  • Inventions That Changed the World: Chronicling the history and influence of significant inventions, from the wheel to the internet, can provide a lens through which to view human progress.

By providing middle schoolers with the opportunity to conduct meaningful research in a topic of their choosing, we not only deepen their education but also equip them with the skills and passion for a lifetime of learning. This list is just the beginning; the key is to foster curiosity and guide young minds toward engaging, challenging, and diverse research experiences. Through such explorations, we empower the next generation to think critically, communicate effectively, and, most importantly, to nurture their innate curiosity about the world.

Implementing Research Projects in the Classroom

Encouraging middle school students to undertake research projects requires a strategic approach to ensure sustained interest and meaningful outcomes. Here are some methods educators can employ:

  • Mentorship and Support: Pairing students with teacher mentors who can guide them through the research process, provide feedback, and encourage critical thinking is essential for a fruitful research experience.
  • Cross-Curricular Integration: Linking research topics to content from different subjects helps students appreciate the interconnectedness of knowledge and develop versatile learning skills.
  • Use of Technology and Media: Incorporating digital tools for research, presentation, and collaboration can enhance engagement and teach essential 21st-century skills.
  • Presentation and Reflection: Allocating time for students to present their findings nurtures communication skills and confidence, while self-reflection activities help them internalize their learning journey.

These strategies can create a robust framework within which students can pursue their curiosities, leading to a more personalized and impactful educational experience.

What is a good topic to research for middle school?

A good topic for middle school research could delve into the Role of Robotics in the Future of Society . Students can explore how robotics may transform jobs, healthcare, and everyday life. They can examine the balance between automation and human work, predict how robots could augment human abilities, and discuss the ethical dimensions of a robotic future. This inquiry not only captivates the imagination but also encourages critical thinking about technology’s impact on tomorrow’s world.

What are the 10 research titles examples?

  • The Evolution of Renewable Energy and Its Future Prospects
  • Investigating the Effects of Microplastics on Marine Ecosystems
  • The Influence of Ancient Civilizations on Modern Democracy
  • Understanding Black Holes: Unveiling the Mysteries of the Cosmos
  • The Impact of Augmented Reality on Education and Training
  • Climate Change and Its Consequences on Coastal Cities
  • The Psychological Effects of Social Media on Teenagers
  • Genetic Engineering: The Possibilities and Pitfalls
  • Smart Cities: How Technology is Shaping Urban Living
  • The Role of Nanotechnology in Medicine: Current Applications and Future Potential

Fascinating Facts About Middle School Research Topics

  • Interdisciplinary Impact : Research projects in middle school often blend subjects, such as the integration of art and mathematics when exploring patterns and symmetry, which helps students discover the interconnectivity of different fields of knowledge.
  • Skill Building : Engaging in research equips middle schoolers with advanced skills in critical thinking, problem-solving, and time management, which are beneficial across their academic journey and beyond.
  • Diversity in Content : Middle school research topics are notably diverse, ranging from examining the role of robotics in society to exploring the psychological effects of social media, catering to a wide array of student interests and strengths.
  • Tech Savvy Learning : Technology-based research topics, such as the influence of smart cities or the impact of augmented reality in education, are deeply relevant to tech-savvy middle school students, making learning more engaging and relatable.
  • Cultural Relevance : Researching topics like cultural traditions and their meanings encourages middle schoolers to develop a global perspective and fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation for the diversity within their own school community and the world at large.

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This is an image of a young woman in a library. She is sitting at a desk with a pile of books and looking toward the ceiling. She appears to be in deep thought.


I like using this website when I assist kids with learning as a lot of these topics are quickly covered in the school systems. Thankyou

Mackenah Nicole Molina

Wow! I always have trouble deiciding what to do a research project on but this list has totally solved that. Now my only problem is choosing what idea on this list I should do first!

Most of these my teacher rejected because apparently ‘these aren’t grade level topics, and I doubt they interest you”

I’m sorry to hear that. Sounds like you will have a potentially valuable character-building experience in the short-term.

Edwin Augusto Galindo Cuba


research kid

I need one about animals, please. I have been challenged to a animal research project, Due Friday. I have no clue what to research! somebody help, thanks for reading!

You can do one on bats

For international studies you can do Defense and Security.

This was very helpful.

Research on Ben Franklin? I think THAT will get a real charge out of everyone (hehehehegetit)

Mandy Maher

“Is it possible to colonize Mars?”

maddy burney

these are silly topics

thx for making this real.

more gaming questions!!!!!!

Is it still considered stealing if you don’t get caught?

Yes, yes it is still considered stealing.

I need topics on memes

Mary Nnamani

Please I need project topics on Language Literature

Marcella Vallarino

I would appreciate a list of survey questions for middle school grades 6-8

I need a research topics about public sector management


publish research that are interesting please……

hey can you do one on the burmiueda triangle

Anybody know video games effect kids,and,teens. There Fun!!


I need a topic about woman history if any of u can find 1 please that would be great!

You could research about the history of the astronauts, and of human past (WWI, WWII, etc.)

so about women? Manitoba Women Win the Right to Vote in Municipal Elections, The First Women, January 23, 1849: Elizabeth Blackwell becomes the first woman to graduate from medical school and become a doctor in the United States, Rosa Parks Civil Rights Equal Pay. I have way more. so if you need more just ask.

communism is good

what are you a communist?!?!

Did FDR know about the upcoming attack on Pearl Harbor on 07 DEC 1941.

do you know how babies are born

Christine Singu

kindly assist with a research topic in the field of accounting or auditing

need more about US army

Please can yiu give me a topic in education

I think one should be how can music/Video games can affect the life for people

or How Do Video Games Affect Teenagers?

zimbabwe leader

I think a good topic is supporting the confederate flag!

Need a research topic within the context of students union government and dues payments

do more weird ones plz

joyce alcantara

Hi pls po can you give me a topic relate for humanities pls thank u.

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Exploring Exciting Research Topics for Middle School Students

Are you searching for the best research topics for middle school? If yes, then your search ends here with the best ever research topics for middle school.

Research is an essential aspect of learning, and it is never too early to introduce it to students. Middle school is an excellent time for students to start learning how to conduct research and develop critical thinking skills. By engaging in research projects, students can explore various topics in-depth and develop a deeper understanding of them.

Additionally, research projects can help students develop crucial skills such as time management, organization, and communication. This guide will provide examples of research topics for middle school students and offer tips on how to identify research topics and access scholarly sources. With this guide, students can discover the exciting world of research and the many benefits it offers.

Importance of research topics for middle school students

Table of Contents

Have a close look at the importance of research topics for middle school students.

Develop critical thinking skills

Research topics encourage students to analyze information, think critically about issues and topics, and make informed decisions. This helps them develop their ability to assess evidence and draw conclusions.

Enhance academic skills

Research projects help students develop essential academic skills such as reading, writing, and critical thinking. These skills are critical for success in high school, college, and beyond.

Prepare for high school and beyond

Research projects prepare students for the more in-depth research assignments they will encounter in high school and beyond. It also prepares them for the rigors of college-level research.

Foster creativity

Research projects can provide students with opportunities to explore creative ways of presenting information and engaging with their topic. This can include using technology, art, or multimedia presentations to showcase their findings.

Encourage curiosity

Research projects can encourage students to ask questions, investigate, and discover new information about topics that interest them. This helps them develop a love of learning and become lifelong learners.

Develop time management skills

Research projects require planning and organization, and can help students develop time management skills. This prepares them for managing their time and workload in high school, college, and beyond.

Promote collaboration

Research projects can be done individually or in groups, allowing students to collaborate, share ideas, and learn from one another. This helps them develop teamwork skills and learn to appreciate diverse perspectives.

Increase engagement

Research topics that are relevant and interesting to students can increase engagement and motivation in learning. This can help students become more invested in their education and develop a deeper understanding of the topic.

Improve communication skills

Research projects can help students develop communication skills, such as presenting findings and participating in discussions. This helps them become better communicators and prepares them for future academic and professional pursuits.

Encourage lifelong learning

Research projects can foster a love of learning and encourage students to continue exploring new topics throughout their lives. It helps them develop a sense of intellectual curiosity and a desire for continued personal growth.

Benefits of engaging in research projects

Have a close look at the benefits of engaging in research projects.

Enhances critical thinking skills

Research projects not only require students to gather information but also to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate it from various sources. These skills are essential for developing critical thinking skills, which are crucial for academic and real-life situations.

Promotes problem-solving skills

By engaging in research projects, students learn to identify problems, develop hypotheses, and test them. Through this process, they acquire problem-solving skills, which are essential for academic success and life beyond school.

Develops creativity

Research projects often require students to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions. This encourages creativity, which is a valuable skill for success in many areas of life, from science to the arts.

Improves communication skills

Research projects often require students to present their findings in written or oral form, which helps improve their communication skills. The ability to communicate effectively is crucial for academic and professional success.

Boosts confidence

Successfully completing a research project can give students a sense of accomplishment and boost their confidence in their abilities. This, in turn, can lead to greater motivation and engagement in learning.

Provides hands-on learning experiences

Research projects allow students to apply what they have learned in the classroom to real-world situations, providing hands-on learning experiences. This can help students connect what they learn in school to the world around them.

Encourages independent learning

Research projects require students to work independently and take ownership of their learning, which encourages self-directed learning. This is a valuable skill that can help students become lifelong learners.

Builds research skills

Engaging in research projects helps students build research skills, such as conducting literature reviews, designing research studies, and analyzing data. These skills are essential for success in college and many careers.

Prepares for college and career

Research projects provide valuable experience that can prepare students for college and careers that require research and critical thinking skills. These skills are highly valued by colleges and employers.

Fosters a love of learning

Engaging in research projects can foster a love of learning and curiosity about the world around us. This can lead to a lifelong passion for learning and exploration.

Research Topics for Middle School

Have a close look at research topics for middle school.

STEM Research Topics

Here are some STEM research topics that middle school students can explore:

  • Renewable energy sources and their impact on the environment
  • The effects of pollution on local ecosystems
  • Investigating the properties of different types of soils
  • Building and testing a simple machine or robot
  • The effects of different types of fertilizers on plant growth
  • The relationship between exercise and heart rate
  • The chemistry of food preservation
  • The physics of roller coasters and amusement park rides
  • Investigating the efficiency of different types of insulation materials
  • The effects of music on the brain and body

How to Identify a STEM Research Topic

Have a close look at how to identify a stem research topic.

Identify your interests

Think about what subjects interest you in STEM, such as biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, or computer science.

Explore current events

Look at recent news articles or scientific journals to see what topics are currently being researched and discussed in STEM fields.

Consider problems and challenges

Think about problems or challenges in the world that could be addressed with STEM research, such as climate change, renewable energy, or medical advancements.

Brainstorm ideas

Write down any ideas that come to mind based on your interests and the topics you have explored. Consider how you could approach these topics from a STEM perspective.

Research existing studies

Look at existing research studies in your area of interest to see what has already been done and what gaps still exist that you could explore.

Consult with experts

Seek guidance from teachers, professors, or professionals in STEM fields to help you identify potential research topics and provide resources.

By following these steps, you can identify a STEM research topic that aligns with your interests and has the potential to contribute to the field.

Benefits of STEM Research Projects

Engaging in STEM research projects can offer a variety of benefits for middle school students, including:

Development of critical thinking skills

STEM research projects require students to analyze data, identify patterns, and draw conclusions, which enhances their critical thinking abilities.

Hands-on learning experiences

STEM research projects provide opportunities for students to apply what they have learned in the classroom to real-world situations, which offers hands-on learning experiences.

Preparation for future careers

STEM research projects can prepare students for careers in science, technology, engineering, and math, as they develop skills relevant to these fields.

Fostering creativity

STEM research projects often require students to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions, which fosters creativity.

Development of research skills

Engaging in STEM research projects helps students build research skills, such as designing experiments, collecting and analyzing data, and drawing conclusions.


STEM research projects can be done individually or in groups, allowing students to collaborate, share ideas, and learn from one another.

Improvement of communication skills

STEM research projects often require students to present their findings in written or oral form, which helps improve their communication skills.

Boosting self-confidence

Successfully completing a STEM research project can give students a sense of accomplishment and boost their self-confidence in their abilities.

Encouragement of lifelong learning

STEM research projects can foster a love of learning and encourage students to continue exploring new topics throughout their lives.

Social Science Research Topics

Examples of social science research topics for middle school students:

  • The impact of social media on mental health.
  • Gender inequality in education and the workplace.
  • The effects of poverty on child development.
  • The relationship between stress and physical health.
  • The role of parenting styles in child behavior.
  • The effects of bullying on mental health and social relationships.
  • The impact of immigration policies on families.
  • The influence of media on body image and self-esteem.
  • The relationship between personality and academic achievement.
  • The effects of technology on social relationships.

