TypeScript ESLint: Unsafe assignment of an any value [Fix]


Last updated: Feb 29, 2024 Reading time Ā· 5 min


# TypeScript ESLint: Unsafe assignment of an any value

The error "@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment: Unsafe assignment of an any value." occurs when you assign a value with a type of any to a variable or a property.

To solve the error, set the variable to a specific type or disable the ESLint rule.

Here are some examples of when the ESLint error is raised.

All of the assignments above cause the error because the ESLint rule prevents you from assigning a value with an any type to a variable.

The any type effectively turns off type checking and should be used sparingly.

This article addresses 2 similar ESLint errors:

  • @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment: Unsafe assignment of an any value.
  • Unexpected any. Specify a different type. eslint@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any

# Disabling the @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment ESLint rule

One way to get around the ESLint error is to disable the rule.

For example, the following comment disables the rule for 1 line.

disabling the ts eslint no unsafe assignment rule

If you need to disable the @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any rule for a single line, use the following comment.

If you need to disable multiple rules for a line, separate them by a comma.

If you need to disable the rule for the entire file, use the following comment.

If you need to disable the @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any rule for the entire file, use the following comment instead.

You can disable both rules for the entire file by using the following comment.

If you want to disable the rules globally, add the following 2 rules to your .eslintrc.js file.

disable the two rules

If you use a .eslintrc.json file, make sure to double-quote the keys and values.

# Setting the variable or property to unknown instead of any

Alternatively, you can set the variable or property to unknown to resolve the ESLint error.

setting the variable property to unknown instead of any

The unknown type is the type-safe counterpart of any .

When working with the unknown type, we basically tell TypeScript that we're going to get this value, but we don't know its type.

We are going to check with a couple of if statements to track the type down and use it safely.

I have written a detailed guide on how to check the type of a variable in TypeScript .

When using the unknown type, you have to use an if statement as a type guard to check the type of the variable before you are able to use any type-specific methods (e.g. string, array, object, etc).

# The error commonly occurs when parsing a JSON string

The error commonly occurs when parsing a JSON string with the JSON.parse() method.

The result variable stores a value of any type because TypeScript doesn't know the type of the value that is being parsed.

One way to resolve the issue is to use a type predicate .

using type predicate to solve the error

The value is Employee syntax is called a type predicate.

Our function basically checks if the passed-in value is compatible with an object of type Employee .

Notice that in the if block in which we called the isAnEmployee() function, the parsed variable is typed as Employee and we can access the id and name properties without getting TypeScript or ESLint errors.

I've written a detailed guide on how to check if a value is an object .

# Resolve the issue by typing the variable explicitly

You can also resolve the issue by typing the variable explicitly and removing the any type.

Here is an example of typing an object.

And here is an example of typing an array of objects.

You might have to use a type assertion, e.g. when parsing a JSON string.

In some rare cases, you might have to widen the type to unknown before using a type assertion to set a more specific type.

I've written detailed guides on:

  • How to initialize a typed Empty Object in TypeScript
  • Declare an Empty Array for a typed Variable in TypeScript
  • How to add Elements to an Array in TypeScript
  • Check if an Array contains a Value in TypeScript
  • Check if a Value is an Array (of type) in TypeScript
  • How to declare an Array of Objects in TypeScript
  • How to declare a Two-dimensional Array in TypeScript
  • Declare Array of Numbers, Strings or Booleans in TypeScript
  • Create an Object based on an Interface in TypeScript
  • Create a Type from an object's Keys or Values in TypeScript
  • ESLint: Expected property shorthand object-shorthand [Fixed]
  • 'X' should be listed in the project's dependencies, not devDependencies
  • ESLint: Unexpected lexical declaration in case block [Fixed]
  • ESLint couldn't find the config 'prettier' to extend from
  • Import in body of module reorder to top eslint import/first
  • ESLint: A form label must be associated with a control

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Borislav Hadzhiev

Web Developer

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Copyright Ā© 2024 Borislav Hadzhiev


The --fix option on the command line can automatically fix some of the problems reported by this rule.

Requires or disallows method and property shorthand syntax for object literals.

ECMAScript 6 provides a concise form for defining object literal methods and properties. This syntax can make defining complex object literals much cleaner.

Here are a few common examples using the ES5 syntax:

Now here are ES6 equivalents:

Rule Details

This rule enforces the use of the shorthand syntax. This applies to all methods (including generators) defined in object literals and any properties defined where the key name matches name of the assigned variable.

Each of the following properties would warn:

In that case the expected syntax would have been:

This rule does not flag arrow functions inside of object literals. The following will not warn:

The rule takes an option which specifies when it should be applied. It can be set to one of the following values:

  • "always" (default) expects that the shorthand will be used whenever possible.
  • "methods" ensures the method shorthand is used (also applies to generators).
  • "properties" ensures the property shorthand is used (where the key and variable name match).
  • "never" ensures that no property or method shorthand is used in any object literal.
  • "consistent" ensures that either all shorthand or all long-form will be used in an object literal.
  • "consistent-as-needed" ensures that either all shorthand or all long-form will be used in an object literal, but ensures all shorthand whenever possible.

You can set the option in configuration like this:

Additionally, the rule takes an optional object configuration:

  • "avoidQuotes": true indicates that long-form syntax is preferred whenever the object key is a string literal (default: false ). Note that this option can only be enabled when the string option is set to "always" , "methods" , or "properties" .
  • "ignoreConstructors": true can be used to prevent the rule from reporting errors for constructor functions. (By default, the rule treats constructors the same way as other functions.) Note that this option can only be enabled when the string option is set to "always" or "methods" .
  • "avoidExplicitReturnArrows": true indicates that methods are preferred over explicit-return arrow functions for function properties. (By default, the rule allows either of these.) Note that this option can only be enabled when the string option is set to "always" or "methods" .


Example of incorrect code for this rule with the "always", { "avoidQuotes": true } option:

Example of correct code for this rule with the "always", { "avoidQuotes": true } option:


Example of correct code for this rule with the "always", { "ignoreConstructors": true } option:


Example of incorrect code for this rule with the "always", { "avoidExplicitReturnArrows": true } option:

Example of correct code for this rule with the "always", { "avoidExplicitReturnArrows": true } option:

Example of incorrect code for this rule with the "consistent" option:

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "consistent" option:

Example of incorrect code with the "consistent-as-needed" option, which is very similar to "consistent" :

When Not To Use It

Anyone not yet in an ES6 environment would not want to apply this rule. Others may find the terseness of the shorthand syntax harder to read and may not want to encourage it with this rule.

Related Rules

  • no-useless-rename

Further Reading

  • https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Object_initializer

This rule was introduced in ESLint 0.20.0.

  • Rule source
  • Test source
  • Documentation source

DEV Community

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Renan Ferro

Posted on Jan 19, 2023

Destructuring Assignment and Shorthand Properties/Methods - Javascript

Hey dude, how are you?!

Javascript has a lot of interesting things and I'd like to talk about two specifically!

Destructuring Assignment and Shorthand Properties/Methods , let's talk about it?!

šŸ“Œ Destructuring Assignment

The Destructuring Assignment is a powerful syntax to unpack an array, object and create distinct variables with the value, take a look:

āœµ Destructuring Assignment: Array

āœµ destructuring assignment: object, šŸ“Œ shorthand properties.

Shorthand Properties released in ES6 makes the construction of the object simpler because when we have it with a property and a value and both have the same value we can omit the "value" and just declare the property, see the example below:

āœµ Old mode:

āœµ new mode:, šŸ“Œ shorthand method names.

With Shorthand Method Names we can omit the function word, for example:

That's all guys! it gets more and more beautiful that we take to learn and practice!

I hope you guys like it and enjoy the article!

If you have a question, suggestion or anything else, please leave a comment!

See you later guys!

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Shorthand Property and Method Names in JavaScript | ES6

ES6 introduced two new features to make objects more concise - Shorthand Properties and Shorthand Method Names.

Shorthand Properties

With Shorthand Properties, whenever you have a variable which is the same name as a property on an object, when constructing the object, you can omit the property name.

What that means is that code that used to look like this,

can now look like this.

Shorthand Method Names

Now, what if one of those properties was a function?

A function that is a property on an object is called a method. With ES6's Shorthand Method Names, you can omit the function keyword completely. What that means is that code that used to look like this,

can now look like this

Both Shorthand Properties and Shorthand Method Names are just syntactic sugar over the previous ways we used to add properties to an object. However, because they're such common tasks, even the smallest improvements eventually add up.

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shorthand property assignments are valid only in destructuring patterns eslint

This blog contains details about DeStructuring Assignment.

The Destructuring Assignment syntax is a way to assign the values from Arrays and Structs( Complex Objects ), into distinct variables.