How to identify a social science research topic:

To identify a social science research topic, you can follow these steps:

Identify a broad area of interest

Begin by thinking about the general field of social science that interests you the most. This could be psychology, sociology, anthropology, economics, political science, or any other related field.

Narrow down the focus

Once you have identified a broad area of interest, narrow down your focus to a specific topic or issue within that field. For example, if you are interested in psychology, you might focus on a specific mental health condition or treatment.

Consider current events

Look at current events or issues that are receiving a lot of attention in the news or media. Consider how you can apply social science research methods to study these topics in more depth.

Talk to your teachers, professors, or other experts in the field to get ideas for research topics. They may be able to provide you with valuable insights and suggestions.

Conduct a literature review

Conducting a literature review involves reading published research studies, articles, and books related to your topic. This will help you understand what research has already been done in the field and identify any gaps or areas that need further exploration.

Refine your research question

Once you have identified a topic of interest, refine your research question by making it more specific and focused. This will help you to develop a clear research plan and stay on track during your project.

Benefits of social science research projects

Have a close look the benefits of social science research topics.

Improved critical thinking skills

Social science research projects require students to analyze and evaluate information from various sources, which helps develop their critical thinking skills.

Enhance problem-solving skills

Through research, students can identify problems and find solutions by gathering and analyzing data, developing hypotheses, and testing them.

Develop empathy

Social science research projects often require students to explore topics related to human behavior and interactions, which can help them develop empathy and understanding for others.

Foster a love of learning

Engaging in social science research projects can foster a love of learning and curiosity about the world around us.

Develop research skills

Social science research projects allow students to develop important research skills such as conducting literature reviews, designing research studies, and analyzing data.

Enhance communication skills

Social science research projects often require students to present their findings in written or oral form, which can help improve their communication skills.

Promote civic engagement

Social science research projects can encourage students to become active and engaged citizens by exploring issues related to society and government.

Expand cultural awareness

Social science research projects can help students understand and appreciate different cultures, beliefs , and perspectives.

Prepare for college and career

Social science research projects provide valuable experience that can prepare students for college and careers that require research, critical thinking, and communication skills.

Humanities Research Topics

Examples of humanities research topics for middle school students:

  • The impact of art and music on society
  • The history and cultural significance of traditional dress
  • The role of religion in shaping world events
  • The influence of ancient civilizations on modern society
  • The significance of oral history in preserving cultural traditions
  • The portrayal of gender roles in literature and media
  • The impact of social media on interpersonal communication
  • The role of government in promoting human rights
  • The significance of historical landmarks in shaping national identity
  • The portrayal of mental health in literature and media.

How to identify a humanities research topic

Have a close look at how to identify a humanities research topics.

Brainstorm topics

Begin by brainstorming ideas that interest you or your students. This can include topics related to literature, history, art, philosophy, or culture.

Narrow down the ideas

Once you have a list of potential topics, start narrowing them down by considering the available resources, the level of complexity, and the relevance to current events or personal interests.

Conduct preliminary research on the narrowed-down topics to ensure that there is enough information available and that the topic is suitable for a research project.

Consider different perspectives

Humanities topics often involve multiple perspectives and interpretations, so it’s essential to consider different viewpoints and debates related to the topic.

Consult with teachers or librarians

Ask for input from teachers or librarians who specialize in humanities subjects. They may have ideas for topics, recommended resources, or can help guide students towards a suitable topic.

Refine the topic

Once a suitable topic has been identified, refine it further by clarifying the research question, determining the scope of the project, and outlining the research methodology.

Benefits of humanities research projects

Have a close look at the benefits of humanities research projects.

Developing critical thinking skills

Humanities research projects require students to analyze information, form opinions, and develop arguments, which helps them to think critically.

Enhancing creativity

Humanities research projects often require students to think creatively about how they present their findings and engage with their topic.

Improving communication skills

Humanities research projects often involve written or oral presentations, which help students to develop their communication skills.

Encouraging curiosity

Humanities research projects can encourage students to ask questions and explore new topics, fostering their curiosity.

Developing empathy

Humanities research projects often involve examining different perspectives and cultures, which can help students to develop empathy and understanding for others.

Preparing for higher education

Humanities research projects provide students with valuable research skills and a foundation for more advanced research projects in high school and college.

Increasing engagement

Research topics that are relevant and interesting to students can increase engagement and motivation in learning.

Encouraging lifelong learning

Humanities research projects can foster a love of learning and encourage students to continue exploring new topics throughout their lives.


Interdisciplinary Research Topics

Examples of interdisciplinary research topics for middle school students:

  • How does climate change affect biodiversity?
  • The impact of technology on society and culture.
  • The role of music in mental health.
  • How do food and nutrition affect brain development and academic performance?
  • The history and science of flight.
  • How does social media influence body image and self-esteem?
  • The connection between art and science in creating visual illusions.
  • The impact of sports on physical and mental health.
  • The psychology and biology of addiction.
  • The history and science of ancient civilizations.

How to identify an interdisciplinary research topic

Have a close look at how to identify an interdisciplinary research topic.

Look for common themes or issues

Think about topics that overlap between different subjects. For example, climate change is a topic that can be explored in science, social studies, and literature.

Identify the questions

Once you have identified a common theme or issue, think about the questions that arise from it. What do you want to learn or investigate about this topic?

When exploring interdisciplinary topics, it’s important to consider different perspectives from different subjects. For example, if you’re researching climate change, you might want to explore the scientific causes and effects, the social and economic impacts, and the ethical and moral considerations.

Brainstorm possible connections

Consider how the different subjects you’re interested in can connect to the topic you want to explore. For example, if you’re interested in exploring the history of music, you might look at how different historical events influenced music and how music, in turn, influenced history.

Refine your topic

Once you have some possible connections, refine your topic by focusing on a specific aspect or question. This will help you narrow your focus and make your research more manageable.

If you’re having trouble identifying an interdisciplinary research topic, consider consulting with your teachers or librarians. They may be able to offer guidance or suggest resources that can help you identify a topic.

Benefits of interdisciplinary research projects

Have a close look at the benefits of interdisciplinary research projects.

Encouraging creativity and innovation

Interdisciplinary research topics often require students to approach problems from different angles and find creative solutions by combining knowledge from different fields.

Enhancing critical thinking and problem-solving skills

Interdisciplinary research requires students to analyze and synthesize information from various sources, think critically, and solve complex problems.

Promoting collaboration and teamwork

Interdisciplinary research often involves working in teams, which fosters collaboration, communication, and teamwork skills.

Providing a broader perspective

Interdisciplinary research allows students to gain a more comprehensive understanding of a topic by examining it from multiple perspectives.

Developing research skills

Interdisciplinary research projects help students develop research skills, such as conducting literature reviews, collecting and analyzing data, and presenting findings.

Preparing for future academic and career opportunities

Interdisciplinary research projects provide students with valuable experience and skills that can prepare them for future academic and career opportunities that require interdisciplinary approaches.

Resources for Conducting Research

There are various resources available for middle school students to conduct research. Here are some examples:

School Library

The school library is a great resource for finding books, academic journals, and other resources on a wide range of topics. Librarians can also provide guidance on how to find and evaluate sources.

Online Databases

There are several online databases that provide access to academic journals, magazines, and other scholarly sources. Examples include JSTOR, Project MUSE, and Academic Search Premier.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a search engine that allows you to find scholarly articles, books, and conference papers. It can be a useful tool for finding academic sources on specific topics.

Public Library

Public libraries also offer access to a wide range of resources, including books, databases, and other materials. They may also offer research assistance and guidance.

Government Websites

Government websites can be a great resource for research on topics such as history, social studies, and science. Examples include the Library of Congress, the National Archives, and the National Science Foundation.

Online Archives

Many organizations and institutions maintain online archives of historical documents, images, and other resources. Examples include the Smithsonian Institution, the National Archives, and the Digital Public Library of America.

Interviews and Surveys

Conducting interviews and surveys can be a valuable way to gather information for research projects. This can involve reaching out to experts in a particular field or surveying individuals to gather data.

Online Learning Platforms

Online learning platforms, such as Coursera and edX, offer courses on a wide range of topics. These courses often provide access to readings, videos, and other resources that can be useful for research projects.

How to access scholarly sources

Accessing scholarly sources can be done through various means, including:

Using academic search engines

There are several academic search engines available that provide access to scholarly sources. Some popular examples include Google Scholar, JSTOR, and PubMed. These search engines allow users to search for academic articles, journals, and other research papers.

Using academic databases

Many universities and libraries offer access to academic databases, such as EBSCO and ProQuest, which contain a vast collection of scholarly sources. Students can check with their school or local library to see if they have access to such databases.

Checking library catalogs

Most libraries have a catalog that contains information about the books and other materials they have available. Students can use these catalogs to search for scholarly sources, such as books, journals, and other publications.

Contacting experts

Students can contact experts in their field of study or a related field to ask for recommendations for scholarly sources. Experts may be able to suggest relevant academic articles, books, or other resources.

Using interlibrary loan services

If a student cannot find a specific scholarly source at their own library, they can use interlibrary loan services to request the material from another library. This service allows libraries to share materials with one another, giving students access to a wider range of scholarly sources.

It is important to note that some scholarly sources may require payment or subscription access. However, many sources are available for free or can be accessed through a library’s subscription.

In conclusion, research projects provide middle school students with an opportunity to explore various subjects in depth, develop their critical thinking skills, and gain a better understanding of the world around them.

STEM, social sciences, humanities, and interdisciplinary research topics offer a broad range of options for students to choose from, and there are various resources available for conducting research, including online databases and access to scholarly sources.

By engaging in research projects, students can improve their academic performance, enhance their problem-solving abilities, and gain valuable experience that will benefit them in the future.

Therefore, we encourage all middle school students to take advantage of these opportunities and engage in research projects that interest them.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of research topics for middle school students.

The purpose of research topics for middle school students is to encourage students to explore their interests, develop critical thinking skills, and learn how to conduct research. It also helps them to understand the importance of research in various fields and how it can contribute to solving real-world problems.

How do I choose a research topic for middle school?

Choosing a research topic for middle school involves identifying your interests, brainstorming ideas, and considering the resources available to you. You can start by thinking about a subject that you are curious about or passionate about, and then narrowing down your focus to a specific aspect or question you want to investigate.

What are some tips for conducting research as a middle school student?

Some tips for conducting research as a middle school student include developing a research question, finding reliable sources, taking thorough notes, organizing your information, and citing your sources properly. It’s also important to plan your time wisely and seek help from teachers or librarians if you need assistance.

Can middle school students access scholarly sources online?

Yes, many scholarly sources are available online and can be accessed by middle school students through databases provided by their school or public libraries. Some popular databases for middle school students include JSTOR, ProQuest, and EBSCOhost.

How can research projects benefit middle school students in the long term?

Research projects can benefit middle school students in the long term by developing important skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and time management. It also prepares them for future academic endeavors, and exposes them to potential career paths or fields of interest.

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125 Winning Debate Topics for Middle School Students

Teach students to make effective arguments.

topics to research for middle school

When students learn to debate, they gain valuable life skills. Debates teach kids to research their topic, make informed choices, and argue effectively using facts instead of emotion. This list of middle school debate topics encompasses both serious and lighthearted ideas for kids ages 10 to 14. Each topic includes a link to an article from a reliable source that provides pros and/or cons to help kids make their arguments.

School and Education Debate Topics

Technology and entertainment debate topics, life and ethics debate topics, fun and funny debate topics.

  • Controversial Debate Topics
  • It’s better to be good at academics than to be good at sports.
  • Homework should be banned.
  • Schools should require all students to wear uniforms.
  • We should punish students for using curse words.
  • Year-round school is better for students.

Year-round school is better for students.- middle school debate topics

  • Schools should require physical education (gym class) through 12th grade.
  • All students should be required to volunteer in their community.
  • Junk food should be banned in schools.
  • All middle school students should learn a foreign language.
  • Single-gender schools are better for students.
  • Math is the most important school subject.
  • Letter grades should be abolished.
  • Teachers should be replaced by computers.
  • Students should be graded on their handwriting.
  • Kids who get better grades in school will be more successful in life.
  • Sometimes it’s OK to cheat on homework or a test.
  • Students who fail a test should be given the chance to take it again.
  • Students should be allowed to grade teachers.
  • Kids should be able to bring their pets to school.
  • Schools should give middle school students more recess time.

Schools should give middle school students more recess time.- middle school debate topics

  • The school day should be shorter.
  • Schools should eliminate dress codes.
  • College should be free for everyone who wants to attend.
  • Schools should be allowed to ban some books from their libraries.
  • Book smarts are better than street smarts.
  • All people should have free internet access.
  • Playing violent video games makes people more likely to be violent in real life.
  • Reality television depicts real life.
  • The minimum age to own a smartphone should be 16.