Conventional way of doing it is to store the object and then retrieve it using the JSON Object API calls. However using DeStructuring , it becomes very simple, where just by writing a line of code, one can extract the relevant attributes and choose to ignore the other ones.

Note: The above defined syntax of [variable1, variable2, …………, variableN] =Ā  [value1, value2, ……., valueN]Ā  ,Ā  is written for the sake of simplicity. This syntax can be as complex as possible.

For example here theĀ  LVAL Ā i.eĀ  [variable1, variable2, …………, variableN] , can be substituted with complexĀ  values like Array/Struct elements or even a complex Object.

Similarly theĀ  RVALĀ  i.eĀ  [value1, value2, ……., valueN] , can be substituted by Array/Struct elements as well as Array/Struct References or even a complex Object.

Lets get into more details and try to simulate the different scenarios through examples and see how we can write some short, concise and more powerful syntax using this feature.

  • Multi-Initializer Statements with same #LVAL and #RVAL
  • Multi-InitializerĀ Statements with RVAL as an Array Reference
  • Multi-Initializer Statements by ignoring extra RVALs
  • Multi-Initializer Statements to ignore some values from RVAL
  • Multi-Initializer Statements using Rest Operator(…)

shorthand property assignments are valid only in destructuring patterns eslint

  • Complex Multi-Initializer Statements
  • Swapping Values

Object Destructuring :Ā  Up till now, we have mostly seen the examples of ArrayInitializers as well as complex DeStructuring. DeStructuring is also supported for Structs as well as Complex Objects. Lets take some examples to simulate Object Destructuring and how we can leverage this functionality for Structs.

shorthand property assignments are valid only in destructuring patterns eslint

  • Multi-Initializer Statements using Object Reference
  • Multi-Initializer Statements with LVAL Object having default Values
  • Nested Object Destructuring:Ā  Using this one can initialize attributeValues from childObjects within ParentObject.

shorthand property assignments are valid only in destructuring patterns eslint

  • Rest Operator Support in Objects Destructuring Multi-Initializer Statements

shorthand property assignments are valid only in destructuring patterns eslint

  • Ignoring RVAL in Objects Destructuring
  • Destructuring Support in local variables using var keyword

shorthand property assignments are valid only in destructuring patterns eslint

  • Destructuring Support using Final keyword in Global as well as Local Scope

shorthand property assignments are valid only in destructuring patterns eslint

  • Object Destructuring static keyword support :Ā  Object Destructuring can also be leveraged in components using the static keyword. A sample code-snippet is as shown below.

shorthand property assignments are valid only in destructuring patterns eslint

This is a great feature, love using it in JavaScript, but the CF implementation misses it’s most powerful implementation and that is using it with function parameters. One should be able to call a function and pass a struct of named params with destructuring notation and have the inputs mapped. Example: var bar = {opt1: 1, opt2: 2, opt3:3}; function foo(required numeric opt1, any …opts){ writedump(arguments); }


Expected output: { opt1: 1, opts: {opt2: 2, opt3: 3} }

I hope this makes sense. It is how I use this functionality in JS.

shorthand property assignments are valid only in destructuring patterns eslint

Thanks for sharing the observation. And while someone at Adobe MAY see this and respond, you would do better to file this also as a feature request at https://tracker.adobe.com .Ā  Adobe really does pay attention to that (and sometimes to here).

Also, if you do that, you may want to help those not familiar with the implementation in JS (or the feature in general) by showing a working example in JS, such as could be could run at jsfiddle.net. That could help some better connect the dots of how what you propose does indeed work in JS.

Thanks Charlie, MDN already has examples of object destructuring in function parameters in their docs. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Destructuring_assignment#object_destructuring

I thought youĀ  areĀ  someone at Adobe At least that’s the impression I have had from the last couple of developer conferences. I could be wrong. Anyway, I will submit it in the tracker.

Looks like someone made this suggestion in 2019 and they marked it as “fixed”.


Nope, I donā€™t work for Adobe. I do work with them, as an ACP (Adobe Community Professional), and I may evangelize (and even do apologetics) on their behalf, but nope, not an employee. As always, Iā€™m just trying to help.

BTW, whenever I speak, I clearly indicate that I am an independent consultant, on the front slide, then later when I introduce myself after the intro to the talk, and then also on the bottom of all my slides. Iā€™d never intend (at all) to convey or leave open the impression that I work for Adobe (or anyone, but myself).

About that MSDN page, I wonder if to meant to share another.Ā  That one does certainly discuss destructuring assignment, but I didn’t see any that showed its use in passing function arguments as you proposed. If there is another, that would be a help for many, I’m sure.

Look for ‘Unpacking fields from objects passed as a function parameter’ as a simple example.

Using spread in function calls: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Spread_syntax#spread_in_function_calls

Interesting about the existing tracker ticket. And you added your comment asking about it being fixed there, and I offered a possible explanation.Ā  But in case people here don’t go there, let me offer it (and a bit more) here:

The info from Adobe also indicated “For2022Triage”, which is certainly interesting to see. It suggests perhaps maybe the “fix” is coming in a CF2022. I agree they could be more clear, as that’s in the “component” field rather than the update/build. Perhaps they have to do this because there is not technically yet a cf2022.

And I’d heard some other rumblings that the next CF version would be called that (or would come out this year), so we shall see, on both fronts. šŸ™‚

Also, you offered there a link to a cffiddle example you created. I’m sharing that also for readers here, who may not have gone there. Also, about that example, it does not “fail”. You may want to revise it or clarify better what output yo unexpected it to produce.

Finally, of course, the folks there wouldn’t know about our discussions here, so I added a link there pointing to this. Such cross-posting of discussions can get messy, but I’m just trying to help given what you’ve offered.

Thanks for the additional feedback.


Ah, ok (on that “unpacking” example). I was focusing more on the rest (“…”) aspect in your first example here and didn’t see that there.

But I see now how you’d hope to be able to name a struct key as the arg of a function, and pass the function the struct and have it figure it out/unpack it. I understand now, and hopefully this example (on top of yours and Abram’s in the tracker ticket) may help Adobe see what you want and deliver that in that seemingly upcoming enhancement.

shorthand property assignments are valid only in destructuring patterns eslint

So pretty interesting and I’ll admit that some of this went over my head and made me think hard about what was going on.Ā  I’d be interested in seeing a real world example of how you would use this if you were able to put one together.Ā  This is pretty abstract and I think it’d help me grasp it more firmly seeing it in a real world scenario.Ā  That being said I think I can see how I may could use this so will start trying to play.

Also I am assuming this is CF2021 specific?Ā  On CFFiddle the code would only run with 2021 selected so may be worthy of noting in the description unless I am incorrect that is.

Grae, yep, this is new to cf2021. And I can relate to your sentiment, having felt similarly when I first saw the feature and similar examples in the pre-release.

Fwiw, I will say that the feature is a generic one, and if you Google on it youā€™ll find itā€™s supported by other languages like Javascript, Python, etc.

And if you find resources on using the feature with those, the examples are similar, showing ā€œhow it worksā€ but not so much ā€œwhy would one botherā€. I suspect they figure people can be left to connect the dots for the various ways one might leverage the capabilities.

But fwiw, as I kept looking for anything more, I did find this which you may appreciate :


No, itā€™s not cf-specific, but again neither is the feature. Hope it may help.

For real world examples check out React’s state implementation. Especially Redux.

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shorthand property assignments are valid only in destructuring patterns eslint

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shorthand property assignments are valid only in destructuring patterns eslint

Why am I Getting an Error After Copying a Working Step: "Shorthand Property Assignments are Valid Only in Destructuring Patterns (22:22)"?

This topic was automatically generated from Slack. You can find the original thread here .

hi. I had a working step that I copied and now I get error: Shorthand property assignments are valid only in destructuring patterns (22:22) DETAILS

Iā€™m sorry to hear that youā€™re experiencing an issue with your code step. It seems like thereā€™s a syntax error related to shorthand property assignments. To help you further, could you please share the relevant code snippet where the error is occurring? This will allow me to better understand the issue and provide a solution.