The minimum age to own a smartphone should be 16.

  • Students should be allowed to use phones in class.
  • Macs are better than PCs.
  • Androids are better than iPhones.
  • Kids under 13 should be allowed to use social media sites like TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat.
  • Students should not be allowed to watch TV on school nights.
  • Social media does more harm than good.
  • Video games are better than board games.
  • Reading books is better than watching TV.
  • All paper documents should be replaced with electronic versions.
  • Books are always better than the movies that are made from them.
  • Parents should use their kids’ cell phones to track where they are.
  • Playing video games makes you smarter.

Playing video games makes you smarter.- middle school debate topics

  • Scientists should try to develop a way for everyone to live forever.
  • Paper books are better than e-books.
  • Schools should have surveillance cameras in classrooms and hallways.
  • Movie ratings (G, PG, PG-13, and R) should be done away with.
  • Professional athletes and celebrities deserve to make more money than the average person.
  • People have a responsibility to help one another out.
  • No one should ever tell a lie.
  • Girls face more peer pressure than boys.
  • We should lower the voting age to 12.
  • Every member of a family should have daily chores.
  • All museums and zoos should be free to everyone.
  • All people should be vegetarians.

All people should be vegetarians.

  • Democracy is the best form of government.
  • All Americans should be required to vote.
  • Cigarette smoking and vaping should be banned entirely.
  • Parents should be allowed to read their children’s private diaries.
  • Giving is better than receiving.
  • Receiving a regular allowance is good for kids.
  • Parents should be punished for their children’s mistakes.
  • Real Christmas trees are better than artificial ones.
  • We should not keep animals in zoos.
  • All kids should play on the same sports teams, regardless of gender.
  • It is better to save some of your allowance than to spend it all.
  • Kids should be allowed to stay up as late as they want.
  • Happiness is more important than success.
  • The driving age should be lowered to 14.

The driving age should be lowered to 14.- middle school debate topics

  • We should completely ban plastic bottles.
  • Parents should have to take a parenting class before having a child.
  • If you find money on the ground, it’s automatically yours to keep.
  • It is better to be kind than to be truthful.
  • All kids should have a playground or park within walking distance of their home.
  • Kids should be allowed to have credit cards.
  • It’s important to spend money exploring space.
  • All families should have a pet.
  • Dogs are better pets than cats.
  • Summer is better than winter.
  • Pepperoni is the best pizza topping.
  • Teachers shouldn’t give rewards and prizes in the classroom.
  • Clowns are more scary than funny.
  • Every home should have a robot.
  • There is intelligent life on other planets.

There is intelligent life on other planets.

  • The egg came before the chicken.
  • Pop music is better than classical music.
  • Xbox is better than PlayStation.
  • Peanut butter is better than Nutella.
  • Football is better than soccer.
  • Everyone should make their bed every day.
  • It would be better to be able to fly than to be able to turn invisible.
  • Harry Potter is better than The Lord of the Rings .
  • Pluto should still be considered a planet.
  • Santa Claus’ elves should be paid minimum wage.
  • Hot chocolate is better than a chocolate milkshake.
  • Fruit counts as dessert.
  • People should be allowed to go barefoot anywhere if they want to.
  • Fiction is better than nonfiction.

Fiction is better than non-fiction.

  • Everyone should learn to play a musical instrument.
  • Werewolves are more dangerous than vampires.
  • Kids shouldn’t have to go to school on their birthdays.

Controversial Middle School Debate Topics

These middle school debate topics are pretty contentious and might not be appropriate for all students or every classroom. But if your middle schoolers are ready to take on more serious debates, try these important questions.

  • We should abolish the death penalty.
  • Stricter gun control laws help stop mass shootings.
  • It’s necessary to continue building a wall between the United States and Mexico.
  • Segregation still exist in the United States.
  • Religion does more harm than good.
  • We will never achieve world peace.
  • We shouldn’t allow young children to play contact sports like football.

We shouldn't allow young children to play contact sports like football.

  • Parents shouldn’t be allowed to pierce a baby’s ears.
  • Beauty pageants are sexist.
  • Kids shouldn’t get participation trophies for sports.
  • It’s possible to be an ethical hunter.
  • Some stereotypes are accurate.
  • People have a responsibility to step in when they see a crime in action.
  • War is sometimes necessary.
  • There are times when we must limit freedom of speech.
  • Security is more important than freedom.
  • We should do away with gender-specific public bathrooms.
  • Anyone over age 12 should be tried as an adult in court.
  • Electric vehicles are better than gas-powered ones.

Electric vehicles are better than gas-powered ones.

  • Our society has a harmful “diet culture.”
  • All countries should have to give up their nuclear weapons.
  • We should ban testing on animals.
  • We should ban the use of fossil fuels.
  • Human cloning should be legal.
  • Vaccines should be mandatory.

What are your favorite middle school debate topics? Come share in the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook .

Plus, check out 75 funny debate topics for kids of all ages ..

Looking for debate topics for middle school and junior high students? This roundup ranges from lighthearted to serious, ideal for any class.

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New Guide to Help Middle and High School Students Conduct Research with Library Resources

January 12, 2021

Posted by: Danna Bell

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This post is by Kaleena Black of the Library of Congress.

The research process can be fun and rewarding, but it can also present some challenges. For some students, the idea of research might not immediately bring to mind an exciting activity, filled with intrigue, suspense, and joy. Many students, and some adults, too, who are interested in deepening their understanding on a topic and are curious about learning more about an idea or issue, don’t consider themselves “researchers.” And even students who are committed to finding information might not be sure how to begin their research journey.

To help support young people in their personal and academic research endeavors, Library educators and librarians teamed up to develop an online research guide  for middle and high school students.  A variety of Research Guides have been designed by Library of Congress specialists to help researchers navigate the Library’s analog and digital collections and find resources. Currently, there are hundreds of such guides, covering more than 70 topics that relate to the arts, science, history, social and cultural studies, and more.

With a focus on helping students locate and use digitized resources, this new guide offers tips on finding research inspiration, definitions for primary and secondary sources (with detailed examples for each), strategies for searching primary and secondary sources on the Library’s website and beyond, and suggestions on citing resources appropriately. There is also a feature that allows students to contact a Library of Congress reference specialist if they’re feeling stuck or need extra help in the course of their research.

topics to research for middle school

We encourage you to browse the research guide for yourself and share it with the young researchers in your life.

While research isn’t always easy, it doesn’t have to be intimidating or boring! It can be activated by a student’s own interests and curiosity and be powered by a solid research approach. As Michelle Light, the Library’s Director of Special Collections, has said when talking about the Library of Congress, “You can find the answer to ANYTHING you’re curious about here. What is your question?”

We hope this guide is a helpful addition to the research tools being used by middle and high school students. Let us know what you think!

Comments (4)

I’m interested in learning about thus.

While your side nav makes for very clean research guides, I have had some patrons miss that those are links to additional pages. Researchers get it. But some general library patrons look for something that shouts “I’m a link!”

This is a GREAT resource!

This is a wonderful resource! I shared it with Jane Mills, a middle school music and art teacher in my most recent PD class. She shared it with one of her 7th grade students and I asked him to send us a brief reflection describing his experience using the research guide. This is what he wrote:

“Hi Mrs. Mills,

After extensive reviewing of the guides, I have prepared my remarks. I found the timelines the most useful to understand the context. I would ask a librarian how the formation of the second republic of France affected the revolutionaries of the first. I would recommend it because the guides allow students to more easily understand the source material. I found a congressional bill* regarding the relatives of Haym Saloman and the money he lent the government (during the revolution). I use the Library of Congress in History for project research and additional context, I can use it in English to research authors and poets, and I use it in music to study the history of Jazz. Hope this is enough information for the LoC.

A A ”

*Senate Bill #377 37th Congress July 1862. “Pay Haym Salomon’s son and sole heir, $100,000 for the government indebtedness from the Revolution.”

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10 Research Opportunities for Middle School Students

If you're aiming to lay a strong foundation for your academic journey, starting early can make all the difference. Engaging in research-based programs during these formative years can ignite a passion for learning, shape future interests, and set the stage for success in high school and beyond. 

That's why we've curated a list of ten research opportunities for middle school students which offer a chance to delve into diverse fields of study, from science and technology to mathematics and beyond.  Many of them provide financial aid and scholarships as well.

1.  Lumiere Junior Explorer Program

The Lumiere Junior Explorer Program is an 8-week program for middle school students to work one-on-one with a mentor to explore their academic interests and build a project they are passionate about . Our mentors are scholars from top research universities such as Harvard, MIT,  Stanford, Yale, Duke and LSE . 

During this program, spanning weeks 1 to 4, participants will delve into four distinct topics within their selected track. In weeks 5 to 6, the focus intensifies as participants embark on a deep dive into one specific topic area and finally, weeks 7 to 8 are dedicated to project implementation, with participants receiving guidance and support from their mentors as they bring their projects to life.

You can find the application form  here. 

Location: Fully Virtual

Dates: Multiple cohorts throughout the year

Cost: $1990

Age requirements: Grade 6 - 8

Deadline: Multiple rolling deadlines for JEP cohorts across the year, you can apply using this application   link !  If you'd like to take a look at the cohorts + deadlines for 2024, you can refer to   this   page!

2. Junior Scientist Training Program at Scripps Research

Throughout the process of designing and executing a research project, students will acquire invaluable practical skills. They will have the opportunity to participate in laboratory tours and engage in various STEM activities . By the end of the week, students will showcase their findings to their peers through presentations.  Additionally, participants will receive a certificate of completion from Scripps Research, recognizing their successful participation in the program.

To begin the application process for the Junior Scientist Training Program for your middle school child or children, the first step is to create a login using your personal information. After completing the login process, you'll have the opportunity to register your child and any additional middle school children through the provided link .

Location : La Jolla, California

Dates : TBD

Cost : $300

Age requirements : Rising 6-8th graders

Deadline : Rolling, registration ends on May 13th. 

3. Summer Teen Research Program  

The Lawrence program at UC Berkeley is a unique research opportunity for middle school students to explore the wonders of science firsthand! 

This one-week research program offers immersive experiences, hands-on experiments, and exciting campus tours designed to spark curiosity and ignite a passion for STEM . With engaging lab sessions, interactions with faculty and students, and exposure to diverse STEM career paths, The Lawrence program provides a dynamic learning environment where students can thrive and grow. 

There are four programs available for middle school students. All these programs have a research component in them. 

Body Systems and Biomedical Innovations

Coding and Engineering Nano-Satellites

Solar Energy and Electrical Engineering

Designing and Engineering Bridges

Note: Optional Residential Add-on can only be purchased in conjunction with a daytime Teen Research Program offered during the same week. Additionally financial aid is available for this program. 

Find the registration link  here. 

Location : UC Berkeley Campus

Dates : Sunday, June 23, at 4:00 p.m. and ends Friday, June 28, at 5:00 p.m.

Age requirements : Rising 7th-9th graders

Deadline : May 15th, 2024. 

4. Sounds of New York City (SONYC)

The SONYC program is an innovative platform designed to ignite and enrich students' passion for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Through a dynamic curriculum crafted to delve deep into the realms of engineering, physical and computer sciences, as well as natural phenomena such as waves and sound, SONYC fosters a profound understanding and appreciation for these disciplines.

This program is about active engagement and exploration where students delve into the research work of intricate workings of microcontrollers, sensors, and various hardware components, unravel the mysteries of circuitry, electronics, and coding, and gain invaluable insights into how scientists and engineers apply fundamental principles to tackle real-world challenges.

To apply, submit the online application which includes questions about your personal and academic history and two short essay responses. Find the application link  here. 

Note : Students who live in New York City are only eligible. Students should also have a strong academic record and demonstrated interest in science.

Location : New York University

Dates : July 8 - August 4 Orientation: June 28 (via Zoom 1:00 - 4:00 PM ET)

Cost : Full Scholarship

Age requirements : 12- 14 years.

Deadline : April, 14th. 

5. Science of Smart Cities (SoSC)

The School of Sustainable Cities (SoSC) is a three-week education program where students get invaluable opportunities to research about the developments in energy, engineering, computer science, and urban/environmental science.

The program's focus on research extends across various disciplines, from understanding the intricacies of energy systems to analyzing the impact of urbanization on the environment. Students have access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources, enabling them to conduct experiments, gather data, and draw informed conclusions.

Students are encouraged to ask questions, challenge assumptions, and pursue their interests through independent research projects. SoSC also emphasizes the importance of community-engaged research, where students collaborate with local organizations and stakeholders to address pressing issues facing their communities. 

To apply, submit the online application which includes questions about your personal and academic history and two short essay responses.