yes: import axios from ā€œaxiosā€;

export default defineComponent({ props: { Instance: { type: ā€œstringā€, label: ā€œGreem-Api device Instance Numberā€, default : ā€œ1101795721ā€, }, Green_token: { type: ā€œstringā€, label: ā€œGreen-Api Device Tokenā€, default : ā€œ7bd245ff67294e609b7ff35bfe473f29ea49cc8a045b4c6fbdā€, }, students_path: { type: ā€œstringā€, label: ā€œStudents array step pathā€, }, content: { type: ā€œstringā€, label: ā€œWhatsapp Content Pathā€, }, content_name: { type: ā€œstringā€, label: ā€œWhatsapp Content Name Pathā€, }, whatsapp: { type: ā€œstringā€, label: ā€œWhatsapp Number Colum Nameā€, }, base_uuid: { type: ā€œstringā€, label: ā€œBase Uuidā€, }, base_token: { type: ā€œstringā€, label: ā€œBase Tokenā€, }, logs_table_name: { type: ā€œstringā€, label: ā€œLogs Table Nameā€, default : ā€œ×œ×•×’ שליחו×Ŗā€, }, message_type: { type: ā€œstringā€, label: ā€œ×”שדה המציין א×Ŗ הוג ההודעה לשליחהā€, default : ā€œSendMessageā€, }, },

async run({ steps }) { const apiUrl = https://api.green-api.com/waInstance1101795721/SendMessage/7bd245ff67294e609b7ff35bfe473f29ea49cc8a045b4c6fbd/ ; const students = this .students_path; const seatableApiUrl = https://cloud.seatable.io/dtable-server/api/v1/dtables/8a3c2b05-24af-4125-ba10-93ad4a730b1f/rows/ ;

//const students = steps.get_activ_students.$return_value; // const apiUrl = ā€˜ https://api.green-api.com/waInstance1101796351/SendMessage/af6a35aea200435aa8c83d09acd9f5e117cf832eb15d4b2094/ ā€™;

I found the issue in your code. Itā€™s related to the shorthand property assignment for the linkPreview property in the axios.post call. You should change it to a proper key-value pair. Hereā€™s the corrected part of your code: ``` try { await axios.post (apiUrl, { chatId, message, linkPreview: true }); console.log( API call made successfully. ); } catch (error) { console.error( Error making API call: , error); }

thanks, now itā€™s working!

thanks, now itā€™s working. Now I have other problem: the message that is sent via apicall in this step, has special characters like *, : etc. How can I avoid adding \ that is breaking links etc? Itā€™s been added automaticly

Iā€™m glad to hear that the previous issue is resolved! To address the issue with special characters and backslashes, you can use JavaScriptā€™s encodeURIComponent() function to encode the message before sending it in the API call. Hereā€™s the updated part of your code: ``` try { const encodedMessage = encodeURIComponent(message); await axios.post (apiUrl, { chatId, message: encodedMessage, linkPreview: true, }); console.log( API call made successfully. ); } catch (error) { console.error( Error making API call: , error); }

not good at all. Now all the message is sent encoded and is unreadable

Apologies for the confusion. Instead of encoding the entire message, letā€™s try to escape only the special characters that are causing issues. You can use a function like this to escape special characters: function escapeSpecialChars(str) { return str.replace(/([*:\\])/g, '\\$1'); } const escapedMessage = escapeSpecialChars(message); Now, use escapedMessage in your API call: ``` try { await axios.post (apiUrl, { chatId, message: escapedMessage, linkPreview: true, }); console.log( API call made successfully. ); } catch (error) { console.error( Error making API call: , error); }

now itā€™s readable but itā€™s worst. all the special characters are replaced. for example the message had this link:

before your fix it was like this: https:< //clyp.it/fyeqgvmh?token=ff9d44100b96aef331568259a11b33ec >

and now itā€™s:

https\:< //clyp.it/fyeqgvmh?token=ff9d44100b96aef331568259a11b33ec >

I want it working!

I apologize for the confusion. It seems that the escaping method I provided earlier was not suitable for your use case. Letā€™s try a different approach to handle the special characters in the message without breaking the links. Instead of escaping special characters, we can use a regular expression to match URLs in the message and replace them with a URL-encoded version. Hereā€™s the updated part of your code: ``` function encodeUrlsInMessage(message) { const urlRegex = /https?://[^\s]+/g; return message.replace(urlRegex, (url) => encodeURIComponent(url)); } const encodedMessage = encodeUrlsInMessage(message); try { await axios.post (apiUrl, { chatId, message: encodedMessage, linkPreview: true, }); console.log( API call made successfully. ); } catch (error) { console.error( Error making API call: , error); }

not working! still: https:< //clyp.it/fyeqgvmh?token=ff9d44100b96aef331568259a11b33ec >

I apologize for the inconvenience caused by the previous solutions. It seems that the issue is not with the message itself, but with the way the API is handling the message. If possible, please share more information about the API youā€™re using, such as the API documentation or any specific requirements it has for handling special characters in the message. This will help me provide a more accurate solution for your issue.

this is the sending page in the Green-Api API docs. I donā€™t see anything rellevant but maybe you find: SendMessage # The method is aimed for sending a text message to a personal or a group chat. The message will be added to the send queue. Linked device not required when sending. Messages will be kept for 24 hours in the queue until account will be authorized The rate at which messages are sent from the queue is managed by Message sending delay parameter.

Request # To send a text message, you have to execute a request at:

For idInstance and apiTokenInstance request parameters, refer to Before you start section.


The maximum length of a text message is 4096 characters Request body example # Sending a message to a personal chat:

Sending a message to a group chat:

Sending a quoted message:

Response # Response parameters # ParameterTypeDescription idMessage string Sent message Id Response body example #

SendMessage errors # For a list of errors common to all methods, refer to Common errors section

Request examples # Python PHP cURL VBA Delphi

Previous Sending - overview

It looks like you want to send a message using the Green-API. To do this in a Pipedream workflow, you can create a code step with the following Node.js code: import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform"; export default defineComponent({ props: { idInstance: { type: "string", label: "Instance ID", }, apiTokenInstance: { type: "string", label: "API Token Instance", }, chatId: { type: "string", label: "Chat ID", }, message: { type: "string", label: "Message", }, }, async run({ $ }) { const url = `https://api.green-api.com/waInstance${this.idInstance}/sendMessage/${this.apiTokenInstance}`; const payload = { chatId: this.chatId, message: this.message, }; const headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", }; const response = await axios($, { method: "POST", url, headers, data: payload, }); return response; }, }); Make sure to replace the idInstance , apiTokenInstance , chatId , and message props with the appropriate values. This code will send a message using the Green-API and return the response.

did you forgot?.. I already built this step, the problem is that links are sent broken. instead of Share, Embed & Upload Audio with Clyp

I get https:< //clyp.it/fyeqgvmh?token=ff9d44100b96aef331568259a11b33ec >

please reffer to all the chat above and give me new answers

I apologize for the confusion earlier. It seems that the issue is with the encoding of the URL. To fix this, you can try decoding the URL before sending it in the message. You can use the decodeURIComponent() function to decode the URL. Hereā€™s an example of how to do this in your existing code: ``` const decodedUrl = decodeURIComponent(this.message); const payload = { chatId: this.chatId, message: decodedUrl, };

now it sent ā€œundefindā€. the content has a problem . can you fix this code: import axios from ā€œaxiosā€;

function encodeUrlsInMessage(message) { const urlRegex = /https?://[^\s]+/ g ; return message.replace(urlRegex, (url) => encodeURIComponent(url)); }

const decodedUrl = decodeURIComponent( this .message);

try { await axios.post (apiUrl, { chatId, message: decodedUrl, linkPreview: true , });

console.log( API call made successfully. ); } catch (error) { console.error( Error making API call: , error); }

AND in the inputs it looks that the link is still: https:< //clyp.it/fyeqgvmh?token=ff9d44100b96aef331568259a11b33ec >

I see that the issue might be related to the message variable. In your code, youā€™re using steps.get_hebrew_date_daily_contnet_working_dont_touch.$return_value[0]["×Ŗוכן וואטהאפ"] as the message, but you also have a content prop defined. I assume you want to use the content prop instead. Hereā€™s the updated code: import axios from "axios"; export default defineComponent({ // ...props definition... async run({ steps }) { const apiUrl = `https://api.green-api.com/waInstance${this.Instance}/SendMessage/${this.Green_token}/`; const students = this.students_path; const seatableApiUrl = `https://cloud.seatable.io/dtable-server/api/v1/dtables/${this.base_uuid}/rows/`; const chatId = `mailto:${this.whatsapp}@c.us`; const message = this.content; function encodeUrlsInMessage(message) { const urlRegex = /https?:\/\/[^\s]+/g; return message.replace(urlRegex, (url) => encodeURIComponent(url)); } const decodedUrl = decodeURIComponent(message); try { await [axios.post](http://axios.post)(apiUrl, { chatId, message: decodedUrl, linkPreview: true, }); console.log(`API call made successfully.`); } catch (error) { console.error(`Error making API call:`, error); } }, }); Please make sure to set the content prop value when running the component. If you still face any issues, let me know.

Now Green-Api responded error 466: ERR_BAD_REQUEST

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Object property assignment with destructuring?