Dates : July 8 - August 2 Orientation: June 28 (via Zoom 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM ET)

6. Science and Technology Entry Program(STEP)

NYU's Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP), where students embark on a journey of research and discovery. L ed by NYU faculty and students, STEP offers immersive STEM courses, research opportunities, and mentorship, preparing students for academic and career success.  Through STEP, students increase their college readiness and diversity in STEM fields, all while fostering a passion for research and innovation.

Students are afforded the chance to engage in STEM research within an NYU facility, where they  receive guidance from faculty and researchers . Subsequently, these students showcase their research outcomes at the yearly STEP State Conference held in Albany, NY.

To apply, complete the online application, which requires you to provide basic information about yourself, your academic history, a transcript or report card, and a 500-word essay that describes your interest in STEM. 

Dates : July 5-August 4

Cost : $350

Age requirements : 6th -8th

Deadline : March 24th. 

7. Everyday Engineering

Everyday Engineering is  a unique program tailored by Carnegie Mellon University College of Engineering for students in grades 6th through 8th, with a distinct focus on fostering a research-oriented perspective towards engineering.  Unlike traditional approaches, this program transcends the boundaries of mere observation by encouraging middle school students to delve deeper into the intricacies of their everyday environments through a research perspective.

Everyday Engineering aims to instill in students a heightened sense of curiosity and a research-driven mindset. Through exploration of recognizable examples, exposure to online exhibits, and interaction with CMU engineering students, participants not only gain insight into various engineering disciplines but also learn to approach everyday phenomena through a rigorous research framework. 

Please find the registration link  here. 

Location : Virtual     

Dates : February 24th from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Deadline : TBA

8. North Carolina State University's Summer Ventures

North Carolina State University's Summer Ventures in Science and Mathematics is a four-week immersive summer program designed to provide exceptional middle and high school students with advanced learning opportunities in STEM fields.

While primarily targeted at high school students, Summer Ventures also offers research opportunities for outstanding middle school students who demonstrate a strong interest and aptitude in science and mathematics.

The program typically runs for four to five weeks during the summer and takes place on NC State University's campus. Students have the opportunity to work alongside older peers and university professors on research projects in various STEM disciplines, including biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, computer science, and engineering . These projects may involve conducting experiments, analyzing data, and presenting findings, allowing middle schoolers to gain hands-on experience in scientific inquiry and exploration.

Location : North Carolina State University

Dates : TBA

Cost : None

Age requirements : Middle and high school students 

9. Northwestern University's Center for Talent Development's Summer Camp

Northwestern University's Center for Talent Development's Summer Camp is an esteemed initiative designed to provide students with  immersive research experiences under the guidance of university faculty mentors. 

It engages students in research-oriented learning experiences. Tailored for high-achieving and motivated individuals, these camps offer opportunities to delve into high school, college-level, and pre-professional instruction under the guidance of master teachers and industry leaders .

Participants are exposed to fast-paced, intensive courses that delve into advanced concepts across various disciplines, including math, science, writing, technology, leadership, and service learning. Through rigorous coursework, students are encouraged to grapple with complex problems and develop critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills.

Note: Financial aid is available for the qualified students. 

Location : Northwestern University

Dates : June 23 - July 12, 2024 (Other sessions available as well)

Cost : $4650 (Residential camp)

Deadline : June 5th for session 1. 

10.  California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science (COSMOS)

COSMOS stands as an intensive four-week summer residential Pre-College Program tailored for high school students who showcase a proclivity for academic and professional pursuits within the realm of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects.

Catering to motivated and gifted students in grades 8 through 12, COSMOS provides an unparalleled opportunity to collaborate with esteemed faculty, researchers, and scientists within cutting-edge facilities,  delving into advanced STEM topics that extend beyond the scope of typical high school courses in California. Through a blend of hands-on activities and laboratory-intensive curricula, COSMOS not only nurtures students' interests and skills but also broadens their awareness of educational and career pathways within STEM fields.

Note: Students apply to ONE of the five University of California’s COSMOS campuses — UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Los Angeles, UC San Diego, and UC Santa Cruz. Each campus can only accommodate about 160-200 participants. The selection is competitive. 

Location : University of California’s COSMOS campuses

Deadline : Feb 9th. 

Stephen is one of the founders of Lumiere and a Harvard College graduate. He founded Lumiere as a Ph.D. student at Harvard Business School. Lumiere is a selective research program where students work 1-1 with a research mentor to develop an independent research paper.

  • middle school students
  • Research Skills

50 Mini-Lessons For Teaching Students Research Skills

Please note, I am no longer blogging and this post hasn’t updated since April 2020.

For a number of years, Seth Godin has been talking about the need to “ connect the dots” rather than “collect the dots” . That is, rather than memorising information, students must be able to learn how to solve new problems, see patterns, and combine multiple perspectives.

Solid research skills underpin this. Having the fluency to find and use information successfully is an essential skill for life and work.

Today’s students have more information at their fingertips than ever before and this means the role of the teacher as a guide is more important than ever.

You might be wondering how you can fit teaching research skills into a busy curriculum? There aren’t enough hours in the day! The good news is, there are so many mini-lessons you can do to build students’ skills over time.

This post outlines 50 ideas for activities that could be done in just a few minutes (or stretched out to a longer lesson if you have the time!).

Learn More About The Research Process

I have a popular post called Teach Students How To Research Online In 5 Steps. It outlines a five-step approach to break down the research process into manageable chunks.

Learn about a simple search process for students in primary school, middle school, or high school Kathleen Morris

This post shares ideas for mini-lessons that could be carried out in the classroom throughout the year to help build students’ skills in the five areas of: clarify, search, delve, evaluate , and cite . It also includes ideas for learning about staying organised throughout the research process.

Notes about the 50 research activities:

  • These ideas can be adapted for different age groups from middle primary/elementary to senior high school.
  • Many of these ideas can be repeated throughout the year.
  • Depending on the age of your students, you can decide whether the activity will be more teacher or student led. Some activities suggest coming up with a list of words, questions, or phrases. Teachers of younger students could generate these themselves.
  • Depending on how much time you have, many of the activities can be either quickly modelled by the teacher, or extended to an hour-long lesson.
  • Some of the activities could fit into more than one category.
  • Looking for simple articles for younger students for some of the activities? Try DOGO News or Time for Kids . Newsela is also a great resource but you do need to sign up for free account.
  • Why not try a few activities in a staff meeting? Everyone can always brush up on their own research skills!

topics to research for middle school

  • Choose a topic (e.g. koalas, basketball, Mount Everest) . Write as many questions as you can think of relating to that topic.
  • Make a mindmap of a topic you’re currently learning about. This could be either on paper or using an online tool like Bubbl.us .
  • Read a short book or article. Make a list of 5 words from the text that you don’t totally understand. Look up the meaning of the words in a dictionary (online or paper).
  • Look at a printed or digital copy of a short article with the title removed. Come up with as many different titles as possible that would fit the article.
  • Come up with a list of 5 different questions you could type into Google (e.g. Which country in Asia has the largest population?) Circle the keywords in each question.
  • Write down 10 words to describe a person, place, or topic. Come up with synonyms for these words using a tool like  Thesaurus.com .
  • Write pairs of synonyms on post-it notes (this could be done by the teacher or students). Each student in the class has one post-it note and walks around the classroom to find the person with the synonym to their word.

topics to research for middle school

  • Explore how to search Google using your voice (i.e. click/tap on the microphone in the Google search box or on your phone/tablet keyboard) . List the pros and cons of using voice and text to search.
  • Open two different search engines in your browser such as Google and Bing. Type in a query and compare the results. Do all search engines work exactly the same?
  • Have students work in pairs to try out a different search engine (there are 11 listed here ). Report back to the class on the pros and cons.
  • Think of something you’re curious about, (e.g. What endangered animals live in the Amazon Rainforest?). Open Google in two tabs. In one search, type in one or two keywords ( e.g. Amazon Rainforest) . In the other search type in multiple relevant keywords (e.g. endangered animals Amazon rainforest).  Compare the results. Discuss the importance of being specific.
  • Similar to above, try two different searches where one phrase is in quotation marks and the other is not. For example, Origin of “raining cats and dogs” and Origin of raining cats and dogs . Discuss the difference that using quotation marks makes (It tells Google to search for the precise keywords in order.)
  • Try writing a question in Google with a few minor spelling mistakes. What happens? What happens if you add or leave out punctuation ?
  • Try the AGoogleADay.com daily search challenges from Google. The questions help older students learn about choosing keywords, deconstructing questions, and altering keywords.
  • Explore how Google uses autocomplete to suggest searches quickly. Try it out by typing in various queries (e.g. How to draw… or What is the tallest…). Discuss how these suggestions come about, how to use them, and whether they’re usually helpful.
  • Watch this video  from Code.org to learn more about how search works .
  • Take a look at  20 Instant Google Searches your Students Need to Know  by Eric Curts to learn about “ instant searches ”. Try one to try out. Perhaps each student could be assigned one to try and share with the class.
  • Experiment with typing some questions into Google that have a clear answer (e.g. “What is a parallelogram?” or “What is the highest mountain in the world?” or “What is the population of Australia?”). Look at the different ways the answers are displayed instantly within the search results — dictionary definitions, image cards, graphs etc.

What is the population of Australia

  • Watch the video How Does Google Know Everything About Me?  by Scientific American. Discuss the PageRank algorithm and how Google uses your data to customise search results.
  • Brainstorm a list of popular domains   (e.g. .com, .com.au, or your country’s domain) . Discuss if any domains might be more reliable than others and why (e.g. .gov or .edu) .
  • Discuss (or research) ways to open Google search results in a new tab to save your original search results  (i.e. right-click > open link in new tab or press control/command and click the link).
  • Try out a few Google searches (perhaps start with things like “car service” “cat food” or “fresh flowers”). A re there advertisements within the results? Discuss where these appear and how to spot them.
  • Look at ways to filter search results by using the tabs at the top of the page in Google (i.e. news, images, shopping, maps, videos etc.). Do the same filters appear for all Google searches? Try out a few different searches and see.
  • Type a question into Google and look for the “People also ask” and “Searches related to…” sections. Discuss how these could be useful. When should you use them or ignore them so you don’t go off on an irrelevant tangent? Is the information in the drop-down section under “People also ask” always the best?
  • Often, more current search results are more useful. Click on “tools” under the Google search box and then “any time” and your time frame of choice such as “Past month” or “Past year”.
  • Have students annotate their own “anatomy of a search result” example like the one I made below. Explore the different ways search results display; some have more details like sitelinks and some do not.

Anatomy of a google search result

  • Find two articles on a news topic from different publications. Or find a news article and an opinion piece on the same topic. Make a Venn diagram comparing the similarities and differences.
  • Choose a graph, map, or chart from The New York Times’ What’s Going On In This Graph series . Have a whole class or small group discussion about the data.
  • Look at images stripped of their captions on What’s Going On In This Picture? by The New York Times. Discuss the images in pairs or small groups. What can you tell?
  • Explore a website together as a class or in pairs — perhaps a news website. Identify all the advertisements .
  • Have a look at a fake website either as a whole class or in pairs/small groups. See if students can spot that these sites are not real. Discuss the fact that you can’t believe everything that’s online. Get started with these four examples of fake websites from Eric Curts.
  • Give students a copy of my website evaluation flowchart to analyse and then discuss as a class. Read more about the flowchart in this post.
  • As a class, look at a prompt from Mike Caulfield’s Four Moves . Either together or in small groups, have students fact check the prompts on the site. This resource explains more about the fact checking process. Note: some of these prompts are not suitable for younger students.
  • Practice skim reading — give students one minute to read a short article. Ask them to discuss what stood out to them. Headings? Bold words? Quotes? Then give students ten minutes to read the same article and discuss deep reading.

topics to research for middle school

All students can benefit from learning about plagiarism, copyright, how to write information in their own words, and how to acknowledge the source. However, the formality of this process will depend on your students’ age and your curriculum guidelines.

  • Watch the video Citation for Beginners for an introduction to citation. Discuss the key points to remember.
  • Look up the definition of plagiarism using a variety of sources (dictionary, video, Wikipedia etc.). Create a definition as a class.
  • Find an interesting video on YouTube (perhaps a “life hack” video) and write a brief summary in your own words.
  • Have students pair up and tell each other about their weekend. Then have the listener try to verbalise or write their friend’s recount in their own words. Discuss how accurate this was.
  • Read the class a copy of a well known fairy tale. Have them write a short summary in their own words. Compare the versions that different students come up with.
  • Try out MyBib — a handy free online tool without ads that helps you create citations quickly and easily.
  • Give primary/elementary students a copy of Kathy Schrock’s Guide to Citation that matches their grade level (the guide covers grades 1 to 6). Choose one form of citation and create some examples as a class (e.g. a website or a book).
  • Make a list of things that are okay and not okay to do when researching, e.g. copy text from a website, use any image from Google images, paraphrase in your own words and cite your source, add a short quote and cite the source. 
  • Have students read a short article and then come up with a summary that would be considered plagiarism and one that would not be considered plagiarism. These could be shared with the class and the students asked to decide which one shows an example of plagiarism .
  • Older students could investigate the difference between paraphrasing and summarising . They could create a Venn diagram that compares the two.
  • Write a list of statements on the board that might be true or false ( e.g. The 1956 Olympics were held in Melbourne, Australia. The rhinoceros is the largest land animal in the world. The current marathon world record is 2 hours, 7 minutes). Have students research these statements and decide whether they’re true or false by sharing their citations.

Staying Organised

topics to research for middle school

  • Make a list of different ways you can take notes while researching — Google Docs, Google Keep, pen and paper etc. Discuss the pros and cons of each method.
  • Learn the keyboard shortcuts to help manage tabs (e.g. open new tab, reopen closed tab, go to next tab etc.). Perhaps students could all try out the shortcuts and share their favourite one with the class.
  • Find a collection of resources on a topic and add them to a Wakelet .
  • Listen to a short podcast or watch a brief video on a certain topic and sketchnote ideas. Sylvia Duckworth has some great tips about live sketchnoting
  • Learn how to use split screen to have one window open with your research, and another open with your notes (e.g. a Google spreadsheet, Google Doc, Microsoft Word or OneNote etc.) .

All teachers know it’s important to teach students to research well. Investing time in this process will also pay off throughout the year and the years to come. Students will be able to focus on analysing and synthesizing information, rather than the mechanics of the research process.

By trying out as many of these mini-lessons as possible throughout the year, you’ll be really helping your students to thrive in all areas of school, work, and life.

Also remember to model your own searches explicitly during class time. Talk out loud as you look things up and ask students for input. Learning together is the way to go!

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Learn how to teach research skills to primary students, middle school students, or high school students. 50 activities that could be done in just a few minutes a day. Lots of Google search tips and research tips for kids and teachers. Free PDF included! Kathleen Morris | Primary Tech

10 Replies to “50 Mini-Lessons For Teaching Students Research Skills”

Loving these ideas, thank you

This list is amazing. Thank you so much!

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So glad it’s helpful, Alex! 🙂

Hi I am a student who really needed some help on how to reasearch thanks for the help.

' src=

So glad it helped! 🙂

seriously seriously grateful for your post. 🙂

' src=

So glad it’s helpful! Makes my day 🙂

How do you get the 50 mini lessons. I got the free one but am interested in the full version.

' src=

Hi Tracey, The link to the PDF with the 50 mini lessons is in the post. Here it is . Check out this post if you need more advice on teaching students how to research online. Hope that helps! Kathleen

Best wishes to you as you face your health battler. Hoping you’ve come out stronger and healthier from it. Your website is so helpful.

Comments are closed.

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How to Help Middle School Students Develop Research Skills

As the research skills you teach middle school students can last them all their lives, it’s essential to help them develop good habits early in their school careers.

Research skills are useful in nearly every subject, whether it’s English, math, social studies or science, and they will continue to pay off for students every day of their schooling. Understanding the most important research skills that middle school students need will help reach these kids and make a long-term difference.

The research process

It is important for every student to understand that research is actually a process rather than something that happens naturally. The best researchers develop a process that allows them to fully comprehend the ideas they are researching and also turn the data into information that is usable for whatever the end purpose may be. Here is an example of a research process that you may consider using when teaching research skills in your middle school classroom:

  • Form a question : Research should be targeted; develop a question you want to answer before progressing any further.
  • Decide on resources : Not every resource is good for every question/problem. Identify the resources that will work best for you.
  • Gather raw data : First, gather information in its rawest form; do not attempt to make sense of it at this point.
  • Sort the data : After you have the information in front of you, decide what is important to you and how you will use it. Not all data will be reliable or worthwhile.
  • Process information : Turn the data into usable information. This processing step may take longer than the rest combined. This is where you really see your data shape into something exciting.
  • Create a final piece : This is where you would write a research paper, create a project or build a graph or other visual piece with your information. This may or may not be a formal document.
  • Evaluate : Look back on the process. Where did you experience success and failure? Did you find an answer to your question?

This process can be adjusted to suit the needs of your particular classroom or the project you are working on. Just remember that the goal is not only to find the data for this particular project, but to teach your students research skills that will help them in the long run.

Research is a very important part of the learning process as well as being useful in real-life once the student graduates. Middle school is a great time to develop these skills as many high school teachers expect that students already have this knowledge.

Students who are well-prepared as researchers will be able to handle nearly any assignment that comes their way. Finding new ways to teach research skills to middle school students need will be a challenge, but the results are well worth it as you see your students succeed in your classroom and set the stage for further success throughout their schooling experience.

10 Ideas to Make Teaching RESEARCH Easier

By Joy Sexton 1 Comment

Need teaching ideas to help students succeed on research assignments? Read about 10 ideas that will make teaching research easier and more manageable. TeachingELAwithJoy.com #research #researchprojects #middleschoolenglish

I enjoy diving into research units with my students because they get to learn new things, and I do, too! But teaching research skills is a gigantic task! And one thing’s for certain: I’ll have to break the research process into steps to keep my middle school students from feeling overwhelmed. I want them to have that “I’ve got this” attitude from the moment I introduce the project.

Of course, as teachers, we need to be prepared and have our research assignments clearly-designed. But a big key to making the process easier for me and my students, what makes the most impact I think, is modeling . If you can model what you want students to do (as opposed to just telling them), your expectations become clearer. Not everything can be modeled, but whenever the opportunity arises, it’s powerful!

Here are 10 ideas to make teaching research skills manageable and successful:

1.  Make sure students start out with more than one topic option . What I mean is, it helps for each student to have “back up” topics ready to go in case the first choice isn’t panning out.  For example, I’ve had students who chose a topic they were very passionate about. But it turned out that once they got searching, not enough information was turning up. In most cases, these students had decided to research very current topics like a YouTuber or a new version of iPhone or even a specific automobile. They searched and searched, but the few sites they located just repeated the same smattering of facts. It REALLY helped that the assignment required three topic choices, with students prioritizing their choices . Instead of getting all stressed out, the students just went with their second choice, and got right into note-taking. Or let’s say you are assigning topics, for example, for Holocaust research.  Once they start researching, students may find a certain topic too complex and would feel more supported if they had other options.

Research Q & A is a motivating short research project based on inquiry! Organizers, mentor text, and an editable template for typing guide students through the process

2.   Don’t rule out books and other print sources. Now that so many students carry laptops, we’ve come to expect research to be Internet-based. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with that! With just a few clicks, students have access to SO MUCH information. But some of my students come and ask if they can go to the library for printed sources because they prefer taking notes from books. That reminds me that we all learn differently. It might be to our amazement, but library research is alive and well for a portion of our students. Sometimes it’s my struggling learners who go for the printed sources, but I’ve also had more advanced learners hit the books as well. Even if you’ve got kids on their laptops or in the computer lab, find a way to incorporate different types of sources in their search so you differentiate . FYI, the Common Core Standards for W.8 (the research writing) state “Gather information from multiple print and digital sources . . .” So, it looks like using some print sources is still an expectation (but not for every assignment) if you follow Common Core. Definitely let your librarian in on whatever type of research assignment you have going on. They’re usually very eager to provide support !

3.  Emphasize the need to narrow search terms . So often, students just want to plop their main topic into the Google search bar, right? Unfortunately, what comes up is usually current information that is not necessarily going to hit what they need. That’s how time gets wasted. You can quickly model this skill for students with an example using a celebrity. Say you are needing information on a certain celebrity’s life—some facts about their rise to fame. Place just the name in the search bar, and what most likely comes up are articles that have been in the news about the person. Then place the name with the word “biography” in the search bar and have students notice the difference.

4.  Explain the connection between research and reading . Once they have a topic, students are so ready to start note-taking! But wait, do your students understand that research starts with careful reading? First, they’ll need to preview several websites before taking any notes. I call it “Ten Minutes, Reading Only.” That’s the least they can do to look for sources that not only match their topic but meet their readability needs . Let’s face it, many websites or even printed sources are written well above some of our students’ reading levels. Let them know that if they are finding long sentences with numerous unfamiliar words, it’s time to move on. Then, once they do locate a few good sources, they still need to read! When they come upon information they understand that really hits the topic, BINGO. That’s when note-taking should begin.

5.   Model note-taking using a bulleted list of short phrases . One thing is for sure: we don’t want students to copy full sentences, word for word, when they take notes. So modeling this when you’re teaching research skills is huge. I always tell students that they will create their own complete sentences when they are drafting . Note-taking is for short phrases . Just give them a heads up that they have to be able to understand the shortened information! I’ve had students who wrote phrases too short for the complex information they represented. A problem arose, of course, when trying to draft sentences. The students couldn’t remember what was actually meant by the few words they had copied down.

You can easily model note-taking by choosing a paragraph of nonfiction from a website or online encyclopedia. Project it on your whiteboard or pass out copies to the class. You can have students work with a partner to take notes in short phrases on a bulleted list. Students could then exchange papers several times to see what others came up with, and then share out what they noticed. Or, you may prefer to make the notes on your whiteboard with whole-class participation.

6.  Show students the citation generator you want them to use and how it works. Teaching research skills always includes citing sources. So if you approve of students having citations created for them, I’m with you! Just be clear on which citation generator to use. I’ve always preferred www.Bibme.org , but now with all the ads on these sites, and Google Docs’ own generator, there are other options. Again, you can do a quick modeling on your Smartboard using a website. It’s a good idea to walk around during note-taking and check that each student is comfortable using the citation generator. Sometimes students are unsure but might not want to ask.

7.  Offer creative formats for students to use as their research product. If you can, let them infuse some of their own passion into the topic. Let’s face it, teaching research skills is easier when students are personally invested. Your standards or district curriculum may require a research-based essay , and that’s fine. With lots of scaffolds and modeling, the results can be awesome! But how about having students report out in a newsletter format? They can break the information down into four short articles and give each one a title. Now the assignment becomes more motivating. Or require a slide presentation, with a paragraph of text on each slide along with visuals.

Another creative format is a Q & A page . My students enjoy a short project called Research Q & A , where they choose a topic they’d like to learn more about and create two questions to research. They report their findings on a Q & A sheet, using a template they type into, along with visuals.

Here's a short, motivating research project where students create a Q & A page! Full research process with step-by-step PowerPoint introduction. Perfect for middle school ELA! www.TeachingELAwithJoy.com #middleschoolresearch #shortresearchprojects #middleschoolela

8.  Have students color code their notes . This is an incredibly helpful scaffold to producing an organized draft! Once the research is completed, students should look over their notes and on a sheet of paper, list the “sub-topics” they have covered. For example, if they are writing an informational article about an athlete, their list might include childhood, training, early career steps, and best achievements. Then, with 4-5 colored pencils, they underline each sub-topic with a different color. Students then read through their notes, placing a colored bullet to match as they find content corresponding to the sub-topic.

The color coding helps make drafting each paragraph so much easier! Students just focus on all the green information on their notes pages when drafting the first body paragraph, all the purple information when drafting the second, etc.

A research strategy for organizing notes by color-coding. Great for teaching research skills in middle or high school TeachingELAwithJoy.com

9.  Require editing and revising using a different color . As English teachers, we want the revising and editing step to be meaningful. When revisions stand out this way, both students and the teacher get to visibly see a growth process.  They understand that they are expected to and can notice weaknesses and make their product better.  I always keep red and green pens available.  And I sense that kids like using them. Another BIG plus here: individual conferencing becomes quick and easy when you can see by the colored ink which revisions have (or have not!) been made.

10.  Work in some peer exchange opportunities . Students benefit from regular check-ins, but you don’t always have the time. So why not have students check in on each other? Decide on a few times in your assignment when students will need to “take stock” of things. That’s when you’ll say, exchange with a partner, and look at x, y, or z. The check can be as simple as the partners write feedback in the margin of each other’s paper, or on a post-it, or have a short discussion. For example, let’s say you allot two periods for research, and you expect three solid pages of notes. When the second class period is drawing to a close, have a partner exchange. Peers have two tasks: rate the quality of the notes on a scale of 1-5 and suggest whether note-taking is complete or more needs to be done as homework.

Students love to read each other’s papers, so work in a peer exchange during revising and editing. Have peers place a question mark in the margin next to any area that doesn’t make clear sense. You could also choose a couple specific topics for their focus, such as capital letters and commas. Students enjoy these roles and checks like these build skills and confidence .