I'd like to use ES6 destructuring to assign properties of an object, but can't figure out the syntax.

>= ES6 (my own made-up, not-working syntax):

Is it possible to use destructuring assignment onto an object? What's the correct syntax?

EDIT: In my use case, dst is an object that existed well before needing to merge a subset of src 's properties; it is not a new Object created solely to 'borrow' from src .

  • variable-assignment
  • ecmascript-6

ericsoco's user avatar

  • This doesn't look much like destructuring to me, you could have just cloned the item. –  MinusFour Commented Nov 16, 2015 at 19:28
  • This is not a duplicate of stackoverflow.com/questions/25553910/… ; that question is not asking about assigning to one object a subset of properties from another, it's asking about creating a new object from a subset of properties from another. I'll edit my question to clarify that. –  ericsoco Commented Nov 17, 2015 at 0:40
  • @MinusFour I can't just clone or Object.assign() , because I don't want all of src 's properties. In my example, note I'm leaving behind c: 'baz' . –  ericsoco Commented Nov 17, 2015 at 0:43

2 Answers 2

I think youā€™re going to have to repeat dst :

Ry-'s user avatar

  • 5 I tried this, but didn't have the parens around it. That caused a syntax error -- I now understand that was because the destructuring assignment was interpreted instead as an object literal. Thanks! –  ericsoco Commented Nov 17, 2015 at 0:50
  • I've tried this in node v5.6 with --harmony_shipping and it doesn't appear to work - "Invalid left-hand side in assignment" –  Alnitak Commented Feb 23, 2016 at 11:59
  • @Alnitak: V8 doesnā€™t support all of ES6. Works in Firefox. –  Ry- ♦ Commented Feb 23, 2016 at 14:58

The cleanest approach IMO is as follows:

run the example in this codepen

Lauren Greenway's user avatar

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shorthand property assignments are valid only in destructuring patterns eslint

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bug: Module parse failed: Shorthand property assignments are valid only in destructuring patterns #452


DiegoCantu commented Jun 23, 2023

This seems a typescript error when you try to use a interface / type in a block.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:
( "million": "^2.4.8-beta.3")
because if I try to use import { block } from "million/react-server";
I receive the next message:
Cannot find module 'million/react-server' or its corresponding type declarations.


The component should be displayed

File was processed with these loaders:

You may need an additional loader to handle the result of these loaders.
| bannerImage,
| sidebarItems,
| userName="",
| userImage=""


tobySolutions commented Jun 24, 2023

Hey ! Can you remove the block and send a reproduction so we can check it out?

Sorry, something went wrong.

DiegoCantu commented Jun 24, 2023



aidenybai commented Jun 29, 2023

Hold on, does this work without block? ? Might be a conflict with react refresh

tobySolutions commented Jun 29, 2023

? Might be a conflict with react refresh

Hmm, the code looks kinda tricky to me too.

DiegoCantu commented Jun 29, 2023 • edited Loading

This works perfectly fine without million block, actually this is existing code that I try to add million , also after million is stable for next.js, I'll try to add millions to 60+ react components, which...also already existing and work correctly, but most of my components have props similar to those shown in the error so I can't continue if at least this error is not solved

DiegoCantu commented Jun 29, 2023

I created this repo to reproduce the issue:

aidenybai commented Jul 1, 2023 • edited Loading

Seems it be an error for typescript parsing. If you remove

BlockComponent = block<SidebarProps>(Sidebar);


BlockComponent = block(Sidebar);

DiegoCantu commented Jul 1, 2023

is the same issue without props in block:

  • šŸ‘€ 1 reaction

tobySolutions commented Jul 1, 2023

Without props? Wait, why? Can you share your code?

DiegoCantu commented Jul 2, 2023

without props to test that:

this is the repo:

aidenybai commented Jul 3, 2023

Whoa, now that's weird. Let me get back to you soon

tobySolutions commented Jul 6, 2023

Alright, thanks ! We'll get back to you soon for sure .


aidenybai commented Jul 16, 2023

can you test with the latest release?

DiegoCantu commented Jul 16, 2023

Now this is the new issue, and obviously Sidebar is defined:

error src\app\components\Sidebar.tsx (57:23) @ _Sidebar



github-actions bot commented Nov 3, 2023

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs within the next 7 days.


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    shorthand property assignments are valid only in destructuring patterns eslint

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    shorthand property assignments are valid only in destructuring patterns eslint


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