Our goal, of course, is to make research motivating for every one of our students. By using some of these strategies, teaching research skills should become easier! I think your students will experience excitement over all the new learning their efforts bring.

I’ve developed some print-and-go research activities that students enjoy and have success with. They include step-by-step scaffolds and mentor texts to save you time. Just click on the images to have a closer look.

Teach the informative essay with step-by-step guided writing templates for all paragraphs. Students will appreciate mentor texts for all 5 types of essays including research-based. Vivid graphic organizers and rubrics are perfect for middle school ELA!

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topics to research for middle school

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April 21, 2021 at 11:47 pm

This looks amazing. I’m so glad I found this article. I am guiding my 7th grader through a year-end research project at home and this is exactly what I needed to help guide me through it first!

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125 Winning Debate Topics for Middle School Students

When students learn to debate, they gain valuable life skills. Debates teach kids to research their topic, make informed choices, and argue effectively using facts instead of emotion. This list of middle school debate topics encompasses both serious and lighthearted ideas for kids ages 10 to 14. Each topic includes a link to an article from a reliable source that provides pros and/or cons to help kids make their arguments.

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These middle school debate topics are pretty contentious and might not be appropriate for all students or every classroom. But if your middle schoolers are ready to take on more serious debates, try these important questions.

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500 Good Research Paper Topics

Bonus Material: Essential essay checklist

Writing a research paper for a class and not sure how to start?

One of the most important steps to creating a great paper is finding a good topic! 

Here’s a hand-drafted list from a Princeton grad who has helped professors at Harvard and Yale edit their papers for publication and taught college writing at the University of Notre Dame and .

What’s more, we give you some foolproof formulas for creating your own paper topic to fit the requirements of your class.

Using these simple formulas, we’ve helped hundreds of students turn a B- paper topic into an A+ paper topic.

Keep reading for our list of 500 vetted research paper topics and our magic formulas for creating your own topic!

Of course, if you want help learning to write research papers tailored to your individual needs, check out our one-on-one writing coaching or academic writing workshop . Set up a free consultation to see how we can help you learn to write A+ papers!

Jump to paper topics in:

European & Mediterranean History

African history, asian history, history of the pre-columbian americas.

  • Latin American History

History of Science

Politics & public policy, education & education policy, political theory, science policy.

  • Health Sciences & Psychology

Download the essential essay checklist

What is a research paper?

In order to write a good research paper, it’s important to know what it is! 

In general, we can divide academic writing into three broad categories:

  • Analytical: analyze the tools an author uses to make their point
  • Research: delve deeply into a research topic and share your findings
  • Persuasive : argue a specific and nuanced position backed by evidence

What’s the difference between an analytical paper and a research paper? For an analytical paper, it’s okay to just use one or two sources (a book, poem, work of art, piece of music, etc.) and examine them in detail. For a research paper, however, the expectation is that you do, well . . . research .

student writing research paper

The depth of research that you’re expected to do will depend on your age and the type of class you’re taking.

In elementary or middle school, a “research paper” might mean finding information from a few general books or encyclopedias in your school library. 

In high school, your teachers might expect you to start using information from academic articles and more specific books. You might use encyclopedias and general works as a starting point, but you’ll be expected to go beyond them and do more work to synthesize information from different perspectives or different types of sources. You may also be expected to do “primary research,” where you study the source material yourself, instead of synthesizing what other people have written about the source material.

In college, you’ll be required to use academic journals and scholarly books, and your professors will now expect that you be more critical of these secondary sources, noticing the methodology and perspectives of whatever articles and books you’re using. 

In more advanced college courses, you’ll be expected to do more exhaustive surveys of the existing literature on a topic. You’ll need to conduct primary research that makes an original contribution to the field—the kind that could be published in a journal article itself.

For a walkthrough of the 12 essential steps to writing a good paper, check out our step-by-step guide .

student writing research paper

Working on a research paper? Grab our free checklist to make sure your essay has everything it needs to earn an A grade.

Get the essential essay checklist

What makes a good research paper topic?

One of the most important features of a research paper topic is that it has a clear, narrow focus. 

For example, your teacher may assign you to write a research paper related to the US Revolutionary War. Does that mean that your topic should be “the US Revolutionary War”? 

Definitely not! There’s no way to craft a good paper with in-depth research with such a broad topic. (Unless you’re in elementary or middle school, in which case it’s okay to have a more general topic for your research paper.)

Instead, you need to find a more specific topic within this broader one. There are endless ways that you can make this narrower! Some ideas generated from this one broader topic might be:

  • Causes of the US Revolutionary War
  • Changes in military strategy during the Revolutionary War
  • The experiences of Loyalists to England who remained in the American colonies during the Revolutionary War
  • How the Revolutionary War was pivotal for the career of Alexander Hamilton
  • The role of alliances with France during the US Revolutionary War
  • The experiences of people of color during the Revolutionary War
  • How George Washington’s previous military career paved the way for his leadership in the Revolutionary War
  • The main types of weaponry during the Revolutionary War
  • Changes in clothing and fashion over the courses of the Revolutionary War
  • How Valley Forge was a key moment in the Revolutionary War
  • How women contributed to the Revolutionary War
  • What happened in Amherst, Massachusetts during the Revolutionary War
  • Field medicine during the Revolutionary War
  • How the Battle of Saratoga was a turning point in the Revolutionary War
  • How different opinions about the Revolutionary War were reflected in poetry written during that time
  • Debates over abolition during the Revolutionary War
  • The importance of supply chains during the Revolutionary War
  • Reactions to the US Revolutionary war in Europe
  • How the US Revolutionary war impacted political theory in England and France
  • Similarities and differences between the US Revolutionary War and the French Revolution
  • Famous paintings inspired by the US Revolutionary War
  • Different ways that the US Revolutionary War has been depicted in modern contemporary culture
  • The appropriation of the “Boston Tea Party” by US politicians in the 2010s

This list could go on forever!

good research paper topics about the US Revolution

In fact, any of these topics could become even more specific. For example, check out the evolution of this topic:

  • Economic causes of the Revolutionary war
  • The way that tax policies helped lead to the Revolutionary War
  • How tax laws enacted 1763–1775 helped lead to the Revolutionary War
  • How the tax-free status of the British East India Company helped lead to the Revolutionary War
  • How the 1773 tax-free status of the British East India Company helped lead to the Revolutionary War, as reflected in letters written 1767–1775
  • How the 1773 tax-free status of the British East India Company helped lead to the Revolutionary War, as reflected in letters written by members of the Sons of Liberty 1767–1775

As you advance in your educational career, you’ll need to make your topic more and more specific. Steps 1–3 of this topic might be okay in high school, but for a college research paper steps 4–7 would be more appropriate!

As you craft your research paper topic, you should also keep in mind the availability of research materials on your subject. There are millions of topics that would make interesting research papers, but for which you yourself might not be able to investigate with the primary and secondary sources to which you have access.

Access to research materials might look like:

  • To the best of our knowledge, the sources exist somewhere
  • The source isn’t behind a paywall (or you or your school can pay for it)
  • Your school or local library has a copy of the source
  • Your school or local library can order a copy of the source for you
  • The source is in a language that you speak
  • The source has been published already (there’s tons of amazing research that hasn’t been published yet, a frustrating problem!)
  • You can access the archive, museum, or database where the primary source is held—this might mean online access or travel! To access a source in an archive or museum you’ll often need permission, which often requires a letter of support from your school.

If you’re not sure about access to source materials, talk to a librarian! They’re professionals for this question.

Finally, pick a research topic that interests you! Given that there are unlimited research topics in the world and many ways to adapt a broad topic, there should absolutely be a way to modify a research topic to fit your interests.

student writing research paper

Want help learning to write an amazing research paper? Work one-on-one with an experienced Ivy-League tutor to improve your writing skills or sign up for our bestselling academic writing workshop .

Insider tips to generate your own research paper topic

Use these formulas to generate your own research paper topics:

  • How did X change over a period of time (year, decade, century)?
  • What is the impact (or consequences) of X?
  • What led to X?
  • What is the role of X in Y?
  • How did X influence Y?
  • How did X become Y?
  • How was X different from Y?
  • How is X an example of Y?
  • How did X affect Y?
  • What were some reactions to X?
  • What are the most effective policies to produce X result?
  • What are some risks of X?
  • How is our current understanding of X incorrect? (advanced)
  • What happens if we look at X through the lens of Y theory or perspective? (advanced)

A good research paper topic often starts with the question words—why, how, what, who, and where. Remember to make it as specific as possible!

student writing research paper

Good research paper topics

These research paper topics have been vetted by a Princeton grad and academic book editor!

  • How did European rivalries (British vs French) impact North American history?
  • What was the role of British and French alliances with indigneous tribes during the Seven Years’ War?
  • Reactions to the 1754 Albany Congress among North American intellectual figures
  • How the Albany Plan served as a model for future attempts at union among the North American colonies
  • How did different religious identities (Calvinist, Catholic, etc.) play a role in the aftermath of the Seven Years’ War?
  • What were the consequences of the 1763 Treaty of Paris?
  • How did the Seven Years’ War impact British debt and colonial economics?
  • What were some causes of the US Revolutionary War?
  • How did military strategy change during the Revolutionary War?
  • What were the experiences of Loyalists to England who remained in the American colonies during the Revolutionary War?
  • How was the Revolutionary War pivotal for the career of Alexander Hamilton?
  • What was the role of alliances with France during the US Revolutionary War?
  • What were the experiences of people of color during the Revolutionary War?
  • How did George Washington’s previous military career pave the way for his leadership in the Revolutionary War?
  • What were the main types of weaponry during the Revolutionary War? How did that affect the options for military strategies?
  • How did clothing and fashion change over the courses of the Revolutionary War?
  • How was Valley Forge a key moment in the Revolutionary War?
  • How did women contribute to the Revolutionary War?
  • What happened in Amherst, Massachusetts (or any other specific location) during the Revolutionary War?
  • What was field medicine like during the Revolutionary War? 
  • How was the Battle of Saratoga a turning point in the Revolutionary War?
  • How were different opinions about the Revolutionary War reflected in poetry written during that time?
  • What were the debates over abolition during the Revolutionary War?
  • What was the role of supply chains during the Revolutionary War?
  • What were reactions to the US Revolutionary war like in Europe? What does that tell us about politics in England, France, the Netherlands, etc?
  • How did the US Revolutionary war impact political theory in England and France?
  • What are similarities and differences between the US Revolutionary War and the French Revolution?
  • What are some famous paintings inspired by the US Revolutionary War? What do differences between these paintings tell us about how the artists who created them saw the war?
  • What are some different ways that the US Revolutionary War has been depicted in modern contemporary culture? What does that tell us?
  • How was the story of the “Boston Tea Party” appropriated by US politicians in the 2010s, and why?
  • What was the difference between the Federalists and the Jeffersonians?
  • How did the 1797 XYZ Affair lead to the Quasi-War with France?
  • How were loans from European countries and companies (France, Spain, Dutch bankers) key to the early US?
  • What were reactions to the Constitutional Convention of 1787?
  • Why did the US remain neutral during the French Revolution?
  • How did the Alien and Sedition acts contribute to the election of Thomas Jefferson as president?
  • What was the US’s reaction to the Haitian revolution? Why did the US not recognize Haitian independence until 1862?
  • What were the reactions to John Jay’s Treaty of 1794?
  • How have the remarks made by George Washington in his Farewell Address inspired isolationist policies?
  • How did interpretations of the Monroe Doctrine change over the decades since its creation? 
  • How did the Roosevelt Corollary and Lodge Corollary change and expand the Monroe Doctrine?
  • How did the presence of US companies like the United Fruit Company affect US military interventions in Latin America? 
  • How was the Monroe Doctrine invoked in the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962? 
  • How was US culture shaped by the Cold War?
  • How did ecology play a role in the rise of Ancient Egypt?
  • How did water management technologies impact Ancient Egypt?
  • How did bureaucracies function in Ancient Egypt?
  • How did Egyptian art influence Ancient Greek art?
  • Who could be a citizen in Athens in the 5th century BCE? What does this tell us about classical Athenian society?
  • What was the impact of the Peloponnesian War?
  • What was the impact of Alexander the Great’s attempt to create an empire?
  • How does the way that Alexander the Great is represented in art demonstrate conceptions about the relationship between the human and the divine?
  • Was there a conception of race in the ancient world? How were these ideas different from our own modern conceptions of race?
  • What was the role of debt slavery in the Roman republic? How were these policies ended, and what is the significance of the end of debt slavery? What kinds of slavery remained?
  • To what degree does the movie Gladiator accurately the Roman Empire in 176–192 CE?
  • What was the role of slavery in managing the large latifundia ?
  • How and why did the emperor Constantine I adopt Christianity?
  • How did patterns of urbanism in the latter Roman empire change? What does this tell us about challenges being faced at that time?
  • What do reactions to the Byzantine empress Theodora tell us about ideas of gender in 6th-century Byzantium?
  • How did scientific advancements in Islamic Spain influence the rest of Europe?
  • What was the relationship between Muslim, Christian, and Jewish populations in Islamic Spain? How does this compare to the experience of Muslim and Jewish populations in Christian Spain?
  • How did medieval troubadour poetry represent a new idea of romantic relationships?
  • What are similarities and differences between medieval troubadour poetry and lyric poetry in Ancient Greece? 
  • What do letters between women and popes tell us about gender, power, and religion in medieval Europe?
  • In what ways was Hildegard of Bingen groundbreaking for her time?
  • Who produced beer in medieval England, and what does this tell us about society?
  • How did the adoption of hops affect the production and distribution of beer?
  • How did beer production allow some women a way to be financially independent?
  • How was clothing used to mark religious and cultural identities in 15th- and 16th-century Spain?
  • How did print culture change relationships and courting in Georgian England?
  • How did churches function as social gathering spaces in Georgian England?
  • To what degree is Netflix’s Bridgerton series historically accurate?
  • How did ideas of love change in the 18th century? How did philosophy play a role in this?
  • When were Valentine cards first commercially available? What does that show us about cultural ideas of love and courtship?
  • What were the consequences of the desertification of the Sahara?
  • How did trade links on the Red Sea influence Nubian culture?
  • How did Carthage build power in Northern Africa around 600–500 BCE?
  • What was the impact of the Mercenary War (241–238 BCE) in Carthage?
  • How did the Roman province of Africa play a key role in financing the Roman Empire?
  • What were the consequences of the Donatist division in the 300s in Northern Africa?
  • What was the impact of the large-scale movement of Bedouins from the Arabian peninsula into the Maghreb?
  • How was Mande society organized in the Mali Empire? 
  • What was the role of the book trade in Timbuktu? What does this tell us about culture and learning in the Mali Empire?
  • How did Aksum use trade to build wealth and power? 
  • What do Nok terracotta sculptures tell us about Nok culture?
  • How did the Luba Empire create a centralized political system? How did the idea of spiritual kins ( balopwe ) play a role in this system?
  • How did tax collection work in the Lunda empire?
  • What does it mean to say that the Ajuran Empire was a hydraulic empire? How did control over water resources allow the Ajuran Empire to build and consolidate power?
  • What is the significance of diplomatic ties between the Somai Ajuran Empire and Ming dynasty China? 
  • How did the tribute system in the Kingdom of Kongo help to stimulate interregional trade?
  • What was the impact of the introduction of maize and cassava to the Kingdom of Kongo?
  • How did women wield influence in the Kingdom of Benin?
  • How did the Industrial Revolution in Europe help lead to the Scramble for Africa 1878–1898?
  • What were the consequences of the Second Boer War?
  • What happened in the Year of Africa (1960)?
  • How did the Han dynasty consolidate power in frontier regions? 
  • How and why did the Han dynasty nationalize the private salt and iron industries in 117 BCE?
  • What are the earliest records of papermaking, and what is the significance of this invention?
  • What was the role of Daoist religious societies in rebellions at the end of the Han dynasty (Yellow Turban Rebellion, Five Pecks of Rice Rebellion)?
  • What do tomb paintings tell us about ancient Chinese society?
  • What was the impact of the Sui dynasty’s standardization and re-unification of the coinage?
  • What was the role of standardized testing in Sui dynasty and Tang dynasty China?
  • Why is the Tang dynasty often regarded as a golden age of cosmopolitan culture in Chinese history?
  • What was the role of slavery in imperial China? 
  • How did the rise of jiedushi (regional military governments) undermine the civil-service system? What were the consequences of this?
  • How did Tang dynasty China exert power over Japan and Korea?
  • What was the Three Departments and Six Ministries system in imperial China and how did it work?
  • What does the appearance of Inca, Maya, and Aztec goods in North America (Utah, Canada) and the appearance of goods from the Great Lakes region in Maya and Aztec ruins tell us about trade in the Pre-Columbian Americas?
  • How did celebration of maize play a central role in Mesoamerican cultures?
  • How did the Aztec empire use relationships with client city-states to establish power? How did the Aztec empire use taxation to exert power?
  • How did the luxury good trade impact Aztec political power? 
  • How did the building of roads play a key role in the Aztec empire?
  • How and why has archaeology played a pivotal role in expanding our understanding of the pre-Columbian Americas?
  • What are some common misconceptions about the Americas in the year 1491? Why do these misconceptions exist?

Latin American History (post-1492)

  • How and why did the Spanish appropriate Aztec sites of significance (e.g. Mexico City at the site of Tenochtitlan)?
  • What were reactions among Latin American intellectuals (e.g. Luis María Drago, Alejandro Álvarez and Baltasar Brum) to the Monroe Doctrine?
  • How was the US’s involvement in the Venezuela Crisis of 1902–1903 a pivotal turning point in the relationship between the US and Latin American countries?
  • What were the effects of the US’s involvement in the Cuban War for Independence?
  • How did the Roosevelt Corollary of 1904 benefit the US?
  • How did Simon Bolivar’s time in Europe affect his ideas about Latin American independence?
  • How did 19th century academic societies play a role in the advancement of scientific discoveries? Who was excluded from these societies?
  • How was music connected to the sciences in medieval thinking?
  • When was the concept of zero first used, and how was it instrumental for advancements in math?
  • What role did Islamic Spain play in the spread of scientific advancements in medieval Europe?
  • What role has translation between languages played in the development of sciences?
  • Why were Galileo’s ideas about astronomy controversial at the time?
  • What was the connection between art and advancements in human anatomy?
  • Why were Darwin’s ideas about natural selection controversial at the time?
  • To what degree does the film Master and Commander accurately depict the voyages of Charles Darwin?
  • How did the discovery of quinine and other medical innovations help to facilitate the European colonization of Africa?
  • How and why was the internet invented?
  • Does Virgil’s Aeneid celebrate the new Roman Empire or subvert it?
  • Why was the poet Ovid exiled from Rome?
  • What are the pagan influences in Beowulf ? What are the Christian elements in Beowulf ? What does that tell us about late Anglo-Saxon England?
  • How does Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales reflect gender roles in late medieval England?
  • How does Dante’s Inferno draw on book IV of Virgil’s Aeneid ? 
  • How are gender roles presented and subverted in Shakespeare’s plays?
  • To what degree did Henry David Thoreau live out the ideals he described in Walden in his own life?
  • How did the serialized publication of novels affect the way that they were written?
  • Does Dickens’ novel A Tale of Two Cities accurately portray the French Revolution?
  • How did 18th-century novels propagate the idea of marrying for love?
  • What did contemporary readers think about Jane Austen and her novels?
  • To what degree do Jane Austen’s novels reflect economic realities for women in Regency England? What do they leave out?
  • How did Lord Byron’s personal life affect his poetry?
  • What do we know about the romantic life of Emily Dickinson?
  • What were the religious movements that influenced the writer George Eliot, and how do those influences appear in her novels?
  • In what ways were Walt Whitman’s writings new or different?
  • How did British poets react to the horrors of Word War I?
  • What do Tolkien’s letters reveal about the ways in which the two world wars influenced his writings?
  • How did the friendship between CS Lewis and Tolkien affect their respective writings?
  • What are the arguments for and against Catalonian independence from Spain?
  • What are the arguments for and against Scottish independence from the United Kingdom?
  • What are some risks of contact sports, especially for children?
  • What are the most effective policies for combating childhood obesity?
  • What are the most effective policies for reducing gun violence?
  • Which countries have the longest life expectancy and why?
  • What are some differences between the healthcare system in the US and in European countries? Which country has the most similar system to the US?
  • What policies for parental leave exist in different countries? What are some effects of these policies?
  • Has the drinking age in the US always been 21? What have been some different policies, and what were some consequences of them?
  • What is the debate around museum artifacts like the Elgin Marbles in London or the Benin Bronzes in Berlin?
  • How have politicians attempted to control population growth in different countries, either directly or indirectly? What have been some effects of these policies?
  • Which countries have the most gender parity reflected in national governments? How have they accomplished this?
  • How has public funding of K-12 education changed since the 1930s in the US? 
  • How has public funding of higher education changed in the US?
  • What is early childhood education like in different countries?
  • What are some effects of free or reduced-cost meals in schools?
  • How does access to menstrual products affect education outcomes for girls in different countries?
  • What was the impact of Rousseau’s writings on education?
  • How did Plato’s ideal forms of government reflect contemporary Athenian concerns about the unruly masses ( demos )?
  • How did Aristotle justify slavery?
  • How has wealth inequality increased in recent decades?
  • How is inflation calculated, and what are the implications of this methodology?
  • How have genetically-engineered crops changed the way that the planet feeds itself?
  • How has animal testing changed since 2000?
  • How is animal testing regulated differently in different countries?

Health Sciences and Psychology

  • How do different societies reflect the natural circadian rhythms of the human body?
  • How does secondhand smoke affect the human body?
  • How does lack of sleep affect the body?
  • How does stress affect the body?
  • What are some ways to reduce stress?
  • How have cancer treatments changed in the past 30 years?
  • Why is it hard to find a “cure” for cancer?
  • How has the Human Genome Project changed medical science?
  • How were the Covid vaccines developed so quickly? What is the difference between the various Covid vaccines that have been developed?

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110 Stimulating Debate Topics for Middle Schoolers

May 1, 2023 //  by  Lauren Du Plessis

As a middle school student, developing critical thinking skills and learning to communicate effectively are essential components of academic success. One of the best ways to develop these skills is through participation in debates. Debating helps students to build confidence, learn how to structure an argument, and become more persuasive communicators. In this article, we’ve compiled a list of 110 engaging middle school debate topics, along with tips for preparing for a debate and additional resources to help students improve their skills.

To start off the article, let’s dive into an anecdote of a successful middle school debate. For instance, “Have you ever witnessed a middle school debate where students passionately presented their arguments and rebuttals? It’s an incredible sight to see. Recently, during a middle school debate tournament, a group of students debated on the topic of school uniforms. They presented compelling arguments for both sides, and their delivery was so impressive that even the judges struggled to pick a winner. Such debating skills are not only useful in school but can also help students in their future academic and professional lives.”

How to choose a good debate topic

Choosing a good debate topic can be challenging, but here are some tips to help middle school students find topics that are relevant, interesting, and debatable:

  • Select a topic that is relevant to current events or issues that students care about.
  • Choose a topic that has strong arguments on both sides.
  • Consider the age-appropriateness of the topic for middle school students.

Here is a list of 110 debate topics that are categorized by subject area and themes that are relevant to middle school students, such as social justice, technology, or the environment.

Social Studies

1. Should schools require students to learn a second language?

2. Should voting be mandatory?

3. Should the voting age be lowered to 16?

4. Should the U.S. government provide free health care for all citizens?

5. Should the U.S. government provide more financial aid to developing countries?

6. Should the U.S. government provide more funding for space exploration?

7. Should the United States have a national service program for all citizens?

8. Should the Electoral College be abolished?

9. Should the U.S. government increase the minimum wage?

10. Should undocumented immigrants be allowed to attend public schools?

11. Should genetically modified organisms (GMOs) be allowed in food?

12. Should zoos be banned?

13. Should animal testing be allowed?

14. Should the use of fossil fuels be banned?

15. Should the use of pesticides be banned?

16. Should space exploration be prioritized over ocean exploration?

17. Should scientists be allowed to genetically modify human embryos?

18. Should vaccination be mandatory for all school children?

19. Should humans colonize Mars?

20. Should plastic water bottles be banned?

21. Should schools require students to learn computer programming?

22. Should schools eliminate the use of standardized testing?

23. Should schools switch to year-round schedules?

24. Should schools eliminate homework?

25. Should students be allowed to use calculators in math class?

26. Should schools eliminate grades and tests altogether?

27. Should schools switch to a pass/fail grading system?

Language Arts

28. Should schools allow students to use cell phones in class?

29. Should schools switch to e-books instead of traditional textbooks?

30. Should schools eliminate handwriting instruction?

31. Should schools teach cursive handwriting?

32. Should schools teach media literacy and critical thinking skills?

33. Should schools eliminate spelling tests?

34. Should schools require students to read certain books?

35. Should schools teach coding instead of traditional language arts?

36. Should schools eliminate the use of paper and switch to digital submissions?

37. Should schools ban students from using slang in class?

Social Justice

38. Should the death penalty be abolished?

39. Should there be stricter gun control laws?

40. Should hate speech be protected under the First Amendment?

41. Should hate crimes carry steeper penalties than other crimes?

42. Should affirmative action policies be implemented in college admissions?

43. Should reparations be paid to descendants of slaves?

44. Should police officers be required to wear body cameras at all times?

45. Should marijuana be legalized?

46. Should the drinking age be lowered to 18?

47. Should the government provide a free college education for all citizens?

48. Should prisoners be allowed to vote?

49. Should euthanasia be legalized?

50. Should video games be considered a sport?

51. Should social media companies be held responsible for misinformation on their platforms?

52. Should children under the age of 13 be allowed to use social media?

53. Should artificial intelligence be used in decision-making processes?

54. Should autonomous vehicles be allowed on the roads?

55. Should companies be allowed to use personal data for targeted advertising?

56. Should encryption be required for all online communication?

57. Should net neutrality be enforced?


58. Should hunting be banned?

59. Should there be stricter regulations on water pollution?

60. Should there be more public transportation options to reduce car emissions?

61. Should fracking be banned?

62. Should zoos and aquariums focus more on conservation efforts?

63. Should renewable energy sources be prioritized over fossil fuels?

64. Should the use of single-use plastics be banned?

65. Should the government provide incentives for eco-friendly behaviors?

Arts and Culture

66. Should the government fund public art installations?

67. Should the government regulate the content of movies and TV shows?

68. Should book censorship be allowed?

69. Should public monuments honoring controversial historical figures be removed?

70. Should the government fund the production of movies and TV shows?

71. Should public funding for the arts be increased?

72. Should music and art classes be required in schools?

73. Should museums be free for all visitors?

74. Should graffiti be considered art?

75. Should high school athletes be drug tested?

76. Should cheerleading be considered a sport?

77. Should professional athletes be held to higher standards of behavior?

78. Should professional sports teams be allowed to use Native American mascots?

79. Should women be allowed to play on men’s sports teams?

80. Should sports teams be required to hire a certain number of minority coaches?

81. Should athletes be allowed to kneel during the national anthem?

82. Should college athletes be paid?

83. Should performance-enhancing drugs be legalized in sports?

84. Should boxing be banned?

Food and Health

85. Should there be a tax on sugary drinks?

86. Should the government regulate the portion sizes of restaurant meals?

87. Should there be a limit on the amount of salt in processed foods?

88. Should junk food advertisements be banned?

89. Should vegetarianism be promoted in schools?

90. Should schools teach more about healthy eating and exercise?

91. Should fast food restaurants be banned from schools?

92. Should school lunches be free for all students?

93. Should schools eliminate soda machines?

94. Should the study of history be mandatory in schools?

95. Should the U.S. government pay reparations to Native American tribes?

96. Should the U.S. government apologize for the internment of Japanese Americans during WWII?

97. Should the U.S. government provide reparations to descendants of Holocaust survivors?

98. Should the U.S. government apologize for slavery?

99. Should the U.S. government provide reparations to descendants of Chinese railroad workers?

100. Should women be included in the military draft?

101. Should Columbus Day be abolished?

Business and Economics

102. Should the U.S. government increase funding for scientific research?

103. Should the U.S. government increase funding for public education?

104. Should the U.S. government increase taxes on the wealthy?

105. Should companies be required to provide paid parental leave?

106. Should companies be required to provide a living wage for all employees?

107. Should the government provide financial incentives for small businesses?

108. Should the government bail out struggling industries?

109. Should the U.S. government provide free public transportation?

110. Should the U.S. government provide a universal basic income?

How to prepare for a debate

Preparing for a debate is just as important as choosing the right topic. Here are some tips for researching and preparing arguments, as well as strategies for presenting arguments effectively and persuasively:

  • Research the topic thoroughly, using a variety of sources.
  • Identify the strongest arguments for both sides.
  • Develop a clear thesis statement and supporting arguments.
  • Anticipate counterarguments and prepare rebuttals.
  • Use evidence to support arguments.
  • Practice delivering arguments and rebuttals in a clear and concise manner.
  • Follow the standard format for a debate, such as opening statements, cross-examination, and closing statements.

Additional resources for middle school debaters

Here are some additional resources that can help students learn more about debate and improve their skills:

  • National Speech & Debate Association (NSDA): Offers resources for middle and high school debaters, including competitions and training programs.
  • Debatepedia: Provides resources for researching and debating controversial issues.
  • ProCon.org: Provides arguments for both sides of controversial issues.
  • Debate.org: Offers an online debate platform for students to practice and refine their skills.

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The Best Back to School Gear for Middle Schoolers

Remember starting middle school? Your first locker. Your first time navigating halls between classes. Your first stress breakout. Middle school can be a little intimidating, but while you can't hold your kid's hand as they try to find their algebra class, you can get them prepared with a backpack that won't break and a laptop that won't crash. We've polled and pestered our adolescent loved ones and rounded up the best WIRED-approved back to school gear that they'll actually like.

Don't see anything you like? Be sure to check out our other back-to-school guides, including the Best Laptops , Best Tablets , Best Laptop Bags , Best Student Email Discounts , and Best Dorm and College Gear .

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Multiple Apple Watch SE models with different watch faces and bands

Peace of Mind

Choosing when to get your child their first phone is a very personal decision (though our Best Cheap Phones buying guide may be of some assistance). But middle school is usually when there may be some opportunities to stay after for theater rehearsals or sports. Or maybe your kiddo starts staying the night at a friend’s house. The Apple Watch SE works with Family Setup , which allows your kids to contact a preset list of people, and for them to share locations with you. These watches also have emergency features like automatic fall detection or a quick option to contact the police (and again, preset emergency contacts). Aside from offering peace of mind, these watches have fitness tracking capabilities and a special schooltime focus mode. The Apple Watch SE ( 8/10, WIRED Recommends ) is our favorite Apple Watch overall . The affordable price tag is icing on the cake.

Child's wrist with a digital wristwatch and the screen showing the time and game points earned

A Smartwatch for Android Owners

The Fitbit Ace ( 8/10, WIRED Recommends ) is our favorite smartwatch for kids . As reviewer Adrienne So points out, Apple Watches are grown-up devices that can be retooled for kids. The Fitbit Ace has kids in mind from the get-go. It still has necessary features like LTE connectivity so you can message your kids and track their location. But it also has fun time-limited games that help kids get their steps in and a built-in plastic bumper to protect the gadget. The Fitbit works with both Apple and Android phones. You don’t have to add the device to your phone plan to use it, but the trade-off is a $10 per month Ace Pass.

Lenovo Flex 5i Chromebook Plus

A Reliable Laptop

The Lenovo Flex 5i ( 8/10, WIRED Recommends ) is our very favorite Chromebook . It has a slick 2-in-1 design that converts the device from a laptop to a tablet, and the 14-inch screen offers plenty of real estate for getting homework done or researching a school project. The Intel Core i3 processor is powerful enough for most tasks as well—even if there are several Google Chrome tabs open at once. It won't feel sluggish or sound like a jet engine when your kids are browsing the web. There are ports for flash drives and phone chargers, and the onboard speakers are decent too. It’s hard to find a more well-rounded pick for your kiddo, especially at this price point—but we do have additional recommendations in our Chromebook buying guide .

Altec Lansing Kids ANC Headphones

Best Headphones

Kids lose or break headphones all the time, especially if they're carting them to and from school. WIRED reviewer Simon Hill's wife is a teacher who let her students try these headphones , and one noted that it felt like their ears were being cuddled. The sound is surprisingly good, and it's shocking to get good active noise cancelation at this price. They're also volume-limited to 85 dB, so your kid can't damage their hearing.

Black USB stick with the cap off sitting on wooden surface

Sure, tons of schools use the cloud for storage and projects, but it’s still a good idea to start healthy backup habits early. We’ve got a bunch of flash drive recommendations , but the SanDisk Extreme Pro is the best model we’ve tested overall. It’s sleek, but not too small, and there’s a loop so your kiddo can attach it to a keyring or lanyard. The flash drive transfers files quickly, and most importantly it’ll help your kids learn to manage their own projects more responsibly.

Yellow manual bike beside shrubbery and a red wooden fence

A Great Bike

So your child is too old for “baby” bikes, but too small for adult bikes. Meet the Priority Start. It’s the best bike for kids ages 7 to 13. It has a reliable Gates belt drive instead of a chain and an internal gear hub, so you don’t need to worry about rust or midride breakdowns. There are only three speeds, but the 24-inch wheels bridge the gap from a kid-size bike to a grown-up 26-incher. If your kid needs to upgrade their current bike to ride to school or to a friend’s house, this is a great pick. Reviewer Martin Cizmar says his daughter gained a ton of confidence on longer rides with the Priority Start. Don't forget a good helmet !

Homelabs Sunrise Alarm Clocks in various colors

A Gentler Way to Wake Up

Hell hath no fury like an eighth grader at six in the morning. A sunrise alarm clock can help kids wake up both efficiently and peacefully. This Homelabs model is our favorite. The artificial sunrise is bright and direct, and it has extra features like multicolor mood lighting and a built-in FM radio. There are nature sounds to help kids fall asleep as well. The affordable price tag is just one more reason why this might be a good option for your kid’s bedroom. Find more recommendations in our lists of the Best Sound Machines and Best Sleep Gadgets . If light just isn’t going to cut it, check out these extreme alarm clocks .

Brightly colored reusable water bottle with a cylindrical base and angled spout

The Best Water Bottle

We freaking love this water bottle ( 9/10, WIRED Recommends ). It’s available in capacities ranging from 16 ounces to a massive 40 ounces, but the 24-ounce is a good compromise between being able to carry it easily in a backpack and not having to refill it so often. There are tons of color options and the unique spout allows you to choose between chugging and slurping, thanks to the built-in straw. These are durable, easy to clean, and insulated, and they don’t have any lead . It’s never too early for your first emotional support water bottle .

Bubble skincare products in bottles arranged on orange decor.

Care for Sensitive Skin

Middle school brings with it all sorts of trials and tribulations, including that pesky hormonal acne. We quite like Bubble skincare, which is a gender-neutral line that’s safe for all skin types. It’s fragrance-free, vegan, and specifically designed for youthful skin. This seven-piece kit includes a basic routine for cleansing, toning, moisturizing, and masking. Bubble also has an excellent resource called Skin School that’s great for learning about skincare, from skin conditions and marketing buzzwords to an entire guide all about acne . Kids might also appreciate Starface Hydro-Stars , which are cute hydrocolloid bandages that help dry zits out. They're WIRED (and TikTok) approved.

Class College Edition Violet Tracker Planner

A Way to Stay Organized

Class Tracker makes our favorite paper planner for students. There’s a special Middle School version that’s super portable and easy to use. It’s designed with the academic year in mind. Each day is broken down with special sections for each core class—Language Arts, Social Studies, Math, Science, and Language class—plus an “after school” area for each week. There are two additional class areas for some customization. These are excellent tools for helping kids stay on track and on top of their assignments.

Fjallraven Kanken backpack with different fabrics customized

A Tried-and-True Backpack

The Fjallraven Kanken has been around for years, and it's still a cool bag . This version is on the small side, but you could go for the 15-inch or 17-inch versions to get a little more room for laptops and textbooks. It has a roomy main compartment, and the fabric is water-repellant. The company also offers lifetime repairs, which means this bag lasts for years and years. Your kid can customize the colors as well.

White curved bottle with yellow clear center holding liquid inside

Sleek Hand Sanitizer

Not to be That Person, but I liked Touchland hand sanitizer before it was cool. These sanitizers smell great and don’t dry out your hands or feel sticky. The bottles are also easy to use, don't leak, and are very pleasant to look at. You can also get a little bumper case to easily attach them to bags or purses. Added bonus: Each container has 500 sprays, so they last for a long time.

Screenshot of a text message conversation. Person 1 says Hi I'm putting together something for work about what middle...

Little Extras

A keychain : Chances are that your kids are already into keychains. But trust me when I say that a bag isn’t complete unless it has a fun accessory. BoxLunch has tons of cool keychains with little trinkets and characters. Let them pick out one or two and you’ll stay in their good graces for at least 24 hours.

Locker Decorations : Middle school is usually when kids get their first lockers, and some of them really enjoy decorating their own little space. You can get magnetic wallpaper in basically any design you can dream up. Check out this kit for a magnetic mirror, storage caddy, shelf, and dry erase board. Add fridge magnets or string lights for another fun touch.

A Hygiene Kit: When I asked my little sister what middle schoolers needed, she said “Deodorant for all the boys because they smell.” Jokes aside, a toiletry kit stashed in their locker will probably come in handy. There should be essentials like lip balm, menstrual products, floss, and the aforementioned all-important deodorant. You could absolutely make one of these on your own at your local drugstore. But if you want a premade option, these boys and girls options are affordable and have reliable staples, like Old Spice. We can’t prevent our kids from getting their period in the middle of a school day or leaving lunch with spinach in their teeth—but we can give them the tools to take care of any mishaps.

topics to research for middle school



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